0.01: New App! 0.02: Fix GPS time logging 0.03: Fix GPS time display in gpsrec app 0.04: Properly Fix GPS time display in gpsrec app 0.05: Tweaks for variable size widget system 0.06: Ensure widget update itself (fix #118) and change to using icons 0.07: Added @jeffmer's awesome track viewer 0.08: Don't overwrite existing settings on app update Clean up recorded tracks on app removal 0.09: Change default GPS period to 10 (1 is overkill for most uses and makes things slow) Added RAM keyword to functions & other tweaks to speed up rendering Going 'back' from track view now doesn't load again 0.10: Can now graph altitude & speed 0.11: Ensure we don't turn GPS off if it was previously on (eg from another app/widget) 0.12: Add option to plot on top of OpenStreetMap tiles (when they are installed on the watch) 0.13: Increase GPS recording accuracy by one decimal place Ensure default time period is 10 0.14: Now use the openstmap lib for map plotting 0.15: Add plotTrack method to allow current track to be plotted on a map (#395) 0.16: Add gpsrec app to Settings menu 0.17: Disable recording if storage is full (fix #574) 0.18: Period counter now uses GPS time rather than counting packets (allows use with GPS Setup) 0.19: Fix memory usage issues inside track viewer app 0.20: Add documentation to explain time needed for getting a time fix 0.21: Fix issue where a period of 1s recorded every 2s, 5s every 6s, and so on 0.22: Ensure Bangle.setGPSPower uses 'gpsrec' as a tag 0.23: Fix issue where tracks wouldn't record when running from OpenStMap if a period hadn't been set up first 0.24: Better support for Bangle.js 2, avoid widget area for Graphs, smooth graphs more 0.25: Fix issue where if Bangle.js 2 got a GPS fix but no reported time, errors could be caused by the widget (fix #935) 0.26: Multiple bugfixes 0.27: Map drawing with light theme (fix #1023) 0.28: Show distance more accurately in conjunction with new locale app (fix #1523) 0.29: Use default Bangle formatter for booleans 0.30: Minor code improvements