0.01: New clock 0.02: Fix icon & add battery warn functionality 0.03: Theming support & minor fixes 0.04: Make configurable what to show in each circle Add step distance and weather Allow switching visibility of widgets Make circles and text slightly bigger 0.05: Show correct percentage values in circles Show humidity as weather circle data 0.06: Allow settings empty circles Support to choose between humidity and wind speed for weather circle progress Support to show time and progress until next sunrise or sunset Load daily steps from Bangle health if available 0.07: Allow configuration of minimal heart rate confidence 0.08: Allow configuration of up to 4 circles in a row 0.09: Support to show temperature, air pressure or altitude from internal pressure sensor Fix sunprogress calculation during night Refactor settings menu Colors of circles can be configured Color depending on value (green -> red, red -> green) option Good HRM value will not be overwritten so fast anymore 0.10: Use roboto font for time, date and day of week and center align them 0.11: New color option: foreground color Improve performance, reduce memory usage Small optical adjustments 0.12: Allow configuration of update interval 0.13: Load step goal from Bangle health app as fallback Memory optimizations 0.14: Support to show big weather info 0.15: Use Bangle.setUI({remove:...}) to allow loading the launcher without a full reset on 2v16 0.16: Fix const error Use widget_utils if available 0.17: Load circles from clkinfo 0.18: Improved clkinfo handling and using it for the weather circle 0.19: Remove old code and fixing clkinfo handling (fix HRM and other items that change) Remove settings for what is displayed and instead allow circles to be changed by swiping