const black = "#000000"; const white = "#ffffff"; const gray1 = "#444444"; const gray2 = "#888888"; const gray3 = "#bbbbbb"; const red = "#FF0000"; const green = "#00FF00"; const blue = "#0000FF"; const transp = -1; const abc = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890"; // const abc_up = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"; const uppercase = 1; var last_layer = false; // set to true at the last layer of the tree let chunk_size = 6; const font_height = 2; const global_font = "Dennis8"; require("FontDennis8").add(Graphics); const editable_buf = "Scribble"; const left = 3; const _screen_mid = g.getWidth() / 2; const right = 176 - 4; const box_size = { w: _screen_mid - 6, h: 46, }; const spacing = 4; const border = 4; const top_start = 25; const pos_y = [ top_start, top_start + (box_size.h + spacing), top_start + (box_size.h + spacing) * 2, ]; // list of points to render const points = { "3x2": [{ x: left, y: pos_y[0] }, { x: left, y: pos_y[1] }, { x: left, y: pos_y[2] }, { x: _screen_mid + 2, y: pos_y[0] }, { x: _screen_mid + 2, y: pos_y[1] }, { x: _screen_mid + 2, y: pos_y[2] }, ] }; g.theme = { fg: white, bg: black, fg2: white, bg2: black, fgH: black, bgH: red, dark: false, }; const maxX = g.getWidth(); const maxY = g.getHeight(); const fontSize = g.getWidth() > 200 ? 2 : 1; const rowN = 7; const colN = 7; const headerH = maxY / 7; const rowH = (maxY - headerH) / rowN; const colW = maxX / colN; function getRndInteger(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; } class Window { constructor(label, bgCol) { this.label = "win_" this.label += (typeof label !== "undefined") ? label : "Unset"; console.log(`Constructing Window ${this.label}, args: ${arguments}`) this.bgCol = bgCol; this.layers = []; } push(layer) { layer.label=`${this.layers.length}_${layer.label}`; this.layers.push(layer); } pop() { this.layers.pop(); } top_layer() { return this.layers[this.layers.length - 1]; } render() { if (this.bgCol !== transp) { console.log(`${this.label}: filling bg in ${this.bgCol}`); g.setColor(this.bgCol); g.fillRect(0, 0, g.getWidth(), g.getHeight()); } let i = 0; this.layers.forEach((lyr) => { // console.log(`Rendering Layer ${i} ${lyr.label}`) i++; lyr.render(); }); } } class Layer { constructor(label) { this.label = "lyr_" this.label += (typeof label !== "undefined") ? label : "Unset"; console.log(`Constructing Layer ${this.label}, args: ${arguments}`) this.items = []; // console.log(`bg is ${bg} type ${typeof bg}`) } push(button) { this.items.push(button); } setLabel(label) { this.label = label; } parseTaps(xy) { this.items.forEach(item => { // // print(item) if (item.was_tapped(xy)) { // pass parent layer to the tapped button item.callback(this); } }); } render() { this.items.forEach((item) => { item.render(); }); } } class BTN_layer extends Layer { constructor(label, layout) { super();, label) this.alphabet = (uppercase) ? abc.toUpperCase() : abc; console.log(`Constructing BTN_Layer ${this.label}, layout ${this.layout}`) if (layout in points) { this.create_layout(layout); } else { throw `Invalid layout passed ->[${layout}]`; } // // print(this); } render() {; } create_layout(layout) { console.log(`Creating layout ${layout}`); let start_p = 0; this.items = this.push_buttons(points[layout], this.alphabet, start_p, chunk_size) } push_buttons(points, in_string, start_p) { items = []; spacer = "" // char interposed b/w the two halves of text per button for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { substr = `${in_string.substring( start_p, start_p + chunk_size / 2 )}${spacer}${in_string.substring(start_p + chunk_size / 2, start_p + chunk_size)}`; btn_label = uppercase === 1 ? substr.toUpperCase() : substr; start_p += chunk_size; items.push( new Button( i, // ID of button points[i].x, // left points[i].y, // top btn_label, // text to render in the button box_size.w, // width box_size.h, // height, // box bg white, // box fill black // text col ) ); } return items; } update_labels(in_string, start_p, chk_size) { // print(`Updating labels | in_string ${in_string} start_p ${start_p} chk_size ${chk_size}`); in_string.replace('\n', ''); // remove newlines just in case spacer = "" // char interposed b/w the two halves of text per button for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { item = this.items[i]; substr = (chk_size < 3) ? in_string.substring(start_p + chk_size * i, start_p + (chk_size * (i + 1))) : `${in_string.substring( start_p + chk_size * i, start_p + chk_size * i + chk_size / 2 )}${spacer}${in_string.substring(start_p + chk_size * i + chk_size / 2, start_p + chk_size * i + chk_size)}`; // // print(`(chk_size > 3): ${(chk_size > 3)}`) // print(`Label ${i} -> ${substr}`); item.setLabel(substr); } } zoom_in(id) { let start_p = id * chunk_size; // print(`Zooming in | start_p ${start_p}`) if (chunk_size % this.items.length !== 0) { throw `Chunk size [${chunk_size}] does not fit #btns [${this.items.length}]` } subchunk_size = chunk_size / this.items.length; substr = this.alphabet.substring(start_p, start_p + chunk_size); // print(`substr ${substr}`); // print(`subchunk_size ${subchunk_size}`); this.update_labels(substr, 0, subchunk_size); } } class Button { constructor(id, x, y, text, w, h, col, bgCol, txtCol, font) { = id; this.label = `btn_${}`; this.text = text; this.x1 = x; this.y1 = y; this.w = w; this.h = h; this.col = typeof col !== "undefined" ? col : black; this.bgCol = typeof bgCol !== "undefined" ? bgCol : gray2; this.txtCol = typeof txtCol !== "undefined" ? txtCol : black; // this.font = font; this.x2 = this.x1 + this.w; this.y2 = this.y1 + this.h; = { x: (this.x1 + this.x2) / 2, y: (this.y1 + this.y2) / 2, }; console.log(`Constructed button `) // // print(this); } render() { // console.log( // `Button ${this.text} -> P1: (${this.x1}, ${this.y1}) | P2: (${this.x2}, ${this.y2})` // ); g.setColor(this.bgCol); g.fillRect(this.x1, this.y1, this.x2, this.y2); g.setColor(this.col); g.drawRect(this.x1, this.y1, this.x2, this.y2); g.setColor(this.txtCol); g.setFontAlign(0, 0).setFont(global_font, font_height); g.drawString(this.text,,; } // short tap callback func callback(parent_layer) { // print(`Tapped button ${}`); // this.highlight(); // TODO set up highlighting if (last_layer) { l_text.items[0].text += this.text; // print(`Updated buffer to ${l_text.items[0].text}`) parent_layer.update_labels(parent_layer.alphabet, 0, chunk_size); last_layer = false; } else { parent_layer.zoom_in(; last_layer = true; } } was_tapped(xy) { var x = xy.x; var y = xy.y; if ((x > this.x1 && x < this.x2) && (y > this.y1 && y < this.y2)) { return true; } else { return false; } } setLabel(lbl) { // // print(`Button ${}, updating label ${this.text} with ${lbl}`); this.text = lbl; } getLabel(lbl) { return this.label; } highlight() { g.setColor(g.theme.bgH); g.fillRect(this.x1, this.y1, this.x2, this.y2); g.setColor(g.theme.fgH); g.drawRect(this.x1, this.y1, this.x2, this.y2); g.setColor(this.fg); g.setFontAlign(0, 0).setFont(global_font, font_height); g.drawString(this.text,,; } } class TextBox { constructor(x, y, text, col) { // x and y are the center points this.x = x; this.y = y; this.text = (typeof text !== undefined) ? text : "Default"; this.col = (typeof col !== undefined) ? col : red; // console.log(`Constr TextBox ${this.text} -> Center: (${this.x}, ${this.y}) | Col ${this.col}`); } render() { // console.log(`Rendering TextBox`) var align_center = (0, 1); var align_right = (0, 0); alignment = (g.stringWidth(this.text) < g.getWidth()) ? align_center : align_right; // coords = (g.stringWidth(this.text) < g.getWidth()- 20) ? {x:this.x, y:this.y} : {x:g.getWidth()-border, y:this.y} coords = { x: this.x, y: this.y }; g.setColor(this.col); g.setFontAlign(0, 0).setFont(global_font, font_height); g.drawString(this.text, coords.x, coords.y); } } /* Screen refresh *************************************/ function draw(obj) { console.log("draw()"); obj.render(); } let tickTimer; function clearTickTimer() { if (tickTimer) { clearTimeout(tickTimer); tickTimer = undefined; } } function queueNextTick() { clearTickTimer(); tickTimer = setTimeout(tick, 5000); } function tick() { console.log("tick"); draw(window); // queueNextTick(); } /* Init **********************************************/ var window = new Window("abc", red); var l_btns = new BTN_layer("btns", "3x2"); var l_text = new Layer("text"); // black var box = new TextBox( _screen_mid, 12, editable_buf, white ); l_text.push(box); window.push(l_text); window.push(l_btns); // Set up callbacks for touches Bangle.on('touch', function (button, xy) { window.top_layer().parseTaps(xy); window.render(); }); Bangle.on('swipe', function (direction) { console.log(`Swipe dir ${direction}`); if (direction === -1) { // left l_text.items[0].text = l_text.items[0].text.slice(0, -1); } else if (direction == 1) { // right l_text.items[0].text += ' '; } window.render(); }); // Clear the screen once, at startup g.clear(); // Start ticking tick();