// check for alarms (function() { var alarms = require('Storage').readJSON('hardalarm.json',1)||[]; var time = new Date(); var active = alarms.filter(a=>a.on); if (active.length) { active = active.sort((a,b)=>(a.hr-b.hr)+(a.last-b.last)*24); var hr = time.getHours()+(time.getMinutes()/60)+(time.getSeconds()/3600); if (!require('Storage').read("hardalarm.js")) { console.log("No alarm app!"); require('Storage').write('hardalarm.json',"[]"); } else { var t = 3600000*(active[0].hr-hr); if (active[0].last == time.getDate() || t < 0) t += 86400000; if (t<1000) t=1000; /* execute alarm at the correct time. We avoid execing immediately since this code will get called AGAIN when hardalarm.js is loaded. alarm.js will then clearInterval() to get rid of this call so it can proceed normally. */ setTimeout(function() { load("hardalarm.js"); },t); } } })();