const is12Hour = (require("Storage").readJSON("setting.json",1)||{})["12hour"]; const locale = require("locale"); function padNum(n, l) { return ("0".repeat(l)+n).substr(-l); } let rects = {}; let rectsToClear = {}; let commands = []; function pushCommand(command) { let hash = E.CRC32(E.toJS(arguments)); if (!delete rectsToClear[hash]) { commands.push({hash: hash, command: Function.apply.bind(command, null, arguments.slice(1))}); } } function executeCommands() { "ram"; for (let hash in rectsToClear) delete rects[hash]; for (let r of rectsToClear) if (r) g.clearRect(r.x1, r.y1, r.x2, r.y2); g.getModified(true); for (let c of commands) { c.command(); rects[c.hash] = g.getModified(true); } rectsToClear = Object.assign({}, rects); commands = []; } function drawVectorText(text, size, x, y, alignX, alignY) { g.setFont("Vector", size).setFontAlign(alignX, alignY).drawString(text, x, y); } function draw() { g.reset(); let d = new Date(); let hours = is12Hour ? ((d.getHours() + 11) % 12) + 1 : d.getHours(); let timeText = `${hours}:${padNum(d.getMinutes(), 2)}`; let meridian = is12Hour ? ((d.getHours() < 12) ? "AM" : "PM") : ""; let secondsText = padNum(d.getSeconds(), 2); let dowText = locale.dow(d); let dateText =, true); g.setFont("Vector", 256); let timeFontSize = g.getWidth() / ((g.stringWidth(timeText) / 256) + (Math.max(g.stringWidth(meridian), g.stringWidth(secondsText)) / 512 * 9 / 10)); let dowFontSize = g.getWidth() / (g.stringWidth(dowText) / 256); let dateFontSize = g.getWidth() / (g.stringWidth(dateText) / 256); let timeHeight = g.setFont("Vector", timeFontSize).getFontHeight() * 9 / 10; let dowHeight = g.setFont("Vector", dowFontSize).getFontHeight(); let dateHeight = g.setFont("Vector", dateFontSize).getFontHeight(); let remainingHeight = g.getHeight() - 24 - timeHeight - dowHeight - dateHeight; let spacer = remainingHeight / 4; let y = 24 + spacer; pushCommand(drawVectorText, timeText, timeFontSize, 0, y, -1, -1); pushCommand(drawVectorText, meridian, timeFontSize*9/20, g.getWidth(), y, 1, -1); pushCommand(drawVectorText, secondsText, timeFontSize*9/20, g.getWidth(), y + timeHeight, 1, 1); y += timeHeight + spacer; pushCommand(drawVectorText, dowText, dowFontSize, g.getWidth()/2, y, 0, -1); y += dowHeight + spacer; pushCommand(drawVectorText, dateText, dateFontSize, g.getWidth()/2, y, 0, -1); executeCommands(); } let timeout; function tick() { draw(); timeout = setTimeout(tick, 1000 - getTime() % 1 * 1000); } Bangle.on('lcdPower', function(on) { if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; if (on) tick(); }); g.clear(); tick(); Bangle.loadWidgets(); Bangle.drawWidgets(); // Show launcher when middle button pressed Bangle.setUI("clock");