(() => { if ((require('Storage').readJSON("messages.settings.json", true) || {}).maxMessages===0) return; function filterMessages(msgs) { return msgs.filter(msg => msg.new && msg.id != "music") .map(m => m.src) // we only need this for icon/color .filter((msg, i, arr) => arr.findIndex(nmsg => msg.src == nmsg.src) == i); } WIDGETS["messages"]={area:"tl", width:0, draw:function(recall) { // If we had a setTimeout queued from the last time we were called, remove it if (WIDGETS["messages"].i) { clearTimeout(WIDGETS["messages"].i); delete WIDGETS["messages"].i; } Bangle.removeListener('touch', this.touch); if (!this.width) return; let settings = Object.assign({flash:true, maxMessages:3},require('Storage').readJSON("messages.settings.json", true) || {}); if (recall !== true || settings.flash) { var msgsShown = E.clip(this.msgs.length, 0, settings.maxMessages); g.reset().clearRect(this.x, this.y, this.x+this.width, this.y+23); for(let i = 0;i < msgsShown;i++) { const msg = this.msgs[i]; const colors = [g.theme.bg, require("messageicons").getColor(msg, {settings:settings})]; if (settings.flash && ((Date.now()/1000)&1)) { if (colors[1] == g.theme.fg) { colors.reverse(); } else { colors[1] = g.theme.fg; } } g.setColor(colors[1]).setBgColor(colors[0]); // draw the icon, or '...' if too many messages g.drawImage(i == (settings.maxMessages - 1) && this.msgs.length > settings.maxMessages ? atob("EASBAGGG88/zz2GG") : require("messageicons").getImage(msg), this.x + 12 + i * 24, this.y + 12, {rotate:0/*force centering*/}); } } WIDGETS["messages"].i=setTimeout(()=>WIDGETS["messages"].draw(true), 1000); if (process.env.HWVERSION>1) Bangle.on('touch', this.touch); },update:function(rawMsgs) { const settings = Object.assign({maxMessages:3},require('Storage').readJSON("messages.settings.json", true) || {}); this.msgs = filterMessages(rawMsgs); this.width = 24 * E.clip(this.msgs.length, 0, settings.maxMessages); Bangle.drawWidgets(); },touch:function(b,c) { var w=WIDGETS["messages"]; if (!w||!w.width||c.xw.x+w.width||c.yw.y+24) return; load("messages.app.js"); }}; /* We might have returned here if we were in the Messages app for a message but then the watch was never viewed. */ if (global.MESSAGES===undefined) WIDGETS["messages"].update(require("messages").getMessages()); })();