// ble-scanner // Scan the airwaves every three seconds (which seems safe for a large number of devices) // Using the menu feature, display a scrollable list of BLE devices on the watch // Dummy menu item to display until we find something const NODEVICE = 'No devices found'; const SCAN_INTERVAL = 3000; const menu = { }; menu[NODEVICE] = { value : "", onchange : () => {} }; function draw() { Bangle.menu(menu); } function scan() { NRF.findDevices(devices => { for (let device of devices) { // Only display devices that advertise a name if (device.name) { // Remove no devices found message if it is present if (menu[NODEVICE]) { delete menu[NODEVICE]; } menu[device.name] = { value : device.rssi, onchange : () => {} }; } } draw(); }, { active: true }); } function waitMessage() { E.showMessage('scanning'); } scan(); waitMessage(); setInterval(scan, SCAN_INTERVAL);