Use the editor below to configure the menu structure displayed in the Bangle app. It is in the JSON format.
The main menu, and any sub-menus, are arrays. They can contain 3 different types of entries (objects) defined by the "type" attribute:
{ "type": "state", "title": "Menu entry title", "id": "HA Entity ID" }The required Entity ID can be looked up in HA under Settings -> Devices & Services -> Entities. For example:
{ "type": "state", "title": "Check for updates", "id": "update.home_assistant_core_update" }
{ "type": "service", "title": "Menu entry title", "domain": "HA Domain", "service": "HA Service", "silent": (true|false), "data": { "key": "value" } }
The required information to call a HA service can be found in HA under the Developer tools -> Services. Use the "Go to YAML Mode" function to see the actual names and values. The domain and service parts are the 2 parts of the service name which are separated by a dot. If the optional "silent" boolean is set to true (false is default), there will be no message in case of a successful call. Any (optional) data key/value pairs can be added under the "data" field. For example, here's a service call YAML:
service: persistent_notification.create data: message: test Notification title: TestThe resulting menu entry (JSON object) should be:
{ "type": "service", "title": "Create Notification", "domain": "persistent_notification", "service": "create", "data": { "message": "test Notification", "title": "Test" } }If the service requires a target, include the "entity_id"/"device_id"/etc. (listed under "target:") also as "data" key/value pairs. For example, if the YAML also includes:
target: device_id: abcd1234... add another "data" key/value pair:
"device_id": "abcd1234"
If that doesn't work, list the device (or entity) ID in an array:
"device_id": [ "abcd1234" ]
Data fields can also have variable input on the Bangle. In that case, don't add the key/value pair under "data", but create an "input" object with entries per "data" key:
{ "key": { "options": [], "value": "", "label": "" } }If "options" is left empty, the preferred text-input (pick your favourite app - I like the dragboard) is called to allow entering a free-form value. Otherwise, list the allowed values in the "options" array. The "value" is the pre-defined/default value. The "label" is optional and can be used to override the label for this key (as displayed on the Bangle). For example:
{ "type": "service", "title": "Custom Notification", "domain": "persistent_notification", "service": "create", "data": { "title": "Fixed" }, "input": { "message": { "options": [], "value": "Pre-filled text" }, "notification_id": { "options": [ "123", "456", "136" ], "value": "999", "label": "ID" } } }In the above example, the "data" will have 3 key/value pairs when the service is called: the "title" is always the same, "message" can be entered via the (free-form) text-input and "notification_id" can be selected from a list of numbers (however, the prompt will be for "ID" and not "notification_id"). If the default value is not listed in "options" (like "999"), it will be added to that list.
{ "type": "menu", "title": "Menu entry / sub-menu title", "data": [] }The "data" needs to be another array of menu entries. For example:
{ "type": "menu", "title": "Sub-menu", "data": [ { "type": "state", "title": "Check for Supervisor updates", "id": "update.home_assistant_supervisor_update" }, { "type": "service", "title": "Restart HA", "domain": "homeassistant", "service": "restart", "data": {} } ] }Sub-menus can contain other sub-menus, so you can have multiple levels of nested menus.