0.01: Clone of original SlopeClock 0.02: Added configuration 0.03: Reset font to save some memory during remove 0.04: Changed to use clock_info for displayed data Made fonts smaller to avoid overlap when (eg) 22:00 Allowed black/white background (as that can look nice too) 0.05: Images in clkinfo are optional now 0.06: Added support for locale based time 0.07: README file update as UI interaction was not easy to understand 0.08: Stability improvements - ensure we continue even if a flat string can't be allocated Stop ClockInfo text drawing outside the allocated area 0.09: Use clock_info module as an app 0.10: Option to hide widgets, tweak top widget width to avoid overlap with hour text at 9am 0.11: Avoid rendering clkinfo in the same colour as the background