const _Storage = require('Storage'); let interval = null; let nightMode = false; let stepFile = 'v.steps.json'; let stepArchiveFile = 'v.stephist.json'; let _Options = {}; let optsFile = 'm_vatch.opts.json'; let _Alarm = { inAlarm: false, reload: () => {}, scheduleAlarms: () => {}, showMsg: (title, msg) => {}, showNotes: () => {}, }; let _StepData = {}; const pad0 = (n) => (n > 9) ? n : ("0"+n); const getToday = () => { let d = new Date(); return d.getFullYear()+'-'+ pad0(d.getMonth()+1) + '-' + pad0(d.getDate()); }; function reload() { _StepData = _Storage.readJSON(stepFile); if(!_StepData) { _StepData = { lastDate: '2020-01-01', stepCache: 0, lastStepCount: 0, updated: true, }; } if(getToday() === _StepData.lastDate) { _StepData.stepCache += _StepData.lastStepCount; _StepData.lastStepCount = 0; } } function stringFromArray(data) { var count = data.length; var str = ""; for(var index = 0; index < count; index += 1) str += String.fromCharCode(data[index]); return str; } function logD(str) { if(_Options.debug) console.log(str); } let lastH1 = -1; let lastH2 = -1; let lastM1 = -1; let lastM2 = -1; let drawBackground = () => {}; let drawTime = () => {}; let drawData = () => {}; function timeCheck() { if(_Alarm.inAlarm) return; logD('Again, ' + JSON.stringify(_Options)); logD('opt.nm = '+_Options.autoNightMode); if(_Options.autoNightMode) { // this may vary by Bangle.. adjust to taste let a = Bangle.getAccel(); a.x = Math.floor(a.x * 100); logD('a.x = ' + a.x); if(a.x <= 101 && a.x >= 99) { if(!nightMode) { nightMode = ! nightMode; redrawScreen(); } } else { if(nightMode) { nightMode = ! nightMode; redrawScreen(); } } } let d = new Date(); let hour = d.getHours(); let minute = d.getMinutes(); let h1 = Math.floor(hour / 10); let h2 = hour % 10; let m1 = Math.floor(minute / 10); let m2 = minute % 10; logD("lastH1 = "+lastH1+": lastM2 = "+lastM2); if(h1 == lastH1 && h2 == lastH2 && m1 == lastM1 && m2 == lastM2) { return; } logD("drawing time"); let data = { h1: h1, h2: h2, m1: m1, m2: m2, hour: hour, min: minute, }; drawTime(data, nightMode); lastH1 = h1; lastH2 = h2; lastM1 = m1; lastM2 = m2; if(!nightMode && !_Alarm.inAlarm) { logD("drawing data..."); const mstr="JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec"; const dowstr = "SunMonTueWedThuFriSat"; let month = d.getMonth(); let dow = d.getDay(); data.month = month; = d.getDate(); data.mon3 = mstr.slice(month*3,month*3+3); data.dow = dowstr.substr(dow*3,3); data.dateStr = data.dow + " " + data.mon3 + " " +; data.steps = _StepData.stepCache + _StepData.lastStepCount; data.batt = E.getBattery() + (Bangle.isCharging() ? "+" : ""); data.charging = Bangle.isCharging(); drawData(data); } if(_StepData.updated) { _Storage.writeJSON(stepFile, _StepData); logD(JSON.stringify(_StepData)); _StepData.updated = false; } } function stop () { if (interval) { clearInterval(interval); } } function start () { if (interval) { clearInterval(interval); } // first time init interval = setInterval(timeCheck, 1000); timeCheck(); } function btn1Func() { logD("btn1Func"); if(_Alarm.inAlarm ) { _Alarm.inAlarm = false; } else { if( ! _Options.autoNightMode) { nightMode = ! nightMode; logD('nm is '+nightMode); } } redrawScreen(); } function redrawScreen() { logD("redrawScreen"); if(nightMode) { g.setRotation(1,0); } else { g.setRotation(0,0); } lastM1 = -1; lastM2 = -1; lastH1 = -1; lastH2 = -1; drawBackground(nightMode); timeCheck(); } function btn2Func() { _Alarm.reload(); _Alarm.scheduleAlarms(); _Alarm.showNotes(); } Bangle.on('step', function(cnt) { if(!_StepData.lastDate) return; if(_StepData.lastDate !== getToday()) { // save previous day's step count try { let sf = _Storage.readJSON(stepArchiveFile); if(!sf) sf = []; logD('sf is '+ (typeof sf) +':'+sf); // trim to 30 if(sf.length >= 30 ) sf.shift(); let steps = _StepData.stepCache +_StepData.lastStepCount; let sd = `${_StepData.lastDate},${steps}`; sf.push(sd); _Storage.writeJSON(stepArchiveFile, sf); } catch (err) { _Storage.write('err.txt',err); } /* individual step files by date _Storage.write(_StepData.lastDate +'.steps', JSON.stringify( _StepData.stepCache +_StepData.lastStepCount )); */ _StepData.stepCache = 0 - cnt; _StepData.lastDate = getToday(); } _StepData.lastStepCount = cnt; _StepData.updated = true; }); /* ** Advertise a writeable characteristic. Accepts text (in 20 char ** chunks) terminated with __EOM__ by itself. If there's text, show ** it (as an alarm), otherwise reload the alarm & msg files (empty ** string signals another BLE process updated those files) */ /* var BLEMessage = ""; NRF.setServices({ "feb10001-f00d-ea75-7192-abbadabadebb": { "feb10002-f00d-ea75-7192-abbadabadebb": { value : [0], maxLen : 20, writable : true, onWrite : function(evt) { let str = stringFromArray(; if(str === "__EOM__") { if(BLEMessage) { showMsg('Message',BLEMessage); } else { reload(); scheduleAlarms(); showMsg('', 'Reloading...'); } BLEMessage = ''; } else { BLEMessage += str; } } } } }, { }); */ exports.setDrawBackground = function(dBkgd) { drawBackground = dBkgd; }; exports.setDrawTime = function(dTime) { drawTime = dTime; }; exports.setDrawData = function( dData) { drawData = dData; }; exports.begin = function() { _Options = _Storage.readJSON(optsFile); if(!_Options) _Options = { autoNightMode: true, useAlarms: false, stepManager: true, debug: true, }; console.log(JSON.stringify(_Options)); if(_Options.useAlarms) { _Alarm = require('m_alarms'); _Alarm.reload(); _Alarm.scheduleAlarms(); } // separate the Bangles now const isB2 = g.getWidth() < 200; if(!isB2) { Bangle.on('lcdPower', function (on) { if (on) { start(); } else { stop(); } }); setWatch(btn1Func, BTN1, {repeat:true,edge:"falling"}); if(_Options.useAlarms) { setWatch(btn2Func, BTN2, {repeat:true,edge:"falling"}); } setWatch(Bangle.showLauncher, BTN3, {repeat:false,edge:"falling"}); } reload(); drawBackground(nightMode); start(); };