(function(back) { // define settings filename var filename = "sleeplog.json"; // define logging prompt display status var thresholdsPrompt = true; // define default vaules var defaults = { // main settings enabled: true, // en-/disable completely // threshold settings maxAwake: 36E5, // [ms] maximal awake time to count for consecutive sleep minConsec: 18E5, // [ms] minimal time to count for consecutive sleep deepTh: 100, // threshold for deep sleep lightTh: 200, // threshold for light sleep // app settings breakToD: 12, // [h] time of day when to start/end graphs appTimeout: 0 // lock and backlight timeouts for the app }; // assign loaded settings to default values var settings = Object.assign(defaults, require("Storage").readJSON(filename, true) || {}); // write change to storage function writeSetting() { require("Storage").writeJSON(filename, settings); } // plot a debug file function plotDebug(filename) { // handle swipe events function swipeHandler(x, y) { if (x) { start -= x; if (start < 0 || maxStart && start > maxStart) { start = start < 0 ? 0 : maxStart; } else { drawGraph(); } } else { minMove += y * 10; if (minMove < 0 || minMove > 300) { minMove = minMove < 0 ? 0 : 300; } else { drawGraph(); } } } // handle touch events function touchHandler() { invert = !invert; drawGraph(); } // read required entries function readEntries(count) { // extract usabble data from line function extract(line) { if (!line) return; line = line.trim().split(","); return [Math.round((parseFloat(line[0]) - 25569) * 144), parseInt(line[1])]; } // open debug file var file = require("Storage").open(filename, "r"); // skip title file.readLine(); // skip past entries for (var i = 0; i < start * count; i++) { file.readLine(); } // define data with first entry var data = [extract(file.readLine())]; // get start time in 10min steps var start10min = data[0][0]; // read first required entry var line = extract(file.readLine()); // read next count entries from file while (data.length < count) { // check if line is immediately after the last entry if (line[0] === start10min + data.length) { // add line to data data.push(line); // read new line line = extract(file.readLine()); // stop if no more data available if (!line) break; } else { // add line with unknown movement data.push([start10min + data.length, 0]); } } // free ram file = undefined // set this start as max, if less entries than expected if (data.length < count) maxStart = start; return data; } // draw graph at starting point function drawGraph() { // set correct or inverted drawing function rect(fill, x0, y0, x1, y1) { if (fill ^ invert) { g.fillRect(x0, y0, x1, y1); } else { g.clearRect(x0, y0, x1, y1); } } // set witdh var width = g.getWidth(); // calculate entries to display (+ set width zero based) var count = (width--) / 4; // read required entries var data = readEntries(count); // clear app area g.reset().clearRect(0, width - 13, width, width); rect(false, 0, 24, width, width - 14); // draw x axis g.drawLine(0, width - 13, width, width - 13); // draw x label data.forEach((e, i) => { var startTime = new Date(e[0] * 6E5); if (startTime.getMinutes() === 0) { g.fillRect(4 * i, width - 12, 4 * i, width - 9); g.setFontAlign(-1, -1).setFont("6x8") .drawString(startTime.getHours(), 4 * i + 1, width - 8); } else if (startTime.getMinutes() === 30) { g.fillRect(4 * i, width - 12, 4 * i, width - 11); } }); // calculate max height var height = width - 38; // cycle through entries data.forEach((e, i) => { // check if movement available if (e[1]) { // set color depending on recognised status var color = e[1] < deepTh ? 31 : e[1] < lightTh ? 2047 : 2016; // correct according to min movement e[1] -= minMove; // keep movement in bounderies e[1] = e[1] < 0 ? 0 : e[1] > height ? height : e[1]; // draw line and rectangle g.reset(); rect(true, 4 * i, width - 14, 4 * i, width - 14 - e[1]); g.setColor(color).fillRect(4 * i + 1, width - 14, 4 * i + 3, width - 14 - e[1]); } else { // draw error in red g.setColor(63488).fillRect(4 * i, width - 14, 4 * i, width - 14 - height); } }); // draw threshold lines [deepTh, lightTh].forEach(th => { th -= minMove; if (th > 0 && th < height) { // draw line g.reset(); rect(true, 0, width - 14 - th, width, width - 14 - th); // draw value above or below line var yAlign = th < height / 2 ? -1 : 1; if (invert) g.setColor(1); g.setFontAlign(1, yAlign).setFont("6x8") .drawString(th + minMove, width - 2, width - 13 - th + 10 * yAlign); } }); // free ram data = undefined; } // get thresholds var deepTh = global.sleeplog ? sleeplog.conf.deepTh : defaults.deepTh; var lightTh = global.sleeplog ? sleeplog.conf.lightTh : defaults.lightTh; // set lowest movement displayed var minMove = deepTh - 20; // set start point var start = 0; // define max start point value var maxStart = 0; // define inverted color status var invert = false; // setup UI Bangle.setUI({ mode: "custom", back: selectDebug, touch: touchHandler, swipe: swipeHandler }); // first draw drawGraph(start); } // select a debug logfile function selectDebug() { // load debug files var files = require("Storage").list(/^sleeplog_\d\d\d\d\d\d\.csv$/, {sf:true}); // check if no files found if (!files.length) { // show prompt E.showPrompt( /*LANG*/"No debug files found.", { title: /*LANG*/"Debug log", buttons: { /*LANG*/"Back": 0 } }).then(showDebug); } else { // prepare scroller const H = 40; var menuIcon = "\0\f\f\x81\0\xFF\xFF\xFF\0\0\0\0\x0F\xFF\xFF\xF0\0\0\0\0\xFF\xFF\xFF"; // show scroller E.showScroller({ h: H, c: files.length, back: showDebug, scrollMin : -24, scroll : -24, // title is 24px, rendered at -1 draw : (idx, r) => { if (idx < 0) { return g.setFont("12x20").setFontAlign(-1,0).drawString(menuIcon + " Select file", r.x + 12, r.y + H - 12); } else { g.setColor(g.theme.bg2).fillRect({x: r.x + 4, y: r.y + 2, w: r.w - 8, h: r.h - 4, r: 5}); var name = new Date(parseInt(files[idx].match(/\d\d\d\d\d\d/)[0]) * 36E5); name = name.toString().slice(0, -12).split(" ").filter((e, i) => i !== 3).join(" "); g.setColor(g.theme.fg2).setFont("12x20").setFontAlign(-1, 0).drawString(name, r.x + 12, r.y + H / 2); } }, select: (idx) => plotDebug(files[idx]) }); } } // show menu or promt to change debugging function showDebug() { // check if sleeplog is available if (global.sleeplog) { // get debug status, file and duration var enabled = !!sleeplog.debug; var file = typeof sleeplog.debug === "object"; var duration = 0; // setup debugging menu var debugMenu = { "": { title: /*LANG*/"Debugging" }, /*LANG*/"< Back": () => { // check if some value has changed if (enabled !== !!sleeplog.debug || file !== (typeof sleeplog.debug === "object") || duration) require("sleeplog").setDebug(enabled, file ? duration || 12 : undefined); // redraw main menu showMain(7); }, /*LANG*/"View log": () => selectDebug(), /*LANG*/"Enable": { value: enabled, onchange: v => enabled = v }, /*LANG*/"write File": { value: file, onchange: v => file = v }, /*LANG*/"Duration": { value: file ? (sleeplog.debug.writeUntil - Date.now()) / 36E5 | 0 : 12, min: 1, max: 96, wrap: true, format: v => v + /*LANG*/ "h", onchange: v => duration = v }, /*LANG*/"Cancel": () => showMain(7), }; // show menu var menu = E.showMenu(debugMenu); } else { // show error prompt E.showPrompt("Sleeplog" + /*LANG*/"not enabled!", { title: /*LANG*/"Debugging", buttons: { /*LANG*/"Back": 7 } }).then(showMain); } } // show menu to change thresholds function showThresholds() { // setup logging menu var menu; var thresholdsMenu = { "": { title: /*LANG*/"Thresholds" }, /*LANG*/"< Back": () => showMain(2), /*LANG*/"Max Awake": { value: settings.maxAwake / 6E4, step: 10, min: 10, max: 120, wrap: true, noList: true, format: v => v + /*LANG*/"min", onchange: v => { settings.maxAwake = v * 6E4; writeSetting(); } }, /*LANG*/"Min Consecutive": { value: settings.minConsec / 6E4, step: 10, min: 10, max: 120, wrap: true, noList: true, format: v => v + /*LANG*/"min", onchange: v => { settings.minConsec = v * 6E4; writeSetting(); } }, /*LANG*/"Deep Sleep": { value: settings.deepTh, step: 1, min: 30, max: 200, wrap: true, noList: true, onchange: v => { settings.deepTh = v; writeSetting(); } }, /*LANG*/"Light Sleep": { value: settings.lightTh, step: 10, min: 100, max: 400, wrap: true, noList: true, onchange: v => { settings.lightTh = v; writeSetting(); } }, /*LANG*/"Reset to Default": () => { settings.maxAwake = defaults.maxAwake; settings.minConsec = defaults.minConsec; settings.deepTh = defaults.deepTh; settings.lightTh = defaults.lightTh; writeSetting(); showThresholds(); } }; // display info/warning prompt or menu if (thresholdsPrompt) { thresholdsPrompt = false; E.showPrompt("Changes take affect from now on, not retrospective", { title: /*LANG*/"Thresholds", buttons: { /*LANG*/"Ok": 0 } }).then(() => menu = E.showMenu(thresholdsMenu)); } else { menu = E.showMenu(thresholdsMenu); } } // show main menu function showMain(selected) { // set debug image var debugImg = !global.sleeplog ? "FBSBAOAAfwAP+AH3wD4+B8Hw+A+fAH/gA/wAH4AB+AA/wAf+APnwHw+D4Hx8A++AH/AA/gAH" : // X typeof sleeplog.debug === "object" ? "FBSBAB/4AQDAF+4BfvAX74F+CBf+gX/oFJKBf+gUkoF/6BSSgX/oFJ6Bf+gX/oF/6BAAgf/4" : // file sleeplog.debug ? "FBSBAP//+f/V///4AAGAABkAAZgAGcABjgAYcAGDgBhwAY4AGcABmH+ZB/mAABgAAYAAH///" : // console 0; // off debugImg = debugImg ? "\0" + atob(debugImg) : false; // set menu var mainMenu = { "": { title: "Sleep Log", selected: selected }, /*LANG*/"< Back": () => back(), /*LANG*/"Thresholds": () => showThresholds(), /*LANG*/"Break ToD": { value: settings.breakToD, step: 1, min: 0, max: 23, wrap: true, noList: true, format: v => v + ":00", onchange: v => { settings.breakToD = v; writeSetting(); } }, /*LANG*/"App Timeout": { value: settings.appTimeout / 1E3, step: 10, min: 0, max: 120, wrap: true, noList: true, format: v => v ? v + "s" : "-", onchange: v => { settings.appTimeout = v * 1E3; writeSetting(); } }, /*LANG*/"Enabled": { value: settings.enabled, onchange: v => { settings.enabled = v; require("sleeplog").setEnabled(v); } }, /*LANG*/"Debugging": { value: debugImg, onchange: () => setTimeout(showDebug, 10) } }; var menu = E.showMenu(mainMenu); } // draw main menu showMain(); })