# Sleep Log Alarm This widget searches for active alarms and raises an own alarm event up to the defined time earlier, if in light sleep or awake phase. Optional the earlier alarm will only be triggered if comming from or in consecutive sleep. The settings of the earlier alarm can be adjusted and it is possible to filter the targeting alarms by time and message. The widget is only displayed if an active alarm is detected. The time of the targeting alarm is displayed inside the widget, too. The time or the complete widget can be hidden in the options. _This widget does not detect sleep on its own and can not create alarms. It requires the [sleeplog](/apps/?id=sleeplog) app and any alarm app that uses [sched](/apps/?id=sched) to be installed._ --- ### Settings --- - __earlier__ | duration to trigger alarm earlier _10min_ / _20min_ / __30min__ / ... / _120min_ - __from Consec.__ | only trigger if comming from consecutive sleep _on_ / __off__ - __vib pattern__ | vibration pattern for the earlier alarm __..__ / ... - __msg__ | customized message for the earlier alarm __...__ / ... - __msg as prefix__ | use the customized message as prefix to the original message or replace it comlpetely if disabled __on__ / _off_ - __disable alarm__ | if enabled the original alarm will be disabled _on_ / __off__ - __auto snooze__ | auto snooze option for the earlier alarm __on__ / _off_ - __Filter Alarm__ submenu - __time from__ | exclude alarms before this time _0:00_ / _0:15_ / ... / __3:00__ / ... / _24:00_ - __time to__ | exclude alarms after this time _0:00_ / _0:15_ / ... / __12:00__ / ... / _24:00_ - __msg includes__ | include only alarms including this string in msg __""__ / ... - __Widget__ submenu - __hide always__ | completely hide the widget _on_ / __off__ - __show time__ | show the time of the targeting alarm __on__ / _off_ - __color__ | color of the widget _red_ / __yellow__ / ... / _white_ - __Enabled__ | completely en-/disables the background service __on__ / _off_ --- ### Worth Mentioning --- #### Requests, Bugs and Feedback Please leave requests and bug reports by raising an issue at [github.com/storm64/BangleApps](https://github.com/storm64/BangleApps) (or send me a [mail](mailto:banglejs@storm64.de)). #### Creator Storm64 ([Mail](mailto:banglejs@storm64.de), [github](https://github.com/storm64)) #### Attributions The app icon is downloaded from [https://icons8.com](https://icons8.com). #### License [MIT License](LICENSE)