const w = g.getWidth(); const h = g.getHeight(); const wid_h = 24; let tStart; let tNow; let counter=-1; const icon = require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("mEwwI0xg+evPsAon+ApX8Aon4AonwAod78AFDv4FWvoFE/IFDz4FXvIFD3wFE/wFW7wFDh5xBAoUfAok/Aol/BZUXAogA6A=")); function timeToText(t) { // Courtesy of stopwatch app let hrs = Math.floor(t/3600000); let mins = Math.floor(t/60000)%60; let secs = Math.floor(t/1000)%60; let tnth = Math.floor(t/100)%10; let text; if (hrs === 0) text = ("0"+mins).substr(-2) + ":" + ("0"+secs).substr(-2) + "." + tnth; else text = ("0"+hrs) + ":" + ("0"+mins).substr(-2) + ":" + ("0"+secs).substr(-2); //log_debug(text); return text; } function doCounter() { if (counter<0) { tStart =; tNow = tStart; } else { tNow =; } counter++; let dT = tNow-tStart; g.clearRect(0,wid_h,w,h-wid_h); g.setFontAlign(0,0); g.setFont("Vector",72); g.drawString(counter,w/2,h/2); g.setFont("Vector",24); g.drawString(timeToText(dT),w/2,h/2+50); } setWatch(doCounter, BTN1, true); g.clear(true); Bangle.loadWidgets(); Bangle.drawWidgets(); Bangle.setLCDTimeout(0); g.drawImage(icon,w/2-24,h/2-24); g.setFontAlign(0,0); require("Font8x12").add(Graphics); g.setFont("8x12"); g.drawString("Click button 1 to count.", w/2, h/2+22);