Bangle.loadWidgets(); g.clear(true); Bangle.drawWidgets(); Bangle.setLCDTimeout(undefined); let renderIntervalId; let startTime; let stopTime; let subtotal; let currentSplitNumber; let splitStartTime; let splitSubtotal; var Layout = require("Layout"); var layout = new Layout( { type:"v", c: [ {type:"txt", pad:4, font:"20%", label:"", id:"time", fillx:1}, {type:"h", c: [ {type:"btn", pad:4, font:"6x8:2", label:"Start", id:"startStop", cb: l=>startStop() }, {type:"btn", pad:4, font:"6x8:2", label:"Reset", id:"resetSplit", cb: l=>resetSplit() } ]}, { type:"v", pad:4, c: [ {type:"txt", font:"6x8:2", label:"", id:"split", fillx:1}, {type:"txt", font:"6x8:2", label:"", id:"prevSplit", fillx:1}, ]}, ] }, { lazy: true, back: load, }); // TODO The code in this function appears in various apps so it might be // nice to add something to the time_utils module. (There is already a // formatDuration function but that doesn't quite work the same way.) const getTime = function(milliseconds) { let hrs = Math.floor(milliseconds/3600000); let mins = Math.floor(milliseconds/60000)%60; let secs = Math.floor(milliseconds/1000)%60; let tnth = Math.floor(milliseconds/100)%10; let text; if (hrs === 0) { text = ("0"+mins).slice(-2) + ":" + ("0"+secs).slice(-2) + "." + tnth; } else { text = ("0"+hrs) + ":" + ("0"+mins).slice(-2) + ":" + ("0"+secs).slice(-2); } return text; }; const renderIntervalCallback = function() { if (startTime === undefined) { return; } updateStopwatch(); }; const buzz = function() {, 0.5); }; const startStop = function() { buzz(); if (layout.startStop.label === "Start") { start(); } else { stop(); } }; const start = function() { if (stopTime === undefined) { startTime =; splitStartTime = startTime; subtotal = 0; splitSubtotal = 0; currentSplitNumber = 1; } else { subtotal += stopTime - startTime; splitSubtotal += stopTime - splitStartTime; startTime =; splitStartTime = startTime; stopTime = undefined; } layout.startStop.label = "Stop"; layout.resetSplit.label = "Split"; updateStopwatch(); renderIntervalId = setInterval(renderIntervalCallback, 100); }; const stop = function() { stopTime =; layout.startStop.label = "Start"; layout.resetSplit.label = "Reset"; updateStopwatch(); if (renderIntervalId !== undefined) { clearInterval(renderIntervalId); renderIntervalId = undefined; } }; const resetSplit = function() { buzz(); if (layout.resetSplit.label === "Reset") { reset(); } else { split(); } }; const reset = function() { layout.startStop.label = "Start"; layout.resetSplit.label = "Reset"; layout.split.label = ""; layout.prevSplit.label = ""; startTime = undefined; stopTime = undefined; subtotal = 0; currentSplitNumber = 1; splitStartTime = undefined; splitSubtotal = 0; updateStopwatch(); }; const split = function() { const splitTime = - splitStartTime + splitSubtotal; layout.prevSplit.label = "#" + currentSplitNumber + " " + getTime(splitTime); splitStartTime =; splitSubtotal = 0; currentSplitNumber++; updateStopwatch(); }; const updateStopwatch = function() { let elapsedTime; if (startTime === undefined) { elapsedTime = 0; } else { elapsedTime = - startTime + subtotal; } layout.time.label = getTime(elapsedTime); if (splitStartTime !== undefined) { const splitTime = - splitStartTime + splitSubtotal; layout.split.label = "#" + currentSplitNumber + " " + getTime(splitTime); } layout.render(); // layout.debug(); }; updateStopwatch();