# Clock & Calendar by Michael This is my "Hello World". I first made this watchface almost 10 years ago for my original Pebble and Pebble Time and I missed this so much, that I had to write it for the BangleJS2. I know that it seems redundant because there already **is** a *time&cal*-app, but it didn't fit my style. |Screenshot|description| |:--:|:-| |![locked screen](screenshot.png)|locked: triggers only one minimal update/min| |![unlocked screen](screenshot2.png)|unlocked: smaller clock, but with seconds| |![big calendar](screenshot3.png)|swipe up for big calendar
⬆️/⬇️ to scroll
⬅️/➡️ to exit| ## Configurable Features - Number of calendar rows (weeks) - Buzz on connect/disconnect (feel free to disable and use a widget) - Clock Mode (24h/12h). (No am/pm indicator) - First day of the week - Red Saturday/Sunday - Swipe/Drag gestures to launch features or apps. ## Integrated swipe launcher: (Configure in Settings) - ⬇️ (down) will search your files for an app with the string "**message**" - ➡️ (right) will search your files for an app with the string "**music**" - ⬅️ (left) will search your files for an app with the string "**agenda**" - ⬆️ (up) will show the **internal full calendar** ## Feedback If something isn't working, please tell me: https://github.com/Stuff-etc/BangleApps/issues (I moved my github repo) ## Planned features: - Internal lightweight music control, because switching apps has a loading time. - Clean up settings - Maybe am/pm indicator for 12h-users - Step count (optional)