var exports = {}; /* Module that allows for loading of clock 'info' displays that can be scrolled through on the clock face. `load()` returns an array of menu objects, where each object contains a list of menu items: * 'name' : text to display and identify menu object (e.g. weather) * 'img' : a 24x24px image * 'items' : menu items such as temperature, humidity, wind etc. Note that each item is an object with: * '' : friendly name to identify an item (e.g. temperature) * 'item.hasRange' : if `true`, `.get` returns `v/min/max` values (for progress bar/guage) * 'item.get' : function that resolves with: { 'text' : the text to display for this item 'img' : a 24x24px image to display for this item 'v' : (if hasRange==true) a numerical value 'min','max' : (if hasRange==true) a minimum and maximum numerical value (if this were to be displayed as a guage) } * '' : called when item should be shown. Enables updates. Call BEFORE 'get' * 'item.hide' : called when item should be hidden. Disables updates. * .on('redraw', ...) : event that is called when 'get' should be called again (only after '') * '' : (optional) called if the info screen is tapped - can perform some action. Return true if the caller should feedback the user. See the bottom of this file for example usage... example.clkinfo.js : (function() { return { name: "Bangle", img: atob("GBiBAAD+AAH+AAH+AAH+AAH/AAOHAAYBgAwAwBgwYBgwYBgwIBAwOBAwOBgYIBgMYBgAYAwAwAYBgAOHAAH/AAH+AAH+AAH+AAD+AA==") }), items: [ { name : "Item1", get : () => ({ text : "TextOfItem1", v : 10, min : 0, max : 100, img : atob("GBiBAAD+AAH+AAH+AAH+AAH/AAOHAAYBgAwAwBgwYBgwYBgwIBAwOBAwOBgYIBgMYBgAYAwAwAYBgAOHAAH/AAH+AAH+AAH+AAD+AA==") }), show : () => {}, hide : () => {} } ] }; }) // must not have a semi-colon! */ exports.load = function() { // info used for drawing... var hrm = "--"; var alt = "--"; // callbacks (needed for easy removal of listeners) function batteryUpdateHandler() { bangleItems[0].emit("redraw"); } function stepUpdateHandler() { bangleItems[1].emit("redraw"); } function hrmUpdateHandler() { bangleItems[2].emit("redraw"); } function altUpdateHandler() { Bangle.getPressure().then(data=>{ if (!data) return; alt = Math.round(data.altitude) + "m"; bangleItems[3].emit("redraw"); }); } // actual menu var menu = [{ name: "Bangle", img: atob("GBiBAf8B//4B//4B//4B//4A//x4//n+f/P/P+fPn+fPn+fP3+/Px+/Px+fn3+fzn+f/n/P/P/n+f/x4//4A//4B//4B//4B//8B/w=="), items: [ { name : "Battery", hasRange : true, get : () => { let v = E.getBattery(); return { text : v + "%", v : v, min:0, max:100, img : atob(Bangle.isCharging() ? "GBiBAAABgAADwAAHwAAPgACfAAHOAAPkBgHwDwP4Hwf8Pg/+fB//OD//kD//wD//4D//8D//4B//QB/+AD/8AH/4APnwAHAAACAAAA==" : "GBiBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD//+P///IAAAr//Ar//Ar//A7//A7//A7//A7//Ar//AoAAAv///D//+AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==") }}, show : function() { this.interval = setInterval(()=>this.emit('redraw'), 60000); Bangle.on("charging", batteryUpdateHandler); batteryUpdateHandler(); }, hide : function() { clearInterval(this.interval); delete this.interval; Bangle.removeListener("charging", batteryUpdateHandler); }, }, { name : "Steps", hasRange : true, get : () => { let v = Bangle.getHealthStatus("day").steps; return { text : v, v : v, min : 0, max : 10000, // TODO: do we have a target step amount anywhere? img : atob("GBiBAAcAAA+AAA/AAA/AAB/AAB/gAA/g4A/h8A/j8A/D8A/D+AfH+AAH8AHn8APj8APj8AHj4AHg4AADAAAHwAAHwAAHgAAHgAADAA==") }}, show : function() { Bangle.on("step", stepUpdateHandler); stepUpdateHandler(); }, hide : function() { Bangle.removeListener("step", stepUpdateHandler); }, }, { name : "HRM", hasRange : true, get : () => { let v = Math.round(Bangle.getHealthStatus("last").bpm); return { text : v + " bpm", v : v, min : 40, max : 200, img : atob("GBiBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADAAADAAAHAAAHjAAHjgAPngH9n/n82/gA+AAA8AAA8AAAcAAAYAAAYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==") }}, show : function() { Bangle.setHRMPower(1,"clkinfo"); Bangle.on("HRM", hrmUpdateHandler); hrm = Math.round(Bangle.getHealthStatus("last").bpm); hrmUpdateHandler(); }, hide : function() { Bangle.setHRMPower(0,"clkinfo"); Bangle.removeListener("HRM", hrmUpdateHandler); hrm = "--"; }, } ], }]; var bangleItems = menu[0].items; if (Bangle.getPressure){ // Altimeter may not exist bangleItems.push({ name : "Altitude", get : () => ({ text : alt, v : alt, img : atob("GBiBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAAAGAAAPAAEZgAOwwAPwQAZgYAwAMBgAGBAACDAADGAABv///////wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==") }), show : function() { this.interval = setInterval(altUpdateHandler, 60000); alt = "--"; altUpdateHandler(); }, hide : function() { clearInterval(this.interval); delete this.interval; }, }); } // In case there exists already a menu object b with the same name as the next // object a, we append the items. Otherwise we add the new object a to the list. require("Storage").list(/clkinfo.js$/).forEach(fn => { try{ var a = eval(require("Storage").read(fn))(); var b = menu.find(x => === if(b) b.items = b.items.concat(a.items); else menu = menu.concat(a); } catch(e){ console.log("Could not load clock info.") } }); // return it all! return menu; }; /** Adds an interactive menu that could be used on a clock face by swiping. Simply supply the menu data (from .load) and a function to draw the clock info. For example: var clockInfoMenu = require("clock_info").addInteractive(require("clock_info").load(), (itm, info) => { var y = 0; g.reset().setFont("6x8:2").setFontAlign(-1,0); g.clearRect(0,y,g.getWidth(),y+23); g.drawImage(info.img, 0,y); g.drawString(info.text, 48,y+12); }); Then if you need to unload the clock info so it no longer uses memory or responds to swipes, you can call clockInfoMenu.remove() and delete clockInfoMenu */ exports.addInteractive = function(menu, drawFn) { if (!menu.length || !menu[0].items.length) return; // no info var menuA = 0, menuB = 0; function menuShowItem(itm) { itm.on('redraw', ()=>drawFn(itm, itm.get()));; itm.emit("redraw"); } // handling for swipe between menu items function swipeHandler(lr,ud){ var oldMenuItem; if (ud) { if (menu[menuA].items.length==1) return; // 1 item - can't move oldMenuItem = menu[menuA].items[menuB]; menuB += ud; if (menuB<0) menuB = menu[menuA].items.length-1; if (menuB>=menu[menuA].items.length) menuB = 0; } else if (lr) { if (menu.length==1) return; // 1 item - can't move oldMenuItem = menu[menuA].items[menuB]; menuA += ud; if (menuA<0) menuA = menu.length-1; if (menuA>=menu.length) menuA = 0; menuB = 0; } if (oldMenuItem) { oldMenuItem.hide(); oldMenuItem.removeAllListeners("draw"); menuShowItem(menu[menuA].items[menuB]); } } Bangle.on("swipe",swipeHandler); // draw the first item menuShowItem(menu[menuA].items[menuB]); // return an object with info that can be used to remove the info return { remove : function() { Bangle.removeListener("swipe",swipeHandler); menu[menuA].items[menuB].hide(); } }; }; // Code for testing (plots all elements from first list) /* g.clear(); var menu = exports.load(); // or require("clock_info").load() var items = menu[0].items; items.forEach((itm,i) => { var y = i*24; console.log("Starting",; function draw() { var info = itm.get(); g.reset().setFont("6x8:2").setFontAlign(-1,0); g.clearRect(0,y,g.getWidth(),y+23); g.drawImage(info.img, 0,y); g.drawString(info.text, 48,y+12); } itm.on('redraw', draw); // ensures we redraw when we need to; draw(); }); */