[ { "id": "boot", "name": "Bootloader", "icon": "bootloader.png", "description": "This is needed by Bangle.js to automatically load the clock, menu, widgets and settings", "tags": "tool,system", "storage": [ {"name":".bootcde","url":"bootloader.js"} ] }, { "id": "trex", "name": "T-Rex", "icon": "trex.png", "description": "T-Rex game in the style of Chrome's offline game", "tags": "game", "storage": [ {"name":"+trex","url":"trex.json"}, {"name":"-trex","url":"trex.js"}, {"name":"*trex","url":"trex-icon.js","evaluate":true} ] }, { "id": "compass", "name": "Compass", "icon": "compass.png", "description": "Simple compass that points North", "tags": "tool,outdoors", "storage": [ {"name":"+compass","url":"compass.json"}, {"name":"-compass","url":"compass.js"}, {"name":"*compass","url":"compass-icon.js","evaluate":true} ] }, { "id": "clock", "name": "Morphing Clock", "icon": "clock-morphing.png", "description": "7 segment clock that morphs between minutes and hours", "tags": "clock", "storage": [ {"name":"+clock","url":"clock.json"}, {"name":"-clock","url":"clock-morphing.js"}, {"name":"*clock","url":"clock-icon.js","evaluate":true} ] }, { "id": "gpstime", "name": "GPS Time", "icon": "gpstime.png", "description": "Update the Bangle.js's clock based on the time from the GPS receiver", "tags": "tool", "storage": [ {"name":"+gpstime","url":"gpstime.json"}, {"name":"-gpstime","url":"gpstime.js"}, {"name":"*gpstime","url":"gpstime-icon.js","evaluate":true} ] }, { "id": "openloc", "name": "Open Location / Plus Codes", "icon": "openlocation.png", "description": "Convert your current GPS location to a series of characters", "tags": "tool,outdoors", "storage": [ {"name":"+openloc","url":"openlocation.json"}, {"name":"-openloc","url":"openlocation.js","evaluate":true} ] }, { "id": "speedo", "name": "Speedo", "icon": "speedo.png", "description": "Show the current speed according to the GPS", "tags": "tool,outdoors", "storage": [ {"name":"+speedo","url":"speedo.json"}, {"name":"-speedo","url":"speedo.js"}, {"name":"*speedo","url":"speedo-icon.js","evaluate":true} ] }, { "id": "slevel", "name": "Spirit Level", "icon": "spiritlevel.png", "description": "Show the current angle of the watch, so you can use it to make sure something is absolutely flat", "tags": "tool", "storage": [ {"name":"+slevel","url":"spiritlevel.json"}, {"name":"-slevel","url":"spiritlevel.js"}, {"name":"*slevel","url":"spiritlevel-icon.js","evaluate":true} ] }, { "id": "settings", "name": "Settings", "icon": "settings.png", "description": "Show the current angle of the watch, so you can use it to make sure something is absolutely flat", "tags": "tool,system", "storage": [ {"name":"+settings","url":"settings.json"}, {"name":"-settings","url":"settings.js"}, {"name":"=settings","url":"settings-init.js"}, {"name":"@settings","url":"settings-default.json","evaluate":true}, {"name":"*settings","url":"settings-icon.js","evaluate":true} ] }, { "id": "sbat", "name": "Battery Level Widget", "icon": "widget-battery.png", "description": "Show the current battery level and charging status in the top right of the clock", "tags": "widget,battery", "storage": [ {"name":"=sbat","url":"widget-battery.js"} ] }, { "id": "hrm", "name": "Heart Rate Monitor", "icon": "heartrate.png", "description": "Measure your current heart rate", "tags": "health", "storage": [ {"name":"+hrm","url":"heartrate.json"}, {"name":"-hrm","url":"heartrate.js"}, {"name":"*hrm","url":"heartrate-icon.js","evaluate":true} ] }, { "id": "swatch", "name": "Stopwatch", "icon": "stopwatch.png", "description": "Simple stopwatch with Lap Time recording", "tags": "health", "storage": [ {"name":"+swatch","url":"stopwatch.json"}, {"name":"-swatch","url":"stopwatch.js"}, {"name":"*swatch","url":"stopwatch-icon.js","evaluate":true} ] }, { "id": "qrcode", "name": "Custom QR Code", "icon": "qrcode.png", "description": "Use this to upload a customised QR code to Bangle.js", "tags": "", "custom": "qrcode.html", "storage": [ {"name":"-qrcode"}, {"name":"+qrcode"}, {"name":"=qrcode"} ] }, { "id": "beer", "name": "Beer Compass", "icon": "beercompass.png", "description": "Uploads all the pubs in an area onto your watch, so it can always point you at the nearest one", "tags": "", "custom": "beercompass.html", "storage": [ {"name":"-beer"}, {"name":"+beer"}, {"name":"=beer"} ] }, { "id": "route", "name": "Route Viewer", "icon": "route.png", "description": "Upload a KML file of a route, and have your watch display a map with how far around it you are", "tags": "", "custom": "route.html", "storage": [ {"name":"-route"}, {"name":"+route"}, {"name":"=route"} ] } ]