const medicalinfo = require('medicalinfo').load(); const myprofile = require("Storage").readJSON("myprofile.json",1)||{}; // const medicalinfo = { // bloodType: "O+", // }; function hasAlert(info) { return (Array.isArray(info.medicalAlert)) && (info.medicalAlert[0]); } // No space for widgets! // TODO: no padlock widget visible so prevent screen locking? g.reset().clear(); const bodyFont = g.getFonts().includes("12x20") ? "12x20" : "6x8:2"; g.setFont(bodyFont); const title = hasAlert(medicalinfo) ? "MEDICAL ALERT" : "Medical Information"; var lines = []; lines = g.wrapString(title, g.getWidth() - 10); var titleCnt = lines.length; if (titleCnt) lines.push(""); // add blank line after title if (hasAlert(medicalinfo)) { medicalinfo.medicalAlert.forEach(function (details) { lines = lines.concat(g.wrapString(details, g.getWidth() - 10)); }); lines.push(""); // add blank line after medical alert } if (medicalinfo.bloodType) { lines = lines.concat(g.wrapString("Blood group: " + medicalinfo.bloodType, g.getWidth() - 10)); } if (myprofile.height) { // Prefer height from myprofile if set lines = lines.concat(g.wrapString("Height: " + require("locale").distance(myprofile.height, 2), g.getWidth() - 10)); } else if (medicalinfo.height) { // read height from own settings if previously stored here lines = lines.concat(g.wrapString("Height: " + medicalinfo.height, g.getWidth() - 10)); } if (myprofile.weight) { // Prefer weight from myprofile if set lines = lines.concat(g.wrapString("Weight: " + myprofile.weight + "kg", g.getWidth() - 10)); } else if (medicalinfo.weight) { // read weight from own settings if previously stored here lines = lines.concat(g.wrapString("Weight: " + medicalinfo.weight, g.getWidth() - 10)); } lines.push(""); // TODO: display instructions for updating medical info if there is none! E.showScroller({ h: g.getFontHeight(), // height of each menu item in pixels c: lines.length, // number of menu items // a function to draw a menu item draw: function (idx, r) { // FIXME: in 2v13 onwards, clearRect(r) will work fine. There's a bug in 2v12 g.setBgColor(idx < titleCnt ? g.theme.bg2 : setColor(idx < titleCnt ? g.theme.fg2 : g.theme.fg). clearRect(r.x, r.y, r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h); g.setFont(bodyFont).drawString(lines[idx], r.x, r.y); } }); // Show launcher when button pressed setWatch(() => load(), process.env.HWVERSION === 2 ? BTN : BTN3, { repeat: false, edge: "falling" });