(function(back) { function gbSend(message) { Bluetooth.println(""); Bluetooth.println(JSON.stringify(message)); } var settings = require("Storage").readJSON("agenda.settings.json",1)||{}; function updateSettings() { require("Storage").writeJSON("agenda.settings.json", settings); } var CALENDAR = require("Storage").readJSON("android.calendar.json",true)||[]; var mainmenu = { "" : { "title" : "Agenda" }, "< Back" : back, /*LANG*/"Connected" : { value : NRF.getSecurityStatus().connected?/*LANG*/"Yes":/*LANG*/"No" }, /*LANG*/"Force calendar sync" : () => { if(NRF.getSecurityStatus().connected) { E.showPrompt(/*LANG*/"Do you want to also clear the internal database first?", { buttons: {/*LANG*/"Yes": 1, /*LANG*/"No": 2, /*LANG*/"Cancel": 3} }).then((v)=>{ switch(v) { case 1: require("Storage").writeJSON("android.calendar.json",[]); CALENDAR = []; /* falls through */ case 2: gbSend({t:"force_calendar_sync", ids: CALENDAR.map(e=>e.id)}); E.showAlert(/*LANG*/"Request sent to the phone").then(()=>E.showMenu(mainmenu)); break; case 3: default: E.showMenu(mainmenu); return; } }); } else { E.showAlert(/*LANG*/"You are not connected").then(()=>E.showMenu(mainmenu)); } }, /*LANG*/"Show past events" : { value : !!settings.pastEvents, onchange: v => { settings.pastEvents = v; updateSettings(); } }, /*LANG*/"Use 'Today',..." : { value : !!settings.useToday, onchange: v => { settings.useToday = v; updateSettings(); } }, }; E.showMenu(mainmenu); })