// Type definitions for Espruino latest // Project: http://www.espruino.com/, https://github.com/espruino/espruinotools// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped /// // TYPES /** * Menu item that holds a boolean value. */ type MenuBooleanItem = { value: boolean; format?: (value: boolean) => string; onchange?: (value: boolean) => void; }; /** * Menu item that holds a numerical value. */ type MenuNumberItem = { value: number; format?: (value: number) => string; onchange?: (value: number) => void; step?: number; min?: number; max?: number; wrap?: boolean; }; /** * Options passed to a menu. */ type MenuOptions = { title?: string; back?: () => void; selected?: number; fontHeight?: number; scroll?: number; x?: number; y?: number; x2?: number; y2?: number; cB?: number; cF?: number; cHB?: number; cHF?: number; predraw?: (g: Graphics) => void; preflip?: (g: Graphics, less: boolean, more: boolean) => void; }; /** * Object containing data about a menu to pass to `E.showMenu`. */ type Menu = { ""?: MenuOptions; [key: string]: | MenuOptions | (() => void) | MenuBooleanItem | MenuNumberItem | { value: string; onchange?: () => void } | undefined; }; /** * Menu instance. */ type MenuInstance = { draw: () => void; move: (n: number) => void; select: () => void; }; declare const BTN1: Pin; declare const BTN2: Pin; declare const BTN3: Pin; declare const BTN4: Pin; declare const BTN5: Pin; declare const g: Graphics; type WidgetArea = "tl" | "tr" | "bl" | "br"; type Widget = { area: WidgetArea; width: number; draw: (this: { x: number; y: number }) => void; }; declare const WIDGETS: { [key: string]: Widget }; type AccelData = { x: number; y: number; z: number; diff: number; mag: number; }; type HealthStatus = { movement: number; steps: number; bpm: number; bpmConfidence: number; }; type CompassData = { x: number; y: number; z: number; dx: number; dy: number; dz: number; heading: number; }; type GPSFix = { lat: number; lon: number; alt: number; speed: number; course: number; time: Date; satellites: number; fix: number; hdop: number }; type PressureData = { temperature: number; pressure: number; altitude: number; } type TapAxis = -2 | -1 | 0 | 1 | 2; type SwipeCallback = (directionLR: -1 | 0 | 1, directionUD?: -1 | 0 | 1) => void; type TouchCallback = (button: number, xy?: { x: number, y: number }) => void; type DragCallback = (event: { x: number; y: number; dx: number; dy: number; b: 1 | 0; }) => void; type LCDMode = | "direct" | "doublebuffered" | "120x120" | "80x80" type BangleOptions = { wakeOnBTN1: boolean; wakeOnBTN2: boolean; wakeOnBTN3: boolean; wakeOnFaceUp: boolean; wakeOnTouch: boolean; wakeOnTwist: boolean; twistThreshold: number; twistMaxY: number; twistTimeout: number; gestureStartThresh: number; gestureEndThresh: number; gestureInactiveCount: number; gestureMinLength: number; powerSave: boolean; lockTimeout: number; lcdPowerTimeout: number; backlightTimeout: number; btnLoadTimeout: number; }; type NRFFilters = { services?: string[]; name?: string; namePrefix?: string; id?: string; serviceData?: object; manufacturerData?: object; }; type ImageObject = { width: number; height: number; bpp?: number; buffer: ArrayBuffer | string; transparent?: number; palette?: Uint16Array; }; type Image = string | ImageObject | ArrayBuffer | Graphics; type ColorResolvable = number | `#${string}`; type FontName = | "4x4" | "4x4Numeric" | "4x5" | "4x5Numeric" | "4x8Numeric" | "5x7Numeric7Seg" | "5x9Numeric7Seg" | "6x8" | "6x12" | "7x11Numeric7Seg" | "8x12" | "8x16" | "Dennis8" | "Cherry6x10" | "Copasectic40x58Numeric" | "Dylex7x13" | "HaxorNarrow7x17" | "Sinclair" | "Teletext10x18Mode7" | "Teletext5x9Ascii" | "Teletext5x9Mode7" | "Vector"; type FontNameWithScaleFactor = | FontName | `${FontName}:${number}` | `${FontName}:${number}x${number}`; type Theme = { fg: number; bg: number; fg2: number; bg2: number; fgH: number; bgH: number; dark: boolean; }; type PinMode = | "analog" | "input" | "input_pullup" | "input_pulldown" | "output" | "opendrain" | "af_output" | "af_opendrain"; interface ArrayLike { readonly length: number; readonly [n: number]: T; } type ErrorFlag = | "FIFO_FULL" | "BUFFER_FULL" | "CALLBACK" | "LOW_MEMORY" | "MEMORY" | "UART_OVERFLOW"; type Flag = | "deepSleep" | "pretokenise" | "unsafeFlash" | "unsyncFiles"; type Uint8ArrayResolvable = | number | string | Uint8ArrayResolvable[] | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView | { data: Uint8ArrayResolvable, count: number } | { callback: () => Uint8ArrayResolvable } type VariableSizeInformation = { name: string; size: number; more?: VariableSizeInformation; }; // CLASSES /** * A class to support some simple Queue handling for RTOS queues * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Queue */ declare class Queue { /** * Creates a Queue Object * @constructor * * @param {any} queueName - Name of the queue * @returns {any} A Queue object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Queue_Queue */ static new(queueName: any): any; /** * reads one character from queue, if available * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Queue_read */ read(): void; /** * Writes one character to queue * * @param {any} char - char to be send * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Queue_writeChar */ writeChar(char: any): void; /** * logs list of queues * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Queue_log */ log(): void; } /** * A class to support some simple Task handling for RTOS tasks * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Task */ declare class Task { /** * Creates a Task Object * @constructor * * @param {any} taskName - Name of the task * @returns {any} A Task object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Task_Task */ static new(taskName: any): any; /** * Suspend task, be careful not to suspend Espruino task itself * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Task_suspend */ suspend(): void; /** * Resumes a suspended task * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Task_resume */ resume(): void; /** * returns name of actual task * @returns {any} Name of current task * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Task_getCurrent */ getCurrent(): any; /** * Sends a binary notify to task * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Task_notify */ notify(): void; /** * logs list of tasks * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Task_log */ log(): void; } /** * A class to handle Timer on base of ESP32 Timer * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Timer */ declare class Timer { /** * Creates a Timer Object * @constructor * * @param {any} timerName - Timer Name * @param {number} group - Timer group * @param {number} index - Timer index * @param {number} isrIndex - isr (0 = Espruino, 1 = test) * @returns {any} A Timer Object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Timer_Timer */ static new(timerName: any, group: number, index: number, isrIndex: number): any; /** * Starts a timer * * @param {number} duration - duration of timmer in micro secs * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Timer_start */ start(duration: number): void; /** * Reschedules a timer, needs to be started at least once * * @param {number} duration - duration of timmer in micro secs * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Timer_reschedule */ reschedule(duration: number): void; /** * logs list of timers * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Timer_log */ log(): void; } /** * Class containing utility functions for the * [ESP32](http://www.espruino.com/ESP32) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#ESP32 */ declare class ESP32 { /** * * @param {Pin} pin - Pin for Analog read * @param {number} atten - Attenuate factor * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP32_setAtten */ static setAtten(pin: Pin, atten: number): void; /** * Perform a hardware reset/reboot of the ESP32. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP32_reboot */ static reboot(): void; /** * Put device in deepsleep state for "us" microseconds. * * @param {number} us - Sleeptime in us * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP32_deepSleep */ static deepSleep(us: number): void; /** * Returns an object that contains details about the state of the ESP32 with the * following fields: * * `sdkVersion` - Version of the SDK. * * `freeHeap` - Amount of free heap in bytes. * * `BLE` - Status of BLE, enabled if true. * * `Wifi` - Status of Wifi, enabled if true. * * `minHeap` - Minimum heap, calculated by heap_caps_get_minimum_free_size * @returns {any} The state of the ESP32 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP32_getState */ static getState(): any; /** * * @param {number} level - which events should be shown (GAP=1, GATTS=2, GATTC=4). Use 255 for everything * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP32_setBLE_Debug */ static setBLE_Debug(level: number): void; /** * Switches Bluetooth off/on, removes saved code from Flash, resets the board, and * on restart creates jsVars depending on available heap (actual additional 1800) * * @param {boolean} enable - switches Bluetooth on or off * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP32_enableBLE */ static enableBLE(enable: boolean): void; /** * Switches Wifi off/on, removes saved code from Flash, resets the board, and on * restart creates jsVars depending on available heap (actual additional 3900) * * @param {boolean} enable - switches Wifi on or off * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP32_enableWifi */ static enableWifi(enable: boolean): void; /** * This function is useful for ESP32 [OTA Updates](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/api-reference/system/ota.html) * Normally Espruino is uploaded to the `factory` partition so this isn't so useful, * but it is possible to upload Espruino to the `ota_0` partition (or ota_1 if a different table has been added). * If this is the case, you can use this function to mark the currently running version of Espruino as good or bad. * * If set as valid, Espruino will continue running, and the fact that everything is ok is written to flash * * If set as invalid (false) Espruino will mark itself as not working properly and will reboot. The ESP32 bootloader * will then start and will load any other partition it can find that is marked as ok. * * @param {boolean} isValid - Set whether this app is valid or not. If `isValid==false` the device will reboot. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP32_setOTAValid */ static setOTAValid(isValid: boolean): void; } /** * This is a built-in class to allow you to use the ESP8266 NodeMCU boards' pin * namings to access pins. It is only available on ESP8266-based boards. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#NodeMCU */ declare class NodeMCU { /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NodeMCU_A0 */ static A0: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NodeMCU_D0 */ static D0: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NodeMCU_D1 */ static D1: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NodeMCU_D2 */ static D2: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NodeMCU_D3 */ static D3: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NodeMCU_D4 */ static D4: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NodeMCU_D5 */ static D5: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NodeMCU_D6 */ static D6: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NodeMCU_D7 */ static D7: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NodeMCU_D8 */ static D8: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NodeMCU_D9 */ static D9: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NodeMCU_D10 */ static D10: Pin; } /** * This is the built-in class for the Arduino-style pin namings on ST Nucleo boards * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Nucleo */ declare class Nucleo { /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Nucleo_A0 */ static A0: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Nucleo_A1 */ static A1: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Nucleo_A2 */ static A2: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Nucleo_A3 */ static A3: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Nucleo_A4 */ static A4: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Nucleo_A5 */ static A5: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Nucleo_D0 */ static D0: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Nucleo_D1 */ static D1: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Nucleo_D2 */ static D2: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Nucleo_D3 */ static D3: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Nucleo_D4 */ static D4: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Nucleo_D5 */ static D5: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Nucleo_D6 */ static D6: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Nucleo_D7 */ static D7: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Nucleo_D8 */ static D8: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Nucleo_D9 */ static D9: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Nucleo_D10 */ static D10: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Nucleo_D11 */ static D11: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Nucleo_D12 */ static D12: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Nucleo_D13 */ static D13: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Nucleo_D14 */ static D14: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Nucleo_D15 */ static D15: Pin; } /** * The NRF class is for controlling functionality of the Nordic nRF51/nRF52 chips. * Most functionality is related to Bluetooth Low Energy, however there are also * some functions related to NFC that apply to NRF52-based devices. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#NRF */ declare class NRF { /** * @returns {any} An object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_getSecurityStatus */ static getSecurityStatus(): any; /** * @returns {any} An object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_getAddress */ static getAddress(): any; /** * * @param {any} data - The service (and characteristics) to advertise * @param {any} options - Optional object containing options * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_setServices */ static setServices(data: any, options: any): void; /** * * @param {any} data - The data to advertise as an object - see below for more info * @param {any} [options] - [optional] An object of options * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_setAdvertising */ static setAdvertising(data: any, options?: any): void; /** * Called when a host device connects to Espruino. The first argument contains the * address. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(addr: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `addr` The address of the device that has connected * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_connect */ static on(event: "connect", callback: (addr: any) => void): void; /** * Called when a host device disconnects from Espruino. * The most common reason is: * * 19 - `REMOTE_USER_TERMINATED_CONNECTION` * * 22 - `LOCAL_HOST_TERMINATED_CONNECTION` * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(reason: number) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `reason` The reason code reported back by the BLE stack - see Nordic's [`ble_hci.h` file](https://github.com/espruino/Espruino/blob/master/targetlibs/nrf5x_12/components/softdevice/s132/headers/ble_hci.h#L71) for more information * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_disconnect */ static on(event: "disconnect", callback: (reason: number) => void): void; /** * Contains updates on the security of the current Bluetooth link. * See Nordic's `ble_gap_evt_auth_status_t` structure for more information. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(status: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `status` An object containing `{auth_status,bonded,lv4,kdist_own,kdist_peer} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_security */ static on(event: "security", callback: (status: any) => void): void; /** * Called with a single byte value when Espruino is set up as a HID device and the * computer it is connected to sends a HID report back to Espruino. This is usually * used for handling indications such as the Caps Lock LED. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_HID */ static on(event: "HID", callback: () => void): void; /** * Called with discovered services when discovery is finished * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_servicesDiscover */ static on(event: "servicesDiscover", callback: () => void): void; /** * Called with discovered characteristics when discovery is finished * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_characteristicsDiscover */ static on(event: "characteristicsDiscover", callback: () => void): void; /** * Called when an NFC field is detected * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_NFCon */ static on(event: "NFCon", callback: () => void): void; /** * Called when an NFC field is no longer detected * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_NFCoff */ static on(event: "NFCoff", callback: () => void): void; /** * When NFC is started with `NRF.nfcStart`, this is fired when NFC data is * received. It doesn't get called if NFC is started with `NRF.nfcURL` or * `NRF.nfcRaw` * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(arr: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `arr` An ArrayBuffer containign the received data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_NFCrx */ static on(event: "NFCrx", callback: (arr: any) => void): void; /** * If a device is connected to Espruino, disconnect from it. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_disconnect */ static disconnect(): void; /** * Disable Bluetooth advertising and disconnect from any device that connected to * Puck.js as a peripheral (this won't affect any devices that Puck.js initiated * connections to). * This makes Puck.js undiscoverable, so it can't be connected to. * Use `NRF.wake()` to wake up and make Puck.js connectable again. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_sleep */ static sleep(): void; /** * Enable Bluetooth advertising (this is enabled by default), which allows other * devices to discover and connect to Puck.js. * Use `NRF.sleep()` to disable advertising. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_wake */ static wake(): void; /** * Restart the Bluetooth softdevice (if there is currently a BLE connection, it * will queue a restart to be done when the connection closes). * You shouldn't need to call this function in normal usage. However, Nordic's BLE * softdevice has some settings that cannot be reset. For example there are only a * certain number of unique UUIDs. Once these are all used the only option is to * restart the softdevice to clear them all out. * * @param {any} [callback] - [optional] A function to be called while the softdevice is uninitialised. Use with caution - accessing console/bluetooth will almost certainly result in a crash. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_restart */ static restart(callback?: any): void; /** * Get this device's default Bluetooth MAC address. * For Puck.js, the last 5 characters of this (e.g. `ee:ff`) are used in the * device's advertised Bluetooth name. * @returns {any} MAC address - a string of the form 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff' * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_getAddress */ static getAddress(): any; /** * Set this device's default Bluetooth MAC address: * ``` * NRF.setAddress("ff:ee:dd:cc:bb:aa random"); * ``` * Addresses take the form: * * `"ff:ee:dd:cc:bb:aa"` or `"ff:ee:dd:cc:bb:aa public"` for a public address * * `"ff:ee:dd:cc:bb:aa random"` for a random static address (the default for * Espruino) * This may throw a `INVALID_BLE_ADDR` error if the upper two bits of the address * don't match the address type. * To change the address, Espruino must restart the softdevice. It will only do so * when it is disconnected from other devices. * * @param {any} addr - The address to use (as a string) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_setAddress */ static setAddress(addr: any): void; /** * Get the battery level in volts (the voltage that the NRF chip is running off * of). * This is the battery level of the device itself - it has nothing to with any * device that might be connected. * @returns {number} Battery level in volts * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_getBattery */ static getBattery(): number; /** * Change the data that Espruino advertises. * Data can be of the form `{ UUID : data_as_byte_array }`. The UUID should be a * [Bluetooth Service * ID](https://developer.bluetooth.org/gatt/services/Pages/ServicesHome.aspx). * For example to return battery level at 95%, do: * ``` * NRF.setAdvertising({ * 0x180F : [95] // Service data 0x180F = 95 * }); * ``` * Or you could report the current temperature: * ``` * setInterval(function() { * NRF.setAdvertising({ * 0x1809 : [Math.round(E.getTemperature())] * }); * }, 30000); * ``` * If you specify a value for the object key, Service Data is advertised. However * if you specify `undefined`, the Service UUID is advertised: * ``` * NRF.setAdvertising({ * 0x180D : undefined // Advertise service UUID 0x180D (HRM) * }); * ``` * Service UUIDs can also be supplied in the second argument of `NRF.setServices`, * but those go in the scan response packet. * You can also supply the raw advertising data in an array. For example to * advertise as an Eddystone beacon: * ``` * NRF.setAdvertising([0x03, // Length of Service List * 0x03, // Param: Service List * 0xAA, 0xFE, // Eddystone ID * 0x13, // Length of Service Data * 0x16, // Service Data * 0xAA, 0xFE, // Eddystone ID * 0x10, // Frame type: URL * 0xF8, // Power * 0x03, // https:// * 'g','o','o','.','g','l','/','B','3','J','0','O','c'], * {interval:100}); * ``` * (However for Eddystone we'd advise that you use the [Espruino Eddystone * library](/Puck.js+Eddystone)) * **Note:** When specifying data as an array, certain advertising options such as * `discoverable` and `showName` won't have any effect. * **Note:** The size of Bluetooth LE advertising packets is limited to 31 bytes. * If you want to advertise more data, consider using an array for `data` (See * below), or `NRF.setScanResponse`. * You can even specify an array of arrays or objects, in which case each * advertising packet will be used in turn - for instance to make your device * advertise battery level and its name as well as both Eddystone and iBeacon : * ``` * NRF.setAdvertising([ * {0x180F : [Puck.getBatteryPercentage()]}, // normal advertising, with battery % * require("ble_ibeacon").get(...), // iBeacon * require("ble_eddystone").get(...), // eddystone * ], {interval:300}); * ``` * `options` is an object, which can contain: * ``` * { * name: "Hello" // The name of the device * showName: true/false // include full name, or nothing * discoverable: true/false // general discoverable, or limited - default is limited * connectable: true/false // whether device is connectable - default is true * scannable : true/false // whether device can be scanned for scan response packets - default is true * interval: 600 // Advertising interval in msec, between 20 and 10000 (default is 375ms) * manufacturer: 0x0590 // IF sending manufacturer data, this is the manufacturer ID * manufacturerData: [...] // IF sending manufacturer data, this is an array of data * phy: "1mbps/2mbps/coded" // (NRF52840 only) use the long-range coded phy for transmission (1mbps default) * } * ``` * Setting `connectable` and `scannable` to false gives the lowest power * consumption as the BLE radio doesn't have to listen after sending advertising. * **NOTE:** Non-`connectable` advertising can't have an advertising interval less * than 100ms according to the BLE spec. * So for instance to set the name of Puck.js without advertising any other data * you can just use the command: * ``` * NRF.setAdvertising({},{name:"Hello"}); * ``` * You can also specify 'manufacturer data', which is another form of advertising * data. We've registered the Manufacturer ID 0x0590 (as Pur3 Ltd) for use with * *Official Espruino devices* - use it to advertise whatever data you'd like, but * we'd recommend using JSON. * For example by not advertising a device name you can send up to 24 bytes of JSON * on Espruino's manufacturer ID: * ``` * var data = {a:1,b:2}; * NRF.setAdvertising({},{ * showName:false, * manufacturer:0x0590, * manufacturerData:JSON.stringify(data) * }); * ``` * If you're using [EspruinoHub](https://github.com/espruino/EspruinoHub) then it * will automatically decode this into the following MQTT topics: * * `/ble/advertise/ma:c_:_a:dd:re:ss/espruino` -> `{"a":10,"b":15}` * * `/ble/advertise/ma:c_:_a:dd:re:ss/a` -> `1` * * `/ble/advertise/ma:c_:_a:dd:re:ss/b` -> `2` * Note that **you only have 24 characters available for JSON**, so try to use the * shortest field names possible and avoid floating point values that can be very * long when converted to a String. * * @param {any} data - The service data to advertise as an object - see below for more info * @param {any} [options] - [optional] Object of options * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_setAdvertising */ static setAdvertising(data: any, options?: any): void; /** * This is just like `NRF.setAdvertising`, except instead of advertising the data, * it returns the packet that would be advertised as an array. * * @param {any} data - The data to advertise as an object * @param {any} [options] - [optional] An object of options * @returns {any} An array containing the advertising data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_getAdvertisingData */ static getAdvertisingData(data: any, options?: any): any; /** * The raw scan response data should be supplied as an array. For example to return * "Sample" for the device name: * ``` * NRF.setScanResponse([0x07, // Length of Data * 0x09, // Param: Complete Local Name * 'S', 'a', 'm', 'p', 'l', 'e']); * ``` * **Note:** `NRF.setServices(..., {advertise:[ ... ]})` writes advertised services * into the scan response - so you can't use both `advertise` and `NRF.setServices` * or one will overwrite the other. * * @param {any} data - The data to for the scan response * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_setScanResponse */ static setScanResponse(data: any): void; /** * Change the services and characteristics Espruino advertises. * If you want to **change** the value of a characteristic, you need to use * `NRF.updateServices()` instead * To expose some information on Characteristic `ABCD` on service `BCDE` you could * do: * ``` * NRF.setServices({ * 0xBCDE : { * 0xABCD : { * value : "Hello", * readable : true * } * } * }); * ``` * Or to allow the 3 LEDs to be controlled by writing numbers 0 to 7 to a * characteristic, you can do the following. `evt.data` is an ArrayBuffer. * ``` * NRF.setServices({ * 0xBCDE : { * 0xABCD : { * writable : true, * onWrite : function(evt) { * digitalWrite([LED3,LED2,LED1], evt.data[0]); * } * } * } * }); * ``` * You can supply many different options: * ``` * NRF.setServices({ * 0xBCDE : { * 0xABCD : { * value : "Hello", // optional * maxLen : 5, // optional (otherwise is length of initial value) * broadcast : false, // optional, default is false * readable : true, // optional, default is false * writable : true, // optional, default is false * notify : true, // optional, default is false * indicate : true, // optional, default is false * description: "My Characteristic", // optional, default is null, * security: { // optional - see NRF.setSecurity * read: { // optional * encrypted: false, // optional, default is false * mitm: false, // optional, default is false * lesc: false, // optional, default is false * signed: false // optional, default is false * }, * write: { // optional * encrypted: true, // optional, default is false * mitm: false, // optional, default is false * lesc: false, // optional, default is false * signed: false // optional, default is false * } * }, * onWrite : function(evt) { // optional * console.log("Got ", evt.data); // an ArrayBuffer * }, * onWriteDesc : function(evt) { // optional - called when the 'cccd' descriptor is written * // for example this is called when notifications are requested by the client: * console.log("Notifications enabled = ", evt.data[0]&1); * } * } * // more characteristics allowed * } * // more services allowed * }); * ``` * **Note:** UUIDs can be integers between `0` and `0xFFFF`, strings of the form * `"ABCD"`, or strings of the form `"ABCDABCD-ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-ABCDABCDABCD"` * `options` can be of the form: * ``` * NRF.setServices(undefined, { * hid : new Uint8Array(...), // optional, default is undefined. Enable BLE HID support * uart : true, // optional, default is true. Enable BLE UART support * advertise: [ '180D' ] // optional, list of service UUIDs to advertise * ancs : true, // optional, Bangle.js-only, enable Apple ANCS support for notifications * ams : true // optional, Bangle.js-only, enable Apple AMS support for media control * }); * ``` * To enable BLE HID, you must set `hid` to an array which is the BLE report * descriptor. The easiest way to do this is to use the `ble_hid_controls` or * `ble_hid_keyboard` modules. * **Note:** Just creating a service doesn't mean that the service will be * advertised. It will only be available after a device connects. To advertise, * specify the UUIDs you wish to advertise in the `advertise` field of the second * `options` argument. For example this will create and advertise a heart rate * service: * ``` * NRF.setServices({ * 0x180D: { // heart_rate * 0x2A37: { // heart_rate_measurement * notify: true, * value : [0x06, heartrate], * } * } * }, { advertise: [ '180D' ] }); * ``` * You may specify 128 bit UUIDs to advertise, however you may get a `DATA_SIZE` * exception because there is insufficient space in the Bluetooth LE advertising * packet for the 128 bit UART UUID as well as the UUID you specified. In this case * you can add `uart:false` after the `advertise` element to disable the UART, * however you then be unable to connect to Puck.js's console via Bluetooth. * If you absolutely require two or more 128 bit UUIDs then you will have to * specify your own raw advertising data packets with `NRF.setAdvertising` * **Note:** The services on Espruino can only be modified when there is no device * connected to it as it requires a restart of the Bluetooth stack. **iOS devices * will 'cache' the list of services** so apps like NRF Connect may incorrectly * display the old services even after you have modified them. To fix this, disable * and re-enable Bluetooth on your iOS device, or use an Android device to run NRF * Connect. * **Note:** Not all combinations of security configuration values are valid, the * valid combinations are: encrypted, encrypted + mitm, lesc, signed, signed + * mitm. See `NRF.setSecurity` for more information. * * @param {any} data - The service (and characteristics) to advertise * @param {any} [options] - [optional] Object containing options * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_setServices */ static setServices(data: { [key: number]: { [key: number]: { value?: string, maxLen?: number, broadcast?: boolean, readable?: boolean, writable?: boolean, notify?: boolean, indicate?: boolean, description?: string, security?: { read?: { encrypted?: boolean, mitm?: boolean, lesc?: boolean, signed?: boolean }, write?: { encrypted?: boolean, mitm?: boolean, lesc?: boolean, signed?: boolean } }, onWrite?: (evt: { data: ArrayBuffer }) => void } } }, options?: any): void; /** * Update values for the services and characteristics Espruino advertises. Only * services and characteristics previously declared using `NRF.setServices` are * affected. * To update the '0xABCD' characteristic in the '0xBCDE' service: * ``` * NRF.updateServices({ * 0xBCDE : { * 0xABCD : { * value : "World" * } * } * }); * ``` * You can also use 128 bit UUIDs, for example * `"b7920001-3c1b-4b40-869f-3c0db9be80c6"`. * To define a service and characteristic and then notify connected clients of a * change to it when a button is pressed: * ``` * NRF.setServices({ * 0xBCDE : { * 0xABCD : { * value : "Hello", * maxLen : 20, * notify: true * } * } * }); * setWatch(function() { * NRF.updateServices({ * 0xBCDE : { * 0xABCD : { * value : "World!", * notify: true * } * } * }); * }, BTN, { repeat:true, edge:"rising", debounce: 50 }); * ``` * This only works if the characteristic was created with `notify: true` using * `NRF.setServices`, otherwise the characteristic will be updated but no * notification will be sent. * Also note that `maxLen` was specified. If it wasn't then the maximum length of * the characteristic would have been 5 - the length of `"Hello"`. * To indicate (i.e. notify with ACK) connected clients of a change to the '0xABCD' * characteristic in the '0xBCDE' service: * ``` * NRF.updateServices({ * 0xBCDE : { * 0xABCD : { * value : "World", * indicate: true * } * } * }); * ``` * This only works if the characteristic was created with `indicate: true` using * `NRF.setServices`, otherwise the characteristic will be updated but no * notification will be sent. * **Note:** See `NRF.setServices` for more information * * @param {any} data - The service (and characteristics) to update * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_updateServices */ static updateServices(data: any): void; /** * Start/stop listening for BLE advertising packets within range. Returns a * `BluetoothDevice` for each advertising packet. **By default this is not an active * scan, so Scan Response advertising data is not included (see below)** * ``` * // Start scanning * packets=10; * NRF.setScan(function(d) { * packets--; * if (packets<=0) * NRF.setScan(); // stop scanning * else * console.log(d); // print packet info * }); * ``` * Each `BluetoothDevice` will look a bit like: * ``` * BluetoothDevice { * "id": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", // address * "rssi": -89, // signal strength * "services": [ "128bit-uuid", ... ], // zero or more service UUIDs * "data": new Uint8Array([ ... ]).buffer, // ArrayBuffer of returned data * "serviceData" : { "0123" : [ 1 ] }, // if service data is in 'data', it's extracted here * "manufacturer" : 0x1234, // if manufacturer data is in 'data', the 16 bit manufacturer ID is extracted here * "manufacturerData" : new Uint8Array([...]).buffer, // if manufacturer data is in 'data', the data is extracted here as an ArrayBuffer * "name": "DeviceName" // the advertised device name * } * ``` * You can also supply a set of filters (as described in `NRF.requestDevice`) as a * second argument, which will allow you to filter the devices you get a callback * for. This helps to cut down on the time spent processing JavaScript code in * areas with a lot of Bluetooth advertisements. For example to find only devices * with the manufacturer data `0x0590` (Espruino's ID) you could do: * ``` * NRF.setScan(function(d) { * console.log(d.manufacturerData); * }, { filters: [{ manufacturerData:{0x0590:{}} }] }); * ``` * You can also specify `active:true` in the second argument to perform active * scanning (this requests scan response packets) from any devices it finds. * **Note:** Using a filter in `setScan` filters each advertising packet * individually. As a result, if you filter based on a service UUID and a device * advertises with multiple packets (or a scan response when `active:true`) only * the packets matching the filter are returned. To aggregate multiple packets you * can use `NRF.findDevices`. * **Note:** BLE advertising packets can arrive quickly - faster than you'll be * able to print them to the console. It's best only to print a few, or to use a * function like `NRF.findDevices(..)` which will collate a list of available * devices. * **Note:** Using setScan turns the radio's receive mode on constantly. This can * draw a *lot* of power (12mA or so), so you should use it sparingly or you can * run your battery down quickly. * * @param {any} callback - The callback to call with received advertising packets, or undefined to stop * @param {any} [options] - [optional] An object `{filters: ...}` (as would be passed to `NRF.requestDevice`) to filter devices by * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_setScan */ static setScan(callback: any, options?: any): void; /** * This function can be used to quickly filter through Bluetooth devices. * For instance if you wish to scan for multiple different types of device at the * same time then you could use `NRF.findDevices` with all the filters you're * interested in. When scanning is finished you can then use `NRF.filterDevices` to * pick out just the devices of interest. * ``` * // the two types of device we're interested in * var filter1 = [{serviceData:{"fe95":{}}}]; * var filter2 = [{namePrefix:"Pixl.js"}]; * // the following filter will return both types of device * var allFilters = filter1.concat(filter2); * // now scan for both types of device, and filter them out afterwards * NRF.findDevices(function(devices) { * var devices1 = NRF.filterDevices(devices, filter1); * var devices2 = NRF.filterDevices(devices, filter2); * // ... * }, {filters : allFilters}); * ``` * * @param {any} devices - An array of `BluetoothDevice` objects, from `NRF.findDevices` or similar * @param {any} filters - A list of filters (as would be passed to `NRF.requestDevice`) to filter devices by * @returns {any} An array of `BluetoothDevice` objects that match the given filters * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_filterDevices */ static filterDevices(devices: any, filters: any): any; /** * Utility function to return a list of BLE devices detected in range. Behind the * scenes, this uses `NRF.setScan(...)` and collates the results. * ``` * NRF.findDevices(function(devices) { * console.log(devices); * }, 1000); * ``` * prints something like: * ``` * [ * BluetoothDevice { * "id" : "e7:e0:57:ad:36:a2 random", * "rssi": -45, * "services": [ "4567" ], * "serviceData" : { "0123" : [ 1 ] }, * "manufacturer" : 1424, * "manufacturerData" : new Uint8Array([ ... ]).buffer, * "data": new ArrayBuffer([ ... ]).buffer, * "name": "Puck.js 36a2" * }, * BluetoothDevice { * "id": "c0:52:3f:50:42:c9 random", * "rssi": -65, * "data": new ArrayBuffer([ ... ]), * "name": "Puck.js 8f57" * } * ] * ``` * For more information on the structure returned, see `NRF.setScan`. * If you want to scan only for specific devices you can replace the timeout with * an object of the form `{filters: ..., timeout : ..., active: bool}` using the * filters described in `NRF.requestDevice`. For example to search for devices with * Espruino's `manufacturerData`: * ``` * NRF.findDevices(function(devices) { * ... * }, {timeout : 2000, filters : [{ manufacturerData:{0x0590:{}} }] }); * ``` * You could then use * [`BluetoothDevice.gatt.connect(...)`](/Reference#l_BluetoothRemoteGATTServer_connect) * on the device returned to make a connection. * You can also use [`NRF.connect(...)`](/Reference#l_NRF_connect) on just the `id` * string returned, which may be useful if you always want to connect to a specific * device. * **Note:** Using findDevices turns the radio's receive mode on for 2000ms (or * however long you specify). This can draw a *lot* of power (12mA or so), so you * should use it sparingly or you can run your battery down quickly. * **Note:** The 'data' field contains the data of *the last packet received*. * There may have been more packets. To get data for each packet individually use * `NRF.setScan` instead. * * @param {any} callback - The callback to call with received advertising packets (as `BluetoothDevice`), or undefined to stop * @param {any} [options] - [optional] A time in milliseconds to scan for (defaults to 2000), Or an optional object `{filters: ..., timeout : ..., active: bool}` (as would be passed to `NRF.requestDevice`) to filter devices by * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_findDevices */ static findDevices(callback: (devices: BluetoothDevice[]) => void, options?: number | { filters?: NRFFilters[], timeout?: number, active?: boolean }): void; /** * Start/stop listening for RSSI values on the currently active connection (where * This device is a peripheral and is being connected to by a 'central' device) * ``` * // Start scanning * NRF.setRSSIHandler(function(rssi) { * console.log(rssi); // prints -85 (or similar) * }); * // Stop Scanning * NRF.setRSSIHandler(); * ``` * RSSI is the 'Received Signal Strength Indication' in dBm * * @param {any} callback - The callback to call with the RSSI value, or undefined to stop * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_setRSSIHandler */ static setRSSIHandler(callback: any): void; /** * Set the BLE radio transmit power. The default TX power is 0 dBm, and * * @param {number} power - Transmit power. Accepted values are -40(nRF52 only), -30(nRF51 only), -20, -16, -12, -8, -4, 0, and 4 dBm. On nRF52840 (eg Bangle.js 2) 5/6/7/8 dBm are available too. Others will give an error code. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_setTxPower */ static setTxPower(power: number): void; /** * **THIS IS DEPRECATED** - please use `NRF.setConnectionInterval` for peripheral * and `NRF.connect(addr, options)`/`BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.connect(options)` * for central connections. * This sets the connection parameters - these affect the transfer speed and power * usage when the device is connected. * * When not low power, the connection interval is between 7.5 and 20ms * * When low power, the connection interval is between 500 and 1000ms * When low power connection is enabled, transfers of data over Bluetooth will be * very slow, however power usage while connected will be drastically decreased. * This will only take effect after the connection is disconnected and * re-established. * * @param {boolean} lowPower - Whether the connection is low power or not * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_setLowPowerConnection */ static setLowPowerConnection(lowPower: boolean): void; /** * Enables NFC and starts advertising the given URL. For example: * ``` * NRF.nfcURL("http://espruino.com"); * ``` * * @param {any} url - The URL string to expose on NFC, or `undefined` to disable NFC * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_nfcURL */ static nfcURL(url: any): void; /** * Enables NFC and with an out of band 16 byte pairing key. * For example the following will enable out of band pairing on BLE such that the * device will pair when you tap the phone against it: * ``` * var bleKey = [0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF, 0x99, 0x88, 0x77, 0x66, 0x55, 0x44, 0x33, 0x22, 0x11, 0x00]; * NRF.on('security',s=>print("security",JSON.stringify(s))); * NRF.nfcPair(bleKey); * NRF.setSecurity({oob:bleKey, mitm:true}); * ``` * * @param {any} key - 16 byte out of band key * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_nfcPair */ static nfcPair(key: any): void; /** * Enables NFC with a record that will launch the given android app. * For example: * ``` * NRF.nfcAndroidApp("no.nordicsemi.android.nrftoolbox") * ``` * * @param {any} app - The unique identifier of the given Android App * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_nfcAndroidApp */ static nfcAndroidApp(app: any): void; /** * Enables NFC and starts advertising with Raw data. For example: * ``` * NRF.nfcRaw(new Uint8Array([193, 1, 0, 0, 0, 13, 85, 3, 101, 115, 112, 114, 117, 105, 110, 111, 46, 99, 111, 109])); * // same as NRF.nfcURL("http://espruino.com"); * ``` * * @param {any} payload - The NFC NDEF message to deliver to the reader * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_nfcRaw */ static nfcRaw(payload: any): void; /** * **Advanced NFC Functionality.** If you just want to advertise a URL, use * `NRF.nfcURL` instead. * Enables NFC and starts advertising. `NFCrx` events will be fired when data is * received. * ``` * NRF.nfcStart(); * ``` * * @param {any} payload - Optional 7 byte UID * @returns {any} Internal tag memory (first 10 bytes of tag data) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_nfcStart */ static nfcStart(payload: any): any; /** * **Advanced NFC Functionality.** If you just want to advertise a URL, use * `NRF.nfcURL` instead. * Disables NFC. * ``` * NRF.nfcStop(); * ``` * * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_nfcStop */ static nfcStop(): void; /** * **Advanced NFC Functionality.** If you just want to advertise a URL, use * `NRF.nfcURL` instead. * Acknowledges the last frame and optionally transmits a response. If payload is * an array, then a array.length byte nfc frame is sent. If payload is a int, then * a 4bit ACK/NACK is sent. **Note:** ```nfcSend``` should always be called after * an ```NFCrx``` event. * ``` * NRF.nfcSend(new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x02, ...])); * // or * NRF.nfcSend(0x0A); * // or * NRF.nfcSend(); * ``` * * @param {any} payload - Optional tx data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_nfcSend */ static nfcSend(payload: any): void; /** * Send a USB HID report. HID must first be enabled with `NRF.setServices({}, {hid: * hid_report})` * * @param {any} data - Input report data as an array * @param {any} callback - A callback function to be called when the data is sent * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_sendHIDReport */ static sendHIDReport(data: any, callback: any): void; /** * Check if Apple Notification Center Service (ANCS) is currently active on the BLE * connection * * @returns {boolean} True if Apple Notification Center Service (ANCS) has been initialised and is active * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_ancsIsActive */ static ancsIsActive(): boolean; /** * Send an ANCS action for a specific Notification UID. Corresponds to * posaction/negaction in the 'ANCS' event that was received * * @param {number} uid - The UID of the notification to respond to * @param {boolean} positive - `true` for positive action, `false` for negative * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_ancsAction */ static ancsAction(uid: number, positive: boolean): void; /** * Get ANCS info for a notification event received via `E.ANCS`, e.g.: * ``` * E.on('ANCS', event => { * NRF.ancsGetNotificationInfo( event.uid ).then(a=>print("Notify",E.toJS(a))); * }); * ``` * Returns: * ``` * { * "uid" : integer, * "appId": string, * "title": string, * "subtitle": string, * "message": string, * "messageSize": string, * "date": string, * "posAction": string, * "negAction": string * } * ``` * * @param {number} uid - The UID of the notification to get information for * @returns {any} A `Promise` that is resolved (or rejected) when the connection is complete * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_ancsGetNotificationInfo */ static ancsGetNotificationInfo(uid: number): Promise; /** * Get ANCS info for an app (app id is available via `NRF.ancsGetNotificationInfo`) * Promise returns: * ``` * { * "uid" : int, * "appId" : string, * "title" : string, * "subtitle" : string, * "message" : string, * "messageSize" : string, * "date" : string, * "posAction" : string, * "negAction" : string, * "name" : string, * } * ``` * * @param {any} id - The app ID to get information for * @returns {any} A `Promise` that is resolved (or rejected) when the connection is complete * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_ancsGetAppInfo */ static ancsGetAppInfo(id: any): Promise; /** * Check if Apple Media Service (AMS) is currently active on the BLE connection * * @returns {boolean} True if Apple Media Service (AMS) has been initialised and is active * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_amsIsActive */ static amsIsActive(): boolean; /** * Get Apple Media Service (AMS) info for the current media player. "playbackinfo" * returns a concatenation of three comma-separated values: * - PlaybackState: a string that represents the integer value of the playback * state: * - PlaybackStatePaused = 0 * - PlaybackStatePlaying = 1 * - PlaybackStateRewinding = 2 * - PlaybackStateFastForwarding = 3 * - PlaybackRate: a string that represents the floating point value of the * playback rate. * - ElapsedTime: a string that represents the floating point value of the elapsed * time of the current track, in seconds * * @param {any} id - Either 'name', 'playbackinfo' or 'volume' * @returns {any} A `Promise` that is resolved (or rejected) when the connection is complete * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_amsGetPlayerInfo */ static amsGetPlayerInfo(id: any): Promise; /** * Get Apple Media Service (AMS) info for the currently-playing track * * @param {any} id - Either 'artist', 'album', 'title' or 'duration' * @returns {any} A `Promise` that is resolved (or rejected) when the connection is complete * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_amsGetTrackInfo */ static amsGetTrackInfo(id: any): Promise; /** * Send an AMS command to an Apple Media Service device to control music playback * Command is one of play, pause, playpause, next, prev, volup, voldown, repeat, * shuffle, skipforward, skipback, like, dislike, bookmark * * @param {any} id - For example, 'play', 'pause', 'volup' or 'voldown' * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_amsCommand */ static amsCommand(id: any): void; /** * Search for available devices matching the given filters. Since we have no UI * here, Espruino will pick the FIRST device it finds, or it'll call `catch`. * `options` can have the following fields: * * `filters` - a list of filters that a device must match before it is returned * (see below) * * `timeout` - the maximum time to scan for in milliseconds (scanning stops when * a match is found. e.g. `NRF.requestDevice({ timeout:2000, filters: [ ... ] })` * * `active` - whether to perform active scanning (requesting 'scan response' * packets from any devices that are found). e.g. `NRF.requestDevice({ active:true, * filters: [ ... ] })` * * `phy` - (NRF52840 only) use the long-range coded phy (`"1mbps"` default, can * be `"1mbps/2mbps/both/coded"`) * * `extended` - (NRF52840 only) support receiving extended-length advertising * packets (default=true if phy isn't `"1mbps"`) * **NOTE:** `timeout` and `active` are not part of the Web Bluetooth standard. * The following filter types are implemented: * * `services` - list of services as strings (all of which must match). 128 bit * services must be in the form '01230123-0123-0123-0123-012301230123' * * `name` - exact device name * * `namePrefix` - starting characters of device name * * `id` - exact device address (`id:"e9:53:86:09:89:99 random"`) (this is * Espruino-specific, and is not part of the Web Bluetooth spec) * * `serviceData` - an object containing service characteristics which must all * match (`serviceData:{"1809":{}}`). Matching of actual service data is not * supported yet. * * `manufacturerData` - an object containing manufacturer UUIDs which must all * match (`manufacturerData:{0x0590:{}}`). Matching of actual manufacturer data * is not supported yet. * ``` * NRF.requestDevice({ filters: [{ namePrefix: 'Puck.js' }] }).then(function(device) { ... }); * // or * NRF.requestDevice({ filters: [{ services: ['1823'] }] }).then(function(device) { ... }); * // or * NRF.requestDevice({ filters: [{ manufacturerData:{0x0590:{}} }] }).then(function(device) { ... }); * ``` * As a full example, to send data to another Puck.js to turn an LED on: * ``` * var gatt; * NRF.requestDevice({ filters: [{ namePrefix: 'Puck.js' }] }).then(function(device) { * return device.gatt.connect(); * }).then(function(g) { * gatt = g; * return gatt.getPrimaryService("6e400001-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e"); * }).then(function(service) { * return service.getCharacteristic("6e400002-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e"); * }).then(function(characteristic) { * return characteristic.writeValue("LED1.set()\n"); * }).then(function() { * gatt.disconnect(); * console.log("Done!"); * }); * ``` * Or slightly more concisely, using ES6 arrow functions: * ``` * var gatt; * NRF.requestDevice({ filters: [{ namePrefix: 'Puck.js' }]}).then( * device => device.gatt.connect()).then( * g => (gatt=g).getPrimaryService("6e400001-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e")).then( * service => service.getCharacteristic("6e400002-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e")).then( * characteristic => characteristic.writeValue("LED1.reset()\n")).then( * () => { gatt.disconnect(); console.log("Done!"); } ); * ``` * Note that you have to keep track of the `gatt` variable so that you can * disconnect the Bluetooth connection when you're done. * **Note:** Using a filter in `NRF.requestDevice` filters each advertising packet * individually. As soon as a matching advertisement is received, * `NRF.requestDevice` resolves the promise and stops scanning. This means that if * you filter based on a service UUID and a device advertises with multiple packets * (or a scan response when `active:true`) only the packet matching the filter is * returned - you may not get the device's name is that was in a separate packet. * To aggregate multiple packets you can use `NRF.findDevices`. * * @param {any} options - Options used to filter the device to use * @returns {any} A `Promise` that is resolved (or rejected) when the connection is complete * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_requestDevice */ static requestDevice(options?: { filters?: NRFFilters[], timeout?: number, active?: boolean, phy?: string, extended?: boolean }): Promise; /** * Connect to a BLE device by MAC address. Returns a promise, the argument of which * is the `BluetoothRemoteGATTServer` connection. * ``` * NRF.connect("aa:bb:cc:dd:ee").then(function(server) { * // ... * }); * ``` * This has the same effect as calling `BluetoothDevice.gatt.connect` on a * `BluetoothDevice` requested using `NRF.requestDevice`. It just allows you to * specify the address directly (without having to scan). * You can use it as follows - this would connect to another Puck device and turn * its LED on: * ``` * var gatt; * NRF.connect("aa:bb:cc:dd:ee random").then(function(g) { * gatt = g; * return gatt.getPrimaryService("6e400001-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e"); * }).then(function(service) { * return service.getCharacteristic("6e400002-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e"); * }).then(function(characteristic) { * return characteristic.writeValue("LED1.set()\n"); * }).then(function() { * gatt.disconnect(); * console.log("Done!"); * }); * ``` * **Note:** Espruino Bluetooth devices use a type of BLE address known as 'random * static', which is different to a 'public' address. To connect to an Espruino * device you'll need to use an address string of the form `"aa:bb:cc:dd:ee * random"` rather than just `"aa:bb:cc:dd:ee"`. If you scan for devices with * `NRF.findDevices`/`NRF.setScan` then addresses are already reported in the * correct format. * * @param {any} mac - The MAC address to connect to * @param {any} options - (Espruino-specific) An object of connection options (see `BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.connect` for full details) * @returns {any} A `Promise` that is resolved (or rejected) when the connection is complete * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_connect */ static connect(mac: any, options: any): Promise; /** * If set to true, whenever a device bonds it will be added to the whitelist. * When set to false, the whitelist is cleared and newly bonded devices will not be * added to the whitelist. * **Note:** This is remembered between `reset()`s but isn't remembered after * power-on (you'll have to add it to `onInit()`. * * @param {boolean} whitelisting - Are we using a whitelist? (default false) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_setWhitelist */ static setWhitelist(whitelisting: boolean): void; /** * When connected, Bluetooth LE devices communicate at a set interval. Lowering the * interval (e.g. more packets/second) means a lower delay when sending data, higher * bandwidth, but also more power consumption. * By default, when connected as a peripheral Espruino automatically adjusts the * connection interval. When connected it's as fast as possible (7.5ms) but when * idle for over a minute it drops to 200ms. On continued activity (>1 BLE * operation) the interval is raised to 7.5ms again. * The options for `interval` are: * * `undefined` / `"auto"` : (default) automatically adjust connection interval * * `100` : set min and max connection interval to the same number (between 7.5ms * and 4000ms) * * `{minInterval:20, maxInterval:100}` : set min and max connection interval as a * range * This configuration is not remembered during a `save()` - you will have to re-set * it via `onInit`. * **Note:** If connecting to another device (as Central), you can use an extra * argument to `NRF.connect` or `BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.connect` to specify a * connection interval. * **Note:** This overwrites any changes imposed by the deprecated * `NRF.setLowPowerConnection` * * @param {any} interval - The connection interval to use (see below) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_setConnectionInterval */ static setConnectionInterval(interval: any): void; /** * Sets the security options used when connecting/pairing. This applies to both * central *and* peripheral mode. * ``` * NRF.setSecurity({ * display : bool // default false, can this device display a passkey * // - sent via the `BluetoothDevice.passkey` event * keyboard : bool // default false, can this device enter a passkey * // - request sent via the `BluetoothDevice.passkeyRequest` event * bond : bool // default true, Perform bonding * mitm : bool // default false, Man In The Middle protection * lesc : bool // default false, LE Secure Connections * passkey : // default "", or a 6 digit passkey to use * oob : [0..15] // if specified, Out Of Band pairing is enabled and * // the 16 byte pairing code supplied here is used * encryptUart : bool // default false (unless oob or passkey specified) * // This sets the BLE UART service such that it * // is encrypted and can only be used from a bonded connection * }); * ``` * **NOTE:** Some combinations of arguments will cause an error. For example * supplying a passkey without `display:1` is not allowed. If `display:1` is set * you do not require a physical display, the user just needs to know the passkey * you supplied. * For instance, to require pairing and to specify a passkey, use: * ``` * NRF.setSecurity({passkey:"123456", mitm:1, display:1}); * ``` * However, while most devices will request a passkey for pairing at this point it * is still possible for a device to connect without requiring one (e.g. using the * 'NRF Connect' app). * To force a passkey you need to protect each characteristic you define with * `NRF.setSecurity`. For instance the following code will *require* that the * passkey `123456` is entered before the characteristic * `9d020002-bf5f-1d1a-b52a-fe52091d5b12` can be read. * ``` * NRF.setSecurity({passkey:"123456", mitm:1, display:1}); * NRF.setServices({ * "9d020001-bf5f-1d1a-b52a-fe52091d5b12" : { * "9d020002-bf5f-1d1a-b52a-fe52091d5b12" : { * // readable always * value : "Not Secret" * }, * "9d020003-bf5f-1d1a-b52a-fe52091d5b12" : { * // readable only once bonded * value : "Secret", * readable : true, * security: { * read: { * mitm: true, * encrypted: true * } * } * }, * "9d020004-bf5f-1d1a-b52a-fe52091d5b12" : { * // readable always * // writable only once bonded * value : "Readable", * readable : true, * writable : true, * onWrite : function(evt) { * console.log("Wrote ", evt.data); * }, * security: { * write: { * mitm: true, * encrypted: true * } * } * } * } * }); * ``` * **Note:** If `passkey` or `oob` is specified, the Nordic UART service (if * enabled) will automatically be set to require encryption, but otherwise it is * open. * * @param {any} options - An object containing security-related options (see below) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_setSecurity */ static setSecurity(options: any): void; /** * Return an object with information about the security state of the current * peripheral connection: * ``` * { * connected // The connection is active (not disconnected). * encrypted // Communication on this link is encrypted. * mitm_protected // The encrypted communication is also protected against man-in-the-middle attacks. * bonded // The peer is bonded with us * connected_addr // If connected=true, the MAC address of the currently connected device * } * ``` * If there is no active connection, `{connected:false}` will be returned. * See `NRF.setSecurity` for information about negotiating a secure connection. * @returns {any} An object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_getSecurityStatus */ static getSecurityStatus(): any; /** * * @param {boolean} forceRepair - True if we should force repairing even if there is already valid pairing info * @returns {any} A promise * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF_startBonding */ static startBonding(forceRepair: boolean): any; } /** * This class provides functionality to recognise gestures drawn on a touchscreen. * It is only built into Bangle.js 2. * Usage: * ``` * var strokes = { * stroke1 : Unistroke.new(new Uint8Array([x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ...])), * stroke2 : Unistroke.new(new Uint8Array([x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ...])), * stroke3 : Unistroke.new(new Uint8Array([x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ...])) * }; * var r = Unistroke.recognise(strokes,new Uint8Array([x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ...])) * print(r); // stroke1/stroke2/stroke3 * ``` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Unistroke */ declare class Unistroke { /** * Create a new Unistroke based on XY coordinates * * @param {any} xy - An array of interleaved XY coordinates * @returns {any} A string of data representing this unistroke * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Unistroke_new */ static new(xy: any): any; /** * Recognise based on an object of named strokes, and a list of XY coordinates * * @param {any} strokes - An object of named strokes : `{arrow:..., circle:...}` * @param {any} xy - An array of interleaved XY coordinates * @returns {any} The key name of the matched stroke * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Unistroke_recognise */ static recognise(strokes: any, xy: any): any; } /** * Class containing AES encryption/decryption * **Note:** This library is currently only included in builds for boards where * there is space. For other boards there is `crypto.js` which implements SHA1 in * JS. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#AES */ declare class AES { /** * * @param {any} passphrase - Message to encrypt * @param {any} key - Key to encrypt message - must be an ArrayBuffer of 128, 192, or 256 BITS * @param {any} [options] - [optional] An object, may specify `{ iv : new Uint8Array(16), mode : 'CBC|CFB|CTR|OFB|ECB' }` * @returns {any} Returns an ArrayBuffer * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_AES_encrypt */ static encrypt(passphrase: any, key: any, options?: any): ArrayBuffer; /** * * @param {any} passphrase - Message to decrypt * @param {any} key - Key to encrypt message - must be an ArrayBuffer of 128, 192, or 256 BITS * @param {any} [options] - [optional] An object, may specify `{ iv : new Uint8Array(16), mode : 'CBC|CFB|CTR|OFB|ECB' }` * @returns {any} Returns an ArrayBuffer * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_AES_decrypt */ static decrypt(passphrase: any, key: any, options?: any): ArrayBuffer; } /** * Class containing utility functions for * [Pixl.js](http://www.espruino.com/Pixl.js) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Pixl */ declare class Pixl { /** * DEPRECATED - Please use `E.getBattery()` instead. * Return an approximate battery percentage remaining based on a normal CR2032 * battery (2.8 - 2.2v) * @returns {number} A percentage between 0 and 100 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Pixl_getBatteryPercentage */ static getBatteryPercentage(): number; /** * Set the LCD's contrast * * @param {number} c - Contrast between 0 and 1 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Pixl_setContrast */ static setContrast(c: number): void; /** * This function can be used to turn Pixl.js's LCD off or on. * * With the LCD off, Pixl.js draws around 0.1mA * * With the LCD on, Pixl.js draws around 0.25mA * * @param {boolean} isOn - True if the LCD should be on, false if not * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Pixl_setLCDPower */ static setLCDPower(isOn: boolean): void; /** * Writes a command directly to the ST7567 LCD controller * * @param {number} c * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Pixl_lcdw */ static lcdw(c: number): void; /** * Display a menu on Pixl.js's screen, and set up the buttons to navigate through * it. * DEPRECATED: Use `E.showMenu` * * @param {any} menu - An object containing name->function mappings to to be used in a menu * @returns {any} A menu object with `draw`, `move` and `select` functions * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Pixl_menu */ static menu(menu: Menu): MenuInstance; } /** * This class exists in order to interface Espruino with fast-moving trigger * wheels. Trigger wheels are physical discs with evenly spaced teeth cut into * them, and often with one or two teeth next to each other missing. A sensor sends * a signal whenever a tooth passed by, and this allows a device to measure not * only RPM, but absolute position. * This class is currently in testing - it is NOT AVAILABLE on normal boards. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Trig */ declare class Trig { /** * Get the position of the trigger wheel at the given time (from getTime) * * @param {number} time - The time at which to find the position * @returns {number} The position of the trigger wheel in degrees - as a floating point number * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Trig_getPosAtTime */ static getPosAtTime(time: number): number; /** * Initialise the trigger class * * @param {Pin} pin - The pin to use for triggering * @param {any} options - Additional options as an object. defaults are: ```{teethTotal:60,teethMissing:2,minRPM:30,keyPosition:0}``` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Trig_setup */ static setup(pin: Pin, options: any): void; /** * Set a trigger for a certain point in the cycle * * @param {number} num - The trigger number (0..7) * @param {number} pos - The position (in degrees) to fire the trigger at * @param {any} pins - An array of pins to pulse (max 4) * @param {number} pulseLength - The time (in msec) to pulse for * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Trig_setTrigger */ static setTrigger(num: number, pos: number, pins: any, pulseLength: number): void; /** * Disable a trigger * * @param {number} num - The trigger number (0..7) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Trig_killTrigger */ static killTrigger(num: number): void; /** * Get the current state of a trigger * * @param {number} num - The trigger number (0..7) * @returns {any} A structure containing all information about the trigger * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Trig_getTrigger */ static getTrigger(num: number): any; /** * Get the RPM of the trigger wheel * @returns {number} The current RPM of the trigger wheel * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Trig_getRPM */ static getRPM(): number; /** * Get the current error flags from the trigger wheel - and zero them * @returns {number} The error flags * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Trig_getErrors */ static getErrors(): number; /** * Get the current error flags from the trigger wheel - and zero them * @returns {any} An array of error strings * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Trig_getErrorArray */ static getErrorArray(): any; } /** * This class helps to convert URLs into Objects of information ready for * http.request/get * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#url */ declare class url { /** * A utility function to split a URL into parts * This is useful in web servers for instance when handling a request. * For instance `url.parse("/a?b=c&d=e",true)` returns * `{"method":"GET","host":"","path":"/a?b=c&d=e","pathname":"/a","search":"?b=c&d=e","port":80,"query":{"b":"c","d":"e"}}` * * @param {any} urlStr - A URL to be parsed * @param {boolean} parseQuery - Whether to parse the query string into an object not (default = false) * @returns {any} An object containing options for ```http.request``` or ```http.get```. Contains `method`, `host`, `path`, `pathname`, `search`, `port` and `query` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_url_parse */ static parse(urlStr: any, parseQuery: boolean): any; } /** * The socket server created by `require('net').createServer` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Server */ declare class Server { /** * Start listening for new connections on the given port * * @param {number} port - The port to listen on * @returns {any} The HTTP server instance that 'listen' was called on * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Server_listen */ listen(port: number): any; /** * Stop listening for new connections * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Server_close */ close(): void; } /** * An actual socket connection - allowing transmit/receive of TCP data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Socket */ declare class Socket { /** * The 'data' event is called when data is received. If a handler is defined with * `X.on('data', function(data) { ... })` then it will be called, otherwise data * will be stored in an internal buffer, where it can be retrieved with `X.read()` * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(data: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `data` A string containing one or more characters of received data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Socket_data */ static on(event: "data", callback: (data: any) => void): void; /** * Called when the connection closes. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(had_error: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `had_error` A boolean indicating whether the connection had an error (use an error event handler to get error details). * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Socket_close */ static on(event: "close", callback: (had_error: any) => void): void; /** * There was an error on this socket and it is closing (or wasn't opened in the * first place). If a "connected" event was issued on this socket then the error * event is always followed by a close event. The error codes are: * * -1: socket closed (this is not really an error and will not cause an error * callback) * * -2: out of memory (typically while allocating a buffer to hold data) * * -3: timeout * * -4: no route * * -5: busy * * -6: not found (DNS resolution) * * -7: max sockets (... exceeded) * * -8: unsent data (some data could not be sent) * * -9: connection reset (or refused) * * -10: unknown error * * -11: no connection * * -12: bad argument * * -13: SSL handshake failed * * -14: invalid SSL data * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(details: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `details` An error object with an error code (a negative integer) and a message. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Socket_error */ static on(event: "error", callback: (details: any) => void): void; /** * An event that is fired when the buffer is empty and it can accept more data to * send. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Socket_drain */ static on(event: "drain", callback: () => void): void; /** * Return how many bytes are available to read. If there is already a listener for * data, this will always return 0. * @returns {number} How many bytes are available * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Socket_available */ available(): number; /** * Return a string containing characters that have been received * * @param {number} chars - The number of characters to read, or undefined/0 for all available * @returns {any} A string containing the required bytes. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Socket_read */ read(chars: number): any; /** * Pipe this to a stream (an object with a 'write' method) * * @param {any} destination - The destination file/stream that will receive content from the source. * @param {any} [options] * [optional] An object `{ chunkSize : int=32, end : bool=true, complete : function }` * chunkSize : The amount of data to pipe from source to destination at a time * complete : a function to call when the pipe activity is complete * end : call the 'end' function on the destination when the source is finished * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Socket_pipe */ pipe(destination: any, options?: any): void; /** * This function writes the `data` argument as a string. Data that is passed in * (including arrays) will be converted to a string with the normal JavaScript * `toString` method. * If you wish to send binary data then you need to convert that data directly to a * String. This can be done with `String.fromCharCode`, however it's often easier * and faster to use the Espruino-specific `E.toString`, which will read its * arguments as an array of bytes and convert that to a String: * ``` * socket.write(E.toString([0,1,2,3,4,5])); * ``` * If you need to send something other than bytes, you can use 'Typed Arrays', or * even `DataView`: * ``` * var d = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8)); // 8 byte array buffer * d.setFloat32(0, 765.3532564); // write float at bytes 0-3 * d.setInt8(4, 42); // write int8 at byte 4 * socket.write(E.toString(d.buffer)) * ``` * * @param {any} data - A string containing data to send * @returns {boolean} For node.js compatibility, returns the boolean false. When the send buffer is empty, a `drain` event will be sent * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Socket_write */ write(data: any): boolean; /** * Close this socket - optional data to append as an argument. * See `Socket.write` for more information about the data argument * * @param {any} data - A string containing data to send * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Socket_end */ end(data: any): void; } /** * An actual socket connection - allowing transmit/receive of TCP data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#dgramSocket */ declare class dgramSocket { /** * The 'message' event is called when a datagram message is received. If a handler * is defined with `X.on('message', function(msg) { ... })` then it will be called` * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(msg: any, rinfo: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `msg` A string containing the received message * * `rinfo` Sender address,port containing information * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_dgramSocket_message */ static on(event: "message", callback: (msg: any, rinfo: any) => void): void; /** * Called when the connection closes. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(had_error: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `had_error` A boolean indicating whether the connection had an error (use an error event handler to get error details). * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_dgramSocket_close */ static on(event: "close", callback: (had_error: any) => void): void; /** * * @param {any} buffer - A string containing message to send * @param {any} offset - Offset in the passed string where the message starts [optional] * @param {any} length - Number of bytes in the message [optional] * @param {any} args - Destination port number, Destination IP address string * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_dgramSocket_send */ send(buffer: any, offset: any, length: any, ...args: any[]): void; /** * * @param {number} port - The port to bind at * @param {any} callback - A function(res) that will be called when the socket is bound. You can then call `res.on('message', function(message, info) { ... })` and `res.on('close', function() { ... })` to deal with the response. * @returns {any} The dgramSocket instance that 'bind' was called on * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_dgramSocket_bind */ bind(port: number, callback: any): any; /** * Close the socket * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_dgramSocket_close */ close(): void; /** * * @param {any} group - A string containing the group ip to join * @param {any} ip - A string containing the ip to join with * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_dgramSocket_addMembership */ addMembership(group: any, ip: any): void; } /** * The HTTP server created by `require('http').createServer` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#httpSrv */ declare class httpSrv { /** * Start listening for new HTTP connections on the given port * * @param {number} port - The port to listen on * @returns {any} The HTTP server instance that 'listen' was called on * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpSrv_listen */ listen(port: number): any; /** * Stop listening for new HTTP connections * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpSrv_close */ close(): void; } /** * The HTTP server request * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#httpSRq */ declare class httpSRq { /** * The 'data' event is called when data is received. If a handler is defined with * `X.on('data', function(data) { ... })` then it will be called, otherwise data * will be stored in an internal buffer, where it can be retrieved with `X.read()` * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(data: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `data` A string containing one or more characters of received data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpSRq_data */ static on(event: "data", callback: (data: any) => void): void; /** * Called when the connection closes. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpSRq_close */ static on(event: "close", callback: () => void): void; /** * The headers to sent to the server with this HTTP request. * @returns {any} An object mapping header name to value * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpSRq_headers */ headers: any; /** * The HTTP method used with this request. Often `"GET"`. * @returns {any} A string * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpSRq_method */ method: any; /** * The URL requested in this HTTP request, for instance: * * `"/"` - the main page * * `"/favicon.ico"` - the web page's icon * @returns {any} A string representing the URL * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpSRq_url */ url: any; /** * Return how many bytes are available to read. If there is already a listener for * data, this will always return 0. * @returns {number} How many bytes are available * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpSRq_available */ available(): number; /** * Return a string containing characters that have been received * * @param {number} chars - The number of characters to read, or undefined/0 for all available * @returns {any} A string containing the required bytes. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpSRq_read */ read(chars: number): any; /** * Pipe this to a stream (an object with a 'write' method) * * @param {any} destination - The destination file/stream that will receive content from the source. * @param {any} [options] * [optional] An object `{ chunkSize : int=32, end : bool=true, complete : function }` * chunkSize : The amount of data to pipe from source to destination at a time * complete : a function to call when the pipe activity is complete * end : call the 'end' function on the destination when the source is finished * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpSRq_pipe */ pipe(destination: any, options?: any): void; } /** * The HTTP server response * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#httpSRs */ declare class httpSRs { /** * An event that is fired when the buffer is empty and it can accept more data to * send. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpSRs_drain */ static on(event: "drain", callback: () => void): void; /** * Called when the connection closes. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpSRs_close */ static on(event: "close", callback: () => void): void; /** * The headers to send back along with the HTTP response. * The default contents are: * ``` * { * "Connection": "close" * } * ``` * @returns {any} An object mapping header name to value * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpSRs_headers */ headers: any; /** * This function writes the `data` argument as a string. Data that is passed in * (including arrays) will be converted to a string with the normal JavaScript * `toString` method. For more information about sending binary data see * `Socket.write` * * @param {any} data - A string containing data to send * @returns {boolean} For node.js compatibility, returns the boolean false. When the send buffer is empty, a `drain` event will be sent * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpSRs_write */ write(data: any): boolean; /** * See `Socket.write` for more information about the data argument * * @param {any} data - A string containing data to send * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpSRs_end */ end(data: any): void; /** * Send the given status code and headers. If not explicitly called this will be * done automatically the first time data is written to the response. * This cannot be called twice, or after data has already been sent in the * response. * * @param {number} statusCode - The HTTP status code * @param {any} headers - An object containing the headers * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpSRs_writeHead */ writeHead(statusCode: number, headers: any): void; /** * Set a value to send in the header of this HTTP response. This updates the * `httpSRs.headers` property. * Any headers supplied to `writeHead` will overwrite any headers with the same * name. * * @param {any} name - The name of the header as a String * @param {any} value - The value of the header as a String * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpSRs_setHeader */ setHeader(name: any, value: any): void; } /** * The HTTP client request, returned by `http.request()` and `http.get()`. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#httpCRq */ declare class httpCRq { /** * An event that is fired when the buffer is empty and it can accept more data to * send. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpCRq_drain */ static on(event: "drain", callback: () => void): void; /** * An event that is fired if there is an error making the request and the response * callback has not been invoked. In this case the error event concludes the * request attempt. The error event function receives an error object as parameter * with a `code` field and a `message` field. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpCRq_error */ static on(event: "error", callback: () => void): void; /** * This function writes the `data` argument as a string. Data that is passed in * (including arrays) will be converted to a string with the normal JavaScript * `toString` method. For more information about sending binary data see * `Socket.write` * * @param {any} data - A string containing data to send * @returns {boolean} For node.js compatibility, returns the boolean false. When the send buffer is empty, a `drain` event will be sent * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpCRq_write */ write(data: any): boolean; /** * Finish this HTTP request - optional data to append as an argument * See `Socket.write` for more information about the data argument * * @param {any} data - A string containing data to send * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpCRq_end */ end(data: any): void; } /** * The HTTP client response, passed to the callback of `http.request()` an * `http.get()`. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#httpCRs */ declare class httpCRs { /** * The 'data' event is called when data is received. If a handler is defined with * `X.on('data', function(data) { ... })` then it will be called, otherwise data * will be stored in an internal buffer, where it can be retrieved with `X.read()` * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(data: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `data` A string containing one or more characters of received data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpCRs_data */ static on(event: "data", callback: (data: any) => void): void; /** * Called when the connection closes with one `hadError` boolean parameter, which * indicates whether an error occurred. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpCRs_close */ static on(event: "close", callback: () => void): void; /** * An event that is fired if there is an error receiving the response. The error * event function receives an error object as parameter with a `code` field and a * `message` field. After the error event the close even will also be triggered to * conclude the HTTP request/response. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpCRs_error */ static on(event: "error", callback: () => void): void; /** * The headers received along with the HTTP response * @returns {any} An object mapping header name to value * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpCRs_headers */ headers: any; /** * The HTTP response's status code - usually `"200"` if all went well * @returns {any} The status code as a String * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpCRs_statusCode */ statusCode: any; /** * The HTTP response's status message - Usually `"OK"` if all went well * @returns {any} An String Status Message * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpCRs_statusMessage */ statusMessage: any; /** * The HTTP version reported back by the server - usually `"1.1"` * @returns {any} Th * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpCRs_httpVersion */ httpVersion: any; /** * Return how many bytes are available to read. If there is a 'data' event handler, * this will always return 0. * @returns {number} How many bytes are available * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpCRs_available */ available(): number; /** * Return a string containing characters that have been received * * @param {number} chars - The number of characters to read, or undefined/0 for all available * @returns {any} A string containing the required bytes. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpCRs_read */ read(chars: number): any; /** * Pipe this to a stream (an object with a 'write' method) * * @param {any} destination - The destination file/stream that will receive content from the source. * @param {any} [options] * [optional] An object `{ chunkSize : int=32, end : bool=true, complete : function }` * chunkSize : The amount of data to pipe from source to destination at a time * complete : a function to call when the pipe activity is complete * end : call the 'end' function on the destination when the source is finished * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_httpCRs_pipe */ pipe(destination: any, options?: any): void; } /** * An instantiation of an Ethernet network adaptor * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Ethernet */ declare class Ethernet { /** * Get the current IP address, subnet, gateway and mac address. * * @param {any} [options] - [optional] An `callback(err, ipinfo)` function to be called back with the IP information. * @returns {any} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Ethernet_getIP */ getIP(options?: any): any; /** * Set the current IP address or get an IP from DHCP (if no options object is * specified) * If 'mac' is specified as an option, it must be a string of the form * `"00:01:02:03:04:05"` The default mac is 00:08:DC:01:02:03. * * @param {any} options - Object containing IP address options `{ ip : '', subnet : '...', gateway: '...', dns:'...', mac:':::::' }`, or do not supply an object in order to force DHCP. * @param {any} [callback] - [optional] An `callback(err)` function to invoke when ip is set. `err==null` on success, or a string on failure. * @returns {boolean} True on success * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Ethernet_setIP */ setIP(options: any, callback?: any): boolean; /** * Set hostname used during the DHCP request. Minimum 8 and maximum 12 characters, * best set before calling `eth.setIP()`. Default is WIZnet010203, 010203 is the * default nic as part of the mac. * * @param {any} hostname - hostname as string * @param {any} [callback] - [optional] An `callback(err)` function to be called back with null or error text. * @returns {boolean} True on success * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Ethernet_setHostname */ setHostname(hostname: any, callback?: any): boolean; /** * Returns the hostname * * @param {any} [callback] - [optional] An `callback(err,hostname)` function to be called back with the status information. * @returns {any} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Ethernet_getHostname */ getHostname(callback?: any): any; /** * Get the current status of the ethernet device * * @param {any} [options] - [optional] An `callback(err, status)` function to be called back with the status information. * @returns {any} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Ethernet_getStatus */ getStatus(options?: any): any; } /** * An instantiation of a WiFi network adaptor * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#WLAN */ declare class WLAN { /** * Connect to a wireless network * * @param {any} ap - Access point name * @param {any} key - WPA2 key (or undefined for unsecured connection) * @param {any} callback - Function to call back with connection status. It has one argument which is one of 'connect'/'disconnect'/'dhcp' * @returns {boolean} True if connection succeeded, false if it didn't. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_WLAN_connect */ connect(ap: any, key: any, callback: any): boolean; /** * Completely uninitialise and power down the CC3000. After this you'll have to use * ```require("CC3000").connect()``` again. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_WLAN_disconnect */ disconnect(): void; /** * Completely uninitialise and power down the CC3000, then reconnect to the old * access point. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_WLAN_reconnect */ reconnect(): void; /** * Get the current IP address * @returns {any} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_WLAN_getIP */ getIP(): any; /** * Set the current IP address for get an IP from DHCP (if no options object is * specified). * **Note:** Changes are written to non-volatile memory, but will only take effect * after calling `wlan.reconnect()` * * @param {any} options - Object containing IP address options `{ ip : '1,2,3,4', subnet, gateway, dns }`, or do not supply an object in otder to force DHCP. * @returns {boolean} True on success * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_WLAN_setIP */ setIP(options: any): boolean; } /** * Class containing [micro:bit's](https://www.espruino.com/MicroBit) utility * functions. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Microbit */ declare class Microbit { /** * The micro:bit's speaker pin * @returns {Pin} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Microbit_SPEAKER */ static SPEAKER: Pin; /** * The micro:bit's microphone pin * `MIC_ENABLE` should be set to 1 before using this * @returns {Pin} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Microbit_MIC */ static MIC: Pin; /** * The micro:bit's microphone enable pin * @returns {Pin} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Microbit_MIC_ENABLE */ static MIC_ENABLE: Pin; /** * Called when the Micro:bit is moved in a deliberate fashion, and includes data on * the detected gesture. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(gesture: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `gesture` An Int8Array containing the accelerations (X,Y,Z) from the last gesture detected by the accelerometer * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Microbit_gesture */ static on(event: "gesture", callback: (gesture: any) => void): void; /** * @returns {any} An Object `{x,y,z}` of magnetometer readings as integers * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Microbit_mag */ static mag(): any; /** * @returns {any} An Object `{x,y,z}` of acceleration readings in G * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Microbit_accel */ static accel(): any; /** * **Note:** This function is only available on the [BBC micro:bit](/MicroBit) * board * Write the given value to the accelerometer * * @param {number} addr - Accelerometer address * @param {number} data - Data to write * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Microbit_accelWr */ static accelWr(addr: number, data: number): void; /** * Turn on the accelerometer, and create `Microbit.accel` and `Microbit.gesture` * events. * **Note:** The accelerometer is currently always enabled - this code just * responds to interrupts and reads * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Microbit_accelOn */ static accelOn(): void; /** * Turn off events from the accelerometer (started with `Microbit.accelOn`) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Microbit_accelOff */ static accelOff(): void; /** * Play a waveform on the Micro:bit's speaker * * @param {any} waveform - An array of data to play (unsigned 8 bit) * @param {any} samplesPerSecond - The number of samples per second for playback default is 4000 * @param {any} callback - A function to call when playback is finished * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Microbit_play */ static play(waveform: any, samplesPerSecond: any, callback: any): void; /** * Records sound from the micro:bit's onboard microphone and returns the result * * @param {any} samplesPerSecond - The number of samples per second for recording - 4000 is recommended * @param {any} callback - A function to call with the result of recording (unsigned 8 bit ArrayBuffer) * @param {any} [samples] - [optional] How many samples to record (6000 default) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Microbit_record */ static record(samplesPerSecond: any, callback: any, samples?: any): void; } /** * This is the File object - it allows you to stream data to and from files (As * opposed to the `require('fs').readFile(..)` style functions that read an entire * file). * To create a File object, you must type ```var fd = * E.openFile('filepath','mode')``` - see [E.openFile](#l_E_openFile) for more * information. * **Note:** If you want to remove an SD card after you have started using it, you * *must* call `E.unmountSD()` or you may cause damage to the card. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#File */ declare class File { /** * Close an open file. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_File_close */ close(): void; /** * Write data to a file. * **Note:** By default this function flushes all changes to the SD card, which * makes it slow (but also safe!). You can use `E.setFlags({unsyncFiles:1})` to * disable this behaviour and really speed up writes - but then you must be sure to * close all files you are writing before power is lost or you will cause damage to * your SD card's filesystem. * * @param {any} buffer - A string containing the bytes to write * @returns {number} the number of bytes written * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_File_write */ write(buffer: any): number; /** * Read data in a file in byte size chunks * * @param {number} length - is an integer specifying the number of bytes to read. * @returns {any} A string containing the characters that were read * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_File_read */ read(length: number): any; /** * Skip the specified number of bytes forward in the file * * @param {number} nBytes - is a positive integer specifying the number of bytes to skip forwards. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_File_skip */ skip(nBytes: number): void; /** * Seek to a certain position in the file * * @param {number} nBytes - is an integer specifying the number of bytes to skip forwards. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_File_seek */ seek(nBytes: number): void; /** * Pipe this file to a stream (an object with a 'write' method) * * @param {any} destination - The destination file/stream that will receive content from the source. * @param {any} [options] * [optional] An object `{ chunkSize : int=32, end : bool=true, complete : function }` * chunkSize : The amount of data to pipe from source to destination at a time * complete : a function to call when the pipe activity is complete * end : call the 'end' function on the destination when the source is finished * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_File_pipe */ pipe(destination: any, options?: any): void; } /** * Class containing [Puck.js's](http://www.puck-js.com) utility functions. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Puck */ declare class Puck { /** * Turn on the magnetometer, take a single reading, and then turn it off again. * An object of the form `{x,y,z}` is returned containing magnetometer readings. * Due to residual magnetism in the Puck and magnetometer itself, with no magnetic * field the Puck will not return `{x:0,y:0,z:0}`. * Instead, it's up to you to figure out what the 'zero value' is for your Puck in * your location and to then subtract that from the value returned. If you're not * trying to measure the Earth's magnetic field then it's a good idea to just take * a reading at startup and use that. * With the aerial at the top of the board, the `y` reading is vertical, `x` is * horizontal, and `z` is through the board. * Readings are in increments of 0.1 micro Tesla (uT). The Earth's magnetic field * varies from around 25-60 uT, so the reading will vary by 250 to 600 depending on * location. * @returns {any} An Object `{x,y,z}` of magnetometer readings as integers * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Puck_mag */ static mag(): any; /** * Turn on the magnetometer, take a single temperature reading from the MAG3110 * chip, and then turn it off again. * (If the magnetometer is already on, this just returns the last reading obtained) * `E.getTemperature()` uses the microcontroller's temperature sensor, but this * uses the magnetometer's. * The reading obtained is an integer (so no decimal places), but the sensitivity * is factory trimmed. to 1°C, however the temperature offset isn't - so * absolute readings may still need calibrating. * @returns {number} Temperature in degrees C * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Puck_magTemp */ static magTemp(): number; /** * Called after `Puck.magOn()` every time magnetometer data is sampled. There is * one argument which is an object of the form `{x,y,z}` containing magnetometer * readings as integers (for more information see `Puck.mag()`). * Check out [the Puck.js page on the * magnetometer](http://www.espruino.com/Puck.js#on-board-peripherals) for more * information. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Puck_mag */ static on(event: "mag", callback: () => void): void; /** * Only on Puck.js v2.0 * Called after `Puck.accelOn()` every time accelerometer data is sampled. There is * one argument which is an object of the form `{acc:{x,y,z}, gyro:{x,y,z}}` * containing the data. * The data is as it comes off the accelerometer and is not scaled to 1g. For more * information see `Puck.accel()` or [the Puck.js page on the * magnetometer](http://www.espruino.com/Puck.js#on-board-peripherals). * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Puck_accel */ static on(event: "accel", callback: () => void): void; /** * Turn the magnetometer on and start periodic sampling. Samples will then cause a * 'mag' event on 'Puck': * ``` * Puck.magOn(); * Puck.on('mag', function(xyz) { * console.log(xyz); * // {x:..., y:..., z:...} * }); * // Turn events off with Puck.magOff(); * ``` * This call will be ignored if the sampling is already on. * If given an argument, the sample rate is set (if not, it's at 0.63 Hz). The * sample rate must be one of the following (resulting in the given power * consumption): * * 80 Hz - 900uA * * 40 Hz - 550uA * * 20 Hz - 275uA * * 10 Hz - 137uA * * 5 Hz - 69uA * * 2.5 Hz - 34uA * * 1.25 Hz - 17uA * * 0.63 Hz - 8uA * * 0.31 Hz - 8uA * * 0.16 Hz - 8uA * * 0.08 Hz - 8uA * When the battery level drops too low while sampling is turned on, the * magnetometer may stop sampling without warning, even while other Puck functions * continue uninterrupted. * Check out [the Puck.js page on the * magnetometer](http://www.espruino.com/Puck.js#on-board-peripherals) for more * information. * * @param {number} samplerate - The sample rate in Hz, or undefined * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Puck_magOn */ static magOn(samplerate: number): void; /** * Turn the magnetometer off * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Puck_magOff */ static magOff(): void; /** * Writes a register on the LIS3MDL / MAX3110 Magnetometer. Can be used for * configuring advanced functions. * Check out [the Puck.js page on the * magnetometer](http://www.espruino.com/Puck.js#on-board-peripherals) for more * information and links to modules that use this function. * * @param {number} reg * @param {number} data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Puck_magWr */ static magWr(reg: number, data: number): void; /** * Reads a register from the LIS3MDL / MAX3110 Magnetometer. Can be used for * configuring advanced functions. * Check out [the Puck.js page on the * magnetometer](http://www.espruino.com/Puck.js#on-board-peripherals) for more * information and links to modules that use this function. * * @param {number} reg * @returns {number} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Puck_magRd */ static magRd(reg: number): number; /** * On Puck.js v2.0 this will use the on-board PCT2075TP temperature sensor, but on * Puck.js the less accurate on-chip Temperature sensor is used. * @returns {number} Temperature in degrees C * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Puck_getTemperature */ static getTemperature(): number; /** * Accepted values are: * * 1.6 Hz (no Gyro) - 40uA (2v05 and later firmware) * * 12.5 Hz (with Gyro)- 350uA * * 26 Hz (with Gyro) - 450 uA * * 52 Hz (with Gyro) - 600 uA * * 104 Hz (with Gyro) - 900 uA * * 208 Hz (with Gyro) - 1500 uA * * 416 Hz (with Gyro) (not recommended) * * 833 Hz (with Gyro) (not recommended) * * 1660 Hz (with Gyro) (not recommended) * Once `Puck.accelOn()` is called, the `Puck.accel` event will be called each time * data is received. `Puck.accelOff()` can be called to turn the accelerometer off. * For instance to light the red LED whenever Puck.js is face up: * ``` * Puck.on('accel', function(a) { * digitalWrite(LED1, a.acc.z > 0); * }); * Puck.accelOn(); * ``` * Check out [the Puck.js page on the * accelerometer](http://www.espruino.com/Puck.js#on-board-peripherals) for more * information. * * @param {number} samplerate - The sample rate in Hz, or undefined * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Puck_accelOn */ static accelOn(samplerate: number): void; /** * Turn the accelerometer off after it has been turned on by `Puck.accelOn()`. * Check out [the Puck.js page on the * accelerometer](http://www.espruino.com/Puck.js#on-board-peripherals) for more * information. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Puck_accelOff */ static accelOff(): void; /** * Turn on the accelerometer, take a single reading, and then turn it off again. * The values reported are the raw values from the chip. In normal configuration: * * accelerometer: full-scale (32768) is 4g, so you need to divide by 8192 to get * correctly scaled values * * gyro: full-scale (32768) is 245 dps, so you need to divide by 134 to get * correctly scaled values * If taking more than one reading, we'd suggest you use `Puck.accelOn()` and the * `Puck.accel` event. * @returns {any} An Object `{acc:{x,y,z}, gyro:{x,y,z}}` of accelerometer/gyro readings * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Puck_accel */ static accel(): any; /** * Writes a register on the LSM6DS3TR-C Accelerometer. Can be used for configuring * advanced functions. * Check out [the Puck.js page on the * accelerometer](http://www.espruino.com/Puck.js#on-board-peripherals) for more * information and links to modules that use this function. * * @param {number} reg * @param {number} data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Puck_accelWr */ static accelWr(reg: number, data: number): void; /** * Reads a register from the LSM6DS3TR-C Accelerometer. Can be used for configuring * advanced functions. * Check out [the Puck.js page on the * accelerometer](http://www.espruino.com/Puck.js#on-board-peripherals) for more * information and links to modules that use this function. * * @param {number} reg * @returns {number} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Puck_accelRd */ static accelRd(reg: number): number; /** * Transmit the given set of IR pulses - data should be an array of pulse times in * milliseconds (as `[on, off, on, off, on, etc]`). * For example `Puck.IR(pulseTimes)` - see http://www.espruino.com/Puck.js+Infrared * for a full example. * You can also attach an external LED to Puck.js, in which case you can just * execute `Puck.IR(pulseTimes, led_cathode, led_anode)` * It is also possible to just supply a single pin for IR transmission with * `Puck.IR(pulseTimes, led_anode)` (on 2v05 and above). * * @param {any} data - An array of pulse lengths, in milliseconds * @param {Pin} [cathode] - [optional] pin to use for IR LED cathode - if not defined, the built-in IR LED is used * @param {Pin} [anode] - [optional] pin to use for IR LED anode - if not defined, the built-in IR LED is used * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Puck_IR */ static IR(data: any, cathode?: Pin, anode?: Pin): void; /** * Capacitive sense - the higher the capacitance, the higher the number returned. * If called without arguments, a value depending on the capacitance of what is * attached to pin D11 will be returned. If you attach a length of wire to D11, * you'll be able to see a higher value returned when your hand is near the wire * than when it is away. * You can also supply pins to use yourself, however if you do this then the TX pin * must be connected to RX pin and sense plate via a roughly 1MOhm resistor. * When not supplying pins, Puck.js uses an internal resistor between D12(tx) and * D11(rx). * * @param {Pin} tx * @param {Pin} rx * @returns {number} Capacitive sense counter * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Puck_capSense */ static capSense(tx: Pin, rx: Pin): number; /** * Return a light value based on the light the red LED is seeing. * **Note:** If called more than 5 times per second, the received light value may * not be accurate. * @returns {number} A light value from 0 to 1 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Puck_light */ static light(): number; /** * DEPRECATED - Please use `E.getBattery()` instead. * Return an approximate battery percentage remaining based on a normal CR2032 * battery (2.8 - 2.2v). * @returns {number} A percentage between 0 and 100 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Puck_getBatteryPercentage */ static getBatteryPercentage(): number; /** * Run a self-test, and return true for a pass. This checks for shorts between * pins, so your Puck shouldn't have anything connected to it. * **Note:** This self-test auto starts if you hold the button on your Puck down * while inserting the battery, leave it pressed for 3 seconds (while the green LED * is lit) and release it soon after all LEDs turn on. 5 red blinks is a fail, 5 * green is a pass. * If the self test fails, it'll set the Puck.js Bluetooth advertising name to * `Puck.js !ERR` where ERR is a 3 letter error code. * @returns {boolean} True if the self-test passed * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Puck_selfTest */ static selfTest(): boolean; } /** * Class containing utility functions for the [Bangle.js Smart * Watch](http://www.espruino.com/Bangle.js) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Bangle */ declare class Bangle { /** * Accelerometer data available with `{x,y,z,diff,mag}` object as a parameter. * * `x` is X axis (left-right) in `g` * * `y` is Y axis (up-down) in `g` * * `z` is Z axis (in-out) in `g` * * `diff` is difference between this and the last reading in `g` * * `mag` is the magnitude of the acceleration in `g` * You can also retrieve the most recent reading with `Bangle.getAccel()`. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(xyz: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `xyz` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_accel */ static on(event: "accel", callback: (xyz: AccelData) => void): void; /** * Called whenever a step is detected by Bangle.js's pedometer. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(up: number) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `up` The number of steps since Bangle.js was last reset * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_step */ static on(event: "step", callback: (up: number) => void): void; /** * See `Bangle.getHealthStatus()` for more information. This is used for health * tracking to allow Bangle.js to record historical exercise data. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(info: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `info` An object containing the last 10 minutes health data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_health */ static on(event: "health", callback: (info: HealthStatus) => void): void; /** * Has the watch been moved so that it is face-up, or not face up? * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(up: boolean) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `up` `true` if face-up * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_faceUp */ static on(event: "faceUp", callback: (up: boolean) => void): void; /** * This event happens when the watch has been twisted around it's axis - for * instance as if it was rotated so someone could look at the time. * To tweak when this happens, see the `twist*` options in `Bangle.setOptions()` * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_twist */ static on(event: "twist", callback: () => void): void; /** * Is the battery charging or not? * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(charging: boolean) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `charging` `true` if charging * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_charging */ static on(event: "charging", callback: (charging: boolean) => void): void; /** * Magnetometer/Compass data available with `{x,y,z,dx,dy,dz,heading}` object as a * parameter * * `x/y/z` raw x,y,z magnetometer readings * * `dx/dy/dz` readings based on calibration since magnetometer turned on * * `heading` in degrees based on calibrated readings (will be NaN if magnetometer * hasn't been rotated around 360 degrees). * **Note:** In 2v15 firmware and earlier the heading is inverted (360-heading). There's * a fix in the bootloader which will apply a fix for those headings, but old apps may * still expect an inverted value. * To get this event you must turn the compass on with `Bangle.setCompassPower(1)`. * You can also retrieve the most recent reading with `Bangle.getCompass()`. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(xyz: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `xyz` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_mag */ static on(event: "mag", callback: (xyz: CompassData) => void): void; /** * Raw NMEA GPS / u-blox data messages received as a string * To get this event you must turn the GPS on with `Bangle.setGPSPower(1)`. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(nmea: any, dataLoss: boolean) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `nmea` A string containing the raw NMEA data from the GPS * * `dataLoss` This is set to true if some lines of GPS data have previously been lost (eg because system was too busy to queue up a GPS-raw event) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_GPS-raw */ static on(event: "GPS-raw", callback: (nmea: string, dataLoss: boolean) => void): void; /** * GPS data, as an object. Contains: * ``` * { "lat": number, // Latitude in degrees * "lon": number, // Longitude in degrees * "alt": number, // altitude in M * "speed": number, // Speed in kph * "course": number, // Course in degrees * "time": Date, // Current Time (or undefined if not known) * "satellites": 7, // Number of satellites * "fix": 1 // NMEA Fix state - 0 is no fix * "hdop": number, // Horizontal Dilution of Precision * } * ``` * If a value such as `lat` is not known because there is no fix, it'll be `NaN`. * `hdop` is a value from the GPS receiver that gives a rough idea of accuracy of * lat/lon based on the geometry of the satellites in range. Multiply by 5 to get a * value in meters. This is just a ballpark estimation and should not be considered * remotely accurate. * To get this event you must turn the GPS on with `Bangle.setGPSPower(1)`. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(fix: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `fix` An object with fix info (see below) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_GPS */ static on(event: "GPS", callback: (fix: GPSFix) => void): void; /** * Heat rate data, as an object. Contains: * ``` * { "bpm": number, // Beats per minute * "confidence": number, // 0-100 percentage confidence in the heart rate * "raw": Uint8Array, // raw samples from heart rate monitor * } * ``` * To get this event you must turn the heart rate monitor on with * `Bangle.setHRMPower(1)`. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(hrm: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `hrm` An object with heart rate info (see below) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_HRM */ static on(event: "HRM", callback: (hrm: { bpm: number, confidence: number, raw: Uint8Array }) => void): void; /** * Called when heart rate sensor data is available - see `Bangle.setHRMPower(1)`. * `hrm` is of the form: * ``` * { "raw": -1, // raw value from sensor * "filt": -1, // bandpass-filtered raw value from sensor * "bpm": 88.9, // last BPM value measured * "confidence": 0 // confidence in the BPM value * } * ``` * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(hrm: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `hrm` A object containing instant readings from the heart rate sensor * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_HRM-raw */ static on(event: "HRM-raw", callback: (hrm: { raw: number, filt: number, bpm: number, confidence: number }) => void): void; /** * When `Bangle.setBarometerPower(true)` is called, this event is fired containing * barometer readings. * Same format as `Bangle.getPressure()` * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(e: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `e` An object containing `{temperature,pressure,altitude}` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_pressure */ static on(event: "pressure", callback: (e: PressureData) => void): void; /** * Has the screen been turned on or off? Can be used to stop tasks that are no * longer useful if nothing is displayed. Also see `Bangle.isLCDOn()` * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(on: boolean) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `on` `true` if screen is on * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_lcdPower */ static on(event: "lcdPower", callback: (on: boolean) => void): void; /** * Has the screen been locked? Also see `Bangle.isLocked()` * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(on: boolean) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `on` `true` if screen is locked, `false` if it is unlocked and touchscreen/buttons will work * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_lock */ static on(event: "lock", callback: (on: boolean) => void): void; /** * If the watch is tapped, this event contains information on the way it was * tapped. * `dir` reports the side of the watch that was tapped (not the direction it was * tapped in). * ``` * { * dir : "left/right/top/bottom/front/back", * double : true/false // was this a double-tap? * x : -2 .. 2, // the axis of the tap * y : -2 .. 2, // the axis of the tap * z : -2 .. 2 // the axis of the tap * ``` * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(data: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `data` `{dir, double, x, y, z}` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_tap */ static on(event: "tap", callback: (data: { dir: "left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom" | "front" | "back", double: boolean, x: TapAxis, y: TapAxis, z: TapAxis }) => void): void; /** * Emitted when a 'gesture' (fast movement) is detected * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(xyz: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `xyz` An Int8Array of XYZXYZXYZ data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_gesture */ static on(event: "gesture", callback: (xyz: Int8Array) => void): void; /** * Emitted when a 'gesture' (fast movement) is detected, and a Tensorflow model is * in storage in the `".tfmodel"` file. * If a `".tfnames"` file is specified as a comma-separated list of names, it will * be used to decode `gesture` from a number into a string. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(gesture: any, weights: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `gesture` The name of the gesture (if '.tfnames' exists, or the index. 'undefined' if not matching * * `weights` An array of floating point values output by the model * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_aiGesture */ static on(event: "aiGesture", callback: (gesture: string | undefined, weights: number[]) => void): void; /** * Emitted when a swipe on the touchscreen is detected (a movement from * left->right, right->left, down->up or up->down) * Bangle.js 1 is only capable of detecting left/right swipes as it only contains a * 2 zone touchscreen. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(directionLR: number, directionUD: number) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `directionLR` `-1` for left, `1` for right, `0` for up/down * * `directionUD` `-1` for up, `1` for down, `0` for left/right (Bangle.js 2 only) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_swipe */ static on(event: "swipe", callback: SwipeCallback): void; /** * Emitted when the touchscreen is pressed * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(button: number, xy: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `button` `1` for left, `2` for right * * `xy` Object of form `{x,y}` containing touch coordinates (if the device supports full touch). Clipped to 0..175 (LCD pixel coordinates) on firmware 2v13 and later. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_touch */ static on(event: "touch", callback: TouchCallback): void; /** * Emitted when the touchscreen is dragged or released * The touchscreen extends past the edge of the screen and while `x` and `y` * coordinates are arranged such that they align with the LCD's pixels, if your * finger goes towards the edge of the screen, `x` and `y` could end up larger than * 175 (the screen's maximum pixel coordinates) or smaller than 0. Coordinates from * the `touch` event are clipped. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(event: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `event` Object of form `{x,y,dx,dy,b}` containing touch coordinates, difference in touch coordinates, and an integer `b` containing number of touch points (currently 1 or 0) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_drag */ static on(event: "drag", callback: DragCallback): void; /** * Emitted when the touchscreen is dragged for a large enough distance to count as * a gesture. * If Bangle.strokes is defined and populated with data from `Unistroke.new`, the * `event` argument will also contain a `stroke` field containing the most closely * matching stroke name. * For example: * ``` * Bangle.strokes = { * up : Unistroke.new(new Uint8Array([57, 151, ... 158, 137])), * alpha : Unistroke.new(new Uint8Array([161, 55, ... 159, 161])), * }; * Bangle.on('stroke',o=>{ * print(o.stroke); * g.clear(1).drawPoly(o.xy); * }); * // Might print something like * { * "xy": new Uint8Array([149, 50, ... 107, 136]), * "stroke": "alpha" * } * ``` * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(event: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `event` Object of form `{xy:Uint8Array([x1,y1,x2,y2...])}` containing touch coordinates * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_stroke */ static on(event: "stroke", callback: (event: { xy: Uint8Array, stroke?: string }) => void): void; /** * Emitted at midnight (at the point the `day` health info is reset to 0). * Can be used for housekeeping tasks that don't want to be run during the day. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_midnight */ static on(event: "midnight", callback: () => void): void; /** * This function can be used to turn Bangle.js's LCD off or on. * This function resets the Bangle's 'activity timer' (like pressing a button or * the screen would) so after a time period of inactivity set by * `Bangle.setLCDTimeout` the screen will turn off. * If you want to keep the screen on permanently (until apps are changed) you can * do: * ``` * Bangle.setLCDTimeout(0); // turn off the timeout * Bangle.setLCDPower(1); // keep screen on * ``` * **When on full, the LCD draws roughly 40mA.** You can adjust When brightness * using `Bangle.setLCDBrightness`. * * @param {boolean} isOn - True if the LCD should be on, false if not * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_setLCDPower */ static setLCDPower(isOn: boolean): void; /** * This function can be used to adjust the brightness of Bangle.js's display, and * hence prolong its battery life. * Due to hardware design constraints, software PWM has to be used which means that * the display may flicker slightly when Bluetooth is active and the display is not * at full power. * **Power consumption** * * 0 = 7mA * * 0.1 = 12mA * * 0.2 = 18mA * * 0.5 = 28mA * * 0.9 = 40mA (switching overhead) * * 1 = 40mA * * @param {number} brightness - The brightness of Bangle.js's display - from 0(off) to 1(on full) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_setLCDBrightness */ static setLCDBrightness(brightness: number): void; /** * This function can be used to change the way graphics is handled on Bangle.js. * Available options for `Bangle.setLCDMode` are: * * `Bangle.setLCDMode()` or `Bangle.setLCDMode("direct")` (the default) - The * drawable area is 240x240 16 bit. Unbuffered, so draw calls take effect * immediately. Terminal and vertical scrolling work (horizontal scrolling * doesn't). * * `Bangle.setLCDMode("doublebuffered")` - The drawable area is 240x160 16 bit, * terminal and scrolling will not work. `g.flip()` must be called for draw * operations to take effect. * * `Bangle.setLCDMode("120x120")` - The drawable area is 120x120 8 bit, * `g.getPixel`, terminal, and full scrolling work. Uses an offscreen buffer * stored on Bangle.js, `g.flip()` must be called for draw operations to take * effect. * * `Bangle.setLCDMode("80x80")` - The drawable area is 80x80 8 bit, `g.getPixel`, * terminal, and full scrolling work. Uses an offscreen buffer stored on * Bangle.js, `g.flip()` must be called for draw operations to take effect. * You can also call `Bangle.setLCDMode()` to return to normal, unbuffered * `"direct"` mode. * * @param {any} mode - The LCD mode (See below) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_setLCDMode */ static setLCDMode(mode?: LCDMode): void; /** * The current LCD mode. * See `Bangle.setLCDMode` for examples. * @returns {any} The LCD mode as a String * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_getLCDMode */ static getLCDMode(): LCDMode; /** * This can be used to move the displayed memory area up or down temporarily. It's * used for displaying notifications while keeping the main display contents * intact. * * @param {number} y - The amount of pixels to shift the LCD up or down * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_setLCDOffset */ static setLCDOffset(y: number): void; /** * Overlay an image or graphics instance on top of the contents of the graphics buffer. * This only works on Bangle.js 2 because Bangle.js 1 doesn't have an offscreen buffer accessible from the CPU. * ``` * // display an alarm clock icon on the screen * var img = require("heatshrink").decompress(atob(`lss4UBvvv///ovBlMyqoADv/VAwlV//1qtfAQX/BINXDoPVq/9DAP * /AYIKDrWq0oREAYPW1QAB1IWCBQXaBQWq04WCAQP6BQeqA4P1AQPq1WggEK1WrBAIkBBQJsCBYO///fBQOoPAcqCwP3BQnwgECCwP9 * GwIKCngWC14sB7QKCh4CBCwN/64KDgfACwWn6vWGwYsBCwOputWJgYsCgGqytVBQYsCLYOlqtqwAsFEINVrR4BFgghBBQosDEINWIQ * YsDEIQ3DFgYhCG4msSYeVFgnrFhMvOAgsEkE/FhEggYWCFgIhDkEACwQKBEIYKBCwSGFBQJxCQwYhBBQTKDqohCBQhCCEIJlDXwrKE * BQoWHBQdaCwuqJoI4CCwgKECwJ9CJgIKDq+qBYUq1WtBQf+BYIAC3/VBQX/tQKDz/9BQY5BAAVV/4WCBQJcBKwVf+oHBv4wCAAYhB`)); * Bangle.setLCDOverlay(img,66,66); * ``` * Or use a `Graphics` instance: * ``` * var ovr = Graphics.createArrayBuffer(100,100,1,{msb:true}); // 1bpp * ovr.drawLine(0,0,100,100); * ovr.drawRect(0,0,99,99); * Bangle.setLCDOverlay(ovr,38,38); * ``` * Although `Graphics` can be specified directly, it can often make more sense to * create an Image from the `Graphics` instance, as this gives you access * to color palettes and transparent colors. For instance this will draw a colored * overlay with rounded corners: * ``` * var ovr = Graphics.createArrayBuffer(100,100,2,{msb:true}); * ovr.setColor(1).fillRect({x:0,y:0,w:99,h:99,r:8}); * ovr.setColor(3).fillRect({x:2,y:2,w:95,h:95,r:7}); * ovr.setColor(2).setFont("Vector:30").setFontAlign(0,0).drawString("Hi",50,50); * Bangle.setLCDOverlay({ * width:ovr.getWidth(), height:ovr.getHeight(), * bpp:2, transparent:0, * palette:new Uint16Array([0,0,g.toColor("#F00"),g.toColor("#FFF")]), * buffer:ovr.buffer * },38,38); * ``` * * @param {any} img - An image * @param {number} x - The X offset the graphics instance should be overlaid on the screen with * @param {number} y - The Y offset the graphics instance should be overlaid on the screen with * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_setLCDOverlay */ static setLCDOverlay(img: any, x: number, y: number): void; /** * This function can be used to turn Bangle.js's LCD power saving on or off. * With power saving off, the display will remain in the state you set it with * `Bangle.setLCDPower`. * With power saving on, the display will turn on if a button is pressed, the watch * is turned face up, or the screen is updated (see `Bangle.setOptions` for * configuration). It'll turn off automatically after the given timeout. * **Note:** This function also sets the Backlight and Lock timeout (the time at * which the touchscreen/buttons start being ignored). To set both separately, use * `Bangle.setOptions` * * @param {number} isOn - The timeout of the display in seconds, or `0`/`undefined` to turn power saving off. Default is 10 seconds. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_setLCDTimeout */ static setLCDTimeout(isOn: number): void; /** * Set how often the watch should poll for new acceleration/gyro data and kick the * Watchdog timer. It isn't recommended that you make this interval much larger * than 1000ms, but values up to 4000ms are allowed. * Calling this will set `Bangle.setOptions({powerSave: false})` - disabling the * dynamic adjustment of poll interval to save battery power when Bangle.js is * stationary. * * @param {number} interval - Polling interval in milliseconds (Default is 80ms - 12.5Hz to match accelerometer) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_setPollInterval */ static setPollInterval(interval: number): void; /** * Set internal options used for gestures, etc... * * `wakeOnBTN1` should the LCD turn on when BTN1 is pressed? default = `true` * * `wakeOnBTN2` (Bangle.js 1) should the LCD turn on when BTN2 is pressed? * default = `true` * * `wakeOnBTN3` (Bangle.js 1) should the LCD turn on when BTN3 is pressed? * default = `true` * * `wakeOnFaceUp` should the LCD turn on when the watch is turned face up? * default = `false` * * `wakeOnTouch` should the LCD turn on when the touchscreen is pressed? default * = `false` * * `wakeOnTwist` should the LCD turn on when the watch is twisted? default = * `true` * * `twistThreshold` How much acceleration to register a twist of the watch strap? * Can be negative for opposite direction. default = `800` * * `twistMaxY` Maximum acceleration in Y to trigger a twist (low Y means watch is * facing the right way up). default = `-800` * * `twistTimeout` How little time (in ms) must a twist take from low->high * acceleration? default = `1000` * * `gestureStartThresh` how big a difference before we consider a gesture * started? default = `sqr(800)` * * `gestureEndThresh` how small a difference before we consider a gesture ended? * default = `sqr(2000)` * * `gestureInactiveCount` how many samples do we keep after a gesture has ended? * default = `4` * * `gestureMinLength` how many samples must a gesture have before we notify about * it? default = `10` * * `powerSave` after a minute of not being moved, Bangle.js will change the * accelerometer poll interval down to 800ms (10x accelerometer samples). On * movement it'll be raised to the default 80ms. If `Bangle.setPollInterval` is * used this is disabled, and for it to work the poll interval must be either * 80ms or 800ms. default = `true`. Setting `powerSave:false` will disable this * automatic power saving, but will **not** change the poll interval from its * current value. If you desire a specific interval (e.g. the default 80ms) you * must set it manually with `Bangle.setPollInterval(80)` after setting * `powerSave:false`. * * `lockTimeout` how many milliseconds before the screen locks * * `lcdPowerTimeout` how many milliseconds before the screen turns off * * `backlightTimeout` how many milliseconds before the screen's backlight turns * off * * `btnLoadTimeout` how many milliseconds does the home button have to be pressed * for before the clock is reloaded? 1500ms default, or 0 means never. * * `hrmPollInterval` set the requested poll interval (in milliseconds) for the * heart rate monitor. On Bangle.js 2 only 10,20,40,80,160,200 ms are supported, * and polling rate may not be exact. The algorithm's filtering is tuned for * 20-40ms poll intervals, so higher/lower intervals may effect the reliability * of the BPM reading. * * `seaLevelPressure` (Bangle.js 2) Normally 1013.25 millibars - this is used for * calculating altitude with the pressure sensor * Where accelerations are used they are in internal units, where `8192 = 1g` * * @param {any} options * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_setOptions */ static setOptions(options: { [key in keyof BangleOptions]?: BangleOptions[key] }): void; /** * Return the current state of options as set by `Bangle.setOptions` * @returns {any} The current state of all options * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_getOptions */ static getOptions(): BangleOptions; /** * Also see the `Bangle.lcdPower` event * @returns {boolean} Is the display on or not? * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_isLCDOn */ static isLCDOn(): boolean; /** * This function can be used to lock or unlock Bangle.js (e.g. whether buttons and * touchscreen work or not) * * @param {boolean} isLocked - `true` if the Bangle is locked (no user input allowed) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_setLocked */ static setLocked(isLocked: boolean): void; /** * Also see the `Bangle.lock` event * @returns {boolean} Is the screen locked or not? * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_isLocked */ static isLocked(): boolean; /** * @returns {boolean} Is the battery charging or not? * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_isCharging */ static isCharging(): boolean; /** * Writes a command directly to the ST7735 LCD controller * * @param {number} cmd * @param {any} data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_lcdWr */ static lcdWr(cmd: number, data: any): void; /** * Set the power to the Heart rate monitor * When on, data is output via the `HRM` event on `Bangle`: * ``` * Bangle.setHRMPower(true, "myapp"); * Bangle.on('HRM',print); * ``` * *When on, the Heart rate monitor draws roughly 5mA* * * @param {boolean} isOn - True if the heart rate monitor should be on, false if not * @param {any} appID - A string with the app's name in, used to ensure one app can't turn off something another app is using * @returns {boolean} Is HRM on? * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_setHRMPower */ static setHRMPower(isOn: boolean, appID: string): boolean; /** * Is the Heart rate monitor powered? * Set power with `Bangle.setHRMPower(...);` * @returns {boolean} Is HRM on? * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_isHRMOn */ static isHRMOn(): boolean; /** * Set the power to the GPS. * When on, data is output via the `GPS` event on `Bangle`: * ``` * Bangle.setGPSPower(true, "myapp"); * Bangle.on('GPS',print); * ``` * *When on, the GPS draws roughly 20mA* * * @param {boolean} isOn - True if the GPS should be on, false if not * @param {any} appID - A string with the app's name in, used to ensure one app can't turn off something another app is using * @returns {boolean} Is the GPS on? * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_setGPSPower */ static setGPSPower(isOn: boolean, appID: string): boolean; /** * Is the GPS powered? * Set power with `Bangle.setGPSPower(...);` * @returns {boolean} Is the GPS on? * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_isGPSOn */ static isGPSOn(): boolean; /** * Get the last available GPS fix info (or `undefined` if GPS is off). * The fix info received is the same as you'd get from the `Bangle.GPS` event. * @returns {any} A GPS fix object with `{lat,lon,...}` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_getGPSFix */ static getGPSFix(): GPSFix; /** * Set the power to the Compass * When on, data is output via the `mag` event on `Bangle`: * ``` * Bangle.setCompassPower(true, "myapp"); * Bangle.on('mag',print); * ``` * *When on, the compass draws roughly 2mA* * * @param {boolean} isOn - True if the Compass should be on, false if not * @param {any} appID - A string with the app's name in, used to ensure one app can't turn off something another app is using * @returns {boolean} Is the Compass on? * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_setCompassPower */ static setCompassPower(isOn: boolean, appID: string): boolean; /** * Is the compass powered? * Set power with `Bangle.setCompassPower(...);` * @returns {boolean} Is the Compass on? * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_isCompassOn */ static isCompassOn(): boolean; /** * Resets the compass minimum/maximum values. Can be used if the compass isn't * providing a reliable heading any more. * * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_resetCompass */ static resetCompass(): void; /** * Set the power to the barometer IC. Once enabled, `Bangle.pressure` events are * fired each time a new barometer reading is available. * When on, the barometer draws roughly 50uA * * @param {boolean} isOn - True if the barometer IC should be on, false if not * @param {any} appID - A string with the app's name in, used to ensure one app can't turn off something another app is using * @returns {boolean} Is the Barometer on? * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_setBarometerPower */ static setBarometerPower(isOn: boolean, appID: string): boolean; /** * Is the Barometer powered? * Set power with `Bangle.setBarometerPower(...);` * @returns {boolean} Is the Barometer on? * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_isBarometerOn */ static isBarometerOn(): boolean; /** * Returns the current amount of steps recorded by the step counter * @returns {number} The number of steps recorded by the step counter * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_getStepCount */ static getStepCount(): number; /** * Sets the current value of the step counter * * @param {number} count - The value with which to reload the step counter * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_setStepCount */ static setStepCount(count: number): void; /** * Get the most recent Magnetometer/Compass reading. Data is in the same format as * the `Bangle.on('mag',` event. * Returns an `{x,y,z,dx,dy,dz,heading}` object * * `x/y/z` raw x,y,z magnetometer readings * * `dx/dy/dz` readings based on calibration since magnetometer turned on * * `heading` in degrees based on calibrated readings (will be NaN if magnetometer * hasn't been rotated around 360 degrees). * **Note:** In 2v15 firmware and earlier the heading is inverted (360-heading). There's * a fix in the bootloader which will apply a fix for those headings, but old apps may * still expect an inverted value. * To get this event you must turn the compass on with `Bangle.setCompassPower(1)`. * @returns {any} An object containing magnetometer readings (as below) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_getCompass */ static getCompass(): CompassData; /** * Get the most recent accelerometer reading. Data is in the same format as the * `Bangle.on('accel',` event. * * `x` is X axis (left-right) in `g` * * `y` is Y axis (up-down) in `g` * * `z` is Z axis (in-out) in `g` * * `diff` is difference between this and the last reading in `g` (calculated by * comparing vectors, not magnitudes) * * `td` is the elapsed * * `mag` is the magnitude of the acceleration in `g` * @returns {any} An object containing accelerometer readings (as below) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_getAccel */ static getAccel(): AccelData & { td: number }; /** * `range` is one of: * * `undefined` or `'10min'` - health data so far in this 10 minute block (eg. 9:00.00 - 9:09.59) * * `'last'` - health data during the last 10 minute block * * `'day'` - the health data so far for the day * `getHealthStatus` returns an object containing: * * `movement` is the 32 bit sum of all `acc.diff` readings since power on (and * rolls over). It is the difference in accelerometer values as `g*8192` * * `steps` is the number of steps during this period * * `bpm` the best BPM reading from HRM sensor during this period * * `bpmConfidence` best BPM confidence (0-100%) during this period * * @param {any} range - What time period to return data for, see below: * @returns {any} Returns an object containing various health info * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_getHealthStatus */ static getHealthStatus(range?: "current" | "last" | "day"): HealthStatus; /** * Reads debug info. Exposes the current values of `accHistoryIdx`, `accGestureCount`, `accIdleCount` and `pollInterval`. * @returns {any} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_dbg */ static dbg(): any; /** * Writes a register on the accelerometer * * @param {number} reg * @param {number} data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_accelWr */ static accelWr(reg: number, data: number): void; /** * Reads a register from the accelerometer * **Note:** On Espruino 2v06 and before this function only returns a number (`cnt` * is ignored). * * @param {number} reg * @param {number} cnt - If specified, returns an array of the given length (max 128). If not (or 0) it returns a number * @returns {any} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_accelRd */ static accelRd(reg: number, cnt?: 0): number; static accelRd(reg: number, cnt: number): number[]; /** * Writes a register on the barometer IC * * @param {number} reg * @param {number} data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_barometerWr */ static barometerWr(reg: number, data: number): void; /** * Reads a register from the barometer IC * * @param {number} reg * @param {number} cnt - If specified, returns an array of the given length (max 128). If not (or 0) it returns a number * @returns {any} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_barometerRd */ static barometerRd(reg: number, cnt?: 0): number; static barometerRd(reg: number, cnt: number): number[]; /** * Writes a register on the Magnetometer/Compass * * @param {number} reg * @param {number} data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_compassWr */ static compassWr(reg: number, data: number): void; /** * Read a register on the Magnetometer/Compass * * @param {number} reg * @param {number} cnt - If specified, returns an array of the given length (max 128). If not (or 0) it returns a number * @returns {any} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_compassRd */ static compassRd(reg: number, cnt?: 0): number; static compassRd(reg: number, cnt: number): number[]; /** * Writes a register on the Heart rate monitor * * @param {number} reg * @param {number} data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_hrmWr */ static hrmWr(reg: number, data: number): void; /** * Read a register on the Heart rate monitor * * @param {number} reg * @param {number} cnt - If specified, returns an array of the given length (max 128). If not (or 0) it returns a number * @returns {any} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_hrmRd */ static hrmRd(reg: number, cnt?: 0): number; static hrmRd(reg: number, cnt: number): number[]; /** * Changes a pin state on the IO expander * * @param {number} mask * @param {number} isOn * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_ioWr */ static ioWr(mask: number, isOn: number): void; /** * Read temperature, pressure and altitude data. A promise is returned which will * be resolved with `{temperature, pressure, altitude}`. * If the Barometer has been turned on with `Bangle.setBarometerPower` then this * will return almost immediately with the reading. If the Barometer is off, * conversions take between 500-750ms. * Altitude assumes a sea-level pressure of 1013.25 hPa * ``` * Bangle.getPressure().then(d=>{ * console.log(d); * // {temperature, pressure, altitude} * }); * ``` * @returns {any} A promise that will be resolved with `{temperature, pressure, altitude}` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_getPressure */ static getPressure(): PressureData; /** * Perform a Spherical [Web Mercator * projection](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Mercator_projection) of latitude * and longitude into `x` and `y` coordinates, which are roughly equivalent to * meters from `{lat:0,lon:0}`. * This is the formula used for most online mapping and is a good way to compare * GPS coordinates to work out the distance between them. * * @param {any} latlong - `{lat:..., lon:...}` * @returns {any} {x:..., y:...} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_project */ static project(latlong: { lat: number, lon: number }): { x: number, y: number }; /** * Use the piezo speaker to Beep for a certain time period and frequency * * @param {number} [time] - [optional] Time in ms (default 200) * @param {number} [freq] - [optional] Frequency in hz (default 4000) * @returns {any} A promise, completed when beep is finished * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_beep */ static beep(time?: number, freq?: number): Promise; /** * Use the vibration motor to buzz for a certain time period * * @param {number} [time] - [optional] Time in ms (default 200) * @param {number} [strength] - [optional] Power of vibration from 0 to 1 (Default 1) * @returns {any} A promise, completed when vibration is finished * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_buzz */ static buzz(time?: number, strength?: number): Promise; /** * Turn Bangle.js off. It can only be woken by pressing BTN1. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_off */ static off(): void; /** * Turn Bangle.js (mostly) off, but keep the CPU in sleep mode until BTN1 is * pressed to preserve the RTC (current time). * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_softOff */ static softOff(): void; /** * * On platforms with an LCD of >=8bpp this is 222 x 104 x 2 bits * * Otherwise it's 119 x 56 x 1 bits * @returns {any} An image to be used with `g.drawImage` (as a String) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_getLogo */ static getLogo(): string; /** * Load all widgets from flash Storage. Call this once at the beginning of your * application if you want any on-screen widgets to be loaded. * They will be loaded into a global `WIDGETS` array, and can be rendered with * `Bangle.drawWidgets`. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_loadWidgets */ static loadWidgets(): void; /** * Draw any onscreen widgets that were loaded with `Bangle.loadWidgets()`. * Widgets should redraw themselves when something changes - you'll only need to * call drawWidgets if you decide to clear the entire screen with `g.clear()`. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_drawWidgets */ static drawWidgets(): void; /** * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_drawWidgets */ static drawWidgets(): void; /** * Load the Bangle.js app launcher, which will allow the user to select an * application to launch. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_showLauncher */ static showLauncher(): void; /** * Load the Bangle.js clock - this has the same effect as calling `Bangle.load()`. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_showClock */ static showClock(): void; /** * This behaves the same as the global `load()` function, but if fast * loading is possible (`Bangle.setUI` was called with a `remove` handler) * then instead of a complete reload, the `remove` handler will be * called and the new app will be loaded straight after with `eval`. * **This should only be used if the app being loaded also uses widgets** * (eg it contains a `Bangle.loadWidgets()` call). * `load()` is slower, but safer. As such, care should be taken * when using `Bangle.load()` with `Bangle.setUI({..., remove:...})` * as if your remove handler doesn't completely clean up after your app, * memory leaks or other issues could occur - see `Bangle.setUI` for more * information. * * @param {any} [file] - [optional] A string containing the file name for the app to be loaded * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_load */ static load(file: string): void; static load(): void; /** * This puts Bangle.js into the specified UI input mode, and calls the callback * provided when there is user input. * Currently supported interface types are: * * 'updown' - UI input with upwards motion `cb(-1)`, downwards motion `cb(1)`, * and select `cb()` * * Bangle.js 1 uses BTN1/3 for up/down and BTN2 for select * * Bangle.js 2 uses touchscreen swipe up/down and tap * * 'leftright' - UI input with left motion `cb(-1)`, right motion `cb(1)`, and * select `cb()` * * Bangle.js 1 uses BTN1/3 for left/right and BTN2 for select * * Bangle.js 2 uses touchscreen swipe left/right and tap/BTN1 for select * * 'clock' - called for clocks. Sets `Bangle.CLOCK=1` and allows a button to * start the launcher * * Bangle.js 1 BTN2 starts the launcher * * Bangle.js 2 BTN1 starts the launcher * * 'clockupdown' - called for clocks. Sets `Bangle.CLOCK=1`, allows a button to * start the launcher, but also provides up/down functionality * * Bangle.js 1 BTN2 starts the launcher, BTN1/BTN3 call `cb(-1)` and `cb(1)` * * Bangle.js 2 BTN1 starts the launcher, touchscreen tap in top/bottom right * hand side calls `cb(-1)` and `cb(1)` * * `{mode:"custom", ...}` allows you to specify custom handlers for different * interactions. See below. * * `undefined` removes all user interaction code * While you could use setWatch/etc manually, the benefit here is that you don't * end up with multiple `setWatch` instances, and the actual input method (touch, * or buttons) is implemented dependent on the watch (Bangle.js 1 or 2) * **Note:** You can override this function in boot code to change the interaction * mode with the watch. For instance you could make all clocks start the launcher * with a swipe by using: * ``` * (function() { * var sui = Bangle.setUI; * Bangle.setUI = function(mode, cb) { * if (mode!="clock") return sui(mode,cb); * sui(); // clear * Bangle.CLOCK=1; * Bangle.swipeHandler = Bangle.showLauncher; * Bangle.on("swipe", Bangle.swipeHandler); * }; * })(); * ``` * The first argument can also be an object, in which case more options can be * specified: * ``` * Bangle.setUI({ * mode : "custom", * back : function() {}, // optional - add a 'back' icon in top-left widget area and call this function when it is pressed , also call it when the hardware button is clicked (does not override btn if defined) * remove : function() {}, // optional - add a handler for when the UI should be removed (eg stop any intervals/timers here) * touch : function(n,e) {}, // optional - handler for 'touch' events * swipe : function(dir) {}, // optional - handler for 'swipe' events * drag : function(e) {}, // optional - handler for 'drag' events (Bangle.js 2 only) * btn : function(n) {}, // optional - handler for 'button' events (n==1 on Bangle.js 2, n==1/2/3 depending on button for Bangle.js 1) * clock : 0 // optional - if set the behavior of 'clock' mode is added (does not override btn if defined) * }); * ``` * If `remove` is specified, `Bangle.showLauncher`, `Bangle.showClock`, `Bangle.load` and some apps * may choose to just call the `remove` function and then load a new app without resetting Bangle.js. * As a result, **if you specify 'remove' you should make sure you test that after calling `Bangle.setUI()` * without arguments your app is completely unloaded**, otherwise you may end up with memory leaks or * other issues when switching apps. * * @param {any} type - The type of UI input: 'updown', 'leftright', 'clock', 'clockupdown' or undefined to cancel. Can also be an object (see below) * @param {any} callback - A function with one argument which is the direction * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_setUI */ static setUI(type?: "updown" | "leftright" | "clock" | "clockupdown" | { mode: "custom"; back?: () => void; touch?: TouchCallback; swipe?: SwipeCallback; drag?: DragCallback; btn?: (n: number) => void, remove?: () => void, clock?: boolean }, callback?: (direction?: -1 | 1) => void): void; /** * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_setUI */ static setUI(): void; /** * Erase all storage and reload it with the default contents. * This is only available on Bangle.js 2.0. On Bangle.js 1.0 you need to use * `Install Default Apps` under the `More...` tab of http://banglejs.com/apps * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_factoryReset */ static factoryReset(): void; /** * Returns the rectangle on the screen that is currently reserved for the app. * @returns {any} An object of the form `{x,y,w,h,x2,y2}` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_appRect */ static appRect: { x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, x2: number, y2: number }; static CLOCK: boolean; static strokes: undefined | { [key: string]: Unistroke }; } /** * Class containing utility functions for accessing IO on the hexagonal badge * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Badge */ declare class Badge { /** * Capacitive sense - the higher the capacitance, the higher the number returned. * Supply a corner number between 1 and 6, and an integer value will be returned * that is proportional to the capacitance * * @param {number} corner - The corner to use * @returns {number} Capacitive sense counter * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Badge_capSense */ static capSense(corner: number): number; /** * Return an approximate battery percentage remaining based on a normal CR2032 * battery (2.8 - 2.2v) * @returns {number} A percentage between 0 and 100 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Badge_getBatteryPercentage */ static getBatteryPercentage(): number; /** * Set the LCD's contrast * * @param {number} c - Contrast between 0 and 1 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Badge_setContrast */ static setContrast(c: number): void; } /** * A Web Bluetooth-style device - you can request one using * `NRF.requestDevice(address)` * For example: * ``` * var gatt; * NRF.requestDevice({ filters: [{ name: 'Puck.js abcd' }] }).then(function(device) { * console.log("found device"); * return device.gatt.connect(); * }).then(function(g) { * gatt = g; * console.log("connected"); * return gatt.startBonding(); * }).then(function() { * console.log("bonded", gatt.getSecurityStatus()); * gatt.disconnect(); * }).catch(function(e) { * console.log("ERROR",e); * }); * ``` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#BluetoothDevice */ declare class BluetoothDevice { /** * Called when the device gets disconnected. * To connect and then print `Disconnected` when the device is disconnected, just * do the following: * ``` * var gatt; * NRF.connect("aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff").then(function(gatt) { * gatt.device.on('gattserverdisconnected', function(reason) { * console.log("Disconnected ",reason); * }); * }); * ``` * Or: * ``` * var gatt; * NRF.requestDevice(...).then(function(device) { * device.on('gattserverdisconnected', function(reason) { * console.log("Disconnected ",reason); * }); * }); * ``` * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(reason: number) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `reason` The reason code reported back by the BLE stack - see Nordic's `ble_hci.h` file for more information * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothDevice_gattserverdisconnected */ static on(event: "gattserverdisconnected", callback: (reason: number) => void): void; /** * Called when the device pairs and sends a passkey that Espruino should display. * For this to be used, you'll have to specify that there's a display using * `NRF.setSecurity` * **This is not part of the Web Bluetooth Specification.** It has been added * specifically for Espruino. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(passkey: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `passkey` A 6 character numeric String to be displayed * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothDevice_passkey */ static on(event: "passkey", callback: (passkey: any) => void): void; /** * Called when the device pairs, displays a passkey, and wants Espruino to tell it * what the passkey was. * Respond with `BluetoothDevice.sendPasskey()` with a 6 character string * containing only `0..9`. * For this to be used, you'll have to specify that there's a keyboard using * `NRF.setSecurity` * **This is not part of the Web Bluetooth Specification.** It has been added * specifically for Espruino. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothDevice_passkeyRequest */ static on(event: "passkeyRequest", callback: () => void): void; /** * @returns {any} A `BluetoothRemoteGATTServer` for this device * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothDevice_gatt */ gatt: any; /** * @returns {boolean} The last received RSSI (signal strength) for this device * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothDevice_rssi */ rssi: boolean; /** * To be used as a response when the event `BluetoothDevice.sendPasskey` has been * received. * **This is not part of the Web Bluetooth Specification.** It has been added * specifically for Espruino. * * @param {any} passkey - A 6 character numeric String to be returned to the device * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothDevice_sendPasskey */ sendPasskey(passkey: any): void; } /** * Web Bluetooth-style GATT server - get this using `NRF.connect(address)` or * `NRF.requestDevice(options)` and `response.gatt.connect` * https://webbluetoothcg.github.io/web-bluetooth/#bluetoothremotegattserver * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#BluetoothRemoteGATTServer */ declare class BluetoothRemoteGATTServer { /** * Connect to a BLE device - returns a promise, the argument of which is the * `BluetoothRemoteGATTServer` connection. * See [`NRF.requestDevice`](/Reference#l_NRF_requestDevice) for usage examples. * `options` is an optional object containing: * ``` * { * minInterval // min connection interval in milliseconds, 7.5 ms to 4 s * maxInterval // max connection interval in milliseconds, 7.5 ms to 4 s * } * ``` * By default the interval is 20-200ms (or 500-1000ms if * `NRF.setLowPowerConnection(true)` was called. During connection Espruino * negotiates with the other device to find a common interval that can be used. * For instance calling: * ``` * NRF.requestDevice({ filters: [{ namePrefix: 'Pixl.js' }] }).then(function(device) { * return device.gatt.connect({minInterval:7.5, maxInterval:7.5}); * }).then(function(g) { * ``` * will force the connection to use the fastest connection interval possible (as * long as the device at the other end supports it). * **Note:** The Web Bluetooth spec states that if a device hasn't advertised its * name, when connected to a device the central (in this case Espruino) should * automatically retrieve the name from the corresponding characteristic (`0x2a00` * on service `0x1800`). Espruino does not automatically do this. * * @param {any} [options] - [optional] (Espruino-specific) An object of connection options (see below) * @returns {any} A `Promise` that is resolved (or rejected) when the connection is complete * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothRemoteGATTServer_connect */ connect(options?: any): Promise; /** * @returns {boolean} Whether the device is connected or not * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothRemoteGATTServer_connected */ connected: boolean; /** * @returns {number} The handle to this device (if it is currently connected) - the handle is an internal value used by the Bluetooth Stack * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothRemoteGATTServer_handle */ handle: number; /** * Disconnect from a previously connected BLE device connected with * `BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.connect` - this does not disconnect from something * that has connected to the Espruino. * **Note:** While `.disconnect` is standard Web Bluetooth, in the spec it returns * undefined not a `Promise` for implementation reasons. In Espruino we return a * `Promise` to make it easier to detect when Espruino is free to connect to * something else. * @returns {any} A `Promise` that is resolved (or rejected) when the disconnection is complete (non-standard) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothRemoteGATTServer_disconnect */ disconnect(): Promise; /** * Start negotiating bonding (secure communications) with the connected device, and * return a Promise that is completed on success or failure. * ``` * var gatt; * NRF.requestDevice({ filters: [{ name: 'Puck.js abcd' }] }).then(function(device) { * console.log("found device"); * return device.gatt.connect(); * }).then(function(g) { * gatt = g; * console.log("connected"); * return gatt.startBonding(); * }).then(function() { * console.log("bonded", gatt.getSecurityStatus()); * gatt.disconnect(); * }).catch(function(e) { * console.log("ERROR",e); * }); * ``` * **This is not part of the Web Bluetooth Specification.** It has been added * specifically for Espruino. * * @param {boolean} forceRePair - If the device is already bonded, re-pair it * @returns {any} A `Promise` that is resolved (or rejected) when the bonding is complete * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothRemoteGATTServer_startBonding */ startBonding(forceRePair: boolean): Promise; /** * Return an object with information about the security state of the current * connection: * ``` * { * connected // The connection is active (not disconnected). * encrypted // Communication on this link is encrypted. * mitm_protected // The encrypted communication is also protected against man-in-the-middle attacks. * bonded // The peer is bonded with us * } * ``` * See `BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.startBonding` for information about negotiating a * secure connection. * **This is not part of the Web Bluetooth Specification.** It has been added * specifically for Puck.js. * @returns {any} An object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothRemoteGATTServer_getSecurityStatus */ getSecurityStatus(): any; /** * See `NRF.connect` for usage examples. * * @param {any} service - The service UUID * @returns {any} A `Promise` that is resolved (or rejected) when the primary service is found (the argument contains a `BluetoothRemoteGATTService`) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothRemoteGATTServer_getPrimaryService */ getPrimaryService(service: any): Promise; /** * @returns {any} A `Promise` that is resolved (or rejected) when the primary services are found (the argument contains an array of `BluetoothRemoteGATTService`) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothRemoteGATTServer_getPrimaryServices */ getPrimaryServices(): Promise; /** * Start/stop listening for RSSI values on the active GATT connection * ``` * // Start listening for RSSI value updates * gattServer.setRSSIHandler(function(rssi) { * console.log(rssi); // prints -85 (or similar) * }); * // Stop listening * gattServer.setRSSIHandler(); * ``` * RSSI is the 'Received Signal Strength Indication' in dBm * * @param {any} callback - The callback to call with the RSSI value, or undefined to stop * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothRemoteGATTServer_setRSSIHandler */ setRSSIHandler(callback: any): void; } /** * Web Bluetooth-style GATT service - get this using * `BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.getPrimaryService(s)` * https://webbluetoothcg.github.io/web-bluetooth/#bluetoothremotegattservice * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#BluetoothRemoteGATTService */ declare class BluetoothRemoteGATTService { /** * @returns {any} The `BluetoothDevice` this Service came from * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothRemoteGATTService_device */ device: any; /** * See `NRF.connect` for usage examples. * * @param {any} characteristic - The characteristic UUID * @returns {any} A `Promise` that is resolved (or rejected) when the characteristic is found (the argument contains a `BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic`) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothRemoteGATTService_getCharacteristic */ getCharacteristic(characteristic: any): Promise; /** * @returns {any} A `Promise` that is resolved (or rejected) when the characteristic is found (the argument contains an array of `BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic`) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothRemoteGATTService_getCharacteristics */ getCharacteristics(): Promise; } /** * Web Bluetooth-style GATT characteristic - get this using * `BluetoothRemoteGATTService.getCharacteristic(s)` * https://webbluetoothcg.github.io/web-bluetooth/#bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic */ declare class BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic { /** * Called when a characteristic's value changes, *after* * `BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.startNotifications` has been called. * ``` * ... * return service.getCharacteristic("characteristic_uuid"); * }).then(function(c) { * c.on('characteristicvaluechanged', function(event) { * console.log("-> "+event.target.value); * }); * return c.startNotifications(); * }).then(... * ``` * The first argument is of the form `{target : * BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic}`, and * `BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.value` will then contain the new value (as a * DataView). * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic_characteristicvaluechanged */ static on(event: "characteristicvaluechanged", callback: () => void): void; /** * @returns {any} The `BluetoothRemoteGATTService` this Service came from * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic_service */ service: any; /** * Write a characteristic's value * ``` * var device; * NRF.connect(device_address).then(function(d) { * device = d; * return d.getPrimaryService("service_uuid"); * }).then(function(s) { * console.log("Service ",s); * return s.getCharacteristic("characteristic_uuid"); * }).then(function(c) { * return c.writeValue("Hello"); * }).then(function(d) { * device.disconnect(); * }).catch(function() { * console.log("Something's broken."); * }); * ``` * * @param {any} data - The data to write * @returns {any} A `Promise` that is resolved (or rejected) when the characteristic is written * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic_writeValue */ writeValue(data: any): Promise; /** * Read a characteristic's value, return a promise containing a `DataView` * ``` * var device; * NRF.connect(device_address).then(function(d) { * device = d; * return d.getPrimaryService("service_uuid"); * }).then(function(s) { * console.log("Service ",s); * return s.getCharacteristic("characteristic_uuid"); * }).then(function(c) { * return c.readValue(); * }).then(function(d) { * console.log("Got:", JSON.stringify(d.buffer)); * device.disconnect(); * }).catch(function() { * console.log("Something's broken."); * }); * ``` * @returns {any} A `Promise` that is resolved (or rejected) with a `DataView` when the characteristic is read * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic_readValue */ readValue(): Promise; /** * Starts notifications - whenever this characteristic's value changes, a * `characteristicvaluechanged` event is fired and `characteristic.value` will then * contain the new value as a `DataView`. * ``` * var device; * NRF.connect(device_address).then(function(d) { * device = d; * return d.getPrimaryService("service_uuid"); * }).then(function(s) { * console.log("Service ",s); * return s.getCharacteristic("characteristic_uuid"); * }).then(function(c) { * c.on('characteristicvaluechanged', function(event) { * console.log("-> ",event.target.value); // this is a DataView * }); * return c.startNotifications(); * }).then(function(d) { * console.log("Waiting for notifications"); * }).catch(function() { * console.log("Something's broken."); * }); * ``` * For example, to listen to the output of another Puck.js's Nordic Serial port * service, you can use: * ``` * var gatt; * NRF.connect("pu:ck:js:ad:dr:es random").then(function(g) { * gatt = g; * return gatt.getPrimaryService("6e400001-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e"); * }).then(function(service) { * return service.getCharacteristic("6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e"); * }).then(function(characteristic) { * characteristic.on('characteristicvaluechanged', function(event) { * console.log("RX: "+JSON.stringify(event.target.value.buffer)); * }); * return characteristic.startNotifications(); * }).then(function() { * console.log("Done!"); * }); * ``` * @returns {any} A `Promise` that is resolved (or rejected) with data when notifications have been added * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic_startNotifications */ startNotifications(): Promise; /** * Stop notifications (that were requested with * `BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.startNotifications`) * @returns {any} A `Promise` that is resolved (or rejected) with data when notifications have been removed * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic_stopNotifications */ stopNotifications(): Promise; } /** * Class containing an instance of TFMicroInterpreter * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#TFMicroInterpreter */ declare class TFMicroInterpreter { /** * @returns {any} An arraybuffer referencing the input data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_TFMicroInterpreter_getInput */ getInput(): ArrayBufferView; /** * @returns {any} An arraybuffer referencing the output data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_TFMicroInterpreter_getOutput */ getOutput(): ArrayBufferView; /** * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_TFMicroInterpreter_invoke */ invoke(): void; } /** * This class provides Graphics operations that can be applied to a surface. * Use Graphics.createXXX to create a graphics object that renders in the way you * want. See [the Graphics page](https://www.espruino.com/Graphics) for more * information. * **Note:** On boards that contain an LCD, there is a built-in `g` object of * type `Graphics`. For instance to draw a line you'd type: * ```g.drawLine(0,0,100,100)``` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Graphics */ declare class Graphics { /** * On devices like Pixl.js or HYSTM boards that contain a built-in display this * will return an instance of the graphics class that can be used to access that * display. * Internally, this is stored as a member called `gfx` inside the 'hiddenRoot'. * @returns {any} An instance of `Graphics` or undefined * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_getInstance */ static getInstance(): Graphics | undefined /** * Create a Graphics object that renders to an Array Buffer. This will have a field * called 'buffer' that can get used to get at the buffer itself * * @param {number} width - Pixels wide * @param {number} height - Pixels high * @param {number} bpp - Number of bits per pixel * @param {any} options * An object of other options. `{ zigzag : true/false(default), vertical_byte : true/false(default), msb : true/false(default), color_order: 'rgb'(default),'bgr',etc }` * `zigzag` = whether to alternate the direction of scanlines for rows * `vertical_byte` = whether to align bits in a byte vertically or not * `msb` = when bits<8, store pixels most significant bit first, when bits>8, store most significant byte first * `interleavex` = Pixels 0,2,4,etc are from the top half of the image, 1,3,5,etc from the bottom half. Used for P3 LED panels. * `color_order` = re-orders the colour values that are supplied via setColor * @returns {any} The new Graphics object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_createArrayBuffer */ static createArrayBuffer(width: number, height: number, bpp: number, options?: { zigzag?: boolean, vertical_byte?: boolean, msb?: boolean, color_order?: "rgb" | "rbg" | "brg" | "bgr" | "grb" | "gbr" }): Graphics; /** * Create a Graphics object that renders by calling a JavaScript callback function * to draw pixels * * @param {number} width - Pixels wide * @param {number} height - Pixels high * @param {number} bpp - Number of bits per pixel * @param {any} callback - A function of the form ```function(x,y,col)``` that is called whenever a pixel needs to be drawn, or an object with: ```{setPixel:function(x,y,col),fillRect:function(x1,y1,x2,y2,col)}```. All arguments are already bounds checked. * @returns {any} The new Graphics object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_createCallback */ static createCallback(width: number, height: number, bpp: number, callback: ((x: number, y: number, col: number) => void) | { setPixel: (x: number, y: number, col: number) => void; fillRect: (x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, col: number) => void }): Graphics; /** * Create a Graphics object that renders to SDL window (Linux-based devices only) * * @param {number} width - Pixels wide * @param {number} height - Pixels high * @param {number} bpp - Bits per pixel (8,16,24 or 32 supported) * @returns {any} The new Graphics object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_createSDL */ static createSDL(width: number, height: number, bpp: number): Graphics; /** * Create a simple Black and White image for use with `Graphics.drawImage`. * Use as follows: * ``` * var img = Graphics.createImage(` * XXXXXXXXX * X X * X X X * X X X * X X * XXXXXXXXX * `); * g.drawImage(img, x,y); * ``` * If the characters at the beginning and end of the string are newlines, they will * be ignored. Spaces are treated as `0`, and any other character is a `1` * * @param {any} str - A String containing a newline-separated image - space is 0, anything else is 1 * @returns {any} An Image object that can be used with `Graphics.drawImage` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_createImage */ static createImage(str: string): ImageObject; /** * Set the current font * * @param {number} [scale] - [optional] If >1 the font will be scaled up by that amount * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_setFont12x20 */ setFont12x20(scale?: number): Graphics; /** * Set the current font * * @param {number} [scale] - [optional] If >1 the font will be scaled up by that amount * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_setFont6x15 */ setFont6x15(scale?: number): Graphics; /** * On instances of graphics that drive a display with an offscreen buffer, calling * this function will copy the contents of the offscreen buffer to the screen. * Call this when you have drawn something to Graphics and you want it shown on the * screen. * If a display does not have an offscreen buffer, it may not have a `g.flip()` * method. * On Bangle.js 1, there are different graphics modes chosen with * `Bangle.setLCDMode()`. The default mode is unbuffered and in this mode * `g.flip()` does not affect the screen contents. * On some devices, this command will attempt to only update the areas of the * screen that have changed in order to increase speed. If you have accessed the * `Graphics.buffer` directly then you may need to use `Graphics.flip(true)` to * force a full update of the screen. * * @param {boolean} [all] - [optional] (only on some devices) If `true` then copy all pixels, not just those that have changed. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_flip */ flip(all?: boolean): void; /** * On Graphics instances with an offscreen buffer, this is an `ArrayBuffer` that * provides access to the underlying pixel data. * ``` * g=Graphics.createArrayBuffer(8,8,8) * g.drawLine(0,0,7,7) * print(new Uint8Array(g.buffer)) * new Uint8Array([ * 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, * 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, * 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, * 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, * 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, * 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, * 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, * 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255]) * ``` * @returns {any} An ArrayBuffer (or not defined on Graphics instances not created with `Graphics.createArrayBuffer`) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_buffer */ buffer: IsBuffer extends true ? ArrayBuffer : undefined /** * The width of this Graphics instance * @returns {number} The width of this Graphics instance * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_getWidth */ getWidth(): number; /** * The height of this Graphics instance * @returns {number} The height of this Graphics instance * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_getHeight */ getHeight(): number; /** * The number of bits per pixel of this Graphics instance * **Note:** Bangle.js 2 behaves a little differently here. The display is 3 bit, * so `getBPP` returns 3 and `asBMP`/`asImage`/etc return 3 bit images. However in * order to allow dithering, the colors returned by `Graphics.getColor` and * `Graphics.theme` are actually 16 bits. * @returns {number} The bits per pixel of this Graphics instance * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_getBPP */ getBPP(): number; /** * Reset the state of Graphics to the defaults (e.g. Color, Font, etc) that would * have been used when Graphics was initialised. * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_reset */ reset(): Graphics; /** * Clear the LCD with the Background Color * * @param {boolean} [reset] - [optional] If `true`, resets the state of Graphics to the default (eg. Color, Font, etc) as if calling `Graphics.reset` * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_clear */ clear(reset?: boolean): Graphics; /** * Fill a rectangular area in the Foreground Color * On devices with enough memory, you can specify `{x,y,x2,y2,r}` as the first * argument, which allows you to draw a rounded rectangle. * * @param {any} x1 - The left X coordinate OR an object containing `{x,y,x2,y2}` or `{x,y,w,h}` * @param {number} y1 - The top Y coordinate * @param {number} x2 - The right X coordinate * @param {number} y2 - The bottom Y coordinate * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_fillRect */ fillRect(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): Graphics; fillRect(rect: { x: number, y: number, x2: number, y2: number } | { x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number }): Graphics; /** * Fill a rectangular area in the Background Color * On devices with enough memory, you can specify `{x,y,x2,y2,r}` as the first * argument, which allows you to draw a rounded rectangle. * * @param {any} x1 - The left X coordinate OR an object containing `{x,y,x2,y2}` or `{x,y,w,h}` * @param {number} y1 - The top Y coordinate * @param {number} x2 - The right X coordinate * @param {number} y2 - The bottom Y coordinate * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_clearRect */ clearRect(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): Graphics; clearRect(rect: { x: number, y: number, x2: number, y2: number } | { x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number }): Graphics; /** * Draw an unfilled rectangle 1px wide in the Foreground Color * * @param {any} x1 - The left X coordinate OR an object containing `{x,y,x2,y2}` or `{x,y,w,h}` * @param {number} y1 - The top Y coordinate * @param {number} x2 - The right X coordinate * @param {number} y2 - The bottom Y coordinate * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_drawRect */ drawRect(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): Graphics; drawRect(rect: { x: number, y: number, x2: number, y2: number } | { x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number }): Graphics; /** * Draw a filled circle in the Foreground Color * * @param {number} x - The X axis * @param {number} y - The Y axis * @param {number} rad - The circle radius * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_fillCircle */ fillCircle(x: number, y: number, rad: number): Graphics; /** * Draw an unfilled circle 1px wide in the Foreground Color * * @param {number} x - The X axis * @param {number} y - The Y axis * @param {number} rad - The circle radius * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_drawCircle */ drawCircle(x: number, y: number, rad: number): Graphics; /** * Draw a circle, centred at (x,y) with radius r in the current foreground color * * @param {number} x - Centre x-coordinate * @param {number} y - Centre y-coordinate * @param {number} r - Radius * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_drawCircleAA */ drawCircleAA(x: number, y: number, r: number): Graphics; /** * Draw a filled ellipse in the Foreground Color * * @param {number} x1 - The left X coordinate * @param {number} y1 - The top Y coordinate * @param {number} x2 - The right X coordinate * @param {number} y2 - The bottom Y coordinate * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_fillEllipse */ fillEllipse(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): Graphics; /** * Draw an ellipse in the Foreground Color * * @param {number} x1 - The left X coordinate * @param {number} y1 - The top Y coordinate * @param {number} x2 - The right X coordinate * @param {number} y2 - The bottom Y coordinate * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_drawEllipse */ drawEllipse(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): Graphics; /** * Get a pixel's color * * @param {number} x - The left * @param {number} y - The top * @returns {number} The color * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_getPixel */ getPixel(x: number, y: number): number; /** * Set a pixel's color * * @param {number} x - The left * @param {number} y - The top * @param {any} col - The color (if `undefined`, the foreground color is useD) * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_setPixel */ setPixel(x: number, y: number, col?: ColorResolvable): Graphics; /** * Work out the color value to be used in the current bit depth based on the arguments. * This is used internally by setColor and setBgColor * ``` * // 1 bit * g.toColor(1,1,1) => 1 * // 16 bit * g.toColor(1,0,0) => 0xF800 * ``` * * @param {any} r - Red (between 0 and 1) **OR** an integer representing the color in the current bit depth and color order **OR** a hexidecimal color string of the form `'#rrggbb' or `'#rgb'` * @param {any} g - Green (between 0 and 1) * @param {any} b - Blue (between 0 and 1) * @returns {number} The color index represented by the arguments * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_toColor */ toColor(r: number, g: number, b: number): number; toColor(col: ColorResolvable): number; /** * Blend between two colors, and return the result. * ``` * // dark yellow - halfway between red and green * var col = g.blendColor("#f00","#0f0", 0.5); * // Get a color 25% brighter than the theme's background colour * var col = g.blendColor(g.theme.fg,g.theme.bg, 0.75); * // then... * g.setColor(col).fillRect(10,10,100,100); * ``` * * @param {any} col_a - Color to blend from (either a single integer color value, or a string) * @param {any} col_b - Color to blend to (either a single integer color value, or a string) * @param {any} amt - The amount to blend. 0=col_a, 1=col_b, 0.5=halfway between (and so on) * @returns {number} The color index represented by the blended colors * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_blendColor */ blendColor(col_a: ColorResolvable, col_b: ColorResolvable, amt: number): number; /** * Set the color to use for subsequent drawing operations. * If just `r` is specified as an integer, the numeric value will be written directly into a pixel. eg. On a 24 bit `Graphics` instance you set bright blue with either `g.setColor(0,0,1)` or `g.setColor(0x0000FF)`. * A good shortcut to ensure you get white on all platforms is to use `g.setColor(-1)` * The mapping is as follows: * * 32 bit: `r,g,b` => `0xFFrrggbb` * * 24 bit: `r,g,b` => `0xrrggbb` * * 16 bit: `r,g,b` => `0brrrrrggggggbbbbb` (RGB565) * * Other bpp: `r,g,b` => white if `r+g+b > 50%`, otherwise black (use `r` on its own as an integer) * If you specified `color_order` when creating the `Graphics` instance, `r`,`g` and `b` will be swapped as you specified. * **Note:** On devices with low flash memory, `r` **must** be an integer representing the color in the current bit depth. It cannot * be a floating point value, and `g` and `b` are ignored. * * @param {any} r - Red (between 0 and 1) **OR** an integer representing the color in the current bit depth and color order **OR** a hexidecimal color string of the form `'#012345'` * @param {any} [g] - [optional] Green (between 0 and 1) * @param {any} [b] - [optional] Blue (between 0 and 1) * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_setColor */ setColor(r: number, g: number, b: number): Graphics; setColor(col: ColorResolvable): Graphics; /** * Set the background color to use for subsequent drawing operations. * See `Graphics.setColor` for more information on the mapping of `r`, `g`, and `b` to pixel values. * **Note:** On devices with low flash memory, `r` **must** be an integer representing the color in the current bit depth. It cannot * be a floating point value, and `g` and `b` are ignored. * * @param {any} r - Red (between 0 and 1) **OR** an integer representing the color in the current bit depth and color order **OR** a hexidecimal color string of the form `'#012345'` * @param {any} g - Green (between 0 and 1) * @param {any} b - Blue (between 0 and 1) * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_setBgColor */ setBgColor(r: number, g: number, b: number): Graphics; setBgColor(col: ColorResolvable): Graphics; /** * Get the color to use for subsequent drawing operations * @returns {number} The integer value of the colour * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_getColor */ getColor(): number; /** * Get the background color to use for subsequent drawing operations * @returns {number} The integer value of the colour * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_getBgColor */ getBgColor(): number; /** * This sets the 'clip rect' that subsequent drawing operations are clipped to sit * between. * These values are inclusive - e.g. `g.setClipRect(1,0,5,0)` will ensure that only * pixel rows 1,2,3,4,5 are touched on column 0. * **Note:** For maximum flexibility on Bangle.js 1, the values here are not range * checked. For normal use, X and Y should be between 0 and * `getWidth()-1`/`getHeight()-1`. * **Note:** The x/y values here are rotated, so that if `Graphics.setRotation` is * used they correspond to the coordinates given to the draw functions, *not to the * physical device pixels*. * * @param {number} x1 - Top left X coordinate * @param {number} y1 - Top left Y coordinate * @param {number} x2 - Bottom right X coordinate * @param {number} y2 - Bottom right Y coordinate * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_setClipRect */ setClipRect(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): Graphics; /** * Make subsequent calls to `drawString` use the built-in 4x6 pixel bitmapped Font * It is recommended that you use `Graphics.setFont("4x6")` for more flexibility. * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_setFontBitmap */ setFontBitmap(): Graphics; /** * Make subsequent calls to `drawString` use a Vector Font of the given height. * It is recommended that you use `Graphics.setFont("Vector", size)` for more * flexibility. * * @param {number} size - The height of the font, as an integer * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_setFontVector */ setFontVector(size: number): Graphics; /** * Make subsequent calls to `drawString` use a Custom Font of the given height. See * the [Fonts page](http://www.espruino.com/Fonts) for more information about * custom fonts and how to create them. * For examples of use, see the [font * modules](https://www.espruino.com/Fonts#font-modules). * **Note:** while you can specify the character code of the first character with * `firstChar`, the newline character 13 will always be treated as a newline and * not rendered. * * @param {any} bitmap - A column-first, MSB-first, 1bpp bitmap containing the font bitmap * @param {number} firstChar - The first character in the font - usually 32 (space) * @param {any} width - The width of each character in the font. Either an integer, or a string where each character represents the width * @param {number} height - The height as an integer (max 255). Bits 8-15 represent the scale factor (eg. `2<<8` is twice the size). Bits 16-23 represent the BPP (0,1=1 bpp, 2=2 bpp, 4=4 bpp) * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_setFontCustom */ setFontCustom(bitmap: ArrayBuffer, firstChar: number, width: number | string, height: number): Graphics; /** * Set the alignment for subsequent calls to `drawString` * * @param {number} x - X alignment. -1=left (default), 0=center, 1=right * @param {number} y - Y alignment. -1=top (default), 0=center, 1=bottom * @param {number} rotation - Rotation of the text. 0=normal, 1=90 degrees clockwise, 2=180, 3=270 * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_setFontAlign */ setFontAlign(x: -1 | 0 | 1, y?: -1 | 0 | 1, rotation?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3): Graphics; /** * Set the font by name. Various forms are available: * * `g.setFont("4x6")` - standard 4x6 bitmap font * * `g.setFont("Vector:12")` - vector font 12px high * * `g.setFont("4x6:2")` - 4x6 bitmap font, doubled in size * * `g.setFont("6x8:2x3")` - 6x8 bitmap font, doubled in width, tripled in height * You can also use these forms, but they are not recommended: * * `g.setFont("Vector12")` - vector font 12px high * * `g.setFont("4x6",2)` - 4x6 bitmap font, doubled in size * `g.getFont()` will return the current font as a String. * For a list of available font names, you can use `g.getFonts()`. * * @param {any} name - The name of the font to use (if undefined, the standard 4x6 font will be used) * @param {number} size - The size of the font (or undefined) * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_setFont */ setFont(name: FontNameWithScaleFactor): Graphics; setFont(name: FontName, size: number): Graphics; /** * Get the font by name - can be saved and used with `Graphics.setFont`. * Normally this might return something like `"4x6"`, but if a scale factor is * specified, a colon and then the size is reported, like "4x6:2" * **Note:** For custom fonts, `Custom` is currently reported instead of the font * name. * @returns {any} Get the name of the current font * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_getFont */ getFont(): FontNameWithScaleFactor | "Custom" /** * Return an array of all fonts currently in the Graphics library. * **Note:** Vector fonts are specified as `Vector#` where `#` is the font height. * As there are effectively infinite fonts, just `Vector` is included in the list. * @returns {any} And array of font names * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_getFonts */ getFonts(): FontName[]; /** * Return the height in pixels of the current font * @returns {number} The height in pixels of the current font * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_getFontHeight */ getFontHeight(): number; /** * Return the size in pixels of a string of text in the current font * * @param {any} str - The string * @returns {number} The length of the string in pixels * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_stringWidth */ stringWidth(str: string): number; /** * Return the width and height in pixels of a string of text in the current font * * @param {any} str - The string * @returns {any} An object containing `{width,height}` of the string * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_stringMetrics */ stringMetrics(str: string): { width: number, height: number }; /** * Wrap a string to the given pixel width using the current font, and return the * lines as an array. * To render within the screen's width you can do: * ``` * g.drawString(g.wrapString(text, g.getWidth()).join("\n")), * ``` * * @param {any} str - The string * @param {number} maxWidth - The width in pixels * @returns {any} An array of lines that are all less than `maxWidth` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_wrapString */ wrapString(str: string, maxWidth: number): string[]; /** * Draw a string of text in the current font. * ``` * g.drawString("Hello World", 10, 10); * ``` * Images may also be embedded inside strings (e.g. to render Emoji or characters * not in the current font). To do this, just add `0` then the image string ([about * Images](http://www.espruino.com/Graphics#images-bitmaps)) For example: * ``` * g.drawString("Hi \0\7\5\1\x82 D\x17\xC0"); * // draws: * // # # # # # * // # # # * // ### ## # * // # # # # # * // # # ### ##### * ``` * * @param {any} str - The string * @param {number} x - The X position of the leftmost pixel * @param {number} y - The Y position of the topmost pixel * @param {boolean} solid - For bitmap fonts, should empty pixels be filled with the background color? * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_drawString */ drawString(str: string, x: number, y: number, solid?: boolean): Graphics; /** * Return the current string as a series of polygons (using the current vector font). `options` is as follows: * * `x` - X offset of font (default 0) * * `y` - Y offset of font (default 0) * * `w` - Width of font (default 256) - the actual width will likely be less than this as most characters are non-square * * `h` - Height of font (default 256) - the actual height will likely be less than this as most characters don't fully fill the font box * ``` * g.getVectorFontPolys("Hi", {x:-80,y:-128}); * ``` * * @param {any} str - The string * @param {any} [options] - [optional] `{x,y,w,h}` (see below) * @returns {any} An array of Uint8Arrays for vector font polygons * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_getVectorFontPolys */ getVectorFontPolys(str: any, options?: any): any[]; /** * Draw a line between x1,y1 and x2,y2 in the current foreground color * * @param {number} x1 - The left * @param {number} y1 - The top * @param {number} x2 - The right * @param {number} y2 - The bottom * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_drawLine */ drawLine(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): Graphics; /** * Draw a line between x1,y1 and x2,y2 in the current foreground color * * @param {number} x1 - The left * @param {number} y1 - The top * @param {number} x2 - The right * @param {number} y2 - The bottom * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_drawLineAA */ drawLineAA(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): Graphics; /** * Draw a line from the last position of `lineTo` or `moveTo` to this position * * @param {number} x - X value * @param {number} y - Y value * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_lineTo */ lineTo(x: number, y: number): Graphics; /** * Move the cursor to a position - see lineTo * * @param {number} x - X value * @param {number} y - Y value * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_moveTo */ moveTo(x: number, y: number): Graphics; /** * Draw a polyline (lines between each of the points in `poly`) in the current * foreground color * **Note:** there is a limit of 64 points (128 XY elements) for polygons * * @param {any} poly - An array of vertices, of the form ```[x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,etc]``` * @param {boolean} closed - Draw another line between the last element of the array and the first * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_drawPoly */ drawPoly(poly: number[], closed?: boolean): Graphics; /** * Draw an **antialiased** polyline (lines between each of the points in `poly`) in * the current foreground color * **Note:** there is a limit of 64 points (128 XY elements) for polygons * * @param {any} poly - An array of vertices, of the form ```[x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,etc]``` * @param {boolean} closed - Draw another line between the last element of the array and the first * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_drawPolyAA */ drawPolyAA(poly: number[], closed?: boolean): Graphics; /** * Draw a filled polygon in the current foreground color. * ``` * g.fillPoly([ * 16, 0, * 31, 31, * 26, 31, * 16, 12, * 6, 28, * 0, 27 ]); * ``` * This fills from the top left hand side of the polygon (low X, low Y) *down to * but not including* the bottom right. When placed together polygons will align * perfectly without overdraw - but this will not fill the same pixels as * `drawPoly` (drawing a line around the edge of the polygon). * **Note:** there is a limit of 64 points (128 XY elements) for polygons * * @param {any} poly - An array of vertices, of the form ```[x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,etc]``` * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_fillPoly */ fillPoly(poly: number[]): Graphics; /** * Draw a filled polygon in the current foreground color. * ``` * g.fillPolyAA([ * 16, 0, * 31, 31, * 26, 31, * 16, 12, * 6, 28, * 0, 27 ]); * ``` * This fills from the top left hand side of the polygon (low X, low Y) *down to * but not including* the bottom right. When placed together polygons will align * perfectly without overdraw - but this will not fill the same pixels as * `drawPoly` (drawing a line around the edge of the polygon). * **Note:** there is a limit of 64 points (128 XY elements) for polygons * * @param {any} poly - An array of vertices, of the form ```[x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,etc]``` * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_fillPolyAA */ fillPolyAA(poly: number[]): Graphics; /** * Set the current rotation of the graphics device. * * @param {number} rotation - The clockwise rotation. 0 for no rotation, 1 for 90 degrees, 2 for 180, 3 for 270 * @param {boolean} reflect - Whether to reflect the image * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_setRotation */ setRotation(rotation: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3, reflect?: boolean): Graphics; /** * Return the width and height in pixels of an image (either Graphics, Image * Object, Image String or ArrayBuffer). Returns `undefined` if image couldn't be * decoded. * `frames` is also included is the image contains more information than you'd * expect for a single bitmap. In this case the bitmap might be an animation with * multiple frames * * @param {any} str - The string * @returns {any} An object containing `{width,height,bpp,transparent}` for the image * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_imageMetrics */ imageMetrics(img: Image): { width: number, height: number, bpp: number, transparent: number, frames?: ArrayBuffer[] } | undefined; /** * Image can be: * * An object with the following fields `{ width : int, height : int, bpp : * optional int, buffer : ArrayBuffer/String, transparent: optional int, * palette : optional Uint16Array(2/4/16) }`. bpp = bits per pixel (default is * 1), transparent (if defined) is the colour that will be treated as * transparent, and palette is a color palette that each pixel will be looked up * in first * * A String where the the first few bytes are: * `width,height,bpp,[transparent,]image_bytes...`. If a transparent colour is * specified the top bit of `bpp` should be set. * * An ArrayBuffer Graphics object (if `bpp<8`, `msb:true` must be set) - this is * disabled on devices without much flash memory available * Draw an image at the specified position. * * If the image is 1 bit, the graphics foreground/background colours will be * used. * * If `img.palette` is a Uint16Array or 2/4/16 elements, color data will be * looked from the supplied palette * * On Bangle.js, 2 bit images blend from background(0) to foreground(1) colours * * On Bangle.js, 4 bit images use the Apple Mac 16 color palette * * On Bangle.js, 8 bit images use the Web Safe 216 color palette * * Otherwise color data will be copied as-is. Bitmaps are rendered MSB-first * If `options` is supplied, `drawImage` will allow images to be rendered at any * scale or angle. If `options.rotate` is set it will center images at `x,y`. * `options` must be an object of the form: * ``` * { * rotate : float, // the amount to rotate the image in radians (default 0) * scale : float, // the amount to scale the image up (default 1) * frame : int // if specified and the image has frames of data * // after the initial frame, draw one of those frames from the image * } * ``` * For example: * ``` * // In the top left of the screen * g.drawImage(img,0,0); * // In the top left of the screen, twice as big * g.drawImage(img,0,0,{scale:2}); * // In the center of the screen, twice as big, 45 degrees * g.drawImage(img, g.getWidth()/2, g.getHeight()/2, * {scale:2, rotate:Math.PI/4}); * ``` * * @param {any} image - An image to draw, either a String or an Object (see below) * @param {number} x - The X offset to draw the image * @param {number} y - The Y offset to draw the image * @param {any} options - options for scaling,rotation,etc (see below) * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_drawImage */ drawImage(image: Image, x: number, y: number, options?: { rotate?: number, scale?: number, frame?: number }): Graphics; /** * Draws multiple images *at once* - which avoids flicker on unbuffered systems * like Bangle.js. Maximum layer count right now is 4. * ``` * layers = [ { * {x : int, // x start position * y : int, // y start position * image : string/object, * scale : float, // scale factor, default 1 * rotate : float, // angle in radians * center : bool // center on x,y? default is top left * repeat : should this image be repeated (tiled?) * nobounds : bool // if true, the bounds of the image are not used to work out the default area to draw * } * ] * options = { // the area to render. Defaults to rendering just enough to cover what's requested * x,y, * width,height * } * ``` * * @param {any} layers - An array of objects {x,y,image,scale,rotate,center} (up to 3) * @param {any} options - options for rendering - see below * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_drawImages */ drawImages(layers: { x: number, y: number, image: Image, scale?: number, rotate?: number, center?: boolean, repeat?: boolean, nobounds?: boolean }[], options?: { x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number }): Graphics; /** * Return this Graphics object as an Image that can be used with * `Graphics.drawImage`. Check out [the Graphics reference * page](http://www.espruino.com/Graphics#images-bitmaps) for more information on * images. * Will return undefined if data can't be allocated for the image. * The image data itself will be referenced rather than copied if: * * An image `object` was requested (not `string`) * * The Graphics instance was created with `Graphics.createArrayBuffer` * * Is 8 bpp *OR* the `{msb:true}` option was given * * No other format options (zigzag/etc) were given * Otherwise data will be copied, which takes up more space and may be quite slow. * * @param {any} type - The type of image to return. Either `object`/undefined to return an image object, or `string` to return an image string * @returns {any} An Image that can be used with `Graphics.drawImage` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_asImage */ asImage(type?: "object"): ImageObject; asImage(type: "string"): string; /** * Return the area of the Graphics canvas that has been modified, and optionally * clear the modified area to 0. * For instance if `g.setPixel(10,20)` was called, this would return `{x1:10, * y1:20, x2:10, y2:20}` * * @param {boolean} reset - Whether to reset the modified area or not * @returns {any} An object {x1,y1,x2,y2} containing the modified area, or undefined if not modified * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_getModified */ getModified(reset?: boolean): { x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number }; /** * Scroll the contents of this graphics in a certain direction. The remaining area * is filled with the background color. * Note: This uses repeated pixel reads and writes, so will not work on platforms * that don't support pixel reads. * * @param {number} x - X direction. >0 = to right * @param {number} y - Y direction. >0 = down * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_scroll */ scroll(x: number, y: number): Graphics; /** * Blit one area of the screen (x1,y1 w,h) to another (x2,y2 w,h) * ``` * g.blit({ * x1:0, y1:0, * w:32, h:32, * x2:100, y2:100, * setModified : true // should we set the modified area? * }); * ``` * Note: This uses repeated pixel reads and writes, so will not work on platforms * that don't support pixel reads. * * @param {any} options - options - see below * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_blit */ blit(options: { x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, w: number, h: number, setModified?: boolean }): Graphics; /** * Create a Windows BMP file from this Graphics instance, and return it as a * String. * @returns {any} A String representing the Graphics as a Windows BMP file (or 'undefined' if not possible) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_asBMP */ asBMP(): string; /** * Create a URL of the form `data:image/bmp;base64,...` that can be pasted into the * browser. * The Espruino Web IDE can detect this data on the console and render the image * inline automatically. * @returns {any} A String representing the Graphics as a URL (or 'undefined' if not possible) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_asURL */ asURL(): string; /** * Output this image as a bitmap URL of the form `data:image/bmp;base64,...`. The * Espruino Web IDE will detect this on the console and will render the image * inline automatically. * This is identical to `console.log(g.asURL())` - it is just a convenient function * for easy debugging and producing screenshots of what is currently in the * Graphics instance. * **Note:** This may not work on some bit depths of Graphics instances. It will * also not work for the main Graphics instance of Bangle.js 1 as the graphics on * Bangle.js 1 are stored in write-only memory. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_dump */ dump(): void; /** * Calculate the square area under a Bezier curve. * x0,y0: start point x1,y1: control point y2,y2: end point * Max 10 points without start point. * * @param {any} arr - An array of three vertices, six enties in form of ```[x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2]``` * @param {any} options - number of points to calulate * @returns {any} Array with calculated points * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_quadraticBezier */ quadraticBezier(arr: [number, number, number, number, number, number], options?: number): number[]; /** * Transformation can be: * * An object of the form * ``` * { * x: float, // x offset (default 0) * y: float, // y offset (default 0) * scale: float, // scale factor (default 1) * rotate: float, // angle in radians (default 0) * } * ``` * * A six-element array of the form `[a,b,c,d,e,f]`, which represents the 2D transformation matrix * ``` * a c e * b d f * 0 0 1 * ``` * Apply a transformation to an array of vertices. * * @param {any} verts - An array of vertices, of the form ```[x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,etc]``` * @param {any} transformation - The transformation to apply, either an Object or an Array (see below) * @returns {any} Array of transformed vertices * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_transformVertices */ transformVertices(arr: number[], transformation: { x?: number, y?: number, scale?: number, rotate?: number } | [number, number, number, number, number, number]): number[]; /** * Returns an object of the form: * ``` * { * fg : 0xFFFF, // foreground colour * bg : 0, // background colour * fg2 : 0xFFFF, // accented foreground colour * bg2 : 0x0007, // accented background colour * fgH : 0xFFFF, // highlighted foreground colour * bgH : 0x02F7, // highlighted background colour * dark : true, // Is background dark (e.g. foreground should be a light colour) * } * ``` * These values can then be passed to `g.setColor`/`g.setBgColor` for example * `g.setColor(g.theme.fg2)`. When the Graphics instance is reset, the background * color is automatically set to `g.theme.bg` and foreground is set to * `g.theme.fg`. * On Bangle.js these values can be changed by writing updated values to `theme` in * `settings.js` and reloading the app - or they can be changed temporarily by * calling `Graphics.setTheme` * @returns {any} An object containing the current 'theme' (see below) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_theme */ theme: Theme; /** * Set the global colour scheme. On Bangle.js, this is reloaded from * `settings.json` for each new app loaded. * See `Graphics.theme` for the fields that can be provided. For instance you can * change the background to red using: * ``` * g.setTheme({bg:"#f00"}); * ``` * * @param {any} theme - An object of the form returned by `Graphics.theme` * @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_setTheme */ setTheme(theme: { [key in keyof Theme]?: Theme[key] extends number ? ColorResolvable : Theme[key] }): Graphics; } /** * Class containing utility functions for the Seeed WIO LTE board * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#WioLTE */ declare class WioLTE { /** * Set the WIO's LED * * @param {number} red - 0-255, red LED intensity * @param {number} green - 0-255, green LED intensity * @param {number} blue - 0-255, blue LED intensity * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_WioLTE_LED */ static LED(red: number, green: number, blue: number): void; /** * Set the power of Grove connectors, except for `D38` and `D39` which are always * on. * * @param {boolean} onoff - Whether to turn the Grove connectors power on or off (D38/D39 are always powered) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_WioLTE_setGrovePower */ static setGrovePower(onoff: boolean): void; /** * Turn power to the WIO's LED on or off. * Turning the LED on won't immediately display a color - that must be done with * `WioLTE.LED(r,g,b)` * * @param {boolean} onoff - true = on, false = off * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_WioLTE_setLEDPower */ static setLEDPower(onoff: boolean): void; /** * @returns {any} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_WioLTE_D38 */ static D38: any; /** * @returns {any} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_WioLTE_D20 */ static D20: any; /** * @returns {any} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_WioLTE_A6 */ static A6: any; /** * @returns {any} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_WioLTE_I2C */ static I2C: any; /** * @returns {any} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_WioLTE_UART */ static UART: any; /** * @returns {any} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_WioLTE_A4 */ static A4: any; } /** * This class handles waveforms. In Espruino, a Waveform is a set of data that you * want to input or output. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Waveform */ declare class Waveform { /** * Create a waveform class. This allows high speed input and output of waveforms. * It has an internal variable called `buffer` (as well as `buffer2` when * double-buffered - see `options` below) which contains the data to input/output. * When double-buffered, a 'buffer' event will be emitted each time a buffer is * finished with (the argument is that buffer). When the recording stops, a * 'finish' event will be emitted (with the first argument as the buffer). * @constructor * * @param {number} samples - The number of samples * @param {any} options - Optional options struct `{doubleBuffer:bool, bits : 8/16}` where: `doubleBuffer` is whether to allocate two buffers or not (default false), and bits is the amount of bits to use (default 8). * @returns {any} An Waveform object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Waveform_Waveform */ static new(samples: number, options: any): any; /** * Will start outputting the waveform on the given pin - the pin must have * previously been initialised with analogWrite. If not repeating, it'll emit a * `finish` event when it is done. * * @param {Pin} output - The pin to output on * @param {number} freq - The frequency to output each sample at * @param {any} options - Optional options struct `{time:float,repeat:bool}` where: `time` is the that the waveform with start output at, e.g. `getTime()+1` (otherwise it is immediate), `repeat` is a boolean specifying whether to repeat the give sample * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Waveform_startOutput */ startOutput(output: Pin, freq: number, options: any): void; /** * Will start inputting the waveform on the given pin that supports analog. If not * repeating, it'll emit a `finish` event when it is done. * * @param {Pin} output - The pin to output on * @param {number} freq - The frequency to output each sample at * @param {any} options - Optional options struct `{time:float,repeat:bool}` where: `time` is the that the waveform with start output at, e.g. `getTime()+1` (otherwise it is immediate), `repeat` is a boolean specifying whether to repeat the give sample * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Waveform_startInput */ startInput(output: Pin, freq: number, options: any): void; /** * Stop a waveform that is currently outputting * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Waveform_stop */ stop(): void; } interface DataViewConstructor { /** * Create a `DataView` object that can be used to access the data in an * `ArrayBuffer`. * ``` * var b = new ArrayBuffer(8) * var v = new DataView(b) * v.setUint16(0,"0x1234") * v.setUint8(3,"0x56") * console.log("0x"+v.getUint32(0).toString(16)) * // prints 0x12340056 * ``` * @constructor * * @param {any} buffer - The `ArrayBuffer` to base this on * @param {number} [byteOffset] - [optional] The offset of this view in bytes * @param {number} [byteLength] - [optional] The length in bytes * @returns {any} A `DataView` object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_DataView_DataView */ new(buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset?: number, byteLength?: number): DataView; } interface DataView { /** * * @param {number} byteOffset - The offset in bytes to read from * @param {boolean} [littleEndian] - [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian * @returns {any} the index of the value in the array, or -1 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_DataView_getFloat32 */ getFloat32(byteOffset: number, littleEndian?: boolean): number; /** * * @param {number} byteOffset - The offset in bytes to read from * @param {boolean} [littleEndian] - [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian * @returns {any} the index of the value in the array, or -1 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_DataView_getFloat64 */ getFloat64(byteOffset: number, littleEndian?: boolean): number; /** * * @param {number} byteOffset - The offset in bytes to read from * @param {boolean} [littleEndian] - [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian * @returns {any} the index of the value in the array, or -1 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_DataView_getInt8 */ getInt8(byteOffset: number, littleEndian?: boolean): number; /** * * @param {number} byteOffset - The offset in bytes to read from * @param {boolean} [littleEndian] - [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian * @returns {any} the index of the value in the array, or -1 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_DataView_getInt16 */ getInt16(byteOffset: number, littleEndian?: boolean): number; /** * * @param {number} byteOffset - The offset in bytes to read from * @param {boolean} [littleEndian] - [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian * @returns {any} the index of the value in the array, or -1 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_DataView_getInt32 */ getInt32(byteOffset: number, littleEndian?: boolean): number; /** * * @param {number} byteOffset - The offset in bytes to read from * @param {boolean} [littleEndian] - [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian * @returns {any} the index of the value in the array, or -1 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_DataView_getUint8 */ getUint8(byteOffset: number, littleEndian?: boolean): number; /** * * @param {number} byteOffset - The offset in bytes to read from * @param {boolean} [littleEndian] - [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian * @returns {any} the index of the value in the array, or -1 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_DataView_getUint16 */ getUint16(byteOffset: number, littleEndian?: boolean): number; /** * * @param {number} byteOffset - The offset in bytes to read from * @param {boolean} [littleEndian] - [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian * @returns {any} the index of the value in the array, or -1 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_DataView_getUint32 */ getUint32(byteOffset: number, littleEndian?: boolean): number; /** * * @param {number} byteOffset - The offset in bytes to read from * @param {any} value - The value to write * @param {boolean} [littleEndian] - [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_DataView_setFloat32 */ setFloat32(byteOffset: number, value: number, littleEndian?: boolean): void; /** * * @param {number} byteOffset - The offset in bytes to read from * @param {any} value - The value to write * @param {boolean} [littleEndian] - [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_DataView_setFloat64 */ setFloat64(byteOffset: number, value: number, littleEndian?: boolean): void; /** * * @param {number} byteOffset - The offset in bytes to read from * @param {any} value - The value to write * @param {boolean} [littleEndian] - [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_DataView_setInt8 */ setInt8(byteOffset: number, value: number, littleEndian?: boolean): void; /** * * @param {number} byteOffset - The offset in bytes to read from * @param {any} value - The value to write * @param {boolean} [littleEndian] - [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_DataView_setInt16 */ setInt16(byteOffset: number, value: number, littleEndian?: boolean): void; /** * * @param {number} byteOffset - The offset in bytes to read from * @param {any} value - The value to write * @param {boolean} [littleEndian] - [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_DataView_setInt32 */ setInt32(byteOffset: number, value: number, littleEndian?: boolean): void; /** * * @param {number} byteOffset - The offset in bytes to read from * @param {any} value - The value to write * @param {boolean} [littleEndian] - [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_DataView_setUint8 */ setUint8(byteOffset: number, value: number, littleEndian?: boolean): void; /** * * @param {number} byteOffset - The offset in bytes to read from * @param {any} value - The value to write * @param {boolean} [littleEndian] - [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_DataView_setUint16 */ setUint16(byteOffset: number, value: number, littleEndian?: boolean): void; /** * * @param {number} byteOffset - The offset in bytes to read from * @param {any} value - The value to write * @param {boolean} [littleEndian] - [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_DataView_setUint32 */ setUint32(byteOffset: number, value: number, littleEndian?: boolean): void; } /** * This class helps * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#DataView */ declare const DataView: DataViewConstructor interface consoleConstructor { /** * Print the supplied string(s) to the console * **Note:** If you're connected to a computer (not a wall adaptor) via USB but * **you are not running a terminal app** then when you print data Espruino may * pause execution and wait until the computer requests the data it is trying to * print. * * @param {any} text - One or more arguments to print * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_console_log */ log(...text: any[]): void; } interface console { } /** * An Object that contains functions for writing to the interactive console * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#console */ declare const console: consoleConstructor interface ErrorConstructor { /** * Creates an Error object * @constructor * * @param {any} [message] - [optional] An message string * @returns {any} An Error object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Error_Error */ new(message?: string): Error; } interface Error { /** * @returns {any} A String * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Error_toString */ toString(): string; } /** * The base class for runtime errors * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Error */ declare const Error: ErrorConstructor interface SyntaxErrorConstructor { /** * Creates a SyntaxError object * @constructor * * @param {any} [message] - [optional] An message string * @returns {any} A SyntaxError object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_SyntaxError_SyntaxError */ new(message?: string): SyntaxError; } interface SyntaxError { /** * @returns {any} A String * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_SyntaxError_toString */ toString(): string; } /** * The base class for syntax errors * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#SyntaxError */ declare const SyntaxError: SyntaxErrorConstructor interface TypeErrorConstructor { /** * Creates a TypeError object * @constructor * * @param {any} [message] - [optional] An message string * @returns {any} A TypeError object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_TypeError_TypeError */ new(message?: string): TypeError; } interface TypeError { /** * @returns {any} A String * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_TypeError_toString */ toString(): string; } /** * The base class for type errors * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#TypeError */ declare const TypeError: TypeErrorConstructor /** * The base class for internal errors * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#InternalError */ declare class InternalError { /** * Creates an InternalError object * @constructor * * @param {any} [message] - [optional] An message string * @returns {any} An InternalError object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_InternalError_InternalError */ static new(message?: string): InternalError; /** * @returns {any} A String * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_InternalError_toString */ toString(): string; } interface ReferenceErrorConstructor { /** * Creates a ReferenceError object * @constructor * * @param {any} [message] - [optional] An message string * @returns {any} A ReferenceError object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ReferenceError_ReferenceError */ new(message?: string): ReferenceError; } interface ReferenceError { /** * @returns {any} A String * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ReferenceError_toString */ toString(): string; } /** * The base class for reference errors - where a variable which doesn't exist has * been accessed. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#ReferenceError */ declare const ReferenceError: ReferenceErrorConstructor interface ArrayBufferConstructor { /** * Create an Array Buffer object * @constructor * * @param {number} byteLength - The length in Bytes * @returns {any} An ArrayBuffer object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ArrayBuffer_ArrayBuffer */ new(byteLength: number): ArrayBuffer; } interface ArrayBuffer { /** * The length, in bytes, of the `ArrayBuffer` * @returns {number} The Length in bytes * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ArrayBuffer_byteLength */ byteLength: number; } /** * This is the built-in JavaScript class for array buffers. * If you want to access arrays of differing types of data you may also find * `DataView` useful. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#ArrayBuffer */ declare const ArrayBuffer: ArrayBufferConstructor /** * This is the built-in JavaScript class that is the prototype for: * * [Uint8Array](/Reference#Uint8Array) * * [UintClamped8Array](/Reference#UintClamped8Array) * * [Int8Array](/Reference#Int8Array) * * [Uint16Array](/Reference#Uint16Array) * * [Int16Array](/Reference#Int16Array) * * [Uint24Array](/Reference#Uint24Array) (Espruino-specific - not standard JS) * * [Uint32Array](/Reference#Uint32Array) * * [Int32Array](/Reference#Int32Array) * * [Float32Array](/Reference#Float32Array) * * [Float64Array](/Reference#Float64Array) * If you want to access arrays of differing types of data you may also find * `DataView` useful. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#ArrayBufferView */ declare class ArrayBufferView { /** * The buffer this view references * @returns {any} An ArrayBuffer object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ArrayBufferView_buffer */ readonly buffer: T; /** * The length, in bytes, of the `ArrayBufferView` * @returns {number} The Length * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ArrayBufferView_byteLength */ readonly byteLength: number; /** * The offset, in bytes, to the first byte of the view within the backing * `ArrayBuffer` * @returns {number} The byte Offset * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ArrayBufferView_byteOffset */ readonly byteOffset: number; /** * Copy the contents of `array` into this one, mapping `this[x+offset]=array[x];` * * @param {any} arr - Floating point index to access * @param {number} [offset] - [optional] The offset in this array at which to write the values * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ArrayBufferView_set */ set(arr: ArrayLike, offset: number): void /** * Return an array which is made from the following: ```A.map(function) = * [function(A[0]), function(A[1]), ...]``` * **Note:** This returns an `ArrayBuffer` of the same type it was called on. To * get an `Array`, use `Array.map`, e.g. `[].map.call(myArray, x=>x+1)` * * @param {any} function - Function used to map one item to another * @param {any} [thisArg] - [optional] If specified, the function is called with 'this' set to thisArg * @returns {any} An array containing the results * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ArrayBufferView_map */ map(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: T) => number, thisArg?: any): T; /** * Returns a smaller part of this array which references the same data (it doesn't * copy it). * * @param {number} begin - Element to begin at, inclusive. If negative, this is from the end of the array. The entire array is included if this isn't specified * @param {any} end - Element to end at, exclusive. If negative, it is relative to the end of the array. If not specified the whole array is included * @returns {any} An `ArrayBufferView` of the same type as this one, referencing the same data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ArrayBufferView_subarray */ subarray(begin?: number, end?: number): T; /** * Return the index of the value in the array, or `-1` * * @param {any} value - The value to check for * @param {number} [startIndex] - [optional] the index to search from, or 0 if not specified * @returns {any} the index of the value in the array, or -1 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ArrayBufferView_indexOf */ indexOf(value: number, startIndex?: number): number; /** * Return `true` if the array includes the value, `false` otherwise * * @param {any} value - The value to check for * @param {number} [startIndex] - [optional] the index to search from, or 0 if not specified * @returns {boolean} `true` if the array includes the value, `false` otherwise * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ArrayBufferView_includes */ includes(value: number, startIndex?: number): boolean; /** * Join all elements of this array together into one string, using 'separator' * between them. e.g. ```[1,2,3].join(' ')=='1 2 3'``` * * @param {any} separator - The separator * @returns {any} A String representing the Joined array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ArrayBufferView_join */ join(separator?: string): string; /** * Do an in-place quicksort of the array * * @param {any} var - A function to use to compare array elements (or undefined) * @returns {any} This array object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ArrayBufferView_sort */ sort(compareFn?: (a: number, b: number) => number): this; /** * Executes a provided function once per array element. * * @param {any} function - Function to be executed * @param {any} [thisArg] - [optional] If specified, the function is called with 'this' set to thisArg * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ArrayBufferView_forEach */ forEach(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: T) => void, thisArg?: any): void; /** * Execute `previousValue=initialValue` and then `previousValue = * callback(previousValue, currentValue, index, array)` for each element in the * array, and finally return previousValue. * * @param {any} callback - Function used to reduce the array * @param {any} initialValue - if specified, the initial value to pass to the function * @returns {any} The value returned by the last function called * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ArrayBufferView_reduce */ reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: T) => number, initialValue?: number): number; /** * Fill this array with the given value, for every index `>= start` and `< end` * * @param {any} value - The value to fill the array with * @param {number} start - Optional. The index to start from (or 0). If start is negative, it is treated as length+start where length is the length of the array * @param {any} end - Optional. The index to end at (or the array length). If end is negative, it is treated as length+end. * @returns {any} This array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ArrayBufferView_fill */ fill(value: number, start?: number, end?: number): T; /** * Return an array which contains only those elements for which the callback * function returns 'true' * * @param {any} function - Function to be executed * @param {any} [thisArg] - [optional] If specified, the function is called with 'this' set to thisArg * @returns {any} An array containing the results * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ArrayBufferView_filter */ filter(predicate: (value: number, index: number, array: T) => any, thisArg?: any): T; /** * Return the array element where `function` returns `true`, or `undefined` if it * doesn't returns `true` for any element. * * @param {any} function - Function to be executed * @returns {any} The array element where `function` returns `true`, or `undefined` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ArrayBufferView_find */ find(predicate: (value: number, index: number, obj: T) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number | undefined; /** * Return the array element's index where `function` returns `true`, or `-1` if it * doesn't returns `true` for any element. * * @param {any} function - Function to be executed * @returns {any} The array element's index where `function` returns `true`, or `-1` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ArrayBufferView_findIndex */ findIndex(predicate: (value: number, index: number, obj: T) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number; /** * Reverse the contents of this `ArrayBufferView` in-place * @returns {any} This array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ArrayBufferView_reverse */ reverse(): T /** * Return a copy of a portion of this array (in a new array). * **Note:** This currently returns a normal `Array`, not an `ArrayBuffer` * * @param {number} start - Start index * @param {any} [end] - [optional] End index * @returns {any} A new array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ArrayBufferView_slice */ slice(start?: number, end?: number): number[]; [index: number]: number } interface Uint8ArrayConstructor { /** * Create a typed array based on the given input. Either an existing Array Buffer, * an Integer as a Length, or a simple array. If an `ArrayBufferView` (e.g. * `Uint8Array` rather than `ArrayBuffer`) is given, it will be completely copied * rather than referenced. * @constructor * * @param {any} arr - The array or typed array to base this off, or an integer which is the array length * @param {number} byteOffset - The byte offset in the ArrayBuffer (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer) * @param {number} length - The length (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer) * @returns {any} A typed array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Uint8Array_Uint8Array */ new(length: number): Uint8Array; new(array: ArrayLike): Uint8Array; new(buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset?: number, length?: number): Uint8Array; } type Uint8Array = ArrayBufferView; declare const Uint8Array: Uint8ArrayConstructor interface Uint8ClampedArrayConstructor { /** * Create a typed array based on the given input. Either an existing Array Buffer, * an Integer as a Length, or a simple array. If an `ArrayBufferView` (e.g. * `Uint8Array` rather than `ArrayBuffer`) is given, it will be completely copied * rather than referenced. * Clamped arrays clamp their values to the allowed range, rather than 'wrapping'. * e.g. after `a[0]=12345;`, `a[0]==255`. * @constructor * * @param {any} arr - The array or typed array to base this off, or an integer which is the array length * @param {number} byteOffset - The byte offset in the ArrayBuffer (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer) * @param {number} length - The length (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer) * @returns {any} A typed array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Uint8ClampedArray_Uint8ClampedArray */ new(length: number): Uint8ClampedArray; new(array: ArrayLike): Uint8ClampedArray; new(buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset?: number, length?: number): Uint8ClampedArray; } type Uint8ClampedArray = ArrayBufferView; declare const Uint8ClampedArray: Uint8ClampedArrayConstructor interface Int8ArrayConstructor { /** * Create a typed array based on the given input. Either an existing Array Buffer, * an Integer as a Length, or a simple array. If an `ArrayBufferView` (e.g. * `Uint8Array` rather than `ArrayBuffer`) is given, it will be completely copied * rather than referenced. * @constructor * * @param {any} arr - The array or typed array to base this off, or an integer which is the array length * @param {number} byteOffset - The byte offset in the ArrayBuffer (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer) * @param {number} length - The length (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer) * @returns {any} A typed array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Int8Array_Int8Array */ new(length: number): Int8Array; new(array: ArrayLike): Int8Array; new(buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset?: number, length?: number): Int8Array; } type Int8Array = ArrayBufferView; declare const Int8Array: Int8ArrayConstructor interface Uint16ArrayConstructor { /** * Create a typed array based on the given input. Either an existing Array Buffer, * an Integer as a Length, or a simple array. If an `ArrayBufferView` (e.g. * `Uint8Array` rather than `ArrayBuffer`) is given, it will be completely copied * rather than referenced. * @constructor * * @param {any} arr - The array or typed array to base this off, or an integer which is the array length * @param {number} byteOffset - The byte offset in the ArrayBuffer (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer) * @param {number} length - The length (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer) * @returns {any} A typed array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Uint16Array_Uint16Array */ new(length: number): Uint16Array; new(array: ArrayLike): Uint16Array; new(buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset?: number, length?: number): Uint16Array; } type Uint16Array = ArrayBufferView; declare const Uint16Array: Uint16ArrayConstructor interface Int16ArrayConstructor { /** * Create a typed array based on the given input. Either an existing Array Buffer, * an Integer as a Length, or a simple array. If an `ArrayBufferView` (e.g. * `Uint8Array` rather than `ArrayBuffer`) is given, it will be completely copied * rather than referenced. * @constructor * * @param {any} arr - The array or typed array to base this off, or an integer which is the array length * @param {number} byteOffset - The byte offset in the ArrayBuffer (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer) * @param {number} length - The length (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer) * @returns {any} A typed array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Int16Array_Int16Array */ new(length: number): Int16Array; new(array: ArrayLike): Int16Array; new(buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset?: number, length?: number): Int16Array; } type Int16Array = ArrayBufferView; declare const Int16Array: Int16ArrayConstructor /** * This is the built-in JavaScript class for a typed array of 24 bit unsigned * integers. * Instantiate this in order to efficiently store arrays of data (Espruino's normal * arrays store data in a map, which is inefficient for non-sparse arrays). * Arrays of this type include all the methods from * [ArrayBufferView](/Reference#ArrayBufferView) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Uint24Array */ declare class Uint24Array { /** * Create a typed array based on the given input. Either an existing Array Buffer, * an Integer as a Length, or a simple array. If an `ArrayBufferView` (e.g. * `Uint8Array` rather than `ArrayBuffer`) is given, it will be completely copied * rather than referenced. * @constructor * * @param {any} arr - The array or typed array to base this off, or an integer which is the array length * @param {number} byteOffset - The byte offset in the ArrayBuffer (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer) * @param {number} length - The length (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer) * @returns {any} A typed array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Uint24Array_Uint24Array */ static new(length: number): Uint24Array; static new(array: ArrayLike): Uint24Array; static new(buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset?: number, length?: number): Uint24Array; } interface Uint32ArrayConstructor { /** * Create a typed array based on the given input. Either an existing Array Buffer, * an Integer as a Length, or a simple array. If an `ArrayBufferView` (e.g. * `Uint8Array` rather than `ArrayBuffer`) is given, it will be completely copied * rather than referenced. * @constructor * * @param {any} arr - The array or typed array to base this off, or an integer which is the array length * @param {number} byteOffset - The byte offset in the ArrayBuffer (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer) * @param {number} length - The length (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer) * @returns {any} A typed array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Uint32Array_Uint32Array */ new(length: number): Uint32Array; new(array: ArrayLike): Uint32Array; new(buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset?: number, length?: number): Uint32Array; } type Uint32Array = ArrayBufferView; declare const Uint32Array: Uint32ArrayConstructor interface Int32ArrayConstructor { /** * Create a typed array based on the given input. Either an existing Array Buffer, * an Integer as a Length, or a simple array. If an `ArrayBufferView` (e.g. * `Uint8Array` rather than `ArrayBuffer`) is given, it will be completely copied * rather than referenced. * @constructor * * @param {any} arr - The array or typed array to base this off, or an integer which is the array length * @param {number} byteOffset - The byte offset in the ArrayBuffer (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer) * @param {number} length - The length (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer) * @returns {any} A typed array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Int32Array_Int32Array */ new(length: number): Int32Array; new(array: ArrayLike): Int32Array; new(buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset?: number, length?: number): Int32Array; } type Int32Array = ArrayBufferView; declare const Int32Array: Int32ArrayConstructor interface Float32ArrayConstructor { /** * Create a typed array based on the given input. Either an existing Array Buffer, * an Integer as a Length, or a simple array. If an `ArrayBufferView` (e.g. * `Uint8Array` rather than `ArrayBuffer`) is given, it will be completely copied * rather than referenced. * @constructor * * @param {any} arr - The array or typed array to base this off, or an integer which is the array length * @param {number} byteOffset - The byte offset in the ArrayBuffer (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer) * @param {number} length - The length (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer) * @returns {any} A typed array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Float32Array_Float32Array */ new(length: number): Float32Array; new(array: ArrayLike): Float32Array; new(buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset?: number, length?: number): Float32Array; } type Float32Array = ArrayBufferView; declare const Float32Array: Float32ArrayConstructor interface Float64ArrayConstructor { /** * Create a typed array based on the given input. Either an existing Array Buffer, * an Integer as a Length, or a simple array. If an `ArrayBufferView` (e.g. * `Uint8Array` rather than `ArrayBuffer`) is given, it will be completely copied * rather than referenced. * @constructor * * @param {any} arr - The array or typed array to base this off, or an integer which is the array length * @param {number} byteOffset - The byte offset in the ArrayBuffer (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer) * @param {number} length - The length (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer) * @returns {any} A typed array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Float64Array_Float64Array */ new(length: number): Float64Array; new(array: ArrayLike): Float64Array; new(buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset?: number, length?: number): Float64Array; } type Float64Array = ArrayBufferView; declare const Float64Array: Float64ArrayConstructor interface DateConstructor { /** * Get the number of milliseconds elapsed since 1970 (or on embedded platforms, * since startup) * @returns {number} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_now */ now(): number; /** * Parse a date string and return milliseconds since 1970. Data can be either * '2011-10-20T14:48:00', '2011-10-20' or 'Mon, 25 Dec 1995 13:30:00 +0430' * * @param {any} str - A String * @returns {number} The number of milliseconds since 1970 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_parse */ parse(str: string): number; /** * Creates a date object * @constructor * * @param {any} args - Either nothing (current time), one numeric argument (milliseconds since 1970), a date string (see `Date.parse`), or [year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond] * @returns {any} A Date object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_Date */ new(): Date; new(value: number | string): Date; new(year: number, month: number, date?: number, hours?: number, minutes?: number, seconds?: number, ms?: number): Date; } interface Date { /** * This returns the time-zone offset from UTC, in minutes. * @returns {number} The difference, in minutes, between UTC and local time * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_getTimezoneOffset */ getTimezoneOffset(): number; /** * This returns a boolean indicating whether daylight savings time is in effect. * @returns {number} true if daylight savings time is in effect * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_getIsDST */ getIsDST(): boolean /** * Return the number of milliseconds since 1970 * @returns {number} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_getTime */ getTime(): number; /** * Return the number of milliseconds since 1970 * @returns {number} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_valueOf */ valueOf(): number; /** * Set the time/date of this Date class * * @param {number} timeValue - the number of milliseconds since 1970 * @returns {number} the number of milliseconds since 1970 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_setTime */ setTime(timeValue: number): number; /** * 0..23 * @returns {number} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_getHours */ getHours(): number; /** * 0..59 * @returns {number} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_getMinutes */ getMinutes(): number; /** * 0..59 * @returns {number} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_getSeconds */ getSeconds(): number; /** * 0..999 * @returns {number} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_getMilliseconds */ getMilliseconds(): number; /** * Day of the week (0=sunday, 1=monday, etc) * @returns {number} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_getDay */ getDay(): number; /** * Day of the month 1..31 * @returns {number} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_getDate */ getDate(): number; /** * Month of the year 0..11 * @returns {number} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_getMonth */ getMonth(): number; /** * The year, e.g. 2014 * @returns {number} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_getFullYear */ getFullYear(): number; /** * 0..23 * * @param {number} hoursValue - number of hours, 0..23 * @param {any} minutesValue - number of minutes, 0..59 * @param {any} [secondsValue] - [optional] number of seconds, 0..59 * @param {any} [millisecondsValue] - [optional] number of milliseconds, 0..999 * @returns {number} The number of milliseconds since 1970 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_setHours */ setHours(hoursValue: number, minutesValue?: number, secondsValue?: number, millisecondsValue?: number): number; /** * 0..59 * * @param {number} minutesValue - number of minutes, 0..59 * @param {any} [secondsValue] - [optional] number of seconds, 0..59 * @param {any} [millisecondsValue] - [optional] number of milliseconds, 0..999 * @returns {number} The number of milliseconds since 1970 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_setMinutes */ setMinutes(minutesValue: number, secondsValue?: number, millisecondsValue?: number): number; /** * 0..59 * * @param {number} secondsValue - number of seconds, 0..59 * @param {any} [millisecondsValue] - [optional] number of milliseconds, 0..999 * @returns {number} The number of milliseconds since 1970 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_setSeconds */ setSeconds(secondsValue: number, millisecondsValue?: number): number; /** * * @param {number} millisecondsValue - number of milliseconds, 0..999 * @returns {number} The number of milliseconds since 1970 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_setMilliseconds */ setMilliseconds(millisecondsValue: number): number; /** * Day of the month 1..31 * * @param {number} dayValue - the day of the month, between 0 and 31 * @returns {number} The number of milliseconds since 1970 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_setDate */ setDate(dayValue: number): number; /** * Month of the year 0..11 * * @param {number} yearValue - The month, between 0 and 11 * @param {any} [dayValue] - [optional] the day, between 0 and 31 * @returns {number} The number of milliseconds since 1970 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_setMonth */ setMonth(yearValue: number, dayValue?: number): number; /** * * @param {number} yearValue - The full year - eg. 1989 * @param {any} [monthValue] - [optional] the month, between 0 and 11 * @param {any} [dayValue] - [optional] the day, between 0 and 31 * @returns {number} The number of milliseconds since 1970 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_setFullYear */ setFullYear(yearValue: number, monthValue?: number, dayValue?: number): number; /** * Converts to a String, e.g: `Fri Jun 20 2014 14:52:20 GMT+0000` * **Note:** This uses whatever timezone was set with `E.setTimeZone()` or * `E.setDST()` * @returns {any} A String * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_toString */ toString(): string; /** * Converts to a String, e.g: `Fri, 20 Jun 2014 14:52:20 GMT` * **Note:** This always assumes a timezone of GMT * @returns {any} A String * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_toUTCString */ toUTCString(): string; /** * Converts to a ISO 8601 String, e.g: `2014-06-20T14:52:20.123Z` * **Note:** This always assumes a timezone of GMT * @returns {any} A String * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_toISOString */ toISOString(): string; /** * Calls `Date.toISOString` to output this date to JSON * @returns {any} A String * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_toJSON */ toJSON(): string; /** * Converts to a ISO 8601 String (with timezone information), e.g: * `2014-06-20T14:52:20.123-0500` * @returns {any} A String * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Date_toLocalISOString */ toLocalISOString(): string; } /** * The built-in class for handling Dates. * **Note:** By default the time zone is GMT+0, however you can change the timezone * using the `E.setTimeZone(...)` function. * For example `E.setTimeZone(1)` will be GMT+0100 * *However* if you have daylight savings time set with `E.setDST(...)` then the * timezone set by `E.setTimeZone(...)` will be _ignored_. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Date */ declare const Date: DateConstructor interface MathConstructor { /** * @returns {number} The value of E - 2.718281828459045 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_E */ E: number; /** * @returns {number} The value of PI - 3.141592653589793 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_PI */ PI: number; /** * @returns {number} The natural logarithm of 2 - 0.6931471805599453 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_LN2 */ LN2: number; /** * @returns {number} The natural logarithm of 10 - 2.302585092994046 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_LN10 */ LN10: number; /** * @returns {number} The base 2 logarithm of e - 1.4426950408889634 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_LOG2E */ LOG2E: number; /** * @returns {number} The base 10 logarithm of e - 0.4342944819032518 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_LOG10E */ LOG10E: number; /** * @returns {number} The square root of 2 - 1.4142135623730951 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_SQRT2 */ SQRT2: number; /** * @returns {number} The square root of 1/2 - 0.7071067811865476 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_SQRT1_2 */ SQRT1_2: number; /** * * @param {number} x - A floating point value * @returns {number} The absolute value of x (eg, ```Math.abs(2)==2```, but also ```Math.abs(-2)==2```) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_abs */ abs(x: number): number; /** * * @param {number} x - The value to get the arc cosine of * @returns {number} The arc cosine of x, between 0 and PI * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_acos */ acos(x: number): number; /** * * @param {number} x - The value to get the arc sine of * @returns {number} The arc sine of x, between -PI/2 and PI/2 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_asin */ asin(x: number): number; /** * * @param {number} x - The value to get the arc tangent of * @returns {number} The arc tangent of x, between -PI/2 and PI/2 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_atan */ atan(x: number): number; /** * * @param {number} y - The Y-part of the angle to get the arc tangent of * @param {number} x - The X-part of the angle to get the arc tangent of * @returns {number} The arctangent of Y/X, between -PI and PI * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_atan2 */ atan2(y: number, x: number): number; /** * * @param {number} theta - The angle to get the cosine of * @returns {number} The cosine of theta * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_cos */ cos(theta: number): number; /** * * @param {number} x - The value to raise to the power * @param {number} y - The power x should be raised to * @returns {number} x raised to the power y (x^y) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_pow */ pow(x: number, y: number): number; /** * @returns {number} A random number between 0 and 1 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_random */ random(): number; /** * * @param {number} x - The value to round * @returns {any} x, rounded to the nearest integer * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_round */ round(x: number): any; /** * * @param {number} theta - The angle to get the sine of * @returns {number} The sine of theta * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_sin */ sin(theta: number): number; /** * * @param {number} theta - The angle to get the tangent of * @returns {number} The tangent of theta * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_tan */ tan(theta: number): number; /** * * @param {number} x - The value to take the square root of * @returns {number} The square root of x * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_sqrt */ sqrt(x: number): number; /** * * @param {number} x - The value to round up * @returns {number} x, rounded upwards to the nearest integer * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_ceil */ ceil(x: number): number; /** * * @param {number} x - The value to round down * @returns {number} x, rounded downwards to the nearest integer * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_floor */ floor(x: number): number; /** * * @param {number} x - The value raise E to the power of * @returns {number} E^x * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_exp */ exp(x: number): number; /** * * @param {number} x - The value to take the logarithm (base E) root of * @returns {number} The log (base E) of x * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_log */ log(x: number): number; /** * DEPRECATED - Please use `E.clip()` instead. Clip a number to be between min and * max (inclusive) * * @param {number} x - A floating point value to clip * @param {number} min - The smallest the value should be * @param {number} max - The largest the value should be * @returns {number} The value of x, clipped so as not to be below min or above max. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_clip */ clip(x: number, min: number, max: number): number; /** * DEPRECATED - This is not part of standard JavaScript libraries * Wrap a number around if it is less than 0 or greater than or equal to max. For * instance you might do: ```Math.wrap(angleInDegrees, 360)``` * * @param {number} x - A floating point value to wrap * @param {number} max - The largest the value should be * @returns {number} The value of x, wrapped so as not to be below min or above max. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_wrap */ wrap(x: number, max: number): number; /** * Find the minimum of a series of numbers * * @param {any} args - Floating point values to clip * @returns {number} The minimum of the supplied values * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_min */ min(...args: any[]): number; /** * Find the maximum of a series of numbers * * @param {any} args - Floating point values to clip * @returns {number} The maximum of the supplied values * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_max */ max(...args: any[]): number; /** * * @param {number} x - The value to get the sign from * @returns {number} sign on x - -1, 1, or 0 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Math_sign */ sign(x: number): number; } interface Math { } /** * This is a standard JavaScript class that contains useful Maths routines * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Math */ declare const Math: MathConstructor /** * Built-in class that caches the modules used by the `require` command * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Modules */ declare class Modules { /** * Return an array of module names that have been cached * @returns {any} An array of module names * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Modules_getCached */ static getCached(): any; /** * Remove the given module from the list of cached modules * * @param {any} id - The module name to remove * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Modules_removeCached */ static removeCached(id: any): void; /** * Remove all cached modules * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Modules_removeAllCached */ static removeAllCached(): void; /** * Add the given module to the cache * * @param {any} id - The module name to add * @param {any} sourcecode - The module's sourcecode * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Modules_addCached */ static addCached(id: any, sourcecode: any): void; } /** * This is the built-in JavaScript class for Espruino utility functions. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#E */ declare class E { /** * Display a menu on the screen, and set up the buttons to navigate through it. * Supply an object containing menu items. When an item is selected, the function * it references will be executed. For example: * ``` * var boolean = false; * var number = 50; * // First menu * var mainmenu = { * "" : { "title" : "-- Main Menu --" }, * "Backlight On" : function() { LED1.set(); }, * "Backlight Off" : function() { LED1.reset(); }, * "Submenu" : function() { E.showMenu(submenu); }, * "A Boolean" : { * value : boolean, * format : v => v?"On":"Off", * onchange : v => { boolean=v; } * }, * "A Number" : { * value : number, * min:0,max:100,step:10, * onchange : v => { number=v; } * }, * "Exit" : function() { E.showMenu(); }, // remove the menu * }; * // Submenu * var submenu = { * "" : { title : "-- SubMenu --", * back : function() { E.showMenu(mainmenu); } }, * "One" : undefined, // do nothing * "Two" : undefined // do nothing * }; * // Actually display the menu * E.showMenu(mainmenu); * ``` * The menu will stay onscreen and active until explicitly removed, which you can * do by calling `E.showMenu()` without arguments. * See http://www.espruino.com/graphical_menu for more detailed information. * * @param {any} menu - An object containing name->function mappings to to be used in a menu * @returns {any} A menu object with `draw`, `move` and `select` functions * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_showMenu */ static showMenu(menu: Menu): MenuInstance; static showMenu(): void; /** * A utility function for displaying a full screen message on the screen. * Draws to the screen and returns immediately. * ``` * E.showMessage("These are\nLots of\nLines","My Title") * ``` * * @param {any} message - A message to display. Can include newlines * @param {any} [title] - [optional] a title for the message * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_showMessage */ static showMessage(message: string, title?: string): void; /** * Displays a full screen prompt on the screen, with the buttons requested (or * `Yes` and `No` for defaults). * When the button is pressed the promise is resolved with the requested values * (for the `Yes` and `No` defaults, `true` and `false` are returned). * ``` * E.showPrompt("Do you like fish?").then(function(v) { * if (v) print("'Yes' chosen"); * else print("'No' chosen"); * }); * // Or * E.showPrompt("How many fish\ndo you like?",{ * title:"Fish", * buttons : {"One":1,"Two":2,"Three":3} * }).then(function(v) { * print("You like "+v+" fish"); * }); * ``` * To remove the prompt, call `E.showPrompt()` with no arguments. * The second `options` argument can contain: * ``` * { * title: "Hello", // optional Title * buttons : {"Ok":true,"Cancel":false} // list of button text & return value * } * ``` * * @param {any} message - A message to display. Can include newlines * @param {any} [options] - [optional] an object of options (see below) * @returns {any} A promise that is resolved when 'Ok' is pressed * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_showPrompt */ static showPrompt(message: string, options?: { title?: string, buttons?: { [key: string]: T } }): Promise; static showPrompt(): void; /** * Displays a full screen prompt on the screen, with a single 'Ok' button. * When the button is pressed the promise is resolved. * ``` * E.showAlert("Hello").then(function() { * print("Ok pressed"); * }); * // or * E.showAlert("These are\nLots of\nLines","My Title").then(function() { * print("Ok pressed"); * }); * ``` * To remove the window, call `E.showAlert()` with no arguments. * * @param {any} message - A message to display. Can include newlines * @param {any} [options] - [optional] a title for the message * @returns {any} A promise that is resolved when 'Ok' is pressed * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_showAlert */ static showAlert(message?: string, options?: string): Promise; /** * Setup the filesystem so that subsequent calls to `E.openFile` and * `require('fs').*` will use an SD card on the supplied SPI device and pin. * It can even work using software SPI - for instance: * ``` * // DI/CMD = C7 * // DO/DAT0 = C8 * // CK/CLK = C9 * // CD/CS/DAT3 = C6 * var spi = new SPI(); * spi.setup({mosi:C7, miso:C8, sck:C9}); * E.connectSDCard(spi, C6); * console.log(require("fs").readdirSync()); * ``` * See [the page on File IO](http://www.espruino.com/File+IO) for more information. * **Note:** We'd strongly suggest you add a pullup resistor from CD/CS pin to * 3.3v. It is good practise to avoid accidental writes before Espruino is * initialised, and some cards will not work reliably without one. * **Note:** If you want to remove an SD card after you have started using it, you * *must* call `E.unmountSD()` or you may cause damage to the card. * * @param {any} spi - The SPI object to use for communication * @param {Pin} csPin - The pin to use for Chip Select * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_connectSDCard */ static connectSDCard(spi: any, csPin: Pin): void; /** * Unmount the SD card, so it can be removed. If you remove the SD card without * calling this you may cause corruption, and you will be unable to access another * SD card until you reset Espruino or call `E.unmountSD()`. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_unmountSD */ static unmountSD(): void; /** * Open a file * * @param {any} path - the path to the file to open. * @param {any} mode - The mode to use when opening the file. Valid values for mode are 'r' for read, 'w' for write new, 'w+' for write existing, and 'a' for append. If not specified, the default is 'r'. * @returns {any} A File object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_openFile */ static openFile(path: any, mode: any): File; /** * Change the parameters used for the flash filesystem. The default address is the * last 1Mb of 4Mb Flash, 0x300000, with total size of 1Mb. * Before first use the media needs to be formatted. * ``` * fs=require("fs"); * try { * fs.readdirSync(); * } catch (e) { //'Uncaught Error: Unable to mount media : NO_FILESYSTEM' * console.log('Formatting FS - only need to do once'); * E.flashFatFS({ format: true }); * } * fs.writeFileSync("bang.txt", "This is the way the world ends\nnot with a bang but a whimper.\n"); * fs.readdirSync(); * ``` * This will create a drive of 100 * 4096 bytes at 0x300000. Be careful with the * selection of flash addresses as you can overwrite firmware! You only need to * format once, as each will erase the content. * `E.flashFatFS({ addr:0x300000,sectors:100,format:true });` * * @param {any} [options] * [optional] An object `{ addr : int=0x300000, sectors : int=256, format : bool=false }` * addr : start address in flash * sectors: number of sectors to use * format: Format the media * @returns {boolean} True on success, or false on failure * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_flashFatFS */ static flashFatFS(options?: any): boolean; /** * Display a menu on the screen, and set up the buttons to navigate through it. * Supply an object containing menu items. When an item is selected, the function * it references will be executed. For example: * ``` * var boolean = false; * var number = 50; * // First menu * var mainmenu = { * "" : { title : "-- Main Menu --" }, // options * "LED On" : function() { LED1.set(); }, * "LED Off" : function() { LED1.reset(); }, * "Submenu" : function() { E.showMenu(submenu); }, * "A Boolean" : { * value : boolean, * format : v => v?"On":"Off", * onchange : v => { boolean=v; } * }, * "A Number" : { * value : number, * min:0,max:100,step:10, * onchange : v => { number=v; } * }, * "Exit" : function() { E.showMenu(); }, // remove the menu * }; * // Submenu * var submenu = { * "" : { title : "-- SubMenu --", * back : function() { E.showMenu(mainmenu); } }, * "One" : undefined, // do nothing * "Two" : undefined // do nothing * }; * // Actually display the menu * E.showMenu(mainmenu); * ``` * The menu will stay onscreen and active until explicitly removed, which you can * do by calling `E.showMenu()` without arguments. * See http://www.espruino.com/graphical_menu for more detailed information. * On Bangle.js there are a few additions over the standard `graphical_menu`: * * The options object can contain: * * `back : function() { }` - add a 'back' button, with the function called when * it is pressed * * `remove : function() { }` - add a handler function to be called when the * menu is removed * * (Bangle.js 2) `scroll : int` - an integer specifying how much the initial * menu should be scrolled by * * The object returned by `E.showMenu` contains: * * (Bangle.js 2) `scroller` - the object returned by `E.showScroller` - * `scroller.scroll` returns the amount the menu is currently scrolled by * * In the object specified for editable numbers: * * (Bangle.js 2) the `format` function is called with `format(value)` in the * main menu, `format(value,1)` when in a scrollable list, or `format(value,2)` * when in a popup window. * You can also specify menu items as an array (rather than an Object). This can be * useful if you have menu items with the same title, or you want to `push` menu * items onto an array: * ``` * var menu = [ * { title:"Something", onchange:function() { print("selected"); } }, * { title:"On or Off", value:false, onchange: v => print(v) }, * { title:"A Value", value:3, min:0, max:10, onchange: v => print(v) }, * ]; * menu[""] = { title:"Hello" }; * E.showMenu(menu); * ``` * * @param {any} menu - An object containing name->function mappings to to be used in a menu * @returns {any} A menu object with `draw`, `move` and `select` functions * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_showMenu */ static showMenu(menu: Menu): MenuInstance; static showMenu(): void; /** * A utility function for displaying a full screen message on the screen. * Draws to the screen and returns immediately. * ``` * E.showMessage("These are\nLots of\nLines","My Title") * ``` * or to display an image as well as text: * ``` * E.showMessage("Lots of text will wrap automatically",{ * title:"Warning", * img:atob("FBQBAfgAf+Af/4P//D+fx/n+f5/v+f//n//5//+f//n////3//5/n+P//D//wf/4B/4AH4A=") * }) * ``` * * @param {any} message - A message to display. Can include newlines * @param {any} [options] - [optional] a title for the message, or an object of options `{title:string, img:image_string}` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_showMessage */ static showMessage(message: string, title?: string | { title?: string, img?: string }): void; /** * Displays a full screen prompt on the screen, with the buttons requested (or * `Yes` and `No` for defaults). * When the button is pressed the promise is resolved with the requested values * (for the `Yes` and `No` defaults, `true` and `false` are returned). * ``` * E.showPrompt("Do you like fish?").then(function(v) { * if (v) print("'Yes' chosen"); * else print("'No' chosen"); * }); * // Or * E.showPrompt("How many fish\ndo you like?",{ * title:"Fish", * buttons : {"One":1,"Two":2,"Three":3} * }).then(function(v) { * print("You like "+v+" fish"); * }); * // Or * E.showPrompt("Continue?", { * title:"Alert", * img:atob("FBQBAfgAf+Af/4P//D+fx/n+f5/v+f//n//5//+f//n////3//5/n+P//D//wf/4B/4AH4A=")}).then(function(v) { * if (v) print("'Yes' chosen"); * else print("'No' chosen"); * }); * ``` * To remove the prompt, call `E.showPrompt()` with no arguments. * The second `options` argument can contain: * ``` * { * title: "Hello", // optional Title * buttons : {"Ok":true,"Cancel":false}, // optional list of button text & return value * img: "image_string" // optional image string to draw * remove: function() { } // Bangle.js: optional function to be called when the prompt is removed * } * ``` * * @param {any} message - A message to display. Can include newlines * @param {any} [options] - [optional] an object of options (see below) * @returns {any} A promise that is resolved when 'Ok' is pressed * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_showPrompt */ static showPrompt(message: string, options?: { title?: string, buttons?: { [key: string]: T }, image?: string, remove?: () => void }): Promise; static showPrompt(): void; /** * Display a scrollable menu on the screen, and set up the buttons/touchscreen to * navigate through it and select items. * Supply an object containing: * ``` * { * h : 24, // height of each menu item in pixels * c : 10, // number of menu items * // a function to draw a menu item * draw : function(idx, rect) { ... } * // a function to call when the item is selected, touch parameter is only relevant * // for Bangle.js 2 and contains the coordinates touched inside the selected item * select : function(idx, touch) { ... } * // optional function to be called when 'back' is tapped * back : function() { ...} * // Bangle.js: optional function to be called when the scroller should be removed * remove : function() {} * } * ``` * For example to display a list of numbers: * ``` * E.showScroller({ * h : 40, c : 8, * draw : (idx, r) => { * g.setBgColor((idx&1)?"#666":"#999").clearRect(r.x,r.y,r.x+r.w-1,r.y+r.h-1); * g.setFont("6x8:2").drawString("Item Number\n"+idx,r.x+10,r.y+4); * }, * select : (idx) => console.log("You selected ", idx) * }); * ``` * To remove the scroller, just call `E.showScroller()` * * @param {any} options - An object containing `{ h, c, draw, select, back, remove }` (see below) * @returns {any} A menu object with `draw()` and `drawItem(itemNo)` functions * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_showScroller */ static showScroller(options?: { h: number, c: number, draw: (idx: number, rect: { x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number }) => void, select: (idx: number, touch?: {x: number, y: number}) => void, back?: () => void, remove?: () => void }): { draw: () => void, drawItem: (itemNo: number) => void }; static showScroller(): void; /** * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_showMenu */ static showMenu(): void; /** * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_showMenu */ static showMenu(): void; /** * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_showPrompt */ static showPrompt(): void; /** * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_showScroller */ static showScroller(): void; /** * Displays a full screen prompt on the screen, with a single 'Ok' button. * When the button is pressed the promise is resolved. * ``` * E.showAlert("Hello").then(function() { * print("Ok pressed"); * }); * // or * E.showAlert("These are\nLots of\nLines","My Title").then(function() { * print("Ok pressed"); * }); * ``` * To remove the window, call `E.showAlert()` with no arguments. * * @param {any} message - A message to display. Can include newlines * @param {any} [options] - [optional] a title for the message or an object containing options * @returns {any} A promise that is resolved when 'Ok' is pressed * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_showAlert */ static showAlert(message?: string, options?: string): Promise; static showAlert(message?: string, options?: { title?: string, remove?: () => void }): Promise; /** * Called when a notification arrives on an Apple iOS device Bangle.js is connected * to * ``` * { * event:"add", * uid:42, * category:4, * categoryCnt:42, * silent:true, * important:false, * preExisting:true, * positive:false, * negative:true * } * ``` * You can then get more information with `NRF.ancsGetNotificationInfo`, for instance: * ``` * E.on('ANCS', event => { * NRF.ancsGetNotificationInfo( event.uid ).then(a=>print("Notify",E.toJS(a))); * }); * ``` * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(info: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `info` An object (see below) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_ANCS */ static on(event: "ANCS", callback: (info: any) => void): void; /** * Called when a media event arrives on an Apple iOS device Bangle.js is connected * to * ``` * { * id : "artist"/"album"/"title"/"duration", * value : "Some text", * truncated : bool // the 'value' was too big to be sent completely * } * ``` * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(info: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `info` An object (see below) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_AMS */ static on(event: "AMS", callback: (info: any) => void): void; /** * This event is called right after the board starts up, and has a similar effect * to creating a function called `onInit`. * For example to write `"Hello World"` every time Espruino starts, use: * ``` * E.on('init', function() { * console.log("Hello World!"); * }); * ``` * **Note:** that subsequent calls to `E.on('init', ` will **add** a new handler, * rather than replacing the last one. This allows you to write modular code - * something that was not possible with `onInit`. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_init */ static on(event: "init", callback: () => void): void; /** * This event is called just before the device shuts down for commands such as * `reset()`, `load()`, `save()`, `E.reboot()` or `Bangle.off()` * For example to write `"Bye!"` just before shutting down use: * ``` * E.on('kill', function() { * console.log("Bye!"); * }); * ``` * **NOTE:** This event is not called when the device is 'hard reset' - for example * by removing power, hitting an actual reset button, or via a Watchdog timer * reset. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_kill */ static on(event: "kill", callback: () => void): void; /** * This event is called when an error is created by Espruino itself (rather than JS * code) which changes the state of the error flags reported by `E.getErrorFlags()` * This could be low memory, full buffers, UART overflow, etc. `E.getErrorFlags()` * has a full description of each type of error. * This event will only be emitted when error flag is set. If the error flag was * already set nothing will be emitted. To clear error flags so that you do get a * callback each time a flag is set, call `E.getErrorFlags()`. * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(errorFlags: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `errorFlags` An array of new error flags, as would be returned by `E.getErrorFlags()`. Error flags that were present before won't be reported. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_errorFlag */ static on(event: "errorFlag", callback: (errorFlags: ErrorFlag[]) => void): void; /** * This event is called when a full touchscreen device on an Espruino is interacted * with. * **Note:** This event is not implemented on Bangle.js because it only has a two * area touchscreen. * To use the touchscreen to draw lines, you could do: * ``` * var last; * E.on('touch',t=>{ * if (last) g.lineTo(t.x, t.y); * else g.moveTo(t.x, t.y); * last = t.b; * }); * ``` * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(x: number, y: number, b: number) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `x` X coordinate in display coordinates * * `y` Y coordinate in display coordinates * * `b` Touch count - 0 for released, 1 for pressed * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_touch */ static on(event: "touch", callback: (x: number, y: number, b: number) => void): void; /** * Use the microcontroller's internal thermistor to work out the temperature. * On Puck.js v2.0 this will use the on-board PCT2075TP temperature sensor, but on * other devices it may not be desperately well calibrated. * While this is implemented on Espruino boards, it may not be implemented on other * devices. If so it'll return NaN. * **Note:** This is not entirely accurate and varies by a few degrees from chip * to chip. It measures the **die temperature**, so when connected to USB it could * be reading 10 over degrees C above ambient temperature. When running from * battery with `setDeepSleep(true)` it is much more accurate though. * @returns {number} The temperature in degrees C * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_getTemperature */ static getTemperature(): number; /** * Check the internal voltage reference. To work out an actual voltage of an input * pin, you can use `analogRead(pin)*E.getAnalogVRef()` * **Note:** This value is calculated by reading the voltage on an internal * voltage reference with the ADC. It will be slightly noisy, so if you need this * for accurate measurements we'd recommend that you call this function several * times and average the results. * While this is implemented on Espruino boards, it may not be implemented on other * devices. If so it'll return NaN. * @returns {number} The voltage (in Volts) that a reading of 1 from `analogRead` actually represents - usually around 3.3v * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_getAnalogVRef */ static getAnalogVRef(): number; /** * ADVANCED: This is a great way to crash Espruino if you're not sure what you are * doing * Create a native function that executes the code at the given address, e.g. * `E.nativeCall(0x08012345,'double (double,double)')(1.1, 2.2)` * If you're executing a thumb function, you'll almost certainly need to set the * bottom bit of the address to 1. * Note it's not guaranteed that the call signature you provide can be used - there * are limits on the number of arguments allowed. * When supplying `data`, if it is a 'flat string' then it will be used directly, * otherwise it'll be converted to a flat string and used. * * @param {number} addr - The address in memory of the function (or offset in `data` if it was supplied * @param {any} sig - The signature of the call, `returnType (arg1,arg2,...)`. Allowed types are `void`,`bool`,`int`,`double`,`Pin`,`JsVar` * @param {any} data - (Optional) A string containing the function itself. If not supplied then 'addr' is used as an absolute address. * @returns {any} The native function * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_nativeCall */ static nativeCall(addr: number, sig: string, data?: string): any; /** * Clip a number to be between min and max (inclusive) * * @param {number} x - A floating point value to clip * @param {number} min - The smallest the value should be * @param {number} max - The largest the value should be * @returns {number} The value of x, clipped so as not to be below min or above max. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_clip */ static clip(x: number, min: number, max: number): number; /** * Sum the contents of the given Array, String or ArrayBuffer and return the result * * @param {any} arr - The array to sum * @returns {number} The sum of the given buffer * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_sum */ static sum(arr: string | number[] | ArrayBuffer): number; /** * Work out the variance of the contents of the given Array, String or ArrayBuffer * and return the result. This is equivalent to `v=0;for (i in arr) * v+=Math.pow(mean-arr[i],2)` * * @param {any} arr - The array to work out the variance for * @param {number} mean - The mean value of the array * @returns {number} The variance of the given buffer * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_variance */ static variance(arr: string | number[] | ArrayBuffer, mean: number): number; /** * Convolve arr1 with arr2. This is equivalent to `v=0;for (i in arr1) v+=arr1[i] * * arr2[(i+offset) % arr2.length]` * * @param {any} arr1 - An array to convolve * @param {any} arr2 - An array to convolve * @param {number} offset - The mean value of the array * @returns {number} The variance of the given buffer * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_convolve */ static convolve(arr1: string | number[] | ArrayBuffer, arr2: string | number[] | ArrayBuffer, offset: number): number; /** * Performs a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) in 32 bit floats on the supplied data * and writes it back into the original arrays. Note that if only one array is * supplied, the data written back is the modulus of the complex result * `sqrt(r*r+i*i)`. * In order to perform the FFT, there has to be enough room on the stack to * allocate two arrays of 32 bit floating point numbers - this will limit the * maximum size of FFT possible to around 1024 items on most platforms. * **Note:** on the Original Espruino board, FFTs are performed in 64bit arithmetic * as there isn't space to include the 32 bit maths routines (2x more RAM is * required). * * @param {any} arrReal - An array of real values * @param {any} arrImage - An array of imaginary values (or if undefined, all values will be taken to be 0) * @param {boolean} inverse - Set this to true if you want an inverse FFT - otherwise leave as 0 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_FFT */ static FFT(arrReal: string | number[] | ArrayBuffer, arrImage?: string | number[] | ArrayBuffer, inverse?: boolean): any; /** * Enable the watchdog timer. This will reset Espruino if it isn't able to return * to the idle loop within the timeout. * If `isAuto` is false, you must call `E.kickWatchdog()` yourself every so often * or the chip will reset. * ``` * E.enableWatchdog(0.5); // automatic mode * while(1); // Espruino will reboot because it has not been idle for 0.5 sec * ``` * ``` * E.enableWatchdog(1, false); * setInterval(function() { * if (everything_ok) * E.kickWatchdog(); * }, 500); * // Espruino will now reset if everything_ok is false, * // or if the interval fails to be called * ``` * **NOTE:** This is only implemented on STM32, nRF5x and ESP32 devices (all official * Espruino boards). * **NOTE:** On STM32 (Pico, WiFi, Original) with `setDeepSleep(1)` you need to * explicitly wake Espruino up with an interval of less than the watchdog timeout * or the watchdog will fire and the board will reboot. You can do this with * `setInterval("", time_in_milliseconds)`. * **NOTE:** On ESP32, the timeout will be rounded to the nearest second. * * @param {number} timeout - The timeout in seconds before a watchdog reset * @param {any} isAuto - If undefined or true, the watchdog is kicked automatically. If not, you must call `E.kickWatchdog()` yourself * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_enableWatchdog */ static enableWatchdog(timeout: number, isAuto?: boolean): void; /** * Kicks a Watchdog timer set up with `E.enableWatchdog(..., false)`. See * `E.enableWatchdog` for more information. * **NOTE:** This is only implemented on STM32 and nRF5x devices (all official * Espruino boards). * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_kickWatchdog */ static kickWatchdog(): void; /** * Get and reset the error flags. Returns an array that can contain: * `'FIFO_FULL'`: The receive FIFO filled up and data was lost. This could be state * transitions for setWatch, or received characters. * `'BUFFER_FULL'`: A buffer for a stream filled up and characters were lost. This * can happen to any stream - Serial,HTTP,etc. * `'CALLBACK'`: A callback (`setWatch`, `setInterval`, `on('data',...)`) caused an * error and so was removed. * `'LOW_MEMORY'`: Memory is running low - Espruino had to run a garbage collection * pass or remove some of the command history * `'MEMORY'`: Espruino ran out of memory and was unable to allocate some data that * it needed. * `'UART_OVERFLOW'` : A UART received data but it was not read in time and was * lost * @returns {any} An array of error flags * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_getErrorFlags */ static getErrorFlags(): ErrorFlag[] /** * Get Espruino's interpreter flags that control the way it handles your JavaScript * code. * * `deepSleep` - Allow deep sleep modes (also set by setDeepSleep) * * `pretokenise` - When adding functions, pre-minify them and tokenise reserved * words * * `unsafeFlash` - Some platforms stop writes/erases to interpreter memory to * stop you bricking the device accidentally - this removes that protection * * `unsyncFiles` - When writing files, *don't* flush all data to the SD card * after each command (the default is *to* flush). This is much faster, but can * cause filesystem damage if power is lost without the filesystem unmounted. * @returns {any} An object containing flag names and their values * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_getFlags */ static getFlags(): { [key in Flag]: boolean } /** * Set the Espruino interpreter flags that control the way it handles your * JavaScript code. * Run `E.getFlags()` and check its description for a list of available flags and * their values. * * @param {any} flags - An object containing flag names and boolean values. You need only specify the flags that you want to change. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_setFlags */ static setFlags(flags: { [key in Flag]?: boolean }): void /** * * @param {any} source - The source file/stream that will send content. * @param {any} destination - The destination file/stream that will receive content from the source. * @param {any} [options] * [optional] An object `{ chunkSize : int=64, end : bool=true, complete : function }` * chunkSize : The amount of data to pipe from source to destination at a time * complete : a function to call when the pipe activity is complete * end : call the 'end' function on the destination when the source is finished * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_pipe */ static pipe(source: any, destination: any, options?: { chunkSize?: number, end?: boolean, complete?: () => void }): void /** * Create an ArrayBuffer from the given string. This is done via a reference, not a * copy - so it is very fast and memory efficient. * Note that this is an ArrayBuffer, not a Uint8Array. To get one of those, do: * `new Uint8Array(E.toArrayBuffer('....'))`. * * @param {any} str - The string to convert to an ArrayBuffer * @returns {any} An ArrayBuffer that uses the given string * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_toArrayBuffer */ static toArrayBuffer(str: string): ArrayBuffer; /** * Returns a 'flat' string representing the data in the arguments, or return * `undefined` if a flat string cannot be created. * This creates a string from the given arguments. If an argument is a String or an * Array, each element is traversed and added as an 8 bit character. If it is * anything else, it is converted to a character directly. * In the case where there's one argument which is an 8 bit typed array backed by a * flat string of the same length, the backing string will be returned without * doing a copy or other allocation. The same applies if there's a single argument * which is itself a flat string. * * @param {any} args - The arguments to convert to a String * @returns {any} A String (or `undefined` if a Flat String cannot be created) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_toString */ static toString(...args: any[]): string | undefined; /** * This creates a Uint8Array from the given arguments. These are handled as * follows: * * `Number` -> read as an integer, using the lowest 8 bits * * `String` -> use each character's numeric value (e.g. * `String.charCodeAt(...)`) * * `Array` -> Call itself on each element * * `ArrayBuffer` or Typed Array -> use the lowest 8 bits of each element * * `Object`: * * `{data:..., count: int}` -> call itself `object.count` times, on * `object.data` * * `{callback : function}` -> call the given function, call itself on return * value * For example: * ``` * E.toUint8Array([1,2,3]) * =new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]) * E.toUint8Array([1,{data:2,count:3},3]) * =new Uint8Array([1, 2, 2, 2, 3]) * E.toUint8Array("Hello") * =new Uint8Array([72, 101, 108, 108, 111]) * E.toUint8Array(["hi",{callback:function() { return [1,2,3] }}]) * =new Uint8Array([104, 105, 1, 2, 3]) * ``` * * @param {any} args - The arguments to convert to a Uint8Array * @returns {any} A Uint8Array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_toUint8Array */ static toUint8Array(...args: Uint8ArrayResolvable[]): Uint8Array; /** * This performs the same basic function as `JSON.stringify`, however * `JSON.stringify` adds extra characters to conform to the JSON spec which aren't * required if outputting JS. * `E.toJS` will also stringify JS functions, whereas `JSON.stringify` ignores * them. * For example: * * `JSON.stringify({a:1,b:2}) == '{"a":1,"b":2}'` * * `E.toJS({a:1,b:2}) == '{a:1,b:2}'` * **Note:** Strings generated with `E.toJS` can't be reliably parsed by * `JSON.parse` - however they are valid JS so will work with `eval` (but this has * security implications if you don't trust the source of the string). * On the desktop [JSON5 parsers](https://github.com/json5/json5) will parse the * strings produced by `E.toJS` without trouble. * * @param {any} arg - The JS variable to convert to a string * @returns {any} A String * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_toJS */ static toJS(arg: any): string; /** * This creates and returns a special type of string, which actually references a * specific memory address. It can be used in order to use sections of Flash memory * directly in Espruino (for example to execute code straight from flash memory * with `eval(E.memoryArea( ... ))`) * **Note:** This is only tested on STM32-based platforms (Espruino Original and * Espruino Pico) at the moment. * * @param {number} addr - The address of the memory area * @param {number} len - The length (in bytes) of the memory area * @returns {any} A String * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_memoryArea */ static memoryArea(addr: number, len: number): string; /** * This writes JavaScript code into Espruino's flash memory, to be executed on * startup. It differs from `save()` in that `save()` saves the whole state of the * interpreter, whereas this just saves JS code that is executed at boot. * Code will be executed before `onInit()` and `E.on('init', ...)`. * If `alwaysExec` is `true`, the code will be executed even after a call to * `reset()`. This is useful if you're making something that you want to program, * but you want some code that is always built in (for instance setting up a * display or keyboard). * To remove boot code that has been saved previously, use `E.setBootCode("")` * **Note:** this removes any code that was previously saved with `save()` * * @param {any} code - The code to execute (as a string) * @param {boolean} alwaysExec - Whether to always execute the code (even after a reset) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_setBootCode */ static setBootCode(code: string, alwaysExec?: boolean): void; /** * This sets the clock frequency of Espruino's processor. It will return `0` if it * is unimplemented or the clock speed cannot be changed. * **Note:** On pretty much all boards, UART, SPI, I2C, PWM, etc will change * frequency and will need setting up again in order to work. * ### STM32F4 * Options is of the form `{ M: int, N: int, P: int, Q: int }` - see the 'Clocks' * section of the microcontroller's reference manual for what these mean. * * System clock = 8Mhz * N / ( M * P ) * * USB clock (should be 48Mhz) = 8Mhz * N / ( M * Q ) * Optional arguments are: * * `latency` - flash latency from 0..15 * * `PCLK1` - Peripheral clock 1 divisor (default: 2) * * `PCLK2` - Peripheral clock 2 divisor (default: 4) * The Pico's default is `{M:8, N:336, P:4, Q:7, PCLK1:2, PCLK2:4}`, use `{M:8, * N:336, P:8, Q:7, PCLK:1, PCLK2:2}` to halve the system clock speed while keeping * the peripherals running at the same speed (omitting PCLK1/2 will lead to the * peripherals changing speed too). * On STM32F4 boards (e.g. Espruino Pico), the USB clock needs to be kept at 48Mhz * or USB will fail to work. You'll also experience USB instability if the * processor clock falls much below 48Mhz. * ### ESP8266 * Just specify an integer value, either 80 or 160 (for 80 or 160Mhz) * * @param {any} options - Platform-specific options for setting clock speed * @returns {number} The actual frequency the clock has been set to * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_setClock */ static setClock(options: number | { M: number, N: number, P: number, Q: number, latency?: number, PCLK?: number, PCLK2?: number }): number; /** * Changes the device that the JS console (otherwise known as the REPL) is attached * to. If the console is on a device, that device can be used for programming * Espruino. * Rather than calling `Serial.setConsole` you can call * `E.setConsole("DeviceName")`. * This is particularly useful if you just want to remove the console. * `E.setConsole(null)` will make the console completely inaccessible. * `device` may be `"Serial1"`,`"USB"`,`"Bluetooth"`,`"Telnet"`,`"Terminal"`, any * other *hardware* `Serial` device, or `null` to disable the console completely. * `options` is of the form: * ``` * { * force : bool // default false, force the console onto this device so it does not move * // if false, changes in connection state (e.g. USB/Bluetooth) can move * // the console automatically. * } * ``` * * @param {any} device * @param {any} [options] - [optional] object of options, see below * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_setConsole */ static setConsole(device: "Serial1" | "USB" | "Bluetooth" | "Telnet" | "Terminal" | Serial | null, options?: { force?: boolean }): void; /** * Returns the current console device - see `E.setConsole` for more information. * @returns {any} The current console device as a string, or just `null` if the console is null * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_getConsole */ static getConsole(): string | null /** * Reverse the 8 bits in a byte, swapping MSB and LSB. * For example, `E.reverseByte(0b10010000) == 0b00001001`. * Note that you can reverse all the bytes in an array with: `arr = * arr.map(E.reverseByte)` * * @param {number} x - A byte value to reverse the bits of * @returns {number} The byte with reversed bits * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_reverseByte */ static reverseByte(x: number): number; /** * Output the current list of Utility Timer Tasks - for debugging only * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_dumpTimers */ static dumpTimers(): void; /** * Dump any locked variables that aren't referenced from `global` - for debugging * memory leaks only. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_dumpLockedVars */ static dumpLockedVars(): void; /** * Dump any locked variables that aren't referenced from `global` - for debugging * memory leaks only. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_dumpFreeList */ static dumpFreeList(): void; /** * Show fragmentation. * * ` ` is free space * * `#` is a normal variable * * `L` is a locked variable (address used, cannot be moved) * * `=` represents data in a Flat String (must be contiguous) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_dumpFragmentation */ static dumpFragmentation(): void; /** * Dumps a comma-separated list of all allocated variables along with the variables * they link to. Can be used to visualise where memory is used. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_dumpVariables */ static dumpVariables(): void; /** * BETA: defragment memory! * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_defrag */ static defrag(): void; /** * Return the number of variable blocks used by the supplied variable. This is * useful if you're running out of memory and you want to be able to see what is * taking up most of the available space. * If `depth>0` and the variable can be recursed into, an array listing all * property names (including internal Espruino names) and their sizes is returned. * If `depth>1` there is also a `more` field that inspects the objects' children's * children. * For instance `E.getSizeOf(function(a,b) { })` returns `5`. * But `E.getSizeOf(function(a,b) { }, 1)` returns: * ``` * [ * { * "name": "a", * "size": 1 }, * { * "name": "b", * "size": 1 }, * { * "name": "\xFFcod", * "size": 2 } * ] * ``` * In this case setting depth to `2` will make no difference as there are no more * children to traverse. * See http://www.espruino.com/Internals for more information * * @param {any} v - A variable to get the size of * @param {number} depth - The depth that detail should be provided for. If depth<=0 or undefined, a single integer will be returned * @returns {any} Information about the variable size - see below * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_getSizeOf */ static getSizeOf(v: any, depth?: 0): number; static getSizeOf(v: any, depth: number): VariableSizeInformation; /** * Return the address in memory of the given variable. This can then be used with * `peek` and `poke` functions. However, changing data in JS variables directly * (flatAddress=false) will most likely result in a crash. * This functions exists to allow embedded targets to set up peripherals such as * DMA so that they write directly to JS variables. * See http://www.espruino.com/Internals for more information * * @param {any} v - A variable to get the address of * @param {boolean} flatAddress - (boolean) If `true` and a Flat String or Flat ArrayBuffer is supplied, return the address of the data inside it - otherwise 0. If `false` (the default) return the address of the JsVar itself. * @returns {number} The address of the given variable * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_getAddressOf */ static getAddressOf(v: any, flatAddress: boolean): number; /** * Take each element of the `from` array, look it up in `map` (or call * `map(value,index)` if it is a function), and write it into the corresponding * element in the `to` array. * You can use an array to map: * ``` * var a = new Uint8Array([1,2,3,1,2,3]); * var lut = new Uint8Array([128,129,130,131]); * E.mapInPlace(a, a, lut); * // a = [129, 130, 131, 129, 130, 131] * ``` * Or `undefined` to pass straight through, or a function to do a normal 'mapping': * ``` * var a = new Uint8Array([0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78]); * var b = new Uint8Array(8); * E.mapInPlace(a, b, undefined); // straight through * // b = [0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78,0,0,0,0] * E.mapInPlace(a, b, (value,index)=>index); // write the index in the first 4 (because a.length==4) * // b = [0,1,2,3,4,0,0,0] * E.mapInPlace(a, b, undefined, 4); // 4 bits from 8 bit input -> 2x as many outputs, msb-first * // b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] * E.mapInPlace(a, b, undefined, -4); // 4 bits from 8 bit input -> 2x as many outputs, lsb-first * // b = [2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 8, 7] * E.mapInPlace(a, b, a=>a+2, 4); * // b = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] * var b = new Uint16Array(4); * E.mapInPlace(a, b, undefined, 12); // 12 bits from 8 bit input, msb-first * // b = [0x123, 0x456, 0x780, 0] * E.mapInPlace(a, b, undefined, -12); // 12 bits from 8 bit input, lsb-first * // b = [0x412, 0x563, 0x078, 0] * ``` * * @param {any} from - An ArrayBuffer to read elements from * @param {any} to - An ArrayBuffer to write elements too * @param {any} map - An array or `function(value,index)` to use to map one element to another, or `undefined` to provide no mapping * @param {number} bits - If specified, the number of bits per element (MSB first) - otherwise use a 1:1 mapping. If negative, use LSB first. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_mapInPlace */ static mapInPlace(from: ArrayBuffer, to: ArrayBuffer, map?: number[] | ((value: number, index: number) => number) | undefined, bits?: number): void; /** * Search in an Object, Array, or Function * * @param {any} haystack - The Array/Object/Function to search * @param {any} needle - The key to search for * @param {boolean} returnKey - If true, return the key, else return the value itself * @returns {any} The value in the Object matching 'needle', or if `returnKey==true` the key's name - or undefined * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_lookupNoCase */ static lookupNoCase(haystack: any[] | object | Function, needle: string, returnKey?: false): any; static lookupNoCase(haystack: any[] | object | Function, needle: T, returnKey: true): T | undefined; /** * Get the current interpreter state in a text form such that it can be copied to a * new device * @returns {any} A String * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_dumpStr */ static dumpStr(): string; /** * Set the seed for the random number generator used by `Math.random()`. * * @param {number} v - The 32 bit integer seed to use for the random number generator * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_srand */ static srand(v: number): void; /** * Unlike 'Math.random()' which uses a pseudo-random number generator, this method * reads from the internal voltage reference several times, XOR-ing and rotating to * try and make a relatively random value from the noise in the signal. * @returns {number} A random number * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_hwRand */ static hwRand(): number; /** * Perform a standard 32 bit CRC (Cyclic redundancy check) on the supplied data * (one byte at a time) and return the result as an unsigned integer. * * @param {any} data - Iterable data to perform CRC32 on (each element treated as a byte) * @returns {any} The CRC of the supplied data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_CRC32 */ static CRC32(data: any): any; /** * Convert hue, saturation and brightness to red, green and blue (packed into an * integer if `asArray==false` or an array if `asArray==true`). * This replaces `Graphics.setColorHSB` and `Graphics.setBgColorHSB`. On devices * with 24 bit colour it can be used as: `Graphics.setColor(E.HSBtoRGB(h, s, b))`, * or on devices with 26 bit colour use `Graphics.setColor(E.HSBtoRGB(h, s, b, 16))` * You can quickly set RGB items in an Array or Typed Array using * `array.set(E.HSBtoRGB(h, s, b, true), offset)`, which can be useful with arrays * used with `require("neopixel").write`. * * @param {number} hue - The hue, as a value between 0 and 1 * @param {number} sat - The saturation, as a value between 0 and 1 * @param {number} bri - The brightness, as a value between 0 and 1 * @param {number} format - If `true` or `1`, return an array of [R,G,B] values betwen 0 and 255. If `16`, return a 16 bit number. `undefined`/`24` is the same as normal (returning a 24 bit number) * @returns {any} A 24 bit number containing bytes representing red, green, and blue `0xBBGGRR`. Or if `asArray` is true, an array `[R,G,B]` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_HSBtoRGB */ static HSBtoRGB(hue: number, sat: number, bri: number, format?: false): number; static HSBtoRGB(hue: number, sat: number, bri: number, format: 16): number; static HSBtoRGB(hue: number, sat: number, bri: number, format: 24): number; static HSBtoRGB(hue: number, sat: number, bri: number, format: true): [number, number, number]; /** * Set a password on the console (REPL). When powered on, Espruino will then demand * a password before the console can be used. If you want to lock the console * immediately after this you can call `E.lockConsole()` * To remove the password, call this function with no arguments. * **Note:** There is no protection against multiple password attempts, so someone * could conceivably try every password in a dictionary. * **Note:** This password is stored in memory in plain text. If someone is able to * execute arbitrary JavaScript code on the device (e.g., you use `eval` on input * from unknown sources) or read the device's firmware then they may be able to * obtain it. * * @param {any} password - The password - max 20 chars * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_setPassword */ static setPassword(password: string): void; /** * If a password has been set with `E.setPassword()`, this will lock the console so * the password needs to be entered to unlock it. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_lockConsole */ static lockConsole(): void; /** * Set the time zone to be used with `Date` objects. * For example `E.setTimeZone(1)` will be GMT+0100 * Note that `E.setTimeZone()` will have no effect when daylight savings time rules * have been set with `E.setDST()`. The timezone value will be stored, but never * used so long as DST settings are in effect. * Time can be set with `setTime`. * * @param {number} zone - The time zone in hours * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_setTimeZone */ static setTimeZone(zone: number): void; /** * Set the daylight savings time parameters to be used with `Date` objects. * The parameters are * - dstOffset: The number of minutes daylight savings time adds to the clock * (usually 60) - set to 0 to disable DST * - timezone: The time zone, in minutes, when DST is not in effect - positive east * of Greenwich * - startDowNumber: The index of the day-of-week in the month when DST starts - 0 * for first, 1 for second, 2 for third, 3 for fourth and 4 for last * - startDow: The day-of-week for the DST start calculation - 0 for Sunday, 6 for * Saturday * - startMonth: The number of the month that DST starts - 0 for January, 11 for * December * - startDayOffset: The number of days between the selected day-of-week and the * actual day that DST starts - usually 0 * - startTimeOfDay: The number of minutes elapsed in the day before DST starts * - endDowNumber: The index of the day-of-week in the month when DST ends - 0 for * first, 1 for second, 2 for third, 3 for fourth and 4 for last * - endDow: The day-of-week for the DST end calculation - 0 for Sunday, 6 for * Saturday * - endMonth: The number of the month that DST ends - 0 for January, 11 for * December * - endDayOffset: The number of days between the selected day-of-week and the * actual day that DST ends - usually 0 * - endTimeOfDay: The number of minutes elapsed in the day before DST ends * To determine what the `dowNumber, dow, month, dayOffset, timeOfDay` parameters * should be, start with a sentence of the form "DST starts on the last Sunday of * March (plus 0 days) at 03:00". Since it's the last Sunday, we have * startDowNumber = 4, and since it's Sunday, we have startDow = 0. That it is * March gives us startMonth = 2, and that the offset is zero days, we have * startDayOffset = 0. The time that DST starts gives us startTimeOfDay = 3*60. * "DST ends on the Friday before the second Sunday in November at 02:00" would * give us endDowNumber=1, endDow=0, endMonth=10, endDayOffset=-2 and * endTimeOfDay=120. * Using Ukraine as an example, we have a time which is 2 hours ahead of GMT in * winter (EET) and 3 hours in summer (EEST). DST starts at 03:00 EET on the last * Sunday in March, and ends at 04:00 EEST on the last Sunday in October. So * someone in Ukraine might call `E.setDST(60,120,4,0,2,0,180,4,0,9,0,240);` * Note that when DST parameters are set (i.e. when `dstOffset` is not zero), * `E.setTimeZone()` has no effect. * * @param {any} params - An array containing the settings for DST * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_setDST */ static setDST(dstOffset: number, timezone: number, startDowNumber: number, startDow: number, startMonth: number, startDayOffset: number, startTimeOfDay: number, endDowNumber: number, endDow: number, endMonth: number, endDayOffset: number, endTimeOfDay: number): void /** * Create an object where every field accesses a specific 32 bit address in the * microcontroller's memory. This is perfect for accessing on-chip peripherals. * ``` * // for NRF52 based chips * var GPIO = E.memoryMap(0x50000000,{OUT:0x504, OUTSET:0x508, OUTCLR:0x50C, IN:0x510, DIR:0x514, DIRSET:0x518, DIRCLR:0x51C}); * GPIO.DIRSET = 1; // set GPIO0 to output * GPIO.OUT ^= 1; // toggle the output state of GPIO0 * ``` * * @param {any} baseAddress - The base address (added to every address in `registers`) * @param {any} registers - An object containing `{name:address}` * @returns {any} An object where each field is memory-mapped to a register. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_memoryMap */ static memoryMap(baseAddress: number, registers: { [key in T]: number }): { [key in T]: number }; /** * Provide assembly to Espruino. * **This function is not part of Espruino**. Instead, it is detected by the * Espruino IDE (or command-line tools) at upload time and is replaced with machine * code and an `E.nativeCall` call. * See [the documentation on the Assembler](http://www.espruino.com/Assembler) for * more information. * * @param {any} callspec - The arguments this assembly takes - e.g. `void(int)` * @param {any} assemblycode - One of more strings of assembler code * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_asm */ static asm(callspec: string, ...assemblycode: string[]): any; /** * Provides the ability to write C code inside your JavaScript file. * **This function is not part of Espruino**. Instead, it is detected by the * Espruino IDE (or command-line tools) at upload time, is sent to our web service * to be compiled, and is replaced with machine code and an `E.nativeCall` call. * See [the documentation on Inline C](http://www.espruino.com/InlineC) for more * information and examples. * * @param {any} code - A Templated string of C code * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_compiledC */ static compiledC(code: string): any; /** * Forces a hard reboot of the microcontroller - as close as possible to if the * reset pin had been toggled. * **Note:** This is different to `reset()`, which performs a software reset of * Espruino (resetting the interpreter and pin states, but not all the hardware) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_reboot */ static reboot(): void; /** * USB HID will only take effect next time you unplug and re-plug your Espruino. If * you're disconnecting it from power you'll have to make sure you have `save()`d * after calling this function. * * @param {any} opts - An object containing at least reportDescriptor, an array representing the report descriptor. Pass undefined to disable HID. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_setUSBHID */ static setUSBHID(opts?: { reportDescriptor: any[] }): void; /** * * @param {any} data - An array of bytes to send as a USB HID packet * @returns {boolean} 1 on success, 0 on failure * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_sendUSBHID */ static sendUSBHID(data: string | ArrayBuffer | number[]): boolean; /** * In devices that come with batteries, this function returns the battery charge * percentage as an integer between 0 and 100. * **Note:** this is an estimation only, based on battery voltage. The temperature * of the battery (as well as the load being drawn from it at the time * `E.getBattery` is called) will affect the readings. * @returns {number} A percentage between 0 and 100 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_getBattery */ static getBattery(): number; /** * Sets the RTC's prescaler's maximum value. This is the counter that counts up on * each oscillation of the low speed oscillator. When the prescaler counts to the * value supplied, one second is deemed to have passed. * By default this is set to the oscillator's average speed as specified in the * datasheet, and usually that is fine. However on early [Espruino Pico](/Pico) * boards the STM32F4's internal oscillator could vary by as much as 15% from the * value in the datasheet. In that case you may want to alter this value to reflect * the true RTC speed for more accurate timekeeping. * To change the RTC's prescaler value to a computed value based on comparing * against the high speed oscillator, just run the following command, making sure * it's done a few seconds after the board starts up: * ``` * E.setRTCPrescaler(E.getRTCPrescaler(true)); * ``` * When changing the RTC prescaler, the RTC 'follower' counters are reset and it * can take a second or two before readings from getTime are stable again. * To test, you can connect an input pin to a known frequency square wave and then * use `setWatch`. If you don't have a frequency source handy, you can check * against the high speed oscillator: * ``` * // connect pin B3 to B4 * analogWrite(B3, 0.5, {freq:0.5}); * setWatch(function(e) { * print(e.time - e.lastTime); * }, B4, {repeat:true}); * ``` * **Note:** This is only used on official Espruino boards containing an STM32 * microcontroller. Other boards (even those using an STM32) don't use the RTC and * so this has no effect. * * @param {number} prescaler - The amount of counts for one second of the RTC - this is a 15 bit integer value (0..32767) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_setRTCPrescaler */ static setRTCPrescaler(prescaler: number): void; /** * Gets the RTC's current prescaler value if `calibrate` is undefined or false. * If `calibrate` is true, the low speed oscillator's speed is calibrated against * the high speed oscillator (usually +/- 20 ppm) and a suggested value to be fed * into `E.setRTCPrescaler(...)` is returned. * See `E.setRTCPrescaler` for more information. * * @param {boolean} calibrate - If `false`, the current value. If `true`, the calculated 'correct' value * @returns {number} The RTC prescaler's current value * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_getRTCPrescaler */ static getRTCPrescaler(calibrate: boolean): number; /** * Decode a UTF8 string. * * Any decoded character less than 256 gets passed straight through * * Otherwise if `lookup` is an array and an item with that char code exists in `lookup` then that is used * * Otherwise if `lookup` is an object and an item with that char code (as lowercase hex) exists in `lookup` then that is used * * Otherwise `replaceFn(charCode)` is called and the result used if `replaceFn` is a function * * If `replaceFn` is a string, that is used * * Or finally if nothing else matches, the character is ignored * For instance: * ``` * let unicodeRemap = { * 0x20ac:"\u0080", // Euro symbol * 0x2026:"\u0085", // Ellipsis * }; * E.decodeUTF8("UTF-8 Euro: \u00e2\u0082\u00ac", unicodeRemap, '[?]') == "UTF-8 Euro: \u0080" * ``` * * @param {any} str - A string of UTF8-encoded data * @param {any} lookup - An array containing a mapping of character code -> replacement string * @param {any} replaceFn - If not in lookup, `replaceFn(charCode)` is called and the result used if it's a function, *or* if it's a string, the string value is used * @returns {any} A string containing all UTF8 sequences flattened to 8 bits * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_decodeUTF8 */ static decodeUTF8(str: string, lookup: string[], replaceFn: string | ((charCode: number) => string)): string; } /** * This class provides a software-defined OneWire master. It is designed to be * similar to Arduino's OneWire library. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#OneWire */ declare class OneWire { /** * Create a software OneWire implementation on the given pin * @constructor * * @param {Pin} pin - The pin to implement OneWire on * @returns {any} A OneWire object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_OneWire_OneWire */ static new(pin: Pin): any; /** * Perform a reset cycle * @returns {boolean} True is a device was present (it held the bus low) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_OneWire_reset */ reset(): boolean; /** * Select a ROM - always performs a reset first * * @param {any} rom - The device to select (get this using `OneWire.search()`) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_OneWire_select */ select(rom: any): void; /** * Skip a ROM * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_OneWire_skip */ skip(): void; /** * Write one or more bytes * * @param {any} data - A byte (or array of bytes) to write * @param {boolean} power - Whether to leave power on after write (default is false) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_OneWire_write */ write(data: any, power: boolean): void; /** * Read a byte * * @param {any} [count] - [optional] The amount of bytes to read * @returns {any} The byte that was read, or a Uint8Array if count was specified and >=0 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_OneWire_read */ read(count?: any): any; /** * Search for devices * * @param {number} command - (Optional) command byte. If not specified (or zero), this defaults to 0xF0. This can could be set to 0xEC to perform a DS18B20 'Alarm Search Command' * @returns {any} An array of devices that were found * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_OneWire_search */ search(command: number): any; } interface ObjectConstructor { /** * Return all enumerable keys of the given object * * @param {any} object - The object to return keys for * @returns {any} An array of strings - one for each key on the given object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Object_keys */ keys(object: any): Array; /** * Returns an array of all properties (enumerable or not) found directly on a given * object. * * @param {any} object - The Object to return a list of property names for * @returns {any} An array of the Object's own properties * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Object_getOwnPropertyNames */ getOwnPropertyNames(object: any): Array; /** * Return all enumerable values of the given object * * @param {any} object - The object to return values for * @returns {any} An array of values - one for each key on the given object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Object_values */ values(object: any): Array; /** * Return all enumerable keys and values of the given object * * @param {any} object - The object to return values for * @returns {any} An array of `[key,value]` pairs - one for each key on the given object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Object_entries */ entries(object: any): Array<[string, any]>; /** * Creates a new object with the specified prototype object and properties. * properties are currently unsupported. * * @param {any} proto - A prototype object * @param {any} propertiesObject - An object containing properties. NOT IMPLEMENTED * @returns {any} A new object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Object_create */ create(proto: any, propertiesObject: any): any; /** * Get information on the given property in the object, or undefined * * @param {any} obj - The object * @param {any} name - The name of the property * @returns {any} An object with a description of the property. The values of writable/enumerable/configurable may not be entirely correct due to Espruino's implementation. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Object_getOwnPropertyDescriptor */ getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj: any, name: any): any; /** * Add a new property to the Object. 'Desc' is an object with the following fields: * * `configurable` (bool = false) - can this property be changed/deleted (not * implemented) * * `enumerable` (bool = false) - can this property be enumerated (not * implemented) * * `value` (anything) - the value of this property * * `writable` (bool = false) - can the value be changed with the assignment * operator? * * `get` (function) - the getter function, or undefined if no getter (only * supported on some platforms) * * `set` (function) - the setter function, or undefined if no setter (only * supported on some platforms) * **Note:** `configurable`, `enumerable` and `writable` are not implemented and * will be ignored. * * @param {any} obj - An object * @param {any} name - The name of the property * @param {any} desc - The property descriptor * @returns {any} The object, obj. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Object_defineProperty */ defineProperty(obj: any, name: any, desc: any): any; /** * Adds new properties to the Object. See `Object.defineProperty` for more * information * * @param {any} obj - An object * @param {any} props - An object whose fields represent property names, and whose values are property descriptors. * @returns {any} The object, obj. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Object_defineProperties */ defineProperties(obj: any, props: any): any; /** * Get the prototype of the given object - this is like writing `object.__proto__` * but is the 'proper' ES6 way of doing it * * @param {any} object - An object * @returns {any} The prototype * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Object_getPrototypeOf */ getPrototypeOf(object: any): any; /** * Set the prototype of the given object - this is like writing `object.__proto__ = * prototype` but is the 'proper' ES6 way of doing it * * @param {any} object - An object * @param {any} prototype - The prototype to set on the object * @returns {any} The object passed in * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Object_setPrototypeOf */ setPrototypeOf(object: any, prototype: any): any; /** * Appends all keys and values in any subsequent objects to the first object * **Note:** Unlike the standard ES6 `Object.assign`, this will throw an exception * if given raw strings, bools or numbers rather than objects. * * @param {any} args - The target object, then any items objects to use as sources of keys * @returns {any} The target object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Object_assign */ assign(...args: any[]): any; /** * Creates an Object from the supplied argument * @constructor * * @param {any} value - A single value to be converted to an object * @returns {any} An Object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Object_Object */ new(value: any): any; } interface Object { /** * Find the length of the object * @returns {any} The length of the object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Object_length */ length: any; /** * Returns the primitive value of this object. * @returns {any} The primitive value of this object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Object_valueOf */ valueOf(): any; /** * Convert the Object to a string * * @param {any} [radix] - [optional] If the object is an integer, the radix (between 2 and 36) to use. NOTE: Setting a radix does not work on floating point numbers. * @returns {any} A String representing the object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Object_toString */ toString(radix?: any): string; /** * Copy this object completely * @returns {any} A copy of this Object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Object_clone */ clone(): any; /** * Return true if the object (not its prototype) has the given property. * NOTE: This currently returns false-positives for built-in functions in * prototypes * * @param {any} name - The name of the property to search for * @returns {boolean} True if it exists, false if it doesn't * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Object_hasOwnProperty */ hasOwnProperty(name: any): boolean; /** * Register an event listener for this object, for instance `Serial1.on('data', * function(d) {...})`. * This is the same as Node.js's [EventEmitter](https://nodejs.org/api/events.html) * but on Espruino the functionality is built into every object: * * `Object.on` * * `Object.emit` * * `Object.removeListener` * * `Object.removeAllListeners` * ``` * var o = {}; // o can be any object... * // call an arrow function when the 'answer' event is received * o.on('answer', x => console.log(x)); * // call a named function when the 'answer' event is received * function printAnswer(d) { * console.log("The answer is", d); * } * o.on('answer', printAnswer); * // emit the 'answer' event - functions added with 'on' will be executed * o.emit('answer', 42); * // prints: 42 * // prints: The answer is 42 * // If you have a named function, it can be removed by name * o.removeListener('answer', printAnswer); * // Now 'printAnswer' is removed * o.emit('answer', 43); * // prints: 43 * // Or you can remove all listeners for 'answer' * o.removeAllListeners('answer') * // Now nothing happens * o.emit('answer', 44); * // nothing printed * ``` * * @param {any} event - The name of the event, for instance 'data' * @param {any} listener - The listener to call when this event is received * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Object_on */ on(event: any, listener: any): void; /** * Call any event listeners that were added to this object with `Object.on`, for * instance `obj.emit('data', 'Foo')`. * For more information see `Object.on` * * @param {any} event - The name of the event, for instance 'data' * @param {any} args - Optional arguments * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Object_emit */ emit(event: any, ...args: any[]): void; /** * Removes the specified event listener. * ``` * function foo(d) { * console.log(d); * } * Serial1.on("data", foo); * Serial1.removeListener("data", foo); * ``` * For more information see `Object.on` * * @param {any} event - The name of the event, for instance 'data' * @param {any} listener - The listener to remove * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Object_removeListener */ removeListener(event: any, listener: any): void; /** * Removes all listeners (if `event===undefined`), or those of the specified event. * ``` * Serial1.on("data", function(data) { ... }); * Serial1.removeAllListeners("data"); * // or * Serial1.removeAllListeners(); // removes all listeners for all event types * ``` * For more information see `Object.on` * * @param {any} event - The name of the event, for instance `'data'`. If not specified *all* listeners are removed. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Object_removeAllListeners */ removeAllListeners(event: any): void; } /** * This is the built-in class for Objects * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Object */ declare const Object: ObjectConstructor interface FunctionConstructor { /** * Creates a function * @constructor * * @param {any} args - Zero or more arguments (as strings), followed by a string representing the code to run * @returns {any} A Number object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Function_Function */ new(...args: any[]): any; } interface Function { /** * This replaces the function with the one in the argument - while keeping the old * function's scope. This allows inner functions to be edited, and is used when * edit() is called on an inner function. * * @param {any} newFunc - The new function to replace this function with * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Function_replaceWith */ replaceWith(newFunc: any): void; /** * This executes the function with the supplied 'this' argument and parameters * * @param {any} this - The value to use as the 'this' argument when executing the function * @param {any} params - Optional Parameters * @returns {any} The return value of executing this function * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Function_call */ call(this: any, ...params: any[]): any; /** * This executes the function with the supplied 'this' argument and parameters * * @param {any} this - The value to use as the 'this' argument when executing the function * @param {any} args - Optional Array of Arguments * @returns {any} The return value of executing this function * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Function_apply */ apply(this: any, args: any): any; /** * This executes the function with the supplied 'this' argument and parameters * * @param {any} this - The value to use as the 'this' argument when executing the function * @param {any} params - Optional Default parameters that are prepended to the call * @returns {any} The 'bound' function * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Function_bind */ bind(this: any, ...params: any[]): any; } /** * This is the built-in class for Functions * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Function */ declare const Function: FunctionConstructor interface ArrayConstructor { /** * Returns true if the provided object is an array * * @param {any} var - The variable to be tested * @returns {boolean} True if var is an array, false if not. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_isArray */ isArray(arg: any): arg is any[]; /** * Create an Array. Either give it one integer argument (>=0) which is the length * of the array, or any number of arguments * @constructor * * @param {any} args - The length of the array OR any number of items to add to the array * @returns {any} An Array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_Array */ new(arrayLength?: number): any[]; new(arrayLength: number): T[]; new(...items: T[]): T[]; (arrayLength?: number): any[]; (arrayLength: number): T[]; (...items: T[]): T[]; } interface Array { /** * Convert the Array to a string * * @param {any} radix - unused * @returns {any} A String representing the array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_toString */ toString(): string; /** * Find the length of the array * @returns {any} The length of the array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_length */ length: number; /** * Return the index of the value in the array, or -1 * * @param {any} value - The value to check for * @param {number} [startIndex] - [optional] the index to search from, or 0 if not specified * @returns {any} the index of the value in the array, or -1 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_indexOf */ indexOf(value: T, startIndex?: number): number; /** * Return `true` if the array includes the value, `false` otherwise * * @param {any} value - The value to check for * @param {number} [startIndex] - [optional] the index to search from, or 0 if not specified * @returns {boolean} `true` if the array includes the value, `false` otherwise * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_includes */ includes(value: T, startIndex?: number): boolean; /** * Join all elements of this array together into one string, using 'separator' * between them. e.g. ```[1,2,3].join(' ')=='1 2 3'``` * * @param {any} separator - The separator * @returns {any} A String representing the Joined array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_join */ join(separator?: string): string; /** * Push a new value onto the end of this array' * This is the opposite of `[1,2,3].unshift(0)`, which adds one or more elements to * the beginning of the array. * * @param {any} arguments - One or more arguments to add * @returns {number} The new size of the array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_push */ push(...arguments: T[]): number; /** * Remove and return the value on the end of this array. * This is the opposite of `[1,2,3].shift()`, which removes an element from the * beginning of the array. * @returns {any} The value that is popped off * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_pop */ pop(): T | undefined; /** * Return an array which is made from the following: ```A.map(function) = * [function(A[0]), function(A[1]), ...]``` * * @param {any} function - Function used to map one item to another * @param {any} [thisArg] - [optional] If specified, the function is called with 'this' set to thisArg * @returns {any} An array containing the results * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_map */ map(callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => U, thisArg?: any): U[]; /** * Executes a provided function once per array element. * * @param {any} function - Function to be executed * @param {any} [thisArg] - [optional] If specified, the function is called with 'this' set to thisArg * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_forEach */ forEach(callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => void, thisArg?: any): void; /** * Return an array which contains only those elements for which the callback * function returns 'true' * * @param {any} function - Function to be executed * @param {any} [thisArg] - [optional] If specified, the function is called with 'this' set to thisArg * @returns {any} An array containing the results * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_filter */ filter(predicate: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => value is S, thisArg?: any): S[]; filter(predicate: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => unknown, thisArg?: any): T[]; /** * Return the array element where `function` returns `true`, or `undefined` if it * doesn't returns `true` for any element. * ``` * ["Hello","There","World"].find(a=>a[0]=="T") * // returns "There" * ``` * * @param {any} function - Function to be executed * @returns {any} The array element where `function` returns `true`, or `undefined` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_find */ find(predicate: (this: void, value: T, index: number, obj: T[]) => value is S): S | undefined; find(predicate: (value: T, index: number, obj: T[]) => unknown): T | undefined; /** * Return the array element's index where `function` returns `true`, or `-1` if it * doesn't returns `true` for any element. * ``` * ["Hello","There","World"].findIndex(a=>a[0]=="T") * // returns 1 * ``` * * @param {any} function - Function to be executed * @returns {any} The array element's index where `function` returns `true`, or `-1` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_findIndex */ findIndex(predicate: (value: T, index: number, obj: T[]) => unknown): number; /** * Return 'true' if the callback returns 'true' for any of the elements in the * array * * @param {any} function - Function to be executed * @param {any} [thisArg] - [optional] If specified, the function is called with 'this' set to thisArg * @returns {any} A boolean containing the result * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_some */ some(predicate: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => unknown, thisArg?: any): boolean; /** * Return 'true' if the callback returns 'true' for every element in the array * * @param {any} function - Function to be executed * @param {any} [thisArg] - [optional] If specified, the function is called with 'this' set to thisArg * @returns {any} A boolean containing the result * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_every */ every(predicate: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => unknown, thisArg?: any): boolean; /** * Execute `previousValue=initialValue` and then `previousValue = * callback(previousValue, currentValue, index, array)` for each element in the * array, and finally return previousValue. * * @param {any} callback - Function used to reduce the array * @param {any} initialValue - if specified, the initial value to pass to the function * @returns {any} The value returned by the last function called * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_reduce */ reduce(callback: (previousValue: T, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number, array: T[]) => T, initialValue?: T): T; /** * Both remove and add items to an array * * @param {number} index - Index at which to start changing the array. If negative, will begin that many elements from the end * @param {any} howMany - An integer indicating the number of old array elements to remove. If howMany is 0, no elements are removed. * @param {any} elements - One or more items to add to the array * @returns {any} An array containing the removed elements. If only one element is removed, an array of one element is returned. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_splice */ splice(index: number, howMany?: number, ...elements: T[]): T[]; /** * Remove and return the first element of the array. * This is the opposite of `[1,2,3].pop()`, which takes an element off the end. * * @returns {any} The element that was removed * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_shift */ shift(): T | undefined; /** * Add one or more items to the start of the array, and return its new length. * This is the opposite of `[1,2,3].push(4)`, which puts one or more elements on * the end. * * @param {any} elements - One or more items to add to the beginning of the array * @returns {number} The new array length * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_unshift */ unshift(...elements: T[]): number; /** * Return a copy of a portion of this array (in a new array) * * @param {number} start - Start index * @param {any} [end] - [optional] End index * @returns {any} A new array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_slice */ slice(start?: number, end?: number): T[]; /** * Do an in-place quicksort of the array * * @param {any} var - A function to use to compare array elements (or undefined) * @returns {any} This array object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_sort */ sort(compareFn?: (a: T, b: T) => number): T[]; /** * Create a new array, containing the elements from this one and any arguments, if * any argument is an array then those elements will be added. * * @param {any} args - Any items to add to the array * @returns {any} An Array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_concat */ concat(...args: (T | T[])[]): T[]; /** * Fill this array with the given value, for every index `>= start` and `< end` * * @param {any} value - The value to fill the array with * @param {number} start - Optional. The index to start from (or 0). If start is negative, it is treated as length+start where length is the length of the array * @param {any} end - Optional. The index to end at (or the array length). If end is negative, it is treated as length+end. * @returns {any} This array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_fill */ fill(value: T, start: number, end?: number): T[]; /** * Reverse all elements in this array (in place) * @returns {any} The array, but reversed. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Array_reverse */ reverse(): T[]; [index: number]: T } /** * This is the built-in JavaScript class for arrays. * Arrays can be defined with ```[]```, ```new Array()```, or ```new * Array(length)``` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Array */ declare const Array: ArrayConstructor interface JSONConstructor { /** * Convert the given object into a JSON string which can subsequently be parsed * with JSON.parse or eval. * **Note:** This differs from JavaScript's standard `JSON.stringify` in that: * * The `replacer` argument is ignored * * Typed arrays like `new Uint8Array(5)` will be dumped as if they were arrays, * not as if they were objects (since it is more compact) * * @param {any} data - The data to be converted to a JSON string * @param {any} replacer - This value is ignored * @param {any} space - The number of spaces to use for padding, a string, or null/undefined for no whitespace * @returns {any} A JSON string * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_JSON_stringify */ stringify(data: any, replacer: any, space: any): any; /** * Parse the given JSON string into a JavaScript object * NOTE: This implementation uses eval() internally, and as such it is unsafe as it * can allow arbitrary JS commands to be executed. * * @param {any} string - A JSON string * @returns {any} The JavaScript object created by parsing the data string * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_JSON_parse */ parse(string: any): any; } interface JSON { } /** * An Object that handles conversion to and from the JSON data interchange format * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#JSON */ declare const JSON: JSONConstructor /** * This class allows use of the built-in SPI ports. Currently it is SPI master * only. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#SPI */ declare class SPI { /** * Try and find an SPI hardware device that will work on this pin (e.g. `SPI1`) * May return undefined if no device can be found. * * @param {Pin} pin - A pin to search with * @returns {any} An object of type `SPI`, or `undefined` if one couldn't be found. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_SPI_find */ static find(pin: Pin): any; /** * Create a software SPI port. This has limited functionality (no baud rate), but * it can work on any pins. * Use `SPI.setup` to configure this port. * @constructor * @returns {any} A SPI object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_SPI_SPI */ static new(): any; /** * Set up this SPI port as an SPI Master. * Options can contain the following (defaults are shown where relevant): * ``` * { * sck:pin, * miso:pin, * mosi:pin, * baud:integer=100000, // ignored on software SPI * mode:integer=0, // between 0 and 3 * order:string='msb' // can be 'msb' or 'lsb' * bits:8 // only available for software SPI * } * ``` * If `sck`,`miso` and `mosi` are left out, they will automatically be chosen. * However if one or more is specified then the unspecified pins will not be set * up. * You can find out which pins to use by looking at [your board's reference * page](#boards) and searching for pins with the `SPI` marker. Some boards such as * those based on `nRF52` chips can have SPI on any pins, so don't have specific * markings. * The SPI `mode` is between 0 and 3 - see * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_Peripheral_Interface_Bus#Clock_polarity_and_phase * On STM32F1-based parts, you cannot mix AF and non-AF pins (SPI pins are usually * grouped on the chip - and you can't mix pins from two groups). Espruino will not * warn you about this. * * @param {any} options - An Object containing extra information on initialising the SPI port * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_SPI_setup */ setup(options: any): void; /** * Send data down SPI, and return the result. Sending an integer will return an * integer, a String will return a String, and anything else will return a * Uint8Array. * Sending multiple bytes in one call to send is preferable as they can then be * transmitted end to end. Using multiple calls to send() will result in * significantly slower transmission speeds. * For maximum speeds, please pass either Strings or Typed Arrays as arguments. * Note that you can even pass arrays of arrays, like `[1,[2,3,4],5]` * * @param {any} data - The data to send - either an Integer, Array, String, or Object of the form `{data: ..., count:#}` * @param {Pin} nss_pin - An nSS pin - this will be lowered before SPI output and raised afterwards (optional). There will be a small delay between when this is lowered and when sending starts, and also between sending finishing and it being raised. * @returns {any} The data that was returned * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_SPI_send */ send(data: any, nss_pin: Pin): any; /** * Write a character or array of characters to SPI - without reading the result * back. * For maximum speeds, please pass either Strings or Typed Arrays as arguments. * * @param {any} data * One or more items to write. May be ints, strings, arrays, or special objects (see `E.toUint8Array` for more info). * If the last argument is a pin, it is taken to be the NSS pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_SPI_write */ write(...data: any[]): void; /** * Send data down SPI, using 4 bits for each 'real' bit (MSB first). This can be * useful for faking one-wire style protocols * Sending multiple bytes in one call to send is preferable as they can then be * transmitted end to end. Using multiple calls to send() will result in * significantly slower transmission speeds. * * @param {any} data - The data to send - either an integer, array, or string * @param {number} bit0 - The 4 bits to send for a 0 (MSB first) * @param {number} bit1 - The 4 bits to send for a 1 (MSB first) * @param {Pin} nss_pin - An nSS pin - this will be lowered before SPI output and raised afterwards (optional). There will be a small delay between when this is lowered and when sending starts, and also between sending finishing and it being raised. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_SPI_send4bit */ send4bit(data: any, bit0: number, bit1: number, nss_pin: Pin): void; /** * Send data down SPI, using 8 bits for each 'real' bit (MSB first). This can be * useful for faking one-wire style protocols * Sending multiple bytes in one call to send is preferable as they can then be * transmitted end to end. Using multiple calls to send() will result in * significantly slower transmission speeds. * * @param {any} data - The data to send - either an integer, array, or string * @param {number} bit0 - The 8 bits to send for a 0 (MSB first) * @param {number} bit1 - The 8 bits to send for a 1 (MSB first) * @param {Pin} nss_pin - An nSS pin - this will be lowered before SPI output and raised afterwards (optional). There will be a small delay between when this is lowered and when sending starts, and also between sending finishing and it being raised * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_SPI_send8bit */ send8bit(data: any, bit0: number, bit1: number, nss_pin: Pin): void; } /** * This class allows use of the built-in I2C ports. Currently it allows I2C Master * mode only. * All addresses are in 7 bit format. If you have an 8 bit address then you need to * shift it one bit to the right. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#I2C */ declare class I2C { /** * Try and find an I2C hardware device that will work on this pin (e.g. `I2C1`) * May return undefined if no device can be found. * * @param {Pin} pin - A pin to search with * @returns {any} An object of type `I2C`, or `undefined` if one couldn't be found. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_I2C_find */ static find(pin: Pin): any; /** * Create a software I2C port. This has limited functionality (no baud rate), but * it can work on any pins. * Use `I2C.setup` to configure this port. * @constructor * @returns {any} An I2C object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_I2C_I2C */ static new(): any; /** * Set up this I2C port * If not specified in options, the default pins are used (usually the lowest * numbered pins on the lowest port that supports this peripheral) * * @param {any} [options] * [optional] A structure containing extra information on initialising the I2C port * ```{scl:pin, sda:pin, bitrate:100000}``` * You can find out which pins to use by looking at [your board's reference page](#boards) and searching for pins with the `I2C` marker. Note that 400kHz is the maximum bitrate for most parts. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_I2C_setup */ setup(options?: any): void; /** * Transmit to the slave device with the given address. This is like Arduino's * beginTransmission, write, and endTransmission rolled up into one. * * @param {any} address - The 7 bit address of the device to transmit to, or an object of the form `{address:12, stop:false}` to send this data without a STOP signal. * @param {any} data - One or more items to write. May be ints, strings, arrays, or special objects (see `E.toUint8Array` for more info). * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_I2C_writeTo */ writeTo(address: any, ...data: any[]): void; /** * Request bytes from the given slave device, and return them as a Uint8Array * (packed array of bytes). This is like using Arduino Wire's requestFrom, * available and read functions. Sends a STOP * * @param {any} address - The 7 bit address of the device to request bytes from, or an object of the form `{address:12, stop:false}` to send this data without a STOP signal. * @param {number} quantity - The number of bytes to request * @returns {any} The data that was returned - as a Uint8Array * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_I2C_readFrom */ readFrom(address: any, quantity: number): Uint8Array; } interface PromiseConstructor { /** * Return a new promise that is resolved when all promises in the supplied array * are resolved. * * @param {any} promises - An array of promises * @returns {any} A new Promise * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Promise_all */ all(promises: Promise[]): Promise; /** * Return a new promise that is already resolved (at idle it'll call `.then`) * * @param {any} promises - Data to pass to the `.then` handler * @returns {any} A new Promise * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Promise_resolve */ resolve(promises: T): Promise; /** * Return a new promise that is already rejected (at idle it'll call `.catch`) * * @param {any} promises - Data to pass to the `.catch` handler * @returns {any} A new Promise * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Promise_reject */ reject(promises: any): any; /** * Create a new Promise. The executor function is executed immediately (before the * constructor even returns) and * @constructor * * @param {any} executor - A function of the form `function (resolve, reject)` * @returns {any} A Promise * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Promise_Promise */ new(executor: (resolve: (value: T) => void, reject: (reason?: any) => void) => void): Promise; } interface Promise { /** * * @param {any} onFulfilled - A callback that is called when this promise is resolved * @param {any} [onRejected] - [optional] A callback that is called when this promise is rejected (or nothing) * @returns {any} The original Promise * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Promise_then */ then(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | Promise) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | Promise) | undefined | null): Promise; /** * * @param {any} onRejected - A callback that is called when this promise is rejected * @returns {any} The original Promise * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Promise_catch */ catch(onRejected: any): any; } /** * This is the built-in class for ES6 Promises * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Promise */ declare const Promise: PromiseConstructor /** * These objects are created from `require("Storage").open` and allow Storage items * to be read/written. * The `Storage` library writes into Flash memory (which can only be erased in * chunks), and unlike a normal filesystem it allocates files in one long * contiguous area to allow them to be accessed easily from Espruino. * This presents a challenge for `StorageFile` which allows you to append to a * file, so instead `StorageFile` stores files in chunks. It uses the last * character of the filename to denote the chunk number (e.g. `"foobar\1"`, * `"foobar\2"`, etc). * This means that while `StorageFile` files exist in the same area as those from * `Storage`, they should be read using `Storage.open` (and not `Storage.read`). * ``` * f = s.open("foobar","w"); * f.write("Hell"); * f.write("o World\n"); * f.write("Hello\n"); * f.write("World 2\n"); * // there's no need to call 'close' * // then * f = s.open("foobar","r"); * f.read(13) // "Hello World\nH" * f.read(13) // "ello\nWorld 2\n" * f.read(13) // "Hello World 3" * f.read(13) // "\n" * f.read(13) // undefined * // or * f = s.open("foobar","r"); * f.readLine() // "Hello World\n" * f.readLine() // "Hello\n" * f.readLine() // "World 2\n" * f.readLine() // "Hello World 3\n" * f.readLine() // undefined * // now get rid of file * f.erase(); * ``` * **Note:** `StorageFile` uses the fact that all bits of erased flash memory are 1 * to detect the end of a file. As such you should not write character code 255 * (`"\xFF"`) to these files. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#StorageFile */ declare class StorageFile { /** * Read 'len' bytes of data from the file, and return a String containing those * bytes. * If the end of the file is reached, the String may be smaller than the amount of * bytes requested, or if the file is already at the end, `undefined` is returned. * * @param {number} len - How many bytes to read * @returns {any} A String, or undefined * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_StorageFile_read */ read(len: number): string; /** * Read a line of data from the file (up to and including `"\n"`) * @returns {any} A line of data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_StorageFile_readLine */ readLine(): string; /** * Return the length of the current file. * This requires Espruino to read the file from scratch, which is not a fast * operation. * @returns {number} The current length in bytes of the file * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_StorageFile_getLength */ getLength(): number; /** * Append the given data to a file. You should not attempt to append `"\xFF"` * (character code 255). * * @param {any} data - The data to write. This should not include `'\xFF'` (character code 255) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_StorageFile_write */ write(data: string): void; /** * Erase this file * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_StorageFile_erase */ erase(): void; } interface processConstructor { /** * This event is called when an exception gets thrown and isn't caught (e.g. it gets * all the way back to the event loop). * You can use this for logging potential problems that might occur during * execution when you might not be able to see what is written to the console, for * example: * ``` * var lastError; * process.on('uncaughtException', function(e) { * lastError=e; * print(e,e.stack?"\n"+e.stack:"") * }); * function checkError() { * if (!lastError) return print("No Error"); * print(lastError,lastError.stack?"\n"+lastError.stack:"") * } * ``` * **Note:** When this is used, exceptions will cease to be reported on the * console - which may make debugging difficult! * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(exception: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `exception` The uncaught exception * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_process_uncaughtException */ on(event: "uncaughtException", callback: (exception: any) => void): void; /** * Returns the version of Espruino as a String * @returns {any} The version of Espruino * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_process_version */ version: any; /** * Returns an Object containing various pre-defined variables. * * `VERSION` - is the Espruino version * * `GIT_COMMIT` - is Git commit hash this firmware was built from * * `BOARD` - the board's ID (e.g. `PUCKJS`) * * `RAM` - total amount of on-chip RAM in bytes * * `FLASH` - total amount of on-chip flash memory in bytes * * `SPIFLASH` - (on Bangle.js) total amount of off-chip flash memory in bytes * * `HWVERSION` - For Puck.js this is the board revision (1, 2, 2.1), or for * Bangle.js it's 1 or 2 * * `STORAGE` - memory in bytes dedicated to the `Storage` module * * `SERIAL` - the serial number of this chip * * `CONSOLE` - the name of the current console device being used (`Serial1`, * `USB`, `Bluetooth`, etc) * * `MODULES` - a list of built-in modules separated by commas * * `EXPTR` - The address of the `exportPtrs` structure in flash (this includes * links to built-in functions that compiled JS code needs) * * `APP_RAM_BASE` - On nRF5x boards, this is the RAM required by the Softdevice * *if it doesn't exactly match what was allocated*. You can use this to update * `LD_APP_RAM_BASE` in the `BOARD.py` file * For example, to get a list of built-in modules, you can use * `process.env.MODULES.split(',')` * **Note:** `process.env` is not writeable - so as not to waste RAM, the contents * are generated on demand. If you need to be able to change them, use `process.env=process.env;` * first to ensure the values stay allocated. * @returns {any} An object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_process_env */ env: any; /** * Run a Garbage Collection pass, and return an object containing information on * memory usage. * * `free` : Memory that is available to be used (in blocks) * * `usage` : Memory that has been used (in blocks) * * `total` : Total memory (in blocks) * * `history` : Memory used for command history - that is freed if memory is low. * Note that this is INCLUDED in the figure for 'free' * * `gc` : Memory freed during the GC pass * * `gctime` : Time taken for GC pass (in milliseconds) * * `blocksize` : Size of a block (variable) in bytes * * `stackEndAddress` : (on ARM) the address (that can be used with peek/poke/etc) * of the END of the stack. The stack grows down, so unless you do a lot of * recursion the bytes above this can be used. * * `stackFree` : (on ARM) how many bytes of free execution stack are there * at the point of execution. * * `flash_start` : (on ARM) the address of the start of flash memory (usually * `0x8000000`) * * `flash_binary_end` : (on ARM) the address in flash memory of the end of * Espruino's firmware. * * `flash_code_start` : (on ARM) the address in flash memory of pages that store * any code that you save with `save()`. * * `flash_length` : (on ARM) the amount of flash memory this firmware was built * for (in bytes). **Note:** Some STM32 chips actually have more memory than is * advertised. * Memory units are specified in 'blocks', which are around 16 bytes each * (depending on your device). The actual size is available in `blocksize`. See * http://www.espruino.com/Performance for more information. * **Note:** To find free areas of flash memory, see `require('Flash').getFree()` * * @param {any} [gc] - [optional] A boolean. If `undefined` or `true` Garbage collection is performed, if `false` it is not * @returns {any} Information about memory usage * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_process_memory */ memory(gc?: any): any; } interface process { } /** * This class contains information about Espruino itself * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#process */ declare const process: processConstructor /** * This class allows use of the built-in USARTs * Methods may be called on the `USB`, `Serial1`, `Serial2`, `Serial3`, `Serial4`, * `Serial5` and `Serial6` objects. While different processors provide different * numbers of USARTs, on official Espruino boards you can always rely on at least * `Serial1` being available * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Serial */ declare class Serial { /** * The `data` event is called when data is received. If a handler is defined with * `X.on('data', function(data) { ... })` then it will be called, otherwise data * will be stored in an internal buffer, where it can be retrieved with `X.read()` * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(data: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `data` A string containing one or more characters of received data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Serial_data */ static on(event: "data", callback: (data: any) => void): void; /** * The `framing` event is called when there was activity on the input to the UART * but the `STOP` bit wasn't in the correct place. This is either because there was * noise on the line, or the line has been pulled to 0 for a long period of time. * To enable this, you must initialise Serial with `SerialX.setup(..., { ..., * errors:true });` * **Note:** Even though there was an error, the byte will still be received and * passed to the `data` handler. * **Note:** This only works on STM32 and NRF52 based devices (e.g. all official * Espruino boards) * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Serial_framing */ static on(event: "framing", callback: () => void): void; /** * The `parity` event is called when the UART was configured with a parity bit, and * this doesn't match the bits that have actually been received. * To enable this, you must initialise Serial with `SerialX.setup(..., { ..., * errors:true });` * **Note:** Even though there was an error, the byte will still be received and * passed to the `data` handler. * **Note:** This only works on STM32 and NRF52 based devices (e.g. all official * Espruino boards) * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Serial_parity */ static on(event: "parity", callback: () => void): void; /** * Try and find a USART (Serial) hardware device that will work on this pin (e.g. * `Serial1`) * May return undefined if no device can be found. * * @param {Pin} pin - A pin to search with * @returns {any} An object of type `Serial`, or `undefined` if one couldn't be found. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Serial_find */ static find(pin: Pin): any; /** * Create a software Serial port. This has limited functionality (only low baud * rates), but it can work on any pins. * Use `Serial.setup` to configure this port. * @constructor * @returns {any} A Serial object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Serial_Serial */ static new(): any; /** * Set this Serial port as the port for the JavaScript console (REPL). * Unless `force` is set to true, changes in the connection state of the board (for * instance plugging in USB) will cause the console to change. * See `E.setConsole` for a more flexible version of this function. * * @param {boolean} force - Whether to force the console to this port * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Serial_setConsole */ setConsole(force: boolean): void; /** * Setup this Serial port with the given baud rate and options. * e.g. * ``` * Serial1.setup(9600,{rx:a_pin, tx:a_pin}); * ``` * The second argument can contain: * ``` * { * rx:pin, // Receive pin (data in to Espruino) * tx:pin, // Transmit pin (data out of Espruino) * ck:pin, // (default none) Clock Pin * cts:pin, // (default none) Clear to Send Pin * bytesize:8, // (default 8)How many data bits - 7 or 8 * parity:null/'none'/'o'/'odd'/'e'/'even', * // (default none) Parity bit * stopbits:1, // (default 1) Number of stop bits to use * flow:null/undefined/'none'/'xon', // (default none) software flow control * path:null/undefined/string // Linux Only - the path to the Serial device to use * errors:false // (default false) whether to forward framing/parity errors * } * ``` * You can find out which pins to use by looking at [your board's reference * page](#boards) and searching for pins with the `UART`/`USART` markers. * If not specified in options, the default pins are used for rx and tx (usually * the lowest numbered pins on the lowest port that supports this peripheral). `ck` * and `cts` are not used unless specified. * Note that even after changing the RX and TX pins, if you have called setup * before then the previous RX and TX pins will still be connected to the Serial * port as well - until you set them to something else using `digitalWrite` or * `pinMode`. * Flow control can be xOn/xOff (`flow:'xon'`) or hardware flow control (receive * only) if `cts` is specified. If `cts` is set to a pin, the pin's value will be 0 * when Espruino is ready for data and 1 when it isn't. * By default, framing or parity errors don't create `framing` or `parity` events * on the `Serial` object because storing these errors uses up additional storage * in the queue. If you're intending to receive a lot of malformed data then the * queue might overflow `E.getErrorFlags()` would return `FIFO_FULL`. However if * you need to respond to `framing` or `parity` errors then you'll need to use * `errors:true` when initialising serial. * On Linux builds there is no default Serial device, so you must specify a path to * a device - for instance: `Serial1.setup(9600,{path:"/dev/ttyACM0"})` * You can also set up 'software serial' using code like: * ``` * var s = new Serial(); * s.setup(9600,{rx:a_pin, tx:a_pin}); * ``` * However software serial doesn't use `ck`, `cts`, `parity`, `flow` or `errors` * parts of the initialisation object. * * @param {any} baudrate - The baud rate - the default is 9600 * @param {any} [options] - [optional] A structure containing extra information on initialising the serial port - see below. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Serial_setup */ setup(baudrate: any, options?: any): void; /** * If the serial (or software serial) device was set up, uninitialise it. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Serial_unsetup */ unsetup(): void; /** * Print a string to the serial port - without a line feed * **Note:** This function replaces any occurrences of `\n` in the string with * `\r\n`. To avoid this, use `Serial.write`. * * @param {any} string - A String to print * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Serial_print */ print(string: any): void; /** * Print a line to the serial port with a newline (`\r\n`) at the end of it. * **Note:** This function converts data to a string first, e.g. * `Serial.print([1,2,3])` is equivalent to `Serial.print("1,2,3"). If you'd like * to write raw bytes, use `Serial.write`. * * @param {any} string - A String to print * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Serial_println */ println(string: any): void; /** * Write a character or array of data to the serial port * This method writes unmodified data, e.g. `Serial.write([1,2,3])` is equivalent to * `Serial.write("\1\2\3")`. If you'd like data converted to a string first, use * `Serial.print`. * * @param {any} data - One or more items to write. May be ints, strings, arrays, or special objects (see `E.toUint8Array` for more info). * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Serial_write */ write(...data: any[]): void; /** * Add data to this device as if it came directly from the input - it will be * returned via `serial.on('data', ...)`; * ``` * Serial1.on('data', function(d) { print("Got",d); }); * Serial1.inject('Hello World'); * // prints "Got Hel","Got lo World" (characters can be split over multiple callbacks) * ``` * This is most useful if you wish to send characters to Espruino's REPL (console) * while it is on another device. * * @param {any} data - One or more items to write. May be ints, strings, arrays, or special objects (see `E.toUint8Array` for more info). * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Serial_inject */ inject(...data: any[]): void; /** * Return how many bytes are available to read. If there is already a listener for * data, this will always return 0. * @returns {number} How many bytes are available * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Serial_available */ available(): number; /** * Return a string containing characters that have been received * * @param {number} chars - The number of characters to read, or undefined/0 for all available * @returns {any} A string containing the required bytes. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Serial_read */ read(chars: number): any; /** * Pipe this USART to a stream (an object with a 'write' method) * * @param {any} destination - The destination file/stream that will receive content from the source. * @param {any} [options] * [optional] An object `{ chunkSize : int=32, end : bool=true, complete : function }` * chunkSize : The amount of data to pipe from source to destination at a time * complete : a function to call when the pipe activity is complete * end : call the 'end' function on the destination when the source is finished * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Serial_pipe */ pipe(destination: any, options?: any): void; } interface StringConstructor { /** * Return the character(s) represented by the given character code(s). * * @param {any} code - One or more character codes to create a string from (range 0-255). * @returns {any} The character * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_fromCharCode */ fromCharCode(...code: any[]): any; /** * Create a new String * @constructor * * @param {any} str - A value to turn into a string. If undefined or not supplied, an empty String is created. * @returns {any} A String * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_String */ new(...str: any[]): any; } interface String { /** * Find the length of the string * @returns {any} The value of the string * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_length */ length: any; /** * Return a single character at the given position in the String. * * @param {number} pos - The character number in the string. Negative values return characters from end of string (-1 = last char) * @returns {any} The character in the string * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_charAt */ charAt(pos: number): any; /** * Return the integer value of a single character at the given position in the * String. * Note that this returns 0 not 'NaN' for out of bounds characters * * @param {number} pos - The character number in the string. Negative values return characters from end of string (-1 = last char) * @returns {number} The integer value of a character in the string * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_charCodeAt */ charCodeAt(pos: number): number; /** * Return the index of substring in this string, or -1 if not found * * @param {any} substring - The string to search for * @param {any} fromIndex - Index to search from * @returns {number} The index of the string, or -1 if not found * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_indexOf */ indexOf(substring: any, fromIndex: any): number; /** * Return the last index of substring in this string, or -1 if not found * * @param {any} substring - The string to search for * @param {any} fromIndex - Index to search from * @returns {number} The index of the string, or -1 if not found * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_lastIndexOf */ lastIndexOf(substring: any, fromIndex: any): number; /** * Matches an occurrence `subStr` in the string. * Returns `null` if no match, or: * ``` * "abcdef".match("b") == [ * "b", // array index 0 - the matched string * index: 1, // the start index of the match * input: "b" // the input string * ] * "abcdefabcdef".match(/bcd/) == [ * "bcd", index: 1, * input: "abcdefabcdef" * ] * ``` * 'Global' RegExp matches just return an array of matches (with no indices): * ``` * "abcdefabcdef".match(/bcd/g) = [ * "bcd", * "bcd" * ] * ``` * * @param {any} substr - Substring or RegExp to match * @returns {any} A match array or `null` (see below): * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_match */ match(substr: any): any; /** * Search and replace ONE occurrence of `subStr` with `newSubStr` and return the * result. This doesn't alter the original string. Regular expressions not * supported. * * @param {any} subStr - The string to search for * @param {any} newSubStr - The string to replace it with * @returns {any} This string with `subStr` replaced * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_replace */ replace(subStr: any, newSubStr: any): any; /** * * @param {number} start - The start character index (inclusive) * @param {any} end - The end character index (exclusive) * @returns {any} The part of this string between start and end * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_substring */ substring(start: number, end: any): any; /** * * @param {number} start - The start character index * @param {any} len - The number of characters * @returns {any} Part of this string from start for len characters * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_substr */ substr(start: number, len: any): any; /** * * @param {number} start - The start character index, if negative it is from the end of the string * @param {any} [end] - [optional] The end character index, if negative it is from the end of the string, and if omitted it is the end of the string * @returns {any} Part of this string from start for len characters * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_slice */ slice(start: number, end?: any): any; /** * Return an array made by splitting this string up by the separator. e.g. * ```'1,2,3'.split(',')==['1', '2', '3']``` * Regular Expressions can also be used to split strings, e.g. `'1a2b3 * 4'.split(/[^0-9]/)==['1', '2', '3', '4']`. * * @param {any} separator - The separator `String` or `RegExp` to use * @returns {any} Part of this string from start for len characters * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_split */ split(separator: any): any; /** * * @returns {any} The lowercase version of this string * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_toLowerCase */ toLowerCase(): any; /** * * @returns {any} The uppercase version of this string * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_toUpperCase */ toUpperCase(): any; /** * Return a new string with any whitespace (tabs, space, form feed, newline, * carriage return, etc) removed from the beginning and end. * @returns {any} A String with Whitespace removed from the beginning and end * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_trim */ trim(): string; /** * Append all arguments to this `String` and return the result. Does not modify the * original `String`. * * @param {any} args - Strings to append * @returns {any} The result of appending all arguments to this string * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_concat */ concat(...args: any[]): any; /** * * @param {any} searchString - The string to search for * @param {number} position - The start character index (or 0 if not defined) * @returns {boolean} `true` if the given characters are found at the beginning of the string, otherwise, `false`. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_startsWith */ startsWith(searchString: any, position: number): boolean; /** * * @param {any} searchString - The string to search for * @param {any} length - The 'end' of the string - if left off the actual length of the string is used * @returns {boolean} `true` if the given characters are found at the end of the string, otherwise, `false`. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_endsWith */ endsWith(searchString: any, length: any): boolean; /** * * @param {any} substring - The string to search for * @param {any} fromIndex - The start character index (or 0 if not defined) * @returns {boolean} `true` if the given characters are in the string, otherwise, `false`. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_includes */ includes(substring: any, fromIndex: any): boolean; /** * Repeat this string the given number of times. * * @param {number} count - An integer with the amount of times to repeat this String * @returns {any} A string containing repetitions of this string * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_repeat */ repeat(count: number): string; /** * Pad this string at the beginning to the required number of characters * ``` * "Hello".padStart(10) == " Hello" * "123".padStart(10,".-") == ".-.-.-.123" * ``` * * @param {number} targetLength - The length to pad this string to * @param {any} [padString] - [optional] The string to pad with, default is `' '` * @returns {any} A string containing this string padded to the correct length * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_padStart */ padStart(targetLength: number, padString?: any): string; /** * Pad this string at the end to the required number of characters * ``` * "Hello".padEnd(10) == "Hello " * "123".padEnd(10,".-") == "123.-.-.-." * ``` * * @param {number} targetLength - The length to pad this string to * @param {any} [padString] - [optional] The string to pad with, default is `' '` * @returns {any} A string containing this string padded to the correct length * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_String_padEnd */ padEnd(targetLength: number, padString?: any): string; } /** * This is the built-in class for Text Strings. * Text Strings in Espruino are not zero-terminated, so you can store zeros in * them. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#String */ declare const String: StringConstructor interface RegExpConstructor { /** * Creates a RegExp object, for handling Regular Expressions * @constructor * * @param {any} regex - A regular expression as a string * @param {any} flags - Flags for the regular expression as a string * @returns {any} A RegExp object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_RegExp_RegExp */ new(regex: any, flags: any): RegExp; } interface RegExp { /** * Test this regex on a string - returns a result array on success, or `null` * otherwise. * `/Wo/.exec("Hello World")` will return: * ``` * [ * "Wo", * "index": 6, * "input": "Hello World" * ] * ``` * Or with groups `/W(o)rld/.exec("Hello World")` returns: * ``` * [ * "World", * "o", "index": 6, * "input": "Hello World" * ] * ``` * * @param {any} str - A string to match on * @returns {any} A result array, or null * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_RegExp_exec */ exec(str: any): any; /** * Test this regex on a string - returns `true` on a successful match, or `false` * otherwise * * @param {any} str - A string to match on * @returns {boolean} true for a match, or false * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_RegExp_test */ test(str: any): boolean; } /** * The built-in class for handling Regular Expressions * **Note:** Espruino's regular expression parser does not contain all the features * present in a full ES6 JS engine. However it does contain support for the all the * basics. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#RegExp */ declare const RegExp: RegExpConstructor interface NumberConstructor { /** * @returns {number} Not a Number * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Number_NaN */ NaN: number; /** * @returns {number} Maximum representable value * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Number_MAX_VALUE */ MAX_VALUE: number; /** * @returns {number} Smallest representable value * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Number_MIN_VALUE */ MIN_VALUE: number; /** * @returns {number} Negative Infinity (-1/0) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Number_NEGATIVE_INFINITY */ NEGATIVE_INFINITY: number; /** * @returns {number} Positive Infinity (1/0) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Number_POSITIVE_INFINITY */ POSITIVE_INFINITY: number; /** * Creates a number * @constructor * * @param {any} value - A single value to be converted to a number * @returns {any} A Number object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Number_Number */ new(...value: any[]): any; } interface Number { /** * Format the number as a fixed point number * * @param {number} decimalPlaces - A number between 0 and 20 specifying the number of decimal digits after the decimal point * @returns {any} A string * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Number_toFixed */ toFixed(decimalPlaces: number): any; } /** * This is the built-in JavaScript class for numbers. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Number */ declare const Number: NumberConstructor /** * This is the built-in class for Pins, such as D0,D1,LED1, or BTN * You can call the methods on Pin, or you can use Wiring-style functions such as * digitalWrite * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Pin */ declare class Pin { /** * Creates a pin from the given argument (or returns undefined if no argument) * @constructor * * @param {any} value - A value to be converted to a pin. Can be a number, pin, or String. * @returns {any} A Pin object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Pin_Pin */ static new(value: any): any; /** * Returns the input state of the pin as a boolean. * **Note:** if you didn't call `pinMode` beforehand then this function will also * reset the pin's state to `"input"` * @returns {boolean} Whether pin is a logical 1 or 0 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Pin_read */ read(): boolean; /** * Sets the output state of the pin to a 1 * **Note:** if you didn't call `pinMode` beforehand then this function will also * reset the pin's state to `"output"` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Pin_set */ set(): void; /** * Sets the output state of the pin to a 0 * **Note:** if you didn't call `pinMode` beforehand then this function will also * reset the pin's state to `"output"` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Pin_reset */ reset(): void; /** * Sets the output state of the pin to the parameter given * **Note:** if you didn't call `pinMode` beforehand then this function will also * reset the pin's state to `"output"` * * @param {boolean} value - Whether to set output high (true/1) or low (false/0) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Pin_write */ write(value: boolean): void; /** * Sets the output state of the pin to the parameter given at the specified time. * **Note:** this **doesn't** change the mode of the pin to an output. To do that, * you need to use `pin.write(0)` or `pinMode(pin, 'output')` first. * * @param {boolean} value - Whether to set output high (true/1) or low (false/0) * @param {number} time - Time at which to write * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Pin_writeAtTime */ writeAtTime(value: boolean, time: number): void; /** * Return the current mode of the given pin. See `pinMode` for more information. * @returns {any} The pin mode, as a string * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Pin_getMode */ getMode(): any; /** * Set the mode of the given pin. See [`pinMode`](#l__global_pinMode) for more * information on pin modes. * * @param {any} mode - The mode - a string that is either 'analog', 'input', 'input_pullup', 'input_pulldown', 'output', 'opendrain', 'af_output' or 'af_opendrain'. Do not include this argument if you want to revert to automatic pin mode setting. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Pin_mode */ mode(mode: any): void; /** * Toggles the state of the pin from off to on, or from on to off. * **Note:** This method doesn't currently work on the ESP8266 port of Espruino. * **Note:** if you didn't call `pinMode` beforehand then this function will also * reset the pin's state to `"output"` * @returns {boolean} True if the pin is high after calling the function * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Pin_toggle */ toggle(): boolean; /** * Get information about this pin and its capabilities. Of the form: * ``` * { * "port" : "A", // the Pin's port on the chip * "num" : 12, // the Pin's number * "in_addr" : 0x..., // (if available) the address of the pin's input address in bit-banded memory (can be used with peek) * "out_addr" : 0x..., // (if available) the address of the pin's output address in bit-banded memory (can be used with poke) * "analog" : { ADCs : [1], channel : 12 }, // If analog input is available * "functions" : { * "TIM1":{type:"CH1, af:0}, * "I2C3":{type:"SCL", af:1} * } * } * ``` * Will return undefined if pin is not valid. * @returns {any} An object containing information about this pins * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Pin_getInfo */ getInfo(): any; } interface BooleanConstructor { /** * Creates a boolean * @constructor * * @param {any} value - A single value to be converted to a number * @returns {boolean} A Boolean object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Boolean_Boolean */ new(value: any): boolean; } interface Boolean { } declare const Boolean: BooleanConstructor // GLOBALS /** * The pin marked SDA on the Arduino pin footprint. This is connected directly to * pin A4. * @returns {Pin} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_SDA */ declare const SDA: Pin; /** * The pin marked SDA on the Arduino pin footprint. This is connected directly to * pin A5. * @returns {Pin} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_SCL */ declare const SCL: Pin; /** * **Note:** This function is only available on the [BBC micro:bit](/MicroBit) * board * Show an image on the in-built 5x5 LED screen. * Image can be: * * A number where each bit represents a pixel (so 25 bits). e.g. `5` or * `0x1FFFFFF` * * A string, e.g: `show("10001")`. Newlines are ignored, and anything that is not * a space or `0` is treated as a 1. * * An array of 4 bytes (more will be ignored), e.g `show([1,2,3,0])` * For instance the following works for images: * ``` * show("# #"+ * " # "+ * " # "+ * "# #"+ * " ### ") * ``` * This means you can also use Espruino's graphics library: * ``` * var g = Graphics.createArrayBuffer(5,5,1) * g.drawString("E",0,0) * show(g.buffer) * ``` * * @param {any} image - The image to show * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_show */ declare function show(image: any): void; /** * **Note:** This function is only available on the [BBC micro:bit](/MicroBit) * board * Get the current acceleration of the micro:bit from the on-board accelerometer * **This is deprecated.** Please use `Microbit.accel` instead. * @returns {any} An object with x, y, and z fields in it * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_acceleration */ declare function acceleration(): any; /** * **Note:** This function is only available on the [BBC micro:bit](/MicroBit) * board * Get the current compass position for the micro:bit from the on-board * magnetometer * **This is deprecated.** Please use `Microbit.mag` instead. * @returns {any} An object with x, y, and z fields in it * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_compass */ declare function compass(): any; /** * On Puck.js V2 (not v1.0) this is the pin that controls the FET, for high-powered * outputs. * @returns {Pin} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_FET */ declare const FET: Pin; /** * The Bangle.js's vibration motor. * @returns {Pin} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_VIBRATE */ declare const VIBRATE: Pin; /** * On most Espruino board there are LEDs, in which case `LED` will be an actual * Pin. * On Bangle.js there are no LEDs, so to remain compatible with example code that * might expect an LED, this is an object that behaves like a pin, but which just * displays a circle on the display * @returns {any} A `Pin` object for a fake LED which appears on * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_LED */ declare const LED: any; /** * On most Espruino board there are LEDs, in which case `LED1` will be an actual * Pin. * On Bangle.js there are no LEDs, so to remain compatible with example code that * might expect an LED, this is an object that behaves like a pin, but which just * displays a circle on the display * @returns {any} A `Pin` object for a fake LED which appears on * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_LED1 */ declare const LED1: any; /** * On most Espruino board there are LEDs, in which case `LED2` will be an actual * Pin. * On Bangle.js there are no LEDs, so to remain compatible with example code that * might expect an LED, this is an object that behaves like a pin, but which just * displays a circle on the display * @returns {any} A `Pin` object for a fake LED which appears on * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_LED2 */ declare const LED2: any; /** * The pin connected to the 'A' button. Reads as `1` when pressed, `0` when not * @returns {Pin} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_BTNA */ declare const BTNA: Pin; /** * The pin connected to the 'B' button. Reads as `1` when pressed, `0` when not * @returns {Pin} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_BTNB */ declare const BTNB: Pin; /** * The pin connected to the up button. Reads as `1` when pressed, `0` when not * @returns {Pin} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_BTNU */ declare const BTNU: Pin; /** * The pin connected to the down button. Reads as `1` when pressed, `0` when not * @returns {Pin} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_BTND */ declare const BTND: Pin; /** * The pin connected to the left button. Reads as `1` when pressed, `0` when not * @returns {Pin} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_BTNL */ declare const BTNL: Pin; /** * The pin connected to the right button. Reads as `1` when pressed, `0` when not * @returns {Pin} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_BTNR */ declare const BTNR: Pin; /** * The pin connected to Corner #1 * @returns {Pin} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_CORNER1 */ declare const CORNER1: Pin; /** * The pin connected to Corner #2 * @returns {Pin} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_CORNER2 */ declare const CORNER2: Pin; /** * The pin connected to Corner #3 * @returns {Pin} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_CORNER3 */ declare const CORNER3: Pin; /** * The pin connected to Corner #4 * @returns {Pin} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_CORNER4 */ declare const CORNER4: Pin; /** * The pin connected to Corner #5 * @returns {Pin} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_CORNER5 */ declare const CORNER5: Pin; /** * The pin connected to Corner #6 * @returns {Pin} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_CORNER6 */ declare const CORNER6: Pin; /** * The Bluetooth Serial port - used when data is sent or received over Bluetooth * Smart on nRF51/nRF52 chips. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_Bluetooth */ declare const Bluetooth: Serial; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_MOS1 */ declare const MOS1: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_MOS2 */ declare const MOS2: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_MOS3 */ declare const MOS3: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_MOS4 */ declare const MOS4: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_IOEXT0 */ declare const IOEXT0: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_IOEXT1 */ declare const IOEXT1: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_IOEXT2 */ declare const IOEXT2: Pin; /** * @returns {Pin} A Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_IOEXT3 */ declare const IOEXT3: Pin; /** * A simple VT100 terminal emulator. * When data is sent to the `Terminal` object, `Graphics.getInstance()` is called * and if an instance of `Graphics` is found then characters are written to it. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_Terminal */ declare const Terminal: Serial; declare const global: { SDA: typeof SDA; SCL: typeof SCL; show: typeof show; acceleration: typeof acceleration; compass: typeof compass; FET: typeof FET; VIBRATE: typeof VIBRATE; LED: typeof LED; LED1: typeof LED1; LED2: typeof LED2; BTNA: typeof BTNA; BTNB: typeof BTNB; BTNU: typeof BTNU; BTND: typeof BTND; BTNL: typeof BTNL; BTNR: typeof BTNR; CORNER1: typeof CORNER1; CORNER2: typeof CORNER2; CORNER3: typeof CORNER3; CORNER4: typeof CORNER4; CORNER5: typeof CORNER5; CORNER6: typeof CORNER6; Bluetooth: typeof Bluetooth; MOS1: typeof MOS1; MOS2: typeof MOS2; MOS3: typeof MOS3; MOS4: typeof MOS4; IOEXT0: typeof IOEXT0; IOEXT1: typeof IOEXT1; IOEXT2: typeof IOEXT2; IOEXT3: typeof IOEXT3; Terminal: typeof Terminal; global: typeof global; setBusyIndicator: typeof setBusyIndicator; setSleepIndicator: typeof setSleepIndicator; setDeepSleep: typeof setDeepSleep; dump: typeof dump; load: typeof load; save: typeof save; reset: typeof reset; edit: typeof edit; echo: typeof echo; getTime: typeof getTime; setTime: typeof setTime; getSerial: typeof getSerial; setInterval: typeof setInterval; setTimeout: typeof setTimeout; clearInterval: typeof clearInterval; clearTimeout: typeof clearTimeout; changeInterval: typeof changeInterval; peek8: typeof peek8; poke8: typeof poke8; peek16: typeof peek16; poke16: typeof poke16; peek32: typeof peek32; poke32: typeof poke32; analogRead: typeof analogRead; analogWrite: typeof analogWrite; digitalPulse: typeof digitalPulse; digitalWrite: typeof digitalWrite; digitalRead: typeof digitalRead; pinMode: typeof pinMode; getPinMode: typeof getPinMode; shiftOut: typeof shiftOut; setWatch: typeof setWatch; clearWatch: typeof clearWatch; arguments: typeof arguments; eval: typeof eval; parseInt: typeof parseInt; parseFloat: typeof parseFloat; isFinite: typeof isFinite; isNaN: typeof isNaN; btoa: typeof btoa; atob: typeof atob; encodeURIComponent: typeof encodeURIComponent; decodeURIComponent: typeof decodeURIComponent; trace: typeof trace; print: typeof print; require: typeof require; __FILE__: typeof __FILE__; SPI1: typeof SPI1; SPI2: typeof SPI2; SPI3: typeof SPI3; I2C1: typeof I2C1; I2C2: typeof I2C2; I2C3: typeof I2C3; USB: typeof USB; Serial1: typeof Serial1; Serial2: typeof Serial2; Serial3: typeof Serial3; Serial4: typeof Serial4; Serial5: typeof Serial5; Serial6: typeof Serial6; LoopbackA: typeof LoopbackA; LoopbackB: typeof LoopbackB; Telnet: typeof Telnet; NaN: typeof NaN; Infinity: typeof Infinity; HIGH: typeof HIGH; LOW: typeof LOW; [key: string]: any; } /** * When Espruino is busy, set the pin specified here high. Set this to undefined to * disable the feature. * * @param {any} pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_setBusyIndicator */ declare function setBusyIndicator(pin: any): void; /** * When Espruino is asleep, set the pin specified here low (when it's awake, set it * high). Set this to undefined to disable the feature. * Please see http://www.espruino.com/Power+Consumption for more details on this. * * @param {any} pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_setSleepIndicator */ declare function setSleepIndicator(pin: any): void; /** * Set whether we can enter deep sleep mode, which reduces power consumption to * around 100uA. This only works on STM32 Espruino Boards (nRF52 boards sleep * automatically). * Please see http://www.espruino.com/Power+Consumption for more details on this. * * @param {boolean} sleep * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_setDeepSleep */ declare function setDeepSleep(sleep: boolean): void; /** * Output current interpreter state in a text form such that it can be copied to a * new device * Espruino keeps its current state in RAM (even if the function code is stored in * Flash). When you type `dump()` it dumps the current state of code in RAM plus * the hardware state, then if there's code saved in flash it writes "// Code saved * with E.setBootCode" and dumps that too. * **Note:** 'Internal' functions are currently not handled correctly. You will * need to recreate these in the `onInit` function. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_dump */ declare function dump(): void; /** * Restart and load the program out of flash - this has an effect similar to * completely rebooting Espruino (power off/power on), but without actually * performing a full reset of the hardware. * This command only executes when the Interpreter returns to the Idle state - for * instance ```a=1;load();a=2;``` will still leave 'a' as undefined (or what it was * set to in the saved program). * Espruino will resume from where it was when you last typed `save()`. If you want * code to be executed right after loading (for instance to initialise devices * connected to Espruino), add an `init` event handler to `E` with `E.on('init', * function() { ... your_code ... });`. This will then be automatically executed by * Espruino every time it starts. * **If you specify a filename in the argument then that file will be loaded from * Storage after reset** in much the same way as calling `reset()` then * `eval(require("Storage").read(filename))` * * @param {any} [filename] - [optional] The name of a text JS file to load from Storage after reset * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_load */ declare function load(filename?: any): void; /** * Save the state of the interpreter into flash (including the results of calling * `setWatch`, `setInterval`, `pinMode`, and any listeners). The state will then be * loaded automatically every time Espruino powers on or is hard-reset. To see what * will get saved you can call `dump()`. * **Note:** If you set up intervals/etc in `onInit()` and you have already called * `onInit` before running `save()`, when Espruino resumes there will be two copies * of your intervals - the ones from before the save, and the ones from after - * which may cause you problems. * For more information about this and other options for saving, please see the * [Saving code on Espruino](https://www.espruino.com/Saving) page. * This command only executes when the Interpreter returns to the Idle state - for * instance ```a=1;save();a=2;``` will save 'a' as 2. * When Espruino powers on, it will resume from where it was when you typed * `save()`. If you want code to be executed right after loading (for instance to * initialise devices connected to Espruino), add a function called `onInit`, or * add a `init` event handler to `E` with `E.on('init', function() { ... your_code * ... });`. This will then be automatically executed by Espruino every time it * starts. * In order to stop the program saved with this command being loaded automatically, * check out [the Troubleshooting * guide](https://www.espruino.com/Troubleshooting#espruino-stopped-working-after-i-typed-save-) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_save */ declare function save(): void; /** * Reset the interpreter - clear program memory in RAM, and do not load a saved * program from flash. This does NOT reset the underlying hardware (which allows * you to reset the device without it disconnecting from USB). * This command only executes when the Interpreter returns to the Idle state - for * instance ```a=1;reset();a=2;``` will still leave 'a' as undefined. * The safest way to do a full reset is to hit the reset button. * If `reset()` is called with no arguments, it will reset the board's state in RAM * but will not reset the state in flash. When next powered on (or when `load()` is * called) the board will load the previously saved code. * Calling `reset(true)` will cause *all saved code in flash memory to be cleared * as well*. * * @param {boolean} clearFlash - Remove saved code from flash as well * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_reset */ declare function reset(clearFlash: boolean): void; /** * Fill the console with the contents of the given function, so you can edit it. * NOTE: This is a convenience function - it will not edit 'inner functions'. For * that, you must edit the 'outer function' and re-execute it. * * @param {any} funcName - The name of the function to edit (either a string or just the unquoted name) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_edit */ declare function edit(funcName: any): void; /** * Should Espruino echo what you type back to you? true = yes (Default), false = * no. When echo is off, the result of executing a command is not returned. * Instead, you must use 'print' to send output. * * @param {boolean} echoOn * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_echo */ declare function echo(echoOn: boolean): void; /** * Return the current system time in Seconds (as a floating point number) * @returns {number} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_getTime */ declare function getTime(): number; /** * Set the current system time in seconds (`time` can be a floating point value). * This is used with `getTime`, the time reported from `setWatch`, as well as when * using `new Date()`. * `Date.prototype.getTime()` reports the time in milliseconds, so you can set the * time to a `Date` object using: * ``` * setTime((new Date("Tue, 19 Feb 2019 10:57")).getTime()/1000) * ``` * To set the timezone for all new Dates, use `E.setTimeZone(hours)`. * * @param {number} time * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_setTime */ declare function setTime(time: number): void; /** * Get the serial number of this board * @returns {any} The board's serial number * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_getSerial */ declare function getSerial(): any; /** * Call the function (or evaluate the string) specified REPEATEDLY after the * timeout in milliseconds. * For instance: * ``` * setInterval(function () { * console.log("Hello World"); * }, 1000); * // or * setInterval('console.log("Hello World");', 1000); * // both print 'Hello World' every second * ``` * You can also specify extra arguments that will be sent to the function when it * is executed. For example: * ``` * setInterval(function (a,b) { * console.log(a+" "+b); * }, 1000, "Hello", "World"); * // prints 'Hello World' every second * ``` * If you want to stop your function from being called, pass the number that was * returned by `setInterval` into the `clearInterval` function. * **Note:** If `setDeepSleep(true)` has been called and the interval is greater * than 5 seconds, Espruino may execute the interval up to 1 second late. This is * because Espruino can only wake from deep sleep every second - and waking early * would cause Espruino to waste power while it waited for the correct time. * * @param {any} function - A Function or String to be executed * @param {number} timeout - The time between calls to the function (max 3153600000000 = 100 years * @param {any} args - Optional arguments to pass to the function when executed * @returns {any} An ID that can be passed to clearInterval * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_setInterval */ declare function setInterval(func: any, timeout: number, ...args: any[]): any; /** * Call the function (or evaluate the string) specified ONCE after the timeout in * milliseconds. * For instance: * ``` * setTimeout(function () { * console.log("Hello World"); * }, 1000); * // or * setTimeout('console.log("Hello World");', 1000); * // both print 'Hello World' after a second * ``` * You can also specify extra arguments that will be sent to the function when it * is executed. For example: * ``` * setTimeout(function (a,b) { * console.log(a+" "+b); * }, 1000, "Hello", "World"); * // prints 'Hello World' after 1 second * ``` * If you want to stop the function from being called, pass the number that was * returned by `setTimeout` into the `clearTimeout` function. * **Note:** If `setDeepSleep(true)` has been called and the interval is greater * than 5 seconds, Espruino may execute the interval up to 1 second late. This is * because Espruino can only wake from deep sleep every second - and waking early * would cause Espruino to waste power while it waited for the correct time. * * @param {any} function - A Function or String to be executed * @param {number} timeout - The time until the function will be executed (max 3153600000000 = 100 years * @param {any} args - Optional arguments to pass to the function when executed * @returns {any} An ID that can be passed to clearTimeout * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_setTimeout */ declare function setTimeout(func: any, timeout: number, ...args: any[]): any; /** * Clear the Interval that was created with `setInterval`, for example: * ```var id = setInterval(function () { print('foo'); }, 1000);``` * ```clearInterval(id);``` * If no argument is supplied, all timeouts and intervals are stopped. * To avoid accidentally deleting all Intervals, if a parameter is supplied but is `undefined` then an Exception will be thrown. * * @param {any} id - The id returned by a previous call to setInterval. **Only one argument is allowed.** * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_clearInterval */ declare function clearInterval(...id: any[]): void; /** * Clear the Timeout that was created with `setTimeout`, for example: * ```var id = setTimeout(function () { print('foo'); }, 1000);``` * ```clearTimeout(id);``` * If no argument is supplied, all timeouts and intervals are stopped. * To avoid accidentally deleting all Timeouts, if a parameter is supplied but is `undefined` then an Exception will be thrown. * * @param {any} id - The id returned by a previous call to setTimeout. **Only one argument is allowed.** * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_clearTimeout */ declare function clearTimeout(...id: any[]): void; /** * Change the Interval on a callback created with `setInterval`, for example: * ```var id = setInterval(function () { print('foo'); }, 1000); // every second``` * ```changeInterval(id, 1500); // now runs every 1.5 seconds``` * This takes effect immediately and resets the timeout, so in the example above, * regardless of when you call `changeInterval`, the next interval will occur * 1500ms after it. * * @param {any} id - The id returned by a previous call to setInterval * @param {number} time - The new time period in ms * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_changeInterval */ declare function changeInterval(id: any, time: number): void; /** * Read 8 bits of memory at the given location - DANGEROUS! * * @param {number} addr - The address in memory to read * @param {number} [count] - [optional] the number of items to read. If >1 a Uint8Array will be returned. * @returns {any} The value of memory at the given location * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_peek8 */ declare function peek8(addr: number, count?: 1): number; declare function peek8(addr: number, count: number): Uint8Array; /** * Write 8 bits of memory at the given location - VERY DANGEROUS! * * @param {number} addr - The address in memory to write * @param {any} value - The value to write, or an array of values * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_poke8 */ declare function poke8(addr: number, value: number | number[]): void; /** * Read 16 bits of memory at the given location - DANGEROUS! * * @param {number} addr - The address in memory to read * @param {number} [count] - [optional] the number of items to read. If >1 a Uint16Array will be returned. * @returns {any} The value of memory at the given location * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_peek16 */ declare function peek16(addr: number, count?: 1): number; declare function peek16(addr: number, count: number): Uint8Array; /** * Write 16 bits of memory at the given location - VERY DANGEROUS! * * @param {number} addr - The address in memory to write * @param {any} value - The value to write, or an array of values * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_poke16 */ declare function poke16(addr: number, value: number | number[]): void; /** * Read 32 bits of memory at the given location - DANGEROUS! * * @param {number} addr - The address in memory to read * @param {number} [count] - [optional] the number of items to read. If >1 a Uint32Array will be returned. * @returns {any} The value of memory at the given location * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_peek32 */ declare function peek32(addr: number, count?: 1): number; declare function peek32(addr: number, count: number): Uint8Array; /** * Write 32 bits of memory at the given location - VERY DANGEROUS! * * @param {number} addr - The address in memory to write * @param {any} value - The value to write, or an array of values * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_poke32 */ declare function poke32(addr: number, value: number | number[]): void; /** * Get the analogue value of the given pin * This is different to Arduino which only returns an integer between 0 and 1023 * However only pins connected to an ADC will work (see the datasheet) * **Note:** if you didn't call `pinMode` beforehand then this function will also * reset pin's state to `"analog"` * * @param {Pin} pin * The pin to use * You can find out which pins to use by looking at [your board's reference page](#boards) and searching for pins with the `ADC` markers. * @returns {number} The analog Value of the Pin between 0 and 1 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_analogRead */ declare function analogRead(pin: Pin): number; /** * Set the analog Value of a pin. It will be output using PWM. * Objects can contain: * * `freq` - pulse frequency in Hz, e.g. ```analogWrite(A0,0.5,{ freq : 10 });``` - * specifying a frequency will force PWM output, even if the pin has a DAC * * `soft` - boolean, If true software PWM is used if hardware is not available. * * `forceSoft` - boolean, If true software PWM is used even if hardware PWM or a * DAC is available * **Note:** if you didn't call `pinMode` beforehand then this function will also * reset pin's state to `"output"` * * @param {Pin} pin * The pin to use * You can find out which pins to use by looking at [your board's reference page](#boards) and searching for pins with the `PWM` or `DAC` markers. * @param {number} value - A value between 0 and 1 * @param {any} options * An object containing options for analog output - see below * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_analogWrite */ declare function analogWrite(pin: Pin, value: number, options?: { freq?: number, soft?: boolean, forceSoft?: boolean }): void; /** * Pulse the pin with the value for the given time in milliseconds. It uses a * hardware timer to produce accurate pulses, and returns immediately (before the * pulse has finished). Use `digitalPulse(A0,1,0)` to wait until a previous pulse * has finished. * e.g. `digitalPulse(A0,1,5);` pulses A0 high for 5ms. * `digitalPulse(A0,1,[5,2,4]);` pulses A0 high for 5ms, low for 2ms, and high for * 4ms * **Note:** if you didn't call `pinMode` beforehand then this function will also * reset pin's state to `"output"` * digitalPulse is for SHORT pulses that need to be very accurate. If you're doing * anything over a few milliseconds, use setTimeout instead. * * @param {Pin} pin - The pin to use * @param {boolean} value - Whether to pulse high (true) or low (false) * @param {any} time - A time in milliseconds, or an array of times (in which case a square wave will be output starting with a pulse of 'value') * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_digitalPulse */ declare function digitalPulse(pin: Pin, value: boolean, time: number | number[]): void; /** * Set the digital value of the given pin. * **Note:** if you didn't call `pinMode` beforehand then this function will also * reset pin's state to `"output"` * If pin argument is an array of pins (e.g. `[A2,A1,A0]`) the value argument will * be treated as an array of bits where the last array element is the least * significant bit. * In this case, pin values are set least significant bit first (from the * right-hand side of the array of pins). This means you can use the same pin * multiple times, for example `digitalWrite([A1,A1,A0,A0],0b0101)` would pulse A0 * followed by A1. * If the pin argument is an object with a `write` method, the `write` method will * be called with the value passed through. * * @param {any} pin - The pin to use * @param {number} value - Whether to pulse high (true) or low (false) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_digitalWrite */ declare function digitalWrite(pin: Pin, value: boolean): void; /** * Get the digital value of the given pin. * **Note:** if you didn't call `pinMode` beforehand then this function will also * reset pin's state to `"input"` * If the pin argument is an array of pins (e.g. `[A2,A1,A0]`) the value returned * will be an number where the last array element is the least significant bit, for * example if `A0=A1=1` and `A2=0`, `digitalRead([A2,A1,A0]) == 0b011` * If the pin argument is an object with a `read` method, the `read` method will be * called and the integer value it returns passed back. * * @param {any} pin - The pin to use * @returns {number} The digital Value of the Pin * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_digitalRead */ declare function digitalRead(pin: Pin): number; /** * Set the mode of the given pin. * * `auto`/`undefined` - Don't change state, but allow `digitalWrite`/etc to * automatically change state as appropriate * * `analog` - Analog input * * `input` - Digital input * * `input_pullup` - Digital input with internal ~40k pull-up resistor * * `input_pulldown` - Digital input with internal ~40k pull-down resistor * * `output` - Digital output * * `opendrain` - Digital output that only ever pulls down to 0v. Sending a * logical `1` leaves the pin open circuit * * `opendrain_pullup` - Digital output that pulls down to 0v. Sending a logical * `1` enables internal ~40k pull-up resistor * * `af_output` - Digital output from built-in peripheral * * `af_opendrain` - Digital output from built-in peripheral that only ever pulls * down to 0v. Sending a logical `1` leaves the pin open circuit * **Note:** `digitalRead`/`digitalWrite`/etc set the pin mode automatically * *unless* `pinMode` has been called first. If you want `digitalRead`/etc to set * the pin mode automatically after you have called `pinMode`, simply call it again * with no mode argument (`pinMode(pin)`), `auto` as the argument (`pinMode(pin, * "auto")`), or with the 3rd 'automatic' argument set to true (`pinMode(pin, * "output", true)`). * * @param {Pin} pin - The pin to set pin mode for * @param {any} mode - The mode - a string that is either 'analog', 'input', 'input_pullup', 'input_pulldown', 'output', 'opendrain', 'af_output' or 'af_opendrain'. Do not include this argument or use 'auto' if you want to revert to automatic pin mode setting. * @param {boolean} automatic - Optional, default is false. If true, subsequent commands will automatically change the state (see notes below) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_pinMode */ declare function pinMode(pin: Pin, mode?: PinMode | "auto", automatic?: boolean): void; /** * Return the current mode of the given pin. See `pinMode` for more information on * returned values. * * @param {Pin} pin - The pin to check * @returns {any} The pin mode, as a string * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_getPinMode */ declare function getPinMode(pin: Pin): PinMode; /** * Shift an array of data out using the pins supplied *least significant bit * first*, for example: * ``` * // shift out to single clk+data * shiftOut(A0, { clk : A1 }, [1,0,1,0]); * ``` * ``` * // shift out a whole byte (like software SPI) * shiftOut(A0, { clk : A1, repeat: 8 }, [1,2,3,4]); * ``` * ``` * // shift out via 4 data pins * shiftOut([A3,A2,A1,A0], { clk : A4 }, [1,2,3,4]); * ``` * `options` is an object of the form: * ``` * { * clk : pin, // a pin to use as the clock (undefined = no pin) * clkPol : bool, // clock polarity - default is 0 (so 1 normally, pulsing to 0 to clock data in) * repeat : int, // number of clocks per array item * } * ``` * Each item in the `data` array will be output to the pins, with the first pin in * the array being the MSB and the last the LSB, then the clock will be pulsed in * the polarity given. * `repeat` is the amount of times shift data out for each array item. For instance * we may want to shift 8 bits out through 2 pins - in which case we need to set * repeat to 4. * * @param {any} pins - A pin, or an array of pins to use * @param {any} options - Options, for instance the clock (see below) * @param {any} data - The data to shift out (see `E.toUint8Array` for info on the forms this can take) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_shiftOut */ declare function shiftOut(pins: Pin | Pin[], options: { clk?: Pin, clkPol?: boolean, repeat?: number }, data: Uint8ArrayResolvable): void; /** * Call the function specified when the pin changes. Watches set with `setWatch` * can be removed using `clearWatch`. * If the `options` parameter is an object, it can contain the following * information (all optional): * ``` * { * // Whether to keep producing callbacks, or remove the watch after the first callback * repeat: true/false(default), * // Trigger on the rising or falling edge of the signal. Can be a string, or 1='rising', -1='falling', 0='both' * edge:'rising'(default for built-in buttons)/'falling'/'both'(default for pins), * // Use software-debouncing to stop multiple calls if a switch bounces * // This is the time in milliseconds to wait for bounces to subside, or 0 to disable * debounce:10 (0 is default for pins, 25 is default for built-in buttons), * // Advanced: If the function supplied is a 'native' function (compiled or assembly) * // setting irq:true will call that function in the interrupt itself * irq : false(default) * // Advanced: If specified, the given pin will be read whenever the watch is called * // and the state will be included as a 'data' field in the callback * data : pin * // Advanced: On Nordic devices, a watch may be 'high' or 'low' accuracy. By default low * // accuracy is used (which is better for power consumption), but this means that * // high speed pulses (less than 25us) may not be reliably received. Setting hispeed=true * // allows for detecting high speed pulses at the expense of higher idle power consumption * hispeed : true * } * ``` * The `function` callback is called with an argument, which is an object of type * `{state:bool, time:float, lastTime:float}`. * * `state` is whether the pin is currently a `1` or a `0` * * `time` is the time in seconds at which the pin changed state * * `lastTime` is the time in seconds at which the **pin last changed state**. * When using `edge:'rising'` or `edge:'falling'`, this is not the same as when * the function was last called. * * `data` is included if `data:pin` was specified in the options, and can be * used for reading in clocked data * For instance, if you want to measure the length of a positive pulse you could * use `setWatch(function(e) { console.log(e.time-e.lastTime); }, BTN, { * repeat:true, edge:'falling' });`. This will only be called on the falling edge * of the pulse, but will be able to measure the width of the pulse because * `e.lastTime` is the time of the rising edge. * Internally, an interrupt writes the time of the pin's state change into a queue * with the exact time that it happened, and the function supplied to `setWatch` is * executed only from the main message loop. However, if the callback is a native * function `void (bool state)` then you can add `irq:true` to options, which will * cause the function to be called from within the IRQ. When doing this, interrupts * will happen on both edges and there will be no debouncing. * **Note:** if you didn't call `pinMode` beforehand then this function will reset * pin's state to `"input"` * **Note:** The STM32 chip (used in the [Espruino Board](/EspruinoBoard) and * [Pico](/Pico)) cannot watch two pins with the same number - e.g. `A0` and `B0`. * **Note:** On nRF52 chips (used in Puck.js, Pixl.js, MDBT42Q) `setWatch` disables * the GPIO output on that pin. In order to be able to write to the pin again you * need to disable the watch with `clearWatch`. * * @param {any} function - A Function or String to be executed * @param {Pin} pin - The pin to watch * @param {any} options - If a boolean or integer, it determines whether to call this once (false = default) or every time a change occurs (true). Can be an object of the form `{ repeat: true/false(default), edge:'rising'/'falling'/'both'(default), debounce:10}` - see below for more information. * @returns {any} An ID that can be passed to clearWatch * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_setWatch */ declare function setWatch(func: ((arg: { state: boolean, time: number, lastTime: number }) => void) | string, pin: Pin, options?: boolean | { repeat?: boolean, edge?: "rising" | "falling" | "both", debounce?: number, irq?: boolean, data?: Pin, hispeed?: boolean }): number; /** * Clear the Watch that was created with setWatch. If no parameter is supplied, all watches will be removed. * To avoid accidentally deleting all Watches, if a parameter is supplied but is `undefined` then an Exception will be thrown. * * @param {any} id - The id returned by a previous call to setWatch. **Only one argument is allowed.** * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_clearWatch */ declare function clearWatch(id: number): void; /** * A variable containing the arguments given to the function: * ``` * function hello() { * console.log(arguments.length, JSON.stringify(arguments)); * } * hello() // 0 [] * hello("Test") // 1 ["Test"] * hello(1,2,3) // 3 [1,2,3] * ``` * **Note:** Due to the way Espruino works this is doesn't behave exactly the same * as in normal JavaScript. The length of the arguments array will never be less * than the number of arguments specified in the function declaration: * `(function(a){ return arguments.length; })() == 1`. Normal JavaScript * interpreters would return `0` in the above case. * @returns {any} An array containing all the arguments given to the function * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_arguments */ declare const arguments: any; /** * Evaluate a string containing JavaScript code * * @param {any} code * @returns {any} The result of evaluating the string * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_eval */ declare function eval(code: any): any; /** * Convert a string representing a number into an integer * * @param {any} string * @param {any} [radix] - [optional] The Radix of the string * @returns {any} The integer value of the string (or NaN) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_parseInt */ declare function parseInt(string: any, radix?: any): any; /** * Convert a string representing a number into an float * * @param {any} string * @returns {number} The value of the string * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_parseFloat */ declare function parseFloat(string: any): number; /** * Is the parameter a finite number or not? If needed, the parameter is first * converted to a number. * * @param {any} x * @returns {boolean} True is the value is a Finite number, false if not. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_isFinite */ declare function isFinite(x: any): boolean; /** * Whether the x is NaN (Not a Number) or not * * @param {any} x * @returns {boolean} True is the value is NaN, false if not. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_isNaN */ declare function isNaN(x: any): boolean; /** * Encode the supplied string (or array) into a base64 string * * @param {any} binaryData - A string of data to encode * @returns {any} A base64 encoded string * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_btoa */ declare function btoa(binaryData: any): any; /** * Decode the supplied base64 string into a normal string * * @param {any} base64Data - A string of base64 data to decode * @returns {any} A string containing the decoded data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_atob */ declare function atob(base64Data: any): any; /** * Convert a string with any character not alphanumeric or `- _ . ! ~ * ' ( )` * converted to the form `%XY` where `XY` is its hexadecimal representation * * @param {any} str - A string to encode as a URI * @returns {any} A string containing the encoded data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_encodeURIComponent */ declare function encodeURIComponent(str: any): any; /** * Convert any groups of characters of the form '%ZZ', into characters with hex * code '0xZZ' * * @param {any} str - A string to decode from a URI * @returns {any} A string containing the decoded data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_decodeURIComponent */ declare function decodeURIComponent(str: any): any; /** * Output debugging information * Note: This is not included on boards with low amounts of flash memory, or the * Espruino board. * * @param {any} root - The symbol to output (optional). If nothing is specified, everything will be output * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_trace */ declare function trace(root: any): void; /** * Print the supplied string(s) to the console * **Note:** If you're connected to a computer (not a wall adaptor) via USB but * **you are not running a terminal app** then when you print data Espruino may * pause execution and wait until the computer requests the data it is trying to * print. * * @param {any} text * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_print */ declare function print(...text: any[]): void; declare function require(moduleName: "ESP8266"): typeof import("ESP8266"); declare function require(moduleName: "crypto"): typeof import("crypto"); declare function require(moduleName: "neopixel"): typeof import("neopixel"); declare function require(moduleName: "net"): typeof import("net"); declare function require(moduleName: "dgram"): typeof import("dgram"); declare function require(moduleName: "tls"): typeof import("tls"); declare function require(moduleName: "Wifi"): typeof import("Wifi"); declare function require(moduleName: "NetworkJS"): typeof import("NetworkJS"); declare function require(moduleName: "http"): typeof import("http"); declare function require(moduleName: "WIZnet"): typeof import("WIZnet"); declare function require(moduleName: "CC3000"): typeof import("CC3000"); declare function require(moduleName: "TelnetServer"): typeof import("TelnetServer"); declare function require(moduleName: "fs"): typeof import("fs"); declare function require(moduleName: "tv"): typeof import("tv"); declare function require(moduleName: "tensorflow"): typeof import("tensorflow"); declare function require(moduleName: "heatshrink"): typeof import("heatshrink"); declare function require(moduleName: "Flash"): typeof import("Flash"); declare function require(moduleName: "Storage"): typeof import("Storage"); declare function require(moduleName: string): any; /** * The filename of the JavaScript that is currently executing. * If `load` has been called with a filename (eg `load("myfile.js")`) then * `__FILE__` is set to that filename. Otherwise (eg `load()`) or immediately * after booting, `__FILE__` is not set. * @returns {any} The filename of the JavaScript that is currently executing * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global___FILE__ */ declare const __FILE__: any; /** * The first SPI port * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_SPI1 */ declare const SPI1: SPI; /** * The second SPI port * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_SPI2 */ declare const SPI2: SPI; /** * The third SPI port * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_SPI3 */ declare const SPI3: SPI; /** * The first I2C port * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_I2C1 */ declare const I2C1: I2C; /** * The second I2C port * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_I2C2 */ declare const I2C2: I2C; /** * The third I2C port * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_I2C3 */ declare const I2C3: I2C; /** * The USB Serial port * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_USB */ declare const USB: Serial; /** * The first Serial (USART) port * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_Serial1 */ declare const Serial1: Serial; /** * The second Serial (USART) port * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_Serial2 */ declare const Serial2: Serial; /** * The third Serial (USART) port * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_Serial3 */ declare const Serial3: Serial; /** * The fourth Serial (USART) port * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_Serial4 */ declare const Serial4: Serial; /** * The fifth Serial (USART) port * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_Serial5 */ declare const Serial5: Serial; /** * The sixth Serial (USART) port * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_Serial6 */ declare const Serial6: Serial; /** * A loopback serial device. Data sent to `LoopbackA` comes out of `LoopbackB` and * vice versa * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_LoopbackA */ declare const LoopbackA: Serial; /** * A loopback serial device. Data sent to `LoopbackA` comes out of `LoopbackB` and * vice versa * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_LoopbackB */ declare const LoopbackB: Serial; /** * A telnet serial device that maps to the built-in telnet console server (devices * that have built-in wifi only). * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_Telnet */ declare const Telnet: Serial; /** * @returns {number} Not a Number * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_NaN */ declare const NaN: number; /** * @returns {number} Positive Infinity (1/0) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_Infinity */ declare const Infinity: number; /** * @returns {number} Logic 1 for Arduino compatibility - this is the same as just typing `1` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_HIGH */ declare const HIGH: true; /** * @returns {number} Logic 0 for Arduino compatibility - this is the same as just typing `0` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l__global_LOW */ declare const LOW: false; // LIBRARIES /** * The ESP8266 library is specific to the ESP8266 version of Espruino, i.e., * running Espruino on an ESP8266 module (not to be confused with using the ESP8266 * as Wifi add-on to an Espruino board). This library contains functions to handle * ESP8266-specific actions. For example: `var esp8266 = require('ESP8266'); * esp8266.reboot();` performs a hardware reset of the module. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#ESP8266 */ declare module "ESP8266" { /** * Perform a hardware reset/reboot of the esp8266. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP8266_reboot */ function reboot(): void; /** * At boot time the esp8266's firmware captures the cause of the reset/reboot. This * function returns this information in an object with the following fields: * * `reason`: "power on", "wdt reset", "exception", "soft wdt", "restart", "deep * sleep", or "reset pin" * * `exccause`: exception cause * * `epc1`, `epc2`, `epc3`: instruction pointers * * `excvaddr`: address being accessed * * `depc`: (?) * @returns {any} An object with the reset cause information * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP8266_getResetInfo */ function getResetInfo(): any; /** * Enable or disable the logging of debug information. A value of `true` enables * debug logging while a value of `false` disables debug logging. Debug output is * sent to UART1 (gpio2). * * @param {boolean} enable - Enable or disable the debug logging. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP8266_logDebug */ function logDebug(enable: boolean): void; /** * Set the debug logging mode. It can be disabled (which frees ~1.2KB of heap), * enabled in-memory only, or in-memory and output to a UART. * * @param {number} mode - Debug log mode: 0=off, 1=in-memory only, 2=in-mem and uart0, 3=in-mem and uart1. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP8266_setLog */ function setLog(mode: number): void; /** * Prints the contents of the debug log to the console. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP8266_printLog */ function printLog(): void; /** * Returns one line from the log or up to 128 characters. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP8266_readLog */ function readLog(): void; /** * Dumps info about all sockets to the log. This is for troubleshooting the socket * implementation. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP8266_dumpSocketInfo */ function dumpSocketInfo(): void; /** * **Note:** This is deprecated. Use `E.setClock(80/160)` **Note:** Set the * operating frequency of the ESP8266 processor. The default is 160Mhz. * **Warning**: changing the cpu frequency affects the timing of some I/O * operations, notably of software SPI and I2C, so things may be a bit slower at * 80Mhz. * * @param {any} freq - Desired frequency - either 80 or 160. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP8266_setCPUFreq */ function setCPUFreq(freq: any): void; /** * Returns an object that contains details about the state of the ESP8266 with the * following fields: * * `sdkVersion` - Version of the SDK. * * `cpuFrequency` - CPU operating frequency in Mhz. * * `freeHeap` - Amount of free heap in bytes. * * `maxCon` - Maximum number of concurrent connections. * * `flashMap` - Configured flash size&map: '512KB:256/256' .. '4MB:512/512' * * `flashKB` - Configured flash size in KB as integer * * `flashChip` - Type of flash chip as string with manufacturer & chip, ex: '0xEF * 0x4016` * @returns {any} The state of the ESP8266 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP8266_getState */ function getState(): any; /** * **Note:** This is deprecated. Use `require("Flash").getFree()` * @returns {any} Array of objects with `addr` and `length` properties describing the free flash areas available * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP8266_getFreeFlash */ function getFreeFlash(): any; /** * * @param {any} arrayOfData - Array of data to CRC * @returns {any} 32-bit CRC * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP8266_crc32 */ function crc32(arrayOfData: any): any; /** * **This function is deprecated.** Please use `require("neopixel").write(pin, * data)` instead * * @param {Pin} pin - Pin for output signal. * @param {any} arrayOfData - Array of LED data. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP8266_neopixelWrite */ function neopixelWrite(pin: Pin, arrayOfData: any): void; /** * Put the ESP8266 into 'deep sleep' for the given number of microseconds, reducing * power consumption drastically. * meaning of option values: * 0 - the 108th Byte of init parameter decides whether RF calibration will be * performed or not. * 1 - run RF calibration after waking up. Power consumption is high. * 2 - no RF calibration after waking up. Power consumption is low. * 4 - no RF after waking up. Power consumption is the lowest. * **Note:** unlike normal Espruino boards' 'deep sleep' mode, ESP8266 deep sleep * actually turns off the processor. After the given number of microseconds have * elapsed, the ESP8266 will restart as if power had been turned off and then back * on. *All contents of RAM will be lost*. Connect GPIO 16 to RST to enable wakeup. * **Special:** 0 microseconds cause sleep forever until external wakeup RST pull * down occurs. * * @param {any} micros - Number of microseconds to sleep. * @param {any} option - posible values are 0, 1, 2 or 4 * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP8266_deepSleep */ function deepSleep(micros: any, option: any): void; /** * **DEPRECATED** - please use `Wifi.ping` instead. * Perform a network ping request. The parameter can be either a String or a * numeric IP address. * * @param {any} ipAddr - A string representation of an IP address. * @param {any} pingCallback - Optional callback function. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP8266_ping */ function ping(ipAddr: any, pingCallback: any): void; } /** * Cryptographic functions * **Note:** This library is currently only included in builds for boards where * there is space. For other boards there is `crypto.js` which implements SHA1 in * JS. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#crypto */ declare module "crypto" { /** * Class containing AES encryption/decryption * @returns {any} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_crypto_AES */ const AES: AES; /** * Performs a SHA1 hash and returns the result as a 20 byte ArrayBuffer. * **Note:** On some boards (currently only Espruino Original) there isn't space * for a fully unrolled SHA1 implementation so a slower all-JS implementation is * used instead. * * @param {any} message - The message to apply the hash to * @returns {any} Returns a 20 byte ArrayBuffer * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_crypto_SHA1 */ function SHA1(message: any): ArrayBuffer; /** * Performs a SHA224 hash and returns the result as a 28 byte ArrayBuffer * * @param {any} message - The message to apply the hash to * @returns {any} Returns a 20 byte ArrayBuffer * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_crypto_SHA224 */ function SHA224(message: any): ArrayBuffer; /** * Performs a SHA256 hash and returns the result as a 32 byte ArrayBuffer * * @param {any} message - The message to apply the hash to * @returns {any} Returns a 20 byte ArrayBuffer * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_crypto_SHA256 */ function SHA256(message: any): ArrayBuffer; /** * Performs a SHA384 hash and returns the result as a 48 byte ArrayBuffer * * @param {any} message - The message to apply the hash to * @returns {any} Returns a 20 byte ArrayBuffer * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_crypto_SHA384 */ function SHA384(message: any): ArrayBuffer; /** * Performs a SHA512 hash and returns the result as a 64 byte ArrayBuffer * * @param {any} message - The message to apply the hash to * @returns {any} Returns a 32 byte ArrayBuffer * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_crypto_SHA512 */ function SHA512(message: any): ArrayBuffer; /** * Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 algorithm, using SHA512 * * @param {any} passphrase - Passphrase * @param {any} salt - Salt for turning passphrase into a key * @param {any} options - Object of Options, `{ keySize: 8 (in 32 bit words), iterations: 10, hasher: 'SHA1'/'SHA224'/'SHA256'/'SHA384'/'SHA512' }` * @returns {any} Returns an ArrayBuffer * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_crypto_PBKDF2 */ function PBKDF2(passphrase: any, salt: any, options: any): ArrayBuffer; } /** * This library allows you to write to Neopixel/WS281x/APA10x/SK6812 LED strips * These use a high speed single-wire protocol which needs platform-specific * implementation on some devices - hence this library to simplify things. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#neopixel */ declare module "neopixel" { /** * Write to a strip of NeoPixel/WS281x/APA104/APA106/SK6812-style LEDs attached to * the given pin. * ``` * // set just one pixel, red, green, blue * require("neopixel").write(B15, [255,0,0]); * ``` * ``` * // Produce an animated rainbow over 25 LEDs * var rgb = new Uint8ClampedArray(25*3); * var pos = 0; * function getPattern() { * pos++; * for (var i=0;i void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `details` An object with event details * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_associated */ function on(event: "associated", callback: (details: any) => void): void; /** * The 'disconnected' event is called when an association with an access point has * been lost. * On ESP32/ESP8266 there is a `details` parameter which includes: * * ssid - The SSID of the access point from which the association was lost * * mac - The BSSID/mac address of the access point * * reason - The reason for the disconnection (string) * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(details: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `details` An object with event details * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_disconnected */ function on(event: "disconnected", callback: (details: any) => void): void; /** * The 'auth_change' event is called when the authentication mode with the * associated access point changes. The details include: * * oldMode - The old auth mode (string: open, wep, wpa, wpa2, wpa_wpa2) * * newMode - The new auth mode (string: open, wep, wpa, wpa2, wpa_wpa2) * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(details: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `details` An object with event details * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_auth_change */ function on(event: "auth_change", callback: (details: any) => void): void; /** * The 'dhcp_timeout' event is called when a DHCP request to the connected access * point fails and thus no IP address could be acquired (or renewed). * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {() => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_dhcp_timeout */ function on(event: "dhcp_timeout", callback: () => void): void; /** * The 'connected' event is called when the connection with an access point is * ready for traffic. In the case of a dynamic IP address configuration this is * when an IP address is obtained, in the case of static IP address allocation this * happens when an association is formed (in that case the 'associated' and * 'connected' events are fired in rapid succession). * On ESP32/ESP8266 there is a `details` parameter which includes: * * ip - The IP address obtained as string * * netmask - The network's IP range mask as string * * gw - The network's default gateway as string * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(details: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `details` An object with event details * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_connected */ function on(event: "connected", callback: (details: any) => void): void; /** * The 'sta_joined' event is called when a station establishes an association (i.e. * connects) with the esp8266's access point. The details include: * * mac - The MAC address of the station in string format (00:00:00:00:00:00) * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(details: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `details` An object with event details * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_sta_joined */ function on(event: "sta_joined", callback: (details: any) => void): void; /** * The 'sta_left' event is called when a station disconnects from the esp8266's * access point (or its association times out?). The details include: * * mac - The MAC address of the station in string format (00:00:00:00:00:00) * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(details: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `details` An object with event details * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_sta_left */ function on(event: "sta_left", callback: (details: any) => void): void; /** * The 'probe_recv' event is called when a probe request is received from some * station by the esp8266's access point. The details include: * * mac - The MAC address of the station in string format (00:00:00:00:00:00) * * rssi - The signal strength in dB of the probe request * @param {string} event - The event to listen to. * @param {(details: any) => void} callback - A function that is executed when the event occurs. Its arguments are: * * `details` An object with event details * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_probe_recv */ function on(event: "probe_recv", callback: (details: any) => void): void; /** * Disconnect the wifi station from an access point and disable the station mode. * It is OK to call `disconnect` to turn off station mode even if no connection * exists (for example, connection attempts may be failing). Station mode can be * re-enabled by calling `connect` or `scan`. * * @param {any} [callback] - [optional] An `callback()` function to be called back on disconnection. The callback function receives no argument. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_disconnect */ function disconnect(callback?: any): void; /** * Stop being an access point and disable the AP operation mode. AP mode can be * re-enabled by calling `startAP`. * * @param {any} [callback] - [optional] An `callback()` function to be called back on successful stop. The callback function receives no argument. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_stopAP */ function stopAP(callback?: any): void; /** * Connect to an access point as a station. If there is an existing connection to * an AP it is first disconnected if the SSID or password are different from those * passed as parameters. Put differently, if the passed SSID and password are * identical to the currently connected AP then nothing is changed. When the * connection attempt completes the callback function is invoked with one `err` * parameter, which is NULL if there is no error and a string message if there is * an error. If DHCP is enabled the callback occurs once an IP address has been * obtained, if a static IP is set the callback occurs once the AP's network has * been joined. The callback is also invoked if a connection already exists and * does not need to be changed. * The options properties may contain: * * `password` - Password string to be used to access the network. * * `dnsServers` (array of String) - An array of up to two DNS servers in dotted * decimal format string. * * `channel` - Wifi channel of the access point (integer, typ 0..14, 0 means any * channel), only on ESP8266. * * `bssid` - Mac address of the access point (string, type "00:00:00:00:00:00"), * only on ESP8266. * Notes: * * the options should include the ability to set a static IP and associated * netmask and gateway, this is a future enhancement. * * the only error reported in the callback is "Bad password", all other errors * (such as access point not found or DHCP timeout) just cause connection * retries. If the reporting of such temporary errors is desired, the caller must * use its own timeout and the `getDetails().status` field. * * the `connect` call automatically enabled station mode, it can be disabled * again by calling `disconnect`. * * @param {any} ssid - The access point network id. * @param {any} [options] - [optional] Connection options. * @param {any} callback - A `callback(err)` function to be called back on completion. `err` is null on success, or contains an error string on failure. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_connect */ function connect(ssid: string, options?: { password?: string, dnsServers?: string[], authMode?: string, channel?: number, bssid?: string }, callback?: (err: string | null) => void): void; /** * Perform a scan for access points. This will enable the station mode if it is not * currently enabled. Once the scan is complete the callback function is called * with an array of APs found, each AP is an object with: * * `ssid`: SSID string. * * `mac`: access point MAC address in 00:00:00:00:00:00 format. * * `authMode`: `open`, `wep`, `wpa`, `wpa2`, or `wpa_wpa2`. * * `channel`: wifi channel 1..13. * * `hidden`: true if the SSID is hidden (ESP32/ESP8266 only) * * `rssi`: signal strength in dB in the range -110..0. * Notes: * * in order to perform the scan the station mode is turned on and remains on, use * Wifi.disconnect() to turn it off again, if desired. * * only one scan can be in progress at a time. * * @param {any} callback - A `callback(err, ap_list)` function to be called back on completion. `err==null` and `ap_list` is an array on success, or `err` is an error string and `ap_list` is undefined on failure. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_scan */ function scan(callback: any): void; /** * Create a WiFi access point allowing stations to connect. If the password is NULL * or an empty string the access point is open, otherwise it is encrypted. The * callback function is invoked once the access point is set-up and receives one * `err` argument, which is NULL on success and contains an error message string * otherwise. * The `options` object can contain the following properties. * * `authMode` - The authentication mode to use. Can be one of "open", "wpa2", * "wpa", "wpa_wpa2". The default is open (but open access points are not * recommended). * * `password` - The password for connecting stations if authMode is not open. * * `channel` - The channel to be used for the access point in the range 1..13. If * the device is also connected to an access point as a station then that access * point determines the channel. * * `hidden` - The flag if visible or not (0:visible, 1:hidden), default is * visible. * Notes: * * the options should include the ability to set the AP IP and associated * netmask, this is a future enhancement. * * the `startAP` call automatically enables AP mode. It can be disabled again by * calling `stopAP`. * * @param {any} ssid - The network id. * @param {any} [options] - [optional] Configuration options. * @param {any} callback - Optional `callback(err)` function to be called when the AP is successfully started. `err==null` on success, or an error string on failure. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_startAP */ function startAP(ssid: string, options?: { password?: string, authMode?: "open" | "wpa2" | "wpa" | "wpa_wpa2", channel?: number, hidden?: boolean }, callback?: (err: string | null) => void): void; /** * Retrieve the current overall WiFi configuration. This call provides general * information that pertains to both station and access point modes. The getDetails * and getAPDetails calls provide more in-depth information about the station and * access point configurations, respectively. The status object has the following * properties: * * `station` - Status of the wifi station: `off`, `connecting`, ... * * `ap` - Status of the wifi access point: `disabled`, `enabled`. * * `mode` - The current operation mode: `off`, `sta`, `ap`, `sta+ap`. * * `phy` - Modulation standard configured: `11b`, `11g`, `11n` (the esp8266 docs * are not very clear, but it is assumed that 11n means b/g/n). This setting * limits the modulations that the radio will use, it does not indicate the * current modulation used with a specific access point. * * `powersave` - Power saving mode: `none` (radio is on all the time), `ps-poll` * (radio is off between beacons as determined by the access point's DTIM * setting). Note that in 'ap' and 'sta+ap' modes the radio is always on, i.e., * no power saving is possible. * * `savedMode` - The saved operation mode which will be applied at boot time: * `off`, `sta`, `ap`, `sta+ap`. * * @param {any} callback - Optional `callback(status)` function to be called back with the current Wifi status, i.e. the same object as returned directly. * @returns {any} An object representing the current WiFi status, if available immediately. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_getStatus */ function getStatus(callback: any): any; /** * Sets a number of global wifi configuration settings. All parameters are optional * and which are passed determines which settings are updated. The settings * available are: * * `phy` - Modulation standard to allow: `11b`, `11g`, `11n` (the esp8266 docs * are not very clear, but it is assumed that 11n means b/g/n). * * `powersave` - Power saving mode: `none` (radio is on all the time), `ps-poll` * (radio is off between beacons as determined by the access point's DTIM * setting). Note that in 'ap' and 'sta+ap' modes the radio is always on, i.e., * no power saving is possible. * Note: esp8266 SDK programmers may be missing an "opmode" option to set the * sta/ap/sta+ap operation mode. Please use connect/scan/disconnect/startAP/stopAP, * which all set the esp8266 opmode indirectly. * * @param {any} settings - An object with the configuration settings to change. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_setConfig */ function setConfig(settings: any): void; /** * Retrieve the wifi station configuration and status details. The details object * has the following properties: * * `status` - Details about the wifi station connection, one of `off`, * `connecting`, `wrong_password`, `no_ap_found`, `connect_fail`, or `connected`. * The off, bad_password and connected states are stable, the other states are * transient. The connecting state will either result in connected or one of the * error states (bad_password, no_ap_found, connect_fail) and the no_ap_found and * connect_fail states will result in a reconnection attempt after some interval. * * `rssi` - signal strength of the connected access point in dB, typically in the * range -110 to 0, with anything greater than -30 being an excessively strong * signal. * * `ssid` - SSID of the access point. * * `password` - the password used to connect to the access point. * * `authMode` - the authentication used: `open`, `wpa`, `wpa2`, `wpa_wpa2` (not * currently supported). * * `savedSsid` - the SSID to connect to automatically at boot time, null if none. * * @param {any} [callback] - [optional] An `callback(details)` function to be called back with the wifi details, i.e. the same object as returned directly. * @returns {any} An object representing the wifi station details, if available immediately. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_getDetails */ function getDetails(callback?: any): any; /** * Retrieve the current access point configuration and status. The details object * has the following properties: * * `status` - Current access point status: `enabled` or `disabled` * * `stations` - an array of the stations connected to the access point. This * array may be empty. Each entry in the array is an object describing the * station which, at a minimum contains `ip` being the IP address of the station. * * `ssid` - SSID to broadcast. * * `password` - Password for authentication. * * `authMode` - the authentication required of stations: `open`, `wpa`, `wpa2`, * `wpa_wpa2`. * * `hidden` - True if the SSID is hidden, false otherwise. * * `maxConn` - Max number of station connections supported. * * `savedSsid` - the SSID to broadcast automatically at boot time, null if the * access point is to be disabled at boot. * * @param {any} [callback] - [optional] A `callback(details)` function to be called back with the current access point details, i.e. the same object as returned directly. * @returns {any} An object representing the current access point details, if available immediately. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_getAPDetails */ function getAPDetails(callback?: any): any; /** * On boards where this is not available, just issue the `connect` commands you * need to run at startup from an `onInit` function. * Save the current wifi configuration (station and access point) to flash and * automatically apply this configuration at boot time, unless `what=="clear"`, in * which case the saved configuration is cleared such that wifi remains disabled at * boot. The saved configuration includes: * * mode (off/sta/ap/sta+ap) * * SSIDs & passwords * * phy (11b/g/n) * * powersave setting * * DHCP hostname * * @param {any} what - An optional parameter to specify what to save, on the esp8266 the two supported values are `clear` and `sta+ap`. The default is `sta+ap` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_save */ function save(what: any): void; /** * Restores the saved Wifi configuration from flash. See `Wifi.save()`. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_restore */ function restore(): void; /** * Return the station IP information in an object as follows: * * ip - IP address as string (e.g. "") * * netmask - The interface netmask as string (ESP8266/ESP32 only) * * gw - The network gateway as string (ESP8266/ESP32 only) * * mac - The MAC address as string of the form 00:00:00:00:00:00 * Note that the `ip`, `netmask`, and `gw` fields are omitted if no connection is established: * * @param {any} [callback] - [optional] A `callback(err, ipinfo)` function to be called back with the IP information. * @returns {any} An object representing the station IP information, if available immediately (**ONLY** on ESP8266/ESP32). * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_getIP */ function getIP(callback?: any): any; /** * Return the access point IP information in an object which contains: * * ip - IP address as string (typ "") * * netmask - The interface netmask as string * * gw - The network gateway as string * * mac - The MAC address as string of the form 00:00:00:00:00:00 * * @param {any} [callback] - [optional] A `callback(err, ipinfo)` function to be called back with the the IP information. * @returns {any} An object representing the esp8266's Access Point IP information, if available immediately (**ONLY** on ESP8266/ESP32). * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_getAPIP */ function getAPIP(callback?: any): any; /** * Lookup the hostname and invoke a callback with the IP address as integer * argument. If the lookup fails, the callback is invoked with a null argument. * **Note:** only a single hostname lookup can be made at a time, concurrent * lookups are not supported. * * @param {any} hostname - The hostname to lookup. * @param {any} callback - The `callback(ip)` to invoke when the IP is returned. `ip==null` on failure. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_getHostByName */ function getHostByName(hostname: any, callback: any): void; /** * Returns the hostname announced to the DHCP server and broadcast via mDNS when * connecting to an access point. * * @param {any} [callback] - [optional] A `callback(hostname)` function to be called back with the hostname. * @returns {any} The currently configured hostname, if available immediately. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_getHostname */ function getHostname(callback?: any): any; /** * Set the hostname. Depending on implementation, the hostname is sent with every * DHCP request and is broadcast via mDNS. The DHCP hostname may be visible in the * access point and may be forwarded into DNS as hostname.local. If a DHCP lease * currently exists changing the hostname will cause a disconnect and reconnect in * order to transmit the change to the DHCP server. The mDNS announcement also * includes an announcement for the "espruino" service. * * @param {any} hostname - The new hostname. * @param {any} [callback] - [optional] A `callback()` function to be called back when the hostname is set * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_setHostname */ function setHostname(hostname: any, callback?: any): void; /** * Starts the SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) service to keep the clock * synchronized with the specified server. Note that the time zone is really just * an offset to UTC and doesn't handle daylight savings time. The interval * determines how often the time server is queried and Espruino's time is * synchronized. The initial synchronization occurs asynchronously after setSNTP * returns. * * @param {any} server - The NTP server to query, for example, `us.pool.ntp.org` * @param {any} tz_offset - Local time zone offset in the range -11..13. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_setSNTP */ function setSNTP(server: any, tz_offset: any): void; /** * The `settings` object must contain the following properties. * * `ip` IP address as string (e.g. "") * * `gw` The network gateway as string (e.g. "") * * `netmask` The interface netmask as string (e.g. "") * * @param {any} settings - Configuration settings * @param {any} callback - A `callback(err)` function to invoke when ip is set. `err==null` on success, or a string on failure. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_setIP */ function setIP(settings: any, callback: any): void; /** * The `settings` object must contain the following properties. * * `ip` IP address as string (e.g. "") * * `gw` The network gateway as string (e.g. "") * * `netmask` The interface netmask as string (e.g. "") * * @param {any} settings - Configuration settings * @param {any} callback - A `callback(err)` function to invoke when ip is set. `err==null` on success, or a string on failure. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_setAPIP */ function setAPIP(settings: any, callback: any): void; /** * Issues a ping to the given host, and calls a callback with the time when the * ping is received. * * @param {any} hostname - The host to ping * @param {any} callback - A `callback(time)` function to invoke when a ping is received * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_ping */ function ping(hostname: any, callback: any): void; /** * Switch to using a higher communication speed with the WiFi module. * * `true` = 921600 baud * * `false` = 115200 * * `1843200` (or any number) = use a specific baud rate. * e.g. * `wifi.turbo(true,callback)` or `wifi.turbo(1843200,callback)` * * @param {any} enable - true (or a baud rate as a number) to enable, false to disable * @param {any} callback - A `callback()` function to invoke when turbo mode has been set * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Wifi_turbo */ function turbo(enable: any, callback: any): void; } /** * Library that initialises a network device that calls into JavaScript * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#NetworkJS */ declare module "NetworkJS" { /** * Initialise the network using the callbacks given and return the first argument. * For instance: * ``` * require("NetworkJS").create({ * create : function(host, port, socketType, options) { * // Create a socket and return its index, host is a string, port is an integer. * // If host isn't defined, create a server socket * console.log("Create",host,port); * return 1; * }, * close : function(sckt) { * // Close the socket. returns nothing * }, * accept : function(sckt) { * // Accept the connection on the server socket. Returns socket number or -1 if no connection * return -1; * }, * recv : function(sckt, maxLen, socketType) { * // Receive data. Returns a string (even if empty). * // If non-string returned, socket is then closed * return null;//or ""; * }, * send : function(sckt, data, socketType) { * // Send data (as string). Returns the number of bytes sent - 0 is ok. * // Less than 0 * return data.length; * } * }); * ``` * `socketType` is an integer - 2 for UDP, or see SocketType in * https://github.com/espruino/Espruino/blob/master/libs/network/network.h for more * information. * * @param {any} obj - An object containing functions to access the network device * @returns {any} The object passed in * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NetworkJS_create */ function create(obj: any): any; } /** * This library allows you to create http servers and make http requests * In order to use this, you will need an extra module to get network connectivity * such as the [TI CC3000](/CC3000) or [WIZnet W5500](/WIZnet). * This is designed to be a cut-down version of the [node.js * library](http://nodejs.org/api/http.html). Please see the [Internet](/Internet) * page for more information on how to use it. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#http */ declare module "http" { /** * Create an HTTP Server * When a request to the server is made, the callback is called. In the callback * you can use the methods on the response (`httpSRs`) to send data. You can also * add `request.on('data',function() { ... })` to listen for POSTed data * * @param {any} callback - A function(request,response) that will be called when a connection is made * @returns {any} Returns a new httpSrv object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_http_createServer */ function createServer(callback: any): httpSrv; /** * Create an HTTP Request - `end()` must be called on it to complete the operation. * `options` is of the form: * ``` * var options = { * host: 'example.com', // host name * port: 80, // (optional) port, defaults to 80 * path: '/', // path sent to server * method: 'GET', // HTTP command sent to server (must be uppercase 'GET', 'POST', etc) * protocol: 'http:', // optional protocol - https: or http: * headers: { key : value, key : value } // (optional) HTTP headers * }; * var req = require("http").request(options, function(res) { * res.on('data', function(data) { * console.log("HTTP> "+data); * }); * res.on('close', function(data) { * console.log("Connection closed"); * }); * }); * // You can req.write(...) here if your request requires data to be sent. * req.end(); // called to finish the HTTP request and get the response * ``` * You can easily pre-populate `options` from a URL using `var options = * url.parse("http://www.example.com/foo.html")` * There's an example of using [`http.request` for HTTP POST * here](/Internet#http-post) * **Note:** if TLS/HTTPS is enabled, options can have `ca`, `key` and `cert` * fields. See `tls.connect` for more information about these and how to use them. * * @param {any} options - An object containing host,port,path,method,headers fields (and also ca,key,cert if HTTPS is enabled) * @param {any} callback - A function(res) that will be called when a connection is made. You can then call `res.on('data', function(data) { ... })` and `res.on('close', function() { ... })` to deal with the response. * @returns {any} Returns a new httpCRq object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_http_request */ function request(options: any, callback: any): httpCRq; /** * Request a webpage over HTTP - a convenience function for `http.request()` that * makes sure the HTTP command is 'GET', and that calls `end` automatically. * ``` * require("http").get("http://pur3.co.uk/hello.txt", function(res) { * res.on('data', function(data) { * console.log("HTTP> "+data); * }); * res.on('close', function(data) { * console.log("Connection closed"); * }); * }); * ``` * See `http.request()` and [the Internet page](/Internet) and ` for more usage * examples. * * @param {any} options - A simple URL, or an object containing host,port,path,method fields * @param {any} callback - A function(res) that will be called when a connection is made. You can then call `res.on('data', function(data) { ... })` and `res.on('close', function() { ... })` to deal with the response. * @returns {any} Returns a new httpCRq object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_http_get */ function get(options: any, callback: any): httpCRq; } /** * Library for communication with the WIZnet Ethernet module * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#WIZnet */ declare module "WIZnet" { /** * Initialise the WIZnet module and return an Ethernet object * * @param {any} spi - Device to use for SPI (or undefined to use the default) * @param {Pin} cs - The pin to use for Chip Select * @returns {any} An Ethernet Object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_WIZnet_connect */ function connect(spi: any, cs: Pin): Ethernet; } /** * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#CC3000 */ declare module "CC3000" { /** * Initialise the CC3000 and return a WLAN object * * @param {any} spi - Device to use for SPI (or undefined to use the default). SPI should be 1,000,000 baud, and set to 'mode 1' * @param {Pin} cs - The pin to use for Chip Select * @param {Pin} en - The pin to use for Enable * @param {Pin} irq - The pin to use for Interrupts * @returns {any} A WLAN Object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_CC3000_connect */ function connect(spi: any, cs: Pin, en: Pin, irq: Pin): WLAN; } /** * This library implements a telnet console for the Espruino interpreter. It * requires a network connection, e.g. Wifi, and **currently only functions on the * ESP8266 and on Linux **. It uses port 23 on the ESP8266 and port 2323 on Linux. * **Note:** To enable on Linux, run `./espruino --telnet` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#TelnetServer */ declare module "TelnetServer" { /** * * @param {any} options - Options controlling the telnet console server `{ mode : 'on|off'}` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_TelnetServer_setOptions */ function setOptions(options: any): void; } /** * This library handles interfacing with a FAT32 filesystem on an SD card. The API * is designed to be similar to node.js's - However Espruino does not currently * support asynchronous file IO, so the functions behave like node.js's xxxxSync * functions. Versions of the functions with 'Sync' after them are also provided * for compatibility. * To use this, you must type ```var fs = require('fs')``` to get access to the * library * See [the page on File IO](http://www.espruino.com/File+IO) for more information, * and for examples on wiring up an SD card if your device doesn't come with one. * **Note:** If you want to remove an SD card after you have started using it, you * *must* call `E.unmountSD()` or you may cause damage to the card. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#fs */ declare module "fs" { /** * List all files in the supplied directory, returning them as an array of strings. * NOTE: Espruino does not yet support Async file IO, so this function behaves like * the 'Sync' version. * * @param {any} path - The path of the directory to list. If it is not supplied, '' is assumed, which will list the root directory * @returns {any} An array of filename strings (or undefined if the directory couldn't be listed) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_fs_readdir */ function readdir(path: any): any; /** * List all files in the supplied directory, returning them as an array of strings. * * @param {any} path - The path of the directory to list. If it is not supplied, '' is assumed, which will list the root directory * @returns {any} An array of filename strings (or undefined if the directory couldn't be listed) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_fs_readdirSync */ function readdirSync(path: any): any; /** * Write the data to the given file * NOTE: Espruino does not yet support Async file IO, so this function behaves like * the 'Sync' version. * * @param {any} path - The path of the file to write * @param {any} data - The data to write to the file * @returns {boolean} True on success, false on failure * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_fs_writeFile */ function writeFile(path: any, data: any): boolean; /** * Write the data to the given file * * @param {any} path - The path of the file to write * @param {any} data - The data to write to the file * @returns {boolean} True on success, false on failure * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_fs_writeFileSync */ function writeFileSync(path: any, data: any): boolean; /** * Append the data to the given file, created a new file if it doesn't exist * NOTE: Espruino does not yet support Async file IO, so this function behaves like * the 'Sync' version. * * @param {any} path - The path of the file to write * @param {any} data - The data to write to the file * @returns {boolean} True on success, false on failure * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_fs_appendFile */ function appendFile(path: any, data: any): boolean; /** * Append the data to the given file, created a new file if it doesn't exist * * @param {any} path - The path of the file to write * @param {any} data - The data to write to the file * @returns {boolean} True on success, false on failure * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_fs_appendFileSync */ function appendFileSync(path: any, data: any): boolean; /** * Read all data from a file and return as a string * NOTE: Espruino does not yet support Async file IO, so this function behaves like * the 'Sync' version. * * @param {any} path - The path of the file to read * @returns {any} A string containing the contents of the file (or undefined if the file doesn't exist) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_fs_readFile */ function readFile(path: any): any; /** * Read all data from a file and return as a string. * **Note:** The size of files you can load using this method is limited by the * amount of available RAM. To read files a bit at a time, see the `File` class. * * @param {any} path - The path of the file to read * @returns {any} A string containing the contents of the file (or undefined if the file doesn't exist) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_fs_readFileSync */ function readFileSync(path: any): any; /** * Delete the given file * NOTE: Espruino does not yet support Async file IO, so this function behaves like * the 'Sync' version. * * @param {any} path - The path of the file to delete * @returns {boolean} True on success, or false on failure * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_fs_unlink */ function unlink(path: any): boolean; /** * Delete the given file * * @param {any} path - The path of the file to delete * @returns {boolean} True on success, or false on failure * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_fs_unlinkSync */ function unlinkSync(path: any): boolean; /** * Return information on the given file. This returns an object with the following * fields: * size: size in bytes dir: a boolean specifying if the file is a directory or not * mtime: A Date structure specifying the time the file was last modified * * @param {any} path - The path of the file to get information on * @returns {any} An object describing the file, or undefined on failure * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_fs_statSync */ function statSync(path: any): any; /** * Create the directory * NOTE: Espruino does not yet support Async file IO, so this function behaves like * the 'Sync' version. * * @param {any} path - The name of the directory to create * @returns {boolean} True on success, or false on failure * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_fs_mkdir */ function mkdir(path: any): boolean; /** * Create the directory * * @param {any} path - The name of the directory to create * @returns {boolean} True on success, or false on failure * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_fs_mkdirSync */ function mkdirSync(path: any): boolean; /** * * @param {any} source - The source file/stream that will send content. * @param {any} destination - The destination file/stream that will receive content from the source. * @param {any} [options] * [optional] An object `{ chunkSize : int=64, end : bool=true, complete : function }` * chunkSize : The amount of data to pipe from source to destination at a time * complete : a function to call when the pipe activity is complete * end : call the 'end' function on the destination when the source is finished * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_fs_pipe */ function pipe(source: any, destination: any, options?: any): void; } /** * This library provides TV out capability on the Espruino and Espruino Pico. * See the [Television](/Television) page for more information. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#tv */ declare module "tv" { /** * This initialises the TV output. Options for PAL are as follows: * ``` * var g = require('tv').setup({ type : "pal", * video : A7, // Pin - SPI MOSI Pin for Video output (MUST BE SPI1) * sync : A6, // Pin - Timer pin to use for video sync * width : 384, * height : 270, // max 270 * }); * ``` * and for VGA: * ``` * var g = require('tv').setup({ type : "vga", * video : A7, // Pin - SPI MOSI Pin for Video output (MUST BE SPI1) * hsync : A6, // Pin - Timer pin to use for video sync * vsync : A5, // Pin - pin to use for video sync * width : 220, * height : 240, * repeat : 2, // amount of times to repeat each line * }); * ``` * or * ``` * var g = require('tv').setup({ type : "vga", * video : A7, // Pin - SPI MOSI Pin for Video output (MUST BE SPI1) * hsync : A6, // Pin - Timer pin to use for video sync * vsync : A5, // Pin - pin to use for video sync * width : 220, * height : 480, * repeat : 1, // amount of times to repeat each line * }); * ``` * See the [Television](/Television) page for more information. * * @param {any} options - Various options for the TV output * @param {number} width * @returns {any} A graphics object * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_tv_setup */ function setup(options: any, width: number): any; } /** * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#tensorflow */ declare module "tensorflow" { /** * * @param {number} arenaSize - The TensorFlow Arena size * @param {any} model - The model to use - this should be a flat array/string * @returns {any} A tensorflow instance * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_tensorflow_create */ function create(arenaSize: number, model: any): TFMicroInterpreter; } /** * Simple library for compression/decompression using * [heatshrink](https://github.com/atomicobject/heatshrink), an * [LZSS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lempel%E2%80%93Ziv%E2%80%93Storer%E2%80%93Szymanski) * compression tool. * Espruino uses heatshrink internally to compress RAM down to fit in Flash memory * when `save()` is used. This just exposes that functionality. * Functions here take and return buffers of data. There is no support for * streaming, so both the compressed and decompressed data must be able to fit in * memory at the same time. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#heatshrink */ declare module "heatshrink" { /** * * @param {any} data - The data to compress * @returns {any} Returns the result as an ArrayBuffer * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_heatshrink_compress */ function compress(data: any): ArrayBuffer; /** * * @param {any} data - The data to decompress * @returns {any} Returns the result as an ArrayBuffer * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_heatshrink_decompress */ function decompress(data: any): ArrayBuffer; } /** * This module allows you to read and write the nonvolatile flash memory of your * device. * Also see the `Storage` library, which provides a safer file-like interface to * nonvolatile storage. * It should be used with extreme caution, as it is easy to overwrite parts of * Flash memory belonging to Espruino or even its bootloader. If you damage the * bootloader then you may need external hardware such as a USB-TTL converter to * restore it. For more information on restoring the bootloader see `Advanced * Reflashing` in your board's reference pages. * To see which areas of memory you can and can't overwrite, look at the values * reported by `process.memory()`. * **Note:** On Nordic platforms there are checks in place to help you avoid * 'bricking' your device be damaging the bootloader. You can disable these with * `E.setFlags({unsafeFlash:1})` * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Flash */ declare module "Flash" { /** * Returns the start and length of the flash page containing the given address. * * @param {number} addr - An address in memory * @returns {any} An object of the form `{ addr : #, length : #}`, where `addr` is the start address of the page, and `length` is the length of it (in bytes). Returns undefined if no page at address * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Flash_getPage */ function getPage(addr: number): any; /** * This method returns an array of objects of the form `{addr : #, length : #}`, * representing contiguous areas of flash memory in the chip that are not used for * anything. * The memory areas returned are on page boundaries. This means that you can safely * erase the page containing any address here, and you won't risk deleting part of * the Espruino firmware. * @returns {any} Array of objects with `addr` and `length` properties * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Flash_getFree */ function getFree(): any; /** * Erase a page of flash memory * * @param {any} addr - An address in the page that is to be erased * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Flash_erasePage */ function erasePage(addr: any): void; /** * Write data into memory at the given address * In flash memory you may only turn bits that are 1 into bits that are 0. If * you're writing data into an area that you have already written (so `read` * doesn't return all `0xFF`) you'll need to call `erasePage` to clear the entire * page. * * @param {any} data - The data to write * @param {number} addr - The address to start writing from * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Flash_write */ function write(data: any, addr: number): void; /** * Read flash memory from the given address * * @param {number} length - The amount of data to read (in bytes) * @param {number} addr - The address to start reading from * @returns {any} A Uint8Array of data * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Flash_read */ function read(length: number, addr: number): any; } /** * This module allows you to read and write part of the nonvolatile flash memory of * your device using a filesystem-like API. * Also see the `Flash` library, which provides a low level, more dangerous way to * access all parts of your flash memory. * The `Storage` library provides two distinct types of file: * * `require("Storage").write(...)`/`require("Storage").read(...)`/etc create * simple contiguous files of fixed length. This is the recommended file type. * * `require("Storage").open(...)` creates a `StorageFile`, which stores the file * in numbered chunks (`"filename\1"`/`"filename\2"`/etc). It allows data to be * appended and for the file to be read line by line. * You must read a file using the same method you used to write it - e.g. you can't * create a file with `require("Storage").open(...)` and then read it with * `require("Storage").read(...)`. * **Note:** In firmware 2v05 and later, the maximum length for filenames is 28 * characters. However in 2v04 and earlier the max length is 8. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Storage */ declare module "Storage" { /** * Erase the flash storage area. This will remove all files created with * `require("Storage").write(...)` as well as any code saved with `save()` or * `E.setBootCode()`. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Storage_eraseAll */ function eraseAll(): void; /** * Erase a single file from the flash storage area. * **Note:** This function should be used with normal files, and not `StorageFile`s * created with `require("Storage").open(filename, ...)` * * @param {any} name - The filename - max 28 characters (case sensitive) * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Storage_erase */ function erase(name: string): void; /** * Read a file from the flash storage area that has been written with * `require("Storage").write(...)`. * This function returns a memory-mapped String that points to the actual memory * area in read-only memory, so it won't use up RAM. * As such you can check if a file exists efficiently using * `require("Storage").read(filename)!==undefined`. * If you evaluate this string with `eval`, any functions contained in the String * will keep their code stored in flash memory. * **Note:** This function should be used with normal files, and not `StorageFile`s * created with `require("Storage").open(filename, ...)` * * @param {any} name - The filename - max 28 characters (case sensitive) * @param {number} [offset] - [optional] The offset in bytes to start from * @param {number} [length] - [optional] The length to read in bytes (if <=0, the entire file is read) * @returns {any} A string of data, or `undefined` if the file is not found * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Storage_read */ function read(name: string, offset?: number, length?: number): string | undefined; /** * Read a file from the flash storage area that has been written with * `require("Storage").write(...)`, and parse JSON in it into a JavaScript object. * This is identical to `JSON.parse(require("Storage").read(...))`. It will throw * an exception if the data in the file is not valid JSON. * **Note:** This function should be used with normal files, and not `StorageFile`s * created with `require("Storage").open(filename, ...)` * * @param {any} name - The filename - max 28 characters (case sensitive) * @param {boolean} noExceptions - If true and the JSON is not valid, just return `undefined` - otherwise an `Exception` is thrown * @returns {any} An object containing parsed JSON from the file, or undefined * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Storage_readJSON */ function readJSON(name: string, noExceptions: boolean): any; /** * Read a file from the flash storage area that has been written with * `require("Storage").write(...)`, and return the raw binary data as an * ArrayBuffer. * This can be used: * * In a `DataView` with `new DataView(require("Storage").readArrayBuffer("x"))` * * In a `Uint8Array/Float32Array/etc` with `new * Uint8Array(require("Storage").readArrayBuffer("x"))` * **Note:** This function should be used with normal files, and not `StorageFile`s * created with `require("Storage").open(filename, ...)` * * @param {any} name - The filename - max 28 characters (case sensitive) * @returns {any} An ArrayBuffer containing data from the file, or undefined * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Storage_readArrayBuffer */ function readArrayBuffer(name: string): ArrayBuffer | undefined; /** * Write/create a file in the flash storage area. This is nonvolatile and will not * disappear when the device resets or power is lost. * Simply write `require("Storage").write("MyFile", "Some data")` to write a new * file, and `require("Storage").read("MyFile")` to read it. * If you supply: * * A String, it will be written as-is * * An array, will be written as a byte array (but read back as a String) * * An object, it will automatically be converted to a JSON string before being * written. * **Note:** If an array is supplied it will not be converted to JSON. To be * explicit about the conversion you can use `Storage.writeJSON` * You may also create a file and then populate data later **as long as you don't * try and overwrite data that already exists**. For instance: * ``` * var f = require("Storage"); * f.write("a","Hello",0,14); * f.write("a"," ",5); * f.write("a","World!!!",6); * print(f.read("a")); // "Hello World!!!" * f.write("a"," ",0); // Writing to location 0 again will cause the file to be re-written * print(f.read("a")); // " " * ``` * This can be useful if you've got more data to write than you have RAM * available - for instance the Web IDE uses this method to write large files into * onboard storage. * **Note:** This function should be used with normal files, and not `StorageFile`s * created with `require("Storage").open(filename, ...)` * * @param {any} name - The filename - max 28 characters (case sensitive) * @param {any} data - The data to write * @param {number} [offset] - [optional] The offset within the file to write * @param {number} [size] - [optional] The size of the file (if a file is to be created that is bigger than the data) * @returns {boolean} True on success, false on failure * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Storage_write */ function write(name: string | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView | number[] | object, data: any, offset?: number, size?: number): boolean; /** * Write/create a file in the flash storage area. This is nonvolatile and will not * disappear when the device resets or power is lost. * Simply write `require("Storage").writeJSON("MyFile", [1,2,3])` to write a new * file, and `require("Storage").readJSON("MyFile")` to read it. * This is equivalent to: `require("Storage").write(name, JSON.stringify(data))` * **Note:** This function should be used with normal files, and not `StorageFile`s * created with `require("Storage").open(filename, ...)` * * @param {any} name - The filename - max 28 characters (case sensitive) * @param {any} data - The JSON data to write * @returns {boolean} True on success, false on failure * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Storage_writeJSON */ function writeJSON(name: string, data: any): boolean; /** * List all files in the flash storage area. An array of Strings is returned. * By default this lists files created by `StorageFile` (`require("Storage").open`) * which have a file number (`"\1"`/`"\2"`/etc) appended to them. * ``` * // All files * require("Storage").list() * // Files ending in '.js' * require("Storage").list(/\.js$/) * // All Storage Files * require("Storage").list(undefined, {sf:true}) * // All normal files (e.g. created with Storage.write) * require("Storage").list(undefined, {sf:false}) * ``` * **Note:** This will output system files (e.g. saved code) as well as files that * you may have written. * * @param {any} [regex] - [optional] If supplied, filenames are checked against this regular expression (with `String.match(regexp)`) to see if they match before being returned * @param {any} [filter] - [optional] If supplied, File Types are filtered based on this: `{sf:true}` or `{sf:false}` for whether to show StorageFile * @returns {any} An array of filenames * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Storage_list */ function list(regex?: RegExp, filter?: { sf: boolean }): string[]; /** * List all files in the flash storage area matching the specified regex (ignores * StorageFiles), and then hash their filenames *and* file locations. * Identical files may have different hashes (e.g. if Storage is compacted and the * file moves) but the changes of different files having the same hash are * extremely small. * ``` * // Hash files * require("Storage").hash() * // Files ending in '.boot.js' * require("Storage").hash(/\.boot\.js$/) * ``` * **Note:** This function is used by Bangle.js as a way to cache files. For * instance the bootloader will add all `.boot.js` files together into a single * `.boot0` file, but it needs to know quickly whether anything has changed. * * @param {any} [regex] - [optional] If supplied, filenames are checked against this regular expression (with `String.match(regexp)`) to see if they match before being hashed * @returns {number} A hash of the files matching * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Storage_hash */ function hash(regex: RegExp): number; /** * The Flash Storage system is journaling. To make the most of the limited write * cycles of Flash memory, Espruino marks deleted/replaced files as garbage and * moves on to a fresh part of flash memory. Espruino only fully erases those files * when it is running low on flash, or when `compact` is called. * `compact` may fail if there isn't enough RAM free on the stack to use as swap * space, however in this case it will not lose data. * **Note:** `compact` rearranges the contents of memory. If code is referencing * that memory (e.g. functions that have their code stored in flash) then they may * become garbled when compaction happens. To avoid this, call `eraseFiles` before * uploading data that you intend to reference to ensure that uploaded files are * right at the start of flash and cannot be compacted further. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Storage_compact */ function compact(): void; /** * This writes information about all blocks in flash memory to the console - and is * only useful for debugging flash storage. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Storage_debug */ function debug(): void; /** * Return the amount of free bytes available in Storage. Due to fragmentation there * may be more bytes available, but this represents the maximum size of file that * can be written. * @returns {number} The amount of free bytes * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Storage_getFree */ function getFree(): number; /** * Returns: * ``` * { * totalBytes // Amount of bytes in filesystem * freeBytes // How many bytes are left at the end of storage? * fileBytes // How many bytes of allocated files do we have? * fileCount // How many allocated files do we have? * trashBytes // How many bytes of trash files do we have? * trashCount // How many trash files do we have? * } * ``` * @returns {any} An object containing info about the current Storage system * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Storage_getStats */ function getStats(): any; /** * Writes a lookup table for files into Bangle.js's storage. This allows any file * stored up to that point to be accessed quickly. * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Storage_optimise */ function optimise(): void; /** * Open a file in the Storage area. This can be used for appending data * (normal read/write operations only write the entire file). * Please see `StorageFile` for more information (and examples). * **Note:** These files write through immediately - they do not need closing. * * @param {any} name - The filename - max **27** characters (case sensitive) * @param {any} mode - The open mode - must be either `'r'` for read,`'w'` for write , or `'a'` for append * @returns {any} An object containing {read,write,erase} * @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Storage_open */ function open(name: string, mode: "r" | "w" | "a"): StorageFile; }