''' * This information is from the Yale Bright Star Catalog. First number is the RA (Right ascension) in radians. Careful because in all * the catalogs this is in Hour angle. We have to convert it to degrees and then to radians. * The second number is the DE (declination) in radians. In this case in the catalogs is in degrees, just convert to radians. * Third number is the aparent magnitude ''' import csv import math with open('starsoriginal.csv') as csv_file: csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',') for row in csv_reader: data_read = [row for row in csv_reader] stars=[] for row in data_read: hours = float(row[0]) min = float(row[1]) seg = float(row[2]) rahours = hours+(min+seg/60)/60 radegress = rahours*360/24 radradians = math.radians(radegress) deg = float(row[3]) dem = float(row[4]) des = float(row[5]) if (deg<0): desex = deg-(dem+des/60)/60 else: desex = deg+(dem+des/60)/60 derad = math.radians(desex) stars.append(['{:.3f}'.format(radradians),'{:.3f}'.format(derad),'{:.1f}'.format(float(row[6])),row[7].strip()]) with open("planetarium.stars.csv", "wt") as fp: writer = csv.writer(fp, delimiter=",") # writer.writerow(["your", "header", "foo"]) # write header writer.writerows(stars)