const Layout = require('Layout'); const locale = require('locale'); const weather = require('weather'); let current = weather.get(); Bangle.loadWidgets(); var layout = new Layout({type:"v", bgCol:, c: [ {filly: 1}, {type: "h", filly: 0, c: [ {type: "custom", width: g.getWidth()/2, height: g.getWidth()/2, valign: -1, txt: "unknown", id: "icon", render: l => weather.drawIcon(l, l.x+l.w/2, l.y+l.h/2, l.w/2-5)}, {type: "v", fillx: 1, c: [ {type: "h", pad: 2, c: [ {type: "txt", font: "18%", id: "temp", label: "000"}, {type: "txt", font: "12%", valign: -1, id: "tempUnit", label: "°C"}, ]}, {filly: 1}, {type: "txt", font: "6x8", pad: 2, halign: 1, label: /*LANG*/"Humidity"}, {type: "txt", font: "9%", pad: 2, halign: 1, id: "hum", label: "000%"}, {filly: 1}, {type: "txt", font: "6x8", pad: 2, halign: -1, label: /*LANG*/"Wind"}, {type: "h", halign: -1, c: [ {type: "txt", font: "9%", pad: 2, id: "wind", label: "00"}, {type: "txt", font: "6x8", pad: 2, valign: -1, id: "windUnit", label: "km/h"}, ]}, ]}, ]}, {filly: 1}, {type: "txt", font: "9%", wrap: true, height: g.getHeight()*0.18, fillx: 1, id: "cond", label: /*LANG*/"Weather condition"}, {filly: 1}, {type: "h", c: [ {type: "txt", font: "6x8", pad: 4, id: "loc", label: "Toronto"}, {fillx: 1}, {type: "txt", font: "6x8", pad: 4, id: "updateTime", label: /*LANG*/"15 minutes ago"}, ]}, {filly: 1}, ]}, {lazy: true}); function formatDuration(millis) { let pluralize = (n, w) => n + " " + w + (n == 1 ? "" : "s"); if (millis < 60000) return /*LANG*/"< 1 minute"; if (millis < 3600000) return pluralize(Math.floor(millis/60000), /*LANG*/"minute"); if (millis < 86400000) return pluralize(Math.floor(millis/3600000), /*LANG*/"hour"); return pluralize(Math.floor(millis/86400000), /*LANG*/"day"); } function draw() { layout.icon.txt = current.txt; layout.icon.code = current.code; const temp = locale.temp(current.temp-273.15).match(/^(\D*\d*)(.*)$/); layout.temp.label = temp[1]; layout.tempUnit.label = temp[2]; layout.hum.label = current.hum+"%"; const wind = locale.speed(current.wind).match(/^(\D*\d*)(.*)$/); layout.wind.label = wind[1]; layout.windUnit.label = wind[2] + " " + (current.wrose||'').toUpperCase(); layout.cond.label = current.txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+(current.txt||'').slice(1); layout.loc.label = current.loc; layout.updateTime.label = `${formatDuration( - current.time)} ago`; // How to autotranslate this and similar? layout.update(); layout.render(); } function drawUpdateTime() { if (!current || !current.time) return; layout.updateTime.label = `${formatDuration( - current.time)} ago`; layout.update(); layout.render(); } function update() { current = weather.get(); NRF.removeListener("connect", update); if (current) { draw(); } else { layout.forgetLazyState(); if (NRF.getSecurityStatus().connected) { E.showMessage(/*LANG*/"Weather\nunknown\n\nIs Gadgetbridge\nweather\nreporting set\nup on your\nphone?"); } else { E.showMessage(/*LANG*/"Weather\nunknown\n\nGadgetbridge\nnot connected"); NRF.on("connect", update); } } } let interval = setInterval(drawUpdateTime, 60000); Bangle.on('lcdPower', (on) => { if (interval) { clearInterval(interval); interval = undefined; } if (on) { drawUpdateTime(); interval = setInterval(drawUpdateTime, 60000); } }); weather.on("update", update); update(); // We want this app to behave like a clock: // i.e. show launcher when middle button pressed Bangle.setUI("clock"); // But the app is not actually a clock // This matters for widgets that hide themselves for clocks, like widclk or widclose delete Bangle.CLOCK; Bangle.drawWidgets();