(() => { require("Font5x9Numeric7Seg").add(Graphics); const config = Object.assign({ maxhours: 24, drawBell: false, showSeconds: 0, // 0=never, 1=only when display is unlocked, 2=for less than a minute }, require("Storage").readJSON("widalarmeta.json",1) || {}); function getNextAlarm(date) { const alarms = (require("Storage").readJSON("sched.json",1) || []).filter(alarm => alarm.on && alarm.hidden !== true); WIDGETS["widalarmeta"].numActiveAlarms = alarms.length; const times = alarms.map(alarm => require("sched").getTimeToAlarm(alarm, date) || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); const eta = times.length > 0 ? Math.min.apply(null, times) : 0; if (eta !== Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { const idx = times.indexOf(eta); const alarm = alarms[idx]; delete alarm.msg; delete alarm.id; delete alarm.data; // free some memory return alarm; } } // getNextAlarm function draw(fromInterval) { if (this.nextAlarm === undefined) { let alarm = getNextAlarm(); if (alarm === undefined) { // try again with next hour const nextHour = new Date(); nextHour.setHours(nextHour.getHours()+1); alarm = getNextAlarm(nextHour); } if (alarm !== undefined) { this.nextAlarm = alarm; } } const next = this.nextAlarm !== undefined ? require("sched").getTimeToAlarm(this.nextAlarm) : 0; let calcWidth = 0; let drawSeconds = false; if (next > 0 && next <= config.maxhours*60*60*1000) { const hours = Math.floor((next-1) / 3600000).toString(); const minutes = Math.floor(((next-1) % 3600000) / 60000).toString(); const seconds = Math.floor(((next-1) % 60000) / 1000).toString(); drawSeconds = (config.showSeconds & 0b01 && !Bangle.isLocked()) || (config.showSeconds & 0b10 && next <= 1000*60); g.reset(); // reset the graphics context to defaults (color/font/etc) g.setFontAlign(0,0); // center fonts g.clearRect(this.x, this.y, this.x+this.width-1, this.y+23); var text = hours.padStart(2, '0') + ":" + minutes.padStart(2, '0'); if (drawSeconds) { text += ":" + seconds.padStart(2, '0'); } g.setFont("5x9Numeric7Seg:1x2"); g.drawString(text, this.x+this.width/2, this.y+12); calcWidth = 5*5+2; if (drawSeconds) { calcWidth += 3*5; } this.bellVisible = false; } else if (config.drawBell && this.numActiveAlarms > 0) { calcWidth = 24; // next alarm too far in future, draw only widalarm bell if (this.bellVisible !== true || fromInterval !== true) { g.reset().drawImage(atob("GBgBAAAAAAAAABgADhhwDDwwGP8YGf+YMf+MM//MM//MA//AA//AA//AA//AA//AA//AB//gD//wD//wAAAAADwAABgAAAAAAAAA"),this.x,this.y); this.bellVisible = true; } } if (this.width !== calcWidth) { // width changed, re-layout this.width = calcWidth; Bangle.drawWidgets(); } // redraw next hour when no alarm else full minute or second const period = next === 0 ? 3600000 : (drawSeconds ? 1000 : 60000); let timeout = next > 0 ? next % period : period - (Date.now() % period); if (timeout === 0) { timeout += period; } if (this.timeoutId !== undefined) { clearTimeout(this.timeoutId); } this.timeoutId = setTimeout(()=>{ WIDGETS["widalarmeta"].timeoutId = undefined; WIDGETS["widalarmeta"].draw(true); }, timeout); } /* draw */ if (config.maxhours > 0) { // add your widget WIDGETS["widalarmeta"]={ area:"tl", width: 0, // hide by default = assume no timer draw:draw }; } })();