const locale = require("locale"); const storage = require("Storage"); const SunCalc = require(""); const shoesIcon = atob("EBCBAAAACAAcAB4AHgAeABwwADgGeAZ4AHgAMAAAAHAAIAAA"); const heartIcon = atob("EBCBAAAAAAAeeD/8P/x//n/+P/w//B/4D/AH4APAAYAAAAAA"); const powerIcon = atob("EBCBAAAAA8ADwA/wD/AP8A/wD/AP8A/wD/AP8A/wD/AH4AAA"); const temperatureIcon = atob("EBCBAAAAAYADwAJAAkADwAPAA8ADwAfgB+AH4AfgA8ABgAAA"); const weatherCloudy = atob("EBCBAAAAAAAAAAfgD/Af8H/4//7///////9//z/+AAAAAAAA"); const weatherSunny = atob("EBCBAAAAAYAQCBAIA8AH4A/wb/YP8A/gB+ARiBAIAYABgAAA"); const weatherMoon = atob("EBCBAAAAAYAP8B/4P/w//D/8f/5//j/8P/w//B/4D/ABgAAA"); const weatherPartlyCloudy = atob("EBCBAAAAAAAYQAMAD8AIQBhoW+AOYBwwOBBgHGAGP/wf+AAA"); const weatherRainy = atob("EBCBAAAAAYAH4AwwOBBgGEAOQAJBgjPOEkgGYAZgA8ABgAAA"); const weatherPartlyRainy = atob("EBCBAAAAEEAQAAeADMAYaFvoTmAMMDgQIBxhhiGGG9wDwAGA"); const weatherSnowy = atob("EBCBAAAAAAADwAGAEYg73C50BCAEIC50O9wRiAGAA8AAAAAA"); const weatherFoggy = atob("EBCBAAAAAAADwAZgDDA4EGAcQAZAAgAAf74AAAAAd/4AAAAA"); const weatherStormy = atob("EBCBAAAAAYAH4AwwOBBgGEAOQMJAgjmOGcgAgACAAAAAAAAA"); const sunSetDown = atob("EBCBAAAAAAABgAAAAAATyAZoBCB//gAAAAAGYAPAAYAAAAAA"); const sunSetUp = atob("EBCBAAAAAAABgAAAAAATyAZoBCB//gAAAAABgAPABmAAAAAA"); const SETTINGS_FILE = "circlesclock.json"; let settings = Object.assign( storage.readJSON("circlesclock.default.json", true) || {}, storage.readJSON(SETTINGS_FILE, true) || {} ); // Load step goal from pedometer widget as fallback if (settings.stepGoal == undefined) { const d = storage.readJSON("wpedom.json", true) || {}; settings.stepGoal = d != undefined && d.settings != undefined ? d.settings.goal : 10000; } /* * Read location from myLocation app */ function getLocation() { return storage.readJSON("mylocation.json", 1) || undefined; } let location = getLocation(); const showWidgets = settings.showWidgets || false; const circleCount = settings.circleCount || 3; let hrtValue; let now = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000); // layout values: const colorFg = g.theme.dark ? '#fff' : '#000'; const colorBg = g.theme.dark ? '#000' : '#fff'; const colorGrey = '#808080'; const colorRed = '#ff0000'; const colorGreen = '#008000'; const colorBlue = '#0000ff'; const colorYellow = '#ffff00'; const widgetOffset = showWidgets ? 24 : 0; const dowOffset = circleCount == 3 ? 22 : 24; // dow offset relative to date const h = g.getHeight() - widgetOffset; const w = g.getWidth(); const hOffset = (circleCount == 3 ? 34 : 30) - widgetOffset; const h1 = Math.round(1 * h / 5 - hOffset); const h2 = Math.round(3 * h / 5 - hOffset); const h3 = Math.round(8 * h / 8 - hOffset - 3); // circle y position /* * circle x positions * depending on circleCount * * | 1 2 3 4 5 6 | * | (1) (2) (3) | * => circles start at 1,3,5 / 6 * * | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | * | (1) (2) (3) (4) | * => circles start at 1,3,5,7 / 8 */ const parts = circleCount * 2; const circlePosX = [ Math.round(1 * w / parts), // circle1 Math.round(3 * w / parts), // circle2 Math.round(5 * w / parts), // circle3 Math.round(7 * w / parts), // circle4 ]; const radiusOuter = circleCount == 3 ? 25 : 20; const radiusInner = circleCount == 3 ? 20 : 15; const circleFontSmall = circleCount == 3 ? "Vector:14" : "Vector:10"; const circleFont = circleCount == 3 ? "Vector:15" : "Vector:11"; const circleFontBig = circleCount == 3 ? "Vector:16" : "Vector:12"; const iconOffset = circleCount == 3 ? 6 : 8; const defaultCircleTypes = ["steps", "hr", "battery", "weather"]; function draw() { g.clear(true); if (!showWidgets) { /* * we are not drawing the widgets as we are taking over the whole screen * so we will blank out the draw() functions of each widget and change the * area to the top bar doesn't get cleared. */ if (WIDGETS && typeof WIDGETS === "object") { for (let wd of WIDGETS) { wd.draw = () => {}; wd.area = ""; } } } else { Bangle.drawWidgets(); } g.setColor(colorBg); g.fillRect(0, widgetOffset, w, h2 + 22); // time g.setFont("Vector:50"); g.setFontAlign(0, -1); g.setColor(colorFg); g.drawString(locale.time(new Date(), 1), w / 2, h1 + 8); now = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000); // date & dow g.setFont("Vector:21"); g.setFontAlign(-1, 0); g.drawString( Date()), w > 180 ? 2 * w / 10 : w / 10, h2); g.drawString(locale.dow(new Date()), w > 180 ? 2 * w / 10 : w / 10, h2 + dowOffset); drawCircle(1); drawCircle(2); drawCircle(3); if (circleCount >= 4) drawCircle(4); } function drawCircle(index) { let type = settings['circle' + index]; if (!type) type = defaultCircleTypes[index - 1]; const w = getCircleXPosition(type); switch (type) { case "steps": drawSteps(w); break; case "stepsDist": drawStepsDistance(w); break; case "hr": drawHeartRate(w); break; case "battery": drawBattery(w); break; case "weather": drawWeather(w); break; case "sunprogress": case "sunProgress": drawSunProgress(w); break; case "temperature": drawTemperature(w); break; case "pressure": drawPressure(w); break; case "altitude": drawAltitude(w); break; case "empty": // we draw nothing here return; } } // serves as cache for quicker lookup of circle positions let circlePositionsCache = []; /* * Looks in the following order if a circle with the given type is somewhere visible/configured * 1. circlePositionsCache * 2. settings * 3. defaultCircleTypes * * In case 2 and 3 the circlePositionsCache will be updated */ function getCirclePosition(type) { if (circlePositionsCache[type] >= 0) { return circlePositionsCache[type]; } for (let i = 1; i <= circleCount; i++) { const setting = settings['circle' + i]; if (setting == type) { circlePositionsCache[type] = i - 1; return i - 1; } } for (let i = 0; i < defaultCircleTypes.length; i++) { if (type == defaultCircleTypes[i] && (!settings || settings['circle' + (i + 1)] == undefined)) { circlePositionsCache[type] = i; return i; } } return undefined; } function getCircleXPosition(type) { const circlePos = getCirclePosition(type); if (circlePos != undefined) { return circlePosX[circlePos]; } return undefined; } function isCircleEnabled(type) { return getCirclePosition(type) != undefined; } function getCircleColor(type) { const pos = getCirclePosition(type); const color = settings["circle" + (pos + 1) + "color"]; if (color && color != "") return color; } function getCircleIconColor(type, color, percent) { const pos = getCirclePosition(type); const colorizeIcon = settings["circle" + (pos + 1) + "colorizeIcon"] == true; if (colorizeIcon) { return getGradientColor(color, percent); } else { return ""; } } function getGradientColor(color, percent) { if (isNaN(percent)) percent = 0; if (percent > 1) percent = 1; const colorList = [ '#00FF00', '#80FF00', '#FFFF00', '#FF8000', '#FF0000' ]; if (color == "green-red") { const colorIndex = Math.round(colorList.length * percent); return colorList[Math.min(colorIndex, colorList.length) - 1] || "#00ff00"; } if (color == "red-green") { const colorIndex = colorList.length - Math.round(colorList.length * percent); return colorList[Math.min(colorIndex, colorList.length)] || "#ff0000"; } return color; } function getImage(graphic, color) { if (!color || color == "") { return graphic; } else { return { width: 16, height: 16, bpp: 1, transparent: 0, buffer: E.toArrayBuffer(graphic), palette: new Uint16Array([colorBg, g.toColor(color)]) }; } } function drawSteps(w) { if (!w) w = getCircleXPosition("steps"); const steps = getSteps(); drawCircleBackground(w); const color = getCircleColor("steps"); let percent; const stepGoal = settings.stepGoal; if (stepGoal > 0) { percent = steps / stepGoal; if (stepGoal < steps) percent = 1; drawGauge(w, h3, percent, color); } drawInnerCircleAndTriangle(w); writeCircleText(w, shortValue(steps)); g.drawImage(getImage(shoesIcon, getCircleIconColor("steps", color, percent)), w - iconOffset, h3 + radiusOuter - iconOffset); } function drawStepsDistance(w) { if (!w) w = getCircleXPosition("stepsDistance"); const steps = getSteps(); const stepDistance = settings.stepLength; const stepsDistance = Math.round(steps * stepDistance); drawCircleBackground(w); const color = getCircleColor("stepsDistance"); let percent; const stepDistanceGoal = settings.stepDistanceGoal; if (stepDistanceGoal > 0) { percent = stepsDistance / stepDistanceGoal; if (stepDistanceGoal < stepsDistance) percent = 1; drawGauge(w, h3, percent, color); } drawInnerCircleAndTriangle(w); writeCircleText(w, shortValue(stepsDistance)); g.drawImage(getImage(shoesIcon, getCircleIconColor("stepsDistance", color, percent)), w - iconOffset, h3 + radiusOuter - iconOffset); } function drawHeartRate(w) { if (!w) w = getCircleXPosition("hr"); drawCircleBackground(w); const color = getCircleColor("hr"); let percent; if (hrtValue != undefined) { const minHR = settings.minHR; const maxHR = settings.maxHR; percent = (hrtValue - minHR) / (maxHR - minHR); if (isNaN(percent)) percent = 0; drawGauge(w, h3, percent, color); } drawInnerCircleAndTriangle(w); writeCircleText(w, hrtValue != undefined ? hrtValue : "-"); g.drawImage(getImage(heartIcon, getCircleIconColor("hr", color, percent)), w - iconOffset, h3 + radiusOuter - iconOffset); } function drawBattery(w) { if (!w) w = getCircleXPosition("battery"); const battery = E.getBattery(); drawCircleBackground(w); let color = getCircleColor("battery"); let percent; if (battery > 0) { percent = battery / 100; drawGauge(w, h3, percent, color); } drawInnerCircleAndTriangle(w); if (Bangle.isCharging()) { color = colorGreen; } else { if (settings.batteryWarn != undefined && battery <= settings.batteryWarn) { color = colorRed; } } writeCircleText(w, battery + '%'); g.drawImage(getImage(powerIcon, getCircleIconColor("battery", color, percent)), w - iconOffset, h3 + radiusOuter - iconOffset); } function drawWeather(w) { if (!w) w = getCircleXPosition("weather"); const weather = getWeather(); const tempString = weather ? locale.temp(weather.temp - 273.15) : undefined; const code = weather ? weather.code : -1; drawCircleBackground(w); const color = getCircleColor("weather"); let percent; const data = settings.weatherCircleData; switch (data) { case "humidity": const humidity = weather ? weather.hum : undefined; if (humidity >= 0) { percent = humidity / 100; drawGauge(w, h3, percent, color); } break; case "wind": if (weather) { const wind = locale.speed(weather.wind).match(/^(\D*\d*)(.*)$/); if (wind[1] >= 0) { if (wind[2] == "kmh") { wind[1] = windAsBeaufort(wind[1]); } // wind goes from 0 to 12 (see percent = wind[1] / 12; drawGauge(w, h3, percent, color); } } break; case "empty": break; } drawInnerCircleAndTriangle(w); writeCircleText(w, tempString ? tempString : "?"); if (code > 0) { const icon = getWeatherIconByCode(code); if (icon) g.drawImage(getImage(icon, getCircleIconColor("weather", color, percent)), w - iconOffset, h3 + radiusOuter - iconOffset); } else { g.drawString("?", w, h3 + radiusOuter); } } function drawSunProgress(w) { if (!w) w = getCircleXPosition("sunprogress"); const percent = getSunProgress(); drawCircleBackground(w); const color = getCircleColor("sunprogress"); drawGauge(w, h3, percent, color); drawInnerCircleAndTriangle(w); let icon = sunSetDown; let text = "?"; const times = getSunData(); if (times != undefined) { const sunRise = Math.round(times.sunrise.getTime() / 1000); const sunSet = Math.round(times.sunset.getTime() / 1000); if (!isDay()) { // night if (now > sunRise) { // after sunRise const upcomingSunRise = sunRise + 60 * 60 * 24; text = formatSeconds(upcomingSunRise - now); } else { text = formatSeconds(sunRise - now); } icon = sunSetUp; } else { // day, approx sunrise tomorrow: text = formatSeconds(sunSet - now); icon = sunSetDown; } } writeCircleText(w, text); g.drawImage(getImage(icon, getCircleIconColor("sunprogress", color, percent)), w - iconOffset, h3 + radiusOuter - iconOffset); } function drawTemperature(w) { if (!w) w = getCircleXPosition("temperature"); getPressureValue("temperature").then((temperature) => { drawCircleBackground(w); const color = getCircleColor("temperature"); let percent; if (temperature) { const min = -40; const max = 85; percent = (temperature - min) / (max - min); drawGauge(w, h3, percent, color); } drawInnerCircleAndTriangle(w); if (temperature) writeCircleText(w, locale.temp(temperature)); g.drawImage(getImage(temperatureIcon, getCircleIconColor("temperature", color, percent)), w - iconOffset, h3 + radiusOuter - iconOffset); }); } function drawPressure(w) { if (!w) w = getCircleXPosition("pressure"); getPressureValue("pressure").then((pressure) => { drawCircleBackground(w); const color = getCircleColor("pressure"); let percent; if (pressure && pressure > 0) { const minPressure = 950; const maxPressure = 1050; percent = (pressure - minPressure) / (maxPressure - minPressure); drawGauge(w, h3, percent, color); } drawInnerCircleAndTriangle(w); if (pressure) writeCircleText(w, Math.round(pressure)); g.drawImage(getImage(temperatureIcon, getCircleIconColor("pressure", color, percent)), w - iconOffset, h3 + radiusOuter - iconOffset); }); } function drawAltitude(w) { if (!w) w = getCircleXPosition("altitude"); getPressureValue("altitude").then((altitude) => { drawCircleBackground(w); const color = getCircleColor("altitude"); let percent; if (altitude) { const min = 0; const max = 10000; percent = (altitude - min) / (max - min); drawGauge(w, h3, percent, color); } drawInnerCircleAndTriangle(w); if (altitude) writeCircleText(w, locale.distance(Math.round(altitude))); g.drawImage(getImage(temperatureIcon, getCircleIconColor("altitude", color, percent)), w - iconOffset, h3 + radiusOuter - iconOffset); }); } /* * wind goes from 0 to 12 (see */ function windAsBeaufort(windInKmh) { const beaufort = [2, 6, 12, 20, 29, 39, 50, 62, 75, 89, 103, 118]; let l = 0; while (l < beaufort.length && beaufort[l] < windInKmh) { l++; } return l; } /* * Choose weather icon to display based on weather conditition code * */ function getWeatherIconByCode(code) { const codeGroup = Math.round(code / 100); switch (codeGroup) { case 2: return weatherStormy; case 3: return weatherCloudy; case 5: switch (code) { case 511: return weatherSnowy; case 520: return weatherPartlyRainy; case 521: return weatherPartlyRainy; case 522: return weatherPartlyRainy; case 531: return weatherPartlyRainy; default: return weatherRainy; } case 6: return weatherSnowy; case 7: return weatherFoggy; case 8: switch (code) { case 800: return isDay() ? weatherSunny : weatherMoon; case 801: return weatherPartlyCloudy; case 802: return weatherPartlyCloudy; default: return weatherCloudy; } default: return undefined; } } function isDay() { const times = getSunData(); if (times == undefined) return true; const sunRise = Math.round(times.sunrise.getTime() / 1000); const sunSet = Math.round(times.sunset.getTime() / 1000); return (now > sunRise && now < sunSet); } function formatSeconds(s) { if (s > 60 * 60) { // hours return Math.round(s / (60 * 60)) + "h"; } if (s > 60) { // minutes return Math.round(s / 60) + "m"; } return "<1m"; } function getSunData() { if (location != undefined && != undefined) { // get today's sunlight times for lat/lon return SunCalc ? SunCalc.getTimes(new Date(),, location.lon) : undefined; } return undefined; } /* * Calculated progress of the sun between sunrise and sunset in percent * * Taken from rebble app and modified */ function getSunProgress() { const times = getSunData(); if (times == undefined) return 0; const sunRise = Math.round(times.sunrise.getTime() / 1000); const sunSet = Math.round(times.sunset.getTime() / 1000); if (isDay()) { // during day const dayLength = sunSet - sunRise; if (now > sunRise) { return (now - sunRise) / dayLength; } else { return (sunRise - now) / dayLength; } } else { // during night if (now < sunRise) { const prevSunSet = sunSet - 60 * 60 * 24; return 1 - (sunRise - now) / (sunRise - prevSunSet); } else { const upcomingSunRise = sunRise + 60 * 60 * 24; return (upcomingSunRise - now) / (upcomingSunRise - sunSet); } } } /* * Draws the background and the grey circle */ function drawCircleBackground(w) { g.clearRect(w - radiusOuter - 3, h3 - radiusOuter - 3, w + radiusOuter + 3, h3 + radiusOuter + 3); // Draw rectangle background: g.setColor(colorBg); g.fillRect(w - radiusOuter - 3, h3 - radiusOuter - 3, w + radiusOuter + 3, h3 + radiusOuter + 3); // Draw grey background circle: g.setColor(colorGrey); g.fillCircle(w, h3, radiusOuter); } function drawInnerCircleAndTriangle(w) { // Draw inner circle g.setColor(colorBg); g.fillCircle(w, h3, radiusInner); // Draw triangle which covers the bottom of the circle g.fillPoly([w, h3, w - 15, h3 + radiusOuter + 5, w + 15, h3 + radiusOuter + 5]); } function radians(a) { return a * Math.PI / 180; } /* * This draws the actual gauge consisting out of lots of little filled circles */ function drawGauge(cx, cy, percent, color) { const offset = 15; const end = 360 - offset; const radius = radiusInner + (circleCount == 3 ? 3 : 2); const size = radiusOuter - radiusInner - 2; if (percent <= 0) return; // no gauge needed if (percent > 1) percent = 1; const startRotation = -offset; const endRotation = startRotation - ((end - offset) * percent); color = getGradientColor(color, percent); g.setColor(color); for (let i = startRotation; i > endRotation - size; i -= size) { x = cx + radius * Math.sin(radians(i)); y = cy + radius * Math.cos(radians(i)); g.fillCircle(x, y, size); } } function writeCircleText(w, content) { if (content == undefined) return; const font = String(content).length > 4 ? circleFontSmall : String(content).length > 3 ? circleFont : circleFontBig; g.setFont(font); g.setFontAlign(0, 0); g.setColor(colorFg); g.drawString(content, w, h3); } function shortValue(v) { if (isNaN(v)) return '-'; if (v <= 999) return v; if (v >= 1000 && v < 10000) { v = Math.floor(v / 100) * 100; return (v / 1000).toFixed(1).replace(/\.0$/, '') + 'k'; } if (v >= 10000) { v = Math.floor(v / 1000) * 1000; return (v / 1000).toFixed(1).replace(/\.0$/, '') + 'k'; } } function getSteps() { if (Bangle.getHealthStatus) { return Bangle.getHealthStatus("day").steps; } if (WIDGETS && WIDGETS.wpedom !== undefined) { return WIDGETS.wpedom.getSteps(); } return 0; } function getWeather() { const jsonWeather = storage.readJSON('weather.json'); return jsonWeather && ? : undefined; } function enableHRMSensor() { Bangle.setHRMPower(1, "circleclock"); if (hrtValue == undefined) { hrtValue = '...'; drawHeartRate(); } } let pressureLocked = false; let pressureCache; function getPressureValue(type) { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (Bangle.getPressure) { if (!pressureLocked) { pressureLocked = true; if (pressureCache && pressureCache[type]) { resolve(pressureCache[type]); } Bangle.getPressure().then(function(d) { pressureLocked = false; if (d) { pressureCache = d; if (d[type]) { resolve(d[type]); } } }).catch(() => {}); } else { if (pressureCache && pressureCache[type]) { resolve(pressureCache[type]); } } } }); } Bangle.on('lock', function(isLocked) { if (!isLocked) { draw(); if (isCircleEnabled("hr")) { enableHRMSensor(); } } else { Bangle.setHRMPower(0, "circleclock"); } }); let timerHrm; Bangle.on('HRM', function(hrm) { if (isCircleEnabled("hr")) { if (hrm.confidence >= (settings.confidence)) { hrtValue = hrm.bpm; if (Bangle.isLCDOn()) { drawHeartRate(); } } // Let us wait before we overwrite "good" HRM values: if (Bangle.isLCDOn()) { if (timerHrm) clearTimeout(timerHrm); timerHrm = setTimeout(() => { hrtValue = '...'; drawHeartRate(); }, settings.hrmValidity * 1000); } } }); Bangle.on('charging', function(charging) { if (isCircleEnabled("battery")) drawBattery(); }); if (isCircleEnabled("hr")) { enableHRMSensor(); } Bangle.setUI("clock"); Bangle.loadWidgets(); draw(); setInterval(draw, 60000);