const storage = require("Storage"); const settings = require("Storage").readJSON("followtherecipe.json"); const locale = require('locale'); var ENV = process.env; var W = g.getWidth(), H = g.getHeight(); var screen = 0; var Layout = require("Layout"); let maxLenghtHorizontal = 16; let maxLenghtvertical = 6; let uri = ""; var colors = {0: "#70f", 1:"#70d", 2: "#70g", 3: "#20f", 4: "#30f"}; var screens = []; function drawData(name, value, y){ g.drawString(name, 10, y); g.drawString(value, 100, y); } function drawInfo() { g.reset().clearRect(Bangle.appRect); var h=18, y = h; // Header g.drawLine(0,25,W,25); g.drawLine(0,26,W,26); // Info body depending on screen g.setFont("Vector",15).setFontAlign(-1,-1).setColor("#0ff"); screens[screen].items.forEach(function (item, index){ g.setColor(colors[index]); drawData(,, y+=h); }); // Bottom g.setColor(g.theme.fg); g.drawLine(0,H-h-3,W,H-h-3); g.drawLine(0,H-h-2,W,H-h-2); g.setFont("Vector",h-2).setFontAlign(-1,-1); g.drawString(screens[screen].name, 2, H-h+2); g.setFont("Vector",h-2).setFontAlign(1,-1); g.drawString((screen+1) + "/" + screens.length, W, H-h+2); } // Change page if user touch the left or the right of the screen Bangle.on('touch', function(btn, e){ var left = parseInt(g.getWidth() * 0.3); var right = g.getWidth() - left; var isLeft = e.x < left; var isRight = e.x > right; if(isRight){ screen = (screen + 1) % screens.length; } if(isLeft){ screen -= 1; screen = screen < 0 ? screens.length-1 : screen; }, 0.6); drawInfo(); }); function infoIngredients(ingredients, measures){ let combinedList = []; let listOfString = []; let lineBreaks = 0; // Iterate through the arrays and combine the ingredients and measures for (let i = 0; i < ingredients.length; i++) { const combinedString = `${ingredients[i]}: ${measures[i]}`; lineBreaks += 1; // Check if the line is more than 16 characters if (combinedString.length > maxLenghtHorizontal) { // Add line break and update lineBreaks counter combinedList.push(`${ingredients[i]}:\n${measures[i]}`); lineBreaks += 1; } else { // Add to the combinedList array combinedList.push(combinedString); } // Check the total line breaks if (lineBreaks >= maxLenghtvertical) { const resultString = combinedList.join('\n'); listOfString.push(resultString); combinedList = []; lineBreaks = 0; } if(i == ingredients.length){ listOfString.push(combinedList.join('\n')); } } for(let i = 0; i < listOfString.length; i++){ let screen = { name: "Ingredients", items: [ {name: listOfString[i], fun: ""}, ] }; screens.push(screen); } } // Format instructions to display on screen function infoInstructions(instructionsString){ let item = []; let chunkSize = 22; //remove all space line and other to avoid problem with text instructionsString = instructionsString.replace(/[\n\r]/g, ''); for (let i = 0; i < instructionsString.length; i += chunkSize) { const chunk = instructionsString.substring(i, i + chunkSize).trim(); item.push({ name: chunk, fun: "" }); if (item.length === maxLenghtvertical) { let screen = { name: "Instructions", items: item, }; screens.push(screen); item = []; } } if (item.length > 0) { let screen = { name: "Instructions", items: item, }; screens.push(screen); } } // Get json format and parse it into Strings function getRecipeData(data) { let mealName = data.strMeal; let category = data.strCategory; let area = data.strArea; let instructions = data.strInstructions; const ingredients = []; const measures = []; for (let i = 1; i <= 20; i++) { const ingredient = data["strIngredient" + i]; const measure = data["strMeasure" + i]; if (ingredient && ingredient.trim() !== "") { ingredients.push(ingredient); if (measure && measure.trim() !== ""){ measures.push(measure); }else{ measures.push("¯\\_(ツ)_/¯"); } } else { // If no more ingredients are found screens = [ { name: "General", items: [ {name: mealName, fun: ""}, {name: "", fun: ""}, {name: "Category", fun: category}, {name: "", fun: ""}, {name: "Area: ", fun: area}, ] } ]; infoIngredients(ingredients, measures); infoInstructions(instructions); drawInfo(); break; } } } function jsonData(){ let json = '{"meals":[{"idMeal":"52771","strMeal":"Spicy Arrabiata Penne","strDrinkAlternate":null,"strCategory":"Vegetarian","strArea":"Italian","strInstructions":"Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add kosher salt to the boiling water, then add the pasta. Cook according to the package instructions, about 9 minutes.\\r\\nIn a large skillet over medium-high heat, add the olive oil and heat until the oil starts to shimmer. Add the garlic and cook, stirring, until fragrant, 1 to 2 minutes. Add the chopped tomatoes, red chile flakes, Italian seasoning and salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and add the chopped basil.\\r\\nDrain the pasta and add it to the sauce. Garnish with Parmigiano-Reggiano flakes and more basil and serve warm.","strMealThumb":"","strTags":"Pasta,Curry","strYoutube":"","strIngredient1":"penne rigate","strIngredient2":"olive oil","strIngredient3":"garlic","strIngredient4":"chopped tomatoes","strIngredient5":"red chile flakes","strIngredient6":"italian seasoning","strIngredient7":"basil","strIngredient8":"Parmigiano-Reggiano","strIngredient9":"","strIngredient10":"","strIngredient11":"","strIngredient12":"","strIngredient13":"","strIngredient14":"","strIngredient15":"","strIngredient16":null,"strIngredient17":null,"strIngredient18":null,"strIngredient19":null,"strIngredient20":null,"strMeasure1":"1 pound","strMeasure2":"1/4 cup","strMeasure3":"3 cloves","strMeasure4":"1 tin ","strMeasure5":"1/2 teaspoon","strMeasure6":"1/2 teaspoon","strMeasure7":"6 leaves","strMeasure8":"spinkling","strMeasure9":"","strMeasure10":"","strMeasure11":"","strMeasure12":"","strMeasure13":"","strMeasure14":"","strMeasure15":"","strMeasure16":null,"strMeasure17":null,"strMeasure18":null,"strMeasure19":null,"strMeasure20":null,"strSource":null,"strImageSource":null,"strCreativeCommonsConfirmed":null,"dateModified":null}]}'; if(settings != null){ json = JSON.stringify({ meals: [settings] }); } const obj = JSON.parse(json); getRecipeData(obj.meals[0]); } function initData(retryCount) { if (!Bangle.http) { console.log("No http method found"); jsonData(); return; } jsonData(); Bangle.http(uri, { timeout: 1000 }) .then(event => { try { const obj = JSON.parse(event.resp); if (obj.meals && obj.meals.length > 0) { getRecipeData(obj.meals[0]); } else { console.log("Invalid JSON structure: meals array is missing or empty"); } } catch (error) { console.log("JSON Parse Error: " + error.message); } }) .catch(e => { console.log("Request Error:", e); if (e === "Timeout" && retryCount > 0) { setTimeout(() => initData(retryCount - 1), 1000); // Optional: Add a delay before retrying }else{ jsonData(); } }); } initData(3); Bangle.on('lock', function(isLocked) { drawInfo(); }); Bangle.loadWidgets(); Bangle.drawWidgets();