WIDGETS["wdclkbttm"]={area:"br",width:Bangle.CLOCK?0:60,draw:function() { if (!Bangle.CLOCK == !this.width) { // if we're the wrong size for if we have a clock or not... this.width = Bangle.CLOCK?0:60; return setTimeout(Bangle.drawWidgets,1); // widget changed size - redraw } if (!this.width) return; // if not visible, return g.reset().setFont("6x8", 2).setFontAlign(-1, 0).clearRect(this.x, this.y, this.x+this.width-1, this.y+23); var time = require("locale").time(new Date(),1); g.drawString(time, this.x, this.y+11, true); // 5 * 6*2 = 60 // queue draw in one minute if (this.drawTimeout) clearTimeout(this.drawTimeout); this.drawTimeout = setTimeout(()=>{ this.drawTimeout = undefined; this.draw(); }, 60000 - (Date.now() % 60000)); }};