(() => {
// node_modules/vanilla-jsoneditor/standalone.js
var e;
var t;
var n;
var r;
var o;
var i;
var a;
var s;
var c;
var l;
var u;
var f;
var d;
var h;
var v;
var p;
var m;
var g;
var y;
var b;
var k;
var w;
var x;
var j;
var S;
var C;
var $;
var _;
var O;
var M;
var E;
var A;
var P;
var T;
var R;
var N;
var I;
var D;
var q;
var z;
var B;
var L;
var F;
var V;
var H;
var W;
var U;
var J;
var K;
var G;
var Q;
var Y;
var X;
var Z;
var ee;
var te;
var ne;
var re;
var oe;
var ie;
var ae;
var se;
var ce;
var le;
var ue;
var fe;
var de;
var he;
var ve;
var pe;
var me;
var ge;
var ye;
var be;
var ke;
var we;
var xe;
var je;
var Se;
var Ce;
var $e;
var _e;
var Oe;
var Me;
var Ee;
var Ae;
var Pe;
var Te;
var Re;
var Ne;
var Ie;
var De;
var qe;
var ze;
var Be;
var Le;
var Fe;
var Ve;
var He;
var We;
var Ue;
var Je;
var Ke;
var Ge;
var Qe;
var Ye;
var Xe;
var Ze;
var et;
var tt;
var nt;
var rt;
var ot;
var it;
var at;
var st;
var ct;
var lt;
var ut;
var ft;
var dt;
var ht;
var vt;
var pt;
var mt;
var gt;
var yt;
var bt;
var kt;
var wt;
var xt;
var jt;
var St;
var Ct;
var $t;
var _t;
var Ot;
var Mt;
var Et;
var At;
var Pt;
var Tt;
var Rt;
var Nt;
var It;
var Dt;
var qt;
var zt;
var Bt;
var Lt;
var Ft;
var Vt;
var Ht;
var Wt;
var Ut;
var Jt;
var Kt;
var Gt;
var Qt;
var Yt;
var Xt;
var Zt;
var en;
var tn;
var nn;
var rn;
var on;
var an;
var sn;
var cn;
var ln;
var un;
var fn;
var dn;
var hn;
var vn;
var pn;
var mn;
var gn;
var yn;
var bn;
var kn;
var wn;
var xn;
var jn;
var Sn;
var Cn;
var $n;
var _n;
var On;
var Mn;
var En;
var An;
var Pn;
var Tn;
var Rn;
var Nn;
var In;
var Dn;
var qn;
var zn;
var Bn;
var Ln;
var Fn;
var Vn;
var Hn;
var Wn;
var Un;
var Jn;
var Kn;
var Gn;
var Qn;
var Yn;
var Xn;
var Zn;
var er;
var tr;
var nr;
var rr;
var or;
var ir;
var ar;
var sr;
var cr;
var lr;
var ur;
var fr;
var dr;
var hr;
var vr;
var pr;
var mr;
var gr;
var yr;
var br;
var kr;
var wr;
var xr;
var jr;
var Sr;
var Cr;
var $r;
var _r;
var Or;
var Mr;
var Er;
var Ar;
var Pr;
var Tr;
var Rr;
var Nr;
var Ir;
var Dr;
var qr;
var zr;
var Br;
var Lr;
var Fr;
var Vr;
var Hr;
var Wr;
var Ur;
var Jr;
var Kr;
var Gr;
var Qr;
var Yr;
var Xr;
var Zr;
var eo;
var to;
var no;
var ro;
var oo;
var io;
var ao;
var so;
var co;
var lo;
var uo;
var fo;
var ho;
var vo = ["mainAxis", "crossAxis", "fallbackPlacements", "fallbackStrategy", "fallbackAxisSideDirection", "flipAlignment"];
var po = ["mainAxis", "crossAxis", "limiter"];
function mo(e20, t10) {
return t10 || (t10 = e20.slice(0)), Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(e20, { raw: { value: Object.freeze(t10) } }));
function go() {
return go = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get.bind() : function(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = function(e21, t11) {
for (; !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e21, t11) && null !== (e21 = Mo(e21)); )
return e21;
}(e20, t10);
if (r10) {
var o10 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r10, t10);
return o10.get ? o10.get.call(arguments.length < 3 ? e20 : n10) : o10.value;
}, go.apply(this, arguments);
function yo(e20, t10) {
if (null == e20)
return {};
var n10, r10, o10 = function(e21, t11) {
if (null == e21)
return {};
var n11, r11, o11 = {}, i11 = Object.keys(e21);
for (r11 = 0; r11 < i11.length; r11++)
n11 = i11[r11], t11.indexOf(n11) >= 0 || (o11[n11] = e21[n11]);
return o11;
}(e20, t10);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var i10 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e20);
for (r10 = 0; r10 < i10.length; r10++)
n10 = i10[r10], t10.indexOf(n10) >= 0 || Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e20, n10) && (o10[n10] = e20[n10]);
return o10;
function bo(e20, t10) {
var n10 = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && e20[Symbol.iterator] || e20["@@iterator"];
if (!n10) {
if (Array.isArray(e20) || (n10 = Lo(e20)) || t10 && e20 && "number" == typeof e20.length) {
n10 && (e20 = n10);
var r10 = 0, o10 = function() {
return { s: o10, n: function() {
return r10 >= e20.length ? { done: true } : { done: false, value: e20[r10++] };
}, e: function(e21) {
throw e21;
}, f: o10 };
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");
var i10, a10 = true, s10 = false;
return { s: function() {
n10 = n10.call(e20);
}, n: function() {
var e21 = n10.next();
return a10 = e21.done, e21;
}, e: function(e21) {
s10 = true, i10 = e21;
}, f: function() {
try {
a10 || null == n10.return || n10.return();
} finally {
if (s10)
throw i10;
} };
function ko() {
ko = function() {
return t10;
var e20, t10 = {}, n10 = Object.prototype, r10 = n10.hasOwnProperty, o10 = Object.defineProperty || function(e21, t11, n11) {
e21[t11] = n11.value;
}, i10 = "function" == typeof Symbol ? Symbol : {}, a10 = i10.iterator || "@@iterator", s10 = i10.asyncIterator || "@@asyncIterator", c10 = i10.toStringTag || "@@toStringTag";
function l10(e21, t11, n11) {
return Object.defineProperty(e21, t11, { value: n11, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }), e21[t11];
try {
l10({}, "");
} catch (e21) {
l10 = function(e23, t11, n11) {
return e23[t11] = n11;
function u10(e21, t11, n11, r11) {
var i11 = t11 && t11.prototype instanceof g10 ? t11 : g10, a11 = Object.create(i11.prototype), s11 = new E10(r11 || []);
return o10(a11, "_invoke", { value: $10(e21, n11, s11) }), a11;
function f10(e21, t11, n11) {
try {
return { type: "normal", arg: e21.call(t11, n11) };
} catch (e23) {
return { type: "throw", arg: e23 };
t10.wrap = u10;
var d10 = "suspendedStart", h10 = "suspendedYield", v10 = "executing", p10 = "completed", m10 = {};
function g10() {
function y10() {
function b10() {
var k10 = {};
l10(k10, a10, function() {
return this;
var w10 = Object.getPrototypeOf, x10 = w10 && w10(w10(A10([])));
x10 && x10 !== n10 && r10.call(x10, a10) && (k10 = x10);
var j10 = b10.prototype = g10.prototype = Object.create(k10);
function S10(e21) {
["next", "throw", "return"].forEach(function(t11) {
l10(e21, t11, function(e23) {
return this._invoke(t11, e23);
function C10(e21, t11) {
function n11(o11, i12, a11, s11) {
var c11 = f10(e21[o11], e21, i12);
if ("throw" !== c11.type) {
var l11 = c11.arg, u11 = l11.value;
return u11 && "object" == Ho(u11) && r10.call(u11, "__await") ? t11.resolve(u11.__await).then(function(e23) {
n11("next", e23, a11, s11);
}, function(e23) {
n11("throw", e23, a11, s11);
}) : t11.resolve(u11).then(function(e23) {
l11.value = e23, a11(l11);
}, function(e23) {
return n11("throw", e23, a11, s11);
var i11;
o10(this, "_invoke", { value: function(e23, r11) {
function o11() {
return new t11(function(t12, o12) {
n11(e23, r11, t12, o12);
return i11 = i11 ? i11.then(o11, o11) : o11();
} });
function $10(t11, n11, r11) {
var o11 = d10;
return function(i11, a11) {
if (o11 === v10)
throw new Error("Generator is already running");
if (o11 === p10) {
if ("throw" === i11)
throw a11;
return { value: e20, done: true };
for (r11.method = i11, r11.arg = a11; ; ) {
var s11 = r11.delegate;
if (s11) {
var c11 = _10(s11, r11);
if (c11) {
if (c11 === m10)
return c11;
if ("next" === r11.method)
r11.sent = r11._sent = r11.arg;
else if ("throw" === r11.method) {
if (o11 === d10)
throw o11 = p10, r11.arg;
} else
"return" === r11.method && r11.abrupt("return", r11.arg);
o11 = v10;
var l11 = f10(t11, n11, r11);
if ("normal" === l11.type) {
if (o11 = r11.done ? p10 : h10, l11.arg === m10)
return { value: l11.arg, done: r11.done };
"throw" === l11.type && (o11 = p10, r11.method = "throw", r11.arg = l11.arg);
function _10(t11, n11) {
var r11 = n11.method, o11 = t11.iterator[r11];
if (o11 === e20)
return n11.delegate = null, "throw" === r11 && t11.iterator.return && (n11.method = "return", n11.arg = e20, _10(t11, n11), "throw" === n11.method) || "return" !== r11 && (n11.method = "throw", n11.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a '" + r11 + "' method")), m10;
var i11 = f10(o11, t11.iterator, n11.arg);
if ("throw" === i11.type)
return n11.method = "throw", n11.arg = i11.arg, n11.delegate = null, m10;
var a11 = i11.arg;
return a11 ? a11.done ? (n11[t11.resultName] = a11.value, n11.next = t11.nextLoc, "return" !== n11.method && (n11.method = "next", n11.arg = e20), n11.delegate = null, m10) : a11 : (n11.method = "throw", n11.arg = new TypeError("iterator result is not an object"), n11.delegate = null, m10);
function O10(e21) {
var t11 = { tryLoc: e21[0] };
1 in e21 && (t11.catchLoc = e21[1]), 2 in e21 && (t11.finallyLoc = e21[2], t11.afterLoc = e21[3]), this.tryEntries.push(t11);
function M10(e21) {
var t11 = e21.completion || {};
t11.type = "normal", delete t11.arg, e21.completion = t11;
function E10(e21) {
this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: "root" }], e21.forEach(O10, this), this.reset(true);
function A10(t11) {
if (t11 || "" === t11) {
var n11 = t11[a10];
if (n11)
return n11.call(t11);
if ("function" == typeof t11.next)
return t11;
if (!isNaN(t11.length)) {
var o11 = -1, i11 = function n12() {
for (; ++o11 < t11.length; )
if (r10.call(t11, o11))
return n12.value = t11[o11], n12.done = false, n12;
return n12.value = e20, n12.done = true, n12;
return i11.next = i11;
throw new TypeError(Ho(t11) + " is not iterable");
return y10.prototype = b10, o10(j10, "constructor", { value: b10, configurable: true }), o10(b10, "constructor", { value: y10, configurable: true }), y10.displayName = l10(b10, c10, "GeneratorFunction"), t10.isGeneratorFunction = function(e21) {
var t11 = "function" == typeof e21 && e21.constructor;
return !!t11 && (t11 === y10 || "GeneratorFunction" === (t11.displayName || t11.name));
}, t10.mark = function(e21) {
return Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e21, b10) : (e21.__proto__ = b10, l10(e21, c10, "GeneratorFunction")), e21.prototype = Object.create(j10), e21;
}, t10.awrap = function(e21) {
return { __await: e21 };
}, S10(C10.prototype), l10(C10.prototype, s10, function() {
return this;
}), t10.AsyncIterator = C10, t10.async = function(e21, n11, r11, o11, i11) {
void 0 === i11 && (i11 = Promise);
var a11 = new C10(u10(e21, n11, r11, o11), i11);
return t10.isGeneratorFunction(n11) ? a11 : a11.next().then(function(e23) {
return e23.done ? e23.value : a11.next();
}, S10(j10), l10(j10, c10, "Generator"), l10(j10, a10, function() {
return this;
}), l10(j10, "toString", function() {
return "[object Generator]";
}), t10.keys = function(e21) {
var t11 = Object(e21), n11 = [];
for (var r11 in t11)
return n11.reverse(), function e23() {
for (; n11.length; ) {
var r12 = n11.pop();
if (r12 in t11)
return e23.value = r12, e23.done = false, e23;
return e23.done = true, e23;
}, t10.values = A10, E10.prototype = { constructor: E10, reset: function(t11) {
if (this.prev = 0, this.next = 0, this.sent = this._sent = e20, this.done = false, this.delegate = null, this.method = "next", this.arg = e20, this.tryEntries.forEach(M10), !t11)
for (var n11 in this)
"t" === n11.charAt(0) && r10.call(this, n11) && !isNaN(+n11.slice(1)) && (this[n11] = e20);
}, stop: function() {
this.done = true;
var e21 = this.tryEntries[0].completion;
if ("throw" === e21.type)
throw e21.arg;
return this.rval;
}, dispatchException: function(t11) {
if (this.done)
throw t11;
var n11 = this;
function o11(r11, o12) {
return s11.type = "throw", s11.arg = t11, n11.next = r11, o12 && (n11.method = "next", n11.arg = e20), !!o12;
for (var i11 = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i11 >= 0; --i11) {
var a11 = this.tryEntries[i11], s11 = a11.completion;
if ("root" === a11.tryLoc)
return o11("end");
if (a11.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
var c11 = r10.call(a11, "catchLoc"), l11 = r10.call(a11, "finallyLoc");
if (c11 && l11) {
if (this.prev < a11.catchLoc)
return o11(a11.catchLoc, true);
if (this.prev < a11.finallyLoc)
return o11(a11.finallyLoc);
} else if (c11) {
if (this.prev < a11.catchLoc)
return o11(a11.catchLoc, true);
} else {
if (!l11)
throw new Error("try statement without catch or finally");
if (this.prev < a11.finallyLoc)
return o11(a11.finallyLoc);
}, abrupt: function(e21, t11) {
for (var n11 = this.tryEntries.length - 1; n11 >= 0; --n11) {
var o11 = this.tryEntries[n11];
if (o11.tryLoc <= this.prev && r10.call(o11, "finallyLoc") && this.prev < o11.finallyLoc) {
var i11 = o11;
i11 && ("break" === e21 || "continue" === e21) && i11.tryLoc <= t11 && t11 <= i11.finallyLoc && (i11 = null);
var a11 = i11 ? i11.completion : {};
return a11.type = e21, a11.arg = t11, i11 ? (this.method = "next", this.next = i11.finallyLoc, m10) : this.complete(a11);
}, complete: function(e21, t11) {
if ("throw" === e21.type)
throw e21.arg;
return "break" === e21.type || "continue" === e21.type ? this.next = e21.arg : "return" === e21.type ? (this.rval = this.arg = e21.arg, this.method = "return", this.next = "end") : "normal" === e21.type && t11 && (this.next = t11), m10;
}, finish: function(e21) {
for (var t11 = this.tryEntries.length - 1; t11 >= 0; --t11) {
var n11 = this.tryEntries[t11];
if (n11.finallyLoc === e21)
return this.complete(n11.completion, n11.afterLoc), M10(n11), m10;
}, catch: function(e21) {
for (var t11 = this.tryEntries.length - 1; t11 >= 0; --t11) {
var n11 = this.tryEntries[t11];
if (n11.tryLoc === e21) {
var r11 = n11.completion;
if ("throw" === r11.type) {
var o11 = r11.arg;
return o11;
throw new Error("illegal catch attempt");
}, delegateYield: function(t11, n11, r11) {
return this.delegate = { iterator: A10(t11), resultName: n11, nextLoc: r11 }, "next" === this.method && (this.arg = e20), m10;
} }, t10;
function wo(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10) {
try {
var s10 = e20[i10](a10), c10 = s10.value;
} catch (e21) {
return void n10(e21);
s10.done ? t10(c10) : Promise.resolve(c10).then(r10, o10);
function xo(e20) {
return function() {
var t10 = this, n10 = arguments;
return new Promise(function(r10, o10) {
var i10 = e20.apply(t10, n10);
function a10(e21) {
wo(i10, r10, o10, a10, s10, "next", e21);
function s10(e21) {
wo(i10, r10, o10, a10, s10, "throw", e21);
a10(void 0);
function jo(e20, t10) {
return Co(e20) || function(e21, t11) {
var n10 = null == e21 ? null : "undefined" != typeof Symbol && e21[Symbol.iterator] || e21["@@iterator"];
if (null != n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10 = [], c10 = true, l10 = false;
try {
if (i10 = (n10 = n10.call(e21)).next, 0 === t11) {
if (Object(n10) !== n10)
c10 = false;
} else
for (; !(c10 = (r10 = i10.call(n10)).done) && (s10.push(r10.value), s10.length !== t11); c10 = true)
} catch (e23) {
l10 = true, o10 = e23;
} finally {
try {
if (!c10 && null != n10.return && (a10 = n10.return(), Object(a10) !== a10))
} finally {
if (l10)
throw o10;
return s10;
}(e20, t10) || Lo(e20, t10) || So();
function So() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");
function Co(e20) {
if (Array.isArray(e20))
return e20;
function $o(e20) {
var t10 = "function" == typeof Map ? /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() : void 0;
return $o = function(e21) {
if (null === e21 || !function(e23) {
try {
return -1 !== Function.toString.call(e23).indexOf("[native code]");
} catch (t11) {
return "function" == typeof e23;
return e21;
if ("function" != typeof e21)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
if (void 0 !== t10) {
if (t10.has(e21))
return t10.get(e21);
t10.set(e21, n10);
function n10() {
return function(e23, t11, n11) {
if (Oo())
return Reflect.construct.apply(null, arguments);
var r10 = [null];
r10.push.apply(r10, t11);
var o10 = new (e23.bind.apply(e23, r10))();
return n11 && Po(o10, n11.prototype), o10;
}(e21, arguments, Mo(this).constructor);
return n10.prototype = Object.create(e21.prototype, { constructor: { value: n10, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }), Po(n10, e21);
}, $o(e20);
function _o(e20, t10, n10) {
return t10 = Mo(t10), function(e21, t11) {
if (t11 && ("object" === Ho(t11) || "function" == typeof t11))
return t11;
if (void 0 !== t11)
throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined");
return Eo(e21);
}(e20, Oo() ? Reflect.construct(t10, n10 || [], Mo(e20).constructor) : t10.apply(e20, n10));
function Oo() {
try {
var e20 = !Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], function() {
} catch (e21) {
return (Oo = function() {
return !!e20;
function Mo(e20) {
return Mo = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e21) {
return e21.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e21);
}, Mo(e20);
function Eo(e20) {
if (void 0 === e20)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return e20;
function Ao(e20, t10) {
if ("function" != typeof t10 && null !== t10)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
e20.prototype = Object.create(t10 && t10.prototype, { constructor: { value: e20, writable: true, configurable: true } }), Object.defineProperty(e20, "prototype", { writable: false }), t10 && Po(e20, t10);
function Po(e20, t10) {
return Po = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e21, t11) {
return e21.__proto__ = t11, e21;
}, Po(e20, t10);
function To(e20, t10) {
var n10 = Object.keys(e20);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var r10 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e20);
t10 && (r10 = r10.filter(function(t11) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e20, t11).enumerable;
})), n10.push.apply(n10, r10);
return n10;
function Ro(e20) {
for (var t10 = 1; t10 < arguments.length; t10++) {
var n10 = null != arguments[t10] ? arguments[t10] : {};
t10 % 2 ? To(Object(n10), true).forEach(function(t11) {
qo(e20, t11, n10[t11]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e20, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n10)) : To(Object(n10)).forEach(function(t11) {
Object.defineProperty(e20, t11, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n10, t11));
return e20;
function No(e20, t10) {
if (!(e20 instanceof t10))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function Io(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = 0; n10 < t10.length; n10++) {
var r10 = t10[n10];
r10.enumerable = r10.enumerable || false, r10.configurable = true, "value" in r10 && (r10.writable = true), Object.defineProperty(e20, zo(r10.key), r10);
function Do(e20, t10, n10) {
return t10 && Io(e20.prototype, t10), n10 && Io(e20, n10), Object.defineProperty(e20, "prototype", { writable: false }), e20;
function qo(e20, t10, n10) {
return (t10 = zo(t10)) in e20 ? Object.defineProperty(e20, t10, { value: n10, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }) : e20[t10] = n10, e20;
function zo(e20) {
var t10 = function(e21, t11) {
if ("object" != Ho(e21) || !e21)
return e21;
var n10 = e21[Symbol.toPrimitive];
if (void 0 !== n10) {
var r10 = n10.call(e21, t11 || "default");
if ("object" != Ho(r10))
return r10;
throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.");
return ("string" === t11 ? String : Number)(e21);
}(e20, "string");
return "symbol" == Ho(t10) ? t10 : String(t10);
function Bo(e20) {
return function(e21) {
if (Array.isArray(e21))
return Vo(e21);
}(e20) || Fo(e20) || Lo(e20) || function() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");
function Lo(e20, t10) {
if (e20) {
if ("string" == typeof e20)
return Vo(e20, t10);
var n10 = Object.prototype.toString.call(e20).slice(8, -1);
return "Object" === n10 && e20.constructor && (n10 = e20.constructor.name), "Map" === n10 || "Set" === n10 ? Array.from(e20) : "Arguments" === n10 || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n10) ? Vo(e20, t10) : void 0;
function Fo(e20) {
if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && null != e20[Symbol.iterator] || null != e20["@@iterator"])
return Array.from(e20);
function Vo(e20, t10) {
(null == t10 || t10 > e20.length) && (t10 = e20.length);
for (var n10 = 0, r10 = new Array(t10); n10 < t10; n10++)
r10[n10] = e20[n10];
return r10;
function Ho(e20) {
return Ho = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e21) {
return typeof e21;
} : function(e21) {
return e21 && "function" == typeof Symbol && e21.constructor === Symbol && e21 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e21;
}, Ho(e20);
function Wo() {
var Uo = function(e20) {
return e20;
function Jo(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 in t10)
e20[n10] = t10[n10];
return e20;
function Ko(e20) {
return e20();
function Go() {
return /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
function Qo(e20) {
function Yo(e20) {
return "function" == typeof e20;
function Xo(e20, t10) {
return e20 != e20 ? t10 == t10 : e20 !== t10 || e20 && "object" === Ho(e20) || "function" == typeof e20;
function Zo(e20, t10) {
return e20 != e20 ? t10 == t10 : e20 !== t10;
function ei(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
if (e20) {
var o10 = ti(e20, t10, n10, r10);
return e20[0](o10);
function ti(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
return e20[1] && r10 ? Jo(n10.ctx.slice(), e20[1](r10(t10))) : n10.ctx;
function ni(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
if (e20[2] && r10) {
var o10 = e20[2](r10(n10));
if (void 0 === t10.dirty)
return o10;
if ("object" === Ho(o10)) {
for (var i10 = [], a10 = Math.max(t10.dirty.length, o10.length), s10 = 0; s10 < a10; s10 += 1)
i10[s10] = t10.dirty[s10] | o10[s10];
return i10;
return t10.dirty | o10;
return t10.dirty;
function ri(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
if (o10) {
var a10 = ti(t10, n10, r10, i10);
e20.p(a10, o10);
function oi(e20) {
if (e20.ctx.length > 32) {
for (var t10 = [], n10 = e20.ctx.length / 32, r10 = 0; r10 < n10; r10++)
t10[r10] = -1;
return t10;
return -1;
function ii(e20) {
var t10 = {};
for (var n10 in e20)
"$" !== n10[0] && (t10[n10] = e20[n10]);
return t10;
function ai(e20, t10) {
var n10 = {};
for (var r10 in t10 = new Set(t10), e20)
t10.has(r10) || "$" === r10[0] || (n10[r10] = e20[r10]);
return n10;
function si(e20) {
return null == e20 ? "" : e20;
function ci(e20) {
return e20 && Yo(e20.destroy) ? e20.destroy : Wo;
var li = "undefined" != typeof window;
var ui = li ? function() {
return window.performance.now();
} : function() {
return Date.now();
var fi = li ? function(e20) {
return requestAnimationFrame(e20);
} : Wo;
var di = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
function hi(e20) {
di.forEach(function(t10) {
t10.c(e20) || (di.delete(t10), t10.f());
}), 0 !== di.size && fi(hi);
var vi = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : global;
function pi(e20, t10) {
function mi(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = gi(e20);
if (!r10.getElementById(t10)) {
var o10 = ji("style");
o10.id = t10, o10.textContent = n10, bi(r10, o10);
function gi(e20) {
if (!e20)
return document;
var t10 = e20.getRootNode ? e20.getRootNode() : e20.ownerDocument;
return t10 && t10.host ? t10 : e20.ownerDocument;
function yi(e20) {
var t10 = ji("style");
return t10.textContent = "/* empty */", bi(gi(e20), t10), t10.sheet;
function bi(e20, t10) {
return pi(e20.head || e20, t10), t10.sheet;
function ki(e20, t10, n10) {
e20.insertBefore(t10, n10 || null);
function wi(e20) {
e20.parentNode && e20.parentNode.removeChild(e20);
function xi(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = 0; n10 < e20.length; n10 += 1)
e20[n10] && e20[n10].d(t10);
function ji(e20) {
return document.createElement(e20);
function Si(e20) {
return document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", e20);
function Ci(e20) {
return document.createTextNode(e20);
function $i() {
return Ci(" ");
function _i() {
return Ci("");
function Oi(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
return e20.addEventListener(t10, n10, r10), function() {
return e20.removeEventListener(t10, n10, r10);
function Mi(e20) {
return function(t10) {
return t10.preventDefault(), e20.call(this, t10);
function Ei(e20) {
return function(t10) {
return t10.stopPropagation(), e20.call(this, t10);
function Ai(e20, t10, n10) {
null == n10 ? e20.removeAttribute(t10) : e20.getAttribute(t10) !== n10 && e20.setAttribute(t10, n10);
var Pi = ["width", "height"];
function Ti(e20, t10) {
var n10 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(e20.__proto__);
for (var r10 in t10)
null == t10[r10] ? e20.removeAttribute(r10) : "style" === r10 ? e20.style.cssText = t10[r10] : "__value" === r10 ? e20.value = e20[r10] = t10[r10] : n10[r10] && n10[r10].set && -1 === Pi.indexOf(r10) ? e20[r10] = t10[r10] : Ai(e20, r10, t10[r10]);
function Ri(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 in t10)
Ai(e20, n10, t10[n10]);
function Ni(e20, t10) {
t10 = "" + t10, e20.data !== t10 && (e20.data = t10);
function Ii(e20, t10) {
e20.value = null == t10 ? "" : t10;
function Di(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
null == n10 ? e20.style.removeProperty(t10) : e20.style.setProperty(t10, n10, r10 ? "important" : "");
function qi(e20, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = 0; r10 < e20.options.length; r10 += 1) {
var o10 = e20.options[r10];
if (o10.__value === t10)
return void (o10.selected = true);
n10 && void 0 === t10 || (e20.selectedIndex = -1);
function zi(e20, t10, n10) {
e20.classList.toggle(t10, !!n10);
function Bi(e20, t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}, r10 = n10.bubbles, o10 = void 0 !== r10 && r10, i10 = n10.cancelable;
return new CustomEvent(e20, { detail: t10, bubbles: o10, cancelable: void 0 !== i10 && i10 });
function Li(e20, t10) {
return new e20(t10);
var Fi;
var Vi = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
var Hi = 0;
function Wi(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10) {
for (var s10 = arguments.length > 7 && void 0 !== arguments[7] ? arguments[7] : 0, c10 = 16.666 / r10, l10 = "{\n", u10 = 0; u10 <= 1; u10 += c10) {
var f10 = t10 + (n10 - t10) * i10(u10);
l10 += 100 * u10 + "%{".concat(a10(f10, 1 - f10), "}\n");
var d10 = l10 + "100% {".concat(a10(n10, 1 - n10), "}\n}"), h10 = "__svelte_".concat(function(e21) {
for (var t11 = 5381, n11 = e21.length; n11--; )
t11 = (t11 << 5) - t11 ^ e21.charCodeAt(n11);
return t11 >>> 0;
}(d10), "_").concat(s10), v10 = gi(e20), p10 = Vi.get(v10) || function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = { stylesheet: yi(t11), rules: {} };
return Vi.set(e21, n11), n11;
}(v10, e20), m10 = p10.stylesheet, g10 = p10.rules;
g10[h10] || (g10[h10] = true, m10.insertRule("@keyframes ".concat(h10, " ").concat(d10), m10.cssRules.length));
var y10 = e20.style.animation || "";
return e20.style.animation = "".concat(y10 ? "".concat(y10, ", ") : "").concat(h10, " ").concat(r10, "ms linear ").concat(o10, "ms 1 both"), Hi += 1, h10;
function Ui(e20, t10) {
var n10 = (e20.style.animation || "").split(", "), r10 = n10.filter(t10 ? function(e21) {
return e21.indexOf(t10) < 0;
} : function(e21) {
return -1 === e21.indexOf("__svelte");
}), o10 = n10.length - r10.length;
o10 && (e20.style.animation = r10.join(", "), (Hi -= o10) || fi(function() {
Hi || (Vi.forEach(function(e21) {
var t11 = e21.stylesheet.ownerNode;
t11 && wi(t11);
}), Vi.clear());
function Ji(e20) {
Fi = e20;
function Ki() {
if (!Fi)
throw new Error("Function called outside component initialization");
return Fi;
function Gi(e20) {
function Qi(e20) {
function Yi() {
var e20 = Ki();
return function(t10, n10) {
var r10 = (arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}).cancelable, o10 = void 0 !== r10 && r10, i10 = e20.$$.callbacks[t10];
if (i10) {
var a10 = Bi(t10, n10, { cancelable: o10 });
return i10.slice().forEach(function(t11) {
t11.call(e20, a10);
}), !a10.defaultPrevented;
return true;
function Xi(e20, t10) {
return Ki().$$.context.set(e20, t10), t10;
function Zi(e20) {
return Ki().$$.context.get(e20);
function ea(e20, t10) {
var n10 = this, r10 = e20.$$.callbacks[t10.type];
r10 && r10.slice().forEach(function(e21) {
return e21.call(n10, t10);
var ta = [];
var na = [];
var ra = [];
var oa = [];
var ia = Promise.resolve();
var aa = false;
function sa() {
aa || (aa = true, ia.then(va));
function ca() {
return sa(), ia;
function la(e20) {
function ua(e20) {
var fa;
var da = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
var ha = 0;
function va() {
if (0 === ha) {
var e20 = Fi;
do {
try {
for (; ha < ta.length; ) {
var t10 = ta[ha];
ha++, Ji(t10), pa(t10.$$);
} catch (e21) {
throw ta.length = 0, ha = 0, e21;
for (Ji(null), ta.length = 0, ha = 0; na.length; )
for (var n10 = 0; n10 < ra.length; n10 += 1) {
var r10 = ra[n10];
da.has(r10) || (da.add(r10), r10());
ra.length = 0;
} while (ta.length);
for (; oa.length; )
aa = false, da.clear(), Ji(e20);
function pa(e20) {
if (null !== e20.fragment) {
e20.update(), Qo(e20.before_update);
var t10 = e20.dirty;
e20.dirty = [-1], e20.fragment && e20.fragment.p(e20.ctx, t10), e20.after_update.forEach(la);
function ma(e20, t10, n10) {
e20.dispatchEvent(Bi("".concat(t10 ? "intro" : "outro").concat(n10)));
var ga;
var ya = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
function ba() {
ga = { r: 0, c: [], p: ga };
function ka() {
ga.r || Qo(ga.c), ga = ga.p;
function wa(e20, t10) {
e20 && e20.i && (ya.delete(e20), e20.i(t10));
function xa(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
if (e20 && e20.o) {
if (ya.has(e20))
ya.add(e20), ga.c.push(function() {
ya.delete(e20), r10 && (n10 && e20.d(1), r10());
}), e20.o(t10);
} else
r10 && r10();
var ja = { duration: 0 };
function Sa(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10, i10 = t10(e20, n10, { direction: "both" }), a10 = r10 ? 0 : 1, s10 = null, c10 = null, l10 = null;
function u10() {
l10 && Ui(e20, l10);
function f10(e21, t11) {
var n11 = e21.b - a10;
return t11 *= Math.abs(n11), { a: a10, b: e21.b, d: n11, duration: t11, start: e21.start, end: e21.start + t11, group: e21.group };
function d10(t11) {
var n11, r11 = i10 || ja, d11 = r11.delay, h10 = void 0 === d11 ? 0 : d11, v10 = r11.duration, p10 = void 0 === v10 ? 300 : v10, m10 = r11.easing, g10 = void 0 === m10 ? Uo : m10, y10 = r11.tick, b10 = void 0 === y10 ? Wo : y10, k10 = r11.css, w10 = { start: ui() + h10, b: t11 };
t11 || (w10.group = ga, ga.r += 1), "inert" in e20 && (t11 ? void 0 !== o10 && (e20.inert = o10) : (o10 = e20.inert, e20.inert = true)), s10 || c10 ? c10 = w10 : (k10 && (u10(), l10 = Wi(e20, a10, t11, p10, h10, g10, k10)), t11 && b10(0, 1), s10 = f10(w10, p10), la(function() {
return ma(e20, t11, "start");
}), n11 = function(t12) {
if (c10 && t12 > c10.start && (s10 = f10(c10, p10), c10 = null, ma(e20, s10.b, "start"), k10 && (u10(), l10 = Wi(e20, a10, s10.b, s10.duration, 0, g10, i10.css))), s10) {
if (t12 >= s10.end)
b10(a10 = s10.b, 1 - a10), ma(e20, s10.b, "end"), c10 || (s10.b ? u10() : --s10.group.r || Qo(s10.group.c)), s10 = null;
else if (t12 >= s10.start) {
var n12 = t12 - s10.start;
a10 = s10.a + s10.d * g10(n12 / s10.duration), b10(a10, 1 - a10);
return !(!s10 && !c10);
}, 0 === di.size && fi(hi), new Promise(function(e21) {
di.add({ c: n11, f: e21 });
return { run: function(e21) {
Yo(i10) ? (fa || (fa = Promise.resolve()).then(function() {
fa = null;
}), fa).then(function() {
i10 = i10({ direction: e21 ? "in" : "out" }), d10(e21);
}) : d10(e21);
}, end: function() {
u10(), s10 = c10 = null;
} };
function Ca(e20) {
return void 0 !== (null == e20 ? void 0 : e20.length) ? e20 : Array.from(e20);
function $a(e20, t10) {
e20.d(1), t10.delete(e20.key);
function _a(e20, t10) {
xa(e20, 1, 1, function() {
function Oa(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10) {
for (var d10 = e20.length, h10 = i10.length, v10 = d10, p10 = {}; v10--; )
p10[e20[v10].key] = v10;
var m10 = [], g10 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), y10 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), b10 = [];
v10 = h10;
for (var k10 = function() {
var e21 = f10(o10, i10, v10), s11 = n10(e21), c11 = a10.get(s11);
c11 ? r10 && b10.push(function() {
return c11.p(e21, t10);
}) : (c11 = l10(s11, e21)).c(), g10.set(s11, m10[v10] = c11), s11 in p10 && y10.set(s11, Math.abs(v10 - p10[s11]));
}; v10--; )
var w10 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), x10 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
function j10(e21) {
wa(e21, 1), e21.m(s10, u10), a10.set(e21.key, e21), u10 = e21.first, h10--;
for (; d10 && h10; ) {
var S10 = m10[h10 - 1], C10 = e20[d10 - 1], $10 = S10.key, _10 = C10.key;
S10 === C10 ? (u10 = S10.first, d10--, h10--) : g10.has(_10) ? !a10.has($10) || w10.has($10) ? j10(S10) : x10.has(_10) ? d10-- : y10.get($10) > y10.get(_10) ? (x10.add($10), j10(S10)) : (w10.add(_10), d10--) : (c10(C10, a10), d10--);
for (; d10--; ) {
var O10 = e20[d10];
g10.has(O10.key) || c10(O10, a10);
for (; h10; )
j10(m10[h10 - 1]);
return Qo(b10), m10;
function Ma(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = {}, r10 = {}, o10 = { $$scope: 1 }, i10 = e20.length; i10--; ) {
var a10 = e20[i10], s10 = t10[i10];
if (s10) {
for (var c10 in a10)
c10 in s10 || (r10[c10] = 1);
for (var l10 in s10)
o10[l10] || (n10[l10] = s10[l10], o10[l10] = 1);
e20[i10] = s10;
} else
for (var u10 in a10)
o10[u10] = 1;
for (var f10 in r10)
f10 in n10 || (n10[f10] = void 0);
return n10;
function Ea(e20) {
return "object" === Ho(e20) && null !== e20 ? e20 : {};
function Aa(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.$$.props[t10];
void 0 !== r10 && (e20.$$.bound[r10] = n10, n10(e20.$$.ctx[r10]));
function Pa(e20) {
e20 && e20.c();
function Ta(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.$$, o10 = r10.fragment, i10 = r10.after_update;
o10 && o10.m(t10, n10), la(function() {
var t11, n11 = e20.$$.on_mount.map(Ko).filter(Yo);
e20.$$.on_destroy ? (t11 = e20.$$.on_destroy).push.apply(t11, Bo(n11)) : Qo(n11);
e20.$$.on_mount = [];
}), i10.forEach(la);
function Ra(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10, o10, i10 = e20.$$;
null !== i10.fragment && (n10 = i10.after_update, r10 = [], o10 = [], ra.forEach(function(e21) {
return -1 === n10.indexOf(e21) ? r10.push(e21) : o10.push(e21);
}), o10.forEach(function(e21) {
return e21();
}), ra = r10, Qo(i10.on_destroy), i10.fragment && i10.fragment.d(t10), i10.on_destroy = i10.fragment = null, i10.ctx = []);
function Na(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
var a10 = arguments.length > 6 && void 0 !== arguments[6] ? arguments[6] : null, s10 = arguments.length > 7 && void 0 !== arguments[7] ? arguments[7] : [-1], c10 = Fi;
var l10 = e20.$$ = { fragment: null, ctx: [], props: i10, update: Wo, not_equal: o10, bound: Go(), on_mount: [], on_destroy: [], on_disconnect: [], before_update: [], after_update: [], context: new Map(t10.context || (c10 ? c10.$$.context : [])), callbacks: Go(), dirty: s10, skip_bound: false, root: t10.target || c10.$$.root };
a10 && a10(l10.root);
var u10 = false;
if (l10.ctx = n10 ? n10(e20, t10.props || {}, function(t11, n11) {
var r11 = !(arguments.length <= 2) && arguments.length - 2 ? arguments.length <= 2 ? void 0 : arguments[2] : n11;
return l10.ctx && o10(l10.ctx[t11], l10.ctx[t11] = r11) && (!l10.skip_bound && l10.bound[t11] && l10.bound[t11](r11), u10 && function(e21, t12) {
-1 === e21.$$.dirty[0] && (ta.push(e21), sa(), e21.$$.dirty.fill(0)), e21.$$.dirty[t12 / 31 | 0] |= 1 << t12 % 31;
}(e20, t11)), n11;
}) : [], l10.update(), u10 = true, Qo(l10.before_update), l10.fragment = !!r10 && r10(l10.ctx), t10.target) {
if (t10.hydrate) {
var f10 = function(e21) {
return Array.from(e21.childNodes);
l10.fragment && l10.fragment.l(f10), f10.forEach(wi);
} else
l10.fragment && l10.fragment.c();
t10.intro && wa(e20.$$.fragment), Ta(e20, t10.target, t10.anchor), va();
var Ia = function() {
function e20() {
No(this, e20), qo(this, "$$", void 0), qo(this, "$$set", void 0);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "$destroy", value: function() {
Ra(this, 1), this.$destroy = Wo;
} }, { key: "$on", value: function(e21, t10) {
if (!Yo(t10))
return Wo;
var n10 = this.$$.callbacks[e21] || (this.$$.callbacks[e21] = []);
return n10.push(t10), function() {
var e23 = n10.indexOf(t10);
-1 !== e23 && n10.splice(e23, 1);
} }, { key: "$set", value: function(e21) {
var t10;
this.$$set && (t10 = e21, 0 !== Object.keys(t10).length) && (this.$$.skip_bound = true, this.$$set(e21), this.$$.skip_bound = false);
} }]), e20;
function Da(e20) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : function(e21) {
var t11 = function(e23) {
try {
if ("undefined" != typeof window && void 0 !== window.localStorage)
return window.localStorage[e23];
} catch (e24) {
return null != t11 && t11.endsWith("*") ? e21.startsWith(t11.slice(0, -1)) : e21 === t11;
if (!t10)
return qa;
var n10 = function(e21) {
for (var t11 = 0, n11 = 0; n11 < e21.length; n11++)
t11 = (t11 << 5) - t11 + e21.charCodeAt(n11), t11 |= 0;
return za[Math.abs(t11) % za.length];
return function() {
for (var t11, r10 = arguments.length, o10 = new Array(r10), i10 = 0; i10 < r10; i10++)
o10[i10] = arguments[i10];
(t11 = console).log.apply(t11, ["%c".concat(e20), "color:".concat(n10)].concat(o10));
function qa() {
"undefined" != typeof window && (window.__svelte || (window.__svelte = { v: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set() })).v.add("4");
var za = ["#0000CC", "#0099FF", "#009400", "#8dd200", "#CCCC00", "#CC9933", "#ae04e7", "#ff35d7", "#FF3333", "#FF6600", "#FF9933", "#FFCC33"];
function Ba(e20) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, n10 = t10.delay, r10 = void 0 === n10 ? 0 : n10, o10 = t10.duration, i10 = void 0 === o10 ? 400 : o10, a10 = t10.easing, s10 = void 0 === a10 ? Uo : a10, c10 = +getComputedStyle(e20).opacity;
return { delay: r10, duration: i10, easing: s10, css: function(e21) {
return "opacity: ".concat(e21 * c10);
} };
var La = vi.window;
function Fa(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-n7cvum", ".svelte-n7cvum{box-sizing:border-box}.bg.svelte-n7cvum{position:fixed;z-index:1000;top:0;left:0;display:flex;flex-direction:column;justify-content:center;width:100vw;height:100vh;background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.66)}@supports (-webkit-touch-callout: none){}.wrap.svelte-n7cvum{position:relative;margin:2rem;max-height:100%}.window.svelte-n7cvum{position:relative;width:40rem;max-width:100%;max-height:100%;margin:2rem auto;color:black;border-radius:0.5rem;background:white}.content.svelte-n7cvum{position:relative;padding:1rem;max-height:calc(100vh - 4rem);overflow:auto}.close.svelte-n7cvum{display:block;box-sizing:border-box;position:absolute;z-index:1000;top:1rem;right:1rem;margin:0;padding:0;width:1.5rem;height:1.5rem;border:0;color:black;border-radius:1.5rem;background:white;box-shadow:0 0 0 1px black;transition:transform 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1),\n background 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1);-webkit-appearance:none}.close.svelte-n7cvum:before,.close.svelte-n7cvum:after{content:'';display:block;box-sizing:border-box;position:absolute;top:50%;width:1rem;height:1px;background:black;transform-origin:center;transition:height 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1),\n background 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1)}.close.svelte-n7cvum:before{-webkit-transform:translate(0, -50%) rotate(45deg);-moz-transform:translate(0, -50%) rotate(45deg);transform:translate(0, -50%) rotate(45deg);left:0.25rem}.close.svelte-n7cvum:after{-webkit-transform:translate(0, -50%) rotate(-45deg);-moz-transform:translate(0, -50%) rotate(-45deg);transform:translate(0, -50%) rotate(-45deg);left:0.25rem}.close.svelte-n7cvum:hover{background:black}.close.svelte-n7cvum:hover:before,.close.svelte-n7cvum:hover:after{height:2px;background:white}.close.svelte-n7cvum:focus{border-color:#3399ff;box-shadow:0 0 0 2px #3399ff}.close.svelte-n7cvum:active{transform:scale(0.9)}.close.svelte-n7cvum:hover,.close.svelte-n7cvum:focus,.close.svelte-n7cvum:active{outline:none}");
function Va(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10 = e20[1].closeButton && Ha(e20), k10 = e20[2];
return k10 && (a10 = Li(k10, {})), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = ji("div"), r10 = ji("div"), b10 && b10.c(), o10 = $i(), i10 = ji("div"), a10 && Pa(a10.$$.fragment), Ai(i10, "class", s10 = si(e20[1].classContent) + " svelte-n7cvum"), Ai(i10, "style", e20[9]), zi(i10, "content", !e20[0]), Ai(r10, "class", c10 = si(e20[1].classWindow) + " svelte-n7cvum"), Ai(r10, "role", "dialog"), Ai(r10, "aria-modal", "true"), Ai(r10, "aria-label", l10 = e20[1].ariaLabelledBy ? null : e20[1].ariaLabel || null), Ai(r10, "aria-labelledby", u10 = e20[1].ariaLabelledBy || null), Ai(r10, "style", e20[8]), zi(r10, "window", !e20[0]), Ai(n10, "class", d10 = si(e20[1].classWindowWrap) + " svelte-n7cvum"), Ai(n10, "style", e20[7]), zi(n10, "wrap", !e20[0]), Ai(t10, "aria-hidden", "true"), Ai(t10, "id", h10 = e20[1].id), Ai(t10, "class", v10 = si(e20[1].classBg) + " svelte-n7cvum"), Ai(t10, "style", e20[6]), zi(t10, "bg", !e20[0]);
}, m: function(s11, c11) {
ki(s11, t10, c11), pi(t10, n10), pi(n10, r10), b10 && b10.m(r10, null), pi(r10, o10), pi(r10, i10), a10 && Ta(a10, i10, null), e20[50](r10), e20[51](n10), e20[52](t10), m10 = true, g10 || (y10 = [Oi(r10, "introstart", function() {
Yo(e20[13]) && e20[13].apply(this, arguments);
}), Oi(r10, "outrostart", function() {
Yo(e20[14]) && e20[14].apply(this, arguments);
}), Oi(r10, "introend", function() {
Yo(e20[15]) && e20[15].apply(this, arguments);
}), Oi(r10, "outroend", function() {
Yo(e20[16]) && e20[16].apply(this, arguments);
}), Oi(t10, "mousedown", e20[20]), Oi(t10, "mouseup", e20[21])], g10 = true);
}, p: function(f11, p11) {
if ((e20 = f11)[1].closeButton ? b10 ? (b10.p(e20, p11), 2 & p11[0] && wa(b10, 1)) : ((b10 = Ha(e20)).c(), wa(b10, 1), b10.m(r10, o10)) : b10 && (ba(), xa(b10, 1, 1, function() {
b10 = null;
}), ka()), 4 & p11[0] && k10 !== (k10 = e20[2])) {
if (a10) {
var g11 = a10;
xa(g11.$$.fragment, 1, 0, function() {
Ra(g11, 1);
}), ka();
k10 ? (Pa((a10 = Li(k10, {})).$$.fragment), wa(a10.$$.fragment, 1), Ta(a10, i10, null)) : a10 = null;
(!m10 || 2 & p11[0] && s10 !== (s10 = si(e20[1].classContent) + " svelte-n7cvum")) && Ai(i10, "class", s10), (!m10 || 512 & p11[0]) && Ai(i10, "style", e20[9]), (!m10 || 3 & p11[0]) && zi(i10, "content", !e20[0]), (!m10 || 2 & p11[0] && c10 !== (c10 = si(e20[1].classWindow) + " svelte-n7cvum")) && Ai(r10, "class", c10), (!m10 || 2 & p11[0] && l10 !== (l10 = e20[1].ariaLabelledBy ? null : e20[1].ariaLabel || null)) && Ai(r10, "aria-label", l10), (!m10 || 2 & p11[0] && u10 !== (u10 = e20[1].ariaLabelledBy || null)) && Ai(r10, "aria-labelledby", u10), (!m10 || 256 & p11[0]) && Ai(r10, "style", e20[8]), (!m10 || 3 & p11[0]) && zi(r10, "window", !e20[0]), (!m10 || 2 & p11[0] && d10 !== (d10 = si(e20[1].classWindowWrap) + " svelte-n7cvum")) && Ai(n10, "class", d10), (!m10 || 128 & p11[0]) && Ai(n10, "style", e20[7]), (!m10 || 3 & p11[0]) && zi(n10, "wrap", !e20[0]), (!m10 || 2 & p11[0] && h10 !== (h10 = e20[1].id)) && Ai(t10, "id", h10), (!m10 || 2 & p11[0] && v10 !== (v10 = si(e20[1].classBg) + " svelte-n7cvum")) && Ai(t10, "class", v10), (!m10 || 64 & p11[0]) && Ai(t10, "style", e20[6]), (!m10 || 3 & p11[0]) && zi(t10, "bg", !e20[0]);
}, i: function(n11) {
m10 || (wa(b10), a10 && wa(a10.$$.fragment, n11), n11 && la(function() {
m10 && (f10 || (f10 = Sa(r10, e20[12], e20[1].transitionWindowProps, true)), f10.run(1));
}), n11 && la(function() {
m10 && (p10 || (p10 = Sa(t10, e20[11], e20[1].transitionBgProps, true)), p10.run(1));
}), m10 = true);
}, o: function(n11) {
xa(b10), a10 && xa(a10.$$.fragment, n11), n11 && (f10 || (f10 = Sa(r10, e20[12], e20[1].transitionWindowProps, false)), f10.run(0)), n11 && (p10 || (p10 = Sa(t10, e20[11], e20[1].transitionBgProps, false)), p10.run(0)), m10 = false;
}, d: function(n11) {
n11 && wi(t10), b10 && b10.d(), a10 && Ra(a10), e20[50](null), n11 && f10 && f10.end(), e20[51](null), e20[52](null), n11 && p10 && p10.end(), g10 = false, Qo(y10);
} };
function Ha(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10 = [Ua, Wa], s10 = [];
function c10(e21, n11) {
return 2 & n11[0] && (t10 = null), null == t10 && (t10 = !!e21[17](e21[1].closeButton)), t10 ? 0 : 1;
return n10 = c10(e20, [-1, -1, -1]), r10 = s10[n10] = a10[n10](e20), { c: function() {
r10.c(), o10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, t11) {
s10[n10].m(e21, t11), ki(e21, o10, t11), i10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var i11 = n10;
(n10 = c10(e21, t11)) === i11 ? s10[n10].p(e21, t11) : (ba(), xa(s10[i11], 1, 1, function() {
s10[i11] = null;
}), ka(), (r10 = s10[n10]) ? r10.p(e21, t11) : (r10 = s10[n10] = a10[n10](e21)).c(), wa(r10, 1), r10.m(o10.parentNode, o10));
}, i: function(e21) {
i10 || (wa(r10), i10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(r10), i10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(o10), s10[n10].d(e21);
} };
function Wa(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10;
return { c: function() {
Ai(t10 = ji("button"), "class", n10 = si(e20[1].classCloseButton) + " svelte-n7cvum"), Ai(t10, "aria-label", "Close modal"), Ai(t10, "style", e20[10]), Ai(t10, "type", "button"), zi(t10, "close", !e20[0]);
}, m: function(n11, i10) {
ki(n11, t10, i10), r10 || (o10 = Oi(t10, "click", e20[18]), r10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, r11) {
2 & r11[0] && n10 !== (n10 = si(e21[1].classCloseButton) + " svelte-n7cvum") && Ai(t10, "class", n10), 1024 & r11[0] && Ai(t10, "style", e21[10]), 3 & r11[0] && zi(t10, "close", !e21[0]);
}, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), r10 = false, o10();
} };
function Ua(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10 = e20[1].closeButton;
function i10(e21, t11) {
return { props: { onClose: e21[18] } };
return o10 && (t10 = Li(o10, i10(e20))), { c: function() {
t10 && Pa(t10.$$.fragment), n10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, o11) {
t10 && Ta(t10, e21, o11), ki(e21, n10, o11), r10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, r11) {
if (2 & r11[0] && o10 !== (o10 = e21[1].closeButton)) {
if (t10) {
var a10 = t10;
xa(a10.$$.fragment, 1, 0, function() {
Ra(a10, 1);
}), ka();
o10 ? (Pa((t10 = Li(o10, i10(e21))).$$.fragment), wa(t10.$$.fragment, 1), Ta(t10, n10.parentNode, n10)) : t10 = null;
}, i: function(e21) {
r10 || (t10 && wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
t10 && xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(n10), t10 && Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function Ja(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10 = e20[2] && Va(e20), a10 = e20[49].default, s10 = ei(a10, e20, e20[48], null);
return { c: function() {
i10 && i10.c(), t10 = $i(), s10 && s10.c();
}, m: function(a11, c10) {
i10 && i10.m(a11, c10), ki(a11, t10, c10), s10 && s10.m(a11, c10), n10 = true, r10 || (o10 = Oi(La, "keydown", e20[19]), r10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, r11) {
e21[2] ? i10 ? (i10.p(e21, r11), 4 & r11[0] && wa(i10, 1)) : ((i10 = Va(e21)).c(), wa(i10, 1), i10.m(t10.parentNode, t10)) : i10 && (ba(), xa(i10, 1, 1, function() {
i10 = null;
}), ka()), s10 && s10.p && (!n10 || 131072 & r11[1]) && ri(s10, a10, e21, e21[48], n10 ? ni(a10, e21[48], r11, null) : oi(e21[48]), null);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(i10), wa(s10, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(i10), xa(s10, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), i10 && i10.d(e21), s10 && s10.d(e21), r10 = false, o10();
} };
function Ka(e20) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {};
return function(n10) {
return new e20(Ro(Ro({}, n10), {}, { props: Ro(Ro({}, t10), n10.props) }));
function Ga(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10 = t10.$$slots, b10 = void 0 === y10 ? {} : y10, k10 = t10.$$scope, w10 = Yi(), x10 = Xi, j10 = t10.isTabbable, S10 = void 0 === j10 ? function(e21) {
return e21.tabIndex >= 0 && !e21.hidden && !e21.disabled && "none" !== e21.style.display && "hidden" !== e21.type && Boolean(e21.offsetWidth || e21.offsetHeight || e21.getClientRects().length);
} : j10, C10 = t10.show, $10 = void 0 === C10 ? null : C10, _10 = t10.id, O10 = void 0 === _10 ? null : _10, M10 = t10.key, E10 = void 0 === M10 ? "simple-modal" : M10, A10 = t10.ariaLabel, P10 = void 0 === A10 ? null : A10, T8 = t10.ariaLabelledBy, R8 = void 0 === T8 ? null : T8, N8 = t10.closeButton, I10 = void 0 === N8 || N8, D10 = t10.closeOnEsc, q10 = void 0 === D10 || D10, z10 = t10.closeOnOuterClick, B10 = void 0 === z10 || z10, L10 = t10.styleBg, F10 = void 0 === L10 ? {} : L10, V10 = t10.styleWindowWrap, H10 = void 0 === V10 ? {} : V10, W10 = t10.styleWindow, U10 = void 0 === W10 ? {} : W10, J10 = t10.styleContent, K10 = void 0 === J10 ? {} : J10, G10 = t10.styleCloseButton, Q10 = void 0 === G10 ? {} : G10, Y10 = t10.classBg, X10 = void 0 === Y10 ? null : Y10, Z10 = t10.classWindowWrap, ee2 = void 0 === Z10 ? null : Z10, te2 = t10.classWindow, ne2 = void 0 === te2 ? null : te2, re2 = t10.classContent, oe2 = void 0 === re2 ? null : re2, ie2 = t10.classCloseButton, ae2 = void 0 === ie2 ? null : ie2, se2 = t10.unstyled, ce2 = void 0 !== se2 && se2, le2 = t10.setContext, ue2 = void 0 === le2 ? x10 : le2, fe2 = t10.transitionBg, de2 = void 0 === fe2 ? Ba : fe2, he2 = t10.transitionBgProps, ve2 = void 0 === he2 ? { duration: 250 } : he2, pe2 = t10.transitionWindow, me2 = void 0 === pe2 ? de2 : pe2, ge2 = t10.transitionWindowProps, ye2 = void 0 === ge2 ? ve2 : ge2, be2 = t10.disableFocusTrap, ke2 = void 0 !== be2 && be2, we2 = { id: O10, ariaLabel: P10, ariaLabelledBy: R8, closeButton: I10, closeOnEsc: q10, closeOnOuterClick: B10, styleBg: F10, styleWindowWrap: H10, styleWindow: U10, styleContent: K10, styleCloseButton: Q10, classBg: X10, classWindowWrap: ee2, classWindow: ne2, classContent: oe2, classCloseButton: ae2, transitionBg: de2, transitionBgProps: ve2, transitionWindow: me2, transitionWindowProps: ye2, disableFocusTrap: ke2, isTabbable: S10, unstyled: ce2 }, xe2 = Ro({}, we2), je2 = null, Se2 = function(e21) {
return e21 ? Object.keys(e21).reduce(function(t11, n11) {
return "".concat(t11, "; ").concat(function(e23) {
return e23.replace(/([a-zA-Z])(?=[A-Z])/g, "$1-").toLowerCase();
}(n11), ": ").concat(e21[n11]);
}, "") : "";
}, Ce2 = function(e21) {
return !!(e21 && e21.constructor && e21.call && e21.apply);
}, $e2 = function() {
}, _e2 = $e2, Oe2 = $e2, Me2 = $e2, Ee2 = $e2, Ae2 = function(e21) {
var t11 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}, r11 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : {};
n10(2, je2 = Ka(e21, arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {})), n10(1, xe2 = Ro(Ro({}, we2), t11)), n10(6, s10 = Se2(Object.assign({}, { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight }, xe2.styleBg))), n10(7, c10 = Se2(xe2.styleWindowWrap)), n10(8, l10 = Se2(xe2.styleWindow)), n10(9, u10 = Se2(xe2.styleContent)), n10(10, f10 = Se2(xe2.styleCloseButton)), n10(11, d10 = xe2.transitionBg), n10(12, h10 = xe2.transitionWindow), Te2(), n10(13, _e2 = function(e23) {
r11.onOpen && r11.onOpen(e23), w10("open"), w10("opening");
}), n10(14, Oe2 = function(e23) {
r11.onClose && r11.onClose(e23), w10("close"), w10("closing");
}), n10(15, Me2 = function(e23) {
r11.onOpened && r11.onOpened(e23), w10("opened");
}), n10(16, Ee2 = function(e23) {
r11.onClosed && r11.onClosed(e23), w10("closed");
}, Pe2 = function() {
var e21 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
je2 && (n10(14, Oe2 = e21.onClose || Oe2), n10(16, Ee2 = e21.onClosed || Ee2), n10(2, je2 = null), Re2());
}, Te2 = function() {
a10 = window.scrollY, v10 = document.body.style.position, p10 = document.body.style.overflow, m10 = document.body.style.width, document.body.style.position = "fixed", document.body.style.top = "-".concat(a10, "px"), document.body.style.overflow = "hidden", document.body.style.width = "100%";
}, Re2 = function() {
document.body.style.position = v10 || "", document.body.style.top = "", document.body.style.overflow = p10 || "", document.body.style.width = m10 || "", window.scrollTo({ top: a10, left: 0, behavior: "instant" });
ue2(E10, { open: Ae2, close: Pe2 });
var Ne2 = false;
return Qi(function() {
Ne2 && Pe2();
}), Gi(function() {
n10(47, Ne2 = true);
}), e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"isTabbable" in e21 && n10(22, S10 = e21.isTabbable), "show" in e21 && n10(23, $10 = e21.show), "id" in e21 && n10(24, O10 = e21.id), "key" in e21 && n10(25, E10 = e21.key), "ariaLabel" in e21 && n10(26, P10 = e21.ariaLabel), "ariaLabelledBy" in e21 && n10(27, R8 = e21.ariaLabelledBy), "closeButton" in e21 && n10(28, I10 = e21.closeButton), "closeOnEsc" in e21 && n10(29, q10 = e21.closeOnEsc), "closeOnOuterClick" in e21 && n10(30, B10 = e21.closeOnOuterClick), "styleBg" in e21 && n10(31, F10 = e21.styleBg), "styleWindowWrap" in e21 && n10(32, H10 = e21.styleWindowWrap), "styleWindow" in e21 && n10(33, U10 = e21.styleWindow), "styleContent" in e21 && n10(34, K10 = e21.styleContent), "styleCloseButton" in e21 && n10(35, Q10 = e21.styleCloseButton), "classBg" in e21 && n10(36, X10 = e21.classBg), "classWindowWrap" in e21 && n10(37, ee2 = e21.classWindowWrap), "classWindow" in e21 && n10(38, ne2 = e21.classWindow), "classContent" in e21 && n10(39, oe2 = e21.classContent), "classCloseButton" in e21 && n10(40, ae2 = e21.classCloseButton), "unstyled" in e21 && n10(0, ce2 = e21.unstyled), "setContext" in e21 && n10(41, ue2 = e21.setContext), "transitionBg" in e21 && n10(42, de2 = e21.transitionBg), "transitionBgProps" in e21 && n10(43, ve2 = e21.transitionBgProps), "transitionWindow" in e21 && n10(44, me2 = e21.transitionWindow), "transitionWindowProps" in e21 && n10(45, ye2 = e21.transitionWindowProps), "disableFocusTrap" in e21 && n10(46, ke2 = e21.disableFocusTrap), "$$scope" in e21 && n10(48, k10 = e21.$$scope);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
8388608 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 65536 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && Ne2 && (Ce2($10) ? Ae2($10) : Pe2());
}, [ce2, xe2, je2, r10, o10, i10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, _e2, Oe2, Me2, Ee2, Ce2, Pe2, function(e21) {
if (xe2.closeOnEsc && je2 && "Escape" === e21.key && (e21.preventDefault(), Pe2()), je2 && "Tab" === e21.key && !xe2.disableFocusTrap) {
var t11 = i10.querySelectorAll("*"), n11 = Array.from(t11).filter(xe2.isTabbable).sort(function(e23, t12) {
return e23.tabIndex - t12.tabIndex;
}), r11 = n11.indexOf(document.activeElement);
-1 === r11 && e21.shiftKey && (r11 = 0), r11 += n11.length + (e21.shiftKey ? -1 : 1), n11[r11 %= n11.length].focus(), e21.preventDefault();
}, function(e21) {
!xe2.closeOnOuterClick || e21.target !== r10 && e21.target !== o10 || (g10 = e21.target);
}, function(e21) {
xe2.closeOnOuterClick && e21.target === g10 && (e21.preventDefault(), Pe2());
}, S10, $10, O10, E10, P10, R8, I10, q10, B10, F10, H10, U10, K10, Q10, X10, ee2, ne2, oe2, ae2, ue2, de2, ve2, me2, ye2, ke2, Ne2, k10, b10, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(5, i10 = e21);
}, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(4, o10 = e21);
}, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(3, r10 = e21);
var Qa;
var Ya;
var Xa;
var Za;
var es;
var ts;
var ns;
var rs = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, Ga, Ja, Xo, { isTabbable: 22, show: 23, id: 24, key: 25, ariaLabel: 26, ariaLabelledBy: 27, closeButton: 28, closeOnEsc: 29, closeOnOuterClick: 30, styleBg: 31, styleWindowWrap: 32, styleWindow: 33, styleContent: 34, styleCloseButton: 35, classBg: 36, classWindowWrap: 37, classWindow: 38, classContent: 39, classCloseButton: 40, unstyled: 0, setContext: 41, transitionBg: 42, transitionBgProps: 43, transitionWindow: 44, transitionWindowProps: 45, disableFocusTrap: 46 }, Fa, [-1, -1, -1]), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
!function(e20) {
e20.text = "text", e20.tree = "tree", e20.table = "table";
}(Qa || (Qa = {})), function(e20) {
e20.after = "after", e20.inside = "inside", e20.key = "key", e20.value = "value", e20.multi = "multi", e20.text = "text";
}(Ya || (Ya = {})), function(e20) {
e20.after = "after", e20.key = "key", e20.value = "value", e20.inside = "inside";
}(Xa || (Xa = {})), function(e20) {
e20.info = "info", e20.warning = "warning", e20.error = "error";
}(Za || (Za = {})), function(e20) {
e20.key = "key", e20.value = "value";
}(es || (es = {})), function(e20) {
e20.asc = "asc", e20.desc = "desc";
}(ts || (ts = {})), function(e20) {
e20.no = "no", e20.self = "self", e20.nextInside = "nextInside";
}(ns || (ns = {}));
var os = 50;
var is = 200;
var as = 400;
var ss = 1200;
var cs = 1e3;
var ls = 100;
var us = 100;
var fs = 2e4;
var ds = [{ start: 0, end: ls }];
var hs = 104857600;
var vs = 1048576;
var ps = 10485760;
var ms = 10240;
var gs = { closeButton: false, classBg: "jse-modal-bg", classWindow: "jse-modal-window", classWindowWrap: "jse-modal-window-wrap", classContent: "jse-modal-container" };
var ys = Ro(Ro({}, gs), {}, { classWindow: "jse-modal-window jse-modal-window-sort" });
var bs = Ro(Ro({}, gs), {}, { classWindow: "jse-modal-window jse-modal-window-transform" });
var ks = Ro(Ro({}, gs), {}, { classWindow: "jse-modal-window jse-modal-window-jsoneditor" });
var ws = "Insert or paste contents, enter [ insert a new array, enter { to insert a new object, or start typing to insert a new value";
var xs = "Open context menu (Click here, right click on the selection, or use the context menu button or Ctrl+Q)";
var js = "hover-insert-inside";
var Ss = "hover-insert-after";
var Cs = "hover-collection";
var $s = "valid";
var _s = "repairable";
var Os = 336;
var Ms = 260;
var Es = qo(qo({}, ts.asc, "ascending"), ts.desc, "descending");
var As = 0;
function Ps() {
return ++As;
function Ts(e20) {
return Array.isArray(e20);
function Rs(e20) {
return null !== e20 && "object" === Ho(e20) && e20.constructor === Object;
function Ns(e20) {
return !(!e20 || "object" !== Ho(e20)) && "add" === e20.op;
function Is(e20) {
return !(!e20 || "object" !== Ho(e20)) && "remove" === e20.op;
function Ds(e20) {
return !(!e20 || "object" !== Ho(e20)) && "replace" === e20.op;
function qs(e20) {
return !(!e20 || "object" !== Ho(e20)) && "copy" === e20.op;
function zs(e20) {
return !(!e20 || "object" !== Ho(e20)) && "move" === e20.op;
function Bs(e20, t10) {
return e20 === t10;
function Ls(e20) {
return e20.slice(0, e20.length - 1);
function Fs(e20) {
return "object" === Ho(e20) && null !== e20;
function Vs(e20) {
if (Ts(e20)) {
var t10 = e20.slice();
return Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e20).forEach(function(n11) {
t10[n11] = e20[n11];
}), t10;
if (Rs(e20)) {
var n10 = Ro({}, e20);
return Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e20).forEach(function(t11) {
n10[t11] = e20[t11];
}), n10;
return e20;
function Hs(e20, t10, n10) {
if (e20[t10] === n10)
return e20;
var r10 = Vs(e20);
return r10[t10] = n10, r10;
function Ws(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = e20, r10 = 0; r10 < t10.length; )
n10 = Rs(n10) ? n10[t10[r10]] : Ts(n10) ? n10[parseInt(t10[r10])] : void 0, r10++;
return n10;
function Us(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] && arguments[3];
if (0 === t10.length)
return n10;
var o10 = t10[0], i10 = Us(e20 ? e20[o10] : void 0, t10.slice(1), n10, r10);
if (Rs(e20) || Ts(e20))
return Hs(e20, o10, i10);
if (r10) {
var a10 = Js.test(o10) ? [] : {};
return a10[o10] = i10, a10;
throw new Error("Path does not exist");
var Js = /^\d+$/;
function Ks(e20, t10, n10) {
if (0 === t10.length)
return n10(e20);
if (!Fs(e20))
throw new Error("Path doesn't exist");
var r10 = t10[0];
return Hs(e20, r10, Ks(e20[r10], t10.slice(1), n10));
function Gs(e20, t10) {
if (0 === t10.length)
return e20;
if (!Fs(e20))
throw new Error("Path does not exist");
if (1 === t10.length) {
var n10 = t10[0];
if (n10 in e20) {
var r10 = Vs(e20);
return Ts(r10) && r10.splice(parseInt(n10), 1), Rs(r10) && delete r10[n10], r10;
return e20;
var o10 = t10[0];
return Hs(e20, o10, Gs(e20[o10], t10.slice(1)));
function Qs(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = t10.slice(0, t10.length - 1), o10 = t10[t10.length - 1];
return Ks(e20, r10, function(e21) {
if (!Array.isArray(e21))
throw new TypeError("Array expected at path " + JSON.stringify(r10));
var t11 = Vs(e21);
return t11.splice(parseInt(o10), 0, n10), t11;
function Ys(e20, t10) {
return void 0 !== e20 && (0 === t10.length || null !== e20 && Ys(e20[t10[0]], t10.slice(1)));
function Xs(e20) {
var t10 = e20.split("/");
return t10.shift(), t10.map(function(e21) {
return e21.replace(/~1/g, "/").replace(/~0/g, "~");
function Zs(e20) {
return e20.map(ec).join("");
function ec(e20) {
return "/" + String(e20).replace(/~/g, "~0").replace(/\//g, "~1");
function tc(e20, t10) {
return e20 + ec(t10);
function nc(e20, t10) {
return e20.startsWith(t10) && (e20.length === t10.length || "/" === e20[t10.length]);
function rc(e20, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = e20, o10 = 0; o10 < t10.length; o10++) {
var i10 = t10[o10];
if (n10 && n10.before) {
var a10 = n10.before(r10, i10);
if (void 0 !== a10) {
if (void 0 !== a10.document && (r10 = a10.document), void 0 !== a10.json)
throw new Error('Deprecation warning: returned object property ".json" has been renamed to ".document"');
void 0 !== a10.operation && (i10 = a10.operation);
var s10 = r10, c10 = dc(r10, i10.path);
if ("add" === i10.op)
r10 = ac(r10, c10, i10.value);
else if ("remove" === i10.op)
r10 = ic(r10, c10);
else if ("replace" === i10.op)
r10 = oc(r10, c10, i10.value);
else if ("copy" === i10.op)
r10 = sc(r10, c10, hc(i10.from));
else if ("move" === i10.op)
r10 = cc(r10, c10, hc(i10.from));
else {
if ("test" !== i10.op)
throw new Error("Unknown JSONPatch operation " + JSON.stringify(i10));
lc(r10, c10, i10.value);
if (n10 && n10.after) {
var l10 = n10.after(r10, i10, s10);
void 0 !== l10 && (r10 = l10);
return r10;
function oc(e20, t10, n10) {
return Us(e20, t10, n10);
function ic(e20, t10) {
return Gs(e20, t10);
function ac(e20, t10, n10) {
return uc(e20, t10) ? Qs(e20, t10, n10) : Us(e20, t10, n10);
function sc(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = Ws(e20, n10);
return uc(e20, t10) ? Qs(e20, t10, r10) : Us(e20, t10, Ws(e20, n10));
function cc(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = Ws(e20, n10), o10 = Gs(e20, n10);
return uc(o10, t10) ? Qs(o10, t10, r10) : Us(o10, t10, r10);
function lc(e20, t10, n10) {
if (void 0 === n10)
throw new Error('Test failed: no value provided (path: "'.concat(Zs(t10), '")'));
if (!Ys(e20, t10))
throw new Error('Test failed: path not found (path: "'.concat(Zs(t10), '")'));
var r10, o10, i10 = Ws(e20, t10);
if (r10 = i10, o10 = n10, JSON.stringify(r10) !== JSON.stringify(o10))
throw new Error('Test failed, value differs (path: "'.concat(Zs(t10), '")'));
function uc(e20, t10) {
if (0 === t10.length)
return false;
var n10 = Ws(e20, Ls(t10));
return Array.isArray(n10);
function fc(e20) {
if (!["add", "remove", "replace", "copy", "move", "test"].includes(e20.op))
throw new Error("Unknown JSONPatch op " + JSON.stringify(e20.op));
if ("string" != typeof e20.path)
throw new Error('Required property "path" missing or not a string in operation ' + JSON.stringify(e20));
if (("copy" === e20.op || "move" === e20.op) && "string" != typeof e20.from)
throw new Error('Required property "from" missing or not a string in operation ' + JSON.stringify(e20));
function dc(e20, t10) {
return function(e21, t11) {
if ("-" !== function(e23) {
return e23[e23.length - 1];
return t11;
var n10 = Ls(t11), r10 = Ws(e21, n10);
return n10.concat(r10.length);
}(e20, Xs(t10));
function hc(e20) {
return Xs(e20);
function vc(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = [];
return rc(e20, t10, { before: function(e21, t11) {
var o10, i10, a10 = dc(e21, t11.path);
if ("add" === t11.op)
o10 = gc(e21, a10);
else if ("remove" === t11.op)
o10 = mc(e21, a10);
else if ("replace" === t11.op)
o10 = pc(e21, a10);
else if ("copy" === t11.op)
o10 = function(e23, t12) {
return gc(e23, t12);
}(e21, a10);
else if ("move" === t11.op)
o10 = function(e23, t12, n11) {
if (t12.length < n11.length && function(e24, t13) {
var n12 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : Bs;
if (e24.length < t13.length)
return false;
for (var r12 = 0; r12 < t13.length; r12++)
if (!n12(e24[r12], t13[r12]))
return false;
return true;
}(n11, t12))
return [{ op: "replace", path: Zs(t12), value: e23 }];
var r11 = { op: "move", from: Zs(t12), path: Zs(n11) };
return !uc(e23, t12) && Ys(e23, t12) ? [r11].concat(Bo(mc(e23, t12))) : [r11];
}(e21, a10, hc(t11.from));
else {
if ("test" !== t11.op)
throw new Error("Unknown JSONPatch operation " + JSON.stringify(t11));
o10 = [];
if (n10 && n10.before) {
var s10 = n10.before(e21, t11, o10);
if (s10 && s10.revertOperations && (o10 = s10.revertOperations), s10 && s10.document && (i10 = s10.document), s10 && s10.json)
throw new Error('Deprecation warning: returned object property ".json" has been renamed to ".document"');
if (r10 = o10.concat(r10), void 0 !== i10)
return { document: i10 };
} }), r10;
function pc(e20, t10) {
return [{ op: "replace", path: Zs(t10), value: Ws(e20, t10) }];
function mc(e20, t10) {
return [{ op: "add", path: Zs(t10), value: Ws(e20, t10) }];
function gc(e20, t10) {
return uc(e20, t10) || !Ys(e20, t10) ? [{ op: "remove", path: Zs(t10) }] : pc(e20, t10);
function yc(e20) {
return e20 && e20.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e20, "default") ? e20.default : e20;
var bc = {};
var kc = { b: "\b", f: "\f", n: "\n", r: "\r", t: " ", '"': '"', "/": "/", "\\": "\\" };
var wc = "a".charCodeAt();
bc.parse = function(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = {}, o10 = 0, i10 = 0, a10 = 0, s10 = n10 && n10.bigint && "undefined" != typeof BigInt;
return { data: c10("", true), pointers: r10 };
function c10(t11, n11) {
var r11;
l10(), m10(t11, "value");
var o11 = d10();
switch (o11) {
case "t":
f10("rue"), r11 = true;
case "f":
f10("alse"), r11 = false;
case "n":
f10("ull"), r11 = null;
case '"':
r11 = u10();
case "[":
r11 = function(e21) {
var t12 = [], n12 = 0;
if ("]" == d10())
return t12;
for (; ; ) {
var r12 = e21 + "/" + n12;
t12.push(c10(r12)), l10();
var o12 = d10();
if ("]" == o12)
"," != o12 && k10(), l10(), n12++;
return t12;
case "{":
r11 = function(e21) {
var t12 = {};
if ("}" == d10())
return t12;
for (; ; ) {
var n12 = y10();
'"' != d10() && k10();
var r12 = u10(), o12 = e21 + "/" + Tc(r12);
g10(o12, "key", n12), m10(o12, "keyEnd"), l10(), ":" != d10() && k10(), l10(), t12[r12] = c10(o12), l10();
var i11 = d10();
if ("}" == i11)
"," != i11 && k10(), l10();
return t12;
h10(), "-0123456789".indexOf(o11) >= 0 ? r11 = function() {
var t12 = "", n12 = true;
"-" == e20[a10] && (t12 += d10());
t12 += "0" == e20[a10] ? d10() : p10(), "." == e20[a10] && (t12 += d10() + p10(), n12 = false);
"e" != e20[a10] && "E" != e20[a10] || (t12 += d10(), "+" != e20[a10] && "-" != e20[a10] || (t12 += d10()), t12 += p10(), n12 = false);
var r12 = +t12;
return s10 && n12 && (r12 > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || r12 < Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER) ? BigInt(t12) : r12;
}() : b10();
return m10(t11, "valueEnd"), l10(), n11 && a10 < e20.length && b10(), r11;
function l10() {
for (; a10 < e20.length; ) {
switch (e20[a10]) {
case " ":
case " ":
i10 += 4;
case "\r":
i10 = 0;
case "\n":
i10 = 0, o10++;
break e;
function u10() {
for (var e21, t11 = ""; '"' != (e21 = d10()); )
"\\" == e21 ? (e21 = d10()) in kc ? t11 += kc[e21] : "u" == e21 ? t11 += v10() : k10() : t11 += e21;
return t11;
function f10(e21) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < e21.length; t11++)
d10() !== e21[t11] && k10();
function d10() {
var t11 = e20[a10];
return a10++, i10++, t11;
function h10() {
a10--, i10--;
function v10() {
for (var e21 = 4, t11 = 0; e21--; ) {
t11 <<= 4;
var n11 = d10().toLowerCase();
n11 >= "a" && n11 <= "f" ? t11 += n11.charCodeAt() - wc + 10 : n11 >= "0" && n11 <= "9" ? t11 += +n11 : k10();
return String.fromCharCode(t11);
function p10() {
for (var t11 = ""; e20[a10] >= "0" && e20[a10] <= "9"; )
t11 += d10();
if (t11.length)
return t11;
w10(), b10();
function m10(e21, t11) {
g10(e21, t11, y10());
function g10(e21, t11, n11) {
r10[e21] = r10[e21] || {}, r10[e21][t11] = n11;
function y10() {
return { line: o10, column: i10, pos: a10 };
function b10() {
throw new SyntaxError("Unexpected token " + e20[a10] + " in JSON at position " + a10);
function k10() {
h10(), b10();
function w10() {
if (a10 >= e20.length)
throw new SyntaxError("Unexpected end of JSON input");
}, bc.stringify = function(e20, t10, n10) {
if (jc(e20)) {
var r10, o10, i10 = 0, a10 = "object" == Ho(n10) ? n10.space : n10;
switch (Ho(a10)) {
case "number":
var s10 = a10 > 10 ? 10 : a10 < 0 ? 0 : Math.floor(a10);
a10 = s10 && y10(s10, " "), r10 = s10, o10 = s10;
case "string":
a10 = a10.slice(0, 10), r10 = 0, o10 = 0;
for (var c10 = 0; c10 < a10.length; c10++) {
switch (a10[c10]) {
case " ":
case " ":
o10 += 4;
case "\r":
o10 = 0;
case "\n":
o10 = 0, i10++;
throw new Error("whitespace characters not allowed in JSON");
a10 = void 0;
var l10 = "", u10 = {}, f10 = 0, d10 = 0, h10 = 0, v10 = n10 && n10.es6 && "function" == typeof Map;
return function e21(t11, n11, r11) {
switch (g10(r11, "value"), Ho(t11)) {
case "number":
case "bigint":
case "boolean":
p10("" + t11);
case "string":
case "object":
null === t11 ? p10("null") : "function" == typeof t11.toJSON ? p10(Ec(t11.toJSON())) : Array.isArray(t11) ? o11() : v10 ? t11.constructor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT ? o11() : t11 instanceof Map ? s11() : t11 instanceof Set ? s11(true) : i11() : i11();
function o11() {
if (t11.length) {
for (var o12 = n11 + 1, i12 = 0; i12 < t11.length; i12++) {
i12 && p10(","), m10(o12);
var a11 = jc(t11[i12]) ? t11[i12] : null;
e21(a11, o12, r11 + "/" + i12);
m10(n11), p10("]");
} else
function i11() {
var o12 = Object.keys(t11);
if (o12.length) {
for (var i12 = n11 + 1, s12 = 0; s12 < o12.length; s12++) {
var c11 = o12[s12], l11 = t11[c11];
if (jc(l11)) {
s12 && p10(",");
var u11 = r11 + "/" + Tc(c11);
m10(i12), g10(u11, "key"), p10(Ec(c11)), g10(u11, "keyEnd"), p10(":"), a10 && p10(" "), e21(l11, i12, u11);
m10(n11), p10("}");
} else
function s11(o12) {
if (t11.size) {
for (var i12 = n11 + 1, s12 = true, c11 = t11.entries(), l11 = c11.next(); !l11.done; ) {
var u11 = l11.value, f11 = u11[0], d11 = !!o12 || u11[1];
if (jc(d11)) {
s12 || p10(","), s12 = false;
var h11 = r11 + "/" + Tc(f11);
m10(i12), g10(h11, "key"), p10(Ec(f11)), g10(h11, "keyEnd"), p10(":"), a10 && p10(" "), e21(d11, i12, h11);
l11 = c11.next();
m10(n11), p10("}");
} else
g10(r11, "valueEnd");
}(e20, 0, ""), { json: l10, pointers: u10 };
function p10(e21) {
d10 += e21.length, h10 += e21.length, l10 += e21;
function m10(e21) {
if (a10) {
for (l10 += "\n" + y10(e21, a10), f10++, d10 = 0; e21--; )
i10 ? (f10 += i10, d10 = o10) : d10 += o10, h10 += r10;
h10 += 1;
function g10(e21, t11) {
u10[e21] = u10[e21] || {}, u10[e21][t11] = { line: f10, column: d10, pos: h10 };
function y10(e21, t11) {
return Array(e21 + 1).join(t11);
var xc = ["number", "bigint", "boolean", "string", "object"];
function jc(e20) {
return xc.indexOf(Ho(e20)) >= 0;
var Sc = /"|\\/g;
var Cc = /[\b]/g;
var $c = /\f/g;
var _c = /\n/g;
var Oc = /\r/g;
var Mc = /\t/g;
function Ec(e20) {
return '"' + (e20 = e20.replace(Sc, "\\$&").replace($c, "\\f").replace(Cc, "\\b").replace(_c, "\\n").replace(Oc, "\\r").replace(Mc, "\\t")) + '"';
var Ac = /~/g;
var Pc = /\//g;
function Tc(e20) {
return e20.replace(Ac, "~0").replace(Pc, "~1");
var Rc = function(e20) {
function t10(e21, n10) {
var r10;
return No(this, t10), (r10 = _o(this, t10, [e21 + " at position " + n10])).position = n10, r10;
return Ao(t10, $o(Error)), Do(t10);
var Nc = 92;
var Ic = 47;
var Dc = 42;
var qc = 123;
var zc = 125;
var Bc = 91;
var Lc = 93;
var Fc = 40;
var Vc = 41;
var Hc = 32;
var Wc = 10;
var Uc = 9;
var Jc = 13;
var Kc = 8;
var Gc = 12;
var Qc = 34;
var Yc = 43;
var Xc = 45;
var Zc = 39;
var el = 48;
var tl = 57;
var nl = 44;
var rl = 46;
var ol = 58;
var il = 59;
var al = 65;
var sl = 97;
var cl = 69;
var ll = 101;
var ul = 70;
var fl = 102;
var dl = 160;
var hl = 8192;
var vl = 8202;
var pl = 8239;
var ml = 8287;
var gl = 12288;
var yl = 8220;
var bl = 8221;
var kl = 8216;
var wl = 8217;
var xl = 96;
var jl = 180;
function Sl(e20) {
return e20 >= el && e20 <= tl || e20 >= al && e20 <= ul || e20 >= sl && e20 <= fl;
function Cl(e20) {
return e20 >= el && e20 <= tl;
function $l(e20) {
return e20 >= 32 && e20 <= 1114111;
function _l(e20) {
return Ol.test(e20) || Rl(e20.charCodeAt(0));
var Ol = /^[,:[\]{}()\n+]$/;
function Ml(e20) {
return El.test(e20) || e20 && Rl(e20.charCodeAt(0));
var El = /^[[{\w-]$/;
function Al(e20) {
return e20 === Wc || e20 === Jc || e20 === Uc || e20 === Kc || e20 === Gc;
function Pl(e20) {
return e20 === Hc || e20 === Wc || e20 === Uc || e20 === Jc;
function Tl(e20) {
return e20 === dl || e20 >= hl && e20 <= vl || e20 === pl || e20 === ml || e20 === gl;
function Rl(e20) {
return Nl(e20) || Dl(e20);
function Nl(e20) {
return e20 === Qc || e20 === yl || e20 === bl;
function Il(e20) {
return e20 === Qc;
function Dl(e20) {
return e20 === Zc || e20 === kl || e20 === wl || e20 === xl || e20 === jl;
function ql(e20) {
return e20 === Zc;
function zl(e20, t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2], r10 = e20.lastIndexOf(t10);
return -1 !== r10 ? e20.substring(0, r10) + (n10 ? "" : e20.substring(r10 + 1)) : e20;
function Bl(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.length;
if (!Pl(e20.charCodeAt(n10 - 1)))
return e20 + t10;
for (; Pl(e20.charCodeAt(n10 - 1)); )
return e20.substring(0, n10) + t10 + e20.substring(n10);
function Ll(e20, t10, n10) {
return e20.substring(0, t10) + e20.substring(t10 + n10);
var Fl = { "\b": "\\b", "\f": "\\f", "\n": "\\n", "\r": "\\r", " ": "\\t" };
var Vl = { '"': '"', "\\": "\\", "/": "/", b: "\b", f: "\f", n: "\n", r: "\r", t: " " };
function Hl(e20) {
var t10 = 0, n10 = "";
o10() || function() {
throw new Rc("Unexpected end of json string", e20.length);
var r10 = c10(nl);
for (r10 && i10(), Ml(e20[t10]) && function(e21) {
return /[,\n][ \t\r]*$/.test(e21);
}(n10) ? (r10 || (n10 = Bl(n10, ",")), function() {
var e21 = true, t11 = true;
for (; t11; ) {
if (e21)
e21 = false;
c10(nl) || (n10 = Bl(n10, ","));
t11 = o10();
t11 || (n10 = zl(n10, ","));
n10 = "[\n".concat(n10, "\n]");
}()) : r10 && (n10 = zl(n10, ",")); e20.charCodeAt(t10) === zc || e20.charCodeAt(t10) === Lc; )
t10++, i10();
if (t10 >= e20.length)
return n10;
function o10() {
var r11 = function() {
if (e20.charCodeAt(t10) === qc) {
n10 += "{", t10++, i10();
for (var r12 = true; t10 < e20.length && e20.charCodeAt(t10) !== zc; ) {
if (r12 ? (true, r12 = false) : (c10(nl) || (n10 = Bl(n10, ",")), i10()), !(u10() || d10())) {
e20.charCodeAt(t10) === zc || e20.charCodeAt(t10) === qc || e20.charCodeAt(t10) === Lc || e20.charCodeAt(t10) === Bc || void 0 === e20[t10] ? n10 = zl(n10, ",") : m10();
var a11 = c10(ol), s11 = t10 >= e20.length;
a11 || (Ml(e20[t10]) || s11 ? n10 = Bl(n10, ":") : g10()), o10() || (a11 || s11 ? n10 += "null" : g10());
return e20.charCodeAt(t10) === zc ? (n10 += "}", t10++) : n10 = Bl(n10, "}"), true;
return false;
}() || function() {
if (e20.charCodeAt(t10) === Bc) {
n10 += "[", t10++, i10();
for (var r12 = true; t10 < e20.length && e20.charCodeAt(t10) !== Lc; ) {
if (r12)
r12 = false;
c10(nl) || (n10 = Bl(n10, ","));
if (!o10()) {
n10 = zl(n10, ",");
return e20.charCodeAt(t10) === Lc ? (n10 += "]", t10++) : n10 = Bl(n10, "]"), true;
return false;
}() || u10() || function() {
var r12 = t10;
if (e20.charCodeAt(t10) === Xc && (t10++, v10(r12)))
return true;
for (; Cl(e20.charCodeAt(t10)); )
if (e20.charCodeAt(t10) === rl) {
if (t10++, v10(r12))
return true;
for (; Cl(e20.charCodeAt(t10)); )
if (e20.charCodeAt(t10) === ll || e20.charCodeAt(t10) === cl) {
if (t10++, e20.charCodeAt(t10) !== Xc && e20.charCodeAt(t10) !== Yc || t10++, v10(r12))
return true;
for (; Cl(e20.charCodeAt(t10)); )
if (t10 > r12) {
var o11 = e20.slice(r12, t10), i11 = /^0\d/.test(o11);
return n10 += i11 ? '"'.concat(o11, '"') : o11, true;
return false;
}() || f10("true", "true") || f10("false", "false") || f10("null", "null") || f10("True", "true") || f10("False", "false") || f10("None", "null") || d10();
return i10(), r11;
function i10() {
var e21 = t10, n11 = a10();
do {
(n11 = s10()) && (n11 = a10());
} while (n11);
return t10 > e21;
function a10() {
for (var r11, o11 = ""; (r11 = Pl(e20.charCodeAt(t10))) || Tl(e20.charCodeAt(t10)); )
o11 += r11 ? e20[t10] : " ", t10++;
return o11.length > 0 && (n10 += o11, true);
function s10() {
if (e20.charCodeAt(t10) === Ic && e20.charCodeAt(t10 + 1) === Dc) {
for (; t10 < e20.length && !Wl(e20, t10); )
return t10 += 2, true;
if (e20.charCodeAt(t10) === Ic && e20.charCodeAt(t10 + 1) === Ic) {
for (; t10 < e20.length && e20.charCodeAt(t10) !== Wc; )
return true;
return false;
function c10(r11) {
return e20.charCodeAt(t10) === r11 && (n10 += e20[t10], t10++, true);
function l10() {
return function(n11) {
return e20.charCodeAt(t10) === n11 && (t10++, true);
function u10() {
var r11 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0], o11 = e20.charCodeAt(t10) === Nc;
if (o11 && (t10++, o11 = true), Rl(e20.charCodeAt(t10))) {
var a11 = Il(e20.charCodeAt(t10)) ? Il : ql(e20.charCodeAt(t10)) ? ql : Dl(e20.charCodeAt(t10)) ? Dl : Nl, s11 = t10, c11 = n10.length, f11 = '"';
for (var d11 = r11 ? function(t11) {
return _l(e20[t11]);
} : function(t11) {
return a11(e20.charCodeAt(t11));
}; t10 < e20.length && !d11(t10); ) {
if (e20.charCodeAt(t10) === Nc) {
var h11 = e20.charAt(t10 + 1);
if (void 0 !== Vl[h11])
f11 += e20.slice(t10, t10 + 2), t10 += 2;
else if ("u" === h11) {
for (var v11 = 2; v11 < 6 && Sl(e20.charCodeAt(t10 + v11)); )
6 === v11 ? (f11 += e20.slice(t10, t10 + 6), t10 += 6) : t10 + v11 >= e20.length ? t10 = e20.length : y10();
} else
f11 += h11, t10 += 2;
} else {
var m11 = e20.charAt(t10), g11 = e20.charCodeAt(t10);
g11 === Qc && e20.charCodeAt(t10 - 1) !== Nc ? (f11 += "\\" + m11, t10++) : Al(g11) ? (f11 += Fl[m11], t10++) : ($l(g11) || p10(m11), f11 += m11, t10++);
o11 && l10();
var b10 = Rl(e20.charCodeAt(t10));
b10 ? (f11 += '"', t10++) : f11 = Bl(f11, '"'), n10 += f11, i10();
var k10 = t10 >= e20.length, w10 = _l(e20.charAt(t10));
return !r11 && (b10 && !k10 && !w10 || !b10 && k10) ? (t10 = s11, n10 = n10.substring(0, c11), u10(true)) : (function() {
var r12 = false;
for (; e20.charCodeAt(t10) === Yc; ) {
r12 = true, t10++, i10();
var o12 = (n10 = zl(n10, '"', true)).length, a12 = u10();
n10 = a12 ? Ll(n10, o12, 1) : Bl(n10, '"');
}(), true);
return false;
function f10(r11, o11) {
return e20.slice(t10, t10 + r11.length) === r11 && (n10 += o11, t10 += r11.length, true);
function d10() {
for (var r11 = t10; t10 < e20.length && !_l(e20[t10]); )
if (t10 > r11) {
if (e20.charCodeAt(t10) === Fc)
return t10++, o10(), e20.charCodeAt(t10) === Vc && (t10++, e20.charCodeAt(t10) === il && t10++), true;
for (; Pl(e20.charCodeAt(t10 - 1)) && t10 > 0; )
var i11 = e20.slice(r11, t10);
return n10 += "undefined" === i11 ? "null" : JSON.stringify(i11), e20.charCodeAt(t10) === Qc && t10++, true;
function h10(n11) {
if (!Cl(e20.charCodeAt(t10))) {
var r11 = e20.slice(n11, t10);
throw new Rc("Invalid number '".concat(r11, "', expecting a digit ").concat(e20[t10] ? "but got '".concat(e20[t10], "'") : "but reached end of input"), t10);
function v10(r11) {
return t10 >= e20.length ? (n10 += e20.slice(r11, t10) + "0", true) : (h10(r11), false);
function p10(e21) {
throw new Rc("Invalid character " + JSON.stringify(e21), t10);
function m10() {
throw new Rc("Object key expected", t10);
function g10() {
throw new Rc("Colon expected", t10);
function y10() {
var n11 = e20.slice(t10, t10 + 6);
throw new Rc('Invalid unicode character "'.concat(n11, '"'), t10);
!function() {
throw new Rc("Unexpected character " + JSON.stringify(e20[t10]), t10);
function Wl(e20, t10) {
return "*" === e20[t10] && "/" === e20[t10 + 1];
function Ul(e20) {
return parseInt(e20, 10);
function Jl(e20) {
return Kl.test(e20);
var Kl = /^-?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?$/;
function Gl(e20) {
return "object" === Ho(e20) && null !== e20 && "Object" === e20.constructor.name;
function Ql(e20) {
return "object" === Ho(e20) && null !== e20 && ("Object" === e20.constructor.name || "Array" === e20.constructor.name);
function Yl(e20) {
if ("number" == typeof e20)
return e20 > 9466848e5 && isFinite(e20) && Math.floor(e20) === e20 && !isNaN(new Date(e20).valueOf());
if ("bigint" == typeof e20)
return Yl(Number(e20));
try {
var t10 = e20 ? e20.valueOf() : e20;
if (t10 !== e20)
return Yl(t10);
} catch (e21) {
return false;
return false;
function Xl(e20) {
(Zl = Zl || window.document.createElement("div")).style.color = "", Zl.style.color = e20;
var t10 = Zl.style.color;
return "" !== t10 ? t10.replace(/\s+/g, "").toLowerCase() : null;
var Zl = null;
function eu(e20, t10) {
if ("number" == typeof e20 || "string" == typeof e20 || "boolean" == typeof e20 || void 0 === e20)
return Ho(e20);
if ("bigint" == typeof e20)
return "number";
if (null === e20)
return "null";
if (Array.isArray(e20))
return "array";
if (Gl(e20))
return "object";
var n10 = t10.stringify(e20);
return n10 && Jl(n10) ? "number" : "true" === n10 || "false" === n10 ? "boolean" : "null" === n10 ? "null" : "unknown";
var tu = /^https?:\/\/\S+$/;
function nu(e20) {
return "string" == typeof e20 && tu.test(e20);
function ru(e20, t10) {
if ("" === e20)
return "";
var n10 = e20.trim();
return "null" === n10 ? null : "true" === n10 || "false" !== n10 && (Jl(n10) ? t10.parse(n10) : e20);
function ou(e20) {
return iu.test(e20);
var iu = /^-?[0-9]+$/;
var au = "object" == ("undefined" == typeof global ? "undefined" : Ho(global)) && global && global.Object === Object && global;
var su = "object" == ("undefined" == typeof self ? "undefined" : Ho(self)) && self && self.Object === Object && self;
var cu = au || su || Function("return this")();
var lu = cu.Symbol;
var uu = Object.prototype;
var fu = uu.hasOwnProperty;
var du = uu.toString;
var hu = lu ? lu.toStringTag : void 0;
var vu = Object.prototype.toString;
var pu = "[object Null]";
var mu = "[object Undefined]";
var gu = lu ? lu.toStringTag : void 0;
function yu(e20) {
return null == e20 ? void 0 === e20 ? mu : pu : gu && gu in Object(e20) ? function(e21) {
var t10 = fu.call(e21, hu), n10 = e21[hu];
try {
e21[hu] = void 0;
var r10 = true;
} catch (e23) {
var o10 = du.call(e21);
return r10 && (t10 ? e21[hu] = n10 : delete e21[hu]), o10;
}(e20) : function(e21) {
return vu.call(e21);
function bu(e20) {
return null != e20 && "object" == Ho(e20);
var ku = "[object Symbol]";
function wu(e20) {
return "symbol" == Ho(e20) || bu(e20) && yu(e20) == ku;
var xu = NaN;
function ju(e20) {
return "number" == typeof e20 ? e20 : wu(e20) ? xu : +e20;
function Su(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = -1, r10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length, o10 = Array(r10); ++n10 < r10; )
o10[n10] = t10(e20[n10], n10, e20);
return o10;
var Cu = Array.isArray;
var $u = 1 / 0;
var _u = lu ? lu.prototype : void 0;
var Ou = _u ? _u.toString : void 0;
function Mu(e20) {
if ("string" == typeof e20)
return e20;
if (Cu(e20))
return Su(e20, Mu) + "";
if (wu(e20))
return Ou ? Ou.call(e20) : "";
var t10 = e20 + "";
return "0" == t10 && 1 / e20 == -$u ? "-0" : t10;
function Eu(e20, t10) {
return function(n10, r10) {
var o10;
if (void 0 === n10 && void 0 === r10)
return t10;
if (void 0 !== n10 && (o10 = n10), void 0 !== r10) {
if (void 0 === o10)
return r10;
"string" == typeof n10 || "string" == typeof r10 ? (n10 = Mu(n10), r10 = Mu(r10)) : (n10 = ju(n10), r10 = ju(r10)), o10 = e20(n10, r10);
return o10;
var Au = Eu(function(e20, t10) {
return e20 + t10;
}, 0);
var Pu = /\s/;
function Tu(e20) {
for (var t10 = e20.length; t10-- && Pu.test(e20.charAt(t10)); )
return t10;
var Ru = /^\s+/;
function Nu(e20) {
return e20 ? e20.slice(0, Tu(e20) + 1).replace(Ru, "") : e20;
function Iu(e20) {
var t10 = Ho(e20);
return null != e20 && ("object" == t10 || "function" == t10);
var Du = NaN;
var qu = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i;
var zu = /^0b[01]+$/i;
var Bu = /^0o[0-7]+$/i;
var Lu = parseInt;
function Fu(e20) {
if ("number" == typeof e20)
return e20;
if (wu(e20))
return Du;
if (Iu(e20)) {
var t10 = "function" == typeof e20.valueOf ? e20.valueOf() : e20;
e20 = Iu(t10) ? t10 + "" : t10;
if ("string" != typeof e20)
return 0 === e20 ? e20 : +e20;
e20 = Nu(e20);
var n10 = zu.test(e20);
return n10 || Bu.test(e20) ? Lu(e20.slice(2), n10 ? 2 : 8) : qu.test(e20) ? Du : +e20;
var Vu = 1 / 0;
var Hu = 17976931348623157e292;
function Wu(e20) {
return e20 ? (e20 = Fu(e20)) === Vu || e20 === -Vu ? (e20 < 0 ? -1 : 1) * Hu : e20 == e20 ? e20 : 0 : 0 === e20 ? e20 : 0;
function Uu(e20) {
var t10 = Wu(e20), n10 = t10 % 1;
return t10 == t10 ? n10 ? t10 - n10 : t10 : 0;
function Ju(e20, t10) {
if ("function" != typeof t10)
throw new TypeError("Expected a function");
return e20 = Uu(e20), function() {
if (--e20 < 1)
return t10.apply(this, arguments);
function Ku(e20) {
return e20;
var Gu = "[object AsyncFunction]";
var Qu = "[object Function]";
var Yu = "[object GeneratorFunction]";
var Xu = "[object Proxy]";
function Zu(e20) {
if (!Iu(e20))
return false;
var t10 = yu(e20);
return t10 == Qu || t10 == Yu || t10 == Gu || t10 == Xu;
var ef;
var tf = cu["__core-js_shared__"];
var nf = (ef = /[^.]+$/.exec(tf && tf.keys && tf.keys.IE_PROTO || "")) ? "Symbol(src)_1." + ef : "";
var rf = Function.prototype.toString;
function of(e20) {
if (null != e20) {
try {
return rf.call(e20);
} catch (e21) {
try {
return e20 + "";
} catch (e21) {
return "";
var af = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/;
var sf = Function.prototype;
var cf = Object.prototype;
var lf = sf.toString;
var uf = cf.hasOwnProperty;
var ff = RegExp("^" + lf.call(uf).replace(/[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, "\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") + "$");
function df(e20) {
return !(!Iu(e20) || function(e21) {
return !!nf && nf in e21;
}(e20)) && (Zu(e20) ? ff : af).test(of(e20));
function hf(e20, t10) {
var n10 = function(e21, t11) {
return null == e21 ? void 0 : e21[t11];
}(e20, t10);
return df(n10) ? n10 : void 0;
var vf = hf(cu, "WeakMap");
var pf = vf && new vf();
var mf = pf ? function(e20, t10) {
return pf.set(e20, t10), e20;
} : Ku;
var gf = Object.create;
var yf = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function e20() {
return function(t10) {
if (!Iu(t10))
return {};
if (gf)
return gf(t10);
e20.prototype = t10;
var n10 = new e20();
return e20.prototype = void 0, n10;
function bf(e20) {
return function() {
var t10 = arguments;
switch (t10.length) {
case 0:
return new e20();
case 1:
return new e20(t10[0]);
case 2:
return new e20(t10[0], t10[1]);
case 3:
return new e20(t10[0], t10[1], t10[2]);
case 4:
return new e20(t10[0], t10[1], t10[2], t10[3]);
case 5:
return new e20(t10[0], t10[1], t10[2], t10[3], t10[4]);
case 6:
return new e20(t10[0], t10[1], t10[2], t10[3], t10[4], t10[5]);
case 7:
return new e20(t10[0], t10[1], t10[2], t10[3], t10[4], t10[5], t10[6]);
var n10 = yf(e20.prototype), r10 = e20.apply(n10, t10);
return Iu(r10) ? r10 : n10;
var kf = 1;
function wf(e20, t10, n10) {
switch (n10.length) {
case 0:
return e20.call(t10);
case 1:
return e20.call(t10, n10[0]);
case 2:
return e20.call(t10, n10[0], n10[1]);
case 3:
return e20.call(t10, n10[0], n10[1], n10[2]);
return e20.apply(t10, n10);
var xf = Math.max;
function jf(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = -1, i10 = e20.length, a10 = n10.length, s10 = -1, c10 = t10.length, l10 = xf(i10 - a10, 0), u10 = Array(c10 + l10), f10 = !r10; ++s10 < c10; )
u10[s10] = t10[s10];
for (; ++o10 < a10; )
(f10 || o10 < i10) && (u10[n10[o10]] = e20[o10]);
for (; l10--; )
u10[s10++] = e20[o10++];
return u10;
var Sf = Math.max;
function Cf(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = -1, i10 = e20.length, a10 = -1, s10 = n10.length, c10 = -1, l10 = t10.length, u10 = Sf(i10 - s10, 0), f10 = Array(u10 + l10), d10 = !r10; ++o10 < u10; )
f10[o10] = e20[o10];
for (var h10 = o10; ++c10 < l10; )
f10[h10 + c10] = t10[c10];
for (; ++a10 < s10; )
(d10 || o10 < i10) && (f10[h10 + n10[a10]] = e20[o10++]);
return f10;
function $f() {
var _f = 4294967295;
function Of(e20) {
this.__wrapped__ = e20, this.__actions__ = [], this.__dir__ = 1, this.__filtered__ = false, this.__iteratees__ = [], this.__takeCount__ = _f, this.__views__ = [];
function Mf() {
Of.prototype = yf($f.prototype), Of.prototype.constructor = Of;
var Ef = pf ? function(e20) {
return pf.get(e20);
} : Mf;
var Af = {};
var Pf = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function Tf(e20) {
for (var t10 = e20.name + "", n10 = Af[t10], r10 = Pf.call(Af, t10) ? n10.length : 0; r10--; ) {
var o10 = n10[r10], i10 = o10.func;
if (null == i10 || i10 == e20)
return o10.name;
return t10;
function Rf(e20, t10) {
this.__wrapped__ = e20, this.__actions__ = [], this.__chain__ = !!t10, this.__index__ = 0, this.__values__ = void 0;
function Nf(e20, t10) {
var n10 = -1, r10 = e20.length;
for (t10 || (t10 = Array(r10)); ++n10 < r10; )
t10[n10] = e20[n10];
return t10;
function If(e20) {
if (e20 instanceof Of)
return e20.clone();
var t10 = new Rf(e20.__wrapped__, e20.__chain__);
return t10.__actions__ = Nf(e20.__actions__), t10.__index__ = e20.__index__, t10.__values__ = e20.__values__, t10;
Rf.prototype = yf($f.prototype), Rf.prototype.constructor = Rf;
var Df = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function qf(e20) {
if (bu(e20) && !Cu(e20) && !(e20 instanceof Of)) {
if (e20 instanceof Rf)
return e20;
if (Df.call(e20, "__wrapped__"))
return If(e20);
return new Rf(e20);
function zf(e20) {
var t10 = Tf(e20), n10 = qf[t10];
if ("function" != typeof n10 || !(t10 in Of.prototype))
return false;
if (e20 === n10)
return true;
var r10 = Ef(n10);
return !!r10 && e20 === r10[0];
qf.prototype = $f.prototype, qf.prototype.constructor = qf;
var Bf = Date.now;
function Lf(e20) {
var t10 = 0, n10 = 0;
return function() {
var r10 = Bf(), o10 = 16 - (r10 - n10);
if (n10 = r10, o10 > 0) {
if (++t10 >= 800)
return arguments[0];
} else
t10 = 0;
return e20.apply(void 0, arguments);
var Ff = Lf(mf);
var Vf = /\{\n\/\* \[wrapped with (.+)\] \*/;
var Hf = /,? & /;
var Wf = /\{(?:\n\/\* \[wrapped with .+\] \*\/)?\n?/;
function Uf(e20) {
return function() {
return e20;
var Jf = function() {
try {
var e20 = hf(Object, "defineProperty");
return e20({}, "", {}), e20;
} catch (e21) {
var Kf = Jf ? function(e20, t10) {
return Jf(e20, "toString", { configurable: true, enumerable: false, value: Uf(t10), writable: true });
} : Ku;
var Gf = Lf(Kf);
function Qf(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = -1, r10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length; ++n10 < r10 && false !== t10(e20[n10], n10, e20); )
return e20;
function Yf(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = e20.length, i10 = n10 + (r10 ? 1 : -1); r10 ? i10-- : ++i10 < o10; )
if (t10(e20[i10], i10, e20))
return i10;
return -1;
function Xf(e20) {
return e20 != e20;
function Zf(e20, t10, n10) {
return t10 == t10 ? function(e21, t11, n11) {
for (var r10 = n11 - 1, o10 = e21.length; ++r10 < o10; )
if (e21[r10] === t11)
return r10;
return -1;
}(e20, t10, n10) : Yf(e20, Xf, n10);
function ed(e20, t10) {
return !!(null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length) && Zf(e20, t10, 0) > -1;
var td = [["ary", 128], ["bind", 1], ["bindKey", 2], ["curry", 8], ["curryRight", 16], ["flip", 512], ["partial", 32], ["partialRight", 64], ["rearg", 256]];
function nd(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = t10 + "";
return Gf(e20, function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = t11.length;
if (!n11)
return e21;
var r11 = n11 - 1;
return t11[r11] = (n11 > 1 ? "& " : "") + t11[r11], t11 = t11.join(n11 > 2 ? ", " : " "), e21.replace(Wf, "{\n/* [wrapped with " + t11 + "] */\n");
}(r10, function(e21, t11) {
return Qf(td, function(n11) {
var r11 = "_." + n11[0];
t11 & n11[1] && !ed(e21, r11) && e21.push(r11);
}), e21.sort();
}(function(e21) {
var t11 = e21.match(Vf);
return t11 ? t11[1].split(Hf) : [];
}(r10), n10)));
var rd = 1;
var od = 2;
var id = 4;
var ad = 8;
var sd = 32;
var cd = 64;
function ld(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10) {
var u10 = t10 & ad;
t10 |= u10 ? sd : cd, (t10 &= ~(u10 ? cd : sd)) & id || (t10 &= ~(rd | od));
var f10 = [e20, t10, o10, u10 ? i10 : void 0, u10 ? a10 : void 0, u10 ? void 0 : i10, u10 ? void 0 : a10, s10, c10, l10], d10 = n10.apply(void 0, f10);
return zf(e20) && Ff(d10, f10), d10.placeholder = r10, nd(d10, e20, t10);
function ud(e20) {
return e20.placeholder;
var fd = 9007199254740991;
var dd = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/;
function hd(e20, t10) {
var n10 = Ho(e20);
return !!(t10 = null == t10 ? fd : t10) && ("number" == n10 || "symbol" != n10 && dd.test(e20)) && e20 > -1 && e20 % 1 == 0 && e20 < t10;
var vd = Math.min;
var pd = "__lodash_placeholder__";
function md(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = -1, r10 = e20.length, o10 = 0, i10 = []; ++n10 < r10; ) {
var a10 = e20[n10];
a10 !== t10 && a10 !== pd || (e20[n10] = pd, i10[o10++] = n10);
return i10;
var gd = 1;
var yd = 2;
var bd = 8;
var kd = 16;
var wd = 128;
var xd = 512;
function jd(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10) {
var u10 = t10 & wd, f10 = t10 & gd, d10 = t10 & yd, h10 = t10 & (bd | kd), v10 = t10 & xd, p10 = d10 ? void 0 : bf(e20);
return function m10() {
for (var g10 = arguments.length, y10 = Array(g10), b10 = g10; b10--; )
y10[b10] = arguments[b10];
if (h10)
var k10 = ud(m10), w10 = function(e21, t11) {
for (var n11 = e21.length, r11 = 0; n11--; )
e21[n11] === t11 && ++r11;
return r11;
}(y10, k10);
if (r10 && (y10 = jf(y10, r10, o10, h10)), i10 && (y10 = Cf(y10, i10, a10, h10)), g10 -= w10, h10 && g10 < l10) {
var x10 = md(y10, k10);
return ld(e20, t10, jd, m10.placeholder, n10, y10, x10, s10, c10, l10 - g10);
var j10 = f10 ? n10 : this, S10 = d10 ? j10[e20] : e20;
return g10 = y10.length, s10 ? y10 = function(e21, t11) {
for (var n11 = e21.length, r11 = vd(t11.length, n11), o11 = Nf(e21); r11--; ) {
var i11 = t11[r11];
e21[r11] = hd(i11, n11) ? o11[i11] : void 0;
return e21;
}(y10, s10) : v10 && g10 > 1 && y10.reverse(), u10 && c10 < g10 && (y10.length = c10), this && this !== cu && this instanceof m10 && (S10 = p10 || bf(S10)), S10.apply(j10, y10);
var Sd = 1;
var Cd = "__lodash_placeholder__";
var $d = 1;
var _d = 2;
var Od = 4;
var Md = 8;
var Ed = 128;
var Ad = 256;
var Pd = Math.min;
var Td = "Expected a function";
var Rd = 1;
var Nd = 2;
var Id = 8;
var Dd = 16;
var qd = 32;
var zd = 64;
var Bd = Math.max;
function Ld(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10) {
var c10 = t10 & Nd;
if (!c10 && "function" != typeof e20)
throw new TypeError(Td);
var l10 = r10 ? r10.length : 0;
if (l10 || (t10 &= ~(qd | zd), r10 = o10 = void 0), a10 = void 0 === a10 ? a10 : Bd(Uu(a10), 0), s10 = void 0 === s10 ? s10 : Uu(s10), l10 -= o10 ? o10.length : 0, t10 & zd) {
var u10 = r10, f10 = o10;
r10 = o10 = void 0;
var d10 = c10 ? void 0 : Ef(e20), h10 = [e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, u10, f10, i10, a10, s10];
if (d10 && function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = e21[1], r11 = t11[1], o11 = n11 | r11, i11 = o11 < ($d | _d | Ed), a11 = r11 == Ed && n11 == Md || r11 == Ed && n11 == Ad && e21[7].length <= t11[8] || r11 == (Ed | Ad) && t11[7].length <= t11[8] && n11 == Md;
if (!i11 && !a11)
return e21;
r11 & $d && (e21[2] = t11[2], o11 |= n11 & $d ? 0 : Od);
var s11 = t11[3];
if (s11) {
var c11 = e21[3];
e21[3] = c11 ? jf(c11, s11, t11[4]) : s11, e21[4] = c11 ? md(e21[3], Cd) : t11[4];
(s11 = t11[5]) && (c11 = e21[5], e21[5] = c11 ? Cf(c11, s11, t11[6]) : s11, e21[6] = c11 ? md(e21[5], Cd) : t11[6]), (s11 = t11[7]) && (e21[7] = s11), r11 & Ed && (e21[8] = null == e21[8] ? t11[8] : Pd(e21[8], t11[8])), null == e21[9] && (e21[9] = t11[9]), e21[0] = t11[0], e21[1] = o11;
}(h10, d10), e20 = h10[0], t10 = h10[1], n10 = h10[2], r10 = h10[3], o10 = h10[4], !(s10 = h10[9] = void 0 === h10[9] ? c10 ? 0 : e20.length : Bd(h10[9] - l10, 0)) && t10 & (Id | Dd) && (t10 &= ~(Id | Dd)), t10 && t10 != Rd)
v10 = t10 == Id || t10 == Dd ? function(e21, t11, n11) {
var r11 = bf(e21);
return function o11() {
for (var i11 = arguments.length, a11 = Array(i11), s11 = i11, c11 = ud(o11); s11--; )
a11[s11] = arguments[s11];
var l11 = i11 < 3 && a11[0] !== c11 && a11[i11 - 1] !== c11 ? [] : md(a11, c11);
return (i11 -= l11.length) < n11 ? ld(e21, t11, jd, o11.placeholder, void 0, a11, l11, void 0, void 0, n11 - i11) : wf(this && this !== cu && this instanceof o11 ? r11 : e21, this, a11);
}(e20, t10, s10) : t10 != qd && t10 != (Rd | qd) || o10.length ? jd.apply(void 0, h10) : function(e21, t11, n11, r11) {
var o11 = t11 & Sd, i11 = bf(e21);
return function t12() {
for (var a11 = -1, s11 = arguments.length, c11 = -1, l11 = r11.length, u11 = Array(l11 + s11), f11 = this && this !== cu && this instanceof t12 ? i11 : e21; ++c11 < l11; )
u11[c11] = r11[c11];
for (; s11--; )
u11[c11++] = arguments[++a11];
return wf(f11, o11 ? n11 : this, u11);
}(e20, t10, n10, r10);
var v10 = function(e21, t11, n11) {
var r11 = t11 & kf, o11 = bf(e21);
return function t12() {
return (this && this !== cu && this instanceof t12 ? o11 : e21).apply(r11 ? n11 : this, arguments);
}(e20, t10, n10);
return nd((d10 ? mf : Ff)(v10, h10), e20, t10);
var Fd = 128;
function Vd(e20, t10, n10) {
return t10 = n10 ? void 0 : t10, t10 = e20 && null == t10 ? e20.length : t10, Ld(e20, Fd, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, t10);
function Hd(e20, t10, n10) {
"__proto__" == t10 && Jf ? Jf(e20, t10, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, value: n10, writable: true }) : e20[t10] = n10;
function Wd(e20, t10) {
return e20 === t10 || e20 != e20 && t10 != t10;
var Ud = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function Jd(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20[t10];
Ud.call(e20, t10) && Wd(r10, n10) && (void 0 !== n10 || t10 in e20) || Hd(e20, t10, n10);
function Kd(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = !n10;
n10 || (n10 = {});
for (var i10 = -1, a10 = t10.length; ++i10 < a10; ) {
var s10 = t10[i10], c10 = r10 ? r10(n10[s10], e20[s10], s10, n10, e20) : void 0;
void 0 === c10 && (c10 = e20[s10]), o10 ? Hd(n10, s10, c10) : Jd(n10, s10, c10);
return n10;
var Gd = Math.max;
function Qd(e20, t10, n10) {
return t10 = Gd(void 0 === t10 ? e20.length - 1 : t10, 0), function() {
for (var r10 = arguments, o10 = -1, i10 = Gd(r10.length - t10, 0), a10 = Array(i10); ++o10 < i10; )
a10[o10] = r10[t10 + o10];
o10 = -1;
for (var s10 = Array(t10 + 1); ++o10 < t10; )
s10[o10] = r10[o10];
return s10[t10] = n10(a10), wf(e20, this, s10);
function Yd(e20, t10) {
return Gf(Qd(e20, t10, Ku), e20 + "");
var Xd = 9007199254740991;
function Zd(e20) {
return "number" == typeof e20 && e20 > -1 && e20 % 1 == 0 && e20 <= Xd;
function eh(e20) {
return null != e20 && Zd(e20.length) && !Zu(e20);
function th(e20, t10, n10) {
if (!Iu(n10))
return false;
var r10 = Ho(t10);
return !!("number" == r10 ? eh(n10) && hd(t10, n10.length) : "string" == r10 && t10 in n10) && Wd(n10[t10], e20);
function nh(e20) {
return Yd(function(t10, n10) {
var r10 = -1, o10 = n10.length, i10 = o10 > 1 ? n10[o10 - 1] : void 0, a10 = o10 > 2 ? n10[2] : void 0;
for (i10 = e20.length > 3 && "function" == typeof i10 ? (o10--, i10) : void 0, a10 && th(n10[0], n10[1], a10) && (i10 = o10 < 3 ? void 0 : i10, o10 = 1), t10 = Object(t10); ++r10 < o10; ) {
var s10 = n10[r10];
s10 && e20(t10, s10, r10, i10);
return t10;
var rh = Object.prototype;
function oh(e20) {
var t10 = e20 && e20.constructor;
return e20 === ("function" == typeof t10 && t10.prototype || rh);
function ih(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = -1, r10 = Array(e20); ++n10 < e20; )
r10[n10] = t10(n10);
return r10;
function ah(e20) {
return bu(e20) && "[object Arguments]" == yu(e20);
var sh = Object.prototype;
var ch = sh.hasOwnProperty;
var lh = sh.propertyIsEnumerable;
var uh = ah(/* @__PURE__ */ function() {
return arguments;
}()) ? ah : function(e20) {
return bu(e20) && ch.call(e20, "callee") && !lh.call(e20, "callee");
function fh() {
return false;
var dh = "object" == ("undefined" == typeof exports ? "undefined" : Ho(exports)) && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports;
var hh = dh && "object" == ("undefined" == typeof module ? "undefined" : Ho(module)) && module && !module.nodeType && module;
var vh = hh && hh.exports === dh ? cu.Buffer : void 0;
var ph = (vh ? vh.isBuffer : void 0) || fh;
var mh = {};
function gh(e20) {
return function(t10) {
return e20(t10);
mh["[object Float32Array]"] = mh["[object Float64Array]"] = mh["[object Int8Array]"] = mh["[object Int16Array]"] = mh["[object Int32Array]"] = mh["[object Uint8Array]"] = mh["[object Uint8ClampedArray]"] = mh["[object Uint16Array]"] = mh["[object Uint32Array]"] = true, mh["[object Arguments]"] = mh["[object Array]"] = mh["[object ArrayBuffer]"] = mh["[object Boolean]"] = mh["[object DataView]"] = mh["[object Date]"] = mh["[object Error]"] = mh["[object Function]"] = mh["[object Map]"] = mh["[object Number]"] = mh["[object Object]"] = mh["[object RegExp]"] = mh["[object Set]"] = mh["[object String]"] = mh["[object WeakMap]"] = false;
var yh = "object" == ("undefined" == typeof exports ? "undefined" : Ho(exports)) && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports;
var bh = yh && "object" == ("undefined" == typeof module ? "undefined" : Ho(module)) && module && !module.nodeType && module;
var kh = bh && bh.exports === yh && au.process;
var wh = function() {
try {
var e20 = bh && bh.require && bh.require("util").types;
return e20 || kh && kh.binding && kh.binding("util");
} catch (e21) {
var xh = wh && wh.isTypedArray;
var jh = xh ? gh(xh) : function(e20) {
return bu(e20) && Zd(e20.length) && !!mh[yu(e20)];
var Sh = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function Ch(e20, t10) {
var n10 = Cu(e20), r10 = !n10 && uh(e20), o10 = !n10 && !r10 && ph(e20), i10 = !n10 && !r10 && !o10 && jh(e20), a10 = n10 || r10 || o10 || i10, s10 = a10 ? ih(e20.length, String) : [], c10 = s10.length;
for (var l10 in e20)
!t10 && !Sh.call(e20, l10) || a10 && ("length" == l10 || o10 && ("offset" == l10 || "parent" == l10) || i10 && ("buffer" == l10 || "byteLength" == l10 || "byteOffset" == l10) || hd(l10, c10)) || s10.push(l10);
return s10;
function $h(e20, t10) {
return function(n10) {
return e20(t10(n10));
var _h = $h(Object.keys, Object);
var Oh = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function Mh(e20) {
if (!oh(e20))
return _h(e20);
var t10 = [];
for (var n10 in Object(e20))
Oh.call(e20, n10) && "constructor" != n10 && t10.push(n10);
return t10;
function Eh(e20) {
return eh(e20) ? Ch(e20) : Mh(e20);
var Ah = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var Ph = nh(function(e20, t10) {
if (oh(t10) || eh(t10))
Kd(t10, Eh(t10), e20);
for (var n10 in t10)
Ah.call(t10, n10) && Jd(e20, n10, t10[n10]);
var Th = Ph;
var Rh = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function Nh(e20) {
if (!Iu(e20))
return function(e21) {
var t11 = [];
if (null != e21)
for (var n11 in Object(e21))
return t11;
var t10 = oh(e20), n10 = [];
for (var r10 in e20)
("constructor" != r10 || !t10 && Rh.call(e20, r10)) && n10.push(r10);
return n10;
function Ih(e20) {
return eh(e20) ? Ch(e20, true) : Nh(e20);
var Dh = nh(function(e20, t10) {
Kd(t10, Ih(t10), e20);
var qh = Dh;
var zh = nh(function(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
Kd(t10, Ih(t10), e20, r10);
var Bh = zh;
var Lh = nh(function(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
Kd(t10, Eh(t10), e20, r10);
var Fh = Lh;
var Vh = /\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*?\1)\]/;
var Hh = /^\w*$/;
function Wh(e20, t10) {
if (Cu(e20))
return false;
var n10 = Ho(e20);
return !("number" != n10 && "symbol" != n10 && "boolean" != n10 && null != e20 && !wu(e20)) || (Hh.test(e20) || !Vh.test(e20) || null != t10 && e20 in Object(t10));
var Uh = hf(Object, "create");
var Jh = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var Kh = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function Gh(e20) {
var t10 = -1, n10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length;
for (this.clear(); ++t10 < n10; ) {
var r10 = e20[t10];
this.set(r10[0], r10[1]);
function Qh(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = e20.length; n10--; )
if (Wd(e20[n10][0], t10))
return n10;
return -1;
Gh.prototype.clear = function() {
this.__data__ = Uh ? Uh(null) : {}, this.size = 0;
}, Gh.prototype.delete = function(e20) {
var t10 = this.has(e20) && delete this.__data__[e20];
return this.size -= t10 ? 1 : 0, t10;
}, Gh.prototype.get = function(e20) {
var t10 = this.__data__;
if (Uh) {
var n10 = t10[e20];
return "__lodash_hash_undefined__" === n10 ? void 0 : n10;
return Jh.call(t10, e20) ? t10[e20] : void 0;
}, Gh.prototype.has = function(e20) {
var t10 = this.__data__;
return Uh ? void 0 !== t10[e20] : Kh.call(t10, e20);
}, Gh.prototype.set = function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = this.__data__;
return this.size += this.has(e20) ? 0 : 1, n10[e20] = Uh && void 0 === t10 ? "__lodash_hash_undefined__" : t10, this;
var Yh = Array.prototype.splice;
function Xh(e20) {
var t10 = -1, n10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length;
for (this.clear(); ++t10 < n10; ) {
var r10 = e20[t10];
this.set(r10[0], r10[1]);
Xh.prototype.clear = function() {
this.__data__ = [], this.size = 0;
}, Xh.prototype.delete = function(e20) {
var t10 = this.__data__, n10 = Qh(t10, e20);
return !(n10 < 0) && (n10 == t10.length - 1 ? t10.pop() : Yh.call(t10, n10, 1), --this.size, true);
}, Xh.prototype.get = function(e20) {
var t10 = this.__data__, n10 = Qh(t10, e20);
return n10 < 0 ? void 0 : t10[n10][1];
}, Xh.prototype.has = function(e20) {
return Qh(this.__data__, e20) > -1;
}, Xh.prototype.set = function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = this.__data__, r10 = Qh(n10, e20);
return r10 < 0 ? (++this.size, n10.push([e20, t10])) : n10[r10][1] = t10, this;
var Zh = hf(cu, "Map");
function ev(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.__data__;
return function(e21) {
var t11 = Ho(e21);
return "string" == t11 || "number" == t11 || "symbol" == t11 || "boolean" == t11 ? "__proto__" !== e21 : null === e21;
}(t10) ? n10["string" == typeof t10 ? "string" : "hash"] : n10.map;
function tv(e20) {
var t10 = -1, n10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length;
for (this.clear(); ++t10 < n10; ) {
var r10 = e20[t10];
this.set(r10[0], r10[1]);
tv.prototype.clear = function() {
this.size = 0, this.__data__ = { hash: new Gh(), map: new (Zh || Xh)(), string: new Gh() };
}, tv.prototype.delete = function(e20) {
var t10 = ev(this, e20).delete(e20);
return this.size -= t10 ? 1 : 0, t10;
}, tv.prototype.get = function(e20) {
return ev(this, e20).get(e20);
}, tv.prototype.has = function(e20) {
return ev(this, e20).has(e20);
}, tv.prototype.set = function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = ev(this, e20), r10 = n10.size;
return n10.set(e20, t10), this.size += n10.size == r10 ? 0 : 1, this;
var nv = "Expected a function";
function rv(e20, t10) {
if ("function" != typeof e20 || null != t10 && "function" != typeof t10)
throw new TypeError(nv);
var n10 = function n11() {
var r10 = arguments, o10 = t10 ? t10.apply(this, r10) : r10[0], i10 = n11.cache;
if (i10.has(o10))
return i10.get(o10);
var a10 = e20.apply(this, r10);
return n11.cache = i10.set(o10, a10) || i10, a10;
return n10.cache = new (rv.Cache || tv)(), n10;
rv.Cache = tv;
var ov = /[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g;
var iv = /\\(\\)?/g;
var av = function(e20) {
var t10 = rv(e20, function(e21) {
return 500 === n10.size && n10.clear(), e21;
}), n10 = t10.cache;
return t10;
}(function(e20) {
var t10 = [];
return 46 === e20.charCodeAt(0) && t10.push(""), e20.replace(ov, function(e21, n10, r10, o10) {
t10.push(r10 ? o10.replace(iv, "$1") : n10 || e21);
}), t10;
function sv(e20) {
return null == e20 ? "" : Mu(e20);
function cv(e20, t10) {
return Cu(e20) ? e20 : Wh(e20, t10) ? [e20] : av(sv(e20));
var lv = 1 / 0;
function uv(e20) {
if ("string" == typeof e20 || wu(e20))
return e20;
var t10 = e20 + "";
return "0" == t10 && 1 / e20 == -lv ? "-0" : t10;
function fv(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = 0, r10 = (t10 = cv(t10, e20)).length; null != e20 && n10 < r10; )
e20 = e20[uv(t10[n10++])];
return n10 && n10 == r10 ? e20 : void 0;
function dv(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = null == e20 ? void 0 : fv(e20, t10);
return void 0 === r10 ? n10 : r10;
function hv(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = -1, r10 = t10.length, o10 = Array(r10), i10 = null == e20; ++n10 < r10; )
o10[n10] = i10 ? void 0 : dv(e20, t10[n10]);
return o10;
function vv(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = -1, r10 = t10.length, o10 = e20.length; ++n10 < r10; )
e20[o10 + n10] = t10[n10];
return e20;
var pv = lu ? lu.isConcatSpreadable : void 0;
function mv(e20) {
return Cu(e20) || uh(e20) || !!(pv && e20 && e20[pv]);
function gv(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10) {
var i10 = -1, a10 = e20.length;
for (n10 || (n10 = mv), o10 || (o10 = []); ++i10 < a10; ) {
var s10 = e20[i10];
t10 > 0 && n10(s10) ? t10 > 1 ? gv(s10, t10 - 1, n10, r10, o10) : vv(o10, s10) : r10 || (o10[o10.length] = s10);
return o10;
function yv(e20) {
return (null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length) ? gv(e20, 1) : [];
function bv(e20) {
return Gf(Qd(e20, void 0, yv), e20 + "");
var kv = bv(hv);
var wv = $h(Object.getPrototypeOf, Object);
var xv = "[object Object]";
var jv = Function.prototype;
var Sv = Object.prototype;
var Cv = jv.toString;
var $v = Sv.hasOwnProperty;
var _v = Cv.call(Object);
function Ov(e20) {
if (!bu(e20) || yu(e20) != xv)
return false;
var t10 = wv(e20);
if (null === t10)
return true;
var n10 = $v.call(t10, "constructor") && t10.constructor;
return "function" == typeof n10 && n10 instanceof n10 && Cv.call(n10) == _v;
var Mv = "[object DOMException]";
var Ev = "[object Error]";
function Av(e20) {
if (!bu(e20))
return false;
var t10 = yu(e20);
return t10 == Ev || t10 == Mv || "string" == typeof e20.message && "string" == typeof e20.name && !Ov(e20);
var Pv = Yd(function(e20, t10) {
try {
return wf(e20, void 0, t10);
} catch (e21) {
return Av(e21) ? e21 : new Error(e21);
var Tv = Pv;
var Rv = "Expected a function";
function Nv(e20, t10) {
var n10;
if ("function" != typeof t10)
throw new TypeError(Rv);
return e20 = Uu(e20), function() {
return --e20 > 0 && (n10 = t10.apply(this, arguments)), e20 <= 1 && (t10 = void 0), n10;
var Iv = Yd(function(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = 1;
if (n10.length) {
var o10 = md(n10, ud(Iv));
r10 |= 32;
return Ld(e20, r10, t10, n10, o10);
Iv.placeholder = {};
var Dv = Iv;
var qv = bv(function(e20, t10) {
return Qf(t10, function(t11) {
t11 = uv(t11), Hd(e20, t11, Dv(e20[t11], e20));
}), e20;
var zv = qv;
var Bv = Yd(function(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = 3;
if (n10.length) {
var o10 = md(n10, ud(Bv));
r10 |= 32;
return Ld(t10, r10, e20, n10, o10);
Bv.placeholder = {};
var Lv = Bv;
function Fv(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = -1, o10 = e20.length;
t10 < 0 && (t10 = -t10 > o10 ? 0 : o10 + t10), (n10 = n10 > o10 ? o10 : n10) < 0 && (n10 += o10), o10 = t10 > n10 ? 0 : n10 - t10 >>> 0, t10 >>>= 0;
for (var i10 = Array(o10); ++r10 < o10; )
i10[r10] = e20[r10 + t10];
return i10;
function Vv(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.length;
return n10 = void 0 === n10 ? r10 : n10, !t10 && n10 >= r10 ? e20 : Fv(e20, t10, n10);
var Hv = RegExp("[\\u200d\\ud800-\\udfff\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe2f\\u20d0-\\u20ff\\ufe0e\\ufe0f]");
function Wv(e20) {
return Hv.test(e20);
var Uv = "\\ud800-\\udfff";
var Jv = "[" + Uv + "]";
var Kv = "[\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe2f\\u20d0-\\u20ff]";
var Gv = "\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]";
var Qv = "[^" + Uv + "]";
var Yv = "(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}";
var Xv = "[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]";
var Zv = "(?:" + Kv + "|" + Gv + ")?";
var ep = "[\\ufe0e\\ufe0f]?";
var tp = ep + Zv + ("(?:\\u200d(?:" + [Qv, Yv, Xv].join("|") + ")" + ep + Zv + ")*");
var np = "(?:" + [Qv + Kv + "?", Kv, Yv, Xv, Jv].join("|") + ")";
var rp = RegExp(Gv + "(?=" + Gv + ")|" + np + tp, "g");
function op(e20) {
return Wv(e20) ? function(e21) {
return e21.match(rp) || [];
}(e20) : function(e21) {
return e21.split("");
function ip(e20) {
return function(t10) {
var n10 = Wv(t10 = sv(t10)) ? op(t10) : void 0, r10 = n10 ? n10[0] : t10.charAt(0), o10 = n10 ? Vv(n10, 1).join("") : t10.slice(1);
return r10[e20]() + o10;
var ap = ip("toUpperCase");
function sp(e20) {
return ap(sv(e20).toLowerCase());
function cp(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = -1, i10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length;
for (r10 && i10 && (n10 = e20[++o10]); ++o10 < i10; )
n10 = t10(n10, e20[o10], o10, e20);
return n10;
function lp(e20) {
return function(t10) {
return null == e20 ? void 0 : e20[t10];
var up = lp({ "\xC0": "A", "\xC1": "A", "\xC2": "A", "\xC3": "A", "\xC4": "A", "\xC5": "A", "\xE0": "a", "\xE1": "a", "\xE2": "a", "\xE3": "a", "\xE4": "a", "\xE5": "a", "\xC7": "C", "\xE7": "c", "\xD0": "D", "\xF0": "d", "\xC8": "E", "\xC9": "E", "\xCA": "E", "\xCB": "E", "\xE8": "e", "\xE9": "e", "\xEA": "e", "\xEB": "e", "\xCC": "I", "\xCD": "I", "\xCE": "I", "\xCF": "I", "\xEC": "i", "\xED": "i", "\xEE": "i", "\xEF": "i", "\xD1": "N", "\xF1": "n", "\xD2": "O", "\xD3": "O", "\xD4": "O", "\xD5": "O", "\xD6": "O", "\xD8": "O", "\xF2": "o", "\xF3": "o", "\xF4": "o", "\xF5": "o", "\xF6": "o", "\xF8": "o", "\xD9": "U", "\xDA": "U", "\xDB": "U", "\xDC": "U", "\xF9": "u", "\xFA": "u", "\xFB": "u", "\xFC": "u", "\xDD": "Y", "\xFD": "y", "\xFF": "y", "\xC6": "Ae", "\xE6": "ae", "\xDE": "Th", "\xFE": "th", "\xDF": "ss", "\u0100": "A", "\u0102": "A", "\u0104": "A", "\u0101": "a", "\u0103": "a", "\u0105": "a", "\u0106": "C", "\u0108": "C", "\u010A": "C", "\u010C": "C", "\u0107": "c", "\u0109": "c", "\u010B": "c", "\u010D": "c", "\u010E": "D", "\u0110": "D", "\u010F": "d", "\u0111": "d", "\u0112": "E", "\u0114": "E", "\u0116": "E", "\u0118": "E", "\u011A": "E", "\u0113": "e", "\u0115": "e", "\u0117": "e", "\u0119": "e", "\u011B": "e", "\u011C": "G", "\u011E": "G", "\u0120": "G", "\u0122": "G", "\u011D": "g", "\u011F": "g", "\u0121": "g", "\u0123": "g", "\u0124": "H", "\u0126": "H", "\u0125": "h", "\u0127": "h", "\u0128": "I", "\u012A": "I", "\u012C": "I", "\u012E": "I", "\u0130": "I", "\u0129": "i", "\u012B": "i", "\u012D": "i", "\u012F": "i", "\u0131": "i", "\u0134": "J", "\u0135": "j", "\u0136": "K", "\u0137": "k", "\u0138": "k", "\u0139": "L", "\u013B": "L", "\u013D": "L", "\u013F": "L", "\u0141": "L", "\u013A": "l", "\u013C": "l", "\u013E": "l", "\u0140": "l", "\u0142": "l", "\u0143": "N", "\u0145": "N", "\u0147": "N", "\u014A": "N", "\u0144": "n", "\u0146": "n", "\u0148": "n", "\u014B": "n", "\u014C": "O", "\u014E": "O", "\u0150": "O", "\u014D": "o", "\u014F": "o", "\u0151": "o", "\u0154": "R", "\u0156": "R", "\u0158": "R", "\u0155": "r", "\u0157": "r", "\u0159": "r", "\u015A": "S", "\u015C": "S", "\u015E": "S", "\u0160": "S", "\u015B": "s", "\u015D": "s", "\u015F": "s", "\u0161": "s", "\u0162": "T", "\u0164": "T", "\u0166": "T", "\u0163": "t", "\u0165": "t", "\u0167": "t", "\u0168": "U", "\u016A": "U", "\u016C": "U", "\u016E": "U", "\u0170": "U", "\u0172": "U", "\u0169": "u", "\u016B": "u", "\u016D": "u", "\u016F": "u", "\u0171": "u", "\u0173": "u", "\u0174": "W", "\u0175": "w", "\u0176": "Y", "\u0177": "y", "\u0178": "Y", "\u0179": "Z", "\u017B": "Z", "\u017D": "Z", "\u017A": "z", "\u017C": "z", "\u017E": "z", "\u0132": "IJ", "\u0133": "ij", "\u0152": "Oe", "\u0153": "oe", "\u0149": "'n", "\u017F": "s" });
var fp = /[\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff\u0100-\u017f]/g;
var dp = RegExp("[\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe2f\\u20d0-\\u20ff]", "g");
function hp(e20) {
return (e20 = sv(e20)) && e20.replace(fp, up).replace(dp, "");
var vp = /[^\x00-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\x7f]+/g;
var pp = /[a-z][A-Z]|[A-Z]{2}[a-z]|[0-9][a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][0-9]|[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/;
var mp = "\\ud800-\\udfff";
var gp = "\\u2700-\\u27bf";
var yp = "a-z\\xdf-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xff";
var bp = "A-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde";
var kp = "\\xac\\xb1\\xd7\\xf7\\x00-\\x2f\\x3a-\\x40\\x5b-\\x60\\x7b-\\xbf\\u2000-\\u206f \\t\\x0b\\f\\xa0\\ufeff\\n\\r\\u2028\\u2029\\u1680\\u180e\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200a\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000";
var wp = "[" + kp + "]";
var xp = "\\d+";
var jp = "[" + gp + "]";
var Sp = "[" + yp + "]";
var Cp = "[^" + mp + kp + xp + gp + yp + bp + "]";
var $p = "(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}";
var _p = "[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]";
var Op = "[" + bp + "]";
var Mp = "(?:" + Sp + "|" + Cp + ")";
var Ep = "(?:" + Op + "|" + Cp + ")";
var Ap = "(?:['\u2019](?:d|ll|m|re|s|t|ve))?";
var Pp = "(?:['\u2019](?:D|LL|M|RE|S|T|VE))?";
var Tp = "(?:[\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe2f\\u20d0-\\u20ff]|\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff])?";
var Rp = "[\\ufe0e\\ufe0f]?";
var Np = Rp + Tp + ("(?:\\u200d(?:" + ["[^" + mp + "]", $p, _p].join("|") + ")" + Rp + Tp + ")*");
var Ip = "(?:" + [jp, $p, _p].join("|") + ")" + Np;
var Dp = RegExp([Op + "?" + Sp + "+" + Ap + "(?=" + [wp, Op, "$"].join("|") + ")", Ep + "+" + Pp + "(?=" + [wp, Op + Mp, "$"].join("|") + ")", Op + "?" + Mp + "+" + Ap, Op + "+" + Pp, "\\d*(?:1ST|2ND|3RD|(?![123])\\dTH)(?=\\b|[a-z_])", "\\d*(?:1st|2nd|3rd|(?![123])\\dth)(?=\\b|[A-Z_])", xp, Ip].join("|"), "g");
function qp(e20, t10, n10) {
return e20 = sv(e20), void 0 === (t10 = n10 ? void 0 : t10) ? function(e21) {
return pp.test(e21);
}(e20) ? function(e21) {
return e21.match(Dp) || [];
}(e20) : function(e21) {
return e21.match(vp) || [];
}(e20) : e20.match(t10) || [];
var zp = RegExp("['\u2019]", "g");
function Bp(e20) {
return function(t10) {
return cp(qp(hp(t10).replace(zp, "")), e20, "");
var Lp = Bp(function(e20, t10, n10) {
return t10 = t10.toLowerCase(), e20 + (n10 ? sp(t10) : t10);
var Fp = Lp;
function Vp() {
if (!arguments.length)
return [];
var e20 = arguments[0];
return Cu(e20) ? e20 : [e20];
var Hp = cu.isFinite;
var Wp = Math.min;
function Up(e20) {
var t10 = Math[e20];
return function(e21, n10) {
if (e21 = Fu(e21), (n10 = null == n10 ? 0 : Wp(Uu(n10), 292)) && Hp(e21)) {
var r10 = (sv(e21) + "e").split("e");
return +((r10 = (sv(t10(r10[0] + "e" + (+r10[1] + n10))) + "e").split("e"))[0] + "e" + (+r10[1] - n10));
return t10(e21);
var Jp = Up("ceil");
function Kp(e20) {
var t10 = qf(e20);
return t10.__chain__ = true, t10;
var Gp = Math.ceil;
var Qp = Math.max;
function Yp(e20, t10, n10) {
t10 = (n10 ? th(e20, t10, n10) : void 0 === t10) ? 1 : Qp(Uu(t10), 0);
var r10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length;
if (!r10 || t10 < 1)
return [];
for (var o10 = 0, i10 = 0, a10 = Array(Gp(r10 / t10)); o10 < r10; )
a10[i10++] = Fv(e20, o10, o10 += t10);
return a10;
function Xp(e20, t10, n10) {
return e20 == e20 && (void 0 !== n10 && (e20 = e20 <= n10 ? e20 : n10), void 0 !== t10 && (e20 = e20 >= t10 ? e20 : t10)), e20;
function Zp(e20, t10, n10) {
return void 0 === n10 && (n10 = t10, t10 = void 0), void 0 !== n10 && (n10 = (n10 = Fu(n10)) == n10 ? n10 : 0), void 0 !== t10 && (t10 = (t10 = Fu(t10)) == t10 ? t10 : 0), Xp(Fu(e20), t10, n10);
function em(e20) {
var t10 = this.__data__ = new Xh(e20);
this.size = t10.size;
function tm(e20, t10) {
return e20 && Kd(t10, Eh(t10), e20);
em.prototype.clear = function() {
this.__data__ = new Xh(), this.size = 0;
}, em.prototype.delete = function(e20) {
var t10 = this.__data__, n10 = t10.delete(e20);
return this.size = t10.size, n10;
}, em.prototype.get = function(e20) {
return this.__data__.get(e20);
}, em.prototype.has = function(e20) {
return this.__data__.has(e20);
}, em.prototype.set = function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = this.__data__;
if (n10 instanceof Xh) {
var r10 = n10.__data__;
if (!Zh || r10.length < 199)
return r10.push([e20, t10]), this.size = ++n10.size, this;
n10 = this.__data__ = new tv(r10);
return n10.set(e20, t10), this.size = n10.size, this;
var nm = "object" == ("undefined" == typeof exports ? "undefined" : Ho(exports)) && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports;
var rm = nm && "object" == ("undefined" == typeof module ? "undefined" : Ho(module)) && module && !module.nodeType && module;
var om = rm && rm.exports === nm ? cu.Buffer : void 0;
var im = om ? om.allocUnsafe : void 0;
function am(e20, t10) {
if (t10)
return e20.slice();
var n10 = e20.length, r10 = im ? im(n10) : new e20.constructor(n10);
return e20.copy(r10), r10;
function sm(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = -1, r10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length, o10 = 0, i10 = []; ++n10 < r10; ) {
var a10 = e20[n10];
t10(a10, n10, e20) && (i10[o10++] = a10);
return i10;
function cm() {
return [];
var lm = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
var um = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
var fm = um ? function(e20) {
return null == e20 ? [] : (e20 = Object(e20), sm(um(e20), function(t10) {
return lm.call(e20, t10);
} : cm;
var dm = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? function(e20) {
for (var t10 = []; e20; )
vv(t10, fm(e20)), e20 = wv(e20);
return t10;
} : cm;
function hm(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = t10(e20);
return Cu(e20) ? r10 : vv(r10, n10(e20));
function vm(e20) {
return hm(e20, Eh, fm);
function pm(e20) {
return hm(e20, Ih, dm);
var mm = hf(cu, "DataView");
var gm = hf(cu, "Promise");
var ym = hf(cu, "Set");
var bm = "[object Map]";
var km = "[object Promise]";
var wm = "[object Set]";
var xm = "[object WeakMap]";
var jm = "[object DataView]";
var Sm = of(mm);
var Cm = of(Zh);
var $m = of(gm);
var _m = of(ym);
var Om = of(vf);
var Mm = yu;
(mm && Mm(new mm(new ArrayBuffer(1))) != jm || Zh && Mm(new Zh()) != bm || gm && Mm(gm.resolve()) != km || ym && Mm(new ym()) != wm || vf && Mm(new vf()) != xm) && (Mm = function(e20) {
var t10 = yu(e20), n10 = "[object Object]" == t10 ? e20.constructor : void 0, r10 = n10 ? of(n10) : "";
if (r10)
switch (r10) {
case Sm:
return jm;
case Cm:
return bm;
case $m:
return km;
case _m:
return wm;
case Om:
return xm;
return t10;
var Em = Mm;
var Am = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var Pm = cu.Uint8Array;
function Tm(e20) {
var t10 = new e20.constructor(e20.byteLength);
return new Pm(t10).set(new Pm(e20)), t10;
var Rm = /\w*$/;
var Nm = lu ? lu.prototype : void 0;
var Im = Nm ? Nm.valueOf : void 0;
function Dm(e20, t10) {
var n10 = t10 ? Tm(e20.buffer) : e20.buffer;
return new e20.constructor(n10, e20.byteOffset, e20.length);
var qm = "[object Boolean]";
var zm = "[object Date]";
var Bm = "[object Map]";
var Lm = "[object Number]";
var Fm = "[object RegExp]";
var Vm = "[object Set]";
var Hm = "[object String]";
var Wm = "[object Symbol]";
var Um = "[object ArrayBuffer]";
var Jm = "[object DataView]";
var Km = "[object Float32Array]";
var Gm = "[object Float64Array]";
var Qm = "[object Int8Array]";
var Ym = "[object Int16Array]";
var Xm = "[object Int32Array]";
var Zm = "[object Uint8Array]";
var eg = "[object Uint8ClampedArray]";
var tg = "[object Uint16Array]";
var ng = "[object Uint32Array]";
function rg(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = e20.constructor;
switch (t10) {
case Um:
return Tm(e20);
case qm:
case zm:
return new o10(+e20);
case Jm:
return function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = t11 ? Tm(e21.buffer) : e21.buffer;
return new e21.constructor(n11, e21.byteOffset, e21.byteLength);
}(e20, n10);
case Km:
case Gm:
case Qm:
case Ym:
case Xm:
case Zm:
case eg:
case tg:
case ng:
return Dm(e20, n10);
case Bm:
return new o10();
case Lm:
case Hm:
return new o10(e20);
case Fm:
return function(e21) {
var t11 = new e21.constructor(e21.source, Rm.exec(e21));
return t11.lastIndex = e21.lastIndex, t11;
case Vm:
return new o10();
case Wm:
return r10 = e20, Im ? Object(Im.call(r10)) : {};
function og(e20) {
return "function" != typeof e20.constructor || oh(e20) ? {} : yf(wv(e20));
var ig = wh && wh.isMap;
var ag = ig ? gh(ig) : function(e20) {
return bu(e20) && "[object Map]" == Em(e20);
var sg = wh && wh.isSet;
var cg = sg ? gh(sg) : function(e20) {
return bu(e20) && "[object Set]" == Em(e20);
var lg = 1;
var ug = 2;
var fg = 4;
var dg = "[object Arguments]";
var hg = "[object Function]";
var vg = "[object GeneratorFunction]";
var pg = "[object Object]";
var mg = {};
function gg(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
var a10, s10 = t10 & lg, c10 = t10 & ug, l10 = t10 & fg;
if (n10 && (a10 = o10 ? n10(e20, r10, o10, i10) : n10(e20)), void 0 !== a10)
return a10;
if (!Iu(e20))
return e20;
var u10 = Cu(e20);
if (u10) {
if (a10 = function(e21) {
var t11 = e21.length, n11 = new e21.constructor(t11);
return t11 && "string" == typeof e21[0] && Am.call(e21, "index") && (n11.index = e21.index, n11.input = e21.input), n11;
}(e20), !s10)
return Nf(e20, a10);
} else {
var f10 = Em(e20), d10 = f10 == hg || f10 == vg;
if (ph(e20))
return am(e20, s10);
if (f10 == pg || f10 == dg || d10 && !o10) {
if (a10 = c10 || d10 ? {} : og(e20), !s10)
return c10 ? function(e21, t11) {
return Kd(e21, dm(e21), t11);
}(e20, function(e21, t11) {
return e21 && Kd(t11, Ih(t11), e21);
}(a10, e20)) : function(e21, t11) {
return Kd(e21, fm(e21), t11);
}(e20, tm(a10, e20));
} else {
if (!mg[f10])
return o10 ? e20 : {};
a10 = rg(e20, f10, s10);
i10 || (i10 = new em());
var h10 = i10.get(e20);
if (h10)
return h10;
i10.set(e20, a10), cg(e20) ? e20.forEach(function(r11) {
a10.add(gg(r11, t10, n10, r11, e20, i10));
}) : ag(e20) && e20.forEach(function(r11, o11) {
a10.set(o11, gg(r11, t10, n10, o11, e20, i10));
var v10 = u10 ? void 0 : (l10 ? c10 ? pm : vm : c10 ? Ih : Eh)(e20);
return Qf(v10 || e20, function(r11, o11) {
v10 && (r11 = e20[o11 = r11]), Jd(a10, o11, gg(r11, t10, n10, o11, e20, i10));
}), a10;
mg[dg] = mg["[object Array]"] = mg["[object ArrayBuffer]"] = mg["[object DataView]"] = mg["[object Boolean]"] = mg["[object Date]"] = mg["[object Float32Array]"] = mg["[object Float64Array]"] = mg["[object Int8Array]"] = mg["[object Int16Array]"] = mg["[object Int32Array]"] = mg["[object Map]"] = mg["[object Number]"] = mg[pg] = mg["[object RegExp]"] = mg["[object Set]"] = mg["[object String]"] = mg["[object Symbol]"] = mg["[object Uint8Array]"] = mg["[object Uint8ClampedArray]"] = mg["[object Uint16Array]"] = mg["[object Uint32Array]"] = true, mg["[object Error]"] = mg[hg] = mg["[object WeakMap]"] = false;
function yg(e20) {
return gg(e20, 4);
function bg(e20) {
return gg(e20, 5);
var kg = 1;
var wg = 4;
function xg(e20, t10) {
return gg(e20, kg | wg, t10 = "function" == typeof t10 ? t10 : void 0);
function jg(e20, t10) {
return gg(e20, 4, t10 = "function" == typeof t10 ? t10 : void 0);
function Sg() {
return new Rf(this.value(), this.__chain__);
function Cg(e20) {
for (var t10 = -1, n10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length, r10 = 0, o10 = []; ++t10 < n10; ) {
var i10 = e20[t10];
i10 && (o10[r10++] = i10);
return o10;
function $g() {
var e20 = arguments.length;
if (!e20)
return [];
for (var t10 = Array(e20 - 1), n10 = arguments[0], r10 = e20; r10--; )
t10[r10 - 1] = arguments[r10];
return vv(Cu(n10) ? Nf(n10) : [n10], gv(t10, 1));
function _g(e20) {
var t10 = -1, n10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length;
for (this.__data__ = new tv(); ++t10 < n10; )
function Og(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = -1, r10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length; ++n10 < r10; )
if (t10(e20[n10], n10, e20))
return true;
return false;
function Mg(e20, t10) {
return e20.has(t10);
_g.prototype.add = _g.prototype.push = function(e20) {
return this.__data__.set(e20, "__lodash_hash_undefined__"), this;
}, _g.prototype.has = function(e20) {
return this.__data__.has(e20);
var Eg = 1;
var Ag = 2;
function Pg(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
var a10 = n10 & Eg, s10 = e20.length, c10 = t10.length;
if (s10 != c10 && !(a10 && c10 > s10))
return false;
var l10 = i10.get(e20), u10 = i10.get(t10);
if (l10 && u10)
return l10 == t10 && u10 == e20;
var f10 = -1, d10 = true, h10 = n10 & Ag ? new _g() : void 0;
for (i10.set(e20, t10), i10.set(t10, e20); ++f10 < s10; ) {
var v10 = e20[f10], p10 = t10[f10];
if (r10)
var m10 = a10 ? r10(p10, v10, f10, t10, e20, i10) : r10(v10, p10, f10, e20, t10, i10);
if (void 0 !== m10) {
if (m10)
d10 = false;
if (h10) {
if (!Og(t10, function(e21, t11) {
if (!Mg(h10, t11) && (v10 === e21 || o10(v10, e21, n10, r10, i10)))
return h10.push(t11);
})) {
d10 = false;
} else if (v10 !== p10 && !o10(v10, p10, n10, r10, i10)) {
d10 = false;
return i10.delete(e20), i10.delete(t10), d10;
function Tg(e20) {
var t10 = -1, n10 = Array(e20.size);
return e20.forEach(function(e21, r10) {
n10[++t10] = [r10, e21];
}), n10;
function Rg(e20) {
var t10 = -1, n10 = Array(e20.size);
return e20.forEach(function(e21) {
n10[++t10] = e21;
}), n10;
var Ng = 1;
var Ig = 2;
var Dg = "[object Boolean]";
var qg = "[object Date]";
var zg = "[object Error]";
var Bg = "[object Map]";
var Lg = "[object Number]";
var Fg = "[object RegExp]";
var Vg = "[object Set]";
var Hg = "[object String]";
var Wg = "[object Symbol]";
var Ug = "[object ArrayBuffer]";
var Jg = "[object DataView]";
var Kg = lu ? lu.prototype : void 0;
var Gg = Kg ? Kg.valueOf : void 0;
var Qg = 1;
var Yg = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var Xg = 1;
var Zg = "[object Arguments]";
var ey = "[object Array]";
var ty = "[object Object]";
var ny = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function ry(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
var a10 = Cu(e20), s10 = Cu(t10), c10 = a10 ? ey : Em(e20), l10 = s10 ? ey : Em(t10), u10 = (c10 = c10 == Zg ? ty : c10) == ty, f10 = (l10 = l10 == Zg ? ty : l10) == ty, d10 = c10 == l10;
if (d10 && ph(e20)) {
if (!ph(t10))
return false;
a10 = true, u10 = false;
if (d10 && !u10)
return i10 || (i10 = new em()), a10 || jh(e20) ? Pg(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) : function(e21, t11, n11, r11, o11, i11, a11) {
switch (n11) {
case Jg:
if (e21.byteLength != t11.byteLength || e21.byteOffset != t11.byteOffset)
return false;
e21 = e21.buffer, t11 = t11.buffer;
case Ug:
return !(e21.byteLength != t11.byteLength || !i11(new Pm(e21), new Pm(t11)));
case Dg:
case qg:
case Lg:
return Wd(+e21, +t11);
case zg:
return e21.name == t11.name && e21.message == t11.message;
case Fg:
case Hg:
return e21 == t11 + "";
case Bg:
var s11 = Tg;
case Vg:
var c11 = r11 & Ng;
if (s11 || (s11 = Rg), e21.size != t11.size && !c11)
return false;
var l11 = a11.get(e21);
if (l11)
return l11 == t11;
r11 |= Ig, a11.set(e21, t11);
var u11 = Pg(s11(e21), s11(t11), r11, o11, i11, a11);
return a11.delete(e21), u11;
case Wg:
if (Gg)
return Gg.call(e21) == Gg.call(t11);
return false;
}(e20, t10, c10, n10, r10, o10, i10);
if (!(n10 & Xg)) {
var h10 = u10 && ny.call(e20, "__wrapped__"), v10 = f10 && ny.call(t10, "__wrapped__");
if (h10 || v10) {
var p10 = h10 ? e20.value() : e20, m10 = v10 ? t10.value() : t10;
return i10 || (i10 = new em()), o10(p10, m10, n10, r10, i10);
return !!d10 && (i10 || (i10 = new em()), function(e21, t11, n11, r11, o11, i11) {
var a11 = n11 & Qg, s11 = vm(e21), c11 = s11.length;
if (c11 != vm(t11).length && !a11)
return false;
for (var l11 = c11; l11--; ) {
var u11 = s11[l11];
if (!(a11 ? u11 in t11 : Yg.call(t11, u11)))
return false;
var f11 = i11.get(e21), d11 = i11.get(t11);
if (f11 && d11)
return f11 == t11 && d11 == e21;
var h11 = true;
i11.set(e21, t11), i11.set(t11, e21);
for (var v11 = a11; ++l11 < c11; ) {
var p11 = e21[u11 = s11[l11]], m11 = t11[u11];
if (r11)
var g10 = a11 ? r11(m11, p11, u11, t11, e21, i11) : r11(p11, m11, u11, e21, t11, i11);
if (!(void 0 === g10 ? p11 === m11 || o11(p11, m11, n11, r11, i11) : g10)) {
h11 = false;
v11 || (v11 = "constructor" == u11);
if (h11 && !v11) {
var y10 = e21.constructor, b10 = t11.constructor;
y10 == b10 || !("constructor" in e21) || !("constructor" in t11) || "function" == typeof y10 && y10 instanceof y10 && "function" == typeof b10 && b10 instanceof b10 || (h11 = false);
return i11.delete(e21), i11.delete(t11), h11;
}(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10));
function oy(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10) {
return e20 === t10 || (null == e20 || null == t10 || !bu(e20) && !bu(t10) ? e20 != e20 && t10 != t10 : ry(e20, t10, n10, r10, oy, o10));
var iy = 1;
var ay = 2;
function sy(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = n10.length, i10 = o10, a10 = !r10;
if (null == e20)
return !i10;
for (e20 = Object(e20); o10--; ) {
var s10 = n10[o10];
if (a10 && s10[2] ? s10[1] !== e20[s10[0]] : !(s10[0] in e20))
return false;
for (; ++o10 < i10; ) {
var c10 = (s10 = n10[o10])[0], l10 = e20[c10], u10 = s10[1];
if (a10 && s10[2]) {
if (void 0 === l10 && !(c10 in e20))
return false;
} else {
var f10 = new em();
if (r10)
var d10 = r10(l10, u10, c10, e20, t10, f10);
if (!(void 0 === d10 ? oy(u10, l10, iy | ay, r10, f10) : d10))
return false;
return true;
function cy(e20) {
return e20 == e20 && !Iu(e20);
function ly(e20) {
for (var t10 = Eh(e20), n10 = t10.length; n10--; ) {
var r10 = t10[n10], o10 = e20[r10];
t10[n10] = [r10, o10, cy(o10)];
return t10;
function uy(e20, t10) {
return function(n10) {
return null != n10 && (n10[e20] === t10 && (void 0 !== t10 || e20 in Object(n10)));
function fy(e20) {
var t10 = ly(e20);
return 1 == t10.length && t10[0][2] ? uy(t10[0][0], t10[0][1]) : function(n10) {
return n10 === e20 || sy(n10, e20, t10);
function dy(e20, t10) {
return null != e20 && t10 in Object(e20);
function hy(e20, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = -1, o10 = (t10 = cv(t10, e20)).length, i10 = false; ++r10 < o10; ) {
var a10 = uv(t10[r10]);
if (!(i10 = null != e20 && n10(e20, a10)))
e20 = e20[a10];
return i10 || ++r10 != o10 ? i10 : !!(o10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length) && Zd(o10) && hd(a10, o10) && (Cu(e20) || uh(e20));
function vy(e20, t10) {
return null != e20 && hy(e20, t10, dy);
var py = 1;
var my = 2;
function gy(e20, t10) {
return Wh(e20) && cy(t10) ? uy(uv(e20), t10) : function(n10) {
var r10 = dv(n10, e20);
return void 0 === r10 && r10 === t10 ? vy(n10, e20) : oy(t10, r10, py | my);
function yy(e20) {
return function(t10) {
return null == t10 ? void 0 : t10[e20];
function by(e20) {
return Wh(e20) ? yy(uv(e20)) : /* @__PURE__ */ function(e21) {
return function(t10) {
return fv(t10, e21);
function ky(e20) {
return "function" == typeof e20 ? e20 : null == e20 ? Ku : "object" == Ho(e20) ? Cu(e20) ? gy(e20[0], e20[1]) : fy(e20) : by(e20);
function wy(e20) {
var t10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length, n10 = ky;
return e20 = t10 ? Su(e20, function(e21) {
if ("function" != typeof e21[1])
throw new TypeError("Expected a function");
return [n10(e21[0]), e21[1]];
}) : [], Yd(function(n11) {
for (var r10 = -1; ++r10 < t10; ) {
var o10 = e20[r10];
if (wf(o10[0], this, n11))
return wf(o10[1], this, n11);
function xy(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = n10.length;
if (null == e20)
return !r10;
for (e20 = Object(e20); r10--; ) {
var o10 = n10[r10], i10 = t10[o10], a10 = e20[o10];
if (void 0 === a10 && !(o10 in e20) || !i10(a10))
return false;
return true;
function jy(e20) {
return function(e21) {
var t10 = Eh(e21);
return function(n10) {
return xy(n10, e21, t10);
}(gg(e20, 1));
function Sy(e20, t10) {
return null == t10 || xy(e20, t10, Eh(t10));
function Cy(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = -1, i10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length; ++o10 < i10; ) {
var a10 = e20[o10];
t10(r10, a10, n10(a10), e20);
return r10;
function $y(e20) {
return function(t10, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = -1, i10 = Object(t10), a10 = r10(t10), s10 = a10.length; s10--; ) {
var c10 = a10[e20 ? s10 : ++o10];
if (false === n10(i10[c10], c10, i10))
return t10;
var _y = $y();
function Oy(e20, t10) {
return e20 && _y(e20, t10, Eh);
function My(e20, t10) {
return function(n10, r10) {
if (null == n10)
return n10;
if (!eh(n10))
return e20(n10, r10);
for (var o10 = n10.length, i10 = t10 ? o10 : -1, a10 = Object(n10); (t10 ? i10-- : ++i10 < o10) && false !== r10(a10[i10], i10, a10); )
return n10;
var Ey = My(Oy);
function Ay(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
return Ey(e20, function(e21, o10, i10) {
t10(r10, e21, n10(e21), i10);
}), r10;
function Py(e20, t10) {
return function(n10, r10) {
var o10 = Cu(n10) ? Cy : Ay, i10 = t10 ? t10() : {};
return o10(n10, e20, ky(r10), i10);
var Ty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var Ry = Py(function(e20, t10, n10) {
Ty.call(e20, n10) ? ++e20[n10] : Hd(e20, n10, 1);
var Ny = Ry;
function Iy(e20, t10) {
var n10 = yf(e20);
return null == t10 ? n10 : tm(n10, t10);
function Dy(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = Ld(e20, 8, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, t10 = n10 ? void 0 : t10);
return r10.placeholder = Dy.placeholder, r10;
Dy.placeholder = {};
function qy(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = Ld(e20, 16, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, t10 = n10 ? void 0 : t10);
return r10.placeholder = qy.placeholder, r10;
qy.placeholder = {};
var zy = function() {
return cu.Date.now();
var By = "Expected a function";
var Ly = Math.max;
var Fy = Math.min;
function Vy(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10 = 0, u10 = false, f10 = false, d10 = true;
if ("function" != typeof e20)
throw new TypeError(By);
function h10(t11) {
var n11 = r10, i11 = o10;
return r10 = o10 = void 0, l10 = t11, a10 = e20.apply(i11, n11);
function v10(e21) {
var n11 = e21 - c10;
return void 0 === c10 || n11 >= t10 || n11 < 0 || f10 && e21 - l10 >= i10;
function p10() {
var e21 = zy();
if (v10(e21))
return m10(e21);
s10 = setTimeout(p10, function(e23) {
var n11 = t10 - (e23 - c10);
return f10 ? Fy(n11, i10 - (e23 - l10)) : n11;
function m10(e21) {
return s10 = void 0, d10 && r10 ? h10(e21) : (r10 = o10 = void 0, a10);
function g10() {
var e21 = zy(), n11 = v10(e21);
if (r10 = arguments, o10 = this, c10 = e21, n11) {
if (void 0 === s10)
return function(e23) {
return l10 = e23, s10 = setTimeout(p10, t10), u10 ? h10(e23) : a10;
if (f10)
return clearTimeout(s10), s10 = setTimeout(p10, t10), h10(c10);
return void 0 === s10 && (s10 = setTimeout(p10, t10)), a10;
return t10 = Fu(t10) || 0, Iu(n10) && (u10 = !!n10.leading, i10 = (f10 = "maxWait" in n10) ? Ly(Fu(n10.maxWait) || 0, t10) : i10, d10 = "trailing" in n10 ? !!n10.trailing : d10), g10.cancel = function() {
void 0 !== s10 && clearTimeout(s10), l10 = 0, r10 = c10 = o10 = s10 = void 0;
}, g10.flush = function() {
return void 0 === s10 ? a10 : m10(zy());
}, g10;
function Hy(e20, t10) {
return null == e20 || e20 != e20 ? t10 : e20;
var Wy = Object.prototype;
var Uy = Wy.hasOwnProperty;
var Jy = Yd(function(e20, t10) {
e20 = Object(e20);
var n10 = -1, r10 = t10.length, o10 = r10 > 2 ? t10[2] : void 0;
for (o10 && th(t10[0], t10[1], o10) && (r10 = 1); ++n10 < r10; )
for (var i10 = t10[n10], a10 = Ih(i10), s10 = -1, c10 = a10.length; ++s10 < c10; ) {
var l10 = a10[s10], u10 = e20[l10];
(void 0 === u10 || Wd(u10, Wy[l10]) && !Uy.call(e20, l10)) && (e20[l10] = i10[l10]);
return e20;
var Ky = Jy;
function Gy(e20, t10, n10) {
(void 0 !== n10 && !Wd(e20[t10], n10) || void 0 === n10 && !(t10 in e20)) && Hd(e20, t10, n10);
function Qy(e20) {
return bu(e20) && eh(e20);
function Yy(e20, t10) {
if (("constructor" !== t10 || "function" != typeof e20[t10]) && "__proto__" != t10)
return e20[t10];
function Xy(e20) {
return Kd(e20, Ih(e20));
function Zy(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10) {
e20 !== t10 && _y(t10, function(i10, a10) {
if (o10 || (o10 = new em()), Iu(i10))
!function(e21, t11, n11, r11, o11, i11, a11) {
var s11 = Yy(e21, n11), c10 = Yy(t11, n11), l10 = a11.get(c10);
if (l10)
Gy(e21, n11, l10);
else {
var u10 = i11 ? i11(s11, c10, n11 + "", e21, t11, a11) : void 0, f10 = void 0 === u10;
if (f10) {
var d10 = Cu(c10), h10 = !d10 && ph(c10), v10 = !d10 && !h10 && jh(c10);
u10 = c10, d10 || h10 || v10 ? Cu(s11) ? u10 = s11 : Qy(s11) ? u10 = Nf(s11) : h10 ? (f10 = false, u10 = am(c10, true)) : v10 ? (f10 = false, u10 = Dm(c10, true)) : u10 = [] : Ov(c10) || uh(c10) ? (u10 = s11, uh(s11) ? u10 = Xy(s11) : Iu(s11) && !Zu(s11) || (u10 = og(c10))) : f10 = false;
f10 && (a11.set(c10, u10), o11(u10, c10, r11, i11, a11), a11.delete(c10)), Gy(e21, n11, u10);
}(e20, t10, a10, n10, Zy, r10, o10);
else {
var s10 = r10 ? r10(Yy(e20, a10), i10, a10 + "", e20, t10, o10) : void 0;
void 0 === s10 && (s10 = i10), Gy(e20, a10, s10);
}, Ih);
function eb(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
return Iu(e20) && Iu(t10) && (i10.set(t10, e20), Zy(e20, t10, void 0, eb, i10), i10.delete(t10)), e20;
var tb = nh(function(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
Zy(e20, t10, n10, r10);
var nb = tb;
var rb = Yd(function(e20) {
return e20.push(void 0, eb), wf(nb, void 0, e20);
function ob(e20, t10, n10) {
if ("function" != typeof e20)
throw new TypeError("Expected a function");
return setTimeout(function() {
e20.apply(void 0, n10);
}, t10);
var ib = Yd(function(e20, t10) {
return ob(e20, 1, t10);
var ab = ib;
var sb = Yd(function(e20, t10, n10) {
return ob(e20, Fu(t10) || 0, n10);
var cb = sb;
function lb(e20, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = -1, o10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length; ++r10 < o10; )
if (n10(t10, e20[r10]))
return true;
return false;
var ub = 200;
function fb(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = -1, i10 = ed, a10 = true, s10 = e20.length, c10 = [], l10 = t10.length;
if (!s10)
return c10;
n10 && (t10 = Su(t10, gh(n10))), r10 ? (i10 = lb, a10 = false) : t10.length >= ub && (i10 = Mg, a10 = false, t10 = new _g(t10));
for (; ++o10 < s10; ) {
var u10 = e20[o10], f10 = null == n10 ? u10 : n10(u10);
if (u10 = r10 || 0 !== u10 ? u10 : 0, a10 && f10 == f10) {
for (var d10 = l10; d10--; )
if (t10[d10] === f10)
continue e;
} else
i10(t10, f10, r10) || c10.push(u10);
return c10;
var db = Yd(function(e20, t10) {
return Qy(e20) ? fb(e20, gv(t10, 1, Qy, true)) : [];
var hb = db;
function vb(e20) {
var t10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length;
return t10 ? e20[t10 - 1] : void 0;
var pb = Yd(function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = vb(t10);
return Qy(n10) && (n10 = void 0), Qy(e20) ? fb(e20, gv(t10, 1, Qy, true), ky(n10)) : [];
var mb = pb;
var gb = Yd(function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = vb(t10);
return Qy(n10) && (n10 = void 0), Qy(e20) ? fb(e20, gv(t10, 1, Qy, true), void 0, n10) : [];
var yb = gb;
var bb = Eu(function(e20, t10) {
return e20 / t10;
}, 1);
function kb(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length;
return r10 ? Fv(e20, (t10 = n10 || void 0 === t10 ? 1 : Uu(t10)) < 0 ? 0 : t10, r10) : [];
function wb(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length;
return r10 ? Fv(e20, 0, (t10 = r10 - (t10 = n10 || void 0 === t10 ? 1 : Uu(t10))) < 0 ? 0 : t10) : [];
function xb(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = e20.length, i10 = r10 ? o10 : -1; (r10 ? i10-- : ++i10 < o10) && t10(e20[i10], i10, e20); )
return n10 ? Fv(e20, r10 ? 0 : i10, r10 ? i10 + 1 : o10) : Fv(e20, r10 ? i10 + 1 : 0, r10 ? o10 : i10);
function jb(e20, t10) {
return e20 && e20.length ? xb(e20, ky(t10), true, true) : [];
function Sb(e20, t10) {
return e20 && e20.length ? xb(e20, ky(t10), true) : [];
function Cb(e20) {
return "function" == typeof e20 ? e20 : Ku;
function $b(e20, t10) {
return (Cu(e20) ? Qf : Ey)(e20, Cb(t10));
function _b(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length; n10-- && false !== t10(e20[n10], n10, e20); )
return e20;
var Ob = $y(true);
function Mb(e20, t10) {
return e20 && Ob(e20, t10, Eh);
var Eb = My(Mb, true);
function Ab(e20, t10) {
return (Cu(e20) ? _b : Eb)(e20, Cb(t10));
function Pb(e20, t10, n10) {
e20 = sv(e20), t10 = Mu(t10);
var r10 = e20.length, o10 = n10 = void 0 === n10 ? r10 : Xp(Uu(n10), 0, r10);
return (n10 -= t10.length) >= 0 && e20.slice(n10, o10) == t10;
function Tb(e20) {
return function(t10) {
var n10 = Em(t10);
return "[object Map]" == n10 ? Tg(t10) : "[object Set]" == n10 ? function(e21) {
var t11 = -1, n11 = Array(e21.size);
return e21.forEach(function(e23) {
n11[++t11] = [e23, e23];
}), n11;
}(t10) : function(e21, t11) {
return Su(t11, function(t12) {
return [t12, e21[t12]];
}(t10, e20(t10));
var Rb = Tb(Eh);
var Nb = Tb(Ih);
var Ib = lp({ "&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">", '"': """, "'": "'" });
var Db = /[&<>"']/g;
var qb = RegExp(Db.source);
function zb(e20) {
return (e20 = sv(e20)) && qb.test(e20) ? e20.replace(Db, Ib) : e20;
var Bb = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g;
var Lb = RegExp(Bb.source);
function Fb(e20) {
return (e20 = sv(e20)) && Lb.test(e20) ? e20.replace(Bb, "\\$&") : e20;
function Vb(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = -1, r10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length; ++n10 < r10; )
if (!t10(e20[n10], n10, e20))
return false;
return true;
function Hb(e20, t10) {
var n10 = true;
return Ey(e20, function(e21, r10, o10) {
return n10 = !!t10(e21, r10, o10);
}), n10;
function Wb(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = Cu(e20) ? Vb : Hb;
return n10 && th(e20, t10, n10) && (t10 = void 0), r10(e20, ky(t10));
var Ub = 4294967295;
function Jb(e20) {
return e20 ? Xp(Uu(e20), 0, Ub) : 0;
function Kb(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length;
return o10 ? (n10 && "number" != typeof n10 && th(e20, t10, n10) && (n10 = 0, r10 = o10), function(e21, t11, n11, r11) {
var o11 = e21.length;
for ((n11 = Uu(n11)) < 0 && (n11 = -n11 > o11 ? 0 : o11 + n11), (r11 = void 0 === r11 || r11 > o11 ? o11 : Uu(r11)) < 0 && (r11 += o11), r11 = n11 > r11 ? 0 : Jb(r11); n11 < r11; )
e21[n11++] = t11;
return e21;
}(e20, t10, n10, r10)) : [];
function Gb(e20, t10) {
var n10 = [];
return Ey(e20, function(e21, r10, o10) {
t10(e21, r10, o10) && n10.push(e21);
}), n10;
function Qb(e20, t10) {
return (Cu(e20) ? sm : Gb)(e20, ky(t10));
function Yb(e20) {
return function(t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = Object(t10);
if (!eh(t10)) {
var i10 = ky(n10);
t10 = Eh(t10), n10 = function(e21) {
return i10(o10[e21], e21, o10);
var a10 = e20(t10, n10, r10);
return a10 > -1 ? o10[i10 ? t10[a10] : a10] : void 0;
var Xb = Math.max;
function Zb(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length;
if (!r10)
return -1;
var o10 = null == n10 ? 0 : Uu(n10);
return o10 < 0 && (o10 = Xb(r10 + o10, 0)), Yf(e20, ky(t10), o10);
var ek = Yb(Zb);
function tk(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10;
return n10(e20, function(e21, n11, o10) {
if (t10(e21, n11, o10))
return r10 = n11, false;
}), r10;
function nk(e20, t10) {
return tk(e20, ky(t10), Oy);
var rk = Math.max;
var ok = Math.min;
function ik(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length;
if (!r10)
return -1;
var o10 = r10 - 1;
return void 0 !== n10 && (o10 = Uu(n10), o10 = n10 < 0 ? rk(r10 + o10, 0) : ok(o10, r10 - 1)), Yf(e20, ky(t10), o10, true);
var ak = Yb(ik);
function sk(e20, t10) {
return tk(e20, ky(t10), Mb);
function ck(e20) {
return e20 && e20.length ? e20[0] : void 0;
function lk(e20, t10) {
var n10 = -1, r10 = eh(e20) ? Array(e20.length) : [];
return Ey(e20, function(e21, o10, i10) {
r10[++n10] = t10(e21, o10, i10);
}), r10;
function uk(e20, t10) {
return (Cu(e20) ? Su : lk)(e20, ky(t10));
function fk(e20, t10) {
return gv(uk(e20, t10), 1);
function dk(e20, t10) {
return gv(uk(e20, t10), Infinity);
function hk(e20, t10, n10) {
return n10 = void 0 === n10 ? 1 : Uu(n10), gv(uk(e20, t10), n10);
function vk(e20) {
return (null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length) ? gv(e20, Infinity) : [];
function pk(e20, t10) {
return (null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length) ? gv(e20, t10 = void 0 === t10 ? 1 : Uu(t10)) : [];
function mk(e20) {
return Ld(e20, 512);
var gk = Up("floor");
function yk(e20) {
return bv(function(t10) {
var n10 = t10.length, r10 = n10, o10 = Rf.prototype.thru;
for (e20 && t10.reverse(); r10--; ) {
var i10 = t10[r10];
if ("function" != typeof i10)
throw new TypeError("Expected a function");
if (o10 && !a10 && "wrapper" == Tf(i10))
var a10 = new Rf([], true);
for (r10 = a10 ? r10 : n10; ++r10 < n10; ) {
var s10 = Tf(i10 = t10[r10]), c10 = "wrapper" == s10 ? Ef(i10) : void 0;
a10 = c10 && zf(c10[0]) && 424 == c10[1] && !c10[4].length && 1 == c10[9] ? a10[Tf(c10[0])].apply(a10, c10[3]) : 1 == i10.length && zf(i10) ? a10[s10]() : a10.thru(i10);
return function() {
var e21 = arguments, r11 = e21[0];
if (a10 && 1 == e21.length && Cu(r11))
return a10.plant(r11).value();
for (var o11 = 0, i11 = n10 ? t10[o11].apply(this, e21) : r11; ++o11 < n10; )
i11 = t10[o11].call(this, i11);
return i11;
var bk = yk();
var kk = yk(true);
function wk(e20, t10) {
return null == e20 ? e20 : _y(e20, Cb(t10), Ih);
function xk(e20, t10) {
return null == e20 ? e20 : Ob(e20, Cb(t10), Ih);
function jk(e20, t10) {
return e20 && Oy(e20, Cb(t10));
function Sk(e20, t10) {
return e20 && Mb(e20, Cb(t10));
function Ck(e20) {
for (var t10 = -1, n10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length, r10 = {}; ++t10 < n10; ) {
var o10 = e20[t10];
r10[o10[0]] = o10[1];
return r10;
function $k(e20, t10) {
return sm(t10, function(t11) {
return Zu(e20[t11]);
function _k(e20) {
return null == e20 ? [] : $k(e20, Eh(e20));
function Ok(e20) {
return null == e20 ? [] : $k(e20, Ih(e20));
var Mk = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var Ek = Py(function(e20, t10, n10) {
Mk.call(e20, n10) ? e20[n10].push(t10) : Hd(e20, n10, [t10]);
var Ak = Ek;
function Pk(e20, t10) {
return e20 > t10;
function Tk(e20) {
return function(t10, n10) {
return "string" == typeof t10 && "string" == typeof n10 || (t10 = Fu(t10), n10 = Fu(n10)), e20(t10, n10);
var Rk = Tk(Pk);
var Nk = Tk(function(e20, t10) {
return e20 >= t10;
var Ik = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function Dk(e20, t10) {
return null != e20 && Ik.call(e20, t10);
function qk(e20, t10) {
return null != e20 && hy(e20, t10, Dk);
var zk = Math.max;
var Bk = Math.min;
function Lk(e20, t10, n10) {
return t10 = Wu(t10), void 0 === n10 ? (n10 = t10, t10 = 0) : n10 = Wu(n10), function(e21, t11, n11) {
return e21 >= Bk(t11, n11) && e21 < zk(t11, n11);
}(e20 = Fu(e20), t10, n10);
var Fk = "[object String]";
function Vk(e20) {
return "string" == typeof e20 || !Cu(e20) && bu(e20) && yu(e20) == Fk;
function Hk(e20, t10) {
return Su(t10, function(t11) {
return e20[t11];
function Wk(e20) {
return null == e20 ? [] : Hk(e20, Eh(e20));
var Uk = Math.max;
function Jk(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
e20 = eh(e20) ? e20 : Wk(e20), n10 = n10 && !r10 ? Uu(n10) : 0;
var o10 = e20.length;
return n10 < 0 && (n10 = Uk(o10 + n10, 0)), Vk(e20) ? n10 <= o10 && e20.indexOf(t10, n10) > -1 : !!o10 && Zf(e20, t10, n10) > -1;
var Kk = Math.max;
function Gk(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length;
if (!r10)
return -1;
var o10 = null == n10 ? 0 : Uu(n10);
return o10 < 0 && (o10 = Kk(r10 + o10, 0)), Zf(e20, t10, o10);
function Qk(e20) {
return (null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length) ? Fv(e20, 0, -1) : [];
var Yk = Math.min;
function Xk(e20, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = n10 ? lb : ed, o10 = e20[0].length, i10 = e20.length, a10 = i10, s10 = Array(i10), c10 = 1 / 0, l10 = []; a10--; ) {
var u10 = e20[a10];
a10 && t10 && (u10 = Su(u10, gh(t10))), c10 = Yk(u10.length, c10), s10[a10] = !n10 && (t10 || o10 >= 120 && u10.length >= 120) ? new _g(a10 && u10) : void 0;
u10 = e20[0];
var f10 = -1, d10 = s10[0];
for (; ++f10 < o10 && l10.length < c10; ) {
var h10 = u10[f10], v10 = t10 ? t10(h10) : h10;
if (h10 = n10 || 0 !== h10 ? h10 : 0, !(d10 ? Mg(d10, v10) : r10(l10, v10, n10))) {
for (a10 = i10; --a10; ) {
var p10 = s10[a10];
if (!(p10 ? Mg(p10, v10) : r10(e20[a10], v10, n10)))
continue e;
d10 && d10.push(v10), l10.push(h10);
return l10;
function Zk(e20) {
return Qy(e20) ? e20 : [];
var ew = Yd(function(e20) {
var t10 = Su(e20, Zk);
return t10.length && t10[0] === e20[0] ? Xk(t10) : [];
var tw = Yd(function(e20) {
var t10 = vb(e20), n10 = Su(e20, Zk);
return t10 === vb(n10) ? t10 = void 0 : n10.pop(), n10.length && n10[0] === e20[0] ? Xk(n10, ky(t10)) : [];
var nw = tw;
var rw = Yd(function(e20) {
var t10 = vb(e20), n10 = Su(e20, Zk);
return (t10 = "function" == typeof t10 ? t10 : void 0) && n10.pop(), n10.length && n10[0] === e20[0] ? Xk(n10, void 0, t10) : [];
function ow(e20, t10) {
return function(n10, r10) {
return function(e21, t11, n11, r11) {
return Oy(e21, function(e23, o10, i10) {
t11(r11, n11(e23), o10, i10);
}), r11;
}(n10, e20, t10(r10), {});
var iw = Object.prototype.toString;
var aw = ow(function(e20, t10, n10) {
null != t10 && "function" != typeof t10.toString && (t10 = iw.call(t10)), e20[t10] = n10;
}, Uf(Ku));
var sw = aw;
var cw = Object.prototype;
var lw = cw.hasOwnProperty;
var uw = cw.toString;
var fw = ow(function(e20, t10, n10) {
null != t10 && "function" != typeof t10.toString && (t10 = uw.call(t10)), lw.call(e20, t10) ? e20[t10].push(n10) : e20[t10] = [n10];
}, ky);
var dw = fw;
function hw(e20, t10) {
return t10.length < 2 ? e20 : fv(e20, Fv(t10, 0, -1));
function vw(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = null == (e20 = hw(e20, t10 = cv(t10, e20))) ? e20 : e20[uv(vb(t10))];
return null == r10 ? void 0 : wf(r10, e20, n10);
var pw = Yd(vw);
var mw = Yd(function(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = -1, o10 = "function" == typeof t10, i10 = eh(e20) ? Array(e20.length) : [];
return Ey(e20, function(e21) {
i10[++r10] = o10 ? wf(t10, e21, n10) : vw(e21, t10, n10);
}), i10;
var gw = mw;
var yw = wh && wh.isArrayBuffer;
var bw = yw ? gh(yw) : function(e20) {
return bu(e20) && "[object ArrayBuffer]" == yu(e20);
function kw(e20) {
return true === e20 || false === e20 || bu(e20) && "[object Boolean]" == yu(e20);
var ww = wh && wh.isDate;
var xw = ww ? gh(ww) : function(e20) {
return bu(e20) && "[object Date]" == yu(e20);
function jw(e20) {
return bu(e20) && 1 === e20.nodeType && !Ov(e20);
var Sw = "[object Map]";
var Cw = "[object Set]";
var $w = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function _w(e20) {
if (null == e20)
return true;
if (eh(e20) && (Cu(e20) || "string" == typeof e20 || "function" == typeof e20.splice || ph(e20) || jh(e20) || uh(e20)))
return !e20.length;
var t10 = Em(e20);
if (t10 == Sw || t10 == Cw)
return !e20.size;
if (oh(e20))
return !Mh(e20).length;
for (var n10 in e20)
if ($w.call(e20, n10))
return false;
return true;
function Ow(e20, t10) {
return oy(e20, t10);
function Mw(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = (n10 = "function" == typeof n10 ? n10 : void 0) ? n10(e20, t10) : void 0;
return void 0 === r10 ? oy(e20, t10, void 0, n10) : !!r10;
var Ew = cu.isFinite;
function Aw(e20) {
return "number" == typeof e20 && Ew(e20);
function Pw(e20) {
return "number" == typeof e20 && e20 == Uu(e20);
function Tw(e20, t10) {
return e20 === t10 || sy(e20, t10, ly(t10));
function Rw(e20, t10, n10) {
return n10 = "function" == typeof n10 ? n10 : void 0, sy(e20, t10, ly(t10), n10);
var Nw = "[object Number]";
function Iw(e20) {
return "number" == typeof e20 || bu(e20) && yu(e20) == Nw;
function Dw(e20) {
return Iw(e20) && e20 != +e20;
var qw = tf ? Zu : fh;
function zw(e20) {
if (qw(e20))
throw new Error("Unsupported core-js use. Try https://npms.io/search?q=ponyfill.");
return df(e20);
function Bw(e20) {
return null == e20;
function Lw(e20) {
return null === e20;
var Fw = wh && wh.isRegExp;
var Vw = Fw ? gh(Fw) : function(e20) {
return bu(e20) && "[object RegExp]" == yu(e20);
var Hw = 9007199254740991;
function Ww(e20) {
return Pw(e20) && e20 >= -9007199254740991 && e20 <= Hw;
function Uw(e20) {
return void 0 === e20;
function Jw(e20) {
return bu(e20) && "[object WeakMap]" == Em(e20);
function Kw(e20) {
return bu(e20) && "[object WeakSet]" == yu(e20);
function Gw(e20) {
return ky("function" == typeof e20 ? e20 : gg(e20, 1));
var Qw = Array.prototype.join;
function Yw(e20, t10) {
return null == e20 ? "" : Qw.call(e20, t10);
var Xw = Bp(function(e20, t10, n10) {
return e20 + (n10 ? "-" : "") + t10.toLowerCase();
var Zw = Xw;
var ex = Py(function(e20, t10, n10) {
Hd(e20, n10, t10);
var tx = ex;
var nx = Math.max;
var rx = Math.min;
function ox(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length;
if (!r10)
return -1;
var o10 = r10;
return void 0 !== n10 && (o10 = (o10 = Uu(n10)) < 0 ? nx(r10 + o10, 0) : rx(o10, r10 - 1)), t10 == t10 ? function(e21, t11, n11) {
for (var r11 = n11 + 1; r11--; )
if (e21[r11] === t11)
return r11;
return r11;
}(e20, t10, o10) : Yf(e20, Xf, o10, true);
var ix = Bp(function(e20, t10, n10) {
return e20 + (n10 ? " " : "") + t10.toLowerCase();
var ax = ix;
var sx = ip("toLowerCase");
function cx(e20, t10) {
return e20 < t10;
var lx = Tk(cx);
var ux = Tk(function(e20, t10) {
return e20 <= t10;
function fx(e20, t10) {
var n10 = {};
return t10 = ky(t10), Oy(e20, function(e21, r10, o10) {
Hd(n10, t10(e21, r10, o10), e21);
}), n10;
function dx(e20, t10) {
var n10 = {};
return t10 = ky(t10), Oy(e20, function(e21, r10, o10) {
Hd(n10, r10, t10(e21, r10, o10));
}), n10;
function hx(e20) {
return fy(gg(e20, 1));
function vx(e20, t10) {
return gy(e20, gg(t10, 1));
function px(e20, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = -1, o10 = e20.length; ++r10 < o10; ) {
var i10 = e20[r10], a10 = t10(i10);
if (null != a10 && (void 0 === s10 ? a10 == a10 && !wu(a10) : n10(a10, s10)))
var s10 = a10, c10 = i10;
return c10;
function mx(e20) {
return e20 && e20.length ? px(e20, Ku, Pk) : void 0;
function gx(e20, t10) {
return e20 && e20.length ? px(e20, ky(t10), Pk) : void 0;
function yx(e20, t10) {
for (var n10, r10 = -1, o10 = e20.length; ++r10 < o10; ) {
var i10 = t10(e20[r10]);
void 0 !== i10 && (n10 = void 0 === n10 ? i10 : n10 + i10);
return n10;
var bx = NaN;
function kx(e20, t10) {
var n10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length;
return n10 ? yx(e20, t10) / n10 : bx;
function wx(e20) {
return kx(e20, Ku);
function xx(e20, t10) {
return kx(e20, ky(t10));
var jx = nh(function(e20, t10, n10) {
Zy(e20, t10, n10);
var Sx = jx;
var Cx = Yd(function(e20, t10) {
return function(n10) {
return vw(n10, e20, t10);
var $x = Cx;
var _x = Yd(function(e20, t10) {
return function(n10) {
return vw(e20, n10, t10);
var Ox = _x;
function Mx(e20) {
return e20 && e20.length ? px(e20, Ku, cx) : void 0;
function Ex(e20, t10) {
return e20 && e20.length ? px(e20, ky(t10), cx) : void 0;
function Ax(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = Eh(t10), o10 = $k(t10, r10), i10 = !(Iu(n10) && "chain" in n10 && !n10.chain), a10 = Zu(e20);
return Qf(o10, function(n11) {
var r11 = t10[n11];
e20[n11] = r11, a10 && (e20.prototype[n11] = function() {
var t11 = this.__chain__;
if (i10 || t11) {
var n12 = e20(this.__wrapped__);
return (n12.__actions__ = Nf(this.__actions__)).push({ func: r11, args: arguments, thisArg: e20 }), n12.__chain__ = t11, n12;
return r11.apply(e20, vv([this.value()], arguments));
}), e20;
var Px = Eu(function(e20, t10) {
return e20 * t10;
}, 1);
var Tx = "Expected a function";
function Rx(e20) {
if ("function" != typeof e20)
throw new TypeError(Tx);
return function() {
var t10 = arguments;
switch (t10.length) {
case 0:
return !e20.call(this);
case 1:
return !e20.call(this, t10[0]);
case 2:
return !e20.call(this, t10[0], t10[1]);
case 3:
return !e20.call(this, t10[0], t10[1], t10[2]);
return !e20.apply(this, t10);
var Nx = "[object Map]";
var Ix = "[object Set]";
var Dx = lu ? lu.iterator : void 0;
function qx(e20) {
if (!e20)
return [];
if (eh(e20))
return Vk(e20) ? op(e20) : Nf(e20);
if (Dx && e20[Dx])
return function(e21) {
for (var t11, n10 = []; !(t11 = e21.next()).done; )
return n10;
var t10 = Em(e20);
return (t10 == Nx ? Tg : t10 == Ix ? Rg : Wk)(e20);
function zx() {
void 0 === this.__values__ && (this.__values__ = qx(this.value()));
var e20 = this.__index__ >= this.__values__.length;
return { done: e20, value: e20 ? void 0 : this.__values__[this.__index__++] };
function Bx(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.length;
if (n10)
return hd(t10 += t10 < 0 ? n10 : 0, n10) ? e20[t10] : void 0;
function Lx(e20, t10) {
return e20 && e20.length ? Bx(e20, Uu(t10)) : void 0;
function Fx(e20) {
return e20 = Uu(e20), Yd(function(t10) {
return Bx(t10, e20);
function Vx(e20, t10) {
return null == (e20 = hw(e20, t10 = cv(t10, e20))) || delete e20[uv(vb(t10))];
function Hx(e20) {
return Ov(e20) ? void 0 : e20;
var Wx = bv(function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = {};
if (null == e20)
return n10;
var r10 = false;
t10 = Su(t10, function(t11) {
return t11 = cv(t11, e20), r10 || (r10 = t11.length > 1), t11;
}), Kd(e20, pm(e20), n10), r10 && (n10 = gg(n10, 7, Hx));
for (var o10 = t10.length; o10--; )
Vx(n10, t10[o10]);
return n10;
var Ux = Wx;
function Jx(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
if (!Iu(e20))
return e20;
for (var o10 = -1, i10 = (t10 = cv(t10, e20)).length, a10 = i10 - 1, s10 = e20; null != s10 && ++o10 < i10; ) {
var c10 = uv(t10[o10]), l10 = n10;
if ("__proto__" === c10 || "constructor" === c10 || "prototype" === c10)
return e20;
if (o10 != a10) {
var u10 = s10[c10];
void 0 === (l10 = r10 ? r10(u10, c10, s10) : void 0) && (l10 = Iu(u10) ? u10 : hd(t10[o10 + 1]) ? [] : {});
Jd(s10, c10, l10), s10 = s10[c10];
return e20;
function Kx(e20, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = -1, o10 = t10.length, i10 = {}; ++r10 < o10; ) {
var a10 = t10[r10], s10 = fv(e20, a10);
n10(s10, a10) && Jx(i10, cv(a10, e20), s10);
return i10;
function Gx(e20, t10) {
if (null == e20)
return {};
var n10 = Su(pm(e20), function(e21) {
return [e21];
return t10 = ky(t10), Kx(e20, n10, function(e21, n11) {
return t10(e21, n11[0]);
function Qx(e20, t10) {
return Gx(e20, Rx(ky(t10)));
function Yx(e20) {
return Nv(2, e20);
function Xx(e20, t10) {
if (e20 !== t10) {
var n10 = void 0 !== e20, r10 = null === e20, o10 = e20 == e20, i10 = wu(e20), a10 = void 0 !== t10, s10 = null === t10, c10 = t10 == t10, l10 = wu(t10);
if (!s10 && !l10 && !i10 && e20 > t10 || i10 && a10 && c10 && !s10 && !l10 || r10 && a10 && c10 || !n10 && c10 || !o10)
return 1;
if (!r10 && !i10 && !l10 && e20 < t10 || l10 && n10 && o10 && !r10 && !i10 || s10 && n10 && o10 || !a10 && o10 || !c10)
return -1;
return 0;
function Zx(e20, t10, n10) {
t10 = t10.length ? Su(t10, function(e21) {
return Cu(e21) ? function(t11) {
return fv(t11, 1 === e21.length ? e21[0] : e21);
} : e21;
}) : [Ku];
var r10 = -1;
t10 = Su(t10, gh(ky));
var o10 = lk(e20, function(e21, n11, o11) {
var i10 = Su(t10, function(t11) {
return t11(e21);
return { criteria: i10, index: ++r10, value: e21 };
return function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = e21.length;
for (e21.sort(t11); n11--; )
e21[n11] = e21[n11].value;
return e21;
}(o10, function(e21, t11) {
return function(e23, t12, n11) {
for (var r11 = -1, o11 = e23.criteria, i10 = t12.criteria, a10 = o11.length, s10 = n11.length; ++r11 < a10; ) {
var c10 = Xx(o11[r11], i10[r11]);
if (c10)
return r11 >= s10 ? c10 : c10 * ("desc" == n11[r11] ? -1 : 1);
return e23.index - t12.index;
}(e21, t11, n10);
function ej(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
return null == e20 ? [] : (Cu(t10) || (t10 = null == t10 ? [] : [t10]), Cu(n10 = r10 ? void 0 : n10) || (n10 = null == n10 ? [] : [n10]), Zx(e20, t10, n10));
function tj(e20) {
return bv(function(t10) {
return t10 = Su(t10, gh(ky)), Yd(function(n10) {
var r10 = this;
return e20(t10, function(e21) {
return wf(e21, r10, n10);
var nj = tj(Su);
var rj = Yd;
var oj = Math.min;
var ij = rj(function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = (t10 = 1 == t10.length && Cu(t10[0]) ? Su(t10[0], gh(ky)) : Su(gv(t10, 1), gh(ky))).length;
return Yd(function(r10) {
for (var o10 = -1, i10 = oj(r10.length, n10); ++o10 < i10; )
r10[o10] = t10[o10].call(this, r10[o10]);
return wf(e20, this, r10);
var aj = ij;
var sj = tj(Vb);
var cj = tj(Og);
var lj = 9007199254740991;
var uj = Math.floor;
function fj(e20, t10) {
var n10 = "";
if (!e20 || t10 < 1 || t10 > lj)
return n10;
do {
t10 % 2 && (n10 += e20), (t10 = uj(t10 / 2)) && (e20 += e20);
} while (t10);
return n10;
var dj = yy("length");
var hj = "\\ud800-\\udfff";
var vj = "[" + hj + "]";
var pj = "[\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe2f\\u20d0-\\u20ff]";
var mj = "\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]";
var gj = "[^" + hj + "]";
var yj = "(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}";
var bj = "[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]";
var kj = "(?:" + pj + "|" + mj + ")?";
var wj = "[\\ufe0e\\ufe0f]?";
var xj = wj + kj + ("(?:\\u200d(?:" + [gj, yj, bj].join("|") + ")" + wj + kj + ")*");
var jj = "(?:" + [gj + pj + "?", pj, yj, bj, vj].join("|") + ")";
var Sj = RegExp(mj + "(?=" + mj + ")|" + jj + xj, "g");
function Cj(e20) {
return Wv(e20) ? function(e21) {
for (var t10 = Sj.lastIndex = 0; Sj.test(e21); )
return t10;
}(e20) : dj(e20);
var $j = Math.ceil;
function _j(e20, t10) {
var n10 = (t10 = void 0 === t10 ? " " : Mu(t10)).length;
if (n10 < 2)
return n10 ? fj(t10, e20) : t10;
var r10 = fj(t10, $j(e20 / Cj(t10)));
return Wv(t10) ? Vv(op(r10), 0, e20).join("") : r10.slice(0, e20);
var Oj = Math.ceil;
var Mj = Math.floor;
function Ej(e20, t10, n10) {
e20 = sv(e20);
var r10 = (t10 = Uu(t10)) ? Cj(e20) : 0;
if (!t10 || r10 >= t10)
return e20;
var o10 = (t10 - r10) / 2;
return _j(Mj(o10), n10) + e20 + _j(Oj(o10), n10);
function Aj(e20, t10, n10) {
e20 = sv(e20);
var r10 = (t10 = Uu(t10)) ? Cj(e20) : 0;
return t10 && r10 < t10 ? e20 + _j(t10 - r10, n10) : e20;
function Pj(e20, t10, n10) {
e20 = sv(e20);
var r10 = (t10 = Uu(t10)) ? Cj(e20) : 0;
return t10 && r10 < t10 ? _j(t10 - r10, n10) + e20 : e20;
var Tj = /^\s+/;
var Rj = cu.parseInt;
function Nj(e20, t10, n10) {
return n10 || null == t10 ? t10 = 0 : t10 && (t10 = +t10), Rj(sv(e20).replace(Tj, ""), t10 || 0);
var Ij = Yd(function(e20, t10) {
return Ld(e20, 32, void 0, t10, md(t10, ud(Ij)));
Ij.placeholder = {};
var Dj = Ij;
var qj = Yd(function(e20, t10) {
return Ld(e20, 64, void 0, t10, md(t10, ud(qj)));
qj.placeholder = {};
var zj = qj;
var Bj = Py(function(e20, t10, n10) {
e20[n10 ? 0 : 1].push(t10);
}, function() {
return [[], []];
var Lj = Bj;
var Fj = bv(function(e20, t10) {
return null == e20 ? {} : function(e21, t11) {
return Kx(e21, t11, function(t12, n10) {
return vy(e21, n10);
}(e20, t10);
var Vj = Fj;
function Hj(e20) {
for (var t10, n10 = this; n10 instanceof $f; ) {
var r10 = If(n10);
r10.__index__ = 0, r10.__values__ = void 0, t10 ? o10.__wrapped__ = r10 : t10 = r10;
var o10 = r10;
n10 = n10.__wrapped__;
return o10.__wrapped__ = e20, t10;
function Wj(e20) {
return function(t10) {
return null == e20 ? void 0 : fv(e20, t10);
function Uj(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = n10 - 1, i10 = e20.length; ++o10 < i10; )
if (r10(e20[o10], t10))
return o10;
return -1;
var Jj = Array.prototype.splice;
function Kj(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = r10 ? Uj : Zf, i10 = -1, a10 = t10.length, s10 = e20;
for (e20 === t10 && (t10 = Nf(t10)), n10 && (s10 = Su(e20, gh(n10))); ++i10 < a10; )
for (var c10 = 0, l10 = t10[i10], u10 = n10 ? n10(l10) : l10; (c10 = o10(s10, u10, c10, r10)) > -1; )
s10 !== e20 && Jj.call(s10, c10, 1), Jj.call(e20, c10, 1);
return e20;
function Gj(e20, t10) {
return e20 && e20.length && t10 && t10.length ? Kj(e20, t10) : e20;
var Qj = Yd(Gj);
function Yj(e20, t10, n10) {
return e20 && e20.length && t10 && t10.length ? Kj(e20, t10, ky(n10)) : e20;
function Xj(e20, t10, n10) {
return e20 && e20.length && t10 && t10.length ? Kj(e20, t10, void 0, n10) : e20;
var Zj = Array.prototype.splice;
function eS(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = e20 ? t10.length : 0, r10 = n10 - 1; n10--; ) {
var o10 = t10[n10];
if (n10 == r10 || o10 !== i10) {
var i10 = o10;
hd(o10) ? Zj.call(e20, o10, 1) : Vx(e20, o10);
return e20;
var tS = bv(function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length, r10 = hv(e20, t10);
return eS(e20, Su(t10, function(e21) {
return hd(e21, n10) ? +e21 : e21;
}).sort(Xx)), r10;
var nS = tS;
var rS = Math.floor;
var oS = Math.random;
function iS(e20, t10) {
return e20 + rS(oS() * (t10 - e20 + 1));
var aS = parseFloat;
var sS = Math.min;
var cS = Math.random;
function lS(e20, t10, n10) {
if (n10 && "boolean" != typeof n10 && th(e20, t10, n10) && (t10 = n10 = void 0), void 0 === n10 && ("boolean" == typeof t10 ? (n10 = t10, t10 = void 0) : "boolean" == typeof e20 && (n10 = e20, e20 = void 0)), void 0 === e20 && void 0 === t10 ? (e20 = 0, t10 = 1) : (e20 = Wu(e20), void 0 === t10 ? (t10 = e20, e20 = 0) : t10 = Wu(t10)), e20 > t10) {
var r10 = e20;
e20 = t10, t10 = r10;
if (n10 || e20 % 1 || t10 % 1) {
var o10 = cS();
return sS(e20 + o10 * (t10 - e20 + aS("1e-" + ((o10 + "").length - 1))), t10);
return iS(e20, t10);
var uS = Math.ceil;
var fS = Math.max;
function dS(e20) {
return function(t10, n10, r10) {
return r10 && "number" != typeof r10 && th(t10, n10, r10) && (n10 = r10 = void 0), t10 = Wu(t10), void 0 === n10 ? (n10 = t10, t10 = 0) : n10 = Wu(n10), function(e21, t11, n11, r11) {
for (var o10 = -1, i10 = fS(uS((t11 - e21) / (n11 || 1)), 0), a10 = Array(i10); i10--; )
a10[r11 ? i10 : ++o10] = e21, e21 += n11;
return a10;
}(t10, n10, r10 = void 0 === r10 ? t10 < n10 ? 1 : -1 : Wu(r10), e20);
var hS = dS();
var vS = dS(true);
var pS = bv(function(e20, t10) {
return Ld(e20, 256, void 0, void 0, void 0, t10);
var mS = pS;
function gS(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10) {
return o10(e20, function(e21, o11, i10) {
n10 = r10 ? (r10 = false, e21) : t10(n10, e21, o11, i10);
}), n10;
function yS(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = Cu(e20) ? cp : gS, o10 = arguments.length < 3;
return r10(e20, ky(t10), n10, o10, Ey);
function bS(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length;
for (r10 && o10 && (n10 = e20[--o10]); o10--; )
n10 = t10(n10, e20[o10], o10, e20);
return n10;
function kS(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = Cu(e20) ? bS : gS, o10 = arguments.length < 3;
return r10(e20, ky(t10), n10, o10, Eb);
function wS(e20, t10) {
return (Cu(e20) ? sm : Gb)(e20, Rx(ky(t10)));
function xS(e20, t10) {
var n10 = [];
if (!e20 || !e20.length)
return n10;
var r10 = -1, o10 = [], i10 = e20.length;
for (t10 = ky(t10); ++r10 < i10; ) {
var a10 = e20[r10];
t10(a10, r10, e20) && (n10.push(a10), o10.push(r10));
return eS(e20, o10), n10;
function jS(e20, t10, n10) {
return t10 = (n10 ? th(e20, t10, n10) : void 0 === t10) ? 1 : Uu(t10), fj(sv(e20), t10);
function SS() {
var e20 = arguments, t10 = sv(e20[0]);
return e20.length < 3 ? t10 : t10.replace(e20[1], e20[2]);
function CS(e20, t10) {
if ("function" != typeof e20)
throw new TypeError("Expected a function");
return Yd(e20, t10 = void 0 === t10 ? t10 : Uu(t10));
function $S(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = -1, o10 = (t10 = cv(t10, e20)).length;
for (o10 || (o10 = 1, e20 = void 0); ++r10 < o10; ) {
var i10 = null == e20 ? void 0 : e20[uv(t10[r10])];
void 0 === i10 && (r10 = o10, i10 = n10), e20 = Zu(i10) ? i10.call(e20) : i10;
return e20;
var _S = Array.prototype.reverse;
function OS(e20) {
return null == e20 ? e20 : _S.call(e20);
var MS = Up("round");
function ES(e20) {
var t10 = e20.length;
return t10 ? e20[iS(0, t10 - 1)] : void 0;
function AS(e20) {
return ES(Wk(e20));
function PS(e20) {
return (Cu(e20) ? ES : AS)(e20);
function TS(e20, t10) {
var n10 = -1, r10 = e20.length, o10 = r10 - 1;
for (t10 = void 0 === t10 ? r10 : t10; ++n10 < t10; ) {
var i10 = iS(n10, o10), a10 = e20[i10];
e20[i10] = e20[n10], e20[n10] = a10;
return e20.length = t10, e20;
function RS(e20, t10) {
return TS(Nf(e20), Xp(t10, 0, e20.length));
function NS(e20, t10) {
var n10 = Wk(e20);
return TS(n10, Xp(t10, 0, n10.length));
function IS(e20, t10, n10) {
return t10 = (n10 ? th(e20, t10, n10) : void 0 === t10) ? 1 : Uu(t10), (Cu(e20) ? RS : NS)(e20, t10);
function DS(e20, t10, n10) {
return null == e20 ? e20 : Jx(e20, t10, n10);
function qS(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
return r10 = "function" == typeof r10 ? r10 : void 0, null == e20 ? e20 : Jx(e20, t10, n10, r10);
function zS(e20) {
return TS(Nf(e20));
function BS(e20) {
return TS(Wk(e20));
function LS(e20) {
return (Cu(e20) ? zS : BS)(e20);
function FS(e20) {
if (null == e20)
return 0;
if (eh(e20))
return Vk(e20) ? Cj(e20) : e20.length;
var t10 = Em(e20);
return "[object Map]" == t10 || "[object Set]" == t10 ? e20.size : Mh(e20).length;
function VS(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length;
return r10 ? (n10 && "number" != typeof n10 && th(e20, t10, n10) ? (t10 = 0, n10 = r10) : (t10 = null == t10 ? 0 : Uu(t10), n10 = void 0 === n10 ? r10 : Uu(n10)), Fv(e20, t10, n10)) : [];
var HS = Bp(function(e20, t10, n10) {
return e20 + (n10 ? "_" : "") + t10.toLowerCase();
var WS = HS;
function US(e20, t10) {
var n10;
return Ey(e20, function(e21, r10, o10) {
return !(n10 = t10(e21, r10, o10));
}), !!n10;
function JS(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = Cu(e20) ? Og : US;
return n10 && th(e20, t10, n10) && (t10 = void 0), r10(e20, ky(t10));
var KS = Yd(function(e20, t10) {
if (null == e20)
return [];
var n10 = t10.length;
return n10 > 1 && th(e20, t10[0], t10[1]) ? t10 = [] : n10 > 2 && th(t10[0], t10[1], t10[2]) && (t10 = [t10[0]]), Zx(e20, gv(t10, 1), []);
var GS = KS;
var QS = 4294967294;
var YS = Math.floor;
var XS = Math.min;
function ZS(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = 0, i10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length;
if (0 === i10)
return 0;
for (var a10 = (t10 = n10(t10)) != t10, s10 = null === t10, c10 = wu(t10), l10 = void 0 === t10; o10 < i10; ) {
var u10 = YS((o10 + i10) / 2), f10 = n10(e20[u10]), d10 = void 0 !== f10, h10 = null === f10, v10 = f10 == f10, p10 = wu(f10);
if (a10)
var m10 = r10 || v10;
m10 = l10 ? v10 && (r10 || d10) : s10 ? v10 && d10 && (r10 || !h10) : c10 ? v10 && d10 && !h10 && (r10 || !p10) : !h10 && !p10 && (r10 ? f10 <= t10 : f10 < t10);
m10 ? o10 = u10 + 1 : i10 = u10;
return XS(i10, QS);
var eC = 2147483647;
function tC(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = 0, o10 = null == e20 ? r10 : e20.length;
if ("number" == typeof t10 && t10 == t10 && o10 <= eC) {
for (; r10 < o10; ) {
var i10 = r10 + o10 >>> 1, a10 = e20[i10];
null !== a10 && !wu(a10) && (n10 ? a10 <= t10 : a10 < t10) ? r10 = i10 + 1 : o10 = i10;
return o10;
return ZS(e20, t10, Ku, n10);
function nC(e20, t10) {
return tC(e20, t10);
function rC(e20, t10, n10) {
return ZS(e20, t10, ky(n10));
function oC(e20, t10) {
var n10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length;
if (n10) {
var r10 = tC(e20, t10);
if (r10 < n10 && Wd(e20[r10], t10))
return r10;
return -1;
function iC(e20, t10) {
return tC(e20, t10, true);
function aC(e20, t10, n10) {
return ZS(e20, t10, ky(n10), true);
function sC(e20, t10) {
if (null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length) {
var n10 = tC(e20, t10, true) - 1;
if (Wd(e20[n10], t10))
return n10;
return -1;
function cC(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = -1, r10 = e20.length, o10 = 0, i10 = []; ++n10 < r10; ) {
var a10 = e20[n10], s10 = t10 ? t10(a10) : a10;
if (!n10 || !Wd(s10, c10)) {
var c10 = s10;
i10[o10++] = 0 === a10 ? 0 : a10;
return i10;
function lC(e20) {
return e20 && e20.length ? cC(e20) : [];
function uC(e20, t10) {
return e20 && e20.length ? cC(e20, ky(t10)) : [];
function fC(e20, t10, n10) {
return n10 && "number" != typeof n10 && th(e20, t10, n10) && (t10 = n10 = void 0), (n10 = void 0 === n10 ? 4294967295 : n10 >>> 0) ? (e20 = sv(e20)) && ("string" == typeof t10 || null != t10 && !Vw(t10)) && !(t10 = Mu(t10)) && Wv(e20) ? Vv(op(e20), 0, n10) : e20.split(t10, n10) : [];
var dC = Math.max;
function hC(e20, t10) {
if ("function" != typeof e20)
throw new TypeError("Expected a function");
return t10 = null == t10 ? 0 : dC(Uu(t10), 0), Yd(function(n10) {
var r10 = n10[t10], o10 = Vv(n10, 0, t10);
return r10 && vv(o10, r10), wf(e20, this, o10);
var vC = Bp(function(e20, t10, n10) {
return e20 + (n10 ? " " : "") + ap(t10);
var pC = vC;
function mC(e20, t10, n10) {
return e20 = sv(e20), n10 = null == n10 ? 0 : Xp(Uu(n10), 0, e20.length), t10 = Mu(t10), e20.slice(n10, n10 + t10.length) == t10;
function gC() {
return {};
function yC() {
return "";
function bC() {
return true;
var kC = Eu(function(e20, t10) {
return e20 - t10;
}, 0);
function wC(e20) {
return e20 && e20.length ? yx(e20, Ku) : 0;
function xC(e20, t10) {
return e20 && e20.length ? yx(e20, ky(t10)) : 0;
function jC(e20) {
var t10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length;
return t10 ? Fv(e20, 1, t10) : [];
function SC(e20, t10, n10) {
return e20 && e20.length ? Fv(e20, 0, (t10 = n10 || void 0 === t10 ? 1 : Uu(t10)) < 0 ? 0 : t10) : [];
function CC(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = null == e20 ? 0 : e20.length;
return r10 ? Fv(e20, (t10 = r10 - (t10 = n10 || void 0 === t10 ? 1 : Uu(t10))) < 0 ? 0 : t10, r10) : [];
function $C(e20, t10) {
return e20 && e20.length ? xb(e20, ky(t10), false, true) : [];
function _C(e20, t10) {
return e20 && e20.length ? xb(e20, ky(t10)) : [];
function OC(e20, t10) {
return t10(e20), e20;
var MC = Object.prototype;
var EC = MC.hasOwnProperty;
function AC(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
return void 0 === e20 || Wd(e20, MC[n10]) && !EC.call(r10, n10) ? t10 : e20;
var PC = { "\\": "\\", "'": "'", "\n": "n", "\r": "r", "\u2028": "u2028", "\u2029": "u2029" };
function TC(e20) {
return "\\" + PC[e20];
var RC = /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g;
var NC = { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g, evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g, interpolate: RC, variable: "", imports: { _: { escape: zb } } };
var IC = /\b__p \+= '';/g;
var DC = /\b(__p \+=) '' \+/g;
var qC = /(__e\(.*?\)|\b__t\)) \+\n'';/g;
var zC = /[()=,{}\[\]\/\s]/;
var BC = /\$\{([^\\}]*(?:\\.[^\\}]*)*)\}/g;
var LC = /($^)/;
var FC = /['\n\r\u2028\u2029\\]/g;
var VC = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function HC(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = NC.imports._.templateSettings || NC;
n10 && th(e20, t10, n10) && (t10 = void 0), e20 = sv(e20), t10 = Bh({}, t10, r10, AC);
var o10, i10, a10 = Bh({}, t10.imports, r10.imports, AC), s10 = Eh(a10), c10 = Hk(a10, s10), l10 = 0, u10 = t10.interpolate || LC, f10 = "__p += '", d10 = RegExp((t10.escape || LC).source + "|" + u10.source + "|" + (u10 === RC ? BC : LC).source + "|" + (t10.evaluate || LC).source + "|$", "g"), h10 = VC.call(t10, "sourceURL") ? "//# sourceURL=" + (t10.sourceURL + "").replace(/\s/g, " ") + "\n" : "";
e20.replace(d10, function(t11, n11, r11, a11, s11, c11) {
return r11 || (r11 = a11), f10 += e20.slice(l10, c11).replace(FC, TC), n11 && (o10 = true, f10 += "' +\n__e(" + n11 + ") +\n'"), s11 && (i10 = true, f10 += "';\n" + s11 + ";\n__p += '"), r11 && (f10 += "' +\n((__t = (" + r11 + ")) == null ? '' : __t) +\n'"), l10 = c11 + t11.length, t11;
}), f10 += "';\n";
var v10 = VC.call(t10, "variable") && t10.variable;
if (v10) {
if (zC.test(v10))
throw new Error("Invalid `variable` option passed into `_.template`");
} else
f10 = "with (obj) {\n" + f10 + "\n}\n";
f10 = (i10 ? f10.replace(IC, "") : f10).replace(DC, "$1").replace(qC, "$1;"), f10 = "function(" + (v10 || "obj") + ") {\n" + (v10 ? "" : "obj || (obj = {});\n") + "var __t, __p = ''" + (o10 ? ", __e = _.escape" : "") + (i10 ? ", __j = Array.prototype.join;\nfunction print() { __p += __j.call(arguments, '') }\n" : ";\n") + f10 + "return __p\n}";
var p10 = Tv(function() {
return Function(s10, h10 + "return " + f10).apply(void 0, c10);
if (p10.source = f10, Av(p10))
throw p10;
return p10;
var WC = "Expected a function";
function UC(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = true, o10 = true;
if ("function" != typeof e20)
throw new TypeError(WC);
return Iu(n10) && (r10 = "leading" in n10 ? !!n10.leading : r10, o10 = "trailing" in n10 ? !!n10.trailing : o10), Vy(e20, t10, { leading: r10, maxWait: t10, trailing: o10 });
function JC(e20, t10) {
return t10(e20);
var KC = 9007199254740991;
var GC = 4294967295;
var QC = Math.min;
function YC(e20, t10) {
if ((e20 = Uu(e20)) < 1 || e20 > KC)
return [];
var n10 = GC, r10 = QC(e20, GC);
t10 = Cb(t10), e20 -= GC;
for (var o10 = ih(r10, t10); ++n10 < e20; )
return o10;
function XC() {
return this;
function ZC(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20;
return n10 instanceof Of && (n10 = n10.value()), cp(t10, function(e21, t11) {
return t11.func.apply(t11.thisArg, vv([e21], t11.args));
}, n10);
function e$() {
return ZC(this.__wrapped__, this.__actions__);
function t$(e20) {
return sv(e20).toLowerCase();
function n$(e20) {
return Cu(e20) ? Su(e20, uv) : wu(e20) ? [e20] : Nf(av(sv(e20)));
var r$ = 9007199254740991;
function o$(e20) {
return e20 ? Xp(Uu(e20), -9007199254740991, r$) : 0 === e20 ? e20 : 0;
function i$(e20) {
return sv(e20).toUpperCase();
function a$(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = Cu(e20), o10 = r10 || ph(e20) || jh(e20);
if (t10 = ky(t10), null == n10) {
var i10 = e20 && e20.constructor;
n10 = o10 ? r10 ? new i10() : [] : Iu(e20) && Zu(i10) ? yf(wv(e20)) : {};
return (o10 ? Qf : Oy)(e20, function(e21, r11, o11) {
return t10(n10, e21, r11, o11);
}), n10;
function s$(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = e20.length; n10-- && Zf(t10, e20[n10], 0) > -1; )
return n10;
function c$(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = -1, r10 = e20.length; ++n10 < r10 && Zf(t10, e20[n10], 0) > -1; )
return n10;
function l$(e20, t10, n10) {
if ((e20 = sv(e20)) && (n10 || void 0 === t10))
return Nu(e20);
if (!e20 || !(t10 = Mu(t10)))
return e20;
var r10 = op(e20), o10 = op(t10);
return Vv(r10, c$(r10, o10), s$(r10, o10) + 1).join("");
function u$(e20, t10, n10) {
if ((e20 = sv(e20)) && (n10 || void 0 === t10))
return e20.slice(0, Tu(e20) + 1);
if (!e20 || !(t10 = Mu(t10)))
return e20;
var r10 = op(e20);
return Vv(r10, 0, s$(r10, op(t10)) + 1).join("");
var f$ = /^\s+/;
function d$(e20, t10, n10) {
if ((e20 = sv(e20)) && (n10 || void 0 === t10))
return e20.replace(f$, "");
if (!e20 || !(t10 = Mu(t10)))
return e20;
var r10 = op(e20);
return Vv(r10, c$(r10, op(t10))).join("");
var h$ = /\w*$/;
function v$(e20, t10) {
var n10 = 30, r10 = "...";
if (Iu(t10)) {
var o10 = "separator" in t10 ? t10.separator : o10;
n10 = "length" in t10 ? Uu(t10.length) : n10, r10 = "omission" in t10 ? Mu(t10.omission) : r10;
var i10 = (e20 = sv(e20)).length;
if (Wv(e20)) {
var a10 = op(e20);
i10 = a10.length;
if (n10 >= i10)
return e20;
var s10 = n10 - Cj(r10);
if (s10 < 1)
return r10;
var c10 = a10 ? Vv(a10, 0, s10).join("") : e20.slice(0, s10);
if (void 0 === o10)
return c10 + r10;
if (a10 && (s10 += c10.length - s10), Vw(o10)) {
if (e20.slice(s10).search(o10)) {
var l10, u10 = c10;
for (o10.global || (o10 = RegExp(o10.source, sv(h$.exec(o10)) + "g")), o10.lastIndex = 0; l10 = o10.exec(u10); )
var f10 = l10.index;
c10 = c10.slice(0, void 0 === f10 ? s10 : f10);
} else if (e20.indexOf(Mu(o10), s10) != s10) {
var d10 = c10.lastIndexOf(o10);
d10 > -1 && (c10 = c10.slice(0, d10));
return c10 + r10;
function p$(e20) {
return Vd(e20, 1);
var m$ = lp({ "&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">", """: '"', "'": "'" });
var g$ = /&(?:amp|lt|gt|quot|#39);/g;
var y$ = RegExp(g$.source);
function b$(e20) {
return (e20 = sv(e20)) && y$.test(e20) ? e20.replace(g$, m$) : e20;
var k$ = ym && 1 / Rg(new ym([, -0]))[1] == 1 / 0 ? function(e20) {
return new ym(e20);
} : Mf;
var w$ = 200;
function x$(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = -1, o10 = ed, i10 = e20.length, a10 = true, s10 = [], c10 = s10;
if (n10)
a10 = false, o10 = lb;
else if (i10 >= w$) {
var l10 = t10 ? null : k$(e20);
if (l10)
return Rg(l10);
a10 = false, o10 = Mg, c10 = new _g();
} else
c10 = t10 ? [] : s10;
for (; ++r10 < i10; ) {
var u10 = e20[r10], f10 = t10 ? t10(u10) : u10;
if (u10 = n10 || 0 !== u10 ? u10 : 0, a10 && f10 == f10) {
for (var d10 = c10.length; d10--; )
if (c10[d10] === f10)
continue e;
t10 && c10.push(f10), s10.push(u10);
} else
o10(c10, f10, n10) || (c10 !== s10 && c10.push(f10), s10.push(u10));
return s10;
var j$ = Yd(function(e20) {
return x$(gv(e20, 1, Qy, true));
var S$ = Yd(function(e20) {
var t10 = vb(e20);
return Qy(t10) && (t10 = void 0), x$(gv(e20, 1, Qy, true), ky(t10));
var C$ = S$;
var $$ = Yd(function(e20) {
var t10 = vb(e20);
return t10 = "function" == typeof t10 ? t10 : void 0, x$(gv(e20, 1, Qy, true), void 0, t10);
function _$(e20) {
return e20 && e20.length ? x$(e20) : [];
function O$(e20, t10) {
return e20 && e20.length ? x$(e20, ky(t10)) : [];
function M$(e20, t10) {
return t10 = "function" == typeof t10 ? t10 : void 0, e20 && e20.length ? x$(e20, void 0, t10) : [];
var E$ = 0;
function A$(e20) {
var t10 = ++E$;
return sv(e20) + t10;
function P$(e20, t10) {
return null == e20 || Vx(e20, t10);
var T$ = Math.max;
function R$(e20) {
if (!e20 || !e20.length)
return [];
var t10 = 0;
return e20 = sm(e20, function(e21) {
if (Qy(e21))
return t10 = T$(e21.length, t10), true;
}), ih(t10, function(t11) {
return Su(e20, yy(t11));
function N$(e20, t10) {
if (!e20 || !e20.length)
return [];
var n10 = R$(e20);
return null == t10 ? n10 : Su(n10, function(e21) {
return wf(t10, void 0, e21);
function I$(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
return Jx(e20, t10, n10(fv(e20, t10)), r10);
function D$(e20, t10, n10) {
return null == e20 ? e20 : I$(e20, t10, Cb(n10));
function q$(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
return r10 = "function" == typeof r10 ? r10 : void 0, null == e20 ? e20 : I$(e20, t10, Cb(n10), r10);
var z$ = Bp(function(e20, t10, n10) {
return e20 + (n10 ? " " : "") + t10.toUpperCase();
var B$ = z$;
function L$(e20) {
return null == e20 ? [] : Hk(e20, Ih(e20));
var F$ = Yd(function(e20, t10) {
return Qy(e20) ? fb(e20, t10) : [];
var V$ = F$;
function H$(e20, t10) {
return Dj(Cb(t10), e20);
var W$ = bv(function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.length, n10 = t10 ? e20[0] : 0, r10 = this.__wrapped__, o10 = function(t11) {
return hv(t11, e20);
return !(t10 > 1 || this.__actions__.length) && r10 instanceof Of && hd(n10) ? ((r10 = r10.slice(n10, +n10 + (t10 ? 1 : 0))).__actions__.push({ func: JC, args: [o10], thisArg: void 0 }), new Rf(r10, this.__chain__).thru(function(e21) {
return t10 && !e21.length && e21.push(void 0), e21;
})) : this.thru(o10);
var U$ = W$;
function J$() {
return Kp(this);
function K$() {
var e20 = this.__wrapped__;
if (e20 instanceof Of) {
var t10 = e20;
return this.__actions__.length && (t10 = new Of(this)), (t10 = t10.reverse()).__actions__.push({ func: JC, args: [OS], thisArg: void 0 }), new Rf(t10, this.__chain__);
return this.thru(OS);
function G$(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.length;
if (r10 < 2)
return r10 ? x$(e20[0]) : [];
for (var o10 = -1, i10 = Array(r10); ++o10 < r10; )
for (var a10 = e20[o10], s10 = -1; ++s10 < r10; )
s10 != o10 && (i10[o10] = fb(i10[o10] || a10, e20[s10], t10, n10));
return x$(gv(i10, 1), t10, n10);
var Q$ = Yd(function(e20) {
return G$(sm(e20, Qy));
var Y$ = Yd(function(e20) {
var t10 = vb(e20);
return Qy(t10) && (t10 = void 0), G$(sm(e20, Qy), ky(t10));
var X$ = Y$;
var Z$ = Yd(function(e20) {
var t10 = vb(e20);
return t10 = "function" == typeof t10 ? t10 : void 0, G$(sm(e20, Qy), void 0, t10);
var e_ = Yd(R$);
function t_(e20, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = -1, o10 = e20.length, i10 = t10.length, a10 = {}; ++r10 < o10; ) {
var s10 = r10 < i10 ? t10[r10] : void 0;
n10(a10, e20[r10], s10);
return a10;
function n_(e20, t10) {
return t_(e20 || [], t10 || [], Jd);
function r_(e20, t10) {
return t_(e20 || [], t10 || [], Jx);
var o_ = Yd(function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.length, n10 = t10 > 1 ? e20[t10 - 1] : void 0;
return n10 = "function" == typeof n10 ? (e20.pop(), n10) : void 0, N$(e20, n10);
var i_ = o_;
var a_ = { chunk: Yp, compact: Cg, concat: $g, difference: hb, differenceBy: mb, differenceWith: yb, drop: kb, dropRight: wb, dropRightWhile: jb, dropWhile: Sb, fill: Kb, findIndex: Zb, findLastIndex: ik, first: ck, flatten: yv, flattenDeep: vk, flattenDepth: pk, fromPairs: Ck, head: ck, indexOf: Gk, initial: Qk, intersection: ew, intersectionBy: nw, intersectionWith: rw, join: Yw, last: vb, lastIndexOf: ox, nth: Lx, pull: Qj, pullAll: Gj, pullAllBy: Yj, pullAllWith: Xj, pullAt: nS, remove: xS, reverse: OS, slice: VS, sortedIndex: nC, sortedIndexBy: rC, sortedIndexOf: oC, sortedLastIndex: iC, sortedLastIndexBy: aC, sortedLastIndexOf: sC, sortedUniq: lC, sortedUniqBy: uC, tail: jC, take: SC, takeRight: CC, takeRightWhile: $C, takeWhile: _C, union: j$, unionBy: C$, unionWith: $$, uniq: _$, uniqBy: O$, uniqWith: M$, unzip: R$, unzipWith: N$, without: V$, xor: Q$, xorBy: X$, xorWith: Z$, zip: e_, zipObject: n_, zipObjectDeep: r_, zipWith: i_ };
var s_ = { countBy: Ny, each: $b, eachRight: Ab, every: Wb, filter: Qb, find: ek, findLast: ak, flatMap: fk, flatMapDeep: dk, flatMapDepth: hk, forEach: $b, forEachRight: Ab, groupBy: Ak, includes: Jk, invokeMap: gw, keyBy: tx, map: uk, orderBy: ej, partition: Lj, reduce: yS, reduceRight: kS, reject: wS, sample: PS, sampleSize: IS, shuffle: LS, size: FS, some: JS, sortBy: GS };
var c_ = { now: zy };
var l_ = { after: Ju, ary: Vd, before: Nv, bind: Dv, bindKey: Lv, curry: Dy, curryRight: qy, debounce: Vy, defer: ab, delay: cb, flip: mk, memoize: rv, negate: Rx, once: Yx, overArgs: aj, partial: Dj, partialRight: zj, rearg: mS, rest: CS, spread: hC, throttle: UC, unary: p$, wrap: H$ };
var u_ = { castArray: Vp, clone: yg, cloneDeep: bg, cloneDeepWith: xg, cloneWith: jg, conformsTo: Sy, eq: Wd, gt: Rk, gte: Nk, isArguments: uh, isArray: Cu, isArrayBuffer: bw, isArrayLike: eh, isArrayLikeObject: Qy, isBoolean: kw, isBuffer: ph, isDate: xw, isElement: jw, isEmpty: _w, isEqual: Ow, isEqualWith: Mw, isError: Av, isFinite: Aw, isFunction: Zu, isInteger: Pw, isLength: Zd, isMap: ag, isMatch: Tw, isMatchWith: Rw, isNaN: Dw, isNative: zw, isNil: Bw, isNull: Lw, isNumber: Iw, isObject: Iu, isObjectLike: bu, isPlainObject: Ov, isRegExp: Vw, isSafeInteger: Ww, isSet: cg, isString: Vk, isSymbol: wu, isTypedArray: jh, isUndefined: Uw, isWeakMap: Jw, isWeakSet: Kw, lt: lx, lte: ux, toArray: qx, toFinite: Wu, toInteger: Uu, toLength: Jb, toNumber: Fu, toPlainObject: Xy, toSafeInteger: o$, toString: sv };
var f_ = { add: Au, ceil: Jp, divide: bb, floor: gk, max: mx, maxBy: gx, mean: wx, meanBy: xx, min: Mx, minBy: Ex, multiply: Px, round: MS, subtract: kC, sum: wC, sumBy: xC };
var d_ = Zp;
var h_ = Lk;
var v_ = lS;
var p_ = { assign: Th, assignIn: qh, assignInWith: Bh, assignWith: Fh, at: kv, create: Iy, defaults: Ky, defaultsDeep: rb, entries: Rb, entriesIn: Nb, extend: qh, extendWith: Bh, findKey: nk, findLastKey: sk, forIn: wk, forInRight: xk, forOwn: jk, forOwnRight: Sk, functions: _k, functionsIn: Ok, get: dv, has: qk, hasIn: vy, invert: sw, invertBy: dw, invoke: pw, keys: Eh, keysIn: Ih, mapKeys: fx, mapValues: dx, merge: Sx, mergeWith: nb, omit: Ux, omitBy: Qx, pick: Vj, pickBy: Gx, result: $S, set: DS, setWith: qS, toPairs: Rb, toPairsIn: Nb, transform: a$, unset: P$, update: D$, updateWith: q$, values: Wk, valuesIn: L$ };
var m_ = { at: U$, chain: Kp, commit: Sg, lodash: qf, next: zx, plant: Hj, reverse: K$, tap: OC, thru: JC, toIterator: XC, toJSON: e$, value: e$, valueOf: e$, wrapperChain: J$ };
var g_ = { camelCase: Fp, capitalize: sp, deburr: hp, endsWith: Pb, escape: zb, escapeRegExp: Fb, kebabCase: Zw, lowerCase: ax, lowerFirst: sx, pad: Ej, padEnd: Aj, padStart: Pj, parseInt: Nj, repeat: jS, replace: SS, snakeCase: WS, split: fC, startCase: pC, startsWith: mC, template: HC, templateSettings: NC, toLower: t$, toUpper: i$, trim: l$, trimEnd: u$, trimStart: d$, truncate: v$, unescape: b$, upperCase: B$, upperFirst: ap, words: qp };
var y_ = { attempt: Tv, bindAll: zv, cond: wy, conforms: jy, constant: Uf, defaultTo: Hy, flow: bk, flowRight: kk, identity: Ku, iteratee: Gw, matches: hx, matchesProperty: vx, method: $x, methodOf: Ox, mixin: Ax, noop: Mf, nthArg: Fx, over: nj, overEvery: sj, overSome: cj, property: by, propertyOf: Wj, range: hS, rangeRight: vS, stubArray: cm, stubFalse: fh, stubObject: gC, stubString: yC, stubTrue: bC, times: YC, toPath: n$, uniqueId: A$ };
var b_ = Math.max;
var k_ = Math.min;
var w_ = Math.min;
var x_;
var j_ = 4294967295;
var S_ = Array.prototype;
var C_ = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var $_ = lu ? lu.iterator : void 0;
var __ = Math.max;
var O_ = Math.min;
var M_ = /* @__PURE__ */ function(e20) {
return function(t10, n10, r10) {
if (null == r10) {
var o10 = Iu(n10), i10 = o10 && Eh(n10), a10 = i10 && i10.length && $k(n10, i10);
(a10 ? a10.length : o10) || (r10 = n10, n10 = t10, t10 = this);
return e20(t10, n10, r10);
qf.after = l_.after, qf.ary = l_.ary, qf.assign = p_.assign, qf.assignIn = p_.assignIn, qf.assignInWith = p_.assignInWith, qf.assignWith = p_.assignWith, qf.at = p_.at, qf.before = l_.before, qf.bind = l_.bind, qf.bindAll = y_.bindAll, qf.bindKey = l_.bindKey, qf.castArray = u_.castArray, qf.chain = m_.chain, qf.chunk = a_.chunk, qf.compact = a_.compact, qf.concat = a_.concat, qf.cond = y_.cond, qf.conforms = y_.conforms, qf.constant = y_.constant, qf.countBy = s_.countBy, qf.create = p_.create, qf.curry = l_.curry, qf.curryRight = l_.curryRight, qf.debounce = l_.debounce, qf.defaults = p_.defaults, qf.defaultsDeep = p_.defaultsDeep, qf.defer = l_.defer, qf.delay = l_.delay, qf.difference = a_.difference, qf.differenceBy = a_.differenceBy, qf.differenceWith = a_.differenceWith, qf.drop = a_.drop, qf.dropRight = a_.dropRight, qf.dropRightWhile = a_.dropRightWhile, qf.dropWhile = a_.dropWhile, qf.fill = a_.fill, qf.filter = s_.filter, qf.flatMap = s_.flatMap, qf.flatMapDeep = s_.flatMapDeep, qf.flatMapDepth = s_.flatMapDepth, qf.flatten = a_.flatten, qf.flattenDeep = a_.flattenDeep, qf.flattenDepth = a_.flattenDepth, qf.flip = l_.flip, qf.flow = y_.flow, qf.flowRight = y_.flowRight, qf.fromPairs = a_.fromPairs, qf.functions = p_.functions, qf.functionsIn = p_.functionsIn, qf.groupBy = s_.groupBy, qf.initial = a_.initial, qf.intersection = a_.intersection, qf.intersectionBy = a_.intersectionBy, qf.intersectionWith = a_.intersectionWith, qf.invert = p_.invert, qf.invertBy = p_.invertBy, qf.invokeMap = s_.invokeMap, qf.iteratee = y_.iteratee, qf.keyBy = s_.keyBy, qf.keys = Eh, qf.keysIn = p_.keysIn, qf.map = s_.map, qf.mapKeys = p_.mapKeys, qf.mapValues = p_.mapValues, qf.matches = y_.matches, qf.matchesProperty = y_.matchesProperty, qf.memoize = l_.memoize, qf.merge = p_.merge, qf.mergeWith = p_.mergeWith, qf.method = y_.method, qf.methodOf = y_.methodOf, qf.mixin = M_, qf.negate = Rx, qf.nthArg = y_.nthArg, qf.omit = p_.omit, qf.omitBy = p_.omitBy, qf.once = l_.once, qf.orderBy = s_.orderBy, qf.over = y_.over, qf.overArgs = l_.overArgs, qf.overEvery = y_.overEvery, qf.overSome = y_.overSome, qf.partial = l_.partial, qf.partialRight = l_.partialRight, qf.partition = s_.partition, qf.pick = p_.pick, qf.pickBy = p_.pickBy, qf.property = y_.property, qf.propertyOf = y_.propertyOf, qf.pull = a_.pull, qf.pullAll = a_.pullAll, qf.pullAllBy = a_.pullAllBy, qf.pullAllWith = a_.pullAllWith, qf.pullAt = a_.pullAt, qf.range = y_.range, qf.rangeRight = y_.rangeRight, qf.rearg = l_.rearg, qf.reject = s_.reject, qf.remove = a_.remove, qf.rest = l_.rest, qf.reverse = a_.reverse, qf.sampleSize = s_.sampleSize, qf.set = p_.set, qf.setWith = p_.setWith, qf.shuffle = s_.shuffle, qf.slice = a_.slice, qf.sortBy = s_.sortBy, qf.sortedUniq = a_.sortedUniq, qf.sortedUniqBy = a_.sortedUniqBy, qf.split = g_.split, qf.spread = l_.spread, qf.tail = a_.tail, qf.take = a_.take, qf.takeRight = a_.takeRight, qf.takeRightWhile = a_.takeRightWhile, qf.takeWhile = a_.takeWhile, qf.tap = m_.tap, qf.throttle = l_.throttle, qf.thru = JC, qf.toArray = u_.toArray, qf.toPairs = p_.toPairs, qf.toPairsIn = p_.toPairsIn, qf.toPath = y_.toPath, qf.toPlainObject = u_.toPlainObject, qf.transform = p_.transform, qf.unary = l_.unary, qf.union = a_.union, qf.unionBy = a_.unionBy, qf.unionWith = a_.unionWith, qf.uniq = a_.uniq, qf.uniqBy = a_.uniqBy, qf.uniqWith = a_.uniqWith, qf.unset = p_.unset, qf.unzip = a_.unzip, qf.unzipWith = a_.unzipWith, qf.update = p_.update, qf.updateWith = p_.updateWith, qf.values = p_.values, qf.valuesIn = p_.valuesIn, qf.without = a_.without, qf.words = g_.words, qf.wrap = l_.wrap, qf.xor = a_.xor, qf.xorBy = a_.xorBy, qf.xorWith = a_.xorWith, qf.zip = a_.zip, qf.zipObject = a_.zipObject, qf.zipObjectDeep = a_.zipObjectDeep, qf.zipWith = a_.zipWith, qf.entries = p_.toPairs, qf.entriesIn = p_.toPairsIn, qf.extend = p_.assignIn, qf.extendWith = p_.assignInWith, M_(qf, qf), qf.add = f_.add, qf.attempt = y_.attempt, qf.camelCase = g_.camelCase, qf.capitalize = g_.capitalize, qf.ceil = f_.ceil, qf.clamp = d_, qf.clone = u_.clone, qf.cloneDeep = u_.cloneDeep, qf.cloneDeepWith = u_.cloneDeepWith, qf.cloneWith = u_.cloneWith, qf.conformsTo = u_.conformsTo, qf.deburr = g_.deburr, qf.defaultTo = y_.defaultTo, qf.divide = f_.divide, qf.endsWith = g_.endsWith, qf.eq = u_.eq, qf.escape = g_.escape, qf.escapeRegExp = g_.escapeRegExp, qf.every = s_.every, qf.find = s_.find, qf.findIndex = a_.findIndex, qf.findKey = p_.findKey, qf.findLast = s_.findLast, qf.findLastIndex = a_.findLastIndex, qf.findLastKey = p_.findLastKey, qf.floor = f_.floor, qf.forEach = s_.forEach, qf.forEachRight = s_.forEachRight, qf.forIn = p_.forIn, qf.forInRight = p_.forInRight, qf.forOwn = p_.forOwn, qf.forOwnRight = p_.forOwnRight, qf.get = p_.get, qf.gt = u_.gt, qf.gte = u_.gte, qf.has = p_.has, qf.hasIn = p_.hasIn, qf.head = a_.head, qf.identity = Ku, qf.includes = s_.includes, qf.indexOf = a_.indexOf, qf.inRange = h_, qf.invoke = p_.invoke, qf.isArguments = u_.isArguments, qf.isArray = Cu, qf.isArrayBuffer = u_.isArrayBuffer, qf.isArrayLike = u_.isArrayLike, qf.isArrayLikeObject = u_.isArrayLikeObject, qf.isBoolean = u_.isBoolean, qf.isBuffer = u_.isBuffer, qf.isDate = u_.isDate, qf.isElement = u_.isElement, qf.isEmpty = u_.isEmpty, qf.isEqual = u_.isEqual, qf.isEqualWith = u_.isEqualWith, qf.isError = u_.isError, qf.isFinite = u_.isFinite, qf.isFunction = u_.isFunction, qf.isInteger = u_.isInteger, qf.isLength = u_.isLength, qf.isMap = u_.isMap, qf.isMatch = u_.isMatch, qf.isMatchWith = u_.isMatchWith, qf.isNaN = u_.isNaN, qf.isNative = u_.isNative, qf.isNil = u_.isNil, qf.isNull = u_.isNull, qf.isNumber = u_.isNumber, qf.isObject = Iu, qf.isObjectLike = u_.isObjectLike, qf.isPlainObject = u_.isPlainObject, qf.isRegExp = u_.isRegExp, qf.isSafeInteger = u_.isSafeInteger, qf.isSet = u_.isSet, qf.isString = u_.isString, qf.isSymbol = u_.isSymbol, qf.isTypedArray = u_.isTypedArray, qf.isUndefined = u_.isUndefined, qf.isWeakMap = u_.isWeakMap, qf.isWeakSet = u_.isWeakSet, qf.join = a_.join, qf.kebabCase = g_.kebabCase, qf.last = vb, qf.lastIndexOf = a_.lastIndexOf, qf.lowerCase = g_.lowerCase, qf.lowerFirst = g_.lowerFirst, qf.lt = u_.lt, qf.lte = u_.lte, qf.max = f_.max, qf.maxBy = f_.maxBy, qf.mean = f_.mean, qf.meanBy = f_.meanBy, qf.min = f_.min, qf.minBy = f_.minBy, qf.stubArray = y_.stubArray, qf.stubFalse = y_.stubFalse, qf.stubObject = y_.stubObject, qf.stubString = y_.stubString, qf.stubTrue = y_.stubTrue, qf.multiply = f_.multiply, qf.nth = a_.nth, qf.noop = y_.noop, qf.now = c_.now, qf.pad = g_.pad, qf.padEnd = g_.padEnd, qf.padStart = g_.padStart, qf.parseInt = g_.parseInt, qf.random = v_, qf.reduce = s_.reduce, qf.reduceRight = s_.reduceRight, qf.repeat = g_.repeat, qf.replace = g_.replace, qf.result = p_.result, qf.round = f_.round, qf.sample = s_.sample, qf.size = s_.size, qf.snakeCase = g_.snakeCase, qf.some = s_.some, qf.sortedIndex = a_.sortedIndex, qf.sortedIndexBy = a_.sortedIndexBy, qf.sortedIndexOf = a_.sortedIndexOf, qf.sortedLastIndex = a_.sortedLastIndex, qf.sortedLastIndexBy = a_.sortedLastIndexBy, qf.sortedLastIndexOf = a_.sortedLastIndexOf, qf.startCase = g_.startCase, qf.startsWith = g_.startsWith, qf.subtract = f_.subtract, qf.sum = f_.sum, qf.sumBy = f_.sumBy, qf.template = g_.template, qf.times = y_.times, qf.toFinite = u_.toFinite, qf.toInteger = Uu, qf.toLength = u_.toLength, qf.toLower = g_.toLower, qf.toNumber = u_.toNumber, qf.toSafeInteger = u_.toSafeInteger, qf.toString = u_.toString, qf.toUpper = g_.toUpper, qf.trim = g_.trim, qf.trimEnd = g_.trimEnd, qf.trimStart = g_.trimStart, qf.truncate = g_.truncate, qf.unescape = g_.unescape, qf.uniqueId = y_.uniqueId, qf.upperCase = g_.upperCase, qf.upperFirst = g_.upperFirst, qf.each = s_.forEach, qf.eachRight = s_.forEachRight, qf.first = a_.head, M_(qf, (x_ = {}, Oy(qf, function(e20, t10) {
C_.call(qf.prototype, t10) || (x_[t10] = e20);
}), x_), { chain: false }), qf.VERSION = "4.17.21", (qf.templateSettings = g_.templateSettings).imports._ = qf, Qf(["bind", "bindKey", "curry", "curryRight", "partial", "partialRight"], function(e20) {
qf[e20].placeholder = qf;
}), Qf(["drop", "take"], function(e20, t10) {
Of.prototype[e20] = function(n10) {
n10 = void 0 === n10 ? 1 : __(Uu(n10), 0);
var r10 = this.__filtered__ && !t10 ? new Of(this) : this.clone();
return r10.__filtered__ ? r10.__takeCount__ = O_(n10, r10.__takeCount__) : r10.__views__.push({ size: O_(n10, j_), type: e20 + (r10.__dir__ < 0 ? "Right" : "") }), r10;
}, Of.prototype[e20 + "Right"] = function(t11) {
return this.reverse()[e20](t11).reverse();
}), Qf(["filter", "map", "takeWhile"], function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = t10 + 1, r10 = 1 == n10 || 3 == n10;
Of.prototype[e20] = function(e21) {
var t11 = this.clone();
return t11.__iteratees__.push({ iteratee: ky(e21), type: n10 }), t11.__filtered__ = t11.__filtered__ || r10, t11;
}), Qf(["head", "last"], function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = "take" + (t10 ? "Right" : "");
Of.prototype[e20] = function() {
return this[n10](1).value()[0];
}), Qf(["initial", "tail"], function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = "drop" + (t10 ? "" : "Right");
Of.prototype[e20] = function() {
return this.__filtered__ ? new Of(this) : this[n10](1);
}), Of.prototype.compact = function() {
return this.filter(Ku);
}, Of.prototype.find = function(e20) {
return this.filter(e20).head();
}, Of.prototype.findLast = function(e20) {
return this.reverse().find(e20);
}, Of.prototype.invokeMap = Yd(function(e20, t10) {
return "function" == typeof e20 ? new Of(this) : this.map(function(n10) {
return vw(n10, e20, t10);
}), Of.prototype.reject = function(e20) {
return this.filter(Rx(ky(e20)));
}, Of.prototype.slice = function(e20, t10) {
e20 = Uu(e20);
var n10 = this;
return n10.__filtered__ && (e20 > 0 || t10 < 0) ? new Of(n10) : (e20 < 0 ? n10 = n10.takeRight(-e20) : e20 && (n10 = n10.drop(e20)), void 0 !== t10 && (n10 = (t10 = Uu(t10)) < 0 ? n10.dropRight(-t10) : n10.take(t10 - e20)), n10);
}, Of.prototype.takeRightWhile = function(e20) {
return this.reverse().takeWhile(e20).reverse();
}, Of.prototype.toArray = function() {
return this.take(j_);
}, Oy(Of.prototype, function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = /^(?:filter|find|map|reject)|While$/.test(t10), r10 = /^(?:head|last)$/.test(t10), o10 = qf[r10 ? "take" + ("last" == t10 ? "Right" : "") : t10], i10 = r10 || /^find/.test(t10);
o10 && (qf.prototype[t10] = function() {
var t11 = this.__wrapped__, a10 = r10 ? [1] : arguments, s10 = t11 instanceof Of, c10 = a10[0], l10 = s10 || Cu(t11), u10 = function(e21) {
var t12 = o10.apply(qf, vv([e21], a10));
return r10 && f10 ? t12[0] : t12;
l10 && n10 && "function" == typeof c10 && 1 != c10.length && (s10 = l10 = false);
var f10 = this.__chain__, d10 = !!this.__actions__.length, h10 = i10 && !f10, v10 = s10 && !d10;
if (!i10 && l10) {
t11 = v10 ? t11 : new Of(this);
var p10 = e20.apply(t11, a10);
return p10.__actions__.push({ func: JC, args: [u10], thisArg: void 0 }), new Rf(p10, f10);
return h10 && v10 ? e20.apply(this, a10) : (p10 = this.thru(u10), h10 ? r10 ? p10.value()[0] : p10.value() : p10);
}), Qf(["pop", "push", "shift", "sort", "splice", "unshift"], function(e20) {
var t10 = S_[e20], n10 = /^(?:push|sort|unshift)$/.test(e20) ? "tap" : "thru", r10 = /^(?:pop|shift)$/.test(e20);
qf.prototype[e20] = function() {
var e21 = arguments;
if (r10 && !this.__chain__) {
var o10 = this.value();
return t10.apply(Cu(o10) ? o10 : [], e21);
return this[n10](function(n11) {
return t10.apply(Cu(n11) ? n11 : [], e21);
}), Oy(Of.prototype, function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = qf[t10];
if (n10) {
var r10 = n10.name + "";
C_.call(Af, r10) || (Af[r10] = []), Af[r10].push({ name: t10, func: n10 });
}), Af[jd(void 0, 2).name] = [{ name: "wrapper", func: void 0 }], Of.prototype.clone = function() {
var e20 = new Of(this.__wrapped__);
return e20.__actions__ = Nf(this.__actions__), e20.__dir__ = this.__dir__, e20.__filtered__ = this.__filtered__, e20.__iteratees__ = Nf(this.__iteratees__), e20.__takeCount__ = this.__takeCount__, e20.__views__ = Nf(this.__views__), e20;
}, Of.prototype.reverse = function() {
if (this.__filtered__) {
var e20 = new Of(this);
e20.__dir__ = -1, e20.__filtered__ = true;
} else
(e20 = this.clone()).__dir__ *= -1;
return e20;
}, Of.prototype.value = function() {
var e20 = this.__wrapped__.value(), t10 = this.__dir__, n10 = Cu(e20), r10 = t10 < 0, o10 = n10 ? e20.length : 0, i10 = function(e21, t11, n11) {
for (var r11 = -1, o11 = n11.length; ++r11 < o11; ) {
var i11 = n11[r11], a11 = i11.size;
switch (i11.type) {
case "drop":
e21 += a11;
case "dropRight":
t11 -= a11;
case "take":
t11 = k_(t11, e21 + a11);
case "takeRight":
e21 = b_(e21, t11 - a11);
return { start: e21, end: t11 };
}(0, o10, this.__views__), a10 = i10.start, s10 = i10.end, c10 = s10 - a10, l10 = r10 ? s10 : a10 - 1, u10 = this.__iteratees__, f10 = u10.length, d10 = 0, h10 = w_(c10, this.__takeCount__);
if (!n10 || !r10 && o10 == c10 && h10 == c10)
return ZC(e20, this.__actions__);
var v10 = [];
for (; c10-- && d10 < h10; ) {
for (var p10 = -1, m10 = e20[l10 += t10]; ++p10 < f10; ) {
var g10 = u10[p10], y10 = g10.iteratee, b10 = g10.type, k10 = y10(m10);
if (2 == b10)
m10 = k10;
else if (!k10) {
if (1 == b10)
continue e;
break e;
v10[d10++] = m10;
return v10;
}, qf.prototype.at = m_.at, qf.prototype.chain = m_.wrapperChain, qf.prototype.commit = m_.commit, qf.prototype.next = m_.next, qf.prototype.plant = m_.plant, qf.prototype.reverse = m_.reverse, qf.prototype.toJSON = qf.prototype.valueOf = qf.prototype.value = m_.value, qf.prototype.first = qf.prototype.head, $_ && (qf.prototype[$_] = m_.toIterator);
var E_ = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, add: Au, after: Ju, ary: Vd, assign: Th, assignIn: qh, assignInWith: Bh, assignWith: Fh, at: kv, attempt: Tv, before: Nv, bind: Dv, bindAll: zv, bindKey: Lv, camelCase: Fp, capitalize: sp, castArray: Vp, ceil: Jp, chain: Kp, chunk: Yp, clamp: Zp, clone: yg, cloneDeep: bg, cloneDeepWith: xg, cloneWith: jg, commit: Sg, compact: Cg, concat: $g, cond: wy, conforms: jy, conformsTo: Sy, constant: Uf, countBy: Ny, create: Iy, curry: Dy, curryRight: qy, debounce: Vy, deburr: hp, default: qf, defaultTo: Hy, defaults: Ky, defaultsDeep: rb, defer: ab, delay: cb, difference: hb, differenceBy: mb, differenceWith: yb, divide: bb, drop: kb, dropRight: wb, dropRightWhile: jb, dropWhile: Sb, each: $b, eachRight: Ab, endsWith: Pb, entries: Rb, entriesIn: Nb, eq: Wd, escape: zb, escapeRegExp: Fb, every: Wb, extend: qh, extendWith: Bh, fill: Kb, filter: Qb, find: ek, findIndex: Zb, findKey: nk, findLast: ak, findLastIndex: ik, findLastKey: sk, first: ck, flatMap: fk, flatMapDeep: dk, flatMapDepth: hk, flatten: yv, flattenDeep: vk, flattenDepth: pk, flip: mk, floor: gk, flow: bk, flowRight: kk, forEach: $b, forEachRight: Ab, forIn: wk, forInRight: xk, forOwn: jk, forOwnRight: Sk, fromPairs: Ck, functions: _k, functionsIn: Ok, get: dv, groupBy: Ak, gt: Rk, gte: Nk, has: qk, hasIn: vy, head: ck, identity: Ku, inRange: Lk, includes: Jk, indexOf: Gk, initial: Qk, intersection: ew, intersectionBy: nw, intersectionWith: rw, invert: sw, invertBy: dw, invoke: pw, invokeMap: gw, isArguments: uh, isArray: Cu, isArrayBuffer: bw, isArrayLike: eh, isArrayLikeObject: Qy, isBoolean: kw, isBuffer: ph, isDate: xw, isElement: jw, isEmpty: _w, isEqual: Ow, isEqualWith: Mw, isError: Av, isFinite: Aw, isFunction: Zu, isInteger: Pw, isLength: Zd, isMap: ag, isMatch: Tw, isMatchWith: Rw, isNaN: Dw, isNative: zw, isNil: Bw, isNull: Lw, isNumber: Iw, isObject: Iu, isObjectLike: bu, isPlainObject: Ov, isRegExp: Vw, isSafeInteger: Ww, isSet: cg, isString: Vk, isSymbol: wu, isTypedArray: jh, isUndefined: Uw, isWeakMap: Jw, isWeakSet: Kw, iteratee: Gw, join: Yw, kebabCase: Zw, keyBy: tx, keys: Eh, keysIn: Ih, last: vb, lastIndexOf: ox, lodash: qf, lowerCase: ax, lowerFirst: sx, lt: lx, lte: ux, map: uk, mapKeys: fx, mapValues: dx, matches: hx, matchesProperty: vx, max: mx, maxBy: gx, mean: wx, meanBy: xx, memoize: rv, merge: Sx, mergeWith: nb, method: $x, methodOf: Ox, min: Mx, minBy: Ex, mixin: Ax, multiply: Px, negate: Rx, next: zx, noop: Mf, now: zy, nth: Lx, nthArg: Fx, omit: Ux, omitBy: Qx, once: Yx, orderBy: ej, over: nj, overArgs: aj, overEvery: sj, overSome: cj, pad: Ej, padEnd: Aj, padStart: Pj, parseInt: Nj, partial: Dj, partialRight: zj, partition: Lj, pick: Vj, pickBy: Gx, plant: Hj, property: by, propertyOf: Wj, pull: Qj, pullAll: Gj, pullAllBy: Yj, pullAllWith: Xj, pullAt: nS, random: lS, range: hS, rangeRight: vS, rearg: mS, reduce: yS, reduceRight: kS, reject: wS, remove: xS, repeat: jS, replace: SS, rest: CS, result: $S, reverse: OS, round: MS, sample: PS, sampleSize: IS, set: DS, setWith: qS, shuffle: LS, size: FS, slice: VS, snakeCase: WS, some: JS, sortBy: GS, sortedIndex: nC, sortedIndexBy: rC, sortedIndexOf: oC, sortedLastIndex: iC, sortedLastIndexBy: aC, sortedLastIndexOf: sC, sortedUniq: lC, sortedUniqBy: uC, split: fC, spread: hC, startCase: pC, startsWith: mC, stubArray: cm, stubFalse: fh, stubObject: gC, stubString: yC, stubTrue: bC, subtract: kC, sum: wC, sumBy: xC, tail: jC, take: SC, takeRight: CC, takeRightWhile: $C, takeWhile: _C, tap: OC, template: HC, templateSettings: NC, throttle: UC, thru: JC, times: YC, toArray: qx, toFinite: Wu, toInteger: Uu, toIterator: XC, toJSON: e$, toLength: Jb, toLower: t$, toNumber: Fu, toPairs: Rb, toPairsIn: Nb, toPath: n$, toPlainObject: Xy, toSafeInteger: o$, toString: sv, toUpper: i$, transform: a$, trim: l$, trimEnd: u$, trimStart: d$, truncate: v$, unary: p$, unescape: b$, union: j$, unionBy: C$, unionWith: $$, uniq: _$, uniqBy: O$, uniqWith: M$, uniqueId: A$, unset: P$, unzip: R$, unzipWith: N$, update: D$, updateWith: q$, upperCase: B$, upperFirst: ap, value: e$, valueOf: e$, values: Wk, valuesIn: L$, without: V$, words: qp, wrap: H$, wrapperAt: U$, wrapperChain: J$, wrapperCommit: Sg, wrapperLodash: qf, wrapperNext: zx, wrapperPlant: Hj, wrapperReverse: K$, wrapperToIterator: XC, wrapperValue: e$, xor: Q$, xorBy: X$, xorWith: Z$, zip: e_, zipObject: n_, zipObjectDeep: r_, zipWith: i_ });
var A_ = 1e4;
var P_ = [];
function T_(e20) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1], n10 = {};
if (!Array.isArray(e20))
throw new TypeError("Array expected");
function r10(e21, o11) {
(!Array.isArray(e21) && !Gl(e21) || t10 && o11.length > 0) && (n10[Zs(o11)] = true), Gl(e21) && Object.keys(e21).forEach(function(t11) {
r10(e21[t11], o11.concat(t11));
for (var o10 = Math.min(e20.length, A_), i10 = 0; i10 < o10; i10++) {
r10(e20[i10], P_);
return Object.keys(n10).sort().map(Xs);
function R_(e20, t10, n10) {
if (!(t10 <= e20))
for (var r10 = e20; r10 < t10; r10++)
function N_(e20, t10) {
return e20.length > t10 ? e20.slice(0, t10) : e20;
function I_(e20) {
return Ro({}, e20);
function D_(e20) {
return Object.values(e20);
function q_(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = e20.slice(0), i10 = o10.splice(t10, n10);
return o10.splice.apply(o10, [t10 + r10, 0].concat(Bo(i10))), o10;
function z_(e20, t10) {
try {
return t10.parse(e20);
} catch (n10) {
return t10.parse(Hl(e20));
function B_(e20, t10) {
try {
return z_(e20, t10);
} catch (e21) {
function L_(e20, t10) {
e20 = e20.replace(V_, "");
try {
return t10(e20);
} catch (e21) {
try {
return t10("[" + e20 + "]");
} catch (e21) {
try {
return t10("{" + e20 + "}");
} catch (e21) {
throw new Error("Failed to parse partial JSON");
function F_(e20) {
e20 = e20.replace(V_, "");
try {
return Hl(e20);
} catch (e21) {
try {
var t10 = Hl("[" + e20 + "]");
return t10.substring(1, t10.length - 1);
} catch (e21) {
try {
var n10 = Hl("{" + e20 + "}");
return n10.substring(1, n10.length - 1);
} catch (e21) {
throw new Error("Failed to repair partial JSON");
var V_ = /,\s*$/;
function H_(e20, t10) {
var n10 = eO.exec(t10);
if (n10) {
var r10 = Ul(n10[2]), o10 = function(e21, t11) {
for (var n11 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 0, r11 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : e21.length, o11 = 0, i11 = n11; i11 < r11; i11++)
e21.charAt(i11) === t11 && o11++;
return o11;
}(e20, "\n", 0, r10), i10 = r10 - e20.lastIndexOf("\n", r10) - 1;
return { position: r10, line: o10, column: i10, message: t10.replace(eO, function() {
return "line ".concat(o10 + 1, " column ").concat(i10 + 1);
}) };
var a10 = tO.exec(t10), s10 = a10 ? Ul(a10[1]) : null, c10 = null !== s10 ? s10 - 1 : null, l10 = nO.exec(t10), u10 = l10 ? Ul(l10[1]) : null, f10 = null !== u10 ? u10 - 1 : null, d10 = null !== c10 && null !== f10 ? function(e21, t11, n11) {
var r11 = e21.indexOf("\n"), o11 = 1;
for (; o11 < t11 && -1 !== r11; )
r11 = e21.indexOf("\n", r11 + 1), o11++;
return -1 !== r11 ? r11 + n11 + 1 : null;
}(e20, c10, f10) : null;
return { position: d10, line: c10, column: f10, message: t10.replace(/^JSON.parse: /, "").replace(/ of the JSON data$/, "") };
function W_(e20) {
return Gl(e20) ? void 0 !== e20.json ? void 0 !== e20.text ? 'Content must contain either a property "json" or a property "text" but not both' : null : void 0 === e20.text ? 'Content must contain either a property "json" or a property "text"' : "string" != typeof e20.text ? 'Content "text" property must be a string containing a JSON document. Did you mean to use the "json" property instead?' : null : "Content must be an object";
function J_(e20) {
return Gl(e20) && "string" == typeof e20.text;
function K_(e20) {
return Gl(e20) && void 0 !== e20.json;
function G_(e20) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : void 0, n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : JSON;
return J_(e20) ? e20 : { text: n10.stringify(e20.json, null, t10) };
function Q_(e20) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : JSON;
return K_(e20) ? e20 : { json: t10.parse(e20.text) };
function Y_(e20, t10, n10) {
return G_(e20, t10, n10).text;
function X_(e20, t10) {
return Z_(e20, t10) > t10;
function Z_(e20) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 1 / 0;
if (J_(e20))
return e20.text.length;
var n10 = e20.json, r10 = 0;
return function e21(n11) {
if (Array.isArray(n11)) {
if ((r10 += n11.length - 1 + 2) > t10)
return r10;
for (var o10 = 0; o10 < n11.length; o10++) {
if (e21(n11[o10]), r10 > t10)
return r10;
} else if (Gl(n11)) {
var i10 = Object.keys(n11);
r10 += 2 + i10.length + (i10.length - 1);
for (var a10 = 0; a10 < i10.length; a10++) {
var s10 = i10[a10], c10 = n11[s10];
r10 += s10.length + 2, e21(c10);
} else
r10 += "string" == typeof n11 ? n11.length + 2 : String(n11).length;
}(n10), r10;
var eO = /(position|char) (\d+)/;
var tO = /line (\d+)/;
var nO = /column (\d+)/;
function rO(e20, t10) {
return e20.parse === t10.parse && e20.stringify === t10.stringify;
function oO(e20) {
return iO.test(e20) && e20.length > 2;
var iO = /^[[{]\S/;
function aO(e20) {
var t10 = e20.escapeControlCharacters, n10 = e20.escapeUnicodeCharacters;
return t10 ? n10 ? sO : cO : n10 ? lO : uO;
var sO = { escapeValue: function(e20) {
return fO(pO(String(e20)));
}, unescapeValue: function(e20) {
return mO(dO(e20));
} };
var cO = { escapeValue: function(e20) {
return pO(String(e20));
}, unescapeValue: function(e20) {
return mO(e20);
} };
var lO = { escapeValue: function(e20) {
return fO(String(e20));
}, unescapeValue: function(e20) {
return dO(e20);
} };
var uO = { escapeValue: function(e20) {
return String(e20);
}, unescapeValue: function(e20) {
return e20;
} };
function fO(e20) {
return e20.replace(/[^\x20-\x7F]/g, function(e21) {
var t10;
return "\b" === e21 || "\f" === e21 || "\n" === e21 || "\r" === e21 || " " === e21 ? e21 : "\\u" + ("000" + (null === (t10 = e21.codePointAt(0)) || void 0 === t10 ? void 0 : t10.toString(16))).slice(-4);
function dO(e20) {
return e20.replace(/\\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}/g, function(e21) {
try {
var t10 = JSON.parse('"' + e21 + '"');
return hO[t10] || t10;
} catch (t11) {
return e21;
var hO = { '"': '\\"', "\\": "\\\\", "\b": "\\b", "\f": "\\f", "\n": "\\n", "\r": "\\r", " ": "\\t" };
var vO = { '\\"': '"', "\\\\": "\\", "\\/": "/", "\\b": "\b", "\\f": "\f", "\\n": "\n", "\\r": "\r", "\\t": " " };
function pO(e20) {
return e20.replace(/["\b\f\n\r\t\\]/g, function(e21) {
return hO[e21] || e21;
function mO(e20) {
return e20.replace(/\\["bfnrt\\]/g, function(e21) {
return vO[e21] || e21;
function gO(e20) {
return "string" != typeof e20 ? String(e20) : e20.endsWith("\n") ? e20 + "\n" : e20;
function yO(e20, t10) {
return kO(e20, function(e21) {
return e21.nodeName.toUpperCase() === t10.toUpperCase();
function bO(e20, t10, n10) {
return kO(e20, function(e21) {
return function(e23, t11, n11) {
return "function" == typeof e23.getAttribute && e23.getAttribute(t11) === n11;
}(e21, t10, n10);
function kO(e20, t10) {
return !!wO(e20, t10);
function wO(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = e20; n10 && !t10(n10); )
n10 = n10.parentNode;
return n10 || void 0;
function xO(e20) {
if (null != e20.firstChild) {
var t10 = document.createRange(), n10 = window.getSelection();
t10.setStart(e20, 1), t10.collapse(true), null == n10 || n10.removeAllRanges(), null == n10 || n10.addRange(t10);
} else
function jO(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = SO(e20);
if (o10) {
var i10 = o10.document.activeElement ? o10.document.activeElement : null;
i10 && i10.isContentEditable && (i10.textContent = n10 ? t10 : i10.textContent + t10, xO(i10), r10 && r10(i10));
function SO(e20) {
return e20 && e20.ownerDocument ? e20.ownerDocument.defaultView : null;
function CO(e20) {
var t10 = SO(e20), n10 = null == t10 ? void 0 : t10.document.activeElement;
return !!n10 && kO(n10, function(t11) {
return t11 === e20;
function $O(e20, t10) {
return wO(e20, function(e21) {
return e21.nodeName === t10;
function _O(e20) {
return bO(e20, "data-type", "selectable-key") ? Ya.key : bO(e20, "data-type", "selectable-value") ? Ya.value : bO(e20, "data-type", "insert-selection-area-inside") ? Ya.inside : bO(e20, "data-type", "insert-selection-area-after") ? Ya.after : Ya.multi;
function OO(e20) {
return encodeURIComponent(Zs(e20));
function MO(e20) {
var t10 = wO(e20, function(e21) {
return !(null == e21 || !e21.hasAttribute) && e21.hasAttribute("data-path");
}), n10 = null == t10 ? void 0 : t10.getAttribute("data-path");
return n10 ? Xs(decodeURIComponent(n10)) : null;
function EO(e20) {
var t10 = e20.allElements, n10 = e20.currentElement, r10 = e20.direction, o10 = e20.hasPrio, i10 = void 0 === o10 ? function() {
return true;
} : o10, a10 = e20.margin, s10 = void 0 === a10 ? 10 : a10, c10 = uk(t10.filter(function(e21) {
var t11 = e21.getBoundingClientRect();
return t11.width > 0 && t11.height > 0;
}), u10), l10 = u10(n10);
function u10(e21) {
var t11 = e21.getBoundingClientRect();
return { x: t11.left + t11.width / 2, y: t11.top + t11.height / 2, rect: t11, element: e21 };
function f10(e21, t11) {
var n11 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 1, r11 = e21.x - t11.x, o11 = (e21.y - t11.y) * n11;
return Math.sqrt(r11 * r11 + o11 * o11);
var d10 = function(e21) {
return f10(e21, l10);
if ("Left" === r10 || "Right" === r10) {
var h10 = "Left" === r10 ? c10.filter(function(e21) {
return t11 = l10, e21.rect.left + s10 < t11.rect.left;
var t11;
}) : c10.filter(function(e21) {
return t11 = l10, e21.rect.right > t11.rect.right + s10;
var t11;
}), v10 = Ex(h10.filter(function(e21) {
return t11 = e21, n11 = l10, Math.abs(t11.y - n11.y) < s10;
var t11, n11;
}), d10) || Ex(h10, function(e21) {
return f10(e21, l10, 10);
return null == v10 ? void 0 : v10.element;
if ("Up" === r10 || "Down" === r10) {
var p10 = "Up" === r10 ? c10.filter(function(e21) {
return t11 = l10, e21.y + s10 < t11.y;
var t11;
}) : c10.filter(function(e21) {
return t11 = l10, e21.y > t11.y + s10;
var t11;
}), m10 = Ex(p10.filter(function(e21) {
return i10(e21.element);
}), d10) || Ex(p10, d10);
return null == m10 ? void 0 : m10.element;
function AO(e20) {
return !!e20 && "DIV" === e20.nodeName && "function" == typeof e20.refresh && "function" == typeof e20.cancel;
function PO(e20) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "+", n10 = [];
e20.ctrlKey && n10.push("Ctrl"), e20.metaKey && n10.push("Ctrl"), e20.altKey && n10.push("Alt"), e20.shiftKey && n10.push("Shift");
var r10 = 1 === e20.key.length ? e20.key.toUpperCase() : e20.key;
return r10 in TO || n10.push(r10), n10.join(t10);
var TO = { Ctrl: true, Command: true, Control: true, Alt: true, Option: true, Shift: true };
var RO = vi.window;
function NO(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-1r8q3m8", ".jse-absolute-popup.svelte-1r8q3m8.svelte-1r8q3m8{position:relative;left:0;top:0;width:0;height:0;z-index:1001}.jse-absolute-popup.svelte-1r8q3m8 .jse-hidden-input.svelte-1r8q3m8{position:fixed;left:0;top:0;width:0;height:0;padding:0;margin:0;border:none;outline:none;overflow:hidden}.jse-absolute-popup.svelte-1r8q3m8 .jse-absolute-popup-content.svelte-1r8q3m8{position:absolute}");
function IO(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10 = [e20[0].props], c10 = e20[0].component;
function l10(e21, t11) {
var n11 = {};
if (void 0 !== t11 && 1 & t11)
n11 = Ma(s10, [Ea(e21[0].props)]);
for (var r11 = 0; r11 < s10.length; r11 += 1)
n11 = Jo(n11, s10[r11]);
return { props: n11 };
return c10 && (o10 = Li(c10, l10(e20))), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = ji("input"), r10 = $i(), o10 && Pa(o10.$$.fragment), Ai(n10, "type", "text"), n10.readOnly = true, Ai(n10, "tabindex", "-1"), Ai(n10, "class", "jse-hidden-input svelte-1r8q3m8"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-absolute-popup-content svelte-1r8q3m8"), Ai(t10, "style", i10 = zO(e20[1], e20[0].options));
}, m: function(i11, s11) {
ki(i11, t10, s11), pi(t10, n10), e20[7](n10), pi(t10, r10), o10 && Ta(o10, t10, null), a10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
if (1 & n11 && c10 !== (c10 = e21[0].component)) {
if (o10) {
var r11 = o10;
xa(r11.$$.fragment, 1, 0, function() {
Ra(r11, 1);
}), ka();
c10 ? (Pa((o10 = Li(c10, l10(e21, n11))).$$.fragment), wa(o10.$$.fragment, 1), Ta(o10, t10, null)) : o10 = null;
} else if (c10) {
var u10 = 1 & n11 ? Ma(s10, [Ea(e21[0].props)]) : {};
(!a10 || 3 & n11 && i10 !== (i10 = zO(e21[1], e21[0].options))) && Ai(t10, "style", i10);
}, i: function(e21) {
a10 || (o10 && wa(o10.$$.fragment, e21), a10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
o10 && xa(o10.$$.fragment, e21), a10 = false;
}, d: function(n11) {
n11 && wi(t10), e20[7](null), o10 && Ra(o10);
} };
function DO(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10 = e20[1] && IO(e20);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), i10 && i10.c(), Ai(t10, "role", "none"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-absolute-popup svelte-1r8q3m8");
}, m: function(a10, s10) {
ki(a10, t10, s10), i10 && i10.m(t10, null), e20[8](t10), n10 = true, r10 || (o10 = [Oi(RO, "mousedown", e20[3], true), Oi(RO, "keydown", e20[4], true), Oi(RO, "wheel", e20[5], true), Oi(t10, "mousedown", qO), Oi(t10, "keydown", e20[4])], r10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r11 = jo(n11, 1)[0];
e21[1] ? i10 ? (i10.p(e21, r11), 2 & r11 && wa(i10, 1)) : ((i10 = IO(e21)).c(), wa(i10, 1), i10.m(t10, null)) : i10 && (ba(), xa(i10, 1, 1, function() {
i10 = null;
}), ka());
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(i10), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(i10), n10 = false;
}, d: function(n11) {
n11 && wi(t10), i10 && i10.d(), e20[8](null), r10 = false, Qo(o10);
} };
function qO(e20) {
function zO(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.getBoundingClientRect(), r10 = function() {
if (t10.anchor) {
var e21 = t10.anchor, n11 = t10.width, r11 = void 0 === n11 ? 0 : n11, o11 = t10.height, i11 = void 0 === o11 ? 0 : o11, a11 = t10.offsetTop, s11 = void 0 === a11 ? 0 : a11, c10 = t10.offsetLeft, l10 = void 0 === c10 ? 0 : c10, u10 = t10.position, f10 = e21.getBoundingClientRect(), d10 = f10.left, h10 = f10.top, v10 = f10.bottom, p10 = f10.right, m10 = "top" === u10 || h10 + i11 > window.innerHeight && h10 > i11, g10 = "left" === u10 || d10 + r11 > window.innerWidth && d10 > r11;
return { left: g10 ? p10 - l10 : d10 + l10, top: m10 ? h10 - s11 : v10 + s11, positionAbove: m10, positionLeft: g10 };
if ("number" == typeof t10.left && "number" == typeof t10.top) {
var y10 = t10.left, b10 = t10.top, k10 = t10.width, w10 = void 0 === k10 ? 0 : k10, x10 = t10.height, j10 = void 0 === x10 ? 0 : x10;
return { left: y10, top: b10, positionAbove: b10 + j10 > window.innerHeight && b10 > j10, positionLeft: y10 + w10 > window.innerWidth && y10 > w10 };
throw new Error('Invalid config: pass either "left" and "top", or pass "anchor"');
}(), o10 = r10.left, i10 = r10.top, a10 = r10.positionAbove, s10 = r10.positionLeft;
return (a10 ? "bottom: ".concat(n10.top - i10, "px;") : "top: ".concat(i10 - n10.top, "px;")) + (s10 ? "right: ".concat(n10.left - o10, "px;") : "left: ".concat(o10 - n10.left, "px;"));
function BO(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10 = t10.popup, a10 = t10.closeAbsolutePopup;
function s10(e21) {
i10.options && i10.options.closeOnOuterClick && !kO(e21.target, function(e23) {
return e23 === r10;
}) && a10(i10.id);
return Gi(function() {
o10 && o10.focus();
}), e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"popup" in e21 && n10(0, i10 = e21.popup), "closeAbsolutePopup" in e21 && n10(6, a10 = e21.closeAbsolutePopup);
}, [i10, r10, o10, function(e21) {
}, function(e21) {
"Escape" === PO(e21) && a10(i10.id);
}, function(e21) {
}, a10, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(2, o10 = e21);
}, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(1, r10 = e21);
var LO = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, BO, DO, Xo, { popup: 0, closeAbsolutePopup: 6 }, NO), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function FO(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[6] = t10[n10], r10;
function VO(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new LO({ props: { popup: e20[6], closeAbsolutePopup: e20[1] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
1 & n11 && (r10.popup = e21[6]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function HO(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10 = Ca(e20[0]), o10 = [], i10 = 0; i10 < r10.length; i10 += 1)
o10[i10] = VO(FO(e20, r10, i10));
var a10 = function(e21) {
return xa(o10[e21], 1, 1, function() {
o10[e21] = null;
}, s10 = e20[3].default, c10 = ei(s10, e20, e20[2], null);
return { c: function() {
for (var e21 = 0; e21 < o10.length; e21 += 1)
t10 = $i(), c10 && c10.c();
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
for (var i11 = 0; i11 < o10.length; i11 += 1)
o10[i11] && o10[i11].m(e21, r11);
ki(e21, t10, r11), c10 && c10.m(e21, r11), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, i11) {
var l10 = jo(i11, 1)[0];
if (3 & l10) {
var u10;
for (r10 = Ca(e21[0]), u10 = 0; u10 < r10.length; u10 += 1) {
var f10 = FO(e21, r10, u10);
o10[u10] ? (o10[u10].p(f10, l10), wa(o10[u10], 1)) : (o10[u10] = VO(f10), o10[u10].c(), wa(o10[u10], 1), o10[u10].m(t10.parentNode, t10));
for (ba(), u10 = r10.length; u10 < o10.length; u10 += 1)
c10 && c10.p && (!n10 || 4 & l10) && ri(c10, s10, e21, e21[2], n10 ? ni(s10, e21[2], l10, null) : oi(e21[2]), null);
}, i: function(e21) {
if (!n10) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < r10.length; t11 += 1)
wa(c10, e21), n10 = true;
}, o: function(e21) {
o10 = o10.filter(Boolean);
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < o10.length; t11 += 1)
xa(c10, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), xi(o10, e21), c10 && c10.d(e21);
} };
function WO(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = t10.$$slots, o10 = void 0 === r10 ? {} : r10, i10 = t10.$$scope, a10 = Da("jsoneditor:AbsolutePopup"), s10 = [];
function c10(e21) {
var t11 = s10.findIndex(function(t12) {
return t12.id === e21;
if (-1 !== t11) {
var r11 = s10[t11];
r11.options.onClose && r11.options.onClose(), n10(0, s10 = s10.filter(function(t12) {
return t12.id !== e21;
return Xi("absolute-popup", { openAbsolutePopup: function(e21, t11, r11) {
a10("open...", t11, r11);
var o11 = { id: Ps(), component: e21, props: t11 || {}, options: r11 || {} };
return n10(0, s10 = [].concat(Bo(s10), [o11])), o11.id;
}, closeAbsolutePopup: c10 }), e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"$$scope" in e21 && n10(2, i10 = e21.$$scope);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
1 & e20.$$.dirty && a10("popups", s10);
}, [s10, c10, i10, o10];
var UO = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, WO, HO, Zo, {}), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function JO(e20) {
return e20.map(function(e21, t10) {
return ZO.test(e21) ? "[" + e21 + "]" : /[.[\]]/.test(e21) || "" === e21 ? '["' + (e21.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"]') : (t10 > 0 ? "." : "") + e21;
function KO(e20) {
for (var t10 = [], n10 = 0; n10 < e20.length; )
"." === e20[n10] && n10++, "[" === e20[n10] ? (n10++, '"' === e20[n10] ? (n10++, t10.push(r10(function(e21) {
return '"' === e21;
}, true)), o10('"')) : t10.push(r10(function(e21) {
return "]" === e21;
})), o10("]")) : t10.push(r10(function(e21) {
return "." === e21 || "[" === e21;
function r10(t11) {
for (var r11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1], o11 = ""; n10 < e20.length && !t11(e20[n10]); )
r11 && "\\" === e20[n10] && '"' === e20[n10 + 1] ? (o11 += '"', n10 += 2) : (o11 += e20[n10], n10++);
return o11;
function o10(t11) {
if (e20[n10] !== t11)
throw new SyntaxError("Invalid JSON path: ".concat(t11, " expected at position ").concat(n10));
return t10;
function GO(e20) {
return { value: e20, label: _w(e20) ? "(item root)" : JO(e20) };
function YO(e20) {
return e20.map(function(e21) {
return ZO.test(e21) ? "?.[".concat(e21, "]") : XO.test(e21) ? "?.".concat(e21) : "?.[".concat(JSON.stringify(e21), "]");
var XO = /^[a-zA-Z$_][a-zA-Z$_\d]*$/;
var ZO = /^\d+$/;
function eM(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = new Set(t10), r10 = e20.replace(/ \(copy( \d+)?\)$/, ""), o10 = e20, i10 = 1; n10.has(o10); ) {
var a10 = "copy" + (i10 > 1 ? " " + i10 : "");
o10 = "".concat(r10, " (").concat(a10, ")"), i10++;
return o10;
function tM(e20, t10) {
var n10 = t10 - 3;
return e20.length > t10 ? e20.substring(0, n10) + "..." : e20;
function nM(e20) {
if ("" === e20)
return "";
var t10 = e20.toLowerCase();
if ("null" === t10)
return null;
if ("true" === t10)
return true;
if ("false" === t10)
return false;
if ("undefined" !== t10) {
var n10 = Number(e20), r10 = parseFloat(e20);
return isNaN(n10) || isNaN(r10) ? e20 : n10;
var rM = { id: "javascript", name: "JavaScript", description: "\n
\n Enter a JavaScript function to filter, sort, or transform the data.\n
\n", createQuery: function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = t10.filter, r10 = t10.sort, o10 = t10.projection, i10 = [" return data\n"];
if (n10 && n10.path && n10.relation && n10.value) {
var a10 = "item => item".concat(YO(n10.path)), s10 = nM(n10.value), c10 = "string" == typeof s10 ? "'".concat(n10.value, "'") : ou(n10.value) && !Number.isSafeInteger(s10) ? "".concat(n10.value, "n") : n10.value;
i10.push(" .filter(".concat(a10, " ").concat(n10.relation, " ").concat(c10, ")\n"));
r10 && r10.path && r10.direction && ("desc" === r10.direction ? i10.push(" .slice()\n .sort((a, b) => {\n // sort descending\n" + " const valueA = a".concat(YO(r10.path), "\n") + " const valueB = b".concat(YO(r10.path), "\n") + " return valueA > valueB ? -1 : valueA < valueB ? 1 : 0\n })\n") : i10.push(" .slice()\n .sort((a, b) => {\n // sort ascending\n" + " const valueA = a".concat(YO(r10.path), "\n") + " const valueB = b".concat(YO(r10.path), "\n") + " return valueA > valueB ? 1 : valueA < valueB ? -1 : 0\n })\n"));
if (o10 && o10.paths)
if (o10.paths.length > 1) {
var l10 = o10.paths.map(function(e21) {
var t11 = e21[e21.length - 1] || "item", n11 = "item".concat(YO(e21));
return " ".concat(JSON.stringify(t11), ": ").concat(n11);
i10.push(" .map(item => ({\n".concat(l10.join(",\n"), "})\n )\n"));
} else {
var u10 = "item".concat(YO(o10.paths[0]));
i10.push(" .map(item => ".concat(u10, ")\n"));
return "function query (data) {\n".concat(i10.join(""), "}");
}, executeQuery: function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = new Function('"use strict";\n\n' + t10 + `
if (typeof query !== "function") {
throw new Error("Cannot execute query: expecting a function named 'query' but is undefined")
return query;
return void 0 !== n10 ? n10 : null;
} };
var oM = { prefix: "far", iconName: "lightbulb", icon: [384, 512, [128161], "f0eb", "M297.2 248.9C311.6 228.3 320 203.2 320 176c0-70.7-57.3-128-128-128S64 105.3 64 176c0 27.2 8.4 52.3 22.8 72.9c3.7 5.3 8.1 11.3 12.8 17.7l0 0c12.9 17.7 28.3 38.9 39.8 59.8c10.4 19 15.7 38.8 18.3 57.5H109c-2.2-12-5.9-23.7-11.8-34.5c-9.9-18-22.2-34.9-34.5-51.8l0 0 0 0c-5.2-7.1-10.4-14.2-15.4-21.4C27.6 247.9 16 213.3 16 176C16 78.8 94.8 0 192 0s176 78.8 176 176c0 37.3-11.6 71.9-31.4 100.3c-5 7.2-10.2 14.3-15.4 21.4l0 0 0 0c-12.3 16.8-24.6 33.7-34.5 51.8c-5.9 10.8-9.6 22.5-11.8 34.5H226.4c2.6-18.7 7.9-38.6 18.3-57.5c11.5-20.9 26.9-42.1 39.8-59.8l0 0 0 0 0 0c4.7-6.4 9-12.4 12.7-17.7zM192 128c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16s-16-7.2-16-16c0-44.2 35.8-80 80-80c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16zm0 384c-44.2 0-80-35.8-80-80V416H272v16c0 44.2-35.8 80-80 80z"] };
var iM = { prefix: "far", iconName: "square-check", icon: [448, 512, [9745, 9989, 61510, "check-square"], "f14a", "M64 80c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16V416c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16H384c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V96c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H64zM0 96C0 60.7 28.7 32 64 32H384c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64V416c0 35.3-28.7 64-64 64H64c-35.3 0-64-28.7-64-64V96zM337 209L209 337c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0l-64-64c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9s24.6-9.4 33.9 0l47 47L303 175c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0s9.4 24.6 0 33.9z"] };
var aM = { prefix: "far", iconName: "square", icon: [448, 512, [9632, 9723, 9724, 61590], "f0c8", "M384 80c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16V416c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16H64c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V96c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16H384zM64 32C28.7 32 0 60.7 0 96V416c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64H384c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V96c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64H64z"] };
var sM = { prefix: "far", iconName: "clock", icon: [512, 512, [128339, "clock-four"], "f017", "M464 256A208 208 0 1 1 48 256a208 208 0 1 1 416 0zM0 256a256 256 0 1 0 512 0A256 256 0 1 0 0 256zM232 120V256c0 8 4 15.5 10.7 20l96 64c11 7.4 25.9 4.4 33.3-6.7s4.4-25.9-6.7-33.3L280 243.2V120c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24s-24 10.7-24 24z"] };
function cM(e20) {
var t10;
return { c: function() {
t10 = Si("g");
}, m: function(n10, r10) {
ki(n10, t10, r10), t10.innerHTML = e20[0];
}, p: function(e21, n10) {
1 & jo(n10, 1)[0] && (t10.innerHTML = e21[0]);
}, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function lM(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = 870711;
var o10 = "", i10 = t10.data;
function a10(e21) {
if (!e21 || !e21.raw)
return "";
var t11 = e21.raw, n11 = {};
return t11 = t11.replace(/\s(?:xml:)?id=["']?([^"')\s]+)/g, function(e23, t12) {
var o11 = "fa-".concat((r10 += 1).toString(16));
return n11[t12] = o11, ' id="'.concat(o11, '"');
}), t11 = t11.replace(/#(?:([^'")\s]+)|xpointer\(id\((['"]?)([^')]+)\2\)\))/g, function(e23, t12, r11, o11) {
var i11 = t12 || o11;
return i11 && n11[i11] ? "#".concat(n11[i11]) : e23;
}), t11;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"data" in e21 && n10(1, i10 = e21.data);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
2 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(0, o10 = a10(i10));
}, [o10, i10];
var uM = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, lM, cM, Xo, { data: 1 }), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function fM(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-1mc5hvj", ".fa-icon.svelte-1mc5hvj{display:inline-block;fill:currentColor}.fa-flip-horizontal.svelte-1mc5hvj{transform:scale(-1, 1)}.fa-flip-vertical.svelte-1mc5hvj{transform:scale(1, -1)}.fa-spin.svelte-1mc5hvj{animation:svelte-1mc5hvj-fa-spin 1s 0s infinite linear}.fa-inverse.svelte-1mc5hvj{color:#fff}.fa-pulse.svelte-1mc5hvj{animation:svelte-1mc5hvj-fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8)}@keyframes svelte-1mc5hvj-fa-spin{0%{transform:rotate(0deg)}100%{transform:rotate(360deg)}}");
function dM(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10 = e20[12].default, a10 = ei(i10, e20, e20[11], null), s10 = [{ version: "1.1" }, { class: n10 = "fa-icon " + e20[0] }, { width: e20[1] }, { height: e20[2] }, { "aria-label": e20[9] }, { role: r10 = e20[9] ? "img" : "presentation" }, { viewBox: e20[3] }, { style: e20[8] }, e20[10]], c10 = {}, l10 = 0; l10 < s10.length; l10 += 1)
c10 = Jo(c10, s10[l10]);
return { c: function() {
t10 = Si("svg"), a10 && a10.c(), Ri(t10, c10), zi(t10, "fa-spin", e20[4]), zi(t10, "fa-pulse", e20[6]), zi(t10, "fa-inverse", e20[5]), zi(t10, "fa-flip-horizontal", "horizontal" === e20[7]), zi(t10, "fa-flip-vertical", "vertical" === e20[7]), zi(t10, "svelte-1mc5hvj", true);
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
ki(e21, t10, n11), a10 && a10.m(t10, null), o10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, l11) {
var u10 = jo(l11, 1)[0];
a10 && a10.p && (!o10 || 2048 & u10) && ri(a10, i10, e21, e21[11], o10 ? ni(i10, e21[11], u10, null) : oi(e21[11]), null), Ri(t10, c10 = Ma(s10, [{ version: "1.1" }, (!o10 || 1 & u10 && n10 !== (n10 = "fa-icon " + e21[0])) && { class: n10 }, (!o10 || 2 & u10) && { width: e21[1] }, (!o10 || 4 & u10) && { height: e21[2] }, (!o10 || 512 & u10) && { "aria-label": e21[9] }, (!o10 || 512 & u10 && r10 !== (r10 = e21[9] ? "img" : "presentation")) && { role: r10 }, (!o10 || 8 & u10) && { viewBox: e21[3] }, (!o10 || 256 & u10) && { style: e21[8] }, 1024 & u10 && e21[10]])), zi(t10, "fa-spin", e21[4]), zi(t10, "fa-pulse", e21[6]), zi(t10, "fa-inverse", e21[5]), zi(t10, "fa-flip-horizontal", "horizontal" === e21[7]), zi(t10, "fa-flip-vertical", "vertical" === e21[7]), zi(t10, "svelte-1mc5hvj", true);
}, i: function(e21) {
o10 || (wa(a10, e21), o10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(a10, e21), o10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), a10 && a10.d(e21);
} };
function hM(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = ["class", "width", "height", "box", "spin", "inverse", "pulse", "flip", "style", "label"], o10 = ai(t10, r10), i10 = t10, a10 = i10.$$slots, s10 = void 0 === a10 ? {} : a10, c10 = i10.$$scope, l10 = t10.class, u10 = void 0 === l10 ? "" : l10, f10 = t10.width, d10 = t10.height, h10 = t10.box, v10 = void 0 === h10 ? "0 0 0 0" : h10, p10 = t10.spin, m10 = void 0 !== p10 && p10, g10 = t10.inverse, y10 = void 0 !== g10 && g10, b10 = t10.pulse, k10 = void 0 !== b10 && b10, w10 = t10.flip, x10 = void 0 === w10 ? "none" : w10, j10 = t10.style, S10 = void 0 === j10 ? "" : j10, C10 = t10.label, $10 = void 0 === C10 ? "" : C10;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
t10 = Jo(Jo({}, t10), ii(e21)), n10(10, o10 = ai(t10, r10)), "class" in e21 && n10(0, u10 = e21.class), "width" in e21 && n10(1, f10 = e21.width), "height" in e21 && n10(2, d10 = e21.height), "box" in e21 && n10(3, v10 = e21.box), "spin" in e21 && n10(4, m10 = e21.spin), "inverse" in e21 && n10(5, y10 = e21.inverse), "pulse" in e21 && n10(6, k10 = e21.pulse), "flip" in e21 && n10(7, x10 = e21.flip), "style" in e21 && n10(8, S10 = e21.style), "label" in e21 && n10(9, $10 = e21.label), "$$scope" in e21 && n10(11, c10 = e21.$$scope);
}, [u10, f10, d10, v10, m10, y10, k10, x10, S10, $10, o10, c10, s10];
var vM = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, hM, dM, Xo, { class: 0, width: 1, height: 2, box: 3, spin: 4, inverse: 5, pulse: 6, flip: 7, style: 8, label: 9 }, fM), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function pM(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[24] = t10[n10], r10;
function mM(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[27] = t10[n10], r10;
function gM(e20) {
for (var t10, n10 = [e20[27]], r10 = {}, o10 = 0; o10 < n10.length; o10 += 1)
r10 = Jo(r10, n10[o10]);
return { c: function() {
Ri(t10 = Si("path"), r10);
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
ki(e21, t10, n11);
}, p: function(e21, o11) {
Ri(t10, r10 = Ma(n10, [64 & o11 && e21[27]]));
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function yM(e20) {
for (var t10, n10 = [e20[24]], r10 = {}, o10 = 0; o10 < n10.length; o10 += 1)
r10 = Jo(r10, n10[o10]);
return { c: function() {
Ri(t10 = Si("polygon"), r10);
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
ki(e21, t10, n11);
}, p: function(e21, o11) {
Ri(t10, r10 = Ma(n10, [64 & o11 && e21[24]]));
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function bM(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
function o10(t11) {
var i10 = {};
return void 0 !== e20[6] && (i10.data = e20[6]), t10 = new uM({ props: i10 }), na.push(function() {
return Aa(t10, "data", o10);
}), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
Ta(t10, e21, n11), r10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, r11) {
var o11 = {};
!n10 && 64 & r11 && (n10 = true, o11.data = e21[6], ua(function() {
return n10 = false;
})), t10.$set(o11);
}, i: function(e21) {
r10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function kM(e20) {
var t10, n10 = e20[15].default, r10 = ei(n10, e20, e20[17], null), o10 = r10 || function(e21) {
for (var t11, n11, r11, o11, i10, a10, s10, c10 = Ca((null === (t11 = e21[6]) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11.paths) || []), l10 = [], u10 = 0; u10 < c10.length; u10 += 1)
l10[u10] = gM(mM(e21, c10, u10));
for (var f10 = Ca((null === (n11 = e21[6]) || void 0 === n11 ? void 0 : n11.polygons) || []), d10 = [], h10 = 0; h10 < f10.length; h10 += 1)
d10[h10] = yM(pM(e21, f10, h10));
var v10 = (null === (r11 = e21[6]) || void 0 === r11 ? void 0 : r11.raw) && bM(e21);
return { c: function() {
for (var e23 = 0; e23 < l10.length; e23 += 1)
o11 = $i();
for (var t12 = 0; t12 < d10.length; t12 += 1)
i10 = $i(), v10 && v10.c(), a10 = _i();
}, m: function(e23, t12) {
for (var n12 = 0; n12 < l10.length; n12 += 1)
l10[n12] && l10[n12].m(e23, t12);
ki(e23, o11, t12);
for (var r12 = 0; r12 < d10.length; r12 += 1)
d10[r12] && d10[r12].m(e23, t12);
ki(e23, i10, t12), v10 && v10.m(e23, t12), ki(e23, a10, t12), s10 = true;
}, p: function(e23, t12) {
var n12;
if (64 & t12) {
var r12, s11;
for (c10 = Ca((null === (r12 = e23[6]) || void 0 === r12 ? void 0 : r12.paths) || []), s11 = 0; s11 < c10.length; s11 += 1) {
var u11 = mM(e23, c10, s11);
l10[s11] ? l10[s11].p(u11, t12) : (l10[s11] = gM(u11), l10[s11].c(), l10[s11].m(o11.parentNode, o11));
for (; s11 < l10.length; s11 += 1)
l10.length = c10.length;
if (64 & t12) {
var h11, p10;
for (f10 = Ca((null === (h11 = e23[6]) || void 0 === h11 ? void 0 : h11.polygons) || []), p10 = 0; p10 < f10.length; p10 += 1) {
var m10 = pM(e23, f10, p10);
d10[p10] ? d10[p10].p(m10, t12) : (d10[p10] = yM(m10), d10[p10].c(), d10[p10].m(i10.parentNode, i10));
for (; p10 < d10.length; p10 += 1)
d10.length = f10.length;
null !== (n12 = e23[6]) && void 0 !== n12 && n12.raw ? v10 ? (v10.p(e23, t12), 64 & t12 && wa(v10, 1)) : ((v10 = bM(e23)).c(), wa(v10, 1), v10.m(a10.parentNode, a10)) : v10 && (ba(), xa(v10, 1, 1, function() {
v10 = null;
}), ka());
}, i: function(e23) {
s10 || (wa(v10), s10 = true);
}, o: function(e23) {
xa(v10), s10 = false;
}, d: function(e23) {
e23 && (wi(o11), wi(i10), wi(a10)), xi(l10, e23), xi(d10, e23), v10 && v10.d(e23);
} };
return { c: function() {
o10 && o10.c();
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
o10 && o10.m(e21, n11), t10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, i10) {
r10 ? r10.p && (!t10 || 131072 & i10) && ri(r10, n10, e21, e21[17], t10 ? ni(n10, e21[17], i10, null) : oi(e21[17]), null) : o10 && o10.p && (!t10 || 64 & i10) && o10.p(e21, t10 ? i10 : -1);
}, i: function(e21) {
t10 || (wa(o10, e21), t10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(o10, e21), t10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
o10 && o10.d(e21);
} };
function wM(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10 = [{ label: e20[5] }, { width: e20[7] }, { height: e20[8] }, { box: e20[10] }, { style: e20[9] }, { spin: e20[1] }, { flip: e20[4] }, { inverse: e20[2] }, { pulse: e20[3] }, { class: e20[0] }, e20[11]], o10 = { $$slots: { default: [kM] }, $$scope: { ctx: e20 } }, i10 = 0; i10 < r10.length; i10 += 1)
o10 = Jo(o10, r10[i10]);
return t10 = new vM({ props: o10 }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
Ta(t10, e21, r11), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var o11 = jo(n11, 1)[0], i11 = 4031 & o11 ? Ma(r10, [32 & o11 && { label: e21[5] }, 128 & o11 && { width: e21[7] }, 256 & o11 && { height: e21[8] }, 1024 & o11 && { box: e21[10] }, 512 & o11 && { style: e21[9] }, 2 & o11 && { spin: e21[1] }, 16 & o11 && { flip: e21[4] }, 4 & o11 && { inverse: e21[2] }, 8 & o11 && { pulse: e21[3] }, 1 & o11 && { class: e21[0] }, 2048 & o11 && Ea(e21[11])]) : {};
131136 & o11 && (i11.$$scope = { dirty: o11, ctx: e21 }), t10.$set(i11);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function xM(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10 = ["class", "data", "scale", "spin", "inverse", "pulse", "flip", "label", "style"], s10 = ai(t10, a10), c10 = t10, l10 = c10.$$slots, u10 = void 0 === l10 ? {} : l10, f10 = c10.$$scope, d10 = t10.class, h10 = void 0 === d10 ? "" : d10, v10 = t10.data, p10 = t10.scale, m10 = void 0 === p10 ? 1 : p10, g10 = t10.spin, y10 = void 0 !== g10 && g10, b10 = t10.inverse, k10 = void 0 !== b10 && b10, w10 = t10.pulse, x10 = void 0 !== w10 && w10, j10 = t10.flip, S10 = void 0 === j10 ? void 0 : j10, C10 = t10.label, $10 = void 0 === C10 ? "" : C10, _10 = t10.style, O10 = void 0 === _10 ? "" : _10, M10 = 10, E10 = 10;
function A10() {
var e21 = 1;
return void 0 !== m10 && (e21 = Number(m10)), isNaN(e21) || e21 <= 0 ? (console.warn('Invalid prop: prop "scale" should be a number over 0.'), 1) : 1 * e21;
function P10() {
return r10 ? Math.max(r10.width, r10.height) / 16 : 1;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
t10 = Jo(Jo({}, t10), ii(e21)), n10(11, s10 = ai(t10, a10)), "class" in e21 && n10(0, h10 = e21.class), "data" in e21 && n10(12, v10 = e21.data), "scale" in e21 && n10(13, m10 = e21.scale), "spin" in e21 && n10(1, y10 = e21.spin), "inverse" in e21 && n10(2, k10 = e21.inverse), "pulse" in e21 && n10(3, x10 = e21.pulse), "flip" in e21 && n10(4, S10 = e21.flip), "label" in e21 && n10(5, $10 = e21.label), "style" in e21 && n10(14, O10 = e21.style), "$$scope" in e21 && n10(17, f10 = e21.$$scope);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
28672 & e20.$$.dirty && (n10(6, r10 = function(e21) {
var t11;
if (e21) {
if (!("definition" in e21)) {
if ("iconName" in e21 && "icon" in e21) {
var n11 = jo(e21.icon, 5), r11 = n11[0], o11 = n11[1], i11 = n11[4];
t11 = { width: r11, height: o11, paths: (Array.isArray(i11) ? i11 : [i11]).map(function(e23) {
return { d: e23 };
}) };
} else
t11 = e21[Object.keys(e21)[0]];
return t11;
console.error("`import faIconName from '@fortawesome/package-name/faIconName` not supported - Please use `import { faIconName } from '@fortawesome/package-name/faIconName'` instead");
}(v10)), n10(7, M10 = r10 ? r10.width / P10() * A10() : 0), n10(8, E10 = r10 ? r10.height / P10() * A10() : 0), n10(9, o10 = function() {
var e21 = "";
null !== O10 && (e21 += O10);
var t11 = A10();
return 1 === t11 ? 0 === e21.length ? "" : e21 : ("" === e21 || e21.endsWith(";") || (e21 += "; "), "".concat(e21, "font-size: ").concat(t11, "em"));
}()), n10(10, i10 = r10 ? "0 0 ".concat(r10.width, " ").concat(r10.height) : "0 0 ".concat(M10, " ").concat(E10)));
}, [h10, y10, k10, x10, S10, $10, r10, M10, E10, o10, i10, s10, v10, m10, O10, u10, function(e21) {
n10(6, r10 = e21), n10(12, v10), n10(14, O10), n10(13, m10);
}, f10];
var jM = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, xM, wM, Xo, { class: 0, data: 12, scale: 13, spin: 1, inverse: 2, pulse: 3, flip: 4, label: 5, style: 14 }), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function SM(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-68vtq4", ".jse-boolean-toggle.svelte-68vtq4{padding:0;margin:1px 0 0;vertical-align:top;display:inline-flex;color:var(--jse-value-color-boolean, #ff8c00)}.jse-boolean-toggle.svelte-68vtq4:not(.jse-readonly){cursor:pointer}");
function CM(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10;
return n10 = new jM({ props: { data: true === e20[0] ? iM : aM } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), Ai(t10, "role", "checkbox"), Ai(t10, "tabindex", "-1"), Ai(t10, "aria-checked", r10 = true === e20[0]), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-boolean-toggle svelte-68vtq4"), Ai(t10, "title", o10 = e20[1] ? "Boolean value ".concat(e20[0]) : "Click to toggle this boolean value"), zi(t10, "jse-readonly", e20[1]);
}, m: function(r11, o11) {
ki(r11, t10, o11), Ta(n10, t10, null), i10 = true, a10 || (s10 = Oi(t10, "mousedown", e20[2]), a10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, a11) {
var s11 = jo(a11, 1)[0], c10 = {};
1 & s11 && (c10.data = true === e21[0] ? iM : aM), n10.$set(c10), (!i10 || 1 & s11 && r10 !== (r10 = true === e21[0])) && Ai(t10, "aria-checked", r10), (!i10 || 3 & s11 && o10 !== (o10 = e21[1] ? "Boolean value ".concat(e21[0]) : "Click to toggle this boolean value")) && Ai(t10, "title", o10), (!i10 || 2 & s11) && zi(t10, "jse-readonly", e21[1]);
}, i: function(e21) {
i10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), i10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), i10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10), a10 = false, s10();
} };
function $M(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = t10.path, o10 = t10.value, i10 = t10.readOnly, a10 = t10.onPatch, s10 = t10.focus;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"path" in e21 && n10(3, r10 = e21.path), "value" in e21 && n10(0, o10 = e21.value), "readOnly" in e21 && n10(1, i10 = e21.readOnly), "onPatch" in e21 && n10(4, a10 = e21.onPatch), "focus" in e21 && n10(5, s10 = e21.focus);
}, [o10, i10, function(e21) {
e21.stopPropagation(), i10 || (a10([{ op: "replace", path: Zs(r10), value: !o10 }]), s10());
}, r10, a10, s10];
var _M = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, $M, CM, Zo, { path: 3, value: 0, readOnly: 1, onPatch: 4, focus: 5 }, SM), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function OM(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-1f4ayrt", ".jse-color-picker-popup.svelte-1f4ayrt .picker_wrapper.popup,.jse-color-picker-popup.svelte-1f4ayrt .picker_wrapper.popup .picker_arrow::before,.jse-color-picker-popup.svelte-1f4ayrt .picker_wrapper.popup .picker_arrow::after{background:var(--jse-color-picker-background, var(--jse-panel-background, #ebebeb));line-height:normal}.jse-color-picker-popup.svelte-1f4ayrt .picker_slider,.jse-color-picker-popup.svelte-1f4ayrt .picker_sl,.jse-color-picker-popup.svelte-1f4ayrt .picker_editor input,.jse-color-picker-popup.svelte-1f4ayrt .picker_sample,.jse-color-picker-popup.svelte-1f4ayrt .picker_done button{box-shadow:var(--jse-color-picker-border-box-shadow, #cbcbcb 0 0 0 1px)}.jse-color-picker-popup.svelte-1f4ayrt .picker_editor input{background:var(--jse-background-color, #fff);color:var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d)}.jse-color-picker-popup.svelte-1f4ayrt .picker_done button{background:var(--jse-button-background, #e0e0e0);color:var(--jse-button-color, var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d))}.jse-color-picker-popup.svelte-1f4ayrt .picker_done button:hover{background:var(--jse-button-background-highlight, #e7e7e7)}");
function MM(e20) {
var t10;
return { c: function() {
Ai(t10 = ji("div"), "class", "jse-color-picker-popup svelte-1f4ayrt");
}, m: function(n10, r10) {
ki(n10, t10, r10), e20[4](t10);
}, p: Wo, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(n10) {
n10 && wi(t10), e20[4](null);
} };
function EM(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = t10.color, i10 = t10.onChange, a10 = t10.showOnTop, s10 = function() {
return Gi(xo(ko().mark(function e21() {
var t11, n11, c10;
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return e23.next = 2, Promise.resolve().then(function() {
return ote;
case 2:
if (e23.t1 = t11 = e23.sent, e23.t0 = null === e23.t1, e23.t0) {
e23.next = 6;
e23.t0 = void 0 === t11;
case 6:
if (!e23.t0) {
e23.next = 10;
e23.t2 = void 0, e23.next = 11;
case 10:
e23.t2 = t11.default;
case 11:
n11 = e23.t2, c10 = new n11({ parent: r10, color: o10, popup: a10 ? "top" : "bottom", onDone: function(e24) {
var t12 = 1 === e24.rgba[3] ? e24.hex.substring(0, 7) : e24.hex;
} }), c10.show(), s10 = function() {
case 15:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))), Qi(function() {
}), e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"color" in e21 && n10(1, o10 = e21.color), "onChange" in e21 && n10(2, i10 = e21.onChange), "showOnTop" in e21 && n10(3, a10 = e21.showOnTop);
}, [r10, o10, i10, a10, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(0, r10 = e21);
var AM = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, EM, MM, Xo, { color: 1, onChange: 2, showOnTop: 3 }, OM), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function PM(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-1zzxwe", ".jse-color-picker-button.svelte-1zzxwe{font-size:var(--jse-font-size-mono, 14px);width:var(--jse-color-picker-button-size, 1em);height:var(--jse-color-picker-button-size, 1em);box-sizing:border-box;padding:0;margin:2px 0 0;display:inline-flex;vertical-align:top;border:1px solid var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d);border-radius:2px;background:inherit;outline:none}.jse-color-picker-button.svelte-1zzxwe:not(.jse-readonly){cursor:pointer}");
function TM(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10;
return { c: function() {
Ai(t10 = ji("button"), "type", "button"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-color-picker-button svelte-1zzxwe"), Di(t10, "background", e20[2]), Ai(t10, "title", n10 = e20[1] ? "Color ".concat(e20[0]) : "Click to open a color picker"), zi(t10, "jse-readonly", e20[1]);
}, m: function(n11, i10) {
ki(n11, t10, i10), r10 || (o10 = Oi(t10, "click", e20[3]), r10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, r11) {
var o11 = jo(r11, 1)[0];
4 & o11 && Di(t10, "background", e21[2]), 3 & o11 && n10 !== (n10 = e21[1] ? "Color ".concat(e21[0]) : "Click to open a color picker") && Ai(t10, "title", n10), 2 & o11 && zi(t10, "jse-readonly", e21[1]);
}, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), r10 = false, o10();
} };
function RM(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = Zi("absolute-popup").openAbsolutePopup, i10 = t10.path, a10 = t10.value, s10 = t10.readOnly, c10 = t10.onPatch, l10 = t10.focus;
function u10(e21) {
c10([{ op: "replace", path: Zs(i10), value: e21 }]), f10();
function f10() {
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"path" in e21 && n10(4, i10 = e21.path), "value" in e21 && n10(0, a10 = e21.value), "readOnly" in e21 && n10(1, s10 = e21.readOnly), "onPatch" in e21 && n10(5, c10 = e21.onPatch), "focus" in e21 && n10(6, l10 = e21.focus);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
1 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(2, r10 = Xl(a10));
}, [a10, s10, r10, function(e21) {
var t11, n11;
if (!s10) {
var r11 = e21.target, i11 = r11.getBoundingClientRect().top, c11 = null !== (t11 = null === (n11 = SO(r11)) || void 0 === n11 ? void 0 : n11.innerHeight) && void 0 !== t11 ? t11 : 0;
o10(AM, { color: a10, onChange: u10, showOnTop: c11 - i11 < 300 && i11 > 300 }, { anchor: r11, closeOnOuterClick: true, onClose: f10, offsetTop: 18, offsetLeft: -8, height: 300 });
}, i10, c10, l10];
var NM = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, RM, TM, Zo, { path: 4, value: 0, readOnly: 1, onPatch: 5, focus: 6 }, PM), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function IM(e20) {
for (var t10 = GS(e20, function(e21) {
return e21.start;
}), n10 = [t10[0]], r10 = 0; r10 < t10.length; r10++) {
var o10 = n10.length - 1, i10 = n10[o10], a10 = t10[r10];
a10.start <= i10.end ? n10[o10] = { start: Math.min(i10.start, a10.start), end: Math.max(i10.end, a10.end) } : n10.push(a10);
return n10;
function DM(e20, t10) {
return e20.some(function(e21) {
return t10 >= e21.start && t10 < e21.end;
function qM(e20) {
return zM(e20) + ls;
function zM(e20) {
return Math.floor(e20 / ls) * ls;
function BM(e20) {
var t10 = { expandedMap: {}, enforceStringMap: {}, visibleSectionsMap: {}, selection: null, sortedColumn: null };
return null != e20 && e20.select && void 0 !== e20.json && (t10 = Ro(Ro({}, t10), {}, { selection: e20.select(e20.json, t10) })), null != e20 && e20.expand && (t10 = HM(e20.json, t10, [], e20.expand)), t10;
function LM(e20, t10) {
return e20.visibleSectionsMap[t10] || ds;
function FM(e20, t10, n10) {
t10.forEach(function(t11) {
var r10 = t11.start, o10 = t11.end;
R_(r10, Math.min(e20.length, o10), n10);
function VM(e20, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = Ro({}, t10.expandedMap), o10 = Ro({}, t10.visibleSectionsMap), i10 = 0; i10 < n10.length; i10++) {
var a10 = n10.slice(0, i10), s10 = Zs(a10), c10 = Ws(e20, a10);
if (Ql(c10) && (r10[s10] = true), Array.isArray(c10) && i10 < n10.length) {
var l10 = o10[s10] || ds, u10 = Ul(n10[i10]);
if (!DM(l10, u10)) {
var f10 = zM(u10), d10 = { start: f10, end: qM(f10) };
o10[s10] = IM(l10.concat(d10));
return Ro(Ro({}, t10), {}, { expandedMap: r10, visibleSectionsMap: o10 });
function HM(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = Ro({}, t10.expandedMap);
var i10 = n10.slice(), a10 = void 0 !== e20 ? Ws(e20, n10) : e20;
return void 0 !== a10 && function e21(n11) {
var a11 = i10.length;
if (Array.isArray(n11)) {
if (r10(i10)) {
var s10 = Zs(i10);
if (o10[s10] = true, n11.length > 0) {
var c10 = LM(t10, s10);
FM(n11, c10, function(t11) {
i10[a11] = String(t11), e21(n11[t11]);
}), i10.pop();
} else if (Gl(n11) && r10(i10)) {
o10[Zs(i10)] = true;
var l10 = Object.keys(n11);
if (l10.length > 0) {
var u10, f10 = bo(l10);
try {
for (f10.s(); !(u10 = f10.n()).done; ) {
var d10 = u10.value;
i10[a11] = d10, e21(n11[d10]);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
}(a10), Ro(Ro({}, t10), {}, { expandedMap: o10 });
function WM(e20, t10) {
var n10 = QM(e20.expandedMap, t10), r10 = QM(e20.enforceStringMap, t10), o10 = QM(e20.visibleSectionsMap, t10);
return Ro(Ro({}, e20), {}, { expandedMap: n10, enforceStringMap: r10, visibleSectionsMap: o10 });
function UM(e20, t10, n10) {
if (n10) {
var r10 = Ro({}, e20.enforceStringMap);
return r10[t10] = n10, Ro(Ro({}, e20), {}, { enforceStringMap: r10 });
if ("boolean" == typeof e20.enforceStringMap[t10]) {
var o10 = Ro({}, e20.enforceStringMap);
return delete o10[t10], Ro(Ro({}, e20), {}, { enforceStringMap: o10 });
return e20;
function JM(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = rc(e20, n10), o10 = n10.reduce(function(e21, t11) {
return Ns(t11) ? KM(r10, e21, t11) : Is(t11) ? GM(r10, e21, t11) : Ds(t11) ? function(e23, t12, n11) {
var r11 = n11.path, o11 = tE(e23, t12.expandedMap), i10 = tE(e23, t12.enforceStringMap), a10 = tE(e23, t12.visibleSectionsMap);
Rs(n11.value) || Ts(n11.value) || delete o11[r11];
Ts(n11.value) || delete a10[r11];
(Rs(n11.value) || Ts(n11.value)) && delete i10[r11];
return Ro(Ro({}, t12), {}, { expandedMap: o11, enforceStringMap: i10, visibleSectionsMap: a10 });
}(r10, e21, t11) : qs(t11) || zs(t11) ? function(e23, t12, n11) {
if (zs(n11) && n11.from === n11.path)
return t12;
var r11 = function(e24) {
return n11.path + e24.substring(n11.from.length);
}, o11 = ZM(YM(t12.expandedMap, n11.from), r11), i10 = ZM(YM(t12.enforceStringMap, n11.from), r11), a10 = ZM(YM(t12.visibleSectionsMap, n11.from), r11), s10 = t12;
zs(n11) && (s10 = GM(e23, s10, { op: "remove", path: n11.from }));
s10 = KM(e23, s10, { op: "add", path: n11.path, value: null });
var c10 = XM(s10.expandedMap, o11), l10 = XM(s10.enforceStringMap, i10), u10 = XM(s10.visibleSectionsMap, a10);
return Ro(Ro({}, t12), {}, { expandedMap: c10, enforceStringMap: l10, visibleSectionsMap: u10 });
}(r10, e21, t11) : e21;
}, t10);
return { json: r10, documentState: o10 };
function KM(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = dc(e20, n10.path), o10 = Qk(r10), i10 = Zs(o10);
if (Ts(Ws(e20, o10))) {
var a10 = Ul(vb(r10)), s10 = eE(t10.expandedMap, o10, a10, 1), c10 = eE(t10.enforceStringMap, o10, a10, 1), l10 = eE(t10.visibleSectionsMap, o10, a10, 1);
return l10 = nE(l10, i10, function(e21) {
return rE(e21, a10, 1);
}), Ro(Ro({}, t10), {}, { expandedMap: s10, enforceStringMap: c10, visibleSectionsMap: l10 });
return t10;
function GM(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = dc(e20, n10.path), o10 = Qk(r10), i10 = Zs(o10), a10 = Ws(e20, o10), s10 = t10.expandedMap, c10 = t10.enforceStringMap, l10 = t10.visibleSectionsMap;
if (s10 = QM(s10, r10), c10 = QM(c10, r10), l10 = QM(l10, r10), Ts(a10)) {
var u10 = Ul(vb(r10));
s10 = eE(s10, o10, u10, -1), c10 = eE(c10, o10, u10, -1), l10 = nE(l10 = eE(l10, o10, u10, -1), i10, function(e21) {
return rE(e21, u10, -1);
return Ro(Ro({}, t10), {}, { expandedMap: s10, enforceStringMap: c10, visibleSectionsMap: l10 });
function QM(e20, t10) {
var n10 = {}, r10 = Zs(t10);
return Object.keys(e20).forEach(function(t11) {
nc(t11, r10) || (n10[t11] = e20[t11]);
}), n10;
function YM(e20, t10) {
var n10 = {};
return Object.keys(e20).forEach(function(r10) {
nc(r10, t10) && (n10[r10] = e20[r10]);
}), n10;
function XM(e20, t10) {
return Ro(Ro({}, e20), t10);
function ZM(e20, t10) {
var n10 = {};
return Object.keys(e20).forEach(function(r10) {
var o10 = t10(r10);
n10[o10] = e20[r10];
}), n10;
function eE(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = t10.length, i10 = Zs(t10), a10 = [], s10 = 0, c10 = Object.keys(e20); s10 < c10.length; s10++) {
var l10 = c10[s10];
if (nc(l10, i10)) {
var u10 = Xs(l10), f10 = Ul(u10[o10]);
f10 >= n10 && (u10[o10] = String(f10 + r10), a10.push({ oldPointer: l10, newPointer: Zs(u10), value: e20[l10] }));
if (0 === a10.length)
return e20;
var d10 = Ro({}, e20);
return a10.forEach(function(e21) {
delete d10[e21.oldPointer];
}), a10.forEach(function(e21) {
d10[e21.newPointer] = e21.value;
}), d10;
function tE(e20, t10) {
var n10 = {};
return Object.keys(t10).filter(function(t11) {
return Ys(e20, dc(e20, t11));
}).forEach(function(e21) {
n10[e21] = t10[e21];
}), n10;
function nE(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20[t10];
if (t10 in e20) {
var o10 = n10(r10);
if (!Ow(r10, o10)) {
var i10 = Ro({}, e20);
return void 0 === o10 ? delete i10[t10] : i10[t10] = o10, i10;
return e20;
function rE(e20, t10, n10) {
return function(e21) {
var t11 = e21.slice(0), n11 = 1;
for (; n11 < t11.length; )
t11[n11 - 1].end === t11[n11].start && (t11[n11 - 1] = { start: t11[n11 - 1].start, end: t11[n11].end }, t11.splice(n11)), n11++;
return t11;
}(e20.map(function(e21) {
return { start: e21.start > t10 ? e21.start + n10 : e21.start, end: e21.end > t10 ? e21.end + n10 : e21.end };
function oE(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = t10 ? t10[n10] : void 0;
return "boolean" == typeof o10 ? o10 : function(e21, t11) {
return "string" == typeof e21 && "string" != typeof ru(e21, t11);
}(e20, r10);
function iE(e20, t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2], r10 = e20.indexOf(t10);
return -1 !== r10 ? n10 ? e20.slice(r10) : e20.slice(r10 + 1) : [];
function aE(e20, t10) {
var n10 = [];
return function e21(r10, o10) {
var i10 = Zs(o10);
if (r10 && true === t10.expandedMap[i10]) {
if (Ts(r10)) {
var a10 = LM(t10, i10);
FM(r10, a10, function(t11) {
e21(r10[t11], o10.concat(String(t11)));
Rs(r10) && Object.keys(r10).forEach(function(t11) {
e21(r10[t11], o10.concat(t11));
}(e20, []), n10;
function sE(e20, t10) {
var n10 = !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2], r10 = [];
return function e21(o10, i10) {
r10.push({ path: i10, type: Xa.value });
var a10 = Zs(i10);
if (o10 && true === t10.expandedMap[a10]) {
if (n10 && r10.push({ path: i10, type: Xa.inside }), Ts(o10)) {
var s10 = LM(t10, a10);
FM(o10, s10, function(t11) {
var a11 = i10.concat(String(t11));
e21(o10[t11], a11), n10 && r10.push({ path: a11, type: Xa.after });
if (Rs(o10))
Object.keys(o10).forEach(function(t11) {
var a11 = i10.concat(t11);
r10.push({ path: a11, type: Xa.key }), e21(o10[t11], a11), n10 && r10.push({ path: a11, type: Xa.after });
}(e20, []), r10;
function cE(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = aE(e20, t10), o10 = r10.map(Zs).indexOf(Zs(n10));
return -1 !== o10 && o10 < r10.length - 1 ? r10[o10 + 1] : null;
function lE(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = Ws(e20, n10);
return void 0 === r10 ? t10 : HM(e20, t10, n10, !X_({ json: r10 }, ms) ? fE : uE);
function uE(e20) {
return 0 === e20.length || 1 === e20.length && "0" === e20[0];
function fE() {
return true;
function dE(e20) {
return e20 && e20.type === Ya.after || false;
function hE(e20) {
return e20 && e20.type === Ya.inside || false;
function vE(e20) {
return e20 && e20.type === Ya.key || false;
function pE(e20) {
return e20 && e20.type === Ya.value || false;
function mE(e20) {
return e20 && e20.type === Ya.multi || false;
function gE(e20) {
return mE(e20) && Ow(e20.focusPath, e20.anchorPath);
function yE(e20) {
return mE(e20) || dE(e20) || hE(e20) || vE(e20) || pE(e20);
function bE(e20) {
return e20 && e20.type === Ya.text || false;
function kE(e20, t10) {
var n10 = [];
return function(e21, t11, n11) {
if (!t11)
var r10 = KE(t11), o10 = JE(t11);
if (Ow(r10, o10))
return n11(r10);
if (void 0 === e21)
var i10 = OE(r10, o10);
if (r10.length === i10.length || o10.length === i10.length)
return n11(i10);
var a10 = DE(r10, o10), s10 = xE(e21, a10), c10 = jE(e21, a10), l10 = UE(e21, a10, s10), u10 = UE(e21, a10, c10);
if (-1 === l10 || -1 === u10)
var f10 = Ws(e21, i10);
if (Rs(f10)) {
for (var d10 = Object.keys(f10), h10 = l10; h10 <= u10; h10++) {
var v10 = n11(i10.concat(d10[h10]));
if (void 0 !== v10)
return v10;
if (Ts(f10)) {
for (var p10 = l10; p10 <= u10; p10++) {
var m10 = n11(i10.concat(String(p10)));
if (void 0 !== m10)
return m10;
throw new Error("Failed to create selection");
}(e20, t10, function(e21) {
}), n10;
function wE(e20) {
return hE(e20) ? e20.path : Qk(JE(e20));
function xE(e20, t10) {
if (!mE(t10))
return t10.path;
var n10 = UE(e20, t10, t10.anchorPath);
return UE(e20, t10, t10.focusPath) < n10 ? t10.focusPath : t10.anchorPath;
function jE(e20, t10) {
if (!mE(t10))
return t10.path;
var n10 = UE(e20, t10, t10.anchorPath);
return UE(e20, t10, t10.focusPath) > n10 ? t10.focusPath : t10.anchorPath;
function SE(e20, t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2], r10 = t10.selection;
if (!r10)
return null;
var o10 = n10 ? JE(r10) : xE(e20, r10), i10 = function(e21, t11, n11) {
var r11 = aE(e21, t11), o11 = r11.map(Zs), i11 = Zs(n11), a11 = o11.indexOf(i11);
return -1 !== a11 && a11 > 0 ? r11[a11 - 1] : null;
}(e20, t10, o10);
if (n10)
return hE(r10) || dE(r10) ? null !== i10 ? DE(o10, o10) : null : null !== i10 ? DE(KE(r10), i10) : null;
if (dE(r10))
return RE(o10, false);
if (hE(r10))
return RE(o10, false);
if (vE(r10)) {
if (null == i10 || 0 === i10.length)
return null;
var a10 = Ws(e20, Qk(i10));
return Array.isArray(a10) || _w(i10) ? RE(i10, false) : TE(i10, false);
return pE(r10), null !== i10 ? RE(i10, false) : null;
function CE(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = t10.selection;
if (!r10)
return { caret: null, previous: null, next: null };
var o10 = sE(e20, t10, n10), i10 = o10.findIndex(function(e21) {
return Ow(e21.path, JE(r10)) && String(e21.type) === String(r10.type);
return { caret: -1 !== i10 ? o10[i10] : null, previous: -1 !== i10 && i10 > 0 ? o10[i10 - 1] : null, next: -1 !== i10 && i10 < o10.length - 1 ? o10[i10 + 1] : null };
function $E(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = aE(e20, t10), r10 = 0; r10 < n10.length - 1 && n10[r10 + 1].length > n10[r10].length; )
var o10 = n10[r10];
return void 0 === o10 || 0 === o10.length || Array.isArray(Ws(e20, Qk(o10))) ? RE(o10, false) : TE(o10, false);
function _E(e20, t10) {
if (1 === t10.length) {
var n10 = ck(t10);
if ("replace" === n10.op)
return RE(dc(e20, n10.path), false);
if (!_w(t10) && t10.every(function(e21) {
return "move" === e21.op;
})) {
var r10 = ck(t10), o10 = t10.slice(1);
if ((qs(r10) || zs(r10)) && r10.from !== r10.path && o10.every(function(e21) {
return (qs(e21) || zs(e21)) && e21.from === e21.path;
return TE(dc(e20, r10.path), false);
var i10 = t10.filter(function(e21) {
return "test" !== e21.op && "remove" !== e21.op && ("move" !== e21.op || e21.from !== e21.path) && "string" == typeof e21.path;
}).map(function(t11) {
return dc(e20, t11.path);
return _w(i10) ? null : { type: Ya.multi, anchorPath: ck(i10), focusPath: vb(i10) };
function OE(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = 0; n10 < e20.length && n10 < t10.length && e20[n10] === t10[n10]; )
return e20.slice(0, n10);
function ME(e20) {
return vE(e20) || pE(e20) || gE(e20);
function EE(e20, t10) {
return ME(t10) && Ql(Ws(e20, JE(t10))) ? JE(t10) : Qk(JE(t10));
function AE(e20, t10) {
if (e20.length < t10.length)
return false;
for (var n10 = 0; n10 < t10.length; n10++)
if (e20[n10] !== t10[n10])
return false;
return true;
function PE(e20) {
var t10 = e20.selection;
return (vE(t10) || pE(t10)) && t10.edit ? Ro(Ro({}, e20), {}, { selection: Ro(Ro({}, t10), {}, { edit: false }) }) : e20;
function TE(e20, t10) {
return { type: Ya.key, path: e20, edit: t10 };
function RE(e20, t10) {
return { type: Ya.value, path: e20, edit: t10 };
function NE(e20) {
return { type: Ya.inside, path: e20 };
function IE(e20) {
return { type: Ya.after, path: e20 };
function DE(e20, t10) {
var n10 = OE(e20, t10), r10 = e20.length > n10.length && t10.length > n10.length;
return { type: Ya.multi, anchorPath: r10 ? n10.concat(e20[n10.length]) : n10, focusPath: r10 ? n10.concat(t10[n10.length]) : n10 };
function qE(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
if (vE(t10))
return String(vb(t10.path));
if (pE(t10)) {
var o10, i10 = Ws(e20, t10.path);
return "string" == typeof i10 ? i10 : null !== (o10 = r10.stringify(i10, null, n10)) && void 0 !== o10 ? o10 : null;
if (mE(t10)) {
var a10;
if (_w(t10.focusPath))
return null !== (a10 = r10.stringify(e20, null, n10)) && void 0 !== a10 ? a10 : null;
var s10 = wE(t10), c10 = Ws(e20, s10);
if (Array.isArray(c10)) {
if (gE(t10)) {
var l10, u10 = Ws(e20, t10.focusPath);
return null !== (l10 = r10.stringify(u10, null, n10)) && void 0 !== l10 ? l10 : null;
return kE(e20, t10).map(function(t11) {
var o11 = Ws(e20, t11);
return "".concat(r10.stringify(o11, null, n10), ",");
return kE(e20, t10).map(function(t11) {
var o11 = vb(t11), i11 = Ws(e20, t11);
return "".concat(r10.stringify(o11), ": ").concat(r10.stringify(i11, null, n10), ",");
return null;
function zE(e20) {
return (vE(e20) || pE(e20)) && true === e20.edit;
function BE(e20) {
return vE(e20) || pE(e20) || mE(e20);
function LE(e20) {
return vE(e20) || pE(e20) || gE(e20);
function FE(e20) {
switch (e20.type) {
case Xa.key:
return TE(e20.path, false);
case Xa.value:
return RE(e20.path, false);
case Xa.after:
return IE(e20.path);
case Xa.inside:
return NE(e20.path);
function VE(e20, t10, n10) {
switch (t10) {
case Ya.key:
return TE(n10, false);
case Ya.value:
return RE(n10, false);
case Ya.after:
return IE(n10);
case Ya.inside:
return NE(n10);
case Ya.multi:
case Ya.text:
return DE(n10, n10);
function HE(e20, t10, n10) {
return t10 && (WE(e20, t10, n10) || AE(mE(t10) ? Qk(t10.focusPath) : t10.path, n10)) ? t10 : null;
function WE(e20, t10, n10) {
if (void 0 === e20 || !t10)
return false;
if (vE(t10) || hE(t10) || dE(t10))
return Ow(t10.path, n10);
if (pE(t10))
return AE(n10, t10.path);
if (mE(t10)) {
var r10 = xE(e20, t10), o10 = jE(e20, t10), i10 = Qk(t10.focusPath);
if (!AE(n10, i10) || n10.length <= i10.length)
return false;
var a10 = UE(e20, t10, r10), s10 = UE(e20, t10, o10), c10 = UE(e20, t10, n10);
return -1 !== c10 && c10 >= a10 && c10 <= s10;
return false;
function UE(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = Qk(t10.focusPath);
if (!AE(n10, r10) || n10.length <= r10.length)
return -1;
var o10 = n10[r10.length], i10 = Ws(e20, r10);
if (Rs(i10))
return Object.keys(i10).indexOf(o10);
if (Ts(i10)) {
var a10 = Ul(o10);
if (a10 < i10.length)
return a10;
return -1;
function JE(e20) {
return mE(e20) ? e20.focusPath : e20.path;
function KE(e20) {
return mE(e20) ? e20.anchorPath : e20.path;
function GE() {
for (var e20 = [], t10 = arguments.length, n10 = new Array(t10), r10 = 0; r10 < t10; r10++)
n10[r10] = arguments[r10];
for (var o10 = 0, i10 = n10; o10 < i10.length; o10++) {
var a10 = i10[o10];
if ("string" == typeof a10 && e20.push(a10), a10 && "object" === Ho(a10))
for (var s10 in a10)
Object.hasOwnProperty.call(a10, s10) && a10[s10] && e20.push(s10);
return e20.join(" ");
function QE(e20, t10) {
return GE("jse-value", "jse-" + eu(e20, t10), { "jse-url": nu(e20), "jse-empty": "string" == typeof e20 && 0 === e20.length });
function YE(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-zwlnit", ".jse-value.jse-string.svelte-zwlnit{color:var(--jse-value-color-string, #008000)}.jse-value.jse-object.svelte-zwlnit,.jse-value.jse-array.svelte-zwlnit{min-width:16px;color:var(--jse-delimiter-color, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38))}.jse-value.jse-number.svelte-zwlnit{color:var(--jse-value-color-number, #ee422e)}.jse-value.jse-boolean.svelte-zwlnit{color:var(--jse-value-color-boolean, #ff8c00)}.jse-value.jse-null.svelte-zwlnit{color:var(--jse-value-color-null, #004ed0)}.jse-value.jse-invalid.svelte-zwlnit{color:var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d)}.jse-value.jse-url.svelte-zwlnit{color:var(--jse-value-color-url, #008000);text-decoration:underline}div.jse-editable-div.svelte-zwlnit{min-width:2em;padding:0 5px;box-sizing:border-box;outline:none;border-radius:1px;vertical-align:top;cursor:text !important;word-break:normal;white-space:pre-wrap;overflow-wrap:anywhere}div.jse-editable-div.jse-short-text.svelte-zwlnit{overflow-wrap:normal}div.jse-editable-div[contenteditable=true].svelte-zwlnit{outline:var(--jse-edit-outline, 2px solid #656565);background:inherit !important;position:relative;border-radius:0;z-index:3}div.jse-editable-div.jse-empty.svelte-zwlnit:not(:focus){outline:1px dotted var(--jse-tag-background, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2));-moz-outline-radius:2px}div.jse-editable-div.jse-empty.svelte-zwlnit::after{pointer-events:none;color:var(--jse-tag-background, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2))}");
function XE(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10;
return { c: function() {
Ai(t10 = ji("div"), "role", "textbox"), Ai(t10, "tabindex", "0"), Ai(t10, "class", n10 = si(GE("jse-editable-div", e20[2], { "jse-short-text": e20[0] })) + " svelte-zwlnit"), Ai(t10, "contenteditable", "true"), Ai(t10, "spellcheck", "false");
}, m: function(n11, i10) {
ki(n11, t10, i10), e20[13](t10), r10 || (o10 = [Oi(t10, "input", e20[3]), Oi(t10, "keydown", e20[4]), Oi(t10, "paste", e20[5]), Oi(t10, "blur", e20[6])], r10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, r11) {
5 & jo(r11, 1)[0] && n10 !== (n10 = si(GE("jse-editable-div", e21[2], { "jse-short-text": e21[0] })) + " svelte-zwlnit") && Ai(t10, "class", n10);
}, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(n11) {
n11 && wi(t10), e20[13](null), r10 = false, Qo(o10);
} };
function ZE(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10 = Da("jsoneditor:EditableDiv"), a10 = t10.value, s10 = t10.shortText, c10 = void 0 !== s10 && s10, l10 = t10.onChange, u10 = t10.onCancel, f10 = t10.onFind, d10 = t10.onPaste, h10 = void 0 === d10 ? Mf : d10, v10 = t10.onValueClass, p10 = void 0 === v10 ? function() {
return "";
} : v10, m10 = false;
function g10() {
return r10 ? function(e21) {
return e21.replace(/\n$/, "");
}(r10.innerText) : "";
function y10(e21) {
r10 && n10(1, r10.innerText = gO(e21), r10);
function b10() {
var e21 = g10();
"" === e21 && y10(""), n10(2, o10 = p10(e21));
function k10() {
m10 = true, u10();
return Gi(function() {
i10("onMount", { value: a10 }), y10(a10), r10 && (xO(r10), n10(1, r10.refresh = b10, r10), n10(1, r10.cancel = k10, r10));
}), Qi(function() {
var e21 = g10();
i10("onDestroy", { closed: m10, value: a10, newValue: e21 }), m10 || e21 === a10 || l10(e21, ns.no);
}), e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"value" in e21 && n10(7, a10 = e21.value), "shortText" in e21 && n10(0, c10 = e21.shortText), "onChange" in e21 && n10(8, l10 = e21.onChange), "onCancel" in e21 && n10(9, u10 = e21.onCancel), "onFind" in e21 && n10(10, f10 = e21.onFind), "onPaste" in e21 && n10(11, h10 = e21.onPaste), "onValueClass" in e21 && n10(12, p10 = e21.onValueClass);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
4224 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(2, o10 = p10(a10));
}, [c10, r10, o10, b10, function(e21) {
var t11 = PO(e21);
if ("Escape" === t11 && k10(), "Enter" === t11 || "Tab" === t11) {
m10 = true;
var n11 = g10();
l10(n11, ns.nextInside);
"Ctrl+F" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), f10(false)), "Ctrl+H" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), f10(true));
}, function(e21) {
if (e21.stopPropagation(), h10 && e21.clipboardData) {
var t11 = e21.clipboardData.getData("text/plain");
}, function() {
var e21 = document.hasFocus(), t11 = g10();
i10("handleBlur", { hasFocus: e21, closed: m10, value: a10, newValue: t11 }), document.hasFocus() && !m10 && (m10 = true, t11 !== a10 && l10(t11, ns.self));
}, a10, l10, u10, f10, h10, p10, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(1, r10 = e21);
var eA = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, ZE, XE, Zo, { value: 7, shortText: 0, onChange: 8, onCancel: 9, onFind: 10, onPaste: 11, onValueClass: 12 }, YE), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function tA(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new eA({ props: { value: e20[1].escapeValue(e20[0]), onChange: e20[3], onCancel: e20[4], onPaste: e20[5], onFind: e20[2], onValueClass: e20[6] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = jo(n11, 1)[0], o10 = {};
3 & r10 && (o10.value = e21[1].escapeValue(e21[0])), 4 & r10 && (o10.onFind = e21[2]), t10.$set(o10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function nA(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = t10.path, o10 = t10.value, i10 = t10.parser, a10 = t10.normalization, s10 = t10.enforceString, c10 = t10.onPatch, l10 = t10.onPasteJson, u10 = t10.onSelect, f10 = t10.onFind, d10 = t10.focus, h10 = t10.findNextInside;
function v10(e21) {
return s10 ? e21 : ru(e21, i10);
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"path" in e21 && n10(7, r10 = e21.path), "value" in e21 && n10(0, o10 = e21.value), "parser" in e21 && n10(8, i10 = e21.parser), "normalization" in e21 && n10(1, a10 = e21.normalization), "enforceString" in e21 && n10(9, s10 = e21.enforceString), "onPatch" in e21 && n10(10, c10 = e21.onPatch), "onPasteJson" in e21 && n10(11, l10 = e21.onPasteJson), "onSelect" in e21 && n10(12, u10 = e21.onSelect), "onFind" in e21 && n10(2, f10 = e21.onFind), "focus" in e21 && n10(13, d10 = e21.focus), "findNextInside" in e21 && n10(14, h10 = e21.findNextInside);
}, [o10, a10, f10, function(e21, t11) {
c10([{ op: "replace", path: Zs(r10), value: v10(a10.unescapeValue(e21)) }], function(e23, n11) {
if (!n11.selection || Ow(r10, JE(n11.selection))) {
var o11 = t11 === ns.nextInside ? h10(r10) : RE(r10, false);
return { state: Ro(Ro({}, n11), {}, { selection: o11 }) };
}), d10();
}, function() {
u10(RE(r10, false)), d10();
}, function(e21) {
try {
var t11 = i10.parse(e21);
Ql(t11) && l10({ path: r10, contents: t11 });
} catch (e23) {
}, function(e21) {
return QE(v10(a10.unescapeValue(e21)), i10);
}, r10, i10, s10, c10, l10, u10, d10, h10];
var rA = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, nA, tA, Zo, { path: 7, value: 0, parser: 8, normalization: 1, enforceString: 9, onPatch: 10, onPasteJson: 11, onSelect: 12, onFind: 2, focus: 13, findNextInside: 14 }), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function oA(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = Qk(t10), o10 = Ws(e20, r10);
if (Ts(o10)) {
var i10 = Ul(vb(t10));
return n10.map(function(e21, t11) {
return { op: "add", path: Zs(r10.concat(String(i10 + t11))), value: e21.value };
if (Rs(o10)) {
var a10 = vb(t10), s10 = Object.keys(o10), c10 = void 0 !== a10 ? iE(s10, a10, true) : [];
return [].concat(Bo(n10.map(function(e21) {
var t11 = eM(e21.key, s10);
return { op: "add", path: Zs(r10.concat(t11)), value: e21.value };
})), Bo(c10.map(function(e21) {
return uA(r10, e21);
throw new Error("Cannot create insert operations: parent must be an Object or Array");
function iA(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = Ws(e20, t10);
if (Array.isArray(r10)) {
var o10 = r10.length;
return n10.map(function(e21, n11) {
return { op: "add", path: Zs(t10.concat(String(o10 + n11))), value: e21.value };
return n10.map(function(e21) {
var n11 = eM(e21.key, Object.keys(r10));
return { op: "add", path: Zs(t10.concat(n11)), value: e21.value };
function aA(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = eM(r10, t10.filter(function(e21) {
return e21 !== n10;
})), i10 = iE(t10, n10, false);
return [{ op: "move", from: Zs(e20.concat(n10)), path: Zs(e20.concat(o10)) }].concat(Bo(i10.map(function(t11) {
return uA(e20, t11);
function sA(e20, t10) {
var n10 = vb(t10);
if (_w(n10))
throw new Error("Cannot duplicate root object");
var r10 = Qk(n10), o10 = vb(n10), i10 = Ws(e20, r10);
if (Ts(i10)) {
var a10 = vb(t10), s10 = a10 ? Ul(vb(a10)) + 1 : 0;
return Bo(t10.map(function(e21, t11) {
return { op: "copy", from: Zs(e21), path: Zs(r10.concat(String(t11 + s10))) };
if (Rs(i10)) {
var c10 = Object.keys(i10), l10 = void 0 !== o10 ? iE(c10, o10, false) : [];
return [].concat(Bo(t10.map(function(e21) {
var t11 = eM(vb(e21), c10);
return { op: "copy", from: Zs(e21), path: Zs(r10.concat(t11)) };
})), Bo(l10.map(function(e21) {
return uA(r10, e21);
throw new Error("Cannot create duplicate operations: parent must be an Object or Array");
function cA(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
if (vE(t10)) {
var o10 = B_(n10, r10), i10 = Qk(t10.path), a10 = Ws(e20, i10);
return aA(i10, Object.keys(a10), vb(t10.path), "string" == typeof o10 ? o10 : n10);
if (pE(t10) || mE(t10) && _w(t10.focusPath))
try {
return [{ op: "replace", path: Zs(JE(t10)), value: L_(n10, function(e21) {
return z_(e21, r10);
}) }];
} catch (e21) {
return [{ op: "replace", path: Zs(JE(t10)), value: n10 }];
if (mE(t10)) {
var s10 = fA(n10, r10);
return function(e21, t11, n11) {
var r11 = Qk(ck(t11)), o11 = Ws(e21, r11);
if (Ts(o11)) {
var i11 = ck(t11), a11 = i11 ? Ul(vb(i11)) : 0;
return [].concat(Bo(lA(t11)), Bo(n11.map(function(e23, t12) {
return { op: "add", path: Zs(r11.concat(String(t12 + a11))), value: e23.value };
if (Rs(o11)) {
var s11 = vb(t11), c11 = Qk(s11), l11 = vb(s11), u11 = Object.keys(o11), f11 = void 0 !== l11 ? iE(u11, l11, false) : [], d11 = new Set(t11.map(function(e23) {
return vb(e23);
})), h11 = u11.filter(function(e23) {
return !d11.has(e23);
return [].concat(Bo(lA(t11)), Bo(n11.map(function(e23) {
var t12 = eM(e23.key, h11);
return { op: "add", path: Zs(c11.concat(t12)), value: e23.value };
})), Bo(f11.map(function(e23) {
return uA(c11, e23);
throw new Error("Cannot create replace operations: parent must be an Object or Array");
}(e20, kE(e20, t10), s10);
if (dE(t10)) {
var c10 = fA(n10, r10), l10 = t10.path, u10 = Qk(l10), f10 = Ws(e20, u10);
if (Ts(f10)) {
var d10 = Ul(vb(l10));
return oA(e20, u10.concat(String(d10 + 1)), c10);
if (Rs(f10)) {
var h10 = String(vb(l10)), v10 = Object.keys(f10);
if (_w(v10) || vb(v10) === h10)
return iA(e20, u10, c10);
var p10 = v10.indexOf(h10), m10 = v10[p10 + 1];
return oA(e20, u10.concat(m10), c10);
throw new Error("Cannot create insert operations: parent must be an Object or Array");
if (hE(t10)) {
var g10 = fA(n10, r10), y10 = t10.path, b10 = Ws(e20, y10);
if (Ts(b10))
return oA(e20, y10.concat("0"), g10);
if (Rs(b10)) {
var k10 = Object.keys(b10);
if (_w(k10))
return iA(e20, y10, g10);
var w10 = ck(k10);
return oA(e20, y10.concat(w10), g10);
throw new Error("Cannot create insert operations: parent must be an Object or Array");
throw new Error("Cannot insert: unsupported type of selection " + JSON.stringify(t10));
function lA(e20) {
return e20.map(function(e21) {
return { op: "remove", path: Zs(e21) };
function uA(e20, t10) {
return { op: "move", from: Zs(e20.concat(t10)), path: Zs(e20.concat(t10)) };
function fA(e20, t10) {
var n10 = /^\s*{/.test(e20), r10 = /^\s*\[/.test(e20), o10 = B_(e20, t10), i10 = void 0 !== o10 ? o10 : L_(e20, function(e21) {
return z_(e21, t10);
return n10 && Gl(i10) || r10 && Array.isArray(i10) ? [{ key: "New item", value: i10 }] : Array.isArray(i10) ? i10.map(function(e21, t11) {
return { key: "New item " + t11, value: e21 };
}) : Gl(i10) ? Object.keys(i10).map(function(e21) {
return { key: e21, value: i10[e21] };
}) : [{ key: "New item", value: i10 }];
function dA(e20, t10) {
if (vE(t10)) {
var n10 = Qk(t10.path), r10 = Ws(e20, n10), o10 = aA(n10, Object.keys(r10), vb(t10.path), "");
return { operations: o10, newSelection: _E(e20, o10) };
if (pE(t10))
return { operations: [{ op: "replace", path: Zs(t10.path), value: "" }], newSelection: t10 };
if (mE(t10)) {
var i10 = kE(e20, t10), a10 = lA(i10), s10 = vb(i10);
if (_w(s10)) {
return { operations: [{ op: "replace", path: "", value: "" }], newSelection: RE([], false) };
var c10 = Qk(s10), l10 = Ws(e20, c10);
if (Ts(l10)) {
var u10 = Ul(vb(ck(i10)));
return { operations: a10, newSelection: 0 === u10 ? NE(c10) : IE(c10.concat(String(u10 - 1))) };
if (Rs(l10)) {
var f10 = Object.keys(l10), d10 = vb(ck(i10)), h10 = f10.indexOf(d10), v10 = f10[h10 - 1];
return { operations: a10, newSelection: 0 === h10 ? NE(c10) : IE(c10.concat(v10)) };
throw new Error("Cannot create remove operations: parent must be an Object or Array");
throw new Error("Cannot remove: unsupported type of selection " + JSON.stringify(t10));
function hA(e20, t10) {
return vc(e20, t10, { before: function(e21, t11, n10) {
if (Is(t11)) {
var r10 = Xs(t11.path);
return { revertOperations: [].concat(Bo(n10), Bo(vA(e21, r10))) };
if (zs(t11)) {
var o10 = Xs(t11.from);
return { revertOperations: [].concat(Bo(n10), Bo(vA(e21, o10))) };
return { document: e21 };
} });
function vA(e20, t10) {
var n10 = Qk(t10), r10 = vb(t10), o10 = Ws(e20, n10);
return Rs(o10) ? iE(Object.keys(o10), r10, false).map(function(e21) {
return uA(n10, e21);
}) : [];
function pA(e20) {
var t10 = e20.activeIndex < e20.items.length - 1 ? e20.activeIndex + 1 : e20.items.length > 0 ? 0 : -1, n10 = e20.items[t10], r10 = e20.items.map(function(e21, n11) {
return Ro(Ro({}, e21), {}, { active: n11 === t10 });
return Ro(Ro({}, e20), {}, { items: r10, itemsMap: Ak(r10, function(e21) {
return Zs(e21.path);
}), activeItem: n10, activeIndex: t10 });
function mA(e20) {
var t10 = e20.activeIndex > 0 ? e20.activeIndex - 1 : e20.items.length - 1, n10 = e20.items[t10], r10 = e20.items.map(function(e21, n11) {
return Ro(Ro({}, e21), {}, { active: n11 === t10 });
return Ro(Ro({}, e20), {}, { items: r10, itemsMap: Ak(r10, function(e21) {
return Zs(e21.path);
}), activeItem: n10, activeIndex: t10 });
function gA(e20, t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 1 / 0, r10 = [], o10 = [];
function i10(e21) {
r10.length < n10 && r10.push(e21);
"string" == typeof e20 && "" !== e20 && function e21(t11, a10) {
if (Ts(a10)) {
var s10 = o10.length;
for (var c10 = 0; c10 < a10.length; c10++)
if (o10[s10] = String(c10), e21(t11, a10[c10]), r10.length >= n10)
} else if (Rs(a10)) {
var l10 = Object.keys(a10), u10 = o10.length;
for (var f10 = 0, d10 = l10; f10 < d10.length; f10++) {
var h10 = d10[f10];
if (o10[u10] = h10, yA(h10, t11, o10, es.key, i10), e21(t11, a10[h10]), r10.length >= n10)
} else
yA(String(a10), t11, o10, es.value, i10);
}(e20.toLowerCase(), t10);
return r10;
function yA(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10) {
var i10 = e20.toLowerCase(), a10 = 0, s10 = -1, c10 = -1;
do {
-1 !== (c10 = i10.indexOf(t10, s10)) && (s10 = c10 + t10.length, o10({ path: n10.slice(0), field: r10, fieldIndex: a10, start: c10, end: s10 }), a10++);
} while (-1 !== c10);
function bA(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
return e20.substring(0, n10) + t10 + e20.substring(r10);
function kA(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20;
return Ab(n10, function(e21) {
r10 = bA(r10, t10, e21.start, e21.end);
}), r10;
function wA(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10) {
var i10 = r10.field, a10 = r10.path, s10 = r10.start, c10 = r10.end;
if (i10 === es.key) {
var l10 = Qk(a10), u10 = Ws(e20, l10), f10 = vb(a10), d10 = aA(l10, Object.keys(u10), f10, bA(f10, n10, s10, c10));
return { newSelection: _E(e20, d10), operations: d10 };
if (i10 === es.value) {
var h10 = Ws(e20, a10);
if (void 0 === h10)
throw new Error("Cannot replace: path not found ".concat(Zs(a10)));
var v10 = "string" == typeof h10 ? h10 : String(h10), p10 = Zs(a10), m10 = oE(h10, t10.enforceStringMap, p10, o10), g10 = bA(v10, n10, s10, c10), y10 = [{ op: "replace", path: Zs(a10), value: m10 ? g10 : ru(g10, o10) }];
return { newSelection: _E(e20, y10), operations: y10 };
throw new Error("Cannot replace: unknown type of search result field ".concat(i10));
function xA(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10) {
for (var i10 = gA(n10, e20, 1 / 0), a10 = [], s10 = 0; s10 < i10.length; s10++) {
var c10 = i10[s10 - 1], l10 = i10[s10];
0 !== s10 && l10.field === c10.field && Ow(l10.path, c10.path) ? vb(a10).items.push(l10) : a10.push({ path: l10.path, field: l10.field, items: [l10] });
a10.sort(function(e21, t11) {
return e21.field !== t11.field ? e21.field === es.key ? 1 : -1 : t11.path.length - e21.path.length;
var u10 = [], f10 = null;
return a10.forEach(function(n11) {
var i11 = n11.field, a11 = n11.path, s11 = n11.items;
if (i11 === es.key) {
var c11 = Qk(a11), l11 = Ws(e20, c11), d10 = vb(a11), h10 = aA(c11, Object.keys(l11), d10, kA(d10, r10, s11));
u10 = u10.concat(h10), f10 = _E(e20, h10);
} else {
if (i11 !== es.value)
throw new Error("Cannot replace: unknown type of search result field ".concat(i11));
var v10 = Ws(e20, a11);
if (void 0 === v10)
throw new Error("Cannot replace: path not found ".concat(Zs(a11)));
var p10 = "string" == typeof v10 ? v10 : String(v10), m10 = Zs(a11), g10 = oE(v10, t10.enforceStringMap, m10, o10), y10 = kA(p10, r10, s11), b10 = [{ op: "replace", path: Zs(a11), value: g10 ? y10 : ru(y10, o10) }];
u10 = u10.concat(b10), f10 = _E(e20, b10);
}), { operations: u10, newSelection: f10 };
function jA(e20) {
return e20.path.concat(e20.field, String(e20.fieldIndex));
function SA(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = null == e20 || null === (n10 = e20[t10]) || void 0 === n10 ? void 0 : n10.filter(function(e21) {
return e21.field === es.key;
if (r10 && 0 !== r10.length)
return r10;
function CA(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = null == e20 || null === (n10 = e20[t10]) || void 0 === n10 ? void 0 : n10.filter(function(e21) {
return e21.field === es.value;
if (r10 && 0 !== r10.length)
return r10;
function $A(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-1n1l5ny", ".jse-highlight.svelte-1n1l5ny{background-color:var(--jse-search-match-color, #ffe665);outline:var(--jse-search-match-outline, 1px solid #ffd700)}.jse-highlight.jse-active.svelte-1n1l5ny{background-color:var(--jse-search-match-active-color, #ffd700);outline:var(--jse-search-match-active-outline, 1px solid #e1be00)}");
function _A(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[3] = t10[n10], r10;
function OA(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10 = gO(e20[3].text) + "";
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("span"), n10 = Ci(r10), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-highlight svelte-1n1l5ny"), zi(t10, "jse-active", e20[3].active);
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
ki(e21, t10, r11), pi(t10, n10);
}, p: function(e21, o10) {
1 & o10 && r10 !== (r10 = gO(e21[3].text) + "") && Ni(n10, r10), 1 & o10 && zi(t10, "jse-active", e21[3].active);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function MA(e20) {
var t10, n10 = e20[3].text + "";
return { c: function() {
t10 = Ci(n10);
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
ki(e21, t10, n11);
}, p: function(e21, r10) {
1 & r10 && n10 !== (n10 = e21[3].text + "") && Ni(t10, n10);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function EA(e20) {
var t10;
function n10(e21, t11) {
return "normal" === e21[3].type ? MA : OA;
var r10 = n10(e20), o10 = r10(e20);
return { c: function() {
o10.c(), t10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
o10.m(e21, n11), ki(e21, t10, n11);
}, p: function(e21, i10) {
r10 === (r10 = n10(e21)) && o10 ? o10.p(e21, i10) : (o10.d(1), (o10 = r10(e21)) && (o10.c(), o10.m(t10.parentNode, t10)));
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), o10.d(e21);
} };
function AA(e20) {
for (var t10, n10 = Ca(e20[0]), r10 = [], o10 = 0; o10 < n10.length; o10 += 1)
r10[o10] = EA(_A(e20, n10, o10));
return { c: function() {
for (var e21 = 0; e21 < r10.length; e21 += 1)
t10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
for (var o11 = 0; o11 < r10.length; o11 += 1)
r10[o11] && r10[o11].m(e21, n11);
ki(e21, t10, n11);
}, p: function(e21, o11) {
var i10 = jo(o11, 1)[0];
if (1 & i10) {
var a10;
for (n10 = Ca(e21[0]), a10 = 0; a10 < n10.length; a10 += 1) {
var s10 = _A(e21, n10, a10);
r10[a10] ? r10[a10].p(s10, i10) : (r10[a10] = EA(s10), r10[a10].c(), r10[a10].m(t10.parentNode, t10));
for (; a10 < r10.length; a10 += 1)
r10.length = n10.length;
}, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), xi(r10, e21);
} };
function PA(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = t10.text, i10 = t10.searchResultItems;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"text" in e21 && n10(1, o10 = e21.text), "searchResultItems" in e21 && n10(2, i10 = e21.searchResultItems);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
6 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(0, r10 = function(e21, t11) {
var n11, r11 = [], o11 = 0, i11 = bo(t11);
try {
for (i11.s(); !(n11 = i11.n()).done; ) {
var a10 = n11.value, s10 = e21.slice(o11, a10.start);
"" !== s10 && r11.push({ type: "normal", text: s10, active: false });
var c10 = e21.slice(a10.start, a10.end);
r11.push({ type: "highlight", text: c10, active: a10.active }), o11 = a10.end;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
var l10 = vb(t11);
return l10 && l10.end < e21.length && r11.push({ type: "normal", text: e21.slice(l10.end), active: false }), r11;
}(String(o10), i10));
}, [r10, o10, i10];
var TA = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, PA, AA, Xo, { text: 1, searchResultItems: 2 }, $A), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function RA(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-1v88515", '.jse-value.jse-string.svelte-1v88515{color:var(--jse-value-color-string, #008000)}.jse-value.jse-object.svelte-1v88515,.jse-value.jse-array.svelte-1v88515{min-width:16px;color:var(--jse-delimiter-color, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38))}.jse-value.jse-number.svelte-1v88515{color:var(--jse-value-color-number, #ee422e)}.jse-value.jse-boolean.svelte-1v88515{color:var(--jse-value-color-boolean, #ff8c00)}.jse-value.jse-null.svelte-1v88515{color:var(--jse-value-color-null, #004ed0)}.jse-value.jse-invalid.svelte-1v88515{color:var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d)}.jse-value.jse-url.svelte-1v88515{color:var(--jse-value-color-url, #008000);text-decoration:underline}.jse-value.svelte-1v88515{min-width:2em;padding:0 5px;box-sizing:border-box;outline:none;border-radius:1px;vertical-align:top;cursor:var(--jse-contents-cursor, pointer);word-break:normal;overflow-wrap:anywhere;white-space:pre-wrap}.jse-value.svelte-1v88515:hover{background:var(--jse-hover-background-color, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06))}.jse-value.jse-empty.svelte-1v88515{min-width:4em;outline:1px dotted var(--jse-tag-background, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2));-moz-outline-radius:2px}.jse-value.jse-empty.svelte-1v88515::after{pointer-events:none;color:var(--jse-tag-background, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2));content:"value"}');
function NA(e20) {
var t10, n10 = gO(e20[1].escapeValue(e20[0])) + "";
return { c: function() {
t10 = Ci(n10);
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
ki(e21, t10, n11);
}, p: function(e21, r10) {
3 & r10 && n10 !== (n10 = gO(e21[1].escapeValue(e21[0])) + "") && Ni(t10, n10);
}, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function IA(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new TA({ props: { text: e20[1].escapeValue(e20[0]), searchResultItems: e20[3] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
3 & n11 && (r10.text = e21[1].escapeValue(e21[0])), 8 & n11 && (r10.searchResultItems = e21[3]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function DA(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10 = [IA, NA], u10 = [];
function f10(e21, t11) {
return e21[3] ? 0 : 1;
return n10 = f10(e20), r10 = u10[n10] = l10[n10](e20), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), r10.c(), Ai(t10, "role", "button"), Ai(t10, "tabindex", "-1"), Ai(t10, "data-type", "selectable-value"), Ai(t10, "class", o10 = si(QE(e20[0], e20[2])) + " svelte-1v88515"), Ai(t10, "title", i10 = e20[4] ? "Ctrl+Click or Ctrl+Enter to open url in new window" : null);
}, m: function(r11, o11) {
ki(r11, t10, o11), u10[n10].m(t10, null), a10 = true, s10 || (c10 = [Oi(t10, "click", e20[5]), Oi(t10, "dblclick", e20[6])], s10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, s11) {
var c11 = jo(s11, 1)[0], d10 = n10;
(n10 = f10(e21)) === d10 ? u10[n10].p(e21, c11) : (ba(), xa(u10[d10], 1, 1, function() {
u10[d10] = null;
}), ka(), (r10 = u10[n10]) ? r10.p(e21, c11) : (r10 = u10[n10] = l10[n10](e21)).c(), wa(r10, 1), r10.m(t10, null)), (!a10 || 5 & c11 && o10 !== (o10 = si(QE(e21[0], e21[2])) + " svelte-1v88515")) && Ai(t10, "class", o10), (!a10 || 16 & c11 && i10 !== (i10 = e21[4] ? "Ctrl+Click or Ctrl+Enter to open url in new window" : null)) && Ai(t10, "title", i10);
}, i: function(e21) {
a10 || (wa(r10), a10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(r10), a10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), u10[n10].d(), s10 = false, Qo(c10);
} };
function qA(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = t10.path, i10 = t10.value, a10 = t10.readOnly, s10 = t10.normalization, c10 = t10.parser, l10 = t10.onSelect, u10 = t10.searchResultItems;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"path" in e21 && n10(7, o10 = e21.path), "value" in e21 && n10(0, i10 = e21.value), "readOnly" in e21 && n10(8, a10 = e21.readOnly), "normalization" in e21 && n10(1, s10 = e21.normalization), "parser" in e21 && n10(2, c10 = e21.parser), "onSelect" in e21 && n10(9, l10 = e21.onSelect), "searchResultItems" in e21 && n10(3, u10 = e21.searchResultItems);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
1 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(4, r10 = nu(i10));
}, [i10, s10, c10, u10, r10, function(e21) {
"string" == typeof i10 && r10 && e21.ctrlKey && (e21.preventDefault(), e21.stopPropagation(), window.open(i10, "_blank"));
}, function(e21) {
a10 || (e21.preventDefault(), l10(RE(o10, true)));
}, o10, a10, l10];
var zA = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, qA, DA, Zo, { path: 7, value: 0, readOnly: 8, normalization: 1, parser: 2, onSelect: 9, searchResultItems: 3 }, RA), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function BA(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-1sftg37", '.jse-tooltip.svelte-1sftg37{font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);line-height:normal;padding:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px)) var(--jse-padding, 10px);border-radius:3px;background:var(--jse-context-menu-background, #656565);color:var(--jse-context-menu-color, var(--jse-text-color-inverse, #fff));white-space:nowrap;box-shadow:var(--jse-controls-box-shadow, 0 2px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24))}');
function LA(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = Ci(e20[0]), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-tooltip svelte-1sftg37");
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
ki(e21, t10, r10), pi(t10, n10);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
1 & jo(t11, 1)[0] && Ni(n10, e21[0]);
}, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function FA(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = t10.text;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"text" in e21 && n10(0, r10 = e21.text);
}, [r10];
var VA = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, FA, LA, Xo, { text: 0 }, BA), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function HA(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = t10.text, o10 = t10.openAbsolutePopup, i10 = t10.closeAbsolutePopup;
function a10() {
n10 = o10(VA, { text: r10 }, { position: "top", width: 10 * r10.length, offsetTop: 3, anchor: e20, closeOnOuterClick: true });
function s10() {
return e20.addEventListener("mouseenter", a10), e20.addEventListener("mouseleave", s10), { destroy: function() {
e20.removeEventListener("mouseenter", a10), e20.removeEventListener("mouseleave", s10);
} };
function WA(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-1sqrs1u", ".jse-timestamp.svelte-1sqrs1u{padding:0;margin:0;vertical-align:middle;display:inline-flex;color:var(--jse-value-color-number, #ee422e)}");
function UA(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10;
return n10 = new jM({ props: { data: sM } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-timestamp svelte-1sqrs1u");
}, m: function(s10, c10) {
ki(s10, t10, c10), Ta(n10, t10, null), o10 = true, i10 || (a10 = ci(r10 = HA.call(null, t10, Ro({ text: e20[0] }, e20[1]))), i10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = jo(t11, 1)[0];
r10 && Yo(r10.update) && 1 & n11 && r10.update.call(null, Ro({ text: e21[0] }, e21[1]));
}, i: function(e21) {
o10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10), i10 = false, a10();
} };
function JA(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = Zi("absolute-popup"), i10 = t10.value;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"value" in e21 && n10(2, i10 = e21.value);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
4 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(0, r10 = "Time: ".concat(new Date(i10).toString()));
}, [r10, o10, i10];
var KA = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, JA, UA, Zo, { value: 2 }, WA), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function GA(e20) {
var t10 = e20.path, n10 = e20.value, r10 = e20.readOnly, o10 = e20.enforceString, i10 = e20.searchResultItems, a10 = e20.isEditing, s10 = e20.parser, c10 = e20.normalization, l10 = e20.onPatch, u10 = e20.onPasteJson, f10 = e20.onSelect, d10 = e20.onFind, h10 = e20.findNextInside, v10 = e20.focus, p10 = [];
return !a10 && /* @__PURE__ */ function(e21) {
return true === e21 || false === e21;
}(n10) && p10.push({ component: _M, props: { path: t10, value: n10, readOnly: r10, onPatch: l10, focus: v10 } }), !a10 && function(e21) {
return "string" == typeof e21 && e21.length < 99 && !!Xl(e21);
}(n10) && p10.push({ component: NM, props: { path: t10, value: n10, readOnly: r10, onPatch: l10, focus: v10 } }), a10 && p10.push({ component: rA, props: { path: t10, value: n10, enforceString: o10, parser: s10, normalization: c10, onPatch: l10, onPasteJson: u10, onSelect: f10, onFind: d10, findNextInside: h10, focus: v10 } }), a10 || p10.push({ component: zA, props: { path: t10, value: n10, readOnly: r10, parser: s10, normalization: c10, searchResultItems: i10, onSelect: f10 } }), !a10 && Yl(n10) && p10.push({ component: KA, props: { value: n10 } }), p10;
var QA = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "trash-can", icon: [448, 512, [61460, "trash-alt"], "f2ed", "M135.2 17.7C140.6 6.8 151.7 0 163.8 0H284.2c12.1 0 23.2 6.8 28.6 17.7L320 32h96c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32H32C14.3 96 0 81.7 0 64S14.3 32 32 32h96l7.2-14.3zM32 128H416V448c0 35.3-28.7 64-64 64H96c-35.3 0-64-28.7-64-64V128zm96 64c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16V432c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16s16-7.2 16-16V208c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm96 0c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16V432c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16s16-7.2 16-16V208c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm96 0c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16V432c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16s16-7.2 16-16V208c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16z"] };
var YA = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "caret-right", icon: [256, 512, [], "f0da", "M246.6 278.6c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3l-128-128c-9.2-9.2-22.9-11.9-34.9-6.9s-19.8 16.6-19.8 29.6l0 256c0 12.9 7.8 24.6 19.8 29.6s25.7 2.2 34.9-6.9l128-128z"] };
var XA = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "paste", icon: [512, 512, ["file-clipboard"], "f0ea", "M160 0c-23.7 0-44.4 12.9-55.4 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80V400c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48H192V176c0-44.2 35.8-80 80-80h48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H215.4C204.4 12.9 183.7 0 160 0zM272 128c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48V448v16c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48H464c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V243.9c0-12.7-5.1-24.9-14.1-33.9l-67.9-67.9c-9-9-21.2-14.1-33.9-14.1H320 272zM160 40a24 24 0 1 1 0 48 24 24 0 1 1 0-48z"] };
var ZA = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "circle-notch", icon: [512, 512, [], "f1ce", "M222.7 32.1c5 16.9-4.6 34.8-21.5 39.8C121.8 95.6 64 169.1 64 256c0 106 86 192 192 192s192-86 192-192c0-86.9-57.8-160.4-137.1-184.1c-16.9-5-26.6-22.9-21.5-39.8s22.9-26.6 39.8-21.5C434.9 42.1 512 140 512 256c0 141.4-114.6 256-256 256S0 397.4 0 256C0 140 77.1 42.1 182.9 10.6c16.9-5 34.8 4.6 39.8 21.5z"] };
var eP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "scissors", icon: [512, 512, [9984, 9986, 9988, "cut"], "f0c4", "M256 192l-39.5-39.5c4.9-12.6 7.5-26.2 7.5-40.5C224 50.1 173.9 0 112 0S0 50.1 0 112s50.1 112 112 112c14.3 0 27.9-2.7 40.5-7.5L192 256l-39.5 39.5c-12.6-4.9-26.2-7.5-40.5-7.5C50.1 288 0 338.1 0 400s50.1 112 112 112s112-50.1 112-112c0-14.3-2.7-27.9-7.5-40.5L499.2 76.8c7.1-7.1 7.1-18.5 0-25.6c-28.3-28.3-74.1-28.3-102.4 0L256 192zm22.6 150.6L396.8 460.8c28.3 28.3 74.1 28.3 102.4 0c7.1-7.1 7.1-18.5 0-25.6L342.6 278.6l-64 64zM64 112a48 48 0 1 1 96 0 48 48 0 1 1 -96 0zm48 240a48 48 0 1 1 0 96 48 48 0 1 1 0-96z"] };
var tP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "square-caret-down", icon: [448, 512, ["caret-square-down"], "f150", "M384 480c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64l0-320c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64L64 32C28.7 32 0 60.7 0 96L0 416c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64l320 0zM224 352c-6.7 0-13-2.8-17.6-7.7l-104-112c-6.5-7-8.2-17.2-4.4-25.9s12.5-14.4 22-14.4l208 0c9.5 0 18.2 5.7 22 14.4s2.1 18.9-4.4 25.9l-104 112c-4.5 4.9-10.9 7.7-17.6 7.7z"] };
var nP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "caret-left", icon: [256, 512, [], "f0d9", "M9.4 278.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3l128-128c9.2-9.2 22.9-11.9 34.9-6.9s19.8 16.6 19.8 29.6l0 256c0 12.9-7.8 24.6-19.8 29.6s-25.7 2.2-34.9-6.9l-128-128z"] };
var rP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "pen-to-square", icon: [512, 512, ["edit"], "f044", "M471.6 21.7c-21.9-21.9-57.3-21.9-79.2 0L362.3 51.7l97.9 97.9 30.1-30.1c21.9-21.9 21.9-57.3 0-79.2L471.6 21.7zm-299.2 220c-6.1 6.1-10.8 13.6-13.5 21.9l-29.6 88.8c-2.9 8.6-.6 18.1 5.8 24.6s15.9 8.7 24.6 5.8l88.8-29.6c8.2-2.7 15.7-7.4 21.9-13.5L437.7 172.3 339.7 74.3 172.4 241.7zM96 64C43 64 0 107 0 160V416c0 53 43 96 96 96H352c53 0 96-43 96-96V320c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32s-32 14.3-32 32v96c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32H96c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32V160c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32h96c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32H96z"] };
var oP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "chevron-up", icon: [512, 512, [], "f077", "M233.4 105.4c12.5-12.5 32.8-12.5 45.3 0l192 192c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3s-32.8 12.5-45.3 0L256 173.3 86.6 342.6c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3l192-192z"] };
var iP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "angle-right", icon: [320, 512, [8250], "f105", "M278.6 233.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-160 160c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L210.7 256 73.4 118.6c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0l160 160z"] };
var aP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "square-caret-up", icon: [448, 512, ["caret-square-up"], "f151", "M64 32C28.7 32 0 60.7 0 96V416c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64H384c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V96c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64H64zM224 160c6.7 0 13 2.8 17.6 7.7l104 112c6.5 7 8.2 17.2 4.4 25.9s-12.5 14.4-22 14.4H120c-9.5 0-18.2-5.7-22-14.4s-2.1-18.9 4.4-25.9l104-112c4.5-4.9 10.9-7.7 17.6-7.7z"] };
var sP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "caret-up", icon: [320, 512, [], "f0d8", "M182.6 137.4c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0l-128 128c-9.2 9.2-11.9 22.9-6.9 34.9s16.6 19.8 29.6 19.8H288c12.9 0 24.6-7.8 29.6-19.8s2.2-25.7-6.9-34.9l-128-128z"] };
var cP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "filter", icon: [512, 512, [], "f0b0", "M3.9 54.9C10.5 40.9 24.5 32 40 32H472c15.5 0 29.5 8.9 36.1 22.9s4.6 30.5-5.2 42.5L320 320.9V448c0 12.1-6.8 23.2-17.7 28.6s-23.8 4.3-33.5-3l-64-48c-8.1-6-12.8-15.5-12.8-25.6V320.9L9 97.3C-.7 85.4-2.8 68.8 3.9 54.9z"] };
var lP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "code", icon: [640, 512, [], "f121", "M392.8 1.2c-17-4.9-34.7 5-39.6 22l-128 448c-4.9 17 5 34.7 22 39.6s34.7-5 39.6-22l128-448c4.9-17-5-34.7-22-39.6zm80.6 120.1c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L562.7 256l-89.4 89.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0l112-112c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3l-112-112c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0zm-306.7 0c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0l-112 112c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3l112 112c12.5 12.5 32.8 12.5 45.3 0s12.5-32.8 0-45.3L77.3 256l89.4-89.4c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3z"] };
var uP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "wrench", icon: [512, 512, [128295], "f0ad", "M352 320c88.4 0 160-71.6 160-160c0-15.3-2.2-30.1-6.2-44.2c-3.1-10.8-16.4-13.2-24.3-5.3l-76.8 76.8c-3 3-7.1 4.7-11.3 4.7H336c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V118.6c0-4.2 1.7-8.3 4.7-11.3l76.8-76.8c7.9-7.9 5.4-21.2-5.3-24.3C382.1 2.2 367.3 0 352 0C263.6 0 192 71.6 192 160c0 19.1 3.4 37.5 9.5 54.5L19.9 396.1C7.2 408.8 0 426.1 0 444.1C0 481.6 30.4 512 67.9 512c18 0 35.3-7.2 48-19.9L297.5 310.5c17 6.2 35.4 9.5 54.5 9.5zM80 408a24 24 0 1 1 0 48 24 24 0 1 1 0-48z"] };
var fP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "eye", icon: [576, 512, [128065], "f06e", "M288 32c-80.8 0-145.5 36.8-192.6 80.6C48.6 156 17.3 208 2.5 243.7c-3.3 7.9-3.3 16.7 0 24.6C17.3 304 48.6 356 95.4 399.4C142.5 443.2 207.2 480 288 480s145.5-36.8 192.6-80.6c46.8-43.5 78.1-95.4 93-131.1c3.3-7.9 3.3-16.7 0-24.6c-14.9-35.7-46.2-87.7-93-131.1C433.5 68.8 368.8 32 288 32zM144 256a144 144 0 1 1 288 0 144 144 0 1 1 -288 0zm144-64c0 35.3-28.7 64-64 64c-7.1 0-13.9-1.2-20.3-3.3c-5.5-1.8-11.9 1.6-11.7 7.4c.3 6.9 1.3 13.8 3.2 20.7c13.7 51.2 66.4 81.6 117.6 67.9s81.6-66.4 67.9-117.6c-11.1-41.5-47.8-69.4-88.6-71.1c-5.8-.2-9.2 6.1-7.4 11.7c2.1 6.4 3.3 13.2 3.3 20.3z"] };
var dP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "pen", icon: [512, 512, [128394], "f304", "M362.7 19.3L314.3 67.7 444.3 197.7l48.4-48.4c25-25 25-65.5 0-90.5L453.3 19.3c-25-25-65.5-25-90.5 0zm-71 71L58.6 323.5c-10.4 10.4-18 23.3-22.2 37.4L1 481.2C-1.5 489.7 .8 498.8 7 505s15.3 8.5 23.7 6.1l120.3-35.4c14.1-4.2 27-11.8 37.4-22.2L421.7 220.3 291.7 90.3z"] };
var hP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "arrow-rotate-right", icon: [512, 512, [8635, "arrow-right-rotate", "arrow-rotate-forward", "redo"], "f01e", "M386.3 160H336c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32H464c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V64c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32s-32 14.3-32 32v51.2L414.4 97.6c-87.5-87.5-229.3-87.5-316.8 0s-87.5 229.3 0 316.8s229.3 87.5 316.8 0c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3s-32.8-12.5-45.3 0c-62.5 62.5-163.8 62.5-226.3 0s-62.5-163.8 0-226.3s163.8-62.5 226.3 0L386.3 160z"] };
var vP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "arrow-rotate-left", icon: [512, 512, [8634, "arrow-left-rotate", "arrow-rotate-back", "arrow-rotate-backward", "undo"], "f0e2", "M125.7 160H176c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32H48c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32V64c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32s32 14.3 32 32v51.2L97.6 97.6c87.5-87.5 229.3-87.5 316.8 0s87.5 229.3 0 316.8s-229.3 87.5-316.8 0c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0c62.5 62.5 163.8 62.5 226.3 0s62.5-163.8 0-226.3s-163.8-62.5-226.3 0L125.7 160z"] };
var pP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "crop-simple", icon: [512, 512, ["crop-alt"], "f565", "M128 32c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32S64 14.3 64 32V64H32C14.3 64 0 78.3 0 96s14.3 32 32 32H64V384c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64H352V384H128V32zM384 480c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32s32-14.3 32-32V448h32c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32H448l0-256c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64L160 64v64l224 0 0 352z"] };
var mP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "gear", icon: [512, 512, [9881, "cog"], "f013", "M495.9 166.6c3.2 8.7 .5 18.4-6.4 24.6l-43.3 39.4c1.1 8.3 1.7 16.8 1.7 25.4s-.6 17.1-1.7 25.4l43.3 39.4c6.9 6.2 9.6 15.9 6.4 24.6c-4.4 11.9-9.7 23.3-15.8 34.3l-4.7 8.1c-6.6 11-14 21.4-22.1 31.2c-5.9 7.2-15.7 9.6-24.5 6.8l-55.7-17.7c-13.4 10.3-28.2 18.9-44 25.4l-12.5 57.1c-2 9.1-9 16.3-18.2 17.8c-13.8 2.3-28 3.5-42.5 3.5s-28.7-1.2-42.5-3.5c-9.2-1.5-16.2-8.7-18.2-17.8l-12.5-57.1c-15.8-6.5-30.6-15.1-44-25.4L83.1 425.9c-8.8 2.8-18.6 .3-24.5-6.8c-8.1-9.8-15.5-20.2-22.1-31.2l-4.7-8.1c-6.1-11-11.4-22.4-15.8-34.3c-3.2-8.7-.5-18.4 6.4-24.6l43.3-39.4C64.6 273.1 64 264.6 64 256s.6-17.1 1.7-25.4L22.4 191.2c-6.9-6.2-9.6-15.9-6.4-24.6c4.4-11.9 9.7-23.3 15.8-34.3l4.7-8.1c6.6-11 14-21.4 22.1-31.2c5.9-7.2 15.7-9.6 24.5-6.8l55.7 17.7c13.4-10.3 28.2-18.9 44-25.4l12.5-57.1c2-9.1 9-16.3 18.2-17.8C227.3 1.2 241.5 0 256 0s28.7 1.2 42.5 3.5c9.2 1.5 16.2 8.7 18.2 17.8l12.5 57.1c15.8 6.5 30.6 15.1 44 25.4l55.7-17.7c8.8-2.8 18.6-.3 24.5 6.8c8.1 9.8 15.5 20.2 22.1 31.2l4.7 8.1c6.1 11 11.4 22.4 15.8 34.3zM256 336a80 80 0 1 0 0-160 80 80 0 1 0 0 160z"] };
var gP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "caret-down", icon: [320, 512, [], "f0d7", "M137.4 374.6c12.5 12.5 32.8 12.5 45.3 0l128-128c9.2-9.2 11.9-22.9 6.9-34.9s-16.6-19.8-29.6-19.8L32 192c-12.9 0-24.6 7.8-29.6 19.8s-2.2 25.7 6.9 34.9l128 128z"] };
var yP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "ellipsis-vertical", icon: [128, 512, ["ellipsis-v"], "f142", "M64 360a56 56 0 1 0 0 112 56 56 0 1 0 0-112zm0-160a56 56 0 1 0 0 112 56 56 0 1 0 0-112zM120 96A56 56 0 1 0 8 96a56 56 0 1 0 112 0z"] };
var bP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "arrow-right-arrow-left", icon: [448, 512, [8644, "exchange"], "f0ec", "M438.6 150.6c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3l-96-96c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L338.7 96 32 96C14.3 96 0 110.3 0 128s14.3 32 32 32l306.7 0-41.4 41.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0l96-96zm-333.3 352c12.5 12.5 32.8 12.5 45.3 0s12.5-32.8 0-45.3L109.3 416 416 416c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32l-306.7 0 41.4-41.4c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3s-32.8-12.5-45.3 0l-96 96c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3l96 96z"] };
var kP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "arrow-down-short-wide", icon: [576, 512, ["sort-amount-desc", "sort-amount-down-alt"], "f884", "M151.6 469.6C145.5 476.2 137 480 128 480s-17.5-3.8-23.6-10.4l-88-96c-11.9-13-11.1-33.3 2-45.2s33.3-11.1 45.2 2L96 365.7V64c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32s32 14.3 32 32V365.7l32.4-35.4c11.9-13 32.2-13.9 45.2-2s13.9 32.2 2 45.2l-88 96zM320 32h32c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32H320c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32zm0 128h96c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32H320c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32zm0 128H480c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32H320c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32zm0 128H544c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32H320c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32z"] };
var wP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "angle-down", icon: [448, 512, [8964], "f107", "M201.4 342.6c12.5 12.5 32.8 12.5 45.3 0l160-160c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3s-32.8-12.5-45.3 0L224 274.7 86.6 137.4c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3l160 160z"] };
var xP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "arrow-down", icon: [384, 512, [8595], "f063", "M169.4 470.6c12.5 12.5 32.8 12.5 45.3 0l160-160c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3s-32.8-12.5-45.3 0L224 370.8 224 64c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32s-32 14.3-32 32l0 306.7L54.6 265.4c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3l160 160z"] };
var jP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "magnifying-glass", icon: [512, 512, [128269, "search"], "f002", "M416 208c0 45.9-14.9 88.3-40 122.7L502.6 457.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3s-32.8 12.5-45.3 0L330.7 376c-34.4 25.2-76.8 40-122.7 40C93.1 416 0 322.9 0 208S93.1 0 208 0S416 93.1 416 208zM208 352a144 144 0 1 0 0-288 144 144 0 1 0 0 288z"] };
var SP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "chevron-down", icon: [512, 512, [], "f078", "M233.4 406.6c12.5 12.5 32.8 12.5 45.3 0l192-192c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3s-32.8-12.5-45.3 0L256 338.7 86.6 169.4c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3l192 192z"] };
var CP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "copy", icon: [448, 512, [], "f0c5", "M208 0H332.1c12.7 0 24.9 5.1 33.9 14.1l67.9 67.9c9 9 14.1 21.2 14.1 33.9V336c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H208c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V48c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48zM48 128h80v64H64V448H256V416h64v48c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V176c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48z"] };
var $P = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "plus", icon: [448, 512, [10133, 61543, "add"], "2b", "M256 80c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32s-32 14.3-32 32V224H48c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32H192V432c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32s32-14.3 32-32V288H400c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32H256V80z"] };
var _P = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "xmark", icon: [384, 512, [128473, 10005, 10006, 10060, 215, "close", "multiply", "remove", "times"], "f00d", "M342.6 150.6c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3s-32.8-12.5-45.3 0L192 210.7 86.6 105.4c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L146.7 256 41.4 361.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0L192 301.3 297.4 406.6c12.5 12.5 32.8 12.5 45.3 0s12.5-32.8 0-45.3L237.3 256 342.6 150.6z"] };
var OP = _P;
var MP = _P;
var EP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "rotate", icon: [512, 512, [128260, "sync-alt"], "f2f1", "M142.9 142.9c62.2-62.2 162.7-62.5 225.3-1L327 183c-6.9 6.9-8.9 17.2-5.2 26.2s12.5 14.8 22.2 14.8H463.5c0 0 0 0 0 0H472c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V72c0-9.7-5.8-18.5-14.8-22.2s-19.3-1.7-26.2 5.2L413.4 96.6c-87.6-86.5-228.7-86.2-315.8 1C73.2 122 55.6 150.7 44.8 181.4c-5.9 16.7 2.9 34.9 19.5 40.8s34.9-2.9 40.8-19.5c7.7-21.8 20.2-42.3 37.8-59.8zM16 312v7.6 .7V440c0 9.7 5.8 18.5 14.8 22.2s19.3 1.7 26.2-5.2l41.6-41.6c87.6 86.5 228.7 86.2 315.8-1c24.4-24.4 42.1-53.1 52.9-83.7c5.9-16.7-2.9-34.9-19.5-40.8s-34.9 2.9-40.8 19.5c-7.7 21.8-20.2 42.3-37.8 59.8c-62.2 62.2-162.7 62.5-225.3 1L185 329c6.9-6.9 8.9-17.2 5.2-26.2s-12.5-14.8-22.2-14.8H48.4h-.7H40c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24z"] };
var AP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "clone", icon: [512, 512, [], "f24d", "M288 448H64V224h64V160H64c-35.3 0-64 28.7-64 64V448c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64H288c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V384H288v64zm-64-96H448c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V64c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64H224c-35.3 0-64 28.7-64 64V288c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64z"] };
var PP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "check", icon: [448, 512, [10003, 10004], "f00c", "M438.6 105.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-256 256c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0l-128-128c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0L160 338.7 393.4 105.4c12.5-12.5 32.8-12.5 45.3 0z"] };
var TP = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "triangle-exclamation", icon: [512, 512, [9888, "exclamation-triangle", "warning"], "f071", "M256 32c14.2 0 27.3 7.5 34.5 19.8l216 368c7.3 12.4 7.3 27.7 .2 40.1S486.3 480 472 480H40c-14.3 0-27.6-7.7-34.7-20.1s-7-27.8 .2-40.1l216-368C228.7 39.5 241.8 32 256 32zm0 128c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24V296c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24s24-10.7 24-24V184c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24zm32 224a32 32 0 1 0 -64 0 32 32 0 1 0 64 0z"] };
var RP = {};
var NP = { showWizard: true, showOriginal: true };
var IP = Math.min;
var DP = Math.max;
var qP = Math.round;
var zP = Math.floor;
var BP = function(e20) {
return { x: e20, y: e20 };
var LP = { left: "right", right: "left", bottom: "top", top: "bottom" };
var FP = { start: "end", end: "start" };
function VP(e20, t10, n10) {
return DP(e20, IP(t10, n10));
function HP(e20, t10) {
return "function" == typeof e20 ? e20(t10) : e20;
function WP(e20) {
return e20.split("-")[0];
function UP(e20) {
return e20.split("-")[1];
function JP(e20) {
return "x" === e20 ? "y" : "x";
function KP(e20) {
return "y" === e20 ? "height" : "width";
function GP(e20) {
return ["top", "bottom"].includes(WP(e20)) ? "y" : "x";
function QP(e20) {
return JP(GP(e20));
function YP(e20, t10, n10) {
void 0 === n10 && (n10 = false);
var r10 = UP(e20), o10 = QP(e20), i10 = KP(o10), a10 = "x" === o10 ? r10 === (n10 ? "end" : "start") ? "right" : "left" : "start" === r10 ? "bottom" : "top";
return t10.reference[i10] > t10.floating[i10] && (a10 = tT(a10)), [a10, tT(a10)];
function XP(e20) {
var t10 = tT(e20);
return [ZP(e20), t10, ZP(t10)];
function ZP(e20) {
return e20.replace(/start|end/g, function(e21) {
return FP[e21];
function eT(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = UP(e20), i10 = function(e21, t11, n11) {
var r11 = ["left", "right"], o11 = ["right", "left"];
switch (e21) {
case "top":
case "bottom":
return n11 ? t11 ? o11 : r11 : t11 ? r11 : o11;
case "left":
case "right":
return t11 ? ["top", "bottom"] : ["bottom", "top"];
return [];
}(WP(e20), "start" === n10, r10);
return o10 && (i10 = i10.map(function(e21) {
return e21 + "-" + o10;
}), t10 && (i10 = i10.concat(i10.map(ZP)))), i10;
function tT(e20) {
return e20.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, function(e21) {
return LP[e21];
function nT(e20) {
return "number" != typeof e20 ? function(e21) {
return Ro({ top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 }, e21);
}(e20) : { top: e20, right: e20, bottom: e20, left: e20 };
function rT(e20) {
return Ro(Ro({}, e20), {}, { top: e20.y, left: e20.x, right: e20.x + e20.width, bottom: e20.y + e20.height });
function oT(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = e20.reference, i10 = e20.floating, a10 = GP(t10), s10 = QP(t10), c10 = KP(s10), l10 = WP(t10), u10 = "y" === a10, f10 = o10.x + o10.width / 2 - i10.width / 2, d10 = o10.y + o10.height / 2 - i10.height / 2, h10 = o10[c10] / 2 - i10[c10] / 2;
switch (l10) {
case "top":
r10 = { x: f10, y: o10.y - i10.height };
case "bottom":
r10 = { x: f10, y: o10.y + o10.height };
case "right":
r10 = { x: o10.x + o10.width, y: d10 };
case "left":
r10 = { x: o10.x - i10.width, y: d10 };
r10 = { x: o10.x, y: o10.y };
switch (UP(t10)) {
case "start":
r10[s10] -= h10 * (n10 && u10 ? -1 : 1);
case "end":
r10[s10] += h10 * (n10 && u10 ? -1 : 1);
return r10;
var iT = function() {
var e20 = xo(ko().mark(function e21(t10, n10, r10) {
var o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10, k10, w10, x10, j10, S10, C10, $10, _10, O10, M10;
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return o10 = r10.placement, i10 = void 0 === o10 ? "bottom" : o10, a10 = r10.strategy, s10 = void 0 === a10 ? "absolute" : a10, c10 = r10.middleware, l10 = void 0 === c10 ? [] : c10, u10 = r10.platform, f10 = l10.filter(Boolean), e23.next = 4, null == u10.isRTL ? void 0 : u10.isRTL(n10);
case 4:
return d10 = e23.sent, e23.next = 7, u10.getElementRects({ reference: t10, floating: n10, strategy: s10 });
case 7:
h10 = e23.sent, v10 = oT(h10, i10, d10), p10 = v10.x, m10 = v10.y, g10 = i10, y10 = {}, b10 = 0, k10 = 0;
case 13:
if (!(k10 < f10.length)) {
e23.next = 46;
return w10 = f10[k10], x10 = w10.name, j10 = w10.fn, e23.next = 17, j10({ x: p10, y: m10, initialPlacement: i10, placement: g10, strategy: s10, middlewareData: y10, rects: h10, platform: u10, elements: { reference: t10, floating: n10 } });
case 17:
if (S10 = e23.sent, C10 = S10.x, $10 = S10.y, _10 = S10.data, O10 = S10.reset, p10 = null != C10 ? C10 : p10, m10 = null != $10 ? $10 : m10, y10 = Ro(Ro({}, y10), {}, qo({}, x10, Ro(Ro({}, y10[x10]), _10))), !(O10 && b10 <= 50)) {
e23.next = 43;
if (b10++, "object" !== Ho(O10)) {
e23.next = 41;
if (O10.placement && (g10 = O10.placement), !O10.rects) {
e23.next = 38;
if (true !== O10.rects) {
e23.next = 36;
return e23.next = 33, u10.getElementRects({ reference: t10, floating: n10, strategy: s10 });
case 33:
e23.t0 = e23.sent, e23.next = 37;
case 36:
e23.t0 = O10.rects;
case 37:
h10 = e23.t0;
case 38:
M10 = oT(h10, g10, d10), p10 = M10.x, m10 = M10.y;
case 41:
return k10 = -1, e23.abrupt("continue", 43);
case 43:
k10++, e23.next = 13;
case 46:
return e23.abrupt("return", { x: p10, y: m10, placement: g10, strategy: s10, middlewareData: y10 });
case 47:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
return function(t10, n10, r10) {
return e20.apply(this, arguments);
function aT(e20, t10) {
return sT.apply(this, arguments);
function sT() {
return sT = xo(ko().mark(function e20(t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10, k10, w10, x10, j10, S10, C10, $10, _10;
return ko().wrap(function(e21) {
for (; ; )
switch (e21.prev = e21.next) {
case 0:
return void 0 === n10 && (n10 = {}), o10 = t10.x, i10 = t10.y, a10 = t10.platform, s10 = t10.rects, c10 = t10.elements, l10 = t10.strategy, u10 = HP(n10, t10), f10 = u10.boundary, d10 = void 0 === f10 ? "clippingAncestors" : f10, h10 = u10.rootBoundary, v10 = void 0 === h10 ? "viewport" : h10, p10 = u10.elementContext, m10 = void 0 === p10 ? "floating" : p10, g10 = u10.altBoundary, y10 = void 0 !== g10 && g10, b10 = u10.padding, k10 = nT(void 0 === b10 ? 0 : b10), w10 = "floating" === m10 ? "reference" : "floating", x10 = c10[y10 ? w10 : m10], e21.t0 = rT, e21.t1 = a10, e21.next = 10, null == a10.isElement ? void 0 : a10.isElement(x10);
case 10:
if (e21.t2 = r10 = e21.sent, null == e21.t2) {
e21.next = 15;
e21.t3 = r10, e21.next = 16;
case 15:
e21.t3 = true;
case 16:
if (!e21.t3) {
e21.next = 20;
e21.t4 = x10, e21.next = 26;
case 20:
if (e21.t5 = x10.contextElement, e21.t5) {
e21.next = 25;
return e21.next = 24, null == a10.getDocumentElement ? void 0 : a10.getDocumentElement(c10.floating);
case 24:
e21.t5 = e21.sent;
case 25:
e21.t4 = e21.t5;
case 26:
return e21.t6 = e21.t4, e21.t7 = d10, e21.t8 = v10, e21.t9 = l10, e21.t10 = { element: e21.t6, boundary: e21.t7, rootBoundary: e21.t8, strategy: e21.t9 }, e21.next = 33, e21.t1.getClippingRect.call(e21.t1, e21.t10);
case 33:
return e21.t11 = e21.sent, j10 = (0, e21.t0)(e21.t11), S10 = "floating" === m10 ? Ro(Ro({}, s10.floating), {}, { x: o10, y: i10 }) : s10.reference, e21.next = 38, null == a10.getOffsetParent ? void 0 : a10.getOffsetParent(c10.floating);
case 38:
return C10 = e21.sent, e21.next = 41, null == a10.isElement ? void 0 : a10.isElement(C10);
case 41:
if (!e21.sent) {
e21.next = 50;
return e21.next = 44, null == a10.getScale ? void 0 : a10.getScale(C10);
case 44:
if (e21.t13 = e21.sent, e21.t13) {
e21.next = 47;
e21.t13 = { x: 1, y: 1 };
case 47:
e21.t12 = e21.t13, e21.next = 51;
case 50:
e21.t12 = { x: 1, y: 1 };
case 51:
if ($10 = e21.t12, e21.t14 = rT, !a10.convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect) {
e21.next = 59;
return e21.next = 56, a10.convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect({ rect: S10, offsetParent: C10, strategy: l10 });
case 56:
e21.t15 = e21.sent, e21.next = 60;
case 59:
e21.t15 = S10;
case 60:
return e21.t16 = e21.t15, _10 = (0, e21.t14)(e21.t16), e21.abrupt("return", { top: (j10.top - _10.top + k10.top) / $10.y, bottom: (_10.bottom - j10.bottom + k10.bottom) / $10.y, left: (j10.left - _10.left + k10.left) / $10.x, right: (_10.right - j10.right + k10.right) / $10.x });
case 63:
case "end":
return e21.stop();
}, e20);
})), sT.apply(this, arguments);
function cT(e20, t10) {
return lT.apply(this, arguments);
function lT() {
return lT = xo(ko().mark(function e20(t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10;
return ko().wrap(function(e21) {
for (; ; )
switch (e21.prev = e21.next) {
case 0:
return r10 = t10.placement, o10 = t10.platform, i10 = t10.elements, e21.next = 3, null == o10.isRTL ? void 0 : o10.isRTL(i10.floating);
case 3:
return a10 = e21.sent, s10 = WP(r10), c10 = UP(r10), l10 = "y" === GP(r10), u10 = ["left", "top"].includes(s10) ? -1 : 1, f10 = a10 && l10 ? -1 : 1, d10 = HP(n10, t10), h10 = "number" == typeof d10 ? { mainAxis: d10, crossAxis: 0, alignmentAxis: null } : Ro({ mainAxis: 0, crossAxis: 0, alignmentAxis: null }, d10), v10 = h10.mainAxis, p10 = h10.crossAxis, m10 = h10.alignmentAxis, c10 && "number" == typeof m10 && (p10 = "end" === c10 ? -1 * m10 : m10), e21.abrupt("return", l10 ? { x: p10 * f10, y: v10 * u10 } : { x: v10 * u10, y: p10 * f10 });
case 13:
case "end":
return e21.stop();
}, e20);
})), lT.apply(this, arguments);
function uT(e20) {
return hT(e20) ? (e20.nodeName || "").toLowerCase() : "#document";
function fT(e20) {
var t10;
return (null == e20 || null == (t10 = e20.ownerDocument) ? void 0 : t10.defaultView) || window;
function dT(e20) {
var t10;
return null == (t10 = (hT(e20) ? e20.ownerDocument : e20.document) || window.document) ? void 0 : t10.documentElement;
function hT(e20) {
return e20 instanceof Node || e20 instanceof fT(e20).Node;
function vT(e20) {
return e20 instanceof Element || e20 instanceof fT(e20).Element;
function pT(e20) {
return e20 instanceof HTMLElement || e20 instanceof fT(e20).HTMLElement;
function mT(e20) {
return "undefined" != typeof ShadowRoot && (e20 instanceof ShadowRoot || e20 instanceof fT(e20).ShadowRoot);
function gT(e20) {
var t10 = xT(e20), n10 = t10.overflow, r10 = t10.overflowX, o10 = t10.overflowY, i10 = t10.display;
return /auto|scroll|overlay|hidden|clip/.test(n10 + o10 + r10) && !["inline", "contents"].includes(i10);
function yT(e20) {
return ["table", "td", "th"].includes(uT(e20));
function bT(e20) {
var t10 = kT(), n10 = xT(e20);
return "none" !== n10.transform || "none" !== n10.perspective || !!n10.containerType && "normal" !== n10.containerType || !t10 && !!n10.backdropFilter && "none" !== n10.backdropFilter || !t10 && !!n10.filter && "none" !== n10.filter || ["transform", "perspective", "filter"].some(function(e21) {
return (n10.willChange || "").includes(e21);
}) || ["paint", "layout", "strict", "content"].some(function(e21) {
return (n10.contain || "").includes(e21);
function kT() {
return !("undefined" == typeof CSS || !CSS.supports) && CSS.supports("-webkit-backdrop-filter", "none");
function wT(e20) {
return ["html", "body", "#document"].includes(uT(e20));
function xT(e20) {
return fT(e20).getComputedStyle(e20);
function jT(e20) {
return vT(e20) ? { scrollLeft: e20.scrollLeft, scrollTop: e20.scrollTop } : { scrollLeft: e20.pageXOffset, scrollTop: e20.pageYOffset };
function ST(e20) {
if ("html" === uT(e20))
return e20;
var t10 = e20.assignedSlot || e20.parentNode || mT(e20) && e20.host || dT(e20);
return mT(t10) ? t10.host : t10;
function CT(e20) {
var t10 = ST(e20);
return wT(t10) ? e20.ownerDocument ? e20.ownerDocument.body : e20.body : pT(t10) && gT(t10) ? t10 : CT(t10);
function $T(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10;
void 0 === t10 && (t10 = []), void 0 === n10 && (n10 = true);
var o10 = CT(e20), i10 = o10 === (null == (r10 = e20.ownerDocument) ? void 0 : r10.body), a10 = fT(o10);
return i10 ? t10.concat(a10, a10.visualViewport || [], gT(o10) ? o10 : [], a10.frameElement && n10 ? $T(a10.frameElement) : []) : t10.concat(o10, $T(o10, [], n10));
function _T(e20) {
var t10 = xT(e20), n10 = parseFloat(t10.width) || 0, r10 = parseFloat(t10.height) || 0, o10 = pT(e20), i10 = o10 ? e20.offsetWidth : n10, a10 = o10 ? e20.offsetHeight : r10, s10 = qP(n10) !== i10 || qP(r10) !== a10;
return s10 && (n10 = i10, r10 = a10), { width: n10, height: r10, $: s10 };
function OT(e20) {
return vT(e20) ? e20 : e20.contextElement;
function MT(e20) {
var t10 = OT(e20);
if (!pT(t10))
return BP(1);
var n10 = t10.getBoundingClientRect(), r10 = _T(t10), o10 = r10.width, i10 = r10.height, a10 = r10.$, s10 = (a10 ? qP(n10.width) : n10.width) / o10, c10 = (a10 ? qP(n10.height) : n10.height) / i10;
return s10 && Number.isFinite(s10) || (s10 = 1), c10 && Number.isFinite(c10) || (c10 = 1), { x: s10, y: c10 };
var ET = BP(0);
function AT(e20) {
var t10 = fT(e20);
return kT() && t10.visualViewport ? { x: t10.visualViewport.offsetLeft, y: t10.visualViewport.offsetTop } : ET;
function PT(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
void 0 === t10 && (t10 = false), void 0 === n10 && (n10 = false);
var o10 = e20.getBoundingClientRect(), i10 = OT(e20), a10 = BP(1);
t10 && (r10 ? vT(r10) && (a10 = MT(r10)) : a10 = MT(e20));
var s10 = function(e21, t11, n11) {
return void 0 === t11 && (t11 = false), !(!n11 || t11 && n11 !== fT(e21)) && t11;
}(i10, n10, r10) ? AT(i10) : BP(0), c10 = (o10.left + s10.x) / a10.x, l10 = (o10.top + s10.y) / a10.y, u10 = o10.width / a10.x, f10 = o10.height / a10.y;
if (i10)
for (var d10 = fT(i10), h10 = r10 && vT(r10) ? fT(r10) : r10, v10 = d10.frameElement; v10 && r10 && h10 !== d10; ) {
var p10 = MT(v10), m10 = v10.getBoundingClientRect(), g10 = xT(v10), y10 = m10.left + (v10.clientLeft + parseFloat(g10.paddingLeft)) * p10.x, b10 = m10.top + (v10.clientTop + parseFloat(g10.paddingTop)) * p10.y;
c10 *= p10.x, l10 *= p10.y, u10 *= p10.x, f10 *= p10.y, c10 += y10, l10 += b10, v10 = fT(v10).frameElement;
return rT({ width: u10, height: f10, x: c10, y: l10 });
function TT(e20) {
return PT(dT(e20)).left + jT(e20).scrollLeft;
function RT(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10;
if ("viewport" === t10)
r10 = function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = fT(e21), r11 = dT(e21), o11 = n11.visualViewport, i10 = r11.clientWidth, a10 = r11.clientHeight, s10 = 0, c10 = 0;
if (o11) {
i10 = o11.width, a10 = o11.height;
var l10 = kT();
(!l10 || l10 && "fixed" === t11) && (s10 = o11.offsetLeft, c10 = o11.offsetTop);
return { width: i10, height: a10, x: s10, y: c10 };
}(e20, n10);
else if ("document" === t10)
r10 = function(e21) {
var t11 = dT(e21), n11 = jT(e21), r11 = e21.ownerDocument.body, o11 = DP(t11.scrollWidth, t11.clientWidth, r11.scrollWidth, r11.clientWidth), i10 = DP(t11.scrollHeight, t11.clientHeight, r11.scrollHeight, r11.clientHeight), a10 = -n11.scrollLeft + TT(e21), s10 = -n11.scrollTop;
return "rtl" === xT(r11).direction && (a10 += DP(t11.clientWidth, r11.clientWidth) - o11), { width: o11, height: i10, x: a10, y: s10 };
else if (vT(t10))
r10 = function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = PT(e21, true, "fixed" === t11), r11 = n11.top + e21.clientTop, o11 = n11.left + e21.clientLeft, i10 = pT(e21) ? MT(e21) : BP(1);
return { width: e21.clientWidth * i10.x, height: e21.clientHeight * i10.y, x: o11 * i10.x, y: r11 * i10.y };
}(t10, n10);
else {
var o10 = AT(e20);
r10 = Ro(Ro({}, t10), {}, { x: t10.x - o10.x, y: t10.y - o10.y });
return rT(r10);
function NT(e20, t10) {
var n10 = ST(e20);
return !(n10 === t10 || !vT(n10) || wT(n10)) && ("fixed" === xT(n10).position || NT(n10, t10));
function IT(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = pT(t10), o10 = dT(t10), i10 = "fixed" === n10, a10 = PT(e20, true, i10, t10), s10 = { scrollLeft: 0, scrollTop: 0 }, c10 = BP(0);
if (r10 || !r10 && !i10)
if (("body" !== uT(t10) || gT(o10)) && (s10 = jT(t10)), r10) {
var l10 = PT(t10, true, i10, t10);
c10.x = l10.x + t10.clientLeft, c10.y = l10.y + t10.clientTop;
} else
o10 && (c10.x = TT(o10));
return { x: a10.left + s10.scrollLeft - c10.x, y: a10.top + s10.scrollTop - c10.y, width: a10.width, height: a10.height };
function DT(e20, t10) {
return pT(e20) && "fixed" !== xT(e20).position ? t10 ? t10(e20) : e20.offsetParent : null;
function qT(e20, t10) {
var n10 = fT(e20);
if (!pT(e20))
return n10;
for (var r10 = DT(e20, t10); r10 && yT(r10) && "static" === xT(r10).position; )
r10 = DT(r10, t10);
return r10 && ("html" === uT(r10) || "body" === uT(r10) && "static" === xT(r10).position && !bT(r10)) ? n10 : r10 || function(e21) {
for (var t11 = ST(e21); pT(t11) && !wT(t11); ) {
if (bT(t11))
return t11;
t11 = ST(t11);
return null;
}(e20) || n10;
var zT = { convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.rect, n10 = e20.offsetParent, r10 = e20.strategy, o10 = pT(n10), i10 = dT(n10);
if (n10 === i10)
return t10;
var a10 = { scrollLeft: 0, scrollTop: 0 }, s10 = BP(1), c10 = BP(0);
if ((o10 || !o10 && "fixed" !== r10) && (("body" !== uT(n10) || gT(i10)) && (a10 = jT(n10)), pT(n10))) {
var l10 = PT(n10);
s10 = MT(n10), c10.x = l10.x + n10.clientLeft, c10.y = l10.y + n10.clientTop;
return { width: t10.width * s10.x, height: t10.height * s10.y, x: t10.x * s10.x - a10.scrollLeft * s10.x + c10.x, y: t10.y * s10.y - a10.scrollTop * s10.y + c10.y };
}, getDocumentElement: dT, getClippingRect: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.element, n10 = e20.boundary, r10 = e20.rootBoundary, o10 = e20.strategy, i10 = "clippingAncestors" === n10 ? function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = t11.get(e21);
if (n11)
return n11;
for (var r11 = $T(e21, [], false).filter(function(e23) {
return vT(e23) && "body" !== uT(e23);
}), o11 = null, i11 = "fixed" === xT(e21).position, a11 = i11 ? ST(e21) : e21; vT(a11) && !wT(a11); ) {
var s11 = xT(a11), c11 = bT(a11);
c11 || "fixed" !== s11.position || (o11 = null), (i11 ? !c11 && !o11 : !c11 && "static" === s11.position && o11 && ["absolute", "fixed"].includes(o11.position) || gT(a11) && !c11 && NT(e21, a11)) ? r11 = r11.filter(function(e23) {
return e23 !== a11;
}) : o11 = s11, a11 = ST(a11);
return t11.set(e21, r11), r11;
}(t10, this._c) : [].concat(n10), a10 = [].concat(Bo(i10), [r10]), s10 = a10[0], c10 = a10.reduce(function(e21, n11) {
var r11 = RT(t10, n11, o10);
return e21.top = DP(r11.top, e21.top), e21.right = IP(r11.right, e21.right), e21.bottom = IP(r11.bottom, e21.bottom), e21.left = DP(r11.left, e21.left), e21;
}, RT(t10, s10, o10));
return { width: c10.right - c10.left, height: c10.bottom - c10.top, x: c10.left, y: c10.top };
}, getOffsetParent: qT, getElementRects: function() {
var e20 = xo(ko().mark(function e21(t10) {
var n10, r10, o10, i10, a10;
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return n10 = t10.reference, r10 = t10.floating, o10 = t10.strategy, i10 = this.getOffsetParent || qT, a10 = this.getDimensions, e23.t0 = IT, e23.t1 = n10, e23.next = 7, i10(r10);
case 7:
return e23.t2 = e23.sent, e23.t3 = o10, e23.t4 = (0, e23.t0)(e23.t1, e23.t2, e23.t3), e23.t5 = Ro, e23.t6 = { x: 0, y: 0 }, e23.next = 14, a10(r10);
case 14:
return e23.t7 = e23.sent, e23.t8 = (0, e23.t5)(e23.t6, e23.t7), e23.abrupt("return", { reference: e23.t4, floating: e23.t8 });
case 17:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21, this);
return function(t10) {
return e20.apply(this, arguments);
}(), getClientRects: function(e20) {
return Array.from(e20.getClientRects());
}, getDimensions: function(e20) {
var t10 = _T(e20);
return { width: t10.width, height: t10.height };
}, getScale: MT, isElement: vT, isRTL: function(e20) {
return "rtl" === xT(e20).direction;
} };
function BT(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
void 0 === r10 && (r10 = {});
var o10 = r10, i10 = o10.ancestorScroll, a10 = void 0 === i10 || i10, s10 = o10.ancestorResize, c10 = void 0 === s10 || s10, l10 = o10.elementResize, u10 = void 0 === l10 ? "function" == typeof ResizeObserver : l10, f10 = o10.layoutShift, d10 = void 0 === f10 ? "function" == typeof IntersectionObserver : f10, h10 = o10.animationFrame, v10 = void 0 !== h10 && h10, p10 = OT(e20), m10 = a10 || c10 ? [].concat(Bo(p10 ? $T(p10) : []), Bo($T(t10))) : [];
m10.forEach(function(e21) {
a10 && e21.addEventListener("scroll", n10, { passive: true }), c10 && e21.addEventListener("resize", n10);
var g10, y10 = p10 && d10 ? function(e21, t11) {
var n11, r11 = null, o11 = dT(e21);
function i11() {
clearTimeout(n11), r11 && r11.disconnect(), r11 = null;
return function a11(s11, c11) {
void 0 === s11 && (s11 = false), void 0 === c11 && (c11 = 1), i11();
var l11 = e21.getBoundingClientRect(), u11 = l11.left, f11 = l11.top, d11 = l11.width, h11 = l11.height;
if (s11 || t11(), d11 && h11) {
var v11 = { rootMargin: -zP(f11) + "px " + -zP(o11.clientWidth - (u11 + d11)) + "px " + -zP(o11.clientHeight - (f11 + h11)) + "px " + -zP(u11) + "px", threshold: DP(0, IP(1, c11)) || 1 }, p11 = true;
try {
r11 = new IntersectionObserver(m11, Ro(Ro({}, v11), {}, { root: o11.ownerDocument }));
} catch (e23) {
r11 = new IntersectionObserver(m11, v11);
function m11(e23) {
var t12 = e23[0].intersectionRatio;
if (t12 !== c11) {
if (!p11)
return a11();
t12 ? a11(false, t12) : n11 = setTimeout(function() {
a11(false, 1e-7);
}, 100);
p11 = false;
}(true), i11;
}(p10, n10) : null, b10 = -1, k10 = null;
u10 && (k10 = new ResizeObserver(function(e21) {
var r11 = jo(e21, 1)[0];
r11 && r11.target === p10 && k10 && (k10.unobserve(t10), cancelAnimationFrame(b10), b10 = requestAnimationFrame(function() {
k10 && k10.observe(t10);
})), n10();
}), p10 && !v10 && k10.observe(p10), k10.observe(t10));
var w10 = v10 ? PT(e20) : null;
return v10 && function t11() {
var r11 = PT(e20);
!w10 || r11.x === w10.x && r11.y === w10.y && r11.width === w10.width && r11.height === w10.height || n10();
w10 = r11, g10 = requestAnimationFrame(t11);
}(), n10(), function() {
m10.forEach(function(e21) {
a10 && e21.removeEventListener("scroll", n10), c10 && e21.removeEventListener("resize", n10);
}), y10 && y10(), k10 && k10.disconnect(), k10 = null, v10 && cancelAnimationFrame(g10);
var LT = function(e20) {
return void 0 === e20 && (e20 = {}), { name: "shift", options: e20, fn: function(t10) {
return xo(ko().mark(function n10() {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10, k10, w10, x10, j10, S10, C10, $10;
return ko().wrap(function(n11) {
for (; ; )
switch (n11.prev = n11.next) {
case 0:
return r10 = t10.x, o10 = t10.y, i10 = t10.placement, a10 = HP(e20, t10), s10 = a10.mainAxis, c10 = void 0 === s10 || s10, l10 = a10.crossAxis, u10 = void 0 !== l10 && l10, f10 = a10.limiter, d10 = void 0 === f10 ? { fn: function(e21) {
return { x: e21.x, y: e21.y };
} } : f10, h10 = yo(a10, po), v10 = { x: r10, y: o10 }, n11.next = 5, aT(t10, h10);
case 5:
return p10 = n11.sent, m10 = GP(WP(i10)), g10 = JP(m10), y10 = v10[g10], b10 = v10[m10], c10 && (k10 = "y" === g10 ? "bottom" : "right", w10 = y10 + p10["y" === g10 ? "top" : "left"], x10 = y10 - p10[k10], y10 = VP(w10, y10, x10)), u10 && (j10 = "y" === m10 ? "bottom" : "right", S10 = b10 + p10["y" === m10 ? "top" : "left"], C10 = b10 - p10[j10], b10 = VP(S10, b10, C10)), $10 = d10.fn(Ro(Ro({}, t10), {}, qo(qo({}, g10, y10), m10, b10))), n11.abrupt("return", Ro(Ro({}, $10), {}, { data: { x: $10.x - r10, y: $10.y - o10 } }));
case 14:
case "end":
return n11.stop();
}, n10);
} };
var FT = function(e20) {
return void 0 === e20 && (e20 = {}), { name: "flip", options: e20, fn: function(t10) {
return xo(ko().mark(function n10() {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10, k10, w10, x10, j10, S10, C10, $10, _10, O10, M10, E10, A10, P10, T8, R8, N8, I10, D10, q10, z10;
return ko().wrap(function(n11) {
for (; ; )
switch (n11.prev = n11.next) {
case 0:
if (i10 = t10.placement, a10 = t10.middlewareData, s10 = t10.rects, c10 = t10.initialPlacement, l10 = t10.platform, u10 = t10.elements, f10 = HP(e20, t10), d10 = f10.mainAxis, h10 = void 0 === d10 || d10, v10 = f10.crossAxis, p10 = void 0 === v10 || v10, m10 = f10.fallbackPlacements, g10 = f10.fallbackStrategy, y10 = void 0 === g10 ? "bestFit" : g10, b10 = f10.fallbackAxisSideDirection, k10 = void 0 === b10 ? "none" : b10, w10 = f10.flipAlignment, x10 = void 0 === w10 || w10, j10 = yo(f10, vo), null == (r10 = a10.arrow) || !r10.alignmentOffset) {
n11.next = 4;
return n11.abrupt("return", {});
case 4:
return S10 = WP(i10), C10 = WP(c10) === c10, n11.next = 8, null == l10.isRTL ? void 0 : l10.isRTL(u10.floating);
case 8:
return $10 = n11.sent, _10 = m10 || (C10 || !x10 ? [tT(c10)] : XP(c10)), m10 || "none" === k10 || _10.push.apply(_10, Bo(eT(c10, x10, k10, $10))), O10 = [c10].concat(Bo(_10)), n11.next = 14, aT(t10, j10);
case 14:
if (M10 = n11.sent, E10 = [], A10 = (null == (o10 = a10.flip) ? void 0 : o10.overflows) || [], h10 && E10.push(M10[S10]), p10 && (P10 = YP(i10, s10, $10), E10.push(M10[P10[0]], M10[P10[1]])), A10 = [].concat(Bo(A10), [{ placement: i10, overflows: E10 }]), E10.every(function(e21) {
return e21 <= 0;
})) {
n11.next = 37;
if (N8 = ((null == (T8 = a10.flip) ? void 0 : T8.index) || 0) + 1, !(I10 = O10[N8])) {
n11.next = 25;
return n11.abrupt("return", { data: { index: N8, overflows: A10 }, reset: { placement: I10 } });
case 25:
if (D10 = null == (R8 = A10.filter(function(e21) {
return e21.overflows[0] <= 0;
}).sort(function(e21, t11) {
return e21.overflows[1] - t11.overflows[1];
})[0]) ? void 0 : R8.placement) {
n11.next = 35;
n11.t0 = y10, n11.next = "bestFit" === n11.t0 ? 30 : "initialPlacement" === n11.t0 ? 33 : 35;
case 30:
return z10 = null == (q10 = A10.map(function(e21) {
return [e21.placement, e21.overflows.filter(function(e23) {
return e23 > 0;
}).reduce(function(e23, t11) {
return e23 + t11;
}, 0)];
}).sort(function(e21, t11) {
return e21[1] - t11[1];
})[0]) ? void 0 : q10[0], z10 && (D10 = z10), n11.abrupt("break", 35);
case 33:
return D10 = c10, n11.abrupt("break", 35);
case 35:
if (i10 === D10) {
n11.next = 37;
return n11.abrupt("return", { reset: { placement: D10 } });
case 37:
return n11.abrupt("return", {});
case 38:
case "end":
return n11.stop();
}, n10);
} };
var VT = function(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), o10 = Ro({ platform: zT }, n10), i10 = Ro(Ro({}, o10.platform), {}, { _c: r10 });
return iT(e20, t10, Ro(Ro({}, o10), {}, { platform: i10 }));
function HT(e20) {
var t10 = e20.loadOptions, n10 = e20.filterText, r10 = e20.items, o10 = e20.multiple, i10 = e20.value, a10 = e20.itemId, s10 = e20.groupBy, c10 = e20.filterSelectedItems, l10 = e20.itemFilter, u10 = e20.convertStringItemsToObjects, f10 = e20.filterGroupedItems, d10 = e20.label;
if (r10 && t10)
return r10;
if (!r10)
return [];
r10 && r10.length > 0 && "object" !== Ho(r10[0]) && (r10 = u10(r10));
var h10 = r10.filter(function(e21) {
var t11 = l10(e21[d10], n10, e21);
return t11 && o10 && null != i10 && i10.length && (t11 = !i10.some(function(t12) {
return !!c10 && t12[a10] === e21[a10];
})), t11;
return s10 && (h10 = f10(h10)), h10;
function WT(e20) {
return UT.apply(this, arguments);
function UT() {
return UT = xo(ko().mark(function e20(t10) {
var n10, r10, o10, i10, a10;
return ko().wrap(function(e21) {
for (; ; )
switch (e21.prev = e21.next) {
case 0:
return n10 = t10.dispatch, r10 = t10.loadOptions, o10 = t10.convertStringItemsToObjects, i10 = t10.filterText, e21.next = 3, r10(i10).catch(function(e23) {
console.warn("svelte-select loadOptions error :>> ", e23), n10("error", { type: "loadOptions", details: e23 });
case 3:
if (!(a10 = e21.sent) || a10.cancelled) {
e21.next = 7;
return a10 ? (a10 && a10.length > 0 && "object" !== Ho(a10[0]) && (a10 = o10(a10)), n10("loaded", { items: a10 })) : a10 = [], e21.abrupt("return", { filteredItems: a10, loading: false, focused: true, listOpen: true });
case 7:
case "end":
return e21.stop();
}, e20);
})), UT.apply(this, arguments);
function JT(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-qbd276", "svg.svelte-qbd276{width:var(--chevron-icon-width, 20px);height:var(--chevron-icon-width, 20px);color:var(--chevron-icon-colour, currentColor)}");
function KT(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return { c: function() {
t10 = Si("svg"), Ai(n10 = Si("path"), "fill", "currentColor"), Ai(n10, "d", "M4.516 7.548c0.436-0.446 1.043-0.481 1.576 0l3.908 3.747\n 3.908-3.747c0.533-0.481 1.141-0.446 1.574 0 0.436 0.445 0.408 1.197 0\n 1.615-0.406 0.418-4.695 4.502-4.695 4.502-0.217 0.223-0.502\n 0.335-0.787 0.335s-0.57-0.112-0.789-0.335c0\n 0-4.287-4.084-4.695-4.502s-0.436-1.17 0-1.615z"), Ai(t10, "width", "100%"), Ai(t10, "height", "100%"), Ai(t10, "viewBox", "0 0 20 20"), Ai(t10, "focusable", "false"), Ai(t10, "aria-hidden", "true"), Ai(t10, "class", "svelte-qbd276");
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
ki(e21, t10, r10), pi(t10, n10);
}, p: Wo, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
var GT = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, null, KT, Xo, {}, JT), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function QT(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-whdbu1", "svg.svelte-whdbu1{width:var(--clear-icon-width, 20px);height:var(--clear-icon-width, 20px);color:var(--clear-icon-color, currentColor)}");
function YT(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return { c: function() {
t10 = Si("svg"), Ai(n10 = Si("path"), "fill", "currentColor"), Ai(n10, "d", "M34.923,37.251L24,26.328L13.077,37.251L9.436,33.61l10.923-10.923L9.436,11.765l3.641-3.641L24,19.047L34.923,8.124\n l3.641,3.641L27.641,22.688L38.564,33.61L34.923,37.251z"), Ai(t10, "width", "100%"), Ai(t10, "height", "100%"), Ai(t10, "viewBox", "-2 -2 50 50"), Ai(t10, "focusable", "false"), Ai(t10, "aria-hidden", "true"), Ai(t10, "role", "presentation"), Ai(t10, "class", "svelte-whdbu1");
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
ki(e21, t10, r10), pi(t10, n10);
}, p: Wo, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
var XT = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, null, YT, Xo, {}, QT), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function ZT(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-1p3nqvd", ".loading.svelte-1p3nqvd{width:var(--spinner-width, 20px);height:var(--spinner-height, 20px);color:var(--spinner-color, var(--icons-color));animation:svelte-1p3nqvd-rotate 0.75s linear infinite;transform-origin:center center;transform:none}.circle_path.svelte-1p3nqvd{stroke-dasharray:90;stroke-linecap:round}@keyframes svelte-1p3nqvd-rotate{100%{transform:rotate(360deg)}}");
function eR(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return { c: function() {
t10 = Si("svg"), Ai(n10 = Si("circle"), "class", "circle_path svelte-1p3nqvd"), Ai(n10, "cx", "50"), Ai(n10, "cy", "50"), Ai(n10, "r", "20"), Ai(n10, "fill", "none"), Ai(n10, "stroke", "currentColor"), Ai(n10, "stroke-width", "5"), Ai(n10, "stroke-miterlimit", "10"), Ai(t10, "class", "loading svelte-1p3nqvd"), Ai(t10, "viewBox", "25 25 50 50");
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
ki(e21, t10, r10), pi(t10, n10);
}, p: Wo, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
var tR = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, null, eR, Xo, {}, ZT), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function nR(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-82qwg8", ".svelte-select.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{--borderRadius:var(--border-radius);--clearSelectColor:var(--clear-select-color);--clearSelectWidth:var(--clear-select-width);--disabledBackground:var(--disabled-background);--disabledBorderColor:var(--disabled-border-color);--disabledColor:var(--disabled-color);--disabledPlaceholderColor:var(--disabled-placeholder-color);--disabledPlaceholderOpacity:var(--disabled-placeholder-opacity);--errorBackground:var(--error-background);--errorBorder:var(--error-border);--groupItemPaddingLeft:var(--group-item-padding-left);--groupTitleColor:var(--group-title-color);--groupTitleFontSize:var(--group-title-font-size);--groupTitleFontWeight:var(--group-title-font-weight);--groupTitlePadding:var(--group-title-padding);--groupTitleTextTransform:var(--group-title-text-transform);--groupTitleBorderColor:var(--group-title-border-color);--groupTitleBorderWidth:var(--group-title-border-width);--groupTitleBorderStyle:var(--group-title-border-style);--indicatorColor:var(--chevron-color);--indicatorHeight:var(--chevron-height);--indicatorWidth:var(--chevron-width);--inputColor:var(--input-color);--inputLeft:var(--input-left);--inputLetterSpacing:var(--input-letter-spacing);--inputMargin:var(--input-margin);--inputPadding:var(--input-padding);--itemActiveBackground:var(--item-active-background);--itemColor:var(--item-color);--itemFirstBorderRadius:var(--item-first-border-radius);--itemHoverBG:var(--item-hover-bg);--itemHoverColor:var(--item-hover-color);--itemIsActiveBG:var(--item-is-active-bg);--itemIsActiveColor:var(--item-is-active-color);--itemIsNotSelectableColor:var(--item-is-not-selectable-color);--itemPadding:var(--item-padding);--listBackground:var(--list-background);--listBorder:var(--list-border);--listBorderRadius:var(--list-border-radius);--listEmptyColor:var(--list-empty-color);--listEmptyPadding:var(--list-empty-padding);--listEmptyTextAlign:var(--list-empty-text-align);--listMaxHeight:var(--list-max-height);--listPosition:var(--list-position);--listShadow:var(--list-shadow);--listZIndex:var(--list-z-index);--multiItemBG:var(--multi-item-bg);--multiItemBorderRadius:var(--multi-item-border-radius);--multiItemDisabledHoverBg:var(--multi-item-disabled-hover-bg);--multiItemDisabledHoverColor:var(--multi-item-disabled-hover-color);--multiItemHeight:var(--multi-item-height);--multiItemMargin:var(--multi-item-margin);--multiItemPadding:var(--multi-item-padding);--multiSelectInputMargin:var(--multi-select-input-margin);--multiSelectInputPadding:var(--multi-select-input-padding);--multiSelectPadding:var(--multi-select-padding);--placeholderColor:var(--placeholder-color);--placeholderOpacity:var(--placeholder-opacity);--selectedItemPadding:var(--selected-item-padding);--spinnerColor:var(--spinner-color);--spinnerHeight:var(--spinner-height);--spinnerWidth:var(--spinner-width);--internal-padding:0 0 0 16px;border:var(--border, 1px solid #d8dbdf);border-radius:var(--border-radius, 6px);min-height:var(--height, 42px);position:relative;display:flex;align-items:stretch;padding:var(--padding, var(--internal-padding));background:var(--background, #fff);margin:var(--margin, 0);width:var(--width, 100%);font-size:var(--font-size, 16px);max-height:var(--max-height)}.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{box-sizing:var(--box-sizing, border-box)}.svelte-select.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8:hover{border:var(--border-hover, 1px solid #b2b8bf)}.value-container.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{display:flex;flex:1 1 0%;flex-wrap:wrap;align-items:center;gap:5px 10px;padding:var(--value-container-padding, 5px 0);position:relative;overflow:var(--value-container-overflow, hidden);align-self:stretch}.prepend.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8,.indicators.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{display:flex;flex-shrink:0;align-items:center}.indicators.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{position:var(--indicators-position);top:var(--indicators-top);right:var(--indicators-right);bottom:var(--indicators-bottom)}input.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{position:absolute;cursor:default;border:none;color:var(--input-color, var(--item-color));padding:var(--input-padding, 0);letter-spacing:var(--input-letter-spacing, inherit);margin:var(--input-margin, 0);min-width:10px;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;background:transparent;font-size:var(--font-size, 16px)}.svelte-82qwg8:not(.multi)>.value-container.svelte-82qwg8>input.svelte-82qwg8{width:100%;height:100%}input.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8::placeholder{color:var(--placeholder-color, #78848f);opacity:var(--placeholder-opacity, 1)}input.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8:focus{outline:none}.svelte-select.focused.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{border:var(--border-focused, 1px solid #006fe8);border-radius:var(--border-radius-focused, var(--border-radius, 6px))}.disabled.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{background:var(--disabled-background, #ebedef);border-color:var(--disabled-border-color, #ebedef);color:var(--disabled-color, #c1c6cc)}.disabled.svelte-82qwg8 input.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8::placeholder{color:var(--disabled-placeholder-color, #c1c6cc);opacity:var(--disabled-placeholder-opacity, 1)}.selected-item.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{position:relative;overflow:var(--selected-item-overflow, hidden);padding:var(--selected-item-padding, 0 20px 0 0);text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;color:var(--selected-item-color, inherit);font-size:var(--font-size, 16px)}.multi.svelte-82qwg8 .selected-item.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{position:absolute;line-height:var(--height, 42px);height:var(--height, 42px)}.selected-item.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8:focus{outline:none}.hide-selected-item.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{opacity:0}.icon.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center}.clear-select.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{all:unset;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;width:var(--clear-select-width, 40px);height:var(--clear-select-height, 100%);color:var(--clear-select-color, var(--icons-color));margin:var(--clear-select-margin, 0);pointer-events:all;flex-shrink:0}.clear-select.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8:focus{outline:var(--clear-select-focus-outline, 1px solid #006fe8)}.loading.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{width:var(--loading-width, 40px);height:var(--loading-height);color:var(--loading-color, var(--icons-color));margin:var(--loading--margin, 0);flex-shrink:0}.chevron.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{width:var(--chevron-width, 40px);height:var(--chevron-height, 40px);background:var(--chevron-background, transparent);pointer-events:var(--chevron-pointer-events, none);color:var(--chevron-color, var(--icons-color));border:var(--chevron-border, 0 0 0 1px solid #d8dbdf);flex-shrink:0}.multi.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{padding:var(--multi-select-padding, var(--internal-padding))}.multi.svelte-82qwg8 input.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{padding:var(--multi-select-input-padding, 0);position:relative;margin:var(--multi-select-input-margin, 5px 0);flex:1 1 40px}.svelte-select.error.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{border:var(--error-border, 1px solid #ff2d55);background:var(--error-background, #fff)}.a11y-text.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{z-index:9999;border:0px;clip:rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);height:1px;width:1px;position:absolute;overflow:hidden;padding:0px;white-space:nowrap}.multi-item.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{background:var(--multi-item-bg, #ebedef);margin:var(--multi-item-margin, 0);outline:var(--multi-item-outline, 1px solid #ddd);border-radius:var(--multi-item-border-radius, 4px);height:var(--multi-item-height, 25px);line-height:var(--multi-item-height, 25px);display:flex;cursor:default;padding:var(--multi-item-padding, 0 5px);overflow:hidden;gap:var(--multi-item-gap, 4px);outline-offset:-1px;max-width:var(--multi-max-width, none);color:var(--multi-item-color, var(--item-color))}.multi-item.disabled.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8:hover{background:var(--multi-item-disabled-hover-bg, #ebedef);color:var(--multi-item-disabled-hover-color, #c1c6cc)}.multi-item-text.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap}.multi-item-clear.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;--clear-icon-color:var(--multi-item-clear-icon-color, #000)}.multi-item.active.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{outline:var(--multi-item-active-outline, 1px solid #006fe8)}.svelte-select-list.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{box-shadow:var(--list-shadow, 0 2px 3px 0 rgba(44, 62, 80, 0.24));border-radius:var(--list-border-radius, 4px);max-height:var(--list-max-height, 252px);overflow-y:auto;background:var(--list-background, #fff);position:var(--list-position, absolute);z-index:var(--list-z-index, 2);border:var(--list-border)}.prefloat.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{opacity:0;pointer-events:none}.list-group-title.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{color:var(--group-title-color, #8f8f8f);cursor:default;font-size:var(--group-title-font-size, 16px);font-weight:var(--group-title-font-weight, 600);height:var(--height, 42px);line-height:var(--height, 42px);padding:var(--group-title-padding, 0 20px);text-overflow:ellipsis;overflow-x:hidden;white-space:nowrap;text-transform:var(--group-title-text-transform, uppercase);border-width:var(--group-title-border-width, medium);border-style:var(--group-title-border-style, none);border-color:var(--group-title-border-color, color)}.empty.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{text-align:var(--list-empty-text-align, center);padding:var(--list-empty-padding, 20px 0);color:var(--list-empty-color, #78848f)}.item.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{cursor:default;height:var(--item-height, var(--height, 42px));line-height:var(--item-line-height, var(--height, 42px));padding:var(--item-padding, 0 20px);color:var(--item-color, inherit);text-overflow:ellipsis;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;transition:var(--item-transition, all 0.2s);align-items:center;width:100%}.item.group-item.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{padding-left:var(--group-item-padding-left, 40px)}.item.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8:active{background:var(--item-active-background, #b9daff)}.item.active.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{background:var(--item-is-active-bg, #007aff);color:var(--item-is-active-color, #fff)}.item.first.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{border-radius:var(--item-first-border-radius, 4px 4px 0 0)}.item.hover.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8:not(.active){background:var(--item-hover-bg, #e7f2ff);color:var(--item-hover-color, inherit)}.item.not-selectable.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8,.item.hover.item.not-selectable.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8,.item.active.item.not-selectable.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8,.item.not-selectable.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8:active{color:var(--item-is-not-selectable-color, #999);background:transparent}.required.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8.svelte-82qwg8{opacity:0;z-index:-1;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;right:0}");
var rR = function(e20) {
return { value: 8 & e20[0] };
var oR = function(e20) {
return { value: e20[3] };
var iR = function(e20) {
return { value: 8 & e20[0] };
var aR = function(e20) {
return { value: e20[3] };
var sR = function(e20) {
return { listOpen: 64 & e20[0] };
var cR = function(e20) {
return { listOpen: e20[6] };
var lR = function(e20) {
return {};
var uR = function(e20) {
return {};
var fR = function(e20) {
return {};
var dR = function(e20) {
return {};
var hR = function(e20) {
return { selection: 8 & e20[0] };
var vR = function(e20) {
return { selection: e20[3] };
function pR(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[126] = t10[n10], r10[128] = n10, r10;
var mR = function(e20) {
return {};
var gR = function(e20) {
return {};
var yR = function(e20) {
return { selection: 8 & e20[0] };
var bR = function(e20) {
return { selection: e20[126], index: e20[128] };
var kR = function(e20) {
return {};
var wR = function(e20) {
return {};
var xR = function(e20) {
return {};
var jR = function(e20) {
return {};
var SR = function(e20) {
return {};
var CR = function(e20) {
return {};
function $R(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[126] = t10[n10], r10[128] = n10, r10;
var _R = function(e20) {
return { item: 16777216 & e20[0] };
var OR = function(e20) {
return { item: e20[126], index: e20[128] };
var MR = function(e20) {
return { filteredItems: 16777216 & e20[0] };
var ER = function(e20) {
return { filteredItems: e20[24] };
var AR = function(e20) {
return {};
var PR = function(e20) {
return {};
function TR(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10 = e20[50]["list-prepend"] && RR(e20), u10 = [DR, IR, NR], f10 = [];
function d10(e21, t11) {
return e21[50].list ? 0 : e21[24].length > 0 ? 1 : e21[19] ? -1 : 2;
~(r10 = d10(e20)) && (o10 = f10[r10] = u10[r10](e20));
var h10 = e20[50]["list-append"] && zR(e20);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), l10 && l10.c(), n10 = $i(), o10 && o10.c(), i10 = $i(), h10 && h10.c(), Ai(t10, "class", "svelte-select-list svelte-82qwg8"), Ai(t10, "role", "none"), zi(t10, "prefloat", e20[28]);
}, m: function(o11, u11) {
ki(o11, t10, u11), l10 && l10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, n10), ~r10 && f10[r10].m(t10, null), pi(t10, i10), h10 && h10.m(t10, null), e20[91](t10), a10 = true, s10 || (c10 = [ci(e20[49].call(null, t10)), Oi(t10, "scroll", e20[41]), Oi(t10, "pointerup", Ei(Mi(e20[85]))), Oi(t10, "mousedown", Ei(Mi(e20[86])))], s10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, s11) {
e21[50]["list-prepend"] ? l10 ? (l10.p(e21, s11), 524288 & s11[1] && wa(l10, 1)) : ((l10 = RR(e21)).c(), wa(l10, 1), l10.m(t10, n10)) : l10 && (ba(), xa(l10, 1, 1, function() {
l10 = null;
}), ka());
var c11 = r10;
(r10 = d10(e21)) === c11 ? ~r10 && f10[r10].p(e21, s11) : (o10 && (ba(), xa(f10[c11], 1, 1, function() {
f10[c11] = null;
}), ka()), ~r10 ? ((o10 = f10[r10]) ? o10.p(e21, s11) : (o10 = f10[r10] = u10[r10](e21)).c(), wa(o10, 1), o10.m(t10, i10)) : o10 = null), e21[50]["list-append"] ? h10 ? (h10.p(e21, s11), 524288 & s11[1] && wa(h10, 1)) : ((h10 = zR(e21)).c(), wa(h10, 1), h10.m(t10, null)) : h10 && (ba(), xa(h10, 1, 1, function() {
h10 = null;
}), ka()), (!a10 || 268435456 & s11[0]) && zi(t10, "prefloat", e21[28]);
}, i: function(e21) {
a10 || (wa(l10), wa(o10), wa(h10), a10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(l10), xa(o10), xa(h10), a10 = false;
}, d: function(n11) {
n11 && wi(t10), l10 && l10.d(), ~r10 && f10[r10].d(), h10 && h10.d(), e20[91](null), s10 = false, Qo(c10);
} };
function RR(e20) {
var t10, n10 = e20[83]["list-prepend"], r10 = ei(n10, e20, e20[82], PR);
return { c: function() {
r10 && r10.c();
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
r10 && r10.m(e21, n11), t10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, o10) {
r10 && r10.p && (!t10 || 1048576 & o10[2]) && ri(r10, n10, e21, e21[82], t10 ? ni(n10, e21[82], o10, AR) : oi(e21[82]), PR);
}, i: function(e21) {
t10 || (wa(r10, e21), t10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(r10, e21), t10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
r10 && r10.d(e21);
} };
function NR(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10 = e20[83].empty, o10 = ei(r10, e20, e20[82], CR), i10 = o10 || { c: function() {
(n10 = ji("div")).textContent = "No options", Ai(n10, "class", "empty svelte-82qwg8");
}, m: function(e21, t11) {
ki(e21, n10, t11);
}, p: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(n10);
} };
return { c: function() {
i10 && i10.c();
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
i10 && i10.m(e21, n11), t10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
o10 && o10.p && (!t10 || 1048576 & n11[2]) && ri(o10, r10, e21, e21[82], t10 ? ni(r10, e21[82], n11, SR) : oi(e21[82]), CR);
}, i: function(e21) {
t10 || (wa(i10, e21), t10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(i10, e21), t10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
i10 && i10.d(e21);
} };
function IR(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10 = Ca(e20[24]), o10 = [], i10 = 0; i10 < r10.length; i10 += 1)
o10[i10] = qR($R(e20, r10, i10));
var a10 = function(e21) {
return xa(o10[e21], 1, 1, function() {
o10[e21] = null;
return { c: function() {
for (var e21 = 0; e21 < o10.length; e21 += 1)
t10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
for (var i11 = 0; i11 < o10.length; i11 += 1)
o10[i11] && o10[i11].m(e21, r11);
ki(e21, t10, r11), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
if (1627402376 & n11[0] | 28672 & n11[1] | 1048576 & n11[2]) {
var i11;
for (r10 = Ca(e21[24]), i11 = 0; i11 < r10.length; i11 += 1) {
var s10 = $R(e21, r10, i11);
o10[i11] ? (o10[i11].p(s10, n11), wa(o10[i11], 1)) : (o10[i11] = qR(s10), o10[i11].c(), wa(o10[i11], 1), o10[i11].m(t10.parentNode, t10));
for (ba(), i11 = r10.length; i11 < o10.length; i11 += 1)
}, i: function(e21) {
if (!n10) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < r10.length; t11 += 1)
n10 = true;
}, o: function(e21) {
o10 = o10.filter(Boolean);
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < o10.length; t11 += 1)
n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), xi(o10, e21);
} };
function DR(e20) {
var t10, n10 = e20[83].list, r10 = ei(n10, e20, e20[82], ER);
return { c: function() {
r10 && r10.c();
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
r10 && r10.m(e21, n11), t10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, o10) {
r10 && r10.p && (!t10 || 16777216 & o10[0] | 1048576 & o10[2]) && ri(r10, n10, e21, e21[82], t10 ? ni(n10, e21[82], o10, MR) : oi(e21[82]), ER);
}, i: function(e21) {
t10 || (wa(r10, e21), t10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(r10, e21), t10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
r10 && r10.d(e21);
} };
function qR(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10 = e20[83].item, u10 = ei(l10, e20, e20[82], OR), f10 = u10 || function(e21) {
var t11, n11, r11 = (null === (t11 = e21[126]) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11[e21[12]]) + "";
return { c: function() {
n11 = Ci(r11);
}, m: function(e23, t12) {
ki(e23, n11, t12);
}, p: function(e23, t12) {
var o11;
16781312 & t12[0] && r11 !== (r11 = (null === (o11 = e23[126]) || void 0 === o11 ? void 0 : o11[e23[12]]) + "") && Ni(n11, r11);
}, d: function(e23) {
e23 && wi(n11);
} };
function d10() {
return e20[88](e20[128]);
function h10() {
return e20[89](e20[128]);
function v10() {
return e20[90](e20[126], e20[128]);
return { c: function() {
var r11;
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = ji("div"), f10 && f10.c(), i10 = $i(), Ai(n10, "class", "item svelte-82qwg8"), zi(n10, "list-group-title", e20[126].groupHeader), zi(n10, "active", e20[45](e20[126], e20[3], e20[13])), zi(n10, "first", 0 === e20[128]), zi(n10, "hover", e20[7] === e20[128]), zi(n10, "group-item", e20[126].groupItem), zi(n10, "not-selectable", false === (null === (r11 = e20[126]) || void 0 === r11 ? void 0 : r11.selectable)), Ai(t10, "class", "list-item svelte-82qwg8"), Ai(t10, "tabindex", "-1"), Ai(t10, "role", "none");
}, m: function(l11, u11) {
ki(l11, t10, u11), pi(t10, n10), f10 && f10.m(n10, null), pi(t10, i10), a10 = true, s10 || (c10 = [ci(r10 = e20[46].call(null, n10, { scroll: e20[45](e20[126], e20[3], e20[13]), listDom: e20[30] })), ci(o10 = e20[47].call(null, n10, { scroll: e20[29] === e20[128], listDom: e20[30] })), Oi(t10, "mouseover", d10), Oi(t10, "focus", h10), Oi(t10, "click", Ei(v10)), Oi(t10, "keydown", Ei(Mi(e20[87])))], s10 = true);
}, p: function(t11, i11) {
var s11;
(e20 = t11, u10 ? u10.p && (!a10 || 16777216 & i11[0] | 1048576 & i11[2]) && ri(u10, l10, e20, e20[82], a10 ? ni(l10, e20[82], i11, _R) : oi(e20[82]), OR) : f10 && f10.p && (!a10 || 16781312 & i11[0]) && f10.p(e20, a10 ? i11 : [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]), r10 && Yo(r10.update) && 1090527240 & i11[0] && r10.update.call(null, { scroll: e20[45](e20[126], e20[3], e20[13]), listDom: e20[30] }), o10 && Yo(o10.update) && 1610612736 & i11[0] && o10.update.call(null, { scroll: e20[29] === e20[128], listDom: e20[30] }), (!a10 || 16777216 & i11[0]) && zi(n10, "list-group-title", e20[126].groupHeader), (!a10 || 16785416 & i11[0] | 16384 & i11[1]) && zi(n10, "active", e20[45](e20[126], e20[3], e20[13])), (!a10 || 128 & i11[0]) && zi(n10, "hover", e20[7] === e20[128]), (!a10 || 16777216 & i11[0]) && zi(n10, "group-item", e20[126].groupItem), !a10 || 16777216 & i11[0]) && zi(n10, "not-selectable", false === (null === (s11 = e20[126]) || void 0 === s11 ? void 0 : s11.selectable));
}, i: function(e21) {
a10 || (wa(f10, e21), a10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(f10, e21), a10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), f10 && f10.d(e21), s10 = false, Qo(c10);
} };
function zR(e20) {
var t10, n10 = e20[83]["list-append"], r10 = ei(n10, e20, e20[82], jR);
return { c: function() {
r10 && r10.c();
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
r10 && r10.m(e21, n11), t10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, o10) {
r10 && r10.p && (!t10 || 1048576 & o10[2]) && ri(r10, n10, e21, e21[82], t10 ? ni(n10, e21[82], o10, xR) : oi(e21[82]), jR);
}, i: function(e21) {
t10 || (wa(r10, e21), t10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(r10, e21), t10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
r10 && r10.d(e21);
} };
function BR(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10;
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("span"), n10 = Ci(e20[32]), r10 = $i(), o10 = ji("span"), i10 = Ci(e20[31]), Ai(t10, "id", "aria-selection"), Ai(t10, "class", "svelte-82qwg8"), Ai(o10, "id", "aria-context"), Ai(o10, "class", "svelte-82qwg8");
}, m: function(e21, a10) {
ki(e21, t10, a10), pi(t10, n10), ki(e21, r10, a10), ki(e21, o10, a10), pi(o10, i10);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
2 & t11[1] && Ni(n10, e21[32]), 1 & t11[1] && Ni(i10, e21[31]);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && (wi(t10), wi(r10), wi(o10));
} };
function LR(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10 = [VR, FR], a10 = [];
function s10(e21, t11) {
return e21[9] ? 0 : 1;
return t10 = s10(e20), n10 = a10[t10] = i10[t10](e20), { c: function() {
n10.c(), r10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
a10[t10].m(e21, n11), ki(e21, r10, n11), o10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, o11) {
var c10 = t10;
(t10 = s10(e21)) === c10 ? a10[t10].p(e21, o11) : (ba(), xa(a10[c10], 1, 1, function() {
a10[c10] = null;
}), ka(), (n10 = a10[t10]) ? n10.p(e21, o11) : (n10 = a10[t10] = i10[t10](e21)).c(), wa(n10, 1), n10.m(r10.parentNode, r10));
}, i: function(e21) {
o10 || (wa(n10), o10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10), o10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(r10), a10[t10].d(e21);
} };
function FR(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10 = e20[83].selection, o10 = ei(r10, e20, e20[82], vR), i10 = o10 || function(e21) {
var t11, n11 = e21[3][e21[12]] + "";
return { c: function() {
t11 = Ci(n11);
}, m: function(e23, n12) {
ki(e23, t11, n12);
}, p: function(e23, r11) {
4104 & r11[0] && n11 !== (n11 = e23[3][e23[12]] + "") && Ni(t11, n11);
}, d: function(e23) {
e23 && wi(t11);
} };
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), i10 && i10.c(), Ai(t10, "class", "selected-item svelte-82qwg8"), zi(t10, "hide-selected-item", e20[35]);
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
ki(e21, t10, r11), i10 && i10.m(t10, null), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, a10) {
o10 ? o10.p && (!n10 || 8 & a10[0] | 1048576 & a10[2]) && ri(o10, r10, e21, e21[82], n10 ? ni(r10, e21[82], a10, hR) : oi(e21[82]), vR) : i10 && i10.p && (!n10 || 4104 & a10[0]) && i10.p(e21, n10 ? a10 : [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]), (!n10 || 16 & a10[1]) && zi(t10, "hide-selected-item", e21[35]);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(i10, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(i10, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), i10 && i10.d(e21);
} };
function VR(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10 = Ca(e20[3]), o10 = [], i10 = 0; i10 < r10.length; i10 += 1)
o10[i10] = WR(pR(e20, r10, i10));
var a10 = function(e21) {
return xa(o10[e21], 1, 1, function() {
o10[e21] = null;
return { c: function() {
for (var e21 = 0; e21 < o10.length; e21 += 1)
t10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
for (var i11 = 0; i11 < o10.length; i11 += 1)
o10[i11] && o10[i11].m(e21, r11);
ki(e21, t10, r11), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
if (67116040 & n11[0] | 32 & n11[1] | 1048576 & n11[2]) {
var i11;
for (r10 = Ca(e21[3]), i11 = 0; i11 < r10.length; i11 += 1) {
var s10 = pR(e21, r10, i11);
o10[i11] ? (o10[i11].p(s10, n11), wa(o10[i11], 1)) : (o10[i11] = WR(s10), o10[i11].c(), wa(o10[i11], 1), o10[i11].m(t10.parentNode, t10));
for (ba(), i11 = r10.length; i11 < o10.length; i11 += 1)
}, i: function(e21) {
if (!n10) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < r10.length; t11 += 1)
n10 = true;
}, o: function(e21) {
o10 = o10.filter(Boolean);
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < o10.length; t11 += 1)
n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), xi(o10, e21);
} };
function HR(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10 = e20[83]["multi-clear-icon"], a10 = ei(i10, e20, e20[82], gR), s10 = a10 || function(e21) {
var t11, n11;
return t11 = new XT({}), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e23, r11) {
Ta(t11, e23, r11), n11 = true;
}, i: function(e23) {
n11 || (wa(t11.$$.fragment, e23), n11 = true);
}, o: function(e23) {
xa(t11.$$.fragment, e23), n11 = false;
}, d: function(e23) {
Ra(t11, e23);
} };
function c10() {
return e20[92](e20[128]);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), s10 && s10.c(), Ai(t10, "class", "multi-item-clear svelte-82qwg8");
}, m: function(e21, i11) {
ki(e21, t10, i11), s10 && s10.m(t10, null), n10 = true, r10 || (o10 = Oi(t10, "pointerup", Ei(Mi(c10))), r10 = true);
}, p: function(t11, r11) {
e20 = t11, a10 && a10.p && (!n10 || 1048576 & r11[2]) && ri(a10, i10, e20, e20[82], n10 ? ni(i10, e20[82], r11, mR) : oi(e20[82]), gR);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(s10, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(s10, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), s10 && s10.d(e21), r10 = false, o10();
} };
function WR(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10 = e20[83].selection, l10 = ei(c10, e20, e20[82], bR), u10 = l10 || function(e21) {
var t11, n11 = e21[126][e21[12]] + "";
return { c: function() {
t11 = Ci(n11);
}, m: function(e23, n12) {
ki(e23, t11, n12);
}, p: function(e23, r11) {
4104 & r11[0] && n11 !== (n11 = e23[126][e23[12]] + "") && Ni(t11, n11);
}, d: function(e23) {
e23 && wi(t11);
} };
}(e20), f10 = !e20[11] && !e20[10] && XT && HR(e20);
function d10() {
return e20[93](e20[128]);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = ji("span"), u10 && u10.c(), r10 = $i(), f10 && f10.c(), o10 = $i(), Ai(n10, "class", "multi-item-text svelte-82qwg8"), Ai(t10, "class", "multi-item svelte-82qwg8"), Ai(t10, "role", "none"), zi(t10, "active", e20[26] === e20[128]), zi(t10, "disabled", e20[11]);
}, m: function(c11, l11) {
ki(c11, t10, l11), pi(t10, n10), u10 && u10.m(n10, null), pi(t10, r10), f10 && f10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, o10), i10 = true, a10 || (s10 = [Oi(t10, "click", Mi(d10)), Oi(t10, "keydown", Ei(Mi(e20[84])))], a10 = true);
}, p: function(n11, r11) {
e20 = n11, l10 ? l10.p && (!i10 || 8 & r11[0] | 1048576 & r11[2]) && ri(l10, c10, e20, e20[82], i10 ? ni(c10, e20[82], r11, yR) : oi(e20[82]), bR) : u10 && u10.p && (!i10 || 4104 & r11[0]) && u10.p(e20, i10 ? r11 : [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]), e20[11] || e20[10] || !XT ? f10 && (ba(), xa(f10, 1, 1, function() {
f10 = null;
}), ka()) : f10 ? (f10.p(e20, r11), 3072 & r11[0] && wa(f10, 1)) : ((f10 = HR(e20)).c(), wa(f10, 1), f10.m(t10, o10)), (!i10 || 67108864 & r11[0]) && zi(t10, "active", e20[26] === e20[128]), (!i10 || 2048 & r11[0]) && zi(t10, "disabled", e20[11]);
}, i: function(e21) {
i10 || (wa(u10, e21), wa(f10), i10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(u10, e21), xa(f10), i10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), u10 && u10.d(e21), f10 && f10.d(), a10 = false, Qo(s10);
} };
function UR(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10 = e20[83]["loading-icon"], o10 = ei(r10, e20, e20[82], dR), i10 = o10 || function(e21) {
var t11, n11;
return t11 = new tR({}), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e23, r11) {
Ta(t11, e23, r11), n11 = true;
}, i: function(e23) {
n11 || (wa(t11.$$.fragment, e23), n11 = true);
}, o: function(e23) {
xa(t11.$$.fragment, e23), n11 = false;
}, d: function(e23) {
Ra(t11, e23);
} };
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), i10 && i10.c(), Ai(t10, "class", "icon loading svelte-82qwg8"), Ai(t10, "aria-hidden", "true");
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
ki(e21, t10, r11), i10 && i10.m(t10, null), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
o10 && o10.p && (!n10 || 1048576 & t11[2]) && ri(o10, r10, e21, e21[82], n10 ? ni(r10, e21[82], t11, fR) : oi(e21[82]), dR);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(i10, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(i10, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), i10 && i10.d(e21);
} };
function JR(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10 = e20[83]["clear-icon"], a10 = ei(i10, e20, e20[82], uR), s10 = a10 || function(e21) {
var t11, n11;
return t11 = new XT({}), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e23, r11) {
Ta(t11, e23, r11), n11 = true;
}, i: function(e23) {
n11 || (wa(t11.$$.fragment, e23), n11 = true);
}, o: function(e23) {
xa(t11.$$.fragment, e23), n11 = false;
}, d: function(e23) {
Ra(t11, e23);
} };
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("button"), s10 && s10.c(), Ai(t10, "type", "button"), Ai(t10, "class", "icon clear-select svelte-82qwg8");
}, m: function(i11, a11) {
ki(i11, t10, a11), s10 && s10.m(t10, null), n10 = true, r10 || (o10 = Oi(t10, "click", e20[22]), r10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
a10 && a10.p && (!n10 || 1048576 & t11[2]) && ri(a10, i10, e21, e21[82], n10 ? ni(i10, e21[82], t11, lR) : oi(e21[82]), uR);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(s10, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(s10, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), s10 && s10.d(e21), r10 = false, o10();
} };
function KR(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10 = e20[83]["chevron-icon"], o10 = ei(r10, e20, e20[82], cR), i10 = o10 || function(e21) {
var t11, n11;
return t11 = new GT({}), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e23, r11) {
Ta(t11, e23, r11), n11 = true;
}, i: function(e23) {
n11 || (wa(t11.$$.fragment, e23), n11 = true);
}, o: function(e23) {
xa(t11.$$.fragment, e23), n11 = false;
}, d: function(e23) {
Ra(t11, e23);
} };
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), i10 && i10.c(), Ai(t10, "class", "icon chevron svelte-82qwg8"), Ai(t10, "aria-hidden", "true");
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
ki(e21, t10, r11), i10 && i10.m(t10, null), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
o10 && o10.p && (!n10 || 64 & t11[0] | 1048576 & t11[2]) && ri(o10, r10, e21, e21[82], n10 ? ni(r10, e21[82], t11, sR) : oi(e21[82]), cR);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(i10, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(i10, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), i10 && i10.d(e21);
} };
function GR(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10 = e20[83].required, o10 = ei(r10, e20, e20[82], oR), i10 = o10 || { c: function() {
Ai(n10 = ji("select"), "class", "required svelte-82qwg8"), n10.required = true, Ai(n10, "tabindex", "-1"), Ai(n10, "aria-hidden", "true");
}, m: function(e21, t11) {
ki(e21, n10, t11);
}, p: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(n10);
} };
return { c: function() {
i10 && i10.c();
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
i10 && i10.m(e21, n11), t10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
o10 && o10.p && (!t10 || 8 & n11[0] | 1048576 & n11[2]) && ri(o10, r10, e21, e21[82], t10 ? ni(r10, e21[82], n11, rR) : oi(e21[82]), oR);
}, i: function(e21) {
t10 || (wa(i10, e21), t10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(i10, e21), t10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
i10 && i10.d(e21);
} };
function QR(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10, k10, w10 = e20[6] && TR(e20), x10 = e20[2] && BR(e20), j10 = e20[83].prepend, S10 = ei(j10, e20, e20[82], wR), C10 = e20[25] && LR(e20), $10 = [{ readOnly: u10 = !e20[17] }, e20[27], { placeholder: e20[33] }, { style: e20[18] }, { disabled: e20[11] }], _10 = {}, O10 = 0; O10 < $10.length; O10 += 1)
_10 = Jo(_10, $10[O10]);
var M10 = e20[5] && UR(e20), E10 = e20[34] && JR(e20), A10 = e20[20] && KR(e20), P10 = e20[83]["input-hidden"], T8 = ei(P10, e20, e20[82], aR), R8 = T8 || /* @__PURE__ */ function(e21) {
var t11, n11;
return { c: function() {
Ai(t11 = ji("input"), "name", e21[8]), Ai(t11, "type", "hidden"), t11.value = n11 = e21[3] ? JSON.stringify(e21[3]) : null, Ai(t11, "class", "svelte-82qwg8");
}, m: function(e23, n12) {
ki(e23, t11, n12);
}, p: function(e23, r11) {
256 & r11[0] && Ai(t11, "name", e23[8]), 8 & r11[0] && n11 !== (n11 = e23[3] ? JSON.stringify(e23[3]) : null) && (t11.value = n11);
}, d: function(e23) {
e23 && wi(t11);
} };
}(e20), N8 = e20[16] && (!e20[3] || 0 === e20[3].length) && GR(e20);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), w10 && w10.c(), n10 = $i(), r10 = ji("span"), x10 && x10.c(), o10 = $i(), i10 = ji("div"), S10 && S10.c(), a10 = $i(), s10 = ji("div"), C10 && C10.c(), c10 = $i(), l10 = ji("input"), f10 = $i(), d10 = ji("div"), M10 && M10.c(), h10 = $i(), E10 && E10.c(), v10 = $i(), A10 && A10.c(), p10 = $i(), R8 && R8.c(), m10 = $i(), N8 && N8.c(), Ai(r10, "aria-live", "polite"), Ai(r10, "aria-atomic", "false"), Ai(r10, "aria-relevant", "additions text"), Ai(r10, "class", "a11y-text svelte-82qwg8"), Ai(i10, "class", "prepend svelte-82qwg8"), Ti(l10, _10), zi(l10, "svelte-82qwg8", true), Ai(s10, "class", "value-container svelte-82qwg8"), Ai(d10, "class", "indicators svelte-82qwg8"), Ai(t10, "class", g10 = "svelte-select " + e20[21] + " svelte-82qwg8"), Ai(t10, "style", e20[14]), Ai(t10, "role", "none"), zi(t10, "multi", e20[9]), zi(t10, "disabled", e20[11]), zi(t10, "focused", e20[2]), zi(t10, "list-open", e20[6]), zi(t10, "show-chevron", e20[20]), zi(t10, "error", e20[15]);
}, m: function(u11, g11) {
ki(u11, t10, g11), w10 && w10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, n10), pi(t10, r10), x10 && x10.m(r10, null), pi(t10, o10), pi(t10, i10), S10 && S10.m(i10, null), pi(t10, a10), pi(t10, s10), C10 && C10.m(s10, null), pi(s10, c10), pi(s10, l10), l10.autofocus && l10.focus(), e20[94](l10), Ii(l10, e20[4]), pi(t10, f10), pi(t10, d10), M10 && M10.m(d10, null), pi(d10, h10), E10 && E10.m(d10, null), pi(d10, v10), A10 && A10.m(d10, null), pi(t10, p10), R8 && R8.m(t10, null), pi(t10, m10), N8 && N8.m(t10, null), e20[96](t10), y10 = true, b10 || (k10 = [Oi(window, "click", e20[42]), Oi(window, "keydown", e20[37]), Oi(l10, "keydown", e20[37]), Oi(l10, "blur", e20[39]), Oi(l10, "focus", e20[38]), Oi(l10, "input", e20[95]), Oi(t10, "pointerup", Mi(e20[40])), ci(e20[48].call(null, t10))], b10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, o11) {
e21[6] ? w10 ? (w10.p(e21, o11), 64 & o11[0] && wa(w10, 1)) : ((w10 = TR(e21)).c(), wa(w10, 1), w10.m(t10, n10)) : w10 && (ba(), xa(w10, 1, 1, function() {
w10 = null;
}), ka()), e21[2] ? x10 ? x10.p(e21, o11) : ((x10 = BR(e21)).c(), x10.m(r10, null)) : x10 && (x10.d(1), x10 = null), S10 && S10.p && (!y10 || 1048576 & o11[2]) && ri(S10, j10, e21, e21[82], y10 ? ni(j10, e21[82], o11, kR) : oi(e21[82]), wR), e21[25] ? C10 ? (C10.p(e21, o11), 33554432 & o11[0] && wa(C10, 1)) : ((C10 = LR(e21)).c(), wa(C10, 1), C10.m(s10, c10)) : C10 && (ba(), xa(C10, 1, 1, function() {
C10 = null;
}), ka()), Ti(l10, _10 = Ma($10, [(!y10 || 131072 & o11[0] && u10 !== (u10 = !e21[17])) && { readOnly: u10 }, 134217728 & o11[0] && e21[27], (!y10 || 4 & o11[1]) && { placeholder: e21[33] }, (!y10 || 262144 & o11[0]) && { style: e21[18] }, (!y10 || 2048 & o11[0]) && { disabled: e21[11] }])), 16 & o11[0] && l10.value !== e21[4] && Ii(l10, e21[4]), zi(l10, "svelte-82qwg8", true), e21[5] ? M10 ? (M10.p(e21, o11), 32 & o11[0] && wa(M10, 1)) : ((M10 = UR(e21)).c(), wa(M10, 1), M10.m(d10, h10)) : M10 && (ba(), xa(M10, 1, 1, function() {
M10 = null;
}), ka()), e21[34] ? E10 ? (E10.p(e21, o11), 8 & o11[1] && wa(E10, 1)) : ((E10 = JR(e21)).c(), wa(E10, 1), E10.m(d10, v10)) : E10 && (ba(), xa(E10, 1, 1, function() {
E10 = null;
}), ka()), e21[20] ? A10 ? (A10.p(e21, o11), 1048576 & o11[0] && wa(A10, 1)) : ((A10 = KR(e21)).c(), wa(A10, 1), A10.m(d10, null)) : A10 && (ba(), xa(A10, 1, 1, function() {
A10 = null;
}), ka()), T8 ? T8.p && (!y10 || 8 & o11[0] | 1048576 & o11[2]) && ri(T8, P10, e21, e21[82], y10 ? ni(P10, e21[82], o11, iR) : oi(e21[82]), aR) : R8 && R8.p && (!y10 || 264 & o11[0]) && R8.p(e21, y10 ? o11 : [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]), !e21[16] || e21[3] && 0 !== e21[3].length ? N8 && (ba(), xa(N8, 1, 1, function() {
N8 = null;
}), ka()) : N8 ? (N8.p(e21, o11), 65544 & o11[0] && wa(N8, 1)) : ((N8 = GR(e21)).c(), wa(N8, 1), N8.m(t10, null)), (!y10 || 2097152 & o11[0] && g10 !== (g10 = "svelte-select " + e21[21] + " svelte-82qwg8")) && Ai(t10, "class", g10), (!y10 || 16384 & o11[0]) && Ai(t10, "style", e21[14]), (!y10 || 2097664 & o11[0]) && zi(t10, "multi", e21[9]), (!y10 || 2099200 & o11[0]) && zi(t10, "disabled", e21[11]), (!y10 || 2097156 & o11[0]) && zi(t10, "focused", e21[2]), (!y10 || 2097216 & o11[0]) && zi(t10, "list-open", e21[6]), (!y10 || 3145728 & o11[0]) && zi(t10, "show-chevron", e21[20]), (!y10 || 2129920 & o11[0]) && zi(t10, "error", e21[15]);
}, i: function(e21) {
y10 || (wa(w10), wa(S10, e21), wa(C10), wa(M10), wa(E10), wa(A10), wa(R8, e21), wa(N8), y10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(w10), xa(S10, e21), xa(C10), xa(M10), xa(E10), xa(A10), xa(R8, e21), xa(N8), y10 = false;
}, d: function(n11) {
n11 && wi(t10), w10 && w10.d(), x10 && x10.d(), S10 && S10.d(n11), C10 && C10.d(), e20[94](null), M10 && M10.d(), E10 && E10.d(), A10 && A10.d(), R8 && R8.d(n11), N8 && N8.d(), e20[96](null), b10 = false, Qo(k10);
} };
function YR(e20) {
return e20.map(function(e21, t10) {
return { index: t10, value: e21, label: "".concat(e21) };
function XR(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10 = t10.$$slots, k10 = void 0 === b10 ? {} : b10, w10 = t10.$$scope, x10 = function(e21) {
var t11 = {};
for (var n11 in e21)
t11[n11] = true;
return t11;
}(k10), j10 = Yi(), S10 = t10.justValue, C10 = void 0 === S10 ? null : S10, $10 = t10.filter, _10 = void 0 === $10 ? HT : $10, O10 = t10.getItems, M10 = void 0 === O10 ? WT : O10, E10 = t10.id, A10 = void 0 === E10 ? null : E10, P10 = t10.name, T8 = void 0 === P10 ? null : P10, R8 = t10.container, N8 = void 0 === R8 ? void 0 : R8, I10 = t10.input, D10 = void 0 === I10 ? void 0 : I10, q10 = t10.multiple, z10 = void 0 !== q10 && q10, B10 = t10.multiFullItemClearable, L10 = void 0 !== B10 && B10, F10 = t10.disabled, V10 = void 0 !== F10 && F10, H10 = t10.focused, W10 = void 0 !== H10 && H10, U10 = t10.value, J10 = void 0 === U10 ? null : U10, K10 = t10.filterText, G10 = void 0 === K10 ? "" : K10, Q10 = t10.placeholder, Y10 = void 0 === Q10 ? "Please select" : Q10, X10 = t10.placeholderAlwaysShow, Z10 = void 0 !== X10 && X10, ee2 = t10.items, te2 = void 0 === ee2 ? null : ee2, ne2 = t10.label, re2 = void 0 === ne2 ? "label" : ne2, oe2 = t10.itemFilter, ie2 = void 0 === oe2 ? function(e21, t11, n11) {
return "".concat(e21).toLowerCase().includes(t11.toLowerCase());
} : oe2, ae2 = t10.groupBy, se2 = void 0 === ae2 ? void 0 : ae2, ce2 = t10.groupFilter, le2 = void 0 === ce2 ? function(e21) {
return e21;
} : ce2, ue2 = t10.groupHeaderSelectable, fe2 = void 0 !== ue2 && ue2, de2 = t10.itemId, he2 = void 0 === de2 ? "value" : de2, ve2 = t10.loadOptions, pe2 = void 0 === ve2 ? void 0 : ve2, me2 = t10.containerStyles, ge2 = void 0 === me2 ? "" : me2, ye2 = t10.hasError, be2 = void 0 !== ye2 && ye2, ke2 = t10.filterSelectedItems, we2 = void 0 === ke2 || ke2, xe2 = t10.required, je2 = void 0 !== xe2 && xe2, Se2 = t10.closeListOnChange, Ce2 = void 0 === Se2 || Se2, $e2 = t10.clearFilterTextOnBlur, _e2 = void 0 === $e2 || $e2, Oe2 = t10.createGroupHeaderItem, Me2 = void 0 === Oe2 ? function(e21, t11) {
return qo({ value: e21 }, re2, e21);
} : Oe2, Ee2 = t10.searchable, Ae2 = void 0 === Ee2 || Ee2, Pe2 = t10.inputStyles, Te2 = void 0 === Pe2 ? "" : Pe2, Re2 = t10.clearable, Ne2 = void 0 === Re2 || Re2, Ie2 = t10.loading, De2 = void 0 !== Ie2 && Ie2, qe2 = t10.listOpen, ze2 = void 0 !== qe2 && qe2, Be2 = t10.debounce, Le2 = void 0 === Be2 ? function(e21) {
var t11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 1;
clearTimeout(d10), d10 = setTimeout(e21, t11);
} : Be2, Fe2 = t10.debounceWait, Ve2 = void 0 === Fe2 ? 300 : Fe2, He2 = t10.hideEmptyState, We2 = void 0 !== He2 && He2, Ue2 = t10.inputAttributes, Je2 = void 0 === Ue2 ? {} : Ue2, Ke2 = t10.listAutoWidth, Ge2 = void 0 === Ke2 || Ke2, Qe2 = t10.showChevron, Ye2 = void 0 !== Qe2 && Qe2, Xe2 = t10.listOffset, Ze2 = void 0 === Xe2 ? 5 : Xe2, et2 = t10.hoverItemIndex, tt2 = void 0 === et2 ? 0 : et2, nt2 = t10.floatingConfig, rt2 = void 0 === nt2 ? {} : nt2, ot2 = t10.class, it2 = void 0 === ot2 ? "" : ot2;
function at2(e21) {
var t11 = [], n11 = {};
e21.forEach(function(e23) {
var r12 = se2(e23);
t11.includes(r12) || (t11.push(r12), n11[r12] = [], r12 && n11[r12].push(Object.assign(Me2(r12, e23), { id: r12, groupHeader: true, selectable: fe2 }))), n11[r12].push(Object.assign({ groupItem: !!r12 }, e23));
var r11 = [];
return le2(t11).forEach(function(e23) {
n11[e23] && r11.push.apply(r11, Bo(n11[e23]));
}), r11;
function st2() {
var e21 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 0, t11 = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
n10(7, tt2 = e21 < 0 ? 0 : e21), !t11 && se2 && l10[tt2] && !l10[tt2].selectable && Mt2(1);
function ct2() {
var e21 = true;
if (J10) {
var t11 = [], r11 = [];
J10.forEach(function(n11) {
t11.includes(n11[he2]) ? e21 = false : (t11.push(n11[he2]), r11.push(n11));
}), e21 || n10(3, J10 = r11);
return e21;
function lt2(e21) {
var t11 = e21 ? e21[he2] : J10[he2];
return te2.find(function(e23) {
return e23[he2] === t11;
function ut2(e21) {
return ft2.apply(this, arguments);
function ft2() {
return ft2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21(t11) {
var r11;
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
r11 = J10[t11], 1 === J10.length ? n10(3, J10 = void 0) : n10(3, J10 = J10.filter(function(e24) {
return e24 !== r11;
})), j10("clear", r11);
case 3:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
})), ft2.apply(this, arguments);
function dt2(e21) {
var t11, r11;
W10 && D10 === (null === (t11 = document) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11.activeElement) || (e21 && j10("focus", e21), null === (r11 = D10) || void 0 === r11 || r11.focus(), n10(2, W10 = true));
function ht2(e21) {
return vt2.apply(this, arguments);
function vt2() {
return (vt2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21(t11) {
var r11;
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
if (!Ct2) {
e23.next = 2;
return e23.abrupt("return");
case 2:
(ze2 || W10) && (j10("blur", t11), pt2(), n10(2, W10 = false), n10(26, h10 = void 0), null === (r11 = D10) || void 0 === r11 || r11.blur());
case 3:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function pt2() {
_e2 && n10(4, G10 = ""), n10(6, ze2 = false);
y10 = xo(ko().mark(function e21() {
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
n10(78, v10 = J10), n10(79, p10 = G10), n10(80, m10 = z10);
case 3:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
})), Ki().$$.before_update.push(y10), Gi(function() {
ze2 && n10(2, W10 = true), W10 && D10 && D10.focus();
var mt2 = t10.ariaValues, gt2 = void 0 === mt2 ? function(e21) {
return "Option ".concat(e21, ", selected.");
} : mt2, yt2 = t10.ariaListOpen, bt2 = void 0 === yt2 ? function(e21, t11) {
return "You are currently focused on option ".concat(e21, ". There are ").concat(t11, " results available.");
} : yt2, kt2 = t10.ariaFocused, wt2 = void 0 === kt2 ? function() {
return "Select is focused, type to refine list, press down to open the menu.";
} : kt2;
var xt2, jt2 = null;
function St2() {
clearTimeout(xt2), xt2 = setTimeout(function() {
Ct2 = false;
}, 100);
Qi(function() {
var e21;
null === (e21 = jt2) || void 0 === e21 || e21.remove();
var Ct2 = false;
function $t2(e21) {
e21 && false !== e21.selectable && function(e23) {
if (e23) {
n10(4, G10 = "");
var t11 = Object.assign({}, e23);
if (t11.groupHeader && !t11.selectable)
n10(3, J10 = z10 ? J10 ? J10.concat([t11]) : [t11] : n10(3, J10 = t11)), setTimeout(function() {
Ce2 && pt2(), n10(26, h10 = void 0), j10("change", J10), j10("select", e23);
function _t2(e21) {
Ct2 || n10(7, tt2 = e21);
function Ot2(e21) {
var t11 = e21.item, r11 = e21.i;
if (false !== (null == t11 ? void 0 : t11.selectable))
return J10 && !z10 && J10[he2] === t11[he2] ? pt2() : void (function(e23) {
return e23.groupHeader && e23.selectable || e23.selectable || !e23.hasOwnProperty("selectable");
}(t11) && (n10(7, tt2 = r11), $t2(t11)));
function Mt2(e21) {
if (0 === l10.filter(function(e23) {
return !Object.hasOwn(e23, "selectable") || true === e23.selectable;
return n10(7, tt2 = 0);
e21 > 0 && tt2 === l10.length - 1 ? n10(7, tt2 = 0) : n10(7, e21 < 0 && 0 === tt2 ? tt2 = l10.length - 1 : tt2 += e21);
var t11 = l10[tt2];
t11 && false === t11.selectable && (1 !== e21 && -1 !== e21 || Mt2(e21));
var Et2 = Pt2, At2 = Pt2;
function Pt2(e21) {
return { update: function(t11) {
t11.scroll && (St2(), e21.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "auto", block: "nearest" }));
} };
var Tt2, Rt2 = { strategy: "absolute", placement: "bottom-start", middleware: [(Tt2 = Ze2, void 0 === Tt2 && (Tt2 = 0), { name: "offset", options: Tt2, fn: function(e21) {
return xo(ko().mark(function t11() {
var n11, r11, o11, i11, a11, s11, c11;
return ko().wrap(function(t12) {
for (; ; )
switch (t12.prev = t12.next) {
case 0:
return o11 = e21.x, i11 = e21.y, a11 = e21.placement, s11 = e21.middlewareData, t12.next = 3, cT(e21, Tt2);
case 3:
if (c11 = t12.sent, a11 !== (null == (n11 = s11.offset) ? void 0 : n11.placement) || null == (r11 = s11.arrow) || !r11.alignmentOffset) {
t12.next = 6;
return t12.abrupt("return", {});
case 6:
return t12.abrupt("return", { x: o11 + c11.x, y: i11 + c11.y, data: Ro(Ro({}, c11), {}, { placement: a11 }) });
case 7:
case "end":
return t12.stop();
}, t11);
} }), FT(), LT()], autoUpdate: false }, Nt2 = /* @__PURE__ */ function(e21) {
var t11, n11, r11 = { autoUpdate: true }, o11 = e21, i11 = function(t12) {
return Ro(Ro(Ro({}, r11), e21 || {}), t12 || {});
}, a11 = function(e23) {
t11 && n11 && (o11 = i11(e23), VT(t11, n11, o11).then(function(e24) {
var t12;
Object.assign(n11.style, { position: e24.strategy, left: "".concat(e24.x, "px"), top: "".concat(e24.y, "px") }), (null === (t12 = o11) || void 0 === t12 ? void 0 : t12.onComputed) && o11.onComputed(e24);
}, s11 = function(e23) {
Qi(e23.subscribe(function(e24) {
void 0 === t11 ? (t11 = e24, a11()) : (Object.assign(t11, e24), a11());
return [function(e23) {
if ("subscribe" in e23)
return s11(e23), {};
t11 = e23, a11();
}, function(e23, r12) {
var s12;
n11 = e23, o11 = i11(r12), setTimeout(function() {
return a11(r12);
}, 0), a11(r12);
var c11 = function() {
s12 && (s12(), s12 = void 0);
}, l11 = function() {
var e24 = (arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : o11 || {}).autoUpdate;
c11(), false !== e24 && ca().then(function() {
return BT(t11, n11, function() {
return a11(o11);
}, true === e24 ? {} : e24);
return s12 = l11(), { update: function(e24) {
a11(e24), s12 = l11(e24);
}, destroy: function() {
} };
}, a11];
}(Rt2), It2 = jo(Nt2, 3), Dt2 = It2[0], qt2 = It2[1], zt2 = It2[2], Bt2 = true;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"justValue" in e21 && n10(52, C10 = e21.justValue), "filter" in e21 && n10(53, _10 = e21.filter), "getItems" in e21 && n10(54, M10 = e21.getItems), "id" in e21 && n10(55, A10 = e21.id), "name" in e21 && n10(8, T8 = e21.name), "container" in e21 && n10(0, N8 = e21.container), "input" in e21 && n10(1, D10 = e21.input), "multiple" in e21 && n10(9, z10 = e21.multiple), "multiFullItemClearable" in e21 && n10(10, L10 = e21.multiFullItemClearable), "disabled" in e21 && n10(11, V10 = e21.disabled), "focused" in e21 && n10(2, W10 = e21.focused), "value" in e21 && n10(3, J10 = e21.value), "filterText" in e21 && n10(4, G10 = e21.filterText), "placeholder" in e21 && n10(56, Y10 = e21.placeholder), "placeholderAlwaysShow" in e21 && n10(57, Z10 = e21.placeholderAlwaysShow), "items" in e21 && n10(51, te2 = e21.items), "label" in e21 && n10(12, re2 = e21.label), "itemFilter" in e21 && n10(58, ie2 = e21.itemFilter), "groupBy" in e21 && n10(59, se2 = e21.groupBy), "groupFilter" in e21 && n10(60, le2 = e21.groupFilter), "groupHeaderSelectable" in e21 && n10(61, fe2 = e21.groupHeaderSelectable), "itemId" in e21 && n10(13, he2 = e21.itemId), "loadOptions" in e21 && n10(62, pe2 = e21.loadOptions), "containerStyles" in e21 && n10(14, ge2 = e21.containerStyles), "hasError" in e21 && n10(15, be2 = e21.hasError), "filterSelectedItems" in e21 && n10(63, we2 = e21.filterSelectedItems), "required" in e21 && n10(16, je2 = e21.required), "closeListOnChange" in e21 && n10(64, Ce2 = e21.closeListOnChange), "clearFilterTextOnBlur" in e21 && n10(65, _e2 = e21.clearFilterTextOnBlur), "createGroupHeaderItem" in e21 && n10(66, Me2 = e21.createGroupHeaderItem), "searchable" in e21 && n10(17, Ae2 = e21.searchable), "inputStyles" in e21 && n10(18, Te2 = e21.inputStyles), "clearable" in e21 && n10(68, Ne2 = e21.clearable), "loading" in e21 && n10(5, De2 = e21.loading), "listOpen" in e21 && n10(6, ze2 = e21.listOpen), "debounce" in e21 && n10(69, Le2 = e21.debounce), "debounceWait" in e21 && n10(70, Ve2 = e21.debounceWait), "hideEmptyState" in e21 && n10(19, We2 = e21.hideEmptyState), "inputAttributes" in e21 && n10(71, Je2 = e21.inputAttributes), "listAutoWidth" in e21 && n10(72, Ge2 = e21.listAutoWidth), "showChevron" in e21 && n10(20, Ye2 = e21.showChevron), "listOffset" in e21 && n10(73, Ze2 = e21.listOffset), "hoverItemIndex" in e21 && n10(7, tt2 = e21.hoverItemIndex), "floatingConfig" in e21 && n10(74, rt2 = e21.floatingConfig), "class" in e21 && n10(21, it2 = e21.class), "ariaValues" in e21 && n10(75, gt2 = e21.ariaValues), "ariaListOpen" in e21 && n10(76, bt2 = e21.ariaListOpen), "ariaFocused" in e21 && n10(77, wt2 = e21.ariaFocused), "$$scope" in e21 && n10(82, w10 = e21.$$scope);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
var t11, d11, y11, b11, k11;
(8 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 1048576 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && J10 && function() {
if ("string" == typeof J10) {
var e21 = (te2 || []).find(function(e23) {
return e23[he2] === J10;
n10(3, J10 = e21 || qo(qo({}, he2, J10), "label", J10));
} else
z10 && Array.isArray(J10) && J10.length > 0 && n10(3, J10 = J10.map(function(e23) {
return "string" == typeof e23 ? { value: e23, label: e23 } : e23;
}(), 131072 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 512 & e20.$$.dirty[2] && (!Je2 && Ae2 || (n10(27, g10 = Object.assign({ autocapitalize: "none", autocomplete: "off", autocorrect: "off", spellcheck: false, tabindex: 0, type: "text", "aria-autocomplete": "list" }, Je2)), A10 && n10(27, g10.id = A10, g10), Ae2 || n10(27, g10.readonly = true, g10))), 512 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && z10 && J10 && (Array.isArray(J10) ? n10(3, J10 = Bo(J10)) : n10(3, J10 = [J10])), 512 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 262144 & e20.$$.dirty[2] && m10 && !z10 && J10 && n10(3, J10 = null), 520 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && z10 && J10 && J10.length > 1 && ct2(), 8 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && J10 && (z10 ? JSON.stringify(J10) !== JSON.stringify(v10) && ct2() && j10("input", J10) : v10 && JSON.stringify(J10[he2]) === JSON.stringify(v10[he2]) || j10("input", J10)), 520 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 65536 & e20.$$.dirty[2] && !J10 && z10 && v10 && j10("input", J10), 6 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && !W10 && D10 && pt2(), 16 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 131072 & e20.$$.dirty[2] && G10 !== p10 && (pe2 || 0 !== G10.length) && (pe2 ? Le2(xo(ko().mark(function e21() {
var t12;
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return n10(5, De2 = true), e23.next = 3, M10({ dispatch: j10, loadOptions: pe2, convertStringItemsToObjects: YR, filterText: G10 });
case 3:
(t12 = e23.sent) ? (n10(5, De2 = t12.loading), n10(6, ze2 = ze2 ? t12.listOpen : G10.length > 0), n10(2, W10 = ze2 && t12.focused), n10(51, te2 = se2 ? at2(t12.filteredItems) : t12.filteredItems)) : (n10(5, De2 = false), n10(2, W10 = true), n10(6, ze2 = true));
case 5:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
})), Ve2) : (n10(6, ze2 = true), z10 && n10(26, h10 = void 0))), 12824 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 407896064 & e20.$$.dirty[1] | 3 & e20.$$.dirty[2] && n10(24, l10 = _10({ loadOptions: pe2, filterText: G10, items: te2, multiple: z10, value: J10, itemId: he2, groupBy: se2, label: re2, filterSelectedItems: we2, itemFilter: ie2, convertStringItemsToObjects: YR, filterGroupedItems: at2 })), 16777800 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && !z10 && ze2 && J10 && l10 && (t11 = l10.findIndex(function(e21) {
return e21[he2] === J10[he2];
}), st2(t11, true)), 576 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && ze2 && z10 && n10(7, tt2 = 0), 16 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && G10 && n10(7, tt2 = 0), 128 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && function(e21) {
j10("hoverItem", e21);
}(tt2), 520 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(25, r10 = z10 ? J10 && J10.length > 0 : J10), 33554448 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(35, o10 = r10 && G10.length > 0), 33556512 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 64 & e20.$$.dirty[2] && n10(34, i10 = r10 && Ne2 && !V10 && !De2), 520 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 100663296 & e20.$$.dirty[1]) && n10(33, a10 = Z10 && z10 || z10 && 0 === (null === (d11 = J10) || void 0 === d11 ? void 0 : d11.length) ? Y10 : J10 ? "" : Y10);
(520 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(32, s10 = J10 ? (y11 = void 0, y11 = z10 && J10.length > 0 ? J10.map(function(e21) {
return e21[re2];
}).join(", ") : J10[re2], gt2(y11)) : ""), 16777412 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(31, c10 = function() {
if (!l10 || 0 === l10.length)
return "";
var e21 = l10[tt2];
if (ze2 && e21) {
var t12 = l10 ? l10.length : 0;
return bt2(e21[re2], t12);
return wt2();
}()), 1048576 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && function(e21) {
e21 && 0 !== e21.length && !e21.some(function(e23) {
return "object" !== Ho(e23);
}) && J10 && (z10 ? !J10.some(function(e23) {
return !e23 || !e23[he2];
}) : J10[he2]) && (Array.isArray(J10) ? n10(3, J10 = J10.map(function(e23) {
return lt2(e23) || e23;
})) : n10(3, J10 = lt2() || J10));
}(te2), 8712 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(52, C10 = z10 ? J10 ? J10.map(function(e21) {
return e21[he2];
}) : null : J10 ? J10[he2] : J10), 520 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 65536 & e20.$$.dirty[2] && (z10 || !v10 || J10 || j10("input", J10)), 16777800 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && ze2 && l10 && !z10 && !J10 && st2(), 16777216 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && function(e21) {
ze2 && j10("filter", e21);
}(l10), 1 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 4096 & e20.$$.dirty[2]) && (N8 && void 0 === (null === (b11 = rt2) || void 0 === b11 ? void 0 : b11.autoUpdate) && n10(81, Rt2.autoUpdate = true, Rt2));
1 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 528384 & e20.$$.dirty[2] && N8 && rt2 && zt2(Object.assign(Rt2, rt2)), 8388608 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(30, u10 = !!jt2), 8388672 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && function(e21, t12) {
if (!e21 || !t12)
return n10(28, Bt2 = true);
setTimeout(function() {
n10(28, Bt2 = false);
}, 0);
}(jt2, ze2), 8388673 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && ze2 && N8 && jt2 && (k11 = N8.getBoundingClientRect().width, n10(23, jt2.style.width = Ge2 ? k11 + "px" : "auto", jt2)), 128 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(29, f10 = tt2), 70 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && D10 && ze2 && !W10 && dt2();
}, [N8, D10, W10, J10, G10, De2, ze2, tt2, T8, z10, L10, V10, re2, he2, ge2, be2, je2, Ae2, Te2, We2, Ye2, it2, function() {
j10("clear", J10), n10(3, J10 = void 0), pt2(), dt2();
}, jt2, l10, r10, h10, g10, Bt2, f10, u10, c10, s10, a10, i10, o10, ut2, function(e21) {
if (W10)
switch (e21.stopPropagation(), e21.key) {
case "Escape":
e21.preventDefault(), pt2();
case "Enter":
if (e21.preventDefault(), ze2) {
if (0 === l10.length)
var t11 = l10[tt2];
if (J10 && !z10 && J10[he2] === t11[he2]) {
case "ArrowDown":
e21.preventDefault(), ze2 ? Mt2(1) : (n10(6, ze2 = true), n10(26, h10 = void 0));
case "ArrowUp":
e21.preventDefault(), ze2 ? Mt2(-1) : (n10(6, ze2 = true), n10(26, h10 = void 0));
case "Tab":
if (ze2 && W10) {
if (0 === l10.length || J10 && J10[he2] === l10[tt2][he2])
return pt2();
e21.preventDefault(), $t2(l10[tt2]), pt2();
case "Backspace":
if (!z10 || G10.length > 0)
if (z10 && J10 && J10.length > 0) {
if (ut2(void 0 !== h10 ? h10 : J10.length - 1), 0 === h10 || void 0 === h10)
n10(26, h10 = J10.length > h10 ? h10 - 1 : void 0);
case "ArrowLeft":
if (!J10 || !z10 || G10.length > 0)
void 0 === h10 ? n10(26, h10 = J10.length - 1) : J10.length > h10 && 0 !== h10 && n10(26, h10 -= 1);
case "ArrowRight":
if (!J10 || !z10 || G10.length > 0 || void 0 === h10)
h10 === J10.length - 1 ? n10(26, h10 = void 0) : h10 < J10.length - 1 && n10(26, h10 += 1);
}, dt2, ht2, function() {
if (!V10)
return G10.length > 0 ? n10(6, ze2 = true) : void n10(6, ze2 = !ze2);
}, St2, function(e21) {
var t11;
ze2 || W10 || !N8 || N8.contains(e21.target) || null !== (t11 = jt2) && void 0 !== t11 && t11.contains(e21.target) || ht2();
}, _t2, Ot2, function(e21, t11, n11) {
if (!z10)
return t11 && t11[n11] === e21[n11];
}, Et2, At2, Dt2, qt2, x10, te2, C10, _10, M10, A10, Y10, Z10, ie2, se2, le2, fe2, pe2, we2, Ce2, _e2, Me2, function() {
return l10;
}, Ne2, Le2, Ve2, Je2, Ge2, Ze2, rt2, gt2, bt2, wt2, v10, p10, m10, Rt2, w10, k10, function(t11) {
ea.call(this, e20, t11);
}, function(t11) {
ea.call(this, e20, t11);
}, function(t11) {
ea.call(this, e20, t11);
}, function(t11) {
ea.call(this, e20, t11);
}, function(e21) {
return _t2(e21);
}, function(e21) {
return _t2(e21);
}, function(e21, t11) {
return Ot2({ item: e21, i: t11 });
}, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(23, jt2 = e21);
}, function(e21) {
return ut2(e21);
}, function(e21) {
return L10 ? ut2(e21) : {};
}, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(1, D10 = e21);
}, function() {
G10 = this.value, n10(4, G10);
}, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(0, N8 = e21);
var ZR = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, XR, QR, Xo, { justValue: 52, filter: 53, getItems: 54, id: 55, name: 8, container: 0, input: 1, multiple: 9, multiFullItemClearable: 10, disabled: 11, focused: 2, value: 3, filterText: 4, placeholder: 56, placeholderAlwaysShow: 57, items: 51, label: 12, itemFilter: 58, groupBy: 59, groupFilter: 60, groupHeaderSelectable: 61, itemId: 13, loadOptions: 62, containerStyles: 14, hasError: 15, filterSelectedItems: 63, required: 16, closeListOnChange: 64, clearFilterTextOnBlur: 65, createGroupHeaderItem: 66, getFilteredItems: 67, searchable: 17, inputStyles: 18, clearable: 68, loading: 5, listOpen: 6, debounce: 69, debounceWait: 70, hideEmptyState: 19, inputAttributes: 71, listAutoWidth: 72, showChevron: 20, listOffset: 73, hoverItemIndex: 7, floatingConfig: 74, class: 21, handleClear: 22, ariaValues: 75, ariaListOpen: 76, ariaFocused: 77 }, nR, [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10, [{ key: "getFilteredItems", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[67];
} }, { key: "handleClear", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[22];
} }]), t10;
function eN(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-ijtq0l", "table.jse-transform-wizard.svelte-ijtq0l.svelte-ijtq0l{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;width:100%}table.jse-transform-wizard.svelte-ijtq0l input.svelte-ijtq0l{font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit}table.jse-transform-wizard.svelte-ijtq0l tr th.svelte-ijtq0l{font-weight:normal;text-align:left;width:60px}table.jse-transform-wizard.svelte-ijtq0l tr td .jse-horizontal.svelte-ijtq0l{width:100%;display:flex;flex-direction:row;margin-bottom:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px))}table.jse-transform-wizard.svelte-ijtq0l tr td .jse-horizontal.svelte-ijtq0l .svelte-select .multi-item{align-items:center}table.jse-transform-wizard.svelte-ijtq0l tr td .jse-horizontal.svelte-ijtq0l .svelte-select .value-container{gap:0 !important}table.jse-transform-wizard.svelte-ijtq0l tr td .jse-horizontal.svelte-ijtq0l .svelte-select.jse-filter-path{flex:4;margin-right:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px))}table.jse-transform-wizard.svelte-ijtq0l tr td .jse-horizontal.svelte-ijtq0l .svelte-select.jse-filter-relation{flex:1.5;margin-right:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px))}table.jse-transform-wizard.svelte-ijtq0l tr td .jse-horizontal.svelte-ijtq0l .svelte-select.jse-sort-path{flex:3;margin-right:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px))}table.jse-transform-wizard.svelte-ijtq0l tr td .jse-horizontal.svelte-ijtq0l .svelte-select.jse-sort-direction{flex:1}table.jse-transform-wizard.svelte-ijtq0l tr td .jse-horizontal.svelte-ijtq0l .svelte-select.jse-projection-paths{flex:1}table.jse-transform-wizard.svelte-ijtq0l tr td .jse-horizontal.svelte-ijtq0l .svelte-select input{box-sizing:border-box}table.jse-transform-wizard.svelte-ijtq0l tr td .jse-horizontal .jse-filter-value.svelte-ijtq0l{flex:4;padding:4px 8px;border:var(--jse-input-border, 1px solid #d8dbdf);border-radius:var(--jse-input-radius, 3px);outline:none;background:var(--jse-input-background, var(--jse-background-color, #fff));color:inherit}table.jse-transform-wizard.svelte-ijtq0l tr td .jse-horizontal .jse-filter-value.svelte-ijtq0l:focus{border:var(--jse-input-border-focus, 1px solid var(--jse-input-border-focus, var(--jse-theme-color, #3883fa)))}");
function tN(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10, k10, w10, x10, j10, S10, C10, $10, _10, O10, M10, E10, A10, P10, T8, R8, N8;
function I10(t11) {
var D10 = { class: "jse-filter-path", showChevron: true, items: e20[7] };
function q10(t11) {
void 0 !== e20[0] && (D10.value = e20[0]), s10 = new ZR({ props: D10 }), na.push(function() {
return Aa(s10, "value", I10);
var z10 = { class: "jse-filter-relation", showChevron: true, items: e20[8] };
function B10(t11) {
void 0 !== e20[1] && (z10.value = e20[1]), u10 = new ZR({ props: z10 }), na.push(function() {
return Aa(u10, "value", q10);
var L10 = { class: "jse-sort-path", showChevron: true, items: e20[7] };
function F10(t11) {
void 0 !== e20[3] && (L10.value = e20[3]), k10 = new ZR({ props: L10 }), na.push(function() {
return Aa(k10, "value", B10);
var V10 = { class: "jse-sort-direction", showChevron: true, items: e20[9] };
function H10(t11) {
void 0 !== e20[4] && (V10.value = e20[4]), j10 = new ZR({ props: V10 }), na.push(function() {
return Aa(j10, "value", F10);
var W10 = { class: "jse-projection-paths", multiple: true, showChevron: true, items: e20[6] };
return void 0 !== e20[5] && (W10.value = e20[5]), A10 = new ZR({ props: W10 }), na.push(function() {
return Aa(A10, "value", H10);
}), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("table"), n10 = ji("tr"), (r10 = ji("th")).textContent = "Filter", o10 = $i(), i10 = ji("td"), a10 = ji("div"), Pa(s10.$$.fragment), l10 = $i(), Pa(u10.$$.fragment), d10 = $i(), h10 = ji("input"), v10 = $i(), p10 = ji("tr"), (m10 = ji("th")).textContent = "Sort", g10 = $i(), y10 = ji("td"), b10 = ji("div"), Pa(k10.$$.fragment), x10 = $i(), Pa(j10.$$.fragment), C10 = $i(), $10 = ji("tr"), (_10 = ji("th")).textContent = "Pick", O10 = $i(), M10 = ji("td"), E10 = ji("div"), Pa(A10.$$.fragment), Ai(r10, "class", "svelte-ijtq0l"), Ai(h10, "class", "jse-filter-value svelte-ijtq0l"), Ai(a10, "class", "jse-horizontal svelte-ijtq0l"), Ai(m10, "class", "svelte-ijtq0l"), Ai(b10, "class", "jse-horizontal svelte-ijtq0l"), Ai(_10, "class", "svelte-ijtq0l"), Ai(E10, "class", "jse-horizontal svelte-ijtq0l"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-transform-wizard svelte-ijtq0l");
}, m: function(c11, f11) {
ki(c11, t10, f11), pi(t10, n10), pi(n10, r10), pi(n10, o10), pi(n10, i10), pi(i10, a10), Ta(s10, a10, null), pi(a10, l10), Ta(u10, a10, null), pi(a10, d10), pi(a10, h10), Ii(h10, e20[2]), pi(t10, v10), pi(t10, p10), pi(p10, m10), pi(p10, g10), pi(p10, y10), pi(y10, b10), Ta(k10, b10, null), pi(b10, x10), Ta(j10, b10, null), pi(t10, C10), pi(t10, $10), pi($10, _10), pi($10, O10), pi($10, M10), pi(M10, E10), Ta(A10, E10, null), T8 = true, R8 || (N8 = Oi(h10, "input", e20[18]), R8 = true);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = jo(t11, 1)[0], r11 = {};
128 & n11 && (r11.items = e21[7]), !c10 && 1 & n11 && (c10 = true, r11.value = e21[0], ua(function() {
return c10 = false;
})), s10.$set(r11);
var o11 = {};
!f10 && 2 & n11 && (f10 = true, o11.value = e21[1], ua(function() {
return f10 = false;
})), u10.$set(o11), 4 & n11 && h10.value !== e21[2] && Ii(h10, e21[2]);
var i11 = {};
128 & n11 && (i11.items = e21[7]), !w10 && 8 & n11 && (w10 = true, i11.value = e21[3], ua(function() {
return w10 = false;
})), k10.$set(i11);
var a11 = {};
!S10 && 16 & n11 && (S10 = true, a11.value = e21[4], ua(function() {
return S10 = false;
})), j10.$set(a11);
var l11 = {};
64 & n11 && (l11.items = e21[6]), !P10 && 32 & n11 && (P10 = true, l11.value = e21[5], ua(function() {
return P10 = false;
})), A10.$set(l11);
}, i: function(e21) {
T8 || (wa(s10.$$.fragment, e21), wa(u10.$$.fragment, e21), wa(k10.$$.fragment, e21), wa(j10.$$.fragment, e21), wa(A10.$$.fragment, e21), T8 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(s10.$$.fragment, e21), xa(u10.$$.fragment, e21), xa(k10.$$.fragment, e21), xa(j10.$$.fragment, e21), xa(A10.$$.fragment, e21), T8 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(s10), Ra(u10), Ra(k10), Ra(j10), Ra(A10), R8 = false, N8();
} };
function nN(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10 = Da("jsoneditor:TransformWizard"), p10 = t10.json, m10 = t10.queryOptions, g10 = void 0 === m10 ? {} : m10, y10 = t10.onChange, b10 = ["==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">", ">="].map(function(e21) {
return { value: e21, label: e21 };
}), k10 = [{ value: "asc", label: "ascending" }, { value: "desc", label: "descending" }], w10 = null !== (r10 = g10) && void 0 !== r10 && null !== (r10 = r10.filter) && void 0 !== r10 && r10.path ? GO(g10.filter.path) : null, x10 = null !== (o10 = g10) && void 0 !== o10 && null !== (o10 = o10.filter) && void 0 !== o10 && o10.relation ? b10.find(function(e21) {
var t11;
return e21.value === (null === (t11 = g10.filter) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11.relation);
}) : null, j10 = (null === (i10 = g10) || void 0 === i10 || null === (i10 = i10.filter) || void 0 === i10 ? void 0 : i10.value) || "", S10 = null !== (a10 = g10) && void 0 !== a10 && null !== (a10 = a10.sort) && void 0 !== a10 && a10.path ? GO(g10.sort.path) : null, C10 = null !== (s10 = g10) && void 0 !== s10 && null !== (s10 = s10.sort) && void 0 !== s10 && s10.direction ? k10.find(function(e21) {
var t11;
return e21.value === (null === (t11 = g10.sort) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11.direction);
}) : null;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"json" in e21 && n10(11, p10 = e21.json), "queryOptions" in e21 && n10(10, g10 = e21.queryOptions), "onChange" in e21 && n10(12, y10 = e21.onChange);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
var t11, r11, o11, i11, a11, s11, m11, b11, k11, $10, _10, O10, M10;
(2048 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(15, c10 = Array.isArray(p10)), 34816 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(14, l10 = c10 ? T_(p10) : []), 34816 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(13, u10 = c10 ? T_(p10, true) : []), 16384 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(7, f10 = l10.map(GO)), 8192 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(6, d10 = u10 ? u10.map(GO) : []), 1088 & e20.$$.dirty) && n10(5, h10 = null !== (t11 = g10) && void 0 !== t11 && null !== (t11 = t11.projection) && void 0 !== t11 && t11.paths && d10 ? g10.projection.paths.map(function(e21) {
return d10.find(function(t12) {
return Ow(t12.value, e21);
}).filter(function(e21) {
return !!e21;
}) : null);
1 & e20.$$.dirty && (o11 = null === (r11 = w10) || void 0 === r11 ? void 0 : r11.value, Ow(null === (i11 = g10) || void 0 === i11 || null === (i11 = i11.filter) || void 0 === i11 ? void 0 : i11.path, o11) || (v10("changeFilterPath", o11), n10(10, g10 = Us(g10, ["filter", "path"], o11, true)), y10(g10)));
2 & e20.$$.dirty && (s11 = null === (a11 = x10) || void 0 === a11 ? void 0 : a11.value, Ow(null === (m11 = g10) || void 0 === m11 || null === (m11 = m11.filter) || void 0 === m11 ? void 0 : m11.relation, s11) || (v10("changeFilterRelation", s11), n10(10, g10 = Us(g10, ["filter", "relation"], s11, true)), y10(g10)));
(4 & e20.$$.dirty && (b11 = j10, Ow(null === (k11 = g10) || void 0 === k11 || null === (k11 = k11.filter) || void 0 === k11 ? void 0 : k11.value, b11) || (v10("changeFilterValue", b11), n10(10, g10 = Us(g10, ["filter", "value"], b11, true)), y10(g10))), 8 & e20.$$.dirty) && function(e21) {
var t12;
Ow(null === (t12 = g10) || void 0 === t12 || null === (t12 = t12.sort) || void 0 === t12 ? void 0 : t12.path, e21) || (v10("changeSortPath", e21), n10(10, g10 = Us(g10, ["sort", "path"], e21, true)), y10(g10));
}(null === ($10 = S10) || void 0 === $10 ? void 0 : $10.value);
16 & e20.$$.dirty && (O10 = null === (_10 = C10) || void 0 === _10 ? void 0 : _10.value, Ow(null === (M10 = g10) || void 0 === M10 || null === (M10 = M10.sort) || void 0 === M10 ? void 0 : M10.direction, O10) || (v10("changeSortDirection", O10), n10(10, g10 = Us(g10, ["sort", "direction"], O10, true)), y10(g10)));
32 & e20.$$.dirty && function(e21) {
var t12;
Ow(null === (t12 = g10) || void 0 === t12 || null === (t12 = t12.projection) || void 0 === t12 ? void 0 : t12.paths, e21) || (v10("changeProjectionPaths", e21), n10(10, g10 = Us(g10, ["projection", "paths"], e21, true)), y10(g10));
}(h10 ? h10.map(function(e21) {
return e21.value;
}) : void 0);
}, [w10, x10, j10, S10, C10, h10, d10, f10, b10, k10, g10, p10, y10, u10, l10, c10, function(e21) {
n10(0, w10 = e21);
}, function(e21) {
n10(1, x10 = e21);
}, function() {
j10 = this.value, n10(2, j10);
}, function(e21) {
n10(3, S10 = e21);
}, function(e21) {
n10(4, C10 = e21);
}, function(e21) {
n10(5, h10 = e21), n10(10, g10), n10(6, d10), n10(13, u10), n10(15, c10), n10(11, p10);
var rN = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, nN, tN, Zo, { json: 11, queryOptions: 10, onChange: 12 }, eN), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function oN(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-1wg043c", '.jse-select-query-language.svelte-1wg043c.svelte-1wg043c{position:relative;width:32px}.jse-select-query-language.svelte-1wg043c .jse-select-query-language-container.svelte-1wg043c{position:absolute;top:0;right:0;display:flex;flex-direction:column;box-shadow:var(--jse-controls-box-shadow, 0 2px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24))}.jse-select-query-language.svelte-1wg043c .jse-select-query-language-container .jse-query-language.svelte-1wg043c{border:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;cursor:pointer;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);padding:5px;margin:0;text-align:left;padding:var(--jse-padding, 10px) calc(2 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));white-space:nowrap;color:var(--jse-context-menu-color, var(--jse-text-color-inverse, #fff));background:var(--jse-context-menu-background, #656565)}.jse-select-query-language.svelte-1wg043c .jse-select-query-language-container .jse-query-language.svelte-1wg043c:hover{background:var(--jse-context-menu-background-highlight, #7a7a7a)}');
function iN(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[5] = t10[n10], r10;
function aN(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new jM({ props: { data: aM } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function sN(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new jM({ props: { data: iM } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function cN(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10 = e20[5].name + "", d10 = [sN, aN], h10 = [];
function v10(e21, t11) {
return e21[5].id === e21[0] ? 0 : 1;
function p10() {
return e20[4](e20[5]);
return n10 = v10(e20), r10 = h10[n10] = d10[n10](e20), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("button"), r10.c(), o10 = $i(), i10 = Ci(f10), a10 = $i(), Ai(t10, "type", "button"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-query-language svelte-1wg043c"), Ai(t10, "title", s10 = "Select ".concat(e20[5].name, " as query language")), zi(t10, "selected", e20[5].id === e20[0]);
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
ki(e21, t10, r11), h10[n10].m(t10, null), pi(t10, o10), pi(t10, i10), pi(t10, a10), c10 = true, l10 || (u10 = Oi(t10, "click", p10), l10 = true);
}, p: function(a11, l11) {
var u11 = n10;
(n10 = v10(e20 = a11)) !== u11 && (ba(), xa(h10[u11], 1, 1, function() {
h10[u11] = null;
}), ka(), (r10 = h10[n10]) || (r10 = h10[n10] = d10[n10](e20)).c(), wa(r10, 1), r10.m(t10, o10)), (!c10 || 2 & l11) && f10 !== (f10 = e20[5].name + "") && Ni(i10, f10), (!c10 || 2 & l11 && s10 !== (s10 = "Select ".concat(e20[5].name, " as query language"))) && Ai(t10, "title", s10), (!c10 || 3 & l11) && zi(t10, "selected", e20[5].id === e20[0]);
}, i: function(e21) {
c10 || (wa(r10), c10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(r10), c10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), h10[n10].d(), l10 = false, u10();
} };
function lN(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10, o10 = Ca(e20[1]), i10 = [], a10 = 0; a10 < o10.length; a10 += 1)
i10[a10] = cN(iN(e20, o10, a10));
var s10 = function(e21) {
return xa(i10[e21], 1, 1, function() {
i10[e21] = null;
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = ji("div");
for (var e21 = 0; e21 < i10.length; e21 += 1)
Ai(n10, "class", "jse-select-query-language-container svelte-1wg043c"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-select-query-language svelte-1wg043c");
}, m: function(e21, o11) {
ki(e21, t10, o11), pi(t10, n10);
for (var a11 = 0; a11 < i10.length; a11 += 1)
i10[a11] && i10[a11].m(n10, null);
r10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var r11 = jo(t11, 1)[0];
if (7 & r11) {
var a11;
for (o10 = Ca(e21[1]), a11 = 0; a11 < o10.length; a11 += 1) {
var c10 = iN(e21, o10, a11);
i10[a11] ? (i10[a11].p(c10, r11), wa(i10[a11], 1)) : (i10[a11] = cN(c10), i10[a11].c(), wa(i10[a11], 1), i10[a11].m(n10, null));
for (ba(), a11 = o10.length; a11 < i10.length; a11 += 1)
}, i: function(e21) {
if (!r10) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < o10.length; t11 += 1)
r10 = true;
}, o: function(e21) {
i10 = i10.filter(Boolean);
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < i10.length; t11 += 1)
r10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), xi(i10, e21);
} };
function uN(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = t10.queryLanguages, o10 = t10.queryLanguageId, i10 = t10.onChangeQueryLanguage;
function a10(e21) {
n10(0, o10 = e21), i10(e21);
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"queryLanguages" in e21 && n10(1, r10 = e21.queryLanguages), "queryLanguageId" in e21 && n10(0, o10 = e21.queryLanguageId), "onChangeQueryLanguage" in e21 && n10(3, i10 = e21.onChangeQueryLanguage);
}, [o10, r10, a10, i10, function(e21) {
return a10(e21.id);
var fN = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, uN, lN, Xo, { queryLanguages: 1, queryLanguageId: 0, onChangeQueryLanguage: 3 }, oN), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function dN(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-1n68mbh", ".jse-header.svelte-1n68mbh.svelte-1n68mbh{display:flex;background:var(--jse-theme-color, #3883fa);color:var(--jse-menu-color, var(--jse-text-color-inverse, #fff))}.jse-header.svelte-1n68mbh .jse-title.svelte-1n68mbh{flex:1;padding:5px;vertical-align:middle}.jse-header.svelte-1n68mbh button.svelte-1n68mbh{border:none;background:transparent;min-width:32px;color:inherit;cursor:pointer}.jse-header.svelte-1n68mbh button.svelte-1n68mbh:hover{background:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)}");
function hN(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10;
return n10 = new jM({ props: { data: mP } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("button"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), Ai(t10, "type", "button"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-config svelte-1n68mbh"), Ai(t10, "title", "Select a query language");
}, m: function(a10, s10) {
ki(a10, t10, s10), Ta(n10, t10, null), e20[6](t10), r10 = true, o10 || (i10 = Oi(t10, "click", e20[3]), o10 = true);
}, p: Wo, i: function(e21) {
r10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = false;
}, d: function(r11) {
r11 && wi(t10), Ra(n10), e20[6](null), o10 = false, i10();
} };
function vN(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10 = e20[0].length > 1 && hN(e20);
return a10 = new jM({ props: { data: MP } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), (n10 = ji("div")).textContent = "Transform", r10 = $i(), u10 && u10.c(), o10 = $i(), i10 = ji("button"), Pa(a10.$$.fragment), Ai(n10, "class", "jse-title svelte-1n68mbh"), Ai(i10, "type", "button"), Ai(i10, "class", "jse-close svelte-1n68mbh"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-header svelte-1n68mbh");
}, m: function(f10, d10) {
ki(f10, t10, d10), pi(t10, n10), pi(t10, r10), u10 && u10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, o10), pi(t10, i10), Ta(a10, i10, null), s10 = true, c10 || (l10 = Oi(i10, "click", e20[7]), c10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r11 = jo(n11, 1)[0];
e21[0].length > 1 ? u10 ? (u10.p(e21, r11), 1 & r11 && wa(u10, 1)) : ((u10 = hN(e21)).c(), wa(u10, 1), u10.m(t10, o10)) : u10 && (ba(), xa(u10, 1, 1, function() {
u10 = null;
}), ka());
}, i: function(e21) {
s10 || (wa(u10), wa(a10.$$.fragment, e21), s10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(u10), xa(a10.$$.fragment, e21), s10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), u10 && u10.d(), Ra(a10), c10 = false, l10();
} };
function pN(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10 = t10.queryLanguages, a10 = t10.queryLanguageId, s10 = t10.onChangeQueryLanguage, c10 = Zi("simple-modal").close, l10 = Zi("absolute-popup"), u10 = l10.openAbsolutePopup, f10 = l10.closeAbsolutePopup;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"queryLanguages" in e21 && n10(0, i10 = e21.queryLanguages), "queryLanguageId" in e21 && n10(4, a10 = e21.queryLanguageId), "onChangeQueryLanguage" in e21 && n10(5, s10 = e21.onChangeQueryLanguage);
}, [i10, r10, c10, function() {
var e21 = { queryLanguages: i10, queryLanguageId: a10, onChangeQueryLanguage: function(e23) {
f10(o10), s10(e23);
} };
o10 = u10(fN, e21, { offsetTop: -2, offsetLeft: 0, anchor: r10, closeOnOuterClick: true });
}, a10, s10, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(1, r10 = e21);
}, function() {
return c10();
var mN = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, pN, vN, Zo, { queryLanguages: 0, queryLanguageId: 4, onChangeQueryLanguage: 5 }, dN), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
var gN = Da("jsoneditor:AutoScrollHandler");
var yN = function(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
return (e20 /= r10 / 2) < 1 ? n10 / 2 * e20 * e20 + t10 : -n10 / 2 * (--e20 * (e20 - 2) - 1) + t10;
var bN = function() {
var e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10;
function h10(t11) {
return t11.getBoundingClientRect().top - (e20.getBoundingClientRect ? e20.getBoundingClientRect().top : 0) + n10;
function v10(t11) {
e20.scrollTo ? e20.scrollTo(e20.scrollLeft, t11) : e20.scrollTop = t11;
function p10(e21) {
l10 || (l10 = e21), v10(i10(u10 = e21 - l10, n10, s10, c10)), d10 = true, u10 < c10 ? requestAnimationFrame(p10) : function() {
if (v10(n10 + s10), t10 && a10) {
t10.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"), t10.focus();
"function" == typeof f10 && f10();
l10 = 0, d10 = false;
return function(u11) {
var v11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {};
switch (c10 = 1e3, o10 = v11.offset || 0, f10 = v11.callback, i10 = v11.easing || yN, a10 = v11.a11y || false, Ho(v11.container)) {
case "object":
e20 = v11.container;
case "string":
e20 = document.querySelector(v11.container);
e20 = window.document.documentElement;
switch (n10 = e20.scrollTop, Ho(u11)) {
case "number":
t10 = void 0, a10 = false, r10 = n10 + u11;
case "object":
r10 = h10(t10 = u11);
case "string":
t10 = document.querySelector(u11), r10 = h10(t10);
switch (s10 = r10 - n10 + o10, Ho(v11.duration)) {
case "number":
c10 = v11.duration;
case "function":
c10 = v11.duration(s10);
d10 ? l10 = 0 : requestAnimationFrame(p10);
var kN = 1e3;
var wN = Da("jsoneditor:History");
function xN() {
var e20 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, t10 = e20.maxItems || kN, n10 = [], r10 = 0;
function o10() {
return r10 < n10.length;
function i10() {
return r10 > 0;
function a10() {
return { canUndo: o10(), canRedo: i10(), length: n10.length };
function s10() {
e20.onChange && e20.onChange(a10());
return { add: function(e21) {
wN("add", e21), n10 = [e21].concat(n10.slice(r10)).slice(0, t10), r10 = 0, s10();
}, clear: function() {
wN("clear"), n10 = [], r10 = 0, s10();
}, getState: a10, undo: function() {
if (o10()) {
var e21 = n10[r10];
return r10 += 1, wN("undo", e21), s10(), e21;
}, redo: function() {
if (i10())
return wN("redo", n10[r10 -= 1]), s10(), n10[r10];
} };
function jN(e20, t10) {
var n10 = Date.now(), r10 = e20();
return t10(Date.now() - n10), r10;
var SN = Da("validation");
function CN(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
if (SN("validateJSON"), !t10)
return [];
if (n10 !== r10) {
var o10 = n10.stringify(e20);
return t10(void 0 !== o10 ? r10.parse(o10) : void 0);
return t10(e20);
function $N(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
if (SN("validateText"), e20.length > hs)
return { validationErrors: [{ path: [], message: "Validation turned off: the document is too large", severity: Za.info }] };
if (0 === e20.length)
return null;
try {
var o10 = jN(function() {
return n10.parse(e20);
}, function(e21) {
return SN("validate: parsed json in ".concat(e21, " ms"));
if (!t10)
return null;
var i10 = n10 === r10 ? o10 : jN(function() {
return r10.parse(e20);
}, function(e21) {
return SN("validate: parsed json with the validationParser in ".concat(e21, " ms"));
}), a10 = jN(function() {
return t10(i10);
}, function(e21) {
return SN("validate: validated json in ".concat(e21, " ms"));
return _w(a10) ? null : { validationErrors: a10 };
} catch (t11) {
var s10 = jN(function() {
return function(e21, t12) {
if (e21.length > vs)
return false;
try {
return t12.parse(Hl(e21)), true;
} catch (e23) {
return false;
}(e20, n10);
}, function(e21) {
return SN("validate: checked whether repairable in ".concat(e21, " ms"));
return { parseError: H_(e20, t11.message || t11.toString()), isRepairable: s10 };
var _N = Da("jsoneditor:FocusTracker");
function ON(e20) {
var t10, n10 = e20.onMount, r10 = e20.onDestroy, o10 = e20.getWindow, i10 = e20.hasFocus, a10 = e20.onFocus, s10 = e20.onBlur, c10 = false;
function l10() {
var e21 = i10();
e21 && (clearTimeout(t10), c10 || (_N("focus"), a10(), c10 = e21));
function u10() {
c10 && (clearTimeout(t10), t10 = setTimeout(function() {
i10() || (_N("blur"), c10 = false, s10());
n10(function() {
_N("mount FocusTracker");
var e21 = o10();
e21 && (e21.addEventListener("focusin", l10, true), e21.addEventListener("focusout", u10, true));
}), r10(function() {
_N("destroy FocusTracker");
var e21 = o10();
e21 && (e21.removeEventListener("focusin", l10, true), e21.removeEventListener("focusout", u10, true));
function MN(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-p1zf9f", '.jse-message.svelte-p1zf9f.svelte-p1zf9f{font-family:var(--jse-font-family-mono, consolas, menlo, monaco, "Ubuntu Mono", "source-code-pro", monospace);font-size:var(--jse-font-size-mono, 14px);padding:var(--jse-padding, 10px);display:flex;gap:var(--jse-padding, 10px);flex-wrap:wrap;align-items:stretch}.jse-message.jse-success.svelte-p1zf9f.svelte-p1zf9f{background:var(--message-success-background, #9ac45d);color:var(--jse-message-success-color, #fff)}.jse-message.svelte-p1zf9f .jse-text.svelte-p1zf9f{display:flex;flex:1;min-width:60%;align-items:center}.jse-message.svelte-p1zf9f .jse-text.jse-clickable.svelte-p1zf9f{cursor:pointer}.jse-message.svelte-p1zf9f .jse-text.jse-clickable.svelte-p1zf9f:hover{background-color:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)}.jse-message.jse-error.svelte-p1zf9f.svelte-p1zf9f{background:var(--jse-message-error-background, var(--jse-error-color, #ee5341));color:var(--jse-message-error-color, #fff)}.jse-message.jse-warning.svelte-p1zf9f.svelte-p1zf9f{background:var(--jse-message-warning-background, #ffde5c);color:var(--jse-message-warning-color, #4d4d4d)}.jse-message.jse-info.svelte-p1zf9f.svelte-p1zf9f{background:var(--jse-message-info-background, #4f91ff);color:var(--jse-message-info-color, #fff)}.jse-message.svelte-p1zf9f .jse-actions.svelte-p1zf9f{display:flex;gap:var(--jse-padding, 10px)}.jse-message.svelte-p1zf9f .jse-actions button.jse-action.svelte-p1zf9f{border:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;cursor:pointer;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);padding:5px;margin:0;background:var(--jse-message-action-background, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2));color:inherit;padding:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px)) var(--jse-padding, 10px)}.jse-message.svelte-p1zf9f .jse-actions button.jse-action.svelte-p1zf9f:hover{background:var(--jse-message-action-background-highlight, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3))}');
function EN(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[9] = t10[n10], r10;
function AN(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new jM({ props: { data: e20[1] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
2 & n11 && (r10.data = e21[1]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function PN(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new jM({ props: { data: e20[9].icon } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
8 & n11 && (r10.data = e21[9].icon), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function TN(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10 = e20[9].text + "", f10 = e20[9].icon && PN(e20);
function d10() {
return e20[7](e20[9]);
function h10() {
return e20[8](e20[9]);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("button"), f10 && f10.c(), n10 = $i(), r10 = Ci(u10), o10 = $i(), Ai(t10, "type", "button"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-button jse-action jse-primary svelte-p1zf9f"), Ai(t10, "title", i10 = e20[9].title), t10.disabled = a10 = e20[9].disabled;
}, m: function(e21, i11) {
ki(e21, t10, i11), f10 && f10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, n10), pi(t10, r10), pi(t10, o10), s10 = true, c10 || (l10 = [Oi(t10, "click", d10), Oi(t10, "mousedown", h10)], c10 = true);
}, p: function(o11, c11) {
(e20 = o11)[9].icon ? f10 ? (f10.p(e20, c11), 8 & c11 && wa(f10, 1)) : ((f10 = PN(e20)).c(), wa(f10, 1), f10.m(t10, n10)) : f10 && (ba(), xa(f10, 1, 1, function() {
f10 = null;
}), ka()), (!s10 || 8 & c11) && u10 !== (u10 = e20[9].text + "") && Ni(r10, u10), (!s10 || 8 & c11 && i10 !== (i10 = e20[9].title)) && Ai(t10, "title", i10), (!s10 || 8 & c11 && a10 !== (a10 = e20[9].disabled)) && (t10.disabled = a10);
}, i: function(e21) {
s10 || (wa(f10), s10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(f10), s10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), f10 && f10.d(), c10 = false, Qo(l10);
} };
function RN(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10 = e20[1] && AN(e20), h10 = Ca(e20[3]), v10 = [], p10 = 0; p10 < h10.length; p10 += 1)
v10[p10] = TN(EN(e20, h10, p10));
var m10 = function(e21) {
return xa(v10[e21], 1, 1, function() {
v10[e21] = null;
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = ji("div"), r10 = ji("div"), d10 && d10.c(), o10 = $i(), i10 = Ci(e20[2]), a10 = $i(), s10 = ji("div");
for (var l11 = 0; l11 < v10.length; l11 += 1)
Ai(r10, "class", "jse-text-centered"), Ai(n10, "role", "button"), Ai(n10, "tabindex", "-1"), Ai(n10, "class", "jse-text svelte-p1zf9f"), zi(n10, "jse-clickable", !!e20[4]), Ai(s10, "class", "jse-actions svelte-p1zf9f"), Ai(t10, "class", c10 = "jse-message jse-" + e20[0] + " svelte-p1zf9f");
}, m: function(c11, h11) {
ki(c11, t10, h11), pi(t10, n10), pi(n10, r10), d10 && d10.m(r10, null), pi(r10, o10), pi(r10, i10), pi(t10, a10), pi(t10, s10);
for (var p11 = 0; p11 < v10.length; p11 += 1)
v10[p11] && v10[p11].m(s10, null);
l10 = true, u10 || (f10 = Oi(n10, "click", e20[5]), u10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, a11) {
var u11 = jo(a11, 1)[0];
if (e21[1] ? d10 ? (d10.p(e21, u11), 2 & u11 && wa(d10, 1)) : ((d10 = AN(e21)).c(), wa(d10, 1), d10.m(r10, o10)) : d10 && (ba(), xa(d10, 1, 1, function() {
d10 = null;
}), ka()), (!l10 || 4 & u11) && Ni(i10, e21[2]), (!l10 || 16 & u11) && zi(n10, "jse-clickable", !!e21[4]), 8 & u11) {
var f11;
for (h10 = Ca(e21[3]), f11 = 0; f11 < h10.length; f11 += 1) {
var p11 = EN(e21, h10, f11);
v10[f11] ? (v10[f11].p(p11, u11), wa(v10[f11], 1)) : (v10[f11] = TN(p11), v10[f11].c(), wa(v10[f11], 1), v10[f11].m(s10, null));
for (ba(), f11 = h10.length; f11 < v10.length; f11 += 1)
(!l10 || 1 & u11 && c10 !== (c10 = "jse-message jse-" + e21[0] + " svelte-p1zf9f")) && Ai(t10, "class", c10);
}, i: function(e21) {
if (!l10) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < h10.length; t11 += 1)
l10 = true;
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(d10), v10 = v10.filter(Boolean);
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < v10.length; t11 += 1)
l10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), d10 && d10.d(), xi(v10, e21), u10 = false, f10();
} };
function NN(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = t10.type, o10 = void 0 === r10 ? "success" : r10, i10 = t10.icon, a10 = void 0 === i10 ? void 0 : i10, s10 = t10.message, c10 = void 0 === s10 ? void 0 : s10, l10 = t10.actions, u10 = void 0 === l10 ? [] : l10, f10 = t10.onClick, d10 = void 0 === f10 ? void 0 : f10, h10 = t10.onClose, v10 = void 0 === h10 ? void 0 : h10;
v10 && Qi(v10);
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"type" in e21 && n10(0, o10 = e21.type), "icon" in e21 && n10(1, a10 = e21.icon), "message" in e21 && n10(2, c10 = e21.message), "actions" in e21 && n10(3, u10 = e21.actions), "onClick" in e21 && n10(4, d10 = e21.onClick), "onClose" in e21 && n10(6, v10 = e21.onClose);
}, [o10, a10, c10, u10, d10, function() {
d10 && d10();
}, v10, function(e21) {
e21.onClick && e21.onClick();
}, function(e21) {
e21.onMouseDown && e21.onMouseDown();
var IN = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, NN, RN, Zo, { type: 0, icon: 1, message: 2, actions: 3, onClick: 4, onClose: 6 }, MN), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function DN(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-1ifg4t0", '.jse-validation-errors-overview.svelte-1ifg4t0.svelte-1ifg4t0{font-family:var(--jse-font-family-mono, consolas, menlo, monaco, "Ubuntu Mono", "source-code-pro", monospace);font-size:var(--jse-font-size-mono, 14px);background:var(--jse-message-warning-background, #ffde5c);color:var(--jse-message-warning-color, #4d4d4d);overflow:auto;max-height:25%}.jse-validation-errors-overview.svelte-1ifg4t0 table.svelte-1ifg4t0{border-collapse:collapse;width:100%}.jse-validation-errors-overview.svelte-1ifg4t0 table tr.svelte-1ifg4t0{cursor:pointer}.jse-validation-errors-overview.svelte-1ifg4t0 table tr.svelte-1ifg4t0:hover{background-color:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)}.jse-validation-errors-overview.svelte-1ifg4t0 table tr td.svelte-1ifg4t0{padding:4px var(--jse-padding, 10px);vertical-align:middle}.jse-validation-errors-overview.svelte-1ifg4t0 table tr td.jse-validation-error-icon.svelte-1ifg4t0{width:36px;box-sizing:border-box}.jse-validation-errors-overview.svelte-1ifg4t0 table tr td.jse-validation-error-action.svelte-1ifg4t0{width:36px;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0}.jse-validation-errors-overview.svelte-1ifg4t0 table tr td.jse-validation-error-action button.jse-validation-errors-collapse.svelte-1ifg4t0{border:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;cursor:pointer;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);padding:5px;margin:0;width:36px;height:26px;cursor:pointer}.jse-validation-errors-overview.svelte-1ifg4t0 table tr td.jse-validation-error-action button.jse-validation-errors-collapse.svelte-1ifg4t0:hover{background-color:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)}.jse-validation-errors-overview.svelte-1ifg4t0 table tr td div.jse-validation-errors-expand.svelte-1ifg4t0{display:inline-block;position:relative;top:3px}');
function qN(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[7] = t10[n10], r10[9] = n10, r10;
function zN(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10 = [LN, BN], a10 = [];
function s10(e21, t11) {
return e21[2] || 1 === e21[3] ? 0 : 1;
return n10 = s10(e20), r10 = a10[n10] = i10[n10](e20), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), r10.c(), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-validation-errors-overview svelte-1ifg4t0");
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
ki(e21, t10, r11), a10[n10].m(t10, null), o10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, o11) {
var c10 = n10;
(n10 = s10(e21)) === c10 ? a10[n10].p(e21, o11) : (ba(), xa(a10[c10], 1, 1, function() {
a10[c10] = null;
}), ka(), (r10 = a10[n10]) ? r10.p(e21, o11) : (r10 = a10[n10] = i10[n10](e21)).c(), wa(r10, 1), r10.m(t10, null));
}, i: function(e21) {
o10 || (wa(r10), o10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(r10), o10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), a10[n10].d();
} };
function BN(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10;
return i10 = new jM({ props: { data: TP } }), f10 = new jM({ props: { data: iP } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("table"), n10 = ji("tbody"), r10 = ji("tr"), o10 = ji("td"), Pa(i10.$$.fragment), a10 = $i(), s10 = ji("td"), c10 = Ci(e20[3]), l10 = Ci(" validation errors\n "), u10 = ji("div"), Pa(f10.$$.fragment), Ai(o10, "class", "jse-validation-error-icon svelte-1ifg4t0"), Ai(u10, "class", "jse-validation-errors-expand svelte-1ifg4t0"), Ai(s10, "class", "jse-validation-error-count svelte-1ifg4t0"), Ai(r10, "class", "jse-validation-error svelte-1ifg4t0"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-validation-errors-overview-collapsed svelte-1ifg4t0");
}, m: function(p10, m10) {
ki(p10, t10, m10), pi(t10, n10), pi(n10, r10), pi(r10, o10), Ta(i10, o10, null), pi(r10, a10), pi(r10, s10), pi(s10, c10), pi(s10, l10), pi(s10, u10), Ta(f10, u10, null), d10 = true, h10 || (v10 = Oi(r10, "click", e20[5]), h10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
(!d10 || 8 & t11) && Ni(c10, e21[3]);
}, i: function(e21) {
d10 || (wa(i10.$$.fragment, e21), wa(f10.$$.fragment, e21), d10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(i10.$$.fragment, e21), xa(f10.$$.fragment, e21), d10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(i10), Ra(f10), h10 = false, v10();
} };
function LN(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10 = Ca(N_(e20[0], us)), a10 = [], s10 = 0; s10 < i10.length; s10 += 1)
a10[s10] = VN(qN(e20, i10, s10));
var c10 = function(e21) {
return xa(a10[e21], 1, 1, function() {
a10[e21] = null;
}, l10 = e20[3] > us && HN(e20);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("table"), n10 = ji("tbody");
for (var e21 = 0; e21 < a10.length; e21 += 1)
r10 = $i(), l10 && l10.c(), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-validation-errors-overview-expanded svelte-1ifg4t0");
}, m: function(e21, i11) {
ki(e21, t10, i11), pi(t10, n10);
for (var s11 = 0; s11 < a10.length; s11 += 1)
a10[s11] && a10[s11].m(n10, null);
pi(n10, r10), l10 && l10.m(n10, null), o10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
if (19 & t11) {
var o11;
for (i10 = Ca(N_(e21[0], us)), o11 = 0; o11 < i10.length; o11 += 1) {
var s11 = qN(e21, i10, o11);
a10[o11] ? (a10[o11].p(s11, t11), wa(a10[o11], 1)) : (a10[o11] = VN(s11), a10[o11].c(), wa(a10[o11], 1), a10[o11].m(n10, r10));
for (ba(), o11 = i10.length; o11 < a10.length; o11 += 1)
e21[3] > us ? l10 ? l10.p(e21, t11) : ((l10 = HN(e21)).c(), l10.m(n10, null)) : l10 && (l10.d(1), l10 = null);
}, i: function(e21) {
if (!o10) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < i10.length; t11 += 1)
o10 = true;
}, o: function(e21) {
a10 = a10.filter(Boolean);
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < a10.length; t11 += 1)
o10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), xi(a10, e21), l10 && l10.d();
} };
function FN(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10;
return n10 = new jM({ props: { data: wP } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("button"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), Ai(t10, "type", "button"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-validation-errors-collapse svelte-1ifg4t0"), Ai(t10, "title", "Collapse validation errors");
}, m: function(a10, s10) {
ki(a10, t10, s10), Ta(n10, t10, null), r10 = true, o10 || (i10 = Oi(t10, "click", Ei(e20[4])), o10 = true);
}, p: Wo, i: function(e21) {
r10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10), o10 = false, i10();
} };
function VN(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10 = JO(e20[7].path) + "", m10 = e20[7].message + "";
r10 = new jM({ props: { data: TP } });
var g10 = 0 === e20[9] && e20[0].length > 1 && FN(e20);
function y10() {
return e20[6](e20[7]);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("tr"), n10 = ji("td"), Pa(r10.$$.fragment), o10 = $i(), i10 = ji("td"), a10 = Ci(p10), s10 = $i(), c10 = ji("td"), l10 = Ci(m10), u10 = $i(), f10 = ji("td"), g10 && g10.c(), Ai(n10, "class", "jse-validation-error-icon svelte-1ifg4t0"), Ai(i10, "class", "jse-validation-error-path svelte-1ifg4t0"), Ai(c10, "class", "jse-validation-error-message svelte-1ifg4t0"), Ai(f10, "class", "jse-validation-error-action svelte-1ifg4t0"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-validation-error svelte-1ifg4t0");
}, m: function(e21, p11) {
ki(e21, t10, p11), pi(t10, n10), Ta(r10, n10, null), pi(t10, o10), pi(t10, i10), pi(i10, a10), pi(t10, s10), pi(t10, c10), pi(c10, l10), pi(t10, u10), pi(t10, f10), g10 && g10.m(f10, null), d10 = true, h10 || (v10 = Oi(t10, "click", y10), h10 = true);
}, p: function(t11, n11) {
e20 = t11, (!d10 || 1 & n11) && p10 !== (p10 = JO(e20[7].path) + "") && Ni(a10, p10), (!d10 || 1 & n11) && m10 !== (m10 = e20[7].message + "") && Ni(l10, m10), 0 === e20[9] && e20[0].length > 1 ? g10 ? (g10.p(e20, n11), 1 & n11 && wa(g10, 1)) : ((g10 = FN(e20)).c(), wa(g10, 1), g10.m(f10, null)) : g10 && (ba(), xa(g10, 1, 1, function() {
g10 = null;
}), ka());
}, i: function(e21) {
d10 || (wa(r10.$$.fragment, e21), wa(g10), d10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(r10.$$.fragment, e21), xa(g10), d10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(r10), g10 && g10.d(), h10 = false, v10();
} };
function HN(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10 = e20[3] - us + "";
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("tr"), n10 = ji("td"), r10 = $i(), o10 = ji("td"), i10 = $i(), a10 = ji("td"), s10 = Ci("(and "), c10 = Ci(d10), l10 = Ci(" more errors)"), u10 = $i(), f10 = ji("td"), Ai(n10, "class", "svelte-1ifg4t0"), Ai(o10, "class", "svelte-1ifg4t0"), Ai(a10, "class", "svelte-1ifg4t0"), Ai(f10, "class", "svelte-1ifg4t0"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-validation-error svelte-1ifg4t0");
}, m: function(e21, d11) {
ki(e21, t10, d11), pi(t10, n10), pi(t10, r10), pi(t10, o10), pi(t10, i10), pi(t10, a10), pi(a10, s10), pi(a10, c10), pi(a10, l10), pi(t10, u10), pi(t10, f10);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
8 & t11 && d10 !== (d10 = e21[3] - us + "") && Ni(c10, d10);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function WN(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10 = !_w(e20[0]), o10 = r10 && zN(e20);
return { c: function() {
o10 && o10.c(), t10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
o10 && o10.m(e21, r11), ki(e21, t10, r11), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var i10 = jo(n11, 1)[0];
1 & i10 && (r10 = !_w(e21[0])), r10 ? o10 ? (o10.p(e21, i10), 1 & i10 && wa(o10, 1)) : ((o10 = zN(e21)).c(), wa(o10, 1), o10.m(t10.parentNode, t10)) : o10 && (ba(), xa(o10, 1, 1, function() {
o10 = null;
}), ka());
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(o10), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(o10), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), o10 && o10.d(e21);
} };
function UN(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = t10.validationErrors, i10 = t10.selectError, a10 = true;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"validationErrors" in e21 && n10(0, o10 = e21.validationErrors), "selectError" in e21 && n10(1, i10 = e21.selectError);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
1 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(3, r10 = o10.length);
}, [o10, i10, a10, r10, function() {
n10(2, a10 = false);
}, function() {
n10(2, a10 = true);
}, function(e21) {
setTimeout(function() {
return i10(e21);
var JN = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, UN, WN, Zo, { validationErrors: 0, selectError: 1 }, DN), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
var KN = "undefined" != typeof navigator && navigator.platform.toUpperCase().indexOf("MAC") >= 0;
function GN(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-1n68mbh", ".jse-header.svelte-1n68mbh.svelte-1n68mbh{display:flex;background:var(--jse-theme-color, #3883fa);color:var(--jse-menu-color, var(--jse-text-color-inverse, #fff))}.jse-header.svelte-1n68mbh .jse-title.svelte-1n68mbh{flex:1;padding:5px;vertical-align:middle}.jse-header.svelte-1n68mbh button.svelte-1n68mbh{border:none;background:transparent;min-width:32px;color:inherit;cursor:pointer}.jse-header.svelte-1n68mbh button.svelte-1n68mbh:hover{background:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)}");
function QN(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10;
return a10 = new jM({ props: { data: MP } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = ji("div"), r10 = Ci(e20[0]), o10 = $i(), i10 = ji("button"), Pa(a10.$$.fragment), Ai(n10, "class", "jse-title svelte-1n68mbh"), Ai(i10, "type", "button"), Ai(i10, "class", "jse-close svelte-1n68mbh"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-header svelte-1n68mbh");
}, m: function(u10, f10) {
ki(u10, t10, f10), pi(t10, n10), pi(n10, r10), pi(t10, o10), pi(t10, i10), Ta(a10, i10, null), s10 = true, c10 || (l10 = Oi(i10, "click", e20[3]), c10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = jo(t11, 1)[0];
(!s10 || 1 & n11) && Ni(r10, e21[0]);
}, i: function(e21) {
s10 || (wa(a10.$$.fragment, e21), s10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(a10.$$.fragment, e21), s10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(a10), c10 = false, l10();
} };
function YN(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = t10.title, o10 = void 0 === r10 ? "Modal" : r10, i10 = t10.onClose, a10 = void 0 === i10 ? void 0 : i10, s10 = Zi("simple-modal").close;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"title" in e21 && n10(0, o10 = e21.title), "onClose" in e21 && n10(1, a10 = e21.onClose);
}, [o10, a10, s10, function() {
a10 ? a10() : s10();
var XN = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, YN, QN, Zo, { title: 0, onClose: 1 }, GN), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function ZN(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-18bor9q", '.jse-modal.svelte-18bor9q.svelte-18bor9q{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column;min-width:0;min-height:0;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);line-height:normal;background:var(--jse-modal-background, #f5f5f5);color:var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d)}.jse-modal.svelte-18bor9q .svelte-select{--border:var(--jse-svelte-select-border, 1px solid #d8dbdf);--item-is-active-bg:var(--jse-item-is-active-bg, #3883fa);--border-radius:var(--jse-svelte-select-border-radius, 3px);--background:var(--jse-svelte-select-background, #fff);--padding:var(--jse-svelte-select-padding, 0 10px);--multi-select-padding:var(--jse-svelte-select-multi-select-padding, 0 10px);--font-size:var(--jse-svelte-select-font-size, var(--jse-font-size, 16px));--height:36px;--multi-item-height:28px;--multi-item-margin:2px;--multi-item-padding:2px 8px;--multi-item-border-radius:6px;--indicator-top:8px}.jse-modal.svelte-18bor9q .jse-modal-contents.svelte-18bor9q{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column;padding:20px;overflow:auto;min-width:0;min-height:0}.jse-modal.svelte-18bor9q .jse-modal-contents .jse-actions.svelte-18bor9q{display:flex;flex-direction:row;justify-content:flex-end;padding-top:var(--jse-padding, 10px)}.jse-modal.svelte-18bor9q .jse-modal-contents .jse-actions button.jse-primary.svelte-18bor9q{border:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;cursor:pointer;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);padding:5px;margin:0;background:var(--jse-button-primary-background, var(--jse-theme-color, #3883fa));color:var(--jse-button-primary-color, #fff);padding:var(--jse-padding, 10px) calc(2 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));border-radius:3px}.jse-modal.svelte-18bor9q .jse-modal-contents .jse-actions button.jse-primary.svelte-18bor9q:hover{background:var(--jse-button-primary-background-highlight, var(--jse-theme-color-highlight, #5f9dff))}.jse-modal.svelte-18bor9q .jse-modal-contents .jse-actions button.jse-primary.svelte-18bor9q:disabled{background:var(--jse-button-primary-background-disabled, #9d9d9d)}.bg.jse-modal-bg{width:100%;height:100%;top:0;left:0;background:var(--jse-overlay-background, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3))}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-window-wrap{margin:0}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-window{max-width:90%;margin:4rem auto 2rem auto;border-radius:2px}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-window.jse-modal-window-sort{width:400px}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-window.jse-modal-window-transform{width:1200px;height:1200px;max-height:80%;display:flex}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-window.jse-modal-window-jsoneditor{width:800px;height:auto;min-height:500px;max-height:calc(100vh - 6rem);display:flex}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-container{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column;padding:0}.jse-modal.jse-copy-paste.svelte-18bor9q .jse-shortcuts.svelte-18bor9q{display:flex;flex-wrap:wrap;justify-content:space-around;margin:calc(2 * var(--jse-padding, 10px)) 0}.jse-modal.jse-copy-paste.svelte-18bor9q .jse-shortcuts .jse-shortcut .jse-key.svelte-18bor9q{font-size:200%;color:var(--jse-theme-color, #3883fa)}');
function eI(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10, k10, w10, x10, j10, S10;
return n10 = new XN({ props: { title: "Copying and pasting" } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), r10 = $i(), o10 = ji("div"), (i10 = ji("div")).textContent = "These actions are unavailable via the menu. Please use:", a10 = $i(), s10 = ji("div"), c10 = ji("div"), (l10 = ji("div")).textContent = "".concat(e20[1], "+C"), u10 = Ci("\n for copy"), f10 = $i(), d10 = ji("div"), (h10 = ji("div")).textContent = "".concat(e20[1], "+X"), v10 = Ci("\n for cut"), p10 = $i(), m10 = ji("div"), (g10 = ji("div")).textContent = "".concat(e20[1], "+V"), y10 = Ci("\n for paste"), b10 = $i(), k10 = ji("div"), (w10 = ji("button")).textContent = "Close", Ai(l10, "class", "jse-key svelte-18bor9q"), Ai(c10, "class", "jse-shortcut"), Ai(h10, "class", "jse-key svelte-18bor9q"), Ai(d10, "class", "jse-shortcut"), Ai(g10, "class", "jse-key svelte-18bor9q"), Ai(m10, "class", "jse-shortcut"), Ai(s10, "class", "jse-shortcuts svelte-18bor9q"), Ai(w10, "type", "button"), Ai(w10, "class", "jse-primary svelte-18bor9q"), Ai(k10, "class", "jse-actions svelte-18bor9q"), Ai(o10, "class", "jse-modal-contents svelte-18bor9q"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-modal jse-copy-paste svelte-18bor9q");
}, m: function(C10, $10) {
ki(C10, t10, $10), Ta(n10, t10, null), pi(t10, r10), pi(t10, o10), pi(o10, i10), pi(o10, a10), pi(o10, s10), pi(s10, c10), pi(c10, l10), pi(c10, u10), pi(s10, f10), pi(s10, d10), pi(d10, h10), pi(d10, v10), pi(s10, p10), pi(s10, m10), pi(m10, g10), pi(m10, y10), pi(o10, b10), pi(o10, k10), pi(k10, w10), x10 = true, j10 || (S10 = Oi(w10, "click", e20[2]), j10 = true);
}, p: Wo, i: function(e21) {
x10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), x10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), x10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10), j10 = false, S10();
} };
function tI(e20) {
var t10 = Zi("simple-modal").close;
return [t10, KN ? "\u2318" : "Ctrl", function() {
return t10();
var nI = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, tI, eI, Zo, {}, ZN), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function rI(e20) {
return !!e20 && ("space" === e20.type || true === e20.space);
function oI(e20) {
return !!e20 && ("separator" === e20.type || true === e20.separator);
function iI(e20) {
return !!e20 && ("label" === e20.type && "string" == typeof e20.text);
function aI(e20) {
return !!e20 && "function" == typeof e20.onClick;
function sI(e20) {
return !!e20 && ("dropdown-button" === e20.type && aI(e20.main) && Array.isArray(e20.items));
function cI(e20) {
return !!e20 && ("row" === e20.type && Array.isArray(e20.items));
function lI(e20) {
return !!e20 && ("column" === e20.type && Array.isArray(e20.items));
function uI(e20) {
return Gl(e20) && Gl(e20.parseError);
function fI(e20) {
return Gl(e20) && Array.isArray(e20.validationErrors);
function dI(e20) {
return Gl(e20) && Array.isArray(e20.path) && "string" == typeof e20.message && "severity" in e20;
function hI(e20) {
return Gl(e20) && dI(e20) && "boolean" == typeof e20.isChildError;
function vI(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-7deygj", '.jse-menu.svelte-7deygj.svelte-7deygj{background:var(--jse-theme-color, #3883fa);font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size-main-menu, 14px);color:var(--jse-menu-color, var(--jse-text-color-inverse, #fff));display:flex;flex-wrap:wrap;align-items:stretch;position:relative}.jse-menu.svelte-7deygj .jse-button.svelte-7deygj{font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;line-height:1.5em;border:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;cursor:pointer;width:var(--jse-menu-button-size, 32px);height:var(--jse-menu-button-size, 32px);padding:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));margin:0;border-radius:0;display:inline-flex;align-items:center;text-align:center;justify-content:center}.jse-menu.svelte-7deygj .jse-button.svelte-7deygj:hover,.jse-menu.svelte-7deygj .jse-button.svelte-7deygj:focus{background:var(--jse-theme-color-highlight, #5f9dff)}.jse-menu.svelte-7deygj .jse-button.svelte-7deygj:disabled{color:var(--jse-menu-color, var(--jse-text-color-inverse, #fff));opacity:0.5;background:transparent}.jse-menu.svelte-7deygj .jse-button.jse-group-button.svelte-7deygj{width:auto;height:calc(var(--jse-menu-button-size, 32px) - var(--jse-padding, 10px));margin:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px)) 0;padding:0 calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px)) 1px;border:1px solid var(--jse-menu-color, var(--jse-text-color-inverse, #fff))}.jse-menu.svelte-7deygj .jse-button.jse-group-button.svelte-7deygj:not(.jse-last){border-right:none}.jse-menu.svelte-7deygj .jse-button.jse-group-button.jse-first.svelte-7deygj{margin-left:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px))}.jse-menu.svelte-7deygj .jse-button.jse-group-button.jse-last.svelte-7deygj{margin-right:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px))}.jse-menu.svelte-7deygj .jse-button.jse-group-button.svelte-7deygj:hover,.jse-menu.svelte-7deygj .jse-button.jse-group-button.svelte-7deygj:focus{background:var(--jse-theme-color-highlight, #5f9dff)}.jse-menu.svelte-7deygj .jse-button.jse-group-button.jse-selected.svelte-7deygj{background:var(--jse-menu-color, var(--jse-text-color-inverse, #fff));color:var(--jse-theme-color, #3883fa)}.jse-menu.svelte-7deygj .jse-space.svelte-7deygj{flex:1}.jse-menu.svelte-7deygj .jse-separator.svelte-7deygj{background:var(--jse-menu-color, var(--jse-text-color-inverse, #fff));opacity:0.3;width:1px;margin:3px}');
var pI = function(e20) {
return {};
var mI = function(e20) {
return {};
function gI(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[3] = t10[n10], r10;
var yI = function(e20) {
return {};
var bI = function(e20) {
return {};
function kI(e20) {
var t10, n10 = OI(e20[3]) + "";
return { c: function() {
t10 = Ci(n10);
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
ki(e21, t10, n11);
}, p: function(e21, r10) {
1 & r10 && n10 !== (n10 = OI(e21[3]) + "") && Ni(t10, n10);
}, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function wI(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10 = e20[3].icon && SI(e20), u10 = e20[3].text && CI(e20);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("button"), l10 && l10.c(), n10 = $i(), u10 && u10.c(), Ai(t10, "type", "button"), Ai(t10, "class", r10 = "jse-button " + e20[3].className + " svelte-7deygj"), Ai(t10, "title", o10 = e20[3].title), t10.disabled = i10 = e20[3].disabled || false;
}, m: function(r11, o11) {
ki(r11, t10, o11), l10 && l10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, n10), u10 && u10.m(t10, null), a10 = true, s10 || (c10 = Oi(t10, "click", function() {
Yo(e20[3].onClick) && e20[3].onClick.apply(this, arguments);
}), s10 = true);
}, p: function(s11, c11) {
(e20 = s11)[3].icon ? l10 ? (l10.p(e20, c11), 1 & c11 && wa(l10, 1)) : ((l10 = SI(e20)).c(), wa(l10, 1), l10.m(t10, n10)) : l10 && (ba(), xa(l10, 1, 1, function() {
l10 = null;
}), ka()), e20[3].text ? u10 ? u10.p(e20, c11) : ((u10 = CI(e20)).c(), u10.m(t10, null)) : u10 && (u10.d(1), u10 = null), (!a10 || 1 & c11 && r10 !== (r10 = "jse-button " + e20[3].className + " svelte-7deygj")) && Ai(t10, "class", r10), (!a10 || 1 & c11 && o10 !== (o10 = e20[3].title)) && Ai(t10, "title", o10), (!a10 || 1 & c11 && i10 !== (i10 = e20[3].disabled || false)) && (t10.disabled = i10);
}, i: function(e21) {
a10 || (wa(l10), a10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(l10), a10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), l10 && l10.d(), u10 && u10.d(), s10 = false, c10();
} };
function xI(e20) {
var t10;
return { c: function() {
Ai(t10 = ji("div"), "class", "jse-space svelte-7deygj");
}, m: function(e21, n10) {
ki(e21, t10, n10);
}, p: Wo, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function jI(e20) {
var t10;
return { c: function() {
Ai(t10 = ji("div"), "class", "jse-separator svelte-7deygj");
}, m: function(e21, n10) {
ki(e21, t10, n10);
}, p: Wo, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function SI(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new jM({ props: { data: e20[3].icon } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
1 & n11 && (r10.data = e21[3].icon), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function CI(e20) {
var t10, n10 = e20[3].text + "";
return { c: function() {
t10 = Ci(n10);
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
ki(e21, t10, n11);
}, p: function(e21, r10) {
1 & r10 && n10 !== (n10 = e21[3].text + "") && Ni(t10, n10);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function $I(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10 = [jI, xI, wI, kI], l10 = [];
function u10(e21, o11) {
return 1 & o11 && (t10 = null), 1 & o11 && (n10 = null), 1 & o11 && (r10 = null), null == t10 && (t10 = !!oI(e21[3])), t10 ? 0 : (null == n10 && (n10 = !!rI(e21[3])), n10 ? 1 : (null == r10 && (r10 = !!aI(e21[3])), r10 ? 2 : 3));
return o10 = u10(e20, -1), i10 = l10[o10] = c10[o10](e20), { c: function() {
i10.c(), a10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, t11) {
l10[o10].m(e21, t11), ki(e21, a10, t11), s10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = o10;
(o10 = u10(e21, t11)) === n11 ? l10[o10].p(e21, t11) : (ba(), xa(l10[n11], 1, 1, function() {
l10[n11] = null;
}), ka(), (i10 = l10[o10]) ? i10.p(e21, t11) : (i10 = l10[o10] = c10[o10](e21)).c(), wa(i10, 1), i10.m(a10.parentNode, a10));
}, i: function(e21) {
s10 || (wa(i10), s10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(i10), s10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(a10), l10[o10].d(e21);
} };
function _I(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10 = e20[2].left, a10 = ei(i10, e20, e20[1], bI), s10 = Ca(e20[0]), c10 = [], l10 = 0; l10 < s10.length; l10 += 1)
c10[l10] = $I(gI(e20, s10, l10));
var u10 = function(e21) {
return xa(c10[e21], 1, 1, function() {
c10[e21] = null;
}, f10 = e20[2].right, d10 = ei(f10, e20, e20[1], mI);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), a10 && a10.c(), n10 = $i();
for (var e21 = 0; e21 < c10.length; e21 += 1)
r10 = $i(), d10 && d10.c(), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-menu svelte-7deygj");
}, m: function(e21, i11) {
ki(e21, t10, i11), a10 && a10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, n10);
for (var s11 = 0; s11 < c10.length; s11 += 1)
c10[s11] && c10[s11].m(t10, null);
pi(t10, r10), d10 && d10.m(t10, null), o10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var l11 = jo(n11, 1)[0];
if (a10 && a10.p && (!o10 || 2 & l11) && ri(a10, i10, e21, e21[1], o10 ? ni(i10, e21[1], l11, yI) : oi(e21[1]), bI), 1 & l11) {
var h10;
for (s10 = Ca(e21[0]), h10 = 0; h10 < s10.length; h10 += 1) {
var v10 = gI(e21, s10, h10);
c10[h10] ? (c10[h10].p(v10, l11), wa(c10[h10], 1)) : (c10[h10] = $I(v10), c10[h10].c(), wa(c10[h10], 1), c10[h10].m(t10, r10));
for (ba(), h10 = s10.length; h10 < c10.length; h10 += 1)
d10 && d10.p && (!o10 || 2 & l11) && ri(d10, f10, e21, e21[1], o10 ? ni(f10, e21[1], l11, pI) : oi(e21[1]), mI);
}, i: function(e21) {
if (!o10) {
wa(a10, e21);
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < s10.length; t11 += 1)
wa(d10, e21), o10 = true;
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(a10, e21), c10 = c10.filter(Boolean);
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < c10.length; t11 += 1)
xa(d10, e21), o10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), a10 && a10.d(e21), xi(c10, e21), d10 && d10.d(e21);
} };
function OI(e20) {
return console.error("Unknown type of menu item", e20), "???";
function MI(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = t10.$$slots, o10 = void 0 === r10 ? {} : r10, i10 = t10.$$scope, a10 = t10.items, s10 = void 0 === a10 ? [] : a10;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"items" in e21 && n10(0, s10 = e21.items), "$$scope" in e21 && n10(1, i10 = e21.$$scope);
}, [s10, i10, o10];
var EI = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, MI, _I, Zo, { items: 0 }, vI), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function AI(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-1d84pok", '.jse-json-repair-component.svelte-1d84pok.svelte-1d84pok{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background:var(--jse-background-color, #fff);color:var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d)}.jse-json-repair-component.svelte-1d84pok .jse-menu .jse-info.svelte-1d84pok{padding:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);vertical-align:center}.jse-json-repair-component.svelte-1d84pok .jse-json-text.svelte-1d84pok{flex:1;border:none;padding:2px;font-family:var(--jse-font-family-mono, consolas, menlo, monaco, "Ubuntu Mono", "source-code-pro", monospace);font-size:var(--jse-font-size-mono, 14px);background:var(--jse-input-background, var(--jse-background-color, #fff));color:var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d);resize:none;outline:none}');
function PI(e20) {
var t10;
return { c: function() {
(t10 = ji("div")).textContent = "Repair invalid JSON, then click apply", Ai(t10, "slot", "left"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-info svelte-1d84pok");
}, m: function(e21, n10) {
ki(e21, t10, n10);
}, p: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function TI(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new IN({ props: { type: "success", message: "JSON is valid now and can be parsed.", actions: e20[5] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
32 & n11 && (r10.actions = e21[5]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function RI(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new IN({ props: { type: "error", icon: TP, message: "Cannot parse JSON: ".concat(e20[2].message), actions: e20[6] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
4 & n11 && (r10.message = "Cannot parse JSON: ".concat(e21[2].message)), 64 & n11 && (r10.actions = e21[6]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function NI(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10;
n10 = new EI({ props: { items: e20[4], $$slots: { left: [PI] }, $$scope: { ctx: e20 } } });
var f10 = [RI, TI], d10 = [];
function h10(e21, t11) {
return e21[2] ? 0 : 1;
return o10 = h10(e20), i10 = d10[o10] = f10[o10](e20), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), r10 = $i(), i10.c(), a10 = $i(), (s10 = ji("textarea")).readOnly = e20[1], Ai(s10, "class", "jse-json-text svelte-1d84pok"), Ai(s10, "autocomplete", "off"), Ai(s10, "autocapitalize", "off"), Ai(s10, "spellcheck", "false"), s10.value = e20[0], Ai(t10, "class", "jse-json-repair-component svelte-1d84pok");
}, m: function(i11, f11) {
ki(i11, t10, f11), Ta(n10, t10, null), pi(t10, r10), d10[o10].m(t10, null), pi(t10, a10), pi(t10, s10), e20[16](s10), c10 = true, l10 || (u10 = Oi(s10, "input", e20[7]), l10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, r11) {
var l11 = jo(r11, 1)[0], u11 = {};
16 & l11 && (u11.items = e21[4]), 8388608 & l11 && (u11.$$scope = { dirty: l11, ctx: e21 }), n10.$set(u11);
var v10 = o10;
(o10 = h10(e21)) === v10 ? d10[o10].p(e21, l11) : (ba(), xa(d10[v10], 1, 1, function() {
d10[v10] = null;
}), ka(), (i10 = d10[o10]) ? i10.p(e21, l11) : (i10 = d10[o10] = f10[o10](e21)).c(), wa(i10, 1), i10.m(t10, a10)), (!c10 || 2 & l11) && (s10.readOnly = e21[1]), (!c10 || 1 & l11) && (s10.value = e21[0]);
}, i: function(e21) {
c10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), wa(i10), c10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), xa(i10), c10 = false;
}, d: function(r11) {
r11 && wi(t10), Ra(n10), d10[o10].d(), e20[16](null), l10 = false, u10();
} };
function II(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10 = t10.text, d10 = void 0 === f10 ? "" : f10, h10 = t10.readOnly, v10 = void 0 !== h10 && h10, p10 = t10.onParse, m10 = t10.onRepair, g10 = t10.onChange, y10 = void 0 === g10 ? null : g10, b10 = t10.onApply, k10 = t10.onCancel, w10 = Da("jsoneditor:JSONRepair");
function x10() {
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"text" in e21 && n10(0, d10 = e21.text), "readOnly" in e21 && n10(1, v10 = e21.readOnly), "onParse" in e21 && n10(8, p10 = e21.onParse), "onRepair" in e21 && n10(9, m10 = e21.onRepair), "onChange" in e21 && n10(10, y10 = e21.onChange), "onApply" in e21 && n10(11, b10 = e21.onApply), "onCancel" in e21 && n10(12, k10 = e21.onCancel);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
1 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(2, r10 = function(e21) {
try {
return p10(e21), null;
} catch (t11) {
return H_(e21, t11.message);
}(d10)), 1 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(15, o10 = function(e21) {
try {
return m10(e21), true;
} catch (e23) {
return false;
}(d10)), 4 & e20.$$.dirty && w10("error", r10), 4096 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(4, u10 = [{ type: "space" }, { type: "button", icon: MP, title: "Cancel repair", className: "jse-cancel", onClick: k10 }]), 57344 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(6, s10 = o10 ? [i10, a10] : [i10]), 2 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(5, c10 = [{ icon: PP, text: "Apply", title: "Apply fixed JSON", disabled: v10, onClick: x10 }]);
}, n10(13, i10 = { icon: xP, text: "Show me", title: "Scroll to the error location", onClick: function() {
if (l10 && r10) {
var e21 = null != r10.position ? r10.position : 0;
l10.setSelectionRange(e21, e21), l10.focus();
} }), n10(14, a10 = { icon: uP, text: "Auto repair", title: "Automatically repair JSON", onClick: function() {
try {
n10(0, d10 = m10(d10)), y10 && y10(d10);
} catch (e21) {
} }), [d10, v10, r10, l10, u10, c10, s10, function(e21) {
var t11 = e21.target.value;
d10 !== t11 && (n10(0, d10 = t11), y10 && y10(d10));
}, p10, m10, y10, b10, k10, i10, a10, o10, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(3, l10 = e21);
var DI = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, II, NI, Zo, { text: 0, readOnly: 1, onParse: 8, onRepair: 9, onChange: 10, onApply: 11, onCancel: 12 }, AI), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
var qI = [];
function zI(e20) {
if ("Escape" === e20.key) {
var t10 = vb(qI);
t10 && t10();
function BI(e20, t10) {
return _w(qI) && window.addEventListener("keydown", zI), qI.push(t10), { destroy: function() {
_w(qI = qI.filter(function(e21) {
return e21 !== t10;
})) && window.removeEventListener("keydown", zI);
} };
function LI(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-rn18r0", '.jse-modal.jse-repair.svelte-rn18r0{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column;min-width:0;min-height:0;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);line-height:normal;background:var(--jse-modal-background, #f5f5f5);color:var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d)}');
function FI(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10;
function s10(t11) {
var c10 = { onParse: e20[1], onRepair: e20[2], onApply: e20[4], onCancel: e20[5] };
return void 0 !== e20[0] && (c10.text = e20[0]), n10 = new DI({ props: c10 }), na.push(function() {
return Aa(n10, "text", s10);
}), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-modal jse-repair svelte-rn18r0");
}, m: function(r11, s11) {
ki(r11, t10, s11), Ta(n10, t10, null), o10 = true, i10 || (a10 = ci(BI.call(null, t10, e20[3])), i10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var o11 = jo(t11, 1)[0], i11 = {};
2 & o11 && (i11.onParse = e21[1]), 4 & o11 && (i11.onRepair = e21[2]), !r10 && 1 & o11 && (r10 = true, i11.text = e21[0], ua(function() {
return r10 = false;
})), n10.$set(i11);
}, i: function(e21) {
o10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10), i10 = false, a10();
} };
function VI(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = t10.text, o10 = t10.onParse, i10 = t10.onRepair, a10 = t10.onApply, s10 = Zi("simple-modal").close;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"text" in e21 && n10(0, r10 = e21.text), "onParse" in e21 && n10(1, o10 = e21.onParse), "onRepair" in e21 && n10(2, i10 = e21.onRepair), "onApply" in e21 && n10(6, a10 = e21.onApply);
}, [r10, o10, i10, s10, function(e21) {
s10(), a10(e21);
}, function() {
}, a10, function(e21) {
n10(0, r10 = e21);
var HI = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, VI, FI, Zo, { text: 0, onParse: 1, onRepair: 2, onApply: 6 }, LI), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function WI(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-szeu2l", 'button.jse-context-menu-button.svelte-szeu2l{border:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;cursor:pointer;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);padding:5px;margin:0;flex:1;white-space:nowrap;padding:var(--jse-padding, 10px);color:inherit}button.jse-context-menu-button.svelte-szeu2l:hover{background:var(--jse-context-menu-background-highlight, #7a7a7a)}button.jse-context-menu-button.svelte-szeu2l:focus{background:var(--jse-context-menu-background-highlight, #7a7a7a);z-index:1}button.jse-context-menu-button.svelte-szeu2l:disabled{color:var(--jse-context-menu-color-disabled, #9d9d9d);background:unset}button.jse-context-menu-button.left.svelte-szeu2l{text-align:left}button.jse-context-menu-button.svelte-szeu2l svg{width:16px}');
function UI(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new jM({ props: { data: e20[0].icon } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
1 & n11 && (r10.data = e21[0].icon), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function JI(e20) {
var t10, n10 = e20[0].text + "";
return { c: function() {
t10 = Ci(n10);
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
ki(e21, t10, n11);
}, p: function(e21, r10) {
1 & r10 && n10 !== (n10 = e21[0].text + "") && Ni(t10, n10);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function KI(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10 = e20[0].icon && UI(e20), u10 = e20[0].text && JI(e20);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("button"), l10 && l10.c(), n10 = $i(), u10 && u10.c(), Ai(t10, "type", "button"), Ai(t10, "class", r10 = si(GE("jse-context-menu-button", e20[1], e20[0].className)) + " svelte-szeu2l"), Ai(t10, "title", o10 = e20[0].title), t10.disabled = i10 = e20[0].disabled || false;
}, m: function(r11, o11) {
ki(r11, t10, o11), l10 && l10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, n10), u10 && u10.m(t10, null), a10 = true, s10 || (c10 = Oi(t10, "click", e20[3]), s10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, s11) {
var c11 = jo(s11, 1)[0];
e21[0].icon ? l10 ? (l10.p(e21, c11), 1 & c11 && wa(l10, 1)) : ((l10 = UI(e21)).c(), wa(l10, 1), l10.m(t10, n10)) : l10 && (ba(), xa(l10, 1, 1, function() {
l10 = null;
}), ka()), e21[0].text ? u10 ? u10.p(e21, c11) : ((u10 = JI(e21)).c(), u10.m(t10, null)) : u10 && (u10.d(1), u10 = null), (!a10 || 3 & c11 && r10 !== (r10 = si(GE("jse-context-menu-button", e21[1], e21[0].className)) + " svelte-szeu2l")) && Ai(t10, "class", r10), (!a10 || 1 & c11 && o10 !== (o10 = e21[0].title)) && Ai(t10, "title", o10), (!a10 || 1 & c11 && i10 !== (i10 = e21[0].disabled || false)) && (t10.disabled = i10);
}, i: function(e21) {
a10 || (wa(l10), a10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(l10), a10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), l10 && l10.d(), u10 && u10.d(), s10 = false, c10();
} };
function GI(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = t10.item, o10 = t10.className, i10 = void 0 === o10 ? void 0 : o10, a10 = t10.onCloseContextMenu;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"item" in e21 && n10(0, r10 = e21.item), "className" in e21 && n10(1, i10 = e21.className), "onCloseContextMenu" in e21 && n10(2, a10 = e21.onCloseContextMenu);
}, [r10, i10, a10, function(e21) {
a10(), r10.onClick(e21);
var QI = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, GI, KI, Xo, { item: 0, className: 1, onCloseContextMenu: 2 }, WI), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function YI(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-9i012w", '.jse-dropdown-button.svelte-9i012w.svelte-9i012w{flex:1;line-height:normal;border:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;cursor:pointer;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);padding:5px;margin:0;position:relative;padding:0;display:flex}.jse-dropdown-button.svelte-9i012w ul.svelte-9i012w{margin:0;padding:0}.jse-dropdown-button.svelte-9i012w ul li.svelte-9i012w{margin:0;padding:0;list-style-type:none}.jse-dropdown-button.svelte-9i012w button.jse-open-dropdown.svelte-9i012w{border:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;cursor:pointer;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);padding:5px;margin:0;width:2em;background:var(--jse-context-menu-background, #656565);color:var(--jse-context-menu-color, var(--jse-text-color-inverse, #fff));border-radius:0}.jse-dropdown-button.svelte-9i012w button.jse-open-dropdown.jse-visible.svelte-9i012w{background:var(--jse-context-menu-background, #656565)}.jse-dropdown-button.svelte-9i012w button.jse-open-dropdown.svelte-9i012w:hover{background:var(--jse-context-menu-background-highlight, #7a7a7a)}.jse-dropdown-button.svelte-9i012w button.jse-open-dropdown.svelte-9i012w:focus{z-index:1}.jse-dropdown-button.svelte-9i012w button.jse-open-dropdown.svelte-9i012w:disabled{color:var(--jse-context-menu-color-disabled, #9d9d9d);background:unset}.jse-dropdown-button.svelte-9i012w .jse-dropdown-items.svelte-9i012w{display:none;position:absolute;top:100%;left:0;z-index:1;background:var(--jse-context-menu-background, #656565);color:var(--jse-context-menu-color, var(--jse-text-color-inverse, #fff));box-shadow:var(--jse-controls-box-shadow, 0 2px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24))}.jse-dropdown-button.svelte-9i012w .jse-dropdown-items.jse-visible.svelte-9i012w{display:block}.jse-dropdown-button.svelte-9i012w .jse-dropdown-items button.svelte-9i012w{border:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;cursor:pointer;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);padding:5px;margin:0;width:100%;text-align:left;padding:var(--jse-padding, 10px);margin:0}.jse-dropdown-button.svelte-9i012w .jse-dropdown-items button.svelte-9i012w:hover{background:var(--jse-context-menu-background-highlight, #7a7a7a)}.jse-dropdown-button.svelte-9i012w .jse-dropdown-items button.svelte-9i012w:disabled{color:var(--jse-context-menu-color-disabled, #9d9d9d);background:unset}');
function XI(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[11] = t10[n10], r10;
var ZI = function(e20) {
return {};
var eD = function(e20) {
return {};
function tD(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new jM({ props: { data: e20[11].icon } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
1 & n11 && (r10.data = e21[11].icon), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function nD(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10 = e20[11].text + "", h10 = e20[11].icon && tD(e20);
function v10() {
for (var t11, n11 = arguments.length, r11 = new Array(n11), o11 = 0; o11 < n11; o11++)
r11[o11] = arguments[o11];
return (t11 = e20)[9].apply(t11, [e20[11]].concat(r11));
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("li"), n10 = ji("button"), h10 && h10.c(), r10 = $i(), o10 = Ci(d10), c10 = $i(), Ai(n10, "type", "button"), Ai(n10, "title", i10 = e20[11].title), n10.disabled = a10 = e20[11].disabled, Ai(n10, "class", s10 = si(e20[11].className) + " svelte-9i012w"), Ai(t10, "class", "svelte-9i012w");
}, m: function(e21, i11) {
ki(e21, t10, i11), pi(t10, n10), h10 && h10.m(n10, null), pi(n10, r10), pi(n10, o10), pi(t10, c10), l10 = true, u10 || (f10 = Oi(n10, "click", v10), u10 = true);
}, p: function(t11, c11) {
(e20 = t11)[11].icon ? h10 ? (h10.p(e20, c11), 1 & c11 && wa(h10, 1)) : ((h10 = tD(e20)).c(), wa(h10, 1), h10.m(n10, r10)) : h10 && (ba(), xa(h10, 1, 1, function() {
h10 = null;
}), ka()), (!l10 || 1 & c11) && d10 !== (d10 = e20[11].text + "") && Ni(o10, d10), (!l10 || 1 & c11 && i10 !== (i10 = e20[11].title)) && Ai(n10, "title", i10), (!l10 || 1 & c11 && a10 !== (a10 = e20[11].disabled)) && (n10.disabled = a10), (!l10 || 1 & c11 && s10 !== (s10 = si(e20[11].className) + " svelte-9i012w")) && Ai(n10, "class", s10);
}, i: function(e21) {
l10 || (wa(h10), l10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(h10), l10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), h10 && h10.d(), u10 = false, f10();
} };
function rD(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10 = e20[8].defaultItem, d10 = ei(f10, e20, e20[7], eD);
o10 = new jM({ props: { data: gP } });
for (var h10 = Ca(e20[0]), v10 = [], p10 = 0; p10 < h10.length; p10 += 1)
v10[p10] = nD(XI(e20, h10, p10));
var m10 = function(e21) {
return xa(v10[e21], 1, 1, function() {
v10[e21] = null;
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), d10 && d10.c(), n10 = $i(), r10 = ji("button"), Pa(o10.$$.fragment), i10 = $i(), a10 = ji("div"), s10 = ji("ul");
for (var c11 = 0; c11 < v10.length; c11 += 1)
Ai(r10, "type", "button"), Ai(r10, "class", "jse-open-dropdown svelte-9i012w"), Ai(r10, "data-type", "jse-open-dropdown"), r10.disabled = e20[4], zi(r10, "jse-visible", e20[3]), Ai(s10, "class", "svelte-9i012w"), Ai(a10, "class", "jse-dropdown-items svelte-9i012w"), Di(a10, "width", e20[2]), zi(a10, "jse-visible", e20[3]), Ai(t10, "role", "button"), Ai(t10, "tabindex", "0"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-dropdown-button svelte-9i012w"), Ai(t10, "title", e20[1]);
}, m: function(f11, h11) {
ki(f11, t10, h11), d10 && d10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, n10), pi(t10, r10), Ta(o10, r10, null), pi(t10, i10), pi(t10, a10), pi(a10, s10);
for (var p11 = 0; p11 < v10.length; p11 += 1)
v10[p11] && v10[p11].m(s10, null);
c10 = true, l10 || (u10 = [Oi(r10, "click", e20[5]), Oi(t10, "click", e20[6])], l10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var o11 = jo(n11, 1)[0];
if (d10 && d10.p && (!c10 || 128 & o11) && ri(d10, f10, e21, e21[7], c10 ? ni(f10, e21[7], o11, ZI) : oi(e21[7]), eD), (!c10 || 16 & o11) && (r10.disabled = e21[4]), (!c10 || 8 & o11) && zi(r10, "jse-visible", e21[3]), 1 & o11) {
var i11;
for (h10 = Ca(e21[0]), i11 = 0; i11 < h10.length; i11 += 1) {
var l11 = XI(e21, h10, i11);
v10[i11] ? (v10[i11].p(l11, o11), wa(v10[i11], 1)) : (v10[i11] = nD(l11), v10[i11].c(), wa(v10[i11], 1), v10[i11].m(s10, null));
for (ba(), i11 = h10.length; i11 < v10.length; i11 += 1)
(!c10 || 4 & o11) && Di(a10, "width", e21[2]), (!c10 || 8 & o11) && zi(a10, "jse-visible", e21[3]), (!c10 || 2 & o11) && Ai(t10, "title", e21[1]);
}, i: function(e21) {
if (!c10) {
wa(d10, e21), wa(o10.$$.fragment, e21);
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < h10.length; t11 += 1)
c10 = true;
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(d10, e21), xa(o10.$$.fragment, e21), v10 = v10.filter(Boolean);
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < v10.length; t11 += 1)
c10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), d10 && d10.d(e21), Ra(o10), xi(v10, e21), l10 = false, Qo(u10);
} };
function oD(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = t10.$$slots, i10 = void 0 === o10 ? {} : o10, a10 = t10.$$scope, s10 = t10.items, c10 = void 0 === s10 ? [] : s10, l10 = t10.title, u10 = void 0 === l10 ? void 0 : l10, f10 = t10.width, d10 = void 0 === f10 ? "120px" : f10, h10 = false;
function v10() {
n10(3, h10 = false);
function p10(e21) {
"Escape" === PO(e21) && (e21.preventDefault(), n10(3, h10 = false));
Gi(function() {
document.addEventListener("click", v10), document.addEventListener("keydown", p10);
}), Qi(function() {
document.removeEventListener("click", v10), document.removeEventListener("keydown", p10);
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"items" in e21 && n10(0, c10 = e21.items), "title" in e21 && n10(1, u10 = e21.title), "width" in e21 && n10(2, d10 = e21.width), "$$scope" in e21 && n10(7, a10 = e21.$$scope);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
1 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(4, r10 = c10.every(function(e21) {
return true === e21.disabled;
}, [c10, u10, d10, h10, r10, function() {
var e21 = h10;
setTimeout(function() {
return n10(3, h10 = !e21);
}, v10, a10, i10, function(e21, t11) {
return e21.onClick(t11);
var iD = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, oD, rD, Zo, { items: 0, title: 1, width: 2 }, YI), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function aD(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-szeu2l", 'button.jse-context-menu-button.svelte-szeu2l{border:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;cursor:pointer;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);padding:5px;margin:0;flex:1;white-space:nowrap;padding:var(--jse-padding, 10px);color:inherit}button.jse-context-menu-button.svelte-szeu2l:hover{background:var(--jse-context-menu-background-highlight, #7a7a7a)}button.jse-context-menu-button.svelte-szeu2l:focus{background:var(--jse-context-menu-background-highlight, #7a7a7a);z-index:1}button.jse-context-menu-button.svelte-szeu2l:disabled{color:var(--jse-context-menu-color-disabled, #9d9d9d);background:unset}button.jse-context-menu-button.left.svelte-szeu2l{text-align:left}button.jse-context-menu-button.svelte-szeu2l svg{width:16px}');
function sD(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new jM({ props: { data: e20[0].main.icon } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
1 & n11 && (r10.data = e21[0].main.icon), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function cD(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10 = e20[0].main.text + "", f10 = e20[0].main.icon && sD(e20);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("button"), f10 && f10.c(), n10 = $i(), r10 = Ci(u10), Ai(t10, "class", o10 = si(GE("jse-context-menu-button", e20[1], e20[0].main.className)) + " svelte-szeu2l"), Ai(t10, "type", "button"), Ai(t10, "slot", "defaultItem"), Ai(t10, "title", i10 = e20[0].main.title), t10.disabled = a10 = e20[0].main.disabled || false;
}, m: function(o11, i11) {
ki(o11, t10, i11), f10 && f10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, n10), pi(t10, r10), s10 = true, c10 || (l10 = Oi(t10, "click", e20[3]), c10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, c11) {
e21[0].main.icon ? f10 ? (f10.p(e21, c11), 1 & c11 && wa(f10, 1)) : ((f10 = sD(e21)).c(), wa(f10, 1), f10.m(t10, n10)) : f10 && (ba(), xa(f10, 1, 1, function() {
f10 = null;
}), ka()), (!s10 || 1 & c11) && u10 !== (u10 = e21[0].main.text + "") && Ni(r10, u10), (!s10 || 3 & c11 && o10 !== (o10 = si(GE("jse-context-menu-button", e21[1], e21[0].main.className)) + " svelte-szeu2l")) && Ai(t10, "class", o10), (!s10 || 1 & c11 && i10 !== (i10 = e21[0].main.title)) && Ai(t10, "title", i10), (!s10 || 1 & c11 && a10 !== (a10 = e21[0].main.disabled || false)) && (t10.disabled = a10);
}, i: function(e21) {
s10 || (wa(f10), s10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(f10), s10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), f10 && f10.d(), c10 = false, l10();
} };
function lD(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new iD({ props: { width: e20[0].width, items: e20[0].items, $$slots: { defaultItem: [cD] }, $$scope: { ctx: e20 } } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = jo(n11, 1)[0], o10 = {};
1 & r10 && (o10.width = e21[0].width), 1 & r10 && (o10.items = e21[0].items), 23 & r10 && (o10.$$scope = { dirty: r10, ctx: e21 }), t10.$set(o10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function uD(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = t10.item, o10 = t10.className, i10 = void 0 === o10 ? void 0 : o10, a10 = t10.onCloseContextMenu;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"item" in e21 && n10(0, r10 = e21.item), "className" in e21 && n10(1, i10 = e21.className), "onCloseContextMenu" in e21 && n10(2, a10 = e21.onCloseContextMenu);
}, [r10, i10, a10, function(e21) {
a10(), r10.main.onClick(e21);
var fD = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, uD, lD, Xo, { item: 0, className: 1, onCloseContextMenu: 2 }, aD), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function dD(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-vtd7md", '.jse-contextmenu.svelte-vtd7md.svelte-vtd7md{box-shadow:var(--jse-controls-box-shadow, 0 2px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24));font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);background:var(--jse-context-menu-background, #656565);color:var(--jse-context-menu-color, var(--jse-text-color-inverse, #fff))}.jse-contextmenu.svelte-vtd7md .jse-row.svelte-vtd7md{display:flex;flex-direction:row;align-items:flex-start;justify-content:stretch}.jse-contextmenu.svelte-vtd7md .jse-row div.jse-label.svelte-vtd7md{flex:1;white-space:nowrap;padding:var(--jse-padding, 10px);color:var(--jse-context-menu-color-disabled, #9d9d9d);line-height:normal}.jse-contextmenu.svelte-vtd7md .jse-row div.jse-tip.svelte-vtd7md{flex:1;background:var(--jse-context-menu-tip-background, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2));color:var(--context-menu-tip-color, inherit);margin:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));padding:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px)) var(--jse-padding, 10px);font-size:80%;line-height:1.3em;display:flex;flex-direction:row;align-items:start;gap:var(--jse-padding, 10px);border-radius:3px}.jse-contextmenu.svelte-vtd7md .jse-row div.jse-tip div.jse-tip-icon.svelte-vtd7md{padding-top:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px))}.jse-contextmenu.svelte-vtd7md .jse-column.svelte-vtd7md{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:stretch}.jse-contextmenu.svelte-vtd7md .jse-column.svelte-vtd7md:not(:last-child){border-right:1px solid var(--jse-context-menu-separator-color, #7a7a7a)}.jse-contextmenu.svelte-vtd7md .jse-separator.svelte-vtd7md{width:100%;height:1px;background:var(--jse-context-menu-separator-color, #7a7a7a)}');
function hD(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[7] = t10[n10], r10;
function vD(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[10] = t10[n10], r10;
function pD(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[13] = t10[n10], r10;
function mD(e20) {
var t10, n10 = ID(e20[7]) + "";
return { c: function() {
t10 = Ci(n10);
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
ki(e21, t10, n11);
}, p: function(e21, r10) {
1 & r10 && n10 !== (n10 = ID(e21[7]) + "") && Ni(t10, n10);
}, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function gD(e20) {
var t10;
return { c: function() {
Ai(t10 = ji("div"), "class", "jse-separator svelte-vtd7md");
}, m: function(e21, n10) {
ki(e21, t10, n10);
}, p: Wo, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function yD(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10 = Ca(e20[7].items), o10 = [], i10 = 0; i10 < r10.length; i10 += 1)
o10[i10] = PD(vD(e20, r10, i10));
var a10 = function(e21) {
return xa(o10[e21], 1, 1, function() {
o10[e21] = null;
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div");
for (var e21 = 0; e21 < o10.length; e21 += 1)
Ai(t10, "class", "jse-row svelte-vtd7md");
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
ki(e21, t10, r11);
for (var i11 = 0; i11 < o10.length; i11 += 1)
o10[i11] && o10[i11].m(t10, null);
n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
if (3 & n11) {
var i11;
for (r10 = Ca(e21[7].items), i11 = 0; i11 < r10.length; i11 += 1) {
var s10 = vD(e21, r10, i11);
o10[i11] ? (o10[i11].p(s10, n11), wa(o10[i11], 1)) : (o10[i11] = PD(s10), o10[i11].c(), wa(o10[i11], 1), o10[i11].m(t10, null));
for (ba(), i11 = r10.length; i11 < o10.length; i11 += 1)
}, i: function(e21) {
if (!n10) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < r10.length; t11 += 1)
n10 = true;
}, o: function(e21) {
o10 = o10.filter(Boolean);
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < o10.length; t11 += 1)
n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), xi(o10, e21);
} };
function bD(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new fD({ props: { item: e20[7], onCloseContextMenu: e20[1] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
1 & n11 && (r10.item = e21[7]), 2 & n11 && (r10.onCloseContextMenu = e21[1]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function kD(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new QI({ props: { item: e20[7], onCloseContextMenu: e20[1] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
1 & n11 && (r10.item = e21[7]), 2 & n11 && (r10.onCloseContextMenu = e21[1]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function wD(e20) {
var t10, n10 = ID(e20[10]) + "";
return { c: function() {
t10 = Ci(n10);
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
ki(e21, t10, n11);
}, p: function(e21, r10) {
1 & r10 && n10 !== (n10 = ID(e21[10]) + "") && Ni(t10, n10);
}, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function xD(e20) {
var t10;
return { c: function() {
Ai(t10 = ji("div"), "class", "jse-separator svelte-vtd7md");
}, m: function(e21, n10) {
ki(e21, t10, n10);
}, p: Wo, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function jD(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10 = Ca(e20[10].items), o10 = [], i10 = 0; i10 < r10.length; i10 += 1)
o10[i10] = AD(pD(e20, r10, i10));
var a10 = function(e21) {
return xa(o10[e21], 1, 1, function() {
o10[e21] = null;
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div");
for (var e21 = 0; e21 < o10.length; e21 += 1)
Ai(t10, "class", "jse-column svelte-vtd7md");
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
ki(e21, t10, r11);
for (var i11 = 0; i11 < o10.length; i11 += 1)
o10[i11] && o10[i11].m(t10, null);
n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
if (3 & n11) {
var i11;
for (r10 = Ca(e21[10].items), i11 = 0; i11 < r10.length; i11 += 1) {
var s10 = pD(e21, r10, i11);
o10[i11] ? (o10[i11].p(s10, n11), wa(o10[i11], 1)) : (o10[i11] = AD(s10), o10[i11].c(), wa(o10[i11], 1), o10[i11].m(t10, null));
for (ba(), i11 = r10.length; i11 < o10.length; i11 += 1)
}, i: function(e21) {
if (!n10) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < r10.length; t11 += 1)
n10 = true;
}, o: function(e21) {
o10 = o10.filter(Boolean);
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < o10.length; t11 += 1)
n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), xi(o10, e21);
} };
function SD(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new fD({ props: { item: e20[10], onCloseContextMenu: e20[1] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
1 & n11 && (r10.item = e21[10]), 2 & n11 && (r10.onCloseContextMenu = e21[1]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function CD(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new QI({ props: { item: e20[10], onCloseContextMenu: e20[1] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
1 & n11 && (r10.item = e21[10]), 2 & n11 && (r10.onCloseContextMenu = e21[1]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function $D(e20) {
var t10, n10 = ID(e20[13]) + "";
return { c: function() {
t10 = Ci(n10);
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
ki(e21, t10, n11);
}, p: function(e21, r10) {
1 & r10 && n10 !== (n10 = ID(e21[13]) + "") && Ni(t10, n10);
}, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function _D(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10 = e20[13].text + "";
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = Ci(r10), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-label svelte-vtd7md");
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
ki(e21, t10, r11), pi(t10, n10);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
1 & t11 && r10 !== (r10 = e21[13].text + "") && Ni(n10, r10);
}, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function OD(e20) {
var t10;
return { c: function() {
Ai(t10 = ji("div"), "class", "jse-separator svelte-vtd7md");
}, m: function(e21, n10) {
ki(e21, t10, n10);
}, p: Wo, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function MD(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new fD({ props: { className: "left", item: e20[13], onCloseContextMenu: e20[1] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
1 & n11 && (r10.item = e21[13]), 2 & n11 && (r10.onCloseContextMenu = e21[1]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function ED(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new QI({ props: { className: "left", item: e20[13], onCloseContextMenu: e20[1] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
1 & n11 && (r10.item = e21[13]), 2 & n11 && (r10.onCloseContextMenu = e21[1]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function AD(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10 = [ED, MD, OD, _D, $D], u10 = [];
function f10(e21, i11) {
return 1 & i11 && (t10 = null), 1 & i11 && (n10 = null), 1 & i11 && (r10 = null), 1 & i11 && (o10 = null), null == t10 && (t10 = !!aI(e21[13])), t10 ? 0 : (null == n10 && (n10 = !!sI(e21[13])), n10 ? 1 : (null == r10 && (r10 = !!oI(e21[13])), r10 ? 2 : (null == o10 && (o10 = !!iI(e21[13])), o10 ? 3 : 4)));
return i10 = f10(e20, -1), a10 = u10[i10] = l10[i10](e20), { c: function() {
a10.c(), s10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, t11) {
u10[i10].m(e21, t11), ki(e21, s10, t11), c10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = i10;
(i10 = f10(e21, t11)) === n11 ? u10[i10].p(e21, t11) : (ba(), xa(u10[n11], 1, 1, function() {
u10[n11] = null;
}), ka(), (a10 = u10[i10]) ? a10.p(e21, t11) : (a10 = u10[i10] = l10[i10](e21)).c(), wa(a10, 1), a10.m(s10.parentNode, s10));
}, i: function(e21) {
c10 || (wa(a10), c10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(a10), c10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(s10), u10[i10].d(e21);
} };
function PD(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10 = [CD, SD, jD, xD, wD], u10 = [];
function f10(e21, i11) {
return 1 & i11 && (t10 = null), 1 & i11 && (n10 = null), 1 & i11 && (r10 = null), 1 & i11 && (o10 = null), null == t10 && (t10 = !!aI(e21[10])), t10 ? 0 : (null == n10 && (n10 = !!sI(e21[10])), n10 ? 1 : (null == r10 && (r10 = !!lI(e21[10])), r10 ? 2 : (null == o10 && (o10 = !!oI(e21[10])), o10 ? 3 : 4)));
return i10 = f10(e20, -1), a10 = u10[i10] = l10[i10](e20), { c: function() {
a10.c(), s10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, t11) {
u10[i10].m(e21, t11), ki(e21, s10, t11), c10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = i10;
(i10 = f10(e21, t11)) === n11 ? u10[i10].p(e21, t11) : (ba(), xa(u10[n11], 1, 1, function() {
u10[n11] = null;
}), ka(), (a10 = u10[i10]) ? a10.p(e21, t11) : (a10 = u10[i10] = l10[i10](e21)).c(), wa(a10, 1), a10.m(s10.parentNode, s10));
}, i: function(e21) {
c10 || (wa(a10), c10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(a10), c10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(s10), u10[i10].d(e21);
} };
function TD(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10 = [kD, bD, yD, gD, mD], u10 = [];
function f10(e21, i11) {
return 1 & i11 && (t10 = null), 1 & i11 && (n10 = null), 1 & i11 && (r10 = null), 1 & i11 && (o10 = null), null == t10 && (t10 = !!aI(e21[7])), t10 ? 0 : (null == n10 && (n10 = !!sI(e21[7])), n10 ? 1 : (null == r10 && (r10 = !!cI(e21[7])), r10 ? 2 : (null == o10 && (o10 = !!oI(e21[7])), o10 ? 3 : 4)));
return i10 = f10(e20, -1), a10 = u10[i10] = l10[i10](e20), { c: function() {
a10.c(), s10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, t11) {
u10[i10].m(e21, t11), ki(e21, s10, t11), c10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = i10;
(i10 = f10(e21, t11)) === n11 ? u10[i10].p(e21, t11) : (ba(), xa(u10[n11], 1, 1, function() {
u10[n11] = null;
}), ka(), (a10 = u10[i10]) ? a10.p(e21, t11) : (a10 = u10[i10] = l10[i10](e21)).c(), wa(a10, 1), a10.m(s10.parentNode, s10));
}, i: function(e21) {
c10 || (wa(a10), c10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(a10), c10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(s10), u10[i10].d(e21);
} };
function RD(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10;
return o10 = new jM({ props: { data: oM } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = ji("div"), r10 = ji("div"), Pa(o10.$$.fragment), i10 = $i(), a10 = ji("div"), s10 = Ci(e20[2]), Ai(r10, "class", "jse-tip-icon svelte-vtd7md"), Ai(a10, "class", "jse-tip-text"), Ai(n10, "class", "jse-tip svelte-vtd7md"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-row svelte-vtd7md");
}, m: function(e21, l10) {
ki(e21, t10, l10), pi(t10, n10), pi(n10, r10), Ta(o10, r10, null), pi(n10, i10), pi(n10, a10), pi(a10, s10), c10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
(!c10 || 4 & t11) && Ni(s10, e21[2]);
}, i: function(e21) {
c10 || (wa(o10.$$.fragment, e21), c10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(o10.$$.fragment, e21), c10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(o10);
} };
function ND(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10 = Ca(e20[0]), s10 = [], c10 = 0; c10 < a10.length; c10 += 1)
s10[c10] = TD(hD(e20, a10, c10));
var l10 = function(e21) {
return xa(s10[e21], 1, 1, function() {
s10[e21] = null;
}, u10 = e20[2] && RD(e20);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div");
for (var e21 = 0; e21 < s10.length; e21 += 1)
n10 = $i(), u10 && u10.c(), Ai(t10, "role", "menu"), Ai(t10, "tabindex", "-1"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-contextmenu svelte-vtd7md");
}, m: function(a11, c11) {
ki(a11, t10, c11);
for (var l11 = 0; l11 < s10.length; l11 += 1)
s10[l11] && s10[l11].m(t10, null);
pi(t10, n10), u10 && u10.m(t10, null), e20[5](t10), r10 = true, o10 || (i10 = Oi(t10, "keydown", e20[4]), o10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, r11) {
var o11 = jo(r11, 1)[0];
if (3 & o11) {
var i11;
for (a10 = Ca(e21[0]), i11 = 0; i11 < a10.length; i11 += 1) {
var c11 = hD(e21, a10, i11);
s10[i11] ? (s10[i11].p(c11, o11), wa(s10[i11], 1)) : (s10[i11] = TD(c11), s10[i11].c(), wa(s10[i11], 1), s10[i11].m(t10, n10));
for (ba(), i11 = a10.length; i11 < s10.length; i11 += 1)
e21[2] ? u10 ? (u10.p(e21, o11), 4 & o11 && wa(u10, 1)) : ((u10 = RD(e21)).c(), wa(u10, 1), u10.m(t10, null)) : u10 && (ba(), xa(u10, 1, 1, function() {
u10 = null;
}), ka());
}, i: function(e21) {
if (!r10) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < a10.length; t11 += 1)
wa(u10), r10 = true;
}, o: function(e21) {
s10 = s10.filter(Boolean);
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < s10.length; t11 += 1)
xa(u10), r10 = false;
}, d: function(n11) {
n11 && wi(t10), xi(s10, n11), u10 && u10.d(), e20[5](null), o10 = false, i10();
} };
function ID(e20) {
return console.error("Unknown type of context menu item", e20), "???";
function DD(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = t10.items, i10 = t10.onCloseContextMenu, a10 = t10.tip;
Gi(function() {
var e21 = Array.from(r10.querySelectorAll("button")).find(function(e23) {
return !e23.disabled;
e21 && e21.focus();
var s10 = { ArrowUp: "Up", ArrowDown: "Down", ArrowLeft: "Left", ArrowRight: "Right" };
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"items" in e21 && n10(0, o10 = e21.items), "onCloseContextMenu" in e21 && n10(1, i10 = e21.onCloseContextMenu), "tip" in e21 && n10(2, a10 = e21.tip);
}, [o10, i10, a10, r10, function(e21) {
var t11 = PO(e21), n11 = s10[t11];
if (n11 && e21.target) {
var o11 = EO({ allElements: Array.from(r10.querySelectorAll("button:not([disabled])")), currentElement: e21.target, direction: n11, hasPrio: function(e23) {
return "jse-open-dropdown" !== e23.getAttribute("data-type");
} });
o11 && o11.focus();
}, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(3, r10 = e21);
var qD = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, DD, ND, Zo, { items: 0, onCloseContextMenu: 1, tip: 2 }, dD), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function zD(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new qD({ props: { items: e20[2], onCloseContextMenu: e20[1], tip: e20[0] ? "Tip: you can open this context menu via right-click or with Ctrl+Q" : void 0 } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
4 & n11[0] && (r10.items = e21[2]), 2 & n11[0] && (r10.onCloseContextMenu = e21[1]), 1 & n11[0] && (r10.tip = e21[0] ? "Tip: you can open this context menu via right-click or with Ctrl+Q" : void 0), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function BD(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10, k10, w10, x10, j10, S10 = t10.json, C10 = t10.documentState, $10 = t10.parser, _10 = t10.showTip, O10 = t10.onCloseContextMenu, M10 = t10.onRenderContextMenu, E10 = t10.onEditKey, A10 = t10.onEditValue, P10 = t10.onToggleEnforceString, T8 = t10.onCut, R8 = t10.onCopy, N8 = t10.onPaste, I10 = t10.onRemove, D10 = t10.onDuplicate, q10 = t10.onExtract, z10 = t10.onInsertBefore, B10 = t10.onInsert, L10 = t10.onConvert, F10 = t10.onInsertAfter, V10 = t10.onSort, H10 = t10.onTransform;
function W10(e21) {
l10 ? L10(e21) : B10(e21);
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"json" in e21 && n10(3, S10 = e21.json), "documentState" in e21 && n10(4, C10 = e21.documentState), "parser" in e21 && n10(5, $10 = e21.parser), "showTip" in e21 && n10(0, _10 = e21.showTip), "onCloseContextMenu" in e21 && n10(1, O10 = e21.onCloseContextMenu), "onRenderContextMenu" in e21 && n10(6, M10 = e21.onRenderContextMenu), "onEditKey" in e21 && n10(7, E10 = e21.onEditKey), "onEditValue" in e21 && n10(8, A10 = e21.onEditValue), "onToggleEnforceString" in e21 && n10(9, P10 = e21.onToggleEnforceString), "onCut" in e21 && n10(10, T8 = e21.onCut), "onCopy" in e21 && n10(11, R8 = e21.onCopy), "onPaste" in e21 && n10(12, N8 = e21.onPaste), "onRemove" in e21 && n10(13, I10 = e21.onRemove), "onDuplicate" in e21 && n10(14, D10 = e21.onDuplicate), "onExtract" in e21 && n10(15, q10 = e21.onExtract), "onInsertBefore" in e21 && n10(16, z10 = e21.onInsertBefore), "onInsert" in e21 && n10(17, B10 = e21.onInsert), "onConvert" in e21 && n10(18, L10 = e21.onConvert), "onInsertAfter" in e21 && n10(19, F10 = e21.onInsertAfter), "onSort" in e21 && n10(20, V10 = e21.onSort), "onTransform" in e21 && n10(21, H10 = e21.onTransform);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
16 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(39, r10 = C10.selection), 8 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(41, o10 = void 0 !== S10), 256 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(33, i10 = !!r10), 256 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(23, a10 = !!r10 && _w(JE(r10))), 8 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 256 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(40, s10 = r10 ? Ws(S10, JE(r10)) : void 0), 512 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(37, c10 = Array.isArray(s10) ? "Edit array" : Gl(s10) ? "Edit object" : "Edit value"), 1280 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(24, l10 = o10 && (mE(r10) || vE(r10) || pE(r10))), 25165824 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 1024 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(32, u10 = o10 && l10 && !a10), 8388608 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 1280 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(31, f10 = o10 && null != r10 && (mE(r10) || pE(r10)) && !a10), 8388616 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 1280 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(38, d10 = o10 && null != r10 && ME(r10) && !a10 && !Array.isArray(Ws(S10, Qk(JE(r10))))), 1280 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(36, h10 = o10 && null != r10 && ME(r10)), 544 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(34, v10 = h10 && !Ql(s10)), 16777216 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(27, p10 = l10), 134217728 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(26, m10 = p10 ? "Convert to:" : "Insert:"), 134217728 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 4 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(30, g10 = !p10 && i10), 134217728 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 772 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(29, y10 = p10 ? LE(r10) && !Gl(s10) : i10), 134217728 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 772 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(28, b10 = p10 ? LE(r10) && !Array.isArray(s10) : i10), 134217728 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 772 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(25, k10 = p10 ? LE(r10) && Ql(s10) : i10), 48 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 768 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(35, w10 = !(null == r10 || !s10) && oE(s10, C10.enforceStringMap, Zs(JE(r10)), $10)), 2142896e3 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 255 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(22, j10 = [{ type: "row", items: [{ type: "button", onClick: function() {
return E10();
}, icon: dP, text: "Edit key", title: "Edit the key (Double-click on the key)", disabled: !d10 }, { type: "dropdown-button", main: { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return A10();
}, icon: dP, text: c10, title: "Edit the value (Double-click on the value)", disabled: !h10 }, width: "11em", items: [{ type: "button", icon: dP, text: c10, title: "Edit the value (Double-click on the value)", onClick: function() {
return A10();
}, disabled: !h10 }, { type: "button", icon: w10 ? iM : aM, text: "Enforce string", title: "Enforce keeping the value as string when it contains a numeric value", onClick: function() {
return P10();
}, disabled: !v10 }] }] }, { type: "separator" }, { type: "row", items: [{ type: "dropdown-button", main: { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return T8(true);
}, icon: eP, text: "Cut", title: "Cut selected contents, formatted with indentation (Ctrl+X)", disabled: !l10 }, width: "10em", items: [{ type: "button", icon: eP, text: "Cut formatted", title: "Cut selected contents, formatted with indentation (Ctrl+X)", onClick: function() {
return T8(true);
}, disabled: !l10 }, { type: "button", icon: eP, text: "Cut compacted", title: "Cut selected contents, without indentation (Ctrl+Shift+X)", onClick: function() {
return T8(false);
}, disabled: !l10 }] }, { type: "dropdown-button", main: { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return R8(true);
}, icon: CP, text: "Copy", title: "Copy selected contents, formatted with indentation (Ctrl+C)", disabled: !l10 }, width: "12em", items: [{ type: "button", icon: CP, text: "Copy formatted", title: "Copy selected contents, formatted with indentation (Ctrl+C)", onClick: function() {
return R8(true);
}, disabled: !l10 }, { type: "button", icon: CP, text: "Copy compacted", title: "Copy selected contents, without indentation (Ctrl+Shift+C)", onClick: function() {
return R8(false);
}, disabled: !l10 }] }, { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return N8();
}, icon: XA, text: "Paste", title: "Paste clipboard contents (Ctrl+V)", disabled: !i10 }] }, { type: "separator" }, { type: "row", items: [{ type: "column", items: [{ type: "button", onClick: function() {
return D10();
}, icon: AP, text: "Duplicate", title: "Duplicate selected contents (Ctrl+D)", disabled: !u10 }, { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return q10();
}, icon: pP, text: "Extract", title: "Extract selected contents", disabled: !f10 }, { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return V10();
}, icon: kP, text: "Sort", title: "Sort array or object contents", disabled: !l10 }, { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return H10();
}, icon: cP, text: "Transform", title: "Transform array or object contents (filter, sort, project)", disabled: !l10 }, { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return I10();
}, icon: QA, text: "Remove", title: "Remove selected contents (Delete)", disabled: !l10 }] }, { type: "column", items: [{ type: "label", text: m10 }, { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return W10("structure");
}, icon: p10 ? bP : $P, text: "Structure", title: m10 + " structure", disabled: !g10 }, { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return W10("object");
}, icon: p10 ? bP : $P, text: "Object", title: m10 + " structure", disabled: !y10 }, { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return W10("array");
}, icon: p10 ? bP : $P, text: "Array", title: m10 + " array", disabled: !b10 }, { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return W10("value");
}, icon: p10 ? bP : $P, text: "Value", title: m10 + " value", disabled: !k10 }] }] }, { type: "separator" }, { type: "row", items: [{ type: "button", onClick: function() {
return z10();
}, icon: aP, text: "Insert before", title: "Select area before current entry to insert or paste contents", disabled: !l10 || a10 }, { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return F10();
}, icon: tP, text: "Insert after", title: "Select area after current entry to insert or paste contents", disabled: !l10 || a10 }] }]), 4194368 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(2, x10 = M10(j10));
}, [_10, O10, x10, S10, C10, $10, M10, E10, A10, P10, T8, R8, N8, I10, D10, q10, z10, B10, L10, F10, V10, H10, j10, a10, l10, k10, m10, p10, b10, y10, g10, f10, u10, i10, v10, w10, h10, c10, d10, r10, s10, o10];
var LD = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, BD, zD, Zo, { json: 3, documentState: 4, parser: 5, showTip: 0, onCloseContextMenu: 1, onRenderContextMenu: 6, onEditKey: 7, onEditValue: 8, onToggleEnforceString: 9, onCut: 10, onCopy: 11, onPaste: 12, onRemove: 13, onDuplicate: 14, onExtract: 15, onInsertBefore: 16, onInsert: 17, onConvert: 18, onInsertAfter: 19, onSort: 20, onTransform: 21 }, null, [-1, -1]), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function FD(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-lajpxi", 'div.jse-collapsed-items.svelte-lajpxi.svelte-lajpxi{margin-left:calc(var(--level) * var(--jse-indent-size, calc(1em + 4px)));font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);color:var(--jse-collapsed-items-link-color, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38));padding:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));border:8px solid transparent;border-width:8px 0;background-color:var(--jse-contents-background-color, transparent);background-image:linear-gradient(var(--jse-collapsed-items-background-color, #f5f5f5), var(--jse-collapsed-items-background-color, #f5f5f5)), linear-gradient(to bottom right, transparent 50.5%, var(--jse-collapsed-items-background-color, #f5f5f5) 50.5%), linear-gradient(to bottom left, transparent 50.5%, var(--jse-collapsed-items-background-color, #f5f5f5) 50.5%), linear-gradient(to top right, transparent 50.5%, var(--jse-collapsed-items-background-color, #f5f5f5) 50.5%), linear-gradient(to top left, transparent 50.5%, var(--jse-collapsed-items-background-color, #f5f5f5) 50.5%);background-repeat:repeat, repeat-x, repeat-x, repeat-x, repeat-x;background-position:0 0, 8px 0, 8px 0, 8px 100%, 8px 100%;background-size:auto auto, 16px 16px, 16px 16px, 16px 16px, 16px 16px;background-clip:padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;background-origin:padding-box, border-box, border-box, border-box, border-box;display:flex}div.jse-collapsed-items.svelte-lajpxi div.jse-text.svelte-lajpxi,div.jse-collapsed-items.svelte-lajpxi button.jse-expand-items.svelte-lajpxi{margin:0 calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px))}div.jse-collapsed-items.svelte-lajpxi div.jse-text.svelte-lajpxi{display:inline}div.jse-collapsed-items.svelte-lajpxi button.jse-expand-items.svelte-lajpxi{font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;color:var(--jse-collapsed-items-link-color, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38));background:none;border:none;padding:0;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer}div.jse-collapsed-items.svelte-lajpxi button.jse-expand-items.svelte-lajpxi:hover,div.jse-collapsed-items.svelte-lajpxi button.jse-expand-items.svelte-lajpxi:focus{color:var(--jse-collapsed-items-link-color-highlight, #ee5341)}');
function VD(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[13] = t10[n10], r10;
function HD(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10 = e20[13].start + "", u10 = e20[13].end + "";
function f10() {
return e20[12](e20[13]);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("button"), n10 = Ci("show "), r10 = Ci(l10), o10 = Ci("-"), i10 = Ci(u10), a10 = $i(), Ai(t10, "type", "button"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-expand-items svelte-lajpxi");
}, m: function(e21, l11) {
ki(e21, t10, l11), pi(t10, n10), pi(t10, r10), pi(t10, o10), pi(t10, i10), pi(t10, a10), s10 || (c10 = Oi(t10, "click", f10), s10 = true);
}, p: function(t11, n11) {
e20 = t11, 16 & n11 && l10 !== (l10 = e20[13].start + "") && Ni(r10, l10), 16 & n11 && u10 !== (u10 = e20[13].end + "") && Ni(i10, u10);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), s10 = false, c10();
} };
function WD(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10 = Ca(e20[4]), d10 = [], h10 = 0; h10 < f10.length; h10 += 1)
d10[h10] = HD(VD(e20, f10, h10));
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = ji("div"), r10 = ji("div"), o10 = Ci("Items "), i10 = Ci(e20[3]), a10 = Ci("-"), s10 = Ci(e20[2]), c10 = $i();
for (var l11 = 0; l11 < d10.length; l11 += 1)
Ai(r10, "class", "jse-text svelte-lajpxi"), Ai(t10, "role", "none"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-collapsed-items svelte-lajpxi"), zi(t10, "jse-selected", e20[5]), Di(t10, "--level", e20[0].length + 2);
}, m: function(e21, f11) {
ki(e21, t10, f11), pi(t10, n10), pi(n10, r10), pi(r10, o10), pi(r10, i10), pi(r10, a10), pi(r10, s10), pi(n10, c10);
for (var h11 = 0; h11 < d10.length; h11 += 1)
d10[h11] && d10[h11].m(n10, null);
l10 || (u10 = Oi(t10, "mousemove", UD), l10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, r11) {
var o11 = jo(r11, 1)[0];
if (8 & o11 && Ni(i10, e21[3]), 4 & o11 && Ni(s10, e21[2]), 19 & o11) {
var a11;
for (f10 = Ca(e21[4]), a11 = 0; a11 < f10.length; a11 += 1) {
var c11 = VD(e21, f10, a11);
d10[a11] ? d10[a11].p(c11, o11) : (d10[a11] = HD(c11), d10[a11].c(), d10[a11].m(n10, null));
for (; a11 < d10.length; a11 += 1)
d10.length = f10.length;
32 & o11 && zi(t10, "jse-selected", e21[5]), 1 & o11 && Di(t10, "--level", e21[0].length + 2);
}, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), xi(d10, e21), l10 = false, u10();
} };
function UD(e20) {
function JD(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10 = t10.visibleSections, l10 = t10.sectionIndex, u10 = t10.total, f10 = t10.path, d10 = t10.selection, h10 = t10.onExpandSection, v10 = t10.context;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"visibleSections" in e21 && n10(6, c10 = e21.visibleSections), "sectionIndex" in e21 && n10(7, l10 = e21.sectionIndex), "total" in e21 && n10(8, u10 = e21.total), "path" in e21 && n10(0, f10 = e21.path), "selection" in e21 && n10(9, d10 = e21.selection), "onExpandSection" in e21 && n10(1, h10 = e21.onExpandSection), "context" in e21 && n10(10, v10 = e21.context);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
192 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(11, r10 = c10[l10]), 2048 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(3, o10 = r10.end), 448 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(2, i10 = c10[l10 + 1] ? c10[l10 + 1].start : u10), 1545 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(5, a10 = WE(v10.getJson(), d10, f10.concat(String(o10)))), 12 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(4, s10 = function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = { start: e21, end: Math.min(qM(e21), t11) }, r11 = Math.max(zM((e21 + t11) / 2), e21), o11 = { start: r11, end: Math.min(qM(r11), t11) }, i11 = zM(t11), a11 = i11 === t11 ? i11 - ls : i11, s11 = { start: Math.max(a11, e21), end: t11 }, c11 = [n11], l11 = o11.start >= n11.end && o11.end <= s11.start;
return l11 && c11.push(o11), s11.start >= (l11 ? o11.end : n11.end) && c11.push(s11), c11;
}(o10, i10));
}, [f10, h10, i10, o10, s10, a10, c10, l10, u10, d10, v10, r10, function(e21) {
return h10(f10, e21);
var KD = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, JD, WD, Zo, { visibleSections: 6, sectionIndex: 7, total: 8, path: 0, selection: 9, onExpandSection: 1, context: 10 }, FD), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function GD(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-6k6355", ".jse-context-menu-pointer.svelte-6k6355{position:absolute;top:calc(-0.5 * var(--jse-context-menu-pointer-size, calc(1em + 4px)));right:calc(-0.5 * var(--jse-context-menu-pointer-size, calc(1em + 4px)));width:var(--jse-context-menu-pointer-size, calc(1em + 4px));height:var(--jse-context-menu-pointer-size, calc(1em + 4px));padding:0;margin:0;cursor:pointer;background:transparent;border-radius:2px;background:var(--jse-context-menu-pointer-background, var(--jse-context-menu-background, #656565));color:var(--jse-context-menu-pointer-color, var(--jse-context-menu-color, var(--jse-text-color-inverse, #fff)));border:none;box-shadow:var(--jse-controls-box-shadow, 0 2px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24))}.jse-context-menu-pointer.svelte-6k6355:hover{background:var(--jse-context-menu-pointer-background-highlight, var(--jse-context-menu-background-highlight, #7a7a7a))}");
function QD(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10;
return n10 = new jM({ props: { data: gP } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("button"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), Ai(t10, "type", "button"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-context-menu-pointer svelte-6k6355"), Ai(t10, "title", xs), zi(t10, "jse-selected", e20[0]);
}, m: function(a10, s10) {
ki(a10, t10, s10), Ta(n10, t10, null), r10 = true, o10 || (i10 = Oi(t10, "click", e20[1]), o10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var o11 = jo(n11, 1)[0];
(!r10 || 1 & o11) && zi(t10, "jse-selected", e21[0]);
}, i: function(e21) {
r10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10), o10 = false, i10();
} };
function YD(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = t10.selected, o10 = t10.onContextMenu;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"selected" in e21 && n10(0, r10 = e21.selected), "onContextMenu" in e21 && n10(2, o10 = e21.onContextMenu);
}, [r10, function(e21) {
for (var t11 = e21.target; t11 && "BUTTON" !== t11.nodeName; )
t11 = t11.parentNode;
t11 && o10({ anchor: t11, left: 0, top: 0, width: Ms, height: Os, offsetTop: 2, offsetLeft: 0, showTip: true });
}, o10];
var XD = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, YD, QD, Zo, { selected: 0, onContextMenu: 2 }, GD), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function ZD(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-10xe8tv", '.jse-key.svelte-10xe8tv{display:inline-block;min-width:2em;padding:0 5px;box-sizing:border-box;outline:none;border-radius:1px;vertical-align:top;color:var(--jse-key-color, #1a1a1a);cursor:var(--jse-contents-cursor, pointer);word-break:normal;overflow-wrap:normal;white-space:pre-wrap}.jse-key.svelte-10xe8tv:hover{background:var(--jse-hover-background-color, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06))}.jse-key.svelte-10xe8tv:hover{background:var(--jse-hover-background-color, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06))}.jse-key.jse-empty.svelte-10xe8tv{min-width:3em;outline:1px dotted var(--jse-tag-background, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2));-moz-outline-radius:2px}.jse-key.jse-empty.svelte-10xe8tv::after{pointer-events:none;color:var(--jse-tag-background, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2));content:"key"}');
function eq(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10 = [rq, nq], l10 = [];
function u10(e21, t11) {
return e21[1] ? 0 : 1;
return n10 = u10(e20), r10 = l10[n10] = c10[n10](e20), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), r10.c(), Ai(t10, "role", "none"), Ai(t10, "data-type", "selectable-key"), Ai(t10, "class", o10 = si(e20[6](e20[0])) + " svelte-10xe8tv");
}, m: function(r11, o11) {
ki(r11, t10, o11), l10[n10].m(t10, null), i10 = true, a10 || (s10 = Oi(t10, "dblclick", e20[5]), a10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, a11) {
var s11 = n10;
(n10 = u10(e21)) === s11 ? l10[n10].p(e21, a11) : (ba(), xa(l10[s11], 1, 1, function() {
l10[s11] = null;
}), ka(), (r10 = l10[n10]) ? r10.p(e21, a11) : (r10 = l10[n10] = c10[n10](e21)).c(), wa(r10, 1), r10.m(t10, null)), (!i10 || 1 & a11 && o10 !== (o10 = si(e21[6](e21[0])) + " svelte-10xe8tv")) && Ai(t10, "class", o10);
}, i: function(e21) {
i10 || (wa(r10), i10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(r10), i10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), l10[n10].d(), a10 = false, s10();
} };
function tq(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new eA({ props: { value: e20[2].normalization.escapeValue(e20[0]), shortText: true, onChange: e20[7], onCancel: e20[8], onFind: e20[2].onFind } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
5 & n11 && (r10.value = e21[2].normalization.escapeValue(e21[0])), 4 & n11 && (r10.onFind = e21[2].onFind), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function nq(e20) {
var t10, n10 = gO(e20[2].normalization.escapeValue(e20[0])) + "";
return { c: function() {
t10 = Ci(n10);
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
ki(e21, t10, n11);
}, p: function(e21, r10) {
5 & r10 && n10 !== (n10 = gO(e21[2].normalization.escapeValue(e21[0])) + "") && Ni(t10, n10);
}, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function rq(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new TA({ props: { text: e20[2].normalization.escapeValue(e20[0]), searchResultItems: e20[1] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
5 & n11 && (r10.text = e21[2].normalization.escapeValue(e21[0])), 2 & n11 && (r10.searchResultItems = e21[1]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function oq(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new XD({ props: { selected: true, onContextMenu: e20[2].onContextMenu } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
4 & n11 && (r10.onContextMenu = e21[2].onContextMenu), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function iq(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10 = [tq, eq], s10 = [];
function c10(e21, t11) {
return !e21[2].readOnly && e21[4] ? 0 : 1;
t10 = c10(e20), n10 = s10[t10] = a10[t10](e20);
var l10 = !e20[2].readOnly && e20[3] && !e20[4] && oq(e20);
return { c: function() {
n10.c(), r10 = $i(), l10 && l10.c(), o10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
s10[t10].m(e21, n11), ki(e21, r10, n11), l10 && l10.m(e21, n11), ki(e21, o10, n11), i10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, i11) {
var u10 = jo(i11, 1)[0], f10 = t10;
(t10 = c10(e21)) === f10 ? s10[t10].p(e21, u10) : (ba(), xa(s10[f10], 1, 1, function() {
s10[f10] = null;
}), ka(), (n10 = s10[t10]) ? n10.p(e21, u10) : (n10 = s10[t10] = a10[t10](e21)).c(), wa(n10, 1), n10.m(r10.parentNode, r10)), e21[2].readOnly || !e21[3] || e21[4] ? l10 && (ba(), xa(l10, 1, 1, function() {
l10 = null;
}), ka()) : l10 ? (l10.p(e21, u10), 28 & u10 && wa(l10, 1)) : ((l10 = oq(e21)).c(), wa(l10, 1), l10.m(o10.parentNode, o10));
}, i: function(e21) {
i10 || (wa(n10), wa(l10), i10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10), xa(l10), i10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && (wi(r10), wi(o10)), s10[t10].d(e21), l10 && l10.d(e21);
} };
function aq(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10 = t10.path, a10 = t10.key, s10 = t10.selection, c10 = t10.searchResultItems, l10 = t10.onUpdateKey, u10 = t10.context;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"path" in e21 && n10(9, i10 = e21.path), "key" in e21 && n10(0, a10 = e21.key), "selection" in e21 && n10(10, s10 = e21.selection), "searchResultItems" in e21 && n10(1, c10 = e21.searchResultItems), "onUpdateKey" in e21 && n10(11, l10 = e21.onUpdateKey), "context" in e21 && n10(2, u10 = e21.context);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
1536 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(3, r10 = !!s10 && (vE(s10) && Ow(s10.path, i10))), 1032 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(4, o10 = r10 && zE(s10));
}, [a10, c10, u10, r10, o10, function(e21) {
o10 || u10.readOnly || (e21.preventDefault(), u10.onSelect(TE(i10, true)));
}, function(e21) {
return GE("jse-key", { "jse-empty": "" === e21 });
}, function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = l10(a10, u10.normalization.unescapeValue(e21)), r11 = Qk(i10).concat(n11);
u10.onSelect(t11 === ns.nextInside ? RE(r11, false) : TE(r11, false)), t11 !== ns.self && u10.focus();
}, function() {
u10.onSelect(TE(i10, false)), u10.focus();
}, i10, s10, l10];
var sq = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, aq, iq, Zo, { path: 9, key: 0, selection: 10, searchResultItems: 1, onUpdateKey: 11, context: 2 }, ZD), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function cq(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[8] = t10[n10], r10;
function lq(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10 = [e20[8].props], i10 = e20[8].component;
function a10(e21, t11) {
var n11 = {};
if (void 0 !== t11 && 1 & t11)
n11 = Ma(o10, [Ea(e21[8].props)]);
for (var r11 = 0; r11 < o10.length; r11 += 1)
n11 = Jo(n11, o10[r11]);
return { props: n11 };
return i10 && (t10 = Li(i10, a10(e20))), { c: function() {
t10 && Pa(t10.$$.fragment), n10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, o11) {
t10 && Ta(t10, e21, o11), ki(e21, n10, o11), r10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, r11) {
if (1 & r11 && i10 !== (i10 = e21[8].component)) {
if (t10) {
var s10 = t10;
xa(s10.$$.fragment, 1, 0, function() {
Ra(s10, 1);
}), ka();
i10 ? (Pa((t10 = Li(i10, a10(e21, r11))).$$.fragment), wa(t10.$$.fragment, 1), Ta(t10, n10.parentNode, n10)) : t10 = null;
} else if (i10) {
var c10 = 1 & r11 ? Ma(o10, [Ea(e21[8].props)]) : {};
}, i: function(e21) {
r10 || (t10 && wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
t10 && xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(n10), t10 && Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function uq(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10 = e20[8].component, o10 = lq(e20);
return { c: function() {
o10.c(), t10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
o10.m(e21, r11), ki(e21, t10, r11), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
1 & n11 && Zo(r10, r10 = e21[8].component) ? (ba(), xa(o10, 1, 1, Wo), ka(), (o10 = lq(e21)).c(), wa(o10, 1), o10.m(t10.parentNode, t10)) : o10.p(e21, n11);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(o10), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(o10), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), o10.d(e21);
} };
function fq(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10 = Ca(e20[0]), o10 = [], i10 = 0; i10 < r10.length; i10 += 1)
o10[i10] = uq(cq(e20, r10, i10));
var a10 = function(e21) {
return xa(o10[e21], 1, 1, function() {
o10[e21] = null;
return { c: function() {
for (var e21 = 0; e21 < o10.length; e21 += 1)
t10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
for (var i11 = 0; i11 < o10.length; i11 += 1)
o10[i11] && o10[i11].m(e21, r11);
ki(e21, t10, r11), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var i11 = jo(n11, 1)[0];
if (1 & i11) {
var s10;
for (r10 = Ca(e21[0]), s10 = 0; s10 < r10.length; s10 += 1) {
var c10 = cq(e21, r10, s10);
o10[s10] ? (o10[s10].p(c10, i11), wa(o10[s10], 1)) : (o10[s10] = uq(c10), o10[s10].c(), wa(o10[s10], 1), o10[s10].m(t10.parentNode, t10));
for (ba(), s10 = r10.length; s10 < o10.length; s10 += 1)
}, i: function(e21) {
if (!n10) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < r10.length; t11 += 1)
n10 = true;
}, o: function(e21) {
o10 = o10.filter(Boolean);
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < o10.length; t11 += 1)
n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), xi(o10, e21);
} };
function dq(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10 = t10.path, a10 = t10.value, s10 = t10.context, c10 = t10.enforceString, l10 = t10.selection, u10 = t10.searchResultItems;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"path" in e21 && n10(1, i10 = e21.path), "value" in e21 && n10(2, a10 = e21.value), "context" in e21 && n10(3, s10 = e21.context), "enforceString" in e21 && n10(4, c10 = e21.enforceString), "selection" in e21 && n10(5, l10 = e21.selection), "searchResultItems" in e21 && n10(6, u10 = e21.searchResultItems);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
32 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(7, r10 = pE(l10) && zE(l10)), 254 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(0, o10 = s10.onRenderValue({ path: i10, value: a10, readOnly: s10.readOnly, enforceString: c10, isEditing: r10, parser: s10.parser, normalization: s10.normalization, selection: l10, searchResultItems: u10, onPatch: s10.onPatch, onPasteJson: s10.onPasteJson, onSelect: s10.onSelect, onFind: s10.onFind, findNextInside: s10.findNextInside, focus: s10.focus }));
}, [o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, r10];
var hq = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, dq, fq, Zo, { path: 1, value: 2, context: 3, enforceString: 4, selection: 5, searchResultItems: 6 }), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
var vq = hq;
var pq = { selecting: false, selectionAnchor: null, selectionAnchorType: null, selectionFocus: null, dragging: false };
function mq(e20) {
var t10 = e20.json, n10 = e20.documentState, r10 = e20.deltaY, o10 = e20.items;
if (!n10.selection)
return { operations: void 0, updatedSelection: null, offset: 0 };
var i10 = n10.selection, a10 = r10 < 0 ? function(e21) {
var t11 = e21.json, n11 = e21.items, r11 = e21.selection, o11 = e21.deltaY, i11 = xE(t11, r11), a11 = n11.findIndex(function(e23) {
return Ow(e23.path, i11);
}), s11 = function() {
var e23;
return null === (e23 = n11[c11 - 1]) || void 0 === e23 ? void 0 : e23.height;
}, c11 = a11, l11 = 0;
for (; void 0 !== s11() && Math.abs(o11) > l11 + s11() / 2; )
l11 += s11(), c11 -= 1;
var u10 = n11[c11].path, f10 = c11 - a11;
return c11 !== a11 && void 0 !== n11[c11] ? { beforePath: u10, offset: f10 } : void 0;
}({ json: t10, selection: i10, deltaY: r10, items: o10 }) : function(e21) {
var t11, n11 = e21.json, r11 = e21.items, o11 = e21.selection, i11 = e21.deltaY, a11 = jE(n11, o11), s11 = r11.findIndex(function(e23) {
return Ow(e23.path, a11);
}), c11 = 0, l11 = s11, u10 = function() {
var e23;
return null === (e23 = r11[l11 + 1]) || void 0 === e23 ? void 0 : e23.height;
for (; void 0 !== u10() && Math.abs(i11) > c11 + u10() / 2; )
c11 += u10(), l11 += 1;
var f10 = Qk(a11), d10 = Ws(n11, f10), h10 = Array.isArray(d10), v10 = h10 ? l11 : l11 + 1, p10 = null === (t11 = r11[v10]) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11.path, m10 = l11 - s11;
return p10 ? { beforePath: p10, offset: m10 } : { append: true, offset: m10 };
}({ json: t10, selection: i10, deltaY: r10, items: o10 });
if (!a10 || 0 === a10.offset)
return { operations: void 0, updatedSelection: null, offset: 0 };
var s10 = function(e21, t11, n11) {
if (!t11)
return [];
var r11 = "beforePath" in n11 ? n11.beforePath : void 0, o11 = "append" in n11 ? n11.append : void 0, i11 = Qk(JE(t11)), a11 = Ws(e21, i11);
if (!(o11 || r11 && AE(r11, i11) && r11.length > i11.length))
return [];
var s11 = xE(e21, t11), c11 = jE(e21, t11), l11 = vb(s11), u10 = vb(c11), f10 = r11 ? r11[i11.length] : void 0;
if (!Rs(a11)) {
if (Ts(a11)) {
var d10 = Ul(l11), h10 = Ul(u10), v10 = void 0 !== f10 ? Ul(f10) : a11.length;
return YC(h10 - d10 + 1, v10 < d10 ? function(e23) {
return { op: "move", from: Zs(i11.concat(String(d10 + e23))), path: Zs(i11.concat(String(v10 + e23))) };
} : function() {
return { op: "move", from: Zs(i11.concat(String(d10))), path: Zs(i11.concat(String(v10))) };
throw new Error("Cannot create move operations: parent must be an Object or Array");
var p10 = Object.keys(a11), m10 = p10.indexOf(l11), g10 = p10.indexOf(u10), y10 = o11 ? p10.length : void 0 !== f10 ? p10.indexOf(f10) : -1;
return -1 !== m10 && -1 !== g10 && -1 !== y10 ? y10 > m10 ? [].concat(Bo(p10.slice(m10, g10 + 1)), Bo(p10.slice(y10, p10.length))).map(function(e23) {
return uA(i11, e23);
}) : [].concat(Bo(p10.slice(y10, m10)), Bo(p10.slice(g10 + 1, p10.length))).map(function(e23) {
return uA(i11, e23);
}) : [];
}(t10, i10, a10), c10 = Ws(t10, Qk(xE(t10, i10)));
if (Array.isArray(c10)) {
var l10 = function(e21) {
var t11, n11, r11 = e21.items, o11 = e21.json, i11 = e21.selection, a11 = e21.offset, s11 = xE(o11, i11), c11 = jE(o11, i11), l11 = r11.findIndex(function(e23) {
return Ow(e23.path, s11);
}), u10 = r11.findIndex(function(e23) {
return Ow(e23.path, c11);
}), f10 = null === (t11 = r11[l11 + a11]) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11.path, d10 = null === (n11 = r11[u10 + a11]) || void 0 === n11 ? void 0 : n11.path;
return DE(f10, d10);
}({ items: o10, json: t10, selection: i10, offset: a10.offset });
return { operations: s10, updatedSelection: l10, offset: a10.offset };
return { operations: s10, updatedSelection: null, offset: a10.offset };
function gq(e20, t10) {
return function(e21, t11) {
if (e21) {
for (var n10 = {}, r10 = 0, o10 = Object.keys(e21); r10 < o10.length; r10++) {
var i10 = o10[r10];
t11(i10, e21[i10]) && (n10[i10] = e21[i10]);
return Object.keys(n10).length > 0 ? n10 : void 0;
}(e20, function(e21) {
return nc(e21, t10);
function yq(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-g0bfge", 'button.jse-validation-error.svelte-g0bfge{border:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;cursor:pointer;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);padding:5px;margin:0;padding:0;margin:0;vertical-align:top;display:inline-flex;color:var(--jse-warning-color, #fdc539)}');
function bq(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10;
return n10 = new jM({ props: { data: TP } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("button"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), Ai(t10, "type", "button"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-validation-error svelte-g0bfge");
}, m: function(s10, c10) {
ki(s10, t10, c10), Ta(n10, t10, null), o10 = true, i10 || (a10 = [Oi(t10, "click", function() {
Yo(e20[0]) && e20[0].apply(this, arguments);
}), ci(r10 = HA.call(null, t10, Ro({ text: e20[1] }, e20[2])))], i10 = true);
}, p: function(t11, n11) {
var o11 = jo(n11, 1)[0];
e20 = t11, r10 && Yo(r10.update) && 2 & o11 && r10.update.call(null, Ro({ text: e20[1] }, e20[2]));
}, i: function(e21) {
o10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10), i10 = false, Qo(a10);
} };
function kq(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = Zi("absolute-popup"), i10 = t10.validationError, a10 = t10.onExpand;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"validationError" in e21 && n10(3, i10 = e21.validationError), "onExpand" in e21 && n10(0, a10 = e21.onExpand);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
8 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(1, r10 = hI(i10) && i10.isChildError ? "Contains invalid data" : i10.message);
}, [a10, r10, o10, i10];
var wq = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, kq, bq, Xo, { validationError: 3, onExpand: 0 }, yq), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function xq(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-1koa14y", '.jse-json-node.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y{position:relative;color:var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d)}.jse-json-node.jse-root.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y{min-height:100%;padding-bottom:2px;box-sizing:border-box}.jse-json-node.jse-root.svelte-1koa14y>.jse-header-outer.svelte-1koa14y .jse-context-menu-pointer,.jse-json-node.jse-root.svelte-1koa14y>.jse-contents-outer.svelte-1koa14y>.jse-contents.svelte-1koa14y .jse-context-menu-pointer{top:0;right:calc(-2px - var(--jse-context-menu-pointer-size, calc(1em + 4px)))}.jse-json-node.jse-root.svelte-1koa14y>.jse-contents-outer.svelte-1koa14y>.jse-contents.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y{padding-left:0}.jse-json-node.svelte-1koa14y .jse-props.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y,.jse-json-node.svelte-1koa14y .jse-items.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y{position:relative}.jse-json-node.svelte-1koa14y 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.jse-key,.jse-json-node.jse-selected-value.svelte-1koa14y .jse-items .jse-contents.svelte-1koa14y .jse-value,.jse-json-node.jse-selected-value.svelte-1koa14y .jse-items .jse-header.svelte-1koa14y .jse-key,.jse-json-node.jse-selected-value.svelte-1koa14y .jse-items .jse-header.svelte-1koa14y .jse-value,.jse-json-node.jse-selected-value.svelte-1koa14y .jse-items .jse-footer.svelte-1koa14y .jse-key,.jse-json-node.jse-selected-value.svelte-1koa14y .jse-items .jse-footer.svelte-1koa14y .jse-value,.jse-json-node.jse-selected-value.svelte-1koa14y .jse-items .jse-expand.svelte-1koa14y .jse-key,.jse-json-node.jse-selected-value.svelte-1koa14y .jse-items .jse-expand.svelte-1koa14y .jse-value{background:var(--jse-selection-background-color, #d3d3d3);cursor:var(--jse-contents-selected-cursor, grab)}.jse-json-node.jse-readonly.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y{--jse-contents-selected-cursor:pointer}.jse-json-node.svelte-1koa14y .jse-insert-area.jse-selected.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y{outline-color:var(--jse-context-menu-pointer-background, var(--jse-context-menu-background, #656565))}.jse-json-node.svelte-1koa14y .jse-insert-area.jse-selected.svelte-1koa14y .jse-context-menu-pointer{background:var(--jse-context-menu-pointer-background, var(--jse-context-menu-background, #656565))}.jse-json-node.svelte-1koa14y .jse-insert-area.jse-selected.svelte-1koa14y .jse-context-menu-pointer:hover{background:var(--jse-context-menu-pointer-background-highlight, var(--jse-context-menu-background-highlight, #7a7a7a))}.jse-main:not(.jse-focus) .jse-json-node.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y{--jse-selection-background-color:var(--jse-selection-background-inactive-color, #e8e8e8);--jse-context-menu-pointer-background:var(--jse-context-menu-pointer-hover-background, #b2b2b2)}.jse-expand.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y{width:var(--jse-indent-size, calc(1em + 4px));padding:0;margin:0;border:none;cursor:pointer;background:transparent;color:var(--jse-delimiter-color, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38));font-size:var(--jse-font-size-mono, 14px);height:var(--jse-line-height, calc(1em + 4px))}.jse-expand.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y:hover{opacity:0.8}.jse-meta.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y,.jse-separator.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y,.jse-index.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y,.jse-bracket.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y{vertical-align:top;color:var(--jse-delimiter-color, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38))}.jse-index.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y{padding:0 calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px))}.jse-bracket.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y{padding:0 2px}.jse-bracket.jse-expanded.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y{padding-right:var(--jse-padding, 10px)}.jse-tag.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y{border:none;font-size:80%;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);color:var(--jse-tag-color, var(--jse-text-color-inverse, #fff));background:var(--jse-tag-background, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2));border-radius:2px;cursor:pointer;display:inline-block;padding:0 4px;line-height:normal;margin:1px 0}.jse-tag.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y:hover{opacity:0.8}.jse-tag.jse-expanded.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y{opacity:0.7;cursor:inherit}.jse-identifier.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y.svelte-1koa14y{vertical-align:top;position:relative}');
var jq = function(e20) {
return {};
var Sq = function(e20) {
return {};
function Cq(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[52] = t10[n10], r10;
var $q = function(e20) {
return {};
var _q = function(e20) {
return {};
function Oq(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[46] = t10[n10], r10[48] = n10, r10;
function Mq(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[49] = t10[n10], r10;
var Eq = function(e20) {
return {};
var Aq = function(e20) {
return {};
function Pq(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10 = !e20[8].readOnly && e20[16] && e20[7] && (pE(e20[7]) || mE(e20[7])) && !zE(e20[7]) && Ow(JE(e20[7]), e20[1]), f10 = e20[33].identifier, d10 = ei(f10, e20, e20[34], Sq), h10 = !e20[17] && Nq();
i10 = new vq({ props: { path: e20[1], value: e20[0], enforceString: e20[13] || false, selection: e20[16] ? e20[7] : null, searchResultItems: CA(e20[6], e20[9]), context: e20[8] } });
var v10 = u10 && Iq(e20), p10 = e20[15] && Dq(e20), m10 = !e20[17] && qq(e20);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = ji("div"), d10 && d10.c(), r10 = $i(), h10 && h10.c(), o10 = $i(), Pa(i10.$$.fragment), a10 = $i(), v10 && v10.c(), s10 = $i(), p10 && p10.c(), c10 = $i(), m10 && m10.c(), Ai(n10, "class", "jse-contents svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-contents-outer svelte-1koa14y");
}, m: function(e21, u11) {
ki(e21, t10, u11), pi(t10, n10), d10 && d10.m(n10, null), pi(n10, r10), h10 && h10.m(n10, null), pi(n10, o10), Ta(i10, n10, null), pi(n10, a10), v10 && v10.m(n10, null), pi(t10, s10), p10 && p10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, c10), m10 && m10.m(t10, null), l10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, r11) {
d10 && d10.p && (!l10 || 8 & r11[1]) && ri(d10, f10, e21, e21[34], l10 ? ni(f10, e21[34], r11, jq) : oi(e21[34]), Sq), e21[17] ? h10 && (h10.d(1), h10 = null) : h10 || ((h10 = Nq()).c(), h10.m(n10, o10));
var a11 = {};
2 & r11[0] && (a11.path = e21[1]), 1 & r11[0] && (a11.value = e21[0]), 8192 & r11[0] && (a11.enforceString = e21[13] || false), 65664 & r11[0] && (a11.selection = e21[16] ? e21[7] : null), 576 & r11[0] && (a11.searchResultItems = CA(e21[6], e21[9])), 256 & r11[0] && (a11.context = e21[8]), i10.$set(a11), 65922 & r11[0] && (u10 = !e21[8].readOnly && e21[16] && e21[7] && (pE(e21[7]) || mE(e21[7])) && !zE(e21[7]) && Ow(JE(e21[7]), e21[1])), u10 ? v10 ? (v10.p(e21, r11), 65922 & r11[0] && wa(v10, 1)) : ((v10 = Iq(e21)).c(), wa(v10, 1), v10.m(n10, null)) : v10 && (ba(), xa(v10, 1, 1, function() {
v10 = null;
}), ka()), e21[15] ? p10 ? (p10.p(e21, r11), 32768 & r11[0] && wa(p10, 1)) : ((p10 = Dq(e21)).c(), wa(p10, 1), p10.m(t10, c10)) : p10 && (ba(), xa(p10, 1, 1, function() {
p10 = null;
}), ka()), e21[17] ? m10 && (m10.d(1), m10 = null) : m10 ? m10.p(e21, r11) : ((m10 = qq(e21)).c(), m10.m(t10, null));
}, i: function(e21) {
l10 || (wa(d10, e21), wa(i10.$$.fragment, e21), wa(v10), wa(p10), l10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(d10, e21), xa(i10.$$.fragment, e21), xa(v10), xa(p10), l10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), d10 && d10.d(e21), h10 && h10.d(), Ra(i10), v10 && v10.d(), p10 && p10.d(), m10 && m10.d();
} };
function Tq(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10 = !e20[8].readOnly && e20[16] && e20[7] && (pE(e20[7]) || mE(e20[7])) && !zE(e20[7]) && Ow(JE(e20[7]), e20[1]), k10 = [Bq, zq], w10 = [];
function x10(e21, t11) {
return e21[12] ? 0 : 1;
o10 = x10(e20), i10 = w10[o10] = k10[o10](e20);
var j10 = e20[33].identifier, S10 = ei(j10, e20, e20[34], _q), C10 = !e20[17] && Lq();
function $10(e21, t11) {
return e21[12] ? Vq : Fq;
var _10 = $10(e20), O10 = _10(e20), M10 = b10 && Hq(e20), E10 = e20[15] && (!e20[12] || !e20[15].isChildError) && Wq(e20);
function A10(e21, t11) {
return e21[12] ? Jq : e21[17] ? void 0 : Uq;
var P10 = A10(e20), T8 = P10 && P10(e20), R8 = e20[12] && Kq(e20);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = ji("div"), r10 = ji("button"), i10.c(), a10 = $i(), S10 && S10.c(), s10 = $i(), C10 && C10.c(), c10 = $i(), l10 = ji("div"), u10 = ji("div"), O10.c(), f10 = $i(), M10 && M10.c(), d10 = $i(), E10 && E10.c(), h10 = $i(), T8 && T8.c(), v10 = $i(), R8 && R8.c(), p10 = _i(), Ai(r10, "type", "button"), Ai(r10, "class", "jse-expand svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(r10, "title", "Expand or collapse this object (Ctrl+Click to expand/collapse recursively)"), Ai(u10, "class", "jse-meta-inner svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(l10, "class", "jse-meta svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(l10, "data-type", "selectable-value"), Ai(n10, "class", "jse-header svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-header-outer svelte-1koa14y");
}, m: function(i11, b11) {
ki(i11, t10, b11), pi(t10, n10), pi(n10, r10), w10[o10].m(r10, null), pi(n10, a10), S10 && S10.m(n10, null), pi(n10, s10), C10 && C10.m(n10, null), pi(n10, c10), pi(n10, l10), pi(l10, u10), O10.m(u10, null), pi(n10, f10), M10 && M10.m(n10, null), pi(t10, d10), E10 && E10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, h10), T8 && T8.m(t10, null), ki(i11, v10, b11), R8 && R8.m(i11, b11), ki(i11, p10, b11), m10 = true, g10 || (y10 = Oi(r10, "click", e20[20]), g10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, a11) {
var s11 = o10;
(o10 = x10(e21)) !== s11 && (ba(), xa(w10[s11], 1, 1, function() {
w10[s11] = null;
}), ka(), (i10 = w10[o10]) || (i10 = w10[o10] = k10[o10](e21)).c(), wa(i10, 1), i10.m(r10, null)), S10 && S10.p && (!m10 || 8 & a11[1]) && ri(S10, j10, e21, e21[34], m10 ? ni(j10, e21[34], a11, $q) : oi(e21[34]), _q), e21[17] ? C10 && (C10.d(1), C10 = null) : C10 || ((C10 = Lq()).c(), C10.m(n10, c10)), _10 === (_10 = $10(e21)) && O10 ? O10.p(e21, a11) : (O10.d(1), (O10 = _10(e21)) && (O10.c(), O10.m(u10, null))), 65922 & a11[0] && (b10 = !e21[8].readOnly && e21[16] && e21[7] && (pE(e21[7]) || mE(e21[7])) && !zE(e21[7]) && Ow(JE(e21[7]), e21[1])), b10 ? M10 ? (M10.p(e21, a11), 65922 & a11[0] && wa(M10, 1)) : ((M10 = Hq(e21)).c(), wa(M10, 1), M10.m(n10, null)) : M10 && (ba(), xa(M10, 1, 1, function() {
M10 = null;
}), ka()), !e21[15] || e21[12] && e21[15].isChildError ? E10 && (ba(), xa(E10, 1, 1, function() {
E10 = null;
}), ka()) : E10 ? (E10.p(e21, a11), 36864 & a11[0] && wa(E10, 1)) : ((E10 = Wq(e21)).c(), wa(E10, 1), E10.m(t10, h10)), P10 === (P10 = A10(e21)) && T8 ? T8.p(e21, a11) : (T8 && T8.d(1), (T8 = P10 && P10(e21)) && (T8.c(), T8.m(t10, null))), e21[12] ? R8 ? (R8.p(e21, a11), 4096 & a11[0] && wa(R8, 1)) : ((R8 = Kq(e21)).c(), wa(R8, 1), R8.m(p10.parentNode, p10)) : R8 && (ba(), xa(R8, 1, 1, function() {
R8 = null;
}), ka());
}, i: function(e21) {
m10 || (wa(i10), wa(S10, e21), wa(M10), wa(E10), wa(R8), m10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(i10), xa(S10, e21), xa(M10), xa(E10), xa(R8), m10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && (wi(t10), wi(v10), wi(p10)), w10[o10].d(), S10 && S10.d(e21), C10 && C10.d(), O10.d(), M10 && M10.d(), E10 && E10.d(), T8 && T8.d(), R8 && R8.d(e21), g10 = false, y10();
} };
function Rq(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10 = !e20[8].readOnly && e20[16] && e20[7] && (pE(e20[7]) || mE(e20[7])) && !zE(e20[7]) && Ow(JE(e20[7]), e20[1]), k10 = [ez, Zq], w10 = [];
function x10(e21, t11) {
return e21[12] ? 0 : 1;
o10 = x10(e20), i10 = w10[o10] = k10[o10](e20);
var j10 = e20[33].identifier, S10 = ei(j10, e20, e20[34], Aq), C10 = !e20[17] && tz();
function $10(e21, t11) {
return e21[12] ? rz : nz;
var _10 = $10(e20), O10 = _10(e20), M10 = b10 && oz(e20), E10 = e20[15] && (!e20[12] || !e20[15].isChildError) && iz(e20);
function A10(e21, t11) {
return e21[12] ? sz : az;
var P10 = A10(e20), T8 = P10(e20), R8 = e20[12] && cz(e20);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = ji("div"), r10 = ji("button"), i10.c(), a10 = $i(), S10 && S10.c(), s10 = $i(), C10 && C10.c(), c10 = $i(), l10 = ji("div"), u10 = ji("div"), O10.c(), f10 = $i(), M10 && M10.c(), d10 = $i(), E10 && E10.c(), h10 = $i(), T8.c(), v10 = $i(), R8 && R8.c(), p10 = _i(), Ai(r10, "type", "button"), Ai(r10, "class", "jse-expand svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(r10, "title", "Expand or collapse this array (Ctrl+Click to expand/collapse recursively)"), Ai(u10, "class", "jse-meta-inner svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(u10, "data-type", "selectable-value"), Ai(l10, "class", "jse-meta svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(n10, "class", "jse-header svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-header-outer svelte-1koa14y");
}, m: function(i11, b11) {
ki(i11, t10, b11), pi(t10, n10), pi(n10, r10), w10[o10].m(r10, null), pi(n10, a10), S10 && S10.m(n10, null), pi(n10, s10), C10 && C10.m(n10, null), pi(n10, c10), pi(n10, l10), pi(l10, u10), O10.m(u10, null), pi(n10, f10), M10 && M10.m(n10, null), pi(t10, d10), E10 && E10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, h10), T8.m(t10, null), ki(i11, v10, b11), R8 && R8.m(i11, b11), ki(i11, p10, b11), m10 = true, g10 || (y10 = Oi(r10, "click", e20[20]), g10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, a11) {
var s11 = o10;
(o10 = x10(e21)) !== s11 && (ba(), xa(w10[s11], 1, 1, function() {
w10[s11] = null;
}), ka(), (i10 = w10[o10]) || (i10 = w10[o10] = k10[o10](e21)).c(), wa(i10, 1), i10.m(r10, null)), S10 && S10.p && (!m10 || 8 & a11[1]) && ri(S10, j10, e21, e21[34], m10 ? ni(j10, e21[34], a11, Eq) : oi(e21[34]), Aq), e21[17] ? C10 && (C10.d(1), C10 = null) : C10 || ((C10 = tz()).c(), C10.m(n10, c10)), _10 === (_10 = $10(e21)) && O10 ? O10.p(e21, a11) : (O10.d(1), (O10 = _10(e21)) && (O10.c(), O10.m(u10, null))), 65922 & a11[0] && (b10 = !e21[8].readOnly && e21[16] && e21[7] && (pE(e21[7]) || mE(e21[7])) && !zE(e21[7]) && Ow(JE(e21[7]), e21[1])), b10 ? M10 ? (M10.p(e21, a11), 65922 & a11[0] && wa(M10, 1)) : ((M10 = oz(e21)).c(), wa(M10, 1), M10.m(n10, null)) : M10 && (ba(), xa(M10, 1, 1, function() {
M10 = null;
}), ka()), !e21[15] || e21[12] && e21[15].isChildError ? E10 && (ba(), xa(E10, 1, 1, function() {
E10 = null;
}), ka()) : E10 ? (E10.p(e21, a11), 36864 & a11[0] && wa(E10, 1)) : ((E10 = iz(e21)).c(), wa(E10, 1), E10.m(t10, h10)), P10 === (P10 = A10(e21)) && T8 ? T8.p(e21, a11) : (T8.d(1), (T8 = P10(e21)) && (T8.c(), T8.m(t10, null))), e21[12] ? R8 ? (R8.p(e21, a11), 4096 & a11[0] && wa(R8, 1)) : ((R8 = cz(e21)).c(), wa(R8, 1), R8.m(p10.parentNode, p10)) : R8 && (ba(), xa(R8, 1, 1, function() {
R8 = null;
}), ka());
}, i: function(e21) {
m10 || (wa(i10), wa(S10, e21), wa(M10), wa(E10), wa(R8), m10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(i10), xa(S10, e21), xa(M10), xa(E10), xa(R8), m10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && (wi(t10), wi(v10), wi(p10)), w10[o10].d(), S10 && S10.d(e21), C10 && C10.d(), O10.d(), M10 && M10.d(), E10 && E10.d(), T8.d(), R8 && R8.d(e21), g10 = false, y10();
} };
function Nq(e20) {
var t10;
return { c: function() {
(t10 = ji("div")).textContent = ":", Ai(t10, "class", "jse-separator svelte-1koa14y");
}, m: function(e21, n10) {
ki(e21, t10, n10);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function Iq(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
return n10 = new XD({ props: { selected: true, onContextMenu: e20[8].onContextMenu } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-context-menu-pointer-anchor svelte-1koa14y");
}, m: function(e21, o10) {
ki(e21, t10, o10), Ta(n10, t10, null), r10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var r11 = {};
256 & t11[0] && (r11.onContextMenu = e21[8].onContextMenu), n10.$set(r11);
}, i: function(e21) {
r10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10);
} };
function Dq(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new wq({ props: { validationError: e20[15], onExpand: e20[21] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
32768 & n11[0] && (r10.validationError = e21[15]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function qq(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
return { c: function() {
Ai(t10 = ji("div"), "role", "none"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-insert-selection-area jse-after svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(t10, "data-type", "insert-selection-area-after");
}, m: function(o10, i10) {
ki(o10, t10, i10), n10 || (r10 = Oi(t10, "click", e20[29]), n10 = true);
}, p: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), n10 = false, r10();
} };
function zq(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new jM({ props: { data: YA } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function Bq(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new jM({ props: { data: gP } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function Lq(e20) {
var t10;
return { c: function() {
(t10 = ji("div")).textContent = ":", Ai(t10, "class", "jse-separator svelte-1koa14y");
}, m: function(e21, n10) {
ki(e21, t10, n10);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function Fq(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10 = Object.keys(e20[0]).length + "", d10 = 1 === Object.keys(e20[0]).length ? "prop" : "props";
return { c: function() {
(t10 = ji("div")).textContent = "{", n10 = $i(), r10 = ji("button"), o10 = Ci(f10), i10 = $i(), a10 = Ci(d10), s10 = $i(), (c10 = ji("div")).textContent = "}", Ai(t10, "class", "jse-bracket svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(r10, "type", "button"), Ai(r10, "class", "jse-tag svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(c10, "class", "jse-bracket svelte-1koa14y");
}, m: function(f11, d11) {
ki(f11, t10, d11), ki(f11, n10, d11), ki(f11, r10, d11), pi(r10, o10), pi(r10, i10), pi(r10, a10), ki(f11, s10, d11), ki(f11, c10, d11), l10 || (u10 = Oi(r10, "click", e20[21]), l10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
1 & t11[0] && f10 !== (f10 = Object.keys(e21[0]).length + "") && Ni(o10, f10), 1 & t11[0] && d10 !== (d10 = 1 === Object.keys(e21[0]).length ? "prop" : "props") && Ni(a10, d10);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && (wi(t10), wi(n10), wi(r10), wi(s10), wi(c10)), l10 = false, u10();
} };
function Vq(e20) {
var t10;
return { c: function() {
(t10 = ji("div")).textContent = "{", Ai(t10, "class", "jse-bracket jse-expanded svelte-1koa14y");
}, m: function(e21, n10) {
ki(e21, t10, n10);
}, p: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function Hq(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
return n10 = new XD({ props: { selected: true, onContextMenu: e20[8].onContextMenu } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-context-menu-pointer-anchor svelte-1koa14y");
}, m: function(e21, o10) {
ki(e21, t10, o10), Ta(n10, t10, null), r10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var r11 = {};
256 & t11[0] && (r11.onContextMenu = e21[8].onContextMenu), n10.$set(r11);
}, i: function(e21) {
r10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10);
} };
function Wq(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new wq({ props: { validationError: e20[15], onExpand: e20[21] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
32768 & n11[0] && (r10.validationError = e21[15]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function Uq(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
return { c: function() {
Ai(t10 = ji("div"), "role", "none"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-insert-selection-area jse-after svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(t10, "data-type", "insert-selection-area-after");
}, m: function(o10, i10) {
ki(o10, t10, i10), n10 || (r10 = Oi(t10, "click", e20[29]), n10 = true);
}, p: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), n10 = false, r10();
} };
function Jq(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
return { c: function() {
Ai(t10 = ji("div"), "role", "none"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-insert-selection-area jse-inside svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(t10, "data-type", "insert-selection-area-inside");
}, m: function(o10, i10) {
ki(o10, t10, i10), n10 || (r10 = Oi(t10, "click", e20[28]), n10 = true);
}, p: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), n10 = false, r10();
} };
function Kq(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10 = !e20[8].readOnly && (e20[10] === js || e20[16] && hE(e20[7])), l10 = c10 && Gq(e20), u10 = Ca(e20[18](e20[1], e20[0], e20[2], e20[3], e20[4], e20[5], e20[6], e20[7], e20[11])), f10 = [], d10 = 0; d10 < u10.length; d10 += 1)
f10[d10] = Yq(Cq(e20, u10, d10));
var h10 = function(e21) {
return xa(f10[e21], 1, 1, function() {
f10[e21] = null;
}, v10 = !e20[17] && Xq(e20);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), l10 && l10.c(), n10 = $i();
for (var e21 = 0; e21 < f10.length; e21 += 1)
r10 = $i(), o10 = ji("div"), (i10 = ji("div")).innerHTML = '}
', a10 = $i(), v10 && v10.c(), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-props svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(i10, "data-type", "selectable-value"), Ai(i10, "class", "jse-footer svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(o10, "class", "jse-footer-outer svelte-1koa14y");
}, m: function(e21, c11) {
ki(e21, t10, c11), l10 && l10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, n10);
for (var u11 = 0; u11 < f10.length; u11 += 1)
f10[u11] && f10[u11].m(t10, null);
ki(e21, r10, c11), ki(e21, o10, c11), pi(o10, i10), pi(o10, a10), v10 && v10.m(o10, null), s10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, r11) {
if (66944 & r11[0] && (c10 = !e21[8].readOnly && (e21[10] === js || e21[16] && hE(e21[7]))), c10 ? l10 ? (l10.p(e21, r11), 66944 & r11[0] && wa(l10, 1)) : ((l10 = Gq(e21)).c(), wa(l10, 1), l10.m(t10, n10)) : l10 && (ba(), xa(l10, 1, 1, function() {
l10 = null;
}), ka()), 38013439 & r11[0]) {
var i11;
for (u10 = Ca(e21[18](e21[1], e21[0], e21[2], e21[3], e21[4], e21[5], e21[6], e21[7], e21[11])), i11 = 0; i11 < u10.length; i11 += 1) {
var a11 = Cq(e21, u10, i11);
f10[i11] ? (f10[i11].p(a11, r11), wa(f10[i11], 1)) : (f10[i11] = Yq(a11), f10[i11].c(), wa(f10[i11], 1), f10[i11].m(t10, null));
for (ba(), i11 = u10.length; i11 < f10.length; i11 += 1)
e21[17] ? v10 && (v10.d(1), v10 = null) : v10 ? v10.p(e21, r11) : ((v10 = Xq(e21)).c(), v10.m(o10, null));
}, i: function(e21) {
if (!s10) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < u10.length; t11 += 1)
s10 = true;
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(l10), f10 = f10.filter(Boolean);
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < f10.length; t11 += 1)
s10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && (wi(t10), wi(r10), wi(o10)), l10 && l10.d(), xi(f10, e21), v10 && v10.d();
} };
function Gq(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
return n10 = new XD({ props: { selected: e20[16] && hE(e20[7]), onContextMenu: e20[30] } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-insert-area jse-inside svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(t10, "data-type", "insert-selection-area-inside"), Ai(t10, "title", ws), zi(t10, "jse-hovered", e20[10] === js), zi(t10, "jse-selected", e20[16] && hE(e20[7])), Di(t10, "--level", e20[1].length + 1);
}, m: function(e21, o10) {
ki(e21, t10, o10), Ta(n10, t10, null), r10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, o10) {
var i10 = {};
65664 & o10[0] && (i10.selected = e21[16] && hE(e21[7])), n10.$set(i10), (!r10 || 1024 & o10[0]) && zi(t10, "jse-hovered", e21[10] === js), (!r10 || 65664 & o10[0]) && zi(t10, "jse-selected", e21[16] && hE(e21[7])), 2 & o10[0] && Di(t10, "--level", e21[1].length + 1);
}, i: function(e21) {
r10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10);
} };
function Qq(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10;
return n10 = new sq({ props: { path: e20[52].path, key: e20[52].key, selection: e20[52].selection, searchResultItems: e20[52].keySearchResultItemsMap, context: e20[8], onUpdateKey: e20[22] } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), r10 = $i(), Ai(t10, "slot", "identifier"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-identifier svelte-1koa14y");
}, m: function(e21, i10) {
ki(e21, t10, i10), Ta(n10, t10, null), pi(t10, r10), o10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var r11 = {};
2303 & t11[0] && (r11.path = e21[52].path), 2303 & t11[0] && (r11.key = e21[52].key), 2303 & t11[0] && (r11.selection = e21[52].selection), 2303 & t11[0] && (r11.searchResultItems = e21[52].keySearchResultItemsMap), 256 & t11[0] && (r11.context = e21[8]), n10.$set(r11);
}, i: function(e21) {
o10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10);
} };
function Yq(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new yz({ props: { value: e20[52].value, path: e20[52].path, expandedMap: e20[52].expandedMap, enforceStringMap: e20[52].enforceStringMap, visibleSectionsMap: e20[52].visibleSectionsMap, validationErrorsMap: e20[52].validationErrorsMap, searchResultItemsMap: e20[52].valueSearchResultItemsMap, selection: e20[52].selection, context: e20[8], onDragSelectionStart: e20[25], $$slots: { identifier: [Qq] }, $$scope: { ctx: e20 } } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
2303 & n11[0] && (r10.value = e21[52].value), 2303 & n11[0] && (r10.path = e21[52].path), 2303 & n11[0] && (r10.expandedMap = e21[52].expandedMap), 2303 & n11[0] && (r10.enforceStringMap = e21[52].enforceStringMap), 2303 & n11[0] && (r10.visibleSectionsMap = e21[52].visibleSectionsMap), 2303 & n11[0] && (r10.validationErrorsMap = e21[52].validationErrorsMap), 2303 & n11[0] && (r10.searchResultItemsMap = e21[52].valueSearchResultItemsMap), 2303 & n11[0] && (r10.selection = e21[52].selection), 256 & n11[0] && (r10.context = e21[8]), 2559 & n11[0] | 8 & n11[1] && (r10.$$scope = { dirty: n11, ctx: e21 }), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function Xq(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
return { c: function() {
Ai(t10 = ji("div"), "role", "none"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-insert-selection-area jse-after svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(t10, "data-type", "insert-selection-area-after");
}, m: function(o10, i10) {
ki(o10, t10, i10), n10 || (r10 = Oi(t10, "click", e20[29]), n10 = true);
}, p: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), n10 = false, r10();
} };
function Zq(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new jM({ props: { data: YA } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function ez(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new jM({ props: { data: gP } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function tz(e20) {
var t10;
return { c: function() {
(t10 = ji("div")).textContent = ":", Ai(t10, "class", "jse-separator svelte-1koa14y");
}, m: function(e21, n10) {
ki(e21, t10, n10);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function nz(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10 = e20[0].length + "", d10 = 1 === e20[0].length ? "item" : "items";
return { c: function() {
(t10 = ji("div")).textContent = "[", n10 = $i(), r10 = ji("button"), o10 = Ci(f10), i10 = $i(), a10 = Ci(d10), s10 = $i(), (c10 = ji("div")).textContent = "]", Ai(t10, "class", "jse-bracket svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(r10, "type", "button"), Ai(r10, "class", "jse-tag svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(c10, "class", "jse-bracket svelte-1koa14y");
}, m: function(f11, d11) {
ki(f11, t10, d11), ki(f11, n10, d11), ki(f11, r10, d11), pi(r10, o10), pi(r10, i10), pi(r10, a10), ki(f11, s10, d11), ki(f11, c10, d11), l10 || (u10 = Oi(r10, "click", e20[21]), l10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
1 & t11[0] && f10 !== (f10 = e21[0].length + "") && Ni(o10, f10), 1 & t11[0] && d10 !== (d10 = 1 === e21[0].length ? "item" : "items") && Ni(a10, d10);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && (wi(t10), wi(n10), wi(r10), wi(s10), wi(c10)), l10 = false, u10();
} };
function rz(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10 = e20[0].length + "", l10 = 1 === e20[0].length ? "item" : "items";
return { c: function() {
(t10 = ji("div")).textContent = "[", n10 = $i(), r10 = ji("span"), o10 = Ci(c10), i10 = $i(), a10 = Ci(l10), s10 = Ci("\n \xA0"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-bracket svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(r10, "class", "jse-tag jse-expanded svelte-1koa14y");
}, m: function(e21, c11) {
ki(e21, t10, c11), ki(e21, n10, c11), ki(e21, r10, c11), pi(r10, o10), pi(r10, i10), pi(r10, a10), ki(e21, s10, c11);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
1 & t11[0] && c10 !== (c10 = e21[0].length + "") && Ni(o10, c10), 1 & t11[0] && l10 !== (l10 = 1 === e21[0].length ? "item" : "items") && Ni(a10, l10);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && (wi(t10), wi(n10), wi(r10), wi(s10));
} };
function oz(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
return n10 = new XD({ props: { selected: true, onContextMenu: e20[8].onContextMenu } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-context-menu-pointer-anchor svelte-1koa14y");
}, m: function(e21, o10) {
ki(e21, t10, o10), Ta(n10, t10, null), r10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var r11 = {};
256 & t11[0] && (r11.onContextMenu = e21[8].onContextMenu), n10.$set(r11);
}, i: function(e21) {
r10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10);
} };
function iz(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new wq({ props: { validationError: e20[15], onExpand: e20[21] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
32768 & n11[0] && (r10.validationError = e21[15]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function az(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
return { c: function() {
Ai(t10 = ji("div"), "role", "none"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-insert-selection-area jse-after svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(t10, "data-type", "insert-selection-area-after");
}, m: function(o10, i10) {
ki(o10, t10, i10), n10 || (r10 = Oi(t10, "click", e20[29]), n10 = true);
}, p: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), n10 = false, r10();
} };
function sz(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
return { c: function() {
Ai(t10 = ji("div"), "role", "none"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-insert-selection-area jse-inside svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(t10, "data-type", "insert-selection-area-inside");
}, m: function(o10, i10) {
ki(o10, t10, i10), n10 || (r10 = Oi(t10, "click", e20[28]), n10 = true);
}, p: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), n10 = false, r10();
} };
function cz(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10 = !e20[8].readOnly && (e20[10] === js || e20[16] && hE(e20[7])), l10 = [], u10 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), f10 = c10 && lz(e20), d10 = Ca(e20[14] || ds), h10 = function(e21) {
return e21[48];
}, v10 = 0; v10 < d10.length; v10 += 1) {
var p10 = Oq(e20, d10, v10), m10 = h10(p10);
u10.set(m10, l10[v10] = hz(m10, p10));
var g10 = !e20[17] && vz(e20);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), f10 && f10.c(), n10 = $i();
for (var e21 = 0; e21 < l10.length; e21 += 1)
r10 = $i(), o10 = ji("div"), (i10 = ji("div")).innerHTML = ']', a10 = $i(), g10 && g10.c(), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-items svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(i10, "data-type", "selectable-value"), Ai(i10, "class", "jse-footer svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(o10, "class", "jse-footer-outer svelte-1koa14y");
}, m: function(e21, c11) {
ki(e21, t10, c11), f10 && f10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, n10);
for (var u11 = 0; u11 < l10.length; u11 += 1)
l10[u11] && l10[u11].m(t10, null);
ki(e21, r10, c11), ki(e21, o10, c11), pi(o10, i10), pi(o10, a10), g10 && g10.m(o10, null), s10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, r11) {
66944 & r11[0] && (c10 = !e21[8].readOnly && (e21[10] === js || e21[16] && hE(e21[7]))), c10 ? f10 ? (f10.p(e21, r11), 66944 & r11[0] && wa(f10, 1)) : ((f10 = lz(e21)).c(), wa(f10, 1), f10.m(t10, n10)) : f10 && (ba(), xa(f10, 1, 1, function() {
f10 = null;
}), ka()), 34097663 & r11[0] && (d10 = Ca(e21[14] || ds), ba(), l10 = Oa(l10, r11, h10, 1, e21, d10, u10, t10, _a, hz, null, Oq), ka()), e21[17] ? g10 && (g10.d(1), g10 = null) : g10 ? g10.p(e21, r11) : ((g10 = vz(e21)).c(), g10.m(o10, null));
}, i: function(e21) {
if (!s10) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < d10.length; t11 += 1)
s10 = true;
}, o: function(e21) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < l10.length; t11 += 1)
s10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && (wi(t10), wi(r10), wi(o10)), f10 && f10.d();
for (var n11 = 0; n11 < l10.length; n11 += 1)
g10 && g10.d();
} };
function lz(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
return n10 = new XD({ props: { selected: e20[16] && hE(e20[7]), onContextMenu: e20[30] } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-insert-area jse-inside svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(t10, "data-type", "insert-selection-area-inside"), Ai(t10, "title", ws), zi(t10, "jse-hovered", e20[10] === js), zi(t10, "jse-selected", e20[16] && hE(e20[7])), Di(t10, "--level", e20[1].length + 1);
}, m: function(e21, o10) {
ki(e21, t10, o10), Ta(n10, t10, null), r10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, o10) {
var i10 = {};
65664 & o10[0] && (i10.selected = e21[16] && hE(e21[7])), n10.$set(i10), (!r10 || 1024 & o10[0]) && zi(t10, "jse-hovered", e21[10] === js), (!r10 || 65664 & o10[0]) && zi(t10, "jse-selected", e21[16] && hE(e21[7])), 2 & o10[0] && Di(t10, "--level", e21[1].length + 1);
}, i: function(e21) {
r10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10);
} };
function uz(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10 = e20[49].index + "";
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = ji("div"), r10 = Ci(o10), Ai(n10, "class", "jse-index svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(t10, "slot", "identifier"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-identifier svelte-1koa14y");
}, m: function(e21, o11) {
ki(e21, t10, o11), pi(t10, n10), pi(n10, r10);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
18687 & t11[0] && o10 !== (o10 = e21[49].index + "") && Ni(r10, o10);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function fz(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10, o10;
return r10 = new yz({ props: { value: t10[49].value, path: t10[49].path, expandedMap: t10[49].expandedMap, enforceStringMap: t10[49].enforceStringMap, visibleSectionsMap: t10[49].visibleSectionsMap, validationErrorsMap: t10[49].validationErrorsMap, searchResultItemsMap: t10[49].searchResultItemsMap, selection: t10[49].selection, context: t10[8], onDragSelectionStart: t10[25], $$slots: { identifier: [uz] }, $$scope: { ctx: t10 } } }), { key: e20, first: null, c: function() {
n10 = _i(), Pa(r10.$$.fragment), this.first = n10;
}, m: function(e21, t11) {
ki(e21, n10, t11), Ta(r10, e21, t11), o10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
t10 = e21;
var o11 = {};
18687 & n11[0] && (o11.value = t10[49].value), 18687 & n11[0] && (o11.path = t10[49].path), 18687 & n11[0] && (o11.expandedMap = t10[49].expandedMap), 18687 & n11[0] && (o11.enforceStringMap = t10[49].enforceStringMap), 18687 & n11[0] && (o11.visibleSectionsMap = t10[49].visibleSectionsMap), 18687 & n11[0] && (o11.validationErrorsMap = t10[49].validationErrorsMap), 18687 & n11[0] && (o11.searchResultItemsMap = t10[49].searchResultItemsMap), 18687 & n11[0] && (o11.selection = t10[49].selection), 256 & n11[0] && (o11.context = t10[8]), 18687 & n11[0] | 8 & n11[1] && (o11.$$scope = { dirty: n11, ctx: t10 }), r10.$set(o11);
}, i: function(e21) {
o10 || (wa(r10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(r10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(n10), Ra(r10, e21);
} };
function dz(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new KD({ props: { visibleSections: e20[14] || ds, sectionIndex: e20[48], total: e20[0].length, path: e20[1], onExpandSection: e20[8].onExpandSection, selection: e20[7], context: e20[8] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
16384 & n11[0] && (r10.visibleSections = e21[14] || ds), 16384 & n11[0] && (r10.sectionIndex = e21[48]), 1 & n11[0] && (r10.total = e21[0].length), 2 & n11[0] && (r10.path = e21[1]), 256 & n11[0] && (r10.onExpandSection = e21[8].onExpandSection), 128 & n11[0] && (r10.selection = e21[7]), 256 & n11[0] && (r10.context = e21[8]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function hz(e20, t10) {
for (var n10, r10, o10, i10, a10 = [], s10 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), c10 = Ca(t10[19](t10[1], t10[0], t10[46], t10[2], t10[3], t10[4], t10[5], t10[6], t10[7], t10[11])), l10 = function(e21) {
return e21[49].index;
}, u10 = 0; u10 < c10.length; u10 += 1) {
var f10 = Mq(t10, c10, u10), d10 = l10(f10);
s10.set(d10, a10[u10] = fz(d10, f10));
var h10 = t10[46].end < t10[0].length && dz(t10);
return { key: e20, first: null, c: function() {
n10 = _i();
for (var e21 = 0; e21 < a10.length; e21 += 1)
r10 = $i(), h10 && h10.c(), o10 = _i(), this.first = n10;
}, m: function(e21, t11) {
ki(e21, n10, t11);
for (var s11 = 0; s11 < a10.length; s11 += 1)
a10[s11] && a10[s11].m(e21, t11);
ki(e21, r10, t11), h10 && h10.m(e21, t11), ki(e21, o10, t11), i10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
t10 = e21, 34097663 & n11[0] && (c10 = Ca(t10[19](t10[1], t10[0], t10[46], t10[2], t10[3], t10[4], t10[5], t10[6], t10[7], t10[11])), ba(), a10 = Oa(a10, n11, l10, 1, t10, c10, s10, r10.parentNode, _a, fz, r10, Mq), ka()), t10[46].end < t10[0].length ? h10 ? (h10.p(t10, n11), 16385 & n11[0] && wa(h10, 1)) : ((h10 = dz(t10)).c(), wa(h10, 1), h10.m(o10.parentNode, o10)) : h10 && (ba(), xa(h10, 1, 1, function() {
h10 = null;
}), ka());
}, i: function(e21) {
if (!i10) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < c10.length; t11 += 1)
wa(h10), i10 = true;
}, o: function(e21) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < a10.length; t11 += 1)
xa(h10), i10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && (wi(n10), wi(r10), wi(o10));
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < a10.length; t11 += 1)
h10 && h10.d(e21);
} };
function vz(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
return { c: function() {
Ai(t10 = ji("div"), "role", "none"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-insert-selection-area jse-after svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(t10, "data-type", "insert-selection-area-after");
}, m: function(o10, i10) {
ki(o10, t10, i10), n10 || (r10 = Oi(t10, "click", e20[29]), n10 = true);
}, p: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), n10 = false, r10();
} };
function pz(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
return n10 = new XD({ props: { selected: e20[16] && dE(e20[7]), onContextMenu: e20[31] } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-insert-area jse-after svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(t10, "data-type", "insert-selection-area-after"), Ai(t10, "title", ws), zi(t10, "jse-hovered", e20[10] === Ss), zi(t10, "jse-selected", e20[16] && dE(e20[7]));
}, m: function(e21, o10) {
ki(e21, t10, o10), Ta(n10, t10, null), r10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, o10) {
var i10 = {};
65664 & o10[0] && (i10.selected = e21[16] && dE(e21[7])), n10.$set(i10), (!r10 || 1024 & o10[0]) && zi(t10, "jse-hovered", e21[10] === Ss), (!r10 || 65664 & o10[0]) && zi(t10, "jse-selected", e21[16] && dE(e21[7]));
}, i: function(e21) {
r10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10);
} };
function mz(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10 = !e20[8].readOnly && (e20[10] === Ss || e20[16] && dE(e20[7])), h10 = [Rq, Tq, Pq], v10 = [];
function p10(e21, t11) {
return 1 & t11[0] && (n10 = null), 1 & t11[0] && (r10 = null), null == n10 && (n10 = !!Array.isArray(e21[0])), n10 ? 0 : (null == r10 && (r10 = !!Gl(e21[0])), r10 ? 1 : 2);
o10 = p10(e20, [-1, -1]), i10 = v10[o10] = h10[o10](e20);
var m10 = d10 && pz(e20);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), i10.c(), a10 = $i(), m10 && m10.c(), Ai(t10, "role", "treeitem"), Ai(t10, "tabindex", "-1"), Ai(t10, "class", s10 = si(GE("jse-json-node", { "jse-expanded": e20[12] }, e20[8].onClassName(e20[1], e20[0]))) + " svelte-1koa14y"), Ai(t10, "data-path", c10 = OO(e20[1])), Ai(t10, "aria-selected", e20[16]), zi(t10, "jse-root", e20[17]), zi(t10, "jse-selected", e20[16] && mE(e20[7])), zi(t10, "jse-selected-key", e20[16] && vE(e20[7])), zi(t10, "jse-selected-value", e20[16] && pE(e20[7])), zi(t10, "jse-readonly", e20[8].readOnly), zi(t10, "jse-hovered", e20[10] === Cs), Di(t10, "--level", e20[1].length);
}, m: function(n11, r11) {
ki(n11, t10, r11), v10[o10].m(t10, null), pi(t10, a10), m10 && m10.m(t10, null), l10 = true, u10 || (f10 = [Oi(t10, "mousedown", e20[23]), Oi(t10, "mousemove", e20[24]), Oi(t10, "mouseover", e20[26]), Oi(t10, "mouseout", e20[27]), Oi(t10, "focus", void 0), Oi(t10, "blur", void 0)], u10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r11 = o10;
(o10 = p10(e21, n11)) === r11 ? v10[o10].p(e21, n11) : (ba(), xa(v10[r11], 1, 1, function() {
v10[r11] = null;
}), ka(), (i10 = v10[o10]) ? i10.p(e21, n11) : (i10 = v10[o10] = h10[o10](e21)).c(), wa(i10, 1), i10.m(t10, a10)), 66944 & n11[0] && (d10 = !e21[8].readOnly && (e21[10] === Ss || e21[16] && dE(e21[7]))), d10 ? m10 ? (m10.p(e21, n11), 66944 & n11[0] && wa(m10, 1)) : ((m10 = pz(e21)).c(), wa(m10, 1), m10.m(t10, null)) : m10 && (ba(), xa(m10, 1, 1, function() {
m10 = null;
}), ka()), (!l10 || 4355 & n11[0] && s10 !== (s10 = si(GE("jse-json-node", { "jse-expanded": e21[12] }, e21[8].onClassName(e21[1], e21[0]))) + " svelte-1koa14y")) && Ai(t10, "class", s10), (!l10 || 2 & n11[0] && c10 !== (c10 = OO(e21[1]))) && Ai(t10, "data-path", c10), (!l10 || 65536 & n11[0]) && Ai(t10, "aria-selected", e21[16]), (!l10 || 135427 & n11[0]) && zi(t10, "jse-root", e21[17]), (!l10 || 70019 & n11[0]) && zi(t10, "jse-selected", e21[16] && mE(e21[7])), (!l10 || 70019 & n11[0]) && zi(t10, "jse-selected-key", e21[16] && vE(e21[7])), (!l10 || 70019 & n11[0]) && zi(t10, "jse-selected-value", e21[16] && pE(e21[7])), (!l10 || 4355 & n11[0]) && zi(t10, "jse-readonly", e21[8].readOnly), (!l10 || 5379 & n11[0]) && zi(t10, "jse-hovered", e21[10] === Cs), 2 & n11[0] && Di(t10, "--level", e21[1].length);
}, i: function(e21) {
l10 || (wa(i10), wa(m10), l10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(i10), xa(m10), l10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), v10[o10].d(), m10 && m10.d(), u10 = false, Qo(f10);
} };
function gz(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10 = t10.$$slots, f10 = void 0 === u10 ? {} : u10, d10 = t10.$$scope, h10 = t10.value, v10 = t10.path, p10 = t10.expandedMap, m10 = t10.enforceStringMap, g10 = t10.visibleSectionsMap, y10 = t10.validationErrorsMap, b10 = t10.searchResultItemsMap, k10 = t10.selection, w10 = t10.context, x10 = t10.onDragSelectionStart, j10 = Da("jsoneditor:JSONNode"), S10 = void 0, C10 = void 0, $10 = void 0, _10 = rv(function(e21) {
return e21;
}, JO);
function O10(e21) {
function M10(e21) {
pq.selecting && (pq.selecting = false, e21.stopPropagation()), w10.onDragEnd(), document.removeEventListener("mousemove", O10, true), document.removeEventListener("mouseup", M10);
function E10() {
var e21;
return (null === (e21 = w10.findElement([])) || void 0 === e21 || null === (e21 = e21.getBoundingClientRect()) || void 0 === e21 ? void 0 : e21.top) || 0;
function A10(e21, t11) {
var n11 = E10() - e21.initialContentTop;
return t11.clientY - e21.initialClientY - n11;
function P10(e21) {
if ($10) {
var t11 = w10.getJson();
if (void 0 === t11)
var r11 = w10.getDocumentState(), o11 = A10($10, e21), i11 = mq({ json: t11, documentState: r11, deltaY: o11, items: $10.items }).offset;
i11 !== $10.offset && (j10("drag selection", i11, o11), n10(11, $10 = Ro(Ro({}, $10), {}, { offset: i11, didMoveItems: true })));
function T8(e21) {
if ($10) {
var t11 = w10.getJson();
if (void 0 === t11)
var r11 = mq({ json: t11, documentState: w10.getDocumentState(), deltaY: A10($10, e21), items: $10.items }), o11 = r11.operations, i11 = r11.updatedSelection;
if (o11)
w10.onPatch(o11, function(e23, t12) {
return { state: Ro(Ro({}, t12), {}, { selection: i11 || k10 }) };
else if (e21.target === $10.initialTarget && !$10.didMoveItems) {
var a11 = _O(e21.target), s11 = MO(e21.target);
s11 && w10.onSelect(VE(0, a11, s11));
n10(11, $10 = void 0), pq.dragging = false, document.removeEventListener("mousemove", P10, true), document.removeEventListener("mouseup", T8);
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"value" in e21 && n10(0, h10 = e21.value), "path" in e21 && n10(1, v10 = e21.path), "expandedMap" in e21 && n10(2, p10 = e21.expandedMap), "enforceStringMap" in e21 && n10(3, m10 = e21.enforceStringMap), "visibleSectionsMap" in e21 && n10(4, g10 = e21.visibleSectionsMap), "validationErrorsMap" in e21 && n10(5, y10 = e21.validationErrorsMap), "searchResultItemsMap" in e21 && n10(6, b10 = e21.searchResultItemsMap), "selection" in e21 && n10(7, k10 = e21.selection), "context" in e21 && n10(8, w10 = e21.context), "onDragSelectionStart" in e21 && n10(32, x10 = e21.onDragSelectionStart), "$$scope" in e21 && n10(34, d10 = e21.$$scope);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
2 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(9, o10 = Zs(v10)), 516 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(12, i10 = !!p10 && true === p10[o10]), 777 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(13, a10 = oE(h10, m10, o10, w10.parser)), 528 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(14, s10 = g10 ? g10[o10] : void 0), 544 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(15, c10 = y10 ? y10[o10] : void 0), 386 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(16, l10 = WE(w10.getJson(), k10, v10)), 2 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(17, r10 = 0 === v10.length);
}, [h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10, k10, w10, o10, S10, $10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, r10, function(e21, t11, n11, r11, i11, a11, s11, c11, l11) {
var u11 = Object.keys(t11).map(function(l12) {
var u12 = _10(e21.concat(l12)), f11 = tc(o10, l12);
return { key: l12, value: t11[l12], path: u12, expandedMap: gq(n11, f11), enforceStringMap: gq(r11, f11), visibleSectionsMap: gq(i11, f11), validationErrorsMap: gq(a11, f11), keySearchResultItemsMap: SA(s11, f11), valueSearchResultItemsMap: gq(s11, f11), selection: HE(w10.getJson(), c11, u12) };
return l11 && 0 !== l11.offset && (u11 = q_(u11, l11.selectionStartIndex, l11.selectionItemsCount, l11.offset)), u11;
}, function(e21, t11, n11, r11, i11, a11, s11, c11, l11, u11) {
for (var f11 = n11.start, d11 = Math.min(n11.end, t11.length), h11 = [], v11 = f11; v11 < d11; v11++) {
var p11 = _10(e21.concat(String(v11))), m11 = tc(o10, v11);
h11.push({ index: v11, value: t11[v11], path: p11, expandedMap: gq(r11, m11), enforceStringMap: gq(i11, m11), visibleSectionsMap: gq(a11, m11), validationErrorsMap: gq(s11, m11), searchResultItemsMap: gq(c11, m11), selection: HE(w10.getJson(), l11, p11) });
if (u11 && 0 !== u11.offset) {
var g11 = h11.map(function(e23) {
return e23.index;
h11 = q_(h11, u11.selectionStartIndex, u11.selectionItemsCount, u11.offset);
for (var y11 = 0; y11 < h11.length; y11++)
h11[y11].index = g11[y11];
return h11;
}, function(e21) {
var t11 = e21.ctrlKey;
w10.onExpand(v10, !i10, t11);
}, function(e21) {
e21.stopPropagation(), w10.onExpand(v10, true);
}, function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = aA(v10, Object.keys(h10), e21, t11);
return w10.onPatch(n11), vb(Xs(n11[0].path));
}, function(e21) {
if (!(function(e23) {
return "DIV" === e23.nodeName && "true" === e23.contentEditable;
}(e21.target) || 1 === e21.which && yO(e21.target, "BUTTON"))) {
e21.stopPropagation(), e21.preventDefault(), w10.focus(), document.addEventListener("mousemove", O10, true), document.addEventListener("mouseup", M10);
var t11 = _O(e21.target), n11 = w10.getJson(), o11 = w10.getDocumentState();
if (!k10 || t11 === Ya.after || t11 === Ya.inside || k10.type !== t11 && k10.type !== Ya.multi || !WE(n11, k10, v10))
if (pq.selecting = true, pq.selectionAnchor = v10, pq.selectionAnchorType = t11, pq.selectionFocus = v10, e21.shiftKey) {
var i11 = w10.getDocumentState().selection;
i11 && w10.onSelect(DE(KE(i11), v10));
} else if (t11 === Ya.multi)
if (r10 && e21.target.hasAttribute("data-path")) {
var a11 = vb(sE(h10, o11));
} else
w10.onSelect(DE(v10, v10));
void 0 !== n11 && w10.onSelect(VE(0, t11, v10));
0 === e21.button && x10(e21);
}, function(e21) {
if (pq.selecting) {
e21.preventDefault(), e21.stopPropagation(), null == pq.selectionFocus && window.getSelection && window.getSelection().empty();
var t11 = _O(e21.target);
Ow(v10, pq.selectionFocus) && t11 === pq.selectionAnchorType || (pq.selectionFocus = v10, pq.selectionAnchorType = t11, w10.onSelect(DE(pq.selectionAnchor || pq.selectionFocus, pq.selectionFocus)));
}, function(e21) {
if (!w10.readOnly && k10) {
var t11 = Qk(JE(k10));
if (Ow(v10, t11)) {
var r11 = function(e23, t12) {
var n11 = [];
function r12(e24) {
var t13 = v10.concat(e24), r13 = w10.findElement(t13);
null != r13 && n11.push({ path: t13, height: r13.clientHeight });
if (Array.isArray(h10)) {
var o12 = w10.getJson();
if (void 0 === o12)
return null;
var i12 = xE(o12, e23), a12 = jE(o12, e23), s11 = parseInt(vb(i12), 10), c12 = parseInt(vb(a12), 10), l11 = t12.find(function(e24) {
return s11 >= e24.start && c12 <= e24.end;
if (!l11)
return null;
var u11 = l11.start, f11 = l11.end;
R_(u11, Math.min(h10.length, f11), function(e24) {
return r12(String(e24));
} else
return n11;
}(k10, s10 || ds);
if (j10("dragSelectionStart", { selection: k10, items: r11 }), r11) {
var o11 = w10.getJson();
if (void 0 !== o11) {
var i11 = xE(o11, k10), a11 = r11.findIndex(function(e23) {
return Ow(e23.path, i11);
}), c11 = mq({ json: o11, documentState: w10.getDocumentState(), deltaY: 0, items: r11 }).offset;
n10(11, $10 = { initialTarget: e21.target, initialClientY: e21.clientY, initialContentTop: E10(), selectionStartIndex: a11, selectionItemsCount: kE(o11, k10).length, items: r11, offset: c11, didMoveItems: false }), pq.dragging = true, document.addEventListener("mousemove", P10, true), document.addEventListener("mouseup", T8);
} else
j10("Cannot drag the current selection (probably spread over multiple sections)");
} else
}, function(e21) {
pq.selecting || pq.dragging || (e21.stopPropagation(), bO(e21.target, "data-type", "selectable-value") ? n10(10, S10 = Cs) : bO(e21.target, "data-type", "insert-selection-area-inside") ? n10(10, S10 = js) : bO(e21.target, "data-type", "insert-selection-area-after") && n10(10, S10 = Ss), clearTimeout(C10));
}, function(e21) {
e21.stopPropagation(), C10 = window.setTimeout(function() {
return n10(10, S10 = void 0);
}, function(e21) {
e21.shiftKey || (e21.stopPropagation(), e21.preventDefault(), w10.onSelect(NE(v10)));
}, function(e21) {
e21.shiftKey || (e21.stopPropagation(), e21.preventDefault(), w10.onSelect(IE(v10)));
}, function(e21) {
w10.onSelect(NE(v10)), w10.onContextMenu(e21);
}, function(e21) {
w10.onSelect(IE(v10)), w10.onContextMenu(e21);
}, x10, f10, d10];
var yz = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, gz, mz, Zo, { value: 0, path: 1, expandedMap: 2, enforceStringMap: 3, visibleSectionsMap: 4, validationErrorsMap: 5, searchResultItemsMap: 6, selection: 7, context: 8, onDragSelectionStart: 32 }, xq, [-1, -1]), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
var bz = yz;
var kz = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "jsoneditor-expand", icon: [512, 512, [], "", "M 0,448 V 512 h 512 v -64 z M 0,0 V 64 H 512 V 0 Z M 256,96 128,224 h 256 z M 256,416 384,288 H 128 Z"] };
var wz = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "jsoneditor-collapse", icon: [512, 512, [], "", "m 0,224 v 64 h 512 v -64 z M 256,192 384,64 H 128 Z M 256,320 128,448 h 256 z"] };
var xz = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "jsoneditor-format", icon: [512, 512, [], "", "M 0,32 v 64 h 416 v -64 z M 160,160 v 64 h 352 v -64 z M 160,288 v 64 h 288 v -64 z M 0,416 v 64 h 320 v -64 z"] };
var jz = { prefix: "fas", iconName: "jsoneditor-compact", icon: [512, 512, [], "", "M 0,32 v 64 h 512 v -64 z M 0,160 v 64 h 512 v -64 z M 0,288 v 64 h 352 v -64 z"] };
function Sz(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new EI({ props: { items: e20[0] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
1 & jo(n11, 1)[0] && (r10.items = e21[0]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function Cz(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10 = t10.json, f10 = t10.selection, d10 = t10.readOnly, h10 = t10.showSearch, v10 = void 0 !== h10 && h10, p10 = t10.historyState, m10 = t10.onExpandAll, g10 = t10.onCollapseAll, y10 = t10.onUndo, b10 = t10.onRedo, k10 = t10.onSort, w10 = t10.onTransform, x10 = t10.onContextMenu, j10 = t10.onCopy, S10 = t10.onRenderMenu;
function C10() {
n10(1, v10 = !v10);
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"json" in e21 && n10(2, u10 = e21.json), "selection" in e21 && n10(3, f10 = e21.selection), "readOnly" in e21 && n10(4, d10 = e21.readOnly), "showSearch" in e21 && n10(1, v10 = e21.showSearch), "historyState" in e21 && n10(5, p10 = e21.historyState), "onExpandAll" in e21 && n10(6, m10 = e21.onExpandAll), "onCollapseAll" in e21 && n10(7, g10 = e21.onCollapseAll), "onUndo" in e21 && n10(8, y10 = e21.onUndo), "onRedo" in e21 && n10(9, b10 = e21.onRedo), "onSort" in e21 && n10(10, k10 = e21.onSort), "onTransform" in e21 && n10(11, w10 = e21.onTransform), "onContextMenu" in e21 && n10(12, x10 = e21.onContextMenu), "onCopy" in e21 && n10(13, j10 = e21.onCopy), "onRenderMenu" in e21 && n10(14, S10 = e21.onRenderMenu);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
4 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(20, r10 = void 0 !== u10), 1048584 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(19, o10 = r10 && (mE(f10) || vE(f10) || pE(f10))), 68 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(15, a10 = { type: "button", icon: kz, title: "Expand all", className: "jse-expand-all", onClick: m10, disabled: !Ql(u10) }), 132 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(16, s10 = { type: "button", icon: wz, title: "Collapse all", className: "jse-collapse-all", onClick: g10, disabled: !Ql(u10) }), 4 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(17, c10 = { type: "button", icon: jP, title: "Search (Ctrl+F)", className: "jse-search", onClick: C10, disabled: void 0 === u10 }), 769844 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(18, l10 = d10 ? [a10, s10, { type: "separator" }, { type: "button", icon: CP, title: "Copy (Ctrl+C)", className: "jse-copy", onClick: j10, disabled: !o10 }, { type: "separator" }, c10, { type: "space" }] : [a10, s10, { type: "separator" }, { type: "button", icon: kP, title: "Sort", className: "jse-sort", onClick: k10, disabled: d10 || void 0 === u10 }, { type: "button", icon: cP, title: "Transform contents (filter, sort, project)", className: "jse-transform", onClick: w10, disabled: d10 || void 0 === u10 }, c10, { type: "button", icon: yP, title: xs, className: "jse-contextmenu", onClick: x10 }, { type: "separator" }, { type: "button", icon: vP, title: "Undo (Ctrl+Z)", className: "jse-undo", onClick: y10, disabled: !p10.canUndo }, { type: "button", icon: hP, title: "Redo (Ctrl+Shift+Z)", className: "jse-redo", onClick: b10, disabled: !p10.canRedo }, { type: "space" }]), 278528 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(0, i10 = S10(l10));
}, [i10, v10, u10, f10, d10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10, k10, w10, x10, j10, S10, a10, s10, c10, l10, o10, r10];
var $z = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, Cz, Sz, Zo, { json: 2, selection: 3, readOnly: 4, showSearch: 1, historyState: 5, onExpandAll: 6, onCollapseAll: 7, onUndo: 8, onRedo: 9, onSort: 10, onTransform: 11, onContextMenu: 12, onCopy: 13, onRenderMenu: 14 }), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function _z(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-s2toti", '.jse-welcome.svelte-s2toti.svelte-s2toti{flex:1;overflow:auto;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;border-left:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7);border-right:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7)}.jse-welcome.svelte-s2toti.svelte-s2toti:last-child{border-bottom:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7)}.jse-welcome.svelte-s2toti .jse-space.jse-before.svelte-s2toti{flex:1}.jse-welcome.svelte-s2toti .jse-space.jse-after.svelte-s2toti{flex:2}.jse-welcome.svelte-s2toti .jse-contents.svelte-s2toti{display:flex;flex-direction:column;max-width:300px;margin:2em var(--jse-padding, 10px);gap:var(--jse-padding, 10px)}.jse-welcome.svelte-s2toti .jse-contents .jse-welcome-info.svelte-s2toti{color:var(--jse-panel-color-readonly, #b2b2b2)}.jse-welcome.svelte-s2toti .jse-contents button.svelte-s2toti{border:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;cursor:pointer;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);padding:5px;margin:0;background:var(--jse-button-primary-background, var(--jse-theme-color, #3883fa));color:var(--jse-button-primary-color, #fff);padding:var(--jse-padding, 10px) calc(2 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));border-radius:3px}.jse-welcome.svelte-s2toti .jse-contents button.svelte-s2toti:hover{background:var(--jse-button-primary-background-highlight, var(--jse-theme-color-highlight, #5f9dff))}.jse-welcome.svelte-s2toti .jse-contents button.svelte-s2toti:disabled{background:var(--jse-button-primary-background-disabled, #9d9d9d)}');
function Oz(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10;
return { c: function() {
(t10 = ji("div")).innerHTML = "You can paste clipboard data using Ctrl+V, or use the following options:", n10 = $i(), (r10 = ji("button")).textContent = "Create object", o10 = $i(), (i10 = ji("button")).textContent = "Create array", Ai(t10, "class", "jse-welcome-info svelte-s2toti"), Ai(r10, "title", "Create an empty JSON object (press '{')"), Ai(r10, "class", "svelte-s2toti"), Ai(i10, "title", "Create an empty JSON array (press '[')"), Ai(i10, "class", "svelte-s2toti");
}, m: function(c10, l10) {
ki(c10, t10, l10), ki(c10, n10, l10), ki(c10, r10, l10), ki(c10, o10, l10), ki(c10, i10, l10), a10 || (s10 = [Oi(r10, "click", Ei(e20[4])), Oi(i10, "click", Ei(e20[5]))], a10 = true);
}, p: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && (wi(t10), wi(n10), wi(r10), wi(o10), wi(i10)), a10 = false, Qo(s10);
} };
function Mz(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10 = !e20[0] && Oz(e20);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = ji("div"), r10 = $i(), o10 = ji("div"), (i10 = ji("div")).textContent = "Empty document", a10 = $i(), f10 && f10.c(), s10 = $i(), c10 = ji("div"), Ai(n10, "class", "jse-space jse-before svelte-s2toti"), Ai(i10, "class", "jse-welcome-title"), Ai(o10, "class", "jse-contents svelte-s2toti"), Ai(c10, "class", "jse-space jse-after svelte-s2toti"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-welcome svelte-s2toti"), Ai(t10, "role", "none");
}, m: function(d10, h10) {
ki(d10, t10, h10), pi(t10, n10), pi(t10, r10), pi(t10, o10), pi(o10, i10), pi(o10, a10), f10 && f10.m(o10, null), pi(t10, s10), pi(t10, c10), l10 || (u10 = Oi(t10, "click", e20[6]), l10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = jo(t11, 1)[0];
e21[0] ? f10 && (f10.d(1), f10 = null) : f10 ? f10.p(e21, n11) : ((f10 = Oz(e21)).c(), f10.m(o10, null));
}, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), f10 && f10.d(), l10 = false, u10();
} };
function Ez(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = t10.readOnly, o10 = t10.onCreateArray, i10 = t10.onCreateObject, a10 = t10.onClick;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"readOnly" in e21 && n10(0, r10 = e21.readOnly), "onCreateArray" in e21 && n10(1, o10 = e21.onCreateArray), "onCreateObject" in e21 && n10(2, i10 = e21.onCreateObject), "onClick" in e21 && n10(3, a10 = e21.onClick);
}, [r10, o10, i10, a10, function() {
return i10();
}, function() {
return o10();
}, function() {
return a10();
var Az = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, Ez, Mz, Zo, { readOnly: 0, onCreateArray: 1, onCreateObject: 2, onClick: 3 }, _z), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
var Pz = { exports: {} };
var Tz = function(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10, o10 = 1, i10 = 0, a10 = 0, s10 = String.alphabet;
function c10(e21, t11, r11) {
if (r11) {
for (n10 = t11; (r11 = c10(e21, n10)) < 76 && r11 > 65; )
return +e21.slice(t11 - 1, n10);
return (r11 = s10 && s10.indexOf(e21.charAt(t11))) > -1 ? r11 + 76 : (r11 = e21.charCodeAt(t11) || 0) < 45 || r11 > 127 ? r11 : r11 < 46 ? 65 : r11 < 48 ? r11 - 1 : r11 < 58 ? r11 + 18 : r11 < 65 ? r11 - 11 : r11 < 91 ? r11 + 11 : r11 < 97 ? r11 - 37 : r11 < 123 ? r11 + 5 : r11 - 63;
if ((e20 += "") != (t10 += "")) {
for (; o10; )
if (r10 = c10(e20, i10++), o10 = c10(t10, a10++), r10 < 76 && o10 < 76 && r10 > 66 && o10 > 66 && (r10 = c10(e20, i10, i10), o10 = c10(t10, a10, i10 = n10), a10 = n10), r10 != o10)
return r10 < o10 ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
try {
Pz.exports = Tz;
} catch (e20) {
String.naturalCompare = Tz;
var Rz = yc(Pz.exports);
function Nz(e20, t10) {
var n10 = "string" == typeof e20 ? e20.toLowerCase() : e20, r10 = "string" == typeof t10 ? t10.toLowerCase() : t10;
return Rz(n10, r10);
function Iz(e20) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : [], n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : [], r10 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 1;
if (Ts(Ws(e20, t10))) {
if (void 0 === n10)
throw new Error("Cannot sort: no property selected by which to sort the array");
return function(e21) {
var t11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : [], n11 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : [], r11 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 1, o10 = /* @__PURE__ */ function(e23, t12) {
return function(n12, r12) {
var o11 = Ws(n12, e23), i11 = Ws(r12, e23);
return void 0 === o11 ? t12 : void 0 === i11 ? -t12 : "string" != typeof o11 && "string" != typeof i11 ? o11 > i11 ? t12 : o11 < i11 ? -t12 : 0 : t12 * Nz(o11, i11);
}(n11, r11), i10 = Ws(e21, t11);
return [{ op: "replace", path: Zs(t11), value: i10.slice(0).sort(o10) }];
}(e20, t10, n10, r10);
if (Gl(e20))
return function(e21) {
var t11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : [], n11 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 1, r11 = Ws(e21, t11), o10 = Object.keys(r11), i10 = o10.slice();
i10.sort(function(e23, t12) {
return n11 * Nz(e23, t12);
for (var a10 = [], s10 = 0; s10 < i10.length; s10++) {
var c10 = i10[s10], l10 = Zs(t11.concat(c10));
a10.push({ op: "move", from: l10, path: l10 });
return a10;
}(e20, t10, r10);
throw new Error("Cannot sort: no array or object");
function Dz(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-12glmu0", '.jse-navigation-bar-dropdown.svelte-12glmu0.svelte-12glmu0{position:absolute;top:100%;left:0;z-index:3;background:var(--jse-navigation-bar-background, var(--jse-background-color, #fff));color:var(--jse-navigation-bar-dropdown-color, #656565);box-shadow:var(--jse-controls-box-shadow, 0 2px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24));display:flex;flex-direction:column;max-height:300px;overflow:auto;min-width:80px}.jse-navigation-bar-dropdown.svelte-12glmu0 button.jse-navigation-bar-dropdown-item.svelte-12glmu0{font-family:var(--jse-font-family-mono, consolas, menlo, monaco, "Ubuntu Mono", "source-code-pro", monospace);font-size:var(--jse-font-size-mono, 14px);border:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;cursor:pointer;outline:none;text-align:left;white-space:nowrap;box-sizing:border-box;padding:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px)) 36px}.jse-navigation-bar-dropdown.svelte-12glmu0 button.jse-navigation-bar-dropdown-item.svelte-12glmu0:focus,.jse-navigation-bar-dropdown.svelte-12glmu0 button.jse-navigation-bar-dropdown-item.svelte-12glmu0:hover{background:var(--jse-navigation-bar-background-highlight, #e5e5e5)}.jse-navigation-bar-dropdown.svelte-12glmu0 button.jse-navigation-bar-dropdown-item.jse-selected.svelte-12glmu0{background:var(--jse-navigation-bar-dropdown-color, #656565);color:var(--jse-navigation-bar-background, var(--jse-background-color, #fff))}');
function qz(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[4] = t10[n10], r10;
function zz(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10 = tM(t10[4].toString(), Vz) + "";
function c10() {
return t10[3](t10[4]);
return { key: e20, first: null, c: function() {
n10 = ji("button"), r10 = Ci(s10), Ai(n10, "type", "button"), Ai(n10, "class", "jse-navigation-bar-dropdown-item svelte-12glmu0"), Ai(n10, "title", o10 = t10[4].toString()), zi(n10, "jse-selected", t10[4] === t10[1]), this.first = n10;
}, m: function(e21, t11) {
ki(e21, n10, t11), pi(n10, r10), i10 || (a10 = Oi(n10, "click", Ei(c10)), i10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, i11) {
t10 = e21, 1 & i11 && s10 !== (s10 = tM(t10[4].toString(), Vz) + "") && Ni(r10, s10), 1 & i11 && o10 !== (o10 = t10[4].toString()) && Ai(n10, "title", o10), 3 & i11 && zi(n10, "jse-selected", t10[4] === t10[1]);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(n10), i10 = false, a10();
} };
function Bz(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("button"), n10 = Ci("..."), Ai(t10, "type", "button"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-navigation-bar-dropdown-item svelte-12glmu0"), Ai(t10, "title", "Limited to " + Fz + " items");
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
ki(e21, t10, r10), pi(t10, n10);
}, p: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function Lz(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10 = [], o10 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), i10 = Ca(N_(e20[0], Fz)), a10 = function(e21) {
return e21[4];
}, s10 = 0; s10 < i10.length; s10 += 1) {
var c10 = qz(e20, i10, s10), l10 = a10(c10);
o10.set(l10, r10[s10] = zz(l10, c10));
var u10 = e20[0].length > Fz && Bz();
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div");
for (var e21 = 0; e21 < r10.length; e21 += 1)
n10 = $i(), u10 && u10.c(), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-navigation-bar-dropdown svelte-12glmu0");
}, m: function(e21, o11) {
ki(e21, t10, o11);
for (var i11 = 0; i11 < r10.length; i11 += 1)
r10[i11] && r10[i11].m(t10, null);
pi(t10, n10), u10 && u10.m(t10, null);
}, p: function(e21, s11) {
var c11 = jo(s11, 1)[0];
7 & c11 && (i10 = Ca(N_(e21[0], Fz)), r10 = Oa(r10, c11, a10, 1, e21, i10, o10, t10, $a, zz, n10, qz)), e21[0].length > Fz ? u10 ? u10.p(e21, c11) : ((u10 = Bz()).c(), u10.m(t10, null)) : u10 && (u10.d(1), u10 = null);
}, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
for (var n11 = 0; n11 < r10.length; n11 += 1)
u10 && u10.d();
} };
var Fz = 100;
var Vz = 30;
function Hz(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = t10.items, o10 = t10.selectedItem, i10 = t10.onSelect;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"items" in e21 && n10(0, r10 = e21.items), "selectedItem" in e21 && n10(1, o10 = e21.selectedItem), "onSelect" in e21 && n10(2, i10 = e21.onSelect);
}, [r10, o10, i10, function(e21) {
return i10(e21);
var Wz = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, Hz, Lz, Zo, { items: 0, selectedItem: 1, onSelect: 2 }, Dz), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function Uz(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-x08607", ".jse-navigation-bar-item.svelte-x08607.svelte-x08607{position:relative;display:flex}.jse-navigation-bar-item.svelte-x08607 button.jse-navigation-bar-button.svelte-x08607{font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;padding:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px)) 2px;border:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;cursor:pointer;outline:none;min-width:2em;white-space:nowrap}.jse-navigation-bar-item.svelte-x08607 button.jse-navigation-bar-button.svelte-x08607:focus,.jse-navigation-bar-item.svelte-x08607 button.jse-navigation-bar-button.svelte-x08607:hover{background:var(--jse-panel-button-background-highlight, #e0e0e0);color:var(--panel-button-color-highlight, var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d))}.jse-navigation-bar-item.svelte-x08607 button.jse-navigation-bar-button.jse-navigation-bar-arrow.svelte-x08607{padding:2px var(--jse-padding, 10px) 0}.jse-navigation-bar-item.svelte-x08607 button.jse-navigation-bar-button.jse-navigation-bar-arrow.jse-open.svelte-x08607{background:var(--jse-navigation-bar-background, var(--jse-background-color, #fff));color:var(--jse-navigation-bar-dropdown-color, #656565)}.jse-navigation-bar-item.svelte-x08607.svelte-x08607:last-child{padding-right:var(--jse-padding, 10px)}");
function Jz(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10;
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("button"), n10 = Ci(e20[2]), Ai(t10, "type", "button"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-navigation-bar-button svelte-x08607");
}, m: function(i10, a10) {
ki(i10, t10, a10), pi(t10, n10), r10 || (o10 = Oi(t10, "click", e20[9]), r10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
4 & t11 && Ni(n10, e21[2]);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), r10 = false, o10();
} };
function Kz(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10;
r10 = new jM({ props: { data: iP } });
var c10 = void 0 !== e20[2] && Jz(e20);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = ji("button"), Pa(r10.$$.fragment), o10 = $i(), c10 && c10.c(), Ai(n10, "type", "button"), Ai(n10, "class", "jse-navigation-bar-button jse-navigation-bar-arrow svelte-x08607"), zi(n10, "jse-open", e20[1]), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-navigation-bar-item svelte-x08607");
}, m: function(l10, u10) {
ki(l10, t10, u10), pi(t10, n10), Ta(r10, n10, null), pi(t10, o10), c10 && c10.m(t10, null), e20[10](t10), i10 = true, a10 || (s10 = Oi(n10, "click", e20[4]), a10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, r11) {
var o11 = jo(r11, 1)[0];
(!i10 || 2 & o11) && zi(n10, "jse-open", e21[1]), void 0 !== e21[2] ? c10 ? c10.p(e21, o11) : ((c10 = Jz(e21)).c(), c10.m(t10, null)) : c10 && (c10.d(1), c10 = null);
}, i: function(e21) {
i10 || (wa(r10.$$.fragment, e21), i10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(r10.$$.fragment, e21), i10 = false;
}, d: function(n11) {
n11 && wi(t10), Ra(r10), c10 && c10.d(), e20[10](null), a10 = false, s10();
} };
function Gz(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10 = Zi("absolute-popup"), c10 = s10.openAbsolutePopup, l10 = s10.closeAbsolutePopup, u10 = t10.path, f10 = t10.index, d10 = t10.onSelect, h10 = t10.getItems, v10 = false;
function p10(e21) {
l10(a10), d10(r10.concat(e21));
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"path" in e21 && n10(5, u10 = e21.path), "index" in e21 && n10(6, f10 = e21.index), "onSelect" in e21 && n10(7, d10 = e21.onSelect), "getItems" in e21 && n10(8, h10 = e21.getItems);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
96 & e20.$$.dirty && (r10 = u10.slice(0, f10)), 96 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(2, o10 = u10[f10]);
}, [i10, v10, o10, p10, function() {
if (i10) {
n10(1, v10 = true);
var e21 = { items: h10(r10), selectedItem: o10, onSelect: p10 };
a10 = c10(Wz, e21, { anchor: i10, closeOnOuterClick: true, onClose: function() {
n10(1, v10 = false);
} });
}, u10, f10, d10, h10, function() {
return p10(o10);
}, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(0, i10 = e21);
var Qz = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, Gz, Kz, Zo, { path: 5, index: 6, onSelect: 7, getItems: 8 }, Uz), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function Yz(e20) {
var t10, n10;
if (navigator.clipboard)
return navigator.clipboard.writeText(e20);
if (null !== (t10 = (n10 = document).queryCommandSupported) && void 0 !== t10 && t10.call(n10, "copy")) {
var r10 = document.createElement("textarea");
r10.value = e20, r10.style.position = "fixed", r10.style.opacity = "0", document.body.appendChild(r10), r10.select();
try {
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
} else
console.error("Copy failed.");
function Xz(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-1844qyt", ".jse-navigation-bar-path-editor.svelte-1844qyt.svelte-1844qyt{flex:1;display:flex;border:var(--jse-edit-outline, 2px solid #656565);background:var(--jse-background-color, #fff)}.jse-navigation-bar-path-editor.svelte-1844qyt input.jse-navigation-bar-text.svelte-1844qyt{flex:1;font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;padding:0 5px 1px;background:var(--jse-background-color, #fff);color:var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d);border:none;outline:none}.jse-navigation-bar-path-editor.svelte-1844qyt button.svelte-1844qyt{border:none;background:var(--jse-background-color, #fff);cursor:pointer;font-family:inherit;font-size:80%;color:inherit}.jse-navigation-bar-path-editor.svelte-1844qyt button.jse-navigation-bar-copy.copied.svelte-1844qyt{color:var(--message-success-background, #9ac45d)}.jse-navigation-bar-path-editor.svelte-1844qyt button.jse-navigation-bar-validation-error.svelte-1844qyt{color:var(--jse-error-color, #ee5341)}.jse-navigation-bar-path-editor.error.svelte-1844qyt.svelte-1844qyt{border-color:var(--jse-error-color, #ee5341)}.jse-navigation-bar-path-editor.error.svelte-1844qyt input.jse-navigation-bar-text.svelte-1844qyt{color:var(--jse-error-color, #ee5341)}.jse-navigation-bar-path-editor.svelte-1844qyt .jse-copied-text.svelte-1844qyt{background:var(--message-success-background, #9ac45d);color:var(--jse-message-success-color, #fff);position:relative;margin:2px;padding:0 5px;border-radius:3px}");
function Zz(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10;
return n10 = new jM({ props: { data: TP } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("button"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), Ai(t10, "type", "button"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-navigation-bar-validation-error svelte-1844qyt");
}, m: function(s10, c10) {
ki(s10, t10, c10), Ta(n10, t10, null), o10 = true, i10 || (a10 = ci(r10 = HA.call(null, t10, Ro({ text: String(e20[3] || "") }, e20[4]))), i10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
r10 && Yo(r10.update) && 8 & t11 && r10.update.call(null, Ro({ text: String(e21[3] || "") }, e21[4]));
}, i: function(e21) {
o10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10), i10 = false, a10();
} };
function eB(e20) {
var t10;
return { c: function() {
(t10 = ji("div")).textContent = "Copied!", Ai(t10, "class", "jse-copied-text svelte-1844qyt");
}, m: function(e21, n10) {
ki(e21, t10, n10);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function tB(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10 = e20[3] && Zz(e20), d10 = e20[2] && eB();
return s10 = new jM({ props: { data: CP } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = ji("input"), r10 = $i(), f10 && f10.c(), o10 = $i(), d10 && d10.c(), i10 = $i(), a10 = ji("button"), Pa(s10.$$.fragment), Ai(n10, "type", "text"), Ai(n10, "class", "jse-navigation-bar-text svelte-1844qyt"), n10.value = e20[0], Ai(a10, "type", "button"), Ai(a10, "class", "jse-navigation-bar-copy svelte-1844qyt"), Ai(a10, "title", "Copy selected path to the clipboard"), zi(a10, "copied", e20[2]), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-navigation-bar-path-editor svelte-1844qyt"), zi(t10, "error", e20[3]);
}, m: function(h10, v10) {
ki(h10, t10, v10), pi(t10, n10), e20[15](n10), pi(t10, r10), f10 && f10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, o10), d10 && d10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, i10), pi(t10, a10), Ta(s10, a10, null), c10 = true, l10 || (u10 = [Oi(n10, "keydown", Ei(e20[6])), Oi(n10, "input", e20[5]), Oi(a10, "click", e20[7])], l10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, r11) {
var s11 = jo(r11, 1)[0];
(!c10 || 1 & s11 && n10.value !== e21[0]) && (n10.value = e21[0]), e21[3] ? f10 ? (f10.p(e21, s11), 8 & s11 && wa(f10, 1)) : ((f10 = Zz(e21)).c(), wa(f10, 1), f10.m(t10, o10)) : f10 && (ba(), xa(f10, 1, 1, function() {
f10 = null;
}), ka()), e21[2] ? d10 || ((d10 = eB()).c(), d10.m(t10, i10)) : d10 && (d10.d(1), d10 = null), (!c10 || 4 & s11) && zi(a10, "copied", e21[2]), (!c10 || 8 & s11) && zi(t10, "error", e21[3]);
}, i: function(e21) {
c10 || (wa(f10), wa(s10.$$.fragment, e21), c10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(f10), xa(s10.$$.fragment, e21), c10 = false;
}, d: function(n11) {
n11 && wi(t10), e20[15](null), f10 && f10.d(), d10 && d10.d(), Ra(s10), l10 = false, Qo(u10);
} };
function nB(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10 = Zi("absolute-popup"), s10 = t10.path, c10 = t10.pathParser, l10 = t10.onChange, u10 = t10.onClose, f10 = t10.onError, d10 = t10.pathExists, h10 = false, v10 = void 0, p10 = false;
function m10() {
function g10(e21) {
try {
var t11 = c10.parse(e21);
return function(e23) {
if (!d10(e23))
throw new Error("Path does not exist in current document");
}(t11), { path: t11, error: void 0 };
} catch (e23) {
return { path: void 0, error: e23 };
return Gi(function() {
}), Qi(function() {
}), e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"path" in e21 && n10(8, s10 = e21.path), "pathParser" in e21 && n10(9, c10 = e21.pathParser), "onChange" in e21 && n10(10, l10 = e21.onChange), "onClose" in e21 && n10(11, u10 = e21.onClose), "onError" in e21 && n10(12, f10 = e21.onError), "pathExists" in e21 && n10(13, d10 = e21.pathExists);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
768 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(0, i10 = c10.stringify(s10)), 16385 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(3, r10 = h10 ? g10(i10).error : void 0);
}, [i10, o10, p10, r10, a10, function(e21) {
n10(0, i10 = e21.currentTarget.value);
}, function(e21) {
var t11 = PO(e21);
if ("Escape" === t11 && u10(), "Enter" === t11) {
n10(14, h10 = true);
var r11 = g10(i10);
void 0 !== r11.path ? l10(r11.path) : f10(r11.error);
}, function() {
Yz(i10), n10(2, p10 = true), v10 = window.setTimeout(function() {
return n10(2, p10 = false);
}, 1e3), m10();
}, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(1, o10 = e21);
var rB = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, nB, tB, Xo, { path: 8, pathParser: 9, onChange: 10, onClose: 11, onError: 12, pathExists: 13 }, Xz), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function oB(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-1aycet9", '.jse-navigation-bar.svelte-1aycet9.svelte-1aycet9{font-family:var(--jse-font-family-mono, consolas, menlo, monaco, "Ubuntu Mono", "source-code-pro", monospace);font-size:var(--jse-font-size-mono, 14px);background:var(--jse-panel-background, #ebebeb);color:var(--jse-panel-button-color, inherit);padding:0;margin:0;display:flex;overflow:auto;border-left:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7);border-right:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7)}.jse-navigation-bar.svelte-1aycet9 .jse-navigation-bar-edit.svelte-1aycet9{font-family:var(--jse-font-family-mono, consolas, menlo, monaco, "Ubuntu Mono", "source-code-pro", monospace);font-size:var(--jse-font-size-mono, 14px);padding:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px)) var(--jse-padding, 10px);color:var(--jse-panel-color-readonly, #b2b2b2);background:transparent;border:none;display:flex;cursor:pointer;outline:none;align-items:center}.jse-navigation-bar.svelte-1aycet9 .jse-navigation-bar-edit.flex.svelte-1aycet9{flex:1}.jse-navigation-bar.svelte-1aycet9 .jse-navigation-bar-edit.svelte-1aycet9:focus,.jse-navigation-bar.svelte-1aycet9 .jse-navigation-bar-edit.svelte-1aycet9:hover,.jse-navigation-bar.svelte-1aycet9 .jse-navigation-bar-edit.editing.svelte-1aycet9{background:var(--jse-panel-button-background-highlight, #e0e0e0);color:var(--panel-button-color-highlight, var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d));transition:color 0.2s ease-in, background 0.2s ease-in}.jse-navigation-bar.svelte-1aycet9 .jse-navigation-bar-edit .jse-navigation-bar-space.svelte-1aycet9{flex:1;text-align:left}');
function iB(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[18] = t10[n10], r10[20] = n10, r10;
function aB(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new rB({ props: { path: e20[3], onClose: e20[11], onChange: e20[12], onError: e20[1], pathExists: e20[8], pathParser: e20[2] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
8 & n11 && (r10.path = e21[3]), 2 & n11 && (r10.onError = e21[1]), 4 & n11 && (r10.pathParser = e21[2]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function sB(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10, o10 = [], i10 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), a10 = Ca(e20[3]), s10 = function(e21) {
return e21[20];
}, c10 = 0; c10 < a10.length; c10 += 1) {
var l10 = iB(e20, a10, c10), u10 = s10(l10);
i10.set(u10, o10[c10] = cB(u10, l10));
var f10 = e20[6] && lB(e20);
return { c: function() {
for (var e21 = 0; e21 < o10.length; e21 += 1)
t10 = $i(), f10 && f10.c(), n10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, i11) {
for (var a11 = 0; a11 < o10.length; a11 += 1)
o10[a11] && o10[a11].m(e21, i11);
ki(e21, t10, i11), f10 && f10.m(e21, i11), ki(e21, n10, i11), r10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, r11) {
648 & r11 && (a10 = Ca(e21[3]), ba(), o10 = Oa(o10, r11, s10, 1, e21, a10, i10, t10.parentNode, _a, cB, t10, iB), ka()), e21[6] ? f10 ? (f10.p(e21, r11), 64 & r11 && wa(f10, 1)) : ((f10 = lB(e21)).c(), wa(f10, 1), f10.m(n10.parentNode, n10)) : f10 && (ba(), xa(f10, 1, 1, function() {
f10 = null;
}), ka());
}, i: function(e21) {
if (!r10) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < a10.length; t11 += 1)
wa(f10), r10 = true;
}, o: function(e21) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < o10.length; t11 += 1)
xa(f10), r10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && (wi(t10), wi(n10));
for (var r11 = 0; r11 < o10.length; r11 += 1)
f10 && f10.d(e21);
} };
function cB(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10, o10;
return r10 = new Qz({ props: { getItems: t10[7], path: t10[3], index: t10[20], onSelect: t10[9] } }), { key: e20, first: null, c: function() {
n10 = _i(), Pa(r10.$$.fragment), this.first = n10;
}, m: function(e21, t11) {
ki(e21, n10, t11), Ta(r10, e21, t11), o10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
t10 = e21;
var o11 = {};
8 & n11 && (o11.path = t10[3]), 8 & n11 && (o11.index = t10[20]), r10.$set(o11);
}, i: function(e21) {
o10 || (wa(r10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(r10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(n10), Ra(r10, e21);
} };
function lB(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new Qz({ props: { getItems: e20[7], path: e20[3], index: e20[3].length, onSelect: e20[9] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
8 & n11 && (r10.path = e21[3]), 8 & n11 && (r10.index = e21[3].length), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function uB(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10 = Ql(e20[0]) || e20[5] ? "\xA0" : "Navigation bar", p10 = [sB, aB], m10 = [];
function g10(e21, t11) {
return e21[5] ? 1 : 0;
return n10 = g10(e20), r10 = m10[n10] = p10[n10](e20), l10 = new jM({ props: { data: e20[5] ? OP : rP } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), r10.c(), o10 = $i(), i10 = ji("button"), a10 = ji("span"), s10 = Ci(v10), c10 = $i(), Pa(l10.$$.fragment), Ai(a10, "class", "jse-navigation-bar-space svelte-1aycet9"), Ai(i10, "type", "button"), Ai(i10, "class", "jse-navigation-bar-edit svelte-1aycet9"), Ai(i10, "title", u10 = e20[5] ? "Cancel editing the selected path" : "Edit the selected path"), zi(i10, "flex", !e20[5]), zi(i10, "editing", e20[5]), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-navigation-bar svelte-1aycet9");
}, m: function(r11, u11) {
ki(r11, t10, u11), m10[n10].m(t10, null), pi(t10, o10), pi(t10, i10), pi(i10, a10), pi(a10, s10), pi(i10, c10), Ta(l10, i10, null), e20[15](t10), f10 = true, d10 || (h10 = Oi(i10, "click", e20[10]), d10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, a11) {
var c11 = jo(a11, 1)[0], d11 = n10;
(n10 = g10(e21)) === d11 ? m10[n10].p(e21, c11) : (ba(), xa(m10[d11], 1, 1, function() {
m10[d11] = null;
}), ka(), (r10 = m10[n10]) ? r10.p(e21, c11) : (r10 = m10[n10] = p10[n10](e21)).c(), wa(r10, 1), r10.m(t10, o10)), (!f10 || 33 & c11) && v10 !== (v10 = Ql(e21[0]) || e21[5] ? "\xA0" : "Navigation bar") && Ni(s10, v10);
var h11 = {};
32 & c11 && (h11.data = e21[5] ? OP : rP), l10.$set(h11), (!f10 || 32 & c11 && u10 !== (u10 = e21[5] ? "Cancel editing the selected path" : "Edit the selected path")) && Ai(i10, "title", u10), (!f10 || 32 & c11) && zi(i10, "flex", !e21[5]), (!f10 || 32 & c11) && zi(i10, "editing", e21[5]);
}, i: function(e21) {
f10 || (wa(r10), wa(l10.$$.fragment, e21), f10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(r10), xa(l10.$$.fragment, e21), f10 = false;
}, d: function(r11) {
r11 && wi(t10), m10[n10].d(), Ra(l10), e20[15](null), d10 = false, h10();
} };
function fB(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10 = Da("jsoneditor:NavigationBar"), s10 = t10.json, c10 = t10.selection, l10 = t10.onSelect, u10 = t10.onError, f10 = t10.pathParser, d10 = false;
function h10(e21) {
a10("select path", JSON.stringify(e21)), l10(DE(e21, e21));
function v10() {
n10(5, d10 = false);
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"json" in e21 && n10(0, s10 = e21.json), "selection" in e21 && n10(13, c10 = e21.selection), "onSelect" in e21 && n10(14, l10 = e21.onSelect), "onError" in e21 && n10(1, u10 = e21.onError), "pathParser" in e21 && n10(2, f10 = e21.pathParser);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
8192 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(3, r10 = c10 ? JE(c10) : []), 9 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(6, o10 = Ql(Ws(s10, r10))), 8 & e20.$$.dirty && setTimeout(function() {
if (i10 && i10.scrollTo) {
var e21 = i10.scrollWidth - i10.clientWidth;
e21 > 0 && (a10("scrollTo ", e21), i10.scrollTo({ left: e21, behavior: "smooth" }));
}, [s10, u10, f10, r10, i10, d10, o10, function(e21) {
a10("get items for path", e21);
var t11 = Ws(s10, e21);
if (Array.isArray(t11))
return hS(0, t11.length).map(String);
if (Gl(t11)) {
var n11 = Object.keys(t11).slice(0);
return n11.sort(Nz), n11;
return [];
}, function(e21) {
return Ys(s10, e21);
}, h10, function() {
n10(5, d10 = !d10);
}, v10, function(e21) {
v10(), h10(e21);
}, c10, l10, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(4, i10 = e21);
var dB = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, fB, uB, Zo, { json: 0, selection: 13, onSelect: 14, onError: 1, pathParser: 2 }, oB), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function hB(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-1vkjt6l", '.jse-search-box.svelte-1vkjt6l.svelte-1vkjt6l{border:var(--jse-panel-border, var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7));border-radius:3px;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);background:var(--jse-panel-background, #ebebeb);color:var(--jse-panel-color-readonly, #b2b2b2);box-shadow:var(--jse-controls-box-shadow, 0 2px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24));display:inline-block;width:400px;max-width:100%;overflow:auto}.jse-search-box.svelte-1vkjt6l .jse-search-form.svelte-1vkjt6l{display:flex;align-items:stretch}.jse-search-box.svelte-1vkjt6l .jse-search-form button.svelte-1vkjt6l,.jse-search-box.svelte-1vkjt6l .jse-search-form input.svelte-1vkjt6l{font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit}.jse-search-box.svelte-1vkjt6l .jse-search-form button.svelte-1vkjt6l{display:block;text-align:center;border:none;padding:0 5px;margin:0;cursor:pointer;color:var(--jse-panel-button-color, inherit);background:var(--jse-panel-button-background, transparent)}.jse-search-box.svelte-1vkjt6l .jse-search-form button.svelte-1vkjt6l:hover{color:var(--panel-button-color-highlight, var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d));background:var(--jse-panel-button-background-highlight, #e0e0e0)}.jse-search-box.svelte-1vkjt6l .jse-search-form input.svelte-1vkjt6l{color:var(--jse-panel-color, var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d));border:var(--jse-input-border, 1px solid #d8dbdf);border-radius:3px;background:var(--jse-input-background, var(--jse-background-color, #fff));height:28px;padding:0 5px;margin:0;flex:1;width:0;min-width:50px;outline:none}.jse-search-box.svelte-1vkjt6l .jse-search-form .jse-replace-toggle.svelte-1vkjt6l{padding:var(--jse-padding, 10px) calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));min-width:20px;background:var(--jse-panel-button-background-highlight, #e0e0e0)}.jse-search-box.svelte-1vkjt6l .jse-search-form .jse-search-contents.svelte-1vkjt6l{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column;padding:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));gap:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px))}.jse-search-box.svelte-1vkjt6l .jse-search-form .jse-search-contents .jse-search-section.svelte-1vkjt6l{flex:1;display:flex;align-items:center;position:relative;padding-left:32px}.jse-search-box.svelte-1vkjt6l .jse-search-form .jse-search-contents .jse-search-section .jse-search-icon.svelte-1vkjt6l{color:inherit;cursor:inherit;background:inherit;position:absolute;top:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));left:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px))}.jse-search-box.svelte-1vkjt6l .jse-search-form .jse-search-contents .jse-search-section label.jse-search-input-label.svelte-1vkjt6l{flex:1;display:flex}.jse-search-box.svelte-1vkjt6l .jse-search-form .jse-search-contents .jse-search-section .jse-search-count.svelte-1vkjt6l{color:inherit;font-size:80%;visibility:hidden;padding:0 5px;min-width:36px;text-align:center}.jse-search-box.svelte-1vkjt6l .jse-search-form .jse-search-contents .jse-search-section .jse-search-count.jse-visible.svelte-1vkjt6l{visibility:visible}.jse-search-box.svelte-1vkjt6l .jse-search-form .jse-search-contents .jse-replace-section.svelte-1vkjt6l{padding-left:32px;flex:1;display:flex}.jse-search-box.svelte-1vkjt6l .jse-search-form .jse-search-contents .jse-replace-section button.svelte-1vkjt6l{width:auto}');
function vB(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10, k10, w10, x10, j10, S10, C10, $10, _10, O10, M10 = (-1 !== e20[3] ? "".concat(e20[3] + 1, "/") : "") + "", E10 = !e20[4] && pB(e20), A10 = [gB, mB], P10 = [];
function T8(e21, t11) {
return e21[2] ? 0 : 1;
s10 = T8(e20), c10 = P10[s10] = A10[s10](e20), y10 = new jM({ props: { data: SP } }), w10 = new jM({ props: { data: oP } }), S10 = new jM({ props: { data: MP } });
var R8 = e20[0] && !e20[4] && yB(e20);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = ji("form"), E10 && E10.c(), r10 = $i(), o10 = ji("div"), i10 = ji("div"), a10 = ji("div"), c10.c(), l10 = $i(), u10 = ji("label"), f10 = ji("input"), d10 = $i(), h10 = ji("div"), v10 = Ci(M10), p10 = Ci(e20[10]), m10 = $i(), g10 = ji("button"), Pa(y10.$$.fragment), b10 = $i(), k10 = ji("button"), Pa(w10.$$.fragment), x10 = $i(), j10 = ji("button"), Pa(S10.$$.fragment), C10 = $i(), R8 && R8.c(), Ai(a10, "class", "jse-search-icon svelte-1vkjt6l"), Ai(f10, "class", "jse-search-input svelte-1vkjt6l"), Ai(f10, "title", "Enter text to search"), Ai(f10, "type", "text"), Ai(f10, "placeholder", "Find"), Ai(u10, "class", "jse-search-input-label svelte-1vkjt6l"), Ai(u10, "about", "jse-search input"), Ai(h10, "class", "jse-search-count svelte-1vkjt6l"), zi(h10, "jse-visible", "" !== e20[8]), Ai(g10, "type", "button"), Ai(g10, "class", "jse-search-next svelte-1vkjt6l"), Ai(g10, "title", "Go to next search result (Enter)"), Ai(k10, "type", "button"), Ai(k10, "class", "jse-search-previous svelte-1vkjt6l"), Ai(k10, "title", "Go to previous search result (Shift+Enter)"), Ai(j10, "type", "button"), Ai(j10, "class", "jse-search-clear svelte-1vkjt6l"), Ai(j10, "title", "Close search box (Esc)"), Ai(i10, "class", "jse-search-section svelte-1vkjt6l"), Ai(o10, "class", "jse-search-contents svelte-1vkjt6l"), Ai(n10, "class", "jse-search-form svelte-1vkjt6l"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-search-box svelte-1vkjt6l");
}, m: function(c11, M11) {
ki(c11, t10, M11), pi(t10, n10), E10 && E10.m(n10, null), pi(n10, r10), pi(n10, o10), pi(o10, i10), pi(i10, a10), P10[s10].m(a10, null), pi(i10, l10), pi(i10, u10), pi(u10, f10), Ii(f10, e20[8]), pi(i10, d10), pi(i10, h10), pi(h10, v10), pi(h10, p10), pi(i10, m10), pi(i10, g10), Ta(y10, g10, null), pi(i10, b10), pi(i10, k10), Ta(w10, k10, null), pi(i10, x10), pi(i10, j10), Ta(S10, j10, null), pi(o10, C10), R8 && R8.m(o10, null), $10 = true, _10 || (O10 = [Oi(f10, "input", e20[21]), ci(kB.call(null, f10)), Oi(g10, "click", e20[22]), Oi(k10, "click", e20[23]), Oi(j10, "click", e20[24]), Oi(n10, "submit", e20[12]), Oi(n10, "keydown", e20[13])], _10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
e21[4] ? E10 && (ba(), xa(E10, 1, 1, function() {
E10 = null;
}), ka()) : E10 ? (E10.p(e21, t11), 16 & t11 && wa(E10, 1)) : ((E10 = pB(e21)).c(), wa(E10, 1), E10.m(n10, r10));
var i11 = s10;
(s10 = T8(e21)) !== i11 && (ba(), xa(P10[i11], 1, 1, function() {
P10[i11] = null;
}), ka(), (c10 = P10[s10]) || (c10 = P10[s10] = A10[s10](e21)).c(), wa(c10, 1), c10.m(a10, null)), 256 & t11 && f10.value !== e21[8] && Ii(f10, e21[8]), (!$10 || 8 & t11) && M10 !== (M10 = (-1 !== e21[3] ? "".concat(e21[3] + 1, "/") : "") + "") && Ni(v10, M10), (!$10 || 1024 & t11) && Ni(p10, e21[10]), (!$10 || 256 & t11) && zi(h10, "jse-visible", "" !== e21[8]), e21[0] && !e21[4] ? R8 ? R8.p(e21, t11) : ((R8 = yB(e21)).c(), R8.m(o10, null)) : R8 && (R8.d(1), R8 = null);
}, i: function(e21) {
$10 || (wa(E10), wa(c10), wa(y10.$$.fragment, e21), wa(w10.$$.fragment, e21), wa(S10.$$.fragment, e21), $10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(E10), xa(c10), xa(y10.$$.fragment, e21), xa(w10.$$.fragment, e21), xa(S10.$$.fragment, e21), $10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), E10 && E10.d(), P10[s10].d(), Ra(y10), Ra(w10), Ra(S10), R8 && R8.d(), _10 = false, Qo(O10);
} };
function pB(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10;
return n10 = new jM({ props: { data: e20[0] ? gP : YA } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("button"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), Ai(t10, "type", "button"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-replace-toggle svelte-1vkjt6l"), Ai(t10, "title", "Toggle visibility of replace options (Ctrl+H)");
}, m: function(a10, s10) {
ki(a10, t10, s10), Ta(n10, t10, null), r10 = true, o10 || (i10 = Oi(t10, "click", e20[11]), o10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var r11 = {};
1 & t11 && (r11.data = e21[0] ? gP : YA), n10.$set(r11);
}, i: function(e21) {
r10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10), o10 = false, i10();
} };
function mB(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new jM({ props: { data: jP } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function gB(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new jM({ props: { data: ZA, spin: true } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function yB(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10;
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = ji("input"), r10 = $i(), (o10 = ji("button")).textContent = "Replace", i10 = $i(), (a10 = ji("button")).textContent = "All", Ai(n10, "class", "jse-replace-input svelte-1vkjt6l"), Ai(n10, "title", "Enter replacement text"), Ai(n10, "type", "text"), Ai(n10, "placeholder", "Replace"), Ai(o10, "type", "button"), Ai(o10, "title", "Replace current occurrence (Ctrl+Enter)"), Ai(o10, "class", "svelte-1vkjt6l"), Ai(a10, "type", "button"), Ai(a10, "title", "Replace all occurrences"), Ai(a10, "class", "svelte-1vkjt6l"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-replace-section svelte-1vkjt6l");
}, m: function(l10, u10) {
ki(l10, t10, u10), pi(t10, n10), Ii(n10, e20[9]), pi(t10, r10), pi(t10, o10), pi(t10, i10), pi(t10, a10), s10 || (c10 = [Oi(n10, "input", e20[25]), Oi(o10, "click", e20[14]), Oi(a10, "click", e20[15])], s10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
512 & t11 && n10.value !== e21[9] && Ii(n10, e21[9]);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), s10 = false, Qo(c10);
} };
function bB(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10 = e20[1] && vB(e20);
return { c: function() {
r10 && r10.c(), t10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, o10) {
r10 && r10.m(e21, o10), ki(e21, t10, o10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var o10 = jo(n11, 1)[0];
e21[1] ? r10 ? (r10.p(e21, o10), 2 & o10 && wa(r10, 1)) : ((r10 = vB(e21)).c(), wa(r10, 1), r10.m(t10.parentNode, t10)) : r10 && (ba(), xa(r10, 1, 1, function() {
r10 = null;
}), ka());
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(r10), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(r10), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), r10 && r10.d(e21);
} };
function kB(e20) {
function wB(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10 = t10.show, a10 = void 0 !== i10 && i10, s10 = t10.searching, c10 = t10.resultCount, l10 = void 0 === c10 ? 0 : c10, u10 = t10.activeIndex, f10 = void 0 === u10 ? 0 : u10, d10 = t10.showReplace, h10 = void 0 !== d10 && d10, v10 = t10.readOnly, p10 = void 0 !== v10 && v10, m10 = t10.onChange, g10 = void 0 === m10 ? Mf : m10, y10 = t10.onPrevious, b10 = void 0 === y10 ? Mf : y10, k10 = t10.onNext, w10 = void 0 === k10 ? Mf : k10, x10 = t10.onReplace, j10 = void 0 === x10 ? Mf : x10, S10 = t10.onReplaceAll, C10 = void 0 === S10 ? Mf : S10, $10 = t10.onClose, _10 = void 0 === $10 ? Mf : $10, O10 = "", M10 = "", E10 = "";
function A10() {
n10(0, h10 = !h10 && !p10);
function P10() {
p10 || j10(O10, E10);
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"show" in e21 && n10(1, a10 = e21.show), "searching" in e21 && n10(2, s10 = e21.searching), "resultCount" in e21 && n10(16, l10 = e21.resultCount), "activeIndex" in e21 && n10(3, f10 = e21.activeIndex), "showReplace" in e21 && n10(0, h10 = e21.showReplace), "readOnly" in e21 && n10(4, p10 = e21.readOnly), "onChange" in e21 && n10(17, g10 = e21.onChange), "onPrevious" in e21 && n10(5, b10 = e21.onPrevious), "onNext" in e21 && n10(6, w10 = e21.onNext), "onReplace" in e21 && n10(18, j10 = e21.onReplace), "onReplaceAll" in e21 && n10(19, C10 = e21.onReplaceAll), "onClose" in e21 && n10(7, _10 = e21.onClose);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
65536 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(10, r10 = l10 >= cs ? "".concat(999, "+") : String(l10)), 131072 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(20, o10 = Vy(g10, 300)), 1048832 & e20.$$.dirty && o10(O10), 2 & e20.$$.dirty && a10 && "" !== O10 && g10(O10);
}, [h10, a10, s10, f10, p10, b10, w10, _10, O10, E10, r10, A10, function(e21) {
e21.preventDefault(), O10 !== M10 ? (M10 = O10, o10.cancel(), g10(O10)) : w10();
}, function(e21) {
var t11 = PO(e21);
"Enter" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), w10()), "Shift+Enter" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), b10()), "Ctrl+Enter" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), h10 ? P10() : w10()), "Ctrl+H" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), A10()), "Escape" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), _10());
}, P10, function() {
p10 || C10(O10, E10);
}, l10, g10, j10, C10, o10, function() {
O10 = this.value, n10(8, O10);
}, function() {
return w10();
}, function() {
return b10();
}, function() {
return _10();
}, function() {
E10 = this.value, n10(9, E10);
var xB = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, wB, bB, Zo, { show: 1, searching: 2, resultCount: 16, activeIndex: 3, showReplace: 0, readOnly: 4, onChange: 17, onPrevious: 5, onNext: 6, onReplace: 18, onReplaceAll: 19, onClose: 7 }, hB), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
var jB = Number.isNaN || function(e20) {
return "number" == typeof e20 && e20 != e20;
function SB(e20, t10) {
if (e20.length !== t10.length)
return false;
for (var n10 = 0; n10 < e20.length; n10++)
if (r10 = e20[n10], o10 = t10[n10], !(r10 === o10 || jB(r10) && jB(o10)))
return false;
var r10, o10;
return true;
function CB(e20, t10) {
void 0 === t10 && (t10 = SB);
var n10 = null;
function r10() {
for (var r11 = [], o10 = 0; o10 < arguments.length; o10++)
r11[o10] = arguments[o10];
if (n10 && n10.lastThis === this && t10(r11, n10.lastArgs))
return n10.lastResult;
var i10 = e20.apply(this, r11);
return n10 = { lastResult: i10, lastArgs: r11, lastThis: this }, i10;
return r10.clear = function() {
n10 = null;
}, r10;
var $B = Symbol("path");
function _B(e20, t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 1 / 0, r10 = {};
Array.isArray(e20) && function(e21, t11, n11) {
if (e21.length < t11)
for (var r11 = t11 > 1 ? (e21.length - 1) / (t11 - 1) : e21.length, o11 = 0; o11 < t11; o11++) {
var i10 = Math.floor(o11 * r11);
n11(e21[i10], i10, e21);
}(e20, n10, function(e21) {
Gl(e21) ? OB(e21, r10, t10) : r10[$B] = true;
var o10 = [];
return $B in r10 && o10.push([]), MB(r10, [], o10, t10), o10;
function OB(e20, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 in e20) {
var o10 = e20[r10], i10 = t10[r10] || (t10[r10] = {});
Gl(o10) && n10 ? OB(o10, i10, n10) : void 0 === i10[$B] && (i10[$B] = true);
function MB(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 in e20) {
var i10 = t10.concat(o10), a10 = e20[o10];
a10 && true === a10[$B] && n10.push(i10), Rs(a10) && r10 && MB(a10, i10, n10, r10);
function EB(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10) {
for (var i10 = arguments.length > 5 && void 0 !== arguments[5] ? arguments[5] : 80, a10 = Ts(n10) ? n10.length : 0, s10 = function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = Object.values(e21);
if (_w(n11))
return t11;
var r11 = function(e23, t12) {
return e23 + t12;
}, o11 = n11.reduce(r11);
return o11 / n11.length;
}(r10, o10), c10 = e20 - i10, l10 = t10 + 2 * i10, u10 = function(e21) {
return r10[e21] || o10;
}, f10 = 0, d10 = 0; d10 < c10 && f10 < a10; )
d10 += u10(f10), f10++;
f10 > 0 && (d10 -= u10(--f10));
for (var h10 = f10, v10 = 0; v10 < l10 && h10 < a10; )
v10 += u10(h10), h10++;
for (var p10 = 0, m10 = h10; m10 < a10; m10++)
p10 += u10(m10);
return { startIndex: f10, endIndex: h10, startHeight: d10, endHeight: p10, averageItemHeight: s10, visibleHeight: v10, visibleItems: Ts(n10) ? n10.slice(f10, h10) : [] };
function AB(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = PB(e20, t10).rowIndex, i10 = 0, a10 = 0; a10 < o10; a10++)
i10 += n10[a10] || r10;
return i10;
function PB(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = Co(n10 = e20) || Fo(n10) || Lo(n10) || So(), o10 = r10[0], i10 = r10.slice(1), a10 = parseInt(o10, 10);
return { rowIndex: isNaN(a10) ? -1 : a10, columnIndex: t10.findIndex(function(e21) {
return AE(i10, e21);
}) };
function TB(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.rowIndex, r10 = e20.columnIndex;
return [String(n10)].concat(Bo(t10[r10]));
function RB(e20, t10) {
var n10 = jo(Lj(e20, function(e21) {
return Jl(e21.path[0]);
}), 2), r10 = n10[0], o10 = n10[1], i10 = dx(Ak(r10, IB), function(e21) {
var n11 = { row: [], columns: {} };
return e21.forEach(function(e23) {
var r11 = function(e24, t11) {
var n12 = PB(e24.path, t11);
if (-1 !== n12.columnIndex)
return n12.columnIndex;
return -1;
}(e23, t10);
-1 !== r11 ? (void 0 === n11.columns[r11] && (n11.columns[r11] = []), n11.columns[r11].push(e23)) : n11.row.push(e23);
}), n11;
return { root: o10, rows: i10 };
function NB(e20, t10) {
if (t10 && 0 !== t10.length)
return 1 === t10.length ? t10[0] : { path: e20, message: "Multiple validation issues: " + t10.map(function(e21) {
return JO(e21.path) + " " + e21.message;
}).join(", "), severity: Za.warning };
function IB(e20) {
return parseInt(e20.path[0], 10);
function DB(e20, t10, n10) {
return t10.some(function(t11) {
return function(e21, t12, n11) {
if (!e21)
return false;
if ("replace" === t12.op) {
var r10 = PB(Xs(t12.path), n11), o10 = r10.rowIndex, i10 = r10.columnIndex, a10 = n11.findIndex(function(t13) {
return Ow(t13, e21.path);
if (-1 !== o10 && -1 !== i10 && i10 !== a10)
return false;
return true;
}(e20.sortedColumn, t11, n10);
}) ? Ro(Ro({}, e20), {}, { sortedColumn: null }) : e20;
var qB = Da("jsoneditor:actions");
function zB(e20) {
return BB.apply(this, arguments);
function BB() {
return BB = xo(ko().mark(function e20(t10) {
var n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10;
return ko().wrap(function(e21) {
for (; ; )
switch (e21.prev = e21.next) {
case 0:
if (n10 = t10.json, r10 = t10.documentState, o10 = t10.indentation, i10 = t10.readOnly, a10 = t10.parser, s10 = t10.onPatch, !i10 && void 0 !== n10 && r10.selection && BE(r10.selection)) {
e21.next = 3;
return e21.abrupt("return");
case 3:
if (null != (c10 = qE(n10, r10.selection, o10, a10))) {
e21.next = 6;
return e21.abrupt("return");
case 6:
return qB("cut", { selection: r10.selection, clipboard: c10, indentation: o10 }), e21.next = 9, Yz(c10);
case 9:
l10 = dA(n10, r10.selection), u10 = l10.operations, f10 = l10.newSelection, s10(u10, function(e23, t11) {
return { state: Ro(Ro({}, t11), {}, { selection: f10 }) };
case 11:
case "end":
return e21.stop();
}, e20);
})), BB.apply(this, arguments);
function LB(e20) {
return FB.apply(this, arguments);
function FB() {
return FB = xo(ko().mark(function e20(t10) {
var n10, r10, o10, i10, a10;
return ko().wrap(function(e21) {
for (; ; )
switch (e21.prev = e21.next) {
case 0:
if (n10 = t10.json, r10 = t10.documentState, o10 = t10.indentation, i10 = t10.parser, null != (a10 = qE(n10, r10.selection, o10, i10))) {
e21.next = 4;
return e21.abrupt("return");
case 4:
return qB("copy", { clipboard: a10, indentation: o10 }), e21.next = 7, Yz(a10);
case 7:
case "end":
return e21.stop();
}, e20);
})), FB.apply(this, arguments);
function VB(e20) {
var t10 = e20.clipboardText, n10 = e20.json, r10 = e20.selection, o10 = e20.readOnly, i10 = e20.parser, a10 = e20.onPatch, s10 = e20.onChangeText, c10 = e20.openRepairModal;
if (!o10)
try {
} catch (e21) {
c10(t10, function(e23) {
qB("repaired pasted text: ", e23), l10(e23);
function l10(e21) {
if (void 0 !== n10) {
var o11 = r10 || RE([], false), c11 = cA(n10, o11, e21, i10);
qB("paste", { pastedText: e21, operations: c11, selectionNonNull: o11 }), a10(c11, function(e23, t11) {
var r11 = t11;
return c11.filter(function(e24) {
return (Ns(e24) || Ds(e24)) && Ql(e24.value);
}).forEach(function(t12) {
var o12 = dc(n10, t12.path);
r11 = lE(e23, r11, o12);
}), { state: r11 };
} else
qB("paste text", { pastedText: e21 }), s10(t10, function(e23, t11) {
if (e23) {
return { state: lE(e23, t11, []) };
function HB(e20) {
var t10 = e20.json, n10 = e20.text, r10 = e20.documentState, o10 = e20.keepSelection, i10 = e20.readOnly, a10 = e20.onChange, s10 = e20.onPatch;
if (!i10 && r10.selection) {
var c10 = void 0 !== t10 && (vE(r10.selection) || pE(r10.selection)) ? DE(r10.selection.path, r10.selection.path) : r10.selection;
if (_w(JE(r10.selection)))
qB("remove root", { selection: r10.selection }), a10 && a10({ text: "", json: void 0 }, void 0 !== t10 ? { text: void 0, json: t10 } : { text: n10 || "", json: t10 }, { contentErrors: null, patchResult: null });
else if (void 0 !== t10) {
var l10 = dA(t10, c10), u10 = l10.operations, f10 = l10.newSelection;
qB("remove", { operations: u10, selection: r10.selection, newSelection: f10 }), s10(u10, function(e21, t11) {
return { state: Ro(Ro({}, t11), {}, { selection: o10 ? r10.selection : f10 }) };
function WB(e20) {
var t10 = e20.json, n10 = e20.documentState, r10 = e20.columns, o10 = e20.readOnly, i10 = e20.onPatch;
if (!o10 && void 0 !== t10 && n10.selection && BE(n10.selection)) {
var a10 = PB(JE(n10.selection), r10), s10 = a10.rowIndex, c10 = a10.columnIndex;
qB("duplicate row", { rowIndex: s10 });
var l10 = [String(s10)];
i10(sA(t10, [l10]), function(e21, n11) {
var o11 = RE(TB({ rowIndex: s10 < t10.length ? s10 + 1 : s10, columnIndex: c10 }, r10), false);
return { state: Ro(Ro({}, n11), {}, { selection: o11 }) };
function UB(e20) {
var t10 = e20.json, n10 = e20.documentState, r10 = e20.columns, o10 = e20.readOnly, i10 = e20.onPatch;
if (!o10 && void 0 !== t10 && n10.selection && BE(n10.selection)) {
var a10 = PB(JE(n10.selection), r10).rowIndex;
qB("insert before row", { rowIndex: a10 }), i10(oA(t10, [String(a10)], [{ key: "", value: Rs(t10[0]) ? {} : "" }]));
function JB(e20) {
var t10 = e20.json, n10 = e20.documentState, r10 = e20.columns, o10 = e20.readOnly, i10 = e20.onPatch;
if (!o10 && void 0 !== t10 && n10.selection && BE(n10.selection)) {
var a10 = PB(JE(n10.selection), r10), s10 = a10.rowIndex, c10 = a10.columnIndex;
qB("insert after row", { rowIndex: s10 });
var l10 = s10 + 1, u10 = [String(l10)], f10 = [{ key: "", value: Rs(t10[0]) ? {} : "" }];
i10(l10 < t10.length ? oA(t10, u10, f10) : iA(t10, [], f10), function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = RE(TB({ rowIndex: l10, columnIndex: c10 }, r10), false);
return { state: Ro(Ro({}, t11), {}, { selection: n11 }) };
function KB(e20) {
var t10 = e20.json, n10 = e20.documentState, r10 = e20.columns, o10 = e20.readOnly, i10 = e20.onPatch;
if (!o10 && void 0 !== t10 && n10.selection && BE(n10.selection)) {
var a10 = PB(JE(n10.selection), r10), s10 = a10.rowIndex, c10 = a10.columnIndex;
qB("remove row", { rowIndex: s10 }), i10(lA([[String(s10)]]), function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = s10 < e21.length ? s10 : s10 > 0 ? s10 - 1 : void 0, o11 = void 0 !== n11 ? RE(TB({ rowIndex: n11, columnIndex: c10 }, r10), false) : null;
return qB("remove row new selection", { rowIndex: s10, newRowIndex: n11, newSelection: o11 }), { state: Ro(Ro({}, t11), {}, { selection: o11 }) };
function GB(e20) {
var t10 = e20.insertType, n10 = e20.selectInside, r10 = e20.refJsonEditor, o10 = e20.json, i10 = e20.selection, a10 = e20.readOnly, s10 = e20.parser, c10 = e20.onPatch, l10 = e20.onReplaceJson;
if (!a10) {
var u10 = function(e21, t11, n11) {
if ("object" === n11)
return {};
if ("array" === n11)
return [];
if ("structure" === n11 && void 0 !== e21) {
var r11 = Ws(e21, t11 ? wE(t11) : []);
if (Array.isArray(r11) && !_w(r11)) {
var o11 = ck(r11);
return Ql(o11) ? xg(o11, function(e23) {
return Array.isArray(e23) ? [] : Gl(e23) ? void 0 : "";
}) : "";
return "";
}(o10, i10, t10);
if (void 0 !== o10) {
var f10 = s10.stringify(u10), d10 = cA(o10, i10, f10, s10);
qB("onInsert", { insertType: t10, operations: d10, newValue: u10, data: f10 });
var h10 = vb(d10.filter(function(e21) {
return "add" === e21.op || "replace" === e21.op;
c10(d10, function(e21, t11) {
if (h10) {
var r11 = dc(e21, h10.path);
if (Ql(u10))
return { state: Ro(Ro({}, HM(e21, t11, r11, fE)), {}, { selection: n10 ? NE(r11) : t11.selection }) };
if ("" === u10) {
var o11 = _w(r11) ? null : Ws(e21, Qk(r11));
return { state: VM(e21, Ro(Ro({}, t11), {}, { selection: Gl(o11) ? TE(r11, true) : RE(r11, true) }), r11) };
} else
}), qB("after patch"), h10 && "" === u10 && eL(function() {
return jO(r10, "", true, tL);
} else {
qB("onInsert", { insertType: t10, newValue: u10 });
var v10 = [];
l10(u10, function(e21, t11) {
return { state: Ro(Ro({}, lE(e21, t11, v10)), {}, { selection: Ql(u10) ? NE(v10) : RE(v10, true) }) };
function QB(e20) {
return YB.apply(this, arguments);
function YB() {
return YB = xo(ko().mark(function e20(t10) {
var n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10;
return ko().wrap(function(e21) {
for (; ; )
switch (e21.prev = e21.next) {
case 0:
if (n10 = t10.char, r10 = t10.selectInside, o10 = t10.refJsonEditor, i10 = t10.json, a10 = t10.selection, s10 = t10.readOnly, c10 = t10.parser, l10 = t10.onPatch, u10 = t10.onReplaceJson, f10 = t10.onSelect, !s10) {
e21.next = 3;
return e21.abrupt("return");
case 3:
if (!vE(a10)) {
e21.next = 8;
return d10 = !a10.edit, f10(Ro(Ro({}, a10), {}, { edit: true })), eL(function() {
return jO(o10, n10, d10, tL);
}), e21.abrupt("return");
case 8:
if ("{" !== n10) {
e21.next = 12;
GB({ insertType: "object", selectInside: r10, refJsonEditor: o10, json: i10, selection: a10, readOnly: s10, parser: c10, onPatch: l10, onReplaceJson: u10 }), e21.next = 23;
case 12:
if ("[" !== n10) {
e21.next = 16;
GB({ insertType: "array", selectInside: r10, refJsonEditor: o10, json: i10, selection: a10, readOnly: s10, parser: c10, onPatch: l10, onReplaceJson: u10 }), e21.next = 23;
case 16:
if (!pE(a10) || void 0 === i10) {
e21.next = 20;
Ql(Ws(i10, a10.path)) || (h10 = !a10.edit, f10(Ro(Ro({}, a10), {}, { edit: true })), eL(function() {
return jO(o10, n10, h10, tL);
})), e21.next = 23;
case 20:
return qB("onInsertValueWithCharacter", { char: n10 }), e21.next = 23, XB({ char: n10, refJsonEditor: o10, json: i10, selection: a10, readOnly: s10, parser: c10, onPatch: l10, onReplaceJson: u10 });
case 23:
case "end":
return e21.stop();
}, e20);
})), YB.apply(this, arguments);
function XB(e20) {
return ZB.apply(this, arguments);
function ZB() {
return ZB = xo(ko().mark(function e20(t10) {
var n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10;
return ko().wrap(function(e21) {
for (; ; )
switch (e21.prev = e21.next) {
case 0:
if (n10 = t10.char, r10 = t10.refJsonEditor, o10 = t10.json, i10 = t10.selection, a10 = t10.readOnly, s10 = t10.parser, c10 = t10.onPatch, l10 = t10.onReplaceJson, !a10) {
e21.next = 3;
return e21.abrupt("return");
case 3:
GB({ insertType: "value", selectInside: false, refJsonEditor: r10, json: o10, selection: i10, readOnly: a10, parser: s10, onPatch: c10, onReplaceJson: l10 }), u10 = !zE(i10), eL(function() {
return jO(r10, n10, u10, tL);
case 6:
case "end":
return e21.stop();
}, e20);
})), ZB.apply(this, arguments);
function eL(e20) {
setTimeout(function() {
return setTimeout(e20);
function tL(e20) {
null == e20 || e20.refresh();
function nL(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-l2z0i3", '.jse-json-preview.svelte-l2z0i3{flex:1;font-family:var(--jse-font-family-mono, consolas, menlo, monaco, "Ubuntu Mono", "source-code-pro", monospace);font-size:var(--jse-font-size-mono, 14px);color:var(--jse-panel-color-readonly, #b2b2b2);overflow:auto;white-space:pre-wrap;padding:2px;border-left:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7);border-right:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7);border-bottom:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7)}');
function rL(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = Ci(e20[0]), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-json-preview svelte-l2z0i3");
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
ki(e21, t10, r10), pi(t10, n10);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
1 & jo(t11, 1)[0] && Ni(n10, e21[0]);
}, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function oL(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10 = t10.text, a10 = t10.json, s10 = t10.indentation, c10 = t10.parser;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"text" in e21 && n10(1, i10 = e21.text), "json" in e21 && n10(2, a10 = e21.json), "indentation" in e21 && n10(3, s10 = e21.indentation), "parser" in e21 && n10(4, c10 = e21.parser);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
6 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(5, r10 = void 0 !== a10 ? { json: a10 } : { text: i10 || "" }), 56 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(0, o10 = tM(Y_(r10, s10, c10), fs));
}, [o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, r10];
var iL = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, oL, rL, Xo, { text: 1, json: 2, indentation: 3, parser: 4 }, nL), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
var aL = vi.window;
function sL(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-vx4hzc", '.jse-tree-mode.svelte-vx4hzc.svelte-vx4hzc{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column;position:relative;background:var(--jse-background-color, #fff);min-width:0;min-height:0;font-family:var(--jse-font-family-mono, consolas, menlo, monaco, "Ubuntu Mono", "source-code-pro", monospace);font-size:var(--jse-font-size-mono, 14px);color:var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d);line-height:var(--jse-line-height, calc(1em + 4px))}.jse-tree-mode.svelte-vx4hzc .jse-hidden-input-label .jse-hidden-input.svelte-vx4hzc{position:fixed;top:-10px;left:-10px;width:1px;height:1px;padding:0;border:0;outline:none}.jse-tree-mode.svelte-vx4hzc .jse-search-box-container.svelte-vx4hzc{position:relative;height:0;top:var(--jse-padding, 10px);margin-right:calc(var(--jse-padding, 10px) + 20px);margin-left:var(--jse-padding, 10px);text-align:right;z-index:3}.jse-tree-mode.no-main-menu.svelte-vx4hzc.svelte-vx4hzc{border-top:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7)}.jse-tree-mode.svelte-vx4hzc .jse-contents.svelte-vx4hzc{border-left:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7);border-right:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7);flex:1;overflow:auto;position:relative;padding:2px;display:flex;flex-direction:column}.jse-tree-mode.svelte-vx4hzc .jse-contents.svelte-vx4hzc:last-child{border-bottom:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7)}.jse-tree-mode.svelte-vx4hzc .jse-contents .jse-loading-space.svelte-vx4hzc{flex:1}.jse-tree-mode.svelte-vx4hzc .jse-contents .jse-loading.svelte-vx4hzc{flex:2;text-align:center;color:var(--jse-panel-color-readonly, #b2b2b2);box-sizing:border-box;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px)}');
function cL(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
function o10(t11) {
var i10 = { json: e20[11], selection: e20[12].selection, readOnly: e20[0], historyState: e20[23], onExpandAll: e20[41], onCollapseAll: e20[42], onUndo: e20[37], onRedo: e20[38], onSort: e20[39], onTransform: e20[40], onContextMenu: e20[46], onCopy: e20[34], onRenderMenu: e20[7] };
return void 0 !== e20[20] && (i10.showSearch = e20[20]), t10 = new $z({ props: i10 }), na.push(function() {
return Aa(t10, "showSearch", o10);
}), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
Ta(t10, e21, n11), r10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, r11) {
var o11 = {};
2048 & r11[0] && (o11.json = e21[11]), 4096 & r11[0] && (o11.selection = e21[12].selection), 1 & r11[0] && (o11.readOnly = e21[0]), 8388608 & r11[0] && (o11.historyState = e21[23]), 128 & r11[0] && (o11.onRenderMenu = e21[7]), !n10 && 1048576 & r11[0] && (n10 = true, o11.showSearch = e21[20], ua(function() {
return n10 = false;
})), t10.$set(o11);
}, i: function(e21) {
r10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function lL(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new dB({ props: { json: e20[11], selection: e20[12].selection, onSelect: e20[50], onError: e20[6], pathParser: e20[4] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
2048 & n11[0] && (r10.json = e21[11]), 4096 & n11[0] && (r10.selection = e21[12].selection), 64 & n11[0] && (r10.onError = e21[6]), 16 & n11[0] && (r10.pathParser = e21[4]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function uL(e20) {
var t10;
return { c: function() {
(t10 = ji("div")).innerHTML = ' loading...
', Ai(t10, "class", "jse-contents svelte-vx4hzc");
}, m: function(e21, n10) {
ki(e21, t10, n10);
}, p: Wo, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function fL(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10 = [hL, dL], f10 = [];
function d10(e21, t11) {
return void 0 === e21[11] ? 0 : 1;
return o10 = d10(e20), i10 = f10[o10] = u10[o10](e20), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("label"), n10 = ji("input"), r10 = $i(), i10.c(), a10 = _i(), Ai(n10, "type", "text"), n10.readOnly = true, Ai(n10, "tabindex", "-1"), Ai(n10, "class", "jse-hidden-input svelte-vx4hzc"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-hidden-input-label");
}, m: function(i11, u11) {
ki(i11, t10, u11), pi(t10, n10), e20[80](n10), ki(i11, r10, u11), f10[o10].m(i11, u11), ki(i11, a10, u11), s10 = true, c10 || (l10 = Oi(n10, "paste", e20[35]), c10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = o10;
(o10 = d10(e21)) === n11 ? f10[o10].p(e21, t11) : (ba(), xa(f10[n11], 1, 1, function() {
f10[n11] = null;
}), ka(), (i10 = f10[o10]) ? i10.p(e21, t11) : (i10 = f10[o10] = u10[o10](e21)).c(), wa(i10, 1), i10.m(a10.parentNode, a10));
}, i: function(e21) {
s10 || (wa(i10), s10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(i10), s10 = false;
}, d: function(n11) {
n11 && (wi(t10), wi(r10), wi(a10)), e20[80](null), f10[o10].d(n11), c10 = false, l10();
} };
function dL(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10;
i10 = new xB({ props: { show: e20[20], resultCount: (null === (t10 = e20[18]) || void 0 === t10 || null === (t10 = t10.items) || void 0 === t10 ? void 0 : t10.length) || 0, activeIndex: (null === (n10 = e20[18]) || void 0 === n10 ? void 0 : n10.activeIndex) || 0, showReplace: e20[21], searching: e20[22], readOnly: e20[0], onChange: e20[27], onNext: e20[28], onPrevious: e20[29], onReplace: e20[30], onReplaceAll: e20[31], onClose: e20[32] } }), c10 = new bz({ props: { value: e20[11], path: [], expandedMap: e20[12].expandedMap, enforceStringMap: e20[12].enforceStringMap, visibleSectionsMap: e20[12].visibleSectionsMap, validationErrorsMap: e20[25], searchResultItemsMap: null === (r10 = e20[18]) || void 0 === r10 ? void 0 : r10.itemsMap, selection: e20[12].selection, context: e20[14], onDragSelectionStart: Mf } });
var v10 = e20[19] && vL(e20), p10 = e20[24] && pL(e20);
return d10 = new JN({ props: { validationErrors: e20[13], selectError: e20[33] } }), { c: function() {
o10 = ji("div"), Pa(i10.$$.fragment), a10 = $i(), s10 = ji("div"), Pa(c10.$$.fragment), l10 = $i(), v10 && v10.c(), u10 = $i(), p10 && p10.c(), f10 = $i(), Pa(d10.$$.fragment), Ai(o10, "class", "jse-search-box-container svelte-vx4hzc"), Ai(s10, "class", "jse-contents svelte-vx4hzc"), Ai(s10, "data-jsoneditor-scrollable-contents", true);
}, m: function(t11, n11) {
ki(t11, o10, n11), Ta(i10, o10, null), ki(t11, a10, n11), ki(t11, s10, n11), Ta(c10, s10, null), e20[84](s10), ki(t11, l10, n11), v10 && v10.m(t11, n11), ki(t11, u10, n11), p10 && p10.m(t11, n11), ki(t11, f10, n11), Ta(d10, t11, n11), h10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var n11, r11, o11, a11 = {};
1048576 & t11[0] && (a11.show = e21[20]), 262144 & t11[0] && (a11.resultCount = (null === (n11 = e21[18]) || void 0 === n11 || null === (n11 = n11.items) || void 0 === n11 ? void 0 : n11.length) || 0), 262144 & t11[0] && (a11.activeIndex = (null === (r11 = e21[18]) || void 0 === r11 ? void 0 : r11.activeIndex) || 0), 2097152 & t11[0] && (a11.showReplace = e21[21]), 4194304 & t11[0] && (a11.searching = e21[22]), 1 & t11[0] && (a11.readOnly = e21[0]), i10.$set(a11);
var s11 = {};
2048 & t11[0] && (s11.value = e21[11]), 4096 & t11[0] && (s11.expandedMap = e21[12].expandedMap), 4096 & t11[0] && (s11.enforceStringMap = e21[12].enforceStringMap), 4096 & t11[0] && (s11.visibleSectionsMap = e21[12].visibleSectionsMap), 33554432 & t11[0] && (s11.validationErrorsMap = e21[25]), 262144 & t11[0] && (s11.searchResultItemsMap = null === (o11 = e21[18]) || void 0 === o11 ? void 0 : o11.itemsMap), 4096 & t11[0] && (s11.selection = e21[12].selection), 16384 & t11[0] && (s11.context = e21[14]), c10.$set(s11), e21[19] ? v10 ? (v10.p(e21, t11), 524288 & t11[0] && wa(v10, 1)) : ((v10 = vL(e21)).c(), wa(v10, 1), v10.m(u10.parentNode, u10)) : v10 && (ba(), xa(v10, 1, 1, function() {
v10 = null;
}), ka()), e21[24] ? p10 ? (p10.p(e21, t11), 16777216 & t11[0] && wa(p10, 1)) : ((p10 = pL(e21)).c(), wa(p10, 1), p10.m(f10.parentNode, f10)) : p10 && (ba(), xa(p10, 1, 1, function() {
p10 = null;
}), ka());
var l11 = {};
8192 & t11[0] && (l11.validationErrors = e21[13]), d10.$set(l11);
}, i: function(e21) {
h10 || (wa(i10.$$.fragment, e21), wa(c10.$$.fragment, e21), wa(v10), wa(p10), wa(d10.$$.fragment, e21), h10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(i10.$$.fragment, e21), xa(c10.$$.fragment, e21), xa(v10), xa(p10), xa(d10.$$.fragment, e21), h10 = false;
}, d: function(t11) {
t11 && (wi(o10), wi(a10), wi(s10), wi(l10), wi(u10), wi(f10)), Ra(i10), Ra(c10), e20[84](null), v10 && v10.d(t11), p10 && p10.d(t11), Ra(d10, t11);
} };
function hL(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10 = [gL, mL], a10 = [];
function s10(e21, t11) {
return "" === e21[17] || void 0 === e21[17] ? 0 : 1;
return t10 = s10(e20), n10 = a10[t10] = i10[t10](e20), { c: function() {
n10.c(), r10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
a10[t10].m(e21, n11), ki(e21, r10, n11), o10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, o11) {
var c10 = t10;
(t10 = s10(e21)) === c10 ? a10[t10].p(e21, o11) : (ba(), xa(a10[c10], 1, 1, function() {
a10[c10] = null;
}), ka(), (n10 = a10[t10]) ? n10.p(e21, o11) : (n10 = a10[t10] = i10[t10](e21)).c(), wa(n10, 1), n10.m(r10.parentNode, r10));
}, i: function(e21) {
o10 || (wa(n10), o10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10), o10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(r10), a10[t10].d(e21);
} };
function vL(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new IN({ props: { type: "info", message: "You pasted a JSON ".concat(Array.isArray(e20[19].contents) ? "array" : "object", " as text"), actions: [{ icon: uP, text: "Paste as JSON instead", title: "Replace the value with the pasted JSON", onMouseDown: e20[47] }, { text: "Leave as is", title: "Keep the JSON embedded in the value", onClick: e20[48] }] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
524288 & n11[0] && (r10.message = "You pasted a JSON ".concat(Array.isArray(e21[19].contents) ? "array" : "object", " as text")), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function pL(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new IN({ props: { type: "success", message: "The loaded JSON document was invalid but is successfully repaired.", actions: e20[0] ? [] : [{ icon: PP, text: "Ok", title: "Accept the repaired document", onClick: e20[8] }, { icon: lP, text: "Repair manually instead", title: "Leave the document unchanged and repair it manually instead", onClick: e20[49] }], onClose: e20[9] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
1 & n11[0] && (r10.actions = e21[0] ? [] : [{ icon: PP, text: "Ok", title: "Accept the repaired document", onClick: e21[8] }, { icon: lP, text: "Repair manually instead", title: "Leave the document unchanged and repair it manually instead", onClick: e21[49] }]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function mL(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10;
return t10 = new IN({ props: { type: "error", message: "The loaded JSON document is invalid and could not be repaired automatically.", actions: e20[0] ? [] : [{ icon: lP, text: "Repair manually", title: 'Open the document in "code" mode and repair it manually', onClick: e20[49] }] } }), r10 = new iL({ props: { text: e20[17], json: e20[11], indentation: e20[5], parser: e20[3] } }), { c: function() {
Pa(t10.$$.fragment), n10 = $i(), Pa(r10.$$.fragment);
}, m: function(e21, i10) {
Ta(t10, e21, i10), ki(e21, n10, i10), Ta(r10, e21, i10), o10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var o11 = {};
1 & n11[0] && (o11.actions = e21[0] ? [] : [{ icon: lP, text: "Repair manually", title: 'Open the document in "code" mode and repair it manually', onClick: e21[49] }]), t10.$set(o11);
var i10 = {};
131072 & n11[0] && (i10.text = e21[17]), 2048 & n11[0] && (i10.json = e21[11]), 32 & n11[0] && (i10.indentation = e21[5]), 8 & n11[0] && (i10.parser = e21[3]), r10.$set(i10);
}, i: function(e21) {
o10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), wa(r10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), xa(r10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(n10), Ra(t10, e21), Ra(r10, e21);
} };
function gL(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new Az({ props: { readOnly: e20[0], onCreateObject: e20[81], onCreateArray: e20[82], onClick: e20[83] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
1 & n11[0] && (r10.readOnly = e21[0]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function yL(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10 = e20[1] && cL(e20), u10 = e20[2] && lL(e20), f10 = [fL, uL], d10 = [];
return o10 = function(e21, t11) {
return e21[26] ? 1 : 0;
}(e20), i10 = d10[o10] = f10[o10](e20), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), l10 && l10.c(), n10 = $i(), u10 && u10.c(), r10 = $i(), i10.c(), Ai(t10, "role", "tree"), Ai(t10, "tabindex", "-1"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-tree-mode svelte-vx4hzc"), zi(t10, "no-main-menu", !e20[1]);
}, m: function(i11, f11) {
ki(i11, t10, f11), l10 && l10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, n10), u10 && u10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, r10), d10[o10].m(t10, null), e20[85](t10), a10 = true, s10 || (c10 = [Oi(aL, "mousedown", e20[51]), Oi(t10, "keydown", e20[43]), Oi(t10, "mousedown", e20[44]), Oi(t10, "contextmenu", e20[45])], s10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, o11) {
e21[1] ? l10 ? (l10.p(e21, o11), 2 & o11[0] && wa(l10, 1)) : ((l10 = cL(e21)).c(), wa(l10, 1), l10.m(t10, n10)) : l10 && (ba(), xa(l10, 1, 1, function() {
l10 = null;
}), ka()), e21[2] ? u10 ? (u10.p(e21, o11), 4 & o11[0] && wa(u10, 1)) : ((u10 = lL(e21)).c(), wa(u10, 1), u10.m(t10, r10)) : u10 && (ba(), xa(u10, 1, 1, function() {
u10 = null;
}), ka()), i10.p(e21, o11), (!a10 || 2 & o11[0]) && zi(t10, "no-main-menu", !e21[1]);
}, i: function(e21) {
a10 || (wa(l10), wa(u10), wa(i10), a10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(l10), xa(u10), xa(i10), a10 = false;
}, d: function(n11) {
n11 && wi(t10), l10 && l10.d(), u10 && u10.d(), d10[o10].d(), e20[85](null), s10 = false, Qo(c10);
} };
function bL(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = Da("jsoneditor:TreeMode"), i10 = "undefined" == typeof window;
o10("isSSR:", i10);
var a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10 = Zi("simple-modal").open, d10 = A$(), h10 = A$(), v10 = Zi("absolute-popup"), p10 = v10.openAbsolutePopup, m10 = v10.closeAbsolutePopup, g10 = false, y10 = bN(), b10 = t10.readOnly, k10 = t10.externalContent, w10 = t10.externalSelection, x10 = t10.mainMenuBar, j10 = t10.navigationBar, S10 = t10.escapeControlCharacters, C10 = t10.escapeUnicodeCharacters, $10 = t10.parser, _10 = t10.parseMemoizeOne, O10 = t10.validator, M10 = t10.validationParser, E10 = t10.pathParser, A10 = t10.indentation, P10 = t10.onError, T8 = t10.onChange, R8 = t10.onChangeMode, N8 = t10.onSelect, I10 = t10.onRenderValue, D10 = t10.onRenderMenu, q10 = t10.onRenderContextMenu, z10 = t10.onClassName, B10 = t10.onFocus, L10 = t10.onBlur, F10 = t10.onSortModal, V10 = t10.onTransformModal, H10 = t10.onJSONEditorModal, W10 = false;
ON({ onMount: Gi, onDestroy: Qi, getWindow: function() {
return SO(c10);
}, hasFocus: function() {
return W10 && document.hasFocus() || CO(c10);
}, onFocus: function() {
g10 = true, B10 && B10();
}, onBlur: function() {
g10 = false, L10 && L10();
} });
var U10 = void 0;
function J10(e21) {
o10("updateSelection", e21);
var t11 = "function" == typeof e21 ? e21(X10.selection) || null : e21;
Ow(t11, X10.selection) || (n10(12, X10 = Ro(Ro({}, X10), {}, { selection: t11 })), N8(t11));
var K10, G10, Q10, Y10 = false, X10 = BM(), Z10 = false, ee2 = false, te2 = false, ne2 = "";
function re2(e21) {
return oe2.apply(this, arguments);
function oe2() {
return oe2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21(t11) {
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return o10("search text updated", t11), n10(78, ne2 = t11), e23.next = 4, ca();
case 4:
return e23.next = 6, le2();
case 6:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
})), oe2.apply(this, arguments);
function ie2() {
return (ie2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21() {
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return n10(18, K10 = K10 ? pA(K10) : void 0), e23.next = 3, le2();
case 3:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function ae2() {
return (ae2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21() {
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return n10(18, K10 = K10 ? mA(K10) : void 0), e23.next = 3, le2();
case 3:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function se2() {
return (se2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21(t11, n11) {
var r11, i11, a11, s11, c11;
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
if (i11 = null === (r11 = K10) || void 0 === r11 ? void 0 : r11.activeItem, o10("handleReplace", { replacementText: n11, activeItem: i11 }), i11 && void 0 !== l10) {
e23.next = 4;
return e23.abrupt("return");
case 4:
return a11 = wA(l10, X10, n11, i11, $10), s11 = a11.operations, c11 = a11.newSelection, ot2(s11, function(e24, t12) {
return { state: Ro(Ro({}, t12), {}, { selection: c11 }) };
}), e23.next = 8, ca();
case 8:
return e23.next = 10, le2();
case 10:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function ce2() {
return ce2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21(t11, n11) {
var r11, i11, a11;
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return o10("handleReplaceAll", { text: t11, replacementText: n11 }), r11 = xA(l10, X10, t11, n11, $10), i11 = r11.operations, a11 = r11.newSelection, ot2(i11, function(e24, t12) {
return { state: Ro(Ro({}, t12), {}, { selection: a11 }) };
}), e23.next = 5, ca();
case 5:
return e23.next = 7, le2();
case 7:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
})), ce2.apply(this, arguments);
function le2() {
return ue2.apply(this, arguments);
function ue2() {
return (ue2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21() {
var t11, r11, i11;
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
if (r11 = null === (t11 = K10) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11.activeItem, o10("focusActiveSearchResult", K10), !r11 || void 0 === l10) {
e23.next = 9;
return i11 = r11.path, n10(12, X10 = Ro(Ro({}, VM(l10, X10, i11)), {}, { selection: null })), e23.next = 7, ca();
case 7:
return e23.next = 9, Ze2(i11);
case 9:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
var fe2 = xN({ onChange: function(e21) {
n10(23, de2 = e21);
} }), de2 = fe2.getState();
var he2, ve2, pe2 = UC(function(e21, t11) {
if ("" === e21)
return o10("clearing search result"), void (void 0 !== K10 && n10(18, K10 = void 0));
n10(22, te2 = true), setTimeout(function() {
o10("searching...", e21);
var r11 = gA(e21, t11, cs);
n10(18, K10 = function(e23, t12, n11) {
var r12 = null != n11 && n11.activeItem ? jA(n11.activeItem) : void 0, o11 = t12.findIndex(function(e24) {
return Ow(r12, jA(e24));
}), i11 = -1 !== o11 ? o11 : void 0 !== (null == n11 ? void 0 : n11.activeIndex) && (null == n11 ? void 0 : n11.activeIndex) < t12.length ? null == n11 ? void 0 : n11.activeIndex : t12.length > 0 ? 0 : -1, a11 = t12.map(function(e24, t13) {
return Ro(Ro({}, e24), {}, { active: t13 === i11 });
}), s11 = a11[i11];
return { items: a11, itemsMap: Ak(a11, function(e24) {
return Zs(e24.path);
}), activeItem: s11, activeIndex: i11 };
}(0, r11, K10)), n10(22, te2 = false);
}, 300), me2 = false, ge2 = [], ye2 = CB(CN);
function be2(e21, t11, r11, i11) {
jN(function() {
var a11;
try {
a11 = ye2(e21, t11, r11, i11);
} catch (e23) {
a11 = [{ path: [], message: "Failed to validate: " + e23.message, severity: Za.warning }];
Ow(a11, ge2) || (o10("validationErrors changed:", a11), n10(13, ge2 = a11));
}, function(e23) {
return o10("validationErrors updated in ".concat(e23, " ms"));
function ke2() {
return o10("validate"), U10 ? { parseError: U10, isRepairable: false } : (be2(l10, O10, $10, M10), _w(ge2) ? null : { validationErrors: ge2 });
function we2() {
return l10;
function xe2() {
return X10;
function je2(e21) {
K_(e21) ? function(e23) {
if (void 0 === e23)
var t11 = !Ow(l10, e23);
if (o10("update external json", { isChanged: t11, currentlyText: void 0 === l10 }), !t11)
var r11 = { json: l10, text: u10 }, i11 = X10, a11 = l10, s11 = u10, c11 = me2;
n10(11, l10 = e23), Se2(l10), n10(17, u10 = void 0), n10(24, me2 = false), U10 = void 0, Ce2(l10), $e2({ previousJson: a11, previousState: i11, previousText: s11, previousTextIsRepaired: c11 }), rt2(r11, null);
}(e21.json) : J_(e21) && function(e23) {
if (void 0 === e23 || K_(k10))
var t11 = e23 !== u10;
if (o10("update external text", { isChanged: t11 }), !t11)
var r11 = { json: l10, text: u10 }, i11 = l10, a11 = X10, s11 = u10, c11 = me2;
try {
n10(11, l10 = _10(e23)), Se2(l10), n10(17, u10 = e23), n10(24, me2 = false), U10 = void 0;
} catch (t12) {
try {
n10(11, l10 = _10(Hl(e23))), Se2(l10), n10(17, u10 = e23), n10(24, me2 = true), U10 = void 0, Ce2(l10);
} catch (e24) {
n10(11, l10 = void 0), n10(17, u10 = k10.text), n10(24, me2 = false), U10 = void 0 !== u10 && "" !== u10 ? H_(u10, t12.message || String(t12)) : void 0;
Ce2(l10), $e2({ previousJson: i11, previousState: a11, previousText: s11, previousTextIsRepaired: c11 }), rt2(r11, null);
function Se2(e21) {
Y10 || (Y10 = true, n10(12, X10 = HM(e21, X10, [], function(e23) {
return X_({ json: e23 }, ms) ? uE : fE;
function Ce2(e21) {
X10.selection && (Ys(e21, KE(X10.selection)) && Ys(e21, JE(X10.selection)) || (o10("clearing selection: path does not exist anymore", X10.selection), n10(12, X10 = Ro(Ro({}, X10), {}, { selection: $E(e21, X10) }))));
function $e2(e21) {
var t11 = e21.previousJson, n11 = e21.previousState, r11 = e21.previousText, o11 = e21.previousTextIsRepaired;
void 0 === t11 && void 0 === r11 || (void 0 !== l10 ? void 0 !== t11 ? fe2.add({ undo: { patch: [{ op: "replace", path: "", value: t11 }], state: PE(n11), json: void 0, text: r11, textIsRepaired: o11 }, redo: { patch: [{ op: "replace", path: "", value: l10 }], state: PE(X10), json: void 0, text: u10, textIsRepaired: me2 } }) : fe2.add({ undo: { patch: void 0, json: void 0, text: r11, state: PE(n11), textIsRepaired: o11 }, redo: { patch: void 0, json: l10, state: PE(X10), text: u10, textIsRepaired: me2 } }) : void 0 !== t11 && fe2.add({ undo: { patch: void 0, json: t11, state: PE(n11), text: r11, textIsRepaired: o11 }, redo: { patch: void 0, json: void 0, text: u10, textIsRepaired: me2, state: PE(X10) } }));
function _e2(e21, t11) {
if (o10("patch", e21, t11), void 0 === l10)
throw new Error("Cannot apply patch: no JSON");
var r11 = { json: l10, text: u10 }, i11 = l10, a11 = X10, s11 = u10, c11 = me2, f11 = hA(l10, e21), d11 = JM(l10, X10, e21), h11 = _E(l10, e21), v11 = function(e23, t12) {
return t12 || !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2] ? Ro(Ro({}, e23), {}, { selection: t12 }) : e23;
}(d11.documentState, h11, false);
o10("patch updatedSelection", h11);
var p11 = "function" == typeof t11 ? t11(d11.json, v11) : void 0;
n10(11, l10 = p11 && void 0 !== p11.json ? p11.json : d11.json);
var m11 = p11 && void 0 !== p11.state ? p11.state : v11;
n10(12, X10 = m11), n10(17, u10 = void 0), n10(24, me2 = false), n10(19, Q10 = void 0), U10 = void 0, Ce2(l10), fe2.add({ undo: { patch: f11, json: void 0, text: s11, state: PE(a11), textIsRepaired: c11 }, redo: { patch: e21, json: void 0, state: PE(m11), text: u10, textIsRepaired: me2 } });
var g11 = { json: l10, previousJson: i11, undo: f11, redo: e21 };
return rt2(r11, g11), g11;
function Oe2() {
!b10 && X10.selection && J10(TE(JE(X10.selection), true));
function Me2() {
if (!b10 && X10.selection) {
var e21 = JE(X10.selection), t11 = Ws(l10, e21);
Ql(t11) ? function(e23, t12) {
o10("openJSONEditorModal", { path: e23, value: t12 }), W10 = true, H10({ content: { json: t12 }, path: e23, onPatch: ve2.onPatch, onClose: function() {
W10 = false, vt2();
} });
}(e21, t11) : J10(RE(e21, true));
function Ee2() {
if (!b10 && pE(X10.selection)) {
var e21 = JE(X10.selection), t11 = Zs(e21), n11 = Ws(l10, e21), r11 = !oE(n11, X10.enforceStringMap, t11, $10), i11 = r11 ? String(n11) : ru(String(n11), $10);
o10("handleToggleEnforceString", { enforceString: r11, value: n11, updatedValue: i11 }), ot2([{ op: "replace", path: t11, value: i11 }], function(e23, n12) {
return { state: UM(n12, t11, r11) };
function Ae2() {
return Pe2.apply(this, arguments);
function Pe2() {
return Pe2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21() {
var t11, n11 = arguments;
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return t11 = !(n11.length > 0 && void 0 !== n11[0]) || n11[0], e23.next = 3, zB({ json: l10, documentState: X10, indentation: t11 ? A10 : void 0, readOnly: b10, parser: $10, onPatch: ot2 });
case 3:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
})), Pe2.apply(this, arguments);
function Te2() {
return Re2.apply(this, arguments);
function Re2() {
return Re2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21() {
var t11, n11 = arguments;
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
if (t11 = !(n11.length > 0 && void 0 !== n11[0]) || n11[0], void 0 !== l10) {
e23.next = 3;
return e23.abrupt("return");
case 3:
return e23.next = 5, LB({ json: l10, documentState: X10, indentation: t11 ? A10 : void 0, parser: $10 });
case 5:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
})), Re2.apply(this, arguments);
function Ne2() {
f10(nI, {}, Ro(Ro({}, gs), {}, { styleWindow: { width: "450px" } }), { onClose: function() {
return vt2();
} });
function Ie2(e21, t11) {
f10(HI, { text: e21, onParse: function(e23) {
return L_(e23, function(e24) {
return z_(e24, $10);
}, onRepair: F_, onApply: t11 }, Ro(Ro({}, gs), {}, { styleWindow: { width: "600px", height: "500px" }, styleContent: { padding: 0, height: "100%" } }), { onClose: function() {
return vt2();
} });
function De2() {
HB({ json: l10, text: u10, documentState: X10, keepSelection: false, readOnly: b10, onChange: T8, onPatch: ot2 });
function qe2() {
!b10 && void 0 !== l10 && X10.selection && BE(X10.selection) && !_w(JE(X10.selection)) && (o10("duplicate", { selection: X10.selection }), ot2(sA(l10, kE(l10, X10.selection))));
function ze2() {
if (!b10 && X10.selection && (mE(X10.selection) || pE(X10.selection)) && !_w(JE(X10.selection))) {
o10("extract", { selection: X10.selection });
var e21 = function(e23, t11) {
if (pE(t11))
return [{ op: "move", from: Zs(t11.path), path: "" }];
if (!mE(t11))
throw new Error("Cannot create extract operations: parent must be an Object or Array");
var n11 = Ws(e23, Qk(t11.focusPath));
if (Ts(n11))
return [{ op: "replace", path: "", value: kE(e23, t11).map(function(e24) {
var t12 = Ul(vb(e24));
return n11[t12];
}) }];
if (Rs(n11)) {
var r11 = {};
return kE(e23, t11).forEach(function(e24) {
var t12 = String(vb(e24));
r11[t12] = n11[t12];
}), [{ op: "replace", path: "", value: r11 }];
throw new Error("Cannot extract: unsupported type of selection " + JSON.stringify(t11));
}(l10, X10.selection);
ot2(e21, function(e23, t11) {
if (Ql(e23)) {
return { state: lE(e23, t11, []) };
function Be2(e21) {
void 0 !== l10 && GB({ insertType: e21, selectInside: true, refJsonEditor: c10, json: l10, selection: X10.selection, readOnly: b10, parser: $10, onPatch: ot2, onReplaceJson: it2 });
function Le2(e21) {
vE(X10.selection) && J10(RE(X10.selection.path, false)), X10.selection || J10($E(l10, X10)), Be2(e21);
function Fe2(e21) {
if (!b10 && X10.selection)
if (LE(X10.selection))
try {
var t11 = KE(X10.selection), n11 = Ws(l10, t11), r11 = function(e23, t12, n12) {
if ("array" === t12) {
if (Array.isArray(e23))
return e23;
if (Gl(e23))
return D_(e23);
if ("string" == typeof e23)
try {
var r12 = n12.parse(e23);
if (Array.isArray(r12))
return r12;
if (Gl(r12))
return D_(r12);
} catch (t13) {
return [e23];
return [e23];
if ("object" === t12) {
if (Array.isArray(e23))
return I_(e23);
if (Gl(e23))
return e23;
if ("string" == typeof e23)
try {
var o11 = n12.parse(e23);
if (Gl(o11))
return o11;
if (Array.isArray(o11))
return I_(o11);
} catch (t13) {
return { value: e23 };
return { value: e23 };
if ("value" === t12)
return Ql(e23) ? n12.stringify(e23) : e23;
throw new Error("Cannot convert ".concat(eu(e23, n12), " to ").concat(t12));
}(n11, e21, $10);
if (r11 === n11)
var i11 = [{ op: "replace", path: Zs(t11), value: r11 }];
o10("handleConvert", { selection: X10.selection, path: t11, type: e21, operations: i11 }), ot2(i11, function(e23, t12) {
return { state: X10.selection ? lE(e23, t12, JE(X10.selection)) : X10 };
} catch (e23) {
P10(new Error("Cannot convert current selection to ".concat(e21)));
function Ve2() {
if (X10.selection) {
var e21 = SE(l10, X10, false), t11 = Qk(JE(X10.selection));
e21 && !_w(JE(e21)) && Ow(t11, Qk(JE(e21))) ? J10(IE(JE(e21))) : J10(NE(t11)), o10("insert before", { selection: X10.selection, selectionBefore: e21, parentPath: t11 }), ca().then(function() {
return dt2();
function He2() {
if (X10.selection) {
var e21 = jE(l10, X10.selection);
o10("insert after", e21), J10(IE(e21)), ca().then(function() {
return dt2();
function We2(e21) {
return Ue2.apply(this, arguments);
function Ue2() {
return (Ue2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21(t11) {
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return e23.next = 2, QB({ char: t11, selectInside: true, refJsonEditor: c10, json: l10, selection: X10.selection, readOnly: b10, parser: $10, onPatch: ot2, onReplaceJson: it2, onSelect: J10 });
case 2:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function Je2() {
if (!b10 && fe2.getState().canUndo) {
var e21 = fe2.undo();
if (e21) {
var t11 = { json: l10, text: u10 };
n10(11, l10 = e21.undo.patch ? rc(l10, e21.undo.patch) : e21.undo.json), n10(12, X10 = e21.undo.state), n10(17, u10 = e21.undo.text), n10(24, me2 = e21.undo.textIsRepaired), U10 = void 0, o10("undo", { item: e21, json: l10, documentState: X10 }), rt2(t11, e21.undo.patch && e21.redo.patch ? { json: l10, previousJson: t11.json, redo: e21.undo.patch, undo: e21.redo.patch } : null), vt2(), X10.selection && Ze2(JE(X10.selection), false);
function Ke2() {
if (!b10 && fe2.getState().canRedo) {
var e21 = fe2.redo();
if (e21) {
var t11 = { json: l10, text: u10 };
n10(11, l10 = e21.redo.patch ? rc(l10, e21.redo.patch) : e21.redo.json), n10(12, X10 = e21.redo.state), n10(17, u10 = e21.redo.text), n10(24, me2 = e21.redo.textIsRepaired), U10 = void 0, o10("redo", { item: e21, json: l10, documentState: X10 }), rt2(t11, e21.undo.patch && e21.redo.patch ? { json: l10, previousJson: t11.json, redo: e21.redo.patch, undo: e21.undo.patch } : null), vt2(), X10.selection && Ze2(JE(X10.selection), false);
function Ge2(e21) {
var t11;
b10 || void 0 === l10 || (W10 = true, F10({ id: d10, json: l10, rootPath: e21, onSort: (t11 = xo(ko().mark(function t12(n11) {
var r11;
return ko().wrap(function(t13) {
for (; ; )
switch (t13.prev = t13.next) {
case 0:
r11 = n11.operations, o10("onSort", e21, r11), ot2(r11, function(t14, n12) {
return { state: Ro(Ro({}, lE(t14, n12, e21)), {}, { selection: RE(e21, false) }) };
case 3:
case "end":
return t13.stop();
}, t12);
})), function(e23) {
return t11.apply(this, arguments);
}), onClose: function() {
W10 = false, vt2();
} }));
function Qe2() {
X10.selection && Ge2(EE(l10, X10.selection));
function Ye2(e21) {
if (void 0 !== l10) {
var t11 = e21.id, n11 = e21.onTransform, r11 = e21.onClose, i11 = e21.rootPath || [];
W10 = true, V10({ id: t11 || h10, json: l10, rootPath: i11, onTransform: function(e23) {
n11 ? n11({ operations: e23, json: l10, transformedJson: rc(l10, e23) }) : (o10("onTransform", i11, e23), ot2(e23, function(e24, t12) {
return { state: Ro(Ro({}, lE(e24, t12, i11)), {}, { selection: RE(i11, false) }) };
}, onClose: function() {
W10 = false, vt2(), r11 && r11();
} });
function Xe2() {
X10.selection && Ye2({ rootPath: EE(l10, X10.selection) });
function Ze2(e21) {
return et2.apply(this, arguments);
function et2() {
return et2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21(t11) {
var r11, i11, s11, c11, u11, f11 = arguments;
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return r11 = !(f11.length > 1 && void 0 !== f11[1]) || f11[1], n10(12, X10 = VM(l10, X10, t11)), e23.next = 4, ca();
case 4:
if (i11 = tt2(t11), o10("scrollTo", { path: t11, elem: i11, refContents: a10 }), i11 && a10) {
e23.next = 8;
return e23.abrupt("return", Promise.resolve());
case 8:
if (s11 = a10.getBoundingClientRect(), c11 = i11.getBoundingClientRect(), r11) {
e23.next = 13;
if (!(c11.bottom > s11.top && c11.top < s11.bottom)) {
e23.next = 13;
return e23.abrupt("return", Promise.resolve());
case 13:
return u11 = -s11.height / 4, e23.abrupt("return", new Promise(function(e24) {
y10(i11, { container: a10, offset: u11, duration: 300, callback: function() {
return e24();
} });
case 15:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
})), et2.apply(this, arguments);
function tt2(e21) {
return a10 ? a10.querySelector('div[data-path="'.concat(OO(e21), '"]')) : null;
function nt2(e21) {
var t11 = tt2(e21);
if (t11 && a10) {
var n11 = a10.getBoundingClientRect(), r11 = t11.getBoundingClientRect(), o11 = Ql(Ws(l10, e21)) ? 20 : r11.height;
r11.top < n11.top + 20 ? y10(t11, { container: a10, offset: -20, duration: 0 }) : r11.top + o11 > n11.bottom - 20 && y10(t11, { container: a10, offset: -(n11.height - o11 - 20), duration: 0 });
function rt2(e21, t11) {
var n11;
if (void 0 !== e21.json || void 0 !== (null == e21 ? void 0 : e21.text)) {
if (void 0 !== u10)
null === (n11 = T8) || void 0 === n11 || n11({ text: u10, json: void 0 }, e21, { contentErrors: ke2(), patchResult: t11 });
else if (void 0 !== l10) {
var r11;
null === (r11 = T8) || void 0 === r11 || r11({ text: void 0, json: l10 }, e21, { contentErrors: ke2(), patchResult: t11 });
function ot2(e21, t11) {
return b10 ? { json: l10, previousJson: l10, undo: [], redo: [] } : (o10("handlePatch", e21, t11), _e2(e21, t11));
function it2(e21, t11) {
var r11 = X10, o11 = l10, i11 = u10, a11 = { json: l10, text: u10 }, s11 = me2, c11 = HM(l10, X10, [], uE), f11 = "function" == typeof t11 ? t11(e21, c11) : void 0;
n10(11, l10 = f11 && void 0 !== f11.json ? f11.json : e21), n10(12, X10 = f11 && void 0 !== f11.state ? f11.state : c11), n10(17, u10 = void 0), n10(24, me2 = false), U10 = void 0, Ce2(l10), $e2({ previousJson: o11, previousState: r11, previousText: i11, previousTextIsRepaired: s11 });
rt2(a11, null);
function at2(e21, t11) {
var r11 = X10, i11 = l10, a11 = u10, s11 = { json: l10, text: u10 }, c11 = me2;
try {
n10(11, l10 = _10(e21)), n10(12, X10 = HM(l10, X10, [], uE)), n10(17, u10 = void 0), n10(24, me2 = false), U10 = void 0;
} catch (t12) {
try {
n10(11, l10 = _10(Hl(e21))), n10(12, X10 = HM(l10, X10, [], uE)), n10(17, u10 = e21), n10(24, me2 = true), U10 = void 0;
} catch (r12) {
n10(11, l10 = void 0), n10(12, X10 = BM({ json: l10, expand: uE })), n10(17, u10 = e21), n10(24, me2 = false), U10 = "" !== u10 ? H_(u10, t12.message || String(t12)) : void 0;
if ("function" == typeof t11) {
var f11 = t11(l10, X10);
n10(11, l10 = f11 && f11.json ? f11.json : l10), n10(12, X10 = f11 && f11.state ? f11.state : X10);
Ce2(l10), $e2({ previousJson: i11, previousState: r11, previousText: a11, previousTextIsRepaired: c11 });
rt2(s11, null);
function st2(e21, t11) {
var r11 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2];
o10("expand", { path: e21, expanded: t11, recursive: r11 }), n10(12, X10 = t11 ? r11 ? HM(l10, X10, e21, fE) : function(e23, t12) {
return Ro(Ro({}, e23), {}, { expandedMap: Ro(Ro({}, e23.expandedMap), {}, qo({}, Zs(t12), true)) });
}(X10, e21) : WM(X10, e21)), X10.selection && !t11 && function(e23, t12) {
return AE(JE(e23), t12) && (JE(e23).length > t12.length || hE(e23));
}(X10.selection, e21) && J10(null), vt2();
function ct2(e21) {
o10("openFind", { findAndReplace: e21 }), n10(20, Z10 = false), n10(21, ee2 = false), ca().then(function() {
n10(20, Z10 = true), n10(21, ee2 = e21);
function lt2(e21, t11) {
o10("handleExpandSection", e21, t11);
var r11 = Zs(e21);
n10(12, X10 = function(e23, t12, n11, r12) {
return Ro(Ro({}, t12), {}, { visibleSectionsMap: Ro(Ro({}, t12.visibleSectionsMap), {}, qo({}, n11, IM(LM(t12, n11).concat(r12)))) });
}(0, X10, r11, t11));
function ut2(e21) {
o10("pasted json as text", e21), n10(19, Q10 = e21);
function ft2(e21) {
var t11 = e21.anchor, n11 = e21.left, r11 = e21.top, o11 = e21.width, i11 = e21.height, a11 = e21.offsetTop, s11 = e21.offsetLeft, c11 = e21.showTip;
W10 = true;
var u11 = p10(LD, { json: l10, documentState: X10, parser: $10, showTip: c11, onEditKey: Oe2, onEditValue: Me2, onToggleEnforceString: Ee2, onCut: Ae2, onCopy: Te2, onPaste: Ne2, onRemove: De2, onDuplicate: qe2, onExtract: ze2, onInsertBefore: Ve2, onInsert: Le2, onConvert: Fe2, onInsertAfter: He2, onSort: Qe2, onTransform: Xe2, onRenderContextMenu: q10, onCloseContextMenu: function() {
m10(u11), vt2();
} }, { left: n11, top: r11, offsetTop: a11, offsetLeft: s11, width: o11, height: i11, anchor: t11, closeOnOuterClick: true, onClose: function() {
W10 = false, vt2();
} });
function dt2(e21) {
if (!b10 && !zE(X10.selection)) {
if (e21 && (e21.stopPropagation(), e21.preventDefault()), e21 && "contextmenu" === e21.type && e21.target !== s10)
ft2({ left: e21.clientX, top: e21.clientY, width: Ms, height: Os, showTip: false });
else {
var t11, n11 = null === (t11 = a10) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11.querySelector(".jse-context-menu-pointer.jse-selected");
if (n11)
ft2({ anchor: n11, offsetTop: 2, width: Ms, height: Os, showTip: false });
else {
var r11, o11 = null === (r11 = a10) || void 0 === r11 ? void 0 : r11.getBoundingClientRect();
o11 && ft2({ top: o11.top + 2, left: o11.left + 2, width: Ms, height: Os, showTip: false });
return false;
function ht2() {
return (ht2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21() {
var t11, r11, i11, s11, c11;
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
if (o10("apply pasted json", Q10), Q10) {
e23.next = 3;
return e23.abrupt("return");
case 3:
i11 = (r11 = Q10).path, s11 = r11.contents, n10(19, Q10 = void 0), AO(c11 = (null === (t11 = a10) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11.querySelector(".jse-editable-div")) || null) && c11.cancel(), ot2([{ op: "replace", path: Zs(i11), value: s11 }], function(e24, t12) {
return { state: lE(e24, t12, i11) };
}), setTimeout(vt2);
case 10:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function vt2() {
o10("focus"), s10 && (s10.focus(), s10.select());
function pt2(e21) {
return function(e23, t11, n11) {
var r11 = Qk(n11), o11 = [vb(n11)], i11 = Ws(e23, r11), a11 = i11 ? cE(i11, t11, o11) : void 0;
return a11 ? RE(r11.concat(a11), false) : IE(n11);
}(l10, X10, e21);
function mt2(e21) {
r10 && r10.onDrag(e21);
function gt2() {
r10 && r10.onDragEnd();
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"readOnly" in e21 && n10(0, b10 = e21.readOnly), "externalContent" in e21 && n10(52, k10 = e21.externalContent), "externalSelection" in e21 && n10(53, w10 = e21.externalSelection), "mainMenuBar" in e21 && n10(1, x10 = e21.mainMenuBar), "navigationBar" in e21 && n10(2, j10 = e21.navigationBar), "escapeControlCharacters" in e21 && n10(54, S10 = e21.escapeControlCharacters), "escapeUnicodeCharacters" in e21 && n10(55, C10 = e21.escapeUnicodeCharacters), "parser" in e21 && n10(3, $10 = e21.parser), "parseMemoizeOne" in e21 && n10(56, _10 = e21.parseMemoizeOne), "validator" in e21 && n10(57, O10 = e21.validator), "validationParser" in e21 && n10(58, M10 = e21.validationParser), "pathParser" in e21 && n10(4, E10 = e21.pathParser), "indentation" in e21 && n10(5, A10 = e21.indentation), "onError" in e21 && n10(6, P10 = e21.onError), "onChange" in e21 && n10(59, T8 = e21.onChange), "onChangeMode" in e21 && n10(60, R8 = e21.onChangeMode), "onSelect" in e21 && n10(61, N8 = e21.onSelect), "onRenderValue" in e21 && n10(62, I10 = e21.onRenderValue), "onRenderMenu" in e21 && n10(7, D10 = e21.onRenderMenu), "onRenderContextMenu" in e21 && n10(63, q10 = e21.onRenderContextMenu), "onClassName" in e21 && n10(64, z10 = e21.onClassName), "onFocus" in e21 && n10(65, B10 = e21.onFocus), "onBlur" in e21 && n10(66, L10 = e21.onBlur), "onSortModal" in e21 && n10(67, F10 = e21.onSortModal), "onTransformModal" in e21 && n10(68, V10 = e21.onTransformModal), "onJSONEditorModal" in e21 && n10(69, H10 = e21.onJSONEditorModal);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
25165824 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(77, G10 = aO({ escapeControlCharacters: S10, escapeUnicodeCharacters: C10 })), 4096 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && o10("selection", X10.selection), 2097152 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && je2(k10), 4194304 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && function(e21) {
Ow(X10.selection, e21) || (o10("applyExternalSelection", e21), (yE(e21) || null === e21) && J10(e21));
}(w10), 2048 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 65536 & e20.$$.dirty[2] && pe2(ne2, l10), 2056 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 201326592 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && be2(l10, O10, $10, M10), 8192 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(25, he2 = function(e21) {
var t11 = {};
return e21.forEach(function(e23) {
t11[Zs(e23.path)] = e23;
}), e21.forEach(function(e23) {
for (var n11 = e23.path; n11.length > 0; ) {
var r11 = Zs(n11 = Qk(n11));
r11 in t11 || (t11[r11] = { isChildError: true, path: n11, message: "Contains invalid data", severity: Za.warning });
}), t11;
}(ge2)), 1024 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && (r10 = a10 ? function(e21) {
var t11, n11;
function r11(e23) {
return e23 < 20 ? is : e23 < 50 ? as : ss;
function o11() {
if (e21) {
var n12 = (t11 || 0) * (os / 1e3);
e21.scrollTop += n12;
function i11(e23) {
n11 && e23 === t11 || (a11(), gN("startAutoScroll", e23), t11 = e23, n11 = setInterval(o11, os));
function a11() {
n11 && (gN("stopAutoScroll"), clearInterval(n11), n11 = void 0, t11 = void 0);
return gN("createAutoScrollHandler", e21), { onDrag: function(t12) {
if (e21) {
var n12 = t12.clientY, o12 = e21.getBoundingClientRect(), s11 = o12.top, c11 = o12.bottom;
n12 < s11 ? i11(-r11(s11 - n12)) : n12 > c11 ? i11(r11(n12 - c11)) : a11();
}, onDragEnd: function() {
} };
}(a10) : void 0), 9 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 32773 & e20.$$.dirty[2] && n10(14, ve2 = { readOnly: b10, parser: $10, normalization: G10, getJson: we2, getDocumentState: xe2, findElement: tt2, findNextInside: pt2, focus: vt2, onPatch: ot2, onInsert: Be2, onExpand: st2, onSelect: J10, onFind: ct2, onExpandSection: lt2, onPasteJson: ut2, onRenderValue: I10, onContextMenu: ft2, onClassName: z10 || function() {
}, onDrag: mt2, onDragEnd: gt2 }), 16384 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && o10("context changed", ve2);
}, [b10, x10, j10, $10, E10, A10, P10, D10, function() {
return me2 && void 0 !== l10 && it2(l10), void 0 !== l10 ? { json: l10 } : { text: u10 || "" };
}, vt2, a10, l10, X10, ge2, ve2, s10, c10, u10, K10, Q10, Z10, ee2, te2, de2, me2, he2, i10, re2, function() {
return ie2.apply(this, arguments);
}, function() {
return ae2.apply(this, arguments);
}, function(e21, t11) {
return se2.apply(this, arguments);
}, function(e21, t11) {
return ce2.apply(this, arguments);
}, function() {
n10(20, Z10 = false), n10(21, ee2 = false), re2(""), vt2();
}, function(e21) {
o10("select validation error", e21), J10(RE(e21.path, false)), Ze2(e21.path);
}, Te2, function(e21) {
var t11;
var n11 = null === (t11 = e21.clipboardData) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11.getData("text/plain");
void 0 !== n11 && VB({ clipboardText: n11, json: l10, selection: X10.selection, readOnly: b10, parser: $10, onPatch: ot2, onChangeText: at2, openRepairModal: Ie2 });
}, We2, Je2, Ke2, function() {
}, function() {
Ye2({ rootPath: [] });
}, function() {
st2([], true, true);
}, function() {
st2([], false, true);
}, function(e21) {
var t11 = PO(e21), n11 = e21.shiftKey;
if (o10("keydown", { combo: t11, key: e21.key }), "Ctrl+X" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), Ae2(true)), "Ctrl+Shift+X" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), Ae2(false)), "Ctrl+C" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), Te2(true)), "Ctrl+Shift+C" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), Te2(false)), "Ctrl+D" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), qe2()), "Delete" !== t11 && "Backspace" !== t11 || (e21.preventDefault(), De2()), "Insert" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), Be2("structure")), "Ctrl+A" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), J10(RE([], false))), "Ctrl+Q" === t11 && dt2(e21), "ArrowUp" === t11 || "Shift+ArrowUp" === t11) {
var r11 = X10.selection ? SE(l10, X10, n11) || X10.selection : $E(l10, X10);
J10(r11), nt2(JE(r11));
if ("ArrowDown" === t11 || "Shift+ArrowDown" === t11) {
var i11 = X10.selection ? function(e23, t12) {
var n12 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2], r12 = t12.selection;
if (!r12)
return null;
var o11 = n12 ? JE(r12) : jE(e23, r12), i12 = Ql(Ws(e23, o11)) ? WM(t12, o11) : t12, a12 = cE(e23, t12, o11), s12 = cE(e23, i12, o11);
if (n12)
return hE(r12) ? null !== a12 ? DE(a12, a12) : null : dE(r12) ? null !== s12 ? DE(s12, s12) : null : null !== s12 ? DE(KE(r12), s12) : null;
if (dE(r12))
return null !== s12 ? RE(s12, false) : null;
if (hE(r12))
return null !== a12 ? RE(a12, false) : null;
if (pE(r12))
return null !== a12 ? RE(a12, false) : null;
if (vE(r12)) {
if (null === a12 || 0 === a12.length)
return null;
var c12 = Ws(e23, Qk(a12));
return Array.isArray(c12) ? RE(a12, false) : TE(a12, false);
return mE(r12) ? null !== s12 ? RE(s12, false) : null !== a12 ? RE(a12, false) : null : null;
}(l10, X10, n11) || X10.selection : $E(l10, X10);
J10(i11), nt2(JE(i11));
if ("ArrowLeft" === t11 || "Shift+ArrowLeft" === t11) {
var a11 = X10.selection ? function(e23, t12) {
var n12 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2], r12 = !(arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3]) || arguments[3], o11 = t12.selection;
if (!o11)
return null;
var i12 = CE(e23, t12, r12), a12 = i12.caret, s12 = i12.previous;
if (n12)
return mE(o11) ? null : DE(o11.path, o11.path);
if (a12 && s12)
return FE(s12);
var c12 = Ws(e23, Qk(JE(o11)));
return pE(o11) && Array.isArray(c12) ? DE(o11.path, o11.path) : mE(o11) && !Array.isArray(c12) ? TE(o11.focusPath, false) : null;
}(l10, X10, n11, !b10) || X10.selection : $E(l10, X10);
J10(a11), nt2(JE(a11));
if ("ArrowRight" === t11 || "Shift+ArrowRight" === t11) {
var s11 = X10.selection && void 0 !== l10 ? function(e23, t12) {
var n12 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2], r12 = !(arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3]) || arguments[3], o11 = t12.selection;
if (!o11)
return null;
var i12 = CE(e23, t12, r12), a12 = i12.caret, s12 = i12.next;
return n12 ? mE(o11) ? null : DE(o11.path, o11.path) : a12 && s12 ? FE(s12) : mE(o11) ? RE(o11.focusPath, false) : null;
}(l10, X10, n11, !b10) || X10.selection : $E(l10, X10);
J10(s11), nt2(JE(s11));
if ("Enter" === t11 && X10.selection) {
if (gE(X10.selection)) {
var c11 = X10.selection.focusPath, u11 = Ws(l10, Qk(c11));
Array.isArray(u11) && J10(RE(c11, false));
if (vE(X10.selection) && (e21.preventDefault(), J10(Ro(Ro({}, X10.selection), {}, { edit: true }))), pE(X10.selection))
e21.preventDefault(), Ql(Ws(l10, X10.selection.path)) ? st2(X10.selection.path, true) : J10(Ro(Ro({}, X10.selection), {}, { edit: true }));
if (1 === t11.replace(/^Shift\+/, "").length && X10.selection)
return e21.preventDefault(), void We2(e21.key);
if ("Enter" === t11 && (dE(X10.selection) || hE(X10.selection)))
return e21.preventDefault(), void We2("");
if ("Ctrl+Enter" === t11 && pE(X10.selection)) {
var f11 = Ws(l10, X10.selection.path);
nu(f11) && window.open(String(f11), "_blank");
"Escape" === t11 && X10.selection && (e21.preventDefault(), J10(null)), "Ctrl+F" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), ct2(false)), "Ctrl+H" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), ct2(true)), "Ctrl+Z" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), Je2()), "Ctrl+Shift+Z" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), Ke2());
}, function(e21) {
o10("handleMouseDown", e21);
var t11 = e21.target;
yO(t11, "BUTTON") || t11.isContentEditable || (vt2(), X10.selection || void 0 !== l10 || "" !== u10 && void 0 !== u10 || (o10("createDefaultSelection"), n10(12, X10 = Ro(Ro({}, X10), {}, { selection: RE([], false) }))));
}, dt2, function(e21) {
b10 || ft2({ anchor: $O(e21.target, "BUTTON"), offsetTop: 0, width: Ms, height: Os, showTip: true });
}, function() {
return ht2.apply(this, arguments);
}, function() {
o10("clear pasted json"), n10(19, Q10 = void 0), vt2();
}, function() {
}, function(e21) {
J10(e21), vt2(), Ze2(JE(e21));
}, function(e21) {
var t11 = !kO(e21.target, function(e23) {
return e23 === c10;
t11 && zE(X10.selection) && (o10("click outside the editor, stop edit mode"), J10(function(e23) {
return vE(e23) || pE(e23) ? Ro(Ro({}, e23), {}, { edit: false }) : e23;
}), g10 && s10 && (s10.focus(), s10.blur()), o10("blur (outside editor)"), s10 && s10.blur());
}, k10, w10, S10, C10, _10, O10, M10, T8, R8, N8, I10, q10, z10, B10, L10, F10, V10, H10, function() {
var e21 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : fE;
var t11 = Ro(Ro({}, X10), {}, { expandedMap: {}, visibleSectionsMap: {} });
n10(12, X10 = HM(l10, t11, [], e21));
}, ke2, we2, _e2, Ye2, Ze2, tt2, G10, ne2, function(e21) {
n10(20, Z10 = e21);
}, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(15, s10 = e21);
}, function() {
vt2(), We2("{");
}, function() {
vt2(), We2("[");
}, function() {
}, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(10, a10 = e21);
}, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(16, c10 = e21);
var kL = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, bL, yL, Zo, { readOnly: 0, externalContent: 52, externalSelection: 53, mainMenuBar: 1, navigationBar: 2, escapeControlCharacters: 54, escapeUnicodeCharacters: 55, parser: 3, parseMemoizeOne: 56, validator: 57, validationParser: 58, pathParser: 4, indentation: 5, onError: 6, onChange: 59, onChangeMode: 60, onSelect: 61, onRenderValue: 62, onRenderMenu: 7, onRenderContextMenu: 63, onClassName: 64, onFocus: 65, onBlur: 66, onSortModal: 67, onTransformModal: 68, onJSONEditorModal: 69, expand: 70, validate: 71, getJson: 72, patch: 73, acceptAutoRepair: 8, openTransformModal: 74, scrollTo: 75, findElement: 76, focus: 9 }, sL, [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10, [{ key: "expand", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[70];
} }, { key: "validate", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[71];
} }, { key: "getJson", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[72];
} }, { key: "patch", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[73];
} }, { key: "acceptAutoRepair", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[8];
} }, { key: "openTransformModal", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[74];
} }, { key: "scrollTo", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[75];
} }, { key: "findElement", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[76];
} }, { key: "focus", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[9];
} }]), t10;
function wL(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-l4qqoi", '.jse-modal.svelte-l4qqoi.svelte-l4qqoi{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column;min-width:0;min-height:0;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);line-height:normal;background:var(--jse-modal-background, #f5f5f5);color:var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d)}.jse-modal.svelte-l4qqoi .svelte-select{--border:var(--jse-svelte-select-border, 1px solid #d8dbdf);--item-is-active-bg:var(--jse-item-is-active-bg, #3883fa);--border-radius:var(--jse-svelte-select-border-radius, 3px);--background:var(--jse-svelte-select-background, #fff);--padding:var(--jse-svelte-select-padding, 0 10px);--multi-select-padding:var(--jse-svelte-select-multi-select-padding, 0 10px);--font-size:var(--jse-svelte-select-font-size, var(--jse-font-size, 16px));--height:36px;--multi-item-height:28px;--multi-item-margin:2px;--multi-item-padding:2px 8px;--multi-item-border-radius:6px;--indicator-top:8px}.jse-modal.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-modal-contents.svelte-l4qqoi{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column;padding:20px;overflow:auto;min-width:0;min-height:0}.jse-modal.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-modal-contents .jse-actions.svelte-l4qqoi{display:flex;flex-direction:row;justify-content:flex-end;padding-top:var(--jse-padding, 10px)}.jse-modal.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-modal-contents .jse-actions button.jse-primary.svelte-l4qqoi{border:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;cursor:pointer;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);padding:5px;margin:0;background:var(--jse-button-primary-background, var(--jse-theme-color, #3883fa));color:var(--jse-button-primary-color, #fff);padding:var(--jse-padding, 10px) calc(2 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));border-radius:3px}.jse-modal.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-modal-contents .jse-actions button.jse-primary.svelte-l4qqoi:hover{background:var(--jse-button-primary-background-highlight, var(--jse-theme-color-highlight, #5f9dff))}.jse-modal.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-modal-contents .jse-actions button.jse-primary.svelte-l4qqoi:disabled{background:var(--jse-button-primary-background-disabled, #9d9d9d)}.bg.jse-modal-bg{width:100%;height:100%;top:0;left:0;background:var(--jse-overlay-background, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3))}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-window-wrap{margin:0}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-window{max-width:90%;margin:4rem auto 2rem auto;border-radius:2px}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-window.jse-modal-window-sort{width:400px}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-window.jse-modal-window-transform{width:1200px;height:1200px;max-height:80%;display:flex}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-window.jse-modal-window-jsoneditor{width:800px;height:auto;min-height:500px;max-height:calc(100vh - 6rem);display:flex}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-container{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column;padding:0}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-modal-contents.svelte-l4qqoi{color:inherit;min-height:0;padding:0}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-modal-contents .jse-main-contents.svelte-l4qqoi{flex:1;display:flex;gap:calc(2 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));min-height:0;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0 calc(2 * var(--jse-padding, 10px)) var(--jse-padding, 10px)}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-modal-contents .jse-main-contents .jse-query-contents.svelte-l4qqoi{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-modal-contents .jse-main-contents .jse-query-contents .jse-description.svelte-l4qqoi p{margin:var(--jse-padding, 10px) 0}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-modal-contents .jse-main-contents .jse-query-contents .jse-description.svelte-l4qqoi p:first-child{margin-top:0}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-modal-contents .jse-main-contents .jse-query-contents .jse-description.svelte-l4qqoi p:last-child{margin-bottom:0}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-modal-contents .jse-main-contents .jse-query-contents .jse-description.svelte-l4qqoi code{background:var(--jse-modal-code-background, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05));font-family:var(--jse-font-family-mono, consolas, menlo, monaco, "Ubuntu Mono", "source-code-pro", monospace);font-size:var(--jse-font-size-mono, 14px)}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-modal-contents .jse-main-contents .jse-query-contents textarea.jse-query.svelte-l4qqoi{flex:1;outline:none;resize:vertical}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-modal-contents .jse-main-contents .jse-data-contents.svelte-l4qqoi{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column;gap:calc(2 * var(--jse-padding, 10px))}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-modal-contents .jse-main-contents .jse-data-contents .jse-original-data.svelte-l4qqoi{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column;min-height:0;box-sizing:border-box}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-modal-contents .jse-main-contents .jse-data-contents .jse-original-data.jse-hide.svelte-l4qqoi{flex:none}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-modal-contents .jse-main-contents .jse-data-contents .jse-preview-data.svelte-l4qqoi{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column;min-height:0;box-sizing:border-box}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-modal-contents .jse-main-contents .jse-data-contents.jse-hide-original-data.svelte-l4qqoi{flex-direction:column;gap:0;margin-bottom:0}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-modal-contents .jse-actions.svelte-l4qqoi{padding:var(--jse-padding, 10px) calc(2 * var(--jse-padding, 10px)) calc(2 * var(--jse-padding, 10px))}@media screen and (max-width: 1200px){.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-modal-contents .jse-main-contents.svelte-l4qqoi{flex-direction:column;overflow:auto}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-modal-contents .jse-main-contents .jse-query-contents textarea.jse-query.svelte-l4qqoi{min-height:150px;flex:none}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-modal-contents .jse-main-contents .jse-data-contents.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-tree-mode{height:300px;flex:none}}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-label.svelte-l4qqoi{font-weight:bold;display:block;box-sizing:border-box}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-label .jse-label-inner.svelte-l4qqoi{margin-top:calc(2 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));margin-bottom:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));box-sizing:border-box}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-label .jse-label-inner button.svelte-l4qqoi{border:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;cursor:pointer;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);padding:5px;margin:0;font-weight:bold;padding:0}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-tree-mode{flex:1;background:var(--jse-input-background-readonly, transparent);box-shadow:none;box-sizing:border-box;--jse-main-border:var(--jse-input-border, 1px solid #d8dbdf)}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi input.svelte-l4qqoi,.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi textarea.svelte-l4qqoi{border:var(--jse-input-border, 1px solid #d8dbdf);outline:none;box-sizing:border-box;padding:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));font-family:var(--jse-font-family-mono, consolas, menlo, monaco, "Ubuntu Mono", "source-code-pro", monospace);font-size:var(--jse-font-size-mono, 14px);color:inherit;background:var(--jse-input-background, var(--jse-background-color, #fff))}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi input.svelte-l4qqoi:focus,.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi textarea.svelte-l4qqoi:focus{border:var(--jse-input-border-focus, 1px solid var(--jse-input-border-focus, var(--jse-theme-color, #3883fa)))}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi input.svelte-l4qqoi:read-only,.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi textarea.svelte-l4qqoi:read-only{background:var(--jse-input-background-readonly, transparent)}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi .jse-preview.jse-error.svelte-l4qqoi{flex:1;background:var(--jse-input-background-readonly, transparent);border:var(--jse-input-border, 1px solid #d8dbdf);color:var(--jse-error-color, #ee5341);padding:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px))}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi a{color:var(--jse-a-color, #156fc5)}.jse-modal.jse-transform.svelte-l4qqoi a:hover{color:var(--jse-a-color-highlight, #0f508d)}');
function xL(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10 = [SL, jL], s10 = [];
function c10(e21, n11) {
return 16384 & n11[0] && (t10 = null), null == t10 && (t10 = !!Array.isArray(e21[14])), t10 ? 0 : 1;
return n10 = c10(e20, [-1, -1]), r10 = s10[n10] = a10[n10](e20), { c: function() {
r10.c(), o10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, t11) {
s10[n10].m(e21, t11), ki(e21, o10, t11), i10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var i11 = n10;
(n10 = c10(e21, t11)) === i11 ? s10[n10].p(e21, t11) : (ba(), xa(s10[i11], 1, 1, function() {
s10[i11] = null;
}), ka(), (r10 = s10[n10]) ? r10.p(e21, t11) : (r10 = s10[n10] = a10[n10](e21)).c(), wa(r10, 1), r10.m(o10.parentNode, o10));
}, i: function(e21) {
i10 || (wa(r10), i10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(r10), i10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(o10), s10[n10].d(e21);
} };
function jL(e20) {
var t10;
return { c: function() {
t10 = Ci("(Only available for arrays, not for objects)");
}, m: function(e21, n10) {
ki(e21, t10, n10);
}, p: Wo, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function SL(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new rN({ props: { queryOptions: e20[15], json: e20[14], onChange: e20[24] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
32768 & n11[0] && (r10.queryOptions = e21[15]), 16384 & n11[0] && (r10.json = e21[14]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function CL(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new kL({ props: { externalContent: e20[17], externalSelection: null, readOnly: true, mainMenuBar: false, navigationBar: false, indentation: e20[2], escapeControlCharacters: e20[3], escapeUnicodeCharacters: e20[4], parser: e20[5], parseMemoizeOne: e20[6], onRenderValue: e20[10], onRenderMenu: e20[11], onRenderContextMenu: e20[12], onError: console.error, onChange: Mf, onChangeMode: Mf, onSelect: Mf, onFocus: Mf, onBlur: Mf, onSortModal: Mf, onTransformModal: Mf, onJSONEditorModal: Mf, onClassName: e20[13], validator: null, validationParser: e20[7], pathParser: e20[8] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
131072 & n11[0] && (r10.externalContent = e21[17]), 4 & n11[0] && (r10.indentation = e21[2]), 8 & n11[0] && (r10.escapeControlCharacters = e21[3]), 16 & n11[0] && (r10.escapeUnicodeCharacters = e21[4]), 32 & n11[0] && (r10.parser = e21[5]), 64 & n11[0] && (r10.parseMemoizeOne = e21[6]), 1024 & n11[0] && (r10.onRenderValue = e21[10]), 2048 & n11[0] && (r10.onRenderMenu = e21[11]), 4096 & n11[0] && (r10.onRenderContextMenu = e21[12]), 8192 & n11[0] && (r10.onClassName = e21[13]), 128 & n11[0] && (r10.validationParser = e21[7]), 256 & n11[0] && (r10.pathParser = e21[8]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function $L(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = Ci(e20[20]), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-preview jse-error svelte-l4qqoi");
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
ki(e21, t10, r10), pi(t10, n10);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
1048576 & t11[0] && Ni(n10, e21[20]);
}, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function _L(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new kL({ props: { externalContent: e20[21], externalSelection: null, readOnly: true, mainMenuBar: false, navigationBar: false, indentation: e20[2], escapeControlCharacters: e20[3], escapeUnicodeCharacters: e20[4], parser: e20[5], parseMemoizeOne: e20[6], onRenderValue: e20[10], onRenderMenu: e20[11], onRenderContextMenu: e20[12], onError: console.error, onChange: Mf, onChangeMode: Mf, onSelect: Mf, onFocus: Mf, onBlur: Mf, onSortModal: Mf, onTransformModal: Mf, onJSONEditorModal: Mf, onClassName: e20[13], validator: null, validationParser: e20[7], pathParser: e20[8] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
2097152 & n11[0] && (r10.externalContent = e21[21]), 4 & n11[0] && (r10.indentation = e21[2]), 8 & n11[0] && (r10.escapeControlCharacters = e21[3]), 16 & n11[0] && (r10.escapeUnicodeCharacters = e21[4]), 32 & n11[0] && (r10.parser = e21[5]), 64 & n11[0] && (r10.parseMemoizeOne = e21[6]), 1024 & n11[0] && (r10.onRenderValue = e21[10]), 2048 & n11[0] && (r10.onRenderMenu = e21[11]), 4096 & n11[0] && (r10.onRenderContextMenu = e21[12]), 8192 & n11[0] && (r10.onClassName = e21[13]), 128 & n11[0] && (r10.validationParser = e21[7]), 256 & n11[0] && (r10.pathParser = e21[8]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function OL(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10, k10, w10, x10, j10, S10, C10, $10, _10, O10, M10, E10, A10, P10, T8, R8, N8, I10, D10, q10, z10, B10, L10, F10, V10, H10, W10, U10, J10, K10 = e20[23](e20[0]).description + "";
t10 = new mN({ props: { queryLanguages: e20[9], queryLanguageId: e20[0], onChangeQueryLanguage: e20[29] } }), y10 = new jM({ props: { data: e20[18] ? gP : YA } });
var G10 = e20[18] && xL(e20);
A10 = new jM({ props: { data: e20[19] ? gP : YA } });
var Q10 = e20[19] && CL(e20), Y10 = [_L, $L], X10 = [];
function Z10(e21, t11) {
return e21[20] ? 1 : 0;
return q10 = Z10(e20), z10 = X10[q10] = Y10[q10](e20), { c: function() {
Pa(t10.$$.fragment), n10 = $i(), r10 = ji("div"), o10 = ji("div"), i10 = ji("div"), (a10 = ji("div")).innerHTML = 'Language
', s10 = $i(), c10 = ji("div"), l10 = $i(), (u10 = ji("div")).innerHTML = 'Path
', f10 = $i(), d10 = ji("input"), v10 = $i(), p10 = ji("div"), m10 = ji("div"), g10 = ji("button"), Pa(y10.$$.fragment), b10 = Ci("\n Wizard"), k10 = $i(), G10 && G10.c(), w10 = $i(), (x10 = ji("div")).innerHTML = 'Query
', j10 = $i(), S10 = ji("textarea"), C10 = $i(), $10 = ji("div"), _10 = ji("div"), O10 = ji("div"), M10 = ji("div"), E10 = ji("button"), Pa(A10.$$.fragment), P10 = Ci("\n Original"), T8 = $i(), Q10 && Q10.c(), R8 = $i(), N8 = ji("div"), (I10 = ji("div")).innerHTML = 'Preview
', D10 = $i(), z10.c(), B10 = $i(), L10 = ji("div"), F10 = ji("button"), V10 = Ci("Transform"), Ai(a10, "class", "jse-label svelte-l4qqoi"), Ai(c10, "class", "jse-description svelte-l4qqoi"), Ai(u10, "class", "jse-label svelte-l4qqoi"), Ai(d10, "class", "jse-path svelte-l4qqoi"), Ai(d10, "type", "text"), d10.readOnly = true, Ai(d10, "title", "Selected path"), d10.value = h10 = _w(e20[1]) ? "(document root)" : JO(e20[1]), Ai(g10, "type", "button"), Ai(g10, "class", "svelte-l4qqoi"), Ai(m10, "class", "jse-label-inner svelte-l4qqoi"), Ai(p10, "class", "jse-label svelte-l4qqoi"), Ai(x10, "class", "jse-label svelte-l4qqoi"), Ai(S10, "class", "jse-query svelte-l4qqoi"), Ai(S10, "spellcheck", "false"), S10.value = e20[16], Ai(i10, "class", "jse-query-contents svelte-l4qqoi"), Ai(E10, "type", "button"), Ai(E10, "class", "svelte-l4qqoi"), Ai(M10, "class", "jse-label-inner svelte-l4qqoi"), Ai(O10, "class", "jse-label svelte-l4qqoi"), Ai(_10, "class", "jse-original-data svelte-l4qqoi"), zi(_10, "jse-hide", !e20[19]), Ai(I10, "class", "jse-label svelte-l4qqoi"), Ai(N8, "class", "jse-preview-data svelte-l4qqoi"), Ai($10, "class", "jse-data-contents svelte-l4qqoi"), zi($10, "jse-hide-original-data", !e20[19]), Ai(o10, "class", "jse-main-contents svelte-l4qqoi"), Ai(F10, "type", "button"), Ai(F10, "class", "jse-primary svelte-l4qqoi"), F10.disabled = H10 = !!e20[20], Ai(L10, "class", "jse-actions svelte-l4qqoi"), Ai(r10, "class", "jse-modal-contents svelte-l4qqoi");
}, m: function(h11, z11) {
Ta(t10, h11, z11), ki(h11, n10, z11), ki(h11, r10, z11), pi(r10, o10), pi(o10, i10), pi(i10, a10), pi(i10, s10), pi(i10, c10), c10.innerHTML = K10, pi(i10, l10), pi(i10, u10), pi(i10, f10), pi(i10, d10), pi(i10, v10), pi(i10, p10), pi(p10, m10), pi(m10, g10), Ta(y10, g10, null), pi(g10, b10), pi(i10, k10), G10 && G10.m(i10, null), pi(i10, w10), pi(i10, x10), pi(i10, j10), pi(i10, S10), pi(o10, C10), pi(o10, $10), pi($10, _10), pi(_10, O10), pi(O10, M10), pi(M10, E10), Ta(A10, E10, null), pi(E10, P10), pi(_10, T8), Q10 && Q10.m(_10, null), pi($10, R8), pi($10, N8), pi(N8, I10), pi(N8, D10), X10[q10].m(N8, null), pi(r10, B10), pi(r10, L10), pi(L10, F10), pi(F10, V10), W10 = true, U10 || (J10 = [Oi(g10, "click", e20[27]), Oi(S10, "input", e20[25]), Oi(E10, "click", e20[28]), Oi(F10, "click", e20[26]), ci(EL.call(null, F10))], U10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r11 = {};
512 & n11[0] && (r11.queryLanguages = e21[9]), 1 & n11[0] && (r11.queryLanguageId = e21[0]), t10.$set(r11), (!W10 || 1 & n11[0]) && K10 !== (K10 = e21[23](e21[0]).description + "") && (c10.innerHTML = K10), (!W10 || 2 & n11[0] && h10 !== (h10 = _w(e21[1]) ? "(document root)" : JO(e21[1])) && d10.value !== h10) && (d10.value = h10);
var o11 = {};
262144 & n11[0] && (o11.data = e21[18] ? gP : YA), y10.$set(o11), e21[18] ? G10 ? (G10.p(e21, n11), 262144 & n11[0] && wa(G10, 1)) : ((G10 = xL(e21)).c(), wa(G10, 1), G10.m(i10, w10)) : G10 && (ba(), xa(G10, 1, 1, function() {
G10 = null;
}), ka()), (!W10 || 65536 & n11[0]) && (S10.value = e21[16]);
var a11 = {};
524288 & n11[0] && (a11.data = e21[19] ? gP : YA), A10.$set(a11), e21[19] ? Q10 ? (Q10.p(e21, n11), 524288 & n11[0] && wa(Q10, 1)) : ((Q10 = CL(e21)).c(), wa(Q10, 1), Q10.m(_10, null)) : Q10 && (ba(), xa(Q10, 1, 1, function() {
Q10 = null;
}), ka()), (!W10 || 524288 & n11[0]) && zi(_10, "jse-hide", !e21[19]);
var s11 = q10;
(q10 = Z10(e21)) === s11 ? X10[q10].p(e21, n11) : (ba(), xa(X10[s11], 1, 1, function() {
X10[s11] = null;
}), ka(), (z10 = X10[q10]) ? z10.p(e21, n11) : (z10 = X10[q10] = Y10[q10](e21)).c(), wa(z10, 1), z10.m(N8, null)), (!W10 || 524288 & n11[0]) && zi($10, "jse-hide-original-data", !e21[19]), (!W10 || 1048576 & n11[0] && H10 !== (H10 = !!e21[20])) && (F10.disabled = H10);
}, i: function(e21) {
W10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), wa(y10.$$.fragment, e21), wa(G10), wa(A10.$$.fragment, e21), wa(Q10), wa(z10), W10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), xa(y10.$$.fragment, e21), xa(G10), xa(A10.$$.fragment, e21), xa(Q10), xa(z10), W10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && (wi(n10), wi(r10)), Ra(t10, e21), Ra(y10), G10 && G10.d(), Ra(A10), Q10 && Q10.d(), X10[q10].d(), U10 = false, Qo(J10);
} };
function ML(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10;
return n10 = new UO({ props: { $$slots: { default: [OL] }, $$scope: { ctx: e20 } } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-modal jse-transform svelte-l4qqoi");
}, m: function(a10, s10) {
ki(a10, t10, s10), Ta(n10, t10, null), r10 = true, o10 || (i10 = ci(BI.call(null, t10, e20[22])), o10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var r11 = {};
4194303 & t11[0] | 2048 & t11[1] && (r11.$$scope = { dirty: t11, ctx: e21 }), n10.$set(r11);
}, i: function(e21) {
r10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10), o10 = false, i10();
} };
function EL(e20) {
function AL(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10 = Da("jsoneditor:TransformModal"), a10 = t10.id, s10 = void 0 === a10 ? "transform-modal-" + Ps() : a10, c10 = t10.json, l10 = t10.rootPath, u10 = void 0 === l10 ? [] : l10, f10 = t10.indentation, d10 = t10.escapeControlCharacters, h10 = t10.escapeUnicodeCharacters, v10 = t10.parser, p10 = t10.parseMemoizeOne, m10 = t10.validationParser, g10 = t10.pathParser, y10 = t10.queryLanguages, b10 = t10.queryLanguageId, k10 = t10.onChangeQueryLanguage, w10 = t10.onRenderValue, x10 = t10.onRenderMenu, j10 = t10.onRenderContextMenu, S10 = t10.onClassName, C10 = t10.onTransform, $10 = Zi("simple-modal").close, _10 = "".concat(s10, ":").concat(Zs(u10)), O10 = RP[_10] || {}, M10 = false !== NP.showWizard, E10 = false !== NP.showOriginal, A10 = O10.queryOptions || {}, P10 = b10 === O10.queryLanguageId && O10.query ? O10.query : I10(b10).createQuery(c10, O10.queryOptions || {}), T8 = O10.isManual || false, R8 = void 0, N8 = { text: "" };
function I10(e21) {
return y10.find(function(t11) {
return t11.id === e21;
}) || y10[0];
var D10 = Vy(function(e21, t11) {
if (void 0 === e21)
return n10(21, N8 = { text: "" }), void n10(20, R8 = "Error: No JSON");
try {
i10("previewTransform", { query: t11 });
var r11 = I10(b10).executeQuery(e21, t11, v10);
n10(21, N8 = { json: r11 }), n10(20, R8 = void 0);
} catch (e23) {
n10(21, N8 = { text: "" }), n10(20, R8 = String(e23));
}, 300);
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"id" in e21 && n10(30, s10 = e21.id), "json" in e21 && n10(31, c10 = e21.json), "rootPath" in e21 && n10(1, u10 = e21.rootPath), "indentation" in e21 && n10(2, f10 = e21.indentation), "escapeControlCharacters" in e21 && n10(3, d10 = e21.escapeControlCharacters), "escapeUnicodeCharacters" in e21 && n10(4, h10 = e21.escapeUnicodeCharacters), "parser" in e21 && n10(5, v10 = e21.parser), "parseMemoizeOne" in e21 && n10(6, p10 = e21.parseMemoizeOne), "validationParser" in e21 && n10(7, m10 = e21.validationParser), "pathParser" in e21 && n10(8, g10 = e21.pathParser), "queryLanguages" in e21 && n10(9, y10 = e21.queryLanguages), "queryLanguageId" in e21 && n10(0, b10 = e21.queryLanguageId), "onChangeQueryLanguage" in e21 && n10(32, k10 = e21.onChangeQueryLanguage), "onRenderValue" in e21 && n10(10, w10 = e21.onRenderValue), "onRenderMenu" in e21 && n10(11, x10 = e21.onRenderMenu), "onRenderContextMenu" in e21 && n10(12, j10 = e21.onRenderContextMenu), "onClassName" in e21 && n10(13, S10 = e21.onClassName), "onTransform" in e21 && n10(33, C10 = e21.onTransform);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
2 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 1 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(14, r10 = Ws(c10, u10)), 16384 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(17, o10 = r10 ? { json: r10 } : { text: "" }), 81920 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && D10(r10, P10), 98305 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 24 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && (n10(34, RP[_10] = { queryOptions: A10, query: P10, queryLanguageId: b10, isManual: T8 }, RP), i10("store state in memory", _10, RP[_10]));
}, [b10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, w10, x10, j10, S10, r10, A10, P10, o10, M10, E10, R8, N8, $10, I10, function(e21) {
n10(15, A10 = e21), n10(16, P10 = I10(b10).createQuery(c10, e21)), n10(35, T8 = false), i10("updateQueryByWizard", { queryOptions: A10, query: P10, isManual: T8 });
}, function(e21) {
n10(16, P10 = e21.target.value), n10(35, T8 = true), i10("handleChangeQuery", { query: P10, isManual: T8 });
}, function() {
if (void 0 === r10)
return n10(21, N8 = { text: "" }), void n10(20, R8 = "Error: No JSON");
try {
i10("handleTransform", { query: P10 });
var e21 = I10(b10).executeQuery(r10, P10, v10);
C10([{ op: "replace", path: Zs(u10), value: e21 }]), $10();
} catch (e23) {
console.error(e23), n10(21, N8 = { text: "" }), n10(20, R8 = String(e23));
}, function() {
n10(18, M10 = !M10), NP.showWizard = M10;
}, function() {
n10(19, E10 = !E10), NP.showOriginal = E10;
}, function(e21) {
i10("handleChangeQueryLanguage", e21), n10(0, b10 = e21), k10(e21);
var t11 = I10(b10);
n10(16, P10 = t11.createQuery(c10, A10)), n10(35, T8 = false);
}, s10, c10, k10, C10, RP, T8];
var PL = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, AL, ML, Zo, { id: 30, json: 31, rootPath: 1, indentation: 2, escapeControlCharacters: 3, escapeUnicodeCharacters: 4, parser: 5, parseMemoizeOne: 6, validationParser: 7, pathParser: 8, queryLanguages: 9, queryLanguageId: 0, onChangeQueryLanguage: 32, onRenderValue: 10, onRenderMenu: 11, onRenderContextMenu: 12, onClassName: 13, onTransform: 33 }, wL, [-1, -1]), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
var TL = {};
function RL(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-qjdk97", '.jse-modal.svelte-qjdk97.svelte-qjdk97{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column;min-width:0;min-height:0;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);line-height:normal;background:var(--jse-modal-background, #f5f5f5);color:var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d)}.jse-modal.svelte-qjdk97 .svelte-select{--border:var(--jse-svelte-select-border, 1px solid #d8dbdf);--item-is-active-bg:var(--jse-item-is-active-bg, #3883fa);--border-radius:var(--jse-svelte-select-border-radius, 3px);--background:var(--jse-svelte-select-background, #fff);--padding:var(--jse-svelte-select-padding, 0 10px);--multi-select-padding:var(--jse-svelte-select-multi-select-padding, 0 10px);--font-size:var(--jse-svelte-select-font-size, var(--jse-font-size, 16px));--height:36px;--multi-item-height:28px;--multi-item-margin:2px;--multi-item-padding:2px 8px;--multi-item-border-radius:6px;--indicator-top:8px}.jse-modal.svelte-qjdk97 .jse-modal-contents.svelte-qjdk97{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column;padding:20px;overflow:auto;min-width:0;min-height:0}.jse-modal.svelte-qjdk97 .jse-modal-contents .jse-actions.svelte-qjdk97{display:flex;flex-direction:row;justify-content:flex-end;padding-top:var(--jse-padding, 10px)}.jse-modal.svelte-qjdk97 .jse-modal-contents .jse-actions button.jse-primary.svelte-qjdk97{border:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;cursor:pointer;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);padding:5px;margin:0;background:var(--jse-button-primary-background, var(--jse-theme-color, #3883fa));color:var(--jse-button-primary-color, #fff);padding:var(--jse-padding, 10px) calc(2 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));border-radius:3px}.jse-modal.svelte-qjdk97 .jse-modal-contents .jse-actions button.jse-primary.svelte-qjdk97:hover{background:var(--jse-button-primary-background-highlight, var(--jse-theme-color-highlight, #5f9dff))}.jse-modal.svelte-qjdk97 .jse-modal-contents .jse-actions button.jse-primary.svelte-qjdk97:disabled{background:var(--jse-button-primary-background-disabled, #9d9d9d)}.bg.jse-modal-bg{width:100%;height:100%;top:0;left:0;background:var(--jse-overlay-background, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3))}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-window-wrap{margin:0}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-window{max-width:90%;margin:4rem auto 2rem auto;border-radius:2px}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-window.jse-modal-window-sort{width:400px}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-window.jse-modal-window-transform{width:1200px;height:1200px;max-height:80%;display:flex}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-window.jse-modal-window-jsoneditor{width:800px;height:auto;min-height:500px;max-height:calc(100vh - 6rem);display:flex}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-container{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column;padding:0}.jse-modal.jse-sort.svelte-qjdk97 table.svelte-qjdk97{width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0}.jse-modal.jse-sort.svelte-qjdk97 table th.svelte-qjdk97,.jse-modal.jse-sort.svelte-qjdk97 table td.svelte-qjdk97{text-align:left;vertical-align:middle;font-weight:normal;padding-bottom:var(--jse-padding, 10px)}.jse-modal.jse-sort.svelte-qjdk97 table th input.jse-path.svelte-qjdk97,.jse-modal.jse-sort.svelte-qjdk97 table td input.jse-path.svelte-qjdk97{width:100%;box-sizing:border-box;padding:6px 16px;border:var(--jse-input-border, 1px solid #d8dbdf);border-radius:var(--jse-input-radius, 3px);font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;background:inherit;color:inherit;outline:none}.jse-modal.jse-sort.svelte-qjdk97 table th input.jse-path.svelte-qjdk97:read-only,.jse-modal.jse-sort.svelte-qjdk97 table td input.jse-path.svelte-qjdk97:read-only{background:var(--jse-input-background-readonly, transparent)}.jse-modal.jse-sort.svelte-qjdk97 table th.svelte-qjdk97 .svelte-select input,.jse-modal.jse-sort.svelte-qjdk97 table td.svelte-qjdk97 .svelte-select input{box-sizing:border-box}.jse-modal.jse-sort.svelte-qjdk97 .jse-space.svelte-qjdk97{height:200px}.jse-modal.jse-sort.svelte-qjdk97 .jse-space .jse-error.svelte-qjdk97{color:var(--jse-error-color, #ee5341)}');
function NL(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10;
function c10(t11) {
var l10 = { showChevron: true, items: e20[5] };
return void 0 !== e20[1] && (l10.value = e20[1]), i10 = new ZR({ props: l10 }), na.push(function() {
return Aa(i10, "value", c10);
}), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("tr"), (n10 = ji("th")).textContent = "Property", r10 = $i(), o10 = ji("td"), Pa(i10.$$.fragment), Ai(n10, "class", "svelte-qjdk97"), Ai(o10, "class", "svelte-qjdk97");
}, m: function(e21, a11) {
ki(e21, t10, a11), pi(t10, n10), pi(t10, r10), pi(t10, o10), Ta(i10, o10, null), s10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = {};
32 & t11 && (n11.items = e21[5]), !a10 && 2 & t11 && (a10 = true, n11.value = e21[1], ua(function() {
return a10 = false;
})), i10.$set(n11);
}, i: function(e21) {
s10 || (wa(i10.$$.fragment, e21), s10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(i10.$$.fragment, e21), s10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(i10);
} };
function IL(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = Ci(e20[4]), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-error svelte-qjdk97");
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
ki(e21, t10, r10), pi(t10, n10);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
16 & t11 && Ni(n10, e21[4]);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function DL(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10, k10, w10, x10, j10, S10, C10, $10, _10, O10, M10, E10, A10, P10, T8;
r10 = new XN({ props: { title: e20[3] ? "Sort array items" : "Sort object keys" } });
var R8 = e20[3] && (e20[5] && (null === (t10 = e20[5]) || void 0 === t10 ? void 0 : t10.length) > 1 || void 0 === e20[1]) && NL(e20);
function N8(t11) {
var I10 = { showChevron: true, clearable: false, items: e20[7] };
void 0 !== e20[2] && (I10.value = e20[2]), x10 = new ZR({ props: I10 }), na.push(function() {
return Aa(x10, "value", N8);
var D10 = e20[4] && IL(e20);
return { c: function() {
var t11;
n10 = ji("div"), Pa(r10.$$.fragment), o10 = $i(), i10 = ji("div"), a10 = ji("table"), (s10 = ji("colgroup")).innerHTML = ' ', c10 = $i(), l10 = ji("tbody"), u10 = ji("tr"), (f10 = ji("th")).textContent = "Path", d10 = $i(), h10 = ji("td"), v10 = ji("input"), m10 = $i(), R8 && R8.c(), g10 = $i(), y10 = ji("tr"), (b10 = ji("th")).textContent = "Direction", k10 = $i(), w10 = ji("td"), Pa(x10.$$.fragment), S10 = $i(), C10 = ji("div"), D10 && D10.c(), $10 = $i(), _10 = ji("div"), O10 = ji("button"), M10 = Ci("Sort"), Ai(f10, "class", "svelte-qjdk97"), Ai(v10, "class", "jse-path svelte-qjdk97"), Ai(v10, "type", "text"), v10.readOnly = true, Ai(v10, "title", "Selected path"), v10.value = p10 = _w(e20[0]) ? "(document root)" : JO(e20[0]), Ai(h10, "class", "svelte-qjdk97"), Ai(b10, "class", "svelte-qjdk97"), Ai(w10, "class", "svelte-qjdk97"), Ai(a10, "class", "svelte-qjdk97"), Ai(C10, "class", "jse-space svelte-qjdk97"), Ai(O10, "type", "button"), Ai(O10, "class", "jse-primary svelte-qjdk97"), O10.disabled = E10 = !!(e20[3] && e20[5] && (null === (t11 = e20[5]) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11.length) > 1) && !e20[1], Ai(_10, "class", "jse-actions svelte-qjdk97"), Ai(i10, "class", "jse-modal-contents svelte-qjdk97"), Ai(n10, "class", "jse-modal jse-sort svelte-qjdk97");
}, m: function(t11, p11) {
ki(t11, n10, p11), Ta(r10, n10, null), pi(n10, o10), pi(n10, i10), pi(i10, a10), pi(a10, s10), pi(a10, c10), pi(a10, l10), pi(l10, u10), pi(u10, f10), pi(u10, d10), pi(u10, h10), pi(h10, v10), pi(l10, m10), R8 && R8.m(l10, null), pi(l10, g10), pi(l10, y10), pi(y10, b10), pi(y10, k10), pi(y10, w10), Ta(x10, w10, null), pi(i10, S10), pi(i10, C10), D10 && D10.m(C10, null), pi(i10, $10), pi(i10, _10), pi(_10, O10), pi(O10, M10), A10 = true, P10 || (T8 = [Oi(O10, "click", e20[8]), ci(qL.call(null, O10)), ci(BI.call(null, n10, e20[6]))], P10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var n11, o11, i11 = jo(t11, 1)[0], a11 = {};
8 & i11 && (a11.title = e21[3] ? "Sort array items" : "Sort object keys"), r10.$set(a11), (!A10 || 1 & i11 && p10 !== (p10 = _w(e21[0]) ? "(document root)" : JO(e21[0])) && v10.value !== p10) && (v10.value = p10), e21[3] && (e21[5] && (null === (n11 = e21[5]) || void 0 === n11 ? void 0 : n11.length) > 1 || void 0 === e21[1]) ? R8 ? (R8.p(e21, i11), 42 & i11 && wa(R8, 1)) : ((R8 = NL(e21)).c(), wa(R8, 1), R8.m(l10, g10)) : R8 && (ba(), xa(R8, 1, 1, function() {
R8 = null;
}), ka());
var s11 = {};
!j10 && 4 & i11 && (j10 = true, s11.value = e21[2], ua(function() {
return j10 = false;
})), x10.$set(s11), e21[4] ? D10 ? D10.p(e21, i11) : ((D10 = IL(e21)).c(), D10.m(C10, null)) : D10 && (D10.d(1), D10 = null), (!A10 || 42 & i11 && E10 !== (E10 = !!(e21[3] && e21[5] && (null === (o11 = e21[5]) || void 0 === o11 ? void 0 : o11.length) > 1) && !e21[1])) && (O10.disabled = E10);
}, i: function(e21) {
A10 || (wa(r10.$$.fragment, e21), wa(R8), wa(x10.$$.fragment, e21), A10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(r10.$$.fragment, e21), xa(R8), xa(x10.$$.fragment, e21), A10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(n10), Ra(r10), R8 && R8.d(), Ra(x10), D10 && D10.d(), P10 = false, Qo(T8);
} };
function qL(e20) {
function zL(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10 = Da("jsoneditor:SortModal"), l10 = t10.id, u10 = t10.json, f10 = t10.rootPath, d10 = t10.onSort, h10 = Zi("simple-modal").close, v10 = "".concat(l10, ":").concat(Zs(f10)), p10 = Ws(u10, f10), m10 = { value: 1, label: "ascending" }, g10 = [m10, { value: -1, label: "descending" }], y10 = null === (r10 = TL[v10]) || void 0 === r10 ? void 0 : r10.selectedProperty, b10 = (null === (o10 = TL[v10]) || void 0 === o10 ? void 0 : o10.selectedDirection) || m10, k10 = void 0;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"id" in e21 && n10(9, l10 = e21.id), "json" in e21 && n10(10, u10 = e21.json), "rootPath" in e21 && n10(0, f10 = e21.rootPath), "onSort" in e21 && n10(11, d10 = e21.onSort);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
8 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(13, a10 = i10 && void 0 !== p10 ? T_(p10) : void 0), 8192 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(5, s10 = a10 ? a10.map(GO) : void 0), 4102 & e20.$$.dirty && (n10(12, TL[v10] = { selectedProperty: y10, selectedDirection: b10 }, TL), c10("store state in memory", v10, TL[v10]));
}, n10(3, i10 = Array.isArray(p10)), [f10, y10, b10, i10, k10, s10, h10, g10, function() {
try {
var e21, t11, r11;
n10(4, k10 = void 0);
var o11 = (null === (e21 = y10) || void 0 === e21 ? void 0 : e21.value) || (null === (t11 = s10) || void 0 === t11 || null === (t11 = t11[0]) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11.value) || [], i11 = null === (r11 = b10) || void 0 === r11 ? void 0 : r11.value, a11 = Iz(u10, f10, o11, i11);
d10({ operations: a11, rootPath: f10, itemPath: o11, direction: i11 }), h10();
} catch (e23) {
n10(4, k10 = String(e23));
}, l10, u10, d10, TL, a10, function(e21) {
n10(1, y10 = e21);
}, function(e21) {
n10(2, b10 = e21);
var BL = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, zL, DL, Zo, { id: 9, json: 10, rootPath: 0, onSort: 11 }, RL), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function LL() {
function FL(e20) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 1e3;
if (e20 < 0.9 * t10)
return e20.toFixed() + " B";
var n10 = e20 / t10;
if (n10 < 0.9 * t10)
return n10.toFixed(1) + " KB";
var r10 = n10 / t10;
if (r10 < 0.9 * t10)
return r10.toFixed(1) + " MB";
var o10 = r10 / t10;
return o10 < 0.9 * t10 ? o10.toFixed(1) + " GB" : (o10 / t10).toFixed(1) + " TB";
function VL(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new EI({ props: { items: e20[0] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
1 & jo(n11, 1)[0] && (r10.items = e21[0]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function HL(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10 = t10.readOnly, a10 = void 0 !== i10 && i10, s10 = t10.onFormat, c10 = t10.onCompact, l10 = t10.onSort, u10 = t10.onTransform, f10 = t10.onToggleSearch, d10 = t10.onUndo, h10 = t10.onRedo, v10 = t10.canUndo, p10 = t10.canRedo, m10 = t10.canFormat, g10 = t10.canCompact, y10 = t10.canSort, b10 = t10.canTransform, k10 = t10.onRenderMenu, w10 = { type: "button", icon: jP, title: "Search (Ctrl+F)", className: "jse-search", onClick: f10 };
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"readOnly" in e21 && n10(1, a10 = e21.readOnly), "onFormat" in e21 && n10(2, s10 = e21.onFormat), "onCompact" in e21 && n10(3, c10 = e21.onCompact), "onSort" in e21 && n10(4, l10 = e21.onSort), "onTransform" in e21 && n10(5, u10 = e21.onTransform), "onToggleSearch" in e21 && n10(6, f10 = e21.onToggleSearch), "onUndo" in e21 && n10(7, d10 = e21.onUndo), "onRedo" in e21 && n10(8, h10 = e21.onRedo), "canUndo" in e21 && n10(9, v10 = e21.canUndo), "canRedo" in e21 && n10(10, p10 = e21.canRedo), "canFormat" in e21 && n10(11, m10 = e21.canFormat), "canCompact" in e21 && n10(12, g10 = e21.canCompact), "canSort" in e21 && n10(13, y10 = e21.canSort), "canTransform" in e21 && n10(14, b10 = e21.canTransform), "onRenderMenu" in e21 && n10(15, k10 = e21.onRenderMenu);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
32702 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(16, o10 = a10 ? [w10, { type: "space" }] : [{ type: "button", icon: xz, title: "Format JSON: add proper indentation and new lines (Ctrl+I)", className: "jse-format", onClick: s10, disabled: a10 || !m10 }, { type: "button", icon: jz, title: "Compact JSON: remove all white spacing and new lines (Ctrl+Shift+I)", className: "jse-compact", onClick: c10, disabled: a10 || !g10 }, { type: "separator" }, { type: "button", icon: kP, title: "Sort", className: "jse-sort", onClick: l10, disabled: a10 || !y10 }, { type: "button", icon: cP, title: "Transform contents (filter, sort, project)", className: "jse-transform", onClick: u10, disabled: a10 || !b10 }, w10, { type: "separator" }, { type: "button", icon: vP, title: "Undo (Ctrl+Z)", className: "jse-undo", onClick: d10, disabled: !v10 }, { type: "button", icon: hP, title: "Redo (Ctrl+Shift+Z)", className: "jse-redo", onClick: h10, disabled: !p10 }, { type: "space" }]), 98304 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(0, r10 = k10(o10) || o10);
}, [r10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10, k10, o10];
var WL = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, HL, VL, Zo, { readOnly: 1, onFormat: 2, onCompact: 3, onSort: 4, onTransform: 5, onToggleSearch: 6, onUndo: 7, onRedo: 8, canUndo: 9, canRedo: 10, canFormat: 11, canCompact: 12, canSort: 13, canTransform: 14, onRenderMenu: 15 }), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
var UL = function() {
function e20() {
No(this, e20);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "lineAt", value: function(e21) {
if (e21 < 0 || e21 > this.length)
throw new RangeError("Invalid position ".concat(e21, " in document of length ").concat(this.length));
return this.lineInner(e21, false, 1, 0);
} }, { key: "line", value: function(e21) {
if (e21 < 1 || e21 > this.lines)
throw new RangeError("Invalid line number ".concat(e21, " in ").concat(this.lines, "-line document"));
return this.lineInner(e21, true, 1, 0);
} }, { key: "replace", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
var r10 = jo(tF(this, e21, t10), 2);
e21 = r10[0], t10 = r10[1];
var o10 = [];
return this.decompose(0, e21, o10, 2), n10.length && n10.decompose(0, n10.length, o10, 3), this.decompose(t10, this.length, o10, 1), KL.from(o10, this.length - (t10 - e21) + n10.length);
} }, { key: "append", value: function(e21) {
return this.replace(this.length, this.length, e21);
} }, { key: "slice", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : this.length, n10 = jo(tF(this, e21, t10), 2);
e21 = n10[0], t10 = n10[1];
var r10 = [];
return this.decompose(e21, t10, r10, 0), KL.from(r10, t10 - e21);
} }, { key: "eq", value: function(e21) {
if (e21 == this)
return true;
if (e21.length != this.length || e21.lines != this.lines)
return false;
for (var t10 = this.scanIdentical(e21, 1), n10 = this.length - this.scanIdentical(e21, -1), r10 = new YL(this), o10 = new YL(e21), i10 = t10, a10 = t10; ; ) {
if (r10.next(i10), o10.next(i10), i10 = 0, r10.lineBreak != o10.lineBreak || r10.done != o10.done || r10.value != o10.value)
return false;
if (a10 += r10.value.length, r10.done || a10 >= n10)
return true;
} }, { key: "iter", value: function() {
return new YL(this, arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 1);
} }, { key: "iterRange", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : this.length;
return new XL(this, e21, t10);
} }, { key: "iterLines", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10;
if (null == e21)
n10 = this.iter();
else {
null == t10 && (t10 = this.lines + 1);
var r10 = this.line(e21).from;
n10 = this.iterRange(r10, Math.max(r10, t10 == this.lines + 1 ? this.length : t10 <= 1 ? 0 : this.line(t10 - 1).to));
return new ZL(n10);
} }, { key: "toString", value: function() {
return this.sliceString(0);
} }, { key: "toJSON", value: function() {
var e21 = [];
return this.flatten(e21), e21;
} }], [{ key: "of", value: function(t10) {
if (0 == t10.length)
throw new RangeError("A document must have at least one line");
return 1 != t10.length || t10[0] ? t10.length <= 32 ? new JL(t10) : KL.from(JL.split(t10, [])) : e20.empty;
} }]), e20;
var JL = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10, r10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : function(e23) {
var t11, n11 = -1, r11 = bo(e23);
try {
for (r11.s(); !(t11 = r11.n()).done; ) {
n11 += t11.value.length + 1;
} catch (e24) {
} finally {
return n11;
return No(this, t10), (n10 = _o(this, t10)).text = e21, n10.length = r10, n10;
return Ao(t10, UL), Do(t10, [{ key: "lines", get: function() {
return this.text.length;
} }, { key: "children", get: function() {
return null;
} }, { key: "lineInner", value: function(e21, t11, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = 0; ; o10++) {
var i10 = this.text[o10], a10 = r10 + i10.length;
if ((t11 ? n10 : a10) >= e21)
return new eF(r10, a10, n10, i10);
r10 = a10 + 1, n10++;
} }, { key: "decompose", value: function(e21, n10, r10, o10) {
var i10 = e21 <= 0 && n10 >= this.length ? this : new t10(QL(this.text, e21, n10), Math.min(n10, this.length) - Math.max(0, e21));
if (1 & o10) {
var a10 = r10.pop(), s10 = GL(i10.text, a10.text.slice(), 0, i10.length);
if (s10.length <= 32)
r10.push(new t10(s10, a10.length + i10.length));
else {
var c10 = s10.length >> 1;
r10.push(new t10(s10.slice(0, c10)), new t10(s10.slice(c10)));
} else
} }, { key: "replace", value: function(e21, n10, r10) {
if (!(r10 instanceof t10))
return go(Mo(t10.prototype), "replace", this).call(this, e21, n10, r10);
var o10 = jo(tF(this, e21, n10), 2);
e21 = o10[0], n10 = o10[1];
var i10 = GL(this.text, GL(r10.text, QL(this.text, 0, e21)), n10), a10 = this.length + r10.length - (n10 - e21);
return i10.length <= 32 ? new t10(i10, a10) : KL.from(t10.split(i10, []), a10);
} }, { key: "sliceString", value: function(e21) {
var t11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : this.length, n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : "\n", r10 = jo(tF(this, e21, t11), 2);
e21 = r10[0], t11 = r10[1];
for (var o10 = "", i10 = 0, a10 = 0; i10 <= t11 && a10 < this.text.length; a10++) {
var s10 = this.text[a10], c10 = i10 + s10.length;
i10 > e21 && a10 && (o10 += n10), e21 < c10 && t11 > i10 && (o10 += s10.slice(Math.max(0, e21 - i10), t11 - i10)), i10 = c10 + 1;
return o10;
} }, { key: "flatten", value: function(e21) {
var t11, n10 = bo(this.text);
try {
for (n10.s(); !(t11 = n10.n()).done; ) {
var r10 = t11.value;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} }, { key: "scanIdentical", value: function() {
return 0;
} }], [{ key: "split", value: function(e21, n10) {
var r10, o10 = [], i10 = -1, a10 = bo(e21);
try {
for (a10.s(); !(r10 = a10.n()).done; ) {
var s10 = r10.value;
o10.push(s10), i10 += s10.length + 1, 32 == o10.length && (n10.push(new t10(o10, i10)), o10 = [], i10 = -1);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return i10 > -1 && n10.push(new t10(o10, i10)), n10;
} }]), t10;
var KL = function(e20) {
function t10(e21, n10) {
var r10;
No(this, t10), (r10 = _o(this, t10)).children = e21, r10.length = n10, r10.lines = 0;
var o10, i10 = bo(e21);
try {
for (i10.s(); !(o10 = i10.n()).done; ) {
var a10 = o10.value;
r10.lines += a10.lines;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return r10;
return Ao(t10, UL), Do(t10, [{ key: "lineInner", value: function(e21, t11, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = 0; ; o10++) {
var i10 = this.children[o10], a10 = r10 + i10.length, s10 = n10 + i10.lines - 1;
if ((t11 ? s10 : a10) >= e21)
return i10.lineInner(e21, t11, n10, r10);
r10 = a10 + 1, n10 = s10 + 1;
} }, { key: "decompose", value: function(e21, t11, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = 0, i10 = 0; i10 <= t11 && o10 < this.children.length; o10++) {
var a10 = this.children[o10], s10 = i10 + a10.length;
if (e21 <= s10 && t11 >= i10) {
var c10 = r10 & ((i10 <= e21 ? 1 : 0) | (s10 >= t11 ? 2 : 0));
i10 >= e21 && s10 <= t11 && !c10 ? n10.push(a10) : a10.decompose(e21 - i10, t11 - i10, n10, c10);
i10 = s10 + 1;
} }, { key: "replace", value: function(e21, n10, r10) {
var o10 = jo(tF(this, e21, n10), 2);
if (e21 = o10[0], n10 = o10[1], r10.lines < this.lines)
for (var i10 = 0, a10 = 0; i10 < this.children.length; i10++) {
var s10 = this.children[i10], c10 = a10 + s10.length;
if (e21 >= a10 && n10 <= c10) {
var l10 = s10.replace(e21 - a10, n10 - a10, r10), u10 = this.lines - s10.lines + l10.lines;
if (l10.lines < u10 >> 4 && l10.lines > u10 >> 6) {
var f10 = this.children.slice();
return f10[i10] = l10, new t10(f10, this.length - (n10 - e21) + r10.length);
return go(Mo(t10.prototype), "replace", this).call(this, a10, c10, l10);
a10 = c10 + 1;
return go(Mo(t10.prototype), "replace", this).call(this, e21, n10, r10);
} }, { key: "sliceString", value: function(e21) {
var t11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : this.length, n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : "\n", r10 = jo(tF(this, e21, t11), 2);
e21 = r10[0], t11 = r10[1];
for (var o10 = "", i10 = 0, a10 = 0; i10 < this.children.length && a10 <= t11; i10++) {
var s10 = this.children[i10], c10 = a10 + s10.length;
a10 > e21 && i10 && (o10 += n10), e21 < c10 && t11 > a10 && (o10 += s10.sliceString(e21 - a10, t11 - a10, n10)), a10 = c10 + 1;
return o10;
} }, { key: "flatten", value: function(e21) {
var t11, n10 = bo(this.children);
try {
for (n10.s(); !(t11 = n10.n()).done; ) {
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} }, { key: "scanIdentical", value: function(e21, n10) {
if (!(e21 instanceof t10))
return 0;
for (var r10 = 0, o10 = jo(n10 > 0 ? [0, 0, this.children.length, e21.children.length] : [this.children.length - 1, e21.children.length - 1, -1, -1], 4), i10 = o10[0], a10 = o10[1], s10 = o10[2], c10 = o10[3]; ; i10 += n10, a10 += n10) {
if (i10 == s10 || a10 == c10)
return r10;
var l10 = this.children[i10], u10 = e21.children[a10];
if (l10 != u10)
return r10 + l10.scanIdentical(u10, n10);
r10 += l10.length + 1;
} }], [{ key: "from", value: function(e21) {
var n10, r10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : e21.reduce(function(e23, t11) {
return e23 + t11.length + 1;
}, -1), o10 = 0, i10 = bo(e21);
try {
for (i10.s(); !(n10 = i10.n()).done; ) {
o10 += n10.value.lines;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
if (o10 < 32) {
var a10, s10 = [], c10 = bo(e21);
try {
for (c10.s(); !(a10 = c10.n()).done; ) {
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return new JL(s10, r10);
var l10 = Math.max(32, o10 >> 5), u10 = l10 << 1, f10 = l10 >> 1, d10 = [], h10 = 0, v10 = -1, p10 = [];
function m10(e23) {
var n11;
if (e23.lines > u10 && e23 instanceof t10) {
var r11, o11 = bo(e23.children);
try {
for (o11.s(); !(r11 = o11.n()).done; ) {
} catch (e24) {
} finally {
} else
e23.lines > f10 && (h10 > f10 || !h10) ? (g10(), d10.push(e23)) : e23 instanceof JL && h10 && (n11 = p10[p10.length - 1]) instanceof JL && e23.lines + n11.lines <= 32 ? (h10 += e23.lines, v10 += e23.length + 1, p10[p10.length - 1] = new JL(n11.text.concat(e23.text), n11.length + 1 + e23.length)) : (h10 + e23.lines > l10 && g10(), h10 += e23.lines, v10 += e23.length + 1, p10.push(e23));
function g10() {
0 != h10 && (d10.push(1 == p10.length ? p10[0] : t10.from(p10, v10)), v10 = -1, h10 = p10.length = 0);
var y10, b10 = bo(e21);
try {
for (b10.s(); !(y10 = b10.n()).done; ) {
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return g10(), 1 == d10.length ? d10[0] : new t10(d10, r10);
} }]), t10;
function GL(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 0, r10 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 1e9, o10 = 0, i10 = 0, a10 = true; i10 < e20.length && o10 <= r10; i10++) {
var s10 = e20[i10], c10 = o10 + s10.length;
c10 >= n10 && (c10 > r10 && (s10 = s10.slice(0, r10 - o10)), o10 < n10 && (s10 = s10.slice(n10 - o10)), a10 ? (t10[t10.length - 1] += s10, a10 = false) : t10.push(s10)), o10 = c10 + 1;
return t10;
function QL(e20, t10, n10) {
return GL(e20, [""], t10, n10);
UL.empty = new JL([""], 0);
var YL = function() {
function e20(t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 1;
No(this, e20), this.dir = n10, this.done = false, this.lineBreak = false, this.value = "", this.nodes = [t10], this.offsets = [n10 > 0 ? 1 : (t10 instanceof JL ? t10.text.length : t10.children.length) << 1];
return Do(e20, [{ key: "nextInner", value: function(e21, t10) {
for (this.done = this.lineBreak = false; ; ) {
var n10 = this.nodes.length - 1, r10 = this.nodes[n10], o10 = this.offsets[n10], i10 = o10 >> 1, a10 = r10 instanceof JL ? r10.text.length : r10.children.length;
if (i10 == (t10 > 0 ? a10 : 0)) {
if (0 == n10)
return this.done = true, this.value = "", this;
t10 > 0 && this.offsets[n10 - 1]++, this.nodes.pop(), this.offsets.pop();
} else if ((1 & o10) == (t10 > 0 ? 0 : 1)) {
if (this.offsets[n10] += t10, 0 == e21)
return this.lineBreak = true, this.value = "\n", this;
} else if (r10 instanceof JL) {
var s10 = r10.text[i10 + (t10 < 0 ? -1 : 0)];
if (this.offsets[n10] += t10, s10.length > Math.max(0, e21))
return this.value = 0 == e21 ? s10 : t10 > 0 ? s10.slice(e21) : s10.slice(0, s10.length - e21), this;
e21 -= s10.length;
} else {
var c10 = r10.children[i10 + (t10 < 0 ? -1 : 0)];
e21 > c10.length ? (e21 -= c10.length, this.offsets[n10] += t10) : (t10 < 0 && this.offsets[n10]--, this.nodes.push(c10), this.offsets.push(t10 > 0 ? 1 : (c10 instanceof JL ? c10.text.length : c10.children.length) << 1));
} }, { key: "next", value: function() {
var e21 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 0;
return e21 < 0 && (this.nextInner(-e21, -this.dir), e21 = this.value.length), this.nextInner(e21, this.dir);
} }]), e20;
var XL = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
No(this, e20), this.value = "", this.done = false, this.cursor = new YL(t10, n10 > r10 ? -1 : 1), this.pos = n10 > r10 ? t10.length : 0, this.from = Math.min(n10, r10), this.to = Math.max(n10, r10);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "nextInner", value: function(e21, t10) {
if (t10 < 0 ? this.pos <= this.from : this.pos >= this.to)
return this.value = "", this.done = true, this;
e21 += Math.max(0, t10 < 0 ? this.pos - this.to : this.from - this.pos);
var n10 = t10 < 0 ? this.pos - this.from : this.to - this.pos;
e21 > n10 && (e21 = n10), n10 -= e21;
var r10 = this.cursor.next(e21).value;
return this.pos += (r10.length + e21) * t10, this.value = r10.length <= n10 ? r10 : t10 < 0 ? r10.slice(r10.length - n10) : r10.slice(0, n10), this.done = !this.value, this;
} }, { key: "next", value: function() {
var e21 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 0;
return e21 < 0 ? e21 = Math.max(e21, this.from - this.pos) : e21 > 0 && (e21 = Math.min(e21, this.to - this.pos)), this.nextInner(e21, this.cursor.dir);
} }, { key: "lineBreak", get: function() {
return this.cursor.lineBreak && "" != this.value;
} }]), e20;
var ZL = function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.inner = t10, this.afterBreak = true, this.value = "", this.done = false;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "next", value: function() {
var e21 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 0, t10 = this.inner.next(e21), n10 = t10.done, r10 = t10.lineBreak, o10 = t10.value;
return n10 && this.afterBreak ? (this.value = "", this.afterBreak = false) : n10 ? (this.done = true, this.value = "") : r10 ? this.afterBreak ? this.value = "" : (this.afterBreak = true, this.next()) : (this.value = o10, this.afterBreak = false), this;
} }, { key: "lineBreak", get: function() {
return false;
} }]), e20;
"undefined" != typeof Symbol && (UL.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return this.iter();
}, YL.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = XL.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = ZL.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return this;
var eF = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10) {
No(this, e20), this.from = t10, this.to = n10, this.number = r10, this.text = o10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "length", get: function() {
return this.to - this.from;
} }]), e20;
function tF(e20, t10, n10) {
return [t10 = Math.max(0, Math.min(e20.length, t10)), Math.max(t10, Math.min(e20.length, n10))];
for (nF = "lc,34,7n,7,7b,19,,,,2,,2,,,20,b,1c,l,g,,2t,7,2,6,2,2,,4,z,,u,r,2j,b,1m,9,9,,o,4,,9,,3,,5,17,3,3b,f,,w,1j,,,,4,8,4,,3,7,a,2,t,,1m,,,,2,4,8,,9,,a,2,q,,2,2,1l,,4,2,4,2,2,3,3,,u,2,3,,b,2,1l,,4,5,,2,4,,k,2,m,6,,,1m,,,2,,4,8,,7,3,a,2,u,,1n,,,,c,,9,,14,,3,,1l,3,5,3,,4,7,2,b,2,t,,1m,,2,,2,,3,,5,2,7,2,b,2,s,2,1l,2,,,2,4,8,,9,,a,2,t,,20,,4,,2,3,,,8,,29,,2,7,c,8,2q,,2,9,b,6,22,2,r,,,,,,1j,e,,5,,2,5,b,,10,9,,2u,4,,6,,2,2,2,p,2,4,3,g,4,d,,2,2,6,,f,,jj,3,qa,3,t,3,t,2,u,2,1s,2,,7,8,,2,b,9,,19,3,3b,2,y,,3a,3,4,2,9,,6,3,63,2,2,,1m,,,7,,,,,2,8,6,a,2,,1c,h,1r,4,1c,7,,,5,,14,9,c,2,w,4,2,2,,3,1k,,,2,3,,,3,1m,8,2,2,48,3,,d,,7,4,,6,,3,2,5i,1m,,5,ek,,5f,x,2da,3,3x,,2o,w,fe,6,2x,2,n9w,4,,a,w,2,28,2,7k,,3,,4,,p,2,5,,47,2,q,i,d,,12,8,p,b,1a,3,1c,,2,4,2,2,13,,1v,6,2,2,2,2,c,,8,,1b,,1f,,,3,2,2,5,2,,,16,2,8,,6m,,2,,4,,fn4,,kh,g,g,g,a6,2,gt,,6a,,45,5,1ae,3,,2,5,4,14,3,4,,4l,2,fx,4,ar,2,49,b,4w,,1i,f,1k,3,1d,4,2,2,1x,3,10,5,,8,1q,,c,2,1g,9,a,4,2,,2n,3,2,,,2,6,,4g,,3,8,l,2,1l,2,,,,,m,,e,7,3,5,5f,8,2,3,,,n,,29,,2,6,,,2,,,2,,2,6j,,2,4,6,2,,2,r,2,2d,8,2,,,2,2y,,,,2,6,,,2t,3,2,4,,5,77,9,,2,6t,,a,2,,,4,,40,4,2,2,4,,w,a,14,6,2,4,8,,9,6,2,3,1a,d,,2,ba,7,,6,,,2a,m,2,7,,2,,2,3e,6,3,,,2,,7,,,20,2,3,,,,9n,2,f0b,5,1n,7,t4,,1r,4,29,,f5k,2,43q,,,3,4,5,8,8,2,7,u,4,44,3,1iz,1j,4,1e,8,,e,,m,5,,f,11s,7,,h,2,7,,2,,5,79,7,c5,4,15s,7,31,7,240,5,gx7k,2o,3k,6o".split(",").map(function(e20) {
return e20 ? parseInt(e20, 36) : 1;
}), rF = 1; rF < nF.length; rF++)
nF[rF] += nF[rF - 1];
var nF;
var rF;
function oF(e20) {
for (var t10 = 1; t10 < nF.length; t10 += 2)
if (nF[t10] > e20)
return nF[t10 - 1] <= e20;
return false;
function iF(e20) {
return e20 >= 127462 && e20 <= 127487;
var aF = 8205;
function sF(e20, t10) {
return (!(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2] ? cF : lF)(e20, t10, !(arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3]) || arguments[3]);
function cF(e20, t10, n10) {
if (t10 == e20.length)
return t10;
t10 && uF(e20.charCodeAt(t10)) && fF(e20.charCodeAt(t10 - 1)) && t10--;
var r10 = dF(e20, t10);
for (t10 += vF(r10); t10 < e20.length; ) {
var o10 = dF(e20, t10);
if (r10 == aF || o10 == aF || n10 && oF(o10))
t10 += vF(o10), r10 = o10;
else {
if (!iF(o10))
for (var i10 = 0, a10 = t10 - 2; a10 >= 0 && iF(dF(e20, a10)); )
i10++, a10 -= 2;
if (i10 % 2 == 0)
t10 += 2;
return t10;
function lF(e20, t10, n10) {
for (; t10 > 0; ) {
var r10 = cF(e20, t10 - 2, n10);
if (r10 < t10)
return r10;
return 0;
function uF(e20) {
return e20 >= 56320 && e20 < 57344;
function fF(e20) {
return e20 >= 55296 && e20 < 56320;
function dF(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.charCodeAt(t10);
if (!fF(n10) || t10 + 1 == e20.length)
return n10;
var r10 = e20.charCodeAt(t10 + 1);
return uF(r10) ? r10 - 56320 + (n10 - 55296 << 10) + 65536 : n10;
function hF(e20) {
return e20 <= 65535 ? String.fromCharCode(e20) : (e20 -= 65536, String.fromCharCode(55296 + (e20 >> 10), 56320 + (1023 & e20)));
function vF(e20) {
return e20 < 65536 ? 1 : 2;
var pF = /\r\n?|\n/;
var mF = function(e20) {
return e20[e20.Simple = 0] = "Simple", e20[e20.TrackDel = 1] = "TrackDel", e20[e20.TrackBefore = 2] = "TrackBefore", e20[e20.TrackAfter = 3] = "TrackAfter", e20;
}(mF || (mF = {}));
var gF = function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.sections = t10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "length", get: function() {
for (var e21 = 0, t10 = 0; t10 < this.sections.length; t10 += 2)
e21 += this.sections[t10];
return e21;
} }, { key: "newLength", get: function() {
for (var e21 = 0, t10 = 0; t10 < this.sections.length; t10 += 2) {
var n10 = this.sections[t10 + 1];
e21 += n10 < 0 ? this.sections[t10] : n10;
return e21;
} }, { key: "empty", get: function() {
return 0 == this.sections.length || 2 == this.sections.length && this.sections[1] < 0;
} }, { key: "iterGaps", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = 0, n10 = 0, r10 = 0; t10 < this.sections.length; ) {
var o10 = this.sections[t10++], i10 = this.sections[t10++];
i10 < 0 ? (e21(n10, r10, o10), r10 += o10) : r10 += i10, n10 += o10;
} }, { key: "iterChangedRanges", value: function(e21) {
wF(this, e21, arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1]);
} }, { key: "invertedDesc", get: function() {
for (var t10 = [], n10 = 0; n10 < this.sections.length; ) {
var r10 = this.sections[n10++], o10 = this.sections[n10++];
o10 < 0 ? t10.push(r10, o10) : t10.push(o10, r10);
return new e20(t10);
} }, { key: "composeDesc", value: function(e21) {
return this.empty ? e21 : e21.empty ? this : jF(this, e21);
} }, { key: "mapDesc", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1];
return e21.empty ? this : xF(this, e21, t10);
} }, { key: "mapPos", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : -1, n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : mF.Simple, r10 = 0, o10 = 0, i10 = 0; i10 < this.sections.length; ) {
var a10 = this.sections[i10++], s10 = this.sections[i10++], c10 = r10 + a10;
if (s10 < 0) {
if (c10 > e21)
return o10 + (e21 - r10);
o10 += a10;
} else {
if (n10 != mF.Simple && c10 >= e21 && (n10 == mF.TrackDel && r10 < e21 && c10 > e21 || n10 == mF.TrackBefore && r10 < e21 || n10 == mF.TrackAfter && c10 > e21))
return null;
if (c10 > e21 || c10 == e21 && t10 < 0 && !a10)
return e21 == r10 || t10 < 0 ? o10 : o10 + s10;
o10 += s10;
r10 = c10;
if (e21 > r10)
throw new RangeError("Position ".concat(e21, " is out of range for changeset of length ").concat(r10));
return o10;
} }, { key: "touchesRange", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : e21, n10 = 0, r10 = 0; n10 < this.sections.length && r10 <= t10; ) {
var o10 = r10 + this.sections[n10++];
if (this.sections[n10++] >= 0 && r10 <= t10 && o10 >= e21)
return !(r10 < e21 && o10 > t10) || "cover";
r10 = o10;
return false;
} }, { key: "toString", value: function() {
for (var e21 = "", t10 = 0; t10 < this.sections.length; ) {
var n10 = this.sections[t10++], r10 = this.sections[t10++];
e21 += (e21 ? " " : "") + n10 + (r10 >= 0 ? ":" + r10 : "");
return e21;
} }, { key: "toJSON", value: function() {
return this.sections;
} }], [{ key: "fromJSON", value: function(t10) {
if (!Array.isArray(t10) || t10.length % 2 || t10.some(function(e21) {
return "number" != typeof e21;
throw new RangeError("Invalid JSON representation of ChangeDesc");
return new e20(t10);
} }, { key: "create", value: function(t10) {
return new e20(t10);
} }]), e20;
var yF = function(e20) {
function t10(e21, n10) {
var r10;
return No(this, t10), (r10 = _o(this, t10, [e21])).inserted = n10, r10;
return Ao(t10, gF), Do(t10, [{ key: "apply", value: function(e21) {
if (this.length != e21.length)
throw new RangeError("Applying change set to a document with the wrong length");
return wF(this, function(t11, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
return e21 = e21.replace(r10, r10 + (n10 - t11), i10);
}, false), e21;
} }, { key: "mapDesc", value: function(e21) {
return xF(this, e21, arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1], true);
} }, { key: "invert", value: function(e21) {
for (var n10 = this.sections.slice(), r10 = [], o10 = 0, i10 = 0; o10 < n10.length; o10 += 2) {
var a10 = n10[o10], s10 = n10[o10 + 1];
if (s10 >= 0) {
n10[o10] = s10, n10[o10 + 1] = a10;
for (var c10 = o10 >> 1; r10.length < c10; )
r10.push(a10 ? e21.slice(i10, i10 + a10) : UL.empty);
i10 += a10;
return new t10(n10, r10);
} }, { key: "compose", value: function(e21) {
return this.empty ? e21 : e21.empty ? this : jF(this, e21, true);
} }, { key: "map", value: function(e21) {
var t11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1];
return e21.empty ? this : xF(this, e21, t11, true);
} }, { key: "iterChanges", value: function(e21) {
wF(this, e21, arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1]);
} }, { key: "desc", get: function() {
return gF.create(this.sections);
} }, { key: "filter", value: function(e21) {
var n10 = [], r10 = [], o10 = [], i10 = new SF(this);
for (var a10 = 0, s10 = 0; ; ) {
for (var c10 = a10 == e21.length ? 1e9 : e21[a10++]; s10 < c10 || s10 == c10 && 0 == i10.len; ) {
if (i10.done)
break e;
var l10 = Math.min(i10.len, c10 - s10);
bF(o10, l10, -1);
var u10 = -1 == i10.ins ? -1 : 0 == i10.off ? i10.ins : 0;
bF(n10, l10, u10), u10 > 0 && kF(r10, n10, i10.text), i10.forward(l10), s10 += l10;
for (var f10 = e21[a10++]; s10 < f10; ) {
if (i10.done)
break e;
var d10 = Math.min(i10.len, f10 - s10);
bF(n10, d10, -1), bF(o10, d10, -1 == i10.ins ? -1 : 0 == i10.off ? i10.ins : 0), i10.forward(d10), s10 += d10;
return { changes: new t10(n10, r10), filtered: gF.create(o10) };
} }, { key: "toJSON", value: function() {
for (var e21 = [], t11 = 0; t11 < this.sections.length; t11 += 2) {
var n10 = this.sections[t11], r10 = this.sections[t11 + 1];
r10 < 0 ? e21.push(n10) : 0 == r10 ? e21.push([n10]) : e21.push([n10].concat(this.inserted[t11 >> 1].toJSON()));
return e21;
} }], [{ key: "of", value: function(e21, n10, r10) {
var o10 = [], i10 = [], a10 = 0, s10 = null;
function c10() {
if (arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0] || o10.length) {
a10 < n10 && bF(o10, n10 - a10, -1);
var e23 = new t10(o10, i10);
s10 = s10 ? s10.compose(e23.map(s10)) : e23, o10 = [], i10 = [], a10 = 0;
return function e23(l10) {
if (Array.isArray(l10)) {
var u10, f10 = bo(l10);
try {
for (f10.s(); !(u10 = f10.n()).done; ) {
} catch (e24) {
} finally {
} else if (l10 instanceof t10) {
if (l10.length != n10)
throw new RangeError("Mismatched change set length (got ".concat(l10.length, ", expected ").concat(n10, ")"));
c10(), s10 = s10 ? s10.compose(l10.map(s10)) : l10;
} else {
var d10 = l10.from, h10 = l10.to, v10 = void 0 === h10 ? d10 : h10, p10 = l10.insert;
if (d10 > v10 || d10 < 0 || v10 > n10)
throw new RangeError("Invalid change range ".concat(d10, " to ").concat(v10, " (in doc of length ").concat(n10, ")"));
var m10 = p10 ? "string" == typeof p10 ? UL.of(p10.split(r10 || pF)) : p10 : UL.empty, g10 = m10.length;
if (d10 == v10 && 0 == g10)
d10 < a10 && c10(), d10 > a10 && bF(o10, d10 - a10, -1), bF(o10, v10 - d10, g10), kF(i10, o10, m10), a10 = v10;
}(e21), c10(!s10), s10;
} }, { key: "empty", value: function(e21) {
return new t10(e21 ? [e21, -1] : [], []);
} }, { key: "fromJSON", value: function(e21) {
if (!Array.isArray(e21))
throw new RangeError("Invalid JSON representation of ChangeSet");
for (var n10 = [], r10 = [], o10 = 0; o10 < e21.length; o10++) {
var i10 = e21[o10];
if ("number" == typeof i10)
n10.push(i10, -1);
else {
if (!Array.isArray(i10) || "number" != typeof i10[0] || i10.some(function(e23, t11) {
return t11 && "string" != typeof e23;
throw new RangeError("Invalid JSON representation of ChangeSet");
if (1 == i10.length)
n10.push(i10[0], 0);
else {
for (; r10.length < o10; )
r10[o10] = UL.of(i10.slice(1)), n10.push(i10[0], r10[o10].length);
return new t10(n10, r10);
} }, { key: "createSet", value: function(e21, n10) {
return new t10(e21, n10);
} }]), t10;
function bF(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] && arguments[3];
if (!(0 == t10 && n10 <= 0)) {
var o10 = e20.length - 2;
o10 >= 0 && n10 <= 0 && n10 == e20[o10 + 1] ? e20[o10] += t10 : 0 == t10 && 0 == e20[o10] ? e20[o10 + 1] += n10 : r10 ? (e20[o10] += t10, e20[o10 + 1] += n10) : e20.push(t10, n10);
function kF(e20, t10, n10) {
if (0 != n10.length) {
var r10 = t10.length - 2 >> 1;
if (r10 < e20.length)
e20[e20.length - 1] = e20[e20.length - 1].append(n10);
else {
for (; e20.length < r10; )
function wF(e20, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = e20.inserted, o10 = 0, i10 = 0, a10 = 0; a10 < e20.sections.length; ) {
var s10 = e20.sections[a10++], c10 = e20.sections[a10++];
if (c10 < 0)
o10 += s10, i10 += s10;
else {
for (var l10 = o10, u10 = i10, f10 = UL.empty; l10 += s10, u10 += c10, c10 && r10 && (f10 = f10.append(r10[a10 - 2 >> 1])), !(n10 || a10 == e20.sections.length || e20.sections[a10 + 1] < 0); )
s10 = e20.sections[a10++], c10 = e20.sections[a10++];
t10(o10, l10, i10, u10, f10), o10 = l10, i10 = u10;
function xF(e20, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = [], o10 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] && arguments[3] ? [] : null, i10 = new SF(e20), a10 = new SF(t10), s10 = -1; ; )
if (-1 == i10.ins && -1 == a10.ins) {
var c10 = Math.min(i10.len, a10.len);
bF(r10, c10, -1), i10.forward(c10), a10.forward(c10);
} else if (a10.ins >= 0 && (i10.ins < 0 || s10 == i10.i || 0 == i10.off && (a10.len < i10.len || a10.len == i10.len && !n10))) {
var l10 = a10.len;
for (bF(r10, a10.ins, -1); l10; ) {
var u10 = Math.min(i10.len, l10);
i10.ins >= 0 && s10 < i10.i && i10.len <= u10 && (bF(r10, 0, i10.ins), o10 && kF(o10, r10, i10.text), s10 = i10.i), i10.forward(u10), l10 -= u10;
} else {
if (!(i10.ins >= 0)) {
if (i10.done && a10.done)
return o10 ? yF.createSet(r10, o10) : gF.create(r10);
throw new Error("Mismatched change set lengths");
for (var f10 = 0, d10 = i10.len; d10; )
if (-1 == a10.ins) {
var h10 = Math.min(d10, a10.len);
f10 += h10, d10 -= h10, a10.forward(h10);
} else {
if (!(0 == a10.ins && a10.len < d10))
d10 -= a10.len, a10.next();
bF(r10, f10, s10 < i10.i ? i10.ins : 0), o10 && s10 < i10.i && kF(o10, r10, i10.text), s10 = i10.i, i10.forward(i10.len - d10);
function jF(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = [], r10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2] ? [] : null, o10 = new SF(e20), i10 = new SF(t10), a10 = false; ; ) {
if (o10.done && i10.done)
return r10 ? yF.createSet(n10, r10) : gF.create(n10);
if (0 == o10.ins)
bF(n10, o10.len, 0, a10), o10.next();
else if (0 != i10.len || i10.done) {
if (o10.done || i10.done)
throw new Error("Mismatched change set lengths");
var s10 = Math.min(o10.len2, i10.len), c10 = n10.length;
if (-1 == o10.ins) {
var l10 = -1 == i10.ins ? -1 : i10.off ? 0 : i10.ins;
bF(n10, s10, l10, a10), r10 && l10 && kF(r10, n10, i10.text);
} else
-1 == i10.ins ? (bF(n10, o10.off ? 0 : o10.len, s10, a10), r10 && kF(r10, n10, o10.textBit(s10))) : (bF(n10, o10.off ? 0 : o10.len, i10.off ? 0 : i10.ins, a10), r10 && !i10.off && kF(r10, n10, i10.text));
a10 = (o10.ins > s10 || i10.ins >= 0 && i10.len > s10) && (a10 || n10.length > c10), o10.forward2(s10), i10.forward(s10);
} else
bF(n10, 0, i10.ins, a10), r10 && kF(r10, n10, i10.text), i10.next();
var SF = function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.set = t10, this.i = 0, this.next();
return Do(e20, [{ key: "next", value: function() {
var e21 = this.set.sections;
this.i < e21.length ? (this.len = e21[this.i++], this.ins = e21[this.i++]) : (this.len = 0, this.ins = -2), this.off = 0;
} }, { key: "done", get: function() {
return -2 == this.ins;
} }, { key: "len2", get: function() {
return this.ins < 0 ? this.len : this.ins;
} }, { key: "text", get: function() {
var e21 = this.set.inserted, t10 = this.i - 2 >> 1;
return t10 >= e21.length ? UL.empty : e21[t10];
} }, { key: "textBit", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this.set.inserted, n10 = this.i - 2 >> 1;
return n10 >= t10.length && !e21 ? UL.empty : t10[n10].slice(this.off, null == e21 ? void 0 : this.off + e21);
} }, { key: "forward", value: function(e21) {
e21 == this.len ? this.next() : (this.len -= e21, this.off += e21);
} }, { key: "forward2", value: function(e21) {
-1 == this.ins ? this.forward(e21) : e21 == this.ins ? this.next() : (this.ins -= e21, this.off += e21);
} }]), e20;
var CF = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
No(this, e20), this.from = t10, this.to = n10, this.flags = r10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "anchor", get: function() {
return 32 & this.flags ? this.to : this.from;
} }, { key: "head", get: function() {
return 32 & this.flags ? this.from : this.to;
} }, { key: "empty", get: function() {
return this.from == this.to;
} }, { key: "assoc", get: function() {
return 8 & this.flags ? -1 : 16 & this.flags ? 1 : 0;
} }, { key: "bidiLevel", get: function() {
var e21 = 7 & this.flags;
return 7 == e21 ? null : e21;
} }, { key: "goalColumn", get: function() {
var e21 = this.flags >> 6;
return 16777215 == e21 ? void 0 : e21;
} }, { key: "map", value: function(t10) {
var n10, r10, o10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : -1;
return this.empty ? n10 = r10 = t10.mapPos(this.from, o10) : (n10 = t10.mapPos(this.from, 1), r10 = t10.mapPos(this.to, -1)), n10 == this.from && r10 == this.to ? this : new e20(n10, r10, this.flags);
} }, { key: "extend", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : e21;
if (e21 <= this.anchor && t10 >= this.anchor)
return $F.range(e21, t10);
var n10 = Math.abs(e21 - this.anchor) > Math.abs(t10 - this.anchor) ? e21 : t10;
return $F.range(this.anchor, n10);
} }, { key: "eq", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1];
return !(this.anchor != e21.anchor || this.head != e21.head || t10 && this.empty && this.assoc != e21.assoc);
} }, { key: "toJSON", value: function() {
return { anchor: this.anchor, head: this.head };
} }], [{ key: "fromJSON", value: function(e21) {
if (!e21 || "number" != typeof e21.anchor || "number" != typeof e21.head)
throw new RangeError("Invalid JSON representation for SelectionRange");
return $F.range(e21.anchor, e21.head);
} }, { key: "create", value: function(t10, n10, r10) {
return new e20(t10, n10, r10);
} }]), e20;
var $F = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
No(this, e20), this.ranges = t10, this.mainIndex = n10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "map", value: function(t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : -1;
return t10.empty ? this : e20.create(this.ranges.map(function(e21) {
return e21.map(t10, n10);
}), this.mainIndex);
} }, { key: "eq", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1];
if (this.ranges.length != e21.ranges.length || this.mainIndex != e21.mainIndex)
return false;
for (var n10 = 0; n10 < this.ranges.length; n10++)
if (!this.ranges[n10].eq(e21.ranges[n10], t10))
return false;
return true;
} }, { key: "main", get: function() {
return this.ranges[this.mainIndex];
} }, { key: "asSingle", value: function() {
return 1 == this.ranges.length ? this : new e20([this.main], 0);
} }, { key: "addRange", value: function(t10) {
var n10 = !(arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1]) || arguments[1];
return e20.create([t10].concat(this.ranges), n10 ? 0 : this.mainIndex + 1);
} }, { key: "replaceRange", value: function(t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : this.mainIndex, r10 = this.ranges.slice();
return r10[n10] = t10, e20.create(r10, this.mainIndex);
} }, { key: "toJSON", value: function() {
return { ranges: this.ranges.map(function(e21) {
return e21.toJSON();
}), main: this.mainIndex };
} }], [{ key: "fromJSON", value: function(t10) {
if (!t10 || !Array.isArray(t10.ranges) || "number" != typeof t10.main || t10.main >= t10.ranges.length)
throw new RangeError("Invalid JSON representation for EditorSelection");
return new e20(t10.ranges.map(function(e21) {
return CF.fromJSON(e21);
}), t10.main);
} }, { key: "single", value: function(t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : t10;
return new e20([e20.range(t10, n10)], 0);
} }, { key: "create", value: function(t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0;
if (0 == t10.length)
throw new RangeError("A selection needs at least one range");
for (var r10 = 0, o10 = 0; o10 < t10.length; o10++) {
var i10 = t10[o10];
if (i10.empty ? i10.from <= r10 : i10.from < r10)
return e20.normalized(t10.slice(), n10);
r10 = i10.to;
return new e20(t10, n10);
} }, { key: "cursor", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0, n10 = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0, r10 = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0;
return CF.create(e21, e21, (0 == t10 ? 0 : t10 < 0 ? 8 : 16) | (null == n10 ? 7 : Math.min(6, n10)) | (null != r10 ? r10 : 16777215) << 6);
} }, { key: "range", value: function(e21, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = (null != n10 ? n10 : 16777215) << 6 | (null == r10 ? 7 : Math.min(6, r10));
return t10 < e21 ? CF.create(t10, e21, 48 | o10) : CF.create(e21, t10, (t10 > e21 ? 8 : 0) | o10);
} }, { key: "normalized", value: function(t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0, r10 = t10[n10];
t10.sort(function(e21, t11) {
return e21.from - t11.from;
}), n10 = t10.indexOf(r10);
for (var o10 = 1; o10 < t10.length; o10++) {
var i10 = t10[o10], a10 = t10[o10 - 1];
if (i10.empty ? i10.from <= a10.to : i10.from < a10.to) {
var s10 = a10.from, c10 = Math.max(i10.to, a10.to);
o10 <= n10 && n10--, t10.splice(--o10, 2, i10.anchor > i10.head ? e20.range(c10, s10) : e20.range(s10, c10));
return new e20(t10, n10);
} }]), e20;
function _F(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = bo(e20.ranges);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(n10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
if (n10.value.to > t10)
throw new RangeError("Selection points outside of document");
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
var OF = 0;
var MF = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
No(this, e20), this.combine = t10, this.compareInput = n10, this.compare = r10, this.isStatic = o10, this.id = OF++, this.default = t10([]), this.extensions = "function" == typeof i10 ? i10(this) : i10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "reader", get: function() {
return this;
} }, { key: "of", value: function(e21) {
return new AF([], this, 0, e21);
} }, { key: "compute", value: function(e21, t10) {
if (this.isStatic)
throw new Error("Can't compute a static facet");
return new AF(e21, this, 1, t10);
} }, { key: "computeN", value: function(e21, t10) {
if (this.isStatic)
throw new Error("Can't compute a static facet");
return new AF(e21, this, 2, t10);
} }, { key: "from", value: function(e21, t10) {
return t10 || (t10 = function(e23) {
return e23;
}), this.compute([e21], function(n10) {
return t10(n10.field(e21));
} }], [{ key: "define", value: function() {
var t10 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
return new e20(t10.combine || function(e21) {
return e21;
}, t10.compareInput || function(e21, t11) {
return e21 === t11;
}, t10.compare || (t10.combine ? function(e21, t11) {
return e21 === t11;
} : EF), !!t10.static, t10.enables);
} }]), e20;
function EF(e20, t10) {
return e20 == t10 || e20.length == t10.length && e20.every(function(e21, n10) {
return e21 === t10[n10];
var AF = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10) {
No(this, e20), this.dependencies = t10, this.facet = n10, this.type = r10, this.value = o10, this.id = OF++;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "dynamicSlot", value: function(e21) {
var t10, n10, r10 = this, o10 = this.value, i10 = this.facet.compareInput, a10 = this.id, s10 = e21[a10] >> 1, c10 = 2 == this.type, l10 = false, u10 = false, f10 = [], d10 = bo(this.dependencies);
try {
for (d10.s(); !(n10 = d10.n()).done; ) {
var h10 = n10.value;
"doc" == h10 ? l10 = true : "selection" == h10 ? u10 = true : 0 == (1 & (null !== (t10 = e21[h10.id]) && void 0 !== t10 ? t10 : 1)) && f10.push(e21[h10.id]);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return { create: function(e23) {
return e23.values[s10] = o10(e23), 1;
}, update: function(e23, t11) {
if (l10 && t11.docChanged || u10 && (t11.docChanged || t11.selection) || TF(e23, f10)) {
var n11 = o10(e23);
if (c10 ? !PF(n11, e23.values[s10], i10) : !i10(n11, e23.values[s10]))
return e23.values[s10] = n11, 1;
return 0;
}, reconfigure: function(e23, t11) {
var n11, l11 = t11.config.address[a10];
if (null != l11) {
var u11 = JF(t11, l11);
if (r10.dependencies.every(function(n12) {
return n12 instanceof MF ? t11.facet(n12) === e23.facet(n12) : !(n12 instanceof NF) || t11.field(n12, false) == e23.field(n12, false);
}) || (c10 ? PF(n11 = o10(e23), u11, i10) : i10(n11 = o10(e23), u11)))
return e23.values[s10] = u11, 0;
} else
n11 = o10(e23);
return e23.values[s10] = n11, 1;
} };
} }]), e20;
function PF(e20, t10, n10) {
if (e20.length != t10.length)
return false;
for (var r10 = 0; r10 < e20.length; r10++)
if (!n10(e20[r10], t10[r10]))
return false;
return true;
function TF(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = false, o10 = bo(t10);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(n10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
1 & UF(e20, n10.value) && (r10 = true);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return r10;
var RF = MF.define({ static: true });
var NF = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
No(this, e20), this.id = t10, this.createF = n10, this.updateF = r10, this.compareF = o10, this.spec = i10, this.provides = void 0;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "create", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this, n10 = e21.facet(RF).find(function(e23) {
return e23.field == t10;
return ((null == n10 ? void 0 : n10.create) || this.createF)(e21);
} }, { key: "slot", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this, n10 = e21[this.id] >> 1;
return { create: function(e23) {
return e23.values[n10] = t10.create(e23), 1;
}, update: function(e23, r10) {
var o10 = e23.values[n10], i10 = t10.updateF(o10, r10);
return t10.compareF(o10, i10) ? 0 : (e23.values[n10] = i10, 1);
}, reconfigure: function(e23, r10) {
return null != r10.config.address[t10.id] ? (e23.values[n10] = r10.field(t10), 0) : (e23.values[n10] = t10.create(e23), 1);
} };
} }, { key: "init", value: function(e21) {
return [this, RF.of({ field: this, create: e21 })];
} }, { key: "extension", get: function() {
return this;
} }], [{ key: "define", value: function(t10) {
var n10 = new e20(OF++, t10.create, t10.update, t10.compare || function(e21, t11) {
return e21 === t11;
}, t10);
return t10.provide && (n10.provides = t10.provide(n10)), n10;
} }]), e20;
var IF = 4;
var DF = 3;
var qF = 2;
var zF = 1;
function BF(e20) {
return function(t10) {
return new FF(t10, e20);
var LF = { highest: BF(0), high: BF(zF), default: BF(qF), low: BF(DF), lowest: BF(IF) };
var FF = Do(function e2(t10, n10) {
No(this, e2), this.inner = t10, this.prec = n10;
var VF = function() {
function e20() {
No(this, e20);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "of", value: function(e21) {
return new HF(this, e21);
} }, { key: "reconfigure", value: function(t10) {
return e20.reconfigure.of({ compartment: this, extension: t10 });
} }, { key: "get", value: function(e21) {
return e21.config.compartments.get(this);
} }]), e20;
var HF = Do(function e3(t10, n10) {
No(this, e3), this.compartment = t10, this.inner = n10;
var WF = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10) {
for (No(this, e20), this.base = t10, this.compartments = n10, this.dynamicSlots = r10, this.address = o10, this.staticValues = i10, this.facets = a10, this.statusTemplate = []; this.statusTemplate.length < r10.length; )
return Do(e20, [{ key: "staticFacet", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this.address[e21.id];
return null == t10 ? e21.default : this.staticValues[t10 >> 1];
} }], [{ key: "resolve", value: function(t10, n10, r10) {
var o10, i10 = [], a10 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), s10 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), c10 = bo(function(e21, t11, n11) {
var r11 = [[], [], [], [], []], o11 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
function i11(e23, a11) {
var s11 = o11.get(e23);
if (null != s11) {
if (s11 <= a11)
var c11 = r11[s11].indexOf(e23);
c11 > -1 && r11[s11].splice(c11, 1), e23 instanceof HF && n11.delete(e23.compartment);
if (o11.set(e23, a11), Array.isArray(e23)) {
var l11, u11 = bo(e23);
try {
for (u11.s(); !(l11 = u11.n()).done; ) {
i11(l11.value, a11);
} catch (e24) {
} finally {
} else if (e23 instanceof HF) {
if (n11.has(e23.compartment))
throw new RangeError("Duplicate use of compartment in extensions");
var f11 = t11.get(e23.compartment) || e23.inner;
n11.set(e23.compartment, f11), i11(f11, a11);
} else if (e23 instanceof FF)
i11(e23.inner, e23.prec);
else if (e23 instanceof NF)
r11[a11].push(e23), e23.provides && i11(e23.provides, a11);
else if (e23 instanceof AF)
r11[a11].push(e23), e23.facet.extensions && i11(e23.facet.extensions, qF);
else {
var d11 = e23.extension;
if (!d11)
throw new Error("Unrecognized extension value in extension set (".concat(e23, "). This sometimes happens because multiple instances of @codemirror/state are loaded, breaking instanceof checks."));
i11(d11, a11);
return i11(e21, qF), r11.reduce(function(e23, t12) {
return e23.concat(t12);
}(t10, n10, s10));
try {
for (c10.s(); !(o10 = c10.n()).done; ) {
var l10 = o10.value;
l10 instanceof NF ? i10.push(l10) : (a10[l10.facet.id] || (a10[l10.facet.id] = [])).push(l10);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
for (var u10 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), f10 = [], d10 = [], h10 = function() {
var e21 = p10[v10];
u10[e21.id] = d10.length << 1, d10.push(function(t11) {
return e21.slot(t11);
}, v10 = 0, p10 = i10; v10 < p10.length; v10++)
var m10 = null == r10 ? void 0 : r10.config.facets, g10 = function() {
var e21 = a10[y10], t11 = e21[0].facet, n11 = m10 && m10[y10] || [];
if (e21.every(function(e23) {
return 0 == e23.type;
if (u10[t11.id] = f10.length << 1 | 1, EF(n11, e21))
else {
var o11 = t11.combine(e21.map(function(e23) {
return e23.value;
f10.push(r10 && t11.compare(o11, r10.facet(t11)) ? r10.facet(t11) : o11);
else {
var i11, s11 = bo(e21);
try {
var c11 = function() {
var e23 = i11.value;
0 == e23.type ? (u10[e23.id] = f10.length << 1 | 1, f10.push(e23.value)) : (u10[e23.id] = d10.length << 1, d10.push(function(t12) {
return e23.dynamicSlot(t12);
for (s11.s(); !(i11 = s11.n()).done; )
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
u10[t11.id] = d10.length << 1, d10.push(function(n12) {
return function(e23, t12, n13) {
var r11 = n13.map(function(t13) {
return e23[t13.id];
}), o12 = n13.map(function(e24) {
return e24.type;
}), i12 = r11.filter(function(e24) {
return !(1 & e24);
}), a11 = e23[t12.id] >> 1;
function s12(e24) {
for (var n14 = [], i13 = 0; i13 < r11.length; i13++) {
var a12 = JF(e24, r11[i13]);
if (2 == o12[i13]) {
var s13, c12 = bo(a12);
try {
for (c12.s(); !(s13 = c12.n()).done; ) {
var l11 = s13.value;
} catch (e25) {
} finally {
} else
return t12.combine(n14);
return { create: function(e24) {
var t13, n14 = bo(r11);
try {
for (n14.s(); !(t13 = n14.n()).done; )
UF(e24, t13.value);
} catch (e25) {
} finally {
return e24.values[a11] = s12(e24), 1;
}, update: function(e24, n14) {
if (!TF(e24, i12))
return 0;
var r12 = s12(e24);
return t12.compare(r12, e24.values[a11]) ? 0 : (e24.values[a11] = r12, 1);
}, reconfigure: function(e24, o13) {
var i13 = TF(e24, r11), c12 = o13.config.facets[t12.id], l11 = o13.facet(t12);
if (c12 && !i13 && EF(n13, c12))
return e24.values[a11] = l11, 0;
var u11 = s12(e24);
return t12.compare(u11, l11) ? (e24.values[a11] = l11, 0) : (e24.values[a11] = u11, 1);
} };
}(n12, t11, e21);
for (var y10 in a10)
return new e20(t10, s10, d10.map(function(e21) {
return e21(u10);
}), u10, f10, a10);
} }]), e20;
function UF(e20, t10) {
if (1 & t10)
return 2;
var n10 = t10 >> 1, r10 = e20.status[n10];
if (4 == r10)
throw new Error("Cyclic dependency between fields and/or facets");
if (2 & r10)
return r10;
e20.status[n10] = 4;
var o10 = e20.computeSlot(e20, e20.config.dynamicSlots[n10]);
return e20.status[n10] = 2 | o10;
function JF(e20, t10) {
return 1 & t10 ? e20.config.staticValues[t10 >> 1] : e20.values[t10 >> 1];
var KF = MF.define();
var GF = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return e20.some(function(e21) {
return e21;
}, static: true });
var QF = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return e20.length ? e20[0] : void 0;
}, static: true });
var YF = MF.define();
var XF = MF.define();
var ZF = MF.define();
var eV = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return !!e20.length && e20[0];
} });
var tV = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
No(this, e20), this.type = t10, this.value = n10;
return Do(e20, null, [{ key: "define", value: function() {
return new nV();
} }]), e20;
var nV = function() {
function e20() {
No(this, e20);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "of", value: function(e21) {
return new tV(this, e21);
} }]), e20;
var rV = function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.map = t10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "of", value: function(e21) {
return new oV(this, e21);
} }]), e20;
var oV = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
No(this, e20), this.type = t10, this.value = n10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "map", value: function(t10) {
var n10 = this.type.map(this.value, t10);
return void 0 === n10 ? void 0 : n10 == this.value ? this : new e20(this.type, n10);
} }, { key: "is", value: function(e21) {
return this.type == e21;
} }], [{ key: "define", value: function() {
return new rV((arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}).map || function(e21) {
return e21;
} }, { key: "mapEffects", value: function(e21, t10) {
if (!e21.length)
return e21;
var n10, r10 = [], o10 = bo(e21);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(n10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = n10.value.map(t10);
i10 && r10.push(i10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return r10;
} }]), e20;
oV.reconfigure = oV.define(), oV.appendConfig = oV.define();
var iV = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10) {
No(this, e20), this.startState = t10, this.changes = n10, this.selection = r10, this.effects = o10, this.annotations = i10, this.scrollIntoView = a10, this._doc = null, this._state = null, r10 && _F(r10, n10.newLength), i10.some(function(t11) {
return t11.type == e20.time;
}) || (this.annotations = i10.concat(e20.time.of(Date.now())));
return Do(e20, [{ key: "newDoc", get: function() {
return this._doc || (this._doc = this.changes.apply(this.startState.doc));
} }, { key: "newSelection", get: function() {
return this.selection || this.startState.selection.map(this.changes);
} }, { key: "state", get: function() {
return this._state || this.startState.applyTransaction(this), this._state;
} }, { key: "annotation", value: function(e21) {
var t10, n10 = bo(this.annotations);
try {
for (n10.s(); !(t10 = n10.n()).done; ) {
var r10 = t10.value;
if (r10.type == e21)
return r10.value;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} }, { key: "docChanged", get: function() {
return !this.changes.empty;
} }, { key: "reconfigured", get: function() {
return this.startState.config != this.state.config;
} }, { key: "isUserEvent", value: function(t10) {
var n10 = this.annotation(e20.userEvent);
return !(!n10 || !(n10 == t10 || n10.length > t10.length && n10.slice(0, t10.length) == t10 && "." == n10[t10.length]));
} }], [{ key: "create", value: function(t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10) {
return new e20(t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10);
} }]), e20;
function aV(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = [], r10 = 0, o10 = 0; ; ) {
var i10 = void 0, a10 = void 0;
if (r10 < e20.length && (o10 == t10.length || t10[o10] >= e20[r10]))
i10 = e20[r10++], a10 = e20[r10++];
else {
if (!(o10 < t10.length))
return n10;
i10 = t10[o10++], a10 = t10[o10++];
!n10.length || n10[n10.length - 1] < i10 ? n10.push(i10, a10) : n10[n10.length - 1] < a10 && (n10[n10.length - 1] = a10);
function sV(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10;
return n10 ? (o10 = t10.changes, i10 = yF.empty(t10.changes.length), a10 = e20.changes.compose(t10.changes)) : (o10 = t10.changes.map(e20.changes), i10 = e20.changes.mapDesc(t10.changes, true), a10 = e20.changes.compose(o10)), { changes: a10, selection: t10.selection ? t10.selection.map(i10) : null === (r10 = e20.selection) || void 0 === r10 ? void 0 : r10.map(o10), effects: oV.mapEffects(e20.effects, o10).concat(oV.mapEffects(t10.effects, i10)), annotations: e20.annotations.length ? e20.annotations.concat(t10.annotations) : t10.annotations, scrollIntoView: e20.scrollIntoView || t10.scrollIntoView };
function cV(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = t10.selection, o10 = fV(t10.annotations);
return t10.userEvent && (o10 = o10.concat(iV.userEvent.of(t10.userEvent))), { changes: t10.changes instanceof yF ? t10.changes : yF.of(t10.changes || [], n10, e20.facet(QF)), selection: r10 && (r10 instanceof $F ? r10 : $F.single(r10.anchor, r10.head)), effects: fV(t10.effects), annotations: o10, scrollIntoView: !!t10.scrollIntoView };
function lV(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = cV(e20, t10.length ? t10[0] : {}, e20.doc.length);
t10.length && false === t10[0].filter && (n10 = false);
for (var o10 = 1; o10 < t10.length; o10++) {
false === t10[o10].filter && (n10 = false);
var i10 = !!t10[o10].sequential;
r10 = sV(r10, cV(e20, t10[o10], i10 ? r10.changes.newLength : e20.doc.length), i10);
var a10 = iV.create(e20, r10.changes, r10.selection, r10.effects, r10.annotations, r10.scrollIntoView);
return function(e21) {
for (var t11 = e21.startState, n11 = t11.facet(ZF), r11 = e21, o11 = n11.length - 1; o11 >= 0; o11--) {
var i11 = n11[o11](e21);
i11 && Object.keys(i11).length && (r11 = sV(r11, cV(t11, i11, e21.changes.newLength), true));
return r11 == e21 ? e21 : iV.create(t11, e21.changes, e21.selection, r11.effects, r11.annotations, r11.scrollIntoView);
}(n10 ? function(e21) {
var t11, n11 = e21.startState, r11 = true, o11 = bo(n11.facet(YF));
try {
for (o11.s(); !(t11 = o11.n()).done; ) {
var i11 = (0, t11.value)(e21);
if (false === i11) {
r11 = false;
Array.isArray(i11) && (r11 = true === r11 ? i11 : aV(r11, i11));
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
if (true !== r11) {
var a11, s10;
if (false === r11)
s10 = e21.changes.invertedDesc, a11 = yF.empty(n11.doc.length);
else {
var c10 = e21.changes.filter(r11);
a11 = c10.changes, s10 = c10.filtered.mapDesc(c10.changes).invertedDesc;
e21 = iV.create(n11, a11, e21.selection && e21.selection.map(s10), oV.mapEffects(e21.effects, s10), e21.annotations, e21.scrollIntoView);
for (var l10 = n11.facet(XF), u10 = l10.length - 1; u10 >= 0; u10--) {
var f10 = l10[u10](e21);
e21 = f10 instanceof iV ? f10 : Array.isArray(f10) && 1 == f10.length && f10[0] instanceof iV ? f10[0] : lV(n11, fV(f10), false);
return e21;
}(a10) : a10);
iV.time = tV.define(), iV.userEvent = tV.define(), iV.addToHistory = tV.define(), iV.remote = tV.define();
var uV = [];
function fV(e20) {
return null == e20 ? uV : Array.isArray(e20) ? e20 : [e20];
var dV;
var hV = function(e20) {
return e20[e20.Word = 0] = "Word", e20[e20.Space = 1] = "Space", e20[e20.Other = 2] = "Other", e20;
}(hV || (hV = {}));
var vV = /[\u00df\u0587\u0590-\u05f4\u0600-\u06ff\u3040-\u309f\u30a0-\u30ff\u3400-\u4db5\u4e00-\u9fcc\uac00-\ud7af]/;
try {
dV = new RegExp("[\\p{Alphabetic}\\p{Number}_]", "u");
} catch (E_2) {
function pV(e20) {
return function(t10) {
if (!/\S/.test(t10))
return hV.Space;
if (function(e21) {
if (dV)
return dV.test(e21);
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < e21.length; t11++) {
var n11 = e21[t11];
if (/\w/.test(n11) || n11 > "\x80" && (n11.toUpperCase() != n11.toLowerCase() || vV.test(n11)))
return true;
return false;
return hV.Word;
for (var n10 = 0; n10 < e20.length; n10++)
if (t10.indexOf(e20[n10]) > -1)
return hV.Word;
return hV.Other;
var mV = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10) {
No(this, e20), this.config = t10, this.doc = n10, this.selection = r10, this.values = o10, this.status = t10.statusTemplate.slice(), this.computeSlot = i10, a10 && (a10._state = this);
for (var s10 = 0; s10 < this.config.dynamicSlots.length; s10++)
UF(this, s10 << 1);
this.computeSlot = null;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "field", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = !(arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1]) || arguments[1], n10 = this.config.address[e21.id];
if (null != n10)
return UF(this, n10), JF(this, n10);
if (t10)
throw new RangeError("Field is not present in this state");
} }, { key: "update", value: function() {
for (var e21 = arguments.length, t10 = new Array(e21), n10 = 0; n10 < e21; n10++)
t10[n10] = arguments[n10];
return lV(this, t10, true);
} }, { key: "applyTransaction", value: function(t10) {
var n10, r10, o10 = this, i10 = this.config, a10 = i10, s10 = a10.base, c10 = a10.compartments, l10 = bo(t10.effects);
try {
for (l10.s(); !(n10 = l10.n()).done; ) {
var u10 = n10.value;
u10.is(VF.reconfigure) ? (i10 && (c10 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), i10.compartments.forEach(function(e21, t11) {
return c10.set(t11, e21);
}), i10 = null), c10.set(u10.value.compartment, u10.value.extension)) : u10.is(oV.reconfigure) ? (i10 = null, s10 = u10.value) : u10.is(oV.appendConfig) && (i10 = null, s10 = fV(s10).concat(u10.value));
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
i10 ? r10 = t10.startState.values.slice() : r10 = new e20(i10 = WF.resolve(s10, c10, this), this.doc, this.selection, i10.dynamicSlots.map(function() {
return null;
}), function(e21, t11) {
return t11.reconfigure(e21, o10);
}, null).values;
var f10 = t10.startState.facet(GF) ? t10.newSelection : t10.newSelection.asSingle();
new e20(i10, t10.newDoc, f10, r10, function(e21, n11) {
return n11.update(e21, t10);
}, t10);
} }, { key: "replaceSelection", value: function(e21) {
return "string" == typeof e21 && (e21 = this.toText(e21)), this.changeByRange(function(t10) {
return { changes: { from: t10.from, to: t10.to, insert: e21 }, range: $F.cursor(t10.from + e21.length) };
} }, { key: "changeByRange", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = this.selection, n10 = e21(t10.ranges[0]), r10 = this.changes(n10.changes), o10 = [n10.range], i10 = fV(n10.effects), a10 = 1; a10 < t10.ranges.length; a10++) {
for (var s10 = e21(t10.ranges[a10]), c10 = this.changes(s10.changes), l10 = c10.map(r10), u10 = 0; u10 < a10; u10++)
o10[u10] = o10[u10].map(l10);
var f10 = r10.mapDesc(c10, true);
o10.push(s10.range.map(f10)), r10 = r10.compose(l10), i10 = oV.mapEffects(i10, l10).concat(oV.mapEffects(fV(s10.effects), f10));
return { changes: r10, selection: $F.create(o10, t10.mainIndex), effects: i10 };
} }, { key: "changes", value: function() {
var t10 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : [];
return t10 instanceof yF ? t10 : yF.of(t10, this.doc.length, this.facet(e20.lineSeparator));
} }, { key: "toText", value: function(t10) {
return UL.of(t10.split(this.facet(e20.lineSeparator) || pF));
} }, { key: "sliceDoc", value: function() {
var e21 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 0, t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : this.doc.length;
return this.doc.sliceString(e21, t10, this.lineBreak);
} }, { key: "facet", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this.config.address[e21.id];
return null == t10 ? e21.default : (UF(this, t10), JF(this, t10));
} }, { key: "toJSON", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = { doc: this.sliceDoc(), selection: this.selection.toJSON() };
if (e21)
for (var n10 in e21) {
var r10 = e21[n10];
r10 instanceof NF && null != this.config.address[r10.id] && (t10[n10] = r10.spec.toJSON(this.field(e21[n10]), this));
return t10;
} }, { key: "tabSize", get: function() {
return this.facet(e20.tabSize);
} }, { key: "lineBreak", get: function() {
return this.facet(e20.lineSeparator) || "\n";
} }, { key: "readOnly", get: function() {
return this.facet(eV);
} }, { key: "phrase", value: function(t10) {
for (var n10 = arguments.length, r10 = new Array(n10 > 1 ? n10 - 1 : 0), o10 = 1; o10 < n10; o10++)
r10[o10 - 1] = arguments[o10];
var i10, a10 = bo(this.facet(e20.phrases));
try {
for (a10.s(); !(i10 = a10.n()).done; ) {
var s10 = i10.value;
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s10, t10)) {
t10 = s10[t10];
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return r10.length && (t10 = t10.replace(/\$(\$|\d*)/g, function(e21, t11) {
if ("$" == t11)
return "$";
var n11 = +(t11 || 1);
return !n11 || n11 > r10.length ? e21 : r10[n11 - 1];
})), t10;
} }, { key: "languageDataAt", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10, r10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : -1, o10 = [], i10 = bo(this.facet(KF));
try {
for (i10.s(); !(n10 = i10.n()).done; ) {
var a10, s10 = bo((0, n10.value)(this, t10, r10));
try {
for (s10.s(); !(a10 = s10.n()).done; ) {
var c10 = a10.value;
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c10, e21) && o10.push(c10[e21]);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return o10;
} }, { key: "charCategorizer", value: function(e21) {
return pV(this.languageDataAt("wordChars", e21).join(""));
} }, { key: "wordAt", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = this.doc.lineAt(e21), n10 = t10.text, r10 = t10.from, o10 = t10.length, i10 = this.charCategorizer(e21), a10 = e21 - r10, s10 = e21 - r10; a10 > 0; ) {
var c10 = sF(n10, a10, false);
if (i10(n10.slice(c10, a10)) != hV.Word)
a10 = c10;
for (; s10 < o10; ) {
var l10 = sF(n10, s10);
if (i10(n10.slice(s10, l10)) != hV.Word)
s10 = l10;
return a10 == s10 ? null : $F.range(a10 + r10, s10 + r10);
} }], [{ key: "fromJSON", value: function(t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, r10 = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0;
if (!t10 || "string" != typeof t10.doc)
throw new RangeError("Invalid JSON representation for EditorState");
var o10 = [];
if (r10) {
var i10 = function() {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t10, a10)) {
var e21 = r10[a10], n11 = t10[a10];
o10.push(e21.init(function(t11) {
return e21.spec.fromJSON(n11, t11);
for (var a10 in r10)
return e20.create({ doc: t10.doc, selection: $F.fromJSON(t10.selection), extensions: n10.extensions ? o10.concat([n10.extensions]) : o10 });
} }, { key: "create", value: function() {
var t10 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, n10 = WF.resolve(t10.extensions || [], /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), r10 = t10.doc instanceof UL ? t10.doc : UL.of((t10.doc || "").split(n10.staticFacet(e20.lineSeparator) || pF)), o10 = t10.selection ? t10.selection instanceof $F ? t10.selection : $F.single(t10.selection.anchor, t10.selection.head) : $F.single(0);
return _F(o10, r10.length), n10.staticFacet(GF) || (o10 = o10.asSingle()), new e20(n10, r10, o10, n10.dynamicSlots.map(function() {
return null;
}), function(e21, t11) {
return t11.create(e21);
}, null);
} }]), e20;
function gV(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}, o10 = {}, i10 = bo(e20);
try {
for (i10.s(); !(n10 = i10.n()).done; )
for (var a10 = n10.value, s10 = 0, c10 = Object.keys(a10); s10 < c10.length; s10++) {
var l10 = c10[s10], u10 = a10[l10], f10 = o10[l10];
if (void 0 === f10)
o10[l10] = u10;
else if (f10 === u10 || void 0 === u10)
else {
if (!Object.hasOwnProperty.call(r10, l10))
throw new Error("Config merge conflict for field " + l10);
o10[l10] = r10[l10](f10, u10);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
for (var d10 in t10)
void 0 === o10[d10] && (o10[d10] = t10[d10]);
return o10;
mV.allowMultipleSelections = GF, mV.tabSize = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return e20.length ? e20[0] : 4;
} }), mV.lineSeparator = QF, mV.readOnly = eV, mV.phrases = MF.define({ compare: function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = Object.keys(e20), r10 = Object.keys(t10);
return n10.length == r10.length && n10.every(function(n11) {
return e20[n11] == t10[n11];
} }), mV.languageData = KF, mV.changeFilter = YF, mV.transactionFilter = XF, mV.transactionExtender = ZF, VF.reconfigure = oV.define();
var yV = function() {
function e20() {
No(this, e20);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "eq", value: function(e21) {
return this == e21;
} }, { key: "range", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : e21;
return bV.create(e21, t10, this);
} }]), e20;
yV.prototype.startSide = yV.prototype.endSide = 0, yV.prototype.point = false, yV.prototype.mapMode = mF.TrackDel;
var bV = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
No(this, e20), this.from = t10, this.to = n10, this.value = r10;
return Do(e20, null, [{ key: "create", value: function(t10, n10, r10) {
return new e20(t10, n10, r10);
} }]), e20;
function kV(e20, t10) {
return e20.from - t10.from || e20.value.startSide - t10.value.startSide;
var wV = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10) {
No(this, e20), this.from = t10, this.to = n10, this.value = r10, this.maxPoint = o10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "length", get: function() {
return this.to[this.to.length - 1];
} }, { key: "findIndex", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 0, o10 = n10 ? this.to : this.from, i10 = r10, a10 = o10.length; ; ) {
if (i10 == a10)
return i10;
var s10 = i10 + a10 >> 1, c10 = o10[s10] - e21 || (n10 ? this.value[s10].endSide : this.value[s10].startSide) - t10;
if (s10 == i10)
return c10 >= 0 ? i10 : a10;
c10 >= 0 ? a10 = s10 : i10 = s10 + 1;
} }, { key: "between", value: function(e21, t10, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = this.findIndex(t10, -1e9, true), i10 = this.findIndex(n10, 1e9, false, o10); o10 < i10; o10++)
if (false === r10(this.from[o10] + e21, this.to[o10] + e21, this.value[o10]))
return false;
} }, { key: "map", value: function(t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = [], o10 = [], i10 = [], a10 = -1, s10 = -1, c10 = 0; c10 < this.value.length; c10++) {
var l10 = this.value[c10], u10 = this.from[c10] + t10, f10 = this.to[c10] + t10, d10 = void 0, h10 = void 0;
if (u10 == f10) {
var v10 = n10.mapPos(u10, l10.startSide, l10.mapMode);
if (null == v10)
if (d10 = h10 = v10, l10.startSide != l10.endSide && (h10 = n10.mapPos(u10, l10.endSide)) < d10)
} else if ((d10 = n10.mapPos(u10, l10.startSide)) > (h10 = n10.mapPos(f10, l10.endSide)) || d10 == h10 && l10.startSide > 0 && l10.endSide <= 0)
(h10 - d10 || l10.endSide - l10.startSide) < 0 || (a10 < 0 && (a10 = d10), l10.point && (s10 = Math.max(s10, h10 - d10)), r10.push(l10), o10.push(d10 - a10), i10.push(h10 - a10));
return { mapped: r10.length ? new e20(o10, i10, r10, s10) : null, pos: a10 };
} }]), e20;
var xV = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10) {
No(this, e20), this.chunkPos = t10, this.chunk = n10, this.nextLayer = r10, this.maxPoint = o10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "length", get: function() {
var e21 = this.chunk.length - 1;
return e21 < 0 ? 0 : Math.max(this.chunkEnd(e21), this.nextLayer.length);
} }, { key: "size", get: function() {
if (this.isEmpty)
return 0;
var e21, t10 = this.nextLayer.size, n10 = bo(this.chunk);
try {
for (n10.s(); !(e21 = n10.n()).done; ) {
t10 += e21.value.value.length;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return t10;
} }, { key: "chunkEnd", value: function(e21) {
return this.chunkPos[e21] + this.chunk[e21].length;
} }, { key: "update", value: function(t10) {
var n10 = t10.add, r10 = void 0 === n10 ? [] : n10, o10 = t10.sort, i10 = void 0 !== o10 && o10, a10 = t10.filterFrom, s10 = void 0 === a10 ? 0 : a10, c10 = t10.filterTo, l10 = void 0 === c10 ? this.length : c10, u10 = t10.filter;
if (0 == r10.length && !u10)
return this;
if (i10 && (r10 = r10.slice().sort(kV)), this.isEmpty)
return r10.length ? e20.of(r10) : this;
for (var f10 = new CV(this, null, -1).goto(0), d10 = 0, h10 = [], v10 = new jV(); f10.value || d10 < r10.length; )
if (d10 < r10.length && (f10.from - r10[d10].from || f10.startSide - r10[d10].value.startSide) >= 0) {
var p10 = r10[d10++];
v10.addInner(p10.from, p10.to, p10.value) || h10.push(p10);
} else
1 == f10.rangeIndex && f10.chunkIndex < this.chunk.length && (d10 == r10.length || this.chunkEnd(f10.chunkIndex) < r10[d10].from) && (!u10 || s10 > this.chunkEnd(f10.chunkIndex) || l10 < this.chunkPos[f10.chunkIndex]) && v10.addChunk(this.chunkPos[f10.chunkIndex], this.chunk[f10.chunkIndex]) ? f10.nextChunk() : ((!u10 || s10 > f10.to || l10 < f10.from || u10(f10.from, f10.to, f10.value)) && (v10.addInner(f10.from, f10.to, f10.value) || h10.push(bV.create(f10.from, f10.to, f10.value))), f10.next());
return v10.finishInner(this.nextLayer.isEmpty && !h10.length ? e20.empty : this.nextLayer.update({ add: h10, filter: u10, filterFrom: s10, filterTo: l10 }));
} }, { key: "map", value: function(t10) {
if (t10.empty || this.isEmpty)
return this;
for (var n10 = [], r10 = [], o10 = -1, i10 = 0; i10 < this.chunk.length; i10++) {
var a10 = this.chunkPos[i10], s10 = this.chunk[i10], c10 = t10.touchesRange(a10, a10 + s10.length);
if (false === c10)
o10 = Math.max(o10, s10.maxPoint), n10.push(s10), r10.push(t10.mapPos(a10));
else if (true === c10) {
var l10 = s10.map(a10, t10), u10 = l10.mapped, f10 = l10.pos;
u10 && (o10 = Math.max(o10, u10.maxPoint), n10.push(u10), r10.push(f10));
var d10 = this.nextLayer.map(t10);
return 0 == n10.length ? d10 : new e20(r10, n10, d10 || e20.empty, o10);
} }, { key: "between", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
if (!this.isEmpty) {
for (var r10 = 0; r10 < this.chunk.length; r10++) {
var o10 = this.chunkPos[r10], i10 = this.chunk[r10];
if (t10 >= o10 && e21 <= o10 + i10.length && false === i10.between(o10, e21 - o10, t10 - o10, n10))
this.nextLayer.between(e21, t10, n10);
} }, { key: "iter", value: function() {
var e21 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 0;
return $V.from([this]).goto(e21);
} }, { key: "isEmpty", get: function() {
return this.nextLayer == this;
} }], [{ key: "create", value: function(t10, n10, r10, o10) {
return new e20(t10, n10, r10, o10);
} }, { key: "iter", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0;
return $V.from(e21).goto(t10);
} }, { key: "compare", value: function(e21, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : -1, i10 = e21.filter(function(e23) {
return e23.maxPoint > 0 || !e23.isEmpty && e23.maxPoint >= o10;
}), a10 = t10.filter(function(e23) {
return e23.maxPoint > 0 || !e23.isEmpty && e23.maxPoint >= o10;
}), s10 = SV(i10, a10, n10), c10 = new OV(i10, s10, o10), l10 = new OV(a10, s10, o10);
n10.iterGaps(function(e23, t11, n11) {
return MV(c10, e23, l10, t11, n11, r10);
}), n10.empty && 0 == n10.length && MV(c10, 0, l10, 0, 0, r10);
} }, { key: "eq", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 0, r10 = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0;
null == r10 && (r10 = 999999999);
var o10 = e21.filter(function(e23) {
return !e23.isEmpty && t10.indexOf(e23) < 0;
}), i10 = t10.filter(function(t11) {
return !t11.isEmpty && e21.indexOf(t11) < 0;
if (o10.length != i10.length)
return false;
if (!o10.length)
return true;
for (var a10 = SV(o10, i10), s10 = new OV(o10, a10, 0).goto(n10), c10 = new OV(i10, a10, 0).goto(n10); ; ) {
if (s10.to != c10.to || !EV(s10.active, c10.active) || s10.point && (!c10.point || !s10.point.eq(c10.point)))
return false;
if (s10.to > r10)
return true;
s10.next(), c10.next();
} }, { key: "spans", value: function(e21, t10, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = new OV(e21, null, arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : -1).goto(t10), i10 = t10, a10 = o10.openStart; ; ) {
var s10 = Math.min(o10.to, n10);
if (o10.point) {
var c10 = o10.activeForPoint(o10.to), l10 = o10.pointFrom < t10 ? c10.length + 1 : Math.min(c10.length, a10);
r10.point(i10, s10, o10.point, c10, l10, o10.pointRank), a10 = Math.min(o10.openEnd(s10), c10.length);
} else
s10 > i10 && (r10.span(i10, s10, o10.active, a10), a10 = o10.openEnd(s10));
if (o10.to > n10)
return a10 + (o10.point && o10.to > n10 ? 1 : 0);
i10 = o10.to, o10.next();
} }, { key: "of", value: function(e21) {
var t10, n10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1], r10 = new jV(), o10 = bo(e21 instanceof bV ? [e21] : n10 ? function(e23) {
if (e23.length > 1)
for (var t11 = e23[0], n11 = 1; n11 < e23.length; n11++) {
var r11 = e23[n11];
if (kV(t11, r11) > 0)
return e23.slice().sort(kV);
t11 = r11;
return e23;
}(e21) : e21);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(t10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = t10.value;
r10.add(i10.from, i10.to, i10.value);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return r10.finish();
} }, { key: "join", value: function(t10) {
if (!t10.length)
return e20.empty;
for (var n10 = t10[t10.length - 1], r10 = t10.length - 2; r10 >= 0; r10--)
for (var o10 = t10[r10]; o10 != e20.empty; o10 = o10.nextLayer)
n10 = new e20(o10.chunkPos, o10.chunk, n10, Math.max(o10.maxPoint, n10.maxPoint));
return n10;
} }]), e20;
xV.empty = new xV([], [], null, -1), xV.empty.nextLayer = xV.empty;
var jV = function() {
function e20() {
No(this, e20), this.chunks = [], this.chunkPos = [], this.chunkStart = -1, this.last = null, this.lastFrom = -1e9, this.lastTo = -1e9, this.from = [], this.to = [], this.value = [], this.maxPoint = -1, this.setMaxPoint = -1, this.nextLayer = null;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "finishChunk", value: function(e21) {
this.chunks.push(new wV(this.from, this.to, this.value, this.maxPoint)), this.chunkPos.push(this.chunkStart), this.chunkStart = -1, this.setMaxPoint = Math.max(this.setMaxPoint, this.maxPoint), this.maxPoint = -1, e21 && (this.from = [], this.to = [], this.value = []);
} }, { key: "add", value: function(t10, n10, r10) {
this.addInner(t10, n10, r10) || (this.nextLayer || (this.nextLayer = new e20())).add(t10, n10, r10);
} }, { key: "addInner", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e21 - this.lastTo || n10.startSide - this.last.endSide;
if (r10 <= 0 && (e21 - this.lastFrom || n10.startSide - this.last.startSide) < 0)
throw new Error("Ranges must be added sorted by `from` position and `startSide`");
return !(r10 < 0) && (250 == this.from.length && this.finishChunk(true), this.chunkStart < 0 && (this.chunkStart = e21), this.from.push(e21 - this.chunkStart), this.to.push(t10 - this.chunkStart), this.last = n10, this.lastFrom = e21, this.lastTo = t10, this.value.push(n10), n10.point && (this.maxPoint = Math.max(this.maxPoint, t10 - e21)), true);
} }, { key: "addChunk", value: function(e21, t10) {
if ((e21 - this.lastTo || t10.value[0].startSide - this.last.endSide) < 0)
return false;
this.from.length && this.finishChunk(true), this.setMaxPoint = Math.max(this.setMaxPoint, t10.maxPoint), this.chunks.push(t10), this.chunkPos.push(e21);
var n10 = t10.value.length - 1;
return this.last = t10.value[n10], this.lastFrom = t10.from[n10] + e21, this.lastTo = t10.to[n10] + e21, true;
} }, { key: "finish", value: function() {
return this.finishInner(xV.empty);
} }, { key: "finishInner", value: function(e21) {
if (this.from.length && this.finishChunk(false), 0 == this.chunks.length)
return e21;
var t10 = xV.create(this.chunkPos, this.chunks, this.nextLayer ? this.nextLayer.finishInner(e21) : e21, this.setMaxPoint);
return this.from = null, t10;
} }]), e20;
function SV(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), i10 = bo(e20);
try {
for (i10.s(); !(r10 = i10.n()).done; )
for (var a10 = r10.value, s10 = 0; s10 < a10.chunk.length; s10++)
a10.chunk[s10].maxPoint <= 0 && o10.set(a10.chunk[s10], a10.chunkPos[s10]);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
var c10, l10 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), u10 = bo(t10);
try {
for (u10.s(); !(c10 = u10.n()).done; )
for (var f10 = c10.value, d10 = 0; d10 < f10.chunk.length; d10++) {
var h10 = o10.get(f10.chunk[d10]);
null == h10 || (n10 ? n10.mapPos(h10) : h10) != f10.chunkPos[d10] || (null == n10 ? void 0 : n10.touchesRange(h10, h10 + f10.chunk[d10].length)) || l10.add(f10.chunk[d10]);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return l10;
var CV = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 0;
No(this, e20), this.layer = t10, this.skip = n10, this.minPoint = r10, this.rank = o10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "startSide", get: function() {
return this.value ? this.value.startSide : 0;
} }, { key: "endSide", get: function() {
return this.value ? this.value.endSide : 0;
} }, { key: "goto", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : -1e9;
return this.chunkIndex = this.rangeIndex = 0, this.gotoInner(e21, t10, false), this;
} }, { key: "gotoInner", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
for (; this.chunkIndex < this.layer.chunk.length; ) {
var r10 = this.layer.chunk[this.chunkIndex];
if (!(this.skip && this.skip.has(r10) || this.layer.chunkEnd(this.chunkIndex) < e21 || r10.maxPoint < this.minPoint))
this.chunkIndex++, n10 = false;
if (this.chunkIndex < this.layer.chunk.length) {
var o10 = this.layer.chunk[this.chunkIndex].findIndex(e21 - this.layer.chunkPos[this.chunkIndex], t10, true);
(!n10 || this.rangeIndex < o10) && this.setRangeIndex(o10);
} }, { key: "forward", value: function(e21, t10) {
(this.to - e21 || this.endSide - t10) < 0 && this.gotoInner(e21, t10, true);
} }, { key: "next", value: function() {
for (; ; ) {
if (this.chunkIndex == this.layer.chunk.length) {
this.from = this.to = 1e9, this.value = null;
var e21 = this.layer.chunkPos[this.chunkIndex], t10 = this.layer.chunk[this.chunkIndex], n10 = e21 + t10.from[this.rangeIndex];
if (this.from = n10, this.to = e21 + t10.to[this.rangeIndex], this.value = t10.value[this.rangeIndex], this.setRangeIndex(this.rangeIndex + 1), this.minPoint < 0 || this.value.point && this.to - this.from >= this.minPoint)
} }, { key: "setRangeIndex", value: function(e21) {
if (e21 == this.layer.chunk[this.chunkIndex].value.length) {
if (this.chunkIndex++, this.skip)
for (; this.chunkIndex < this.layer.chunk.length && this.skip.has(this.layer.chunk[this.chunkIndex]); )
this.rangeIndex = 0;
} else
this.rangeIndex = e21;
} }, { key: "nextChunk", value: function() {
this.chunkIndex++, this.rangeIndex = 0, this.next();
} }, { key: "compare", value: function(e21) {
return this.from - e21.from || this.startSide - e21.startSide || this.rank - e21.rank || this.to - e21.to || this.endSide - e21.endSide;
} }]), e20;
var $V = function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.heap = t10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "startSide", get: function() {
return this.value ? this.value.startSide : 0;
} }, { key: "goto", value: function(e21) {
var t10, n10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : -1e9, r10 = bo(this.heap);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(t10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
t10.value.goto(e21, n10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
for (var o10 = this.heap.length >> 1; o10 >= 0; o10--)
_V(this.heap, o10);
return this.next(), this;
} }, { key: "forward", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10, r10 = bo(this.heap);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(n10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
n10.value.forward(e21, t10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
for (var o10 = this.heap.length >> 1; o10 >= 0; o10--)
_V(this.heap, o10);
(this.to - e21 || this.value.endSide - t10) < 0 && this.next();
} }, { key: "next", value: function() {
if (0 == this.heap.length)
this.from = this.to = 1e9, this.value = null, this.rank = -1;
else {
var e21 = this.heap[0];
this.from = e21.from, this.to = e21.to, this.value = e21.value, this.rank = e21.rank, e21.value && e21.next(), _V(this.heap, 0);
} }], [{ key: "from", value: function(t10) {
for (var n10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : null, r10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : -1, o10 = [], i10 = 0; i10 < t10.length; i10++)
for (var a10 = t10[i10]; !a10.isEmpty; a10 = a10.nextLayer)
a10.maxPoint >= r10 && o10.push(new CV(a10, n10, r10, i10));
return 1 == o10.length ? o10[0] : new e20(o10);
} }]), e20;
function _V(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = e20[t10]; ; ) {
var r10 = 1 + (t10 << 1);
if (r10 >= e20.length)
var o10 = e20[r10];
if (r10 + 1 < e20.length && o10.compare(e20[r10 + 1]) >= 0 && (o10 = e20[r10 + 1], r10++), n10.compare(o10) < 0)
e20[r10] = n10, e20[t10] = o10, t10 = r10;
var OV = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
No(this, e20), this.minPoint = r10, this.active = [], this.activeTo = [], this.activeRank = [], this.minActive = -1, this.point = null, this.pointFrom = 0, this.pointRank = 0, this.to = -1e9, this.endSide = 0, this.openStart = -1, this.cursor = $V.from(t10, n10, r10);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "goto", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : -1e9;
return this.cursor.goto(e21, t10), this.active.length = this.activeTo.length = this.activeRank.length = 0, this.minActive = -1, this.to = e21, this.endSide = t10, this.openStart = -1, this.next(), this;
} }, { key: "forward", value: function(e21, t10) {
for (; this.minActive > -1 && (this.activeTo[this.minActive] - e21 || this.active[this.minActive].endSide - t10) < 0; )
this.cursor.forward(e21, t10);
} }, { key: "removeActive", value: function(e21) {
AV(this.active, e21), AV(this.activeTo, e21), AV(this.activeRank, e21), this.minActive = TV(this.active, this.activeTo);
} }, { key: "addActive", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = 0, n10 = this.cursor, r10 = n10.value, o10 = n10.to, i10 = n10.rank; t10 < this.activeRank.length && (i10 - this.activeRank[t10] || o10 - this.activeTo[t10]) > 0; )
PV(this.active, t10, r10), PV(this.activeTo, t10, o10), PV(this.activeRank, t10, i10), e21 && PV(e21, t10, this.cursor.from), this.minActive = TV(this.active, this.activeTo);
} }, { key: "next", value: function() {
var e21 = this.to, t10 = this.point;
this.point = null;
for (var n10 = this.openStart < 0 ? [] : null; ; ) {
var r10 = this.minActive;
if (r10 > -1 && (this.activeTo[r10] - this.cursor.from || this.active[r10].endSide - this.cursor.startSide) < 0) {
if (this.activeTo[r10] > e21) {
this.to = this.activeTo[r10], this.endSide = this.active[r10].endSide;
this.removeActive(r10), n10 && AV(n10, r10);
} else {
if (!this.cursor.value) {
this.to = this.endSide = 1e9;
if (this.cursor.from > e21) {
this.to = this.cursor.from, this.endSide = this.cursor.startSide;
var o10 = this.cursor.value;
if (o10.point) {
if (!(t10 && this.cursor.to == this.to && this.cursor.from < this.cursor.to)) {
this.point = o10, this.pointFrom = this.cursor.from, this.pointRank = this.cursor.rank, this.to = this.cursor.to, this.endSide = o10.endSide, this.cursor.next(), this.forward(this.to, this.endSide);
} else
this.addActive(n10), this.cursor.next();
if (n10) {
this.openStart = 0;
for (var i10 = n10.length - 1; i10 >= 0 && n10[i10] < e21; i10--)
} }, { key: "activeForPoint", value: function(e21) {
if (!this.active.length)
return this.active;
for (var t10 = [], n10 = this.active.length - 1; n10 >= 0 && !(this.activeRank[n10] < this.pointRank); n10--)
(this.activeTo[n10] > e21 || this.activeTo[n10] == e21 && this.active[n10].endSide >= this.point.endSide) && t10.push(this.active[n10]);
return t10.reverse();
} }, { key: "openEnd", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = 0, n10 = this.activeTo.length - 1; n10 >= 0 && this.activeTo[n10] > e21; n10--)
return t10;
} }]), e20;
function MV(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
e20.goto(t10), n10.goto(r10);
for (var a10 = r10 + o10, s10 = r10, c10 = r10 - t10; ; ) {
var l10 = e20.to + c10 - n10.to || e20.endSide - n10.endSide, u10 = l10 < 0 ? e20.to + c10 : n10.to, f10 = Math.min(u10, a10);
if (e20.point || n10.point ? e20.point && n10.point && (e20.point == n10.point || e20.point.eq(n10.point)) && EV(e20.activeForPoint(e20.to), n10.activeForPoint(n10.to)) || i10.comparePoint(s10, f10, e20.point, n10.point) : f10 > s10 && !EV(e20.active, n10.active) && i10.compareRange(s10, f10, e20.active, n10.active), u10 > a10)
s10 = u10, l10 <= 0 && e20.next(), l10 >= 0 && n10.next();
function EV(e20, t10) {
if (e20.length != t10.length)
return false;
for (var n10 = 0; n10 < e20.length; n10++)
if (e20[n10] != t10[n10] && !e20[n10].eq(t10[n10]))
return false;
return true;
function AV(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = t10, r10 = e20.length - 1; n10 < r10; n10++)
e20[n10] = e20[n10 + 1];
function PV(e20, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = e20.length - 1; r10 >= t10; r10--)
e20[r10 + 1] = e20[r10];
e20[t10] = n10;
function TV(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = -1, r10 = 1e9, o10 = 0; o10 < t10.length; o10++)
(t10[o10] - r10 || e20[o10].endSide - e20[n10].endSide) < 0 && (n10 = o10, r10 = t10[o10]);
return n10;
function RV(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : e20.length, r10 = 0, o10 = 0; o10 < n10; )
9 == e20.charCodeAt(o10) ? (r10 += t10 - r10 % t10, o10++) : (r10++, o10 = sF(e20, o10));
return r10;
function NV(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = 0, i10 = 0; ; ) {
if (i10 >= t10)
return o10;
if (o10 == e20.length)
i10 += 9 == e20.charCodeAt(o10) ? n10 - i10 % n10 : 1, o10 = sF(e20, o10);
return true === r10 ? -1 : e20.length;
for (IV = "undefined" == typeof Symbol ? "__\u037C" : Symbol.for("\u037C"), DV = "undefined" == typeof Symbol ? "__styleSet" + Math.floor(1e8 * Math.random()) : Symbol("styleSet"), qV = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : "undefined" != typeof window ? window : {}, zV = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
No(this, e20), this.rules = [];
var r10 = (n10 || {}).finish;
function o10(e21) {
return /^@/.test(e21) ? [e21] : e21.split(/,\s*/);
function i10(e21, t11, n11, a11) {
var s10 = [], c10 = /^@(\w+)\b/.exec(e21[0]), l10 = c10 && "keyframes" == c10[1];
if (c10 && null == t11)
return n11.push(e21[0] + ";");
for (var u10 in t11) {
var f10 = t11[u10];
if (/&/.test(u10))
i10(u10.split(/,\s*/).map(function(t12) {
return e21.map(function(e23) {
return t12.replace(/&/, e23);
}).reduce(function(e23, t12) {
return e23.concat(t12);
}), f10, n11);
else if (f10 && "object" == Ho(f10)) {
if (!c10)
throw new RangeError("The value of a property (" + u10 + ") should be a primitive value.");
i10(o10(u10), f10, s10, l10);
} else
null != f10 && s10.push(u10.replace(/_.*/, "").replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(e23) {
return "-" + e23.toLowerCase();
}) + ": " + f10 + ";");
(s10.length || l10) && n11.push((!r10 || c10 || a11 ? e21 : e21.map(r10)).join(", ") + " {" + s10.join(" ") + "}");
for (var a10 in t10)
i10(o10(a10), t10[a10], this.rules);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "getRules", value: function() {
return this.rules.join("\n");
} }], [{ key: "newName", value: function() {
var e21 = qV[IV] || 1;
return qV[IV] = e21 + 1, "\u037C" + e21.toString(36);
} }, { key: "mount", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e21[DV], o10 = n10 && n10.nonce;
r10 ? o10 && r10.setNonce(o10) : r10 = new LV(e21, o10), r10.mount(Array.isArray(t10) ? t10 : [t10]);
} }]), e20;
}(), BV = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), LV = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
No(this, e20);
var r10 = t10.ownerDocument || t10, o10 = r10.defaultView;
if (!t10.head && t10.adoptedStyleSheets && o10.CSSStyleSheet) {
var i10 = BV.get(r10);
if (i10)
return t10.adoptedStyleSheets = [i10.sheet].concat(Bo(t10.adoptedStyleSheets)), t10[DV] = i10;
this.sheet = new o10.CSSStyleSheet(), t10.adoptedStyleSheets = [this.sheet].concat(Bo(t10.adoptedStyleSheets)), BV.set(r10, this);
} else {
this.styleTag = r10.createElement("style"), n10 && this.styleTag.setAttribute("nonce", n10);
var a10 = t10.head || t10;
a10.insertBefore(this.styleTag, a10.firstChild);
this.modules = [], t10[DV] = this;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "mount", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = this.sheet, n10 = 0, r10 = 0, o10 = 0; o10 < e21.length; o10++) {
var i10 = e21[o10], a10 = this.modules.indexOf(i10);
if (a10 < r10 && a10 > -1 && (this.modules.splice(a10, 1), r10--, a10 = -1), -1 == a10) {
if (this.modules.splice(r10++, 0, i10), t10)
for (var s10 = 0; s10 < i10.rules.length; s10++)
t10.insertRule(i10.rules[s10], n10++);
} else {
for (; r10 < a10; )
n10 += this.modules[r10++].rules.length;
n10 += i10.rules.length, r10++;
if (!t10) {
for (var c10 = "", l10 = 0; l10 < this.modules.length; l10++)
c10 += this.modules[l10].getRules() + "\n";
this.styleTag.textContent = c10;
} }, { key: "setNonce", value: function(e21) {
this.styleTag && this.styleTag.getAttribute("nonce") != e21 && this.styleTag.setAttribute("nonce", e21);
} }]), e20;
}(), FV = { 8: "Backspace", 9: "Tab", 10: "Enter", 12: "NumLock", 13: "Enter", 16: "Shift", 17: "Control", 18: "Alt", 20: "CapsLock", 27: "Escape", 32: " ", 33: "PageUp", 34: "PageDown", 35: "End", 36: "Home", 37: "ArrowLeft", 38: "ArrowUp", 39: "ArrowRight", 40: "ArrowDown", 44: "PrintScreen", 45: "Insert", 46: "Delete", 59: ";", 61: "=", 91: "Meta", 92: "Meta", 106: "*", 107: "+", 108: ",", 109: "-", 110: ".", 111: "/", 144: "NumLock", 145: "ScrollLock", 160: "Shift", 161: "Shift", 162: "Control", 163: "Control", 164: "Alt", 165: "Alt", 173: "-", 186: ";", 187: "=", 188: ",", 189: "-", 190: ".", 191: "/", 192: "`", 219: "[", 220: "\\", 221: "]", 222: "'" }, VV = { 48: ")", 49: "!", 50: "@", 51: "#", 52: "$", 53: "%", 54: "^", 55: "&", 56: "*", 57: "(", 59: ":", 61: "+", 173: "_", 186: ":", 187: "+", 188: "<", 189: "_", 190: ">", 191: "?", 192: "~", 219: "{", 220: "|", 221: "}", 222: '"' }, HV = "undefined" != typeof navigator && /Mac/.test(navigator.platform), WV = "undefined" != typeof navigator && /MSIE \d|Trident\/(?:[7-9]|\d{2,})\..*rv:(\d+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent), UV = 0; UV < 10; UV++)
FV[48 + UV] = FV[96 + UV] = String(UV);
var IV;
var DV;
var qV;
var zV;
var BV;
var LV;
var FV;
var VV;
var HV;
var WV;
var UV;
for (UV = 1; UV <= 24; UV++)
FV[UV + 111] = "F" + UV;
for (UV = 65; UV <= 90; UV++)
FV[UV] = String.fromCharCode(UV + 32), VV[UV] = String.fromCharCode(UV);
for (JV in FV)
VV.hasOwnProperty(JV) || (VV[JV] = FV[JV]);
var JV;
function KV(e20) {
return (11 == e20.nodeType ? e20.getSelection ? e20 : e20.ownerDocument : e20).getSelection();
function GV(e20, t10) {
return !!t10 && (e20 == t10 || e20.contains(1 != t10.nodeType ? t10.parentNode : t10));
function QV(e20, t10) {
if (!t10.anchorNode)
return false;
try {
return GV(e20, t10.anchorNode);
} catch (e21) {
return false;
function YV(e20) {
return 3 == e20.nodeType ? lH(e20, 0, e20.nodeValue.length).getClientRects() : 1 == e20.nodeType ? e20.getClientRects() : [];
function XV(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
return !!n10 && (eH(e20, t10, n10, r10, -1) || eH(e20, t10, n10, r10, 1));
function ZV(e20) {
for (var t10 = 0; ; t10++)
if (!(e20 = e20.previousSibling))
return t10;
function eH(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10) {
for (; ; ) {
if (e20 == n10 && t10 == r10)
return true;
if (t10 == (o10 < 0 ? 0 : tH(e20))) {
if ("DIV" == e20.nodeName)
return false;
var i10 = e20.parentNode;
if (!i10 || 1 != i10.nodeType)
return false;
t10 = ZV(e20) + (o10 < 0 ? 0 : 1), e20 = i10;
} else {
if (1 != e20.nodeType)
return false;
if (1 == (e20 = e20.childNodes[t10 + (o10 < 0 ? -1 : 0)]).nodeType && "false" == e20.contentEditable)
return false;
t10 = o10 < 0 ? tH(e20) : 0;
function tH(e20) {
return 3 == e20.nodeType ? e20.nodeValue.length : e20.childNodes.length;
function nH(e20, t10) {
var n10 = t10 ? e20.left : e20.right;
return { left: n10, right: n10, top: e20.top, bottom: e20.bottom };
function rH(e20) {
return { left: 0, right: e20.innerWidth, top: 0, bottom: e20.innerHeight };
function oH(e20, t10) {
var n10 = t10.width / e20.offsetWidth, r10 = t10.height / e20.offsetHeight;
return (n10 > 0.995 && n10 < 1.005 || !isFinite(n10) || Math.abs(t10.width - e20.offsetWidth) < 1) && (n10 = 1), (r10 > 0.995 && r10 < 1.005 || !isFinite(r10) || Math.abs(t10.height - e20.offsetHeight) < 1) && (r10 = 1), { scaleX: n10, scaleY: r10 };
var iH;
var aH = function() {
function e20() {
No(this, e20), this.anchorNode = null, this.anchorOffset = 0, this.focusNode = null, this.focusOffset = 0;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "eq", value: function(e21) {
return this.anchorNode == e21.anchorNode && this.anchorOffset == e21.anchorOffset && this.focusNode == e21.focusNode && this.focusOffset == e21.focusOffset;
} }, { key: "setRange", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = e21.anchorNode, n10 = e21.focusNode;
this.set(t10, Math.min(e21.anchorOffset, t10 ? tH(t10) : 0), n10, Math.min(e21.focusOffset, n10 ? tH(n10) : 0));
} }, { key: "set", value: function(e21, t10, n10, r10) {
this.anchorNode = e21, this.anchorOffset = t10, this.focusNode = n10, this.focusOffset = r10;
} }]), e20;
var sH = null;
function cH(e20) {
if (e20.setActive)
return e20.setActive();
if (sH)
return e20.focus(sH);
for (var t10 = [], n10 = e20; n10 && (t10.push(n10, n10.scrollTop, n10.scrollLeft), n10 != n10.ownerDocument); n10 = n10.parentNode)
if (e20.focus(null == sH ? { get preventScroll() {
return sH = { preventScroll: true }, true;
} } : void 0), !sH) {
sH = false;
for (var r10 = 0; r10 < t10.length; ) {
var o10 = t10[r10++], i10 = t10[r10++], a10 = t10[r10++];
o10.scrollTop != i10 && (o10.scrollTop = i10), o10.scrollLeft != a10 && (o10.scrollLeft = a10);
function lH(e20, t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : t10, r10 = iH || (iH = document.createRange());
return r10.setEnd(e20, n10), r10.setStart(e20, t10), r10;
function uH(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = { key: t10, code: t10, keyCode: n10, which: n10, cancelable: true }, o10 = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", r10);
o10.synthetic = true, e20.dispatchEvent(o10);
var i10 = new KeyboardEvent("keyup", r10);
return i10.synthetic = true, e20.dispatchEvent(i10), o10.defaultPrevented || i10.defaultPrevented;
function fH(e20) {
for (; e20.attributes.length; )
function dH(e20) {
return e20.scrollTop > Math.max(1, e20.scrollHeight - e20.clientHeight - 4);
var hH = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
var r10 = !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2];
No(this, e20), this.node = t10, this.offset = n10, this.precise = r10;
return Do(e20, null, [{ key: "before", value: function(t10, n10) {
return new e20(t10.parentNode, ZV(t10), n10);
} }, { key: "after", value: function(t10, n10) {
return new e20(t10.parentNode, ZV(t10) + 1, n10);
} }]), e20;
var vH = [];
var pH = function() {
function e20() {
No(this, e20), this.parent = null, this.dom = null, this.flags = 2;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "overrideDOMText", get: function() {
return null;
} }, { key: "posAtStart", get: function() {
return this.parent ? this.parent.posBefore(this) : 0;
} }, { key: "posAtEnd", get: function() {
return this.posAtStart + this.length;
} }, { key: "posBefore", value: function(e21) {
var t10, n10 = this.posAtStart, r10 = bo(this.children);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(t10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
var o10 = t10.value;
if (o10 == e21)
return n10;
n10 += o10.length + o10.breakAfter;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
throw new RangeError("Invalid child in posBefore");
} }, { key: "posAfter", value: function(e21) {
return this.posBefore(e21) + e21.length;
} }, { key: "sync", value: function(t10, n10) {
if (2 & this.flags) {
var r10, o10, i10 = this.dom, a10 = null, s10 = bo(this.children);
try {
for (s10.s(); !(o10 = s10.n()).done; ) {
var c10 = o10.value;
if (7 & c10.flags) {
if (!c10.dom && (r10 = a10 ? a10.nextSibling : i10.firstChild)) {
var l10 = e20.get(r10);
(!l10 || !l10.parent && l10.canReuseDOM(c10)) && c10.reuseDOM(r10);
c10.sync(t10, n10), c10.flags &= -8;
if (r10 = a10 ? a10.nextSibling : i10.firstChild, n10 && !n10.written && n10.node == i10 && r10 != c10.dom && (n10.written = true), c10.dom.parentNode == i10)
for (; r10 && r10 != c10.dom; )
r10 = mH(r10);
i10.insertBefore(c10.dom, r10);
a10 = c10.dom;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
for ((r10 = a10 ? a10.nextSibling : i10.firstChild) && n10 && n10.node == i10 && (n10.written = true); r10; )
r10 = mH(r10);
} else if (1 & this.flags) {
var u10, f10 = bo(this.children);
try {
for (f10.s(); !(u10 = f10.n()).done; ) {
var d10 = u10.value;
7 & d10.flags && (d10.sync(t10, n10), d10.flags &= -8);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
} }, { key: "reuseDOM", value: function(e21) {
} }, { key: "localPosFromDOM", value: function(t10, n10) {
var r10;
if (t10 == this.dom)
r10 = this.dom.childNodes[n10];
else {
for (var o10 = 0 == tH(t10) ? 0 : 0 == n10 ? -1 : 1; ; ) {
var i10 = t10.parentNode;
if (i10 == this.dom)
0 == o10 && i10.firstChild != i10.lastChild && (o10 = t10 == i10.firstChild ? -1 : 1), t10 = i10;
r10 = o10 < 0 ? t10 : t10.nextSibling;
if (r10 == this.dom.firstChild)
return 0;
for (; r10 && !e20.get(r10); )
r10 = r10.nextSibling;
if (!r10)
return this.length;
for (var a10 = 0, s10 = 0; ; a10++) {
var c10 = this.children[a10];
if (c10.dom == r10)
return s10;
s10 += c10.length + c10.breakAfter;
} }, { key: "domBoundsAround", value: function(e21, t10) {
for (var n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 0, r10 = -1, o10 = -1, i10 = -1, a10 = -1, s10 = 0, c10 = n10, l10 = n10; s10 < this.children.length; s10++) {
var u10 = this.children[s10], f10 = c10 + u10.length;
if (c10 < e21 && f10 > t10)
return u10.domBoundsAround(e21, t10, c10);
if (f10 >= e21 && -1 == r10 && (r10 = s10, o10 = c10), c10 > t10 && u10.dom.parentNode == this.dom) {
i10 = s10, a10 = l10;
l10 = f10, c10 = f10 + u10.breakAfter;
return { from: o10, to: a10 < 0 ? n10 + this.length : a10, startDOM: (r10 ? this.children[r10 - 1].dom.nextSibling : null) || this.dom.firstChild, endDOM: i10 < this.children.length && i10 >= 0 ? this.children[i10].dom : null };
} }, { key: "markDirty", value: function() {
var e21 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0];
this.flags |= 2, this.markParentsDirty(e21);
} }, { key: "markParentsDirty", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = this.parent; t10; t10 = t10.parent) {
if (e21 && (t10.flags |= 2), 1 & t10.flags)
t10.flags |= 1, e21 = false;
} }, { key: "setParent", value: function(e21) {
this.parent != e21 && (this.parent = e21, 7 & this.flags && this.markParentsDirty(true));
} }, { key: "setDOM", value: function(e21) {
this.dom != e21 && (this.dom && (this.dom.cmView = null), this.dom = e21, e21.cmView = this);
} }, { key: "rootView", get: function() {
for (var e21 = this; ; ) {
var t10 = e21.parent;
if (!t10)
return e21;
e21 = t10;
} }, { key: "replaceChildren", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10, r10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : vH;
for (var o10 = e21; o10 < t10; o10++) {
var i10 = this.children[o10];
i10.parent == this && r10.indexOf(i10) < 0 && i10.destroy();
(n10 = this.children).splice.apply(n10, [e21, t10 - e21].concat(Bo(r10)));
for (var a10 = 0; a10 < r10.length; a10++)
} }, { key: "ignoreMutation", value: function(e21) {
return false;
} }, { key: "ignoreEvent", value: function(e21) {
return false;
} }, { key: "childCursor", value: function() {
var e21 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : this.length;
return new gH(this.children, e21, this.children.length);
} }, { key: "childPos", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 1;
return this.childCursor().findPos(e21, t10);
} }, { key: "toString", value: function() {
var e21 = this.constructor.name.replace("View", "");
return e21 + (this.children.length ? "(" + this.children.join() + ")" : this.length ? "[" + ("Text" == e21 ? this.text : this.length) + "]" : "") + (this.breakAfter ? "#" : "");
} }, { key: "isEditable", get: function() {
return true;
} }, { key: "isWidget", get: function() {
return false;
} }, { key: "isHidden", get: function() {
return false;
} }, { key: "merge", value: function(e21, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
return false;
} }, { key: "become", value: function(e21) {
return false;
} }, { key: "canReuseDOM", value: function(e21) {
return e21.constructor == this.constructor && !(8 & (this.flags | e21.flags));
} }, { key: "getSide", value: function() {
return 0;
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function() {
var e21, t10 = bo(this.children);
try {
for (t10.s(); !(e21 = t10.n()).done; ) {
var n10 = e21.value;
n10.parent == this && n10.destroy();
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
this.parent = null;
} }], [{ key: "get", value: function(e21) {
return e21.cmView;
} }]), e20;
function mH(e20) {
var t10 = e20.nextSibling;
return e20.parentNode.removeChild(e20), t10;
pH.prototype.breakAfter = 0;
var gH = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
No(this, e20), this.children = t10, this.pos = n10, this.i = r10, this.off = 0;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "findPos", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 1; ; ) {
if (e21 > this.pos || e21 == this.pos && (t10 > 0 || 0 == this.i || this.children[this.i - 1].breakAfter))
return this.off = e21 - this.pos, this;
var n10 = this.children[--this.i];
this.pos -= n10.length + n10.breakAfter;
} }]), e20;
function yH(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10) {
var l10 = e20.children, u10 = l10.length ? l10[t10] : null, f10 = i10.length ? i10[i10.length - 1] : null, d10 = f10 ? f10.breakAfter : a10;
if (!(t10 == r10 && u10 && !a10 && !d10 && i10.length < 2 && u10.merge(n10, o10, i10.length ? f10 : null, 0 == n10, s10, c10))) {
if (r10 < l10.length) {
var h10 = l10[r10];
h10 && (o10 < h10.length || h10.breakAfter && (null == f10 ? void 0 : f10.breakAfter)) ? (t10 == r10 && (h10 = h10.split(o10), o10 = 0), !d10 && f10 && h10.merge(0, o10, f10, true, 0, c10) ? i10[i10.length - 1] = h10 : ((o10 || h10.children.length && !h10.children[0].length) && h10.merge(0, o10, null, false, 0, c10), i10.push(h10))) : (null == h10 ? void 0 : h10.breakAfter) && (f10 ? f10.breakAfter = 1 : a10 = 1), r10++;
for (u10 && (u10.breakAfter = a10, n10 > 0 && (!a10 && i10.length && u10.merge(n10, u10.length, i10[0], false, s10, 0) ? u10.breakAfter = i10.shift().breakAfter : (n10 < u10.length || u10.children.length && 0 == u10.children[u10.children.length - 1].length) && u10.merge(n10, u10.length, null, false, s10, 0), t10++)); t10 < r10 && i10.length; )
if (l10[r10 - 1].become(i10[i10.length - 1]))
r10--, i10.pop(), c10 = i10.length ? 0 : s10;
else {
if (!l10[t10].become(i10[0]))
t10++, i10.shift(), s10 = i10.length ? 0 : c10;
!i10.length && t10 && r10 < l10.length && !l10[t10 - 1].breakAfter && l10[r10].merge(0, 0, l10[t10 - 1], false, s10, c10) && t10--, (t10 < r10 || i10.length) && e20.replaceChildren(t10, r10, i10);
function bH(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
var a10, s10 = e20.childCursor(), c10 = s10.findPos(n10, 1), l10 = c10.i, u10 = c10.off, f10 = s10.findPos(t10, -1), d10 = f10.i, h10 = f10.off, v10 = t10 - n10, p10 = bo(r10);
try {
for (p10.s(); !(a10 = p10.n()).done; ) {
v10 += a10.value.length;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
e20.length += v10, yH(e20, d10, h10, l10, u10, r10, 0, o10, i10);
var kH = "undefined" != typeof navigator ? navigator : { userAgent: "", vendor: "", platform: "" };
var wH = "undefined" != typeof document ? document : { documentElement: { style: {} } };
var xH = /Edge\/(\d+)/.exec(kH.userAgent);
var jH = /MSIE \d/.test(kH.userAgent);
var SH = /Trident\/(?:[7-9]|\d{2,})\..*rv:(\d+)/.exec(kH.userAgent);
var CH = !!(jH || SH || xH);
var $H = !CH && /gecko\/(\d+)/i.test(kH.userAgent);
var _H = !CH && /Chrome\/(\d+)/.exec(kH.userAgent);
var OH = "webkitFontSmoothing" in wH.documentElement.style;
var MH = !CH && /Apple Computer/.test(kH.vendor);
var EH = MH && (/Mobile\/\w+/.test(kH.userAgent) || kH.maxTouchPoints > 2);
var AH = { mac: EH || /Mac/.test(kH.platform), windows: /Win/.test(kH.platform), linux: /Linux|X11/.test(kH.platform), ie: CH, ie_version: jH ? wH.documentMode || 6 : SH ? +SH[1] : xH ? +xH[1] : 0, gecko: $H, gecko_version: $H ? +(/Firefox\/(\d+)/.exec(kH.userAgent) || [0, 0])[1] : 0, chrome: !!_H, chrome_version: _H ? +_H[1] : 0, ios: EH, android: /Android\b/.test(kH.userAgent), webkit: OH, safari: MH, webkit_version: OH ? +(/\bAppleWebKit\/(\d+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent) || [0, 0])[1] : 0, tabSize: null != wH.documentElement.style.tabSize ? "tab-size" : "-moz-tab-size" };
var PH = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), (n10 = _o(this, t10)).text = e21, n10;
return Ao(t10, pH), Do(t10, [{ key: "length", get: function() {
return this.text.length;
} }, { key: "createDOM", value: function(e21) {
this.setDOM(e21 || document.createTextNode(this.text));
} }, { key: "sync", value: function(e21, t11) {
this.dom || this.createDOM(), this.dom.nodeValue != this.text && (t11 && t11.node == this.dom && (t11.written = true), this.dom.nodeValue = this.text);
} }, { key: "reuseDOM", value: function(e21) {
3 == e21.nodeType && this.createDOM(e21);
} }, { key: "merge", value: function(e21, n10, r10) {
return !(8 & this.flags || r10 && (!(r10 instanceof t10) || this.length - (n10 - e21) + r10.length > 256 || 8 & r10.flags)) && (this.text = this.text.slice(0, e21) + (r10 ? r10.text : "") + this.text.slice(n10), this.markDirty(), true);
} }, { key: "split", value: function(e21) {
var n10 = new t10(this.text.slice(e21));
return this.text = this.text.slice(0, e21), this.markDirty(), n10.flags |= 8 & this.flags, n10;
} }, { key: "localPosFromDOM", value: function(e21, t11) {
return e21 == this.dom ? t11 : t11 ? this.text.length : 0;
} }, { key: "domAtPos", value: function(e21) {
return new hH(this.dom, e21);
} }, { key: "domBoundsAround", value: function(e21, t11, n10) {
return { from: n10, to: n10 + this.length, startDOM: this.dom, endDOM: this.dom.nextSibling };
} }, { key: "coordsAt", value: function(e21, t11) {
return function(e23, t12, n10) {
var r10 = e23.nodeValue.length;
t12 > r10 && (t12 = r10);
var o10 = t12, i10 = t12, a10 = 0;
0 == t12 && n10 < 0 || t12 == r10 && n10 >= 0 ? AH.chrome || AH.gecko || (t12 ? (o10--, a10 = 1) : i10 < r10 && (i10++, a10 = -1)) : n10 < 0 ? o10-- : i10 < r10 && i10++;
var s10 = lH(e23, o10, i10).getClientRects();
if (!s10.length)
return null;
var c10 = s10[(a10 ? a10 < 0 : n10 >= 0) ? 0 : s10.length - 1];
AH.safari && !a10 && 0 == c10.width && (c10 = Array.prototype.find.call(s10, function(e24) {
return e24.width;
}) || c10);
return a10 ? nH(c10, a10 < 0) : c10 || null;
}(this.dom, e21, t11);
} }]), t10;
var TH = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10, r10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : [], o10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 0;
No(this, t10), (n10 = _o(this, t10)).mark = e21, n10.children = r10, n10.length = o10;
var i10, a10 = bo(r10);
try {
for (a10.s(); !(i10 = a10.n()).done; ) {
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return n10;
return Ao(t10, pH), Do(t10, [{ key: "setAttrs", value: function(e21) {
if (fH(e21), this.mark.class && (e21.className = this.mark.class), this.mark.attrs)
for (var t11 in this.mark.attrs)
e21.setAttribute(t11, this.mark.attrs[t11]);
return e21;
} }, { key: "canReuseDOM", value: function(e21) {
return go(Mo(t10.prototype), "canReuseDOM", this).call(this, e21) && !(8 & (this.flags | e21.flags));
} }, { key: "reuseDOM", value: function(e21) {
e21.nodeName == this.mark.tagName.toUpperCase() && (this.setDOM(e21), this.flags |= 6);
} }, { key: "sync", value: function(e21, n10) {
this.dom ? 4 & this.flags && this.setAttrs(this.dom) : this.setDOM(this.setAttrs(document.createElement(this.mark.tagName))), go(Mo(t10.prototype), "sync", this).call(this, e21, n10);
} }, { key: "merge", value: function(e21, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10) {
return (!r10 || !(!(r10 instanceof t10 && r10.mark.eq(this.mark)) || e21 && i10 <= 0 || n10 < this.length && a10 <= 0)) && (bH(this, e21, n10, r10 ? r10.children.slice() : [], i10 - 1, a10 - 1), this.markDirty(), true);
} }, { key: "split", value: function(e21) {
var n10, r10 = [], o10 = 0, i10 = -1, a10 = 0, s10 = bo(this.children);
try {
for (s10.s(); !(n10 = s10.n()).done; ) {
var c10 = n10.value, l10 = o10 + c10.length;
l10 > e21 && r10.push(o10 < e21 ? c10.split(e21 - o10) : c10), i10 < 0 && o10 >= e21 && (i10 = a10), o10 = l10, a10++;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
var u10 = this.length - e21;
return this.length = e21, i10 > -1 && (this.children.length = i10, this.markDirty()), new t10(this.mark, r10, u10);
} }, { key: "domAtPos", value: function(e21) {
return IH(this, e21);
} }, { key: "coordsAt", value: function(e21, t11) {
return qH(this, e21, t11);
} }]), t10;
var RH = function(e20) {
function t10(e21, n10, r10) {
var o10;
return No(this, t10), (o10 = _o(this, t10)).widget = e21, o10.length = n10, o10.side = r10, o10.prevWidget = null, o10;
return Ao(t10, pH), Do(t10, [{ key: "split", value: function(e21) {
var n10 = t10.create(this.widget, this.length - e21, this.side);
return this.length -= e21, n10;
} }, { key: "sync", value: function(e21) {
this.dom && this.widget.updateDOM(this.dom, e21) || (this.dom && this.prevWidget && this.prevWidget.destroy(this.dom), this.prevWidget = null, this.setDOM(this.widget.toDOM(e21)), this.widget.editable || (this.dom.contentEditable = "false"));
} }, { key: "getSide", value: function() {
return this.side;
} }, { key: "merge", value: function(e21, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10) {
return !(r10 && (!(r10 instanceof t10 && this.widget.compare(r10.widget)) || e21 > 0 && i10 <= 0 || n10 < this.length && a10 <= 0)) && (this.length = e21 + (r10 ? r10.length : 0) + (this.length - n10), true);
} }, { key: "become", value: function(e21) {
return e21 instanceof t10 && e21.side == this.side && this.widget.constructor == e21.widget.constructor && (this.widget.compare(e21.widget) || this.markDirty(true), this.dom && !this.prevWidget && (this.prevWidget = this.widget), this.widget = e21.widget, this.length = e21.length, true);
} }, { key: "ignoreMutation", value: function() {
return true;
} }, { key: "ignoreEvent", value: function(e21) {
return this.widget.ignoreEvent(e21);
} }, { key: "overrideDOMText", get: function() {
if (0 == this.length)
return UL.empty;
for (var e21 = this; e21.parent; )
e21 = e21.parent;
var t11 = e21.view, n10 = t11 && t11.state.doc, r10 = this.posAtStart;
return n10 ? n10.slice(r10, r10 + this.length) : UL.empty;
} }, { key: "domAtPos", value: function(e21) {
return (this.length ? 0 == e21 : this.side > 0) ? hH.before(this.dom) : hH.after(this.dom, e21 == this.length);
} }, { key: "domBoundsAround", value: function() {
return null;
} }, { key: "coordsAt", value: function(e21, t11) {
var n10 = this.widget.coordsAt(this.dom, e21, t11);
if (n10)
return n10;
var r10 = this.dom.getClientRects(), o10 = null;
if (!r10.length)
return null;
for (var i10 = this.side ? this.side < 0 : e21 > 0, a10 = i10 ? r10.length - 1 : 0; o10 = r10[a10], !(e21 > 0 ? 0 == a10 : a10 == r10.length - 1 || o10.top < o10.bottom); a10 += i10 ? -1 : 1)
return nH(o10, !i10);
} }, { key: "isEditable", get: function() {
return false;
} }, { key: "isWidget", get: function() {
return true;
} }, { key: "isHidden", get: function() {
return this.widget.isHidden;
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function() {
go(Mo(t10.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this), this.dom && this.widget.destroy(this.dom);
} }], [{ key: "create", value: function(e21, n10, r10) {
return new t10(e21, n10, r10);
} }]), t10;
var NH = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), (n10 = _o(this, t10)).side = e21, n10;
return Ao(t10, pH), Do(t10, [{ key: "length", get: function() {
return 0;
} }, { key: "merge", value: function() {
return false;
} }, { key: "become", value: function(e21) {
return e21 instanceof t10 && e21.side == this.side;
} }, { key: "split", value: function() {
return new t10(this.side);
} }, { key: "sync", value: function() {
if (!this.dom) {
var e21 = document.createElement("img");
e21.className = "cm-widgetBuffer", e21.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), this.setDOM(e21);
} }, { key: "getSide", value: function() {
return this.side;
} }, { key: "domAtPos", value: function(e21) {
return this.side > 0 ? hH.before(this.dom) : hH.after(this.dom);
} }, { key: "localPosFromDOM", value: function() {
return 0;
} }, { key: "domBoundsAround", value: function() {
return null;
} }, { key: "coordsAt", value: function(e21) {
return this.dom.getBoundingClientRect();
} }, { key: "overrideDOMText", get: function() {
return UL.empty;
} }, { key: "isHidden", get: function() {
return true;
} }]), t10;
function IH(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = e20.dom, r10 = e20.children, o10 = 0, i10 = 0; o10 < r10.length; o10++) {
var a10 = r10[o10], s10 = i10 + a10.length;
if (!(s10 == i10 && a10.getSide() <= 0)) {
if (t10 > i10 && t10 < s10 && a10.dom.parentNode == n10)
return a10.domAtPos(t10 - i10);
if (t10 <= i10)
i10 = s10;
for (var c10 = o10; c10 > 0; c10--) {
var l10 = r10[c10 - 1];
if (l10.dom.parentNode == n10)
return l10.domAtPos(l10.length);
for (var u10 = o10; u10 < r10.length; u10++) {
var f10 = r10[u10];
if (f10.dom.parentNode == n10)
return f10.domAtPos(0);
return new hH(n10, 0);
function DH(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = e20.children;
n10 > 0 && t10 instanceof TH && o10.length && (r10 = o10[o10.length - 1]) instanceof TH && r10.mark.eq(t10.mark) ? DH(r10, t10.children[0], n10 - 1) : (o10.push(t10), t10.setParent(e20)), e20.length += t10.length;
function qH(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = null, o10 = -1, i10 = null, a10 = -1;
!function e21(t11, s11) {
for (var c10 = 0, l10 = 0; c10 < t11.children.length && l10 <= s11; c10++) {
var u10 = t11.children[c10], f10 = l10 + u10.length;
f10 >= s11 && (u10.children.length ? e21(u10, s11 - l10) : (!i10 || i10.isHidden && n10 > 0) && (f10 > s11 || l10 == f10 && u10.getSide() > 0) ? (i10 = u10, a10 = s11 - l10) : (l10 < s11 || l10 == f10 && u10.getSide() < 0 && !u10.isHidden) && (r10 = u10, o10 = s11 - l10)), l10 = f10;
}(e20, t10);
var s10 = (n10 < 0 ? r10 : i10) || r10 || i10;
return s10 ? s10.coordsAt(Math.max(0, s10 == r10 ? o10 : a10), n10) : function(e21) {
var t11 = e21.dom.lastChild;
if (!t11)
return e21.dom.getBoundingClientRect();
var n11 = YV(t11);
return n11[n11.length - 1] || null;
function zH(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 in e20)
"class" == n10 && t10.class ? t10.class += " " + e20.class : "style" == n10 && t10.style ? t10.style += ";" + e20.style : t10[n10] = e20[n10];
return t10;
PH.prototype.children = RH.prototype.children = NH.prototype.children = vH;
var BH = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
function LH(e20, t10, n10) {
if (e20 == t10)
return true;
e20 || (e20 = BH), t10 || (t10 = BH);
var r10 = Object.keys(e20), o10 = Object.keys(t10);
if (r10.length - (n10 && r10.indexOf(n10) > -1 ? 1 : 0) != o10.length - (n10 && o10.indexOf(n10) > -1 ? 1 : 0))
return false;
for (var i10 = 0, a10 = r10; i10 < a10.length; i10++) {
var s10 = a10[i10];
if (s10 != n10 && (-1 == o10.indexOf(s10) || e20[s10] !== t10[s10]))
return false;
return true;
function FH(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = false;
if (t10)
for (var o10 in t10)
n10 && o10 in n10 || (r10 = true, "style" == o10 ? e20.style.cssText = "" : e20.removeAttribute(o10));
if (n10)
for (var i10 in n10)
t10 && t10[i10] == n10[i10] || (r10 = true, "style" == i10 ? e20.style.cssText = n10[i10] : e20.setAttribute(i10, n10[i10]));
return r10;
function VH(e20) {
for (var t10 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), n10 = 0; n10 < e20.attributes.length; n10++) {
var r10 = e20.attributes[n10];
t10[r10.name] = r10.value;
return t10;
var HH = function(e20) {
function t10() {
var e21;
return No(this, t10), (e21 = _o(this, t10, arguments)).children = [], e21.length = 0, e21.prevAttrs = void 0, e21.attrs = null, e21.breakAfter = 0, e21;
return Ao(t10, pH), Do(t10, [{ key: "merge", value: function(e21, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10) {
if (r10) {
if (!(r10 instanceof t10))
return false;
this.dom || r10.transferDOM(this);
return o10 && this.setDeco(r10 ? r10.attrs : null), bH(this, e21, n10, r10 ? r10.children.slice() : [], i10, a10), true;
} }, { key: "split", value: function(e21) {
var n10 = new t10();
if (n10.breakAfter = this.breakAfter, 0 == this.length)
return n10;
var r10 = this.childPos(e21), o10 = r10.i, i10 = r10.off;
i10 && (n10.append(this.children[o10].split(i10), 0), this.children[o10].merge(i10, this.children[o10].length, null, false, 0, 0), o10++);
for (var a10 = o10; a10 < this.children.length; a10++)
n10.append(this.children[a10], 0);
for (; o10 > 0 && 0 == this.children[o10 - 1].length; )
return this.children.length = o10, this.markDirty(), this.length = e21, n10;
} }, { key: "transferDOM", value: function(e21) {
this.dom && (this.markDirty(), e21.setDOM(this.dom), e21.prevAttrs = void 0 === this.prevAttrs ? this.attrs : this.prevAttrs, this.prevAttrs = void 0, this.dom = null);
} }, { key: "setDeco", value: function(e21) {
LH(this.attrs, e21) || (this.dom && (this.prevAttrs = this.attrs, this.markDirty()), this.attrs = e21);
} }, { key: "append", value: function(e21, t11) {
DH(this, e21, t11);
} }, { key: "addLineDeco", value: function(e21) {
var t11 = e21.spec.attributes, n10 = e21.spec.class;
t11 && (this.attrs = zH(t11, this.attrs || {})), n10 && (this.attrs = zH({ class: n10 }, this.attrs || {}));
} }, { key: "domAtPos", value: function(e21) {
return IH(this, e21);
} }, { key: "reuseDOM", value: function(e21) {
"DIV" == e21.nodeName && (this.setDOM(e21), this.flags |= 6);
} }, { key: "sync", value: function(e21, n10) {
var r10;
this.dom ? 4 & this.flags && (fH(this.dom), this.dom.className = "cm-line", this.prevAttrs = this.attrs ? null : void 0) : (this.setDOM(document.createElement("div")), this.dom.className = "cm-line", this.prevAttrs = this.attrs ? null : void 0), void 0 !== this.prevAttrs && (FH(this.dom, this.prevAttrs, this.attrs), this.dom.classList.add("cm-line"), this.prevAttrs = void 0), go(Mo(t10.prototype), "sync", this).call(this, e21, n10);
for (var o10 = this.dom.lastChild; o10 && pH.get(o10) instanceof TH; )
o10 = o10.lastChild;
if (!(o10 && this.length && ("BR" == o10.nodeName || 0 != (null === (r10 = pH.get(o10)) || void 0 === r10 ? void 0 : r10.isEditable) || AH.ios && this.children.some(function(e23) {
return e23 instanceof PH;
})))) {
var i10 = document.createElement("BR");
i10.cmIgnore = true, this.dom.appendChild(i10);
} }, { key: "measureTextSize", value: function() {
if (0 == this.children.length || this.length > 20)
return null;
var e21, t11, n10 = 0, r10 = bo(this.children);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(t11 = r10.n()).done; ) {
var o10 = t11.value;
if (!(o10 instanceof PH) || /[^ -~]/.test(o10.text))
return null;
var i10 = YV(o10.dom);
if (1 != i10.length)
return null;
n10 += i10[0].width, e21 = i10[0].height;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return n10 ? { lineHeight: this.dom.getBoundingClientRect().height, charWidth: n10 / this.length, textHeight: e21 } : null;
} }, { key: "coordsAt", value: function(e21, t11) {
var n10 = qH(this, e21, t11);
if (!this.children.length && n10 && this.parent) {
var r10 = this.parent.view.viewState.heightOracle, o10 = n10.bottom - n10.top;
if (Math.abs(o10 - r10.lineHeight) < 2 && r10.textHeight < o10) {
var i10 = (o10 - r10.textHeight) / 2;
return { top: n10.top + i10, bottom: n10.bottom - i10, left: n10.left, right: n10.left };
return n10;
} }, { key: "become", value: function(e21) {
return false;
} }, { key: "covers", value: function() {
return true;
} }], [{ key: "find", value: function(e21, n10) {
for (var r10 = 0, o10 = 0; r10 < e21.children.length; r10++) {
var i10 = e21.children[r10], a10 = o10 + i10.length;
if (a10 >= n10) {
if (i10 instanceof t10)
return i10;
if (a10 > n10)
o10 = a10 + i10.breakAfter;
return null;
} }]), t10;
var WH = function(e20) {
function t10(e21, n10, r10) {
var o10;
return No(this, t10), (o10 = _o(this, t10)).widget = e21, o10.length = n10, o10.deco = r10, o10.breakAfter = 0, o10.prevWidget = null, o10;
return Ao(t10, pH), Do(t10, [{ key: "merge", value: function(e21, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10) {
return !(r10 && (!(r10 instanceof t10 && this.widget.compare(r10.widget)) || e21 > 0 && i10 <= 0 || n10 < this.length && a10 <= 0)) && (this.length = e21 + (r10 ? r10.length : 0) + (this.length - n10), true);
} }, { key: "domAtPos", value: function(e21) {
return 0 == e21 ? hH.before(this.dom) : hH.after(this.dom, e21 == this.length);
} }, { key: "split", value: function(e21) {
var n10 = this.length - e21;
this.length = e21;
var r10 = new t10(this.widget, n10, this.deco);
return r10.breakAfter = this.breakAfter, r10;
} }, { key: "children", get: function() {
return vH;
} }, { key: "sync", value: function(e21) {
this.dom && this.widget.updateDOM(this.dom, e21) || (this.dom && this.prevWidget && this.prevWidget.destroy(this.dom), this.prevWidget = null, this.setDOM(this.widget.toDOM(e21)), this.widget.editable || (this.dom.contentEditable = "false"));
} }, { key: "overrideDOMText", get: function() {
return this.parent ? this.parent.view.state.doc.slice(this.posAtStart, this.posAtEnd) : UL.empty;
} }, { key: "domBoundsAround", value: function() {
return null;
} }, { key: "become", value: function(e21) {
return e21 instanceof t10 && e21.widget.constructor == this.widget.constructor && (e21.widget.compare(this.widget) || this.markDirty(true), this.dom && !this.prevWidget && (this.prevWidget = this.widget), this.widget = e21.widget, this.length = e21.length, this.deco = e21.deco, this.breakAfter = e21.breakAfter, true);
} }, { key: "ignoreMutation", value: function() {
return true;
} }, { key: "ignoreEvent", value: function(e21) {
return this.widget.ignoreEvent(e21);
} }, { key: "isEditable", get: function() {
return false;
} }, { key: "isWidget", get: function() {
return true;
} }, { key: "coordsAt", value: function(e21, t11) {
return this.widget.coordsAt(this.dom, e21, t11);
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function() {
go(Mo(t10.prototype), "destroy", this).call(this), this.dom && this.widget.destroy(this.dom);
} }, { key: "covers", value: function(e21) {
var t11 = this.deco, n10 = t11.startSide, r10 = t11.endSide;
return n10 != r10 && (e21 < 0 ? n10 < 0 : r10 > 0);
} }]), t10;
var UH = function() {
function e20() {
No(this, e20);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "eq", value: function(e21) {
return false;
} }, { key: "updateDOM", value: function(e21, t10) {
return false;
} }, { key: "compare", value: function(e21) {
return this == e21 || this.constructor == e21.constructor && this.eq(e21);
} }, { key: "estimatedHeight", get: function() {
return -1;
} }, { key: "lineBreaks", get: function() {
return 0;
} }, { key: "ignoreEvent", value: function(e21) {
return true;
} }, { key: "coordsAt", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
return null;
} }, { key: "isHidden", get: function() {
return false;
} }, { key: "editable", get: function() {
return false;
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function(e21) {
} }]), e20;
var JH = function(e20) {
return e20[e20.Text = 0] = "Text", e20[e20.WidgetBefore = 1] = "WidgetBefore", e20[e20.WidgetAfter = 2] = "WidgetAfter", e20[e20.WidgetRange = 3] = "WidgetRange", e20;
}(JH || (JH = {}));
var KH = function(e20) {
function t10(e21, n10, r10, o10) {
var i10;
return No(this, t10), (i10 = _o(this, t10)).startSide = e21, i10.endSide = n10, i10.widget = r10, i10.spec = o10, i10;
return Ao(t10, yV), Do(t10, [{ key: "heightRelevant", get: function() {
return false;
} }, { key: "hasHeight", value: function() {
return !!this.widget && this.widget.estimatedHeight > -1;
} }], [{ key: "mark", value: function(e21) {
return new GH(e21);
} }, { key: "widget", value: function(e21) {
var t11 = Math.max(-1e4, Math.min(1e4, e21.side || 0)), n10 = !!e21.block;
return t11 += n10 && !e21.inlineOrder ? t11 > 0 ? 3e8 : -4e8 : t11 > 0 ? 1e8 : -1e8, new YH(e21, t11, t11, n10, e21.widget || null, false);
} }, { key: "replace", value: function(e21) {
var t11, n10, r10 = !!e21.block;
if (e21.isBlockGap)
t11 = -5e8, n10 = 4e8;
else {
var o10 = XH(e21, r10);
t11 = (o10.start ? r10 ? -3e8 : -1 : 5e8) - 1, n10 = 1 + (o10.end ? r10 ? 2e8 : 1 : -6e8);
return new YH(e21, t11, n10, r10, e21.widget || null, true);
} }, { key: "line", value: function(e21) {
return new QH(e21);
} }, { key: "set", value: function(e21) {
var t11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1];
return xV.of(e21, t11);
} }]), t10;
KH.none = xV.empty;
var GH = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
No(this, t10);
var r10 = XH(e21);
return (n10 = _o(this, t10, [r10.start ? -1 : 5e8, r10.end ? 1 : -6e8, null, e21])).tagName = e21.tagName || "span", n10.class = e21.class || "", n10.attrs = e21.attributes || null, n10;
return Ao(t10, KH), Do(t10, [{ key: "eq", value: function(e21) {
var n10, r10;
return this == e21 || e21 instanceof t10 && this.tagName == e21.tagName && (this.class || (null === (n10 = this.attrs) || void 0 === n10 ? void 0 : n10.class)) == (e21.class || (null === (r10 = e21.attrs) || void 0 === r10 ? void 0 : r10.class)) && LH(this.attrs, e21.attrs, "class");
} }, { key: "range", value: function(e21) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : e21;
if (e21 >= n10)
throw new RangeError("Mark decorations may not be empty");
return go(Mo(t10.prototype), "range", this).call(this, e21, n10);
} }]), t10;
GH.prototype.point = false;
var QH = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
return No(this, t10), _o(this, t10, [-2e8, -2e8, null, e21]);
return Ao(t10, KH), Do(t10, [{ key: "eq", value: function(e21) {
return e21 instanceof t10 && this.spec.class == e21.spec.class && LH(this.spec.attributes, e21.spec.attributes);
} }, { key: "range", value: function(e21) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : e21;
if (n10 != e21)
throw new RangeError("Line decoration ranges must be zero-length");
return go(Mo(t10.prototype), "range", this).call(this, e21, n10);
} }]), t10;
QH.prototype.mapMode = mF.TrackBefore, QH.prototype.point = true;
var YH = function(e20) {
function t10(e21, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10) {
var s10;
return No(this, t10), (s10 = _o(this, t10, [n10, r10, i10, e21])).block = o10, s10.isReplace = a10, s10.mapMode = o10 ? n10 <= 0 ? mF.TrackBefore : mF.TrackAfter : mF.TrackDel, s10;
return Ao(t10, KH), Do(t10, [{ key: "type", get: function() {
return this.startSide != this.endSide ? JH.WidgetRange : this.startSide <= 0 ? JH.WidgetBefore : JH.WidgetAfter;
} }, { key: "heightRelevant", get: function() {
return this.block || !!this.widget && (this.widget.estimatedHeight >= 5 || this.widget.lineBreaks > 0);
} }, { key: "eq", value: function(e21) {
return e21 instanceof t10 && (n10 = this.widget, r10 = e21.widget, n10 == r10 || !!(n10 && r10 && n10.compare(r10))) && this.block == e21.block && this.startSide == e21.startSide && this.endSide == e21.endSide;
var n10, r10;
} }, { key: "range", value: function(e21) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : e21;
if (this.isReplace && (e21 > n10 || e21 == n10 && this.startSide > 0 && this.endSide <= 0))
throw new RangeError("Invalid range for replacement decoration");
if (!this.isReplace && n10 != e21)
throw new RangeError("Widget decorations can only have zero-length ranges");
return go(Mo(t10.prototype), "range", this).call(this, e21, n10);
} }]), t10;
function XH(e20) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1], n10 = e20.inclusiveStart, r10 = e20.inclusiveEnd;
return null == n10 && (n10 = e20.inclusive), null == r10 && (r10 = e20.inclusive), { start: null != n10 ? n10 : t10, end: null != r10 ? r10 : t10 };
function ZH(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 0, o10 = n10.length - 1;
o10 >= 0 && n10[o10] + r10 >= e20 ? n10[o10] = Math.max(n10[o10], t10) : n10.push(e20, t10);
YH.prototype.point = true;
var eW = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10) {
No(this, e20), this.doc = t10, this.pos = n10, this.end = r10, this.disallowBlockEffectsFor = o10, this.content = [], this.curLine = null, this.breakAtStart = 0, this.pendingBuffer = 0, this.bufferMarks = [], this.atCursorPos = true, this.openStart = -1, this.openEnd = -1, this.text = "", this.textOff = 0, this.cursor = t10.iter(), this.skip = n10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "posCovered", value: function() {
if (0 == this.content.length)
return !this.breakAtStart && this.doc.lineAt(this.pos).from != this.pos;
var e21 = this.content[this.content.length - 1];
return !(e21.breakAfter || e21 instanceof WH && e21.deco.endSide < 0);
} }, { key: "getLine", value: function() {
return this.curLine || (this.content.push(this.curLine = new HH()), this.atCursorPos = true), this.curLine;
} }, { key: "flushBuffer", value: function() {
var e21 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : this.bufferMarks;
this.pendingBuffer && (this.curLine.append(tW(new NH(-1), e21), e21.length), this.pendingBuffer = 0);
} }, { key: "addBlockWidget", value: function(e21) {
this.flushBuffer(), this.curLine = null, this.content.push(e21);
} }, { key: "finish", value: function(e21) {
this.pendingBuffer && e21 <= this.bufferMarks.length ? this.flushBuffer() : this.pendingBuffer = 0, this.posCovered() || e21 && this.content.length && this.content[this.content.length - 1] instanceof WH || this.getLine();
} }, { key: "buildText", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
for (; e21 > 0; ) {
if (this.textOff == this.text.length) {
var r10 = this.cursor.next(this.skip), o10 = r10.value, i10 = r10.lineBreak, a10 = r10.done;
if (this.skip = 0, a10)
throw new Error("Ran out of text content when drawing inline views");
if (i10) {
this.posCovered() || this.getLine(), this.content.length ? this.content[this.content.length - 1].breakAfter = 1 : this.breakAtStart = 1, this.flushBuffer(), this.curLine = null, this.atCursorPos = true, e21--;
this.text = o10, this.textOff = 0;
var s10 = Math.min(this.text.length - this.textOff, e21, 512);
this.flushBuffer(t10.slice(t10.length - n10)), this.getLine().append(tW(new PH(this.text.slice(this.textOff, this.textOff + s10)), t10), n10), this.atCursorPos = true, this.textOff += s10, e21 -= s10, n10 = 0;
} }, { key: "span", value: function(e21, t10, n10, r10) {
this.buildText(t10 - e21, n10, r10), this.pos = t10, this.openStart < 0 && (this.openStart = r10);
} }, { key: "point", value: function(e21, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
if (this.disallowBlockEffectsFor[i10] && n10 instanceof YH) {
if (n10.block)
throw new RangeError("Block decorations may not be specified via plugins");
if (t10 > this.doc.lineAt(this.pos).to)
throw new RangeError("Decorations that replace line breaks may not be specified via plugins");
var a10 = t10 - e21;
if (n10 instanceof YH)
if (n10.block)
n10.startSide > 0 && !this.posCovered() && this.getLine(), this.addBlockWidget(new WH(n10.widget || new nW("div"), a10, n10));
else {
var s10 = RH.create(n10.widget || new nW("span"), a10, a10 ? 0 : n10.startSide), c10 = this.atCursorPos && !s10.isEditable && o10 <= r10.length && (e21 < t10 || n10.startSide > 0), l10 = !s10.isEditable && (e21 < t10 || o10 > r10.length || n10.startSide <= 0), u10 = this.getLine();
2 != this.pendingBuffer || c10 || s10.isEditable || (this.pendingBuffer = 0), this.flushBuffer(r10), c10 && (u10.append(tW(new NH(1), r10), o10), o10 = r10.length + Math.max(0, o10 - r10.length)), u10.append(tW(s10, r10), o10), this.atCursorPos = l10, this.pendingBuffer = l10 ? e21 < t10 || o10 > r10.length ? 1 : 2 : 0, this.pendingBuffer && (this.bufferMarks = r10.slice());
this.doc.lineAt(this.pos).from == this.pos && this.getLine().addLineDeco(n10);
a10 && (this.textOff + a10 <= this.text.length ? this.textOff += a10 : (this.skip += a10 - (this.text.length - this.textOff), this.text = "", this.textOff = 0), this.pos = t10), this.openStart < 0 && (this.openStart = o10);
} }], [{ key: "build", value: function(t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
var a10 = new e20(t10, n10, r10, i10);
return a10.openEnd = xV.spans(o10, n10, r10, a10), a10.openStart < 0 && (a10.openStart = a10.openEnd), a10.finish(a10.openEnd), a10;
} }]), e20;
function tW(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = bo(t10);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(n10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
var o10 = n10.value;
e20 = new TH(o10, [e20], e20.length);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return e20;
var nW = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), (n10 = _o(this, t10)).tag = e21, n10;
return Ao(t10, UH), Do(t10, [{ key: "eq", value: function(e21) {
return e21.tag == this.tag;
} }, { key: "toDOM", value: function() {
return document.createElement(this.tag);
} }, { key: "updateDOM", value: function(e21) {
return e21.nodeName.toLowerCase() == this.tag;
} }, { key: "isHidden", get: function() {
return true;
} }]), t10;
var rW = function(e20) {
return e20[e20.LTR = 0] = "LTR", e20[e20.RTL = 1] = "RTL", e20;
}(rW || (rW = {}));
var oW = rW.LTR;
var iW = rW.RTL;
function aW(e20) {
for (var t10 = [], n10 = 0; n10 < e20.length; n10++)
t10.push(1 << +e20[n10]);
return t10;
for (sW = aW("88888888888888888888888888888888888666888888787833333333337888888000000000000000000000000008888880000000000000000000000000088888888888888888888888888888888888887866668888088888663380888308888800000000000000000000000800000000000000000000000000000008"), cW = aW("4444448826627288999999999992222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222229999999999999999999994444444444644222822222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222999999949999999229989999223333333333"), lW = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), uW = [], fW = 0, dW = ["()", "[]", "{}"]; fW < dW.length; fW++) {
hW = dW[fW], vW = hW.charCodeAt(0), pW = hW.charCodeAt(1);
lW[vW] = pW, lW[pW] = -vW;
var hW;
var vW;
var pW;
var sW;
var cW;
var lW;
var uW;
var fW;
var dW;
function mW(e20) {
return e20 <= 247 ? sW[e20] : 1424 <= e20 && e20 <= 1524 ? 2 : 1536 <= e20 && e20 <= 1785 ? cW[e20 - 1536] : 1774 <= e20 && e20 <= 2220 ? 4 : 8192 <= e20 && e20 <= 8204 ? 256 : 64336 <= e20 && e20 <= 65023 ? 4 : 1;
var gW = /[\u0590-\u05f4\u0600-\u06ff\u0700-\u08ac\ufb50-\ufdff]/;
var yW = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
No(this, e20), this.from = t10, this.to = n10, this.level = r10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "dir", get: function() {
return this.level % 2 ? iW : oW;
} }, { key: "side", value: function(e21, t10) {
return this.dir == t10 == e21 ? this.to : this.from;
} }, { key: "forward", value: function(e21, t10) {
return e21 == (this.dir == t10);
} }], [{ key: "find", value: function(e21, t10, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = -1, i10 = 0; i10 < e21.length; i10++) {
var a10 = e21[i10];
if (a10.from <= t10 && a10.to >= t10) {
if (a10.level == n10)
return i10;
(o10 < 0 || (0 != r10 ? r10 < 0 ? a10.from < t10 : a10.to > t10 : e21[o10].level > a10.level)) && (o10 = i10);
if (o10 < 0)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
return o10;
} }]), e20;
function bW(e20, t10) {
if (e20.length != t10.length)
return false;
for (var n10 = 0; n10 < e20.length; n10++) {
var r10 = e20[n10], o10 = t10[n10];
if (r10.from != o10.from || r10.to != o10.to || r10.direction != o10.direction || !bW(r10.inner, o10.inner))
return false;
return true;
var kW = [];
function wW(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10) {
var s10 = r10 % 2 ? 2 : 1;
if (r10 % 2 == o10 % 2)
for (var c10 = t10, l10 = 0; c10 < n10; ) {
var u10 = true, f10 = false;
if (l10 == i10.length || c10 < i10[l10].from) {
var d10 = kW[c10];
d10 != s10 && (u10 = false, f10 = 16 == d10);
var h10 = u10 || 1 != s10 ? null : [], v10 = u10 ? r10 : r10 + 1, p10 = c10;
for (; ; )
if (l10 < i10.length && p10 == i10[l10].from) {
if (f10)
break e;
var m10 = i10[l10];
if (!u10)
for (var g10 = m10.to, y10 = l10 + 1; ; ) {
if (g10 == n10)
break e;
if (!(y10 < i10.length && i10[y10].from == g10)) {
if (kW[g10] == s10)
break e;
g10 = i10[y10++].to;
if (l10++, h10)
m10.from > c10 && a10.push(new yW(c10, m10.from, v10)), xW(e20, m10.direction == oW != !(v10 % 2) ? r10 + 1 : r10, o10, m10.inner, m10.from, m10.to, a10), c10 = m10.to;
p10 = m10.to;
} else {
if (p10 == n10 || (u10 ? kW[p10] != s10 : kW[p10] == s10))
h10 ? wW(e20, c10, p10, r10 + 1, o10, h10, a10) : c10 < p10 && a10.push(new yW(c10, p10, v10)), c10 = p10;
for (var b10 = n10, k10 = i10.length; b10 > t10; ) {
var w10 = true, x10 = false;
if (!k10 || b10 > i10[k10 - 1].to) {
var j10 = kW[b10 - 1];
j10 != s10 && (w10 = false, x10 = 16 == j10);
var S10 = w10 || 1 != s10 ? null : [], C10 = w10 ? r10 : r10 + 1, $10 = b10;
for (; ; )
if (k10 && $10 == i10[k10 - 1].to) {
if (x10)
break e;
var _10 = i10[--k10];
if (!w10)
for (var O10 = _10.from, M10 = k10; ; ) {
if (O10 == t10)
break e;
if (!M10 || i10[M10 - 1].to != O10) {
if (kW[O10 - 1] == s10)
break e;
O10 = i10[--M10].from;
if (S10)
_10.to < b10 && a10.push(new yW(_10.to, b10, C10)), xW(e20, _10.direction == oW != !(C10 % 2) ? r10 + 1 : r10, o10, _10.inner, _10.from, _10.to, a10), b10 = _10.from;
$10 = _10.from;
} else {
if ($10 == t10 || (w10 ? kW[$10 - 1] != s10 : kW[$10 - 1] == s10))
S10 ? wW(e20, $10, b10, r10 + 1, o10, S10, a10) : $10 < b10 && a10.push(new yW($10, b10, C10)), b10 = $10;
function xW(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10) {
var s10 = t10 % 2 ? 2 : 1;
!function(e21, t11, n11, r11, o11) {
for (var i11 = 0; i11 <= r11.length; i11++) {
for (var a11 = i11 ? r11[i11 - 1].to : t11, s11 = i11 < r11.length ? r11[i11].from : n11, c10 = i11 ? 256 : o11, l10 = a11, u10 = c10, f10 = c10; l10 < s11; l10++) {
var d10 = mW(e21.charCodeAt(l10));
512 == d10 ? d10 = u10 : 8 == d10 && 4 == f10 && (d10 = 16), kW[l10] = 4 == d10 ? 2 : d10, 7 & d10 && (f10 = d10), u10 = d10;
for (var h10 = a11, v10 = c10, p10 = c10; h10 < s11; h10++) {
var m10 = kW[h10];
if (128 == m10)
h10 < s11 - 1 && v10 == kW[h10 + 1] && 24 & v10 ? m10 = kW[h10] = v10 : kW[h10] = 256;
else if (64 == m10) {
for (var g10 = h10 + 1; g10 < s11 && 64 == kW[g10]; )
for (var y10 = h10 && 8 == v10 || g10 < n11 && 8 == kW[g10] ? 1 == p10 ? 1 : 8 : 256, b10 = h10; b10 < g10; b10++)
kW[b10] = y10;
h10 = g10 - 1;
} else
8 == m10 && 1 == p10 && (kW[h10] = 1);
v10 = m10, 7 & m10 && (p10 = m10);
}(e20, o10, i10, r10, s10), function(e21, t11, n11, r11, o11) {
for (var i11 = 1 == o11 ? 2 : 1, a11 = 0, s11 = 0, c10 = 0; a11 <= r11.length; a11++)
for (var l10, u10, f10, d10 = a11 ? r11[a11 - 1].to : t11, h10 = a11 < r11.length ? r11[a11].from : n11, v10 = d10; v10 < h10; v10++)
if (u10 = lW[l10 = e21.charCodeAt(v10)])
if (u10 < 0) {
for (var p10 = s11 - 3; p10 >= 0; p10 -= 3)
if (uW[p10 + 1] == -u10) {
var m10 = uW[p10 + 2], g10 = 2 & m10 ? o11 : 4 & m10 ? 1 & m10 ? i11 : o11 : 0;
g10 && (kW[v10] = kW[uW[p10]] = g10), s11 = p10;
} else {
if (189 == uW.length)
uW[s11++] = v10, uW[s11++] = l10, uW[s11++] = c10;
else if (2 == (f10 = kW[v10]) || 1 == f10) {
var y10 = f10 == o11;
c10 = y10 ? 0 : 1;
for (var b10 = s11 - 3; b10 >= 0; b10 -= 3) {
var k10 = uW[b10 + 2];
if (2 & k10)
if (y10)
uW[b10 + 2] |= 2;
else {
if (4 & k10)
uW[b10 + 2] |= 4;
}(e20, o10, i10, r10, s10), function(e21, t11, n11, r11) {
for (var o11 = 0, i11 = r11; o11 <= n11.length; o11++)
for (var a11 = o11 ? n11[o11 - 1].to : e21, s11 = o11 < n11.length ? n11[o11].from : t11, c10 = a11; c10 < s11; ) {
var l10 = kW[c10];
if (256 == l10) {
for (var u10 = c10 + 1; ; )
if (u10 == s11) {
if (o11 == n11.length)
u10 = n11[o11++].to, s11 = o11 < n11.length ? n11[o11].from : t11;
} else {
if (256 != kW[u10])
for (var f10 = 1 == i11, d10 = f10 == (1 == (u10 < t11 ? kW[u10] : r11)) ? f10 ? 1 : 2 : r11, h10 = u10, v10 = o11, p10 = v10 ? n11[v10 - 1].to : e21; h10 > c10; )
h10 == p10 && (h10 = n11[--v10].from, p10 = v10 ? n11[v10 - 1].to : e21), kW[--h10] = d10;
c10 = u10;
} else
i11 = l10, c10++;
}(o10, i10, r10, s10), wW(e20, o10, i10, t10, n10, r10, a10);
function jW(e20) {
return [new yW(0, e20, 0)];
var SW = "";
function CW(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10) {
var i10, a10 = r10.head - e20.from, s10 = yW.find(t10, a10, null !== (i10 = r10.bidiLevel) && void 0 !== i10 ? i10 : -1, r10.assoc), c10 = t10[s10], l10 = c10.side(o10, n10);
if (a10 == l10) {
var u10 = s10 += o10 ? 1 : -1;
if (u10 < 0 || u10 >= t10.length)
return null;
a10 = (c10 = t10[s10 = u10]).side(!o10, n10), l10 = c10.side(o10, n10);
var f10 = sF(e20.text, a10, c10.forward(o10, n10));
(f10 < c10.from || f10 > c10.to) && (f10 = l10), SW = e20.text.slice(Math.min(a10, f10), Math.max(a10, f10));
var d10 = s10 == (o10 ? t10.length - 1 : 0) ? null : t10[s10 + (o10 ? 1 : -1)];
return d10 && f10 == l10 && d10.level + (o10 ? 0 : 1) < c10.level ? $F.cursor(d10.side(!o10, n10) + e20.from, d10.forward(o10, n10) ? 1 : -1, d10.level) : $F.cursor(f10 + e20.from, c10.forward(o10, n10) ? -1 : 1, c10.level);
function $W(e20, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = t10; r10 < n10; r10++) {
var o10 = mW(e20.charCodeAt(r10));
if (1 == o10)
return oW;
if (2 == o10 || 4 == o10)
return iW;
return oW;
var _W = MF.define();
var OW = MF.define();
var MW = MF.define();
var EW = MF.define();
var AW = MF.define();
var PW = MF.define();
var TW = MF.define();
var RW = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return e20.some(function(e21) {
return e21;
} });
var NW = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return e20.some(function(e21) {
return e21;
} });
var IW = function() {
function e20(t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "nearest", r10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : "nearest", o10 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 5, i10 = arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : 5, a10 = arguments.length > 5 && void 0 !== arguments[5] && arguments[5];
No(this, e20), this.range = t10, this.y = n10, this.x = r10, this.yMargin = o10, this.xMargin = i10, this.isSnapshot = a10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "map", value: function(t10) {
return t10.empty ? this : new e20(this.range.map(t10), this.y, this.x, this.yMargin, this.xMargin, this.isSnapshot);
} }, { key: "clip", value: function(t10) {
return this.range.to <= t10.doc.length ? this : new e20($F.cursor(t10.doc.length), this.y, this.x, this.yMargin, this.xMargin, this.isSnapshot);
} }]), e20;
var DW = oV.define({ map: function(e20, t10) {
return e20.map(t10);
} });
function qW(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.facet(EW);
r10.length ? r10[0](t10) : window.onerror ? window.onerror(String(t10), n10, void 0, void 0, t10) : n10 ? console.error(n10 + ":", t10) : console.error(t10);
var zW = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return !e20.length || e20[0];
} });
var BW = 0;
var LW = MF.define();
var FW = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
No(this, e20), this.id = t10, this.create = n10, this.domEventHandlers = r10, this.domEventObservers = o10, this.extension = i10(this);
return Do(e20, null, [{ key: "define", value: function(t10, n10) {
var r10 = n10 || {}, o10 = r10.eventHandlers, i10 = r10.eventObservers, a10 = r10.provide, s10 = r10.decorations;
return new e20(BW++, t10, o10, i10, function(e21) {
var t11 = [LW.of(e21)];
return s10 && t11.push(UW.of(function(t12) {
var n11 = t12.plugin(e21);
return n11 ? s10(n11) : KH.none;
})), a10 && t11.push(a10(e21)), t11;
} }, { key: "fromClass", value: function(t10, n10) {
return e20.define(function(e21) {
return new t10(e21);
}, n10);
} }]), e20;
var VW = function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.spec = t10, this.mustUpdate = null, this.value = null;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "update", value: function(e21) {
if (this.value) {
if (this.mustUpdate) {
var t10 = this.mustUpdate;
if (this.mustUpdate = null, this.value.update)
try {
} catch (e23) {
if (qW(t10.state, e23, "CodeMirror plugin crashed"), this.value.destroy)
try {
} catch (e24) {
} else if (this.spec)
try {
this.value = this.spec.create(e21);
} catch (t11) {
qW(e21.state, t11, "CodeMirror plugin crashed"), this.deactivate();
return this;
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function(e21) {
var t10;
if (null === (t10 = this.value) || void 0 === t10 ? void 0 : t10.destroy)
try {
} catch (t11) {
qW(e21.state, t11, "CodeMirror plugin crashed");
} }, { key: "deactivate", value: function() {
this.spec = this.value = null;
} }]), e20;
var HW = MF.define();
var WW = MF.define();
var UW = MF.define();
var JW = MF.define();
var KW = MF.define();
var GW = MF.define();
function QW(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.state.facet(GW);
if (!n10.length)
return n10;
var r10 = n10.map(function(t11) {
return t11 instanceof Function ? t11(e20) : t11;
}), o10 = [];
return xV.spans(r10, t10.from, t10.to, { point: function() {
}, span: function(e21, n11, r11, i10) {
for (var a10 = e21 - t10.from, s10 = n11 - t10.from, c10 = o10, l10 = r11.length - 1; l10 >= 0; l10--, i10--) {
var u10 = r11[l10].spec.bidiIsolate, f10 = void 0;
if (null == u10 && (u10 = $W(t10.text, a10, s10)), i10 > 0 && c10.length && (f10 = c10[c10.length - 1]).to == a10 && f10.direction == u10)
f10.to = s10, c10 = f10.inner;
else {
var d10 = { from: a10, to: s10, direction: u10, inner: [] };
c10.push(d10), c10 = d10.inner;
} }), o10;
var YW = MF.define();
function XW(e20) {
var t10, n10 = 0, r10 = 0, o10 = 0, i10 = 0, a10 = bo(e20.state.facet(YW));
try {
for (a10.s(); !(t10 = a10.n()).done; ) {
var s10 = (0, t10.value)(e20);
s10 && (null != s10.left && (n10 = Math.max(n10, s10.left)), null != s10.right && (r10 = Math.max(r10, s10.right)), null != s10.top && (o10 = Math.max(o10, s10.top)), null != s10.bottom && (i10 = Math.max(i10, s10.bottom)));
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return { left: n10, right: r10, top: o10, bottom: i10 };
var ZW = MF.define();
var eU = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10) {
No(this, e20), this.fromA = t10, this.toA = n10, this.fromB = r10, this.toB = o10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "join", value: function(t10) {
return new e20(Math.min(this.fromA, t10.fromA), Math.max(this.toA, t10.toA), Math.min(this.fromB, t10.fromB), Math.max(this.toB, t10.toB));
} }, { key: "addToSet", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = e21.length, n10 = this; t10 > 0; t10--) {
var r10 = e21[t10 - 1];
if (!(r10.fromA > n10.toA)) {
if (r10.toA < n10.fromA)
n10 = n10.join(r10), e21.splice(t10 - 1, 1);
return e21.splice(t10, 0, n10), e21;
} }], [{ key: "extendWithRanges", value: function(t10, n10) {
if (0 == n10.length)
return t10;
for (var r10 = [], o10 = 0, i10 = 0, a10 = 0, s10 = 0; ; o10++) {
for (var c10 = o10 == t10.length ? null : t10[o10], l10 = a10 - s10, u10 = c10 ? c10.fromB : 1e9; i10 < n10.length && n10[i10] < u10; ) {
var f10 = n10[i10], d10 = n10[i10 + 1], h10 = Math.max(s10, f10), v10 = Math.min(u10, d10);
if (h10 <= v10 && new e20(h10 + l10, v10 + l10, h10, v10).addToSet(r10), d10 > u10)
i10 += 2;
if (!c10)
return r10;
new e20(c10.fromA, c10.toA, c10.fromB, c10.toB).addToSet(r10), a10 = c10.toA, s10 = c10.toB;
} }]), e20;
var tU = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
No(this, e20), this.view = t10, this.state = n10, this.transactions = r10, this.flags = 0, this.startState = t10.state, this.changes = yF.empty(this.startState.doc.length);
var o10, i10 = bo(r10);
try {
for (i10.s(); !(o10 = i10.n()).done; ) {
var a10 = o10.value;
this.changes = this.changes.compose(a10.changes);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
var s10 = [];
this.changes.iterChangedRanges(function(e21, t11, n11, r11) {
return s10.push(new eU(e21, t11, n11, r11));
}), this.changedRanges = s10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "viewportChanged", get: function() {
return (4 & this.flags) > 0;
} }, { key: "heightChanged", get: function() {
return (2 & this.flags) > 0;
} }, { key: "geometryChanged", get: function() {
return this.docChanged || (10 & this.flags) > 0;
} }, { key: "focusChanged", get: function() {
return (1 & this.flags) > 0;
} }, { key: "docChanged", get: function() {
return !this.changes.empty;
} }, { key: "selectionSet", get: function() {
return this.transactions.some(function(e21) {
return e21.selection;
} }, { key: "empty", get: function() {
return 0 == this.flags && 0 == this.transactions.length;
} }], [{ key: "create", value: function(t10, n10, r10) {
return new e20(t10, n10, r10);
} }]), e20;
var nU = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), (n10 = _o(this, t10)).view = e21, n10.decorations = [], n10.dynamicDecorationMap = [], n10.domChanged = null, n10.hasComposition = null, n10.markedForComposition = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), n10.minWidth = 0, n10.minWidthFrom = 0, n10.minWidthTo = 0, n10.impreciseAnchor = null, n10.impreciseHead = null, n10.forceSelection = false, n10.lastUpdate = Date.now(), n10.setDOM(e21.contentDOM), n10.children = [new HH()], n10.children[0].setParent(Eo(n10)), n10.updateDeco(), n10.updateInner([new eU(0, 0, 0, e21.state.doc.length)], 0, null), n10;
return Ao(t10, pH), Do(t10, [{ key: "length", get: function() {
return this.view.state.doc.length;
} }, { key: "update", value: function(e21) {
var t11, n10 = this, r10 = e21.changedRanges;
this.minWidth > 0 && r10.length && (r10.every(function(e23) {
var t12 = e23.fromA;
return e23.toA < n10.minWidthFrom || t12 > n10.minWidthTo;
}) ? (this.minWidthFrom = e21.changes.mapPos(this.minWidthFrom, 1), this.minWidthTo = e21.changes.mapPos(this.minWidthTo, 1)) : this.minWidth = this.minWidthFrom = this.minWidthTo = 0);
var o10 = -1;
this.view.inputState.composing >= 0 && ((null === (t11 = this.domChanged) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11.newSel) ? o10 = this.domChanged.newSel.head : function(e23, t12) {
var n11 = false;
t12 && e23.iterChangedRanges(function(e24, r11) {
e24 < t12.to && r11 > t12.from && (n11 = true);
return n11;
}(e21.changes, this.hasComposition) || e21.selectionSet || (o10 = e21.state.selection.main.head));
var i10 = o10 > -1 ? function(e23, t12, n11) {
var r11 = oU(e23, n11);
if (!r11)
return null;
var o11 = r11.node, i11 = r11.from, a11 = r11.to, s11 = o11.nodeValue;
if (/[\n\r]/.test(s11))
return null;
if (e23.state.doc.sliceString(r11.from, r11.to) != s11)
return null;
for (var c11 = t12.invertedDesc, l11 = new eU(c11.mapPos(i11), c11.mapPos(a11), i11, a11), u11 = [], f11 = o11.parentNode; ; f11 = f11.parentNode) {
var d11 = pH.get(f11);
if (d11 instanceof TH)
u11.push({ node: f11, deco: d11.mark });
else {
if (d11 instanceof HH || "DIV" == f11.nodeName && f11.parentNode == e23.contentDOM)
return { range: l11, text: o11, marks: u11, line: f11 };
if (f11 == e23.contentDOM)
return null;
u11.push({ node: f11, deco: new GH({ inclusive: true, attributes: VH(f11), tagName: f11.tagName.toLowerCase() }) });
}(this.view, e21.changes, o10) : null;
if (this.domChanged = null, this.hasComposition) {
var a10 = this.hasComposition, s10 = a10.from, c10 = a10.to;
r10 = new eU(s10, c10, e21.changes.mapPos(s10, -1), e21.changes.mapPos(c10, 1)).addToSet(r10.slice());
this.hasComposition = i10 ? { from: i10.range.fromB, to: i10.range.toB } : null, (AH.ie || AH.chrome) && !i10 && e21 && e21.state.doc.lines != e21.startState.doc.lines && (this.forceSelection = true);
var l10, u10, f10, d10, h10 = this.decorations, v10 = this.updateDeco(), p10 = (l10 = h10, u10 = v10, f10 = e21.changes, d10 = new aU(), xV.compare(l10, u10, f10, d10), d10.changes);
return r10 = eU.extendWithRanges(r10, p10), !!(7 & this.flags || 0 != r10.length) && (this.updateInner(r10, e21.startState.doc.length, i10), e21.transactions.length && (this.lastUpdate = Date.now()), true);
} }, { key: "updateInner", value: function(e21, t11, n10) {
var r10 = this;
this.view.viewState.mustMeasureContent = true, this.updateChildren(e21, t11, n10);
var o10 = this.view.observer;
o10.ignore(function() {
r10.dom.style.height = r10.view.viewState.contentHeight / r10.view.scaleY + "px", r10.dom.style.flexBasis = r10.minWidth ? r10.minWidth + "px" : "";
var e23 = AH.chrome || AH.ios ? { node: o10.selectionRange.focusNode, written: false } : void 0;
r10.sync(r10.view, e23), r10.flags &= -8, e23 && (e23.written || o10.selectionRange.focusNode != e23.node) && (r10.forceSelection = true), r10.dom.style.height = "";
}), this.markedForComposition.forEach(function(e23) {
return e23.flags &= -9;
var i10 = [];
if (this.view.viewport.from || this.view.viewport.to < this.view.state.doc.length) {
var a10, s10 = bo(this.children);
try {
for (s10.s(); !(a10 = s10.n()).done; ) {
var c10 = a10.value;
c10 instanceof WH && c10.widget instanceof rU && i10.push(c10.dom);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} }, { key: "updateChildren", value: function(e21, t11, n10) {
for (var r10 = n10 ? n10.range.addToSet(e21.slice()) : e21, o10 = this.childCursor(t11), i10 = r10.length - 1; ; i10--) {
var a10 = i10 >= 0 ? r10[i10] : null;
if (!a10)
var s10 = a10.fromA, c10 = a10.toA, l10 = a10.fromB, u10 = a10.toB, f10 = void 0, d10 = void 0, h10 = void 0, v10 = void 0;
if (n10 && n10.range.fromB < u10 && n10.range.toB > l10) {
var p10 = eW.build(this.view.state.doc, l10, n10.range.fromB, this.decorations, this.dynamicDecorationMap), m10 = eW.build(this.view.state.doc, n10.range.toB, u10, this.decorations, this.dynamicDecorationMap);
d10 = p10.breakAtStart, h10 = p10.openStart, v10 = m10.openEnd;
var g10 = this.compositionView(n10);
m10.breakAtStart ? g10.breakAfter = 1 : m10.content.length && g10.merge(g10.length, g10.length, m10.content[0], false, m10.openStart, 0) && (g10.breakAfter = m10.content[0].breakAfter, m10.content.shift()), p10.content.length && g10.merge(0, 0, p10.content[p10.content.length - 1], true, 0, p10.openEnd) && p10.content.pop(), f10 = p10.content.concat(g10).concat(m10.content);
} else {
var y10 = eW.build(this.view.state.doc, l10, u10, this.decorations, this.dynamicDecorationMap);
f10 = y10.content, d10 = y10.breakAtStart, h10 = y10.openStart, v10 = y10.openEnd;
var b10 = o10.findPos(c10, 1), k10 = b10.i, w10 = b10.off, x10 = o10.findPos(s10, -1);
yH(this, x10.i, x10.off, k10, w10, f10, d10, h10, v10);
n10 && this.fixCompositionDOM(n10);
} }, { key: "compositionView", value: function(e21) {
var t11 = new PH(e21.text.nodeValue);
t11.flags |= 8;
var n10, r10 = bo(e21.marks);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(n10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
var o10 = n10.value.deco;
t11 = new TH(o10, [t11], t11.length);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
var i10 = new HH();
return i10.append(t11, 0), i10;
} }, { key: "fixCompositionDOM", value: function(e21) {
var t11 = this, n10 = function(e23, n11) {
n11.flags |= 8 | (n11.children.some(function(e24) {
return 7 & e24.flags;
}) ? 1 : 0), t11.markedForComposition.add(n11);
var r11 = pH.get(e23);
r11 && r11 != n11 && (r11.dom = null), n11.setDOM(e23);
}, r10 = this.childPos(e21.range.fromB, 1), o10 = this.children[r10.i];
n10(e21.line, o10);
for (var i10 = e21.marks.length - 1; i10 >= -1; i10--)
r10 = o10.childPos(r10.off, 1), o10 = o10.children[r10.i], n10(i10 >= 0 ? e21.marks[i10].node : e21.text, o10);
} }, { key: "updateSelection", value: function() {
var e21 = this, t11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1];
!(arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0]) && this.view.observer.selectionRange.focusNode || this.view.observer.readSelectionRange();
var n10 = this.view.root.activeElement, r10 = n10 == this.dom, o10 = !r10 && QV(this.dom, this.view.observer.selectionRange) && !(n10 && this.dom.contains(n10));
if (r10 || t11 || o10) {
var i10 = this.forceSelection;
this.forceSelection = false;
var a10, s10 = this.view.state.selection.main, c10 = this.moveToLine(this.domAtPos(s10.anchor)), l10 = s10.empty ? c10 : this.moveToLine(this.domAtPos(s10.head));
if (AH.gecko && s10.empty && !this.hasComposition && (1 == (a10 = c10).node.nodeType && a10.node.firstChild && (0 == a10.offset || "false" == a10.node.childNodes[a10.offset - 1].contentEditable) && (a10.offset == a10.node.childNodes.length || "false" == a10.node.childNodes[a10.offset].contentEditable))) {
var u10 = document.createTextNode("");
this.view.observer.ignore(function() {
return c10.node.insertBefore(u10, c10.node.childNodes[c10.offset] || null);
}), c10 = l10 = new hH(u10, 0), i10 = true;
var f10 = this.view.observer.selectionRange;
!i10 && f10.focusNode && (XV(c10.node, c10.offset, f10.anchorNode, f10.anchorOffset) && XV(l10.node, l10.offset, f10.focusNode, f10.focusOffset) || this.suppressWidgetCursorChange(f10, s10)) || (this.view.observer.ignore(function() {
AH.android && AH.chrome && e21.dom.contains(f10.focusNode) && function(e23, t13) {
for (var n11 = e23; n11 && n11 != t13; n11 = n11.assignedSlot || n11.parentNode)
if (1 == n11.nodeType && "false" == n11.contentEditable)
return true;
return false;
}(f10.focusNode, e21.dom) && (e21.dom.blur(), e21.dom.focus({ preventScroll: true }));
var t12 = KV(e21.view.root);
if (t12)
if (s10.empty) {
if (AH.gecko) {
var r11 = function(e23, t13) {
return 1 != e23.nodeType ? 0 : (t13 && "false" == e23.childNodes[t13 - 1].contentEditable ? 1 : 0) | (t13 < e23.childNodes.length && "false" == e23.childNodes[t13].contentEditable ? 2 : 0);
}(c10.node, c10.offset);
if (r11 && 3 != r11) {
var i11 = iU(c10.node, c10.offset, 1 == r11 ? 1 : -1);
i11 && (c10 = new hH(i11.node, i11.offset));
t12.collapse(c10.node, c10.offset), null != s10.bidiLevel && void 0 !== t12.caretBidiLevel && (t12.caretBidiLevel = s10.bidiLevel);
} else if (t12.extend) {
t12.collapse(c10.node, c10.offset);
try {
t12.extend(l10.node, l10.offset);
} catch (e23) {
} else {
var a11 = document.createRange();
if (s10.anchor > s10.head) {
var u11 = [l10, c10];
c10 = u11[0], l10 = u11[1];
a11.setEnd(l10.node, l10.offset), a11.setStart(c10.node, c10.offset), t12.removeAllRanges(), t12.addRange(a11);
o10 && e21.view.root.activeElement == e21.dom && (e21.dom.blur(), n10 && n10.focus());
}), this.view.observer.setSelectionRange(c10, l10)), this.impreciseAnchor = c10.precise ? null : new hH(f10.anchorNode, f10.anchorOffset), this.impreciseHead = l10.precise ? null : new hH(f10.focusNode, f10.focusOffset);
} }, { key: "suppressWidgetCursorChange", value: function(e21, t11) {
return this.hasComposition && t11.empty && XV(e21.focusNode, e21.focusOffset, e21.anchorNode, e21.anchorOffset) && this.posFromDOM(e21.focusNode, e21.focusOffset) == t11.head;
} }, { key: "enforceCursorAssoc", value: function() {
if (!this.hasComposition) {
var e21 = this.view, t11 = e21.state.selection.main, n10 = KV(e21.root), r10 = e21.observer.selectionRange, o10 = r10.anchorNode, i10 = r10.anchorOffset;
if (n10 && t11.empty && t11.assoc && n10.modify) {
var a10 = HH.find(this, t11.head);
if (a10) {
var s10 = a10.posAtStart;
if (t11.head != s10 && t11.head != s10 + a10.length) {
var c10 = this.coordsAt(t11.head, -1), l10 = this.coordsAt(t11.head, 1);
if (c10 && l10 && !(c10.bottom > l10.top)) {
var u10 = this.domAtPos(t11.head + t11.assoc);
n10.collapse(u10.node, u10.offset), n10.modify("move", t11.assoc < 0 ? "forward" : "backward", "lineboundary"), e21.observer.readSelectionRange();
var f10 = e21.observer.selectionRange;
e21.docView.posFromDOM(f10.anchorNode, f10.anchorOffset) != t11.from && n10.collapse(o10, i10);
} }, { key: "moveToLine", value: function(e21) {
var t11, n10 = this.dom;
if (e21.node != n10)
return e21;
for (var r10 = e21.offset; !t11 && r10 < n10.childNodes.length; r10++) {
var o10 = pH.get(n10.childNodes[r10]);
o10 instanceof HH && (t11 = o10.domAtPos(0));
for (var i10 = e21.offset - 1; !t11 && i10 >= 0; i10--) {
var a10 = pH.get(n10.childNodes[i10]);
a10 instanceof HH && (t11 = a10.domAtPos(a10.length));
return t11 ? new hH(t11.node, t11.offset, true) : e21;
} }, { key: "nearest", value: function(e21) {
for (var t11 = e21; t11; ) {
var n10 = pH.get(t11);
if (n10 && n10.rootView == this)
return n10;
t11 = t11.parentNode;
return null;
} }, { key: "posFromDOM", value: function(e21, t11) {
var n10 = this.nearest(e21);
if (!n10)
throw new RangeError("Trying to find position for a DOM position outside of the document");
return n10.localPosFromDOM(e21, t11) + n10.posAtStart;
} }, { key: "domAtPos", value: function(e21) {
for (var t11 = this.childCursor().findPos(e21, -1), n10 = t11.i, r10 = t11.off; n10 < this.children.length - 1; ) {
var o10 = this.children[n10];
if (r10 < o10.length || o10 instanceof HH)
n10++, r10 = 0;
return this.children[n10].domAtPos(r10);
} }, { key: "coordsAt", value: function(e21, t11) {
for (var n10 = null, r10 = 0, o10 = this.length, i10 = this.children.length - 1; i10 >= 0; i10--) {
var a10 = this.children[i10], s10 = o10 - a10.breakAfter, c10 = s10 - a10.length;
if (s10 < e21)
c10 <= e21 && (c10 < e21 || a10.covers(-1)) && (s10 > e21 || a10.covers(1)) && (!n10 || a10 instanceof HH && !(n10 instanceof HH && t11 >= 0)) && (n10 = a10, r10 = c10), o10 = c10;
return n10 ? n10.coordsAt(e21 - r10, t11) : null;
} }, { key: "coordsForChar", value: function(e21) {
var t11 = this.childPos(e21, 1), n10 = t11.i, r10 = t11.off, o10 = this.children[n10];
if (!(o10 instanceof HH))
return null;
for (; o10.children.length; ) {
for (var i10 = o10.childPos(r10, 1), a10 = i10.i, s10 = i10.off; ; a10++) {
if (a10 == o10.children.length)
return null;
if ((o10 = o10.children[a10]).length)
r10 = s10;
if (!(o10 instanceof PH))
return null;
var c10 = sF(o10.text, r10);
if (c10 == r10)
return null;
for (var l10 = lH(o10.dom, r10, c10).getClientRects(), u10 = 0; u10 < l10.length; u10++) {
var f10 = l10[u10];
if (u10 == l10.length - 1 || f10.top < f10.bottom && f10.left < f10.right)
return f10;
return null;
} }, { key: "measureVisibleLineHeights", value: function(e21) {
for (var t11 = [], n10 = e21.from, r10 = e21.to, o10 = this.view.contentDOM.clientWidth, i10 = o10 > Math.max(this.view.scrollDOM.clientWidth, this.minWidth) + 1, a10 = -1, s10 = this.view.textDirection == rW.LTR, c10 = 0, l10 = 0; l10 < this.children.length; l10++) {
var u10 = this.children[l10], f10 = c10 + u10.length;
if (f10 > r10)
if (c10 >= n10) {
var d10 = u10.dom.getBoundingClientRect();
if (t11.push(d10.height), i10) {
var h10 = u10.dom.lastChild, v10 = h10 ? YV(h10) : [];
if (v10.length) {
var p10 = v10[v10.length - 1], m10 = s10 ? p10.right - d10.left : d10.right - p10.left;
m10 > a10 && (a10 = m10, this.minWidth = o10, this.minWidthFrom = c10, this.minWidthTo = f10);
c10 = f10 + u10.breakAfter;
return t11;
} }, { key: "textDirectionAt", value: function(e21) {
var t11 = this.childPos(e21, 1).i;
return "rtl" == getComputedStyle(this.children[t11].dom).direction ? rW.RTL : rW.LTR;
} }, { key: "measureTextSize", value: function() {
var e21, t11 = this, n10 = bo(this.children);
try {
for (n10.s(); !(e21 = n10.n()).done; ) {
var r10 = e21.value;
if (r10 instanceof HH) {
var o10 = r10.measureTextSize();
if (o10)
return o10;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
var i10, a10, s10, c10 = document.createElement("div");
return c10.className = "cm-line", c10.style.width = "99999px", c10.style.position = "absolute", c10.textContent = "abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu", this.view.observer.ignore(function() {
var e23 = YV(c10.firstChild)[0];
i10 = c10.getBoundingClientRect().height, a10 = e23 ? e23.width / 27 : 7, s10 = e23 ? e23.height : i10, c10.remove();
}), { lineHeight: i10, charWidth: a10, textHeight: s10 };
} }, { key: "childCursor", value: function() {
var e21 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : this.length, t11 = this.children.length;
return t11 && (e21 -= this.children[--t11].length), new gH(this.children, e21, t11);
} }, { key: "computeBlockGapDeco", value: function() {
for (var e21 = [], t11 = this.view.viewState, n10 = 0, r10 = 0; ; r10++) {
var o10 = r10 == t11.viewports.length ? null : t11.viewports[r10], i10 = o10 ? o10.from - 1 : this.length;
if (i10 > n10) {
var a10 = (t11.lineBlockAt(i10).bottom - t11.lineBlockAt(n10).top) / this.view.scaleY;
e21.push(KH.replace({ widget: new rU(a10), block: true, inclusive: true, isBlockGap: true }).range(n10, i10));
if (!o10)
n10 = o10.to + 1;
return KH.set(e21);
} }, { key: "updateDeco", value: function() {
var e21 = this, t11 = this.view.state.facet(UW).map(function(t12, n11) {
return (e21.dynamicDecorationMap[n11] = "function" == typeof t12) ? t12(e21.view) : t12;
}), n10 = false, r10 = this.view.state.facet(JW).map(function(t12, r11) {
var o11 = "function" == typeof t12;
return o11 && (n10 = true), o11 ? t12(e21.view) : t12;
r10.length && (this.dynamicDecorationMap[t11.length] = n10, t11.push(xV.join(r10)));
for (var o10 = t11.length; o10 < t11.length + 3; o10++)
this.dynamicDecorationMap[o10] = false;
return this.decorations = [].concat(Bo(t11), [this.computeBlockGapDeco(), this.view.viewState.lineGapDeco]);
} }, { key: "scrollIntoView", value: function(e21) {
if (e21.isSnapshot) {
var t11 = this.view.viewState.lineBlockAt(e21.range.head);
return this.view.scrollDOM.scrollTop = t11.top - e21.yMargin, void (this.view.scrollDOM.scrollLeft = e21.xMargin);
var n10, r10 = e21.range, o10 = this.coordsAt(r10.head, r10.empty ? r10.assoc : r10.head > r10.anchor ? -1 : 1);
if (o10) {
!r10.empty && (n10 = this.coordsAt(r10.anchor, r10.anchor > r10.head ? -1 : 1)) && (o10 = { left: Math.min(o10.left, n10.left), top: Math.min(o10.top, n10.top), right: Math.max(o10.right, n10.right), bottom: Math.max(o10.bottom, n10.bottom) });
var i10 = XW(this.view), a10 = { left: o10.left - i10.left, top: o10.top - i10.top, right: o10.right + i10.right, bottom: o10.bottom + i10.bottom }, s10 = this.view.scrollDOM, c10 = s10.offsetWidth, l10 = s10.offsetHeight;
!function(e23, t12, n11, r11, o11, i11, a11, s11) {
for (var c11 = e23.ownerDocument, l11 = c11.defaultView || window, u10 = e23, f10 = false; u10 && !f10; )
if (1 == u10.nodeType) {
var d10 = void 0, h10 = u10 == c11.body, v10 = 1, p10 = 1;
if (h10)
d10 = rH(l11);
else {
if (/^(fixed|sticky)$/.test(getComputedStyle(u10).position) && (f10 = true), u10.scrollHeight <= u10.clientHeight && u10.scrollWidth <= u10.clientWidth) {
u10 = u10.assignedSlot || u10.parentNode;
var m10 = u10.getBoundingClientRect(), g10 = oH(u10, m10);
v10 = g10.scaleX, p10 = g10.scaleY, d10 = { left: m10.left, right: m10.left + u10.clientWidth * v10, top: m10.top, bottom: m10.top + u10.clientHeight * p10 };
var y10 = 0, b10 = 0;
if ("nearest" == o11)
t12.top < d10.top ? (b10 = -(d10.top - t12.top + a11), n11 > 0 && t12.bottom > d10.bottom + b10 && (b10 = t12.bottom - d10.bottom + b10 + a11)) : t12.bottom > d10.bottom && (b10 = t12.bottom - d10.bottom + a11, n11 < 0 && t12.top - b10 < d10.top && (b10 = -(d10.top + b10 - t12.top + a11)));
else {
var k10 = t12.bottom - t12.top, w10 = d10.bottom - d10.top;
b10 = ("center" == o11 && k10 <= w10 ? t12.top + k10 / 2 - w10 / 2 : "start" == o11 || "center" == o11 && n11 < 0 ? t12.top - a11 : t12.bottom - w10 + a11) - d10.top;
if ("nearest" == r11 ? t12.left < d10.left ? (y10 = -(d10.left - t12.left + i11), n11 > 0 && t12.right > d10.right + y10 && (y10 = t12.right - d10.right + y10 + i11)) : t12.right > d10.right && (y10 = t12.right - d10.right + i11, n11 < 0 && t12.left < d10.left + y10 && (y10 = -(d10.left + y10 - t12.left + i11))) : y10 = ("center" == r11 ? t12.left + (t12.right - t12.left) / 2 - (d10.right - d10.left) / 2 : "start" == r11 == s11 ? t12.left - i11 : t12.right - (d10.right - d10.left) + i11) - d10.left, y10 || b10)
if (h10)
l11.scrollBy(y10, b10);
else {
var x10 = 0, j10 = 0;
if (b10) {
var S10 = u10.scrollTop;
u10.scrollTop += b10 / p10, j10 = (u10.scrollTop - S10) * p10;
if (y10) {
var C10 = u10.scrollLeft;
u10.scrollLeft += y10 / v10, x10 = (u10.scrollLeft - C10) * v10;
t12 = { left: t12.left - x10, top: t12.top - j10, right: t12.right - x10, bottom: t12.bottom - j10 }, x10 && Math.abs(x10 - y10) < 1 && (r11 = "nearest"), j10 && Math.abs(j10 - b10) < 1 && (o11 = "nearest");
if (h10)
u10 = u10.assignedSlot || u10.parentNode;
} else {
if (11 != u10.nodeType)
u10 = u10.host;
}(this.view.scrollDOM, a10, r10.head < r10.anchor ? -1 : 1, e21.x, e21.y, Math.max(Math.min(e21.xMargin, c10), -c10), Math.max(Math.min(e21.yMargin, l10), -l10), this.view.textDirection == rW.LTR);
} }]), t10;
var rU = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), (n10 = _o(this, t10)).height = e21, n10;
return Ao(t10, UH), Do(t10, [{ key: "toDOM", value: function() {
var e21 = document.createElement("div");
return e21.className = "cm-gap", this.updateDOM(e21), e21;
} }, { key: "eq", value: function(e21) {
return e21.height == this.height;
} }, { key: "updateDOM", value: function(e21) {
return e21.style.height = this.height + "px", true;
} }, { key: "editable", get: function() {
return true;
} }, { key: "estimatedHeight", get: function() {
return this.height;
} }]), t10;
function oU(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.observer.selectionRange, r10 = n10.focusNode && iU(n10.focusNode, n10.focusOffset, 0);
if (!r10)
return null;
var o10 = t10 - r10.offset;
return { from: o10, to: o10 + r10.node.nodeValue.length, node: r10.node };
function iU(e20, t10, n10) {
if (n10 <= 0)
for (var r10 = e20, o10 = t10; ; ) {
if (3 == r10.nodeType)
return { node: r10, offset: o10 };
if (!(1 == r10.nodeType && o10 > 0))
o10 = tH(r10 = r10.childNodes[o10 - 1]);
if (n10 >= 0)
for (var i10 = e20, a10 = t10; ; ) {
if (3 == i10.nodeType)
return { node: i10, offset: a10 };
if (!(1 == i10.nodeType && a10 < i10.childNodes.length && n10 >= 0))
i10 = i10.childNodes[a10], a10 = 0;
return null;
var aU = function() {
function e20() {
No(this, e20), this.changes = [];
return Do(e20, [{ key: "compareRange", value: function(e21, t10) {
ZH(e21, t10, this.changes);
} }, { key: "comparePoint", value: function(e21, t10) {
ZH(e21, t10, this.changes);
} }]), e20;
function sU(e20, t10) {
return t10.left > e20 ? t10.left - e20 : Math.max(0, e20 - t10.right);
function cU(e20, t10) {
return t10.top > e20 ? t10.top - e20 : Math.max(0, e20 - t10.bottom);
function lU(e20, t10) {
return e20.top < t10.bottom - 1 && e20.bottom > t10.top + 1;
function uU(e20, t10) {
return t10 < e20.top ? { top: t10, left: e20.left, right: e20.right, bottom: e20.bottom } : e20;
function fU(e20, t10) {
return t10 > e20.bottom ? { top: e20.top, left: e20.left, right: e20.right, bottom: t10 } : e20;
function dU(e20, t10, n10) {
for (var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10 = false, d10 = e20.firstChild; d10; d10 = d10.nextSibling)
for (var h10 = YV(d10), v10 = 0; v10 < h10.length; v10++) {
var p10 = h10[v10];
o10 && lU(o10, p10) && (p10 = uU(fU(p10, o10.bottom), o10.top));
var m10 = sU(t10, p10), g10 = cU(n10, p10);
if (0 == m10 && 0 == g10)
return 3 == d10.nodeType ? hU(d10, t10, n10) : dU(d10, t10, n10);
if (!r10 || a10 > g10 || a10 == g10 && i10 > m10) {
r10 = d10, o10 = p10, i10 = m10, a10 = g10;
var y10 = g10 ? n10 < p10.top ? -1 : 1 : m10 ? t10 < p10.left ? -1 : 1 : 0;
f10 = !y10 || (y10 > 0 ? v10 < h10.length - 1 : v10 > 0);
0 == m10 ? n10 > p10.bottom && (!l10 || l10.bottom < p10.bottom) ? (s10 = d10, l10 = p10) : n10 < p10.top && (!u10 || u10.top > p10.top) && (c10 = d10, u10 = p10) : l10 && lU(l10, p10) ? l10 = fU(l10, p10.bottom) : u10 && lU(u10, p10) && (u10 = uU(u10, p10.top));
if (l10 && l10.bottom >= n10 ? (r10 = s10, o10 = l10) : u10 && u10.top <= n10 && (r10 = c10, o10 = u10), !r10)
return { node: e20, offset: 0 };
var b10 = Math.max(o10.left, Math.min(o10.right, t10));
return 3 == r10.nodeType ? hU(r10, b10, n10) : f10 && "false" != r10.contentEditable ? dU(r10, b10, n10) : { node: e20, offset: Array.prototype.indexOf.call(e20.childNodes, r10) + (t10 >= (o10.left + o10.right) / 2 ? 1 : 0) };
function hU(e20, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = e20.nodeValue.length, o10 = -1, i10 = 1e9, a10 = 0, s10 = 0; s10 < r10; s10++)
for (var c10 = lH(e20, s10, s10 + 1).getClientRects(), l10 = 0; l10 < c10.length; l10++) {
var u10 = c10[l10];
if (u10.top != u10.bottom) {
a10 || (a10 = t10 - u10.left);
var f10 = (u10.top > n10 ? u10.top - n10 : n10 - u10.bottom) - 1;
if (u10.left - 1 <= t10 && u10.right + 1 >= t10 && f10 < i10) {
var d10 = t10 >= (u10.left + u10.right) / 2, h10 = d10;
if (AH.chrome || AH.gecko)
lH(e20, s10).getBoundingClientRect().left == u10.right && (h10 = !d10);
if (f10 <= 0)
return { node: e20, offset: s10 + (h10 ? 1 : 0) };
o10 = s10 + (h10 ? 1 : 0), i10 = f10;
return { node: e20, offset: o10 > -1 ? o10 : a10 > 0 ? e20.nodeValue.length : 0 };
function vU(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : -1, s10 = e20.contentDOM.getBoundingClientRect(), c10 = s10.top + e20.viewState.paddingTop, l10 = e20.viewState.docHeight, u10 = t10.x, f10 = t10.y, d10 = f10 - c10;
if (d10 < 0)
return 0;
if (d10 > l10)
return e20.state.doc.length;
for (var h10 = e20.viewState.heightOracle.textHeight / 2, v10 = false; (i10 = e20.elementAtHeight(d10)).type != JH.Text; )
for (; !((d10 = a10 > 0 ? i10.bottom + h10 : i10.top - h10) >= 0 && d10 <= l10); ) {
if (v10)
return n10 ? null : 0;
v10 = true, a10 = -a10;
f10 = c10 + d10;
var p10 = i10.from;
if (p10 < e20.viewport.from)
return 0 == e20.viewport.from ? 0 : n10 ? null : pU(e20, s10, i10, u10, f10);
if (p10 > e20.viewport.to)
return e20.viewport.to == e20.state.doc.length ? e20.state.doc.length : n10 ? null : pU(e20, s10, i10, u10, f10);
var m10 = e20.dom.ownerDocument, g10 = e20.root.elementFromPoint ? e20.root : m10, y10 = g10.elementFromPoint(u10, f10);
y10 && !e20.contentDOM.contains(y10) && (y10 = null), y10 || (u10 = Math.max(s10.left + 1, Math.min(s10.right - 1, u10)), (y10 = g10.elementFromPoint(u10, f10)) && !e20.contentDOM.contains(y10) && (y10 = null));
var b10, k10 = -1;
if (y10 && 0 != (null === (r10 = e20.docView.nearest(y10)) || void 0 === r10 ? void 0 : r10.isEditable)) {
if (m10.caretPositionFromPoint) {
var w10 = m10.caretPositionFromPoint(u10, f10);
w10 && (b10 = w10.offsetNode, k10 = w10.offset);
} else if (m10.caretRangeFromPoint) {
var x10 = m10.caretRangeFromPoint(u10, f10);
x10 && (b10 = x10.startContainer, k10 = x10.startOffset, (!e20.contentDOM.contains(b10) || AH.safari && function(e21, t11, n11) {
var r11;
if (3 != e21.nodeType || t11 != (r11 = e21.nodeValue.length))
return false;
for (var o11 = e21.nextSibling; o11; o11 = o11.nextSibling)
if (1 != o11.nodeType || "BR" != o11.nodeName)
return false;
return lH(e21, r11 - 1, r11).getBoundingClientRect().left > n11;
}(b10, k10, u10) || AH.chrome && function(e21, t11, n11) {
if (0 != t11)
return false;
for (var r11 = e21; ; ) {
var o11 = r11.parentNode;
if (!o11 || 1 != o11.nodeType || o11.firstChild != r11)
return false;
if (o11.classList.contains("cm-line"))
r11 = o11;
var i11 = 1 == e21.nodeType ? e21.getBoundingClientRect() : lH(e21, 0, Math.max(e21.nodeValue.length, 1)).getBoundingClientRect();
return n11 - i11.left > 5;
}(b10, k10, u10)) && (b10 = void 0));
if (!b10 || !e20.docView.dom.contains(b10)) {
var j10 = HH.find(e20.docView, p10);
if (!j10)
return d10 > i10.top + i10.height / 2 ? i10.to : i10.from;
var S10 = dU(j10.dom, u10, f10);
b10 = S10.node, k10 = S10.offset;
var C10 = e20.docView.nearest(b10);
if (!C10)
return null;
if (C10.isWidget && 1 == (null === (o10 = C10.dom) || void 0 === o10 ? void 0 : o10.nodeType)) {
var $10 = C10.dom.getBoundingClientRect();
return t10.y < $10.top || t10.y <= $10.bottom && t10.x <= ($10.left + $10.right) / 2 ? C10.posAtStart : C10.posAtEnd;
return C10.localPosFromDOM(b10, k10) + C10.posAtStart;
function pU(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10) {
var i10 = Math.round((r10 - t10.left) * e20.defaultCharacterWidth);
if (e20.lineWrapping && n10.height > 1.5 * e20.defaultLineHeight) {
var a10 = e20.viewState.heightOracle.textHeight;
i10 += Math.floor((o10 - n10.top - 0.5 * (e20.defaultLineHeight - a10)) / a10) * e20.viewState.heightOracle.lineLength;
var s10 = e20.state.sliceDoc(n10.from, n10.to);
return n10.from + NV(s10, i10, e20.state.tabSize);
function mU(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.lineBlockAt(t10);
if (Array.isArray(n10.type)) {
var r10, o10 = bo(n10.type);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(r10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = r10.value;
if (i10.to > t10 || i10.to == t10 && (i10.to == n10.to || i10.type == JH.Text))
return i10;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return n10;
function gU(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = e20.state.doc.lineAt(t10.head), i10 = e20.bidiSpans(o10), a10 = e20.textDirectionAt(o10.from), s10 = t10, c10 = null; ; ) {
var l10 = CW(o10, i10, a10, s10, n10), u10 = SW;
if (!l10) {
if (o10.number == (n10 ? e20.state.doc.lines : 1))
return s10;
u10 = "\n", o10 = e20.state.doc.line(o10.number + (n10 ? 1 : -1)), i10 = e20.bidiSpans(o10), l10 = e20.visualLineSide(o10, !n10);
if (c10) {
if (!c10(u10))
return s10;
} else {
if (!r10)
return l10;
c10 = r10(u10);
s10 = l10;
function yU(e20, t10, n10) {
for (var r10, o10 = function() {
var r11, o11 = 0, i10 = bo(e20);
try {
for (i10.s(); !(r11 = i10.n()).done; ) {
r11.value.between(t10 - 1, t10 + 1, function(e21, r12, i11) {
if (t10 > e21 && t10 < r12) {
var a10 = o11 || n10 || (t10 - e21 < r12 - t10 ? -1 : 1);
t10 = a10 < 0 ? e21 : r12, o11 = a10;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
if (!o11)
return { v: t10 };
}; ; )
if (r10 = o10())
return r10.v;
function bU(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = yU(e20.state.facet(KW).map(function(t11) {
return t11(e20);
}), n10.from, t10.head > n10.from ? -1 : 1);
return r10 == n10.from ? n10 : $F.cursor(r10, r10 < n10.from ? 1 : -1);
var kU = function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.view = t10, this.lastKeyCode = 0, this.lastKeyTime = 0, this.lastTouchTime = 0, this.lastFocusTime = 0, this.lastScrollTop = 0, this.lastScrollLeft = 0, this.pendingIOSKey = void 0, this.lastSelectionOrigin = null, this.lastSelectionTime = 0, this.lastEscPress = 0, this.lastContextMenu = 0, this.scrollHandlers = [], this.handlers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this.composing = -1, this.compositionFirstChange = null, this.compositionEndedAt = 0, this.compositionPendingKey = false, this.compositionPendingChange = false, this.mouseSelection = null, this.draggedContent = null, this.handleEvent = this.handleEvent.bind(this), this.notifiedFocused = t10.hasFocus, AH.safari && t10.contentDOM.addEventListener("input", function() {
return null;
}), AH.gecko && function(e21) {
JU.has(e21) || (JU.add(e21), e21.addEventListener("copy", function() {
}), e21.addEventListener("cut", function() {
return Do(e20, [{ key: "setSelectionOrigin", value: function(e21) {
this.lastSelectionOrigin = e21, this.lastSelectionTime = Date.now();
} }, { key: "handleEvent", value: function(e21) {
(function(e23, t10) {
if (!t10.bubbles)
return true;
if (t10.defaultPrevented)
return false;
for (var n10, r10 = t10.target; r10 != e23.contentDOM; r10 = r10.parentNode)
if (!r10 || 11 == r10.nodeType || (n10 = pH.get(r10)) && n10.ignoreEvent(t10))
return false;
return true;
})(this.view, e21) && !this.ignoreDuringComposition(e21) && ("keydown" == e21.type && this.keydown(e21) || this.runHandlers(e21.type, e21));
} }, { key: "runHandlers", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = this.handlers[e21];
if (n10) {
var r10, o10 = bo(n10.observers);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(r10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
(0, r10.value)(this.view, t10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
var i10, a10 = bo(n10.handlers);
try {
for (a10.s(); !(i10 = a10.n()).done; ) {
var s10 = i10.value;
if (t10.defaultPrevented)
if (s10(this.view, t10)) {
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} }, { key: "ensureHandlers", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = xU(e21), n10 = this.handlers, r10 = this.view.contentDOM;
for (var o10 in t10)
if ("scroll" != o10) {
var i10 = !t10[o10].handlers.length, a10 = n10[o10];
a10 && i10 != !a10.handlers.length && (r10.removeEventListener(o10, this.handleEvent), a10 = null), a10 || r10.addEventListener(o10, this.handleEvent, { passive: i10 });
for (var s10 in n10)
"scroll" == s10 || t10[s10] || r10.removeEventListener(s10, this.handleEvent);
this.handlers = t10;
} }, { key: "keydown", value: function(e21) {
var t10, n10 = this;
return this.lastKeyCode = e21.keyCode, this.lastKeyTime = Date.now(), 9 == e21.keyCode && Date.now() < this.lastEscPress + 2e3 || (27 != e21.keyCode && CU.indexOf(e21.keyCode) < 0 && (this.view.inputState.lastEscPress = 0), !AH.android || !AH.chrome || e21.synthetic || 13 != e21.keyCode && 8 != e21.keyCode ? !AH.ios || e21.synthetic || e21.altKey || e21.metaKey || !((t10 = jU.find(function(t11) {
return t11.keyCode == e21.keyCode;
})) && !e21.ctrlKey || SU.indexOf(e21.key) > -1 && e21.ctrlKey && !e21.shiftKey) ? (229 != e21.keyCode && this.view.observer.forceFlush(), false) : (this.pendingIOSKey = t10 || e21, setTimeout(function() {
return n10.flushIOSKey();
}, 250), true) : (this.view.observer.delayAndroidKey(e21.key, e21.keyCode), true));
} }, { key: "flushIOSKey", value: function() {
var e21 = this.pendingIOSKey;
return !!e21 && (this.pendingIOSKey = void 0, uH(this.view.contentDOM, e21.key, e21.keyCode));
} }, { key: "ignoreDuringComposition", value: function(e21) {
return !!/^key/.test(e21.type) && (this.composing > 0 || !!(AH.safari && !AH.ios && this.compositionPendingKey && Date.now() - this.compositionEndedAt < 100) && (this.compositionPendingKey = false, true));
} }, { key: "startMouseSelection", value: function(e21) {
this.mouseSelection && this.mouseSelection.destroy(), this.mouseSelection = e21;
} }, { key: "update", value: function(e21) {
this.mouseSelection && this.mouseSelection.update(e21), this.draggedContent && e21.docChanged && (this.draggedContent = this.draggedContent.map(e21.changes)), e21.transactions.length && (this.lastKeyCode = this.lastSelectionTime = 0);
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function() {
this.mouseSelection && this.mouseSelection.destroy();
} }]), e20;
function wU(e20, t10) {
return function(n10, r10) {
try {
return t10.call(e20, r10, n10);
} catch (e21) {
qW(n10.state, e21);
function xU(e20) {
var t10 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
function n10(e21) {
return t10[e21] || (t10[e21] = { observers: [], handlers: [] });
var r10, o10 = bo(e20);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(r10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = r10.value, a10 = i10.spec;
if (a10 && a10.domEventHandlers)
for (var s10 in a10.domEventHandlers) {
var c10 = a10.domEventHandlers[s10];
c10 && n10(s10).handlers.push(wU(i10.value, c10));
if (a10 && a10.domEventObservers)
for (var l10 in a10.domEventObservers) {
var u10 = a10.domEventObservers[l10];
u10 && n10(l10).observers.push(wU(i10.value, u10));
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
for (var f10 in OU)
for (var d10 in MU)
return t10;
var jU = [{ key: "Backspace", keyCode: 8, inputType: "deleteContentBackward" }, { key: "Enter", keyCode: 13, inputType: "insertParagraph" }, { key: "Enter", keyCode: 13, inputType: "insertLineBreak" }, { key: "Delete", keyCode: 46, inputType: "deleteContentForward" }];
var SU = "dthko";
var CU = [16, 17, 18, 20, 91, 92, 224, 225];
function $U(e20) {
return 0.7 * Math.max(0, e20) + 8;
var _U = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10) {
No(this, e20), this.view = t10, this.startEvent = n10, this.style = r10, this.mustSelect = o10, this.scrollSpeed = { x: 0, y: 0 }, this.scrolling = -1, this.lastEvent = n10, this.scrollParent = function(e21) {
for (var t11 = e21.ownerDocument, n11 = e21.parentNode; n11 && n11 != t11.body; )
if (1 == n11.nodeType) {
if (n11.scrollHeight > n11.clientHeight || n11.scrollWidth > n11.clientWidth)
return n11;
n11 = n11.assignedSlot || n11.parentNode;
} else {
if (11 != n11.nodeType)
n11 = n11.host;
return null;
}(t10.contentDOM), this.atoms = t10.state.facet(KW).map(function(e21) {
return e21(t10);
var i10 = t10.contentDOM.ownerDocument;
i10.addEventListener("mousemove", this.move = this.move.bind(this)), i10.addEventListener("mouseup", this.up = this.up.bind(this)), this.extend = n10.shiftKey, this.multiple = t10.state.facet(mV.allowMultipleSelections) && function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = e21.state.facet(_W);
return n11.length ? n11[0](t11) : AH.mac ? t11.metaKey : t11.ctrlKey;
}(t10, n10), this.dragging = !(!function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = e21.state.selection.main;
if (n11.empty)
return false;
var r11 = KV(e21.root);
if (!r11 || 0 == r11.rangeCount)
return true;
for (var o11 = r11.getRangeAt(0).getClientRects(), i11 = 0; i11 < o11.length; i11++) {
var a10 = o11[i11];
if (a10.left <= t11.clientX && a10.right >= t11.clientX && a10.top <= t11.clientY && a10.bottom >= t11.clientY)
return true;
return false;
}(t10, n10) || 1 != LU(n10)) && null;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "start", value: function(e21) {
false === this.dragging && this.select(e21);
} }, { key: "move", value: function(e21) {
var t10;
if (0 == e21.buttons)
return this.destroy();
if (!(this.dragging || null == this.dragging && (n10 = this.startEvent, r10 = e21, Math.max(Math.abs(n10.clientX - r10.clientX), Math.abs(n10.clientY - r10.clientY)) < 10))) {
var n10, r10;
this.select(this.lastEvent = e21);
var o10 = 0, i10 = 0, a10 = (null === (t10 = this.scrollParent) || void 0 === t10 ? void 0 : t10.getBoundingClientRect()) || { left: 0, top: 0, right: this.view.win.innerWidth, bottom: this.view.win.innerHeight }, s10 = XW(this.view);
e21.clientX - s10.left <= a10.left + 6 ? o10 = -$U(a10.left - e21.clientX) : e21.clientX + s10.right >= a10.right - 6 && (o10 = $U(e21.clientX - a10.right)), e21.clientY - s10.top <= a10.top + 6 ? i10 = -$U(a10.top - e21.clientY) : e21.clientY + s10.bottom >= a10.bottom - 6 && (i10 = $U(e21.clientY - a10.bottom)), this.setScrollSpeed(o10, i10);
} }, { key: "up", value: function(e21) {
null == this.dragging && this.select(this.lastEvent), this.dragging || e21.preventDefault(), this.destroy();
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function() {
this.setScrollSpeed(0, 0);
var e21 = this.view.contentDOM.ownerDocument;
e21.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.move), e21.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.up), this.view.inputState.mouseSelection = this.view.inputState.draggedContent = null;
} }, { key: "setScrollSpeed", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = this;
this.scrollSpeed = { x: e21, y: t10 }, e21 || t10 ? this.scrolling < 0 && (this.scrolling = setInterval(function() {
return n10.scroll();
}, 50)) : this.scrolling > -1 && (clearInterval(this.scrolling), this.scrolling = -1);
} }, { key: "scroll", value: function() {
this.scrollParent ? (this.scrollParent.scrollLeft += this.scrollSpeed.x, this.scrollParent.scrollTop += this.scrollSpeed.y) : this.view.win.scrollBy(this.scrollSpeed.x, this.scrollSpeed.y), false === this.dragging && this.select(this.lastEvent);
} }, { key: "skipAtoms", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = null, n10 = 0; n10 < e21.ranges.length; n10++) {
var r10 = e21.ranges[n10], o10 = null;
if (r10.empty) {
var i10 = yU(this.atoms, r10.from, 0);
i10 != r10.from && (o10 = $F.cursor(i10, -1));
} else {
var a10 = yU(this.atoms, r10.from, -1), s10 = yU(this.atoms, r10.to, 1);
a10 == r10.from && s10 == r10.to || (o10 = $F.range(r10.from == r10.anchor ? a10 : s10, r10.from == r10.head ? a10 : s10));
o10 && (t10 || (t10 = e21.ranges.slice()), t10[n10] = o10);
return t10 ? $F.create(t10, e21.mainIndex) : e21;
} }, { key: "select", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this.view, n10 = this.skipAtoms(this.style.get(e21, this.extend, this.multiple));
!this.mustSelect && n10.eq(t10.state.selection, false === this.dragging) || this.view.dispatch({ selection: n10, userEvent: "select.pointer" }), this.mustSelect = false;
} }, { key: "update", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this;
this.style.update(e21) && setTimeout(function() {
return t10.select(t10.lastEvent);
}, 20);
} }]), e20;
var OU = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
var MU = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
var EU = AH.ie && AH.ie_version < 15 || AH.ios && AH.webkit_version < 604;
function AU(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = e20.state, o10 = 1, i10 = r10.toText(t10), a10 = i10.lines == r10.selection.ranges.length, s10 = null != VU && r10.selection.ranges.every(function(e21) {
return e21.empty;
}) && VU == i10.toString();
if (s10) {
var c10 = -1;
n10 = r10.changeByRange(function(e21) {
var n11 = r10.doc.lineAt(e21.from);
if (n11.from == c10)
return { range: e21 };
c10 = n11.from;
var s11 = r10.toText((a10 ? i10.line(o10++).text : t10) + r10.lineBreak);
return { changes: { from: n11.from, insert: s11 }, range: $F.cursor(e21.from + s11.length) };
} else
n10 = a10 ? r10.changeByRange(function(e21) {
var t11 = i10.line(o10++);
return { changes: { from: e21.from, to: e21.to, insert: t11.text }, range: $F.cursor(e21.from + t11.length) };
}) : r10.replaceSelection(i10);
e20.dispatch(n10, { userEvent: "input.paste", scrollIntoView: true });
function PU(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
if (1 == r10)
return $F.cursor(t10, n10);
if (2 == r10)
return function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 1, r11 = e21.charCategorizer(t11), o11 = e21.doc.lineAt(t11), i11 = t11 - o11.from;
if (0 == o11.length)
return $F.cursor(t11);
0 == i11 ? n11 = 1 : i11 == o11.length && (n11 = -1);
var a11 = i11, s11 = i11;
n11 < 0 ? a11 = sF(o11.text, i11, false) : s11 = sF(o11.text, i11);
for (var c10 = r11(o11.text.slice(a11, s11)); a11 > 0; ) {
var l10 = sF(o11.text, a11, false);
if (r11(o11.text.slice(l10, a11)) != c10)
a11 = l10;
for (; s11 < o11.length; ) {
var u10 = sF(o11.text, s11);
if (r11(o11.text.slice(s11, u10)) != c10)
s11 = u10;
return $F.range(a11 + o11.from, s11 + o11.from);
}(e20.state, t10, n10);
var o10 = HH.find(e20.docView, t10), i10 = e20.state.doc.lineAt(o10 ? o10.posAtEnd : t10), a10 = o10 ? o10.posAtStart : i10.from, s10 = o10 ? o10.posAtEnd : i10.to;
return s10 < e20.state.doc.length && s10 == i10.to && s10++, $F.range(a10, s10);
MU.scroll = function(e20) {
e20.inputState.lastScrollTop = e20.scrollDOM.scrollTop, e20.inputState.lastScrollLeft = e20.scrollDOM.scrollLeft;
}, OU.keydown = function(e20, t10) {
return e20.inputState.setSelectionOrigin("select"), 27 == t10.keyCode && (e20.inputState.lastEscPress = Date.now()), false;
}, MU.touchstart = function(e20, t10) {
e20.inputState.lastTouchTime = Date.now(), e20.inputState.setSelectionOrigin("select.pointer");
}, MU.touchmove = function(e20) {
}, OU.mousedown = function(e20, t10) {
if (e20.observer.flush(), e20.inputState.lastTouchTime > Date.now() - 2e3)
return false;
var n10, r10 = null, o10 = bo(e20.state.facet(MW));
try {
for (o10.s(); !(n10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
if (r10 = (0, n10.value)(e20, t10))
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
if (r10 || 0 != t10.button || (r10 = function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = IU(e21, t11), r11 = LU(t11), o11 = e21.state.selection;
return { update: function(e23) {
e23.docChanged && (n11.pos = e23.changes.mapPos(n11.pos), o11 = o11.map(e23.changes));
}, get: function(t12, i11, a11) {
var s10, c10 = IU(e21, t12), l10 = PU(e21, c10.pos, c10.bias, r11);
if (n11.pos != c10.pos && !i11) {
var u10 = PU(e21, n11.pos, n11.bias, r11), f10 = Math.min(u10.from, l10.from), d10 = Math.max(u10.to, l10.to);
l10 = f10 < l10.from ? $F.range(f10, d10) : $F.range(d10, f10);
return i11 ? o11.replaceRange(o11.main.extend(l10.from, l10.to)) : a11 && 1 == r11 && o11.ranges.length > 1 && (s10 = function(e23, t13) {
for (var n12 = 0; n12 < e23.ranges.length; n12++) {
var r12 = e23.ranges[n12], o12 = r12.from, i12 = r12.to;
if (o12 <= t13 && i12 >= t13)
return $F.create(e23.ranges.slice(0, n12).concat(e23.ranges.slice(n12 + 1)), e23.mainIndex == n12 ? 0 : e23.mainIndex - (e23.mainIndex > n12 ? 1 : 0));
return null;
}(o11, c10.pos)) ? s10 : a11 ? o11.addRange(l10) : $F.create([l10]);
} };
}(e20, t10)), r10) {
var i10 = !e20.hasFocus;
e20.inputState.startMouseSelection(new _U(e20, t10, r10, i10)), i10 && e20.observer.ignore(function() {
return cH(e20.contentDOM);
var a10 = e20.inputState.mouseSelection;
if (a10)
return a10.start(t10), false === a10.dragging;
return false;
var TU = function(e20, t10) {
return e20 >= t10.top && e20 <= t10.bottom;
var RU = function(e20, t10, n10) {
return TU(t10, n10) && e20 >= n10.left && e20 <= n10.right;
function NU(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = HH.find(e20.docView, t10);
if (!o10)
return 1;
var i10 = t10 - o10.posAtStart;
if (0 == i10)
return 1;
if (i10 == o10.length)
return -1;
var a10 = o10.coordsAt(i10, -1);
if (a10 && RU(n10, r10, a10))
return -1;
var s10 = o10.coordsAt(i10, 1);
return s10 && RU(n10, r10, s10) ? 1 : a10 && TU(r10, a10) ? -1 : 1;
function IU(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.posAtCoords({ x: t10.clientX, y: t10.clientY }, false);
return { pos: n10, bias: NU(e20, n10, t10.clientX, t10.clientY) };
var DU = AH.ie && AH.ie_version <= 11;
var qU = null;
var zU = 0;
var BU = 0;
function LU(e20) {
if (!DU)
return e20.detail;
var t10 = qU, n10 = BU;
return qU = e20, BU = Date.now(), zU = !t10 || n10 > Date.now() - 400 && Math.abs(t10.clientX - e20.clientX) < 2 && Math.abs(t10.clientY - e20.clientY) < 2 ? (zU + 1) % 3 : 1;
function FU(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
if (n10) {
var o10 = e20.posAtCoords({ x: t10.clientX, y: t10.clientY }, false), i10 = e20.inputState.draggedContent, a10 = r10 && i10 && function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = e21.state.facet(OW);
return n11.length ? n11[0](t11) : AH.mac ? !t11.altKey : !t11.ctrlKey;
}(e20, t10) ? { from: i10.from, to: i10.to } : null, s10 = { from: o10, insert: n10 }, c10 = e20.state.changes(a10 ? [a10, s10] : s10);
e20.focus(), e20.dispatch({ changes: c10, selection: { anchor: c10.mapPos(o10, -1), head: c10.mapPos(o10, 1) }, userEvent: a10 ? "move.drop" : "input.drop" }), e20.inputState.draggedContent = null;
OU.dragstart = function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.state.selection.main;
if (t10.target.draggable) {
var r10 = e20.docView.nearest(t10.target);
if (r10 && r10.isWidget) {
var o10 = r10.posAtStart, i10 = o10 + r10.length;
(o10 >= n10.to || i10 <= n10.from) && (n10 = $F.range(o10, i10));
var a10 = e20.inputState;
return a10.mouseSelection && (a10.mouseSelection.dragging = true), a10.draggedContent = n10, t10.dataTransfer && (t10.dataTransfer.setData("Text", e20.state.sliceDoc(n10.from, n10.to)), t10.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = "copyMove"), false;
}, OU.dragend = function(e20) {
return e20.inputState.draggedContent = null, false;
}, OU.drop = function(e20, t10) {
if (!t10.dataTransfer)
return false;
if (e20.state.readOnly)
return true;
var n10 = t10.dataTransfer.files;
if (n10 && n10.length) {
for (var r10 = Array(n10.length), o10 = 0, i10 = function() {
++o10 == n10.length && FU(e20, t10, r10.filter(function(e21) {
return null != e21;
}).join(e20.state.lineBreak), false);
}, a10 = function(e21) {
var t11 = new FileReader();
t11.onerror = i10, t11.onload = function() {
/[\x00-\x08\x0e-\x1f]{2}/.test(t11.result) || (r10[e21] = t11.result), i10();
}, t11.readAsText(n10[e21]);
}, s10 = 0; s10 < n10.length; s10++)
return true;
var c10 = t10.dataTransfer.getData("Text");
return !!c10 && (FU(e20, t10, c10, true), true);
}, OU.paste = function(e20, t10) {
if (e20.state.readOnly)
return true;
var n10 = EU ? null : t10.clipboardData;
return n10 ? (AU(e20, n10.getData("text/plain") || n10.getData("text/uri-text")), true) : (function(e21) {
var t11 = e21.dom.parentNode;
if (t11) {
var n11 = t11.appendChild(document.createElement("textarea"));
n11.style.cssText = "position: fixed; left: -10000px; top: 10px", n11.focus(), setTimeout(function() {
e21.focus(), n11.remove(), AU(e21, n11.value);
}, 50);
}(e20), false);
var VU = null;
OU.copy = OU.cut = function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = function(e21) {
var t11, n11 = [], r11 = [], o11 = false, i11 = bo(e21.selection.ranges);
try {
for (i11.s(); !(t11 = i11.n()).done; ) {
var a11 = t11.value;
a11.empty || (n11.push(e21.sliceDoc(a11.from, a11.to)), r11.push(a11));
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
if (!n11.length) {
var s10, c10 = -1, l10 = bo(e21.selection.ranges);
try {
for (l10.s(); !(s10 = l10.n()).done; ) {
var u10 = s10.value.from, f10 = e21.doc.lineAt(u10);
f10.number > c10 && (n11.push(f10.text), r11.push({ from: f10.from, to: Math.min(e21.doc.length, f10.to + 1) })), c10 = f10.number;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
o11 = true;
return { text: n11.join(e21.lineBreak), ranges: r11, linewise: o11 };
}(e20.state), r10 = n10.text, o10 = n10.ranges, i10 = n10.linewise;
if (!r10 && !i10)
return false;
VU = i10 ? r10 : null, "cut" != t10.type || e20.state.readOnly || e20.dispatch({ changes: o10, scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: "delete.cut" });
var a10 = EU ? null : t10.clipboardData;
return a10 ? (a10.clearData(), a10.setData("text/plain", r10), true) : (function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = e21.dom.parentNode;
if (n11) {
var r11 = n11.appendChild(document.createElement("textarea"));
r11.style.cssText = "position: fixed; left: -10000px; top: 10px", r11.value = t11, r11.focus(), r11.selectionEnd = t11.length, r11.selectionStart = 0, setTimeout(function() {
r11.remove(), e21.focus();
}, 50);
}(e20, r10), false);
var HU = tV.define();
function WU(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = [], o10 = bo(e20.facet(TW));
try {
for (o10.s(); !(n10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = (0, n10.value)(e20, t10);
i10 && r10.push(i10);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return r10 ? e20.update({ effects: r10, annotations: HU.of(true) }) : null;
function UU(e20) {
setTimeout(function() {
var t10 = e20.hasFocus;
if (t10 != e20.inputState.notifiedFocused) {
var n10 = WU(e20.state, t10);
n10 ? e20.dispatch(n10) : e20.update([]);
}, 10);
MU.focus = function(e20) {
e20.inputState.lastFocusTime = Date.now(), e20.scrollDOM.scrollTop || !e20.inputState.lastScrollTop && !e20.inputState.lastScrollLeft || (e20.scrollDOM.scrollTop = e20.inputState.lastScrollTop, e20.scrollDOM.scrollLeft = e20.inputState.lastScrollLeft), UU(e20);
}, MU.blur = function(e20) {
e20.observer.clearSelectionRange(), UU(e20);
}, MU.compositionstart = MU.compositionupdate = function(e20) {
null == e20.inputState.compositionFirstChange && (e20.inputState.compositionFirstChange = true), e20.inputState.composing < 0 && (e20.inputState.composing = 0);
}, MU.compositionend = function(e20) {
e20.inputState.composing = -1, e20.inputState.compositionEndedAt = Date.now(), e20.inputState.compositionPendingKey = true, e20.inputState.compositionPendingChange = e20.observer.pendingRecords().length > 0, e20.inputState.compositionFirstChange = null, AH.chrome && AH.android ? e20.observer.flushSoon() : e20.inputState.compositionPendingChange ? Promise.resolve().then(function() {
return e20.observer.flush();
}) : setTimeout(function() {
e20.inputState.composing < 0 && e20.docView.hasComposition && e20.update([]);
}, 50);
}, MU.contextmenu = function(e20) {
e20.inputState.lastContextMenu = Date.now();
}, OU.beforeinput = function(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10;
if (AH.chrome && AH.android && (r10 = jU.find(function(e21) {
return e21.inputType == t10.inputType;
})) && (e20.observer.delayAndroidKey(r10.key, r10.keyCode), "Backspace" == r10.key || "Delete" == r10.key)) {
var o10 = (null === (n10 = window.visualViewport) || void 0 === n10 ? void 0 : n10.height) || 0;
setTimeout(function() {
var t11;
((null === (t11 = window.visualViewport) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11.height) || 0) > o10 + 10 && e20.hasFocus && (e20.contentDOM.blur(), e20.focus());
}, 100);
return false;
var JU = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
var KU = ["pre-wrap", "normal", "pre-line", "break-spaces"];
var GU = function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.lineWrapping = t10, this.doc = UL.empty, this.heightSamples = {}, this.lineHeight = 14, this.charWidth = 7, this.textHeight = 14, this.lineLength = 30, this.heightChanged = false;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "heightForGap", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = this.doc.lineAt(t10).number - this.doc.lineAt(e21).number + 1;
return this.lineWrapping && (n10 += Math.max(0, Math.ceil((t10 - e21 - n10 * this.lineLength * 0.5) / this.lineLength))), this.lineHeight * n10;
} }, { key: "heightForLine", value: function(e21) {
return this.lineWrapping ? (1 + Math.max(0, Math.ceil((e21 - this.lineLength) / (this.lineLength - 5)))) * this.lineHeight : this.lineHeight;
} }, { key: "setDoc", value: function(e21) {
return this.doc = e21, this;
} }, { key: "mustRefreshForWrapping", value: function(e21) {
return KU.indexOf(e21) > -1 != this.lineWrapping;
} }, { key: "mustRefreshForHeights", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = false, n10 = 0; n10 < e21.length; n10++) {
var r10 = e21[n10];
r10 < 0 ? n10++ : this.heightSamples[Math.floor(10 * r10)] || (t10 = true, this.heightSamples[Math.floor(10 * r10)] = true);
return t10;
} }, { key: "refresh", value: function(e21, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
var a10 = KU.indexOf(e21) > -1, s10 = Math.round(t10) != Math.round(this.lineHeight) || this.lineWrapping != a10;
if (this.lineWrapping = a10, this.lineHeight = t10, this.charWidth = n10, this.textHeight = r10, this.lineLength = o10, s10) {
this.heightSamples = {};
for (var c10 = 0; c10 < i10.length; c10++) {
var l10 = i10[c10];
l10 < 0 ? c10++ : this.heightSamples[Math.floor(10 * l10)] = true;
return s10;
} }]), e20;
var QU = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
No(this, e20), this.from = t10, this.heights = n10, this.index = 0;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "more", get: function() {
return this.index < this.heights.length;
} }]), e20;
var YU = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
No(this, e20), this.from = t10, this.length = n10, this.top = r10, this.height = o10, this._content = i10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "type", get: function() {
return "number" == typeof this._content ? JH.Text : Array.isArray(this._content) ? this._content : this._content.type;
} }, { key: "to", get: function() {
return this.from + this.length;
} }, { key: "bottom", get: function() {
return this.top + this.height;
} }, { key: "widget", get: function() {
return this._content instanceof YH ? this._content.widget : null;
} }, { key: "widgetLineBreaks", get: function() {
return "number" == typeof this._content ? this._content : 0;
} }, { key: "join", value: function(t10) {
var n10 = (Array.isArray(this._content) ? this._content : [this]).concat(Array.isArray(t10._content) ? t10._content : [t10]);
return new e20(this.from, this.length + t10.length, this.top, this.height + t10.height, n10);
} }]), e20;
var XU = function(e20) {
return e20[e20.ByPos = 0] = "ByPos", e20[e20.ByHeight = 1] = "ByHeight", e20[e20.ByPosNoHeight = 2] = "ByPosNoHeight", e20;
}(XU || (XU = {}));
var ZU = 1e-3;
var eJ = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
var r10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 2;
No(this, e20), this.length = t10, this.height = n10, this.flags = r10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "outdated", get: function() {
return (2 & this.flags) > 0;
}, set: function(e21) {
this.flags = (e21 ? 2 : 0) | -3 & this.flags;
} }, { key: "setHeight", value: function(e21, t10) {
this.height != t10 && (Math.abs(this.height - t10) > ZU && (e21.heightChanged = true), this.height = t10);
} }, { key: "replace", value: function(t10, n10, r10) {
return e20.of(r10);
} }, { key: "decomposeLeft", value: function(e21, t10) {
} }, { key: "decomposeRight", value: function(e21, t10) {
} }, { key: "applyChanges", value: function(e21, t10, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = this, i10 = n10.doc, a10 = r10.length - 1; a10 >= 0; a10--) {
var s10 = r10[a10], c10 = s10.fromA, l10 = s10.toA, u10 = s10.fromB, f10 = s10.toB, d10 = o10.lineAt(c10, XU.ByPosNoHeight, n10.setDoc(t10), 0, 0), h10 = d10.to >= l10 ? d10 : o10.lineAt(l10, XU.ByPosNoHeight, n10, 0, 0);
for (f10 += h10.to - l10, l10 = h10.to; a10 > 0 && d10.from <= r10[a10 - 1].toA; )
c10 = r10[a10 - 1].fromA, u10 = r10[a10 - 1].fromB, a10--, c10 < d10.from && (d10 = o10.lineAt(c10, XU.ByPosNoHeight, n10, 0, 0));
u10 += d10.from - c10, c10 = d10.from;
var v10 = aJ.build(n10.setDoc(i10), e21, u10, f10);
o10 = o10.replace(c10, l10, v10);
return o10.updateHeight(n10, 0);
} }], [{ key: "empty", value: function() {
return new nJ(0, 0);
} }, { key: "of", value: function(t10) {
if (1 == t10.length)
return t10[0];
for (var n10 = 0, r10 = t10.length, o10 = 0, i10 = 0; ; )
if (n10 == r10)
if (o10 > 2 * i10) {
var a10 = t10[n10 - 1];
a10.break ? t10.splice(--n10, 1, a10.left, null, a10.right) : t10.splice(--n10, 1, a10.left, a10.right), r10 += 1 + a10.break, o10 -= a10.size;
} else {
if (!(i10 > 2 * o10))
var s10 = t10[r10];
s10.break ? t10.splice(r10, 1, s10.left, null, s10.right) : t10.splice(r10, 1, s10.left, s10.right), r10 += 2 + s10.break, i10 -= s10.size;
else if (o10 < i10) {
var c10 = t10[n10++];
c10 && (o10 += c10.size);
} else {
var l10 = t10[--r10];
l10 && (i10 += l10.size);
var u10 = 0;
return null == t10[n10 - 1] ? (u10 = 1, n10--) : null == t10[n10] && (u10 = 1, r10++), new oJ(e20.of(t10.slice(0, n10)), u10, e20.of(t10.slice(r10)));
} }]), e20;
eJ.prototype.size = 1;
var tJ = function(e20) {
function t10(e21, n10, r10) {
var o10;
return No(this, t10), (o10 = _o(this, t10, [e21, n10])).deco = r10, o10;
return Ao(t10, eJ), Do(t10, [{ key: "blockAt", value: function(e21, t11, n10, r10) {
return new YU(r10, this.length, n10, this.height, this.deco || 0);
} }, { key: "lineAt", value: function(e21, t11, n10, r10, o10) {
return this.blockAt(0, n10, r10, o10);
} }, { key: "forEachLine", value: function(e21, t11, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
e21 <= o10 + this.length && t11 >= o10 && i10(this.blockAt(0, n10, r10, o10));
} }, { key: "updateHeight", value: function(e21) {
var t11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0, n10 = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0;
return n10 && n10.from <= t11 && n10.more && this.setHeight(e21, n10.heights[n10.index++]), this.outdated = false, this;
} }, { key: "toString", value: function() {
return "block(".concat(this.length, ")");
} }]), t10;
var nJ = function(e20) {
function t10(e21, n10) {
var r10;
return No(this, t10), (r10 = _o(this, t10, [e21, n10, null])).collapsed = 0, r10.widgetHeight = 0, r10.breaks = 0, r10;
return Ao(t10, tJ), Do(t10, [{ key: "blockAt", value: function(e21, t11, n10, r10) {
return new YU(r10, this.length, n10, this.height, this.breaks);
} }, { key: "replace", value: function(e21, n10, r10) {
var o10 = r10[0];
return 1 == r10.length && (o10 instanceof t10 || o10 instanceof rJ && 4 & o10.flags) && Math.abs(this.length - o10.length) < 10 ? (o10 instanceof rJ ? o10 = new t10(o10.length, this.height) : o10.height = this.height, this.outdated || (o10.outdated = false), o10) : eJ.of(r10);
} }, { key: "updateHeight", value: function(e21) {
var t11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0, n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2], r10 = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0;
return r10 && r10.from <= t11 && r10.more ? this.setHeight(e21, r10.heights[r10.index++]) : (n10 || this.outdated) && this.setHeight(e21, Math.max(this.widgetHeight, e21.heightForLine(this.length - this.collapsed)) + this.breaks * e21.lineHeight), this.outdated = false, this;
} }, { key: "toString", value: function() {
return "line(".concat(this.length).concat(this.collapsed ? -this.collapsed : "").concat(this.widgetHeight ? ":" + this.widgetHeight : "", ")");
} }]), t10;
var rJ = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
return No(this, t10), _o(this, t10, [e21, 0]);
return Ao(t10, eJ), Do(t10, [{ key: "heightMetrics", value: function(e21, t11) {
var n10, r10 = e21.doc.lineAt(t11).number, o10 = e21.doc.lineAt(t11 + this.length).number, i10 = o10 - r10 + 1, a10 = 0;
if (e21.lineWrapping) {
var s10 = Math.min(this.height, e21.lineHeight * i10);
n10 = s10 / i10, this.length > i10 + 1 && (a10 = (this.height - s10) / (this.length - i10 - 1));
} else
n10 = this.height / i10;
return { firstLine: r10, lastLine: o10, perLine: n10, perChar: a10 };
} }, { key: "blockAt", value: function(e21, t11, n10, r10) {
var o10 = this.heightMetrics(t11, r10), i10 = o10.firstLine, a10 = o10.lastLine, s10 = o10.perLine, c10 = o10.perChar;
if (t11.lineWrapping) {
var l10 = r10 + Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (e21 - n10) / this.height)) * this.length), u10 = t11.doc.lineAt(l10), f10 = s10 + u10.length * c10, d10 = Math.max(n10, e21 - f10 / 2);
return new YU(u10.from, u10.length, d10, f10, 0);
var h10 = Math.max(0, Math.min(a10 - i10, Math.floor((e21 - n10) / s10))), v10 = t11.doc.line(i10 + h10), p10 = v10.from, m10 = v10.length;
return new YU(p10, m10, n10 + s10 * h10, s10, 0);
} }, { key: "lineAt", value: function(e21, t11, n10, r10, o10) {
if (t11 == XU.ByHeight)
return this.blockAt(e21, n10, r10, o10);
if (t11 == XU.ByPosNoHeight) {
var i10 = n10.doc.lineAt(e21), a10 = i10.from, s10 = i10.to;
return new YU(a10, s10 - a10, 0, 0, 0);
var c10 = this.heightMetrics(n10, o10), l10 = c10.firstLine, u10 = c10.perLine, f10 = c10.perChar, d10 = n10.doc.lineAt(e21), h10 = u10 + d10.length * f10, v10 = d10.number - l10, p10 = r10 + u10 * v10 + f10 * (d10.from - o10 - v10);
return new YU(d10.from, d10.length, Math.max(r10, Math.min(p10, r10 + this.height - h10)), h10, 0);
} }, { key: "forEachLine", value: function(e21, t11, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
e21 = Math.max(e21, o10), t11 = Math.min(t11, o10 + this.length);
for (var a10 = this.heightMetrics(n10, o10), s10 = a10.firstLine, c10 = a10.perLine, l10 = a10.perChar, u10 = e21, f10 = r10; u10 <= t11; ) {
var d10 = n10.doc.lineAt(u10);
if (u10 == e21) {
var h10 = d10.number - s10;
f10 += c10 * h10 + l10 * (e21 - o10 - h10);
var v10 = c10 + l10 * d10.length;
i10(new YU(d10.from, d10.length, f10, v10, 0)), f10 += v10, u10 = d10.to + 1;
} }, { key: "replace", value: function(e21, n10, r10) {
var o10 = this.length - n10;
if (o10 > 0) {
var i10 = r10[r10.length - 1];
i10 instanceof t10 ? r10[r10.length - 1] = new t10(i10.length + o10) : r10.push(null, new t10(o10 - 1));
if (e21 > 0) {
var a10 = r10[0];
a10 instanceof t10 ? r10[0] = new t10(e21 + a10.length) : r10.unshift(new t10(e21 - 1), null);
return eJ.of(r10);
} }, { key: "decomposeLeft", value: function(e21, n10) {
n10.push(new t10(e21 - 1), null);
} }, { key: "decomposeRight", value: function(e21, n10) {
n10.push(null, new t10(this.length - e21 - 1));
} }, { key: "updateHeight", value: function(e21) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0, r10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2], o10 = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0, i10 = n10 + this.length;
if (o10 && o10.from <= n10 + this.length && o10.more) {
var a10 = [], s10 = Math.max(n10, o10.from), c10 = -1;
for (o10.from > n10 && a10.push(new t10(o10.from - n10 - 1).updateHeight(e21, n10)); s10 <= i10 && o10.more; ) {
var l10 = e21.doc.lineAt(s10).length;
a10.length && a10.push(null);
var u10 = o10.heights[o10.index++];
-1 == c10 ? c10 = u10 : Math.abs(u10 - c10) >= ZU && (c10 = -2);
var f10 = new nJ(l10, u10);
f10.outdated = false, a10.push(f10), s10 += l10 + 1;
s10 <= i10 && a10.push(null, new t10(i10 - s10).updateHeight(e21, s10));
var d10 = eJ.of(a10);
return (c10 < 0 || Math.abs(d10.height - this.height) >= ZU || Math.abs(c10 - this.heightMetrics(e21, n10).perLine) >= ZU) && (e21.heightChanged = true), d10;
return (r10 || this.outdated) && (this.setHeight(e21, e21.heightForGap(n10, n10 + this.length)), this.outdated = false), this;
} }, { key: "toString", value: function() {
return "gap(".concat(this.length, ")");
} }]), t10;
var oJ = function(e20) {
function t10(e21, n10, r10) {
var o10;
return No(this, t10), (o10 = _o(this, t10, [e21.length + n10 + r10.length, e21.height + r10.height, n10 | (e21.outdated || r10.outdated ? 2 : 0)])).left = e21, o10.right = r10, o10.size = e21.size + r10.size, o10;
return Ao(t10, eJ), Do(t10, [{ key: "break", get: function() {
return 1 & this.flags;
} }, { key: "blockAt", value: function(e21, t11, n10, r10) {
var o10 = n10 + this.left.height;
return e21 < o10 ? this.left.blockAt(e21, t11, n10, r10) : this.right.blockAt(e21, t11, o10, r10 + this.left.length + this.break);
} }, { key: "lineAt", value: function(e21, t11, n10, r10, o10) {
var i10 = r10 + this.left.height, a10 = o10 + this.left.length + this.break, s10 = t11 == XU.ByHeight ? e21 < i10 : e21 < a10, c10 = s10 ? this.left.lineAt(e21, t11, n10, r10, o10) : this.right.lineAt(e21, t11, n10, i10, a10);
if (this.break || (s10 ? c10.to < a10 : c10.from > a10))
return c10;
var l10 = t11 == XU.ByPosNoHeight ? XU.ByPosNoHeight : XU.ByPos;
return s10 ? c10.join(this.right.lineAt(a10, l10, n10, i10, a10)) : this.left.lineAt(a10, l10, n10, r10, o10).join(c10);
} }, { key: "forEachLine", value: function(e21, t11, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
var a10 = r10 + this.left.height, s10 = o10 + this.left.length + this.break;
if (this.break)
e21 < s10 && this.left.forEachLine(e21, t11, n10, r10, o10, i10), t11 >= s10 && this.right.forEachLine(e21, t11, n10, a10, s10, i10);
else {
var c10 = this.lineAt(s10, XU.ByPos, n10, r10, o10);
e21 < c10.from && this.left.forEachLine(e21, c10.from - 1, n10, r10, o10, i10), c10.to >= e21 && c10.from <= t11 && i10(c10), t11 > c10.to && this.right.forEachLine(c10.to + 1, t11, n10, a10, s10, i10);
} }, { key: "replace", value: function(e21, t11, n10) {
var r10 = this.left.length + this.break;
if (t11 < r10)
return this.balanced(this.left.replace(e21, t11, n10), this.right);
if (e21 > this.left.length)
return this.balanced(this.left, this.right.replace(e21 - r10, t11 - r10, n10));
var o10 = [];
e21 > 0 && this.decomposeLeft(e21, o10);
var i10, a10 = o10.length, s10 = bo(n10);
try {
for (s10.s(); !(i10 = s10.n()).done; ) {
var c10 = i10.value;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
if (e21 > 0 && iJ(o10, a10 - 1), t11 < this.length) {
var l10 = o10.length;
this.decomposeRight(t11, o10), iJ(o10, l10);
return eJ.of(o10);
} }, { key: "decomposeLeft", value: function(e21, t11) {
var n10 = this.left.length;
if (e21 <= n10)
return this.left.decomposeLeft(e21, t11);
t11.push(this.left), this.break && e21 >= ++n10 && t11.push(null), e21 > n10 && this.right.decomposeLeft(e21 - n10, t11);
} }, { key: "decomposeRight", value: function(e21, t11) {
var n10 = this.left.length, r10 = n10 + this.break;
if (e21 >= r10)
return this.right.decomposeRight(e21 - r10, t11);
e21 < n10 && this.left.decomposeRight(e21, t11), this.break && e21 < r10 && t11.push(null), t11.push(this.right);
} }, { key: "balanced", value: function(e21, t11) {
return e21.size > 2 * t11.size || t11.size > 2 * e21.size ? eJ.of(this.break ? [e21, null, t11] : [e21, t11]) : (this.left = e21, this.right = t11, this.height = e21.height + t11.height, this.outdated = e21.outdated || t11.outdated, this.size = e21.size + t11.size, this.length = e21.length + this.break + t11.length, this);
} }, { key: "updateHeight", value: function(e21) {
var t11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0, n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2], r10 = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0, o10 = this.left, i10 = this.right, a10 = t11 + o10.length + this.break, s10 = null;
return r10 && r10.from <= t11 + o10.length && r10.more ? s10 = o10 = o10.updateHeight(e21, t11, n10, r10) : o10.updateHeight(e21, t11, n10), r10 && r10.from <= a10 + i10.length && r10.more ? s10 = i10 = i10.updateHeight(e21, a10, n10, r10) : i10.updateHeight(e21, a10, n10), s10 ? this.balanced(o10, i10) : (this.height = this.left.height + this.right.height, this.outdated = false, this);
} }, { key: "toString", value: function() {
return this.left + (this.break ? " " : "-") + this.right;
} }]), t10;
function iJ(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10;
null == e20[t10] && (n10 = e20[t10 - 1]) instanceof rJ && (r10 = e20[t10 + 1]) instanceof rJ && e20.splice(t10 - 1, 3, new rJ(n10.length + 1 + r10.length));
var aJ = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
No(this, e20), this.pos = t10, this.oracle = n10, this.nodes = [], this.lineStart = -1, this.lineEnd = -1, this.covering = null, this.writtenTo = t10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "isCovered", get: function() {
return this.covering && this.nodes[this.nodes.length - 1] == this.covering;
} }, { key: "span", value: function(e21, t10) {
if (this.lineStart > -1) {
var n10 = Math.min(t10, this.lineEnd), r10 = this.nodes[this.nodes.length - 1];
r10 instanceof nJ ? r10.length += n10 - this.pos : (n10 > this.pos || !this.isCovered) && this.nodes.push(new nJ(n10 - this.pos, -1)), this.writtenTo = n10, t10 > n10 && (this.nodes.push(null), this.writtenTo++, this.lineStart = -1);
this.pos = t10;
} }, { key: "point", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
if (e21 < t10 || n10.heightRelevant) {
var r10 = n10.widget ? n10.widget.estimatedHeight : 0, o10 = n10.widget ? n10.widget.lineBreaks : 0;
r10 < 0 && (r10 = this.oracle.lineHeight);
var i10 = t10 - e21;
n10.block ? this.addBlock(new tJ(i10, r10, n10)) : (i10 || o10 || r10 >= 5) && this.addLineDeco(r10, o10, i10);
} else
t10 > e21 && this.span(e21, t10);
this.lineEnd > -1 && this.lineEnd < this.pos && (this.lineEnd = this.oracle.doc.lineAt(this.pos).to);
} }, { key: "enterLine", value: function() {
if (!(this.lineStart > -1)) {
var e21 = this.oracle.doc.lineAt(this.pos), t10 = e21.from, n10 = e21.to;
this.lineStart = t10, this.lineEnd = n10, this.writtenTo < t10 && ((this.writtenTo < t10 - 1 || null == this.nodes[this.nodes.length - 1]) && this.nodes.push(this.blankContent(this.writtenTo, t10 - 1)), this.nodes.push(null)), this.pos > t10 && this.nodes.push(new nJ(this.pos - t10, -1)), this.writtenTo = this.pos;
} }, { key: "blankContent", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = new rJ(t10 - e21);
return this.oracle.doc.lineAt(e21).to == t10 && (n10.flags |= 4), n10;
} }, { key: "ensureLine", value: function() {
var e21 = this.nodes.length ? this.nodes[this.nodes.length - 1] : null;
if (e21 instanceof nJ)
return e21;
var t10 = new nJ(0, -1);
return this.nodes.push(t10), t10;
} }, { key: "addBlock", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = e21.deco;
t10 && t10.startSide > 0 && !this.isCovered && this.ensureLine(), this.nodes.push(e21), this.writtenTo = this.pos = this.pos + e21.length, t10 && t10.endSide > 0 && (this.covering = e21);
} }, { key: "addLineDeco", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
var r10 = this.ensureLine();
r10.length += n10, r10.collapsed += n10, r10.widgetHeight = Math.max(r10.widgetHeight, e21), r10.breaks += t10, this.writtenTo = this.pos = this.pos + n10;
} }, { key: "finish", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = 0 == this.nodes.length ? null : this.nodes[this.nodes.length - 1];
!(this.lineStart > -1) || t10 instanceof nJ || this.isCovered ? (this.writtenTo < this.pos || null == t10) && this.nodes.push(this.blankContent(this.writtenTo, this.pos)) : this.nodes.push(new nJ(0, -1));
var n10, r10 = e21, o10 = bo(this.nodes);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(n10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = n10.value;
i10 instanceof nJ && i10.updateHeight(this.oracle, r10), r10 += i10 ? i10.length : 1;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return this.nodes;
} }], [{ key: "build", value: function(t10, n10, r10, o10) {
var i10 = new e20(r10, t10);
return xV.spans(n10, r10, o10, i10, 0), i10.finish(r10);
} }]), e20;
var sJ = function() {
function e20() {
No(this, e20), this.changes = [];
return Do(e20, [{ key: "compareRange", value: function() {
} }, { key: "comparePoint", value: function(e21, t10, n10, r10) {
(e21 < t10 || n10 && n10.heightRelevant || r10 && r10.heightRelevant) && ZH(e21, t10, this.changes, 5);
} }]), e20;
function cJ(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = e20.getBoundingClientRect(), r10 = e20.ownerDocument, o10 = r10.defaultView || window, i10 = Math.max(0, n10.left), a10 = Math.min(o10.innerWidth, n10.right), s10 = Math.max(0, n10.top), c10 = Math.min(o10.innerHeight, n10.bottom), l10 = e20.parentNode; l10 && l10 != r10.body; )
if (1 == l10.nodeType) {
var u10 = l10, f10 = window.getComputedStyle(u10);
if ((u10.scrollHeight > u10.clientHeight || u10.scrollWidth > u10.clientWidth) && "visible" != f10.overflow) {
var d10 = u10.getBoundingClientRect();
i10 = Math.max(i10, d10.left), a10 = Math.min(a10, d10.right), s10 = Math.max(s10, d10.top), c10 = l10 == e20.parentNode ? d10.bottom : Math.min(c10, d10.bottom);
l10 = "absolute" == f10.position || "fixed" == f10.position ? u10.offsetParent : u10.parentNode;
} else {
if (11 != l10.nodeType)
l10 = l10.host;
return { left: i10 - n10.left, right: Math.max(i10, a10) - n10.left, top: s10 - (n10.top + t10), bottom: Math.max(s10, c10) - (n10.top + t10) };
function lJ(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.getBoundingClientRect();
return { left: 0, right: n10.right - n10.left, top: t10, bottom: n10.bottom - (n10.top + t10) };
var uJ = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
No(this, e20), this.from = t10, this.to = n10, this.size = r10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "draw", value: function(e21, t10) {
return KH.replace({ widget: new fJ(this.size * (t10 ? e21.scaleY : e21.scaleX), t10) }).range(this.from, this.to);
} }], [{ key: "same", value: function(e21, t10) {
if (e21.length != t10.length)
return false;
for (var n10 = 0; n10 < e21.length; n10++) {
var r10 = e21[n10], o10 = t10[n10];
if (r10.from != o10.from || r10.to != o10.to || r10.size != o10.size)
return false;
return true;
} }]), e20;
var fJ = function(e20) {
function t10(e21, n10) {
var r10;
return No(this, t10), (r10 = _o(this, t10)).size = e21, r10.vertical = n10, r10;
return Ao(t10, UH), Do(t10, [{ key: "eq", value: function(e21) {
return e21.size == this.size && e21.vertical == this.vertical;
} }, { key: "toDOM", value: function() {
var e21 = document.createElement("div");
return this.vertical ? e21.style.height = this.size + "px" : (e21.style.width = this.size + "px", e21.style.height = "2px", e21.style.display = "inline-block"), e21;
} }, { key: "estimatedHeight", get: function() {
return this.vertical ? this.size : -1;
} }]), t10;
var dJ = function() {
function e20(t10) {
var n10 = this;
No(this, e20), this.state = t10, this.pixelViewport = { left: 0, right: window.innerWidth, top: 0, bottom: 0 }, this.inView = true, this.paddingTop = 0, this.paddingBottom = 0, this.contentDOMWidth = 0, this.contentDOMHeight = 0, this.editorHeight = 0, this.editorWidth = 0, this.scrollTop = 0, this.scrolledToBottom = true, this.scaleX = 1, this.scaleY = 1, this.scrollAnchorPos = 0, this.scrollAnchorHeight = -1, this.scaler = gJ, this.scrollTarget = null, this.printing = false, this.mustMeasureContent = true, this.defaultTextDirection = rW.LTR, this.visibleRanges = [], this.mustEnforceCursorAssoc = false;
var r10 = t10.facet(WW).some(function(e21) {
return "function" != typeof e21 && "cm-lineWrapping" == e21.class;
this.heightOracle = new GU(r10), this.stateDeco = t10.facet(UW).filter(function(e21) {
return "function" != typeof e21;
}), this.heightMap = eJ.empty().applyChanges(this.stateDeco, UL.empty, this.heightOracle.setDoc(t10.doc), [new eU(0, 0, 0, t10.doc.length)]), this.viewport = this.getViewport(0, null), this.updateViewportLines(), this.updateForViewport(), this.lineGaps = this.ensureLineGaps([]), this.lineGapDeco = KH.set(this.lineGaps.map(function(e21) {
return e21.draw(n10, false);
})), this.computeVisibleRanges();
return Do(e20, [{ key: "updateForViewport", value: function() {
for (var e21 = this, t10 = [this.viewport], n10 = this.state.selection.main, r10 = function() {
var r11 = o10 ? n10.head : n10.anchor;
if (!t10.some(function(e23) {
var t11 = e23.from, n11 = e23.to;
return r11 >= t11 && r11 <= n11;
})) {
var i10 = e21.lineBlockAt(r11), a10 = i10.from, s10 = i10.to;
t10.push(new hJ(a10, s10));
}, o10 = 0; o10 <= 1; o10++)
this.viewports = t10.sort(function(e23, t11) {
return e23.from - t11.from;
}), this.scaler = this.heightMap.height <= 7e6 ? gJ : new yJ(this.heightOracle, this.heightMap, this.viewports);
} }, { key: "updateViewportLines", value: function() {
var e21 = this;
this.viewportLines = [], this.heightMap.forEachLine(this.viewport.from, this.viewport.to, this.heightOracle.setDoc(this.state.doc), 0, 0, function(t10) {
e21.viewportLines.push(1 == e21.scaler.scale ? t10 : bJ(t10, e21.scaler));
} }, { key: "update", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : null;
this.state = e21.state;
var n10 = this.stateDeco;
this.stateDeco = this.state.facet(UW).filter(function(e23) {
return "function" != typeof e23;
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10 = e21.changedRanges, c10 = eU.extendWithRanges(s10, (r10 = n10, o10 = this.stateDeco, i10 = e21 ? e21.changes : yF.empty(this.state.doc.length), a10 = new sJ(), xV.compare(r10, o10, i10, a10, 0), a10.changes)), l10 = this.heightMap.height, u10 = this.scrolledToBottom ? null : this.scrollAnchorAt(this.scrollTop);
this.heightMap = this.heightMap.applyChanges(this.stateDeco, e21.startState.doc, this.heightOracle.setDoc(this.state.doc), c10), this.heightMap.height != l10 && (e21.flags |= 2), u10 ? (this.scrollAnchorPos = e21.changes.mapPos(u10.from, -1), this.scrollAnchorHeight = u10.top) : (this.scrollAnchorPos = -1, this.scrollAnchorHeight = this.heightMap.height);
var f10 = c10.length ? this.mapViewport(this.viewport, e21.changes) : this.viewport;
(t10 && (t10.range.head < f10.from || t10.range.head > f10.to) || !this.viewportIsAppropriate(f10)) && (f10 = this.getViewport(0, t10));
var d10 = !e21.changes.empty || 2 & e21.flags || f10.from != this.viewport.from || f10.to != this.viewport.to;
this.viewport = f10, this.updateForViewport(), d10 && this.updateViewportLines(), (this.lineGaps.length || this.viewport.to - this.viewport.from > 4e3) && this.updateLineGaps(this.ensureLineGaps(this.mapLineGaps(this.lineGaps, e21.changes))), e21.flags |= this.computeVisibleRanges(), t10 && (this.scrollTarget = t10), !this.mustEnforceCursorAssoc && e21.selectionSet && e21.view.lineWrapping && e21.state.selection.main.empty && e21.state.selection.main.assoc && !e21.state.facet(NW) && (this.mustEnforceCursorAssoc = true);
} }, { key: "measure", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = e21.contentDOM, n10 = window.getComputedStyle(t10), r10 = this.heightOracle, o10 = n10.whiteSpace;
this.defaultTextDirection = "rtl" == n10.direction ? rW.RTL : rW.LTR;
var i10 = this.heightOracle.mustRefreshForWrapping(o10), a10 = t10.getBoundingClientRect(), s10 = i10 || this.mustMeasureContent || this.contentDOMHeight != a10.height;
this.contentDOMHeight = a10.height, this.mustMeasureContent = false;
var c10 = 0, l10 = 0;
if (a10.width && a10.height) {
var u10 = oH(t10, a10), f10 = u10.scaleX, d10 = u10.scaleY;
this.scaleX == f10 && this.scaleY == d10 || (this.scaleX = f10, this.scaleY = d10, c10 |= 8, i10 = s10 = true);
var h10 = (parseInt(n10.paddingTop) || 0) * this.scaleY, v10 = (parseInt(n10.paddingBottom) || 0) * this.scaleY;
this.paddingTop == h10 && this.paddingBottom == v10 || (this.paddingTop = h10, this.paddingBottom = v10, c10 |= 10), this.editorWidth != e21.scrollDOM.clientWidth && (r10.lineWrapping && (s10 = true), this.editorWidth = e21.scrollDOM.clientWidth, c10 |= 8);
var p10 = e21.scrollDOM.scrollTop * this.scaleY;
this.scrollTop != p10 && (this.scrollAnchorHeight = -1, this.scrollTop = p10), this.scrolledToBottom = dH(e21.scrollDOM);
var m10 = (this.printing ? lJ : cJ)(t10, this.paddingTop), g10 = m10.top - this.pixelViewport.top, y10 = m10.bottom - this.pixelViewport.bottom;
this.pixelViewport = m10;
var b10 = this.pixelViewport.bottom > this.pixelViewport.top && this.pixelViewport.right > this.pixelViewport.left;
if (b10 != this.inView && (this.inView = b10, b10 && (s10 = true)), !this.inView && !this.scrollTarget)
return 0;
var k10 = a10.width;
if (this.contentDOMWidth == k10 && this.editorHeight == e21.scrollDOM.clientHeight || (this.contentDOMWidth = a10.width, this.editorHeight = e21.scrollDOM.clientHeight, c10 |= 8), s10) {
var w10 = e21.docView.measureVisibleLineHeights(this.viewport);
if (r10.mustRefreshForHeights(w10) && (i10 = true), i10 || r10.lineWrapping && Math.abs(k10 - this.contentDOMWidth) > r10.charWidth) {
var x10 = e21.docView.measureTextSize(), j10 = x10.lineHeight, S10 = x10.charWidth, C10 = x10.textHeight;
(i10 = j10 > 0 && r10.refresh(o10, j10, S10, C10, k10 / S10, w10)) && (e21.docView.minWidth = 0, c10 |= 8);
g10 > 0 && y10 > 0 ? l10 = Math.max(g10, y10) : g10 < 0 && y10 < 0 && (l10 = Math.min(g10, y10)), r10.heightChanged = false;
var $10, _10 = bo(this.viewports);
try {
for (_10.s(); !($10 = _10.n()).done; ) {
var O10 = $10.value, M10 = O10.from == this.viewport.from ? w10 : e21.docView.measureVisibleLineHeights(O10);
this.heightMap = (i10 ? eJ.empty().applyChanges(this.stateDeco, UL.empty, this.heightOracle, [new eU(0, 0, 0, e21.state.doc.length)]) : this.heightMap).updateHeight(r10, 0, i10, new QU(O10.from, M10));
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
r10.heightChanged && (c10 |= 2);
var E10 = !this.viewportIsAppropriate(this.viewport, l10) || this.scrollTarget && (this.scrollTarget.range.head < this.viewport.from || this.scrollTarget.range.head > this.viewport.to);
return E10 && (this.viewport = this.getViewport(l10, this.scrollTarget)), this.updateForViewport(), (2 & c10 || E10) && this.updateViewportLines(), (this.lineGaps.length || this.viewport.to - this.viewport.from > 4e3) && this.updateLineGaps(this.ensureLineGaps(i10 ? [] : this.lineGaps, e21)), c10 |= this.computeVisibleRanges(), this.mustEnforceCursorAssoc && (this.mustEnforceCursorAssoc = false, e21.docView.enforceCursorAssoc()), c10;
} }, { key: "visibleTop", get: function() {
return this.scaler.fromDOM(this.pixelViewport.top);
} }, { key: "visibleBottom", get: function() {
return this.scaler.fromDOM(this.pixelViewport.bottom);
} }, { key: "getViewport", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = 0.5 - Math.max(-0.5, Math.min(0.5, e21 / 1e3 / 2)), r10 = this.heightMap, o10 = this.heightOracle, i10 = this.visibleTop, a10 = this.visibleBottom, s10 = new hJ(r10.lineAt(i10 - 1e3 * n10, XU.ByHeight, o10, 0, 0).from, r10.lineAt(a10 + 1e3 * (1 - n10), XU.ByHeight, o10, 0, 0).to);
if (t10) {
var c10 = t10.range.head;
if (c10 < s10.from || c10 > s10.to) {
var l10, u10 = Math.min(this.editorHeight, this.pixelViewport.bottom - this.pixelViewport.top), f10 = r10.lineAt(c10, XU.ByPos, o10, 0, 0);
l10 = "center" == t10.y ? (f10.top + f10.bottom) / 2 - u10 / 2 : "start" == t10.y || "nearest" == t10.y && c10 < s10.from ? f10.top : f10.bottom - u10, s10 = new hJ(r10.lineAt(l10 - 500, XU.ByHeight, o10, 0, 0).from, r10.lineAt(l10 + u10 + 500, XU.ByHeight, o10, 0, 0).to);
return s10;
} }, { key: "mapViewport", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = t10.mapPos(e21.from, -1), r10 = t10.mapPos(e21.to, 1);
return new hJ(this.heightMap.lineAt(n10, XU.ByPos, this.heightOracle, 0, 0).from, this.heightMap.lineAt(r10, XU.ByPos, this.heightOracle, 0, 0).to);
} }, { key: "viewportIsAppropriate", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = e21.from, n10 = e21.to, r10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0;
if (!this.inView)
return true;
var o10 = this.heightMap.lineAt(t10, XU.ByPos, this.heightOracle, 0, 0).top, i10 = this.heightMap.lineAt(n10, XU.ByPos, this.heightOracle, 0, 0).bottom, a10 = this.visibleTop, s10 = this.visibleBottom;
return (0 == t10 || o10 <= a10 - Math.max(10, Math.min(-r10, 250))) && (n10 == this.state.doc.length || i10 >= s10 + Math.max(10, Math.min(r10, 250))) && o10 > a10 - 2e3 && i10 < s10 + 2e3;
} }, { key: "mapLineGaps", value: function(e21, t10) {
if (!e21.length || t10.empty)
return e21;
var n10, r10 = [], o10 = bo(e21);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(n10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = n10.value;
t10.touchesRange(i10.from, i10.to) || r10.push(new uJ(t10.mapPos(i10.from), t10.mapPos(i10.to), i10.size));
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return r10;
} }, { key: "ensureLineGaps", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = this, r10 = this.heightOracle.lineWrapping, o10 = r10 ? 1e4 : 2e3, i10 = o10 >> 1, a10 = o10 << 1;
if (this.defaultTextDirection != rW.LTR && !r10)
return [];
var s10, c10 = [], l10 = function o11(a11, s11, l11, u11) {
if (!(s11 - a11 < i10)) {
var f11 = n10.state.selection.main, d11 = [f11.from];
f11.empty || d11.push(f11.to);
for (var h11 = 0, v11 = d11; h11 < v11.length; h11++) {
var p11 = v11[h11];
if (p11 > a11 && p11 < s11)
return o11(a11, p11 - 10, l11, u11), void o11(p11 + 10, s11, l11, u11);
var m11 = function(e23, t11) {
var n11, r11 = bo(e23);
try {
for (r11.s(); !(n11 = r11.n()).done; ) {
var o12 = n11.value;
if (t11(o12))
return o12;
} catch (e24) {
} finally {
}(e21, function(e23) {
return e23.from >= l11.from && e23.to <= l11.to && Math.abs(e23.from - a11) < i10 && Math.abs(e23.to - s11) < i10 && !d11.some(function(t11) {
return e23.from < t11 && e23.to > t11;
if (!m11) {
if (s11 < l11.to && t10 && r10 && t10.visibleRanges.some(function(e23) {
return e23.from <= s11 && e23.to >= s11;
})) {
var g11 = t10.moveToLineBoundary($F.cursor(s11), false, true).head;
g11 > a11 && (s11 = g11);
m11 = new uJ(a11, s11, n10.gapSize(l11, a11, s11, u11));
}, u10 = bo(this.viewportLines);
try {
for (u10.s(); !(s10 = u10.n()).done; ) {
var f10 = s10.value;
if (!(f10.length < a10)) {
var d10 = vJ(f10.from, f10.to, this.stateDeco);
if (!(d10.total < a10)) {
var h10 = this.scrollTarget ? this.scrollTarget.range.head : null, v10 = void 0, p10 = void 0;
if (r10) {
var m10 = o10 / this.heightOracle.lineLength * this.heightOracle.lineHeight, g10 = void 0, y10 = void 0;
if (null != h10) {
var b10 = mJ(d10, h10), k10 = ((this.visibleBottom - this.visibleTop) / 2 + m10) / f10.height;
g10 = b10 - k10, y10 = b10 + k10;
} else
g10 = (this.visibleTop - f10.top - m10) / f10.height, y10 = (this.visibleBottom - f10.top + m10) / f10.height;
v10 = pJ(d10, g10), p10 = pJ(d10, y10);
} else {
var w10 = d10.total * this.heightOracle.charWidth, x10 = o10 * this.heightOracle.charWidth, j10 = void 0, S10 = void 0;
if (null != h10) {
var C10 = mJ(d10, h10), $10 = ((this.pixelViewport.right - this.pixelViewport.left) / 2 + x10) / w10;
j10 = C10 - $10, S10 = C10 + $10;
} else
j10 = (this.pixelViewport.left - x10) / w10, S10 = (this.pixelViewport.right + x10) / w10;
v10 = pJ(d10, j10), p10 = pJ(d10, S10);
v10 > f10.from && l10(f10.from, v10, f10, d10), p10 < f10.to && l10(p10, f10.to, f10, d10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return c10;
} }, { key: "gapSize", value: function(e21, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = mJ(r10, n10) - mJ(r10, t10);
return this.heightOracle.lineWrapping ? e21.height * o10 : r10.total * this.heightOracle.charWidth * o10;
} }, { key: "updateLineGaps", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this;
uJ.same(e21, this.lineGaps) || (this.lineGaps = e21, this.lineGapDeco = KH.set(e21.map(function(e23) {
return e23.draw(t10, t10.heightOracle.lineWrapping);
} }, { key: "computeVisibleRanges", value: function() {
var e21 = this.stateDeco;
this.lineGaps.length && (e21 = e21.concat(this.lineGapDeco));
var t10 = [];
xV.spans(e21, this.viewport.from, this.viewport.to, { span: function(e23, n11) {
t10.push({ from: e23, to: n11 });
}, point: function() {
} }, 20);
var n10 = t10.length != this.visibleRanges.length || this.visibleRanges.some(function(e23, n11) {
return e23.from != t10[n11].from || e23.to != t10[n11].to;
return this.visibleRanges = t10, n10 ? 4 : 0;
} }, { key: "lineBlockAt", value: function(e21) {
return e21 >= this.viewport.from && e21 <= this.viewport.to && this.viewportLines.find(function(t10) {
return t10.from <= e21 && t10.to >= e21;
}) || bJ(this.heightMap.lineAt(e21, XU.ByPos, this.heightOracle, 0, 0), this.scaler);
} }, { key: "lineBlockAtHeight", value: function(e21) {
return bJ(this.heightMap.lineAt(this.scaler.fromDOM(e21), XU.ByHeight, this.heightOracle, 0, 0), this.scaler);
} }, { key: "scrollAnchorAt", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this.lineBlockAtHeight(e21 + 8);
return t10.from >= this.viewport.from || this.viewportLines[0].top - e21 > 200 ? t10 : this.viewportLines[0];
} }, { key: "elementAtHeight", value: function(e21) {
return bJ(this.heightMap.blockAt(this.scaler.fromDOM(e21), this.heightOracle, 0, 0), this.scaler);
} }, { key: "docHeight", get: function() {
return this.scaler.toDOM(this.heightMap.height);
} }, { key: "contentHeight", get: function() {
return this.docHeight + this.paddingTop + this.paddingBottom;
} }]), e20;
var hJ = Do(function e4(t10, n10) {
No(this, e4), this.from = t10, this.to = n10;
function vJ(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = [], o10 = e20, i10 = 0;
return xV.spans(n10, e20, t10, { span: function() {
}, point: function(e21, t11) {
e21 > o10 && (r10.push({ from: o10, to: e21 }), i10 += e21 - o10), o10 = t11;
} }, 20), o10 < t10 && (r10.push({ from: o10, to: t10 }), i10 += t10 - o10), { total: i10, ranges: r10 };
function pJ(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.total, r10 = e20.ranges;
if (t10 <= 0)
return r10[0].from;
if (t10 >= 1)
return r10[r10.length - 1].to;
for (var o10 = Math.floor(n10 * t10), i10 = 0; ; i10++) {
var a10 = r10[i10], s10 = a10.from, c10 = a10.to - s10;
if (o10 <= c10)
return s10 + o10;
o10 -= c10;
function mJ(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = 0, o10 = bo(e20.ranges);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(n10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = n10.value, a10 = i10.from, s10 = i10.to;
if (t10 <= s10) {
r10 += t10 - a10;
r10 += s10 - a10;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return r10 / e20.total;
var gJ = { toDOM: function(e20) {
return e20;
}, fromDOM: function(e20) {
return e20;
}, scale: 1 };
var yJ = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
No(this, e20);
var o10 = 0, i10 = 0, a10 = 0;
this.viewports = r10.map(function(e21) {
var r11 = e21.from, i11 = e21.to, a11 = n10.lineAt(r11, XU.ByPos, t10, 0, 0).top, s11 = n10.lineAt(i11, XU.ByPos, t10, 0, 0).bottom;
return o10 += s11 - a11, { from: r11, to: i11, top: a11, bottom: s11, domTop: 0, domBottom: 0 };
}), this.scale = (7e6 - o10) / (n10.height - o10);
var s10, c10 = bo(this.viewports);
try {
for (c10.s(); !(s10 = c10.n()).done; ) {
var l10 = s10.value;
l10.domTop = a10 + (l10.top - i10) * this.scale, a10 = l10.domBottom = l10.domTop + (l10.bottom - l10.top), i10 = l10.bottom;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return Do(e20, [{ key: "toDOM", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = 0, n10 = 0, r10 = 0; ; t10++) {
var o10 = t10 < this.viewports.length ? this.viewports[t10] : null;
if (!o10 || e21 < o10.top)
return r10 + (e21 - n10) * this.scale;
if (e21 <= o10.bottom)
return o10.domTop + (e21 - o10.top);
n10 = o10.bottom, r10 = o10.domBottom;
} }, { key: "fromDOM", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = 0, n10 = 0, r10 = 0; ; t10++) {
var o10 = t10 < this.viewports.length ? this.viewports[t10] : null;
if (!o10 || e21 < o10.domTop)
return n10 + (e21 - r10) / this.scale;
if (e21 <= o10.domBottom)
return o10.top + (e21 - o10.domTop);
n10 = o10.bottom, r10 = o10.domBottom;
} }]), e20;
function bJ(e20, t10) {
if (1 == t10.scale)
return e20;
var n10 = t10.toDOM(e20.top), r10 = t10.toDOM(e20.bottom);
return new YU(e20.from, e20.length, n10, r10 - n10, Array.isArray(e20._content) ? e20._content.map(function(e21) {
return bJ(e21, t10);
}) : e20._content);
var kJ = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return e20.join(" ");
} });
var wJ = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return e20.indexOf(true) > -1;
} });
var xJ = zV.newName();
var jJ = zV.newName();
var SJ = zV.newName();
var CJ = { "&light": "." + jJ, "&dark": "." + SJ };
function $J(e20, t10, n10) {
return new zV(t10, { finish: function(t11) {
return /&/.test(t11) ? t11.replace(/&\w*/, function(t12) {
if ("&" == t12)
return e20;
if (!n10 || !n10[t12])
throw new RangeError("Unsupported selector: ".concat(t12));
return n10[t12];
}) : e20 + " " + t11;
} });
var _J = $J("." + xJ, { "&": { position: "relative !important", boxSizing: "border-box", "&.cm-focused": { outline: "1px dotted #212121" }, display: "flex !important", flexDirection: "column" }, ".cm-scroller": { display: "flex !important", alignItems: "flex-start !important", fontFamily: "monospace", lineHeight: 1.4, height: "100%", overflowX: "auto", position: "relative", zIndex: 0 }, ".cm-content": { margin: 0, flexGrow: 2, flexShrink: 0, display: "block", whiteSpace: "pre", wordWrap: "normal", boxSizing: "border-box", minHeight: "100%", padding: "4px 0", outline: "none", "&[contenteditable=true]": { WebkitUserModify: "read-write-plaintext-only" } }, ".cm-lineWrapping": { whiteSpace_fallback: "pre-wrap", whiteSpace: "break-spaces", wordBreak: "break-word", overflowWrap: "anywhere", flexShrink: 1 }, "&light .cm-content": { caretColor: "black" }, "&dark .cm-content": { caretColor: "white" }, ".cm-line": { display: "block", padding: "0 2px 0 6px" }, ".cm-layer": { position: "absolute", left: 0, top: 0, contain: "size style", "& > *": { position: "absolute" } }, "&light .cm-selectionBackground": { background: "#d9d9d9" }, "&dark .cm-selectionBackground": { background: "#222" }, "&light.cm-focused > .cm-scroller > .cm-selectionLayer .cm-selectionBackground": { background: "#d7d4f0" }, "&dark.cm-focused > .cm-scroller > .cm-selectionLayer .cm-selectionBackground": { background: "#233" }, ".cm-cursorLayer": { pointerEvents: "none" }, "&.cm-focused > .cm-scroller > .cm-cursorLayer": { animation: "steps(1) cm-blink 1.2s infinite" }, "@keyframes cm-blink": { "0%": {}, "50%": { opacity: 0 }, "100%": {} }, "@keyframes cm-blink2": { "0%": {}, "50%": { opacity: 0 }, "100%": {} }, ".cm-cursor, .cm-dropCursor": { borderLeft: "1.2px solid black", marginLeft: "-0.6px", pointerEvents: "none" }, ".cm-cursor": { display: "none" }, "&dark .cm-cursor": { borderLeftColor: "#444" }, ".cm-dropCursor": { position: "absolute" }, "&.cm-focused > .cm-scroller > .cm-cursorLayer .cm-cursor": { display: "block" }, ".cm-iso": { unicodeBidi: "isolate" }, ".cm-announced": { position: "fixed", top: "-10000px" }, "@media print": { ".cm-announced": { display: "none" } }, "&light .cm-activeLine": { backgroundColor: "#cceeff44" }, "&dark .cm-activeLine": { backgroundColor: "#99eeff33" }, "&light .cm-specialChar": { color: "red" }, "&dark .cm-specialChar": { color: "#f78" }, ".cm-gutters": { flexShrink: 0, display: "flex", height: "100%", boxSizing: "border-box", insetInlineStart: 0, zIndex: 200 }, "&light .cm-gutters": { backgroundColor: "#f5f5f5", color: "#6c6c6c", borderRight: "1px solid #ddd" }, "&dark .cm-gutters": { backgroundColor: "#333338", color: "#ccc" }, ".cm-gutter": { display: "flex !important", flexDirection: "column", flexShrink: 0, boxSizing: "border-box", minHeight: "100%", overflow: "hidden" }, ".cm-gutterElement": { boxSizing: "border-box" }, ".cm-lineNumbers .cm-gutterElement": { padding: "0 3px 0 5px", minWidth: "20px", textAlign: "right", whiteSpace: "nowrap" }, "&light .cm-activeLineGutter": { backgroundColor: "#e2f2ff" }, "&dark .cm-activeLineGutter": { backgroundColor: "#222227" }, ".cm-panels": { boxSizing: "border-box", position: "sticky", left: 0, right: 0 }, "&light .cm-panels": { backgroundColor: "#f5f5f5", color: "black" }, "&light .cm-panels-top": { borderBottom: "1px solid #ddd" }, "&light .cm-panels-bottom": { borderTop: "1px solid #ddd" }, "&dark .cm-panels": { backgroundColor: "#333338", color: "white" }, ".cm-tab": { display: "inline-block", overflow: "hidden", verticalAlign: "bottom" }, ".cm-widgetBuffer": { verticalAlign: "text-top", height: "1em", width: 0, display: "inline" }, ".cm-placeholder": { color: "#888", display: "inline-block", verticalAlign: "top" }, ".cm-highlightSpace:before": { content: "attr(data-display)", position: "absolute", pointerEvents: "none", color: "#888" }, ".cm-highlightTab": { backgroundImage: `url('data:image/svg+xml,')`, backgroundSize: "auto 100%", backgroundPosition: "right 90%", backgroundRepeat: "no-repeat" }, ".cm-trailingSpace": { backgroundColor: "#ff332255" }, ".cm-button": { verticalAlign: "middle", color: "inherit", fontSize: "70%", padding: ".2em 1em", borderRadius: "1px" }, "&light .cm-button": { backgroundImage: "linear-gradient(#eff1f5, #d9d9df)", border: "1px solid #888", "&:active": { backgroundImage: "linear-gradient(#b4b4b4, #d0d3d6)" } }, "&dark .cm-button": { backgroundImage: "linear-gradient(#393939, #111)", border: "1px solid #888", "&:active": { backgroundImage: "linear-gradient(#111, #333)" } }, ".cm-textfield": { verticalAlign: "middle", color: "inherit", fontSize: "70%", border: "1px solid silver", padding: ".2em .5em" }, "&light .cm-textfield": { backgroundColor: "white" }, "&dark .cm-textfield": { border: "1px solid #555", backgroundColor: "inherit" } }, CJ);
var OJ = "\uFFFF";
var MJ = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
No(this, e20), this.points = t10, this.text = "", this.lineSeparator = n10.facet(mV.lineSeparator);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "append", value: function(e21) {
this.text += e21;
} }, { key: "lineBreak", value: function() {
this.text += OJ;
} }, { key: "readRange", value: function(e21, t10) {
if (!e21)
return this;
for (var n10 = e21.parentNode, r10 = e21; ; ) {
this.findPointBefore(n10, r10);
var o10 = this.text.length;
var i10 = r10.nextSibling;
if (i10 == t10)
var a10 = pH.get(r10), s10 = pH.get(i10);
(a10 && s10 ? a10.breakAfter : (a10 ? a10.breakAfter : AJ(r10)) || AJ(i10) && ("BR" != r10.nodeName || r10.cmIgnore) && this.text.length > o10) && this.lineBreak(), r10 = i10;
return this.findPointBefore(n10, t10), this;
} }, { key: "readTextNode", value: function(e21) {
var t10, n10 = e21.nodeValue, r10 = bo(this.points);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(t10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
var o10 = t10.value;
o10.node == e21 && (o10.pos = this.text.length + Math.min(o10.offset, n10.length));
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
for (var i10 = 0, a10 = this.lineSeparator ? null : /\r\n?|\n/g; ; ) {
var s10 = -1, c10 = 1, l10 = void 0;
if (this.lineSeparator ? (s10 = n10.indexOf(this.lineSeparator, i10), c10 = this.lineSeparator.length) : (l10 = a10.exec(n10)) && (s10 = l10.index, c10 = l10[0].length), this.append(n10.slice(i10, s10 < 0 ? n10.length : s10)), s10 < 0)
if (this.lineBreak(), c10 > 1) {
var u10, f10 = bo(this.points);
try {
for (f10.s(); !(u10 = f10.n()).done; ) {
var d10 = u10.value;
d10.node == e21 && d10.pos > this.text.length && (d10.pos -= c10 - 1);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
i10 = s10 + c10;
} }, { key: "readNode", value: function(e21) {
if (!e21.cmIgnore) {
var t10 = pH.get(e21), n10 = t10 && t10.overrideDOMText;
if (null != n10) {
this.findPointInside(e21, n10.length);
for (var r10 = n10.iter(); !r10.next().done; )
r10.lineBreak ? this.lineBreak() : this.append(r10.value);
} else
3 == e21.nodeType ? this.readTextNode(e21) : "BR" == e21.nodeName ? e21.nextSibling && this.lineBreak() : 1 == e21.nodeType && this.readRange(e21.firstChild, null);
} }, { key: "findPointBefore", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10, r10 = bo(this.points);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(n10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
var o10 = n10.value;
o10.node == e21 && e21.childNodes[o10.offset] == t10 && (o10.pos = this.text.length);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} }, { key: "findPointInside", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10, r10 = bo(this.points);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(n10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
var o10 = n10.value;
(3 == e21.nodeType ? o10.node == e21 : e21.contains(o10.node)) && (o10.pos = this.text.length + (EJ(e21, o10.node, o10.offset) ? t10 : 0));
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} }]), e20;
function EJ(e20, t10, n10) {
for (; ; ) {
if (!t10 || n10 < tH(t10))
return false;
if (t10 == e20)
return true;
n10 = ZV(t10) + 1, t10 = t10.parentNode;
function AJ(e20) {
return 1 == e20.nodeType && /^(DIV|P|LI|UL|OL|BLOCKQUOTE|DD|DT|H\d|SECTION|PRE)$/.test(e20.nodeName);
var PJ = Do(function e5(t10, n10) {
No(this, e5), this.node = t10, this.offset = n10, this.pos = -1;
var TJ = Do(function e6(t10, n10, r10, o10) {
No(this, e6), this.typeOver = o10, this.bounds = null, this.text = "";
var i10 = t10.docView, a10 = i10.impreciseHead, s10 = i10.impreciseAnchor;
if (t10.state.readOnly && n10 > -1)
this.newSel = null;
else if (n10 > -1 && (this.bounds = t10.docView.domBoundsAround(n10, r10, 0))) {
var c10 = a10 || s10 ? [] : function(e20) {
var t11 = [];
if (e20.root.activeElement != e20.contentDOM)
return t11;
var n11 = e20.observer.selectionRange, r11 = n11.anchorNode, o11 = n11.anchorOffset, i11 = n11.focusNode, a11 = n11.focusOffset;
r11 && (t11.push(new PJ(r11, o11)), i11 == r11 && a11 == o11 || t11.push(new PJ(i11, a11)));
return t11;
}(t10), l10 = new MJ(c10, t10.state);
l10.readRange(this.bounds.startDOM, this.bounds.endDOM), this.text = l10.text, this.newSel = function(e20, t11) {
if (0 == e20.length)
return null;
var n11 = e20[0].pos, r11 = 2 == e20.length ? e20[1].pos : n11;
return n11 > -1 && r11 > -1 ? $F.single(n11 + t11, r11 + t11) : null;
}(c10, this.bounds.from);
} else {
var u10 = t10.observer.selectionRange, f10 = a10 && a10.node == u10.focusNode && a10.offset == u10.focusOffset || !GV(t10.contentDOM, u10.focusNode) ? t10.state.selection.main.head : t10.docView.posFromDOM(u10.focusNode, u10.focusOffset), d10 = s10 && s10.node == u10.anchorNode && s10.offset == u10.anchorOffset || !GV(t10.contentDOM, u10.anchorNode) ? t10.state.selection.main.anchor : t10.docView.posFromDOM(u10.anchorNode, u10.anchorOffset), h10 = t10.viewport;
if (AH.ios && t10.state.selection.main.empty && f10 != d10 && (h10.from > 0 || h10.to < t10.state.doc.length)) {
var v10 = h10.from - Math.min(f10, d10), p10 = h10.to - Math.max(f10, d10);
0 != v10 && 1 != v10 || 0 != p10 && -1 != p10 || (f10 = 0, d10 = t10.state.doc.length);
this.newSel = $F.single(d10, f10);
function RJ(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = t10.newSel, o10 = e20.state.selection.main, i10 = e20.inputState.lastKeyTime > Date.now() - 100 ? e20.inputState.lastKeyCode : -1;
if (t10.bounds) {
var a10 = t10.bounds, s10 = a10.from, c10 = a10.to, l10 = o10.from, u10 = null;
(8 === i10 || AH.android && t10.text.length < c10 - s10) && (l10 = o10.to, u10 = "end");
var f10 = function(e21, t11, n11, r11) {
var o11 = Math.min(e21.length, t11.length), i11 = 0;
for (; i11 < o11 && e21.charCodeAt(i11) == t11.charCodeAt(i11); )
if (i11 == o11 && e21.length == t11.length)
return null;
var a11 = e21.length, s11 = t11.length;
for (; a11 > 0 && s11 > 0 && e21.charCodeAt(a11 - 1) == t11.charCodeAt(s11 - 1); )
a11--, s11--;
if ("end" == r11) {
n11 -= a11 + Math.max(0, i11 - Math.min(a11, s11)) - i11;
if (a11 < i11 && e21.length < t11.length) {
s11 = (i11 -= n11 <= i11 && n11 >= a11 ? i11 - n11 : 0) + (s11 - a11), a11 = i11;
} else if (s11 < i11) {
a11 = (i11 -= n11 <= i11 && n11 >= s11 ? i11 - n11 : 0) + (a11 - s11), s11 = i11;
return { from: i11, toA: a11, toB: s11 };
}(e20.state.doc.sliceString(s10, c10, OJ), t10.text, l10 - s10, u10);
f10 && (AH.chrome && 13 == i10 && f10.toB == f10.from + 2 && t10.text.slice(f10.from, f10.toB) == OJ + OJ && f10.toB--, n10 = { from: s10 + f10.from, to: s10 + f10.toA, insert: UL.of(t10.text.slice(f10.from, f10.toB).split(OJ)) });
} else
r10 && (!e20.hasFocus && e20.state.facet(zW) || r10.main.eq(o10)) && (r10 = null);
if (!n10 && !r10)
return false;
if (!n10 && t10.typeOver && !o10.empty && r10 && r10.main.empty ? n10 = { from: o10.from, to: o10.to, insert: e20.state.doc.slice(o10.from, o10.to) } : n10 && n10.from >= o10.from && n10.to <= o10.to && (n10.from != o10.from || n10.to != o10.to) && o10.to - o10.from - (n10.to - n10.from) <= 4 ? n10 = { from: o10.from, to: o10.to, insert: e20.state.doc.slice(o10.from, n10.from).append(n10.insert).append(e20.state.doc.slice(n10.to, o10.to)) } : (AH.mac || AH.android) && n10 && n10.from == n10.to && n10.from == o10.head - 1 && /^\. ?$/.test(n10.insert.toString()) && "off" == e20.contentDOM.getAttribute("autocorrect") ? (r10 && 2 == n10.insert.length && (r10 = $F.single(r10.main.anchor - 1, r10.main.head - 1)), n10 = { from: o10.from, to: o10.to, insert: UL.of([" "]) }) : AH.chrome && n10 && n10.from == n10.to && n10.from == o10.head && "\n " == n10.insert.toString() && e20.lineWrapping && (r10 && (r10 = $F.single(r10.main.anchor - 1, r10.main.head - 1)), n10 = { from: o10.from, to: o10.to, insert: UL.of([" "]) }), n10) {
if (AH.ios && e20.inputState.flushIOSKey())
return true;
if (AH.android && (n10.from == o10.from && n10.to == o10.to && 1 == n10.insert.length && 2 == n10.insert.lines && uH(e20.contentDOM, "Enter", 13) || (n10.from == o10.from - 1 && n10.to == o10.to && 0 == n10.insert.length || 8 == i10 && n10.insert.length < n10.to - n10.from && n10.to > o10.head) && uH(e20.contentDOM, "Backspace", 8) || n10.from == o10.from && n10.to == o10.to + 1 && 0 == n10.insert.length && uH(e20.contentDOM, "Delete", 46)))
return true;
var d10, h10 = n10.insert.toString();
e20.inputState.composing >= 0 && e20.inputState.composing++;
var v10 = function() {
return d10 || (d10 = function(e21, t11, n11) {
var r11, o11 = e21.state, i11 = o11.selection.main;
if (t11.from >= i11.from && t11.to <= i11.to && t11.to - t11.from >= (i11.to - i11.from) / 3 && (!n11 || n11.main.empty && n11.main.from == t11.from + t11.insert.length) && e21.inputState.composing < 0) {
var a11 = i11.from < t11.from ? o11.sliceDoc(i11.from, t11.from) : "", s11 = i11.to > t11.to ? o11.sliceDoc(t11.to, i11.to) : "";
r11 = o11.replaceSelection(e21.state.toText(a11 + t11.insert.sliceString(0, void 0, e21.state.lineBreak) + s11));
} else {
var c11 = o11.changes(t11), l11 = n11 && n11.main.to <= c11.newLength ? n11.main : void 0;
if (o11.selection.ranges.length > 1 && e21.inputState.composing >= 0 && t11.to <= i11.to && t11.to >= i11.to - 10) {
var u11, f11 = e21.state.sliceDoc(t11.from, t11.to), d11 = n11 && oU(e21, n11.main.head);
if (d11) {
var h11 = t11.insert.length - (t11.to - t11.from);
u11 = { from: d11.from, to: d11.to - h11 };
} else
u11 = e21.state.doc.lineAt(i11.head);
var v11 = i11.to - t11.to, p11 = i11.to - i11.from;
r11 = o11.changeByRange(function(n12) {
if (n12.from == i11.from && n12.to == i11.to)
return { changes: c11, range: l11 || n12.map(c11) };
var r12 = n12.to - v11, a12 = r12 - f11.length;
if (n12.to - n12.from != p11 || e21.state.sliceDoc(a12, r12) != f11 || n12.to >= u11.from && n12.from <= u11.to)
return { range: n12 };
var s12 = o11.changes({ from: a12, to: r12, insert: t11.insert }), d12 = n12.to - i11.to;
return { changes: s12, range: l11 ? $F.range(Math.max(0, l11.anchor + d12), Math.max(0, l11.head + d12)) : n12.map(s12) };
} else
r11 = { changes: c11, selection: l11 && o11.selection.replaceRange(l11) };
var m11 = "input.type";
(e21.composing || e21.inputState.compositionPendingChange && e21.inputState.compositionEndedAt > Date.now() - 50) && (e21.inputState.compositionPendingChange = false, m11 += ".compose", e21.inputState.compositionFirstChange && (m11 += ".start", e21.inputState.compositionFirstChange = false));
return o11.update(r11, { userEvent: m11, scrollIntoView: true });
}(e20, n10, r10));
return e20.state.facet(PW).some(function(t11) {
return t11(e20, n10.from, n10.to, h10, v10);
}) || e20.dispatch(v10()), true;
if (r10 && !r10.main.eq(o10)) {
var p10 = false, m10 = "select";
return e20.inputState.lastSelectionTime > Date.now() - 50 && ("select" == e20.inputState.lastSelectionOrigin && (p10 = true), m10 = e20.inputState.lastSelectionOrigin), e20.dispatch({ selection: r10, scrollIntoView: p10, userEvent: m10 }), true;
return false;
var NJ = { childList: true, characterData: true, subtree: true, attributes: true, characterDataOldValue: true };
var IJ = AH.ie && AH.ie_version <= 11;
var DJ = function() {
function e20(t10) {
var n10 = this;
No(this, e20), this.view = t10, this.active = false, this.selectionRange = new aH(), this.selectionChanged = false, this.delayedFlush = -1, this.resizeTimeout = -1, this.queue = [], this.delayedAndroidKey = null, this.flushingAndroidKey = -1, this.lastChange = 0, this.scrollTargets = [], this.intersection = null, this.resizeScroll = null, this.intersecting = false, this.gapIntersection = null, this.gaps = [], this.parentCheck = -1, this.dom = t10.contentDOM, this.observer = new MutationObserver(function(e21) {
var r10, o10 = bo(e21);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(r10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = r10.value;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
(AH.ie && AH.ie_version <= 11 || AH.ios && t10.composing) && e21.some(function(e23) {
return "childList" == e23.type && e23.removedNodes.length || "characterData" == e23.type && e23.oldValue.length > e23.target.nodeValue.length;
}) ? n10.flushSoon() : n10.flush();
}), IJ && (this.onCharData = function(e21) {
n10.queue.push({ target: e21.target, type: "characterData", oldValue: e21.prevValue }), n10.flushSoon();
}), this.onSelectionChange = this.onSelectionChange.bind(this), this.onResize = this.onResize.bind(this), this.onPrint = this.onPrint.bind(this), this.onScroll = this.onScroll.bind(this), "function" == typeof ResizeObserver && (this.resizeScroll = new ResizeObserver(function() {
var e21;
(null === (e21 = n10.view.docView) || void 0 === e21 ? void 0 : e21.lastUpdate) < Date.now() - 75 && n10.onResize();
}), this.resizeScroll.observe(t10.scrollDOM)), this.addWindowListeners(this.win = t10.win), this.start(), "function" == typeof IntersectionObserver && (this.intersection = new IntersectionObserver(function(e21) {
n10.parentCheck < 0 && (n10.parentCheck = setTimeout(n10.listenForScroll.bind(n10), 1e3)), e21.length > 0 && e21[e21.length - 1].intersectionRatio > 0 != n10.intersecting && (n10.intersecting = !n10.intersecting, n10.intersecting != n10.view.inView && n10.onScrollChanged(document.createEvent("Event")));
}, { threshold: [0, 1e-3] }), this.intersection.observe(this.dom), this.gapIntersection = new IntersectionObserver(function(e21) {
e21.length > 0 && e21[e21.length - 1].intersectionRatio > 0 && n10.onScrollChanged(document.createEvent("Event"));
}, {})), this.listenForScroll(), this.readSelectionRange();
return Do(e20, [{ key: "onScrollChanged", value: function(e21) {
this.view.inputState.runHandlers("scroll", e21), this.intersecting && this.view.measure();
} }, { key: "onScroll", value: function(e21) {
this.intersecting && this.flush(false), this.onScrollChanged(e21);
} }, { key: "onResize", value: function() {
var e21 = this;
this.resizeTimeout < 0 && (this.resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
e21.resizeTimeout = -1, e21.view.requestMeasure();
}, 50));
} }, { key: "onPrint", value: function() {
var e21 = this;
this.view.viewState.printing = true, this.view.measure(), setTimeout(function() {
e21.view.viewState.printing = false, e21.view.requestMeasure();
}, 500);
} }, { key: "updateGaps", value: function(e21) {
if (this.gapIntersection && (e21.length != this.gaps.length || this.gaps.some(function(t11, n11) {
return t11 != e21[n11];
}))) {
var t10, n10 = bo(e21);
try {
for (n10.s(); !(t10 = n10.n()).done; ) {
var r10 = t10.value;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
this.gaps = e21;
} }, { key: "onSelectionChange", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this.selectionChanged;
if (this.readSelectionRange() && !this.delayedAndroidKey) {
var n10 = this.view, r10 = this.selectionRange;
if (n10.state.facet(zW) ? n10.root.activeElement == this.dom : QV(n10.dom, r10)) {
var o10 = r10.anchorNode && n10.docView.nearest(r10.anchorNode);
o10 && o10.ignoreEvent(e21) ? t10 || (this.selectionChanged = false) : (AH.ie && AH.ie_version <= 11 || AH.android && AH.chrome) && !n10.state.selection.main.empty && r10.focusNode && XV(r10.focusNode, r10.focusOffset, r10.anchorNode, r10.anchorOffset) ? this.flushSoon() : this.flush(false);
} }, { key: "readSelectionRange", value: function() {
var e21 = this.view, t10 = AH.safari && 11 == e21.root.nodeType && function(e23) {
for (var t11 = e23.activeElement; t11 && t11.shadowRoot; )
t11 = t11.shadowRoot.activeElement;
return t11;
}(this.dom.ownerDocument) == this.dom && function(e23) {
var t11 = null;
function n11(e24) {
e24.preventDefault(), e24.stopImmediatePropagation(), t11 = e24.getTargetRanges()[0];
if (e23.contentDOM.addEventListener("beforeinput", n11, true), e23.dom.ownerDocument.execCommand("indent"), e23.contentDOM.removeEventListener("beforeinput", n11, true), !t11)
return null;
var r10 = t11.startContainer, o10 = t11.startOffset, i10 = t11.endContainer, a10 = t11.endOffset, s10 = e23.docView.domAtPos(e23.state.selection.main.anchor);
if (XV(s10.node, s10.offset, i10, a10)) {
var c10 = [i10, a10, r10, o10];
r10 = c10[0], o10 = c10[1], i10 = c10[2], a10 = c10[3];
return { anchorNode: r10, anchorOffset: o10, focusNode: i10, focusOffset: a10 };
}(this.view) || KV(e21.root);
if (!t10 || this.selectionRange.eq(t10))
return false;
var n10 = QV(this.dom, t10);
return n10 && !this.selectionChanged && e21.inputState.lastFocusTime > Date.now() - 200 && e21.inputState.lastTouchTime < Date.now() - 300 && function(e23, t11) {
var n11 = t11.focusNode, r10 = t11.focusOffset;
if (!n11 || t11.anchorNode != n11 || t11.anchorOffset != r10)
return false;
for (r10 = Math.min(r10, tH(n11)); ; )
if (r10) {
if (1 != n11.nodeType)
return false;
var o10 = n11.childNodes[r10 - 1];
"false" == o10.contentEditable ? r10-- : r10 = tH(n11 = o10);
} else {
if (n11 == e23)
return true;
r10 = ZV(n11), n11 = n11.parentNode;
}(this.dom, t10) ? (this.view.inputState.lastFocusTime = 0, e21.docView.updateSelection(), false) : (this.selectionRange.setRange(t10), n10 && (this.selectionChanged = true), true);
} }, { key: "setSelectionRange", value: function(e21, t10) {
this.selectionRange.set(e21.node, e21.offset, t10.node, t10.offset), this.selectionChanged = false;
} }, { key: "clearSelectionRange", value: function() {
this.selectionRange.set(null, 0, null, 0);
} }, { key: "listenForScroll", value: function() {
this.parentCheck = -1;
for (var e21 = 0, t10 = null, n10 = this.dom; n10; )
if (1 == n10.nodeType)
!t10 && e21 < this.scrollTargets.length && this.scrollTargets[e21] == n10 ? e21++ : t10 || (t10 = this.scrollTargets.slice(0, e21)), t10 && t10.push(n10), n10 = n10.assignedSlot || n10.parentNode;
else {
if (11 != n10.nodeType)
n10 = n10.host;
if (e21 < this.scrollTargets.length && !t10 && (t10 = this.scrollTargets.slice(0, e21)), t10) {
var r10, o10 = bo(this.scrollTargets);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(r10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
r10.value.removeEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
var i10, a10 = bo(this.scrollTargets = t10);
try {
for (a10.s(); !(i10 = a10.n()).done; ) {
i10.value.addEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} }, { key: "ignore", value: function(e21) {
if (!this.active)
return e21();
try {
return this.stop(), e21();
} finally {
this.start(), this.clear();
} }, { key: "start", value: function() {
this.active || (this.observer.observe(this.dom, NJ), IJ && this.dom.addEventListener("DOMCharacterDataModified", this.onCharData), this.active = true);
} }, { key: "stop", value: function() {
this.active && (this.active = false, this.observer.disconnect(), IJ && this.dom.removeEventListener("DOMCharacterDataModified", this.onCharData));
} }, { key: "clear", value: function() {
this.processRecords(), this.queue.length = 0, this.selectionChanged = false;
} }, { key: "delayAndroidKey", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10, r10 = this;
if (!this.delayedAndroidKey) {
this.flushingAndroidKey = this.view.win.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
var e23 = r10.delayedAndroidKey;
e23 && (r10.clearDelayedAndroidKey(), r10.view.inputState.lastKeyCode = e23.keyCode, r10.view.inputState.lastKeyTime = Date.now(), !r10.flush() && e23.force && uH(r10.dom, e23.key, e23.keyCode));
this.delayedAndroidKey && "Enter" != e21 || (this.delayedAndroidKey = { key: e21, keyCode: t10, force: this.lastChange < Date.now() - 50 || !!(null === (n10 = this.delayedAndroidKey) || void 0 === n10 ? void 0 : n10.force) });
} }, { key: "clearDelayedAndroidKey", value: function() {
this.win.cancelAnimationFrame(this.flushingAndroidKey), this.delayedAndroidKey = null, this.flushingAndroidKey = -1;
} }, { key: "flushSoon", value: function() {
var e21 = this;
this.delayedFlush < 0 && (this.delayedFlush = this.view.win.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
e21.delayedFlush = -1, e21.flush();
} }, { key: "forceFlush", value: function() {
this.delayedFlush >= 0 && (this.view.win.cancelAnimationFrame(this.delayedFlush), this.delayedFlush = -1), this.flush();
} }, { key: "pendingRecords", value: function() {
var e21, t10 = bo(this.observer.takeRecords());
try {
for (t10.s(); !(e21 = t10.n()).done; ) {
var n10 = e21.value;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return this.queue;
} }, { key: "processRecords", value: function() {
var e21 = this.pendingRecords();
e21.length && (this.queue = []);
var t10, n10 = -1, r10 = -1, o10 = false, i10 = bo(e21);
try {
for (i10.s(); !(t10 = i10.n()).done; ) {
var a10 = t10.value, s10 = this.readMutation(a10);
s10 && (s10.typeOver && (o10 = true), -1 == n10 ? (n10 = s10.from, r10 = s10.to) : (n10 = Math.min(s10.from, n10), r10 = Math.max(s10.to, r10)));
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return { from: n10, to: r10, typeOver: o10 };
} }, { key: "readChange", value: function() {
var e21 = this.processRecords(), t10 = e21.from, n10 = e21.to, r10 = e21.typeOver, o10 = this.selectionChanged && QV(this.dom, this.selectionRange);
if (t10 < 0 && !o10)
return null;
t10 > -1 && (this.lastChange = Date.now()), this.view.inputState.lastFocusTime = 0, this.selectionChanged = false;
var i10 = new TJ(this.view, t10, n10, r10);
return this.view.docView.domChanged = { newSel: i10.newSel ? i10.newSel.main : null }, i10;
} }, { key: "flush", value: function() {
var e21 = !(arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0]) || arguments[0];
if (this.delayedFlush >= 0 || this.delayedAndroidKey)
return false;
e21 && this.readSelectionRange();
var t10 = this.readChange();
if (!t10)
return this.view.requestMeasure(), false;
var n10 = this.view.state, r10 = RJ(this.view, t10);
return this.view.state == n10 && this.view.update([]), r10;
} }, { key: "readMutation", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this.view.docView.nearest(e21.target);
if (!t10 || t10.ignoreMutation(e21))
return null;
if (t10.markDirty("attributes" == e21.type), "attributes" == e21.type && (t10.flags |= 4), "childList" == e21.type) {
var n10 = qJ(t10, e21.previousSibling || e21.target.previousSibling, -1), r10 = qJ(t10, e21.nextSibling || e21.target.nextSibling, 1);
return { from: n10 ? t10.posAfter(n10) : t10.posAtStart, to: r10 ? t10.posBefore(r10) : t10.posAtEnd, typeOver: false };
return "characterData" == e21.type ? { from: t10.posAtStart, to: t10.posAtEnd, typeOver: e21.target.nodeValue == e21.oldValue } : null;
} }, { key: "setWindow", value: function(e21) {
e21 != this.win && (this.removeWindowListeners(this.win), this.win = e21, this.addWindowListeners(this.win));
} }, { key: "addWindowListeners", value: function(e21) {
e21.addEventListener("resize", this.onResize), e21.addEventListener("beforeprint", this.onPrint), e21.addEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll), e21.document.addEventListener("selectionchange", this.onSelectionChange);
} }, { key: "removeWindowListeners", value: function(e21) {
e21.removeEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll), e21.removeEventListener("resize", this.onResize), e21.removeEventListener("beforeprint", this.onPrint), e21.document.removeEventListener("selectionchange", this.onSelectionChange);
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function() {
var e21, t10, n10;
this.stop(), null === (e21 = this.intersection) || void 0 === e21 || e21.disconnect(), null === (t10 = this.gapIntersection) || void 0 === t10 || t10.disconnect(), null === (n10 = this.resizeScroll) || void 0 === n10 || n10.disconnect();
var r10, o10 = bo(this.scrollTargets);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(r10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
r10.value.removeEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
this.removeWindowListeners(this.win), clearTimeout(this.parentCheck), clearTimeout(this.resizeTimeout), this.win.cancelAnimationFrame(this.delayedFlush), this.win.cancelAnimationFrame(this.flushingAndroidKey);
} }]), e20;
function qJ(e20, t10, n10) {
for (; t10; ) {
var r10 = pH.get(t10);
if (r10 && r10.parent == e20)
return r10;
var o10 = t10.parentNode;
t10 = o10 != e20.dom ? o10 : n10 > 0 ? t10.nextSibling : t10.previousSibling;
return null;
var zJ = function() {
function e20() {
var t10 = this, n10 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
No(this, e20), this.plugins = [], this.pluginMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.editorAttrs = {}, this.contentAttrs = {}, this.bidiCache = [], this.destroyed = false, this.updateState = 2, this.measureScheduled = -1, this.measureRequests = [], this.contentDOM = document.createElement("div"), this.scrollDOM = document.createElement("div"), this.scrollDOM.tabIndex = -1, this.scrollDOM.className = "cm-scroller", this.scrollDOM.appendChild(this.contentDOM), this.announceDOM = document.createElement("div"), this.announceDOM.className = "cm-announced", this.announceDOM.setAttribute("aria-live", "polite"), this.dom = document.createElement("div"), this.dom.appendChild(this.announceDOM), this.dom.appendChild(this.scrollDOM), n10.parent && n10.parent.appendChild(this.dom);
var r10 = n10.dispatch;
this.dispatchTransactions = n10.dispatchTransactions || r10 && function(e21) {
return e21.forEach(function(e23) {
return r10(e23, t10);
} || function(e21) {
return t10.update(e21);
}, this.dispatch = this.dispatch.bind(this), this._root = n10.root || function(e21) {
for (; e21; ) {
if (e21 && (9 == e21.nodeType || 11 == e21.nodeType && e21.host))
return e21;
e21 = e21.assignedSlot || e21.parentNode;
return null;
}(n10.parent) || document, this.viewState = new dJ(n10.state || mV.create(n10)), n10.scrollTo && n10.scrollTo.is(DW) && (this.viewState.scrollTarget = n10.scrollTo.value.clip(this.viewState.state)), this.plugins = this.state.facet(LW).map(function(e21) {
return new VW(e21);
var o10, i10 = bo(this.plugins);
try {
for (i10.s(); !(o10 = i10.n()).done; ) {
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
this.observer = new DJ(this), this.inputState = new kU(this), this.inputState.ensureHandlers(this.plugins), this.docView = new nU(this), this.mountStyles(), this.updateAttrs(), this.updateState = 0, this.requestMeasure();
return Do(e20, [{ key: "state", get: function() {
return this.viewState.state;
} }, { key: "viewport", get: function() {
return this.viewState.viewport;
} }, { key: "visibleRanges", get: function() {
return this.viewState.visibleRanges;
} }, { key: "inView", get: function() {
return this.viewState.inView;
} }, { key: "composing", get: function() {
return this.inputState.composing > 0;
} }, { key: "compositionStarted", get: function() {
return this.inputState.composing >= 0;
} }, { key: "root", get: function() {
return this._root;
} }, { key: "win", get: function() {
return this.dom.ownerDocument.defaultView || window;
} }, { key: "dispatch", value: function() {
for (var e21, t10 = arguments.length, n10 = new Array(t10), r10 = 0; r10 < t10; r10++)
n10[r10] = arguments[r10];
var o10 = 1 == n10.length && n10[0] instanceof iV ? n10 : 1 == n10.length && Array.isArray(n10[0]) ? n10[0] : [(e21 = this.state).update.apply(e21, n10)];
this.dispatchTransactions(o10, this);
} }, { key: "update", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this;
if (0 != this.updateState)
throw new Error("Calls to EditorView.update are not allowed while an update is in progress");
var n10, r10, o10 = false, i10 = false, a10 = this.state, s10 = bo(e21);
try {
for (s10.s(); !(r10 = s10.n()).done; ) {
var c10 = r10.value;
if (c10.startState != a10)
throw new RangeError("Trying to update state with a transaction that doesn't start from the previous state.");
a10 = c10.state;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
if (this.destroyed)
this.viewState.state = a10;
else {
var l10 = this.hasFocus, u10 = 0, f10 = null;
e21.some(function(e23) {
return e23.annotation(HU);
}) ? (this.inputState.notifiedFocused = l10, u10 = 1) : l10 != this.inputState.notifiedFocused && (this.inputState.notifiedFocused = l10, (f10 = WU(a10, l10)) || (u10 = 1));
var d10 = this.observer.delayedAndroidKey, h10 = null;
if (d10 ? (this.observer.clearDelayedAndroidKey(), ((h10 = this.observer.readChange()) && !this.state.doc.eq(a10.doc) || !this.state.selection.eq(a10.selection)) && (h10 = null)) : this.observer.clear(), a10.facet(mV.phrases) != this.state.facet(mV.phrases))
return this.setState(a10);
n10 = tU.create(this, a10, e21), n10.flags |= u10;
var v10 = this.viewState.scrollTarget;
try {
this.updateState = 2;
var p10, m10 = bo(e21);
try {
for (m10.s(); !(p10 = m10.n()).done; ) {
var g10 = p10.value;
if (v10 && (v10 = v10.map(g10.changes)), g10.scrollIntoView) {
var y10 = g10.state.selection.main;
v10 = new IW(y10.empty ? y10 : $F.cursor(y10.head, y10.head > y10.anchor ? -1 : 1));
var b10, k10 = bo(g10.effects);
try {
for (k10.s(); !(b10 = k10.n()).done; ) {
var w10 = b10.value;
w10.is(DW) && (v10 = w10.value.clip(this.state));
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
this.viewState.update(n10, v10), this.bidiCache = FJ.update(this.bidiCache, n10.changes), n10.empty || (this.updatePlugins(n10), this.inputState.update(n10)), o10 = this.docView.update(n10), this.state.facet(ZW) != this.styleModules && this.mountStyles(), i10 = this.updateAttrs(), this.showAnnouncements(e21), this.docView.updateSelection(o10, e21.some(function(e23) {
return e23.isUserEvent("select.pointer");
} finally {
this.updateState = 0;
if (n10.startState.facet(kJ) != n10.state.facet(kJ) && (this.viewState.mustMeasureContent = true), (o10 || i10 || v10 || this.viewState.mustEnforceCursorAssoc || this.viewState.mustMeasureContent) && this.requestMeasure(), !n10.empty) {
var x10, j10 = bo(this.state.facet(AW));
try {
for (j10.s(); !(x10 = j10.n()).done; ) {
var S10 = x10.value;
try {
} catch (w11) {
qW(this.state, w11, "update listener");
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
(f10 || h10) && Promise.resolve().then(function() {
f10 && t10.state == f10.startState && t10.dispatch(f10), h10 && !RJ(t10, h10) && d10.force && uH(t10.contentDOM, d10.key, d10.keyCode);
} }, { key: "setState", value: function(e21) {
if (0 != this.updateState)
throw new Error("Calls to EditorView.setState are not allowed while an update is in progress");
if (this.destroyed)
this.viewState.state = e21;
else {
this.updateState = 2;
var t10 = this.hasFocus;
try {
var n10, r10 = bo(this.plugins);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(n10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
this.viewState = new dJ(e21), this.plugins = e21.facet(LW).map(function(e23) {
return new VW(e23);
}), this.pluginMap.clear();
var o10, i10 = bo(this.plugins);
try {
for (i10.s(); !(o10 = i10.n()).done; ) {
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
this.docView.destroy(), this.docView = new nU(this), this.inputState.ensureHandlers(this.plugins), this.mountStyles(), this.updateAttrs(), this.bidiCache = [];
} finally {
this.updateState = 0;
t10 && this.focus(), this.requestMeasure();
} }, { key: "updatePlugins", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = e21.startState.facet(LW), n10 = e21.state.facet(LW);
if (t10 != n10) {
var r10, o10 = [], i10 = bo(n10);
try {
for (i10.s(); !(r10 = i10.n()).done; ) {
var a10 = r10.value, s10 = t10.indexOf(a10);
if (s10 < 0)
o10.push(new VW(a10));
else {
var c10 = this.plugins[s10];
c10.mustUpdate = e21, o10.push(c10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
var l10, u10 = bo(this.plugins);
try {
for (u10.s(); !(l10 = u10.n()).done; ) {
var f10 = l10.value;
f10.mustUpdate != e21 && f10.destroy(this);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
this.plugins = o10, this.pluginMap.clear();
} else {
var d10, h10 = bo(this.plugins);
try {
for (h10.s(); !(d10 = h10.n()).done; ) {
d10.value.mustUpdate = e21;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
for (var v10 = 0; v10 < this.plugins.length; v10++)
t10 != n10 && this.inputState.ensureHandlers(this.plugins);
} }, { key: "measure", value: function() {
var e21 = this, t10 = !(arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0]) || arguments[0];
if (!this.destroyed) {
if (this.measureScheduled > -1 && this.win.cancelAnimationFrame(this.measureScheduled), this.observer.delayedAndroidKey)
return this.measureScheduled = -1, void this.requestMeasure();
this.measureScheduled = 0, t10 && this.observer.forceFlush();
var n10 = null, r10 = this.scrollDOM, o10 = r10.scrollTop * this.scaleY, i10 = this.viewState, a10 = i10.scrollAnchorPos, s10 = i10.scrollAnchorHeight;
Math.abs(o10 - this.viewState.scrollTop) > 1 && (s10 = -1), this.viewState.scrollAnchorHeight = -1;
try {
for (var c10 = 0; ; c10++) {
if (s10 < 0)
if (dH(r10))
a10 = -1, s10 = this.viewState.heightMap.height;
else {
var l10 = this.viewState.scrollAnchorAt(o10);
a10 = l10.from, s10 = l10.top;
this.updateState = 1;
var u10 = this.viewState.measure(this);
if (!u10 && !this.measureRequests.length && null == this.viewState.scrollTarget)
if (c10 > 5) {
console.warn(this.measureRequests.length ? "Measure loop restarted more than 5 times" : "Viewport failed to stabilize");
var f10 = [];
if (!(4 & u10)) {
var d10 = [f10, this.measureRequests];
this.measureRequests = d10[0], f10 = d10[1];
var h10 = f10.map(function(t11) {
try {
return t11.read(e21);
} catch (t12) {
return qW(e21.state, t12), LJ;
}), v10 = tU.create(this, this.state, []), p10 = false;
v10.flags |= u10, n10 ? n10.flags |= u10 : n10 = v10, this.updateState = 2, v10.empty || (this.updatePlugins(v10), this.inputState.update(v10), this.updateAttrs(), p10 = this.docView.update(v10));
for (var m10 = 0; m10 < f10.length; m10++)
if (h10[m10] != LJ)
try {
var g10 = f10[m10];
g10.write && g10.write(h10[m10], this);
} catch (e23) {
qW(this.state, e23);
if (p10 && this.docView.updateSelection(true), !v10.viewportChanged && 0 == this.measureRequests.length) {
if (this.viewState.editorHeight) {
if (this.viewState.scrollTarget) {
this.docView.scrollIntoView(this.viewState.scrollTarget), this.viewState.scrollTarget = null, s10 = -1;
var y10 = (a10 < 0 ? this.viewState.heightMap.height : this.viewState.lineBlockAt(a10).top) - s10;
if (y10 > 1 || y10 < -1) {
o10 += y10, r10.scrollTop = o10 / this.scaleY, s10 = -1;
} finally {
this.updateState = 0, this.measureScheduled = -1;
if (n10 && !n10.empty) {
var b10, k10 = bo(this.state.facet(AW));
try {
for (k10.s(); !(b10 = k10.n()).done; ) {
(0, b10.value)(n10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} }, { key: "themeClasses", get: function() {
return xJ + " " + (this.state.facet(wJ) ? SJ : jJ) + " " + this.state.facet(kJ);
} }, { key: "updateAttrs", value: function() {
var e21 = this, t10 = VJ(this, HW, { class: "cm-editor" + (this.hasFocus ? " cm-focused " : " ") + this.themeClasses }), n10 = { spellcheck: "false", autocorrect: "off", autocapitalize: "off", translate: "no", contenteditable: this.state.facet(zW) ? "true" : "false", class: "cm-content", style: "".concat(AH.tabSize, ": ").concat(this.state.tabSize), role: "textbox", "aria-multiline": "true" };
this.state.readOnly && (n10["aria-readonly"] = "true"), VJ(this, WW, n10);
var r10 = this.observer.ignore(function() {
var r11 = FH(e21.contentDOM, e21.contentAttrs, n10), o10 = FH(e21.dom, e21.editorAttrs, t10);
return r11 || o10;
return this.editorAttrs = t10, this.contentAttrs = n10, r10;
} }, { key: "showAnnouncements", value: function(t10) {
var n10, r10 = true, o10 = bo(t10);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(n10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10, a10 = bo(n10.value.effects);
try {
for (a10.s(); !(i10 = a10.n()).done; ) {
var s10 = i10.value;
if (s10.is(e20.announce))
r10 && (this.announceDOM.textContent = ""), r10 = false, this.announceDOM.appendChild(document.createElement("div")).textContent = s10.value;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
} }, { key: "mountStyles", value: function() {
this.styleModules = this.state.facet(ZW);
var t10 = this.state.facet(e20.cspNonce);
zV.mount(this.root, this.styleModules.concat(_J).reverse(), t10 ? { nonce: t10 } : void 0);
} }, { key: "readMeasured", value: function() {
if (2 == this.updateState)
throw new Error("Reading the editor layout isn't allowed during an update");
0 == this.updateState && this.measureScheduled > -1 && this.measure(false);
} }, { key: "requestMeasure", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this;
if (this.measureScheduled < 0 && (this.measureScheduled = this.win.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
return t10.measure();
})), e21) {
if (this.measureRequests.indexOf(e21) > -1)
if (null != e21.key) {
for (var n10 = 0; n10 < this.measureRequests.length; n10++)
if (this.measureRequests[n10].key === e21.key)
return void (this.measureRequests[n10] = e21);
} }, { key: "plugin", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this.pluginMap.get(e21);
return (void 0 === t10 || t10 && t10.spec != e21) && this.pluginMap.set(e21, t10 = this.plugins.find(function(t11) {
return t11.spec == e21;
}) || null), t10 && t10.update(this).value;
} }, { key: "documentTop", get: function() {
return this.contentDOM.getBoundingClientRect().top + this.viewState.paddingTop;
} }, { key: "documentPadding", get: function() {
return { top: this.viewState.paddingTop, bottom: this.viewState.paddingBottom };
} }, { key: "scaleX", get: function() {
return this.viewState.scaleX;
} }, { key: "scaleY", get: function() {
return this.viewState.scaleY;
} }, { key: "elementAtHeight", value: function(e21) {
return this.readMeasured(), this.viewState.elementAtHeight(e21);
} }, { key: "lineBlockAtHeight", value: function(e21) {
return this.readMeasured(), this.viewState.lineBlockAtHeight(e21);
} }, { key: "viewportLineBlocks", get: function() {
return this.viewState.viewportLines;
} }, { key: "lineBlockAt", value: function(e21) {
return this.viewState.lineBlockAt(e21);
} }, { key: "contentHeight", get: function() {
return this.viewState.contentHeight;
} }, { key: "moveByChar", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
return bU(this, e21, gU(this, e21, t10, n10));
} }, { key: "moveByGroup", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = this;
return bU(this, e21, gU(this, e21, t10, function(t11) {
return function(e23, t12, n11) {
var r10 = e23.state.charCategorizer(t12), o10 = r10(n11);
return function(e24) {
var t13 = r10(e24);
return o10 == hV.Space && (o10 = t13), o10 == t13;
}(n10, e21.head, t11);
} }, { key: "visualLineSide", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = this.bidiSpans(e21), r10 = this.textDirectionAt(e21.from), o10 = n10[t10 ? n10.length - 1 : 0];
return $F.cursor(o10.side(t10, r10) + e21.from, o10.forward(!t10, r10) ? 1 : -1);
} }, { key: "moveToLineBoundary", value: function(e21, t10) {
return function(e23, t11, n10, r10) {
var o10 = mU(e23, t11.head), i10 = r10 && o10.type == JH.Text && (e23.lineWrapping || o10.widgetLineBreaks) ? e23.coordsAtPos(t11.assoc < 0 && t11.head > o10.from ? t11.head - 1 : t11.head) : null;
if (i10) {
var a10 = e23.dom.getBoundingClientRect(), s10 = e23.textDirectionAt(o10.from), c10 = e23.posAtCoords({ x: n10 == (s10 == rW.LTR) ? a10.right - 1 : a10.left + 1, y: (i10.top + i10.bottom) / 2 });
if (null != c10)
return $F.cursor(c10, n10 ? -1 : 1);
return $F.cursor(n10 ? o10.to : o10.from, n10 ? -1 : 1);
}(this, e21, t10, !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2]);
} }, { key: "moveVertically", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
return bU(this, e21, function(e23, t11, n11, r10) {
var o10 = t11.head, i10 = n11 ? 1 : -1;
if (o10 == (n11 ? e23.state.doc.length : 0))
return $F.cursor(o10, t11.assoc);
var a10, s10 = t11.goalColumn, c10 = e23.contentDOM.getBoundingClientRect(), l10 = e23.coordsAtPos(o10, t11.assoc || -1), u10 = e23.documentTop;
if (l10)
null == s10 && (s10 = l10.left - c10.left), a10 = i10 < 0 ? l10.top : l10.bottom;
else {
var f10 = e23.viewState.lineBlockAt(o10);
null == s10 && (s10 = Math.min(c10.right - c10.left, e23.defaultCharacterWidth * (o10 - f10.from))), a10 = (i10 < 0 ? f10.top : f10.bottom) + u10;
for (var d10 = c10.left + s10, h10 = null != r10 ? r10 : e23.viewState.heightOracle.textHeight >> 1, v10 = 0; ; v10 += 10) {
var p10 = a10 + (h10 + v10) * i10, m10 = vU(e23, { x: d10, y: p10 }, false, i10);
if (p10 < c10.top || p10 > c10.bottom || (i10 < 0 ? m10 < o10 : m10 > o10)) {
var g10 = e23.docView.coordsForChar(m10), y10 = !g10 || p10 < g10.top ? -1 : 1;
return $F.cursor(m10, y10, void 0, s10);
}(this, e21, t10, n10));
} }, { key: "domAtPos", value: function(e21) {
return this.docView.domAtPos(e21);
} }, { key: "posAtDOM", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0;
return this.docView.posFromDOM(e21, t10);
} }, { key: "posAtCoords", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = !(arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1]) || arguments[1];
return this.readMeasured(), vU(this, e21, t10);
} }, { key: "coordsAtPos", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 1;
var n10 = this.docView.coordsAt(e21, t10);
if (!n10 || n10.left == n10.right)
return n10;
var r10 = this.state.doc.lineAt(e21), o10 = this.bidiSpans(r10);
return nH(n10, o10[yW.find(o10, e21 - r10.from, -1, t10)].dir == rW.LTR == t10 > 0);
} }, { key: "coordsForChar", value: function(e21) {
return this.readMeasured(), this.docView.coordsForChar(e21);
} }, { key: "defaultCharacterWidth", get: function() {
return this.viewState.heightOracle.charWidth;
} }, { key: "defaultLineHeight", get: function() {
return this.viewState.heightOracle.lineHeight;
} }, { key: "textDirection", get: function() {
return this.viewState.defaultTextDirection;
} }, { key: "textDirectionAt", value: function(e21) {
return !this.state.facet(RW) || e21 < this.viewport.from || e21 > this.viewport.to ? this.textDirection : (this.readMeasured(), this.docView.textDirectionAt(e21));
} }, { key: "lineWrapping", get: function() {
return this.viewState.heightOracle.lineWrapping;
} }, { key: "bidiSpans", value: function(e21) {
if (e21.length > BJ)
return jW(e21.length);
var t10, n10, r10 = this.textDirectionAt(e21.from), o10 = bo(this.bidiCache);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(n10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = n10.value;
if (i10.from == e21.from && i10.dir == r10 && (i10.fresh || bW(i10.isolates, t10 = QW(this, e21))))
return i10.order;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
t10 || (t10 = QW(this, e21));
var a10 = function(e23, t11, n11) {
if (!e23)
return [new yW(0, 0, t11 == iW ? 1 : 0)];
if (t11 == oW && !n11.length && !gW.test(e23))
return jW(e23.length);
if (n11.length)
for (; e23.length > kW.length; )
kW[kW.length] = 256;
var r11 = [], o11 = t11 == oW ? 0 : 1;
return xW(e23, o11, o11, n11, 0, e23.length, r11), r11;
}(e21.text, r10, t10);
return this.bidiCache.push(new FJ(e21.from, e21.to, r10, t10, true, a10)), a10;
} }, { key: "hasFocus", get: function() {
var e21;
return (this.dom.ownerDocument.hasFocus() || AH.safari && (null === (e21 = this.inputState) || void 0 === e21 ? void 0 : e21.lastContextMenu) > Date.now() - 3e4) && this.root.activeElement == this.contentDOM;
} }, { key: "focus", value: function() {
var e21 = this;
this.observer.ignore(function() {
cH(e21.contentDOM), e21.docView.updateSelection();
} }, { key: "setRoot", value: function(e21) {
this._root != e21 && (this._root = e21, this.observer.setWindow((9 == e21.nodeType ? e21 : e21.ownerDocument).defaultView || window), this.mountStyles());
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function() {
var e21, t10 = bo(this.plugins);
try {
for (t10.s(); !(e21 = t10.n()).done; ) {
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
this.plugins = [], this.inputState.destroy(), this.docView.destroy(), this.dom.remove(), this.observer.destroy(), this.measureScheduled > -1 && this.win.cancelAnimationFrame(this.measureScheduled), this.destroyed = true;
} }, { key: "scrollSnapshot", value: function() {
var e21 = this.scrollDOM, t10 = e21.scrollTop, n10 = e21.scrollLeft, r10 = this.viewState.scrollAnchorAt(t10);
return DW.of(new IW($F.cursor(r10.from), "start", "start", r10.top - t10, n10, true));
} }], [{ key: "scrollIntoView", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {};
return DW.of(new IW("number" == typeof e21 ? $F.cursor(e21) : e21, t10.y, t10.x, t10.yMargin, t10.xMargin));
} }, { key: "domEventHandlers", value: function(e21) {
return FW.define(function() {
return {};
}, { eventHandlers: e21 });
} }, { key: "domEventObservers", value: function(e21) {
return FW.define(function() {
return {};
}, { eventObservers: e21 });
} }, { key: "theme", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = zV.newName(), r10 = [kJ.of(n10), ZW.of($J(".".concat(n10), e21))];
return t10 && t10.dark && r10.push(wJ.of(true)), r10;
} }, { key: "baseTheme", value: function(e21) {
return LF.lowest(ZW.of($J("." + xJ, e21, CJ)));
} }, { key: "findFromDOM", value: function(e21) {
var t10, n10 = e21.querySelector(".cm-content"), r10 = n10 && pH.get(n10) || pH.get(e21);
return (null === (t10 = null == r10 ? void 0 : r10.rootView) || void 0 === t10 ? void 0 : t10.view) || null;
} }]), e20;
zJ.styleModule = ZW, zJ.inputHandler = PW, zJ.focusChangeEffect = TW, zJ.perLineTextDirection = RW, zJ.exceptionSink = EW, zJ.updateListener = AW, zJ.editable = zW, zJ.mouseSelectionStyle = MW, zJ.dragMovesSelection = OW, zJ.clickAddsSelectionRange = _W, zJ.decorations = UW, zJ.outerDecorations = JW, zJ.atomicRanges = KW, zJ.bidiIsolatedRanges = GW, zJ.scrollMargins = YW, zJ.darkTheme = wJ, zJ.cspNonce = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return e20.length ? e20[0] : "";
} }), zJ.contentAttributes = WW, zJ.editorAttributes = HW, zJ.lineWrapping = zJ.contentAttributes.of({ class: "cm-lineWrapping" }), zJ.announce = oV.define();
var BJ = 4096;
var LJ = {};
var FJ = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10) {
No(this, e20), this.from = t10, this.to = n10, this.dir = r10, this.isolates = o10, this.fresh = i10, this.order = a10;
return Do(e20, null, [{ key: "update", value: function(t10, n10) {
if (n10.empty && !t10.some(function(e21) {
return e21.fresh;
return t10;
for (var r10 = [], o10 = t10.length ? t10[t10.length - 1].dir : rW.LTR, i10 = Math.max(0, t10.length - 10); i10 < t10.length; i10++) {
var a10 = t10[i10];
a10.dir != o10 || n10.touchesRange(a10.from, a10.to) || r10.push(new e20(n10.mapPos(a10.from, 1), n10.mapPos(a10.to, -1), a10.dir, a10.isolates, false, a10.order));
return r10;
} }]), e20;
function VJ(e20, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = e20.state.facet(t10), o10 = r10.length - 1; o10 >= 0; o10--) {
var i10 = r10[o10], a10 = "function" == typeof i10 ? i10(e20) : i10;
a10 && zH(a10, n10);
return n10;
var HJ = AH.mac ? "mac" : AH.windows ? "win" : AH.linux ? "linux" : "key";
function WJ(e20, t10, n10) {
return t10.altKey && (e20 = "Alt-" + e20), t10.ctrlKey && (e20 = "Ctrl-" + e20), t10.metaKey && (e20 = "Meta-" + e20), false !== n10 && t10.shiftKey && (e20 = "Shift-" + e20), e20;
var UJ = LF.default(zJ.domEventHandlers({ keydown: function(e20, t10) {
return XJ(GJ(t10.state), e20, t10, "editor");
} }));
var JJ = MF.define({ enables: UJ });
var KJ = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
function GJ(e20) {
var t10 = e20.facet(JJ), n10 = KJ.get(t10);
return n10 || KJ.set(t10, n10 = function(e21) {
var t11, n11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : HJ, r10 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), o10 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), i10 = function(e23, t12) {
var n12 = o10[e23];
if (null == n12)
o10[e23] = t12;
else if (n12 != t12)
throw new Error("Key binding " + e23 + " is used both as a regular binding and as a multi-stroke prefix");
}, a10 = function(e23, t12, o11, a11, s11) {
for (var c11, l11, u11 = r10[e23] || (r10[e23] = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)), f11 = t12.split(/ (?!$)/).map(function(e24) {
return function(e25, t13) {
var n12, r11, o12, i11, a12 = e25.split(/-(?!$)/), s12 = a12[a12.length - 1];
"Space" == s12 && (s12 = " ");
for (var c12 = 0; c12 < a12.length - 1; ++c12) {
var l12 = a12[c12];
if (/^(cmd|meta|m)$/i.test(l12))
i11 = true;
else if (/^a(lt)?$/i.test(l12))
n12 = true;
else if (/^(c|ctrl|control)$/i.test(l12))
r11 = true;
else if (/^s(hift)?$/i.test(l12))
o12 = true;
else {
if (!/^mod$/i.test(l12))
throw new Error("Unrecognized modifier name: " + l12);
"mac" == t13 ? i11 = true : r11 = true;
return n12 && (s12 = "Alt-" + s12), r11 && (s12 = "Ctrl-" + s12), i11 && (s12 = "Meta-" + s12), o12 && (s12 = "Shift-" + s12), s12;
}(e24, n11);
}), d11 = function() {
var t13 = f11.slice(0, h11).join(" ");
i10(t13, true), u11[t13] || (u11[t13] = { preventDefault: true, stopPropagation: false, run: [function(n12) {
var r11 = QJ = { view: n12, prefix: t13, scope: e23 };
return setTimeout(function() {
QJ == r11 && (QJ = null);
}, YJ), true;
}] });
}, h11 = 1; h11 < f11.length; h11++)
var v11 = f11.join(" ");
i10(v11, false);
var p11 = u11[v11] || (u11[v11] = { preventDefault: false, stopPropagation: false, run: (null === (l11 = null === (c11 = u11._any) || void 0 === c11 ? void 0 : c11.run) || void 0 === l11 ? void 0 : l11.slice()) || [] });
o11 && p11.run.push(o11), a11 && (p11.preventDefault = true), s11 && (p11.stopPropagation = true);
}, s10 = bo(e21);
try {
for (s10.s(); !(t11 = s10.n()).done; ) {
var c10 = t11.value, l10 = c10.scope ? c10.scope.split(" ") : ["editor"];
if (c10.any) {
var u10, f10 = bo(l10);
try {
for (f10.s(); !(u10 = f10.n()).done; ) {
var d10 = u10.value, h10 = r10[d10] || (r10[d10] = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null));
for (var v10 in h10._any || (h10._any = { preventDefault: false, stopPropagation: false, run: [] }), h10)
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
var p10 = c10[n11] || c10.key;
if (p10) {
var m10, g10 = bo(l10);
try {
for (g10.s(); !(m10 = g10.n()).done; ) {
var y10 = m10.value;
a10(y10, p10, c10.run, c10.preventDefault, c10.stopPropagation), c10.shift && a10(y10, "Shift-" + p10, c10.shift, c10.preventDefault, c10.stopPropagation);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return r10;
}(t10.reduce(function(e21, t11) {
return e21.concat(t11);
}, []))), n10;
var QJ = null;
var YJ = 4e3;
function XJ(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = function(e21) {
var t11 = !(HV && e21.metaKey && e21.shiftKey && !e21.ctrlKey && !e21.altKey || WV && e21.shiftKey && e21.key && 1 == e21.key.length || "Unidentified" == e21.key) && e21.key || (e21.shiftKey ? VV : FV)[e21.keyCode] || e21.key || "Unidentified";
return "Esc" == t11 && (t11 = "Escape"), "Del" == t11 && (t11 = "Delete"), "Left" == t11 && (t11 = "ArrowLeft"), "Up" == t11 && (t11 = "ArrowUp"), "Right" == t11 && (t11 = "ArrowRight"), "Down" == t11 && (t11 = "ArrowDown"), t11;
}(t10), i10 = vF(dF(o10, 0)) == o10.length && " " != o10, a10 = "", s10 = false, c10 = false, l10 = false;
QJ && QJ.view == n10 && QJ.scope == r10 && (a10 = QJ.prefix + " ", CU.indexOf(t10.keyCode) < 0 && (c10 = true, QJ = null));
var u10, f10, d10 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), h10 = function(e21) {
if (e21) {
var r11, o11 = bo(e21.run);
try {
for (o11.s(); !(r11 = o11.n()).done; ) {
var i11 = r11.value;
if (!d10.has(i11) && (d10.add(i11), i11(n10, t10)))
return e21.stopPropagation && (l10 = true), true;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
e21.preventDefault && (e21.stopPropagation && (l10 = true), c10 = true);
return false;
}, v10 = e20[r10];
return v10 && (h10(v10[a10 + WJ(o10, t10, !i10)]) ? s10 = true : i10 && (t10.altKey || t10.metaKey || t10.ctrlKey) && !(AH.windows && t10.ctrlKey && t10.altKey) && (u10 = FV[t10.keyCode]) && u10 != o10 ? (h10(v10[a10 + WJ(u10, t10, true)]) || t10.shiftKey && (f10 = VV[t10.keyCode]) != o10 && f10 != u10 && h10(v10[a10 + WJ(f10, t10, false)])) && (s10 = true) : i10 && t10.shiftKey && h10(v10[a10 + WJ(o10, t10, true)]) && (s10 = true), !s10 && h10(v10._any) && (s10 = true)), c10 && (s10 = true), s10 && l10 && t10.stopPropagation(), s10;
var ZJ = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
No(this, e20), this.className = t10, this.left = n10, this.top = r10, this.width = o10, this.height = i10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "draw", value: function() {
var e21 = document.createElement("div");
return e21.className = this.className, this.adjust(e21), e21;
} }, { key: "update", value: function(e21, t10) {
return t10.className == this.className && (this.adjust(e21), true);
} }, { key: "adjust", value: function(e21) {
e21.style.left = this.left + "px", e21.style.top = this.top + "px", null != this.width && (e21.style.width = this.width + "px"), e21.style.height = this.height + "px";
} }, { key: "eq", value: function(e21) {
return this.left == e21.left && this.top == e21.top && this.width == e21.width && this.height == e21.height && this.className == e21.className;
} }], [{ key: "forRange", value: function(t10, n10, r10) {
if (r10.empty) {
var o10 = t10.coordsAtPos(r10.head, r10.assoc || 1);
if (!o10)
return [];
var i10 = eK(t10);
return [new e20(n10, o10.left - i10.left, o10.top - i10.top, null, o10.bottom - o10.top)];
return nK(t10, n10, r10);
} }]), e20;
function eK(e20) {
var t10 = e20.scrollDOM.getBoundingClientRect();
return { left: (e20.textDirection == rW.LTR ? t10.left : t10.right - e20.scrollDOM.clientWidth * e20.scaleX) - e20.scrollDOM.scrollLeft * e20.scaleX, top: t10.top - e20.scrollDOM.scrollTop * e20.scaleY };
function tK(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = $F.cursor(t10);
return { from: Math.max(n10.from, e20.moveToLineBoundary(r10, false, true).from), to: Math.min(n10.to, e20.moveToLineBoundary(r10, true, true).from), type: JH.Text };
function nK(e20, t10, n10) {
if (n10.to <= e20.viewport.from || n10.from >= e20.viewport.to)
return [];
var r10 = Math.max(n10.from, e20.viewport.from), o10 = Math.min(n10.to, e20.viewport.to), i10 = e20.textDirection == rW.LTR, a10 = e20.contentDOM, s10 = a10.getBoundingClientRect(), c10 = eK(e20), l10 = a10.querySelector(".cm-line"), u10 = l10 && window.getComputedStyle(l10), f10 = s10.left + (u10 ? parseInt(u10.paddingLeft) + Math.min(0, parseInt(u10.textIndent)) : 0), d10 = s10.right - (u10 ? parseInt(u10.paddingRight) : 0), h10 = mU(e20, r10), v10 = mU(e20, o10), p10 = h10.type == JH.Text ? h10 : null, m10 = v10.type == JH.Text ? v10 : null;
if (p10 && (e20.lineWrapping || h10.widgetLineBreaks) && (p10 = tK(e20, r10, p10)), m10 && (e20.lineWrapping || v10.widgetLineBreaks) && (m10 = tK(e20, o10, m10)), p10 && m10 && p10.from == m10.from)
return w10(x10(n10.from, n10.to, p10));
var g10 = p10 ? x10(n10.from, null, p10) : j10(h10, false), y10 = m10 ? x10(null, n10.to, m10) : j10(v10, true), b10 = [];
return (p10 || h10).to < (m10 || v10).from - (p10 && m10 ? 1 : 0) || h10.widgetLineBreaks > 1 && g10.bottom + e20.defaultLineHeight / 2 < y10.top ? b10.push(k10(f10, g10.bottom, d10, y10.top)) : g10.bottom < y10.top && e20.elementAtHeight((g10.bottom + y10.top) / 2).type == JH.Text && (g10.bottom = y10.top = (g10.bottom + y10.top) / 2), w10(g10).concat(b10).concat(w10(y10));
function k10(e21, n11, r11, o11) {
return new ZJ(t10, e21 - c10.left, n11 - c10.top - 0.01, r11 - e21, o11 - n11 + 0.01);
function w10(e21) {
for (var t11 = e21.top, n11 = e21.bottom, r11 = e21.horizontal, o11 = [], i11 = 0; i11 < r11.length; i11 += 2)
o11.push(k10(r11[i11], t11, r11[i11 + 1], n11));
return o11;
function x10(t11, n11, r11) {
var o11 = 1e9, a11 = -1e9, s11 = [];
function c11(t12, n12, c12, l12, u12) {
var h12 = e20.coordsAtPos(t12, t12 == r11.to ? -2 : 2), v12 = e20.coordsAtPos(c12, c12 == r11.from ? 2 : -2);
h12 && v12 && (o11 = Math.min(h12.top, v12.top, o11), a11 = Math.max(h12.bottom, v12.bottom, a11), u12 == rW.LTR ? s11.push(i10 && n12 ? f10 : h12.left, i10 && l12 ? d10 : v12.right) : s11.push(!i10 && l12 ? f10 : v12.left, !i10 && n12 ? d10 : h12.right));
var l11, u11 = null != t11 ? t11 : r11.from, h11 = null != n11 ? n11 : r11.to, v11 = bo(e20.visibleRanges);
try {
for (v11.s(); !(l11 = v11.n()).done; ) {
var p11 = l11.value;
if (p11.to > u11 && p11.from < h11)
for (var m11 = Math.max(p11.from, u11), g11 = Math.min(p11.to, h11); ; ) {
var y11, b11 = e20.state.doc.lineAt(m11), k11 = bo(e20.bidiSpans(b11));
try {
for (k11.s(); !(y11 = k11.n()).done; ) {
var w11 = y11.value, x11 = w11.from + b11.from, j11 = w11.to + b11.from;
if (x11 >= g11)
j11 > m11 && c11(Math.max(x11, m11), null == t11 && x11 <= u11, Math.min(j11, g11), null == n11 && j11 >= h11, w11.dir);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
if ((m11 = b11.to + 1) >= g11)
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return 0 == s11.length && c11(u11, null == t11, h11, null == n11, e20.textDirection), { top: o11, bottom: a11, horizontal: s11 };
function j10(e21, t11) {
var n11 = s10.top + (t11 ? e21.top : e21.bottom);
return { top: n11, bottom: n11, horizontal: [] };
var rK = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
No(this, e20), this.view = t10, this.layer = n10, this.drawn = [], this.scaleX = 1, this.scaleY = 1, this.measureReq = { read: this.measure.bind(this), write: this.draw.bind(this) }, this.dom = t10.scrollDOM.appendChild(document.createElement("div")), this.dom.classList.add("cm-layer"), n10.above && this.dom.classList.add("cm-layer-above"), n10.class && this.dom.classList.add(n10.class), this.scale(), this.dom.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), this.setOrder(t10.state), t10.requestMeasure(this.measureReq), n10.mount && n10.mount(this.dom, t10);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "update", value: function(e21) {
e21.startState.facet(oK) != e21.state.facet(oK) && this.setOrder(e21.state), (this.layer.update(e21, this.dom) || e21.geometryChanged) && (this.scale(), e21.view.requestMeasure(this.measureReq));
} }, { key: "setOrder", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = 0, n10 = e21.facet(oK); t10 < n10.length && n10[t10] != this.layer; )
this.dom.style.zIndex = String((this.layer.above ? 150 : -1) - t10);
} }, { key: "measure", value: function() {
return this.layer.markers(this.view);
} }, { key: "scale", value: function() {
var e21 = this.view, t10 = e21.scaleX, n10 = e21.scaleY;
t10 == this.scaleX && n10 == this.scaleY || (this.scaleX = t10, this.scaleY = n10, this.dom.style.transform = "scale(".concat(1 / t10, ", ").concat(1 / n10, ")"));
} }, { key: "draw", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this;
if (e21.length != this.drawn.length || e21.some(function(e23, n11) {
return r11 = e23, o11 = t10.drawn[n11], !(r11.constructor == o11.constructor && r11.eq(o11));
var r11, o11;
})) {
var n10, r10 = this.dom.firstChild, o10 = 0, i10 = bo(e21);
try {
for (i10.s(); !(n10 = i10.n()).done; ) {
var a10 = n10.value;
a10.update && r10 && a10.constructor && this.drawn[o10].constructor && a10.update(r10, this.drawn[o10]) ? (r10 = r10.nextSibling, o10++) : this.dom.insertBefore(a10.draw(), r10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
for (; r10; ) {
var s10 = r10.nextSibling;
r10.remove(), r10 = s10;
this.drawn = e21;
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function() {
this.layer.destroy && this.layer.destroy(this.dom, this.view), this.dom.remove();
} }]), e20;
var oK = MF.define();
function iK(e20) {
return [FW.define(function(t10) {
return new rK(t10, e20);
}), oK.of(e20)];
var aK = !AH.ios;
var sK = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return gV(e20, { cursorBlinkRate: 1200, drawRangeCursor: true }, { cursorBlinkRate: function(e21, t10) {
return Math.min(e21, t10);
}, drawRangeCursor: function(e21, t10) {
return e21 || t10;
} });
} });
function cK() {
var e20 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
return [sK.of(e20), uK, dK, vK, NW.of(true)];
function lK(e20) {
return e20.startState.facet(sK) != e20.state.facet(sK);
var uK = iK({ above: true, markers: function(e20) {
var t10, n10 = e20.state, r10 = n10.facet(sK), o10 = [], i10 = bo(n10.selection.ranges);
try {
for (i10.s(); !(t10 = i10.n()).done; ) {
var a10 = t10.value, s10 = a10 == n10.selection.main;
if (a10.empty ? !s10 || aK : r10.drawRangeCursor) {
var c10, l10 = s10 ? "cm-cursor cm-cursor-primary" : "cm-cursor cm-cursor-secondary", u10 = a10.empty ? a10 : $F.cursor(a10.head, a10.head > a10.anchor ? -1 : 1), f10 = bo(ZJ.forRange(e20, l10, u10));
try {
for (f10.s(); !(c10 = f10.n()).done; ) {
var d10 = c10.value;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return o10;
}, update: function(e20, t10) {
e20.transactions.some(function(e21) {
return e21.selection;
}) && (t10.style.animationName = "cm-blink" == t10.style.animationName ? "cm-blink2" : "cm-blink");
var n10 = lK(e20);
return n10 && fK(e20.state, t10), e20.docChanged || e20.selectionSet || n10;
}, mount: function(e20, t10) {
fK(t10.state, e20);
}, class: "cm-cursorLayer" });
function fK(e20, t10) {
t10.style.animationDuration = e20.facet(sK).cursorBlinkRate + "ms";
var dK = iK({ above: false, markers: function(e20) {
return e20.state.selection.ranges.map(function(t10) {
return t10.empty ? [] : ZJ.forRange(e20, "cm-selectionBackground", t10);
}).reduce(function(e21, t10) {
return e21.concat(t10);
}, update: function(e20, t10) {
return e20.docChanged || e20.selectionSet || e20.viewportChanged || lK(e20);
}, class: "cm-selectionLayer" });
var hK = { ".cm-line": { "& ::selection": { backgroundColor: "transparent !important" }, "&::selection": { backgroundColor: "transparent !important" } } };
aK && (hK[".cm-line"].caretColor = "transparent !important", hK[".cm-content"] = { caretColor: "transparent !important" });
var vK = LF.highest(zJ.theme(hK));
var pK = oV.define({ map: function(e20, t10) {
return null == e20 ? null : t10.mapPos(e20);
} });
var mK = NF.define({ create: function() {
return null;
}, update: function(e20, t10) {
return null != e20 && (e20 = t10.changes.mapPos(e20)), t10.effects.reduce(function(e21, t11) {
return t11.is(pK) ? t11.value : e21;
}, e20);
} });
var gK = FW.fromClass(function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.view = t10, this.cursor = null, this.measureReq = { read: this.readPos.bind(this), write: this.drawCursor.bind(this) };
return Do(e20, [{ key: "update", value: function(e21) {
var t10, n10 = e21.state.field(mK);
null == n10 ? null != this.cursor && (null === (t10 = this.cursor) || void 0 === t10 || t10.remove(), this.cursor = null) : (this.cursor || (this.cursor = this.view.scrollDOM.appendChild(document.createElement("div")), this.cursor.className = "cm-dropCursor"), (e21.startState.field(mK) != n10 || e21.docChanged || e21.geometryChanged) && this.view.requestMeasure(this.measureReq));
} }, { key: "readPos", value: function() {
var e21 = this.view, t10 = e21.state.field(mK), n10 = null != t10 && e21.coordsAtPos(t10);
if (!n10)
return null;
var r10 = e21.scrollDOM.getBoundingClientRect();
return { left: n10.left - r10.left + e21.scrollDOM.scrollLeft * e21.scaleX, top: n10.top - r10.top + e21.scrollDOM.scrollTop * e21.scaleY, height: n10.bottom - n10.top };
} }, { key: "drawCursor", value: function(e21) {
if (this.cursor) {
var t10 = this.view, n10 = t10.scaleX, r10 = t10.scaleY;
e21 ? (this.cursor.style.left = e21.left / n10 + "px", this.cursor.style.top = e21.top / r10 + "px", this.cursor.style.height = e21.height / r10 + "px") : this.cursor.style.left = "-100000px";
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function() {
this.cursor && this.cursor.remove();
} }, { key: "setDropPos", value: function(e21) {
this.view.state.field(mK) != e21 && this.view.dispatch({ effects: pK.of(e21) });
} }]), e20;
}(), { eventObservers: { dragover: function(e20) {
this.setDropPos(this.view.posAtCoords({ x: e20.clientX, y: e20.clientY }));
}, dragleave: function(e20) {
e20.target != this.view.contentDOM && this.view.contentDOM.contains(e20.relatedTarget) || this.setDropPos(null);
}, dragend: function() {
}, drop: function() {
} } });
function yK(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10) {
t10.lastIndex = 0;
for (var i10, a10 = e20.iterRange(n10, r10), s10 = n10; !a10.next().done; s10 += a10.value.length)
if (!a10.lineBreak)
for (; i10 = t10.exec(a10.value); )
o10(s10 + i10.index, i10);
var bK = function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20);
var n10 = t10.regexp, r10 = t10.decoration, o10 = t10.decorate, i10 = t10.boundary, a10 = t10.maxLength, s10 = void 0 === a10 ? 1e3 : a10;
if (!n10.global)
throw new RangeError("The regular expression given to MatchDecorator should have its 'g' flag set");
if (this.regexp = n10, o10)
this.addMatch = function(e21, t11, n11, r11) {
return o10(r11, n11, n11 + e21[0].length, e21, t11);
else if ("function" == typeof r10)
this.addMatch = function(e21, t11, n11, o11) {
var i11 = r10(e21, t11, n11);
i11 && o11(n11, n11 + e21[0].length, i11);
else {
if (!r10)
throw new RangeError("Either 'decorate' or 'decoration' should be provided to MatchDecorator");
this.addMatch = function(e21, t11, n11, o11) {
return o11(n11, n11 + e21[0].length, r10);
this.boundary = i10, this.maxLength = s10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "createDeco", value: function(e21) {
var t10, n10 = this, r10 = new jV(), o10 = r10.add.bind(r10), i10 = bo(function(e23, t11) {
var n11 = e23.visibleRanges;
if (1 == n11.length && n11[0].from == e23.viewport.from && n11[0].to == e23.viewport.to)
return n11;
var r11, o11 = [], i11 = bo(n11);
try {
for (i11.s(); !(r11 = i11.n()).done; ) {
var a11 = r11.value, s11 = a11.from, c11 = a11.to;
s11 = Math.max(e23.state.doc.lineAt(s11).from, s11 - t11), c11 = Math.min(e23.state.doc.lineAt(c11).to, c11 + t11), o11.length && o11[o11.length - 1].to >= s11 ? o11[o11.length - 1].to = c11 : o11.push({ from: s11, to: c11 });
} catch (e24) {
} finally {
return o11;
}(e21, this.maxLength));
try {
for (i10.s(); !(t10 = i10.n()).done; ) {
var a10 = t10.value, s10 = a10.from, c10 = a10.to;
yK(e21.state.doc, this.regexp, s10, c10, function(t11, r11) {
return n10.addMatch(r11, e21, t11, o10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return r10.finish();
} }, { key: "updateDeco", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = 1e9, r10 = -1;
return e21.docChanged && e21.changes.iterChanges(function(t11, o10, i10, a10) {
a10 > e21.view.viewport.from && i10 < e21.view.viewport.to && (n10 = Math.min(i10, n10), r10 = Math.max(a10, r10));
}), e21.viewportChanged || r10 - n10 > 1e3 ? this.createDeco(e21.view) : r10 > -1 ? this.updateRange(e21.view, t10.map(e21.changes), n10, r10) : t10;
} }, { key: "updateRange", value: function(e21, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10, i10 = this, a10 = bo(e21.visibleRanges);
try {
var s10 = function() {
var a11 = o10.value, s11 = Math.max(a11.from, n10), c10 = Math.min(a11.to, r10);
if (c10 > s11) {
var l10 = e21.state.doc.lineAt(s11), u10 = l10.to < c10 ? e21.state.doc.lineAt(c10) : l10, f10 = Math.max(a11.from, l10.from), d10 = Math.min(a11.to, u10.to);
if (i10.boundary) {
for (; s11 > l10.from; s11--)
if (i10.boundary.test(l10.text[s11 - 1 - l10.from])) {
f10 = s11;
for (; c10 < u10.to; c10++)
if (i10.boundary.test(u10.text[c10 - u10.from])) {
d10 = c10;
var h10, v10 = [], p10 = function(e23, t11, n11) {
return v10.push(n11.range(e23, t11));
if (l10 == u10)
for (i10.regexp.lastIndex = f10 - l10.from; (h10 = i10.regexp.exec(l10.text)) && h10.index < d10 - l10.from; )
i10.addMatch(h10, e21, h10.index + l10.from, p10);
yK(e21.state.doc, i10.regexp, f10, d10, function(t11, n11) {
return i10.addMatch(n11, e21, t11, p10);
t10 = t10.update({ filterFrom: f10, filterTo: d10, filter: function(e23, t11) {
return e23 < f10 || t11 > d10;
}, add: v10 });
for (a10.s(); !(o10 = a10.n()).done; )
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return t10;
} }]), e20;
var kK = null != /x/.unicode ? "gu" : "g";
var wK = new RegExp("[\0-\b\n-\x7F-\x9F\xAD\u061C\u200B\u200E\u200F\u2028\u2029\u202D\u202E\u2066\u2067\u2069\uFEFF\uFFF9-\uFFFC]", kK);
var xK = { 0: "null", 7: "bell", 8: "backspace", 10: "newline", 11: "vertical tab", 13: "carriage return", 27: "escape", 8203: "zero width space", 8204: "zero width non-joiner", 8205: "zero width joiner", 8206: "left-to-right mark", 8207: "right-to-left mark", 8232: "line separator", 8237: "left-to-right override", 8238: "right-to-left override", 8294: "left-to-right isolate", 8295: "right-to-left isolate", 8297: "pop directional isolate", 8233: "paragraph separator", 65279: "zero width no-break space", 65532: "object replacement" };
var jK = null;
var SK = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
var t10 = gV(e20, { render: null, specialChars: wK, addSpecialChars: null });
return (t10.replaceTabs = !function() {
var e21;
if (null == jK && "undefined" != typeof document && document.body) {
var t11 = document.body.style;
jK = null != (null !== (e21 = t11.tabSize) && void 0 !== e21 ? e21 : t11.MozTabSize);
return jK || false;
}()) && (t10.specialChars = new RegExp(" |" + t10.specialChars.source, kK)), t10.addSpecialChars && (t10.specialChars = new RegExp(t10.specialChars.source + "|" + t10.addSpecialChars.source, kK)), t10;
} });
function CK() {
var e20 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
return [SK.of(e20), $K || ($K = FW.fromClass(function() {
function e21(t10) {
No(this, e21), this.view = t10, this.decorations = KH.none, this.decorationCache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this.decorator = this.makeDecorator(t10.state.facet(SK)), this.decorations = this.decorator.createDeco(t10);
return Do(e21, [{ key: "makeDecorator", value: function(e23) {
var t10 = this;
return new bK({ regexp: e23.specialChars, decoration: function(n10, r10, o10) {
var i10 = r10.state.doc, a10 = dF(n10[0], 0);
if (9 == a10) {
var s10 = i10.lineAt(o10), c10 = r10.state.tabSize, l10 = RV(s10.text, c10, o10 - s10.from);
return KH.replace({ widget: new OK((c10 - l10 % c10) * t10.view.defaultCharacterWidth / t10.view.scaleX) });
return t10.decorationCache[a10] || (t10.decorationCache[a10] = KH.replace({ widget: new _K(e23, a10) }));
}, boundary: e23.replaceTabs ? void 0 : /[^]/ });
} }, { key: "update", value: function(e23) {
var t10 = e23.state.facet(SK);
e23.startState.facet(SK) != t10 ? (this.decorator = this.makeDecorator(t10), this.decorations = this.decorator.createDeco(e23.view)) : this.decorations = this.decorator.updateDeco(e23, this.decorations);
} }]), e21;
}(), { decorations: function(e21) {
return e21.decorations;
} }))];
var $K = null;
var _K = function(e20) {
function t10(e21, n10) {
var r10;
return No(this, t10), (r10 = _o(this, t10)).options = e21, r10.code = n10, r10;
return Ao(t10, UH), Do(t10, [{ key: "eq", value: function(e21) {
return e21.code == this.code;
} }, { key: "toDOM", value: function(e21) {
var t11 = function(e23) {
return e23 >= 32 ? "\u2022" : 10 == e23 ? "\u2424" : String.fromCharCode(9216 + e23);
}(this.code), n10 = e21.state.phrase("Control character") + " " + (xK[this.code] || "0x" + this.code.toString(16)), r10 = this.options.render && this.options.render(this.code, n10, t11);
if (r10)
return r10;
var o10 = document.createElement("span");
return o10.textContent = t11, o10.title = n10, o10.setAttribute("aria-label", n10), o10.className = "cm-specialChar", o10;
} }, { key: "ignoreEvent", value: function() {
return false;
} }]), t10;
var OK = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), (n10 = _o(this, t10)).width = e21, n10;
return Ao(t10, UH), Do(t10, [{ key: "eq", value: function(e21) {
return e21.width == this.width;
} }, { key: "toDOM", value: function() {
var e21 = document.createElement("span");
return e21.textContent = " ", e21.className = "cm-tab", e21.style.width = this.width + "px", e21;
} }, { key: "ignoreEvent", value: function() {
return false;
} }]), t10;
var MK = KH.line({ class: "cm-activeLine" });
var EK = FW.fromClass(function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.decorations = this.getDeco(t10);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "update", value: function(e21) {
(e21.docChanged || e21.selectionSet) && (this.decorations = this.getDeco(e21.view));
} }, { key: "getDeco", value: function(e21) {
var t10, n10 = -1, r10 = [], o10 = bo(e21.state.selection.ranges);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(t10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = t10.value, a10 = e21.lineBlockAt(i10.head);
a10.from > n10 && (r10.push(MK.range(a10.from)), n10 = a10.from);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return KH.set(r10);
} }]), e20;
}(), { decorations: function(e20) {
return e20.decorations;
} });
var AK = 2e3;
function PK(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.posAtCoords({ x: t10.clientX, y: t10.clientY }, false), r10 = e20.state.doc.lineAt(n10), o10 = n10 - r10.from, i10 = o10 > AK ? -1 : o10 == r10.length ? function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = e21.coordsAtPos(e21.viewport.from);
return n11 ? Math.round(Math.abs((n11.left - t11) / e21.defaultCharacterWidth)) : -1;
}(e20, t10.clientX) : RV(r10.text, e20.state.tabSize, n10 - r10.from);
return { line: r10.number, col: i10, off: o10 };
function TK(e20, t10) {
var n10 = PK(e20, t10), r10 = e20.state.selection;
return n10 ? { update: function(e21) {
if (e21.docChanged) {
var t11 = e21.changes.mapPos(e21.startState.doc.line(n10.line).from), o10 = e21.state.doc.lineAt(t11);
n10 = { line: o10.number, col: n10.col, off: Math.min(n10.off, o10.length) }, r10 = r10.map(e21.changes);
}, get: function(t11, o10, i10) {
var a10 = PK(e20, t11);
if (!a10)
return r10;
var s10 = function(e21, t12, n11) {
var r11 = Math.min(t12.line, n11.line), o11 = Math.max(t12.line, n11.line), i11 = [];
if (t12.off > AK || n11.off > AK || t12.col < 0 || n11.col < 0)
for (var a11 = Math.min(t12.off, n11.off), s11 = Math.max(t12.off, n11.off), c10 = r11; c10 <= o11; c10++) {
var l10 = e21.doc.line(c10);
l10.length <= s11 && i11.push($F.range(l10.from + a11, l10.to + s11));
for (var u10 = Math.min(t12.col, n11.col), f10 = Math.max(t12.col, n11.col), d10 = r11; d10 <= o11; d10++) {
var h10 = e21.doc.line(d10), v10 = NV(h10.text, u10, e21.tabSize, true);
if (v10 < 0)
else {
var p10 = NV(h10.text, f10, e21.tabSize);
i11.push($F.range(h10.from + v10, h10.from + p10));
return i11;
}(e20.state, n10, a10);
return s10.length ? i10 ? $F.create(s10.concat(r10.ranges)) : $F.create(s10) : r10;
} } : null;
function RK(e20) {
var t10 = (null == e20 ? void 0 : e20.eventFilter) || function(e21) {
return e21.altKey && 0 == e21.button;
return zJ.mouseSelectionStyle.of(function(e21, n10) {
return t10(n10) ? TK(e21, n10) : null;
var NK = { Alt: [18, function(e20) {
return !!e20.altKey;
}], Control: [17, function(e20) {
return !!e20.ctrlKey;
}], Shift: [16, function(e20) {
return !!e20.shiftKey;
}], Meta: [91, function(e20) {
return !!e20.metaKey;
}] };
var IK = { style: "cursor: crosshair" };
function DK() {
var e20 = jo(NK[(arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}).key || "Alt"], 2), t10 = e20[0], n10 = e20[1], r10 = FW.fromClass(function() {
function e21(t11) {
No(this, e21), this.view = t11, this.isDown = false;
return Do(e21, [{ key: "set", value: function(e23) {
this.isDown != e23 && (this.isDown = e23, this.view.update([]));
} }]), e21;
}(), { eventObservers: { keydown: function(e21) {
this.set(e21.keyCode == t10 || n10(e21));
}, keyup: function(e21) {
e21.keyCode != t10 && n10(e21) || this.set(false);
}, mousemove: function(e21) {
} } });
return [r10, zJ.contentAttributes.of(function(e21) {
var t11;
return (null === (t11 = e21.plugin(r10)) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11.isDown) ? IK : null;
var qK = "-10000px";
var zK = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
No(this, e20), this.facet = n10, this.createTooltipView = r10, this.input = t10.state.facet(n10), this.tooltips = this.input.filter(function(e21) {
return e21;
}), this.tooltipViews = this.tooltips.map(r10);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "update", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10, r10 = e21.state.facet(this.facet), o10 = r10.filter(function(e23) {
return e23;
if (r10 === this.input) {
var i10, a10 = bo(this.tooltipViews);
try {
for (a10.s(); !(i10 = a10.n()).done; ) {
var s10 = i10.value;
s10.update && s10.update(e21);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return false;
for (var c10 = [], l10 = t10 ? [] : null, u10 = 0; u10 < o10.length; u10++) {
var f10 = o10[u10], d10 = -1;
if (f10) {
for (var h10 = 0; h10 < this.tooltips.length; h10++) {
var v10 = this.tooltips[h10];
v10 && v10.create == f10.create && (d10 = h10);
if (d10 < 0)
c10[u10] = this.createTooltipView(f10), l10 && (l10[u10] = !!f10.above);
else {
var p10 = c10[u10] = this.tooltipViews[d10];
l10 && (l10[u10] = t10[d10]), p10.update && p10.update(e21);
var m10, g10 = bo(this.tooltipViews);
try {
for (g10.s(); !(m10 = g10.n()).done; ) {
var y10 = m10.value;
c10.indexOf(y10) < 0 && (y10.dom.remove(), null === (n10 = y10.destroy) || void 0 === n10 || n10.call(y10));
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return t10 && (l10.forEach(function(e23, n11) {
return t10[n11] = e23;
}), t10.length = l10.length), this.input = r10, this.tooltips = o10, this.tooltipViews = c10, true;
} }]), e20;
function BK(e20) {
var t10 = e20.win;
return { top: 0, left: 0, bottom: t10.innerHeight, right: t10.innerWidth };
var LK = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
return { position: AH.ios ? "absolute" : (null === (t10 = e20.find(function(e21) {
return e21.position;
})) || void 0 === t10 ? void 0 : t10.position) || "fixed", parent: (null === (n10 = e20.find(function(e21) {
return e21.parent;
})) || void 0 === n10 ? void 0 : n10.parent) || null, tooltipSpace: (null === (r10 = e20.find(function(e21) {
return e21.tooltipSpace;
})) || void 0 === r10 ? void 0 : r10.tooltipSpace) || BK };
} });
var FK = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var VK = FW.fromClass(function() {
function e20(t10) {
var n10 = this;
No(this, e20), this.view = t10, this.above = [], this.inView = true, this.madeAbsolute = false, this.lastTransaction = 0, this.measureTimeout = -1;
var r10 = t10.state.facet(LK);
this.position = r10.position, this.parent = r10.parent, this.classes = t10.themeClasses, this.createContainer(), this.measureReq = { read: this.readMeasure.bind(this), write: this.writeMeasure.bind(this), key: this }, this.manager = new zK(t10, UK, function(e21) {
return n10.createTooltip(e21);
}), this.intersectionObserver = "function" == typeof IntersectionObserver ? new IntersectionObserver(function(e21) {
Date.now() > n10.lastTransaction - 50 && e21.length > 0 && e21[e21.length - 1].intersectionRatio < 1 && n10.measureSoon();
}, { threshold: [1] }) : null, this.observeIntersection(), t10.win.addEventListener("resize", this.measureSoon = this.measureSoon.bind(this)), this.maybeMeasure();
return Do(e20, [{ key: "createContainer", value: function() {
this.parent ? (this.container = document.createElement("div"), this.container.style.position = "relative", this.container.className = this.view.themeClasses, this.parent.appendChild(this.container)) : this.container = this.view.dom;
} }, { key: "observeIntersection", value: function() {
if (this.intersectionObserver) {
var e21, t10 = bo(this.manager.tooltipViews);
try {
for (t10.s(); !(e21 = t10.n()).done; ) {
var n10 = e21.value;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} }, { key: "measureSoon", value: function() {
var e21 = this;
this.measureTimeout < 0 && (this.measureTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
e21.measureTimeout = -1, e21.maybeMeasure();
}, 50));
} }, { key: "update", value: function(e21) {
e21.transactions.length && (this.lastTransaction = Date.now());
var t10 = this.manager.update(e21, this.above);
t10 && this.observeIntersection();
var n10 = t10 || e21.geometryChanged, r10 = e21.state.facet(LK);
if (r10.position != this.position && !this.madeAbsolute) {
this.position = r10.position;
var o10, i10 = bo(this.manager.tooltipViews);
try {
for (i10.s(); !(o10 = i10.n()).done; ) {
o10.value.dom.style.position = this.position;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
n10 = true;
if (r10.parent != this.parent) {
this.parent && this.container.remove(), this.parent = r10.parent, this.createContainer();
var a10, s10 = bo(this.manager.tooltipViews);
try {
for (s10.s(); !(a10 = s10.n()).done; ) {
var c10 = a10.value;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
n10 = true;
} else
this.parent && this.view.themeClasses != this.classes && (this.classes = this.container.className = this.view.themeClasses);
n10 && this.maybeMeasure();
} }, { key: "createTooltip", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = e21.create(this.view);
if (t10.dom.classList.add("cm-tooltip"), e21.arrow && !t10.dom.querySelector(".cm-tooltip > .cm-tooltip-arrow")) {
var n10 = document.createElement("div");
n10.className = "cm-tooltip-arrow", t10.dom.appendChild(n10);
return t10.dom.style.position = this.position, t10.dom.style.top = qK, t10.dom.style.left = "0px", this.container.appendChild(t10.dom), t10.mount && t10.mount(this.view), t10;
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function() {
var e21, t10;
this.view.win.removeEventListener("resize", this.measureSoon);
var n10, r10 = bo(this.manager.tooltipViews);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(n10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
var o10 = n10.value;
o10.dom.remove(), null === (e21 = o10.destroy) || void 0 === e21 || e21.call(o10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
this.parent && this.container.remove(), null === (t10 = this.intersectionObserver) || void 0 === t10 || t10.disconnect(), clearTimeout(this.measureTimeout);
} }, { key: "readMeasure", value: function() {
var e21 = this, t10 = this.view.dom.getBoundingClientRect(), n10 = 1, r10 = 1, o10 = false;
if ("fixed" == this.position && this.manager.tooltipViews.length) {
var i10 = this.manager.tooltipViews[0].dom;
if (AH.gecko)
o10 = i10.offsetParent != this.container.ownerDocument.body;
else if (i10.style.top == qK && "0px" == i10.style.left) {
var a10 = i10.getBoundingClientRect();
o10 = Math.abs(a10.top + 1e4) > 1 || Math.abs(a10.left) > 1;
if (o10 || "absolute" == this.position)
if (this.parent) {
var s10 = this.parent.getBoundingClientRect();
s10.width && s10.height && (n10 = s10.width / this.parent.offsetWidth, r10 = s10.height / this.parent.offsetHeight);
} else {
var c10 = this.view.viewState;
n10 = c10.scaleX, r10 = c10.scaleY;
return { editor: t10, parent: this.parent ? this.container.getBoundingClientRect() : t10, pos: this.manager.tooltips.map(function(t11, n11) {
var r11 = e21.manager.tooltipViews[n11];
return r11.getCoords ? r11.getCoords(t11.pos) : e21.view.coordsAtPos(t11.pos);
}), size: this.manager.tooltipViews.map(function(e23) {
return e23.dom.getBoundingClientRect();
}), space: this.view.state.facet(LK).tooltipSpace(this.view), scaleX: n10, scaleY: r10, makeAbsolute: o10 };
} }, { key: "writeMeasure", value: function(e21) {
var t10;
if (e21.makeAbsolute) {
this.madeAbsolute = true, this.position = "absolute";
var n10, r10 = bo(this.manager.tooltipViews);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(n10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
n10.value.dom.style.position = "absolute";
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
for (var o10 = e21.editor, i10 = e21.space, a10 = e21.scaleX, s10 = e21.scaleY, c10 = [], l10 = 0; l10 < this.manager.tooltips.length; l10++) {
var u10 = this.manager.tooltips[l10], f10 = this.manager.tooltipViews[l10], d10 = f10.dom, h10 = e21.pos[l10], v10 = e21.size[l10];
if (!h10 || h10.bottom <= Math.max(o10.top, i10.top) || h10.top >= Math.min(o10.bottom, i10.bottom) || h10.right < Math.max(o10.left, i10.left) - 0.1 || h10.left > Math.min(o10.right, i10.right) + 0.1)
d10.style.top = qK;
else {
var p10 = u10.arrow ? f10.dom.querySelector(".cm-tooltip-arrow") : null, m10 = p10 ? 7 : 0, g10 = v10.right - v10.left, y10 = null !== (t10 = FK.get(f10)) && void 0 !== t10 ? t10 : v10.bottom - v10.top, b10 = f10.offset || WK, k10 = this.view.textDirection == rW.LTR, w10 = v10.width > i10.right - i10.left ? k10 ? i10.left : i10.right - v10.width : k10 ? Math.min(h10.left - (p10 ? 14 : 0) + b10.x, i10.right - g10) : Math.max(i10.left, h10.left - g10 + (p10 ? 14 : 0) - b10.x), x10 = this.above[l10];
!u10.strictSide && (x10 ? h10.top - (v10.bottom - v10.top) - b10.y < i10.top : h10.bottom + (v10.bottom - v10.top) + b10.y > i10.bottom) && x10 == i10.bottom - h10.bottom > h10.top - i10.top && (x10 = this.above[l10] = !x10);
var j10 = (x10 ? h10.top - i10.top : i10.bottom - h10.bottom) - m10;
if (j10 < y10 && false !== f10.resize) {
if (j10 < this.view.defaultLineHeight) {
d10.style.top = qK;
FK.set(f10, y10), d10.style.height = (y10 = j10) / s10 + "px";
} else
d10.style.height && (d10.style.height = "");
var S10 = x10 ? h10.top - y10 - m10 - b10.y : h10.bottom + m10 + b10.y, C10 = w10 + g10;
if (true !== f10.overlap) {
var $10, _10 = bo(c10);
try {
for (_10.s(); !($10 = _10.n()).done; ) {
var O10 = $10.value;
O10.left < C10 && O10.right > w10 && O10.top < S10 + y10 && O10.bottom > S10 && (S10 = x10 ? O10.top - y10 - 2 - m10 : O10.bottom + m10 + 2);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
if ("absolute" == this.position ? (d10.style.top = (S10 - e21.parent.top) / s10 + "px", d10.style.left = (w10 - e21.parent.left) / a10 + "px") : (d10.style.top = S10 / s10 + "px", d10.style.left = w10 / a10 + "px"), p10) {
var M10 = h10.left + (k10 ? b10.x : -b10.x) - (w10 + 14 - 7);
p10.style.left = M10 / a10 + "px";
true !== f10.overlap && c10.push({ left: w10, top: S10, right: C10, bottom: S10 + y10 }), d10.classList.toggle("cm-tooltip-above", x10), d10.classList.toggle("cm-tooltip-below", !x10), f10.positioned && f10.positioned(e21.space);
} }, { key: "maybeMeasure", value: function() {
if (this.manager.tooltips.length && (this.view.inView && this.view.requestMeasure(this.measureReq), this.inView != this.view.inView && (this.inView = this.view.inView, !this.inView))) {
var e21, t10 = bo(this.manager.tooltipViews);
try {
for (t10.s(); !(e21 = t10.n()).done; ) {
e21.value.dom.style.top = qK;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} }]), e20;
}(), { eventObservers: { scroll: function() {
} } });
var HK = zJ.baseTheme({ ".cm-tooltip": { zIndex: 100, boxSizing: "border-box" }, "&light .cm-tooltip": { border: "1px solid #bbb", backgroundColor: "#f5f5f5" }, "&light .cm-tooltip-section:not(:first-child)": { borderTop: "1px solid #bbb" }, "&dark .cm-tooltip": { backgroundColor: "#333338", color: "white" }, ".cm-tooltip-arrow": { height: "".concat(7, "px"), width: "".concat(14, "px"), position: "absolute", zIndex: -1, overflow: "hidden", "&:before, &:after": { content: "''", position: "absolute", width: 0, height: 0, borderLeft: "".concat(7, "px solid transparent"), borderRight: "".concat(7, "px solid transparent") }, ".cm-tooltip-above &": { bottom: "-".concat(7, "px"), "&:before": { borderTop: "".concat(7, "px solid #bbb") }, "&:after": { borderTop: "".concat(7, "px solid #f5f5f5"), bottom: "1px" } }, ".cm-tooltip-below &": { top: "-".concat(7, "px"), "&:before": { borderBottom: "".concat(7, "px solid #bbb") }, "&:after": { borderBottom: "".concat(7, "px solid #f5f5f5"), top: "1px" } } }, "&dark .cm-tooltip .cm-tooltip-arrow": { "&:before": { borderTopColor: "#333338", borderBottomColor: "#333338" }, "&:after": { borderTopColor: "transparent", borderBottomColor: "transparent" } } });
var WK = { x: 0, y: 0 };
var UK = MF.define({ enables: [VK, HK] });
var JK = MF.define();
var KK = function() {
function e20(t10) {
var n10 = this;
No(this, e20), this.view = t10, this.mounted = false, this.dom = document.createElement("div"), this.dom.classList.add("cm-tooltip-hover"), this.manager = new zK(t10, JK, function(e21) {
return n10.createHostedView(e21);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "createHostedView", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = e21.create(this.view);
return t10.dom.classList.add("cm-tooltip-section"), this.dom.appendChild(t10.dom), this.mounted && t10.mount && t10.mount(this.view), t10;
} }, { key: "mount", value: function(e21) {
var t10, n10 = bo(this.manager.tooltipViews);
try {
for (n10.s(); !(t10 = n10.n()).done; ) {
var r10 = t10.value;
r10.mount && r10.mount(e21);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
this.mounted = true;
} }, { key: "positioned", value: function(e21) {
var t10, n10 = bo(this.manager.tooltipViews);
try {
for (n10.s(); !(t10 = n10.n()).done; ) {
var r10 = t10.value;
r10.positioned && r10.positioned(e21);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} }, { key: "update", value: function(e21) {
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function() {
var e21, t10, n10 = bo(this.manager.tooltipViews);
try {
for (n10.s(); !(t10 = n10.n()).done; ) {
var r10 = t10.value;
null === (e21 = r10.destroy) || void 0 === e21 || e21.call(r10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} }, { key: "passProp", value: function(e21) {
var t10, n10 = void 0, r10 = bo(this.manager.tooltipViews);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(t10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
var o10 = t10.value[e21];
if (void 0 !== o10) {
if (void 0 === n10)
n10 = o10;
else if (n10 !== o10)
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return n10;
} }, { key: "offset", get: function() {
return this.passProp("offset");
} }, { key: "getCoords", get: function() {
return this.passProp("getCoords");
} }, { key: "overlap", get: function() {
return this.passProp("overlap");
} }, { key: "resize", get: function() {
return this.passProp("resize");
} }], [{ key: "create", value: function(t10) {
return new e20(t10);
} }]), e20;
var GK = UK.compute([JK], function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.facet(JK).filter(function(e21) {
return e21;
return 0 === t10.length ? null : { pos: Math.min.apply(Math, Bo(t10.map(function(e21) {
return e21.pos;
}))), end: Math.max.apply(Math, Bo(t10.map(function(e21) {
var t11;
return null !== (t11 = e21.end) && void 0 !== t11 ? t11 : e21.pos;
}))), create: KK.create, above: t10[0].above, arrow: t10.some(function(e21) {
return e21.arrow;
}) };
var QK = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
No(this, e20), this.view = t10, this.source = n10, this.field = r10, this.setHover = o10, this.hoverTime = i10, this.hoverTimeout = -1, this.restartTimeout = -1, this.pending = null, this.lastMove = { x: 0, y: 0, target: t10.dom, time: 0 }, this.checkHover = this.checkHover.bind(this), t10.dom.addEventListener("mouseleave", this.mouseleave = this.mouseleave.bind(this)), t10.dom.addEventListener("mousemove", this.mousemove = this.mousemove.bind(this));
return Do(e20, [{ key: "update", value: function() {
var e21 = this;
this.pending && (this.pending = null, clearTimeout(this.restartTimeout), this.restartTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
return e21.startHover();
}, 20));
} }, { key: "active", get: function() {
return this.view.state.field(this.field);
} }, { key: "checkHover", value: function() {
if (this.hoverTimeout = -1, !this.active) {
var e21 = Date.now() - this.lastMove.time;
e21 < this.hoverTime ? this.hoverTimeout = setTimeout(this.checkHover, this.hoverTime - e21) : this.startHover();
} }, { key: "startHover", value: function() {
var e21 = this;
var t10 = this.view, n10 = this.lastMove, r10 = t10.docView.nearest(n10.target);
if (r10) {
var o10, i10 = 1;
if (r10 instanceof RH)
o10 = r10.posAtStart;
else {
if (null == (o10 = t10.posAtCoords(n10)))
var a10 = t10.coordsAtPos(o10);
if (!a10 || n10.y < a10.top || n10.y > a10.bottom || n10.x < a10.left - t10.defaultCharacterWidth || n10.x > a10.right + t10.defaultCharacterWidth)
var s10 = t10.bidiSpans(t10.state.doc.lineAt(o10)).find(function(e23) {
return e23.from <= o10 && e23.to >= o10;
}), c10 = s10 && s10.dir == rW.RTL ? -1 : 1;
i10 = n10.x < a10.left ? -c10 : c10;
var l10 = this.source(t10, o10, i10);
if (null == l10 ? void 0 : l10.then) {
var u10 = this.pending = { pos: o10 };
l10.then(function(n11) {
e21.pending == u10 && (e21.pending = null, n11 && t10.dispatch({ effects: e21.setHover.of(n11) }));
}, function(e23) {
return qW(t10.state, e23, "hover tooltip");
} else
l10 && t10.dispatch({ effects: this.setHover.of(l10) });
} }, { key: "tooltip", get: function() {
var e21 = this.view.plugin(VK), t10 = e21 ? e21.manager.tooltips.findIndex(function(e23) {
return e23.create == KK.create;
}) : -1;
return t10 > -1 ? e21.manager.tooltipViews[t10] : null;
} }, { key: "mousemove", value: function(e21) {
var t10;
this.lastMove = { x: e21.clientX, y: e21.clientY, target: e21.target, time: Date.now() }, this.hoverTimeout < 0 && (this.hoverTimeout = setTimeout(this.checkHover, this.hoverTime));
var n10 = this.active, r10 = this.tooltip;
if (n10 && r10 && !function(e23, t11) {
var n11 = e23.getBoundingClientRect();
return t11.clientX >= n11.left - YK && t11.clientX <= n11.right + YK && t11.clientY >= n11.top - YK && t11.clientY <= n11.bottom + YK;
}(r10.dom, e21) || this.pending) {
var o10 = (n10 || this.pending).pos, i10 = null !== (t10 = null == n10 ? void 0 : n10.end) && void 0 !== t10 ? t10 : o10;
(o10 == i10 ? this.view.posAtCoords(this.lastMove) == o10 : function(e23, t11, n11, r11, o11, i11) {
var a10 = e23.scrollDOM.getBoundingClientRect(), s10 = e23.documentTop + e23.documentPadding.top + e23.contentHeight;
if (a10.left > r11 || a10.right < r11 || a10.top > o11 || Math.min(a10.bottom, s10) < o11)
return false;
var c10 = e23.posAtCoords({ x: r11, y: o11 }, false);
return c10 >= t11 && c10 <= n11;
}(this.view, o10, i10, e21.clientX, e21.clientY)) || (this.view.dispatch({ effects: this.setHover.of(null) }), this.pending = null);
} }, { key: "mouseleave", value: function(e21) {
if (clearTimeout(this.hoverTimeout), this.hoverTimeout = -1, this.active) {
var t10 = this.tooltip;
t10 && t10.dom.contains(e21.relatedTarget) ? this.watchTooltipLeave(t10.dom) : this.view.dispatch({ effects: this.setHover.of(null) });
} }, { key: "watchTooltipLeave", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this;
e21.addEventListener("mouseleave", function n10(r10) {
e21.removeEventListener("mouseleave", n10), t10.active && !t10.view.dom.contains(r10.relatedTarget) && t10.view.dispatch({ effects: t10.setHover.of(null) });
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function() {
clearTimeout(this.hoverTimeout), this.view.dom.removeEventListener("mouseleave", this.mouseleave), this.view.dom.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.mousemove);
} }]), e20;
var YK = 4;
function XK(e20) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, n10 = oV.define(), r10 = NF.define({ create: function() {
return null;
}, update: function(e21, r11) {
if (e21 && (t10.hideOnChange && (r11.docChanged || r11.selection) || t10.hideOn && t10.hideOn(r11, e21)))
return null;
if (e21 && r11.docChanged) {
var o10 = r11.changes.mapPos(e21.pos, -1, mF.TrackDel);
if (null == o10)
return null;
var i10 = Object.assign(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), e21);
i10.pos = o10, null != e21.end && (i10.end = r11.changes.mapPos(e21.end)), e21 = i10;
var a10, s10 = bo(r11.effects);
try {
for (s10.s(); !(a10 = s10.n()).done; ) {
var c10 = a10.value;
c10.is(n10) && (e21 = c10.value), c10.is(eG) && (e21 = null);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return e21;
}, provide: function(e21) {
return JK.from(e21);
} });
return [r10, FW.define(function(o10) {
return new QK(o10, e20, r10, n10, t10.hoverTime || 300);
}), GK];
function ZK(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.plugin(VK);
if (!n10)
return null;
var r10 = n10.manager.tooltips.indexOf(t10);
return r10 < 0 ? null : n10.manager.tooltipViews[r10];
var eG = oV.define();
var tG = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10 = bo(e20);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(r10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = r10.value;
t10 = t10 || i10.topContainer, n10 = n10 || i10.bottomContainer;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return { topContainer: t10, bottomContainer: n10 };
} });
function nG(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.plugin(rG), r10 = n10 ? n10.specs.indexOf(t10) : -1;
return r10 > -1 ? n10.panels[r10] : null;
var rG = FW.fromClass(function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.input = t10.state.facet(aG), this.specs = this.input.filter(function(e21) {
return e21;
}), this.panels = this.specs.map(function(e21) {
return e21(t10);
var n10 = t10.state.facet(tG);
this.top = new oG(t10, true, n10.topContainer), this.bottom = new oG(t10, false, n10.bottomContainer), this.top.sync(this.panels.filter(function(e21) {
return e21.top;
})), this.bottom.sync(this.panels.filter(function(e21) {
return !e21.top;
var r10, o10 = bo(this.panels);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(r10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = r10.value;
i10.dom.classList.add("cm-panel"), i10.mount && i10.mount();
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return Do(e20, [{ key: "update", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = e21.state.facet(tG);
this.top.container != t10.topContainer && (this.top.sync([]), this.top = new oG(e21.view, true, t10.topContainer)), this.bottom.container != t10.bottomContainer && (this.bottom.sync([]), this.bottom = new oG(e21.view, false, t10.bottomContainer)), this.top.syncClasses(), this.bottom.syncClasses();
var n10 = e21.state.facet(aG);
if (n10 != this.input) {
var r10, o10 = n10.filter(function(e23) {
return e23;
}), i10 = [], a10 = [], s10 = [], c10 = [], l10 = bo(o10);
try {
for (l10.s(); !(r10 = l10.n()).done; ) {
var u10 = r10.value, f10 = this.specs.indexOf(u10), d10 = void 0;
f10 < 0 ? (d10 = u10(e21.view), c10.push(d10)) : (d10 = this.panels[f10]).update && d10.update(e21), i10.push(d10), (d10.top ? a10 : s10).push(d10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
this.specs = o10, this.panels = i10, this.top.sync(a10), this.bottom.sync(s10);
for (var h10 = 0, v10 = c10; h10 < v10.length; h10++) {
var p10 = v10[h10];
p10.dom.classList.add("cm-panel"), p10.mount && p10.mount();
} else {
var m10, g10 = bo(this.panels);
try {
for (g10.s(); !(m10 = g10.n()).done; ) {
var y10 = m10.value;
y10.update && y10.update(e21);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function() {
this.top.sync([]), this.bottom.sync([]);
} }]), e20;
}(), { provide: function(e20) {
return zJ.scrollMargins.of(function(t10) {
var n10 = t10.plugin(e20);
return n10 && { top: n10.top.scrollMargin(), bottom: n10.bottom.scrollMargin() };
} });
var oG = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
No(this, e20), this.view = t10, this.top = n10, this.container = r10, this.dom = void 0, this.classes = "", this.panels = [], this.syncClasses();
return Do(e20, [{ key: "sync", value: function(e21) {
var t10, n10 = bo(this.panels);
try {
for (n10.s(); !(t10 = n10.n()).done; ) {
var r10 = t10.value;
r10.destroy && e21.indexOf(r10) < 0 && r10.destroy();
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
this.panels = e21, this.syncDOM();
} }, { key: "syncDOM", value: function() {
if (0 != this.panels.length) {
if (!this.dom) {
this.dom = document.createElement("div"), this.dom.className = this.top ? "cm-panels cm-panels-top" : "cm-panels cm-panels-bottom", this.dom.style[this.top ? "top" : "bottom"] = "0";
var e21 = this.container || this.view.dom;
e21.insertBefore(this.dom, this.top ? e21.firstChild : null);
var t10, n10 = this.dom.firstChild, r10 = bo(this.panels);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(t10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
var o10 = t10.value;
if (o10.dom.parentNode == this.dom) {
for (; n10 != o10.dom; )
n10 = iG(n10);
n10 = n10.nextSibling;
} else
this.dom.insertBefore(o10.dom, n10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
for (; n10; )
n10 = iG(n10);
} else
this.dom && (this.dom.remove(), this.dom = void 0);
} }, { key: "scrollMargin", value: function() {
return !this.dom || this.container ? 0 : Math.max(0, this.top ? this.dom.getBoundingClientRect().bottom - Math.max(0, this.view.scrollDOM.getBoundingClientRect().top) : Math.min(innerHeight, this.view.scrollDOM.getBoundingClientRect().bottom) - this.dom.getBoundingClientRect().top);
} }, { key: "syncClasses", value: function() {
if (this.container && this.classes != this.view.themeClasses) {
var e21, t10 = bo(this.classes.split(" "));
try {
for (t10.s(); !(e21 = t10.n()).done; ) {
var n10 = e21.value;
n10 && this.container.classList.remove(n10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
var r10, o10 = bo((this.classes = this.view.themeClasses).split(" "));
try {
for (o10.s(); !(r10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = r10.value;
i10 && this.container.classList.add(i10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} }]), e20;
function iG(e20) {
var t10 = e20.nextSibling;
return e20.remove(), t10;
var aG = MF.define({ enables: rG });
var sG = function(e20) {
function t10() {
return No(this, t10), _o(this, t10, arguments);
return Ao(t10, yV), Do(t10, [{ key: "compare", value: function(e21) {
return this == e21 || this.constructor == e21.constructor && this.eq(e21);
} }, { key: "eq", value: function(e21) {
return false;
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function(e21) {
} }]), t10;
sG.prototype.elementClass = "", sG.prototype.toDOM = void 0, sG.prototype.mapMode = mF.TrackBefore, sG.prototype.startSide = sG.prototype.endSide = -1, sG.prototype.point = true;
var cG = MF.define();
var lG = { class: "", renderEmptyElements: false, elementStyle: "", markers: function() {
return xV.empty;
}, lineMarker: function() {
return null;
}, widgetMarker: function() {
return null;
}, lineMarkerChange: null, initialSpacer: null, updateSpacer: null, domEventHandlers: {} };
var uG = MF.define();
function fG(e20) {
return [hG(), uG.of(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, lG), e20))];
var dG = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return e20.some(function(e21) {
return e21;
} });
function hG(e20) {
var t10 = [vG];
return e20 && false === e20.fixed && t10.push(dG.of(true)), t10;
var vG = FW.fromClass(function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.view = t10, this.prevViewport = t10.viewport, this.dom = document.createElement("div"), this.dom.className = "cm-gutters", this.dom.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), this.dom.style.minHeight = this.view.contentHeight / this.view.scaleY + "px", this.gutters = t10.state.facet(uG).map(function(e21) {
return new yG(t10, e21);
var n10, r10 = bo(this.gutters);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(n10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
var o10 = n10.value;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
this.fixed = !t10.state.facet(dG), this.fixed && (this.dom.style.position = "sticky"), this.syncGutters(false), t10.scrollDOM.insertBefore(this.dom, t10.contentDOM);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "update", value: function(e21) {
if (this.updateGutters(e21)) {
var t10 = this.prevViewport, n10 = e21.view.viewport, r10 = Math.min(t10.to, n10.to) - Math.max(t10.from, n10.from);
this.syncGutters(r10 < 0.8 * (n10.to - n10.from));
e21.geometryChanged && (this.dom.style.minHeight = this.view.contentHeight + "px"), this.view.state.facet(dG) != !this.fixed && (this.fixed = !this.fixed, this.dom.style.position = this.fixed ? "sticky" : ""), this.prevViewport = e21.view.viewport;
} }, { key: "syncGutters", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this, n10 = this.dom.nextSibling;
e21 && this.dom.remove();
var r10, o10 = xV.iter(this.view.state.facet(cG), this.view.viewport.from), i10 = [], a10 = this.gutters.map(function(e23) {
return new gG(e23, t10.view.viewport, -t10.view.documentPadding.top);
}), s10 = bo(this.view.viewportLineBlocks);
try {
for (s10.s(); !(r10 = s10.n()).done; ) {
var c10 = r10.value;
if (i10.length && (i10 = []), Array.isArray(c10.type)) {
var l10, u10 = true, f10 = bo(c10.type);
try {
for (f10.s(); !(l10 = f10.n()).done; ) {
var d10 = l10.value;
if (d10.type == JH.Text && u10) {
mG(o10, i10, d10.from);
var h10, v10 = bo(a10);
try {
for (v10.s(); !(h10 = v10.n()).done; ) {
h10.value.line(this.view, d10, i10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
u10 = false;
} else if (d10.widget) {
var p10, m10 = bo(a10);
try {
for (m10.s(); !(p10 = m10.n()).done; ) {
p10.value.widget(this.view, d10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} else if (c10.type == JH.Text) {
mG(o10, i10, c10.from);
var g10, y10 = bo(a10);
try {
for (y10.s(); !(g10 = y10.n()).done; ) {
g10.value.line(this.view, c10, i10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} else if (c10.widget) {
var b10, k10 = bo(a10);
try {
for (k10.s(); !(b10 = k10.n()).done; ) {
b10.value.widget(this.view, c10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
var w10, x10 = bo(a10);
try {
for (x10.s(); !(w10 = x10.n()).done; ) {
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
e21 && this.view.scrollDOM.insertBefore(this.dom, n10);
} }, { key: "updateGutters", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = e21.startState.facet(uG), n10 = e21.state.facet(uG), r10 = e21.docChanged || e21.heightChanged || e21.viewportChanged || !xV.eq(e21.startState.facet(cG), e21.state.facet(cG), e21.view.viewport.from, e21.view.viewport.to);
if (t10 == n10) {
var o10, i10 = bo(this.gutters);
try {
for (i10.s(); !(o10 = i10.n()).done; ) {
o10.value.update(e21) && (r10 = true);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} else {
r10 = true;
var a10, s10 = [], c10 = bo(n10);
try {
for (c10.s(); !(a10 = c10.n()).done; ) {
var l10 = a10.value, u10 = t10.indexOf(l10);
u10 < 0 ? s10.push(new yG(this.view, l10)) : (this.gutters[u10].update(e21), s10.push(this.gutters[u10]));
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
var f10, d10 = bo(this.gutters);
try {
for (d10.s(); !(f10 = d10.n()).done; ) {
var h10 = f10.value;
h10.dom.remove(), s10.indexOf(h10) < 0 && h10.destroy();
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
for (var v10 = 0, p10 = s10; v10 < p10.length; v10++) {
var m10 = p10[v10];
this.gutters = s10;
return r10;
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function() {
var e21, t10 = bo(this.gutters);
try {
for (t10.s(); !(e21 = t10.n()).done; ) {
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} }]), e20;
}(), { provide: function(e20) {
return zJ.scrollMargins.of(function(t10) {
var n10 = t10.plugin(e20);
return n10 && 0 != n10.gutters.length && n10.fixed ? t10.textDirection == rW.LTR ? { left: n10.dom.offsetWidth * t10.scaleX } : { right: n10.dom.offsetWidth * t10.scaleX } : null;
} });
function pG(e20) {
return Array.isArray(e20) ? e20 : [e20];
function mG(e20, t10, n10) {
for (; e20.value && e20.from <= n10; )
e20.from == n10 && t10.push(e20.value), e20.next();
var gG = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
No(this, e20), this.gutter = t10, this.height = r10, this.i = 0, this.cursor = xV.iter(t10.markers, n10.from);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "addElement", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
var r10 = this.gutter, o10 = (t10.top - this.height) / e21.scaleY, i10 = t10.height / e21.scaleY;
if (this.i == r10.elements.length) {
var a10 = new bG(e21, i10, o10, n10);
r10.elements.push(a10), r10.dom.appendChild(a10.dom);
} else
r10.elements[this.i].update(e21, i10, o10, n10);
this.height = t10.bottom, this.i++;
} }, { key: "line", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
var r10 = [];
mG(this.cursor, r10, t10.from), n10.length && (r10 = r10.concat(n10));
var o10 = this.gutter.config.lineMarker(e21, t10, r10);
o10 && r10.unshift(o10);
var i10 = this.gutter;
(0 != r10.length || i10.config.renderEmptyElements) && this.addElement(e21, t10, r10);
} }, { key: "widget", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = this.gutter.config.widgetMarker(e21, t10.widget, t10);
n10 && this.addElement(e21, t10, [n10]);
} }, { key: "finish", value: function() {
for (var e21 = this.gutter; e21.elements.length > this.i; ) {
var t10 = e21.elements.pop();
e21.dom.removeChild(t10.dom), t10.destroy();
} }]), e20;
var yG = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
var r10 = this;
No(this, e20), this.view = t10, this.config = n10, this.elements = [], this.spacer = null, this.dom = document.createElement("div"), this.dom.className = "cm-gutter" + (this.config.class ? " " + this.config.class : "");
var o10 = function(e21) {
r10.dom.addEventListener(e21, function(o11) {
var i11, a10 = o11.target;
if (a10 != r10.dom && r10.dom.contains(a10)) {
for (; a10.parentNode != r10.dom; )
a10 = a10.parentNode;
var s10 = a10.getBoundingClientRect();
i11 = (s10.top + s10.bottom) / 2;
} else
i11 = o11.clientY;
var c10 = t10.lineBlockAtHeight(i11 - t10.documentTop);
n10.domEventHandlers[e21](t10, c10, o11) && o11.preventDefault();
for (var i10 in n10.domEventHandlers)
this.markers = pG(n10.markers(t10)), n10.initialSpacer && (this.spacer = new bG(t10, 0, 0, [n10.initialSpacer(t10)]), this.dom.appendChild(this.spacer.dom), this.spacer.dom.style.cssText += "visibility: hidden; pointer-events: none");
return Do(e20, [{ key: "update", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this.markers;
if (this.markers = pG(this.config.markers(e21.view)), this.spacer && this.config.updateSpacer) {
var n10 = this.config.updateSpacer(this.spacer.markers[0], e21);
n10 != this.spacer.markers[0] && this.spacer.update(e21.view, 0, 0, [n10]);
var r10 = e21.view.viewport;
return !xV.eq(this.markers, t10, r10.from, r10.to) || !!this.config.lineMarkerChange && this.config.lineMarkerChange(e21);
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function() {
var e21, t10 = bo(this.elements);
try {
for (t10.s(); !(e21 = t10.n()).done; ) {
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} }]), e20;
var bG = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10) {
No(this, e20), this.height = -1, this.above = 0, this.markers = [], this.dom = document.createElement("div"), this.dom.className = "cm-gutterElement", this.update(t10, n10, r10, o10);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "update", value: function(e21, t10, n10, r10) {
this.height != t10 && (this.height = t10, this.dom.style.height = t10 + "px"), this.above != n10 && (this.dom.style.marginTop = (this.above = n10) ? n10 + "px" : ""), function(e23, t11) {
if (e23.length != t11.length)
return false;
for (var n11 = 0; n11 < e23.length; n11++)
if (!e23[n11].compare(t11[n11]))
return false;
return true;
}(this.markers, r10) || this.setMarkers(e21, r10);
} }, { key: "setMarkers", value: function(e21, t10) {
for (var n10 = "cm-gutterElement", r10 = this.dom.firstChild, o10 = 0, i10 = 0; ; ) {
var a10 = i10, s10 = o10 < t10.length ? t10[o10++] : null, c10 = false;
if (s10) {
var l10 = s10.elementClass;
l10 && (n10 += " " + l10);
for (var u10 = i10; u10 < this.markers.length; u10++)
if (this.markers[u10].compare(s10)) {
a10 = u10, c10 = true;
} else
a10 = this.markers.length;
for (; i10 < a10; ) {
var f10 = this.markers[i10++];
if (f10.toDOM) {
var d10 = r10.nextSibling;
r10.remove(), r10 = d10;
if (!s10)
s10.toDOM && (c10 ? r10 = r10.nextSibling : this.dom.insertBefore(s10.toDOM(e21), r10)), c10 && i10++;
this.dom.className = n10, this.markers = t10;
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function() {
this.setMarkers(null, []);
} }]), e20;
var kG = MF.define();
var wG = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return gV(e20, { formatNumber: String, domEventHandlers: {} }, { domEventHandlers: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = Object.assign({}, e21), r10 = function() {
var e23 = n10[o10], r11 = t10[o10];
n10[o10] = e23 ? function(t11, n11, o11) {
return e23(t11, n11, o11) || r11(t11, n11, o11);
} : r11;
for (var o10 in t10)
return n10;
} });
} });
var xG = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), (n10 = _o(this, t10)).number = e21, n10;
return Ao(t10, sG), Do(t10, [{ key: "eq", value: function(e21) {
return this.number == e21.number;
} }, { key: "toDOM", value: function() {
return document.createTextNode(this.number);
} }]), t10;
function jG(e20, t10) {
return e20.state.facet(wG).formatNumber(t10, e20.state);
var SG = uG.compute([wG], function(e20) {
return { class: "cm-lineNumbers", renderEmptyElements: false, markers: function(e21) {
return e21.state.facet(kG);
}, lineMarker: function(e21, t10, n10) {
return n10.some(function(e23) {
return e23.toDOM;
}) ? null : new xG(jG(e21, e21.state.doc.lineAt(t10.from).number));
}, widgetMarker: function() {
return null;
}, lineMarkerChange: function(e21) {
return e21.startState.facet(wG) != e21.state.facet(wG);
}, initialSpacer: function(e21) {
return new xG(jG(e21, $G(e21.state.doc.lines)));
}, updateSpacer: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = jG(t10.view, $G(t10.view.state.doc.lines));
return n10 == e21.number ? e21 : new xG(n10);
}, domEventHandlers: e20.facet(wG).domEventHandlers };
function CG() {
var e20 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
return [wG.of(e20), hG(), SG];
function $G(e20) {
for (var t10 = 9; t10 < e20; )
t10 = 10 * t10 + 9;
return t10;
var _G = new (function(e20) {
function t10() {
var e21;
return No(this, t10), (e21 = _o(this, t10, arguments)).elementClass = "cm-activeLineGutter", e21;
return Ao(t10, sG), Do(t10);
var OG = cG.compute(["selection"], function(e20) {
var t10, n10 = [], r10 = -1, o10 = bo(e20.selection.ranges);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(t10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = t10.value, a10 = e20.doc.lineAt(i10.head).from;
a10 > r10 && (r10 = a10, n10.push(_G.range(a10)));
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return xV.of(n10);
var MG = 0;
var EG = Do(function e7(t10, n10) {
No(this, e7), this.from = t10, this.to = n10;
var AG = function() {
function e20() {
var t10 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
No(this, e20), this.id = MG++, this.perNode = !!t10.perNode, this.deserialize = t10.deserialize || function() {
throw new Error("This node type doesn't define a deserialize function");
return Do(e20, [{ key: "add", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this;
if (this.perNode)
throw new RangeError("Can't add per-node props to node types");
return "function" != typeof e21 && (e21 = RG.match(e21)), function(n10) {
var r10 = e21(n10);
return void 0 === r10 ? null : [t10, r10];
} }]), e20;
AG.closedBy = new AG({ deserialize: function(e20) {
return e20.split(" ");
} }), AG.openedBy = new AG({ deserialize: function(e20) {
return e20.split(" ");
} }), AG.group = new AG({ deserialize: function(e20) {
return e20.split(" ");
} }), AG.contextHash = new AG({ perNode: true }), AG.lookAhead = new AG({ perNode: true }), AG.mounted = new AG({ perNode: true });
var PG = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
No(this, e20), this.tree = t10, this.overlay = n10, this.parser = r10;
return Do(e20, null, [{ key: "get", value: function(e21) {
return e21 && e21.props && e21.props[AG.mounted.id];
} }]), e20;
var TG = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
var RG = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 0;
No(this, e20), this.name = t10, this.props = n10, this.id = r10, this.flags = o10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "prop", value: function(e21) {
return this.props[e21.id];
} }, { key: "isTop", get: function() {
return (1 & this.flags) > 0;
} }, { key: "isSkipped", get: function() {
return (2 & this.flags) > 0;
} }, { key: "isError", get: function() {
return (4 & this.flags) > 0;
} }, { key: "isAnonymous", get: function() {
return (8 & this.flags) > 0;
} }, { key: "is", value: function(e21) {
if ("string" == typeof e21) {
if (this.name == e21)
return true;
var t10 = this.prop(AG.group);
return !!t10 && t10.indexOf(e21) > -1;
return this.id == e21;
} }], [{ key: "define", value: function(t10) {
var n10 = t10.props && t10.props.length ? /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : TG, r10 = (t10.top ? 1 : 0) | (t10.skipped ? 2 : 0) | (t10.error ? 4 : 0) | (null == t10.name ? 8 : 0), o10 = new e20(t10.name || "", n10, t10.id, r10);
if (t10.props) {
var i10, a10 = bo(t10.props);
try {
for (a10.s(); !(i10 = a10.n()).done; ) {
var s10 = i10.value;
if (Array.isArray(s10) || (s10 = s10(o10)), s10) {
if (s10[0].perNode)
throw new RangeError("Can't store a per-node prop on a node type");
n10[s10[0].id] = s10[1];
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return o10;
} }, { key: "match", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
for (var n10 in e21) {
var r10, o10 = bo(n10.split(" "));
try {
for (o10.s(); !(r10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = r10.value;
t10[i10] = e21[n10];
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return function(e23) {
for (var n11 = e23.prop(AG.group), r11 = -1; r11 < (n11 ? n11.length : 0); r11++) {
var o11 = t10[r11 < 0 ? e23.name : n11[r11]];
if (o11)
return o11;
} }]), e20;
RG.none = new RG("", /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), 0, 8);
var NG;
var IG = function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.types = t10;
for (var n10 = 0; n10 < t10.length; n10++)
if (t10[n10].id != n10)
throw new RangeError("Node type ids should correspond to array positions when creating a node set");
return Do(e20, [{ key: "extend", value: function() {
for (var t10 = [], n10 = arguments.length, r10 = new Array(n10), o10 = 0; o10 < n10; o10++)
r10[o10] = arguments[o10];
var i10, a10 = bo(this.types);
try {
for (a10.s(); !(i10 = a10.n()).done; ) {
var s10, c10 = i10.value, l10 = null, u10 = bo(r10);
try {
for (u10.s(); !(s10 = u10.n()).done; ) {
var f10 = (0, s10.value)(c10);
f10 && (l10 || (l10 = Object.assign({}, c10.props)), l10[f10[0].id] = f10[1]);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
t10.push(l10 ? new RG(c10.name, l10, c10.id, c10.flags) : c10);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return new e20(t10);
} }]), e20;
var DG = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var qG = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
!function(e20) {
e20[e20.ExcludeBuffers = 1] = "ExcludeBuffers", e20[e20.IncludeAnonymous = 2] = "IncludeAnonymous", e20[e20.IgnoreMounts = 4] = "IgnoreMounts", e20[e20.IgnoreOverlays = 8] = "IgnoreOverlays";
}(NG || (NG = {}));
var zG = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
if (No(this, e20), this.type = t10, this.children = n10, this.positions = r10, this.length = o10, this.props = null, i10 && i10.length) {
this.props = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
var a10, s10 = bo(i10);
try {
for (s10.s(); !(a10 = s10.n()).done; ) {
var c10 = jo(a10.value, 2), l10 = c10[0], u10 = c10[1];
this.props["number" == typeof l10 ? l10 : l10.id] = u10;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return Do(e20, [{ key: "toString", value: function() {
var e21 = PG.get(this);
if (e21 && !e21.overlay)
return e21.tree.toString();
var t10, n10 = "", r10 = bo(this.children);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(t10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
var o10 = t10.value.toString();
o10 && (n10 && (n10 += ","), n10 += o10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return this.type.name ? (/\W/.test(this.type.name) && !this.type.isError ? JSON.stringify(this.type.name) : this.type.name) + (n10.length ? "(" + n10 + ")" : "") : n10;
} }, { key: "cursor", value: function() {
var e21 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 0;
return new XG(this.topNode, e21);
} }, { key: "cursorAt", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0, n10 = DG.get(this) || this.topNode, r10 = new XG(n10);
return r10.moveTo(e21, t10), DG.set(this, r10._tree), r10;
} }, { key: "topNode", get: function() {
return new WG(this, 0, 0, null);
} }, { key: "resolve", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0, n10 = VG(DG.get(this) || this.topNode, e21, t10, false);
return DG.set(this, n10), n10;
} }, { key: "resolveInner", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0, n10 = VG(qG.get(this) || this.topNode, e21, t10, true);
return qG.set(this, n10), n10;
} }, { key: "resolveStack", value: function(e21) {
return function(e23, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = e23.resolveInner(t10, n10), o10 = null, i10 = r10 instanceof WG ? r10 : r10.context.parent; i10; i10 = i10.parent)
if (i10.index < 0) {
var a10 = i10.parent;
(o10 || (o10 = [r10])).push(a10.resolve(t10, n10)), i10 = a10;
} else {
var s10 = PG.get(i10.tree);
if (s10 && s10.overlay && s10.overlay[0].from <= t10 && s10.overlay[s10.overlay.length - 1].to >= t10) {
var c10 = new WG(s10.tree, s10.overlay[0].from + i10.from, -1, i10);
(o10 || (o10 = [r10])).push(VG(c10, t10, n10, false));
return o10 ? QG(o10) : r10;
}(this, e21, arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0);
} }, { key: "iterate", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = e21.enter, n10 = e21.leave, r10 = e21.from, o10 = void 0 === r10 ? 0 : r10, i10 = e21.to, a10 = void 0 === i10 ? this.length : i10, s10 = e21.mode || 0, c10 = (s10 & NG.IncludeAnonymous) > 0, l10 = this.cursor(s10 | NG.IncludeAnonymous); ; ) {
var u10 = false;
if (l10.from <= a10 && l10.to >= o10 && (!c10 && l10.type.isAnonymous || false !== t10(l10))) {
if (l10.firstChild())
u10 = true;
for (; u10 && n10 && (c10 || !l10.type.isAnonymous) && n10(l10), !l10.nextSibling(); ) {
if (!l10.parent())
u10 = true;
} }, { key: "prop", value: function(e21) {
return e21.perNode ? this.props ? this.props[e21.id] : void 0 : this.type.prop(e21);
} }, { key: "propValues", get: function() {
var e21 = [];
if (this.props)
for (var t10 in this.props)
e21.push([+t10, this.props[t10]]);
return e21;
} }, { key: "balance", value: function() {
var t10 = this, n10 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
return this.children.length <= 8 ? this : rQ(RG.none, this.children, this.positions, 0, this.children.length, 0, this.length, function(n11, r10, o10) {
return new e20(t10.type, n11, r10, o10, t10.propValues);
}, n10.makeTree || function(t11, n11, r10) {
return new e20(RG.none, t11, n11, r10);
} }], [{ key: "build", value: function(e21) {
return eQ(e21);
} }]), e20;
zG.empty = new zG(RG.none, [], [], 0);
var BG = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
No(this, e20), this.buffer = t10, this.index = n10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "id", get: function() {
return this.buffer[this.index - 4];
} }, { key: "start", get: function() {
return this.buffer[this.index - 3];
} }, { key: "end", get: function() {
return this.buffer[this.index - 2];
} }, { key: "size", get: function() {
return this.buffer[this.index - 1];
} }, { key: "pos", get: function() {
return this.index;
} }, { key: "next", value: function() {
this.index -= 4;
} }, { key: "fork", value: function() {
return new e20(this.buffer, this.index);
} }]), e20;
var LG = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
No(this, e20), this.buffer = t10, this.length = n10, this.set = r10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "type", get: function() {
return RG.none;
} }, { key: "toString", value: function() {
for (var e21 = [], t10 = 0; t10 < this.buffer.length; )
e21.push(this.childString(t10)), t10 = this.buffer[t10 + 3];
return e21.join(",");
} }, { key: "childString", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this.buffer[e21], n10 = this.buffer[e21 + 3], r10 = this.set.types[t10], o10 = r10.name;
if (/\W/.test(o10) && !r10.isError && (o10 = JSON.stringify(o10)), n10 == (e21 += 4))
return o10;
for (var i10 = []; e21 < n10; )
i10.push(this.childString(e21)), e21 = this.buffer[e21 + 3];
return o10 + "(" + i10.join(",") + ")";
} }, { key: "findChild", value: function(e21, t10, n10, r10, o10) {
for (var i10 = this.buffer, a10 = -1, s10 = e21; s10 != t10 && !(FG(o10, r10, i10[s10 + 1], i10[s10 + 2]) && (a10 = s10, n10 > 0)); s10 = i10[s10 + 3])
return a10;
} }, { key: "slice", value: function(t10, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = this.buffer, i10 = new Uint16Array(n10 - t10), a10 = 0, s10 = t10, c10 = 0; s10 < n10; ) {
i10[c10++] = o10[s10++], i10[c10++] = o10[s10++] - r10;
var l10 = i10[c10++] = o10[s10++] - r10;
i10[c10++] = o10[s10++] - t10, a10 = Math.max(a10, l10);
return new e20(i10, a10, this.set);
} }]), e20;
function FG(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
switch (e20) {
case -2:
return n10 < t10;
case -1:
return r10 >= t10 && n10 < t10;
case 0:
return n10 < t10 && r10 > t10;
case 1:
return n10 <= t10 && r10 > t10;
case 2:
return r10 > t10;
case 4:
return true;
function VG(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
for (var o10; e20.from == e20.to || (n10 < 1 ? e20.from >= t10 : e20.from > t10) || (n10 > -1 ? e20.to <= t10 : e20.to < t10); ) {
var i10 = !r10 && e20 instanceof WG && e20.index < 0 ? null : e20.parent;
if (!i10)
return e20;
e20 = i10;
var a10 = r10 ? 0 : NG.IgnoreOverlays;
if (r10)
for (var s10 = e20, c10 = s10.parent; c10; c10 = (s10 = c10).parent)
s10 instanceof WG && s10.index < 0 && (null === (o10 = c10.enter(t10, n10, a10)) || void 0 === o10 ? void 0 : o10.from) != s10.from && (e20 = c10);
for (; ; ) {
var l10 = e20.enter(t10, n10, a10);
if (!l10)
return e20;
e20 = l10;
var HG = function() {
function e20() {
No(this, e20);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "cursor", value: function() {
return new XG(this, arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 0);
} }, { key: "getChild", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = UG(this, e21, arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : null, arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null);
return t10.length ? t10[0] : null;
} }, { key: "getChildren", value: function(e21) {
return UG(this, e21, arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : null, arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null);
} }, { key: "resolve", value: function(e21) {
return VG(this, e21, arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0, false);
} }, { key: "resolveInner", value: function(e21) {
return VG(this, e21, arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0, true);
} }, { key: "matchContext", value: function(e21) {
return JG(this, e21);
} }, { key: "enterUnfinishedNodesBefore", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = this.childBefore(e21), n10 = this; t10; ) {
var r10 = t10.lastChild;
if (!r10 || r10.to != t10.to)
r10.type.isError && r10.from == r10.to ? (n10 = t10, t10 = r10.prevSibling) : t10 = r10;
return n10;
} }, { key: "node", get: function() {
return this;
} }, { key: "next", get: function() {
return this.parent;
} }]), e20;
var WG = function(e20) {
function t10(e21, n10, r10, o10) {
var i10;
return No(this, t10), (i10 = _o(this, t10))._tree = e21, i10.from = n10, i10.index = r10, i10._parent = o10, i10;
return Ao(t10, HG), Do(t10, [{ key: "type", get: function() {
return this._tree.type;
} }, { key: "name", get: function() {
return this._tree.type.name;
} }, { key: "to", get: function() {
return this.from + this._tree.length;
} }, { key: "nextChild", value: function(e21, n10, r10, o10) {
for (var i10 = arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : 0, a10 = this; ; ) {
for (var s10 = a10._tree, c10 = s10.children, l10 = s10.positions, u10 = n10 > 0 ? c10.length : -1; e21 != u10; e21 += n10) {
var f10 = c10[e21], d10 = l10[e21] + a10.from;
if (FG(o10, r10, d10, d10 + f10.length)) {
if (f10 instanceof LG) {
if (i10 & NG.ExcludeBuffers)
var h10 = f10.findChild(0, f10.buffer.length, n10, r10 - d10, o10);
if (h10 > -1)
return new GG(new KG(a10, f10, e21, d10), null, h10);
} else if (i10 & NG.IncludeAnonymous || !f10.type.isAnonymous || ZG(f10)) {
var v10 = void 0;
if (!(i10 & NG.IgnoreMounts) && (v10 = PG.get(f10)) && !v10.overlay)
return new t10(v10.tree, d10, e21, a10);
var p10 = new t10(f10, d10, e21, a10);
return i10 & NG.IncludeAnonymous || !p10.type.isAnonymous ? p10 : p10.nextChild(n10 < 0 ? f10.children.length - 1 : 0, n10, r10, o10);
if (i10 & NG.IncludeAnonymous || !a10.type.isAnonymous)
return null;
if (e21 = a10.index >= 0 ? a10.index + n10 : n10 < 0 ? -1 : a10._parent._tree.children.length, !(a10 = a10._parent))
return null;
} }, { key: "firstChild", get: function() {
return this.nextChild(0, 1, 0, 4);
} }, { key: "lastChild", get: function() {
return this.nextChild(this._tree.children.length - 1, -1, 0, 4);
} }, { key: "childAfter", value: function(e21) {
return this.nextChild(0, 1, e21, 2);
} }, { key: "childBefore", value: function(e21) {
return this.nextChild(this._tree.children.length - 1, -1, e21, -2);
} }, { key: "enter", value: function(e21, n10) {
var r10, o10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 0;
if (!(o10 & NG.IgnoreOverlays) && (r10 = PG.get(this._tree)) && r10.overlay) {
var i10, a10 = e21 - this.from, s10 = bo(r10.overlay);
try {
for (s10.s(); !(i10 = s10.n()).done; ) {
var c10 = i10.value, l10 = c10.from, u10 = c10.to;
if ((n10 > 0 ? l10 <= a10 : l10 < a10) && (n10 < 0 ? u10 >= a10 : u10 > a10))
return new t10(r10.tree, r10.overlay[0].from + this.from, -1, this);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return this.nextChild(0, 1, e21, n10, o10);
} }, { key: "nextSignificantParent", value: function() {
for (var e21 = this; e21.type.isAnonymous && e21._parent; )
e21 = e21._parent;
return e21;
} }, { key: "parent", get: function() {
return this._parent ? this._parent.nextSignificantParent() : null;
} }, { key: "nextSibling", get: function() {
return this._parent && this.index >= 0 ? this._parent.nextChild(this.index + 1, 1, 0, 4) : null;
} }, { key: "prevSibling", get: function() {
return this._parent && this.index >= 0 ? this._parent.nextChild(this.index - 1, -1, 0, 4) : null;
} }, { key: "tree", get: function() {
return this._tree;
} }, { key: "toTree", value: function() {
return this._tree;
} }, { key: "toString", value: function() {
return this._tree.toString();
} }]), t10;
function UG(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = e20.cursor(), i10 = [];
if (!o10.firstChild())
return i10;
if (null != n10) {
for (; !o10.type.is(n10); )
if (!o10.nextSibling())
return i10;
for (; ; ) {
if (null != r10 && o10.type.is(r10))
return i10;
if (o10.type.is(t10) && i10.push(o10.node), !o10.nextSibling())
return null == r10 ? i10 : [];
function JG(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : t10.length - 1, r10 = e20.parent; n10 >= 0; r10 = r10.parent) {
if (!r10)
return false;
if (!r10.type.isAnonymous) {
if (t10[n10] && t10[n10] != r10.name)
return false;
return true;
var KG = Do(function e8(t10, n10, r10, o10) {
No(this, e8), this.parent = t10, this.buffer = n10, this.index = r10, this.start = o10;
var GG = function(e20) {
function t10(e21, n10, r10) {
var o10;
return No(this, t10), (o10 = _o(this, t10)).context = e21, o10._parent = n10, o10.index = r10, o10.type = e21.buffer.set.types[e21.buffer.buffer[r10]], o10;
return Ao(t10, HG), Do(t10, [{ key: "name", get: function() {
return this.type.name;
} }, { key: "from", get: function() {
return this.context.start + this.context.buffer.buffer[this.index + 1];
} }, { key: "to", get: function() {
return this.context.start + this.context.buffer.buffer[this.index + 2];
} }, { key: "child", value: function(e21, n10, r10) {
var o10 = this.context.buffer, i10 = o10.findChild(this.index + 4, o10.buffer[this.index + 3], e21, n10 - this.context.start, r10);
return i10 < 0 ? null : new t10(this.context, this, i10);
} }, { key: "firstChild", get: function() {
return this.child(1, 0, 4);
} }, { key: "lastChild", get: function() {
return this.child(-1, 0, 4);
} }, { key: "childAfter", value: function(e21) {
return this.child(1, e21, 2);
} }, { key: "childBefore", value: function(e21) {
return this.child(-1, e21, -2);
} }, { key: "enter", value: function(e21, n10) {
if ((arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 0) & NG.ExcludeBuffers)
return null;
var r10 = this.context.buffer, o10 = r10.findChild(this.index + 4, r10.buffer[this.index + 3], n10 > 0 ? 1 : -1, e21 - this.context.start, n10);
return o10 < 0 ? null : new t10(this.context, this, o10);
} }, { key: "parent", get: function() {
return this._parent || this.context.parent.nextSignificantParent();
} }, { key: "externalSibling", value: function(e21) {
return this._parent ? null : this.context.parent.nextChild(this.context.index + e21, e21, 0, 4);
} }, { key: "nextSibling", get: function() {
var e21 = this.context.buffer, n10 = e21.buffer[this.index + 3];
return n10 < (this._parent ? e21.buffer[this._parent.index + 3] : e21.buffer.length) ? new t10(this.context, this._parent, n10) : this.externalSibling(1);
} }, { key: "prevSibling", get: function() {
var e21 = this.context.buffer, n10 = this._parent ? this._parent.index + 4 : 0;
return this.index == n10 ? this.externalSibling(-1) : new t10(this.context, this._parent, e21.findChild(n10, this.index, -1, 0, 4));
} }, { key: "tree", get: function() {
return null;
} }, { key: "toTree", value: function() {
var e21 = [], t11 = [], n10 = this.context.buffer, r10 = this.index + 4, o10 = n10.buffer[this.index + 3];
if (o10 > r10) {
var i10 = n10.buffer[this.index + 1];
e21.push(n10.slice(r10, o10, i10)), t11.push(0);
return new zG(this.type, e21, t11, this.to - this.from);
} }, { key: "toString", value: function() {
return this.context.buffer.childString(this.index);
} }]), t10;
function QG(e20) {
if (!e20.length)
return null;
for (var t10 = 0, n10 = e20[0], r10 = 1; r10 < e20.length; r10++) {
var o10 = e20[r10];
(o10.from > n10.from || o10.to < n10.to) && (n10 = o10, t10 = r10);
var i10 = n10 instanceof WG && n10.index < 0 ? null : n10.parent, a10 = e20.slice();
return i10 ? a10[t10] = i10 : a10.splice(t10, 1), new YG(a10, n10);
var YG = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
No(this, e20), this.heads = t10, this.node = n10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "next", get: function() {
return QG(this.heads);
} }]), e20;
var XG = function() {
function e20(t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0;
if (No(this, e20), this.mode = n10, this.buffer = null, this.stack = [], this.index = 0, this.bufferNode = null, t10 instanceof WG)
else {
this._tree = t10.context.parent, this.buffer = t10.context;
for (var r10 = t10._parent; r10; r10 = r10._parent)
this.bufferNode = t10, this.yieldBuf(t10.index);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "name", get: function() {
return this.type.name;
} }, { key: "yieldNode", value: function(e21) {
return !!e21 && (this._tree = e21, this.type = e21.type, this.from = e21.from, this.to = e21.to, true);
} }, { key: "yieldBuf", value: function(e21, t10) {
this.index = e21;
var n10 = this.buffer, r10 = n10.start, o10 = n10.buffer;
return this.type = t10 || o10.set.types[o10.buffer[e21]], this.from = r10 + o10.buffer[e21 + 1], this.to = r10 + o10.buffer[e21 + 2], true;
} }, { key: "yield", value: function(e21) {
return !!e21 && (e21 instanceof WG ? (this.buffer = null, this.yieldNode(e21)) : (this.buffer = e21.context, this.yieldBuf(e21.index, e21.type)));
} }, { key: "toString", value: function() {
return this.buffer ? this.buffer.buffer.childString(this.index) : this._tree.toString();
} }, { key: "enterChild", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
if (!this.buffer)
return this.yield(this._tree.nextChild(e21 < 0 ? this._tree._tree.children.length - 1 : 0, e21, t10, n10, this.mode));
var r10 = this.buffer.buffer, o10 = r10.findChild(this.index + 4, r10.buffer[this.index + 3], e21, t10 - this.buffer.start, n10);
return !(o10 < 0) && (this.stack.push(this.index), this.yieldBuf(o10));
} }, { key: "firstChild", value: function() {
return this.enterChild(1, 0, 4);
} }, { key: "lastChild", value: function() {
return this.enterChild(-1, 0, 4);
} }, { key: "childAfter", value: function(e21) {
return this.enterChild(1, e21, 2);
} }, { key: "childBefore", value: function(e21) {
return this.enterChild(-1, e21, -2);
} }, { key: "enter", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : this.mode;
return this.buffer ? !(n10 & NG.ExcludeBuffers) && this.enterChild(1, e21, t10) : this.yield(this._tree.enter(e21, t10, n10));
} }, { key: "parent", value: function() {
if (!this.buffer)
return this.yieldNode(this.mode & NG.IncludeAnonymous ? this._tree._parent : this._tree.parent);
if (this.stack.length)
return this.yieldBuf(this.stack.pop());
var e21 = this.mode & NG.IncludeAnonymous ? this.buffer.parent : this.buffer.parent.nextSignificantParent();
return this.buffer = null, this.yieldNode(e21);
} }, { key: "sibling", value: function(e21) {
if (!this.buffer)
return !!this._tree._parent && this.yield(this._tree.index < 0 ? null : this._tree._parent.nextChild(this._tree.index + e21, e21, 0, 4, this.mode));
var t10 = this.buffer.buffer, n10 = this.stack.length - 1;
if (e21 < 0) {
var r10 = n10 < 0 ? 0 : this.stack[n10] + 4;
if (this.index != r10)
return this.yieldBuf(t10.findChild(r10, this.index, -1, 0, 4));
} else {
var o10 = t10.buffer[this.index + 3];
if (o10 < (n10 < 0 ? t10.buffer.length : t10.buffer[this.stack[n10] + 3]))
return this.yieldBuf(o10);
return n10 < 0 && this.yield(this.buffer.parent.nextChild(this.buffer.index + e21, e21, 0, 4, this.mode));
} }, { key: "nextSibling", value: function() {
return this.sibling(1);
} }, { key: "prevSibling", value: function() {
return this.sibling(-1);
} }, { key: "atLastNode", value: function(e21) {
var t10, n10, r10 = this.buffer;
if (r10) {
if (e21 > 0) {
if (this.index < r10.buffer.buffer.length)
return false;
} else
for (var o10 = 0; o10 < this.index; o10++)
if (r10.buffer.buffer[o10 + 3] < this.index)
return false;
t10 = r10.index, n10 = r10.parent;
} else {
var i10 = this._tree;
t10 = i10.index, n10 = i10._parent;
for (; n10; t10 = (a10 = n10).index, n10 = a10._parent, a10) {
var a10;
if (t10 > -1)
for (var s10 = t10 + e21, c10 = e21 < 0 ? -1 : n10._tree.children.length; s10 != c10; s10 += e21) {
var l10 = n10._tree.children[s10];
if (this.mode & NG.IncludeAnonymous || l10 instanceof LG || !l10.type.isAnonymous || ZG(l10))
return false;
return true;
} }, { key: "move", value: function(e21, t10) {
if (t10 && this.enterChild(e21, 0, 4))
return true;
for (; ; ) {
if (this.sibling(e21))
return true;
if (this.atLastNode(e21) || !this.parent())
return false;
} }, { key: "next", value: function() {
var e21 = !(arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0]) || arguments[0];
return this.move(1, e21);
} }, { key: "prev", value: function() {
var e21 = !(arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0]) || arguments[0];
return this.move(-1, e21);
} }, { key: "moveTo", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0; (this.from == this.to || (t10 < 1 ? this.from >= e21 : this.from > e21) || (t10 > -1 ? this.to <= e21 : this.to < e21)) && this.parent(); )
for (; this.enterChild(1, e21, t10); )
return this;
} }, { key: "node", get: function() {
if (!this.buffer)
return this._tree;
var e21 = this.bufferNode, t10 = null, n10 = 0;
if (e21 && e21.context == this.buffer)
for (var r10 = this.index, o10 = this.stack.length; o10 >= 0; ) {
for (var i10 = e21; i10; i10 = i10._parent)
if (i10.index == r10) {
if (r10 == this.index)
return i10;
t10 = i10, n10 = o10 + 1;
break e;
r10 = this.stack[--o10];
for (var a10 = n10; a10 < this.stack.length; a10++)
t10 = new GG(this.buffer, t10, this.stack[a10]);
return this.bufferNode = new GG(this.buffer, t10, this.index);
} }, { key: "tree", get: function() {
return this.buffer ? null : this._tree._tree;
} }, { key: "iterate", value: function(e21, t10) {
for (var n10 = 0; ; ) {
var r10 = false;
if (this.type.isAnonymous || false !== e21(this)) {
if (this.firstChild()) {
this.type.isAnonymous || (r10 = true);
for (; r10 && t10 && t10(this), r10 = this.type.isAnonymous, !this.nextSibling(); ) {
if (!n10)
this.parent(), n10--, r10 = true;
} }, { key: "matchContext", value: function(e21) {
if (!this.buffer)
return JG(this.node, e21);
for (var t10 = this.buffer.buffer, n10 = t10.set.types, r10 = e21.length - 1, o10 = this.stack.length - 1; r10 >= 0; o10--) {
if (o10 < 0)
return JG(this.node, e21, r10);
var i10 = n10[t10.buffer[this.stack[o10]]];
if (!i10.isAnonymous) {
if (e21[r10] && e21[r10] != i10.name)
return false;
return true;
} }]), e20;
function ZG(e20) {
return e20.children.some(function(e21) {
return e21 instanceof LG || !e21.type.isAnonymous || ZG(e21);
function eQ(e20) {
var t10, n10 = e20.buffer, r10 = e20.nodeSet, o10 = e20.maxBufferLength, i10 = void 0 === o10 ? 1024 : o10, a10 = e20.reused, s10 = void 0 === a10 ? [] : a10, c10 = e20.minRepeatType, l10 = void 0 === c10 ? r10.types.length : c10, u10 = Array.isArray(n10) ? new BG(n10, n10.length) : n10, f10 = r10.types, d10 = 0, h10 = 0;
function v10(e21, t11, n11, o11, a11, c11) {
for (var b11 = u10.id, k11 = u10.start, w11 = u10.end, x10 = u10.size, j10 = h10; x10 < 0; ) {
if (u10.next(), -1 == x10) {
var S10 = s10[b11];
return n11.push(S10), void o11.push(k11 - e21);
if (-3 == x10)
return void (d10 = b11);
if (-4 == x10)
return void (h10 = b11);
throw new RangeError("Unrecognized record size: ".concat(x10));
var C10, $10, _10 = f10[b11], O10 = k11 - e21;
if (w11 - k11 <= i10 && ($10 = function(e23, t12) {
var n12 = u10.fork(), r11 = 0, o12 = 0, a12 = 0, s11 = n12.end - i10, c12 = { size: 0, start: 0, skip: 0 };
for (var f11 = n12.pos - e23; n12.pos > f11; ) {
var d11 = n12.size;
if (n12.id == t12 && d11 >= 0)
c12.size = r11, c12.start = o12, c12.skip = a12, a12 += 4, r11 += 4, n12.next();
else {
var h11 = n12.pos - d11;
if (d11 < 0 || h11 < f11 || n12.start < s11)
var v11 = n12.id >= l10 ? 4 : 0, p11 = n12.start;
for (n12.next(); n12.pos > h11; ) {
if (n12.size < 0) {
if (-3 != n12.size)
break e;
v11 += 4;
} else
n12.id >= l10 && (v11 += 4);
o12 = p11, r11 += d11, a12 += v11;
(t12 < 0 || r11 == e23) && (c12.size = r11, c12.start = o12, c12.skip = a12);
return c12.size > 4 ? c12 : void 0;
}(u10.pos - t11, a11))) {
for (var M10 = new Uint16Array($10.size - $10.skip), E10 = u10.pos - $10.size, A10 = M10.length; u10.pos > E10; )
A10 = y10($10.start, M10, A10);
C10 = new LG(M10, w11 - $10.start, r10), O10 = $10.start - e21;
} else {
var P10 = u10.pos - x10;
for (var T8 = [], R8 = [], N8 = b11 >= l10 ? b11 : -1, I10 = 0, D10 = w11; u10.pos > P10; )
N8 >= 0 && u10.id == N8 && u10.size >= 0 ? (u10.end <= D10 - i10 && (m10(T8, R8, k11, I10, u10.end, D10, N8, j10), I10 = T8.length, D10 = u10.end), u10.next()) : c11 > 2500 ? p10(k11, P10, T8, R8) : v10(k11, P10, T8, R8, N8, c11 + 1);
if (N8 >= 0 && I10 > 0 && I10 < T8.length && m10(T8, R8, k11, I10, k11, D10, N8, j10), T8.reverse(), R8.reverse(), N8 > -1 && I10 > 0) {
var q10 = /* @__PURE__ */ function(e23) {
return function(t12, n12, r11) {
var o12, i11, a12 = 0, s11 = t12.length - 1;
if (s11 >= 0 && (o12 = t12[s11]) instanceof zG) {
if (!s11 && o12.type == e23 && o12.length == r11)
return o12;
(i11 = o12.prop(AG.lookAhead)) && (a12 = n12[s11] + o12.length + i11);
return g10(e23, t12, n12, r11, a12);
C10 = rQ(_10, T8, R8, 0, T8.length, 0, w11 - k11, q10, q10);
} else
C10 = g10(_10, T8, R8, w11 - k11, j10 - w11);
n11.push(C10), o11.push(O10);
function p10(e21, t11, n11, o11) {
for (var a11 = [], s11 = 0, c11 = -1; u10.pos > t11; ) {
var l11 = u10.id, f11 = u10.start, d11 = u10.end;
if (u10.size > 4)
else {
if (c11 > -1 && f11 < c11)
c11 < 0 && (c11 = d11 - i10), a11.push(l11, f11, d11), s11++, u10.next();
if (s11) {
for (var h11 = new Uint16Array(4 * s11), v11 = a11[a11.length - 2], p11 = a11.length - 3, m11 = 0; p11 >= 0; p11 -= 3)
h11[m11++] = a11[p11], h11[m11++] = a11[p11 + 1] - v11, h11[m11++] = a11[p11 + 2] - v11, h11[m11++] = m11;
n11.push(new LG(h11, a11[2] - v11, r10)), o11.push(v11 - e21);
function m10(e21, t11, n11, o11, i11, a11, s11, c11) {
for (var l11 = [], u11 = []; e21.length > o11; )
l11.push(e21.pop()), u11.push(t11.pop() + n11 - i11);
e21.push(g10(r10.types[s11], l11, u11, a11 - i11, c11 - a11)), t11.push(i11 - n11);
function g10(e21, t11, n11, r11) {
var o11 = arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : 0, i11 = arguments.length > 5 ? arguments[5] : void 0;
if (d10) {
var a11 = [AG.contextHash, d10];
i11 = i11 ? [a11].concat(i11) : [a11];
if (o11 > 25) {
var s11 = [AG.lookAhead, o11];
i11 = i11 ? [s11].concat(i11) : [s11];
return new zG(e21, t11, n11, r11, i11);
function y10(e21, t11, n11) {
var r11 = u10.id, o11 = u10.start, i11 = u10.end, a11 = u10.size;
if (u10.next(), a11 >= 0 && r11 < l10) {
var s11 = n11;
if (a11 > 4)
for (var c11 = u10.pos - (a11 - 4); u10.pos > c11; )
n11 = y10(e21, t11, n11);
t11[--n11] = s11, t11[--n11] = i11 - e21, t11[--n11] = o11 - e21, t11[--n11] = r11;
} else
-3 == a11 ? d10 = r11 : -4 == a11 && (h10 = r11);
return n11;
for (var b10 = [], k10 = []; u10.pos > 0; )
v10(e20.start || 0, e20.bufferStart || 0, b10, k10, -1, 0);
var w10 = null !== (t10 = e20.length) && void 0 !== t10 ? t10 : b10.length ? k10[0] + b10[0].length : 0;
return new zG(f10[e20.topID], b10.reverse(), k10.reverse(), w10);
var tQ = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
function nQ(e20, t10) {
if (!e20.isAnonymous || t10 instanceof LG || t10.type != e20)
return 1;
var n10 = tQ.get(t10);
if (null == n10) {
n10 = 1;
var r10, o10 = bo(t10.children);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(r10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = r10.value;
if (i10.type != e20 || !(i10 instanceof zG)) {
n10 = 1;
n10 += nQ(e20, i10);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
tQ.set(t10, n10);
return n10;
function rQ(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10) {
for (var l10 = 0, u10 = r10; u10 < o10; u10++)
l10 += nQ(e20, t10[u10]);
var f10 = Math.ceil(1.5 * l10 / 8), d10 = [], h10 = [];
return function t11(n11, r11, o11, a11, s11) {
for (var l11 = o11; l11 < a11; ) {
var u11 = l11, v10 = r11[l11], p10 = nQ(e20, n11[l11]);
for (l11++; l11 < a11; l11++) {
var m10 = nQ(e20, n11[l11]);
if (p10 + m10 >= f10)
p10 += m10;
if (l11 == u11 + 1) {
if (p10 > f10) {
var g10 = n11[u11];
t11(g10.children, g10.positions, 0, g10.children.length, r11[u11] + s11);
} else {
var y10 = r11[l11 - 1] + n11[l11 - 1].length - v10;
d10.push(rQ(e20, n11, r11, u11, l11, v10, y10, null, c10));
h10.push(v10 + s11 - i10);
}(t10, n10, r10, o10, 0), (s10 || c10)(d10, h10, a10);
var oQ = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10) {
var i10 = arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] && arguments[4], a10 = arguments.length > 5 && void 0 !== arguments[5] && arguments[5];
No(this, e20), this.from = t10, this.to = n10, this.tree = r10, this.offset = o10, this.open = (i10 ? 1 : 0) | (a10 ? 2 : 0);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "openStart", get: function() {
return (1 & this.open) > 0;
} }, { key: "openEnd", get: function() {
return (2 & this.open) > 0;
} }], [{ key: "addTree", value: function(t10) {
var n10, r10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : [], o10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2], i10 = [new e20(0, t10.length, t10, 0, false, o10)], a10 = bo(r10);
try {
for (a10.s(); !(n10 = a10.n()).done; ) {
var s10 = n10.value;
s10.to > t10.length && i10.push(s10);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return i10;
} }, { key: "applyChanges", value: function(t10, n10) {
var r10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 128;
if (!n10.length)
return t10;
for (var o10 = [], i10 = 1, a10 = t10.length ? t10[0] : null, s10 = 0, c10 = 0, l10 = 0; ; s10++) {
var u10 = s10 < n10.length ? n10[s10] : null, f10 = u10 ? u10.fromA : 1e9;
if (f10 - c10 >= r10)
for (; a10 && a10.from < f10; ) {
var d10 = a10;
if (c10 >= d10.from || f10 <= d10.to || l10) {
var h10 = Math.max(d10.from, c10) - l10, v10 = Math.min(d10.to, f10) - l10;
d10 = h10 >= v10 ? null : new e20(h10, v10, d10.tree, d10.offset + l10, s10 > 0, !!u10);
if (d10 && o10.push(d10), a10.to > f10)
a10 = i10 < t10.length ? t10[i10++] : null;
if (!u10)
c10 = u10.toA, l10 = u10.toA - u10.toB;
return o10;
} }]), e20;
var iQ = function() {
function e20() {
No(this, e20);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "startParse", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
return "string" == typeof e21 && (e21 = new aQ(e21)), n10 = n10 ? n10.length ? n10.map(function(e23) {
return new EG(e23.from, e23.to);
}) : [new EG(0, 0)] : [new EG(0, e21.length)], this.createParse(e21, t10 || [], n10);
} }, { key: "parse", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = this.startParse(e21, t10, n10); ; ) {
var o10 = r10.advance();
if (o10)
return o10;
} }]), e20;
var aQ = function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.string = t10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "length", get: function() {
return this.string.length;
} }, { key: "chunk", value: function(e21) {
return this.string.slice(e21);
} }, { key: "lineChunks", get: function() {
return false;
} }, { key: "read", value: function(e21, t10) {
return this.string.slice(e21, t10);
} }]), e20;
new AG({ perNode: true });
var sQ = 0;
var cQ = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
No(this, e20), this.set = t10, this.base = n10, this.modified = r10, this.id = sQ++;
return Do(e20, null, [{ key: "define", value: function(t10) {
if (null == t10 ? void 0 : t10.base)
throw new Error("Can not derive from a modified tag");
var n10 = new e20([], null, []);
if (n10.set.push(n10), t10) {
var r10, o10 = bo(t10.set);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(r10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = r10.value;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return n10;
} }, { key: "defineModifier", value: function() {
var e21 = new uQ();
return function(t10) {
return t10.modified.indexOf(e21) > -1 ? t10 : uQ.get(t10.base || t10, t10.modified.concat(e21).sort(function(e23, t11) {
return e23.id - t11.id;
} }]), e20;
var lQ = 0;
var uQ = function() {
function e20() {
No(this, e20), this.instances = [], this.id = lQ++;
return Do(e20, null, [{ key: "get", value: function(t10, n10) {
if (!n10.length)
return t10;
var r10 = n10[0].instances.find(function(e21) {
return e21.base == t10 && (r11 = n10, o11 = e21.modified, r11.length == o11.length && r11.every(function(e23, t11) {
return e23 == o11[t11];
var r11, o11;
if (r10)
return r10;
var o10, i10 = [], a10 = new cQ(i10, t10, n10), s10 = bo(n10);
try {
for (s10.s(); !(o10 = s10.n()).done; ) {
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
var c10, l10 = function(e21) {
for (var t11 = [[]], n11 = 0; n11 < e21.length; n11++)
for (var r11 = 0, o11 = t11.length; r11 < o11; r11++)
return t11.sort(function(e23, t12) {
return t12.length - e23.length;
}(n10), u10 = bo(t10.set);
try {
for (u10.s(); !(c10 = u10.n()).done; ) {
var f10 = c10.value;
if (!f10.modified.length) {
var d10, h10 = bo(l10);
try {
for (h10.s(); !(d10 = h10.n()).done; ) {
var v10 = d10.value;
i10.push(e20.get(f10, v10));
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return a10;
} }]), e20;
function fQ(e20) {
var t10 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
for (var n10 in e20) {
var r10 = e20[n10];
Array.isArray(r10) || (r10 = [r10]);
var o10, i10 = bo(n10.split(" "));
try {
for (i10.s(); !(o10 = i10.n()).done; ) {
var a10 = o10.value;
if (a10) {
for (var s10 = [], c10 = 2, l10 = a10, u10 = 0; ; ) {
if ("..." == l10 && u10 > 0 && u10 + 3 == a10.length) {
c10 = 1;
var f10 = /^"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*?"|[^\/!]+/.exec(l10);
if (!f10)
throw new RangeError("Invalid path: " + a10);
if (s10.push("*" == f10[0] ? "" : '"' == f10[0][0] ? JSON.parse(f10[0]) : f10[0]), (u10 += f10[0].length) == a10.length)
var d10 = a10[u10++];
if (u10 == a10.length && "!" == d10) {
c10 = 0;
if ("/" != d10)
throw new RangeError("Invalid path: " + a10);
l10 = a10.slice(u10);
var h10 = s10.length - 1, v10 = s10[h10];
if (!v10)
throw new RangeError("Invalid path: " + a10);
var p10 = new hQ(r10, c10, h10 > 0 ? s10.slice(0, h10) : null);
t10[v10] = p10.sort(t10[v10]);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return dQ.add(t10);
var dQ = new AG();
var hQ = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10) {
No(this, e20), this.tags = t10, this.mode = n10, this.context = r10, this.next = o10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "opaque", get: function() {
return 0 == this.mode;
} }, { key: "inherit", get: function() {
return 1 == this.mode;
} }, { key: "sort", value: function(e21) {
return !e21 || e21.depth < this.depth ? (this.next = e21, this) : (e21.next = this.sort(e21.next), e21);
} }, { key: "depth", get: function() {
return this.context ? this.context.length : 0;
} }]), e20;
function vQ(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), o10 = bo(e20);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(n10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = n10.value;
if (Array.isArray(i10.tag)) {
var a10, s10 = bo(i10.tag);
try {
for (s10.s(); !(a10 = s10.n()).done; ) {
var c10 = a10.value;
r10[c10.id] = i10.class;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
} else
r10[i10.tag.id] = i10.class;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
var l10 = t10 || {}, u10 = l10.scope, f10 = l10.all, d10 = void 0 === f10 ? null : f10;
return { style: function(e21) {
var t11, n11 = d10, o11 = bo(e21);
try {
for (o11.s(); !(t11 = o11.n()).done; ) {
var i11, a11 = bo(t11.value.set);
try {
for (a11.s(); !(i11 = a11.n()).done; ) {
var s11 = i11.value, c11 = r10[s11.id];
if (c11) {
n11 = n11 ? n11 + " " + c11 : c11;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return n11;
}, scope: u10 };
function pQ(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 0, o10 = arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : e20.length, i10 = new mQ(r10, Array.isArray(t10) ? t10 : [t10], n10);
i10.highlightRange(e20.cursor(), r10, o10, "", i10.highlighters), i10.flush(o10);
hQ.empty = new hQ([], 2, null);
var mQ = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
No(this, e20), this.at = t10, this.highlighters = n10, this.span = r10, this.class = "";
return Do(e20, [{ key: "startSpan", value: function(e21, t10) {
t10 != this.class && (this.flush(e21), e21 > this.at && (this.at = e21), this.class = t10);
} }, { key: "flush", value: function(e21) {
e21 > this.at && this.class && this.span(this.at, e21, this.class);
} }, { key: "highlightRange", value: function(e21, t10, n10, r10, o10) {
var i10 = e21.type, a10 = e21.from, s10 = e21.to;
if (!(a10 >= n10 || s10 <= t10)) {
i10.isTop && (o10 = this.highlighters.filter(function(e23) {
return !e23.scope || e23.scope(i10);
var c10 = r10, l10 = function(e23) {
var t11 = e23.type.prop(dQ);
for (; t11 && t11.context && !e23.matchContext(t11.context); )
t11 = t11.next;
return t11 || null;
}(e21) || hQ.empty, u10 = function(e23, t11) {
var n11, r11 = null, o11 = bo(e23);
try {
for (o11.s(); !(n11 = o11.n()).done; ) {
var i11 = n11.value.style(t11);
i11 && (r11 = r11 ? r11 + " " + i11 : i11);
} catch (e24) {
} finally {
return r11;
}(o10, l10.tags);
if (u10 && (c10 && (c10 += " "), c10 += u10, 1 == l10.mode && (r10 += (r10 ? " " : "") + u10)), this.startSpan(Math.max(t10, a10), c10), !l10.opaque) {
var f10 = e21.tree && e21.tree.prop(AG.mounted);
if (f10 && f10.overlay) {
for (var d10 = e21.node.enter(f10.overlay[0].from + a10, 1), h10 = this.highlighters.filter(function(e23) {
return !e23.scope || e23.scope(f10.tree.type);
}), v10 = e21.firstChild(), p10 = 0, m10 = a10; ; p10++) {
var g10 = p10 < f10.overlay.length ? f10.overlay[p10] : null, y10 = g10 ? g10.from + a10 : s10, b10 = Math.max(t10, m10), k10 = Math.min(n10, y10);
if (b10 < k10 && v10)
for (; e21.from < k10 && (this.highlightRange(e21, b10, k10, r10, o10), this.startSpan(Math.min(k10, e21.to), c10), !(e21.to >= y10) && e21.nextSibling()); )
if (!g10 || y10 > n10)
(m10 = g10.to + a10) > t10 && (this.highlightRange(d10.cursor(), Math.max(t10, g10.from + a10), Math.min(n10, m10), "", h10), this.startSpan(Math.min(n10, m10), c10));
v10 && e21.parent();
} else if (e21.firstChild()) {
f10 && (r10 = "");
do {
if (!(e21.to <= t10)) {
if (e21.from >= n10)
this.highlightRange(e21, t10, n10, r10, o10), this.startSpan(Math.min(n10, e21.to), c10);
} while (e21.nextSibling());
} }]), e20;
var gQ;
var yQ = cQ.define;
var bQ = yQ();
var kQ = yQ();
var wQ = yQ(kQ);
var xQ = yQ(kQ);
var jQ = yQ();
var SQ = yQ(jQ);
var CQ = yQ(jQ);
var $Q = yQ();
var _Q = yQ($Q);
var OQ = yQ();
var MQ = yQ();
var EQ = yQ();
var AQ = yQ(EQ);
var PQ = yQ();
var TQ = { comment: bQ, lineComment: yQ(bQ), blockComment: yQ(bQ), docComment: yQ(bQ), name: kQ, variableName: yQ(kQ), typeName: wQ, tagName: yQ(wQ), propertyName: xQ, attributeName: yQ(xQ), className: yQ(kQ), labelName: yQ(kQ), namespace: yQ(kQ), macroName: yQ(kQ), literal: jQ, string: SQ, docString: yQ(SQ), character: yQ(SQ), attributeValue: yQ(SQ), number: CQ, integer: yQ(CQ), float: yQ(CQ), bool: yQ(jQ), regexp: yQ(jQ), escape: yQ(jQ), color: yQ(jQ), url: yQ(jQ), keyword: OQ, self: yQ(OQ), null: yQ(OQ), atom: yQ(OQ), unit: yQ(OQ), modifier: yQ(OQ), operatorKeyword: yQ(OQ), controlKeyword: yQ(OQ), definitionKeyword: yQ(OQ), moduleKeyword: yQ(OQ), operator: MQ, derefOperator: yQ(MQ), arithmeticOperator: yQ(MQ), logicOperator: yQ(MQ), bitwiseOperator: yQ(MQ), compareOperator: yQ(MQ), updateOperator: yQ(MQ), definitionOperator: yQ(MQ), typeOperator: yQ(MQ), controlOperator: yQ(MQ), punctuation: EQ, separator: yQ(EQ), bracket: AQ, angleBracket: yQ(AQ), squareBracket: yQ(AQ), paren: yQ(AQ), brace: yQ(AQ), content: $Q, heading: _Q, heading1: yQ(_Q), heading2: yQ(_Q), heading3: yQ(_Q), heading4: yQ(_Q), heading5: yQ(_Q), heading6: yQ(_Q), contentSeparator: yQ($Q), list: yQ($Q), quote: yQ($Q), emphasis: yQ($Q), strong: yQ($Q), link: yQ($Q), monospace: yQ($Q), strikethrough: yQ($Q), inserted: yQ(), deleted: yQ(), changed: yQ(), invalid: yQ(), meta: PQ, documentMeta: yQ(PQ), annotation: yQ(PQ), processingInstruction: yQ(PQ), definition: cQ.defineModifier(), constant: cQ.defineModifier(), function: cQ.defineModifier(), standard: cQ.defineModifier(), local: cQ.defineModifier(), special: cQ.defineModifier() };
vQ([{ tag: TQ.link, class: "tok-link" }, { tag: TQ.heading, class: "tok-heading" }, { tag: TQ.emphasis, class: "tok-emphasis" }, { tag: TQ.strong, class: "tok-strong" }, { tag: TQ.keyword, class: "tok-keyword" }, { tag: TQ.atom, class: "tok-atom" }, { tag: TQ.bool, class: "tok-bool" }, { tag: TQ.url, class: "tok-url" }, { tag: TQ.labelName, class: "tok-labelName" }, { tag: TQ.inserted, class: "tok-inserted" }, { tag: TQ.deleted, class: "tok-deleted" }, { tag: TQ.literal, class: "tok-literal" }, { tag: TQ.string, class: "tok-string" }, { tag: TQ.number, class: "tok-number" }, { tag: [TQ.regexp, TQ.escape, TQ.special(TQ.string)], class: "tok-string2" }, { tag: TQ.variableName, class: "tok-variableName" }, { tag: TQ.local(TQ.variableName), class: "tok-variableName tok-local" }, { tag: TQ.definition(TQ.variableName), class: "tok-variableName tok-definition" }, { tag: TQ.special(TQ.variableName), class: "tok-variableName2" }, { tag: TQ.definition(TQ.propertyName), class: "tok-propertyName tok-definition" }, { tag: TQ.typeName, class: "tok-typeName" }, { tag: TQ.namespace, class: "tok-namespace" }, { tag: TQ.className, class: "tok-className" }, { tag: TQ.macroName, class: "tok-macroName" }, { tag: TQ.propertyName, class: "tok-propertyName" }, { tag: TQ.operator, class: "tok-operator" }, { tag: TQ.comment, class: "tok-comment" }, { tag: TQ.meta, class: "tok-meta" }, { tag: TQ.invalid, class: "tok-invalid" }, { tag: TQ.punctuation, class: "tok-punctuation" }]);
var RQ = new AG();
var NQ = new AG();
var IQ = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
var r10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : [], o10 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : "";
No(this, e20), this.data = t10, this.name = o10, mV.prototype.hasOwnProperty("tree") || Object.defineProperty(mV.prototype, "tree", { get: function() {
return zQ(this);
} }), this.parser = n10, this.extension = [KQ.of(this), mV.languageData.of(function(e21, t11, n11) {
var r11 = DQ(e21, t11, n11), o11 = r11.type.prop(RQ);
if (!o11)
return [];
var i10 = e21.facet(o11), a10 = r11.type.prop(NQ);
if (a10) {
var s10, c10 = r11.resolve(t11 - r11.from, n11), l10 = bo(a10);
try {
for (l10.s(); !(s10 = l10.n()).done; ) {
var u10 = s10.value;
if (u10.test(c10, e21)) {
var f10 = e21.facet(u10.facet);
return "replace" == u10.type ? f10 : f10.concat(i10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return i10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "isActiveAt", value: function(e21, t10) {
return DQ(e21, t10, arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : -1).type.prop(RQ) == this.data;
} }, { key: "findRegions", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this, n10 = e21.facet(KQ);
if ((null == n10 ? void 0 : n10.data) == this.data)
return [{ from: 0, to: e21.doc.length }];
if (!n10 || !n10.allowsNesting)
return [];
var r10 = [];
return function e23(n11, o10) {
if (n11.prop(RQ) != t10.data) {
var i10 = n11.prop(AG.mounted);
if (i10) {
if (i10.tree.prop(RQ) == t10.data) {
if (i10.overlay) {
var a10, s10 = bo(i10.overlay);
try {
for (s10.s(); !(a10 = s10.n()).done; ) {
var c10 = a10.value;
r10.push({ from: c10.from + o10, to: c10.to + o10 });
} catch (e24) {
} finally {
} else
r10.push({ from: o10, to: o10 + n11.length });
if (i10.overlay) {
var l10 = r10.length;
if (e23(i10.tree, i10.overlay[0].from + o10), r10.length > l10)
for (var u10 = 0; u10 < n11.children.length; u10++) {
var f10 = n11.children[u10];
f10 instanceof zG && e23(f10, n11.positions[u10] + o10);
} else
r10.push({ from: o10, to: o10 + n11.length });
}(zQ(e21), 0), r10;
} }, { key: "allowsNesting", get: function() {
return true;
} }]), e20;
function DQ(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.facet(KQ), o10 = zQ(e20).topNode;
if (!r10 || r10.allowsNesting)
for (var i10 = o10; i10; i10 = i10.enter(t10, n10, NG.ExcludeBuffers))
i10.type.isTop && (o10 = i10);
return o10;
IQ.setState = oV.define();
var qQ = function(e20) {
function t10(e21, n10, r10) {
var o10;
return No(this, t10), (o10 = _o(this, t10, [e21, n10, [], r10])).parser = n10, o10;
return Ao(t10, IQ), Do(t10, [{ key: "configure", value: function(e21, n10) {
return new t10(this.data, this.parser.configure(e21), n10 || this.name);
} }, { key: "allowsNesting", get: function() {
return this.parser.hasWrappers();
} }], [{ key: "define", value: function(e21) {
var n10, r10 = (n10 = e21.languageData, MF.define({ combine: n10 ? function(e23) {
return e23.concat(n10);
} : void 0 }));
return new t10(r10, e21.parser.configure({ props: [RQ.add(function(e23) {
return e23.isTop ? r10 : void 0;
})] }), e21.name);
} }]), t10;
function zQ(e20) {
var t10 = e20.field(IQ.state, false);
return t10 ? t10.tree : zG.empty;
var BQ = function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.doc = t10, this.cursorPos = 0, this.string = "", this.cursor = t10.iter();
return Do(e20, [{ key: "length", get: function() {
return this.doc.length;
} }, { key: "syncTo", value: function(e21) {
return this.string = this.cursor.next(e21 - this.cursorPos).value, this.cursorPos = e21 + this.string.length, this.cursorPos - this.string.length;
} }, { key: "chunk", value: function(e21) {
return this.syncTo(e21), this.string;
} }, { key: "lineChunks", get: function() {
return true;
} }, { key: "read", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = this.cursorPos - this.string.length;
return e21 < n10 || t10 >= this.cursorPos ? this.doc.sliceString(e21, t10) : this.string.slice(e21 - n10, t10 - n10);
} }]), e20;
var LQ = null;
var FQ = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
var r10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : [], o10 = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0, i10 = arguments.length > 4 ? arguments[4] : void 0, a10 = arguments.length > 5 ? arguments[5] : void 0, s10 = arguments.length > 6 ? arguments[6] : void 0, c10 = arguments.length > 7 ? arguments[7] : void 0;
No(this, e20), this.parser = t10, this.state = n10, this.fragments = r10, this.tree = o10, this.treeLen = i10, this.viewport = a10, this.skipped = s10, this.scheduleOn = c10, this.parse = null, this.tempSkipped = [];
return Do(e20, [{ key: "startParse", value: function() {
return this.parser.startParse(new BQ(this.state.doc), this.fragments);
} }, { key: "work", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = this;
return null != t10 && t10 >= this.state.doc.length && (t10 = void 0), this.tree != zG.empty && this.isDone(null != t10 ? t10 : this.state.doc.length) ? (this.takeTree(), true) : this.withContext(function() {
var r10;
if ("number" == typeof e21) {
var o10 = Date.now() + e21;
e21 = function() {
return Date.now() > o10;
for (n10.parse || (n10.parse = n10.startParse()), null != t10 && (null == n10.parse.stoppedAt || n10.parse.stoppedAt > t10) && t10 < n10.state.doc.length && n10.parse.stopAt(t10); ; ) {
var i10 = n10.parse.advance();
if (i10) {
if (n10.fragments = n10.withoutTempSkipped(oQ.addTree(i10, n10.fragments, null != n10.parse.stoppedAt)), n10.treeLen = null !== (r10 = n10.parse.stoppedAt) && void 0 !== r10 ? r10 : n10.state.doc.length, n10.tree = i10, n10.parse = null, !(n10.treeLen < (null != t10 ? t10 : n10.state.doc.length)))
return true;
n10.parse = n10.startParse();
if (e21())
return false;
} }, { key: "takeTree", value: function() {
var e21, t10, n10 = this;
this.parse && (e21 = this.parse.parsedPos) >= this.treeLen && ((null == this.parse.stoppedAt || this.parse.stoppedAt > e21) && this.parse.stopAt(e21), this.withContext(function() {
for (; !(t10 = n10.parse.advance()); )
}), this.treeLen = e21, this.tree = t10, this.fragments = this.withoutTempSkipped(oQ.addTree(this.tree, this.fragments, true)), this.parse = null);
} }, { key: "withContext", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = LQ;
LQ = this;
try {
return e21();
} finally {
LQ = t10;
} }, { key: "withoutTempSkipped", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10; t10 = this.tempSkipped.pop(); )
e21 = VQ(e21, t10.from, t10.to);
return e21;
} }, { key: "changes", value: function(t10, n10) {
var r10 = this.fragments, o10 = this.tree, i10 = this.treeLen, a10 = this.viewport, s10 = this.skipped;
if (this.takeTree(), !t10.empty) {
var c10 = [];
if (t10.iterChangedRanges(function(e21, t11, n11, r11) {
return c10.push({ fromA: e21, toA: t11, fromB: n11, toB: r11 });
}), r10 = oQ.applyChanges(r10, c10), o10 = zG.empty, i10 = 0, a10 = { from: t10.mapPos(a10.from, -1), to: t10.mapPos(a10.to, 1) }, this.skipped.length) {
s10 = [];
var l10, u10 = bo(this.skipped);
try {
for (u10.s(); !(l10 = u10.n()).done; ) {
var f10 = l10.value, d10 = t10.mapPos(f10.from, 1), h10 = t10.mapPos(f10.to, -1);
d10 < h10 && s10.push({ from: d10, to: h10 });
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return new e20(this.parser, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, this.scheduleOn);
} }, { key: "updateViewport", value: function(e21) {
if (this.viewport.from == e21.from && this.viewport.to == e21.to)
return false;
this.viewport = e21;
for (var t10 = this.skipped.length, n10 = 0; n10 < this.skipped.length; n10++) {
var r10 = this.skipped[n10], o10 = r10.from, i10 = r10.to;
o10 < e21.to && i10 > e21.from && (this.fragments = VQ(this.fragments, o10, i10), this.skipped.splice(n10--, 1));
return !(this.skipped.length >= t10) && (this.reset(), true);
} }, { key: "reset", value: function() {
this.parse && (this.takeTree(), this.parse = null);
} }, { key: "skipUntilInView", value: function(e21, t10) {
this.skipped.push({ from: e21, to: t10 });
} }, { key: "isDone", value: function(e21) {
e21 = Math.min(e21, this.state.doc.length);
var t10 = this.fragments;
return this.treeLen >= e21 && t10.length && 0 == t10[0].from && t10[0].to >= e21;
} }], [{ key: "create", value: function(t10, n10, r10) {
return new e20(t10, n10, [], zG.empty, 0, r10, [], null);
} }, { key: "getSkippingParser", value: function(e21) {
return new (function(t10) {
function n10() {
return No(this, n10), _o(this, n10, arguments);
return Ao(n10, iQ), Do(n10, [{ key: "createParse", value: function(t11, n11, r10) {
var o10 = r10[0].from, i10 = r10[r10.length - 1].to;
return { parsedPos: o10, advance: function() {
var t12 = LQ;
if (t12) {
var n12, a10 = bo(r10);
try {
for (a10.s(); !(n12 = a10.n()).done; ) {
var s10 = n12.value;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
e21 && (t12.scheduleOn = t12.scheduleOn ? Promise.all([t12.scheduleOn, e21]) : e21);
return this.parsedPos = i10, new zG(RG.none, [], [], i10 - o10);
}, stoppedAt: null, stopAt: function() {
} };
} }]), n10;
} }, { key: "get", value: function() {
return LQ;
} }]), e20;
function VQ(e20, t10, n10) {
return oQ.applyChanges(e20, [{ fromA: t10, toA: n10, fromB: t10, toB: n10 }]);
var HQ = function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.context = t10, this.tree = t10.tree;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "apply", value: function(t10) {
if (!t10.docChanged && this.tree == this.context.tree)
return this;
var n10 = this.context.changes(t10.changes, t10.state), r10 = this.context.treeLen == t10.startState.doc.length ? void 0 : Math.max(t10.changes.mapPos(this.context.treeLen), n10.viewport.to);
return n10.work(20, r10) || n10.takeTree(), new e20(n10);
} }], [{ key: "init", value: function(t10) {
var n10 = Math.min(3e3, t10.doc.length), r10 = FQ.create(t10.facet(KQ).parser, t10, { from: 0, to: n10 });
return r10.work(20, n10) || r10.takeTree(), new e20(r10);
} }]), e20;
IQ.state = NF.define({ create: HQ.init, update: function(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = bo(t10.effects);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(n10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
var o10 = n10.value;
if (o10.is(IQ.setState))
return o10.value;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return t10.startState.facet(KQ) != t10.state.facet(KQ) ? HQ.init(t10.state) : e20.apply(t10);
} });
var WQ = function(e20) {
var t10 = setTimeout(function() {
return e20();
}, 500);
return function() {
return clearTimeout(t10);
"undefined" != typeof requestIdleCallback && (WQ = function(e20) {
var t10 = -1, n10 = setTimeout(function() {
t10 = requestIdleCallback(e20, { timeout: 400 });
}, 100);
return function() {
return t10 < 0 ? clearTimeout(n10) : cancelIdleCallback(t10);
var UQ = "undefined" != typeof navigator && (null === (gQ = navigator.scheduling) || void 0 === gQ ? void 0 : gQ.isInputPending) ? function() {
return navigator.scheduling.isInputPending();
} : null;
var JQ = FW.fromClass(function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.view = t10, this.working = null, this.workScheduled = 0, this.chunkEnd = -1, this.chunkBudget = -1, this.work = this.work.bind(this), this.scheduleWork();
return Do(e20, [{ key: "update", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this.view.state.field(IQ.state).context;
(t10.updateViewport(e21.view.viewport) || this.view.viewport.to > t10.treeLen) && this.scheduleWork(), (e21.docChanged || e21.selectionSet) && (this.view.hasFocus && (this.chunkBudget += 50), this.scheduleWork()), this.checkAsyncSchedule(t10);
} }, { key: "scheduleWork", value: function() {
if (!this.working) {
var e21 = this.view.state, t10 = e21.field(IQ.state);
t10.tree == t10.context.tree && t10.context.isDone(e21.doc.length) || (this.working = WQ(this.work));
} }, { key: "work", value: function(e21) {
this.working = null;
var t10 = Date.now();
if (this.chunkEnd < t10 && (this.chunkEnd < 0 || this.view.hasFocus) && (this.chunkEnd = t10 + 3e4, this.chunkBudget = 3e3), !(this.chunkBudget <= 0)) {
var n10 = this.view, r10 = n10.state, o10 = n10.viewport.to, i10 = r10.field(IQ.state);
if (i10.tree != i10.context.tree || !i10.context.isDone(o10 + 1e5)) {
var a10 = Date.now() + Math.min(this.chunkBudget, 100, e21 && !UQ ? Math.max(25, e21.timeRemaining() - 5) : 1e9), s10 = i10.context.treeLen < o10 && r10.doc.length > o10 + 1e3, c10 = i10.context.work(function() {
return UQ && UQ() || Date.now() > a10;
}, o10 + (s10 ? 0 : 1e5));
this.chunkBudget -= Date.now() - t10, (c10 || this.chunkBudget <= 0) && (i10.context.takeTree(), this.view.dispatch({ effects: IQ.setState.of(new HQ(i10.context)) })), this.chunkBudget > 0 && (!c10 || s10) && this.scheduleWork(), this.checkAsyncSchedule(i10.context);
} }, { key: "checkAsyncSchedule", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this;
e21.scheduleOn && (this.workScheduled++, e21.scheduleOn.then(function() {
return t10.scheduleWork();
}).catch(function(e23) {
return qW(t10.view.state, e23);
}).then(function() {
return t10.workScheduled--;
}), e21.scheduleOn = null);
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function() {
this.working && this.working();
} }, { key: "isWorking", value: function() {
return !!(this.working || this.workScheduled > 0);
} }]), e20;
}(), { eventHandlers: { focus: function() {
} } });
var KQ = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return e20.length ? e20[0] : null;
}, enables: function(e20) {
return [IQ.state, JQ, zJ.contentAttributes.compute([e20], function(t10) {
var n10 = t10.facet(e20);
return n10 && n10.name ? { "data-language": n10.name } : {};
} });
var GQ = Do(function e9(t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : [];
No(this, e9), this.language = t10, this.support = n10, this.extension = [t10, n10];
var QQ = MF.define();
var YQ = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
if (!e20.length)
return " ";
var t10 = e20[0];
if (!t10 || /\S/.test(t10) || Array.from(t10).some(function(e21) {
return e21 != t10[0];
throw new Error("Invalid indent unit: " + JSON.stringify(e20[0]));
return t10;
} });
function XQ(e20) {
var t10 = e20.facet(YQ);
return 9 == t10.charCodeAt(0) ? e20.tabSize * t10.length : t10.length;
function ZQ(e20, t10) {
var n10 = "", r10 = e20.tabSize, o10 = e20.facet(YQ)[0];
if (" " == o10) {
for (; t10 >= r10; )
n10 += " ", t10 -= r10;
o10 = " ";
for (var i10 = 0; i10 < t10; i10++)
n10 += o10;
return n10;
function eY(e20, t10) {
e20 instanceof mV && (e20 = new tY(e20));
var n10, r10 = bo(e20.state.facet(QQ));
try {
for (r10.s(); !(n10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
var o10 = (0, n10.value)(e20, t10);
if (void 0 !== o10)
return o10;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
var i10 = zQ(e20.state);
return i10.length >= t10 ? function(e21, t11, n11) {
var r11 = t11.resolveStack(n11), o11 = r11.node.enterUnfinishedNodesBefore(n11);
if (o11 != r11.node) {
for (var i11 = [], a10 = o11; a10 != r11.node; a10 = a10.parent)
for (var s10 = i11.length - 1; s10 >= 0; s10--)
r11 = { node: i11[s10], next: r11 };
return rY(r11, e21, n11);
}(e20, i10, t10) : null;
var tY = function() {
function e20(t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {};
No(this, e20), this.state = t10, this.options = n10, this.unit = XQ(t10);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "lineAt", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 1, n10 = this.state.doc.lineAt(e21), r10 = this.options, o10 = r10.simulateBreak, i10 = r10.simulateDoubleBreak;
return null != o10 && o10 >= n10.from && o10 <= n10.to ? i10 && o10 == e21 ? { text: "", from: e21 } : (t10 < 0 ? o10 < e21 : o10 <= e21) ? { text: n10.text.slice(o10 - n10.from), from: o10 } : { text: n10.text.slice(0, o10 - n10.from), from: n10.from } : n10;
} }, { key: "textAfterPos", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 1;
if (this.options.simulateDoubleBreak && e21 == this.options.simulateBreak)
return "";
var n10 = this.lineAt(e21, t10), r10 = n10.text, o10 = n10.from;
return r10.slice(e21 - o10, Math.min(r10.length, e21 + 100 - o10));
} }, { key: "column", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 1, n10 = this.lineAt(e21, t10), r10 = n10.text, o10 = n10.from, i10 = this.countColumn(r10, e21 - o10), a10 = this.options.overrideIndentation ? this.options.overrideIndentation(o10) : -1;
return a10 > -1 && (i10 += a10 - this.countColumn(r10, r10.search(/\S|$/))), i10;
} }, { key: "countColumn", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : e21.length;
return RV(e21, this.state.tabSize, t10);
} }, { key: "lineIndent", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 1, n10 = this.lineAt(e21, t10), r10 = n10.text, o10 = n10.from, i10 = this.options.overrideIndentation;
if (i10) {
var a10 = i10(o10);
if (a10 > -1)
return a10;
return this.countColumn(r10, r10.search(/\S|$/));
} }, { key: "simulatedBreak", get: function() {
return this.options.simulateBreak || null;
} }]), e20;
var nY = new AG();
function rY(e20, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = e20; r10; r10 = r10.next) {
var o10 = oY(r10.node);
if (o10)
return o10(aY.create(t10, n10, r10));
return 0;
function oY(e20) {
var t10 = e20.type.prop(nY);
if (t10)
return t10;
var n10, r10 = e20.firstChild;
if (r10 && (n10 = r10.type.prop(AG.closedBy))) {
var o10 = e20.lastChild, i10 = o10 && n10.indexOf(o10.name) > -1;
return function(e21) {
return function(e23, t11, n11, r11, o11) {
var i11 = e23.textAfter, a10 = i11.match(/^\s*/)[0].length, s10 = r11 && i11.slice(a10, a10 + r11.length) == r11 || o11 == e23.pos + a10, c10 = t11 ? function(e24) {
var t12 = e24.node, n12 = t12.childAfter(t12.from), r12 = t12.lastChild;
if (!n12)
return null;
for (var o12 = e24.options.simulateBreak, i12 = e24.state.doc.lineAt(n12.from), a11 = null == o12 || o12 <= i12.from ? i12.to : Math.min(i12.to, o12), s11 = n12.to; ; ) {
var c11 = t12.childAfter(s11);
if (!c11 || c11 == r12)
return null;
if (!c11.type.isSkipped)
return c11.from < a11 ? n12 : null;
s11 = c11.to;
}(e23) : null;
return c10 ? s10 ? e23.column(c10.from) : e23.column(c10.to) : e23.baseIndent + (s10 ? 0 : e23.unit * n11);
}(e21, true, 1, void 0, i10 && !function(e23) {
return e23.pos == e23.options.simulateBreak && e23.options.simulateDoubleBreak;
}(e21) ? o10.from : void 0);
return null == e20.parent ? iY : null;
function iY() {
return 0;
var aY = function(e20) {
function t10(e21, n10, r10) {
var o10;
return No(this, t10), (o10 = _o(this, t10, [e21.state, e21.options])).base = e21, o10.pos = n10, o10.context = r10, o10;
return Ao(t10, tY), Do(t10, [{ key: "node", get: function() {
return this.context.node;
} }, { key: "textAfter", get: function() {
return this.textAfterPos(this.pos);
} }, { key: "baseIndent", get: function() {
return this.baseIndentFor(this.node);
} }, { key: "baseIndentFor", value: function(e21) {
for (var t11 = this.state.doc.lineAt(e21.from); ; ) {
for (var n10 = e21.resolve(t11.from); n10.parent && n10.parent.from == n10.from; )
n10 = n10.parent;
if (sY(n10, e21))
t11 = this.state.doc.lineAt(n10.from);
return this.lineIndent(t11.from);
} }, { key: "continue", value: function() {
return rY(this.context.next, this.base, this.pos);
} }], [{ key: "create", value: function(e21, n10, r10) {
return new t10(e21, n10, r10);
} }]), t10;
function sY(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = t10; n10; n10 = n10.parent)
if (e20 == n10)
return true;
return false;
function cY() {
var e20 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, t10 = e20.except, n10 = e20.units, r10 = void 0 === n10 ? 1 : n10;
return function(e21) {
var n11 = t10 && t10.test(e21.textAfter);
return e21.baseIndent + (n11 ? 0 : r10 * e21.unit);
var lY = 200;
var uY = MF.define();
var fY = new AG();
function dY(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = bo(e20.facet(uY));
try {
for (o10.s(); !(r10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = (0, r10.value)(e20, t10, n10);
if (i10)
return i10;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return function(e21, t11, n11) {
var r11 = zQ(e21);
if (r11.length < n11)
return null;
for (var o11, i11, a10 = null, s10 = r11.resolveStack(n11, 1); s10; s10 = s10.next) {
var c10 = s10.node;
if (!(c10.to <= n11 || c10.from > n11)) {
if (a10 && c10.from < t11)
var l10 = c10.type.prop(fY);
if (l10 && (c10.to < r11.length - 50 || r11.length == e21.doc.length || (i11 = void 0, !(i11 = (o11 = c10).lastChild) || i11.to != o11.to || !i11.type.isError))) {
var u10 = l10(c10, e21);
u10 && u10.from <= n11 && u10.from >= t11 && u10.to > n11 && (a10 = u10);
return a10;
}(e20, t10, n10);
function hY(e20, t10) {
var n10 = t10.mapPos(e20.from, 1), r10 = t10.mapPos(e20.to, -1);
return n10 >= r10 ? void 0 : { from: n10, to: r10 };
var vY = oV.define({ map: hY });
var pY = oV.define({ map: hY });
function mY(e20) {
var t10, n10 = [], r10 = bo(e20.state.selection.ranges);
try {
var o10 = function() {
var r11 = t10.value.head;
if (n10.some(function(e21) {
return e21.from <= r11 && e21.to >= r11;
return 1;
for (r10.s(); !(t10 = r10.n()).done; )
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return n10;
var gY = NF.define({ create: function() {
return KH.none;
}, update: function(e20, t10) {
e20 = e20.map(t10.changes);
var n10, r10 = bo(t10.effects);
try {
var o10 = function() {
var r11 = n10.value;
if (r11.is(vY) && !function(e21, t11, n11) {
var r12 = false;
return e21.between(t11, t11, function(e23, o12) {
e23 == t11 && o12 == n11 && (r12 = true);
}), r12;
}(e20, r11.value.from, r11.value.to)) {
var o11 = t10.state.facet(jY).preparePlaceholder, i11 = o11 ? KH.replace({ widget: new _Y(o11(t10.state, r11.value)) }) : $Y;
e20 = e20.update({ add: [i11.range(r11.value.from, r11.value.to)] });
} else
r11.is(pY) && (e20 = e20.update({ filter: function(e21, t11) {
return r11.value.from != e21 || r11.value.to != t11;
}, filterFrom: r11.value.from, filterTo: r11.value.to }));
for (r10.s(); !(n10 = r10.n()).done; )
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
if (t10.selection) {
var i10 = false, a10 = t10.selection.main.head;
e20.between(a10, a10, function(e21, t11) {
e21 < a10 && t11 > a10 && (i10 = true);
}), i10 && (e20 = e20.update({ filterFrom: a10, filterTo: a10, filter: function(e21, t11) {
return t11 <= a10 || e21 >= a10;
} }));
return e20;
}, provide: function(e20) {
return zJ.decorations.from(e20);
}, toJSON: function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = [];
return e20.between(0, t10.doc.length, function(e21, t11) {
n10.push(e21, t11);
}), n10;
}, fromJSON: function(e20) {
if (!Array.isArray(e20) || e20.length % 2)
throw new RangeError("Invalid JSON for fold state");
for (var t10 = [], n10 = 0; n10 < e20.length; ) {
var r10 = e20[n10++], o10 = e20[n10++];
if ("number" != typeof r10 || "number" != typeof o10)
throw new RangeError("Invalid JSON for fold state");
t10.push($Y.range(r10, o10));
return KH.set(t10, true);
} });
function yY(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = null;
return null === (r10 = e20.field(gY, false)) || void 0 === r10 || r10.between(t10, n10, function(e21, t11) {
(!o10 || o10.from > e21) && (o10 = { from: e21, to: t11 });
}), o10;
function bY(e20, t10) {
return e20.field(gY, false) ? t10 : t10.concat(oV.appendConfig.of(SY()));
function kY(e20, t10) {
var n10 = !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2], r10 = e20.state.doc.lineAt(t10.from).number, o10 = e20.state.doc.lineAt(t10.to).number;
return zJ.announce.of("".concat(e20.state.phrase(n10 ? "Folded lines" : "Unfolded lines"), " ").concat(r10, " ").concat(e20.state.phrase("to"), " ").concat(o10, "."));
var wY = [{ key: "Ctrl-Shift-[", mac: "Cmd-Alt-[", run: function(e20) {
var t10, n10 = bo(mY(e20));
try {
for (n10.s(); !(t10 = n10.n()).done; ) {
var r10 = t10.value, o10 = dY(e20.state, r10.from, r10.to);
if (o10)
return e20.dispatch({ effects: bY(e20.state, [vY.of(o10), kY(e20, o10)]) }), true;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return false;
} }, { key: "Ctrl-Shift-]", mac: "Cmd-Alt-]", run: function(e20) {
if (!e20.state.field(gY, false))
return false;
var t10, n10 = [], r10 = bo(mY(e20));
try {
for (r10.s(); !(t10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
var o10 = t10.value, i10 = yY(e20.state, o10.from, o10.to);
i10 && n10.push(pY.of(i10), kY(e20, i10, false));
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return n10.length && e20.dispatch({ effects: n10 }), n10.length > 0;
} }, { key: "Ctrl-Alt-[", run: function(e20) {
for (var t10 = e20.state, n10 = [], r10 = 0; r10 < t10.doc.length; ) {
var o10 = e20.lineBlockAt(r10), i10 = dY(t10, o10.from, o10.to);
i10 && n10.push(vY.of(i10)), r10 = (i10 ? e20.lineBlockAt(i10.to) : o10).to + 1;
return n10.length && e20.dispatch({ effects: bY(e20.state, n10) }), !!n10.length;
} }, { key: "Ctrl-Alt-]", run: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state.field(gY, false);
if (!t10 || !t10.size)
return false;
var n10 = [];
return t10.between(0, e20.state.doc.length, function(e21, t11) {
n10.push(pY.of({ from: e21, to: t11 }));
}), e20.dispatch({ effects: n10 }), true;
} }];
var xY = { placeholderDOM: null, preparePlaceholder: null, placeholderText: "\u2026" };
var jY = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return gV(e20, xY);
} });
function SY(e20) {
var t10 = [gY, AY];
return e20 && t10.push(jY.of(e20)), t10;
function CY(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.state, r10 = n10.facet(jY), o10 = function(t11) {
var n11 = e20.lineBlockAt(e20.posAtDOM(t11.target)), r11 = yY(e20.state, n11.from, n11.to);
r11 && e20.dispatch({ effects: pY.of(r11) }), t11.preventDefault();
if (r10.placeholderDOM)
return r10.placeholderDOM(e20, o10, t10);
var i10 = document.createElement("span");
return i10.textContent = r10.placeholderText, i10.setAttribute("aria-label", n10.phrase("folded code")), i10.title = n10.phrase("unfold"), i10.className = "cm-foldPlaceholder", i10.onclick = o10, i10;
var $Y = KH.replace({ widget: new (function(e20) {
function t10() {
return No(this, t10), _o(this, t10, arguments);
return Ao(t10, UH), Do(t10, [{ key: "toDOM", value: function(e21) {
return CY(e21, null);
} }]), t10;
}())() });
var _Y = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), (n10 = _o(this, t10)).value = e21, n10;
return Ao(t10, UH), Do(t10, [{ key: "eq", value: function(e21) {
return this.value == e21.value;
} }, { key: "toDOM", value: function(e21) {
return CY(e21, this.value);
} }]), t10;
var OY = { openText: "\u2304", closedText: "\u203A", markerDOM: null, domEventHandlers: {}, foldingChanged: function() {
return false;
} };
var MY = function(e20) {
function t10(e21, n10) {
var r10;
return No(this, t10), (r10 = _o(this, t10)).config = e21, r10.open = n10, r10;
return Ao(t10, sG), Do(t10, [{ key: "eq", value: function(e21) {
return this.config == e21.config && this.open == e21.open;
} }, { key: "toDOM", value: function(e21) {
if (this.config.markerDOM)
return this.config.markerDOM(this.open);
var t11 = document.createElement("span");
return t11.textContent = this.open ? this.config.openText : this.config.closedText, t11.title = e21.state.phrase(this.open ? "Fold line" : "Unfold line"), t11;
} }]), t10;
function EY() {
var e20 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, t10 = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, OY), e20), n10 = new MY(t10, true), r10 = new MY(t10, false), o10 = FW.fromClass(function() {
function e21(t11) {
No(this, e21), this.from = t11.viewport.from, this.markers = this.buildMarkers(t11);
return Do(e21, [{ key: "update", value: function(e23) {
(e23.docChanged || e23.viewportChanged || e23.startState.facet(KQ) != e23.state.facet(KQ) || e23.startState.field(gY, false) != e23.state.field(gY, false) || zQ(e23.startState) != zQ(e23.state) || t10.foldingChanged(e23)) && (this.markers = this.buildMarkers(e23.view));
} }, { key: "buildMarkers", value: function(e23) {
var t11, o11 = new jV(), i11 = bo(e23.viewportLineBlocks);
try {
for (i11.s(); !(t11 = i11.n()).done; ) {
var a10 = t11.value, s10 = yY(e23.state, a10.from, a10.to) ? r10 : dY(e23.state, a10.from, a10.to) ? n10 : null;
s10 && o11.add(a10.from, a10.from, s10);
} catch (e24) {
} finally {
return o11.finish();
} }]), e21;
}()), i10 = t10.domEventHandlers;
return [o10, fG({ class: "cm-foldGutter", markers: function(e21) {
var t11;
return (null === (t11 = e21.plugin(o10)) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11.markers) || xV.empty;
}, initialSpacer: function() {
return new MY(t10, false);
}, domEventHandlers: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, i10), { click: function(e21, t11, n11) {
if (i10.click && i10.click(e21, t11, n11))
return true;
var r11 = yY(e21.state, t11.from, t11.to);
if (r11)
return e21.dispatch({ effects: pY.of(r11) }), true;
var o11 = dY(e21.state, t11.from, t11.to);
return !!o11 && (e21.dispatch({ effects: vY.of(o11) }), true);
} }) }), SY()];
var AY = zJ.baseTheme({ ".cm-foldPlaceholder": { backgroundColor: "#eee", border: "1px solid #ddd", color: "#888", borderRadius: ".2em", margin: "0 1px", padding: "0 1px", cursor: "pointer" }, ".cm-foldGutter span": { padding: "0 1px", cursor: "pointer" } });
var PY = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
var r10;
function o10(e21) {
var t11 = zV.newName();
return (r10 || (r10 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)))["." + t11] = e21, t11;
No(this, e20), this.specs = t10;
var i10 = "string" == typeof n10.all ? n10.all : n10.all ? o10(n10.all) : void 0, a10 = n10.scope;
this.scope = a10 instanceof IQ ? function(e21) {
return e21.prop(RQ) == a10.data;
} : a10 ? function(e21) {
return e21 == a10;
} : void 0, this.style = vQ(t10.map(function(e21) {
return { tag: e21.tag, class: e21.class || o10(Object.assign({}, e21, { tag: null })) };
}), { all: i10 }).style, this.module = r10 ? new zV(r10) : null, this.themeType = n10.themeType;
return Do(e20, null, [{ key: "define", value: function(t10, n10) {
return new e20(t10, n10 || {});
} }]), e20;
var TY = MF.define();
var RY = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return e20.length ? [e20[0]] : null;
} });
function NY(e20) {
var t10 = e20.facet(TY);
return t10.length ? t10 : e20.facet(RY);
function IY(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = [qY];
return e20 instanceof PY && (e20.module && r10.push(zJ.styleModule.of(e20.module)), n10 = e20.themeType), (null == t10 ? void 0 : t10.fallback) ? r10.push(RY.of(e20)) : n10 ? r10.push(TY.computeN([zJ.darkTheme], function(t11) {
return t11.facet(zJ.darkTheme) == ("dark" == n10) ? [e20] : [];
})) : r10.push(TY.of(e20)), r10;
var DY = function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.markCache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this.tree = zQ(t10.state), this.decorations = this.buildDeco(t10, NY(t10.state));
return Do(e20, [{ key: "update", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = zQ(e21.state), n10 = NY(e21.state), r10 = n10 != NY(e21.startState);
t10.length < e21.view.viewport.to && !r10 && t10.type == this.tree.type ? this.decorations = this.decorations.map(e21.changes) : (t10 != this.tree || e21.viewportChanged || r10) && (this.tree = t10, this.decorations = this.buildDeco(e21.view, n10));
} }, { key: "buildDeco", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = this;
if (!t10 || !this.tree.length)
return KH.none;
var r10, o10 = new jV(), i10 = bo(e21.visibleRanges);
try {
for (i10.s(); !(r10 = i10.n()).done; ) {
var a10 = r10.value, s10 = a10.from, c10 = a10.to;
pQ(this.tree, t10, function(e23, t11, r11) {
o10.add(e23, t11, n10.markCache[r11] || (n10.markCache[r11] = KH.mark({ class: r11 })));
}, s10, c10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return o10.finish();
} }]), e20;
var qY = LF.high(FW.fromClass(DY, { decorations: function(e20) {
return e20.decorations;
} }));
var zY = PY.define([{ tag: TQ.meta, color: "#404740" }, { tag: TQ.link, textDecoration: "underline" }, { tag: TQ.heading, textDecoration: "underline", fontWeight: "bold" }, { tag: TQ.emphasis, fontStyle: "italic" }, { tag: TQ.strong, fontWeight: "bold" }, { tag: TQ.strikethrough, textDecoration: "line-through" }, { tag: TQ.keyword, color: "#708" }, { tag: [TQ.atom, TQ.bool, TQ.url, TQ.contentSeparator, TQ.labelName], color: "#219" }, { tag: [TQ.literal, TQ.inserted], color: "#164" }, { tag: [TQ.string, TQ.deleted], color: "#a11" }, { tag: [TQ.regexp, TQ.escape, TQ.special(TQ.string)], color: "#e40" }, { tag: TQ.definition(TQ.variableName), color: "#00f" }, { tag: TQ.local(TQ.variableName), color: "#30a" }, { tag: [TQ.typeName, TQ.namespace], color: "#085" }, { tag: TQ.className, color: "#167" }, { tag: [TQ.special(TQ.variableName), TQ.macroName], color: "#256" }, { tag: TQ.definition(TQ.propertyName), color: "#00c" }, { tag: TQ.comment, color: "#940" }, { tag: TQ.invalid, color: "#f00" }]);
var BY = zJ.baseTheme({ "&.cm-focused .cm-matchingBracket": { backgroundColor: "#328c8252" }, "&.cm-focused .cm-nonmatchingBracket": { backgroundColor: "#bb555544" } });
var LY = 1e4;
var FY = "()[]{}";
var VY = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return gV(e20, { afterCursor: true, brackets: FY, maxScanDistance: LY, renderMatch: UY });
} });
var HY = KH.mark({ class: "cm-matchingBracket" });
var WY = KH.mark({ class: "cm-nonmatchingBracket" });
function UY(e20) {
var t10 = [], n10 = e20.matched ? HY : WY;
return t10.push(n10.range(e20.start.from, e20.start.to)), e20.end && t10.push(n10.range(e20.end.from, e20.end.to)), t10;
var JY = NF.define({ create: function() {
return KH.none;
}, update: function(e20, t10) {
if (!t10.docChanged && !t10.selection)
return e20;
var n10, r10 = [], o10 = t10.state.facet(VY), i10 = bo(t10.state.selection.ranges);
try {
for (i10.s(); !(n10 = i10.n()).done; ) {
var a10 = n10.value;
if (a10.empty) {
var s10 = ZY(t10.state, a10.head, -1, o10) || a10.head > 0 && ZY(t10.state, a10.head - 1, 1, o10) || o10.afterCursor && (ZY(t10.state, a10.head, 1, o10) || a10.head < t10.state.doc.length && ZY(t10.state, a10.head + 1, -1, o10));
s10 && (r10 = r10.concat(o10.renderMatch(s10, t10.state)));
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return KH.set(r10, true);
}, provide: function(e20) {
return zJ.decorations.from(e20);
} });
var KY = [JY, BY];
function GY() {
var e20 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
return [VY.of(e20), KY];
var QY = new AG();
function YY(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.prop(t10 < 0 ? AG.openedBy : AG.closedBy);
if (r10)
return r10;
if (1 == e20.name.length) {
var o10 = n10.indexOf(e20.name);
if (o10 > -1 && o10 % 2 == (t10 < 0 ? 1 : 0))
return [n10[o10 + t10]];
return null;
function XY(e20) {
var t10 = e20.type.prop(QY);
return t10 ? t10(e20.node) : e20;
function ZY(e20, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : {}, o10 = r10.maxScanDistance || LY, i10 = r10.brackets || FY, a10 = zQ(e20), s10 = a10.resolveInner(t10, n10), c10 = s10; c10; c10 = c10.parent) {
var l10 = YY(c10.type, n10, i10);
if (l10 && c10.from < c10.to) {
var u10 = XY(c10);
if (u10 && (n10 > 0 ? t10 >= u10.from && t10 < u10.to : t10 > u10.from && t10 <= u10.to))
return eX(e20, t10, n10, c10, u10, l10, i10);
return function(e21, t11, n11, r11, o11, i11, a11) {
var s11 = n11 < 0 ? e21.sliceDoc(t11 - 1, t11) : e21.sliceDoc(t11, t11 + 1), c11 = a11.indexOf(s11);
if (c11 < 0 || c11 % 2 == 0 != n11 > 0)
return null;
for (var l11 = { from: n11 < 0 ? t11 - 1 : t11, to: n11 > 0 ? t11 + 1 : t11 }, u11 = e21.doc.iterRange(t11, n11 > 0 ? e21.doc.length : 0), f10 = 0, d10 = 0; !u11.next().done && d10 <= i11; ) {
var h10 = u11.value;
n11 < 0 && (d10 += h10.length);
for (var v10 = t11 + d10 * n11, p10 = n11 > 0 ? 0 : h10.length - 1, m10 = n11 > 0 ? h10.length : -1; p10 != m10; p10 += n11) {
var g10 = a11.indexOf(h10[p10]);
if (!(g10 < 0 || r11.resolveInner(v10 + p10, 1).type != o11))
if (g10 % 2 == 0 == n11 > 0)
else {
if (1 == f10)
return { start: l11, end: { from: v10 + p10, to: v10 + p10 + 1 }, matched: g10 >> 1 == c11 >> 1 };
n11 > 0 && (d10 += h10.length);
return u11.done ? { start: l11, matched: false } : null;
}(e20, t10, n10, a10, s10.type, o10, i10);
function eX(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10) {
var s10 = r10.parent, c10 = { from: o10.from, to: o10.to }, l10 = 0, u10 = null == s10 ? void 0 : s10.cursor();
if (u10 && (n10 < 0 ? u10.childBefore(r10.from) : u10.childAfter(r10.to)))
do {
if (n10 < 0 ? u10.to <= r10.from : u10.from >= r10.to) {
if (0 == l10 && i10.indexOf(u10.type.name) > -1 && u10.from < u10.to) {
var f10 = XY(u10);
return { start: c10, end: f10 ? { from: f10.from, to: f10.to } : void 0, matched: true };
if (YY(u10.type, n10, a10))
else if (YY(u10.type, -n10, a10)) {
if (0 == l10) {
var d10 = XY(u10);
return { start: c10, end: d10 && d10.from < d10.to ? { from: d10.from, to: d10.to } : void 0, matched: false };
} while (n10 < 0 ? u10.prevSibling() : u10.nextSibling());
return { start: c10, matched: false };
for (tX = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), nX = [RG.none], rX = [], oX = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), iX = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), aX = 0, sX = [["variable", "variableName"], ["variable-2", "variableName.special"], ["string-2", "string.special"], ["def", "variableName.definition"], ["tag", "tagName"], ["attribute", "attributeName"], ["type", "typeName"], ["builtin", "variableName.standard"], ["qualifier", "modifier"], ["error", "invalid"], ["header", "heading"], ["property", "propertyName"]]; aX < sX.length; aX++) {
cX = jo(sX[aX], 2), lX = cX[0], uX = cX[1];
iX[lX] = dX(tX, uX);
var cX;
var lX;
var uX;
var tX;
var nX;
var rX;
var oX;
var iX;
var aX;
var sX;
function fX(e20, t10) {
rX.indexOf(e20) > -1 || (rX.push(e20), console.warn(t10));
function dX(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = [], o10 = bo(t10.split(" "));
try {
for (o10.s(); !(n10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10, a10 = n10.value, s10 = [], c10 = bo(a10.split("."));
try {
for (c10.s(); !(i10 = c10.n()).done; ) {
var l10 = i10.value, u10 = e20[l10] || TQ[l10];
u10 ? "function" == typeof u10 ? s10.length ? s10 = s10.map(u10) : fX(l10, "Modifier ".concat(l10, " used at start of tag")) : s10.length ? fX(l10, "Tag ".concat(l10, " used as modifier")) : s10 = Array.isArray(u10) ? u10 : [u10] : fX(l10, "Unknown highlighting tag ".concat(l10));
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
var f10, d10 = bo(s10);
try {
for (d10.s(); !(f10 = d10.n()).done; ) {
var h10 = f10.value;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
if (!r10.length)
return 0;
var v10 = t10.replace(/ /g, "_"), p10 = v10 + " " + r10.map(function(e21) {
return e21.id;
}), m10 = oX[p10];
if (m10)
return m10.id;
var g10 = oX[p10] = RG.define({ id: nX.length, name: v10, props: [fQ(qo({}, v10, r10))] });
return nX.push(g10), g10.id;
function hX(e20, t10) {
return function(n10) {
var r10 = n10.state, o10 = n10.dispatch;
if (r10.readOnly)
return false;
var i10 = e20(t10, r10);
return !!i10 && (o10(r10.update(i10)), true);
var vX = hX(kX, 0);
var pX = hX(bX, 0);
var mX = hX(function(e20, t10) {
return bX(e20, t10, function(e21) {
var t11, n10 = [], r10 = bo(e21.selection.ranges);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(t11 = r10.n()).done; ) {
var o10 = t11.value, i10 = e21.doc.lineAt(o10.from), a10 = o10.to <= i10.to ? i10 : e21.doc.lineAt(o10.to), s10 = n10.length - 1;
s10 >= 0 && n10[s10].to > i10.from ? n10[s10].to = a10.to : n10.push({ from: i10.from + /^\s*/.exec(i10.text)[0].length, to: a10.to });
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return n10;
}, 0);
function gX(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.languageDataAt("commentTokens", t10);
return n10.length ? n10[0] : {};
var yX = 50;
function bX(e20, t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : t10.selection.ranges, r10 = n10.map(function(e21) {
return gX(t10, e21.from).block;
if (!r10.every(function(e21) {
return e21;
return null;
var o10 = n10.map(function(e21, n11) {
return function(e23, t11, n12, r11) {
var o11, i11, a11 = t11.open, s11 = t11.close, c11 = e23.sliceDoc(n12 - yX, n12), l11 = e23.sliceDoc(r11, r11 + yX), u11 = /\s*$/.exec(c11)[0].length, f11 = /^\s*/.exec(l11)[0].length, d10 = c11.length - u11;
if (c11.slice(d10 - a11.length, d10) == a11 && l11.slice(f11, f11 + s11.length) == s11)
return { open: { pos: n12 - u11, margin: u11 && 1 }, close: { pos: r11 + f11, margin: f11 && 1 } };
r11 - n12 <= 2 * yX ? o11 = i11 = e23.sliceDoc(n12, r11) : (o11 = e23.sliceDoc(n12, n12 + yX), i11 = e23.sliceDoc(r11 - yX, r11));
var h10 = /^\s*/.exec(o11)[0].length, v10 = /\s*$/.exec(i11)[0].length, p10 = i11.length - v10 - s11.length;
return o11.slice(h10, h10 + a11.length) == a11 && i11.slice(p10, p10 + s11.length) == s11 ? { open: { pos: n12 + h10 + a11.length, margin: /\s/.test(o11.charAt(h10 + a11.length)) ? 1 : 0 }, close: { pos: r11 - v10 - s11.length, margin: /\s/.test(i11.charAt(p10 - 1)) ? 1 : 0 } } : null;
}(t10, r10[n11], e21.from, e21.to);
if (2 != e20 && !o10.every(function(e21) {
return e21;
return { changes: t10.changes(n10.map(function(e21, t11) {
return o10[t11] ? [] : [{ from: e21.from, insert: r10[t11].open + " " }, { from: e21.to, insert: " " + r10[t11].close }];
})) };
if (1 != e20 && o10.some(function(e21) {
return e21;
})) {
for (var i10, a10 = [], s10 = 0; s10 < o10.length; s10++)
if (i10 = o10[s10]) {
var c10 = r10[s10], l10 = i10, u10 = l10.open, f10 = l10.close;
a10.push({ from: u10.pos - c10.open.length, to: u10.pos + u10.margin }, { from: f10.pos - f10.margin, to: f10.pos + c10.close.length });
return { changes: a10 };
return null;
function kX(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = [], o10 = -1, i10 = bo(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : t10.selection.ranges);
try {
for (i10.s(); !(n10 = i10.n()).done; ) {
var a10 = n10.value, s10 = a10.from, c10 = a10.to, l10 = r10.length, u10 = 1e9, f10 = gX(t10, s10).line;
if (f10) {
for (var d10 = s10; d10 <= c10; ) {
var h10 = t10.doc.lineAt(d10);
if (h10.from > o10 && (s10 == c10 || c10 > h10.from)) {
o10 = h10.from;
var v10 = /^\s*/.exec(h10.text)[0].length, p10 = v10 == h10.length, m10 = h10.text.slice(v10, v10 + f10.length) == f10 ? v10 : -1;
v10 < h10.text.length && v10 < u10 && (u10 = v10), r10.push({ line: h10, comment: m10, token: f10, indent: v10, empty: p10, single: false });
d10 = h10.to + 1;
if (u10 < 1e9)
for (var g10 = l10; g10 < r10.length; g10++)
r10[g10].indent < r10[g10].line.text.length && (r10[g10].indent = u10);
r10.length == l10 + 1 && (r10[l10].single = true);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
if (2 != e20 && r10.some(function(e21) {
return e21.comment < 0 && (!e21.empty || e21.single);
})) {
var y10, b10 = [], k10 = bo(r10);
try {
for (k10.s(); !(y10 = k10.n()).done; ) {
var w10 = y10.value, x10 = w10.line, j10 = w10.token, S10 = w10.indent, C10 = w10.empty;
!w10.single && C10 || b10.push({ from: x10.from + S10, insert: j10 + " " });
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
var $10 = t10.changes(b10);
return { changes: $10, selection: t10.selection.map($10, 1) };
if (1 != e20 && r10.some(function(e21) {
return e21.comment >= 0;
})) {
var _10, O10 = [], M10 = bo(r10);
try {
for (M10.s(); !(_10 = M10.n()).done; ) {
var E10 = _10.value, A10 = E10.line, P10 = E10.comment, T8 = E10.token;
if (P10 >= 0) {
var R8 = A10.from + P10, N8 = R8 + T8.length;
" " == A10.text[N8 - A10.from] && N8++, O10.push({ from: R8, to: N8 });
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return { changes: O10 };
return null;
var wX = tV.define();
var xX = tV.define();
var jX = MF.define();
var SX = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return gV(e20, { minDepth: 100, newGroupDelay: 500, joinToEvent: function(e21, t10) {
return t10;
} }, { minDepth: Math.max, newGroupDelay: Math.min, joinToEvent: function(e21, t10) {
return function(n10, r10) {
return e21(n10, r10) || t10(n10, r10);
} });
} });
var CX = NF.define({ create: function() {
return WX.empty;
}, update: function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = t10.state.facet(SX), r10 = t10.annotation(wX);
if (r10) {
var o10 = NX.fromTransaction(t10, r10.selection), i10 = r10.side, a10 = 0 == i10 ? e20.undone : e20.done;
return a10 = o10 ? IX(a10, a10.length, n10.minDepth, o10) : BX(a10, t10.startState.selection), new WX(0 == i10 ? r10.rest : a10, 0 == i10 ? a10 : r10.rest);
var s10 = t10.annotation(xX);
if ("full" != s10 && "before" != s10 || (e20 = e20.isolate()), false === t10.annotation(iV.addToHistory))
return t10.changes.empty ? e20 : e20.addMapping(t10.changes.desc);
var c10 = NX.fromTransaction(t10), l10 = t10.annotation(iV.time), u10 = t10.annotation(iV.userEvent);
return c10 ? e20 = e20.addChanges(c10, l10, u10, n10, t10) : t10.selection && (e20 = e20.addSelection(t10.startState.selection, l10, u10, n10.newGroupDelay)), "full" != s10 && "after" != s10 || (e20 = e20.isolate()), e20;
}, toJSON: function(e20) {
return { done: e20.done.map(function(e21) {
return e21.toJSON();
}), undone: e20.undone.map(function(e21) {
return e21.toJSON();
}) };
}, fromJSON: function(e20) {
return new WX(e20.done.map(NX.fromJSON), e20.undone.map(NX.fromJSON));
} });
function $X() {
var e20 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
return [CX, SX.of(e20), zJ.domEventHandlers({ beforeinput: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = "historyUndo" == e21.inputType ? OX : "historyRedo" == e21.inputType ? MX : null;
return !!n10 && (e21.preventDefault(), n10(t10));
} })];
function _X(e20, t10) {
return function(n10) {
var r10 = n10.state, o10 = n10.dispatch;
if (!t10 && r10.readOnly)
return false;
var i10 = r10.field(CX, false);
if (!i10)
return false;
var a10 = i10.pop(e20, r10, t10);
return !!a10 && (o10(a10), true);
var OX = _X(0, false);
var MX = _X(1, false);
var EX = _X(0, true);
var AX = _X(1, true);
function PX(e20) {
return function(t10) {
var n10 = t10.field(CX, false);
if (!n10)
return 0;
var r10 = 0 == e20 ? n10.done : n10.undone;
return r10.length - (r10.length && !r10[0].changes ? 1 : 0);
var TX = PX(0);
var RX = PX(1);
var NX = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
No(this, e20), this.changes = t10, this.effects = n10, this.mapped = r10, this.startSelection = o10, this.selectionsAfter = i10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "setSelAfter", value: function(t10) {
return new e20(this.changes, this.effects, this.mapped, this.startSelection, t10);
} }, { key: "toJSON", value: function() {
var e21, t10, n10;
return { changes: null === (e21 = this.changes) || void 0 === e21 ? void 0 : e21.toJSON(), mapped: null === (t10 = this.mapped) || void 0 === t10 ? void 0 : t10.toJSON(), startSelection: null === (n10 = this.startSelection) || void 0 === n10 ? void 0 : n10.toJSON(), selectionsAfter: this.selectionsAfter.map(function(e23) {
return e23.toJSON();
}) };
} }], [{ key: "fromJSON", value: function(t10) {
return new e20(t10.changes && yF.fromJSON(t10.changes), [], t10.mapped && gF.fromJSON(t10.mapped), t10.startSelection && $F.fromJSON(t10.startSelection), t10.selectionsAfter.map($F.fromJSON));
} }, { key: "fromTransaction", value: function(t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = qX, i10 = bo(t10.startState.facet(jX));
try {
for (i10.s(); !(r10 = i10.n()).done; ) {
var a10 = (0, r10.value)(t10);
a10.length && (o10 = o10.concat(a10));
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return !o10.length && t10.changes.empty ? null : new e20(t10.changes.invert(t10.startState.doc), o10, void 0, n10 || t10.startState.selection, qX);
} }, { key: "selection", value: function(t10) {
return new e20(void 0, qX, void 0, void 0, t10);
} }]), e20;
function IX(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = t10 + 1 > n10 + 20 ? t10 - n10 - 1 : 0, i10 = e20.slice(o10, t10);
return i10.push(r10), i10;
function DX(e20, t10) {
return e20.length ? t10.length ? e20.concat(t10) : e20 : t10;
var qX = [];
var zX = 200;
function BX(e20, t10) {
if (e20.length) {
var n10 = e20[e20.length - 1], r10 = n10.selectionsAfter.slice(Math.max(0, n10.selectionsAfter.length - zX));
return r10.length && r10[r10.length - 1].eq(t10) ? e20 : (r10.push(t10), IX(e20, e20.length - 1, 1e9, n10.setSelAfter(r10)));
return [NX.selection([t10])];
function LX(e20) {
var t10 = e20[e20.length - 1], n10 = e20.slice();
return n10[e20.length - 1] = t10.setSelAfter(t10.selectionsAfter.slice(0, t10.selectionsAfter.length - 1)), n10;
function FX(e20, t10) {
if (!e20.length)
return e20;
for (var n10 = e20.length, r10 = qX; n10; ) {
var o10 = VX(e20[n10 - 1], t10, r10);
if (o10.changes && !o10.changes.empty || o10.effects.length) {
var i10 = e20.slice(0, n10);
return i10[n10 - 1] = o10, i10;
t10 = o10.mapped, n10--, r10 = o10.selectionsAfter;
return r10.length ? [NX.selection(r10)] : qX;
function VX(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = DX(e20.selectionsAfter.length ? e20.selectionsAfter.map(function(e21) {
return e21.map(t10);
}) : qX, n10);
if (!e20.changes)
return NX.selection(r10);
var o10 = e20.changes.map(t10), i10 = t10.mapDesc(e20.changes, true), a10 = e20.mapped ? e20.mapped.composeDesc(i10) : i10;
return new NX(o10, oV.mapEffects(e20.effects, t10), a10, e20.startSelection.map(i10), r10);
var HX = /^(input\.type|delete)($|\.)/;
var WX = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
var r10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 0, o10 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : void 0;
No(this, e20), this.done = t10, this.undone = n10, this.prevTime = r10, this.prevUserEvent = o10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "isolate", value: function() {
return this.prevTime ? new e20(this.done, this.undone) : this;
} }, { key: "addChanges", value: function(t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
var a10 = this.done, s10 = a10[a10.length - 1];
return a10 = s10 && s10.changes && !s10.changes.empty && t10.changes && (!r10 || HX.test(r10)) && (!s10.selectionsAfter.length && n10 - this.prevTime < o10.newGroupDelay && o10.joinToEvent(i10, function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = [], r11 = false;
return e21.iterChangedRanges(function(e23, t12) {
return n11.push(e23, t12);
}), t11.iterChangedRanges(function(e23, t12, o11, i11) {
for (var a11 = 0; a11 < n11.length; ) {
var s11 = n11[a11++], c10 = n11[a11++];
i11 >= s11 && o11 <= c10 && (r11 = true);
}), r11;
}(s10.changes, t10.changes)) || "input.type.compose" == r10) ? IX(a10, a10.length - 1, o10.minDepth, new NX(t10.changes.compose(s10.changes), DX(t10.effects, s10.effects), s10.mapped, s10.startSelection, qX)) : IX(a10, a10.length, o10.minDepth, t10), new e20(a10, qX, n10, r10);
} }, { key: "addSelection", value: function(t10, n10, r10, o10) {
var i10, a10, s10 = this.done.length ? this.done[this.done.length - 1].selectionsAfter : qX;
return s10.length > 0 && n10 - this.prevTime < o10 && r10 == this.prevUserEvent && r10 && /^select($|\.)/.test(r10) && (i10 = s10[s10.length - 1], a10 = t10, i10.ranges.length == a10.ranges.length && 0 === i10.ranges.filter(function(e21, t11) {
return e21.empty != a10.ranges[t11].empty;
}).length) ? this : new e20(BX(this.done, t10), this.undone, n10, r10);
} }, { key: "addMapping", value: function(t10) {
return new e20(FX(this.done, t10), FX(this.undone, t10), this.prevTime, this.prevUserEvent);
} }, { key: "pop", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
var r10 = 0 == e21 ? this.done : this.undone;
if (0 == r10.length)
return null;
var o10 = r10[r10.length - 1], i10 = o10.selectionsAfter[0] || t10.selection;
if (n10 && o10.selectionsAfter.length)
return t10.update({ selection: o10.selectionsAfter[o10.selectionsAfter.length - 1], annotations: wX.of({ side: e21, rest: LX(r10), selection: i10 }), userEvent: 0 == e21 ? "select.undo" : "select.redo", scrollIntoView: true });
if (o10.changes) {
var a10 = 1 == r10.length ? qX : r10.slice(0, r10.length - 1);
return o10.mapped && (a10 = FX(a10, o10.mapped)), t10.update({ changes: o10.changes, selection: o10.startSelection, effects: o10.effects, annotations: wX.of({ side: e21, rest: a10, selection: i10 }), filter: false, userEvent: 0 == e21 ? "undo" : "redo", scrollIntoView: true });
return null;
} }]), e20;
WX.empty = new WX(qX, qX);
var UX = [{ key: "Mod-z", run: OX, preventDefault: true }, { key: "Mod-y", mac: "Mod-Shift-z", run: MX, preventDefault: true }, { linux: "Ctrl-Shift-z", run: MX, preventDefault: true }, { key: "Mod-u", run: EX, preventDefault: true }, { key: "Alt-u", mac: "Mod-Shift-u", run: AX, preventDefault: true }];
function JX(e20, t10) {
return $F.create(e20.ranges.map(t10), e20.mainIndex);
function KX(e20, t10) {
return e20.update({ selection: t10, scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: "select" });
function GX(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.state, r10 = e20.dispatch, o10 = JX(n10.selection, t10);
return !o10.eq(n10.selection, true) && (r10(KX(n10, o10)), true);
function QX(e20, t10) {
return $F.cursor(t10 ? e20.to : e20.from);
function YX(e20, t10) {
return GX(e20, function(n10) {
return n10.empty ? e20.moveByChar(n10, t10) : QX(n10, t10);
function XX(e20) {
return e20.textDirectionAt(e20.state.selection.main.head) == rW.LTR;
var ZX = function(e20) {
return YX(e20, !XX(e20));
var eZ = function(e20) {
return YX(e20, XX(e20));
function tZ(e20, t10) {
return GX(e20, function(n10) {
return n10.empty ? e20.moveByGroup(n10, t10) : QX(n10, t10);
function nZ(e20, t10, n10) {
if (t10.type.prop(n10))
return true;
var r10 = t10.to - t10.from;
return r10 && (r10 > 2 || /[^\s,.;:]/.test(e20.sliceDoc(t10.from, t10.to))) || t10.firstChild;
function rZ(e20, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = zQ(e20).resolveInner(t10.head), o10 = n10 ? AG.closedBy : AG.openedBy, i10 = t10.head; ; ) {
var a10 = n10 ? r10.childAfter(i10) : r10.childBefore(i10);
if (!a10)
nZ(e20, a10, o10) ? r10 = a10 : i10 = n10 ? a10.to : a10.from;
var s10, c10;
return c10 = r10.type.prop(o10) && (s10 = n10 ? ZY(e20, r10.from, 1) : ZY(e20, r10.to, -1)) && s10.matched ? n10 ? s10.end.to : s10.end.from : n10 ? r10.to : r10.from, $F.cursor(c10, n10 ? -1 : 1);
function oZ(e20, t10) {
return GX(e20, function(n10) {
if (!n10.empty)
return QX(n10, t10);
var r10 = e20.moveVertically(n10, t10);
return r10.head != n10.head ? r10 : e20.moveToLineBoundary(n10, t10);
var iZ = function(e20) {
return oZ(e20, false);
var aZ = function(e20) {
return oZ(e20, true);
function sZ(e20) {
var t10, n10 = e20.scrollDOM.clientHeight < e20.scrollDOM.scrollHeight - 2, r10 = 0, o10 = 0;
if (n10) {
var i10, a10 = bo(e20.state.facet(zJ.scrollMargins));
try {
for (a10.s(); !(i10 = a10.n()).done; ) {
var s10 = (0, i10.value)(e20);
(null == s10 ? void 0 : s10.top) && (r10 = Math.max(null == s10 ? void 0 : s10.top, r10)), (null == s10 ? void 0 : s10.bottom) && (o10 = Math.max(null == s10 ? void 0 : s10.bottom, o10));
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
t10 = e20.scrollDOM.clientHeight - r10 - o10;
} else
t10 = (e20.dom.ownerDocument.defaultView || window).innerHeight;
return { marginTop: r10, marginBottom: o10, selfScroll: n10, height: Math.max(e20.defaultLineHeight, t10 - 5) };
function cZ(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = sZ(e20), o10 = e20.state, i10 = JX(o10.selection, function(n11) {
return n11.empty ? e20.moveVertically(n11, t10, r10.height) : QX(n11, t10);
if (i10.eq(o10.selection))
return false;
if (r10.selfScroll) {
var a10 = e20.coordsAtPos(o10.selection.main.head), s10 = e20.scrollDOM.getBoundingClientRect(), c10 = s10.top + r10.marginTop, l10 = s10.bottom - r10.marginBottom;
a10 && a10.top > c10 && a10.bottom < l10 && (n10 = zJ.scrollIntoView(i10.main.head, { y: "start", yMargin: a10.top - c10 }));
return e20.dispatch(KX(o10, i10), { effects: n10 }), true;
var lZ = function(e20) {
return cZ(e20, false);
var uZ = function(e20) {
return cZ(e20, true);
function fZ(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.lineBlockAt(t10.head), o10 = e20.moveToLineBoundary(t10, n10);
if (o10.head == t10.head && o10.head != (n10 ? r10.to : r10.from) && (o10 = e20.moveToLineBoundary(t10, n10, false)), !n10 && o10.head == r10.from && r10.length) {
var i10 = /^\s*/.exec(e20.state.sliceDoc(r10.from, Math.min(r10.from + 100, r10.to)))[0].length;
i10 && t10.head != r10.from + i10 && (o10 = $F.cursor(r10.from + i10));
return o10;
function dZ(e20, t10) {
var n10 = JX(e20.state.selection, function(e21) {
var n11 = t10(e21);
return $F.range(e21.anchor, n11.head, n11.goalColumn, n11.bidiLevel || void 0);
return !n10.eq(e20.state.selection) && (e20.dispatch(KX(e20.state, n10)), true);
function hZ(e20, t10) {
return dZ(e20, function(n10) {
return e20.moveByChar(n10, t10);
var vZ = function(e20) {
return hZ(e20, !XX(e20));
var pZ = function(e20) {
return hZ(e20, XX(e20));
function mZ(e20, t10) {
return dZ(e20, function(n10) {
return e20.moveByGroup(n10, t10);
function gZ(e20, t10) {
return dZ(e20, function(n10) {
return e20.moveVertically(n10, t10);
var yZ = function(e20) {
return gZ(e20, false);
var bZ = function(e20) {
return gZ(e20, true);
function kZ(e20, t10) {
return dZ(e20, function(n10) {
return e20.moveVertically(n10, t10, sZ(e20).height);
var wZ = function(e20) {
return kZ(e20, false);
var xZ = function(e20) {
return kZ(e20, true);
var jZ = function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state;
return (0, e20.dispatch)(KX(t10, { anchor: 0 })), true;
var SZ = function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state;
return (0, e20.dispatch)(KX(t10, { anchor: t10.doc.length })), true;
var CZ = function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state;
return (0, e20.dispatch)(KX(t10, { anchor: t10.selection.main.anchor, head: 0 })), true;
var $Z = function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state;
return (0, e20.dispatch)(KX(t10, { anchor: t10.selection.main.anchor, head: t10.doc.length })), true;
function _Z(e20, t10) {
if (e20.state.readOnly)
return false;
var n10 = "delete.selection", r10 = e20.state, o10 = r10.changeByRange(function(r11) {
var o11 = r11.from, i10 = r11.to;
if (o11 == i10) {
var a10 = t10(r11);
a10 < o11 ? (n10 = "delete.backward", a10 = OZ(e20, a10, false)) : a10 > o11 && (n10 = "delete.forward", a10 = OZ(e20, a10, true)), o11 = Math.min(o11, a10), i10 = Math.max(i10, a10);
} else
o11 = OZ(e20, o11, false), i10 = OZ(e20, i10, true);
return o11 == i10 ? { range: r11 } : { changes: { from: o11, to: i10 }, range: $F.cursor(o11, o11 < r11.head ? -1 : 1) };
return !o10.changes.empty && (e20.dispatch(r10.update(o10, { scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: n10, effects: "delete.selection" == n10 ? zJ.announce.of(r10.phrase("Selection deleted")) : void 0 })), true);
function OZ(e20, t10, n10) {
if (e20 instanceof zJ) {
var r10, o10 = bo(e20.state.facet(zJ.atomicRanges).map(function(t11) {
return t11(e20);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(r10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
r10.value.between(t10, t10, function(e21, r11) {
e21 < t10 && r11 > t10 && (t10 = n10 ? r11 : e21);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return t10;
var MZ = function(e20, t10) {
return _Z(e20, function(n10) {
var r10, o10, i10 = n10.from, a10 = e20.state, s10 = a10.doc.lineAt(i10);
if (!t10 && i10 > s10.from && i10 < s10.from + 200 && !/[^ \t]/.test(r10 = s10.text.slice(0, i10 - s10.from))) {
if (" " == r10[r10.length - 1])
return i10 - 1;
for (var c10 = RV(r10, a10.tabSize) % XQ(a10) || XQ(a10), l10 = 0; l10 < c10 && " " == r10[r10.length - 1 - l10]; l10++)
o10 = i10;
} else
(o10 = sF(s10.text, i10 - s10.from, t10, t10) + s10.from) == i10 && s10.number != (t10 ? a10.doc.lines : 1) ? o10 += t10 ? 1 : -1 : !t10 && /[\ufe00-\ufe0f]/.test(s10.text.slice(o10 - s10.from, i10 - s10.from)) && (o10 = sF(s10.text, o10 - s10.from, false, false) + s10.from);
return o10;
var EZ = function(e20) {
return MZ(e20, false);
var AZ = function(e20) {
return MZ(e20, true);
var PZ = function(e20, t10) {
return _Z(e20, function(n10) {
for (var r10 = n10.head, o10 = e20.state, i10 = o10.doc.lineAt(r10), a10 = o10.charCategorizer(r10), s10 = null; ; ) {
if (r10 == (t10 ? i10.to : i10.from)) {
r10 == n10.head && i10.number != (t10 ? o10.doc.lines : 1) && (r10 += t10 ? 1 : -1);
var c10 = sF(i10.text, r10 - i10.from, t10) + i10.from, l10 = i10.text.slice(Math.min(r10, c10) - i10.from, Math.max(r10, c10) - i10.from), u10 = a10(l10);
if (null != s10 && u10 != s10)
" " == l10 && r10 == n10.head || (s10 = u10), r10 = c10;
return r10;
var TZ = function(e20) {
return PZ(e20, false);
function RZ(e20) {
var t10, n10 = [], r10 = -1, o10 = bo(e20.selection.ranges);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(t10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = t10.value, a10 = e20.doc.lineAt(i10.from), s10 = e20.doc.lineAt(i10.to);
if (i10.empty || i10.to != s10.from || (s10 = e20.doc.lineAt(i10.to - 1)), r10 >= a10.number) {
var c10 = n10[n10.length - 1];
c10.to = s10.to, c10.ranges.push(i10);
} else
n10.push({ from: a10.from, to: s10.to, ranges: [i10] });
r10 = s10.number + 1;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return n10;
function NZ(e20, t10, n10) {
if (e20.readOnly)
return false;
var r10, o10 = [], i10 = [], a10 = bo(RZ(e20));
try {
for (a10.s(); !(r10 = a10.n()).done; ) {
var s10 = r10.value;
if (n10 ? s10.to != e20.doc.length : 0 != s10.from) {
var c10 = e20.doc.lineAt(n10 ? s10.to + 1 : s10.from - 1), l10 = c10.length + 1;
if (n10) {
o10.push({ from: s10.to, to: c10.to }, { from: s10.from, insert: c10.text + e20.lineBreak });
var u10, f10 = bo(s10.ranges);
try {
for (f10.s(); !(u10 = f10.n()).done; ) {
var d10 = u10.value;
i10.push($F.range(Math.min(e20.doc.length, d10.anchor + l10), Math.min(e20.doc.length, d10.head + l10)));
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
} else {
o10.push({ from: c10.from, to: s10.from }, { from: s10.to, insert: e20.lineBreak + c10.text });
var h10, v10 = bo(s10.ranges);
try {
for (v10.s(); !(h10 = v10.n()).done; ) {
var p10 = h10.value;
i10.push($F.range(p10.anchor - l10, p10.head - l10));
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return !!o10.length && (t10(e20.update({ changes: o10, scrollIntoView: true, selection: $F.create(i10, e20.selection.mainIndex), userEvent: "move.line" })), true);
function IZ(e20, t10, n10) {
if (e20.readOnly)
return false;
var r10, o10 = [], i10 = bo(RZ(e20));
try {
for (i10.s(); !(r10 = i10.n()).done; ) {
var a10 = r10.value;
n10 ? o10.push({ from: a10.from, insert: e20.doc.slice(a10.from, a10.to) + e20.lineBreak }) : o10.push({ from: a10.to, insert: e20.lineBreak + e20.doc.slice(a10.from, a10.to) });
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return t10(e20.update({ changes: o10, scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: "input.copyline" })), true;
var DZ = zZ(false);
var qZ = zZ(true);
function zZ(e20) {
return function(t10) {
var n10 = t10.state, r10 = t10.dispatch;
if (n10.readOnly)
return false;
var o10 = n10.changeByRange(function(t11) {
var r11 = t11.from, o11 = t11.to, i10 = n10.doc.lineAt(r11), a10 = !e20 && r11 == o11 && function(e21, t12) {
if (/\(\)|\[\]|\{\}/.test(e21.sliceDoc(t12 - 1, t12 + 1)))
return { from: t12, to: t12 };
var n11, r12 = zQ(e21).resolveInner(t12), o12 = r12.childBefore(t12), i11 = r12.childAfter(t12);
return o12 && i11 && o12.to <= t12 && i11.from >= t12 && (n11 = o12.type.prop(AG.closedBy)) && n11.indexOf(i11.name) > -1 && e21.doc.lineAt(o12.to).from == e21.doc.lineAt(i11.from).from && !/\S/.test(e21.sliceDoc(o12.to, i11.from)) ? { from: o12.to, to: i11.from } : null;
}(n10, r11);
e20 && (r11 = o11 = (o11 <= i10.to ? i10 : n10.doc.lineAt(o11)).to);
var s10 = new tY(n10, { simulateBreak: r11, simulateDoubleBreak: !!a10 }), c10 = eY(s10, r11);
for (null == c10 && (c10 = RV(/^\s*/.exec(n10.doc.lineAt(r11).text)[0], n10.tabSize)); o11 < i10.to && /\s/.test(i10.text[o11 - i10.from]); )
a10 ? (r11 = a10.from, o11 = a10.to) : r11 > i10.from && r11 < i10.from + 100 && !/\S/.test(i10.text.slice(0, r11)) && (r11 = i10.from);
var l10 = ["", ZQ(n10, c10)];
return a10 && l10.push(ZQ(n10, s10.lineIndent(i10.from, -1))), { changes: { from: r11, to: o11, insert: UL.of(l10) }, range: $F.cursor(r11 + 1 + l10[1].length) };
return r10(n10.update(o10, { scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: "input" })), true;
function BZ(e20, t10) {
var n10 = -1;
return e20.changeByRange(function(r10) {
for (var o10 = [], i10 = r10.from; i10 <= r10.to; ) {
var a10 = e20.doc.lineAt(i10);
a10.number > n10 && (r10.empty || r10.to > a10.from) && (t10(a10, o10, r10), n10 = a10.number), i10 = a10.to + 1;
var s10 = e20.changes(o10);
return { changes: o10, range: $F.range(s10.mapPos(r10.anchor, 1), s10.mapPos(r10.head, 1)) };
var LZ = function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state, n10 = e20.dispatch;
return !t10.readOnly && (n10(t10.update(BZ(t10, function(e21, n11) {
n11.push({ from: e21.from, insert: t10.facet(YQ) });
}), { userEvent: "input.indent" })), true);
var FZ = function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state, n10 = e20.dispatch;
return !t10.readOnly && (n10(t10.update(BZ(t10, function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = /^\s*/.exec(e21.text)[0];
if (r10) {
for (var o10 = RV(r10, t10.tabSize), i10 = 0, a10 = ZQ(t10, Math.max(0, o10 - XQ(t10))); i10 < r10.length && i10 < a10.length && r10.charCodeAt(i10) == a10.charCodeAt(i10); )
n11.push({ from: e21.from + i10, to: e21.from + r10.length, insert: a10.slice(i10) });
}), { userEvent: "delete.dedent" })), true);
var VZ = [{ key: "Ctrl-b", run: ZX, shift: vZ, preventDefault: true }, { key: "Ctrl-f", run: eZ, shift: pZ }, { key: "Ctrl-p", run: iZ, shift: yZ }, { key: "Ctrl-n", run: aZ, shift: bZ }, { key: "Ctrl-a", run: function(e20) {
return GX(e20, function(t10) {
return $F.cursor(e20.lineBlockAt(t10.head).from, 1);
}, shift: function(e20) {
return dZ(e20, function(t10) {
return $F.cursor(e20.lineBlockAt(t10.head).from);
} }, { key: "Ctrl-e", run: function(e20) {
return GX(e20, function(t10) {
return $F.cursor(e20.lineBlockAt(t10.head).to, -1);
}, shift: function(e20) {
return dZ(e20, function(t10) {
return $F.cursor(e20.lineBlockAt(t10.head).to);
} }, { key: "Ctrl-d", run: AZ }, { key: "Ctrl-h", run: EZ }, { key: "Ctrl-k", run: function(e20) {
return _Z(e20, function(t10) {
var n10 = e20.lineBlockAt(t10.head).to;
return t10.head < n10 ? n10 : Math.min(e20.state.doc.length, t10.head + 1);
} }, { key: "Ctrl-Alt-h", run: TZ }, { key: "Ctrl-o", run: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state, n10 = e20.dispatch;
if (t10.readOnly)
return false;
var r10 = t10.changeByRange(function(e21) {
return { changes: { from: e21.from, to: e21.to, insert: UL.of(["", ""]) }, range: $F.cursor(e21.from) };
return n10(t10.update(r10, { scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: "input" })), true;
} }, { key: "Ctrl-t", run: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state, n10 = e20.dispatch;
if (t10.readOnly)
return false;
var r10 = t10.changeByRange(function(e21) {
if (!e21.empty || 0 == e21.from || e21.from == t10.doc.length)
return { range: e21 };
var n11 = e21.from, r11 = t10.doc.lineAt(n11), o10 = n11 == r11.from ? n11 - 1 : sF(r11.text, n11 - r11.from, false) + r11.from, i10 = n11 == r11.to ? n11 + 1 : sF(r11.text, n11 - r11.from, true) + r11.from;
return { changes: { from: o10, to: i10, insert: t10.doc.slice(n11, i10).append(t10.doc.slice(o10, n11)) }, range: $F.cursor(i10) };
return !r10.changes.empty && (n10(t10.update(r10, { scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: "move.character" })), true);
} }, { key: "Ctrl-v", run: uZ }];
var HZ = [{ key: "ArrowLeft", run: ZX, shift: vZ, preventDefault: true }, { key: "Mod-ArrowLeft", mac: "Alt-ArrowLeft", run: function(e20) {
return tZ(e20, !XX(e20));
}, shift: function(e20) {
return mZ(e20, !XX(e20));
}, preventDefault: true }, { mac: "Cmd-ArrowLeft", run: function(e20) {
return GX(e20, function(t10) {
return fZ(e20, t10, !XX(e20));
}, shift: function(e20) {
return dZ(e20, function(t10) {
return fZ(e20, t10, !XX(e20));
}, preventDefault: true }, { key: "ArrowRight", run: eZ, shift: pZ, preventDefault: true }, { key: "Mod-ArrowRight", mac: "Alt-ArrowRight", run: function(e20) {
return tZ(e20, XX(e20));
}, shift: function(e20) {
return mZ(e20, XX(e20));
}, preventDefault: true }, { mac: "Cmd-ArrowRight", run: function(e20) {
return GX(e20, function(t10) {
return fZ(e20, t10, XX(e20));
}, shift: function(e20) {
return dZ(e20, function(t10) {
return fZ(e20, t10, XX(e20));
}, preventDefault: true }, { key: "ArrowUp", run: iZ, shift: yZ, preventDefault: true }, { mac: "Cmd-ArrowUp", run: jZ, shift: CZ }, { mac: "Ctrl-ArrowUp", run: lZ, shift: wZ }, { key: "ArrowDown", run: aZ, shift: bZ, preventDefault: true }, { mac: "Cmd-ArrowDown", run: SZ, shift: $Z }, { mac: "Ctrl-ArrowDown", run: uZ, shift: xZ }, { key: "PageUp", run: lZ, shift: wZ }, { key: "PageDown", run: uZ, shift: xZ }, { key: "Home", run: function(e20) {
return GX(e20, function(t10) {
return fZ(e20, t10, false);
}, shift: function(e20) {
return dZ(e20, function(t10) {
return fZ(e20, t10, false);
}, preventDefault: true }, { key: "Mod-Home", run: jZ, shift: CZ }, { key: "End", run: function(e20) {
return GX(e20, function(t10) {
return fZ(e20, t10, true);
}, shift: function(e20) {
return dZ(e20, function(t10) {
return fZ(e20, t10, true);
}, preventDefault: true }, { key: "Mod-End", run: SZ, shift: $Z }, { key: "Enter", run: DZ }, { key: "Mod-a", run: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state;
return (0, e20.dispatch)(t10.update({ selection: { anchor: 0, head: t10.doc.length }, userEvent: "select" })), true;
} }, { key: "Backspace", run: EZ, shift: EZ }, { key: "Delete", run: AZ }, { key: "Mod-Backspace", mac: "Alt-Backspace", run: TZ }, { key: "Mod-Delete", mac: "Alt-Delete", run: function(e20) {
return PZ(e20, true);
} }, { mac: "Mod-Backspace", run: function(e20) {
return _Z(e20, function(t10) {
var n10 = e20.moveToLineBoundary(t10, false).head;
return t10.head > n10 ? n10 : Math.max(0, t10.head - 1);
} }, { mac: "Mod-Delete", run: function(e20) {
return _Z(e20, function(t10) {
var n10 = e20.moveToLineBoundary(t10, true).head;
return t10.head < n10 ? n10 : Math.min(e20.state.doc.length, t10.head + 1);
} }].concat(VZ.map(function(e20) {
return { mac: e20.key, run: e20.run, shift: e20.shift };
var WZ = [{ key: "Alt-ArrowLeft", mac: "Ctrl-ArrowLeft", run: function(e20) {
return GX(e20, function(t10) {
return rZ(e20.state, t10, !XX(e20));
}, shift: function(e20) {
return dZ(e20, function(t10) {
return rZ(e20.state, t10, !XX(e20));
} }, { key: "Alt-ArrowRight", mac: "Ctrl-ArrowRight", run: function(e20) {
return GX(e20, function(t10) {
return rZ(e20.state, t10, XX(e20));
}, shift: function(e20) {
return dZ(e20, function(t10) {
return rZ(e20.state, t10, XX(e20));
} }, { key: "Alt-ArrowUp", run: function(e20) {
return NZ(e20.state, e20.dispatch, false);
} }, { key: "Shift-Alt-ArrowUp", run: function(e20) {
return IZ(e20.state, e20.dispatch, false);
} }, { key: "Alt-ArrowDown", run: function(e20) {
return NZ(e20.state, e20.dispatch, true);
} }, { key: "Shift-Alt-ArrowDown", run: function(e20) {
return IZ(e20.state, e20.dispatch, true);
} }, { key: "Escape", run: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state, n10 = e20.dispatch, r10 = t10.selection, o10 = null;
return r10.ranges.length > 1 ? o10 = $F.create([r10.main]) : r10.main.empty || (o10 = $F.create([$F.cursor(r10.main.head)])), !!o10 && (n10(KX(t10, o10)), true);
} }, { key: "Mod-Enter", run: qZ }, { key: "Alt-l", mac: "Ctrl-l", run: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state, n10 = e20.dispatch, r10 = RZ(t10).map(function(e21) {
var n11 = e21.from, r11 = e21.to;
return $F.range(n11, Math.min(r11 + 1, t10.doc.length));
return n10(t10.update({ selection: $F.create(r10), userEvent: "select" })), true;
} }, { key: "Mod-i", run: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state, n10 = e20.dispatch, r10 = JX(t10.selection, function(e21) {
for (var n11, r11 = zQ(t10).resolveStack(e21.from, 1); r11; r11 = r11.next) {
var o10 = r11.node;
if ((o10.from < e21.from && o10.to >= e21.to || o10.to > e21.to && o10.from <= e21.from) && (null === (n11 = o10.parent) || void 0 === n11 ? void 0 : n11.parent))
return $F.range(o10.to, o10.from);
return e21;
return n10(KX(t10, r10)), true;
}, preventDefault: true }, { key: "Mod-[", run: FZ }, { key: "Mod-]", run: LZ }, { key: "Mod-Alt-\\", run: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state, n10 = e20.dispatch;
if (t10.readOnly)
return false;
var r10 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), o10 = new tY(t10, { overrideIndentation: function(e21) {
var t11 = r10[e21];
return null == t11 ? -1 : t11;
} }), i10 = BZ(t10, function(e21, n11, i11) {
var a10 = eY(o10, e21.from);
if (null != a10) {
/\S/.test(e21.text) || (a10 = 0);
var s10 = /^\s*/.exec(e21.text)[0], c10 = ZQ(t10, a10);
(s10 != c10 || i11.from < e21.from + s10.length) && (r10[e21.from] = a10, n11.push({ from: e21.from, to: e21.from + s10.length, insert: c10 }));
return i10.changes.empty || n10(t10.update(i10, { userEvent: "indent" })), true;
} }, { key: "Shift-Mod-k", run: function(e20) {
if (e20.state.readOnly)
return false;
var t10 = e20.state, n10 = t10.changes(RZ(t10).map(function(e21) {
var n11 = e21.from, r11 = e21.to;
return n11 > 0 ? n11-- : r11 < t10.doc.length && r11++, { from: n11, to: r11 };
})), r10 = JX(t10.selection, function(t11) {
return e20.moveVertically(t11, true);
return e20.dispatch({ changes: n10, selection: r10, scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: "delete.line" }), true;
} }, { key: "Shift-Mod-\\", run: function(e20) {
return function(e21, t10, n10) {
var r10 = false, o10 = JX(e21.selection, function(t11) {
var o11 = ZY(e21, t11.head, -1) || ZY(e21, t11.head, 1) || t11.head > 0 && ZY(e21, t11.head - 1, 1) || t11.head < e21.doc.length && ZY(e21, t11.head + 1, -1);
if (!o11 || !o11.end)
return t11;
r10 = true;
var i10 = o11.start.from == t11.head ? o11.end.to : o11.end.from;
return n10 ? $F.range(t11.anchor, i10) : $F.cursor(i10);
return !!r10 && (t10(KX(e21, o10)), true);
}(e20.state, e20.dispatch, false);
} }, { key: "Mod-/", run: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state, n10 = t10.doc.lineAt(t10.selection.main.from), r10 = gX(e20.state, n10.from);
return r10.line ? vX(e20) : !!r10.block && mX(e20);
} }, { key: "Alt-A", run: pX }].concat(HZ);
var UZ = { key: "Tab", run: LZ, shift: FZ };
function JZ() {
var e20 = arguments[0];
"string" == typeof e20 && (e20 = document.createElement(e20));
var t10 = 1, n10 = arguments[1];
if (n10 && "object" == Ho(n10) && null == n10.nodeType && !Array.isArray(n10)) {
for (var r10 in n10)
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n10, r10)) {
var o10 = n10[r10];
"string" == typeof o10 ? e20.setAttribute(r10, o10) : null != o10 && (e20[r10] = o10);
for (; t10 < arguments.length; t10++)
KZ(e20, arguments[t10]);
return e20;
function KZ(e20, t10) {
if ("string" == typeof t10)
else if (null == t10)
else if (null != t10.nodeType)
else {
if (!Array.isArray(t10))
throw new RangeError("Unsupported child node: " + t10);
for (var n10 = 0; n10 < t10.length; n10++)
KZ(e20, t10[n10]);
var GZ = Do(function e10(t10, n10, r10) {
No(this, e10), this.from = t10, this.to = n10, this.diagnostic = r10;
var QZ = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
No(this, e20), this.diagnostics = t10, this.panel = n10, this.selected = r10;
return Do(e20, null, [{ key: "init", value: function(t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = t10, i10 = r10.facet(u0).markerFilter;
i10 && (o10 = i10(o10));
var a10 = KH.set(o10.map(function(e21) {
return e21.from == e21.to || e21.from == e21.to - 1 && r10.doc.lineAt(e21.from).to == e21.from ? KH.widget({ widget: new h0(e21), diagnostic: e21 }).range(e21.from) : KH.mark({ attributes: { class: "cm-lintRange cm-lintRange-" + e21.severity + (e21.markClass ? " " + e21.markClass : "") }, diagnostic: e21 }).range(e21.from, e21.to);
}), true);
return new e20(a10, n10, YZ(a10));
} }]), e20;
function YZ(e20) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : null, n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 0, r10 = null;
return e20.between(n10, 1e9, function(e21, n11, o10) {
var i10 = o10.spec;
if (!t10 || i10.diagnostic == t10)
return r10 = new GZ(e21, n11, i10.diagnostic), false;
}), r10;
function XZ(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.startState.doc.lineAt(t10.pos);
return !(!e20.effects.some(function(e21) {
return e21.is(e0);
}) && !e20.changes.touchesRange(n10.from, n10.to));
function ZZ(e20, t10) {
return e20.field(r0, false) ? t10 : t10.concat(oV.appendConfig.of(_0));
var e0 = oV.define();
var t0 = oV.define();
var n0 = oV.define();
var r0 = NF.define({ create: function() {
return new QZ(KH.none, null, null);
}, update: function(e20, t10) {
if (t10.docChanged) {
var n10 = e20.diagnostics.map(t10.changes), r10 = null;
if (e20.selected) {
var o10 = t10.changes.mapPos(e20.selected.from, 1);
r10 = YZ(n10, e20.selected.diagnostic, o10) || YZ(n10, null, o10);
e20 = new QZ(n10, e20.panel, r10);
var i10, a10 = bo(t10.effects);
try {
for (a10.s(); !(i10 = a10.n()).done; ) {
var s10 = i10.value;
s10.is(e0) ? e20 = QZ.init(s10.value, e20.panel, t10.state) : s10.is(t0) ? e20 = new QZ(e20.diagnostics, s10.value ? p0.open : null, e20.selected) : s10.is(n0) && (e20 = new QZ(e20.diagnostics, e20.panel, s10.value));
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return e20;
}, provide: function(e20) {
return [aG.from(e20, function(e21) {
return e21.panel;
}), zJ.decorations.from(e20, function(e21) {
return e21.diagnostics;
} });
var o0 = KH.mark({ class: "cm-lintRange cm-lintRange-active" });
function i0(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.state.field(r0).diagnostics, o10 = [], i10 = 2e8, a10 = 0;
r10.between(t10 - (n10 < 0 ? 1 : 0), t10 + (n10 > 0 ? 1 : 0), function(e21, r11, s11) {
var c10 = s11.spec;
t10 >= e21 && t10 <= r11 && (e21 == r11 || (t10 > e21 || n10 > 0) && (t10 < r11 || n10 < 0)) && (o10.push(c10.diagnostic), i10 = Math.min(e21, i10), a10 = Math.max(r11, a10));
var s10 = e20.state.facet(u0).tooltipFilter;
return s10 && (o10 = s10(o10)), o10.length ? { pos: i10, end: a10, above: e20.state.doc.lineAt(i10).to < a10, create: function() {
return { dom: a0(e20, o10) };
} } : null;
function a0(e20, t10) {
return JZ("ul", { class: "cm-tooltip-lint" }, t10.map(function(t11) {
return d0(e20, t11, false);
var s0 = function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state.field(r0, false);
return !(!t10 || !t10.panel) && (e20.dispatch({ effects: t0.of(false) }), true);
var c0 = [{ key: "Mod-Shift-m", run: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state.field(r0, false);
t10 && t10.panel || e20.dispatch({ effects: ZZ(e20.state, [t0.of(true)]) });
var n10 = nG(e20, p0.open);
return n10 && n10.dom.querySelector(".cm-panel-lint ul").focus(), true;
}, preventDefault: true }, { key: "F8", run: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state.field(r0, false);
if (!t10)
return false;
var n10 = e20.state.selection.main, r10 = t10.diagnostics.iter(n10.to + 1);
return !(!r10.value && (!(r10 = t10.diagnostics.iter(0)).value || r10.from == n10.from && r10.to == n10.to)) && (e20.dispatch({ selection: { anchor: r10.from, head: r10.to }, scrollIntoView: true }), true);
} }];
var l0 = FW.fromClass(function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.view = t10, this.timeout = -1, this.set = true;
var n10 = t10.state.facet(u0).delay;
this.lintTime = Date.now() + n10, this.run = this.run.bind(this), this.timeout = setTimeout(this.run, n10);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "run", value: function() {
var e21 = this, t10 = Date.now();
if (t10 < this.lintTime - 10)
this.timeout = setTimeout(this.run, this.lintTime - t10);
else {
this.set = false;
var n10 = this.view.state, r10 = n10.facet(u0).sources;
Promise.all(r10.map(function(t11) {
return Promise.resolve(t11(e21.view));
})).then(function(t11) {
var r11 = t11.reduce(function(e23, t12) {
return e23.concat(t12);
e21.view.state.doc == n10.doc && e21.view.dispatch(function(e23, t12) {
return { effects: ZZ(e23, [e0.of(t12)]) };
}(e21.view.state, r11));
}, function(t11) {
qW(e21.view.state, t11);
} }, { key: "update", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = e21.state.facet(u0);
(e21.docChanged || t10 != e21.startState.facet(u0) || t10.needsRefresh && t10.needsRefresh(e21)) && (this.lintTime = Date.now() + t10.delay, this.set || (this.set = true, this.timeout = setTimeout(this.run, t10.delay)));
} }, { key: "force", value: function() {
this.set && (this.lintTime = Date.now(), this.run());
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function() {
} }]), e20;
var u0 = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return Object.assign({ sources: e20.map(function(e21) {
return e21.source;
}) }, gV(e20.map(function(e21) {
return e21.config;
}), { delay: 750, markerFilter: null, tooltipFilter: null, needsRefresh: null }, { needsRefresh: function(e21, t10) {
return e21 ? t10 ? function(n10) {
return e21(n10) || t10(n10);
} : e21 : t10;
} }));
} });
function f0(e20) {
var t10 = [];
if (e20) {
var n10, r10 = bo(e20);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(n10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
for (var o10 = n10.value.name, i10 = function() {
var e21 = o10[a10];
if (/[a-zA-Z]/.test(e21) && !t10.some(function(t11) {
return t11.toLowerCase() == e21.toLowerCase();
return t10.push(e21), 1;
}, a10 = 0; a10 < o10.length; a10++)
if (i10())
continue e;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return t10;
function d0(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = n10 ? f0(t10.actions) : [];
return JZ("li", { class: "cm-diagnostic cm-diagnostic-" + t10.severity }, JZ("span", { class: "cm-diagnosticText" }, t10.renderMessage ? t10.renderMessage() : t10.message), null === (r10 = t10.actions) || void 0 === r10 ? void 0 : r10.map(function(n11, r11) {
var i10 = false, a10 = function(r12) {
if (r12.preventDefault(), !i10) {
i10 = true;
var o11 = YZ(e20.state.field(r0).diagnostics, t10);
o11 && n11.apply(e20, o11.from, o11.to);
}, s10 = n11.name, c10 = o10[r11] ? s10.indexOf(o10[r11]) : -1, l10 = c10 < 0 ? s10 : [s10.slice(0, c10), JZ("u", s10.slice(c10, c10 + 1)), s10.slice(c10 + 1)];
return JZ("button", { type: "button", class: "cm-diagnosticAction", onclick: a10, onmousedown: a10, "aria-label": " Action: ".concat(s10).concat(c10 < 0 ? "" : ' (access key "'.concat(o10[r11], ')"'), ".") }, l10);
}), t10.source && JZ("div", { class: "cm-diagnosticSource" }, t10.source));
var h0 = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), (n10 = _o(this, t10)).diagnostic = e21, n10;
return Ao(t10, UH), Do(t10, [{ key: "eq", value: function(e21) {
return e21.diagnostic == this.diagnostic;
} }, { key: "toDOM", value: function() {
return JZ("span", { class: "cm-lintPoint cm-lintPoint-" + this.diagnostic.severity });
} }]), t10;
var v0 = Do(function e11(t10, n10) {
No(this, e11), this.diagnostic = n10, this.id = "item_" + Math.floor(4294967295 * Math.random()).toString(16), this.dom = d0(t10, n10, true), this.dom.id = this.id, this.dom.setAttribute("role", "option");
var p0 = function() {
function e20(t10) {
var n10 = this;
No(this, e20), this.view = t10, this.items = [];
this.list = JZ("ul", { tabIndex: 0, role: "listbox", "aria-label": this.view.state.phrase("Diagnostics"), onkeydown: function(e21) {
if (27 == e21.keyCode)
s0(n10.view), n10.view.focus();
else if (38 == e21.keyCode || 33 == e21.keyCode)
n10.moveSelection((n10.selectedIndex - 1 + n10.items.length) % n10.items.length);
else if (40 == e21.keyCode || 34 == e21.keyCode)
n10.moveSelection((n10.selectedIndex + 1) % n10.items.length);
else if (36 == e21.keyCode)
else if (35 == e21.keyCode)
n10.moveSelection(n10.items.length - 1);
else if (13 == e21.keyCode)
else {
if (!(e21.keyCode >= 65 && e21.keyCode <= 90 && n10.selectedIndex >= 0))
for (var r10 = n10.items[n10.selectedIndex].diagnostic, o10 = f0(r10.actions), i10 = 0; i10 < o10.length; i10++)
if (o10[i10].toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0) == e21.keyCode) {
var a10 = YZ(n10.view.state.field(r0).diagnostics, r10);
a10 && r10.actions[i10].apply(t10, a10.from, a10.to);
}, onclick: function(e21) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < n10.items.length; t11++)
n10.items[t11].dom.contains(e21.target) && n10.moveSelection(t11);
} }), this.dom = JZ("div", { class: "cm-panel-lint" }, this.list, JZ("button", { type: "button", name: "close", "aria-label": this.view.state.phrase("close"), onclick: function() {
return s0(n10.view);
} }, "\xD7")), this.update();
return Do(e20, [{ key: "selectedIndex", get: function() {
var e21 = this.view.state.field(r0).selected;
if (!e21)
return -1;
for (var t10 = 0; t10 < this.items.length; t10++)
if (this.items[t10].diagnostic == e21.diagnostic)
return t10;
return -1;
} }, { key: "update", value: function() {
var e21 = this, t10 = this.view.state.field(r0), n10 = t10.diagnostics, r10 = t10.selected, o10 = 0, i10 = false, a10 = null;
for (n10.between(0, this.view.state.doc.length, function(t11, n11, s10) {
for (var c10, l10 = s10.spec, u10 = -1, f10 = o10; f10 < e21.items.length; f10++)
if (e21.items[f10].diagnostic == l10.diagnostic) {
u10 = f10;
u10 < 0 ? (c10 = new v0(e21.view, l10.diagnostic), e21.items.splice(o10, 0, c10), i10 = true) : (c10 = e21.items[u10], u10 > o10 && (e21.items.splice(o10, u10 - o10), i10 = true)), r10 && c10.diagnostic == r10.diagnostic ? c10.dom.hasAttribute("aria-selected") || (c10.dom.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true"), a10 = c10) : c10.dom.hasAttribute("aria-selected") && c10.dom.removeAttribute("aria-selected"), o10++;
}); o10 < this.items.length && !(1 == this.items.length && this.items[0].diagnostic.from < 0); )
i10 = true, this.items.pop();
0 == this.items.length && (this.items.push(new v0(this.view, { from: -1, to: -1, severity: "info", message: this.view.state.phrase("No diagnostics") })), i10 = true), a10 ? (this.list.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", a10.id), this.view.requestMeasure({ key: this, read: function() {
return { sel: a10.dom.getBoundingClientRect(), panel: e21.list.getBoundingClientRect() };
}, write: function(t11) {
var n11 = t11.sel, r11 = t11.panel, o11 = r11.height / e21.list.offsetHeight;
n11.top < r11.top ? e21.list.scrollTop -= (r11.top - n11.top) / o11 : n11.bottom > r11.bottom && (e21.list.scrollTop += (n11.bottom - r11.bottom) / o11);
} })) : this.selectedIndex < 0 && this.list.removeAttribute("aria-activedescendant"), i10 && this.sync();
} }, { key: "sync", value: function() {
var e21 = this.list.firstChild;
function t10() {
var t11 = e21;
e21 = t11.nextSibling, t11.remove();
var n10, r10 = bo(this.items);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(n10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
var o10 = n10.value;
if (o10.dom.parentNode == this.list) {
for (; e21 != o10.dom; )
e21 = o10.dom.nextSibling;
} else
this.list.insertBefore(o10.dom, e21);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
for (; e21; )
} }, { key: "moveSelection", value: function(e21) {
if (!(this.selectedIndex < 0)) {
var t10 = YZ(this.view.state.field(r0).diagnostics, this.items[e21].diagnostic);
t10 && this.view.dispatch({ selection: { anchor: t10.from, head: t10.to }, scrollIntoView: true, effects: n0.of(t10) });
} }], [{ key: "open", value: function(t10) {
return new e20(t10);
} }]), e20;
function m0(e20) {
return `url('data:image/svg+xml,')");
function g0(e20) {
return m0(''), 'width="6" height="3"');
var y0 = zJ.baseTheme({ ".cm-diagnostic": { padding: "3px 6px 3px 8px", marginLeft: "-1px", display: "block", whiteSpace: "pre-wrap" }, ".cm-diagnostic-error": { borderLeft: "5px solid #d11" }, ".cm-diagnostic-warning": { borderLeft: "5px solid orange" }, ".cm-diagnostic-info": { borderLeft: "5px solid #999" }, ".cm-diagnostic-hint": { borderLeft: "5px solid #66d" }, ".cm-diagnosticAction": { font: "inherit", border: "none", padding: "2px 4px", backgroundColor: "#444", color: "white", borderRadius: "3px", marginLeft: "8px", cursor: "pointer" }, ".cm-diagnosticSource": { fontSize: "70%", opacity: 0.7 }, ".cm-lintRange": { backgroundPosition: "left bottom", backgroundRepeat: "repeat-x", paddingBottom: "0.7px" }, ".cm-lintRange-error": { backgroundImage: g0("#d11") }, ".cm-lintRange-warning": { backgroundImage: g0("orange") }, ".cm-lintRange-info": { backgroundImage: g0("#999") }, ".cm-lintRange-hint": { backgroundImage: g0("#66d") }, ".cm-lintRange-active": { backgroundColor: "#ffdd9980" }, ".cm-tooltip-lint": { padding: 0, margin: 0 }, ".cm-lintPoint": { position: "relative", "&:after": { content: '""', position: "absolute", bottom: 0, left: "-2px", borderLeft: "3px solid transparent", borderRight: "3px solid transparent", borderBottom: "4px solid #d11" } }, ".cm-lintPoint-warning": { "&:after": { borderBottomColor: "orange" } }, ".cm-lintPoint-info": { "&:after": { borderBottomColor: "#999" } }, ".cm-lintPoint-hint": { "&:after": { borderBottomColor: "#66d" } }, ".cm-panel.cm-panel-lint": { position: "relative", "& ul": { maxHeight: "100px", overflowY: "auto", "& [aria-selected]": { backgroundColor: "#ddd", "& u": { textDecoration: "underline" } }, "&:focus [aria-selected]": { background_fallback: "#bdf", backgroundColor: "Highlight", color_fallback: "white", color: "HighlightText" }, "& u": { textDecoration: "none" }, padding: 0, margin: 0 }, "& [name=close]": { position: "absolute", top: "0", right: "2px", background: "inherit", border: "none", font: "inherit", padding: 0, margin: 0 } } });
function b0(e20) {
return "error" == e20 ? 4 : "warning" == e20 ? 3 : "info" == e20 ? 2 : 1;
var k0 = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), (n10 = _o(this, t10)).diagnostics = e21, n10.severity = e21.reduce(function(e23, t11) {
return b0(e23) < b0(t11.severity) ? t11.severity : e23;
}, "hint"), n10;
return Ao(t10, sG), Do(t10, [{ key: "toDOM", value: function(e21) {
var t11 = document.createElement("div");
t11.className = "cm-lint-marker cm-lint-marker-" + this.severity;
var n10 = this.diagnostics, r10 = e21.state.facet(O0).tooltipFilter;
return r10 && (n10 = r10(n10)), n10.length && (t11.onmouseover = function() {
return function(e23, t12, n11) {
function r11() {
var r12 = e23.elementAtHeight(t12.getBoundingClientRect().top + 5 - e23.documentTop);
e23.coordsAtPos(r12.from) && e23.dispatch({ effects: S0.of({ pos: r12.from, above: false, create: function() {
return { dom: a0(e23, n11), getCoords: function() {
return t12.getBoundingClientRect();
} };
} }) }), t12.onmouseout = t12.onmousemove = null, function(e24, t13) {
var n12 = function n13(r13) {
var o11 = t13.getBoundingClientRect();
if (!(r13.clientX > o11.left - 10 && r13.clientX < o11.right + 10 && r13.clientY > o11.top - 10 && r13.clientY < o11.bottom + 10)) {
for (var i11 = r13.target; i11; i11 = i11.parentNode)
if (1 == i11.nodeType && i11.classList.contains("cm-tooltip-lint"))
window.removeEventListener("mousemove", n13), e24.state.field(C0) && e24.dispatch({ effects: S0.of(null) });
window.addEventListener("mousemove", n12);
}(e23, t12);
var o10 = e23.state.facet(O0), i10 = o10.hoverTime, a10 = setTimeout(r11, i10);
t12.onmouseout = function() {
clearTimeout(a10), t12.onmouseout = t12.onmousemove = null;
}, t12.onmousemove = function() {
clearTimeout(a10), a10 = setTimeout(r11, i10);
}(e21, t11, n10);
}), t11;
} }]), t10;
function w0(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), o10 = bo(t10);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(n10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = n10.value, a10 = e20.lineAt(i10.from);
(r10[a10.from] || (r10[a10.from] = [])).push(i10);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
var s10 = [];
for (var c10 in r10)
s10.push(new k0(r10[c10]).range(+c10));
return xV.of(s10, true);
var x0 = fG({ class: "cm-gutter-lint", markers: function(e20) {
return e20.state.field(j0);
} });
var j0 = NF.define({ create: function() {
return xV.empty;
}, update: function(e20, t10) {
e20 = e20.map(t10.changes);
var n10, r10 = t10.state.facet(O0).markerFilter, o10 = bo(t10.effects);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(n10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = n10.value;
if (i10.is(e0)) {
var a10 = i10.value;
r10 && (a10 = r10(a10 || [])), e20 = w0(t10.state.doc, a10.slice(0));
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return e20;
} });
var S0 = oV.define();
var C0 = NF.define({ create: function() {
return null;
}, update: function(e20, t10) {
return e20 && t10.docChanged && (e20 = XZ(t10, e20) ? null : Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e20), { pos: t10.changes.mapPos(e20.pos) })), t10.effects.reduce(function(e21, t11) {
return t11.is(S0) ? t11.value : e21;
}, e20);
}, provide: function(e20) {
return UK.from(e20);
} });
var $0 = zJ.baseTheme({ ".cm-gutter-lint": { width: "1.4em", "& .cm-gutterElement": { padding: ".2em" } }, ".cm-lint-marker": { width: "1em", height: "1em" }, ".cm-lint-marker-info": { content: m0('') }, ".cm-lint-marker-warning": { content: m0('') }, ".cm-lint-marker-error": { content: m0('') } });
var _0 = [r0, zJ.decorations.compute([r0], function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.field(r0), n10 = t10.selected, r10 = t10.panel;
return n10 && r10 && n10.from != n10.to ? KH.set([o0.range(n10.from, n10.to)]) : KH.none;
}), XK(i0, { hideOn: XZ }), y0];
var O0 = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return gV(e20, { hoverTime: 300, markerFilter: null, tooltipFilter: null });
} });
function M0() {
var e20 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
return [O0.of(e20), j0, x0, $0, C0];
var E0 = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10) {
var u10 = arguments.length > 9 && void 0 !== arguments[9] ? arguments[9] : 0, f10 = arguments.length > 10 ? arguments[10] : void 0;
No(this, e20), this.p = t10, this.stack = n10, this.state = r10, this.reducePos = o10, this.pos = i10, this.score = a10, this.buffer = s10, this.bufferBase = c10, this.curContext = l10, this.lookAhead = u10, this.parent = f10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "toString", value: function() {
return "[".concat(this.stack.filter(function(e21, t10) {
return t10 % 3 == 0;
}).concat(this.state), "]@").concat(this.pos).concat(this.score ? "!" + this.score : "");
} }, { key: "context", get: function() {
return this.curContext ? this.curContext.context : null;
} }, { key: "pushState", value: function(e21, t10) {
this.stack.push(this.state, t10, this.bufferBase + this.buffer.length), this.state = e21;
} }, { key: "reduce", value: function(e21) {
var t10, n10 = e21 >> 19, r10 = 65535 & e21, o10 = this.p.parser, i10 = o10.dynamicPrecedence(r10);
if (i10 && (this.score += i10), 0 == n10)
return this.pushState(o10.getGoto(this.state, r10, true), this.reducePos), r10 < o10.minRepeatTerm && this.storeNode(r10, this.reducePos, this.reducePos, 4, true), void this.reduceContext(r10, this.reducePos);
var a10 = this.stack.length - 3 * (n10 - 1) - (262144 & e21 ? 6 : 0), s10 = a10 ? this.stack[a10 - 2] : this.p.ranges[0].from, c10 = this.reducePos - s10;
c10 >= 2e3 && !(null === (t10 = this.p.parser.nodeSet.types[r10]) || void 0 === t10 ? void 0 : t10.isAnonymous) && (s10 == this.p.lastBigReductionStart ? (this.p.bigReductionCount++, this.p.lastBigReductionSize = c10) : this.p.lastBigReductionSize < c10 && (this.p.bigReductionCount = 1, this.p.lastBigReductionStart = s10, this.p.lastBigReductionSize = c10));
var l10 = a10 ? this.stack[a10 - 1] : 0, u10 = this.bufferBase + this.buffer.length - l10;
if (r10 < o10.minRepeatTerm || 131072 & e21) {
var f10 = o10.stateFlag(this.state, 1) ? this.pos : this.reducePos;
this.storeNode(r10, s10, f10, u10 + 4, true);
if (262144 & e21)
this.state = this.stack[a10];
else {
var d10 = this.stack[a10 - 3];
this.state = o10.getGoto(d10, r10, true);
for (; this.stack.length > a10; )
this.reduceContext(r10, s10);
} }, { key: "storeNode", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
var r10 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 4, o10 = arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] && arguments[4];
if (0 == e21 && (!this.stack.length || this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] < this.buffer.length + this.bufferBase)) {
var i10 = this, a10 = this.buffer.length;
if (0 == a10 && i10.parent && (a10 = i10.bufferBase - i10.parent.bufferBase, i10 = i10.parent), a10 > 0 && 0 == i10.buffer[a10 - 4] && i10.buffer[a10 - 1] > -1) {
if (t10 == n10)
if (i10.buffer[a10 - 2] >= t10)
return void (i10.buffer[a10 - 2] = n10);
if (o10 && this.pos != n10) {
var s10 = this.buffer.length;
if (s10 > 0 && 0 != this.buffer[s10 - 4])
for (; s10 > 0 && this.buffer[s10 - 2] > n10; )
this.buffer[s10] = this.buffer[s10 - 4], this.buffer[s10 + 1] = this.buffer[s10 - 3], this.buffer[s10 + 2] = this.buffer[s10 - 2], this.buffer[s10 + 3] = this.buffer[s10 - 1], s10 -= 4, r10 > 4 && (r10 -= 4);
this.buffer[s10] = e21, this.buffer[s10 + 1] = t10, this.buffer[s10 + 2] = n10, this.buffer[s10 + 3] = r10;
} else
this.buffer.push(e21, t10, n10, r10);
} }, { key: "shift", value: function(e21, t10, n10, r10) {
if (131072 & e21)
this.pushState(65535 & e21, this.pos);
else if (0 == (262144 & e21)) {
var o10 = e21, i10 = this.p.parser;
(r10 > this.pos || t10 <= i10.maxNode) && (this.pos = r10, i10.stateFlag(o10, 1) || (this.reducePos = r10)), this.pushState(o10, n10), this.shiftContext(t10, n10), t10 <= i10.maxNode && this.buffer.push(t10, n10, r10, 4);
} else
this.pos = r10, this.shiftContext(t10, n10), t10 <= this.p.parser.maxNode && this.buffer.push(t10, n10, r10, 4);
} }, { key: "apply", value: function(e21, t10, n10, r10) {
65536 & e21 ? this.reduce(e21) : this.shift(e21, t10, n10, r10);
} }, { key: "useNode", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = this.p.reused.length - 1;
(n10 < 0 || this.p.reused[n10] != e21) && (this.p.reused.push(e21), n10++);
var r10 = this.pos;
this.reducePos = this.pos = r10 + e21.length, this.pushState(t10, r10), this.buffer.push(n10, r10, this.reducePos, -1), this.curContext && this.updateContext(this.curContext.tracker.reuse(this.curContext.context, e21, this, this.p.stream.reset(this.pos - e21.length)));
} }, { key: "split", value: function() {
for (var t10 = this, n10 = t10.buffer.length; n10 > 0 && t10.buffer[n10 - 2] > t10.reducePos; )
n10 -= 4;
for (var r10 = t10.buffer.slice(n10), o10 = t10.bufferBase + n10; t10 && o10 == t10.bufferBase; )
t10 = t10.parent;
return new e20(this.p, this.stack.slice(), this.state, this.reducePos, this.pos, this.score, r10, o10, this.curContext, this.lookAhead, t10);
} }, { key: "recoverByDelete", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = e21 <= this.p.parser.maxNode;
n10 && this.storeNode(e21, this.pos, t10, 4), this.storeNode(0, this.pos, t10, n10 ? 8 : 4), this.pos = this.reducePos = t10, this.score -= 190;
} }, { key: "canShift", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = new P0(this); ; ) {
var n10 = this.p.parser.stateSlot(t10.state, 4) || this.p.parser.hasAction(t10.state, e21);
if (0 == n10)
return false;
if (0 == (65536 & n10))
return true;
} }, { key: "recoverByInsert", value: function(e21) {
if (this.stack.length >= 300)
return [];
var t10 = this.p.parser.nextStates(this.state);
if (t10.length > 8 || this.stack.length >= 120) {
for (var n10, r10 = [], o10 = 0; o10 < t10.length; o10 += 2)
(n10 = t10[o10 + 1]) != this.state && this.p.parser.hasAction(n10, e21) && r10.push(t10[o10], n10);
if (this.stack.length < 120)
for (var i10 = function() {
var e23 = t10[a10 + 1];
r10.some(function(t11, n11) {
return 1 & n11 && t11 == e23;
}) || r10.push(t10[a10], e23);
}, a10 = 0; r10.length < 8 && a10 < t10.length; a10 += 2)
t10 = r10;
for (var s10 = [], c10 = 0; c10 < t10.length && s10.length < 4; c10 += 2) {
var l10 = t10[c10 + 1];
if (l10 != this.state) {
var u10 = this.split();
u10.pushState(l10, this.pos), u10.storeNode(0, u10.pos, u10.pos, 4, true), u10.shiftContext(t10[c10], this.pos), u10.reducePos = this.pos, u10.score -= 200, s10.push(u10);
return s10;
} }, { key: "forceReduce", value: function() {
var e21 = this.p.parser, t10 = e21.stateSlot(this.state, 5);
if (0 == (65536 & t10))
return false;
if (!e21.validAction(this.state, t10)) {
var n10 = t10 >> 19, r10 = 65535 & t10, o10 = this.stack.length - 3 * n10;
if (o10 < 0 || e21.getGoto(this.stack[o10], r10, false) < 0) {
var i10 = this.findForcedReduction();
if (null == i10)
return false;
t10 = i10;
this.storeNode(0, this.pos, this.pos, 4, true), this.score -= 100;
return this.reducePos = this.pos, this.reduce(t10), true;
} }, { key: "findForcedReduction", value: function() {
var e21 = this, t10 = this.p.parser, n10 = [];
return function r10(o10, i10) {
if (!n10.includes(o10))
return n10.push(o10), t10.allActions(o10, function(n11) {
if (393216 & n11)
else if (65536 & n11) {
var o11 = (n11 >> 19) - i10;
if (o11 > 1) {
var a10 = 65535 & n11, s10 = e21.stack.length - 3 * o11;
if (s10 >= 0 && t10.getGoto(e21.stack[s10], a10, false) >= 0)
return o11 << 19 | 65536 | a10;
} else {
var c10 = r10(n11, i10 + 1);
if (null != c10)
return c10;
}(this.state, 0);
} }, { key: "forceAll", value: function() {
for (; !this.p.parser.stateFlag(this.state, 2); )
if (!this.forceReduce()) {
this.storeNode(0, this.pos, this.pos, 4, true);
return this;
} }, { key: "deadEnd", get: function() {
if (3 != this.stack.length)
return false;
var e21 = this.p.parser;
return 65535 == e21.data[e21.stateSlot(this.state, 1)] && !e21.stateSlot(this.state, 4);
} }, { key: "restart", value: function() {
this.storeNode(0, this.pos, this.pos, 4, true), this.state = this.stack[0], this.stack.length = 0;
} }, { key: "sameState", value: function(e21) {
if (this.state != e21.state || this.stack.length != e21.stack.length)
return false;
for (var t10 = 0; t10 < this.stack.length; t10 += 3)
if (this.stack[t10] != e21.stack[t10])
return false;
return true;
} }, { key: "parser", get: function() {
return this.p.parser;
} }, { key: "dialectEnabled", value: function(e21) {
return this.p.parser.dialect.flags[e21];
} }, { key: "shiftContext", value: function(e21, t10) {
this.curContext && this.updateContext(this.curContext.tracker.shift(this.curContext.context, e21, this, this.p.stream.reset(t10)));
} }, { key: "reduceContext", value: function(e21, t10) {
this.curContext && this.updateContext(this.curContext.tracker.reduce(this.curContext.context, e21, this, this.p.stream.reset(t10)));
} }, { key: "emitContext", value: function() {
var e21 = this.buffer.length - 1;
(e21 < 0 || -3 != this.buffer[e21]) && this.buffer.push(this.curContext.hash, this.pos, this.pos, -3);
} }, { key: "emitLookAhead", value: function() {
var e21 = this.buffer.length - 1;
(e21 < 0 || -4 != this.buffer[e21]) && this.buffer.push(this.lookAhead, this.pos, this.pos, -4);
} }, { key: "updateContext", value: function(e21) {
if (e21 != this.curContext.context) {
var t10 = new A0(this.curContext.tracker, e21);
t10.hash != this.curContext.hash && this.emitContext(), this.curContext = t10;
} }, { key: "setLookAhead", value: function(e21) {
e21 > this.lookAhead && (this.emitLookAhead(), this.lookAhead = e21);
} }, { key: "close", value: function() {
this.curContext && this.curContext.tracker.strict && this.emitContext(), this.lookAhead > 0 && this.emitLookAhead();
} }], [{ key: "start", value: function(t10, n10) {
var r10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 0, o10 = t10.parser.context;
return new e20(t10, [], n10, r10, r10, 0, [], 0, o10 ? new A0(o10, o10.start) : null, 0, null);
} }]), e20;
var A0 = Do(function e12(t10, n10) {
No(this, e12), this.tracker = t10, this.context = n10, this.hash = t10.strict ? t10.hash(n10) : 0;
var P0 = function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.start = t10, this.state = t10.state, this.stack = t10.stack, this.base = this.stack.length;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "reduce", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = 65535 & e21, n10 = e21 >> 19;
0 == n10 ? (this.stack == this.start.stack && (this.stack = this.stack.slice()), this.stack.push(this.state, 0, 0), this.base += 3) : this.base -= 3 * (n10 - 1);
var r10 = this.start.p.parser.getGoto(this.stack[this.base - 3], t10, true);
this.state = r10;
} }]), e20;
var T0 = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
No(this, e20), this.stack = t10, this.pos = n10, this.index = r10, this.buffer = t10.buffer, 0 == this.index && this.maybeNext();
return Do(e20, [{ key: "maybeNext", value: function() {
var e21 = this.stack.parent;
null != e21 && (this.index = this.stack.bufferBase - e21.bufferBase, this.stack = e21, this.buffer = e21.buffer);
} }, { key: "id", get: function() {
return this.buffer[this.index - 4];
} }, { key: "start", get: function() {
return this.buffer[this.index - 3];
} }, { key: "end", get: function() {
return this.buffer[this.index - 2];
} }, { key: "size", get: function() {
return this.buffer[this.index - 1];
} }, { key: "next", value: function() {
this.index -= 4, this.pos -= 4, 0 == this.index && this.maybeNext();
} }, { key: "fork", value: function() {
return new e20(this.stack, this.pos, this.index);
} }], [{ key: "create", value: function(t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : t10.bufferBase + t10.buffer.length;
return new e20(t10, n10, n10 - t10.bufferBase);
} }]), e20;
function R0(e20) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : Uint16Array;
if ("string" != typeof e20)
return e20;
for (var n10 = null, r10 = 0, o10 = 0; r10 < e20.length; ) {
for (var i10 = 0; ; ) {
var a10 = e20.charCodeAt(r10++), s10 = false;
if (126 == a10) {
i10 = 65535;
a10 >= 92 && a10--, a10 >= 34 && a10--;
var c10 = a10 - 32;
if (c10 >= 46 && (c10 -= 46, s10 = true), i10 += c10, s10)
i10 *= 46;
n10 ? n10[o10++] = i10 : n10 = new t10(i10);
return n10;
var N0 = Do(function e13() {
No(this, e13), this.start = -1, this.value = -1, this.end = -1, this.extended = -1, this.lookAhead = 0, this.mask = 0, this.context = 0;
var I0 = new N0();
var D0 = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
No(this, e20), this.input = t10, this.ranges = n10, this.chunk = "", this.chunkOff = 0, this.chunk2 = "", this.chunk2Pos = 0, this.next = -1, this.token = I0, this.rangeIndex = 0, this.pos = this.chunkPos = n10[0].from, this.range = n10[0], this.end = n10[n10.length - 1].to, this.readNext();
return Do(e20, [{ key: "resolveOffset", value: function(e21, t10) {
for (var n10 = this.range, r10 = this.rangeIndex, o10 = this.pos + e21; o10 < n10.from; ) {
if (!r10)
return null;
var i10 = this.ranges[--r10];
o10 -= n10.from - i10.to, n10 = i10;
for (; t10 < 0 ? o10 > n10.to : o10 >= n10.to; ) {
if (r10 == this.ranges.length - 1)
return null;
var a10 = this.ranges[++r10];
o10 += a10.from - n10.to, n10 = a10;
return o10;
} }, { key: "clipPos", value: function(e21) {
if (e21 >= this.range.from && e21 < this.range.to)
return e21;
var t10, n10 = bo(this.ranges);
try {
for (n10.s(); !(t10 = n10.n()).done; ) {
var r10 = t10.value;
if (r10.to > e21)
return Math.max(e21, r10.from);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return this.end;
} }, { key: "peek", value: function(e21) {
var t10, n10, r10 = this.chunkOff + e21;
if (r10 >= 0 && r10 < this.chunk.length)
t10 = this.pos + e21, n10 = this.chunk.charCodeAt(r10);
else {
var o10 = this.resolveOffset(e21, 1);
if (null == o10)
return -1;
if ((t10 = o10) >= this.chunk2Pos && t10 < this.chunk2Pos + this.chunk2.length)
n10 = this.chunk2.charCodeAt(t10 - this.chunk2Pos);
else {
for (var i10 = this.rangeIndex, a10 = this.range; a10.to <= t10; )
a10 = this.ranges[++i10];
this.chunk2 = this.input.chunk(this.chunk2Pos = t10), t10 + this.chunk2.length > a10.to && (this.chunk2 = this.chunk2.slice(0, a10.to - t10)), n10 = this.chunk2.charCodeAt(0);
return t10 >= this.token.lookAhead && (this.token.lookAhead = t10 + 1), n10;
} }, { key: "acceptToken", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0, n10 = t10 ? this.resolveOffset(t10, -1) : this.pos;
if (null == n10 || n10 < this.token.start)
throw new RangeError("Token end out of bounds");
this.token.value = e21, this.token.end = n10;
} }, { key: "getChunk", value: function() {
if (this.pos >= this.chunk2Pos && this.pos < this.chunk2Pos + this.chunk2.length) {
var e21 = this.chunk, t10 = this.chunkPos;
this.chunk = this.chunk2, this.chunkPos = this.chunk2Pos, this.chunk2 = e21, this.chunk2Pos = t10, this.chunkOff = this.pos - this.chunkPos;
} else {
this.chunk2 = this.chunk, this.chunk2Pos = this.chunkPos;
var n10 = this.input.chunk(this.pos), r10 = this.pos + n10.length;
this.chunk = r10 > this.range.to ? n10.slice(0, this.range.to - this.pos) : n10, this.chunkPos = this.pos, this.chunkOff = 0;
} }, { key: "readNext", value: function() {
return this.chunkOff >= this.chunk.length && (this.getChunk(), this.chunkOff == this.chunk.length) ? this.next = -1 : this.next = this.chunk.charCodeAt(this.chunkOff);
} }, { key: "advance", value: function() {
var e21 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 1;
for (this.chunkOff += e21; this.pos + e21 >= this.range.to; ) {
if (this.rangeIndex == this.ranges.length - 1)
return this.setDone();
e21 -= this.range.to - this.pos, this.range = this.ranges[++this.rangeIndex], this.pos = this.range.from;
return this.pos += e21, this.pos >= this.token.lookAhead && (this.token.lookAhead = this.pos + 1), this.readNext();
} }, { key: "setDone", value: function() {
return this.pos = this.chunkPos = this.end, this.range = this.ranges[this.rangeIndex = this.ranges.length - 1], this.chunk = "", this.next = -1;
} }, { key: "reset", value: function(e21, t10) {
if (t10 ? (this.token = t10, t10.start = e21, t10.lookAhead = e21 + 1, t10.value = t10.extended = -1) : this.token = I0, this.pos != e21) {
if (this.pos = e21, e21 == this.end)
return this.setDone(), this;
for (; e21 < this.range.from; )
this.range = this.ranges[--this.rangeIndex];
for (; e21 >= this.range.to; )
this.range = this.ranges[++this.rangeIndex];
e21 >= this.chunkPos && e21 < this.chunkPos + this.chunk.length ? this.chunkOff = e21 - this.chunkPos : (this.chunk = "", this.chunkOff = 0), this.readNext();
return this;
} }, { key: "read", value: function(e21, t10) {
if (e21 >= this.chunkPos && t10 <= this.chunkPos + this.chunk.length)
return this.chunk.slice(e21 - this.chunkPos, t10 - this.chunkPos);
if (e21 >= this.chunk2Pos && t10 <= this.chunk2Pos + this.chunk2.length)
return this.chunk2.slice(e21 - this.chunk2Pos, t10 - this.chunk2Pos);
if (e21 >= this.range.from && t10 <= this.range.to)
return this.input.read(e21, t10);
var n10, r10 = "", o10 = bo(this.ranges);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(n10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = n10.value;
if (i10.from >= t10)
i10.to > e21 && (r10 += this.input.read(Math.max(i10.from, e21), Math.min(i10.to, t10)));
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return r10;
} }]), e20;
var q0 = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
No(this, e20), this.data = t10, this.id = n10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "token", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = t10.p.parser;
!function(e23, t11, n11, r10, o10, i10) {
var a10 = 0, s10 = 1 << r10, c10 = n11.p.parser.dialect;
for (; 0 != (s10 & e23[a10]); ) {
for (var l10 = e23[a10 + 1], u10 = a10 + 3; u10 < l10; u10 += 2)
if ((e23[u10 + 1] & s10) > 0) {
var f10 = e23[u10];
if (c10.allows(f10) && (-1 == t11.token.value || t11.token.value == f10 || B0(f10, t11.token.value, o10, i10))) {
var d10 = t11.next, h10 = 0, v10 = e23[a10 + 2];
if (!(t11.next < 0 && v10 > h10 && 65535 == e23[l10 + 3 * v10 - 3])) {
for (; h10 < v10; ) {
var p10 = h10 + v10 >> 1, m10 = l10 + p10 + (p10 << 1), g10 = e23[m10], y10 = e23[m10 + 1] || 65536;
if (d10 < g10)
v10 = p10;
else {
if (!(d10 >= y10)) {
a10 = e23[m10 + 2], t11.advance();
continue e;
h10 = p10 + 1;
a10 = e23[l10 + 3 * v10 - 1];
}(this.data, e21, t10, this.id, n10.data, n10.tokenPrecTable);
} }]), e20;
function z0(e20, t10, n10) {
for (var r10, o10 = t10; 65535 != (r10 = e20[o10]); o10++)
if (r10 == n10)
return o10 - t10;
return -1;
function B0(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = z0(n10, r10, t10);
return o10 < 0 || z0(n10, r10, e20) < o10;
q0.prototype.contextual = q0.prototype.fallback = q0.prototype.extend = false, q0.prototype.fallback = q0.prototype.extend = false;
var L0 = "undefined" != typeof process && process.env && /\bparse\b/.test(process.env.LOG);
var F0 = null;
function V0(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.cursor(NG.IncludeAnonymous);
for (r10.moveTo(t10); ; )
if (!(n10 < 0 ? r10.childBefore(t10) : r10.childAfter(t10)))
for (; ; ) {
if ((n10 < 0 ? r10.to < t10 : r10.from > t10) && !r10.type.isError)
return n10 < 0 ? Math.max(0, Math.min(r10.to - 1, t10 - 25)) : Math.min(e20.length, Math.max(r10.from + 1, t10 + 25));
if (n10 < 0 ? r10.prevSibling() : r10.nextSibling())
if (!r10.parent())
return n10 < 0 ? 0 : e20.length;
var H0 = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
No(this, e20), this.fragments = t10, this.nodeSet = n10, this.i = 0, this.fragment = null, this.safeFrom = -1, this.safeTo = -1, this.trees = [], this.start = [], this.index = [], this.nextFragment();
return Do(e20, [{ key: "nextFragment", value: function() {
var e21 = this.fragment = this.i == this.fragments.length ? null : this.fragments[this.i++];
if (e21) {
for (this.safeFrom = e21.openStart ? V0(e21.tree, e21.from + e21.offset, 1) - e21.offset : e21.from, this.safeTo = e21.openEnd ? V0(e21.tree, e21.to + e21.offset, -1) - e21.offset : e21.to; this.trees.length; )
this.trees.pop(), this.start.pop(), this.index.pop();
this.trees.push(e21.tree), this.start.push(-e21.offset), this.index.push(0), this.nextStart = this.safeFrom;
} else
this.nextStart = 1e9;
} }, { key: "nodeAt", value: function(e21) {
if (e21 < this.nextStart)
return null;
for (; this.fragment && this.safeTo <= e21; )
if (!this.fragment)
return null;
for (; ; ) {
var t10 = this.trees.length - 1;
if (t10 < 0)
return this.nextFragment(), null;
var n10 = this.trees[t10], r10 = this.index[t10];
if (r10 != n10.children.length) {
var o10 = n10.children[r10], i10 = this.start[t10] + n10.positions[r10];
if (i10 > e21)
return this.nextStart = i10, null;
if (o10 instanceof zG) {
if (i10 == e21) {
if (i10 < this.safeFrom)
return null;
var a10 = i10 + o10.length;
if (a10 <= this.safeTo) {
var s10 = o10.prop(AG.lookAhead);
if (!s10 || a10 + s10 < this.fragment.to)
return o10;
this.index[t10]++, i10 + o10.length >= Math.max(this.safeFrom, e21) && (this.trees.push(o10), this.start.push(i10), this.index.push(0));
} else
this.index[t10]++, this.nextStart = i10 + o10.length;
} else
this.trees.pop(), this.start.pop(), this.index.pop();
} }]), e20;
var W0 = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
No(this, e20), this.stream = n10, this.tokens = [], this.mainToken = null, this.actions = [], this.tokens = t10.tokenizers.map(function(e21) {
return new N0();
return Do(e20, [{ key: "getActions", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = 0, n10 = null, r10 = e21.p.parser, o10 = r10.tokenizers, i10 = r10.stateSlot(e21.state, 3), a10 = e21.curContext ? e21.curContext.hash : 0, s10 = 0, c10 = 0; c10 < o10.length; c10++)
if (0 != (1 << c10 & i10)) {
var l10 = o10[c10], u10 = this.tokens[c10];
if ((!n10 || l10.fallback) && ((l10.contextual || u10.start != e21.pos || u10.mask != i10 || u10.context != a10) && (this.updateCachedToken(u10, l10, e21), u10.mask = i10, u10.context = a10), u10.lookAhead > u10.end + 25 && (s10 = Math.max(u10.lookAhead, s10)), 0 != u10.value)) {
var f10 = t10;
if (u10.extended > -1 && (t10 = this.addActions(e21, u10.extended, u10.end, t10)), t10 = this.addActions(e21, u10.value, u10.end, t10), !l10.extend && (n10 = u10, t10 > f10))
for (; this.actions.length > t10; )
return s10 && e21.setLookAhead(s10), n10 || e21.pos != this.stream.end || ((n10 = new N0()).value = e21.p.parser.eofTerm, n10.start = n10.end = e21.pos, t10 = this.addActions(e21, n10.value, n10.end, t10)), this.mainToken = n10, this.actions;
} }, { key: "getMainToken", value: function(e21) {
if (this.mainToken)
return this.mainToken;
var t10 = new N0(), n10 = e21.pos, r10 = e21.p;
return t10.start = n10, t10.end = Math.min(n10 + 1, r10.stream.end), t10.value = n10 == r10.stream.end ? r10.parser.eofTerm : 0, t10;
} }, { key: "updateCachedToken", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
var r10 = this.stream.clipPos(n10.pos);
if (t10.token(this.stream.reset(r10, e21), n10), e21.value > -1) {
for (var o10 = n10.p.parser, i10 = 0; i10 < o10.specialized.length; i10++)
if (o10.specialized[i10] == e21.value) {
var a10 = o10.specializers[i10](this.stream.read(e21.start, e21.end), n10);
if (a10 >= 0 && n10.p.parser.dialect.allows(a10 >> 1)) {
0 == (1 & a10) ? e21.value = a10 >> 1 : e21.extended = a10 >> 1;
} else
e21.value = 0, e21.end = this.stream.clipPos(r10 + 1);
} }, { key: "putAction", value: function(e21, t10, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = 0; o10 < r10; o10 += 3)
if (this.actions[o10] == e21)
return r10;
return this.actions[r10++] = e21, this.actions[r10++] = t10, this.actions[r10++] = n10, r10;
} }, { key: "addActions", value: function(e21, t10, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = e21.state, i10 = e21.p.parser, a10 = i10.data, s10 = 0; s10 < 2; s10++)
for (var c10 = i10.stateSlot(o10, s10 ? 2 : 1); ; c10 += 3) {
if (65535 == a10[c10]) {
if (1 != a10[c10 + 1]) {
0 == r10 && 2 == a10[c10 + 1] && (r10 = this.putAction(Q0(a10, c10 + 2), t10, n10, r10));
c10 = Q0(a10, c10 + 2);
a10[c10] == t10 && (r10 = this.putAction(Q0(a10, c10 + 1), t10, n10, r10));
return r10;
} }]), e20;
var U0 = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10) {
No(this, e20), this.parser = t10, this.input = n10, this.ranges = o10, this.recovering = 0, this.nextStackID = 9812, this.minStackPos = 0, this.reused = [], this.stoppedAt = null, this.lastBigReductionStart = -1, this.lastBigReductionSize = 0, this.bigReductionCount = 0, this.stream = new D0(n10, o10), this.tokens = new W0(t10, this.stream), this.topTerm = t10.top[1];
var i10 = o10[0].from;
this.stacks = [E0.start(this, t10.top[0], i10)], this.fragments = r10.length && this.stream.end - i10 > 4 * t10.bufferLength ? new H0(r10, t10.nodeSet) : null;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "parsedPos", get: function() {
return this.minStackPos;
} }, { key: "advance", value: function() {
var e21, t10, n10 = this.stacks, r10 = this.minStackPos, o10 = this.stacks = [];
if (this.bigReductionCount > 300 && 1 == n10.length) {
for (var i10 = jo(n10, 1)[0]; i10.forceReduce() && i10.stack.length && i10.stack[i10.stack.length - 2] >= this.lastBigReductionStart; )
this.bigReductionCount = this.lastBigReductionSize = 0;
for (var a10 = 0; a10 < n10.length; a10++)
for (var s10 = n10[a10]; ; ) {
if (this.tokens.mainToken = null, s10.pos > r10)
else {
if (this.advanceStack(s10, o10, n10))
e21 || (e21 = [], t10 = []), e21.push(s10);
var c10 = this.tokens.getMainToken(s10);
t10.push(c10.value, c10.end);
if (!o10.length) {
var l10 = e21 && function(e23) {
var t11, n11 = null, r11 = bo(e23);
try {
for (r11.s(); !(t11 = r11.n()).done; ) {
var o11 = t11.value, i11 = o11.p.stoppedAt;
(o11.pos == o11.p.stream.end || null != i11 && o11.pos > i11) && o11.p.parser.stateFlag(o11.state, 2) && (!n11 || n11.score < o11.score) && (n11 = o11);
} catch (e24) {
} finally {
return n11;
if (l10)
return L0 && console.log("Finish with " + this.stackID(l10)), this.stackToTree(l10);
if (this.parser.strict)
throw L0 && e21 && console.log("Stuck with token " + (this.tokens.mainToken ? this.parser.getName(this.tokens.mainToken.value) : "none")), new SyntaxError("No parse at " + r10);
this.recovering || (this.recovering = 5);
if (this.recovering && e21) {
var u10 = null != this.stoppedAt && e21[0].pos > this.stoppedAt ? e21[0] : this.runRecovery(e21, t10, o10);
if (u10)
return L0 && console.log("Force-finish " + this.stackID(u10)), this.stackToTree(u10.forceAll());
if (this.recovering) {
var f10 = 1 == this.recovering ? 1 : 3 * this.recovering;
if (o10.length > f10)
for (o10.sort(function(e23, t11) {
return t11.score - e23.score;
}); o10.length > f10; )
o10.some(function(e23) {
return e23.reducePos > r10;
}) && this.recovering--;
} else if (o10.length > 1) {
for (var d10 = 0; d10 < o10.length - 1; d10++)
for (var h10 = o10[d10], v10 = d10 + 1; v10 < o10.length; v10++) {
var p10 = o10[v10];
if (h10.sameState(p10) || h10.buffer.length > 500 && p10.buffer.length > 500) {
if (!((h10.score - p10.score || h10.buffer.length - p10.buffer.length) > 0)) {
o10.splice(d10--, 1);
continue e;
o10.splice(v10--, 1);
o10.length > 12 && o10.splice(12, o10.length - 12);
this.minStackPos = o10[0].pos;
for (var m10 = 1; m10 < o10.length; m10++)
o10[m10].pos < this.minStackPos && (this.minStackPos = o10[m10].pos);
return null;
} }, { key: "stopAt", value: function(e21) {
if (null != this.stoppedAt && this.stoppedAt < e21)
throw new RangeError("Can't move stoppedAt forward");
this.stoppedAt = e21;
} }, { key: "advanceStack", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e21.pos, o10 = this.parser, i10 = L0 ? this.stackID(e21) + " -> " : "";
if (null != this.stoppedAt && r10 > this.stoppedAt)
return e21.forceReduce() ? e21 : null;
if (this.fragments)
for (var a10 = e21.curContext && e21.curContext.tracker.strict, s10 = a10 ? e21.curContext.hash : 0, c10 = this.fragments.nodeAt(r10); c10; ) {
var l10 = this.parser.nodeSet.types[c10.type.id] == c10.type ? o10.getGoto(e21.state, c10.type.id) : -1;
if (l10 > -1 && c10.length && (!a10 || (c10.prop(AG.contextHash) || 0) == s10))
return e21.useNode(c10, l10), L0 && console.log(i10 + this.stackID(e21) + " (via reuse of ".concat(o10.getName(c10.type.id), ")")), true;
if (!(c10 instanceof zG) || 0 == c10.children.length || c10.positions[0] > 0)
var u10 = c10.children[0];
if (!(u10 instanceof zG && 0 == c10.positions[0]))
c10 = u10;
var f10 = o10.stateSlot(e21.state, 4);
if (f10 > 0)
return e21.reduce(f10), L0 && console.log(i10 + this.stackID(e21) + " (via always-reduce ".concat(o10.getName(65535 & f10), ")")), true;
if (e21.stack.length >= 8400)
for (; e21.stack.length > 6e3 && e21.forceReduce(); )
for (var d10 = this.tokens.getActions(e21), h10 = 0; h10 < d10.length; ) {
var v10 = d10[h10++], p10 = d10[h10++], m10 = d10[h10++], g10 = h10 == d10.length || !n10, y10 = g10 ? e21 : e21.split(), b10 = this.tokens.mainToken;
if (y10.apply(v10, p10, b10 ? b10.start : y10.pos, m10), L0 && console.log(i10 + this.stackID(y10) + " (via ".concat(0 == (65536 & v10) ? "shift" : "reduce of ".concat(o10.getName(65535 & v10)), " for ").concat(o10.getName(p10), " @ ").concat(r10).concat(y10 == e21 ? "" : ", split", ")")), g10)
return true;
y10.pos > r10 ? t10.push(y10) : n10.push(y10);
return false;
} }, { key: "advanceFully", value: function(e21, t10) {
for (var n10 = e21.pos; ; ) {
if (!this.advanceStack(e21, null, null))
return false;
if (e21.pos > n10)
return J0(e21, t10), true;
} }, { key: "runRecovery", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
for (var r10 = null, o10 = false, i10 = 0; i10 < e21.length; i10++) {
var a10 = e21[i10], s10 = t10[i10 << 1], c10 = t10[1 + (i10 << 1)], l10 = L0 ? this.stackID(a10) + " -> " : "";
if (a10.deadEnd) {
if (o10)
if (o10 = true, a10.restart(), L0 && console.log(l10 + this.stackID(a10) + " (restarted)"), this.advanceFully(a10, n10))
for (var u10 = a10.split(), f10 = l10, d10 = 0; u10.forceReduce() && d10 < 10; d10++) {
if (L0 && console.log(f10 + this.stackID(u10) + " (via force-reduce)"), this.advanceFully(u10, n10))
L0 && (f10 = this.stackID(u10) + " -> ");
var h10, v10 = bo(a10.recoverByInsert(s10));
try {
for (v10.s(); !(h10 = v10.n()).done; ) {
var p10 = h10.value;
L0 && console.log(l10 + this.stackID(p10) + " (via recover-insert)"), this.advanceFully(p10, n10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
this.stream.end > a10.pos ? (c10 == a10.pos && (c10++, s10 = 0), a10.recoverByDelete(s10, c10), L0 && console.log(l10 + this.stackID(a10) + " (via recover-delete ".concat(this.parser.getName(s10), ")")), J0(a10, n10)) : (!r10 || r10.score < a10.score) && (r10 = a10);
return r10;
} }, { key: "stackToTree", value: function(e21) {
return e21.close(), zG.build({ buffer: T0.create(e21), nodeSet: this.parser.nodeSet, topID: this.topTerm, maxBufferLength: this.parser.bufferLength, reused: this.reused, start: this.ranges[0].from, length: e21.pos - this.ranges[0].from, minRepeatType: this.parser.minRepeatTerm });
} }, { key: "stackID", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = (F0 || (F0 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap())).get(e21);
return t10 || F0.set(e21, t10 = String.fromCodePoint(this.nextStackID++)), t10 + e21;
} }]), e20;
function J0(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = 0; n10 < t10.length; n10++) {
var r10 = t10[n10];
if (r10.pos == e20.pos && r10.sameState(e20))
return void (t10[n10].score < e20.score && (t10[n10] = e20));
var K0 = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
No(this, e20), this.source = t10, this.flags = n10, this.disabled = r10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "allows", value: function(e21) {
return !this.disabled || 0 == this.disabled[e21];
} }]), e20;
var G0 = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10, r10;
if (No(this, t10), (r10 = _o(this, t10)).wrappers = [], 14 != e21.version)
throw new RangeError("Parser version (".concat(e21.version, ") doesn't match runtime version (", 14, ")"));
var o10 = e21.nodeNames.split(" ");
r10.minRepeatTerm = o10.length;
for (var i10 = 0; i10 < e21.repeatNodeCount; i10++)
for (var a10 = Object.keys(e21.topRules).map(function(t11) {
return e21.topRules[t11][1];
}), s10 = [], c10 = 0; c10 < o10.length; c10++)
function l10(e23, t11, n11) {
s10[e23].push([t11, t11.deserialize(String(n11))]);
if (e21.nodeProps) {
var u10, f10 = bo(e21.nodeProps);
try {
for (f10.s(); !(u10 = f10.n()).done; ) {
var d10 = u10.value, h10 = d10[0];
"string" == typeof h10 && (h10 = AG[h10]);
for (var v10 = 1; v10 < d10.length; ) {
var p10 = d10[v10++];
if (p10 >= 0)
l10(p10, h10, d10[v10++]);
else {
for (var m10 = d10[v10 + -p10], g10 = -p10; g10 > 0; g10--)
l10(d10[v10++], h10, m10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
r10.nodeSet = new IG(o10.map(function(t11, n11) {
return RG.define({ name: n11 >= r10.minRepeatTerm ? void 0 : t11, id: n11, props: s10[n11], top: a10.indexOf(n11) > -1, error: 0 == n11, skipped: e21.skippedNodes && e21.skippedNodes.indexOf(n11) > -1 });
})), e21.propSources && (r10.nodeSet = (n10 = r10.nodeSet).extend.apply(n10, Bo(e21.propSources))), r10.strict = false, r10.bufferLength = 1024;
var y10 = R0(e21.tokenData);
r10.context = e21.context, r10.specializerSpecs = e21.specialized || [], r10.specialized = new Uint16Array(r10.specializerSpecs.length);
for (var b10 = 0; b10 < r10.specializerSpecs.length; b10++)
r10.specialized[b10] = r10.specializerSpecs[b10].term;
return r10.specializers = r10.specializerSpecs.map(Y0), r10.states = R0(e21.states, Uint32Array), r10.data = R0(e21.stateData), r10.goto = R0(e21.goto), r10.maxTerm = e21.maxTerm, r10.tokenizers = e21.tokenizers.map(function(e23) {
return "number" == typeof e23 ? new q0(y10, e23) : e23;
}), r10.topRules = e21.topRules, r10.dialects = e21.dialects || {}, r10.dynamicPrecedences = e21.dynamicPrecedences || null, r10.tokenPrecTable = e21.tokenPrec, r10.termNames = e21.termNames || null, r10.maxNode = r10.nodeSet.types.length - 1, r10.dialect = r10.parseDialect(), r10.top = r10.topRules[Object.keys(r10.topRules)[0]], r10;
return Ao(t10, iQ), Do(t10, [{ key: "createParse", value: function(e21, t11, n10) {
var r10, o10 = new U0(this, e21, t11, n10), i10 = bo(this.wrappers);
try {
for (i10.s(); !(r10 = i10.n()).done; ) {
o10 = (0, r10.value)(o10, e21, t11, n10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return o10;
} }, { key: "getGoto", value: function(e21, t11) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2], r10 = this.goto;
if (t11 >= r10[0])
return -1;
for (var o10 = r10[t11 + 1]; ; ) {
var i10 = r10[o10++], a10 = 1 & i10, s10 = r10[o10++];
if (a10 && n10)
return s10;
for (var c10 = o10 + (i10 >> 1); o10 < c10; o10++)
if (r10[o10] == e21)
return s10;
if (a10)
return -1;
} }, { key: "hasAction", value: function(e21, t11) {
for (var n10 = this.data, r10 = 0; r10 < 2; r10++)
for (var o10, i10 = this.stateSlot(e21, r10 ? 2 : 1); ; i10 += 3) {
if (65535 == (o10 = n10[i10])) {
if (1 != n10[i10 + 1]) {
if (2 == n10[i10 + 1])
return Q0(n10, i10 + 2);
o10 = n10[i10 = Q0(n10, i10 + 2)];
if (o10 == t11 || 0 == o10)
return Q0(n10, i10 + 1);
return 0;
} }, { key: "stateSlot", value: function(e21, t11) {
return this.states[6 * e21 + t11];
} }, { key: "stateFlag", value: function(e21, t11) {
return (this.stateSlot(e21, 0) & t11) > 0;
} }, { key: "validAction", value: function(e21, t11) {
return !!this.allActions(e21, function(e23) {
return e23 == t11 || null;
} }, { key: "allActions", value: function(e21, t11) {
for (var n10 = this.stateSlot(e21, 4), r10 = n10 ? t11(n10) : void 0, o10 = this.stateSlot(e21, 1); null == r10; o10 += 3) {
if (65535 == this.data[o10]) {
if (1 != this.data[o10 + 1])
o10 = Q0(this.data, o10 + 2);
r10 = t11(Q0(this.data, o10 + 1));
return r10;
} }, { key: "nextStates", value: function(e21) {
for (var t11 = this, n10 = [], r10 = function(e23) {
if (65535 == t11.data[e23]) {
if (1 != t11.data[e23 + 1])
return o10 = e23, 1;
e23 = Q0(t11.data, e23 + 2);
if (0 == (1 & t11.data[e23 + 2])) {
var r11 = t11.data[e23 + 1];
n10.some(function(e24, t12) {
return 1 & t12 && e24 == r11;
}) || n10.push(t11.data[e23], r11);
o10 = e23;
}, o10 = this.stateSlot(e21, 1); !r10(o10); o10 += 3)
return n10;
} }, { key: "configure", value: function(e21) {
var n10, r10 = Object.assign(Object.create(t10.prototype), this);
if (e21.props && (r10.nodeSet = (n10 = this.nodeSet).extend.apply(n10, Bo(e21.props))), e21.top) {
var o10 = this.topRules[e21.top];
if (!o10)
throw new RangeError("Invalid top rule name ".concat(e21.top));
r10.top = o10;
return e21.tokenizers && (r10.tokenizers = this.tokenizers.map(function(t11) {
var n11 = e21.tokenizers.find(function(e23) {
return e23.from == t11;
return n11 ? n11.to : t11;
})), e21.specializers && (r10.specializers = this.specializers.slice(), r10.specializerSpecs = this.specializerSpecs.map(function(t11, n11) {
var o11 = e21.specializers.find(function(e23) {
return e23.from == t11.external;
if (!o11)
return t11;
var i10 = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t11), { external: o11.to });
return r10.specializers[n11] = Y0(i10), i10;
})), e21.contextTracker && (r10.context = e21.contextTracker), e21.dialect && (r10.dialect = this.parseDialect(e21.dialect)), null != e21.strict && (r10.strict = e21.strict), e21.wrap && (r10.wrappers = r10.wrappers.concat(e21.wrap)), null != e21.bufferLength && (r10.bufferLength = e21.bufferLength), r10;
} }, { key: "hasWrappers", value: function() {
return this.wrappers.length > 0;
} }, { key: "getName", value: function(e21) {
return this.termNames ? this.termNames[e21] : String(e21 <= this.maxNode && this.nodeSet.types[e21].name || e21);
} }, { key: "eofTerm", get: function() {
return this.maxNode + 1;
} }, { key: "topNode", get: function() {
return this.nodeSet.types[this.top[1]];
} }, { key: "dynamicPrecedence", value: function(e21) {
var t11 = this.dynamicPrecedences;
return null == t11 ? 0 : t11[e21] || 0;
} }, { key: "parseDialect", value: function(e21) {
var t11 = Object.keys(this.dialects), n10 = t11.map(function() {
return false;
if (e21) {
var r10, o10 = bo(e21.split(" "));
try {
for (o10.s(); !(r10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = r10.value, a10 = t11.indexOf(i10);
a10 >= 0 && (n10[a10] = true);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
for (var s10 = null, c10 = 0; c10 < t11.length; c10++)
if (!n10[c10])
for (var l10, u10 = this.dialects[t11[c10]]; 65535 != (l10 = this.data[u10++]); )
(s10 || (s10 = new Uint8Array(this.maxTerm + 1)))[l10] = 1;
return new K0(e21, n10, s10);
} }], [{ key: "deserialize", value: function(e21) {
return new t10(e21);
} }]), t10;
function Q0(e20, t10) {
return e20[t10] | e20[t10 + 1] << 16;
function Y0(e20) {
if (e20.external) {
var t10 = e20.extend ? 1 : 0;
return function(n10, r10) {
return e20.external(n10, r10) << 1 | t10;
return e20.get;
var X0 = fQ({ String: TQ.string, Number: TQ.number, "True False": TQ.bool, PropertyName: TQ.propertyName, Null: TQ.null, ",": TQ.separator, "[ ]": TQ.squareBracket, "{ }": TQ.brace });
var Z0 = G0.deserialize({ version: 14, states: "$bOVQPOOOOQO'#Cb'#CbOnQPO'#CeOvQPO'#CjOOQO'#Cp'#CpQOQPOOOOQO'#Cg'#CgO}QPO'#CfO!SQPO'#CrOOQO,59P,59PO![QPO,59PO!aQPO'#CuOOQO,59U,59UO!iQPO,59UOVQPO,59QOqQPO'#CkO!nQPO,59^OOQO1G.k1G.kOVQPO'#ClO!vQPO,59aOOQO1G.p1G.pOOQO1G.l1G.lOOQO,59V,59VOOQO-E6i-E6iOOQO,59W,59WOOQO-E6j-E6j", stateData: "#O~OcOS~OQSORSOSSOTSOWQO]ROePO~OVXOeUO~O[[O~PVOg^O~Oh_OVfX~OVaO~OhbO[iX~O[dO~Oh_OVfa~OhbO[ia~O", goto: "!kjPPPPPPkPPkqwPPk{!RPPP!XP!ePP!hXSOR^bQWQRf_TVQ_Q`WRg`QcZRicQTOQZRQe^RhbRYQR]R", nodeNames: "\u26A0 JsonText True False Null Number String } { Object Property PropertyName ] [ Array", maxTerm: 25, nodeProps: [["openedBy", 7, "{", 12, "["], ["closedBy", 8, "}", 13, "]"]], propSources: [X0], skippedNodes: [0], repeatNodeCount: 2, tokenData: "(|~RaXY!WYZ!W]^!Wpq!Wrs!]|}$u}!O$z!Q!R%T!R![&c![!]&t!}#O&y#P#Q'O#Y#Z'T#b#c'r#h#i(Z#o#p(r#q#r(w~!]Oc~~!`Wpq!]qr!]rs!xs#O!]#O#P!}#P;'S!];'S;=`$o<%lO!]~!}Oe~~#QXrs!]!P!Q!]#O#P!]#U#V!]#Y#Z!]#b#c!]#f#g!]#h#i!]#i#j#m~#pR!Q![#y!c!i#y#T#Z#y~#|R!Q![$V!c!i$V#T#Z$V~$YR!Q![$c!c!i$c#T#Z$c~$fR!Q![!]!c!i!]#T#Z!]~$rP;=`<%l!]~$zOh~~$}Q!Q!R%T!R![&c~%YRT~!O!P%c!g!h%w#X#Y%w~%fP!Q![%i~%nRT~!Q![%i!g!h%w#X#Y%w~%zR{|&T}!O&T!Q![&Z~&WP!Q![&Z~&`PT~!Q![&Z~&hST~!O!P%c!Q![&c!g!h%w#X#Y%w~&yOg~~'OO]~~'TO[~~'WP#T#U'Z~'^P#`#a'a~'dP#g#h'g~'jP#X#Y'm~'rOR~~'uP#i#j'x~'{P#`#a(O~(RP#`#a(U~(ZOS~~(^P#f#g(a~(dP#i#j(g~(jP#X#Y(m~(rOQ~~(wOW~~(|OV~", tokenizers: [0], topRules: { JsonText: [0, 1] }, tokenPrec: 0 });
var e1 = qQ.define({ name: "json", parser: Z0.configure({ props: [nY.add({ Object: cY({ except: /^\s*\}/ }), Array: cY({ except: /^\s*\]/ }) }), fY.add({ "Object Array": function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.firstChild, n10 = e20.lastChild;
return t10 && t10.to < n10.from ? { from: t10.to, to: n10.type.isError ? e20.to : n10.from } : null;
} })] }), languageData: { closeBrackets: { brackets: ["[", "{", '"'] }, indentOnInput: /^\s*[\}\]]$/ } });
var t1 = "function" == typeof String.prototype.normalize ? function(e20) {
return e20.normalize("NFKD");
} : function(e20) {
return e20;
var n1 = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
var r10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 0, o10 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : t10.length, i10 = arguments.length > 4 ? arguments[4] : void 0, a10 = arguments.length > 5 ? arguments[5] : void 0;
No(this, e20), this.test = a10, this.value = { from: 0, to: 0 }, this.done = false, this.matches = [], this.buffer = "", this.bufferPos = 0, this.iter = t10.iterRange(r10, o10), this.bufferStart = r10, this.normalize = i10 ? function(e21) {
return i10(t1(e21));
} : t1, this.query = this.normalize(n10);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "peek", value: function() {
if (this.bufferPos == this.buffer.length) {
if (this.bufferStart += this.buffer.length, this.iter.next(), this.iter.done)
return -1;
this.bufferPos = 0, this.buffer = this.iter.value;
return dF(this.buffer, this.bufferPos);
} }, { key: "next", value: function() {
for (; this.matches.length; )
return this.nextOverlapping();
} }, { key: "nextOverlapping", value: function() {
for (; ; ) {
var e21 = this.peek();
if (e21 < 0)
return this.done = true, this;
var t10 = hF(e21), n10 = this.bufferStart + this.bufferPos;
this.bufferPos += vF(e21);
for (var r10 = this.normalize(t10), o10 = 0, i10 = n10; ; o10++) {
var a10 = r10.charCodeAt(o10), s10 = this.match(a10, i10);
if (o10 == r10.length - 1) {
if (s10)
return this.value = s10, this;
i10 == n10 && o10 < t10.length && t10.charCodeAt(o10) == a10 && i10++;
} }, { key: "match", value: function(e21, t10) {
for (var n10 = null, r10 = 0; r10 < this.matches.length; r10 += 2) {
var o10 = this.matches[r10], i10 = false;
this.query.charCodeAt(o10) == e21 && (o10 == this.query.length - 1 ? n10 = { from: this.matches[r10 + 1], to: t10 + 1 } : (this.matches[r10]++, i10 = true)), i10 || (this.matches.splice(r10, 2), r10 -= 2);
return this.query.charCodeAt(0) == e21 && (1 == this.query.length ? n10 = { from: t10, to: t10 + 1 } : this.matches.push(1, t10)), n10 && this.test && !this.test(n10.from, n10.to, this.buffer, this.bufferStart) && (n10 = null), n10;
} }]), e20;
"undefined" != typeof Symbol && (n1.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return this;
var r1 = { from: -1, to: -1, match: /.*/.exec("") };
var o1 = "gm" + (null == /x/.unicode ? "" : "u");
var i1 = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 0, i10 = arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : t10.length;
if (No(this, e20), this.text = t10, this.to = i10, this.curLine = "", this.done = false, this.value = r1, /\\[sWDnr]|\n|\r|\[\^/.test(n10))
return new c1(t10, n10, r10, o10, i10);
this.re = new RegExp(n10, o1 + ((null == r10 ? void 0 : r10.ignoreCase) ? "i" : "")), this.test = null == r10 ? void 0 : r10.test, this.iter = t10.iter();
var a10 = t10.lineAt(o10);
this.curLineStart = a10.from, this.matchPos = l1(t10, o10), this.getLine(this.curLineStart);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "getLine", value: function(e21) {
this.iter.next(e21), this.iter.lineBreak ? this.curLine = "" : (this.curLine = this.iter.value, this.curLineStart + this.curLine.length > this.to && (this.curLine = this.curLine.slice(0, this.to - this.curLineStart)), this.iter.next());
} }, { key: "nextLine", value: function() {
this.curLineStart = this.curLineStart + this.curLine.length + 1, this.curLineStart > this.to ? this.curLine = "" : this.getLine(0);
} }, { key: "next", value: function() {
for (var e21 = this.matchPos - this.curLineStart; ; ) {
this.re.lastIndex = e21;
var t10 = this.matchPos <= this.to && this.re.exec(this.curLine);
if (t10) {
var n10 = this.curLineStart + t10.index, r10 = n10 + t10[0].length;
if (this.matchPos = l1(this.text, r10 + (n10 == r10 ? 1 : 0)), n10 == this.curLineStart + this.curLine.length && this.nextLine(), (n10 < r10 || n10 > this.value.to) && (!this.test || this.test(n10, r10, t10)))
return this.value = { from: n10, to: r10, match: t10 }, this;
e21 = this.matchPos - this.curLineStart;
} else {
if (!(this.curLineStart + this.curLine.length < this.to))
return this.done = true, this;
this.nextLine(), e21 = 0;
} }]), e20;
var a1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var s1 = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
No(this, e20), this.from = t10, this.text = n10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "to", get: function() {
return this.from + this.text.length;
} }], [{ key: "get", value: function(t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = a1.get(t10);
if (!o10 || o10.from >= r10 || o10.to <= n10) {
var i10 = new e20(n10, t10.sliceString(n10, r10));
return a1.set(t10, i10), i10;
if (o10.from == n10 && o10.to == r10)
return o10;
var a10 = o10.text, s10 = o10.from;
return s10 > n10 && (a10 = t10.sliceString(n10, s10) + a10, s10 = n10), o10.to < r10 && (a10 += t10.sliceString(o10.to, r10)), a1.set(t10, new e20(s10, a10)), new e20(n10, a10.slice(n10 - s10, r10 - s10));
} }]), e20;
var c1 = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
No(this, e20), this.text = t10, this.to = i10, this.done = false, this.value = r1, this.matchPos = l1(t10, o10), this.re = new RegExp(n10, o1 + ((null == r10 ? void 0 : r10.ignoreCase) ? "i" : "")), this.test = null == r10 ? void 0 : r10.test, this.flat = s1.get(t10, o10, this.chunkEnd(o10 + 5e3));
return Do(e20, [{ key: "chunkEnd", value: function(e21) {
return e21 >= this.to ? this.to : this.text.lineAt(e21).to;
} }, { key: "next", value: function() {
for (; ; ) {
var e21 = this.re.lastIndex = this.matchPos - this.flat.from, t10 = this.re.exec(this.flat.text);
if (t10 && !t10[0] && t10.index == e21 && (this.re.lastIndex = e21 + 1, t10 = this.re.exec(this.flat.text)), t10) {
var n10 = this.flat.from + t10.index, r10 = n10 + t10[0].length;
if ((this.flat.to >= this.to || t10.index + t10[0].length <= this.flat.text.length - 10) && (!this.test || this.test(n10, r10, t10)))
return this.value = { from: n10, to: r10, match: t10 }, this.matchPos = l1(this.text, r10 + (n10 == r10 ? 1 : 0)), this;
if (this.flat.to == this.to)
return this.done = true, this;
this.flat = s1.get(this.text, this.flat.from, this.chunkEnd(this.flat.from + 2 * this.flat.text.length));
} }]), e20;
function l1(e20, t10) {
if (t10 >= e20.length)
return t10;
for (var n10, r10 = e20.lineAt(t10); t10 < r10.to && (n10 = r10.text.charCodeAt(t10 - r10.from)) >= 56320 && n10 < 57344; )
return t10;
function u1(e20) {
var t10 = JZ("input", { class: "cm-textfield", name: "line", value: String(e20.state.doc.lineAt(e20.state.selection.main.head).number) });
function n10() {
var n11 = /^([+-])?(\d+)?(:\d+)?(%)?$/.exec(t10.value);
if (n11) {
var r10 = e20.state, o10 = r10.doc.lineAt(r10.selection.main.head), i10 = jo(n11, 5), a10 = i10[1], s10 = i10[2], c10 = i10[3], l10 = i10[4], u10 = c10 ? +c10.slice(1) : 0, f10 = s10 ? +s10 : o10.number;
if (s10 && l10) {
var d10 = f10 / 100;
a10 && (d10 = d10 * ("-" == a10 ? -1 : 1) + o10.number / r10.doc.lines), f10 = Math.round(r10.doc.lines * d10);
} else
s10 && a10 && (f10 = f10 * ("-" == a10 ? -1 : 1) + o10.number);
var h10 = r10.doc.line(Math.max(1, Math.min(r10.doc.lines, f10))), v10 = $F.cursor(h10.from + Math.max(0, Math.min(u10, h10.length)));
e20.dispatch({ effects: [f1.of(false), zJ.scrollIntoView(v10.from, { y: "center" })], selection: v10 }), e20.focus();
return { dom: JZ("form", { class: "cm-gotoLine", onkeydown: function(t11) {
27 == t11.keyCode ? (t11.preventDefault(), e20.dispatch({ effects: f1.of(false) }), e20.focus()) : 13 == t11.keyCode && (t11.preventDefault(), n10());
}, onsubmit: function(e21) {
e21.preventDefault(), n10();
} }, JZ("label", e20.state.phrase("Go to line"), ": ", t10), " ", JZ("button", { class: "cm-button", type: "submit" }, e20.state.phrase("go"))) };
"undefined" != typeof Symbol && (i1.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = c1.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return this;
var f1 = oV.define();
var d1 = NF.define({ create: function() {
return true;
}, update: function(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = bo(t10.effects);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(n10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
var o10 = n10.value;
o10.is(f1) && (e20 = o10.value);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return e20;
}, provide: function(e20) {
return aG.from(e20, function(e21) {
return e21 ? u1 : null;
} });
var h1 = zJ.baseTheme({ ".cm-panel.cm-gotoLine": { padding: "2px 6px 4px", "& label": { fontSize: "80%" } } });
var v1 = { highlightWordAroundCursor: false, minSelectionLength: 1, maxMatches: 100, wholeWords: false };
var p1 = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return gV(e20, v1, { highlightWordAroundCursor: function(e21, t10) {
return e21 || t10;
}, minSelectionLength: Math.min, maxMatches: Math.min });
} });
var m1 = KH.mark({ class: "cm-selectionMatch" });
var g1 = KH.mark({ class: "cm-selectionMatch cm-selectionMatch-main" });
function y1(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
return !(0 != n10 && e20(t10.sliceDoc(n10 - 1, n10)) == hV.Word || r10 != t10.doc.length && e20(t10.sliceDoc(r10, r10 + 1)) == hV.Word);
var b1 = FW.fromClass(function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.decorations = this.getDeco(t10);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "update", value: function(e21) {
(e21.selectionSet || e21.docChanged || e21.viewportChanged) && (this.decorations = this.getDeco(e21.view));
} }, { key: "getDeco", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = e21.state.facet(p1), n10 = e21.state, r10 = n10.selection;
if (r10.ranges.length > 1)
return KH.none;
var o10, i10 = r10.main, a10 = null;
if (i10.empty) {
if (!t10.highlightWordAroundCursor)
return KH.none;
var s10 = n10.wordAt(i10.head);
if (!s10)
return KH.none;
a10 = n10.charCategorizer(i10.head), o10 = n10.sliceDoc(s10.from, s10.to);
} else {
var c10 = i10.to - i10.from;
if (c10 < t10.minSelectionLength || c10 > 200)
return KH.none;
if (t10.wholeWords) {
if (o10 = n10.sliceDoc(i10.from, i10.to), !y1(a10 = n10.charCategorizer(i10.head), n10, i10.from, i10.to) || !function(e23, t11, n11, r11) {
return e23(t11.sliceDoc(n11, n11 + 1)) == hV.Word && e23(t11.sliceDoc(r11 - 1, r11)) == hV.Word;
}(a10, n10, i10.from, i10.to))
return KH.none;
} else if (!(o10 = n10.sliceDoc(i10.from, i10.to).trim()))
return KH.none;
var l10, u10 = [], f10 = bo(e21.visibleRanges);
try {
for (f10.s(); !(l10 = f10.n()).done; )
for (var d10 = l10.value, h10 = new n1(n10.doc, o10, d10.from, d10.to); !h10.next().done; ) {
var v10 = h10.value, p10 = v10.from, m10 = v10.to;
if ((!a10 || y1(a10, n10, p10, m10)) && (i10.empty && p10 <= i10.from && m10 >= i10.to ? u10.push(g1.range(p10, m10)) : (p10 >= i10.to || m10 <= i10.from) && u10.push(m1.range(p10, m10)), u10.length > t10.maxMatches))
return KH.none;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return KH.set(u10);
} }]), e20;
}(), { decorations: function(e20) {
return e20.decorations;
} });
var k1 = zJ.baseTheme({ ".cm-selectionMatch": { backgroundColor: "#99ff7780" }, ".cm-searchMatch .cm-selectionMatch": { backgroundColor: "transparent" } });
var w1 = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return gV(e20, { top: false, caseSensitive: false, literal: false, regexp: false, wholeWord: false, createPanel: function(e21) {
return new Y1(e21);
}, scrollToMatch: function(e21) {
return zJ.scrollIntoView(e21);
} });
} });
function x1(e20) {
return e20 ? [w1.of(e20), r2] : r2;
var j1 = function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.search = t10.search, this.caseSensitive = !!t10.caseSensitive, this.literal = !!t10.literal, this.regexp = !!t10.regexp, this.replace = t10.replace || "", this.valid = !!this.search && (!this.regexp || function(e21) {
try {
return new RegExp(e21, o1), true;
} catch (e23) {
return false;
}(this.search)), this.unquoted = this.unquote(this.search), this.wholeWord = !!t10.wholeWord;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "unquote", value: function(e21) {
return this.literal ? e21 : e21.replace(/\\([nrt\\])/g, function(e23, t10) {
return "n" == t10 ? "\n" : "r" == t10 ? "\r" : "t" == t10 ? " " : "\\";
} }, { key: "eq", value: function(e21) {
return this.search == e21.search && this.replace == e21.replace && this.caseSensitive == e21.caseSensitive && this.regexp == e21.regexp && this.wholeWord == e21.wholeWord;
} }, { key: "create", value: function() {
return this.regexp ? new E1(this) : new $1(this);
} }, { key: "getCursor", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0, n10 = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0, r10 = e21.doc ? e21 : mV.create({ doc: e21 });
return null == n10 && (n10 = r10.doc.length), this.regexp ? _1(this, r10, t10, n10) : C1(this, r10, t10, n10);
} }]), e20;
var S1 = Do(function e14(t10) {
No(this, e14), this.spec = t10;
function C1(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
return new n1(t10.doc, e20.unquoted, n10, r10, e20.caseSensitive ? void 0 : function(e21) {
return e21.toLowerCase();
}, e20.wholeWord ? /* @__PURE__ */ function(e21, t11) {
return function(n11, r11, o10, i10) {
return (i10 > n11 || i10 + o10.length < r11) && (i10 = Math.max(0, n11 - 2), o10 = e21.sliceString(i10, Math.min(e21.length, r11 + 2))), !(t11(O1(o10, n11 - i10)) == hV.Word && t11(M1(o10, n11 - i10)) == hV.Word || t11(M1(o10, r11 - i10)) == hV.Word && t11(O1(o10, r11 - i10)) == hV.Word);
}(t10.doc, t10.charCategorizer(t10.selection.main.head)) : void 0);
var $1 = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
return No(this, t10), _o(this, t10, [e21]);
return Ao(t10, S1), Do(t10, [{ key: "nextMatch", value: function(e21, t11, n10) {
var r10 = C1(this.spec, e21, n10, e21.doc.length).nextOverlapping();
return r10.done && (r10 = C1(this.spec, e21, 0, t11).nextOverlapping()), r10.done ? null : r10.value;
} }, { key: "prevMatchInRange", value: function(e21, t11, n10) {
for (var r10 = n10; ; ) {
for (var o10 = Math.max(t11, r10 - 1e4 - this.spec.unquoted.length), i10 = C1(this.spec, e21, o10, r10), a10 = null; !i10.nextOverlapping().done; )
a10 = i10.value;
if (a10)
return a10;
if (o10 == t11)
return null;
r10 -= 1e4;
} }, { key: "prevMatch", value: function(e21, t11, n10) {
return this.prevMatchInRange(e21, 0, t11) || this.prevMatchInRange(e21, n10, e21.doc.length);
} }, { key: "getReplacement", value: function(e21) {
return this.spec.unquote(this.spec.replace);
} }, { key: "matchAll", value: function(e21, t11) {
for (var n10 = C1(this.spec, e21, 0, e21.doc.length), r10 = []; !n10.next().done; ) {
if (r10.length >= t11)
return null;
return r10;
} }, { key: "highlight", value: function(e21, t11, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = C1(this.spec, e21, Math.max(0, t11 - this.spec.unquoted.length), Math.min(n10 + this.spec.unquoted.length, e21.doc.length)); !o10.next().done; )
r10(o10.value.from, o10.value.to);
} }]), t10;
function _1(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
return new i1(t10.doc, e20.search, { ignoreCase: !e20.caseSensitive, test: e20.wholeWord ? (o10 = t10.charCategorizer(t10.selection.main.head), function(e21, t11, n11) {
return !n11[0].length || (o10(O1(n11.input, n11.index)) != hV.Word || o10(M1(n11.input, n11.index)) != hV.Word) && (o10(M1(n11.input, n11.index + n11[0].length)) != hV.Word || o10(O1(n11.input, n11.index + n11[0].length)) != hV.Word);
}) : void 0 }, n10, r10);
var o10;
function O1(e20, t10) {
return e20.slice(sF(e20, t10, false), t10);
function M1(e20, t10) {
return e20.slice(t10, sF(e20, t10));
var E1 = function(e20) {
function t10() {
return No(this, t10), _o(this, t10, arguments);
return Ao(t10, S1), Do(t10, [{ key: "nextMatch", value: function(e21, t11, n10) {
var r10 = _1(this.spec, e21, n10, e21.doc.length).next();
return r10.done && (r10 = _1(this.spec, e21, 0, t11).next()), r10.done ? null : r10.value;
} }, { key: "prevMatchInRange", value: function(e21, t11, n10) {
for (var r10 = 1; ; r10++) {
for (var o10 = Math.max(t11, n10 - 1e4 * r10), i10 = _1(this.spec, e21, o10, n10), a10 = null; !i10.next().done; )
a10 = i10.value;
if (a10 && (o10 == t11 || a10.from > o10 + 10))
return a10;
if (o10 == t11)
return null;
} }, { key: "prevMatch", value: function(e21, t11, n10) {
return this.prevMatchInRange(e21, 0, t11) || this.prevMatchInRange(e21, n10, e21.doc.length);
} }, { key: "getReplacement", value: function(e21) {
return this.spec.unquote(this.spec.replace).replace(/\$([$&\d+])/g, function(t11, n10) {
return "$" == n10 ? "$" : "&" == n10 ? e21.match[0] : "0" != n10 && +n10 < e21.match.length ? e21.match[n10] : t11;
} }, { key: "matchAll", value: function(e21, t11) {
for (var n10 = _1(this.spec, e21, 0, e21.doc.length), r10 = []; !n10.next().done; ) {
if (r10.length >= t11)
return null;
return r10;
} }, { key: "highlight", value: function(e21, t11, n10, r10) {
for (var o10 = _1(this.spec, e21, Math.max(0, t11 - 250), Math.min(n10 + 250, e21.doc.length)); !o10.next().done; )
r10(o10.value.from, o10.value.to);
} }]), t10;
var A1 = oV.define();
var P1 = oV.define();
var T1 = NF.define({ create: function(e20) {
return new R1(W1(e20).create(), null);
}, update: function(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = bo(t10.effects);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(n10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
var o10 = n10.value;
o10.is(A1) ? e20 = new R1(o10.value.create(), e20.panel) : o10.is(P1) && (e20 = new R1(e20.query, o10.value ? H1 : null));
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return e20;
}, provide: function(e20) {
return aG.from(e20, function(e21) {
return e21.panel;
} });
var R1 = Do(function e15(t10, n10) {
No(this, e15), this.query = t10, this.panel = n10;
var N1 = KH.mark({ class: "cm-searchMatch" });
var I1 = KH.mark({ class: "cm-searchMatch cm-searchMatch-selected" });
var D1 = FW.fromClass(function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.view = t10, this.decorations = this.highlight(t10.state.field(T1));
return Do(e20, [{ key: "update", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = e21.state.field(T1);
(t10 != e21.startState.field(T1) || e21.docChanged || e21.selectionSet || e21.viewportChanged) && (this.decorations = this.highlight(t10));
} }, { key: "highlight", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = e21.query;
if (!e21.panel || !t10.spec.valid)
return KH.none;
for (var n10 = this.view, r10 = new jV(), o10 = 0, i10 = n10.visibleRanges, a10 = i10.length; o10 < a10; o10++) {
for (var s10 = i10[o10], c10 = s10.from, l10 = s10.to; o10 < a10 - 1 && l10 > i10[o10 + 1].from - 500; )
l10 = i10[++o10].to;
t10.highlight(n10.state, c10, l10, function(e23, t11) {
var o11 = n10.state.selection.ranges.some(function(n11) {
return n11.from == e23 && n11.to == t11;
r10.add(e23, t11, o11 ? I1 : N1);
return r10.finish();
} }]), e20;
}(), { decorations: function(e20) {
return e20.decorations;
} });
function q1(e20) {
return function(t10) {
var n10 = t10.state.field(T1, false);
return n10 && n10.query.spec.valid ? e20(t10, n10) : K1(t10);
var z1 = q1(function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = t10.query, r10 = e20.state.selection.main.to, o10 = n10.nextMatch(e20.state, r10, r10);
if (!o10)
return false;
var i10 = $F.single(o10.from, o10.to), a10 = e20.state.facet(w1);
return e20.dispatch({ selection: i10, effects: [t2(e20, o10), a10.scrollToMatch(i10.main, e20)], userEvent: "select.search" }), J1(e20), true;
var B1 = q1(function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = t10.query, r10 = e20.state, o10 = r10.selection.main.from, i10 = n10.prevMatch(r10, o10, o10);
if (!i10)
return false;
var a10 = $F.single(i10.from, i10.to), s10 = e20.state.facet(w1);
return e20.dispatch({ selection: a10, effects: [t2(e20, i10), s10.scrollToMatch(a10.main, e20)], userEvent: "select.search" }), J1(e20), true;
var L1 = q1(function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = t10.query.matchAll(e20.state, 1e3);
return !(!n10 || !n10.length) && (e20.dispatch({ selection: $F.create(n10.map(function(e21) {
return $F.range(e21.from, e21.to);
})), userEvent: "select.search.matches" }), true);
var F1 = q1(function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = t10.query, r10 = e20.state, o10 = r10.selection.main, i10 = o10.from, a10 = o10.to;
if (r10.readOnly)
return false;
var s10 = n10.nextMatch(r10, i10, i10);
if (!s10)
return false;
var c10, l10, u10 = [], f10 = [];
if (s10.from == i10 && s10.to == a10 && (l10 = r10.toText(n10.getReplacement(s10)), u10.push({ from: s10.from, to: s10.to, insert: l10 }), s10 = n10.nextMatch(r10, s10.from, s10.to), f10.push(zJ.announce.of(r10.phrase("replaced match on line $", r10.doc.lineAt(i10).number) + "."))), s10) {
var d10 = 0 == u10.length || u10[0].from >= s10.to ? 0 : s10.to - s10.from - l10.length;
c10 = $F.single(s10.from - d10, s10.to - d10), f10.push(t2(e20, s10)), f10.push(r10.facet(w1).scrollToMatch(c10.main, e20));
return e20.dispatch({ changes: u10, selection: c10, effects: f10, userEvent: "input.replace" }), true;
var V1 = q1(function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = t10.query;
if (e20.state.readOnly)
return false;
var r10 = n10.matchAll(e20.state, 1e9).map(function(e21) {
return { from: e21.from, to: e21.to, insert: n10.getReplacement(e21) };
if (!r10.length)
return false;
var o10 = e20.state.phrase("replaced $ matches", r10.length) + ".";
return e20.dispatch({ changes: r10, effects: zJ.announce.of(o10), userEvent: "input.replace.all" }), true;
function H1(e20) {
return e20.state.facet(w1).createPanel(e20);
function W1(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10 = e20.selection.main, c10 = s10.empty || s10.to > s10.from + 100 ? "" : e20.sliceDoc(s10.from, s10.to);
if (t10 && !c10)
return t10;
var l10 = e20.facet(w1);
return new j1({ search: (null !== (n10 = null == t10 ? void 0 : t10.literal) && void 0 !== n10 ? n10 : l10.literal) ? c10 : c10.replace(/\n/g, "\\n"), caseSensitive: null !== (r10 = null == t10 ? void 0 : t10.caseSensitive) && void 0 !== r10 ? r10 : l10.caseSensitive, literal: null !== (o10 = null == t10 ? void 0 : t10.literal) && void 0 !== o10 ? o10 : l10.literal, regexp: null !== (i10 = null == t10 ? void 0 : t10.regexp) && void 0 !== i10 ? i10 : l10.regexp, wholeWord: null !== (a10 = null == t10 ? void 0 : t10.wholeWord) && void 0 !== a10 ? a10 : l10.wholeWord });
function U1(e20) {
var t10 = nG(e20, H1);
return t10 && t10.dom.querySelector("[main-field]");
function J1(e20) {
var t10 = U1(e20);
t10 && t10 == e20.root.activeElement && t10.select();
var K1 = function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state.field(T1, false);
if (t10 && t10.panel) {
var n10 = U1(e20);
if (n10 && n10 != e20.root.activeElement) {
var r10 = W1(e20.state, t10.query.spec);
r10.valid && e20.dispatch({ effects: A1.of(r10) }), n10.focus(), n10.select();
} else
e20.dispatch({ effects: [P1.of(true), t10 ? A1.of(W1(e20.state, t10.query.spec)) : oV.appendConfig.of(r2)] });
return true;
var G1 = function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state.field(T1, false);
if (!t10 || !t10.panel)
return false;
var n10 = nG(e20, H1);
return n10 && n10.dom.contains(e20.root.activeElement) && e20.focus(), e20.dispatch({ effects: P1.of(false) }), true;
var Q1 = [{ key: "Mod-f", run: K1, scope: "editor search-panel" }, { key: "F3", run: z1, shift: B1, scope: "editor search-panel", preventDefault: true }, { key: "Mod-g", run: z1, shift: B1, scope: "editor search-panel", preventDefault: true }, { key: "Escape", run: G1, scope: "editor search-panel" }, { key: "Mod-Shift-l", run: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state, n10 = e20.dispatch, r10 = t10.selection;
if (r10.ranges.length > 1 || r10.main.empty)
return false;
for (var o10 = r10.main, i10 = o10.from, a10 = o10.to, s10 = [], c10 = 0, l10 = new n1(t10.doc, t10.sliceDoc(i10, a10)); !l10.next().done; ) {
if (s10.length > 1e3)
return false;
l10.value.from == i10 && (c10 = s10.length), s10.push($F.range(l10.value.from, l10.value.to));
return n10(t10.update({ selection: $F.create(s10, c10), userEvent: "select.search.matches" })), true;
} }, { key: "Mod-Alt-g", run: function(e20) {
var t10 = nG(e20, u1);
if (!t10) {
var n10 = [f1.of(true)];
null == e20.state.field(d1, false) && n10.push(oV.appendConfig.of([d1, h1])), e20.dispatch({ effects: n10 }), t10 = nG(e20, u1);
return t10 && t10.dom.querySelector("input").select(), true;
} }, { key: "Mod-d", run: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state, n10 = e20.dispatch, r10 = t10.selection.ranges;
if (r10.some(function(e21) {
return e21.from === e21.to;
return function(e21) {
var t11 = e21.state, n11 = e21.dispatch, r11 = t11.selection, o11 = $F.create(r11.ranges.map(function(e23) {
return t11.wordAt(e23.head) || $F.cursor(e23.head);
}), r11.mainIndex);
return !o11.eq(r11) && (n11(t11.update({ selection: o11 })), true);
}({ state: t10, dispatch: n10 });
var o10 = t10.sliceDoc(r10[0].from, r10[0].to);
if (t10.selection.ranges.some(function(e21) {
return t10.sliceDoc(e21.from, e21.to) != o10;
return false;
var i10 = function(e21, t11) {
for (var n11, r11 = e21.selection, o11 = r11.main, i11 = r11.ranges, a10 = e21.wordAt(o11.head), s10 = a10 && a10.from == o11.from && a10.to == o11.to, c10 = function(n12, r12) {
if (r12.next(), !r12.done) {
if (n12 && i11.some(function(e23) {
return e23.from == r12.value.from;
return l10 = n12, u10 = r12, 0;
if (s10) {
var o12 = e21.wordAt(r12.value.from);
if (!o12 || o12.from != r12.value.from || o12.to != r12.value.to)
return l10 = n12, u10 = r12, 0;
return { v: r12.value };
if (n12)
return { v: null };
r12 = new n1(e21.doc, t11, 0, Math.max(0, i11[i11.length - 1].from - 1)), l10 = n12 = true, u10 = r12;
}, l10 = false, u10 = new n1(e21.doc, t11, i11[i11.length - 1].to); ; )
if (0 !== (n11 = c10(l10, u10)) && n11)
return n11.v;
}(t10, o10);
return !!i10 && (n10(t10.update({ selection: t10.selection.addRange($F.range(i10.from, i10.to), false), effects: zJ.scrollIntoView(i10.to) })), true);
}, preventDefault: true }];
var Y1 = function() {
function e20(t10) {
var n10 = this;
No(this, e20), this.view = t10;
var r10 = this.query = t10.state.field(T1).query.spec;
function o10(e21, t11, n11) {
return JZ("button", { class: "cm-button", name: e21, onclick: t11, type: "button" }, n11);
this.commit = this.commit.bind(this), this.searchField = JZ("input", { value: r10.search, placeholder: X1(t10, "Find"), "aria-label": X1(t10, "Find"), class: "cm-textfield", name: "search", form: "", "main-field": "true", onchange: this.commit, onkeyup: this.commit }), this.replaceField = JZ("input", { value: r10.replace, placeholder: X1(t10, "Replace"), "aria-label": X1(t10, "Replace"), class: "cm-textfield", name: "replace", form: "", onchange: this.commit, onkeyup: this.commit }), this.caseField = JZ("input", { type: "checkbox", name: "case", form: "", checked: r10.caseSensitive, onchange: this.commit }), this.reField = JZ("input", { type: "checkbox", name: "re", form: "", checked: r10.regexp, onchange: this.commit }), this.wordField = JZ("input", { type: "checkbox", name: "word", form: "", checked: r10.wholeWord, onchange: this.commit }), this.dom = JZ("div", { onkeydown: function(e21) {
return n10.keydown(e21);
}, class: "cm-search" }, [this.searchField, o10("next", function() {
return z1(t10);
}, [X1(t10, "next")]), o10("prev", function() {
return B1(t10);
}, [X1(t10, "previous")]), o10("select", function() {
return L1(t10);
}, [X1(t10, "all")]), JZ("label", null, [this.caseField, X1(t10, "match case")]), JZ("label", null, [this.reField, X1(t10, "regexp")]), JZ("label", null, [this.wordField, X1(t10, "by word")])].concat(Bo(t10.state.readOnly ? [] : [JZ("br"), this.replaceField, o10("replace", function() {
return F1(t10);
}, [X1(t10, "replace")]), o10("replaceAll", function() {
return V1(t10);
}, [X1(t10, "replace all")])]), [JZ("button", { name: "close", onclick: function() {
return G1(t10);
}, "aria-label": X1(t10, "close"), type: "button" }, ["\xD7"])]));
return Do(e20, [{ key: "commit", value: function() {
var e21 = new j1({ search: this.searchField.value, caseSensitive: this.caseField.checked, regexp: this.reField.checked, wholeWord: this.wordField.checked, replace: this.replaceField.value });
e21.eq(this.query) || (this.query = e21, this.view.dispatch({ effects: A1.of(e21) }));
} }, { key: "keydown", value: function(e21) {
!function(e23, t10, n10) {
return XJ(GJ(e23.state), t10, e23, n10);
}(this.view, e21, "search-panel") ? 13 == e21.keyCode && e21.target == this.searchField ? (e21.preventDefault(), (e21.shiftKey ? B1 : z1)(this.view)) : 13 == e21.keyCode && e21.target == this.replaceField && (e21.preventDefault(), F1(this.view)) : e21.preventDefault();
} }, { key: "update", value: function(e21) {
var t10, n10 = bo(e21.transactions);
try {
for (n10.s(); !(t10 = n10.n()).done; ) {
var r10, o10 = bo(t10.value.effects);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(r10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = r10.value;
i10.is(A1) && !i10.value.eq(this.query) && this.setQuery(i10.value);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} }, { key: "setQuery", value: function(e21) {
this.query = e21, this.searchField.value = e21.search, this.replaceField.value = e21.replace, this.caseField.checked = e21.caseSensitive, this.reField.checked = e21.regexp, this.wordField.checked = e21.wholeWord;
} }, { key: "mount", value: function() {
} }, { key: "pos", get: function() {
return 80;
} }, { key: "top", get: function() {
return this.view.state.facet(w1).top;
} }]), e20;
function X1(e20, t10) {
return e20.state.phrase(t10);
var Z1 = 30;
var e22 = /[\s\.,:;?!]/;
function t2(e20, t10) {
var n10 = t10.from, r10 = t10.to, o10 = e20.state.doc.lineAt(n10), i10 = e20.state.doc.lineAt(r10).to, a10 = Math.max(o10.from, n10 - Z1), s10 = Math.min(i10, r10 + Z1), c10 = e20.state.sliceDoc(a10, s10);
if (a10 != o10.from) {
for (var l10 = 0; l10 < Z1; l10++)
if (!e22.test(c10[l10 + 1]) && e22.test(c10[l10])) {
c10 = c10.slice(l10);
if (s10 != i10) {
for (var u10 = c10.length - 1; u10 > c10.length - Z1; u10--)
if (!e22.test(c10[u10 - 1]) && e22.test(c10[u10])) {
c10 = c10.slice(0, u10);
return zJ.announce.of("".concat(e20.state.phrase("current match"), ". ").concat(c10, " ").concat(e20.state.phrase("on line"), " ").concat(o10.number, "."));
var n2 = zJ.baseTheme({ ".cm-panel.cm-search": { padding: "2px 6px 4px", position: "relative", "& [name=close]": { position: "absolute", top: "0", right: "4px", backgroundColor: "inherit", border: "none", font: "inherit", padding: 0, margin: 0 }, "& input, & button, & label": { margin: ".2em .6em .2em 0" }, "& input[type=checkbox]": { marginRight: ".2em" }, "& label": { fontSize: "80%", whiteSpace: "pre" } }, "&light .cm-searchMatch": { backgroundColor: "#ffff0054" }, "&dark .cm-searchMatch": { backgroundColor: "#00ffff8a" }, "&light .cm-searchMatch-selected": { backgroundColor: "#ff6a0054" }, "&dark .cm-searchMatch-selected": { backgroundColor: "#ff00ff8a" } });
var r2 = [T1, LF.low(D1), n2];
var o2 = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
No(this, e20), this.state = t10, this.pos = n10, this.explicit = r10, this.abortListeners = [];
return Do(e20, [{ key: "tokenBefore", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = zQ(this.state).resolveInner(this.pos, -1); t10 && e21.indexOf(t10.name) < 0; )
t10 = t10.parent;
return t10 ? { from: t10.from, to: this.pos, text: this.state.sliceDoc(t10.from, this.pos), type: t10.type } : null;
} }, { key: "matchBefore", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this.state.doc.lineAt(this.pos), n10 = Math.max(t10.from, this.pos - 250), r10 = t10.text.slice(n10 - t10.from, this.pos - t10.from), o10 = r10.search(l2(e21, false));
return o10 < 0 ? null : { from: n10 + o10, to: this.pos, text: r10.slice(o10) };
} }, { key: "aborted", get: function() {
return null == this.abortListeners;
} }, { key: "addEventListener", value: function(e21, t10) {
"abort" == e21 && this.abortListeners && this.abortListeners.push(t10);
} }]), e20;
function i2(e20) {
var t10 = Object.keys(e20).join(""), n10 = /\w/.test(t10);
return n10 && (t10 = t10.replace(/\w/g, "")), "[".concat(n10 ? "\\w" : "").concat(t10.replace(/[^\w\s]/g, "\\$&"), "]");
function a2(e20) {
var t10 = e20.map(function(e21) {
return "string" == typeof e21 ? { label: e21 } : e21;
}), n10 = t10.every(function(e21) {
return /^\w+$/.test(e21.label);
}) ? [/\w*$/, /\w+$/] : function(e21) {
var t11, n11 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), r11 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), o11 = bo(e21);
try {
for (o11.s(); !(t11 = o11.n()).done; ) {
var i11 = t11.value.label;
n11[i11[0]] = true;
for (var a10 = 1; a10 < i11.length; a10++)
r11[i11[a10]] = true;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
var s10 = i2(n11) + i2(r11) + "*$";
return [new RegExp("^" + s10), new RegExp(s10)];
}(t10), r10 = jo(n10, 2), o10 = r10[0], i10 = r10[1];
return function(e21) {
var n11 = e21.matchBefore(i10);
return n11 || e21.explicit ? { from: n11 ? n11.from : e21.pos, options: t10, validFor: o10 } : null;
var s2 = Do(function e16(t10, n10, r10, o10) {
No(this, e16), this.completion = t10, this.source = n10, this.match = r10, this.score = o10;
function c2(e20) {
return e20.selection.main.from;
function l2(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = e20.source, o10 = t10 && "^" != r10[0], i10 = "$" != r10[r10.length - 1];
return o10 || i10 ? new RegExp("".concat(o10 ? "^" : "", "(?:").concat(r10, ")").concat(i10 ? "$" : ""), null !== (n10 = e20.flags) && void 0 !== n10 ? n10 : e20.ignoreCase ? "i" : "") : e20;
var u2 = tV.define();
var f2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
function d2(e20) {
if (!Array.isArray(e20))
return e20;
var t10 = f2.get(e20);
return t10 || f2.set(e20, t10 = a2(e20)), t10;
var h2 = oV.define();
var v2 = oV.define();
var p2 = function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.pattern = t10, this.chars = [], this.folded = [], this.any = [], this.precise = [], this.byWord = [], this.score = 0, this.matched = [];
for (var n10 = 0; n10 < t10.length; ) {
var r10 = dF(t10, n10), o10 = vF(r10);
var i10 = t10.slice(n10, n10 + o10), a10 = i10.toUpperCase();
this.folded.push(dF(a10 == i10 ? i10.toLowerCase() : a10, 0)), n10 += o10;
this.astral = t10.length != this.chars.length;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "ret", value: function(e21, t10) {
return this.score = e21, this.matched = t10, true;
} }, { key: "match", value: function(e21) {
if (0 == this.pattern.length)
return this.ret(-100, []);
if (e21.length < this.pattern.length)
return false;
var t10 = this.chars, n10 = this.folded, r10 = this.any, o10 = this.precise, i10 = this.byWord;
if (1 == t10.length) {
var a10 = dF(e21, 0), s10 = vF(a10), c10 = s10 == e21.length ? 0 : -100;
if (a10 == t10[0])
else {
if (a10 != n10[0])
return false;
c10 += -200;
return this.ret(c10, [0, s10]);
var l10 = e21.indexOf(this.pattern);
if (0 == l10)
return this.ret(e21.length == this.pattern.length ? 0 : -100, [0, this.pattern.length]);
var u10 = t10.length, f10 = 0;
if (l10 < 0) {
for (var d10 = 0, h10 = Math.min(e21.length, 200); d10 < h10 && f10 < u10; ) {
var v10 = dF(e21, d10);
v10 != t10[f10] && v10 != n10[f10] || (r10[f10++] = d10), d10 += vF(v10);
if (f10 < u10)
return false;
for (var p10 = 0, m10 = 0, g10 = false, y10 = 0, b10 = -1, k10 = -1, w10 = /[a-z]/.test(e21), x10 = true, j10 = 0, S10 = Math.min(e21.length, 200), C10 = 0; j10 < S10 && m10 < u10; ) {
var $10 = dF(e21, j10);
l10 < 0 && (p10 < u10 && $10 == t10[p10] && (o10[p10++] = j10), y10 < u10 && ($10 == t10[y10] || $10 == n10[y10] ? (0 == y10 && (b10 = j10), k10 = j10 + 1, y10++) : y10 = 0));
var _10 = void 0, O10 = $10 < 255 ? $10 >= 48 && $10 <= 57 || $10 >= 97 && $10 <= 122 ? 2 : $10 >= 65 && $10 <= 90 ? 1 : 0 : (_10 = hF($10)) != _10.toLowerCase() ? 1 : _10 != _10.toUpperCase() ? 2 : 0;
(!j10 || 1 == O10 && w10 || 0 == C10 && 0 != O10) && (t10[m10] == $10 || n10[m10] == $10 && (g10 = true) ? i10[m10++] = j10 : i10.length && (x10 = false)), C10 = O10, j10 += vF($10);
return m10 == u10 && 0 == i10[0] && x10 ? this.result((g10 ? -200 : 0) - 100, i10, e21) : y10 == u10 && 0 == b10 ? this.ret(-200 - e21.length + (k10 == e21.length ? 0 : -100), [0, k10]) : l10 > -1 ? this.ret(-700 - e21.length, [l10, l10 + this.pattern.length]) : y10 == u10 ? this.ret(-900 - e21.length, [b10, k10]) : m10 == u10 ? this.result((g10 ? -200 : 0) - 100 - 700 + (x10 ? 0 : -1100), i10, e21) : 2 != t10.length && this.result((r10[0] ? -700 : 0) - 200 - 1100, r10, e21);
} }, { key: "result", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = [], i10 = 0, a10 = bo(t10);
try {
for (a10.s(); !(r10 = a10.n()).done; ) {
var s10 = r10.value, c10 = s10 + (this.astral ? vF(dF(n10, s10)) : 1);
i10 && o10[i10 - 1] == s10 ? o10[i10 - 1] = c10 : (o10[i10++] = s10, o10[i10++] = c10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return this.ret(e21 - n10.length, o10);
} }]), e20;
var m2 = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return gV(e20, { activateOnTyping: true, selectOnOpen: true, override: null, closeOnBlur: true, maxRenderedOptions: 100, defaultKeymap: true, tooltipClass: function() {
return "";
}, optionClass: function() {
return "";
}, aboveCursor: false, icons: true, addToOptions: [], positionInfo: y2, compareCompletions: function(e21, t10) {
return e21.label.localeCompare(t10.label);
}, interactionDelay: 75, updateSyncTime: 100 }, { defaultKeymap: function(e21, t10) {
return e21 && t10;
}, closeOnBlur: function(e21, t10) {
return e21 && t10;
}, icons: function(e21, t10) {
return e21 && t10;
}, tooltipClass: function(e21, t10) {
return function(n10) {
return g2(e21(n10), t10(n10));
}, optionClass: function(e21, t10) {
return function(n10) {
return g2(e21(n10), t10(n10));
}, addToOptions: function(e21, t10) {
return e21.concat(t10);
} });
} });
function g2(e20, t10) {
return e20 ? t10 ? e20 + " " + t10 : e20 : t10;
function y2(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
var a10, s10, c10 = e20.textDirection == rW.RTL, l10 = c10, u10 = false, f10 = "top", d10 = t10.left - o10.left, h10 = o10.right - t10.right, v10 = r10.right - r10.left, p10 = r10.bottom - r10.top;
if (l10 && d10 < Math.min(v10, h10) ? l10 = false : !l10 && h10 < Math.min(v10, d10) && (l10 = true), v10 <= (l10 ? d10 : h10))
a10 = Math.max(o10.top, Math.min(n10.top, o10.bottom - p10)) - t10.top, s10 = Math.min(400, l10 ? d10 : h10);
else {
u10 = true, s10 = Math.min(400, (c10 ? t10.right : o10.right - t10.left) - 30);
var m10 = o10.bottom - t10.bottom;
m10 >= p10 || m10 > t10.top ? a10 = n10.bottom - t10.top : (f10 = "bottom", a10 = t10.bottom - n10.top);
var g10 = (t10.bottom - t10.top) / i10.offsetHeight, y10 = (t10.right - t10.left) / i10.offsetWidth;
return { style: "".concat(f10, ": ").concat(a10 / g10, "px; max-width: ").concat(s10 / y10, "px"), class: "cm-completionInfo-" + (u10 ? c10 ? "left-narrow" : "right-narrow" : l10 ? "left" : "right") };
function b2(e20, t10, n10) {
if (e20 <= n10)
return { from: 0, to: e20 };
if (t10 < 0 && (t10 = 0), t10 <= e20 >> 1) {
var r10 = Math.floor(t10 / n10);
return { from: r10 * n10, to: (r10 + 1) * n10 };
var o10 = Math.floor((e20 - t10) / n10);
return { from: e20 - (o10 + 1) * n10, to: e20 - o10 * n10 };
var k2 = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = this;
No(this, e20), this.view = t10, this.stateField = n10, this.applyCompletion = r10, this.info = null, this.infoDestroy = null, this.placeInfoReq = { read: function() {
return o10.measureInfo();
}, write: function(e21) {
return o10.placeInfo(e21);
}, key: this }, this.space = null, this.currentClass = "";
var i10 = t10.state.field(n10), a10 = i10.open, s10 = a10.options, c10 = a10.selected, l10 = t10.state.facet(m2);
this.optionContent = function(e21) {
var t11 = e21.addToOptions.slice();
return e21.icons && t11.push({ render: function(e23) {
var t12, n11 = document.createElement("div");
return n11.classList.add("cm-completionIcon"), e23.type && (t12 = n11.classList).add.apply(t12, Bo(e23.type.split(/\s+/g).map(function(e24) {
return "cm-completionIcon-" + e24;
}))), n11.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), n11;
}, position: 20 }), t11.push({ render: function(e23, t12, n11, r11) {
var o11 = document.createElement("span");
o11.className = "cm-completionLabel";
for (var i11 = e23.displayLabel || e23.label, a11 = 0, s11 = 0; s11 < r11.length; ) {
var c11 = r11[s11++], l11 = r11[s11++];
c11 > a11 && o11.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i11.slice(a11, c11)));
var u10 = o11.appendChild(document.createElement("span"));
u10.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i11.slice(c11, l11))), u10.className = "cm-completionMatchedText", a11 = l11;
return a11 < i11.length && o11.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i11.slice(a11))), o11;
}, position: 50 }, { render: function(e23) {
if (!e23.detail)
return null;
var t12 = document.createElement("span");
return t12.className = "cm-completionDetail", t12.textContent = e23.detail, t12;
}, position: 80 }), t11.sort(function(e23, t12) {
return e23.position - t12.position;
}).map(function(e23) {
return e23.render;
}(l10), this.optionClass = l10.optionClass, this.tooltipClass = l10.tooltipClass, this.range = b2(s10.length, c10, l10.maxRenderedOptions), this.dom = document.createElement("div"), this.dom.className = "cm-tooltip-autocomplete", this.updateTooltipClass(t10.state), this.dom.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e21) {
for (var r11, i11 = t10.state.field(n10).open.options, a11 = e21.target; a11 && a11 != o10.dom; a11 = a11.parentNode)
if ("LI" == a11.nodeName && (r11 = /-(\d+)$/.exec(a11.id)) && +r11[1] < i11.length)
return o10.applyCompletion(t10, i11[+r11[1]]), void e21.preventDefault();
}), this.dom.addEventListener("focusout", function(e21) {
var n11 = t10.state.field(o10.stateField, false);
n11 && n11.tooltip && t10.state.facet(m2).closeOnBlur && e21.relatedTarget != t10.contentDOM && t10.dispatch({ effects: v2.of(null) });
}), this.showOptions(s10, i10.id);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "mount", value: function() {
} }, { key: "showOptions", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = this;
this.list && this.list.remove(), this.list = this.dom.appendChild(this.createListBox(e21, t10, this.range)), this.list.addEventListener("scroll", function() {
n10.info && n10.view.requestMeasure(n10.placeInfoReq);
} }, { key: "update", value: function(e21) {
var t10, n10 = e21.state.field(this.stateField), r10 = e21.startState.field(this.stateField);
if (this.updateTooltipClass(e21.state), n10 != r10) {
var o10 = n10.open, i10 = o10.options, a10 = o10.selected, s10 = o10.disabled;
r10.open && r10.open.options == i10 || (this.range = b2(i10.length, a10, e21.state.facet(m2).maxRenderedOptions), this.showOptions(i10, n10.id)), this.updateSel(), s10 != (null === (t10 = r10.open) || void 0 === t10 ? void 0 : t10.disabled) && this.dom.classList.toggle("cm-tooltip-autocomplete-disabled", !!s10);
} }, { key: "updateTooltipClass", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this.tooltipClass(e21);
if (t10 != this.currentClass) {
var n10, r10 = bo(this.currentClass.split(" "));
try {
for (r10.s(); !(n10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
var o10 = n10.value;
o10 && this.dom.classList.remove(o10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
var i10, a10 = bo(t10.split(" "));
try {
for (a10.s(); !(i10 = a10.n()).done; ) {
var s10 = i10.value;
s10 && this.dom.classList.add(s10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
this.currentClass = t10;
} }, { key: "positioned", value: function(e21) {
this.space = e21, this.info && this.view.requestMeasure(this.placeInfoReq);
} }, { key: "updateSel", value: function() {
var e21 = this, t10 = this.view.state.field(this.stateField), n10 = t10.open;
if ((n10.selected > -1 && n10.selected < this.range.from || n10.selected >= this.range.to) && (this.range = b2(n10.options.length, n10.selected, this.view.state.facet(m2).maxRenderedOptions), this.showOptions(n10.options, t10.id)), this.updateSelectedOption(n10.selected)) {
var r10 = n10.options[n10.selected].completion, o10 = r10.info;
if (!o10)
var i10 = "string" == typeof o10 ? document.createTextNode(o10) : o10(r10);
if (!i10)
"then" in i10 ? i10.then(function(n11) {
n11 && e21.view.state.field(e21.stateField, false) == t10 && e21.addInfoPane(n11, r10);
}).catch(function(t11) {
return qW(e21.view.state, t11, "completion info");
}) : this.addInfoPane(i10, r10);
} }, { key: "addInfoPane", value: function(e21, t10) {
var n10 = this.info = document.createElement("div");
if (n10.className = "cm-tooltip cm-completionInfo", null != e21.nodeType)
n10.appendChild(e21), this.infoDestroy = null;
else {
var r10 = e21.dom, o10 = e21.destroy;
n10.appendChild(r10), this.infoDestroy = o10 || null;
this.dom.appendChild(n10), this.view.requestMeasure(this.placeInfoReq);
} }, { key: "updateSelectedOption", value: function(e21) {
for (var t10 = null, n10 = this.list.firstChild, r10 = this.range.from; n10; n10 = n10.nextSibling, r10++)
"LI" == n10.nodeName && n10.id ? r10 == e21 ? n10.hasAttribute("aria-selected") || (n10.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true"), t10 = n10) : n10.hasAttribute("aria-selected") && n10.removeAttribute("aria-selected") : r10--;
return t10 && function(e23, t11) {
var n11 = e23.getBoundingClientRect(), r11 = t11.getBoundingClientRect(), o10 = n11.height / e23.offsetHeight;
r11.top < n11.top ? e23.scrollTop -= (n11.top - r11.top) / o10 : r11.bottom > n11.bottom && (e23.scrollTop += (r11.bottom - n11.bottom) / o10);
}(this.list, t10), t10;
} }, { key: "measureInfo", value: function() {
var e21 = this.dom.querySelector("[aria-selected]");
if (!e21 || !this.info)
return null;
var t10 = this.dom.getBoundingClientRect(), n10 = this.info.getBoundingClientRect(), r10 = e21.getBoundingClientRect(), o10 = this.space;
if (!o10) {
var i10 = this.dom.ownerDocument.defaultView || window;
o10 = { left: 0, top: 0, right: i10.innerWidth, bottom: i10.innerHeight };
return r10.top > Math.min(o10.bottom, t10.bottom) - 10 || r10.bottom < Math.max(o10.top, t10.top) + 10 ? null : this.view.state.facet(m2).positionInfo(this.view, t10, r10, n10, o10, this.dom);
} }, { key: "placeInfo", value: function(e21) {
this.info && (e21 ? (e21.style && (this.info.style.cssText = e21.style), this.info.className = "cm-tooltip cm-completionInfo " + (e21.class || "")) : this.info.style.cssText = "top: -1e6px");
} }, { key: "createListBox", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
var r10 = document.createElement("ul");
r10.id = t10, r10.setAttribute("role", "listbox"), r10.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "true"), r10.setAttribute("aria-label", this.view.state.phrase("Completions"));
for (var o10 = null, i10 = n10.from; i10 < n10.to; i10++) {
var a10 = e21[i10], s10 = a10.completion, c10 = a10.match, l10 = s10.section;
if (l10) {
var u10 = "string" == typeof l10 ? l10 : l10.name;
if (u10 != o10 && (i10 > n10.from || 0 == n10.from))
if (o10 = u10, "string" != typeof l10 && l10.header)
r10.appendChild(document.createElement("completion-section")).textContent = u10;
var f10 = r10.appendChild(document.createElement("li"));
f10.id = t10 + "-" + i10, f10.setAttribute("role", "option");
var d10 = this.optionClass(s10);
d10 && (f10.className = d10);
var h10, v10 = bo(this.optionContent);
try {
for (v10.s(); !(h10 = v10.n()).done; ) {
var p10 = (0, h10.value)(s10, this.view.state, this.view, c10);
p10 && f10.appendChild(p10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return n10.from && r10.classList.add("cm-completionListIncompleteTop"), n10.to < e21.length && r10.classList.add("cm-completionListIncompleteBottom"), r10;
} }, { key: "destroyInfo", value: function() {
this.info && (this.infoDestroy && this.infoDestroy(), this.info.remove(), this.info = null);
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function() {
} }]), e20;
function w2(e20, t10) {
return function(n10) {
return new k2(n10, e20, t10);
function x2(e20) {
return 100 * (e20.boost || 0) + (e20.apply ? 10 : 0) + (e20.info ? 5 : 0) + (e20.type ? 1 : 0);
var j2 = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10) {
No(this, e20), this.options = t10, this.attrs = n10, this.tooltip = r10, this.timestamp = o10, this.selected = i10, this.disabled = a10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "setSelected", value: function(t10, n10) {
return t10 == this.selected || t10 >= this.options.length ? this : new e20(this.options, $2(n10, t10), this.tooltip, this.timestamp, t10, this.disabled);
} }, { key: "map", value: function(t10) {
return new e20(this.options, this.attrs, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.tooltip), { pos: t10.mapPos(this.tooltip.pos) }), this.timestamp, this.selected, this.disabled);
} }], [{ key: "build", value: function(t10, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
var a10 = function(e21, t11) {
var n11, r11 = [], o11 = null, i11 = function(e23) {
var t12 = e23.completion.section;
if (t12) {
o11 || (o11 = []);
var n12 = "string" == typeof t12 ? t12 : t12.name;
o11.some(function(e24) {
return e24.name == n12;
}) || o11.push("string" == typeof t12 ? { name: n12 } : t12);
}, a11 = bo(e21);
try {
for (a11.s(); !(n11 = a11.n()).done; ) {
var s11 = n11.value;
if (s11.hasResult()) {
var c11 = s11.result.getMatch;
if (false === s11.result.filter) {
var l11, u10 = bo(s11.result.options);
try {
for (u10.s(); !(l11 = u10.n()).done; ) {
var f10 = l11.value;
i11(new s2(f10, s11.source, c11 ? c11(f10) : [], 1e9 - r11.length));
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} else {
var d10, h10 = new p2(t11.sliceDoc(s11.from, s11.to)), v10 = bo(s11.result.options);
try {
for (v10.s(); !(d10 = v10.n()).done; ) {
var p10 = d10.value;
if (h10.match(p10.label)) {
var m10 = p10.displayLabel ? c11 ? c11(p10, h10.matched) : [] : h10.matched;
i11(new s2(p10, s11.source, m10, h10.score + (p10.boost || 0)));
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
if (o11) {
var g10, y10 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), b10 = 0, k10 = bo(o11.sort(function(e23, t12) {
var n12, r12;
return (null !== (n12 = e23.rank) && void 0 !== n12 ? n12 : 1e9) - (null !== (r12 = t12.rank) && void 0 !== r12 ? r12 : 1e9) || (e23.name < t12.name ? -1 : 1);
try {
for (k10.s(); !(g10 = k10.n()).done; ) {
var w10 = g10.value;
b10 -= 1e5, y10[w10.name] = b10;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
var x10, j10 = bo(r11);
try {
for (j10.s(); !(x10 = j10.n()).done; ) {
var S10 = x10.value, C10 = S10.completion.section;
C10 && (S10.score += y10["string" == typeof C10 ? C10 : C10.name]);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
var $10, _10 = [], O10 = null, M10 = t11.facet(m2).compareCompletions, E10 = bo(r11.sort(function(e23, t12) {
return t12.score - e23.score || M10(e23.completion, t12.completion);
try {
for (E10.s(); !($10 = E10.n()).done; ) {
var A10 = $10.value, P10 = A10.completion;
!O10 || O10.label != P10.label || O10.detail != P10.detail || null != O10.type && null != P10.type && O10.type != P10.type || O10.apply != P10.apply || O10.boost != P10.boost ? _10.push(A10) : x2(A10.completion) > x2(O10) && (_10[_10.length - 1] = A10), O10 = A10.completion;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return _10;
}(t10, n10);
if (!a10.length)
return o10 && t10.some(function(e21) {
return 1 == e21.state;
}) ? new e20(o10.options, o10.attrs, o10.tooltip, o10.timestamp, o10.selected, true) : null;
var s10 = n10.facet(m2).selectOnOpen ? 0 : -1;
if (o10 && o10.selected != s10 && -1 != o10.selected) {
for (var c10 = o10.options[o10.selected].completion, l10 = 0; l10 < a10.length; l10++)
if (a10[l10].completion == c10) {
s10 = l10;
return new e20(a10, $2(r10, s10), { pos: t10.reduce(function(e21, t11) {
return t11.hasResult() ? Math.min(e21, t11.from) : e21;
}, 1e8), create: N2, above: i10.aboveCursor }, o10 ? o10.timestamp : Date.now(), s10, false);
} }]), e20;
var S2 = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10) {
No(this, e20), this.active = t10, this.id = n10, this.open = r10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "update", value: function(t10) {
var n10 = this, r10 = t10.state, o10 = r10.facet(m2), i10 = (o10.override || r10.languageDataAt("autocomplete", c2(r10)).map(d2)).map(function(e21) {
return (n10.active.find(function(t11) {
return t11.source == e21;
}) || new M2(e21, n10.active.some(function(e23) {
return 0 != e23.state;
}) ? 1 : 0)).update(t10, o10);
i10.length == this.active.length && i10.every(function(e21, t11) {
return e21 == n10.active[t11];
}) && (i10 = this.active);
var a10 = this.open;
a10 && t10.docChanged && (a10 = a10.map(t10.changes)), t10.selection || i10.some(function(e21) {
return e21.hasResult() && t10.changes.touchesRange(e21.from, e21.to);
}) || !function(e21, t11) {
if (e21 == t11)
return true;
for (var n11 = 0, r11 = 0; ; ) {
for (; n11 < e21.length && !e21[n11].hasResult; )
for (; r11 < t11.length && !t11[r11].hasResult; )
var o11 = n11 == e21.length, i11 = r11 == t11.length;
if (o11 || i11)
return o11 == i11;
if (e21[n11++].result != t11[r11++].result)
return false;
}(i10, this.active) ? a10 = j2.build(i10, r10, this.id, a10, o10) : a10 && a10.disabled && !i10.some(function(e21) {
return 1 == e21.state;
}) && (a10 = null), !a10 && i10.every(function(e21) {
return 1 != e21.state;
}) && i10.some(function(e21) {
return e21.hasResult();
}) && (i10 = i10.map(function(e21) {
return e21.hasResult() ? new M2(e21.source, 0) : e21;
var s10, c10 = bo(t10.effects);
try {
for (c10.s(); !(s10 = c10.n()).done; ) {
var l10 = s10.value;
l10.is(P2) && (a10 = a10 && a10.setSelected(l10.value, this.id));
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return i10 == this.active && a10 == this.open ? this : new e20(i10, this.id, a10);
} }, { key: "tooltip", get: function() {
return this.open ? this.open.tooltip : null;
} }, { key: "attrs", get: function() {
return this.open ? this.open.attrs : C2;
} }], [{ key: "start", value: function() {
return new e20(_2, "cm-ac-" + Math.floor(2e6 * Math.random()).toString(36), null);
} }]), e20;
var C2 = { "aria-autocomplete": "list" };
function $2(e20, t10) {
var n10 = { "aria-autocomplete": "list", "aria-haspopup": "listbox", "aria-controls": e20 };
return t10 > -1 && (n10["aria-activedescendant"] = e20 + "-" + t10), n10;
var _2 = [];
function O2(e20) {
return e20.isUserEvent("input.type") ? "input" : e20.isUserEvent("delete.backward") ? "delete" : null;
var M2 = function() {
function e20(t10, n10) {
var r10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : -1;
No(this, e20), this.source = t10, this.state = n10, this.explicitPos = r10;
return Do(e20, [{ key: "hasResult", value: function() {
return false;
} }, { key: "update", value: function(t10, n10) {
var r10 = O2(t10), o10 = this;
r10 ? o10 = o10.handleUserEvent(t10, r10, n10) : t10.docChanged ? o10 = o10.handleChange(t10) : t10.selection && 0 != o10.state && (o10 = new e20(o10.source, 0));
var i10, a10 = bo(t10.effects);
try {
for (a10.s(); !(i10 = a10.n()).done; ) {
var s10 = i10.value;
if (s10.is(h2))
o10 = new e20(o10.source, 1, s10.value ? c2(t10.state) : -1);
else if (s10.is(v2))
o10 = new e20(o10.source, 0);
else if (s10.is(A2)) {
var c10, l10 = bo(s10.value);
try {
for (l10.s(); !(c10 = l10.n()).done; ) {
var u10 = c10.value;
u10.source == o10.source && (o10 = u10);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return o10;
} }, { key: "handleUserEvent", value: function(t10, n10, r10) {
return "delete" != n10 && r10.activateOnTyping ? new e20(this.source, 1) : this.map(t10.changes);
} }, { key: "handleChange", value: function(t10) {
return t10.changes.touchesRange(c2(t10.startState)) ? new e20(this.source, 0) : this.map(t10.changes);
} }, { key: "map", value: function(t10) {
return t10.empty || this.explicitPos < 0 ? this : new e20(this.source, this.state, t10.mapPos(this.explicitPos));
} }]), e20;
var E2 = function(e20) {
function t10(e21, n10, r10, o10, i10) {
var a10;
return No(this, t10), (a10 = _o(this, t10, [e21, 2, n10])).result = r10, a10.from = o10, a10.to = i10, a10;
return Ao(t10, M2), Do(t10, [{ key: "hasResult", value: function() {
return true;
} }, { key: "handleUserEvent", value: function(e21, n10, r10) {
var o10, i10 = e21.changes.mapPos(this.from), a10 = e21.changes.mapPos(this.to, 1), s10 = c2(e21.state);
if ((this.explicitPos < 0 ? s10 <= i10 : s10 < this.from) || s10 > a10 || "delete" == n10 && c2(e21.startState) == this.from)
return new M2(this.source, "input" == n10 && r10.activateOnTyping ? 1 : 0);
var c10, l10 = this.explicitPos < 0 ? -1 : e21.changes.mapPos(this.explicitPos);
return function(e23, t11, n11, r11) {
if (!e23)
return false;
var o11 = t11.sliceDoc(n11, r11);
return "function" == typeof e23 ? e23(o11, n11, r11, t11) : l2(e23, true).test(o11);
}(this.result.validFor, e21.state, i10, a10) ? new t10(this.source, l10, this.result, i10, a10) : this.result.update && (c10 = this.result.update(this.result, i10, a10, new o2(e21.state, s10, l10 >= 0))) ? new t10(this.source, l10, c10, c10.from, null !== (o10 = c10.to) && void 0 !== o10 ? o10 : c2(e21.state)) : new M2(this.source, 1, l10);
} }, { key: "handleChange", value: function(e21) {
return e21.changes.touchesRange(this.from, this.to) ? new M2(this.source, 0) : this.map(e21.changes);
} }, { key: "map", value: function(e21) {
return e21.empty ? this : new t10(this.source, this.explicitPos < 0 ? -1 : e21.mapPos(this.explicitPos), this.result, e21.mapPos(this.from), e21.mapPos(this.to, 1));
} }]), t10;
var A2 = oV.define({ map: function(e20, t10) {
return e20.map(function(e21) {
return e21.map(t10);
} });
var P2 = oV.define();
var T2 = NF.define({ create: function() {
return S2.start();
}, update: function(e20, t10) {
return e20.update(t10);
}, provide: function(e20) {
return [UK.from(e20, function(e21) {
return e21.tooltip;
}), zJ.contentAttributes.from(e20, function(e21) {
return e21.attrs;
} });
function R2(e20, t10) {
var n10 = t10.completion.apply || t10.completion.label, r10 = e20.state.field(T2).active.find(function(e21) {
return e21.source == t10.source;
return r10 instanceof E2 && ("string" == typeof n10 ? e20.dispatch(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, function(e21, t11, n11, r11) {
var o10 = e21.selection.main, i10 = n11 - o10.from, a10 = r11 - o10.from;
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e21.changeByRange(function(s10) {
return s10 != o10 && n11 != r11 && e21.sliceDoc(s10.from + i10, s10.from + a10) != e21.sliceDoc(n11, r11) ? { range: s10 } : { changes: { from: s10.from + i10, to: r11 == o10.from ? s10.to : s10.from + a10, insert: t11 }, range: $F.cursor(s10.from + i10 + t11.length) };
})), { scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: "input.complete" });
}(e20.state, n10, r10.from, r10.to)), { annotations: u2.of(t10.completion) })) : n10(e20, t10.completion, r10.from, r10.to), true);
var N2 = w2(T2, R2);
function I2(e20) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "option";
return function(n10) {
var r10 = n10.state.field(T2, false);
if (!r10 || !r10.open || r10.open.disabled || Date.now() - r10.open.timestamp < n10.state.facet(m2).interactionDelay)
return false;
var o10, i10 = 1;
"page" == t10 && (o10 = ZK(n10, r10.open.tooltip)) && (i10 = Math.max(2, Math.floor(o10.dom.offsetHeight / o10.dom.querySelector("li").offsetHeight) - 1));
var a10 = r10.open.options.length, s10 = r10.open.selected > -1 ? r10.open.selected + i10 * (e20 ? 1 : -1) : e20 ? 0 : a10 - 1;
return s10 < 0 ? s10 = "page" == t10 ? 0 : a10 - 1 : s10 >= a10 && (s10 = "page" == t10 ? a10 - 1 : 0), n10.dispatch({ effects: P2.of(s10) }), true;
var D2 = Do(function e17(t10, n10) {
No(this, e17), this.active = t10, this.context = n10, this.time = Date.now(), this.updates = [], this.done = void 0;
var q2 = FW.fromClass(function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.view = t10, this.debounceUpdate = -1, this.running = [], this.debounceAccept = -1, this.composing = 0;
var n10, r10 = bo(t10.state.field(T2).active);
try {
for (r10.s(); !(n10 = r10.n()).done; ) {
var o10 = n10.value;
1 == o10.state && this.startQuery(o10);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return Do(e20, [{ key: "update", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this, n10 = e21.state.field(T2);
if (e21.selectionSet || e21.docChanged || e21.startState.field(T2) != n10) {
for (var r10 = e21.transactions.some(function(e23) {
return (e23.selection || e23.docChanged) && !O2(e23);
}), o10 = 0; o10 < this.running.length; o10++) {
var i10 = this.running[o10];
if (r10 || i10.updates.length + e21.transactions.length > 50 && Date.now() - i10.time > 1e3) {
var a10, s10 = bo(i10.context.abortListeners);
try {
for (s10.s(); !(a10 = s10.n()).done; ) {
var c10 = a10.value;
try {
} catch (e23) {
qW(this.view.state, e23);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
i10.context.abortListeners = null, this.running.splice(o10--, 1);
} else {
var l10;
(l10 = i10.updates).push.apply(l10, Bo(e21.transactions));
if (this.debounceUpdate > -1 && clearTimeout(this.debounceUpdate), this.debounceUpdate = n10.active.some(function(e23) {
return 1 == e23.state && !t10.running.some(function(t11) {
return t11.active.source == e23.source;
}) ? setTimeout(function() {
return t10.startUpdate();
}, 50) : -1, 0 != this.composing) {
var u10, f10 = bo(e21.transactions);
try {
for (f10.s(); !(u10 = f10.n()).done; ) {
var d10 = u10.value;
"input" == O2(d10) ? this.composing = 2 : 2 == this.composing && d10.selection && (this.composing = 3);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} }, { key: "startUpdate", value: function() {
var e21 = this;
this.debounceUpdate = -1;
var t10, n10 = bo(this.view.state.field(T2).active);
try {
var r10 = function() {
var n11 = t10.value;
1 != n11.state || e21.running.some(function(e23) {
return e23.active.source == n11.source;
}) || e21.startQuery(n11);
for (n10.s(); !(t10 = n10.n()).done; )
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} }, { key: "startQuery", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this, n10 = this.view.state, r10 = c2(n10), o10 = new o2(n10, r10, e21.explicitPos == r10), i10 = new D2(e21, o10);
this.running.push(i10), Promise.resolve(e21.source(o10)).then(function(e23) {
i10.context.aborted || (i10.done = e23 || null, t10.scheduleAccept());
}, function(e23) {
t10.view.dispatch({ effects: v2.of(null) }), qW(t10.view.state, e23);
} }, { key: "scheduleAccept", value: function() {
var e21 = this;
this.running.every(function(e23) {
return void 0 !== e23.done;
}) ? this.accept() : this.debounceAccept < 0 && (this.debounceAccept = setTimeout(function() {
return e21.accept();
}, this.view.state.facet(m2).updateSyncTime));
} }, { key: "accept", value: function() {
var e21, t10 = this;
this.debounceAccept > -1 && clearTimeout(this.debounceAccept), this.debounceAccept = -1;
for (var n10 = [], r10 = this.view.state.facet(m2), o10 = function(o11) {
var a10 = t10.running[o11];
if (void 0 === a10.done)
return i10 = o11, 0;
if (t10.running.splice(o11--, 1), a10.done) {
var s10, c10 = new E2(a10.active.source, a10.active.explicitPos, a10.done, a10.done.from, null !== (e21 = a10.done.to) && void 0 !== e21 ? e21 : c2(a10.updates.length ? a10.updates[0].startState : t10.view.state)), l10 = bo(a10.updates);
try {
for (l10.s(); !(s10 = l10.n()).done; ) {
var u10 = s10.value;
c10 = c10.update(u10, r10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
if (c10.hasResult())
return n10.push(c10), i10 = o11, 0;
var f10 = t10.view.state.field(T2).active.find(function(e23) {
return e23.source == a10.active.source;
if (f10 && 1 == f10.state)
if (null == a10.done) {
var d10, h10 = new M2(a10.active.source, 0), v10 = bo(a10.updates);
try {
for (v10.s(); !(d10 = v10.n()).done; ) {
var p10 = d10.value;
h10 = h10.update(p10, r10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
1 != h10.state && n10.push(h10);
} else
i10 = o11;
}, i10 = 0; i10 < this.running.length; i10++)
n10.length && this.view.dispatch({ effects: A2.of(n10) });
} }]), e20;
}(), { eventHandlers: { blur: function(e20) {
var t10 = this.view.state.field(T2, false);
if (t10 && t10.tooltip && this.view.state.facet(m2).closeOnBlur) {
var n10 = t10.open && ZK(this.view, t10.open.tooltip);
n10 && n10.dom.contains(e20.relatedTarget) || this.view.dispatch({ effects: v2.of(null) });
}, compositionstart: function() {
this.composing = 1;
}, compositionend: function() {
var e20 = this;
3 == this.composing && setTimeout(function() {
return e20.view.dispatch({ effects: h2.of(false) });
}, 20), this.composing = 0;
} } });
var z2 = zJ.baseTheme({ ".cm-tooltip.cm-tooltip-autocomplete": { "& > ul": { fontFamily: "monospace", whiteSpace: "nowrap", overflow: "hidden auto", maxWidth_fallback: "700px", maxWidth: "min(700px, 95vw)", minWidth: "250px", maxHeight: "10em", height: "100%", listStyle: "none", margin: 0, padding: 0, "& > li, & > completion-section": { padding: "1px 3px", lineHeight: 1.2 }, "& > li": { overflowX: "hidden", textOverflow: "ellipsis", cursor: "pointer" }, "& > completion-section": { display: "list-item", borderBottom: "1px solid silver", paddingLeft: "0.5em", opacity: 0.7 } } }, "&light .cm-tooltip-autocomplete ul li[aria-selected]": { background: "#17c", color: "white" }, "&light .cm-tooltip-autocomplete-disabled ul li[aria-selected]": { background: "#777" }, "&dark .cm-tooltip-autocomplete ul li[aria-selected]": { background: "#347", color: "white" }, "&dark .cm-tooltip-autocomplete-disabled ul li[aria-selected]": { background: "#444" }, ".cm-completionListIncompleteTop:before, .cm-completionListIncompleteBottom:after": { content: '"\xB7\xB7\xB7"', opacity: 0.5, display: "block", textAlign: "center" }, ".cm-tooltip.cm-completionInfo": { position: "absolute", padding: "3px 9px", width: "max-content", maxWidth: "".concat(400, "px"), boxSizing: "border-box" }, ".cm-completionInfo.cm-completionInfo-left": { right: "100%" }, ".cm-completionInfo.cm-completionInfo-right": { left: "100%" }, ".cm-completionInfo.cm-completionInfo-left-narrow": { right: "".concat(30, "px") }, ".cm-completionInfo.cm-completionInfo-right-narrow": { left: "".concat(30, "px") }, "&light .cm-snippetField": { backgroundColor: "#00000022" }, "&dark .cm-snippetField": { backgroundColor: "#ffffff22" }, ".cm-snippetFieldPosition": { verticalAlign: "text-top", width: 0, height: "1.15em", display: "inline-block", margin: "0 -0.7px -.7em", borderLeft: "1.4px dotted #888" }, ".cm-completionMatchedText": { textDecoration: "underline" }, ".cm-completionDetail": { marginLeft: "0.5em", fontStyle: "italic" }, ".cm-completionIcon": { fontSize: "90%", width: ".8em", display: "inline-block", textAlign: "center", paddingRight: ".6em", opacity: "0.6", boxSizing: "content-box" }, ".cm-completionIcon-function, .cm-completionIcon-method": { "&:after": { content: "'\u0192'" } }, ".cm-completionIcon-class": { "&:after": { content: "'\u25CB'" } }, ".cm-completionIcon-interface": { "&:after": { content: "'\u25CC'" } }, ".cm-completionIcon-variable": { "&:after": { content: "'\u{1D465}'" } }, ".cm-completionIcon-constant": { "&:after": { content: "'\u{1D436}'" } }, ".cm-completionIcon-type": { "&:after": { content: "'\u{1D461}'" } }, ".cm-completionIcon-enum": { "&:after": { content: "'\u222A'" } }, ".cm-completionIcon-property": { "&:after": { content: "'\u25A1'" } }, ".cm-completionIcon-keyword": { "&:after": { content: "'\u{1F511}\uFE0E'" } }, ".cm-completionIcon-namespace": { "&:after": { content: "'\u25A2'" } }, ".cm-completionIcon-text": { "&:after": { content: "'abc'", fontSize: "50%", verticalAlign: "middle" } } });
var B2 = { brackets: ["(", "[", "{", "'", '"'], before: ")]}:;>", stringPrefixes: [] };
var L2 = oV.define({ map: function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = t10.mapPos(e20, -1, mF.TrackAfter);
return null == n10 ? void 0 : n10;
} });
var F2 = new (function(e20) {
function t10() {
return No(this, t10), _o(this, t10, arguments);
return Ao(t10, yV), Do(t10);
F2.startSide = 1, F2.endSide = -1;
var V2 = NF.define({ create: function() {
return xV.empty;
}, update: function(e20, t10) {
if (e20 = e20.map(t10.changes), t10.selection) {
var n10 = t10.state.doc.lineAt(t10.selection.main.head);
e20 = e20.update({ filter: function(e21) {
return e21 >= n10.from && e21 <= n10.to;
} });
var r10, o10 = bo(t10.effects);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(r10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = r10.value;
i10.is(L2) && (e20 = e20.update({ add: [F2.range(i10.value, i10.value + 1)] }));
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return e20;
} });
var H2 = "()[]{}<>";
function W2(e20) {
for (var t10 = 0; t10 < H2.length; t10 += 2)
if (H2.charCodeAt(t10) == e20)
return H2.charAt(t10 + 1);
return hF(e20 < 128 ? e20 : e20 + 1);
function U2(e20, t10) {
return e20.languageDataAt("closeBrackets", t10)[0] || B2;
var J2 = "object" == ("undefined" == typeof navigator ? "undefined" : Ho(navigator)) && /Android\b/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var K2 = zJ.inputHandler.of(function(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
if ((J2 ? e20.composing : e20.compositionStarted) || e20.state.readOnly)
return false;
var o10 = e20.state.selection.main;
if (r10.length > 2 || 2 == r10.length && 1 == vF(dF(r10, 0)) || t10 != o10.from || n10 != o10.to)
return false;
var i10 = function(e21, t11) {
var n11, r11 = U2(e21, e21.selection.main.head), o11 = r11.brackets || B2.brackets, i11 = bo(o11);
try {
for (i11.s(); !(n11 = i11.n()).done; ) {
var a10 = n11.value, s10 = W2(dF(a10, 0));
if (t11 == a10)
return s10 == a10 ? e42(e21, a10, o11.indexOf(a10 + a10 + a10) > -1, r11) : X2(e21, a10, s10, r11.before || B2.before);
if (t11 == s10 && Q2(e21, e21.selection.main.from))
return Z2(e21, a10, s10);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return null;
}(e20.state, r10);
return !!i10 && (e20.dispatch(i10), true);
var G2 = [{ key: "Backspace", run: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state, n10 = e20.dispatch;
if (t10.readOnly)
return false;
var r10 = U2(t10, t10.selection.main.head).brackets || B2.brackets, o10 = null, i10 = t10.changeByRange(function(e21) {
if (e21.empty) {
var n11, i11 = function(e23, t11) {
var n12 = e23.sliceString(t11 - 2, t11);
return vF(dF(n12, 0)) == n12.length ? n12 : n12.slice(1);
}(t10.doc, e21.head), a10 = bo(r10);
try {
for (a10.s(); !(n11 = a10.n()).done; ) {
var s10 = n11.value;
if (s10 == i11 && Y2(t10.doc, e21.head) == W2(dF(s10, 0)))
return { changes: { from: e21.head - s10.length, to: e21.head + s10.length }, range: $F.cursor(e21.head - s10.length) };
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return { range: o10 = e21 };
return o10 || n10(t10.update(i10, { scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: "delete.backward" })), !o10;
} }];
function Q2(e20, t10) {
var n10 = false;
return e20.field(V2).between(0, e20.doc.length, function(e21) {
e21 == t10 && (n10 = true);
}), n10;
function Y2(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.sliceString(t10, t10 + 2);
return n10.slice(0, vF(dF(n10, 0)));
function X2(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = null, i10 = e20.changeByRange(function(i11) {
if (!i11.empty)
return { changes: [{ insert: t10, from: i11.from }, { insert: n10, from: i11.to }], effects: L2.of(i11.to + t10.length), range: $F.range(i11.anchor + t10.length, i11.head + t10.length) };
var a10 = Y2(e20.doc, i11.head);
return !a10 || /\s/.test(a10) || r10.indexOf(a10) > -1 ? { changes: { insert: t10 + n10, from: i11.head }, effects: L2.of(i11.head + t10.length), range: $F.cursor(i11.head + t10.length) } : { range: o10 = i11 };
return o10 ? null : e20.update(i10, { scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: "input.type" });
function Z2(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = null, o10 = e20.changeByRange(function(t11) {
return t11.empty && Y2(e20.doc, t11.head) == n10 ? { changes: { from: t11.head, to: t11.head + n10.length, insert: n10 }, range: $F.cursor(t11.head + n10.length) } : r10 = { range: t11 };
return r10 ? null : e20.update(o10, { scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: "input.type" });
function e42(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = r10.stringPrefixes || B2.stringPrefixes, i10 = null, a10 = e20.changeByRange(function(r11) {
if (!r11.empty)
return { changes: [{ insert: t10, from: r11.from }, { insert: t10, from: r11.to }], effects: L2.of(r11.to + t10.length), range: $F.range(r11.anchor + t10.length, r11.head + t10.length) };
var a11, s10 = r11.head, c10 = Y2(e20.doc, s10);
if (c10 == t10) {
if (t4(e20, s10))
return { changes: { insert: t10 + t10, from: s10 }, effects: L2.of(s10 + t10.length), range: $F.cursor(s10 + t10.length) };
if (Q2(e20, s10)) {
var l10 = n10 && e20.sliceDoc(s10, s10 + 3 * t10.length) == t10 + t10 + t10 ? t10 + t10 + t10 : t10;
return { changes: { from: s10, to: s10 + l10.length, insert: l10 }, range: $F.cursor(s10 + l10.length) };
} else {
if (n10 && e20.sliceDoc(s10 - 2 * t10.length, s10) == t10 + t10 && (a11 = n4(e20, s10 - 2 * t10.length, o10)) > -1 && t4(e20, a11))
return { changes: { insert: t10 + t10 + t10 + t10, from: s10 }, effects: L2.of(s10 + t10.length), range: $F.cursor(s10 + t10.length) };
if (e20.charCategorizer(s10)(c10) != hV.Word && n4(e20, s10, o10) > -1 && !function(e21, t11, n11, r12) {
for (var o11 = zQ(e21).resolveInner(t11, -1), i11 = r12.reduce(function(e23, t12) {
return Math.max(e23, t12.length);
}, 0), a12 = 0; a12 < 5; a12++) {
var s11 = e21.sliceDoc(o11.from, Math.min(o11.to, o11.from + n11.length + i11)), c11 = s11.indexOf(n11);
if (!c11 || c11 > -1 && r12.indexOf(s11.slice(0, c11)) > -1) {
for (var l11 = o11.firstChild; l11 && l11.from == o11.from && l11.to - l11.from > n11.length + c11; ) {
if (e21.sliceDoc(l11.to - n11.length, l11.to) == n11)
return false;
l11 = l11.firstChild;
return true;
var u10 = o11.to == t11 && o11.parent;
if (!u10)
o11 = u10;
return false;
}(e20, s10, t10, o10))
return { changes: { insert: t10 + t10, from: s10 }, effects: L2.of(s10 + t10.length), range: $F.cursor(s10 + t10.length) };
return { range: i10 = r11 };
return i10 ? null : e20.update(a10, { scrollIntoView: true, userEvent: "input.type" });
function t4(e20, t10) {
var n10 = zQ(e20).resolveInner(t10 + 1);
return n10.parent && n10.from == t10;
function n4(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.charCategorizer(t10);
if (r10(e20.sliceDoc(t10 - 1, t10)) != hV.Word)
return t10;
var o10, i10 = bo(n10);
try {
for (i10.s(); !(o10 = i10.n()).done; ) {
var a10 = o10.value, s10 = t10 - a10.length;
if (e20.sliceDoc(s10, t10) == a10 && r10(e20.sliceDoc(s10 - 1, s10)) != hV.Word)
return s10;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
return -1;
function r4() {
var e20 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
return [T2, m2.of(e20), q2, i4, z2];
var o4 = [{ key: "Ctrl-Space", run: function(e20) {
return !!e20.state.field(T2, false) && (e20.dispatch({ effects: h2.of(true) }), true);
} }, { key: "Escape", run: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state.field(T2, false);
return !(!t10 || !t10.active.some(function(e21) {
return 0 != e21.state;
})) && (e20.dispatch({ effects: v2.of(null) }), true);
} }, { key: "ArrowDown", run: I2(true) }, { key: "ArrowUp", run: I2(false) }, { key: "PageDown", run: I2(true, "page") }, { key: "PageUp", run: I2(false, "page") }, { key: "Enter", run: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.state.field(T2, false);
return !(e20.state.readOnly || !t10 || !t10.open || t10.open.selected < 0 || t10.open.disabled || Date.now() - t10.open.timestamp < e20.state.facet(m2).interactionDelay) && R2(e20, t10.open.options[t10.open.selected]);
} }];
var i4 = LF.highest(JJ.computeN([m2], function(e20) {
return e20.facet(m2).defaultKeymap ? [o4] : [];
function a4(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-hhcn0f", '.jse-status-bar.svelte-hhcn0f.svelte-hhcn0f{background:var(--jse-panel-background, #ebebeb);color:var(--jse-panel-color-readonly, #b2b2b2);font-family:var(--jse-font-family-mono, consolas, menlo, monaco, "Ubuntu Mono", "source-code-pro", monospace);font-size:var(--jse-font-size-mono, 14px);margin:0;border-top:var(--jse-panel-border, var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7));border-left:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7);border-right:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7);display:flex;gap:var(--jse-padding, 10px)}.jse-status-bar.svelte-hhcn0f.svelte-hhcn0f:last-child{border-bottom:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7)}.jse-status-bar.svelte-hhcn0f .jse-status-bar-info.svelte-hhcn0f{padding:2px}');
function s4(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = Ci("Line: "), r10 = Ci(e20[0]), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-status-bar-info svelte-hhcn0f");
}, m: function(e21, o10) {
ki(e21, t10, o10), pi(t10, n10), pi(t10, r10);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
1 & t11 && Ni(r10, e21[0]);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function c4(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = Ci("Column: "), r10 = Ci(e20[1]), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-status-bar-info svelte-hhcn0f");
}, m: function(e21, o10) {
ki(e21, t10, o10), pi(t10, n10), pi(t10, r10);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
2 & t11 && Ni(r10, e21[1]);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function l4(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10;
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = Ci("Selection: "), r10 = Ci(e20[2]), o10 = Ci(" characters"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-status-bar-info svelte-hhcn0f");
}, m: function(e21, i10) {
ki(e21, t10, i10), pi(t10, n10), pi(t10, r10), pi(t10, o10);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
4 & t11 && Ni(r10, e21[2]);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function u4(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10 = void 0 !== e20[0] && s4(e20), i10 = void 0 !== e20[1] && c4(e20), a10 = void 0 !== e20[2] && e20[2] > 0 && l4(e20);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), o10 && o10.c(), n10 = $i(), i10 && i10.c(), r10 = $i(), a10 && a10.c(), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-status-bar svelte-hhcn0f");
}, m: function(e21, s10) {
ki(e21, t10, s10), o10 && o10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, n10), i10 && i10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, r10), a10 && a10.m(t10, null);
}, p: function(e21, s10) {
var c10 = jo(s10, 1)[0];
void 0 !== e21[0] ? o10 ? o10.p(e21, c10) : ((o10 = s4(e21)).c(), o10.m(t10, n10)) : o10 && (o10.d(1), o10 = null), void 0 !== e21[1] ? i10 ? i10.p(e21, c10) : ((i10 = c4(e21)).c(), i10.m(t10, r10)) : i10 && (i10.d(1), i10 = null), void 0 !== e21[2] && e21[2] > 0 ? a10 ? a10.p(e21, c10) : ((a10 = l4(e21)).c(), a10.m(t10, null)) : a10 && (a10.d(1), a10 = null);
}, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), o10 && o10.d(), i10 && i10.d(), a10 && a10.d();
} };
function f4(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10 = t10.editorState;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"editorState" in e21 && n10(3, c10 = e21.editorState);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
var t11, l10, u10;
8 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(4, r10 = null === (t11 = c10) || void 0 === t11 || null === (t11 = t11.selection) || void 0 === t11 || null === (t11 = t11.main) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11.head);
24 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(5, o10 = r10 ? null === (l10 = c10) || void 0 === l10 || null === (l10 = l10.doc) || void 0 === l10 ? void 0 : l10.lineAt(r10) : void 0);
(32 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(0, i10 = o10 ? o10.number : void 0), 48 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(1, a10 = void 0 !== o10 && void 0 !== r10 ? r10 - o10.from + 1 : void 0), 8 & e20.$$.dirty) && n10(2, s10 = null === (u10 = c10) || void 0 === u10 || null === (u10 = u10.selection) || void 0 === u10 || null === (u10 = u10.ranges) || void 0 === u10 ? void 0 : u10.reduce(function(e21, t12) {
return e21 + t12.to - t12.from;
}, 0));
}, [i10, a10, s10, c10, r10, o10];
var d4 = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, f4, u4, Xo, { editorState: 3 }, a4), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
var h4 = PY.define([{ tag: TQ.propertyName, color: "var(--internal-key-color)" }, { tag: TQ.number, color: "var(--internal-value-color-number)" }, { tag: TQ.bool, color: "var(--internal-value-color-boolean)" }, { tag: TQ.string, color: "var(--internal-value-color-string)" }, { tag: TQ.keyword, color: "var(--internal-value-color-null)" }]);
var v4 = IY(h4);
var p4 = h4.style;
function m4(e20) {
var t10 = e20.selection.main.head;
return e20.doc.lineAt(t10);
function g4(e20, t10) {
var n10 = 0;
for (var r10 = 0; r10 < e20.length; r10++)
switch (e20[r10]) {
case " ":
n10 += 1;
continue e;
case " ":
n10 += t10 - n10 % t10;
continue e;
case "\r":
continue e;
break e;
return n10;
h4.style = function(e20) {
return p4(e20 || []);
var y4 = MF.define({ combine: function(e20) {
return gV(e20, { highlightActiveBlock: true, hideFirstIndent: false, markerType: "fullScope", thickness: 1 });
} });
var b4 = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10) {
No(this, e20), this.lines = t10, this.state = n10, this.map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.unitWidth = r10, this.markerType = o10;
var i10, a10 = bo(this.lines);
try {
for (a10.s(); !(i10 = a10.n()).done; ) {
var s10 = i10.value;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
this.state.facet(y4).highlightActiveBlock && this.findAndSetActiveLines();
return Do(e20, [{ key: "has", value: function(e21) {
return this.map.has("number" == typeof e21 ? e21 : e21.number);
} }, { key: "get", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this.map.get("number" == typeof e21 ? e21 : e21.number);
if (!t10)
throw new Error("Line not found in indentation map");
return t10;
} }, { key: "set", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
var r10 = !e21.text.trim().length, o10 = { line: e21, col: t10, level: n10, empty: r10 };
return this.map.set(o10.line.number, o10), o10;
} }, { key: "add", value: function(e21) {
if (this.has(e21))
return this.get(e21);
if (!e21.length || !e21.text.trim().length) {
if (1 === e21.number)
return this.set(e21, 0, 0);
if (e21.number === this.state.doc.lines) {
var t10 = this.closestNonEmpty(e21, -1);
return this.set(e21, 0, t10.level);
var n10 = this.closestNonEmpty(e21, -1), r10 = this.closestNonEmpty(e21, 1);
return n10.level >= r10.level && "codeOnly" !== this.markerType ? this.set(e21, 0, n10.level) : n10.empty && 0 === n10.level && 0 !== r10.level ? this.set(e21, 0, 0) : r10.level > n10.level ? this.set(e21, 0, n10.level + 1) : this.set(e21, 0, r10.level);
var o10 = g4(e21.text, this.state.tabSize), i10 = Math.floor(o10 / this.unitWidth);
return this.set(e21, o10, i10);
} }, { key: "closestNonEmpty", value: function(e21, t10) {
for (var n10 = e21.number + t10; -1 === t10 ? n10 >= 1 : n10 <= this.state.doc.lines; ) {
if (this.has(n10)) {
var r10 = this.get(n10);
if (!r10.empty)
return r10;
var o10 = this.state.doc.line(n10);
if (o10.text.trim().length) {
var i10 = g4(o10.text, this.state.tabSize), a10 = Math.floor(i10 / this.unitWidth);
return this.set(o10, i10, a10);
n10 += t10;
var s10 = this.state.doc.line(-1 === t10 ? 1 : this.state.doc.lines);
return this.set(s10, 0, 0);
} }, { key: "findAndSetActiveLines", value: function() {
var e21 = m4(this.state);
if (this.has(e21)) {
var t10 = this.get(e21);
if (this.has(t10.line.number + 1)) {
var n10 = this.get(t10.line.number + 1);
n10.level > t10.level && (t10 = n10);
if (this.has(t10.line.number - 1)) {
var r10 = this.get(t10.line.number - 1);
r10.level > t10.level && (t10 = r10);
if (0 !== t10.level) {
var o10, i10;
for (t10.active = t10.level, o10 = t10.line.number; o10 > 1; o10--)
if (this.has(o10 - 1)) {
var a10 = this.get(o10 - 1);
if (a10.level < t10.level)
a10.active = t10.level;
for (i10 = t10.line.number; i10 < this.state.doc.lines; i10++)
if (this.has(i10 + 1)) {
var s10 = this.get(i10 + 1);
if (s10.level < t10.level)
s10.active = t10.level;
} }]), e20;
function k4(e20) {
var t10 = { light: "#F0F1F2", dark: "#2B3245", activeLight: "#E4E5E6", activeDark: "#3C445C" }, n10 = t10;
return e20 && (n10 = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t10), e20)), zJ.baseTheme({ "&light": { "--indent-marker-bg-color": n10.light, "--indent-marker-active-bg-color": n10.activeLight }, "&dark": { "--indent-marker-bg-color": n10.dark, "--indent-marker-active-bg-color": n10.activeDark }, ".cm-line": { position: "relative" }, ".cm-indent-markers::before": { content: '""', position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, background: "var(--indent-markers)", pointerEvents: "none", zIndex: "-1" } });
function w4(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10) {
var i10 = "repeating-linear-gradient(to right, var(".concat(e20, ") 0 ").concat(t10, "px, transparent ").concat(t10, "px ").concat(n10, "ch)");
return "".concat(i10, " ").concat(r10 * n10, ".5ch/calc(").concat(n10 * o10, "ch - 1px) no-repeat");
function x4(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = e20.level, i10 = e20.active;
if (n10 && 0 === o10)
return [];
var a10 = n10 ? 1 : 0, s10 = [];
if (void 0 !== i10) {
var c10 = i10 - a10 - 1;
c10 > 0 && s10.push(w4("--indent-marker-bg-color", r10, t10, a10, c10)), s10.push(w4("--indent-marker-active-bg-color", r10, t10, i10 - 1, 1)), i10 !== o10 && s10.push(w4("--indent-marker-bg-color", r10, t10, i10, o10 - i10));
} else
s10.push(w4("--indent-marker-bg-color", r10, t10, a10, o10 - a10));
return s10.join(",");
var j4 = function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.view = t10, this.unitWidth = XQ(t10.state), this.currentLineNumber = m4(t10.state).number, this.generate(t10.state);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "update", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = XQ(e21.state), n10 = t10 !== this.unitWidth;
n10 && (this.unitWidth = t10);
var r10 = m4(e21.state).number, o10 = r10 !== this.currentLineNumber;
this.currentLineNumber = r10;
var i10 = e21.state.facet(y4).highlightActiveBlock && o10;
(e21.docChanged || e21.viewportChanged || n10 || i10) && this.generate(e21.state);
} }, { key: "generate", value: function(e21) {
var t10, n10 = new jV(), r10 = function(e23) {
var t11, n11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : e23.state, r11 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), o11 = bo(e23.visibleRanges);
try {
for (o11.s(); !(t11 = o11.n()).done; )
for (var i11 = t11.value, a11 = i11.from, s11 = i11.to, c11 = a11; c11 <= s11; ) {
var l11 = n11.doc.lineAt(c11);
r11.has(l11) || r11.add(l11), c11 = l11.to + 1;
} catch (e24) {
} finally {
return r11;
}(this.view, e21), o10 = e21.facet(y4), i10 = o10.hideFirstIndent, a10 = o10.markerType, s10 = o10.thickness, c10 = new b4(r10, e21, this.unitWidth, a10), l10 = bo(r10);
try {
for (l10.s(); !(t10 = l10.n()).done; ) {
var u10 = t10.value, f10 = c10.get(u10.number);
if (null == f10 ? void 0 : f10.level) {
var d10 = x4(f10, this.unitWidth, i10, s10);
n10.add(u10.from, u10.from, KH.line({ class: "cm-indent-markers", attributes: { style: "--indent-markers: ".concat(d10) } }));
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
this.decorations = n10.finish();
} }]), e20;
function S4() {
var e20 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
return [y4.of(e20), k4(e20.colors), FW.fromClass(j4, { decorations: function(e21) {
return e21.decorations;
} })];
var C4 = function() {
function e20(t10) {
No(this, e20), this.view = t10, this.indentUnit = XQ(t10.state), this.initialPaddingLeft = null, this.generate(t10.state);
return Do(e20, [{ key: "update", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = XQ(e21.state);
(t10 !== this.indentUnit || e21.docChanged || e21.viewportChanged) && (this.indentUnit = t10, this.generate(e21.state));
} }, { key: "generate", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this, n10 = new jV();
this.initialPaddingLeft ? this.addStyleToBuilder(n10, e21, this.initialPaddingLeft) : this.view.requestMeasure({ read: function(r10) {
var o10 = r10.contentDOM.querySelector(".cm-line");
o10 && (t10.initialPaddingLeft = window.getComputedStyle(o10).getPropertyValue("padding-left"), t10.addStyleToBuilder(n10, e21, t10.initialPaddingLeft)), t10.decorations = n10.finish();
} }), this.decorations = n10.finish();
} }, { key: "addStyleToBuilder", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = bo(this.getVisibleLines(t10));
try {
for (o10.s(); !(r10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = r10.value, a10 = this.getIndentSize(i10), s10 = "calc(".concat(a10 + this.indentUnit, "ch + ").concat(n10, ")");
e21.add(i10.from, i10.from, KH.line({ attributes: { style: "padding-left: ".concat(s10, "; text-indent: -").concat(a10 + this.indentUnit, "ch;") } }));
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} }, { key: "getVisibleLines", value: function(e21) {
var t10, n10 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), r10 = null, o10 = bo(this.view.visibleRanges);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(t10 = o10.n()).done; )
for (var i10 = t10.value, a10 = i10.from, s10 = i10.to, c10 = a10; c10 <= s10; ) {
var l10 = e21.doc.lineAt(c10);
r10 !== l10 && (n10.add(l10), r10 = l10), c10 = l10.to + 1;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return n10;
} }, { key: "getIndentSize", value: function(e21) {
return e21.text.length - e21.text.trimStart().length;
} }]), e20;
var $4 = [FW.fromClass(C4, { decorations: function(e20) {
return e20.decorations;
} })];
function _4(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-a0poeb", '.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb.svelte-a0poeb{--internal-key-color:var(--jse-key-color, #1a1a1a);--internal-value-color-number:var(--jse-value-color-number, #ee422e);--internal-value-color-boolean:var(--jse-value-color-boolean, #ff8c00);--internal-value-color-string:var(--jse-value-color-string, #008000);--internal-value-color-null:var(--jse-value-color-null, #004ed0);flex:1;box-sizing:border-box;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background:var(--jse-background-color, #fff)}.jse-text-mode.no-main-menu.svelte-a0poeb.svelte-a0poeb{border-top:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7)}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb{flex:1;display:flex;position:relative;flex-direction:column;overflow:hidden;min-width:0;min-height:0;border-left:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7);border-right:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7)}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb:last-child{border-bottom:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7)}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.jse-hidden.svelte-a0poeb{visibility:hidden;position:absolute;top:0;left:0}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb .cm-editor{flex:1;overflow:hidden}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb .cm-editor .cm-scroller{font-family:var(--jse-font-family-mono, consolas, menlo, monaco, "Ubuntu Mono", "source-code-pro", monospace);font-size:var(--jse-font-size-mono, 14px);line-height:var(--jse-line-height, calc(1em + 4px));color:var(--jse-delimiter-color, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38))}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb .cm-editor .cm-gutters{background:var(--jse-panel-background, #ebebeb);color:var(--jse-panel-color-readonly, #b2b2b2);border-right:var(--jse-panel-border, var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7))}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb .cm-editor .cm-activeLine,.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb .cm-editor .cm-activeLineGutter{background:var(--jse-active-line-background-color, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06))}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb .cm-editor .cm-selectionBackground{background:var(--jse-selection-background-color, #d3d3d3)}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb .cm-editor .cm-searchMatch{background-color:var(--jse-search-match-color, #ffe665);outline:var(--jse-search-match-outline, 1px solid #ffd700)}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb .cm-editor .cm-searchMatch.cm-searchMatch-selected{background-color:var(--jse-search-match-active-color, #ffd700);outline:var(--jse-search-match-active-outline, 1px solid #e1be00)}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb .cm-editor .cm-selectionMatch{background-color:var(--jse-search-match-background-color, rgba(153, 255, 119, 0.5019607843))}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb .cm-editor .cm-foldPlaceholder{background:var(--jse-tag-background, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2));color:var(--jse-tag-color, var(--jse-text-color-inverse, #fff));border:none;padding:0 var(--jse-padding, 10px)}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb .cm-editor .cm-tooltip{font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);color:var(--jse-tooltip-color, var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d));background:var(--jse-tooltip-background, var(--jse-modal-background, #f5f5f5));border:var(--jse-tooltip-border, var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7))}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb .cm-editor .cm-diagnosticAction{background:var(--jse-tooltip-action-button-color, var(--jse-text-color-inverse, #fff));background:var(--jse-tooltip-action-button-background, #4d4d4d)}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb .cm-editor .cm-panels{border-bottom:var(--jse-panel-border, var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7))}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb .cm-editor .cm-search{background:var(--jse-panel-background, #ebebeb);color:var(--jse-panel-color, var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d));font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px)}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb .cm-editor .cm-search input{font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size-text-mode-search, 80%);color:var(--jse-input-color, var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d));border:var(--jse-input-border, 1px solid #d8dbdf);background:var(--jse-input-background, var(--jse-background-color, #fff));margin-right:2px}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb .cm-editor .cm-search button{font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size-text-mode-search, 80%);color:var(--jse-panel-button-color, inherit);background:var(--jse-panel-button-background, transparent);border:none;cursor:pointer;text-transform:capitalize;padding:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px)) var(--jse-padding, 10px);margin:0}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb .cm-editor .cm-search button:hover{color:var(--panel-button-color-highlight, var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d));background:var(--jse-panel-button-background-highlight, #e0e0e0)}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb .cm-editor .cm-search label{font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size-text-mode-search, 80%);padding-left:var(--jse-padding, 10px)}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb .cm-editor .cm-search label input{margin-right:2px}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb .cm-editor .cm-search button[name="close"]{width:32px;height:32px;font-size:24px;line-height:24px;padding:0;right:0;top:-4px}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.svelte-a0poeb .cm-editor .cm-cursor-primary{border-color:var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d)}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents .jse-loading-space.svelte-a0poeb{flex:1}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents .jse-loading.svelte-a0poeb{flex:2;text-align:center;color:var(--jse-panel-color-readonly, #b2b2b2);box-sizing:border-box;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px)}.jse-text-mode.svelte-a0poeb .jse-contents.jse-preview.svelte-a0poeb{flex:1;font-family:var(--jse-font-family-mono, consolas, menlo, monaco, "Ubuntu Mono", "source-code-pro", monospace);font-size:var(--jse-font-size-mono, 14px);color:var(--jse-panel-color-readonly, #b2b2b2);overflow:auto;white-space:pre-wrap;word-break:break-word;padding:2px}');
function O4(e20) {
var t10 = e20.slice(), n10 = 0 === t10[11].length;
return t10[98] = n10, t10;
function M4(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new WL({ props: { readOnly: e20[1], onFormat: e20[17], onCompact: e20[18], onSort: e20[19], onTransform: e20[20], onToggleSearch: e20[21], onUndo: e20[22], onRedo: e20[23], canFormat: !e20[98], canCompact: !e20[98], canSort: !e20[98], canTransform: !e20[98], canUndo: e20[12], canRedo: e20[13], onRenderMenu: e20[4] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
2 & n11[0] && (r10.readOnly = e21[1]), 2048 & n11[0] && (r10.canFormat = !e21[98]), 2048 & n11[0] && (r10.canCompact = !e21[98]), 2048 & n11[0] && (r10.canSort = !e21[98]), 2048 & n11[0] && (r10.canTransform = !e21[98]), 4096 & n11[0] && (r10.canUndo = e21[12]), 8192 & n11[0] && (r10.canRedo = e21[13]), 16 & n11[0] && (r10.onRenderMenu = e21[4]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function E4(e20) {
var t10;
return { c: function() {
(t10 = ji("div")).innerHTML = ' loading...
', Ai(t10, "class", "jse-contents svelte-a0poeb");
}, m: function(e21, n10) {
ki(e21, t10, n10);
}, p: Wo, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function A4(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10 = e20[97] && P4(e20), s10 = !e20[97] && T4(e20);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = $i(), a10 && a10.c(), r10 = $i(), s10 && s10.c(), o10 = _i(), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-contents svelte-a0poeb"), zi(t10, "jse-hidden", e20[97]);
}, m: function(c10, l10) {
ki(c10, t10, l10), e20[52](t10), ki(c10, n10, l10), a10 && a10.m(c10, l10), ki(c10, r10, l10), s10 && s10.m(c10, l10), ki(c10, o10, l10), i10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
(!i10 || 268438016 & n11[0]) && zi(t10, "jse-hidden", e21[97]), e21[97] ? a10 ? (a10.p(e21, n11), 2560 & n11[0] && wa(a10, 1)) : ((a10 = P4(e21)).c(), wa(a10, 1), a10.m(r10.parentNode, r10)) : a10 && (ba(), xa(a10, 1, 1, function() {
a10 = null;
}), ka()), e21[97] ? s10 && (ba(), xa(s10, 1, 1, function() {
s10 = null;
}), ka()) : s10 ? (s10.p(e21, n11), 2560 & n11[0] && wa(s10, 1)) : ((s10 = T4(e21)).c(), wa(s10, 1), s10.m(o10.parentNode, o10));
}, i: function(e21) {
i10 || (wa(a10), wa(s10), i10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(a10), xa(s10), i10 = false;
}, d: function(i11) {
i11 && (wi(t10), wi(n10), wi(r10), wi(o10)), e20[52](null), a10 && a10.d(i11), s10 && s10.d(i11);
} };
function P4(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10 = tM(e20[11] || "", fs) + "";
return t10 = new IN({ props: { icon: TP, type: "error", message: "The JSON document is larger than ".concat(FL(ps, 1024), ", ") + "and may crash your browser when loading it in text mode. Actual size: ".concat(FL(e20[11].length, 1024), "."), actions: [{ text: "Open anyway", title: "Open the document in text mode. This may freeze or crash your browser.", onClick: e20[24] }, { text: "Open in tree mode", title: "Open the document in tree mode. Tree mode can handle large documents.", onClick: e20[25] }, { text: "Cancel", title: "Cancel opening this large document.", onClick: e20[26] }], onClose: e20[5] } }), { c: function() {
Pa(t10.$$.fragment), n10 = $i(), r10 = ji("div"), o10 = Ci(a10), Ai(r10, "class", "jse-contents jse-preview svelte-a0poeb");
}, m: function(e21, a11) {
Ta(t10, e21, a11), ki(e21, n10, a11), ki(e21, r10, a11), pi(r10, o10), i10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r11 = {};
2048 & n11[0] && (r11.message = "The JSON document is larger than ".concat(FL(ps, 1024), ", ") + "and may crash your browser when loading it in text mode. Actual size: ".concat(FL(e21[11].length, 1024), ".")), t10.$set(r11), (!i10 || 2048 & n11[0]) && a10 !== (a10 = tM(e21[11] || "", fs) + "") && Ni(o10, a10);
}, i: function(e21) {
i10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), i10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), i10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && (wi(n10), wi(r10)), Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function T4(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10 = !e20[14] && e20[0] && oO(e20[11]), s10 = e20[3] && R4(e20), c10 = e20[14] && N4(e20), l10 = a10 && I4(e20);
return o10 = new JN({ props: { validationErrors: e20[10], selectError: e20[27] } }), { c: function() {
s10 && s10.c(), t10 = $i(), c10 && c10.c(), n10 = $i(), l10 && l10.c(), r10 = $i(), Pa(o10.$$.fragment);
}, m: function(e21, a11) {
s10 && s10.m(e21, a11), ki(e21, t10, a11), c10 && c10.m(e21, a11), ki(e21, n10, a11), l10 && l10.m(e21, a11), ki(e21, r10, a11), Ta(o10, e21, a11), i10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, i11) {
e21[3] ? s10 ? (s10.p(e21, i11), 8 & i11[0] && wa(s10, 1)) : ((s10 = R4(e21)).c(), wa(s10, 1), s10.m(t10.parentNode, t10)) : s10 && (ba(), xa(s10, 1, 1, function() {
s10 = null;
}), ka()), e21[14] ? c10 ? (c10.p(e21, i11), 16384 & i11[0] && wa(c10, 1)) : ((c10 = N4(e21)).c(), wa(c10, 1), c10.m(n10.parentNode, n10)) : c10 && (ba(), xa(c10, 1, 1, function() {
c10 = null;
}), ka()), 18433 & i11[0] && (a10 = !e21[14] && e21[0] && oO(e21[11])), a10 ? l10 ? (l10.p(e21, i11), 18433 & i11[0] && wa(l10, 1)) : ((l10 = I4(e21)).c(), wa(l10, 1), l10.m(r10.parentNode, r10)) : l10 && (ba(), xa(l10, 1, 1, function() {
l10 = null;
}), ka());
var u10 = {};
1024 & i11[0] && (u10.validationErrors = e21[10]), o10.$set(u10);
}, i: function(e21) {
i10 || (wa(s10), wa(c10), wa(l10), wa(o10.$$.fragment, e21), i10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(s10), xa(c10), xa(l10), xa(o10.$$.fragment, e21), i10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && (wi(t10), wi(n10), wi(r10)), s10 && s10.d(e21), c10 && c10.d(e21), l10 && l10.d(e21), Ra(o10, e21);
} };
function R4(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new d4({ props: { editorState: e20[8] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
256 & n11[0] && (r10.editorState = e21[8]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function N4(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new IN({ props: { type: "error", icon: TP, message: e20[14].message, actions: e20[15], onClick: e20[29], onClose: e20[5] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
16384 & n11[0] && (r10.message = e21[14].message), 32768 & n11[0] && (r10.actions = e21[15]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function I4(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new IN({ props: { type: "success", message: "Do you want to format the JSON?", actions: [{ icon: xz, text: "Format", title: "Format JSON: add proper indentation and new lines (Ctrl+I)", onClick: e20[17] }, { icon: MP, text: "No thanks", title: "Close this message", onClick: e20[53] }], onClose: e20[5] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
1 & n11[0] && (r10.actions = [{ icon: xz, text: "Format", title: "Format JSON: add proper indentation and new lines (Ctrl+I)", onClick: e21[17] }, { icon: MP, text: "No thanks", title: "Close this message", onClick: e21[53] }]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function D4(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10 = e20[2] && M4(O4(e20)), s10 = [A4, E4], c10 = [];
function l10(e21, t11) {
return 0 === t11 ? function(e23) {
var t12 = e23.slice(), n11 = t12[28](t12[11], t12[9]);
return t12[97] = n11, t12;
}(e21) : e21;
return r10 = function(e21, t11) {
return e21[16] ? 1 : 0;
}(e20), o10 = c10[r10] = s10[r10](l10(e20, r10)), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), a10 && a10.c(), n10 = $i(), o10.c(), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-text-mode svelte-a0poeb"), zi(t10, "no-main-menu", !e20[2]);
}, m: function(o11, s11) {
ki(o11, t10, s11), a10 && a10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, n10), c10[r10].m(t10, null), e20[54](t10), i10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, s11) {
e21[2] ? a10 ? (a10.p(O4(e21), s11), 4 & s11[0] && wa(a10, 1)) : ((a10 = M4(O4(e21))).c(), wa(a10, 1), a10.m(t10, n10)) : a10 && (ba(), xa(a10, 1, 1, function() {
a10 = null;
}), ka()), o10.p(l10(e21, r10), s11), (!i10 || 4 & s11[0]) && zi(t10, "no-main-menu", !e21[2]);
}, i: function(e21) {
i10 || (wa(a10), wa(o10), i10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(a10), xa(o10), i10 = false;
}, d: function(n11) {
n11 && wi(t10), a10 && a10.d(), c10[r10].d(), e20[54](null);
} };
function q4(e20) {
return { from: e20.from || 0, to: e20.to || 0, message: e20.message || "", actions: e20.actions, severity: e20.severity };
function z4(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10 = t10.readOnly, u10 = t10.mainMenuBar, f10 = t10.statusBar, d10 = t10.askToFormat, h10 = t10.externalContent, v10 = t10.externalSelection, p10 = t10.indentation, m10 = t10.tabSize, g10 = t10.escapeUnicodeCharacters, y10 = t10.parser, b10 = t10.validator, k10 = t10.validationParser, w10 = t10.onChange, x10 = t10.onChangeMode, j10 = t10.onSelect, S10 = t10.onError, C10 = t10.onFocus, $10 = t10.onBlur, _10 = t10.onRenderMenu, O10 = t10.onSortModal, M10 = t10.onTransformModal, E10 = Da("jsoneditor:TextMode"), A10 = { key: "Mod-i", run: Q10, shift: Y10, preventDefault: true }, P10 = "undefined" == typeof window;
E10("isSSR:", P10);
var T8 = false, R8 = [], N8 = new VF(), I10 = new VF(), D10 = new VF(), q10 = new VF(), z10 = new VF(), B10 = h10, L10 = Y_(B10, p10, y10), F10 = g10;
Gi(xo(ko().mark(function e21() {
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
if (!P10) {
e23.next = 2;
return e23.abrupt("return");
case 2:
try {
s10 = re2({ target: i10, initialText: be2(L10, T8) ? "" : r10.escapeValue(L10), readOnly: l10, indentation: p10 });
} catch (e24) {
case 3:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))), Qi(function() {
s10 && (E10("Destroy CodeMirror editor"), s10.destroy());
var V10 = false, H10 = false, W10 = A$(), U10 = A$();
function J10() {
s10 && (E10("focus"), s10.focus());
var K10 = false;
function G10(e21) {
E10("patch", e21);
var t11 = y10.parse(L10), n11 = rc(t11, e21), r11 = vc(t11, e21);
return se2({ text: y10.stringify(n11, null, p10) }), { json: n11, previousJson: t11, undo: r11, redo: e21 };
function Q10() {
if (E10("format"), l10)
return false;
try {
var e21 = y10.parse(L10);
return se2({ text: y10.stringify(e21, null, p10) }), n10(0, d10 = true), true;
} catch (e23) {
return false;
function Y10() {
if (E10("compact"), l10)
return false;
try {
var e21 = y10.parse(L10);
return se2({ text: y10.stringify(e21) }), n10(0, d10 = false), true;
} catch (e23) {
return false;
function X10() {
if (E10("repair"), !l10)
try {
se2({ text: Hl(L10) }), n10(51, ke2 = $s), n10(14, we2 = null);
} catch (e21) {
function Z10(e21) {
var t11 = e21.id, n11 = e21.rootPath, r11 = e21.onTransform, o11 = e21.onClose;
try {
var i11 = y10.parse(L10);
K10 = true, M10({ id: t11 || U10, json: i11, rootPath: n11 || [], onTransform: function(e23) {
r11 ? r11({ operations: e23, json: i11, transformedJson: rc(i11, e23) }) : (E10("onTransform", e23), G10(e23));
}, onClose: function() {
K10 = false, J10(), o11 && o11();
} });
} catch (e23) {
function ee2(e21, t11) {
E10("setSelection", { anchor: e21, head: t11 }), s10 && s10.dispatch(s10.state.update({ selection: { anchor: e21, head: t11 }, scrollIntoView: true }));
function te2(e21, t11) {
if (1 === t11.state.selection.ranges.length) {
var n11 = t11.state.selection.ranges[0], r11 = L10.slice(n11.from, n11.to);
if ("{" === r11 || "[" === r11) {
var o11 = bc.parse(L10), i11 = Object.keys(o11.pointers).find(function(e23) {
var t12;
return (null === (t12 = o11.pointers[e23].value) || void 0 === t12 ? void 0 : t12.pos) === n11.from;
}), a11 = o11.pointers[i11];
if (i11 && a11 && a11.value && a11.valueEnd)
E10("pointer found, selecting inner contents of path:", i11, a11), ee2(a11.value.pos + 1, a11.valueEnd.pos - 1);
function ne2() {
return function(e21) {
var t11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {};
return [u0.of({ source: e21, config: t11 }), l0, _0];
}(xe2, { delay: 300 });
function re2(e21) {
var t11 = e21.target, r11 = e21.initialText, o11 = e21.readOnly, i11 = e21.indentation;
E10("Create CodeMirror editor", { readOnly: o11, indentation: i11 });
var a11, l11, u11 = mV.create({ doc: r11, selection: ce2(v10), extensions: [JJ.of([UZ, A10]), N8.of(ne2()), M0(), CG(), OG, CK(), $X(), EY(), cK(), [mK, gK], mV.allowMultipleSelections.of(true), mV.transactionFilter.of(function(e23) {
if (!e23.docChanged || !e23.isUserEvent("input.type") && !e23.isUserEvent("input.complete"))
return e23;
var t12 = e23.startState.languageDataAt("indentOnInput", e23.startState.selection.main.head);
if (!t12.length)
return e23;
var n11 = e23.newDoc, r12 = e23.newSelection.main.head, o12 = n11.lineAt(r12);
if (r12 > o12.from + lY)
return e23;
var i12 = n11.sliceString(o12.from, r12);
if (!t12.some(function(e24) {
return e24.test(i12);
return e23;
var a12, s11 = e23.state, c11 = -1, l12 = [], u12 = bo(s11.selection.ranges);
try {
for (u12.s(); !(a12 = u12.n()).done; ) {
var f11 = a12.value.head, d11 = s11.doc.lineAt(f11);
if (d11.from != c11) {
c11 = d11.from;
var h11 = eY(s11, d11.from);
if (null != h11) {
var v11 = /^\s*/.exec(d11.text)[0], p11 = ZQ(s11, h11);
v11 != p11 && l12.push({ from: d11.from, to: d11.from + v11.length, insert: p11 });
} catch (e24) {
} finally {
return l12.length ? [e23, { changes: l12, sequential: true }] : e23;
}), IY(zY, { fallback: true }), GY(), [K2, V2], r4(), RK(), DK(), EK, (l11 = [k1, b1], a11 && l11.push(p1.of(a11)), l11), JJ.of([].concat(G2, Bo(WZ), Q1, UX, wY, o4, c0)), v4, S4({ hideFirstIndent: true }), zJ.domEventHandlers({ dblclick: te2 }), zJ.updateListener.of(function(e23) {
n10(8, c10 = e23.state), e23.docChanged ? pe2() : e23.selectionSet && ye2();
}), new GQ(e1), x1({ top: true }), I10.of(mV.readOnly.of(o11)), q10.of(mV.tabSize.of(m10)), D10.of(he2(i11)), z10.of(zJ.theme({}, { dark: oe2() })), zJ.lineWrapping, $4] });
return s10 = new zJ({ state: u11, parent: t11 });
function oe2() {
return !!i10 && getComputedStyle(i10).getPropertyValue("--jse-theme").includes("dark");
function ie2(e21) {
var t11 = e21.path, n11 = e21.message, o11 = function(e23, t12) {
try {
var n12 = bc.parse(e23), r11 = Zs(t12), o12 = n12.pointers[r11];
if (o12)
return { path: t12, line: o12.key ? o12.key.line : o12.value ? o12.value.line : 0, column: o12.key ? o12.key.column : o12.value ? o12.value.column : 0, from: o12.key ? o12.key.pos : o12.value ? o12.value.pos : 0, to: o12.keyEnd ? o12.keyEnd.pos : o12.valueEnd ? o12.valueEnd.pos : 0 };
} catch (e24) {
return { path: t12, line: 0, column: 0, from: 0, to: 0 };
}(r10.escapeValue(L10), t11);
return { path: t11, line: o11.line, column: o11.column, from: o11.from, to: o11.to, message: n11, severity: Za.warning, actions: [] };
function ae2(e21, t11) {
var n11 = e21.line, r11 = e21.column, o11 = e21.position, i11 = e21.message;
return { path: [], line: n11, column: r11, from: o11, to: o11, severity: Za.error, message: i11, actions: t11 && !l10 ? [{ name: "Auto repair", apply: function() {
return X10();
} }] : null };
function se2(e21) {
var t11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1], o11 = Y_(e21, p10, y10), i11 = !Ow(e21, B10), a11 = B10;
B10 = e21, n10(11, L10 = o11), E10("setCodeMirrorContent", { isChanged: i11, forceUpdate: t11 }), s10 && (i11 || t11) && (be2(L10, T8) || s10.dispatch({ changes: { from: 0, to: s10.state.doc.length, insert: r10.escapeValue(L10) } }), ve2(), i11 && ge2(B10, a11));
function ce2(e21) {
return bE(e21) ? $F.fromJSON(e21) : void 0;
function le2() {
return (le2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21() {
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return E10("refresh"), e23.next = 3, fe2();
case 3:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function ue2() {
if (s10) {
var e21 = s10 ? r10.unescapeValue(s10.state.doc.toString()) : "", t11 = e21 !== L10;
if (E10("onChangeCodeMirrorValue", { isChanged: t11 }), t11) {
var o11 = B10;
n10(11, L10 = e21), B10 = { text: L10 }, ve2(), ge2(B10, o11), ca().then(ye2);
function fe2() {
return de2.apply(this, arguments);
function de2() {
return (de2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21() {
var t11;
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return e23.next = 2, ca();
case 2:
s10 && (t11 = oe2(), E10("updateTheme", { dark: t11 }), s10.dispatch({ effects: [z10.reconfigure(zJ.theme({}, { dark: t11 }))] }));
case 3:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function he2(e21) {
return YQ.of("number" == typeof e21 ? " ".repeat(e21) : e21);
function ve2() {
n10(12, V10 = TX(s10.state) > 0), n10(13, H10 = RX(s10.state) > 0), E10({ canUndo: V10, canRedo: H10 });
Qi(function() {
}), ON({ onMount: Gi, onDestroy: Qi, getWindow: function() {
return SO(a10);
}, hasFocus: function() {
return K10 && document.hasFocus() || CO(a10);
}, onFocus: C10, onBlur: function() {
me2(), $10();
} });
var pe2 = Vy(ue2, 300);
function me2() {
function ge2(e21, t11) {
w10 && w10(e21, t11, { contentErrors: je2(), patchResult: null });
function ye2() {
j10(Ro({ type: Ya.text }, c10.selection.toJSON()));
function be2(e21, t11) {
return !!e21 && e21.length > ps && !t11;
var ke2 = $s, we2 = null;
function xe2() {
if (be2(L10, T8))
return [];
var e21 = je2();
return uI(e21) ? [q4(ae2(e21.parseError, e21.isRepairable))] : fI(e21) ? e21.validationErrors.map(ie2).map(q4) : [];
function je2() {
E10("validate:start"), me2();
var e21 = Se2(r10.escapeValue(L10), b10, y10, k10);
return uI(e21) ? (n10(51, ke2 = e21.isRepairable ? _s : "invalid"), n10(14, we2 = e21.parseError), n10(10, R8 = [])) : (n10(51, ke2 = $s), n10(14, we2 = null), n10(10, R8 = (null == e21 ? void 0 : e21.validationErrors) || [])), E10("validate:end"), e21;
var Se2 = CB($N);
function Ce2() {
we2 && function(e21) {
E10("select parse error", e21);
var t11 = ae2(e21, false);
ee2(null != t11.from ? t11.from : 0, null != t11.to ? t11.to : 0), J10();
var $e2 = { icon: fP, text: "Show me", title: "Move to the parse error location", onClick: Ce2 };
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"readOnly" in e21 && n10(1, l10 = e21.readOnly), "mainMenuBar" in e21 && n10(2, u10 = e21.mainMenuBar), "statusBar" in e21 && n10(3, f10 = e21.statusBar), "askToFormat" in e21 && n10(0, d10 = e21.askToFormat), "externalContent" in e21 && n10(30, h10 = e21.externalContent), "externalSelection" in e21 && n10(31, v10 = e21.externalSelection), "indentation" in e21 && n10(32, p10 = e21.indentation), "tabSize" in e21 && n10(33, m10 = e21.tabSize), "escapeUnicodeCharacters" in e21 && n10(34, g10 = e21.escapeUnicodeCharacters), "parser" in e21 && n10(35, y10 = e21.parser), "validator" in e21 && n10(36, b10 = e21.validator), "validationParser" in e21 && n10(37, k10 = e21.validationParser), "onChange" in e21 && n10(38, w10 = e21.onChange), "onChangeMode" in e21 && n10(39, x10 = e21.onChangeMode), "onSelect" in e21 && n10(40, j10 = e21.onSelect), "onError" in e21 && n10(41, S10 = e21.onError), "onFocus" in e21 && n10(42, C10 = e21.onFocus), "onBlur" in e21 && n10(43, $10 = e21.onBlur), "onRenderMenu" in e21 && n10(4, _10 = e21.onRenderMenu), "onSortModal" in e21 && n10(44, O10 = e21.onSortModal), "onTransformModal" in e21 && n10(45, M10 = e21.onTransformModal);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
8 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && (r10 = aO({ escapeControlCharacters: false, escapeUnicodeCharacters: g10 })), 1073741824 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && se2(h10), 1 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && function(e21) {
if (bE(e21)) {
var t11 = ce2(e21);
!s10 || !t11 || c10 && c10.selection.eq(t11) || (E10("applyExternalSelection", t11), s10.dispatch({ selection: t11 }));
}(v10), 32 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && function(e21) {
E10("updateLinter", e21), s10 && s10.dispatch({ effects: N8.reconfigure(ne2()) });
}(b10), 2 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && function(e21) {
s10 && (E10("updateIndentation", e21), s10.dispatch({ effects: D10.reconfigure(he2(e21)) }));
}(p10), 4 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && function(e21) {
s10 && (E10("updateTabSize", e21), s10.dispatch({ effects: q10.reconfigure(mV.tabSize.of(e21)) }));
}(m10), 2 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && function(e21) {
s10 && (E10("updateReadOnly", e21), s10.dispatch({ effects: [I10.reconfigure(mV.readOnly.of(e21))] }));
}(l10), 524296 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && F10 !== g10 && (n10(50, F10 = g10), E10("forceUpdateText", { escapeUnicodeCharacters: g10 }), s10 && s10.dispatch({ changes: { from: 0, to: s10.state.doc.length, insert: r10.escapeValue(L10) } })), 2 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 1048576 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(15, o10 = ke2 !== _s || l10 ? [$e2] : [{ icon: uP, text: "Auto repair", title: "Automatically repair JSON", onClick: X10 }, $e2]);
}, [d10, l10, u10, f10, _10, J10, i10, a10, c10, T8, R8, L10, V10, H10, we2, o10, P10, Q10, Y10, function() {
var e21;
if (!l10)
try {
var t11 = y10.parse(L10);
K10 = true, O10({ id: W10, json: t11, rootPath: [], onSort: (e21 = xo(ko().mark(function e23(t12) {
var n11;
return ko().wrap(function(e24) {
for (; ; )
switch (e24.prev = e24.next) {
case 0:
n11 = t12.operations, E10("onSort", n11), G10(n11);
case 3:
case "end":
return e24.stop();
}, e23);
})), function(t12) {
return e21.apply(this, arguments);
}), onClose: function() {
K10 = false, J10();
} });
} catch (e23) {
}, function() {
l10 || Z10({ rootPath: [] });
}, function() {
s10 && (i10 && i10.querySelector(".cm-search") ? G1(s10) : K1(s10));
}, function() {
l10 || s10 && (OX(s10), J10());
}, function() {
l10 || s10 && (MX(s10), J10());
}, function() {
n10(9, T8 = true), se2(h10, true);
}, function() {
}, function() {
}, function(e21) {
E10("select validation error", e21);
var t11 = ie2(e21), n11 = t11.from, r11 = t11.to;
null !== n11 && null !== r11 && (ee2(n11, r11), J10());
}, be2, Ce2, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10, k10, w10, x10, j10, S10, C10, $10, O10, M10, G10, Z10, function() {
return le2.apply(this, arguments);
}, je2, F10, ke2, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(6, i10 = e21);
}, function() {
return n10(0, d10 = false);
}, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(7, a10 = e21);
var B4 = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, z4, D4, Zo, { readOnly: 1, mainMenuBar: 2, statusBar: 3, askToFormat: 0, externalContent: 30, externalSelection: 31, indentation: 32, tabSize: 33, escapeUnicodeCharacters: 34, parser: 35, validator: 36, validationParser: 37, onChange: 38, onChangeMode: 39, onSelect: 40, onError: 41, onFocus: 42, onBlur: 43, onRenderMenu: 4, onSortModal: 44, onTransformModal: 45, focus: 5, patch: 46, openTransformModal: 47, refresh: 48, validate: 49 }, _4, [-1, -1, -1, -1]), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10, [{ key: "focus", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[5];
} }, { key: "patch", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[46];
} }, { key: "openTransformModal", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[47];
} }, { key: "refresh", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[48];
} }, { key: "validate", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[49];
} }]), t10;
function L4(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new EI({ props: { items: e20[0] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
1 & jo(n11, 1)[0] && (r10.items = e21[0]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function F4(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10 = t10.json, a10 = t10.readOnly, s10 = t10.historyState, c10 = t10.onSort, l10 = t10.onTransform, u10 = t10.onContextMenu, f10 = t10.onUndo, d10 = t10.onRedo, h10 = t10.onRenderMenu;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"json" in e21 && n10(1, i10 = e21.json), "readOnly" in e21 && n10(2, a10 = e21.readOnly), "historyState" in e21 && n10(3, s10 = e21.historyState), "onSort" in e21 && n10(4, c10 = e21.onSort), "onTransform" in e21 && n10(5, l10 = e21.onTransform), "onContextMenu" in e21 && n10(6, u10 = e21.onContextMenu), "onUndo" in e21 && n10(7, f10 = e21.onUndo), "onRedo" in e21 && n10(8, d10 = e21.onRedo), "onRenderMenu" in e21 && n10(9, h10 = e21.onRenderMenu);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
510 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(10, r10 = a10 ? [{ type: "space" }] : [{ type: "button", icon: kP, title: "Sort", className: "jse-sort", onClick: c10, disabled: a10 || void 0 === i10 }, { type: "button", icon: cP, title: "Transform contents (filter, sort, project)", className: "jse-transform", onClick: l10, disabled: a10 || void 0 === i10 }, { type: "button", icon: yP, title: xs, className: "jse-contextmenu", onClick: u10 }, { type: "separator" }, { type: "button", icon: vP, title: "Undo (Ctrl+Z)", className: "jse-undo", onClick: f10, disabled: !s10.canUndo }, { type: "button", icon: hP, title: "Redo (Ctrl+Shift+Z)", className: "jse-redo", onClick: d10, disabled: !s10.canRedo }, { type: "space" }]), 1536 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(0, o10 = h10(r10));
}, [o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, r10];
var V4 = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, F4, L4, Zo, { json: 1, readOnly: 2, historyState: 3, onSort: 4, onTransform: 5, onContextMenu: 6, onUndo: 7, onRedo: 8, onRenderMenu: 9 }), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function H4(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[9] = t10[n10], r10;
function W4(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10 = [e20[9].props], i10 = e20[9].component;
function a10(e21, t11) {
var n11 = {};
if (void 0 !== t11 && 1 & t11)
n11 = Ma(o10, [Ea(e21[9].props)]);
for (var r11 = 0; r11 < o10.length; r11 += 1)
n11 = Jo(n11, o10[r11]);
return { props: n11 };
return i10 && (t10 = Li(i10, a10(e20))), { c: function() {
t10 && Pa(t10.$$.fragment), n10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, o11) {
t10 && Ta(t10, e21, o11), ki(e21, n10, o11), r10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, r11) {
if (1 & r11 && i10 !== (i10 = e21[9].component)) {
if (t10) {
var s10 = t10;
xa(s10.$$.fragment, 1, 0, function() {
Ra(s10, 1);
}), ka();
i10 ? (Pa((t10 = Li(i10, a10(e21, r11))).$$.fragment), wa(t10.$$.fragment, 1), Ta(t10, n10.parentNode, n10)) : t10 = null;
} else if (i10) {
var c10 = 1 & r11 ? Ma(o10, [Ea(e21[9].props)]) : {};
}, i: function(e21) {
r10 || (t10 && wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
t10 && xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(n10), t10 && Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function U4(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10 = e20[9].component, o10 = W4(e20);
return { c: function() {
o10.c(), t10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
o10.m(e21, r11), ki(e21, t10, r11), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
1 & n11 && Zo(r10, r10 = e21[9].component) ? (ba(), xa(o10, 1, 1, Wo), ka(), (o10 = W4(e21)).c(), wa(o10, 1), o10.m(t10.parentNode, t10)) : o10.p(e21, n11);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(o10), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(o10), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), o10.d(e21);
} };
function J4(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10 = Ca(e20[0]), o10 = [], i10 = 0; i10 < r10.length; i10 += 1)
o10[i10] = U4(H4(e20, r10, i10));
var a10 = function(e21) {
return xa(o10[e21], 1, 1, function() {
o10[e21] = null;
return { c: function() {
for (var e21 = 0; e21 < o10.length; e21 += 1)
t10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
for (var i11 = 0; i11 < o10.length; i11 += 1)
o10[i11] && o10[i11].m(e21, r11);
ki(e21, t10, r11), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var i11 = jo(n11, 1)[0];
if (1 & i11) {
var s10;
for (r10 = Ca(e21[0]), s10 = 0; s10 < r10.length; s10 += 1) {
var c10 = H4(e21, r10, s10);
o10[s10] ? (o10[s10].p(c10, i11), wa(o10[s10], 1)) : (o10[s10] = U4(c10), o10[s10].c(), wa(o10[s10], 1), o10[s10].m(t10.parentNode, t10));
for (ba(), s10 = r10.length; s10 < o10.length; s10 += 1)
}, i: function(e21) {
if (!n10) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < r10.length; t11 += 1)
n10 = true;
}, o: function(e21) {
o10 = o10.filter(Boolean);
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < o10.length; t11 += 1)
n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), xi(o10, e21);
} };
function K4(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10 = t10.path, a10 = t10.value, s10 = t10.context, c10 = t10.enforceString, l10 = t10.selection, u10 = t10.searchResultItems;
function f10(e21, t11) {
return s10.onPatch(function(e23, t12) {
return e23.flatMap(function(e24) {
if (Ds(e24)) {
var n11 = Xs(e24.path);
if (n11.length > 0) {
for (var r11 = [e24], o11 = Qk(n11); o11.length > 0 && !Ys(t12, o11); )
r11.unshift({ op: "add", path: Zs(o11), value: {} }), o11 = Qk(o11);
return r11;
return e24;
}(e21, s10.getJson()), t11);
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"path" in e21 && n10(1, i10 = e21.path), "value" in e21 && n10(2, a10 = e21.value), "context" in e21 && n10(3, s10 = e21.context), "enforceString" in e21 && n10(4, c10 = e21.enforceString), "selection" in e21 && n10(5, l10 = e21.selection), "searchResultItems" in e21 && n10(6, u10 = e21.searchResultItems);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
40 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(7, r10 = !s10.readOnly && pE(l10) && zE(l10)), 254 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(0, o10 = s10.onRenderValue({ path: i10, value: a10, readOnly: s10.readOnly, enforceString: c10, isEditing: r10, parser: s10.parser, normalization: s10.normalization, selection: l10, searchResultItems: u10, onPatch: f10, onPasteJson: s10.onPasteJson, onSelect: s10.onSelect, onFind: s10.onFind, findNextInside: s10.findNextInside, focus: s10.focus }));
}, [o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, r10];
var G4 = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, K4, J4, Zo, { path: 1, value: 2, context: 3, enforceString: 4, selection: 5, searchResultItems: 6 }), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function Q4(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-1o4m3u7", '.jse-inline-value.svelte-1o4m3u7{font-family:var(--jse-font-family-mono, consolas, menlo, monaco, "Ubuntu Mono", "source-code-pro", monospace);font-size:var(--jse-font-size-mono, 14px);line-height:var(--jse-line-height, calc(1em + 4px));border:none;padding:0 calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));background:transparent;color:inherit;cursor:pointer}.jse-inline-value.svelte-1o4m3u7:hover{background:var(--jse-hover-background-color, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06))}.jse-inline-value.jse-selected.svelte-1o4m3u7{background:var(--jse-selection-background-color, #d3d3d3)}');
function Y4(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10 = tM(null !== (t10 = e20[2].stringify(e20[1])) && void 0 !== t10 ? t10 : "", 50) + "";
return { c: function() {
n10 = ji("button"), r10 = Ci(a10), Ai(n10, "type", "button"), Ai(n10, "class", "jse-inline-value svelte-1o4m3u7"), zi(n10, "jse-selected", e20[3]);
}, m: function(t11, a11) {
ki(t11, n10, a11), pi(n10, r10), o10 || (i10 = Oi(n10, "dblclick", e20[5]), o10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var o11, i11 = jo(t11, 1)[0];
6 & i11 && a10 !== (a10 = tM(null !== (o11 = e21[2].stringify(e21[1])) && void 0 !== o11 ? o11 : "", 50) + "") && Ni(r10, a10), 8 & i11 && zi(n10, "jse-selected", e21[3]);
}, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(n10), o10 = false, i10();
} };
function X4(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = t10.path, o10 = t10.value, i10 = t10.parser, a10 = t10.isSelected, s10 = t10.onEdit;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"path" in e21 && n10(0, r10 = e21.path), "value" in e21 && n10(1, o10 = e21.value), "parser" in e21 && n10(2, i10 = e21.parser), "isSelected" in e21 && n10(3, a10 = e21.isSelected), "onEdit" in e21 && n10(4, s10 = e21.onEdit);
}, [r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, function() {
return s10(r10);
var Z4 = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, X4, Y4, Zo, { path: 0, value: 1, parser: 2, isSelected: 3, onEdit: 4 }, Q4), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function e32(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-2v0aqj", ".jse-column-header.svelte-2v0aqj.svelte-2v0aqj{background:none;border:none;font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;color:inherit;display:flex;gap:var(--jse-padding, 10px);padding:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px)) var(--jse-padding, 10px) calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px)) calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));width:100%}.jse-column-header.svelte-2v0aqj.svelte-2v0aqj:hover{background:var(--jse-table-header-background-highlight, #e8e8e8)}.jse-column-header.svelte-2v0aqj.svelte-2v0aqj:not(.jse-column-header.jse-readonly){cursor:pointer}.jse-column-header.svelte-2v0aqj span.jse-column-sort-icon.svelte-2v0aqj{height:1em}");
function t3(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10;
return n10 = new jM({ props: { data: e20[1] === ts.asc ? gP : sP } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("span"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-column-sort-icon svelte-2v0aqj"), Ai(t10, "title", r10 = "Currently sorted in ".concat(e20[2], " order"));
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
ki(e21, t10, r11), Ta(n10, t10, null), o10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, i10) {
var a10 = {};
2 & i10 && (a10.data = e21[1] === ts.asc ? gP : sP), n10.$set(a10), (!o10 || 4 & i10 && r10 !== (r10 = "Currently sorted in ".concat(e21[2], " order"))) && Ai(t10, "title", r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
o10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10);
} };
function n3(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10 = tM(e20[3], 50) + "", u10 = void 0 !== e20[1] && t3(e20);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("button"), n10 = ji("span"), r10 = Ci(l10), o10 = $i(), u10 && u10.c(), Ai(n10, "class", "jse-column-name"), Ai(t10, "type", "button"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-column-header svelte-2v0aqj"), Ai(t10, "title", i10 = e20[0] ? e20[3] : e20[3] + " (Click to sort the data by this column)"), zi(t10, "jse-readonly", e20[0]);
}, m: function(i11, l11) {
ki(i11, t10, l11), pi(t10, n10), pi(n10, r10), pi(t10, o10), u10 && u10.m(t10, null), a10 = true, s10 || (c10 = Oi(t10, "click", e20[4]), s10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var o11 = jo(n11, 1)[0];
(!a10 || 8 & o11) && l10 !== (l10 = tM(e21[3], 50) + "") && Ni(r10, l10), void 0 !== e21[1] ? u10 ? (u10.p(e21, o11), 2 & o11 && wa(u10, 1)) : ((u10 = t3(e21)).c(), wa(u10, 1), u10.m(t10, null)) : u10 && (ba(), xa(u10, 1, 1, function() {
u10 = null;
}), ka()), (!a10 || 9 & o11 && i10 !== (i10 = e21[0] ? e21[3] : e21[3] + " (Click to sort the data by this column)")) && Ai(t10, "title", i10), (!a10 || 1 & o11) && zi(t10, "jse-readonly", e21[0]);
}, i: function(e21) {
a10 || (wa(u10), a10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(u10), a10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), u10 && u10.d(), s10 = false, c10();
} };
function r3(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10 = t10.path, s10 = t10.sortedColumn, c10 = t10.readOnly, l10 = t10.onSort;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"path" in e21 && n10(5, a10 = e21.path), "sortedColumn" in e21 && n10(6, s10 = e21.sortedColumn), "readOnly" in e21 && n10(0, c10 = e21.readOnly), "onSort" in e21 && n10(7, l10 = e21.onSort);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
var t11;
(32 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(3, r10 = _w(a10) ? "values" : JO(a10)), 96 & e20.$$.dirty) && n10(1, o10 = s10 && Ow(a10, null === (t11 = s10) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11.path) ? s10.sortDirection : void 0);
2 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(2, i10 = o10 ? Es[o10] : void 0);
}, [c10, o10, i10, r10, function() {
c10 || l10({ path: a10, sortDirection: o10 === ts.asc ? ts.desc : ts.asc });
}, a10, s10, l10];
var o3;
var i3;
var a3 = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, r3, n3, Zo, { path: 5, sortedColumn: 6, readOnly: 0, onSort: 7 }, e32), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function s3(e20, t10) {
return o3 || (i3 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), o3 = new ResizeObserver(function(e21) {
var t11, n10 = bo(e21);
try {
for (n10.s(); !(t11 = n10.n()).done; ) {
var r10 = t11.value, o10 = i3.get(r10.target);
o10 && o10(r10.target);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
})), i3.set(e20, t10), o3.observe(e20), { destroy: function() {
i3.delete(e20), o3.unobserve(e20);
} };
function c3(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new qD({ props: { items: e20[2], onCloseContextMenu: e20[1], tip: e20[0] ? "Tip: you can open this context menu via right-click or with Ctrl+Q" : void 0 } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = jo(n11, 1)[0], o10 = {};
4 & r10 && (o10.items = e21[2]), 2 & r10 && (o10.onCloseContextMenu = e21[1]), 1 & r10 && (o10.tip = e21[0] ? "Tip: you can open this context menu via right-click or with Ctrl+Q" : void 0), t10.$set(o10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function l3(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10 = t10.json, v10 = t10.documentState, p10 = t10.parser, m10 = t10.showTip, g10 = t10.onCloseContextMenu, y10 = t10.onRenderContextMenu, b10 = t10.onEditValue, k10 = t10.onEditRow, w10 = t10.onToggleEnforceString, x10 = t10.onCut, j10 = t10.onCopy, S10 = t10.onPaste, C10 = t10.onRemove, $10 = t10.onDuplicateRow, _10 = t10.onInsertBeforeRow, O10 = t10.onInsertAfterRow, M10 = t10.onRemoveRow;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"json" in e21 && n10(3, h10 = e21.json), "documentState" in e21 && n10(4, v10 = e21.documentState), "parser" in e21 && n10(5, p10 = e21.parser), "showTip" in e21 && n10(0, m10 = e21.showTip), "onCloseContextMenu" in e21 && n10(1, g10 = e21.onCloseContextMenu), "onRenderContextMenu" in e21 && n10(6, y10 = e21.onRenderContextMenu), "onEditValue" in e21 && n10(7, b10 = e21.onEditValue), "onEditRow" in e21 && n10(8, k10 = e21.onEditRow), "onToggleEnforceString" in e21 && n10(9, w10 = e21.onToggleEnforceString), "onCut" in e21 && n10(10, x10 = e21.onCut), "onCopy" in e21 && n10(11, j10 = e21.onCopy), "onPaste" in e21 && n10(12, S10 = e21.onPaste), "onRemove" in e21 && n10(13, C10 = e21.onRemove), "onDuplicateRow" in e21 && n10(14, $10 = e21.onDuplicateRow), "onInsertBeforeRow" in e21 && n10(15, _10 = e21.onInsertBeforeRow), "onInsertAfterRow" in e21 && n10(16, O10 = e21.onInsertAfterRow), "onRemoveRow" in e21 && n10(17, M10 = e21.onRemoveRow);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
16 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(24, r10 = v10.selection), 8 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(26, o10 = void 0 !== h10), 16777216 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(19, i10 = !!r10), 16777224 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(25, a10 = void 0 !== h10 && r10 ? Ws(h10, JE(r10)) : void 0), 83886080 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(20, s10 = o10 && (mE(r10) || vE(r10) || pE(r10))), 83886080 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(23, c10 = o10 && null != r10 && ME(r10)), 41943040 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(21, l10 = c10 && !Ql(a10)), 50331696 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(22, u10 = null != r10 && void 0 !== a10 && oE(a10, v10.enforceStringMap, Zs(JE(r10)), p10)), 16514944 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(18, d10 = [{ type: "separator" }, { type: "row", items: [{ type: "column", items: [{ type: "label", text: "Table cell:" }, { type: "dropdown-button", main: { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return b10();
}, icon: dP, text: "Edit", title: "Edit the value (Double-click on the value)", disabled: !c10 }, width: "11em", items: [{ type: "button", icon: dP, text: "Edit", title: "Edit the value (Double-click on the value)", onClick: function() {
return b10();
}, disabled: !c10 }, { type: "button", icon: u10 ? iM : aM, text: "Enforce string", title: "Enforce keeping the value as string when it contains a numeric value", onClick: function() {
return w10();
}, disabled: !l10 }] }, { type: "dropdown-button", main: { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return x10(true);
}, icon: eP, text: "Cut", title: "Cut selected contents, formatted with indentation (Ctrl+X)", disabled: !s10 }, width: "10em", items: [{ type: "button", icon: eP, text: "Cut formatted", title: "Cut selected contents, formatted with indentation (Ctrl+X)", onClick: function() {
return x10(true);
}, disabled: !s10 }, { type: "button", icon: eP, text: "Cut compacted", title: "Cut selected contents, without indentation (Ctrl+Shift+X)", onClick: function() {
return x10(false);
}, disabled: !s10 }] }, { type: "dropdown-button", main: { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return j10(true);
}, icon: CP, text: "Copy", title: "Copy selected contents, formatted with indentation (Ctrl+C)", disabled: !s10 }, width: "12em", items: [{ type: "button", icon: CP, text: "Copy formatted", title: "Copy selected contents, formatted with indentation (Ctrl+C)", onClick: function() {
return j10(false);
}, disabled: !s10 }, { type: "button", icon: CP, text: "Copy compacted", title: "Copy selected contents, without indentation (Ctrl+Shift+C)", onClick: function() {
return j10(false);
}, disabled: !s10 }] }, { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return S10();
}, icon: XA, text: "Paste", title: "Paste clipboard contents (Ctrl+V)", disabled: !i10 }, { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return C10();
}, icon: QA, text: "Remove", title: "Remove selected contents (Delete)", disabled: !s10 }] }, { type: "column", items: [{ type: "label", text: "Table row:" }, { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return k10();
}, icon: dP, text: "Edit row", title: "Edit the current row", disabled: !s10 }, { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return $10();
}, icon: AP, text: "Duplicate row", title: "Duplicate the current row", disabled: !i10 }, { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return _10();
}, icon: $P, text: "Insert before", title: "Insert a row before the current row", disabled: !i10 }, { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return O10();
}, icon: $P, text: "Insert after", title: "Insert a row after the current row", disabled: !i10 }, { type: "button", onClick: function() {
return M10();
}, icon: QA, text: "Remove row", title: "Remove current row", disabled: !i10 }] }] }]), 262208 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(2, f10 = y10(d10));
}, [m10, g10, f10, h10, v10, p10, y10, b10, k10, w10, x10, j10, S10, C10, $10, _10, O10, M10, d10, i10, s10, l10, u10, c10, r10, a10, o10];
var u3 = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, l3, c3, Zo, { json: 3, documentState: 4, parser: 5, showTip: 0, onCloseContextMenu: 1, onRenderContextMenu: 6, onEditValue: 7, onEditRow: 8, onToggleEnforceString: 9, onCut: 10, onCopy: 11, onPaste: 12, onRemove: 13, onDuplicateRow: 14, onInsertBeforeRow: 15, onInsertAfterRow: 16, onRemoveRow: 17 }), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function f3(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-fxr3ye", '.jse-table-mode-welcome.svelte-fxr3ye.svelte-fxr3ye{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column;overflow:auto;align-items:center;border-left:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7);border-right:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7)}.jse-table-mode-welcome.svelte-fxr3ye.svelte-fxr3ye:last-child{border-bottom:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7)}.jse-table-mode-welcome.svelte-fxr3ye .jse-space.jse-before.svelte-fxr3ye{flex:1}.jse-table-mode-welcome.svelte-fxr3ye .jse-nested-arrays.svelte-fxr3ye{display:flex;flex-direction:column;gap:var(--jse-padding, 10px);max-width:300px;margin:2em var(--jse-padding, 10px);font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px)}.jse-table-mode-welcome.svelte-fxr3ye .jse-nested-arrays .jse-nested-arrays-info.svelte-fxr3ye{color:var(--jse-panel-color-readonly, #b2b2b2)}.jse-table-mode-welcome.svelte-fxr3ye .jse-nested-arrays button.jse-nested-array-action.svelte-fxr3ye{border:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;cursor:pointer;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);padding:5px;margin:0;background:var(--jse-button-primary-background, var(--jse-theme-color, #3883fa));color:var(--jse-button-primary-color, #fff);padding:var(--jse-padding, 10px) calc(2 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));border-radius:3px;text-align:left}.jse-table-mode-welcome.svelte-fxr3ye .jse-nested-arrays button.jse-nested-array-action.svelte-fxr3ye:hover{background:var(--jse-button-primary-background-highlight, var(--jse-theme-color-highlight, #5f9dff))}.jse-table-mode-welcome.svelte-fxr3ye .jse-nested-arrays button.jse-nested-array-action.svelte-fxr3ye:disabled{background:var(--jse-button-primary-background-disabled, #9d9d9d)}.jse-table-mode-welcome.svelte-fxr3ye .jse-nested-arrays button.jse-nested-array-action .jse-nested-array-count.svelte-fxr3ye{opacity:0.5;white-space:nowrap}.jse-table-mode-welcome.svelte-fxr3ye .jse-space.jse-after.svelte-fxr3ye{flex:2}');
function d3(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
r10[14] = t10[n10];
var o10 = r10[8](r10[14]);
return r10[15] = o10, r10;
function h3(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return { c: function() {
t10 = Ci(e20[6]), n10 = Ci(" cannot be opened in table mode.");
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
ki(e21, t10, r10), ki(e21, n10, r10);
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
64 & n11 && Ni(t10, e21[6]);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && (wi(t10), wi(n10));
} };
function v3(e20) {
var t10;
return { c: function() {
t10 = Ci("An object cannot be opened in table mode. You can open a nested array instead, or open the\n document in tree mode.");
}, m: function(e21, n10) {
ki(e21, t10, n10);
}, p: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function p3(e20) {
var t10;
return { c: function() {
t10 = Ci("You can open the document in tree mode instead.");
}, m: function(e21, n10) {
ki(e21, t10, n10);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function m3(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
return { c: function() {
t10 = Ci("You can open the document in tree mode instead, or paste a JSON Array using "), (n10 = ji("b")).textContent = "Ctrl+V", r10 = Ci(".");
}, m: function(e21, o10) {
ki(e21, t10, o10), ki(e21, n10, o10), ki(e21, r10, o10);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && (wi(t10), wi(n10), wi(r10));
} };
function g3(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10 = JO(e20[14]) + "", p10 = e20[15] + "", m10 = 1 !== e20[15] ? "items" : "item";
function g10() {
return e20[12](e20[14]);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("button"), n10 = Ci(e20[7]), r10 = Ci(' "'), o10 = Ci(v10), i10 = Ci('"\n '), a10 = ji("span"), s10 = Ci("("), c10 = Ci(p10), l10 = $i(), u10 = Ci(m10), f10 = Ci(")"), Ai(a10, "class", "jse-nested-array-count svelte-fxr3ye"), Ai(t10, "type", "button"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-nested-array-action svelte-fxr3ye");
}, m: function(e21, v11) {
ki(e21, t10, v11), pi(t10, n10), pi(t10, r10), pi(t10, o10), pi(t10, i10), pi(t10, a10), pi(a10, s10), pi(a10, c10), pi(a10, l10), pi(a10, u10), pi(a10, f10), d10 || (h10 = Oi(t10, "click", g10), d10 = true);
}, p: function(t11, r11) {
e20 = t11, 128 & r11 && Ni(n10, e20[7]), 8 & r11 && v10 !== (v10 = JO(e20[14]) + "") && Ni(o10, v10), 8 & r11 && p10 !== (p10 = e20[15] + "") && Ni(c10, p10), 8 & r11 && m10 !== (m10 = 1 !== e20[15] ? "items" : "item") && Ni(u10, m10);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), d10 = false, h10();
} };
function y3(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10;
function b10(e21, t11) {
return e21[5] ? v3 : h3;
var k10 = b10(e20), w10 = k10(e20);
function x10(e21, t11) {
return e21[4] && !e21[0] ? m3 : p3;
for (var j10 = x10(e20), S10 = j10(e20), C10 = Ca(e20[3]), $10 = [], _10 = 0; _10 < C10.length; _10 += 1)
$10[_10] = g3(d3(e20, C10, _10));
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = ji("div"), r10 = $i(), o10 = ji("div"), i10 = ji("div"), a10 = Ci(e20[6]), s10 = $i(), c10 = ji("div"), w10.c(), l10 = $i(), S10.c(), u10 = $i();
for (var g11 = 0; g11 < $10.length; g11 += 1)
f10 = $i(), d10 = ji("button"), h10 = Ci(e20[7]), v10 = Ci(" in tree mode"), p10 = $i(), m10 = ji("div"), Ai(n10, "class", "jse-space jse-before svelte-fxr3ye"), Ai(i10, "class", "jse-nested-arrays-title"), Ai(c10, "class", "jse-nested-arrays-info svelte-fxr3ye"), Ai(d10, "type", "button"), Ai(d10, "class", "jse-nested-array-action svelte-fxr3ye"), Ai(o10, "class", "jse-nested-arrays svelte-fxr3ye"), Ai(m10, "class", "jse-space jse-after svelte-fxr3ye"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-table-mode-welcome svelte-fxr3ye");
}, m: function(b11, k11) {
ki(b11, t10, k11), pi(t10, n10), pi(t10, r10), pi(t10, o10), pi(o10, i10), pi(i10, a10), pi(o10, s10), pi(o10, c10), w10.m(c10, null), pi(c10, l10), S10.m(c10, null), pi(o10, u10);
for (var x11 = 0; x11 < $10.length; x11 += 1)
$10[x11] && $10[x11].m(o10, null);
pi(o10, f10), pi(o10, d10), pi(d10, h10), pi(d10, v10), pi(t10, p10), pi(t10, m10), g10 || (y10 = Oi(d10, "click", e20[13]), g10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = jo(t11, 1)[0];
if (64 & n11 && Ni(a10, e21[6]), k10 === (k10 = b10(e21)) && w10 ? w10.p(e21, n11) : (w10.d(1), (w10 = k10(e21)) && (w10.c(), w10.m(c10, l10))), j10 !== (j10 = x10(e21)) && (S10.d(1), (S10 = j10(e21)) && (S10.c(), S10.m(c10, null))), 394 & n11) {
var r11;
for (C10 = Ca(e21[3]), r11 = 0; r11 < C10.length; r11 += 1) {
var i11 = d3(e21, C10, r11);
$10[r11] ? $10[r11].p(i11, n11) : ($10[r11] = g3(i11), $10[r11].c(), $10[r11].m(o10, f10));
for (; r11 < $10.length; r11 += 1)
$10.length = C10.length;
128 & n11 && Ni(h10, e21[7]);
}, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), w10.d(), S10.d(), xi($10, e21), g10 = false, y10();
} };
function b3(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10 = t10.text, l10 = t10.json, u10 = t10.readOnly, f10 = t10.parser, d10 = t10.openJSONEditorModal, h10 = t10.onChangeMode;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"text" in e21 && n10(9, c10 = e21.text), "json" in e21 && n10(10, l10 = e21.json), "readOnly" in e21 && n10(0, u10 = e21.readOnly), "parser" in e21 && n10(11, f10 = e21.parser), "openJSONEditorModal" in e21 && n10(1, d10 = e21.openJSONEditorModal), "onChangeMode" in e21 && n10(2, h10 = e21.onChangeMode);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
1 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(7, r10 = u10 ? "View" : "Edit"), 1024 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(3, s10 = l10 ? function(e21) {
var t11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 2, n11 = [];
return function e23(r11, o11) {
Rs(r11) && o11.length < t11 && Object.keys(r11).forEach(function(t12) {
e23(r11[t12], o11.concat(t12));
}), Ts(r11) && n11.push(o11);
}(e21, []), n11;
}(l10).slice(0, 99).filter(function(e21) {
return e21.length > 0;
}) : []), 8 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(5, o10 = !_w(s10)), 1536 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(4, i10 = void 0 === l10 && ("" === c10 || void 0 === c10)), 3120 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(6, a10 = o10 ? "Object with nested arrays" : i10 ? "An empty document" : Rs(l10) ? "An object" : Ts(l10) ? "An empty array" : "A ".concat(eu(l10, f10)));
}, [u10, d10, h10, s10, i10, o10, a10, r10, function(e21) {
return Ws(l10, e21).length;
}, c10, l10, f10, function(e21) {
return d10(e21);
}, function() {
return h10(Qa.tree);
var k3 = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, b3, y3, Zo, { text: 9, json: 10, readOnly: 0, parser: 11, openJSONEditorModal: 1, onChangeMode: 2 }, f3), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function w3(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-1nml1r3", ".jse-column-header.svelte-1nml1r3{background:none;border:none;font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;color:inherit;display:flex;gap:var(--jse-padding, 10px);padding:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px)) var(--jse-padding, 10px) calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px)) calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));width:100%}.jse-column-header.svelte-1nml1r3:hover{background:var(--jse-table-header-background-highlight, #e8e8e8)}.jse-column-header.svelte-1nml1r3:not(.jse-column-header.jse-readonly){cursor:pointer}");
function x3(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10;
return n10 = new jM({ props: { data: EP } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("button"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), Ai(t10, "type", "button"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-column-header svelte-1nml1r3"), Ai(t10, "title", r10 = "The Columns are created by sampling ".concat(e20[1], " items out of ").concat(e20[0], ". ") + "If you're missing a column, click here to sample all of the items instead of a subset. This is slower.");
}, m: function(r11, s10) {
ki(r11, t10, s10), Ta(n10, t10, null), o10 = true, i10 || (a10 = Oi(t10, "click", e20[3]), i10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var i11 = jo(n11, 1)[0];
(!o10 || 3 & i11 && r10 !== (r10 = "The Columns are created by sampling ".concat(e21[1], " items out of ").concat(e21[0], ". ") + "If you're missing a column, click here to sample all of the items instead of a subset. This is slower.")) && Ai(t10, "title", r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
o10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10), i10 = false, a10();
} };
function j3(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = t10.count, o10 = t10.maxSampleCount, i10 = t10.onRefresh;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"count" in e21 && n10(0, r10 = e21.count), "maxSampleCount" in e21 && n10(1, o10 = e21.maxSampleCount), "onRefresh" in e21 && n10(2, i10 = e21.onRefresh);
}, [r10, o10, i10, function() {
return i10();
var S3 = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, j3, x3, Zo, { count: 0, maxSampleCount: 1, onRefresh: 2 }, w3), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function C3(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-1bunebm", '.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm.svelte-1bunebm{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column;position:relative;background:var(--jse-background-color, #fff);min-width:0;min-height:0;font-family:var(--jse-font-family-mono, consolas, menlo, monaco, "Ubuntu Mono", "source-code-pro", monospace);font-size:var(--jse-font-size-mono, 14px);color:var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d);line-height:var(--jse-line-height, calc(1em + 4px))}.jse-table-mode.no-main-menu.svelte-1bunebm.svelte-1bunebm{border-top:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7)}.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm .jse-hidden-input-label.svelte-1bunebm{position:fixed;right:0;top:0;width:0;height:0}.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm .jse-hidden-input-label .jse-hidden-input.svelte-1bunebm{width:0;height:0;padding:0;border:0;outline:none}.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm .jse-contents.svelte-1bunebm{flex:1;align-items:start;flex-direction:column;display:flex;overflow:auto;overflow-anchor:none;border-left:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7);border-right:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7)}.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm .jse-contents.svelte-1bunebm:last-child{border-bottom:var(--jse-main-border, 1px solid #d7d7d7)}.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm .jse-contents table.jse-table-main.svelte-1bunebm{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0}.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm .jse-contents table.jse-table-main .jse-table-invisible-start-section td.svelte-1bunebm,.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm .jse-contents table.jse-table-main .jse-table-invisible-end-section td.svelte-1bunebm{margin:0;padding:0}.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm .jse-contents table.jse-table-main .jse-table-invisible-end-section td.svelte-1bunebm{padding-bottom:var(--jse-padding, 10px)}.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm .jse-contents table.jse-table-main .jse-table-row.svelte-1bunebm:hover{background-color:var(--jse-table-row-odd-background, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05))}.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm .jse-contents table.jse-table-main .jse-table-row .jse-table-cell.svelte-1bunebm{padding:0 var(--jse-padding, 10px) 0 0;vertical-align:top;white-space:nowrap;height:var(--jse-line-height, calc(1em + 4px))}.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm .jse-contents table.jse-table-main .jse-table-row .jse-table-cell.jse-table-cell-header.svelte-1bunebm,.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm .jse-contents table.jse-table-main .jse-table-row .jse-table-cell.jse-table-cell-gutter.svelte-1bunebm{font-weight:normal;text-align:left;color:var(--jse-text-readonly, #8d8d8d);background:var(--jse-table-header-background, #f5f5f5)}.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm .jse-contents table.jse-table-main .jse-table-row .jse-table-cell.jse-table-cell-header.svelte-1bunebm{padding:0;position:sticky;top:0}.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm .jse-contents table.jse-table-main .jse-table-row .jse-table-cell.jse-table-cell-header .jse-table-root-error.svelte-1bunebm{padding:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px)) var(--jse-padding, 10px) calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px)) calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px))}.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm .jse-contents table.jse-table-main .jse-table-row .jse-table-cell.jse-table-cell-gutter.svelte-1bunebm{padding:0 var(--jse-padding, 10px) 0 calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px))}.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm .jse-contents table.jse-table-main .jse-table-row .jse-table-cell.jse-selected-value.svelte-1bunebm>.jse-value{background:var(--jse-selection-background-color, #d3d3d3)}.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm .jse-contents table.jse-table-main .jse-table-row .jse-table-cell.svelte-1bunebm div{display:inline-flex}.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm .jse-contents table.jse-table-main .jse-table-row .jse-table-cell.svelte-1bunebm div.jse-value{overflow-wrap:normal;white-space:nowrap;vertical-align:top;display:inline-block}.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm .jse-contents table.jse-table-main .jse-table-row .jse-table-cell .jse-context-menu-anchor.svelte-1bunebm{position:relative;vertical-align:top}.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm .jse-contents.jse-contents-loading.svelte-1bunebm{align-items:unset}.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm .jse-contents.jse-contents-loading .jse-loading-space.svelte-1bunebm{flex:1}.jse-table-mode.svelte-1bunebm .jse-contents.jse-contents-loading .jse-loading.svelte-1bunebm{flex:2;text-align:center;color:var(--jse-panel-color-readonly, #b2b2b2);box-sizing:border-box;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px)}');
function $3(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = e20.slice();
o10[123] = t10[n10], o10[128] = n10;
var i10 = o10[23].startIndex + o10[128];
o10[124] = i10;
var a10 = o10[22].rows[o10[124]];
o10[125] = a10;
var s10 = NB([String(o10[124])], null === (r10 = o10[125]) || void 0 === r10 ? void 0 : r10.row);
return o10[126] = s10, o10;
function _3(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = e20.slice();
o10[129] = t10[n10], o10[135] = n10;
var i10 = [String(o10[124])].concat(o10[129]);
o10[130] = i10;
var a10 = Ws(o10[123], o10[129]);
o10[131] = a10;
var s10 = pE(o10[11].selection) && AE(o10[11].selection.path, o10[130]);
o10[132] = s10;
var c10 = null === (r10 = o10[125]) || void 0 === r10 ? void 0 : r10.columns[o10[135]];
o10[133] = c10;
var l10 = NB(o10[130], o10[133]);
return o10[126] = l10, o10;
function O3(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[129] = t10[n10], r10;
function M3(e20) {
var t10, n10 = e20.slice(), r10 = NB([], null === (t10 = n10[22]) || void 0 === t10 ? void 0 : t10.root);
return n10[126] = r10, n10;
function E3(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new V4({ props: { json: e20[8], readOnly: e20[0], historyState: e20[20], onSort: e20[41], onTransform: e20[42], onUndo: e20[43], onRedo: e20[44], onContextMenu: e20[33], onRenderMenu: e20[5] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
256 & n11[0] && (r10.json = e21[8]), 1 & n11[0] && (r10.readOnly = e21[0]), 1048576 & n11[0] && (r10.historyState = e21[20]), 32 & n11[0] && (r10.onRenderMenu = e21[5]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function A3(e20) {
var t10;
return { c: function() {
(t10 = ji("div")).innerHTML = ' loading...
', Ai(t10, "class", "jse-contents jse-contents-loading svelte-1bunebm");
}, m: function(e21, n10) {
ki(e21, t10, n10);
}, p: Wo, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function P3(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10 = [N3, R3, T3], f10 = [];
function d10(e21, t11) {
return e21[25] ? 0 : e21[17] && void 0 !== e21[16] && "" !== e21[16] ? 1 : 2;
return o10 = d10(e20), i10 = f10[o10] = u10[o10](e20), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("label"), n10 = ji("input"), r10 = $i(), i10.c(), a10 = _i(), Ai(n10, "type", "text"), n10.readOnly = true, Ai(n10, "tabindex", "-1"), Ai(n10, "class", "jse-hidden-input svelte-1bunebm"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-hidden-input-label svelte-1bunebm");
}, m: function(i11, u11) {
ki(i11, t10, u11), pi(t10, n10), e20[73](n10), ki(i11, r10, u11), f10[o10].m(i11, u11), ki(i11, a10, u11), s10 = true, c10 || (l10 = Oi(n10, "paste", e20[38]), c10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = o10;
(o10 = d10(e21)) === n11 ? f10[o10].p(e21, t11) : (ba(), xa(f10[n11], 1, 1, function() {
f10[n11] = null;
}), ka(), (i10 = f10[o10]) ? i10.p(e21, t11) : (i10 = f10[o10] = u10[o10](e21)).c(), wa(i10, 1), i10.m(a10.parentNode, a10));
}, i: function(e21) {
s10 || (wa(i10), s10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(i10), s10 = false;
}, d: function(n11) {
n11 && (wi(t10), wi(r10), wi(a10)), e20[73](null), f10[o10].d(n11), c10 = false, l10();
} };
function T3(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new k3({ props: { text: e20[16], json: e20[8], readOnly: e20[0], parser: e20[2], openJSONEditorModal: e20[40], onChangeMode: e20[4] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
65536 & n11[0] && (r10.text = e21[16]), 256 & n11[0] && (r10.json = e21[8]), 1 & n11[0] && (r10.readOnly = e21[0]), 4 & n11[0] && (r10.parser = e21[2]), 16 & n11[0] && (r10.onChangeMode = e21[4]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function R3(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10;
return t10 = new IN({ props: { type: "error", message: "The loaded JSON document is invalid and could not be repaired automatically.", actions: e20[0] ? [] : [{ icon: lP, text: "Repair manually", title: 'Open the document in "code" mode and repair it manually', onClick: e20[36] }] } }), r10 = new iL({ props: { text: e20[16], json: e20[8], indentation: e20[3], parser: e20[2] } }), { c: function() {
Pa(t10.$$.fragment), n10 = $i(), Pa(r10.$$.fragment);
}, m: function(e21, i10) {
Ta(t10, e21, i10), ki(e21, n10, i10), Ta(r10, e21, i10), o10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var o11 = {};
1 & n11[0] && (o11.actions = e21[0] ? [] : [{ icon: lP, text: "Repair manually", title: 'Open the document in "code" mode and repair it manually', onClick: e21[36] }]), t10.$set(o11);
var i10 = {};
65536 & n11[0] && (i10.text = e21[16]), 256 & n11[0] && (i10.json = e21[8]), 8 & n11[0] && (i10.indentation = e21[3]), 4 & n11[0] && (i10.parser = e21[2]), r10.$set(i10);
}, i: function(e21) {
o10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), wa(r10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), xa(r10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(n10), Ra(t10, e21), Ra(r10, e21);
} };
function N3(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10, k10, w10, x10, j10, S10, C10 = !_w(null === (t10 = e20[22]) || void 0 === t10 ? void 0 : t10.root), $10 = C10 && I3(M3(e20)), _10 = Ca(e20[10]), O10 = [], M10 = 0; M10 < _10.length; M10 += 1)
O10[M10] = q3(O3(e20, _10, M10));
for (var E10 = function(e21) {
return xa(O10[e21], 1, 1, function() {
O10[e21] = null;
}, A10 = e20[24] && z3(e20), P10 = Ca(e20[23].visibleItems), T8 = [], R8 = 0; R8 < P10.length; R8 += 1)
T8[R8] = K3($3(e20, P10, R8));
var N8 = function(e21) {
return xa(T8[e21], 1, 1, function() {
T8[e21] = null;
}, I10 = e20[18] && G3(e20), D10 = e20[19] && Q3(e20);
return w10 = new JN({ props: { validationErrors: e20[12], selectError: e20[39] } }), { c: function() {
n10 = ji("div"), r10 = ji("table"), o10 = ji("tbody"), i10 = ji("tr"), a10 = ji("th"), $10 && $10.c(), s10 = $i();
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < O10.length; t11 += 1)
c10 = $i(), A10 && A10.c(), l10 = $i(), u10 = ji("tr"), f10 = ji("td"), h10 = $i();
for (var x11 = 0; x11 < T8.length; x11 += 1)
v10 = $i(), p10 = ji("tr"), m10 = ji("td"), y10 = $i(), I10 && I10.c(), b10 = $i(), D10 && D10.c(), k10 = $i(), Pa(w10.$$.fragment), Ai(a10, "class", "jse-table-cell jse-table-cell-header svelte-1bunebm"), Ai(i10, "class", "jse-table-row jse-table-row-header svelte-1bunebm"), Ai(f10, "colspan", d10 = e20[10].length), Ai(f10, "class", "svelte-1bunebm"), Di(f10, "height", e20[23].startHeight + "px"), Ai(u10, "class", "jse-table-invisible-start-section"), Ai(m10, "colspan", g10 = e20[10].length), Ai(m10, "class", "svelte-1bunebm"), Di(m10, "height", e20[23].endHeight + "px"), Ai(p10, "class", "jse-table-invisible-end-section"), Ai(r10, "class", "jse-table-main svelte-1bunebm"), Ai(n10, "class", "jse-contents svelte-1bunebm");
}, m: function(t11, d11) {
ki(t11, n10, d11), pi(n10, r10), pi(r10, o10), pi(o10, i10), pi(i10, a10), $10 && $10.m(a10, null), pi(i10, s10);
for (var g11 = 0; g11 < O10.length; g11 += 1)
O10[g11] && O10[g11].m(i10, null);
pi(i10, c10), A10 && A10.m(i10, null), pi(o10, l10), pi(o10, u10), pi(u10, f10), pi(o10, h10);
for (var C11 = 0; C11 < T8.length; C11 += 1)
T8[C11] && T8[C11].m(o10, null);
pi(o10, v10), pi(o10, p10), pi(p10, m10), e20[76](n10), ki(t11, y10, d11), I10 && I10.m(t11, d11), ki(t11, b10, d11), D10 && D10.m(t11, d11), ki(t11, k10, d11), Ta(w10, t11, d11), x10 = true, j10 || (S10 = [ci(s3.call(null, n10, e20[45])), Oi(n10, "scroll", e20[29])], j10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var n11;
if (4194304 & t11[0] && (C10 = !_w(null === (n11 = e21[22]) || void 0 === n11 ? void 0 : n11.root)), C10 ? $10 ? ($10.p(M3(e21), t11), 4194304 & t11[0] && wa($10, 1)) : (($10 = I3(M3(e21))).c(), wa($10, 1), $10.m(a10, null)) : $10 && (ba(), xa($10, 1, 1, function() {
$10 = null;
}), ka()), 268438529 & t11[0]) {
var r11;
for (_10 = Ca(e21[10]), r11 = 0; r11 < _10.length; r11 += 1) {
var s11 = O3(e21, _10, r11);
O10[r11] ? (O10[r11].p(s11, t11), wa(O10[r11], 1)) : (O10[r11] = q3(s11), O10[r11].c(), wa(O10[r11], 1), O10[r11].m(i10, c10));
for (ba(), r11 = _10.length; r11 < O10.length; r11 += 1)
if (e21[24] ? A10 ? (A10.p(e21, t11), 16777216 & t11[0] && wa(A10, 1)) : ((A10 = z3(e21)).c(), wa(A10, 1), A10.m(i10, null)) : A10 && (ba(), xa(A10, 1, 1, function() {
A10 = null;
}), ka()), (!x10 || 1024 & t11[0] && d10 !== (d10 = e21[10].length)) && Ai(f10, "colspan", d10), 8388608 & t11[0] && Di(f10, "height", e21[23].startHeight + "px"), 165678085 & t11[0] | 33281 & t11[1]) {
var l11;
for (P10 = Ca(e21[23].visibleItems), l11 = 0; l11 < P10.length; l11 += 1) {
var u11 = $3(e21, P10, l11);
T8[l11] ? (T8[l11].p(u11, t11), wa(T8[l11], 1)) : (T8[l11] = K3(u11), T8[l11].c(), wa(T8[l11], 1), T8[l11].m(o10, v10));
for (ba(), l11 = P10.length; l11 < T8.length; l11 += 1)
(!x10 || 1024 & t11[0] && g10 !== (g10 = e21[10].length)) && Ai(m10, "colspan", g10), 8388608 & t11[0] && Di(m10, "height", e21[23].endHeight + "px"), e21[18] ? I10 ? (I10.p(e21, t11), 262144 & t11[0] && wa(I10, 1)) : ((I10 = G3(e21)).c(), wa(I10, 1), I10.m(b10.parentNode, b10)) : I10 && (ba(), xa(I10, 1, 1, function() {
I10 = null;
}), ka()), e21[19] ? D10 ? (D10.p(e21, t11), 524288 & t11[0] && wa(D10, 1)) : ((D10 = Q3(e21)).c(), wa(D10, 1), D10.m(k10.parentNode, k10)) : D10 && (ba(), xa(D10, 1, 1, function() {
D10 = null;
}), ka());
var h11 = {};
4096 & t11[0] && (h11.validationErrors = e21[12]), w10.$set(h11);
}, i: function(e21) {
if (!x10) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < _10.length; t11 += 1)
for (var n11 = 0; n11 < P10.length; n11 += 1)
wa(I10), wa(D10), wa(w10.$$.fragment, e21), x10 = true;
}, o: function(e21) {
xa($10), O10 = O10.filter(Boolean);
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < O10.length; t11 += 1)
xa(A10), T8 = T8.filter(Boolean);
for (var n11 = 0; n11 < T8.length; n11 += 1)
xa(I10), xa(D10), xa(w10.$$.fragment, e21), x10 = false;
}, d: function(t11) {
t11 && (wi(n10), wi(y10), wi(b10), wi(k10)), $10 && $10.d(), xi(O10, t11), A10 && A10.d(), xi(T8, t11), e20[76](null), I10 && I10.d(t11), D10 && D10.d(t11), Ra(w10, t11), j10 = false, Qo(S10);
} };
function I3(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10 = e20[126] && D3(e20);
return { c: function() {
r10 && r10.c(), t10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, o10) {
r10 && r10.m(e21, o10), ki(e21, t10, o10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
e21[126] ? r10 ? (r10.p(e21, n11), 4194304 & n11[0] && wa(r10, 1)) : ((r10 = D3(e21)).c(), wa(r10, 1), r10.m(t10.parentNode, t10)) : r10 && (ba(), xa(r10, 1, 1, function() {
r10 = null;
}), ka());
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(r10), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(r10), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), r10 && r10.d(e21);
} };
function D3(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
return n10 = new wq({ props: { validationError: e20[126], onExpand: LL } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-table-root-error svelte-1bunebm");
}, m: function(e21, o10) {
ki(e21, t10, o10), Ta(n10, t10, null), r10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var r11 = {};
4194304 & t11[0] && (r11.validationError = e21[126]), n10.$set(r11);
}, i: function(e21) {
r10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10);
} };
function q3(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
return n10 = new a3({ props: { path: e20[129], sortedColumn: e20[11].sortedColumn, readOnly: e20[0], onSort: e20[28] } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("th"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-table-cell jse-table-cell-header svelte-1bunebm");
}, m: function(e21, o10) {
ki(e21, t10, o10), Ta(n10, t10, null), r10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var r11 = {};
1024 & t11[0] && (r11.path = e21[129]), 2048 & t11[0] && (r11.sortedColumn = e21[11].sortedColumn), 1 & t11[0] && (r11.readOnly = e21[0]), n10.$set(r11);
}, i: function(e21) {
r10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10);
} };
function z3(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
return n10 = new S3({ props: { count: Array.isArray(e20[8]) ? e20[8].length : 0, maxSampleCount: e20[9], onRefresh: e20[74] } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("th"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-table-cell jse-table-cell-header svelte-1bunebm");
}, m: function(e21, o10) {
ki(e21, t10, o10), Ta(n10, t10, null), r10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var r11 = {};
256 & t11[0] && (r11.count = Array.isArray(e21[8]) ? e21[8].length : 0), 512 & t11[0] && (r11.maxSampleCount = e21[9]), 512 & t11[0] && (r11.onRefresh = e21[74]), n10.$set(r11);
}, i: function(e21) {
r10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10);
} };
function B3(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new wq({ props: { validationError: e20[126], onExpand: LL } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
12582912 & n11[0] && (r10.validationError = e21[126]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function L3(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10 = e20[124] + "", l10 = e20[126] && B3(e20);
function u10() {
for (var t11, n11 = arguments.length, r11 = new Array(n11), o11 = 0; o11 < n11; o11++)
r11[o11] = arguments[o11];
return (t11 = e20)[75].apply(t11, [e20[124]].concat(r11));
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("th"), n10 = Ci(c10), r10 = $i(), l10 && l10.c(), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-table-cell jse-table-cell-gutter svelte-1bunebm");
}, m: function(e21, c11) {
ki(e21, t10, c11), pi(t10, n10), pi(t10, r10), l10 && l10.m(t10, null), i10 = true, a10 || (s10 = ci(o10 = s3.call(null, t10, u10)), a10 = true);
}, p: function(r11, a11) {
e20 = r11, (!i10 || 8388608 & a11[0]) && c10 !== (c10 = e20[124] + "") && Ni(n10, c10), e20[126] ? l10 ? (l10.p(e20, a11), 12582912 & a11[0] && wa(l10, 1)) : ((l10 = B3(e20)).c(), wa(l10, 1), l10.m(t10, null)) : l10 && (ba(), xa(l10, 1, 1, function() {
l10 = null;
}), ka()), o10 && Yo(o10.update) && 8388608 & a11[0] && o10.update.call(null, u10);
}, i: function(e21) {
i10 || (wa(l10), i10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(l10), i10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), l10 && l10.d(), a10 = false, s10();
} };
function F3(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new G4({ props: { path: e20[130], value: void 0 !== e20[131] ? e20[131] : "", enforceString: oE(e20[131], e20[11].enforceStringMap, Zs(e20[130]), e20[21].parser), selection: e20[132] ? e20[11].selection : null, searchResultItems: e20[27], context: e20[21] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
8389632 & n11[0] && (r10.path = e21[130]), 8389632 & n11[0] && (r10.value = void 0 !== e21[131] ? e21[131] : ""), 10488832 & n11[0] && (r10.enforceString = oE(e21[131], e21[11].enforceStringMap, Zs(e21[130]), e21[21].parser)), 8391680 & n11[0] && (r10.selection = e21[132] ? e21[11].selection : null), 2097152 & n11[0] && (r10.context = e21[21]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function V3(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new Z4({ props: { path: e20[130], value: e20[131], parser: e20[2], isSelected: e20[132], onEdit: e20[40] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
8389632 & n11[0] && (r10.path = e21[130]), 8389632 & n11[0] && (r10.value = e21[131]), 4 & n11[0] && (r10.parser = e21[2]), 8391680 & n11[0] && (r10.isSelected = e21[132]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function H3(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10;
return n10 = new XD({ props: { selected: true, onContextMenu: e20[31] } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), r10 = $i(), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-context-menu-anchor svelte-1bunebm");
}, m: function(e21, i10) {
ki(e21, t10, i10), Ta(n10, t10, null), ki(e21, r10, i10), o10 = true;
}, p: Wo, i: function(e21) {
o10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && (wi(t10), wi(r10)), Ra(n10);
} };
function W3(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new wq({ props: { validationError: e20[126], onExpand: LL } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
12583936 & n11[0] && (r10.validationError = e21[126]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function U3(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10 = !e20[0] && e20[132] && !zE(e20[11].selection), u10 = [V3, F3], f10 = [];
function d10(e21, t11) {
return 8389632 & t11[0] && (n10 = null), null == n10 && (n10 = !!Ql(e21[131])), n10 ? 0 : 1;
r10 = d10(e20, [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]), o10 = f10[r10] = u10[r10](e20);
var h10 = l10 && H3(e20), v10 = e20[126] && W3(e20);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("td"), o10.c(), i10 = _i(), h10 && h10.c(), a10 = _i(), v10 && v10.c(), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-table-cell svelte-1bunebm"), Ai(t10, "data-path", s10 = OO(e20[130])), zi(t10, "jse-selected-value", e20[132]);
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
ki(e21, t10, n11), f10[r10].m(t10, null), pi(t10, i10), h10 && h10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, a10), v10 && v10.m(t10, null), c10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var p10 = r10;
(r10 = d10(e21, n11)) === p10 ? f10[r10].p(e21, n11) : (ba(), xa(f10[p10], 1, 1, function() {
f10[p10] = null;
}), ka(), (o10 = f10[r10]) ? o10.p(e21, n11) : (o10 = f10[r10] = u10[r10](e21)).c(), wa(o10, 1), o10.m(t10, i10)), 8391681 & n11[0] && (l10 = !e21[0] && e21[132] && !zE(e21[11].selection)), l10 ? h10 ? (h10.p(e21, n11), 8391681 & n11[0] && wa(h10, 1)) : ((h10 = H3(e21)).c(), wa(h10, 1), h10.m(t10, a10)) : h10 && (ba(), xa(h10, 1, 1, function() {
h10 = null;
}), ka()), e21[126] ? v10 ? (v10.p(e21, n11), 12583936 & n11[0] && wa(v10, 1)) : ((v10 = W3(e21)).c(), wa(v10, 1), v10.m(t10, null)) : v10 && (ba(), xa(v10, 1, 1, function() {
v10 = null;
}), ka()), (!c10 || 8389632 & n11[0] && s10 !== (s10 = OO(e21[130]))) && Ai(t10, "data-path", s10), (!c10 || 8391680 & n11[0]) && zi(t10, "jse-selected-value", e21[132]);
}, i: function(e21) {
c10 || (wa(o10), wa(h10), wa(v10), c10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(o10), xa(h10), xa(v10), c10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), f10[r10].d(), h10 && h10.d(), v10 && v10.d();
} };
function J3(e20) {
var t10;
return { c: function() {
Ai(t10 = ji("td"), "class", "jse-table-cell svelte-1bunebm");
}, m: function(e21, n10) {
ki(e21, t10, n10);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function K3(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10 = e20[124], a10 = L3(e20), s10 = Ca(e20[10]), c10 = [], l10 = 0; l10 < s10.length; l10 += 1)
c10[l10] = U3(_3(e20, s10, l10));
var u10 = function(e21) {
return xa(c10[e21], 1, 1, function() {
c10[e21] = null;
}, f10 = e20[24] && J3();
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("tr"), a10.c(), n10 = $i();
for (var e21 = 0; e21 < c10.length; e21 += 1)
r10 = $i(), f10 && f10.c(), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-table-row svelte-1bunebm");
}, m: function(e21, i11) {
ki(e21, t10, i11), a10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, n10);
for (var s11 = 0; s11 < c10.length; s11 += 1)
c10[s11] && c10[s11].m(t10, null);
pi(t10, r10), f10 && f10.m(t10, null), o10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, o11) {
if (8388608 & o11[0] && Zo(i10, i10 = e21[124]) ? (ba(), xa(a10, 1, 1, Wo), ka(), (a10 = L3(e21)).c(), wa(a10, 1), a10.m(t10, n10)) : a10.p(e21, o11), 148900869 & o11[0] | 513 & o11[1]) {
var l11;
for (s10 = Ca(e21[10]), l11 = 0; l11 < s10.length; l11 += 1) {
var d10 = _3(e21, s10, l11);
c10[l11] ? (c10[l11].p(d10, o11), wa(c10[l11], 1)) : (c10[l11] = U3(d10), c10[l11].c(), wa(c10[l11], 1), c10[l11].m(t10, r10));
for (ba(), l11 = s10.length; l11 < c10.length; l11 += 1)
e21[24] ? f10 || ((f10 = J3()).c(), f10.m(t10, null)) : f10 && (f10.d(1), f10 = null);
}, i: function(e21) {
if (!o10) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < s10.length; t11 += 1)
o10 = true;
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(a10), c10 = c10.filter(Boolean);
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < c10.length; t11 += 1)
o10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), a10.d(e21), xi(c10, e21), f10 && f10.d();
} };
function G3(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new IN({ props: { type: "info", message: "You pasted a JSON ".concat(Array.isArray(e20[18].contents) ? "array" : "object", " as text"), actions: [{ icon: uP, text: "Paste as JSON instead", title: "Paste the text as JSON instead of a single value", onMouseDown: e20[34] }, { text: "Leave as is", title: "Keep the pasted content as a single value", onClick: e20[35] }] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
262144 & n11[0] && (r10.message = "You pasted a JSON ".concat(Array.isArray(e21[18].contents) ? "array" : "object", " as text")), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function Q3(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new IN({ props: { type: "success", message: "The loaded JSON document was invalid but is successfully repaired.", actions: e20[0] ? [] : [{ icon: PP, text: "Ok", title: "Accept the repaired document", onClick: e20[7] }, { icon: lP, text: "Repair manually instead", title: "Leave the document unchanged and repair it manually instead", onClick: e20[36] }], onClose: e20[6] } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
1 & n11[0] && (r10.actions = e21[0] ? [] : [{ icon: PP, text: "Ok", title: "Accept the repaired document", onClick: e21[7] }, { icon: lP, text: "Repair manually instead", title: "Leave the document unchanged and repair it manually instead", onClick: e21[36] }]), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function Y3(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10 = e20[1] && E3(e20), l10 = [P3, A3], u10 = [];
return r10 = function(e21, t11) {
return e21[26] ? 1 : 0;
}(e20), o10 = u10[r10] = l10[r10](e20), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), c10 && c10.c(), n10 = $i(), o10.c(), Ai(t10, "role", "table"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-table-mode svelte-1bunebm"), zi(t10, "no-main-menu", !e20[1]);
}, m: function(o11, l11) {
ki(o11, t10, l11), c10 && c10.m(t10, null), pi(t10, n10), u10[r10].m(t10, null), e20[77](t10), i10 = true, a10 || (s10 = [Oi(t10, "mousedown", e20[30]), Oi(t10, "keydown", e20[37]), Oi(t10, "contextmenu", e20[32])], a10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, r11) {
e21[1] ? c10 ? (c10.p(e21, r11), 2 & r11[0] && wa(c10, 1)) : ((c10 = E3(e21)).c(), wa(c10, 1), c10.m(t10, n10)) : c10 && (ba(), xa(c10, 1, 1, function() {
c10 = null;
}), ka()), o10.p(e21, r11), (!i10 || 2 & r11[0]) && zi(t10, "no-main-menu", !e21[1]);
}, i: function(e21) {
i10 || (wa(c10), wa(o10), i10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(c10), xa(o10), i10 = false;
}, d: function(n11) {
n11 && wi(t10), c10 && c10.d(), u10[r10].d(), e20[77](null), a10 = false, Qo(s10);
} };
var X3 = 18;
function Z3(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10 = Da("jsoneditor:TableMode"), c10 = Zi("simple-modal").open, l10 = Zi("absolute-popup"), u10 = l10.openAbsolutePopup, f10 = l10.closeAbsolutePopup, d10 = bN(), h10 = A$(), v10 = A$(), p10 = "undefined" == typeof window;
s10("isSSR:", p10);
var m10, g10, y10, b10, k10, w10, x10 = t10.readOnly, j10 = t10.externalContent, S10 = t10.externalSelection, C10 = t10.mainMenuBar, $10 = t10.escapeControlCharacters, _10 = t10.escapeUnicodeCharacters, O10 = t10.flattenColumns, M10 = t10.parser, E10 = t10.parseMemoizeOne, A10 = t10.validator, P10 = t10.validationParser, T8 = t10.indentation, R8 = t10.onChange, N8 = t10.onChangeMode, I10 = t10.onSelect, D10 = t10.onRenderValue, q10 = t10.onRenderMenu, z10 = t10.onRenderContextMenu, B10 = t10.onFocus, L10 = t10.onBlur, F10 = t10.onSortModal, V10 = t10.onTransformModal, H10 = t10.onJSONEditorModal;
ON({ onMount: Gi, onDestroy: Qi, getWindow: function() {
return SO(g10);
}, hasFocus: function() {
return G10 && document.hasFocus() || CO(g10);
}, onFocus: function() {
true, B10 && B10();
}, onBlur: function() {
false, L10 && L10();
} });
var W10, U10 = void 0, J10 = 1e4, K10 = [], G10 = false, Q10 = {}, Y10 = 600, X10 = 0;
function Z10(e21) {
s10("updateSelection", e21);
var t11 = "function" == typeof e21 ? e21(te2.selection) || null : e21;
Ow(t11, te2.selection) || (n10(11, te2 = Ro(Ro({}, te2), {}, { selection: t11 })), I10(t11));
function ee2(e21) {
te2.selection && void 0 !== e21 && (Ys(e21, KE(te2.selection)) && Ys(e21, JE(te2.selection)) || (s10("clearing selection: path does not exist anymore", te2.selection), n10(11, te2 = Ro(Ro({}, te2), {}, { selection: null }))));
var te2 = BM(), ne2 = false;
var re2, oe2 = xN({ onChange: function(e21) {
n10(20, ie2 = e21);
} }), ie2 = oe2.getState();
function ae2(e21) {
var t11 = k10, r11 = J_(e21) ? e21.text !== w10 : !Ow(t11, e21.json);
if (s10("update external content", { isChanged: r11 }), r11) {
var o11 = { json: k10, text: w10 }, i11 = k10, a11 = te2, c11 = w10, l11 = ne2;
if (J_(e21))
try {
n10(8, k10 = E10(e21.text)), n10(16, w10 = e21.text), n10(19, ne2 = false), n10(17, U10 = void 0);
} catch (t12) {
try {
n10(8, k10 = E10(Hl(e21.text))), n10(16, w10 = e21.text), n10(19, ne2 = true), n10(17, U10 = void 0);
} catch (r12) {
n10(8, k10 = void 0), n10(16, w10 = e21.text), n10(19, ne2 = false), n10(17, U10 = "" !== w10 ? H_(w10, t12.message || String(t12)) : void 0);
n10(8, k10 = e21.json), n10(16, w10 = void 0), n10(19, ne2 = false), n10(17, U10 = void 0);
ee2(k10), te2.sortedColumn && n10(11, te2 = Ro(Ro({}, te2), {}, { sortedColumn: null })), se2({ previousJson: i11, previousState: a11, previousText: c11, previousTextIsRepaired: l11 });
ve2(o11, null);
function se2(e21) {
var t11 = e21.previousJson, n11 = e21.previousState, r11 = e21.previousText, o11 = e21.previousTextIsRepaired;
void 0 === t11 && void 0 === r11 || (void 0 !== k10 ? void 0 !== t11 ? oe2.add({ undo: { patch: [{ op: "replace", path: "", value: t11 }], state: PE(n11), json: void 0, text: r11, textIsRepaired: o11 }, redo: { patch: [{ op: "replace", path: "", value: k10 }], state: PE(te2), json: void 0, text: w10, textIsRepaired: ne2 } }) : oe2.add({ undo: { patch: void 0, json: void 0, text: r11, state: PE(n11), textIsRepaired: o11 }, redo: { patch: void 0, json: k10, state: PE(te2), text: w10, textIsRepaired: ne2 } }) : void 0 !== t11 && oe2.add({ undo: { patch: void 0, json: t11, state: PE(n11), text: r11, textIsRepaired: o11 }, redo: { patch: void 0, json: void 0, text: w10, textIsRepaired: ne2, state: PE(te2) } }));
var ce2 = [], le2 = CB(CN);
function ue2(e21, t11, r11, o11) {
jN(function() {
var i11;
try {
i11 = le2(e21, t11, r11, o11);
} catch (e23) {
i11 = [{ path: [], message: "Failed to validate: " + e23.message, severity: Za.warning }];
Ow(i11, ce2) || (s10("validationErrors changed:", i11), n10(12, ce2 = i11));
}, function(e23) {
return s10("validationErrors updated in ".concat(e23, " ms"));
function fe2() {
return s10("validate"), U10 ? { parseError: U10, isRepairable: false } : (ue2(k10, A10, M10, P10), _w(ce2) ? null : { validationErrors: ce2 });
function de2(e21, t11) {
if (s10("patch", e21, t11), void 0 === k10)
throw new Error("Cannot apply patch: no JSON");
var r11 = { json: k10 }, o11 = k10, i11 = te2, a11 = ne2, c11 = hA(k10, e21), l11 = JM(k10, te2, e21).json, u11 = DB(te2, e21, K10), f11 = "function" == typeof t11 ? t11(l11, u11) : void 0;
n10(8, k10 = f11 && void 0 !== f11.json ? f11.json : l11);
var d11 = f11 && void 0 !== f11.state ? f11.state : u11;
n10(11, te2 = d11), n10(16, w10 = void 0), n10(19, ne2 = false), n10(18, W10 = void 0), n10(17, U10 = void 0), oe2.add({ undo: { patch: c11, json: void 0, text: void 0, state: PE(i11), textIsRepaired: a11 }, redo: { patch: e21, json: void 0, state: PE(d11), text: void 0, textIsRepaired: ne2 } });
var h11 = { json: k10, previousJson: o11, undo: c11, redo: e21 };
return ve2(r11, h11), h11;
function he2(e21, t11) {
return x10 ? { json: k10, previousJson: k10, redo: [], undo: [] } : de2(e21, t11);
function ve2(e21, t11) {
if ((void 0 !== e21.json || void 0 !== (null == e21 ? void 0 : e21.text)) && R8) {
if (void 0 !== w10)
R8({ text: w10, json: void 0 }, e21, { contentErrors: fe2(), patchResult: t11 });
else if (void 0 !== k10) {
R8({ text: void 0, json: k10 }, e21, { contentErrors: fe2(), patchResult: t11 });
function pe2(e21) {
s10("handleFind", e21);
function me2(e21) {
s10("pasted json as text", e21), n10(18, W10 = e21);
function ge2(e21) {
var t11 = parseInt(e21[0], 10), n11 = [String(t11 + 1)].concat(Bo(e21.slice(1)));
return Ys(k10, n11) ? RE(n11, false) : RE(e21, false);
function ye2() {
s10("focus"), b10 && (b10.focus(), b10.select());
function be2() {
te2.selection || Z10(!Ts(k10) || _w(k10) || _w(K10) ? null : RE(["0"].concat(Bo(K10[0])), false));
function ke2(e21) {
var t11 = !(arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1]) || arguments[1], n11 = AB(e21, K10, Q10, X3), r11 = n11 - X10, o11 = je2(e21);
if (s10("scrollTo", { path: e21, top: n11, scrollTop: X10, elem: o11 }), !y10)
return Promise.resolve();
var i11 = y10.getBoundingClientRect();
if (o11 && !t11) {
var a11 = o11.getBoundingClientRect();
if (a11.bottom > i11.top && a11.top < i11.bottom)
return Promise.resolve();
var c11 = -i11.height / 4;
return new Promise(o11 ? function(t12) {
d10(o11, { container: y10, offset: c11, duration: 300, callback: function() {
we2(e21), t12();
} });
} : function(o12) {
var i12;
d10(r11, { container: y10, offset: c11, duration: 300, callback: (i12 = xo(ko().mark(function r12() {
return ko().wrap(function(r13) {
for (; ; )
switch (r13.prev = r13.next) {
case 0:
return r13.next = 2, ca();
case 2:
if (AB(e21, K10, Q10, X3) === n11) {
r13.next = 8;
return r13.next = 6, ke2(e21, t11);
case 6:
r13.next = 9;
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
case "end":
return r13.stop();
}, r12);
})), function() {
return i12.apply(this, arguments);
}) });
function we2(e21) {
var t11 = je2(e21);
if (t11 && y10) {
var r11 = y10.getBoundingClientRect(), o11 = t11.getBoundingClientRect();
if (o11.right > r11.right) {
var i11 = o11.right - r11.right;
n10(14, y10.scrollLeft += i11, y10);
if (o11.left < r11.left) {
var a11 = r11.left - o11.left;
n10(14, y10.scrollLeft -= a11, y10);
function xe2(e21) {
!function(e23) {
if (y10) {
var t11 = PB(e23, K10).rowIndex, r11 = AB(e23, K10, Q10, X3), o11 = r11 + (Q10[t11] || X3), i11 = y10.getBoundingClientRect(), a11 = X10, s11 = X10 + i11.height - 18;
if (o11 > s11) {
var c11 = o11 - s11;
n10(14, y10.scrollTop += c11, y10);
if (r11 < a11) {
var l11 = a11 - r11;
n10(14, y10.scrollTop -= l11, y10);
}(e21), we2(e21);
function je2(e21) {
return y10 ? y10.querySelector('td[data-path="'.concat(OO(e21), '"]')) : null;
function Se2(e21) {
var t11 = e21.anchor, n11 = e21.left, r11 = e21.top, o11 = e21.width, i11 = e21.height, a11 = e21.offsetTop, s11 = e21.offsetLeft, c11 = e21.showTip;
G10 = true;
var l11 = u10(u3, { json: k10, documentState: te2, parser: M10, showTip: c11, onEditValue: $e2, onEditRow: _e2, onToggleEnforceString: Oe2, onCut: Ae2, onCopy: Te2, onPaste: Ee2, onRemove: Ne2, onDuplicateRow: Ie2, onInsertBeforeRow: De2, onInsertAfterRow: qe2, onRemoveRow: ze2, onRenderContextMenu: z10, onCloseContextMenu: function() {
f10(l11), ye2();
} }, { left: n11, top: r11, offsetTop: a11, offsetLeft: s11, width: o11, height: i11, anchor: t11, closeOnOuterClick: true, onClose: function() {
G10 = false, ye2();
} });
function Ce2(e21) {
if (!x10 && !zE(te2.selection)) {
if (e21 && (e21.stopPropagation(), e21.preventDefault()), e21 && "contextmenu" === e21.type && e21.target !== b10)
Se2({ left: e21.clientX, top: e21.clientY, width: Ms, height: Os, showTip: false });
else {
var t11, n11 = null === (t11 = y10) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11.querySelector(".jse-table-cell.jse-selected-value");
if (n11)
Se2({ anchor: n11, offsetTop: 2, width: Ms, height: Os, showTip: false });
else {
var r11, o11 = null === (r11 = y10) || void 0 === r11 ? void 0 : r11.getBoundingClientRect();
o11 && Se2({ top: o11.top + 2, left: o11.left + 2, width: Ms, height: Os, showTip: false });
return false;
function $e2() {
if (!x10 && te2.selection) {
var e21 = JE(te2.selection);
Ql(Ws(k10, e21)) ? He2(e21) : Z10(RE(e21, true));
function _e2() {
!x10 && te2.selection && He2(JE(te2.selection).slice(0, 1));
function Oe2() {
if (!x10 && pE(te2.selection)) {
var e21 = te2.selection.path, t11 = Zs(e21), n11 = Ws(k10, e21), r11 = !oE(n11, te2.enforceStringMap, t11, M10), o11 = r11 ? String(n11) : ru(String(n11), M10);
s10("handleToggleEnforceString", { enforceString: r11, value: n11, updatedValue: o11 }), he2([{ op: "replace", path: t11, value: o11 }], function(e23, n12) {
return { state: UM(n12, t11, r11) };
function Me2() {
return (Me2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21() {
var t11, n11, r11, o11, i11;
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
if (s10("apply pasted json", W10), W10) {
e23.next = 3;
return e23.abrupt("return");
case 3:
r11 = (n11 = W10).path, o11 = n11.contents, AO(i11 = (null === (t11 = y10) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11.querySelector(".jse-editable-div")) || null) && i11.cancel(), he2([{ op: "replace", path: Zs(r11), value: o11 }]), setTimeout(ye2);
case 9:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function Ee2() {
c10(nI, {}, Ro(Ro({}, gs), {}, { styleWindow: { width: "450px" } }), { onClose: function() {
return ye2();
} });
function Ae2(e21) {
return Pe2.apply(this, arguments);
function Pe2() {
return (Pe2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21(t11) {
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return e23.next = 2, zB({ json: k10, documentState: te2, indentation: t11 ? T8 : void 0, readOnly: x10, parser: M10, onPatch: he2 });
case 2:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function Te2() {
return Re2.apply(this, arguments);
function Re2() {
return Re2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21() {
var t11, n11 = arguments;
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
if (t11 = !(n11.length > 0 && void 0 !== n11[0]) || n11[0], void 0 !== k10) {
e23.next = 3;
return e23.abrupt("return");
case 3:
return e23.next = 5, LB({ json: k10, documentState: te2, indentation: t11 ? T8 : void 0, parser: M10 });
case 5:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
})), Re2.apply(this, arguments);
function Ne2() {
HB({ json: k10, text: w10, documentState: te2, keepSelection: true, readOnly: x10, onChange: R8, onPatch: he2 });
function Ie2() {
WB({ json: k10, documentState: te2, columns: K10, readOnly: x10, onPatch: he2 });
function De2() {
UB({ json: k10, documentState: te2, columns: K10, readOnly: x10, onPatch: he2 });
function qe2() {
JB({ json: k10, documentState: te2, columns: K10, readOnly: x10, onPatch: he2 });
function ze2() {
KB({ json: k10, documentState: te2, columns: K10, readOnly: x10, onPatch: he2 });
function Be2() {
return (Be2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21(t11) {
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return e23.next = 2, QB({ char: t11, selectInside: false, refJsonEditor: g10, json: k10, selection: te2.selection, readOnly: x10, parser: M10, onPatch: he2, onReplaceJson: Le2, onSelect: Z10 });
case 2:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function Le2(e21, t11) {
var r11 = te2, o11 = k10, i11 = w10, a11 = { json: k10, text: w10 }, s11 = ne2, c11 = HM(k10, te2, [], uE), l11 = "function" == typeof t11 ? t11(e21, c11) : void 0;
n10(8, k10 = l11 && void 0 !== l11.json ? l11.json : e21), n10(11, te2 = l11 && void 0 !== l11.state ? l11.state : c11), n10(16, w10 = void 0), n10(19, ne2 = false), n10(17, U10 = void 0), ee2(k10), se2({ previousJson: o11, previousState: r11, previousText: i11, previousTextIsRepaired: s11 });
ve2(a11, null);
function Fe2(e21, t11) {
var r11 = te2, o11 = k10, i11 = w10, a11 = { json: k10, text: w10 }, c11 = ne2;
try {
n10(8, k10 = E10(e21)), n10(11, te2 = HM(k10, te2, [], uE)), n10(16, w10 = void 0), n10(19, ne2 = false), n10(17, U10 = void 0);
} catch (t12) {
try {
n10(8, k10 = E10(Hl(e21))), n10(11, te2 = HM(k10, te2, [], uE)), n10(16, w10 = e21), n10(19, ne2 = true), n10(17, U10 = void 0);
} catch (r12) {
n10(8, k10 = void 0), n10(11, te2 = BM({ json: k10, expand: uE })), n10(16, w10 = e21), n10(19, ne2 = false), n10(17, U10 = "" !== w10 ? H_(w10, t12.message || String(t12)) : void 0);
if ("function" == typeof t11) {
var l11 = t11(k10, te2);
n10(8, k10 = l11 && l11.json ? l11.json : k10), n10(11, te2 = l11 && l11.state ? l11.state : te2);
ee2(k10), se2({ previousJson: o11, previousState: r11, previousText: i11, previousTextIsRepaired: c11 });
ve2(a11, null);
function Ve2(e21) {
if (void 0 !== k10) {
var t11 = e21.id, n11 = e21.onTransform, r11 = e21.onClose, o11 = e21.rootPath || [];
G10 = true, V10({ id: t11 || v10, json: k10, rootPath: o11 || [], onTransform: function(e23) {
n11 ? n11({ operations: e23, json: k10, transformedJson: rc(k10, e23) }) : (s10("onTransform", o11, e23), he2(e23));
}, onClose: function() {
G10 = false, ye2(), r11 && r11();
} });
function He2(e21) {
s10("openJSONEditorModal", { path: e21 }), G10 = true, H10({ content: { json: Ws(k10, e21) }, path: e21, onPatch: re2.onPatch, onClose: function() {
G10 = false, ye2();
} });
function We2(e21, t11) {
c10(HI, { text: e21, onParse: function(e23) {
return L_(e23, function(e24) {
return z_(e24, M10);
}, onRepair: F_, onApply: t11 }, Ro(Ro({}, gs), {}, { styleWindow: { width: "600px", height: "500px" }, styleContent: { padding: 0, height: "100%" } }), { onClose: function() {
return ye2();
} });
function Ue2() {
if (!x10 && oe2.getState().canUndo) {
var e21 = oe2.undo();
if (e21) {
var t11 = { json: k10, text: w10 };
n10(8, k10 = e21.undo.patch ? rc(k10, e21.undo.patch) : e21.undo.json), n10(11, te2 = e21.undo.state), n10(16, w10 = e21.undo.text), n10(19, ne2 = e21.undo.textIsRepaired), n10(17, U10 = void 0), s10("undo", { item: e21, json: k10 }), ve2(t11, e21.undo.patch && e21.redo.patch ? { json: k10, previousJson: t11.json, redo: e21.undo.patch, undo: e21.redo.patch } : null), ye2(), te2.selection && ke2(JE(te2.selection), false);
function Je2() {
if (!x10 && oe2.getState().canRedo) {
var e21 = oe2.redo();
if (e21) {
var t11 = { json: k10, text: w10 };
n10(8, k10 = e21.redo.patch ? rc(k10, e21.redo.patch) : e21.redo.json), n10(11, te2 = e21.redo.state), n10(16, w10 = e21.redo.text), n10(19, ne2 = e21.redo.textIsRepaired), n10(17, U10 = void 0), s10("redo", { item: e21, json: k10 }), ve2(t11, e21.undo.patch && e21.redo.patch ? { json: k10, previousJson: t11.json, redo: e21.redo.patch, undo: e21.undo.patch } : null), ye2(), te2.selection && ke2(JE(te2.selection), false);
function Ke2(e21, t11) {
n10(70, Q10[t11] = e21.getBoundingClientRect().height, Q10);
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"readOnly" in e21 && n10(0, x10 = e21.readOnly), "externalContent" in e21 && n10(47, j10 = e21.externalContent), "externalSelection" in e21 && n10(48, S10 = e21.externalSelection), "mainMenuBar" in e21 && n10(1, C10 = e21.mainMenuBar), "escapeControlCharacters" in e21 && n10(49, $10 = e21.escapeControlCharacters), "escapeUnicodeCharacters" in e21 && n10(50, _10 = e21.escapeUnicodeCharacters), "flattenColumns" in e21 && n10(51, O10 = e21.flattenColumns), "parser" in e21 && n10(2, M10 = e21.parser), "parseMemoizeOne" in e21 && n10(52, E10 = e21.parseMemoizeOne), "validator" in e21 && n10(53, A10 = e21.validator), "validationParser" in e21 && n10(54, P10 = e21.validationParser), "indentation" in e21 && n10(3, T8 = e21.indentation), "onChange" in e21 && n10(55, R8 = e21.onChange), "onChangeMode" in e21 && n10(4, N8 = e21.onChangeMode), "onSelect" in e21 && n10(56, I10 = e21.onSelect), "onRenderValue" in e21 && n10(57, D10 = e21.onRenderValue), "onRenderMenu" in e21 && n10(5, q10 = e21.onRenderMenu), "onRenderContextMenu" in e21 && n10(58, z10 = e21.onRenderContextMenu), "onFocus" in e21 && n10(59, B10 = e21.onFocus), "onBlur" in e21 && n10(60, L10 = e21.onBlur), "onSortModal" in e21 && n10(61, F10 = e21.onSortModal), "onTransformModal" in e21 && n10(62, V10 = e21.onTransformModal), "onJSONEditorModal" in e21 && n10(63, H10 = e21.onJSONEditorModal);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
786432 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(69, m10 = aO({ escapeControlCharacters: $10, escapeUnicodeCharacters: _10 })), 65536 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && ae2(j10), 131072 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && function(e21) {
Ow(te2.selection, e21) || (s10("applyExternalSelection", e21), (yE(e21) || null === e21) && Z10(e21));
}(S10), 1792 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 1048576 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(10, K10 = Ts(k10) ? function(e21, t11) {
var n11, r11 = new Set(t11.map(Zs)), o11 = new Set(e21.map(Zs)), i11 = bo(r11);
try {
for (i11.s(); !(n11 = i11.n()).done; ) {
var a11 = n11.value;
o11.has(a11) || r11.delete(a11);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
var s11, c11 = bo(o11);
try {
for (c11.s(); !(s11 = c11.n()).done; ) {
var l11 = s11.value;
r11.has(l11) || r11.add(l11);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return Bo(r11).map(Xs);
}(_B(k10, O10, J10), K10) : []), 1280 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(25, r10 = k10 && !_w(K10)), 768 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(24, o10 = Array.isArray(k10) && k10.length > J10), 256 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 1792 & e20.$$.dirty[2] && n10(23, i10 = EB(X10, Y10, k10, Q10, X3)), 256 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && y10 && y10.scrollTo({ top: y10.scrollTop, left: y10.scrollLeft }), 2309 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 67108864 & e20.$$.dirty[1] | 128 & e20.$$.dirty[2] && n10(21, re2 = { readOnly: x10, parser: M10, normalization: m10, getJson: function() {
return k10;
}, getDocumentState: function() {
return te2;
}, findElement: je2, findNextInside: ge2, focus: ye2, onPatch: he2, onSelect: Z10, onFind: pe2, onPasteJson: me2, onRenderValue: D10 }), 260 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 12582912 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && ue2(k10, A10, M10, P10), 5120 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(22, a10 = RB(ce2, K10));
}, [x10, C10, M10, T8, N8, q10, ye2, function() {
if (ne2 && void 0 !== k10) {
var e21 = te2, t11 = k10, r11 = w10, o11 = { json: k10, text: w10 }, i11 = ne2;
n10(16, w10 = void 0), n10(19, ne2 = false), ee2(k10), se2({ previousJson: t11, previousState: e21, previousText: r11, previousTextIsRepaired: i11 });
ve2(o11, null);
return { json: k10, text: w10 };
}, k10, J10, K10, te2, ce2, g10, y10, b10, w10, U10, W10, ne2, ie2, re2, a10, i10, o10, r10, p10, void 0, function(e21) {
if (!x10) {
s10("onSortByHeader", e21);
var t11 = e21.sortDirection === ts.desc ? -1 : 1;
he2(Iz(k10, [], e21.path, t11), function(t12, n11) {
return { state: Ro(Ro({}, n11), {}, { sortedColumn: e21 }) };
}, function(e21) {
n10(72, X10 = e21.target.scrollTop);
}, function(e21) {
var t11 = e21.target, n11 = MO(t11);
if (n11) {
if (zE(te2.selection) && WE(k10, te2.selection, n11))
Z10(RE(n11, false)), e21.preventDefault();
yO(t11, "BUTTON") || t11.isContentEditable || ye2();
}, Se2, Ce2, function(e21) {
x10 || Se2({ anchor: $O(e21.target, "BUTTON"), offsetTop: 0, width: Ms, height: Os, showTip: true });
}, function() {
return Me2.apply(this, arguments);
}, function() {
s10("clear pasted json"), n10(18, W10 = void 0), ye2();
}, function() {
}, function(e21) {
var t11 = PO(e21);
if (s10("keydown", { combo: t11, key: e21.key }), "Ctrl+X" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), Ae2(true)), "Ctrl+Shift+X" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), Ae2(false)), "Ctrl+C" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), Te2(true)), "Ctrl+Shift+C" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), Te2(false)), "Ctrl+D" === t11 && e21.preventDefault(), "Delete" !== t11 && "Backspace" !== t11 || (e21.preventDefault(), Ne2()), "Insert" === t11 && e21.preventDefault(), "Ctrl+A" === t11 && e21.preventDefault(), "Ctrl+Q" === t11 && Ce2(e21), "ArrowLeft" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), be2(), te2.selection)) {
var n11 = function(e23, t12) {
var n12 = PB(JE(t12), e23), r12 = n12.rowIndex, o12 = n12.columnIndex;
return o12 > 0 ? RE(TB({ rowIndex: r12, columnIndex: o12 - 1 }, e23), false) : t12;
}(K10, te2.selection);
Z10(n11), xe2(JE(n11));
if ("ArrowRight" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), be2(), te2.selection)) {
var r11 = function(e23, t12) {
var n12 = PB(JE(t12), e23), r12 = n12.rowIndex, o12 = n12.columnIndex;
return o12 < e23.length - 1 ? RE(TB({ rowIndex: r12, columnIndex: o12 + 1 }, e23), false) : t12;
}(K10, te2.selection);
Z10(r11), xe2(JE(r11));
if ("ArrowUp" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), be2(), te2.selection)) {
var o11 = function(e23, t12) {
var n12 = PB(JE(t12), e23), r12 = n12.rowIndex, o12 = n12.columnIndex;
return r12 > 0 ? RE(TB({ rowIndex: r12 - 1, columnIndex: o12 }, e23), false) : t12;
}(K10, te2.selection);
Z10(o11), xe2(JE(o11));
if ("ArrowDown" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), be2(), te2.selection)) {
var i11 = function(e23, t12, n12) {
var r12 = PB(JE(n12), t12), o12 = r12.rowIndex, i12 = r12.columnIndex;
return o12 < e23.length - 1 ? RE(TB({ rowIndex: o12 + 1, columnIndex: i12 }, t12), false) : n12;
}(k10, K10, te2.selection);
Z10(i11), xe2(JE(i11));
if ("Enter" === t11 && te2.selection && pE(te2.selection)) {
var a11 = te2.selection.path;
Ql(Ws(k10, a11)) ? He2(a11) : x10 || Z10(Ro(Ro({}, te2.selection), {}, { edit: true }));
if (1 === t11.replace(/^Shift\+/, "").length && te2.selection)
return e21.preventDefault(), void function(e23) {
Be2.apply(this, arguments);
if ("Ctrl+Enter" === t11 && pE(te2.selection)) {
var c11 = Ws(k10, te2.selection.path);
nu(c11) && window.open(String(c11), "_blank");
"Escape" === t11 && te2.selection && (e21.preventDefault(), Z10(null)), "Ctrl+F" === t11 && e21.preventDefault(), "Ctrl+H" === t11 && e21.preventDefault(), "Ctrl+Z" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), Ue2()), "Ctrl+Shift+Z" === t11 && (e21.preventDefault(), Je2());
}, function(e21) {
var t11;
var n11 = null === (t11 = e21.clipboardData) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11.getData("text/plain");
void 0 !== n11 && VB({ clipboardText: n11, json: k10, selection: te2.selection, readOnly: x10, parser: M10, onPatch: he2, onChangeText: Fe2, openRepairModal: We2 });
}, function(e21) {
s10("select validation error", e21), Z10(RE(e21.path, false)), ke2(e21.path);
}, He2, function() {
!function(e21) {
x10 || void 0 === k10 || (G10 = true, F10({ id: h10, json: k10, rootPath: e21, onSort: function(t11) {
var n11 = t11.operations, r11 = t11.itemPath, o11 = t11.direction;
s10("onSort", n11, e21, r11, o11), he2(n11, function(e23, t12) {
return { state: Ro(Ro({}, t12), {}, { sortedColumn: { path: r11, sortDirection: -1 === o11 ? ts.desc : ts.asc } }) };
}, onClose: function() {
G10 = false, ye2();
} }));
}, function() {
Ve2({ rootPath: [] });
}, Ue2, Je2, function(e21) {
n10(71, Y10 = e21.getBoundingClientRect().height);
}, Ke2, j10, S10, $10, _10, O10, E10, A10, P10, R8, I10, D10, z10, B10, L10, F10, V10, H10, fe2, de2, ke2, je2, Ve2, m10, Q10, Y10, X10, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(15, b10 = e21);
}, function() {
return n10(9, J10 = 1 / 0);
}, function(e21, t11) {
return Ke2(t11, e21);
}, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(14, y10 = e21);
}, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(13, g10 = e21);
var e82 = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, Z3, Y3, Zo, { readOnly: 0, externalContent: 47, externalSelection: 48, mainMenuBar: 1, escapeControlCharacters: 49, escapeUnicodeCharacters: 50, flattenColumns: 51, parser: 2, parseMemoizeOne: 52, validator: 53, validationParser: 54, indentation: 3, onChange: 55, onChangeMode: 4, onSelect: 56, onRenderValue: 57, onRenderMenu: 5, onRenderContextMenu: 58, onFocus: 59, onBlur: 60, onSortModal: 61, onTransformModal: 62, onJSONEditorModal: 63, validate: 64, patch: 65, focus: 6, acceptAutoRepair: 7, scrollTo: 66, findElement: 67, openTransformModal: 68 }, C3, [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10, [{ key: "validate", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[64];
} }, { key: "patch", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[65];
} }, { key: "focus", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[6];
} }, { key: "acceptAutoRepair", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[7];
} }, { key: "scrollTo", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[66];
} }, { key: "findElement", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[67];
} }, { key: "openTransformModal", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[68];
} }]), t10;
function t8(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10 = { externalContent: e20[0], externalSelection: e20[1], readOnly: e20[2], indentation: e20[3], mainMenuBar: e20[6], navigationBar: e20[7], escapeControlCharacters: e20[10], escapeUnicodeCharacters: e20[11], parser: e20[13], parseMemoizeOne: e20[14], validator: e20[15], validationParser: e20[16], pathParser: e20[17], onError: e20[23], onChange: e20[18], onChangeMode: e20[19], onSelect: e20[20], onRenderValue: e20[21], onClassName: e20[22], onFocus: e20[24], onBlur: e20[25], onRenderMenu: e20[32], onRenderContextMenu: e20[33], onSortModal: e20[26], onTransformModal: e20[27], onJSONEditorModal: e20[28] };
return t10 = new kL({ props: r10 }), e20[49](t10), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
Ta(t10, e21, r11), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r11 = {};
1 & n11[0] && (r11.externalContent = e21[0]), 2 & n11[0] && (r11.externalSelection = e21[1]), 4 & n11[0] && (r11.readOnly = e21[2]), 8 & n11[0] && (r11.indentation = e21[3]), 64 & n11[0] && (r11.mainMenuBar = e21[6]), 128 & n11[0] && (r11.navigationBar = e21[7]), 1024 & n11[0] && (r11.escapeControlCharacters = e21[10]), 2048 & n11[0] && (r11.escapeUnicodeCharacters = e21[11]), 8192 & n11[0] && (r11.parser = e21[13]), 16384 & n11[0] && (r11.parseMemoizeOne = e21[14]), 32768 & n11[0] && (r11.validator = e21[15]), 65536 & n11[0] && (r11.validationParser = e21[16]), 131072 & n11[0] && (r11.pathParser = e21[17]), 8388608 & n11[0] && (r11.onError = e21[23]), 262144 & n11[0] && (r11.onChange = e21[18]), 524288 & n11[0] && (r11.onChangeMode = e21[19]), 1048576 & n11[0] && (r11.onSelect = e21[20]), 2097152 & n11[0] && (r11.onRenderValue = e21[21]), 4194304 & n11[0] && (r11.onClassName = e21[22]), 16777216 & n11[0] && (r11.onFocus = e21[24]), 33554432 & n11[0] && (r11.onBlur = e21[25]), 2 & n11[1] && (r11.onRenderMenu = e21[32]), 4 & n11[1] && (r11.onRenderContextMenu = e21[33]), 67108864 & n11[0] && (r11.onSortModal = e21[26]), 134217728 & n11[0] && (r11.onTransformModal = e21[27]), 268435456 & n11[0] && (r11.onJSONEditorModal = e21[28]), t10.$set(r11);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(n11) {
e20[49](null), Ra(t10, n11);
} };
function n8(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10 = { externalContent: e20[0], externalSelection: e20[1], readOnly: e20[2], mainMenuBar: e20[6], escapeControlCharacters: e20[10], escapeUnicodeCharacters: e20[11], flattenColumns: e20[12], parser: e20[13], parseMemoizeOne: e20[14], validator: e20[15], validationParser: e20[16], indentation: e20[3], onChange: e20[18], onChangeMode: e20[19], onSelect: e20[20], onRenderValue: e20[21], onFocus: e20[24], onBlur: e20[25], onRenderMenu: e20[32], onRenderContextMenu: e20[33], onSortModal: e20[26], onTransformModal: e20[27], onJSONEditorModal: e20[28] };
return t10 = new e82({ props: r10 }), e20[48](t10), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
Ta(t10, e21, r11), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r11 = {};
1 & n11[0] && (r11.externalContent = e21[0]), 2 & n11[0] && (r11.externalSelection = e21[1]), 4 & n11[0] && (r11.readOnly = e21[2]), 64 & n11[0] && (r11.mainMenuBar = e21[6]), 1024 & n11[0] && (r11.escapeControlCharacters = e21[10]), 2048 & n11[0] && (r11.escapeUnicodeCharacters = e21[11]), 4096 & n11[0] && (r11.flattenColumns = e21[12]), 8192 & n11[0] && (r11.parser = e21[13]), 16384 & n11[0] && (r11.parseMemoizeOne = e21[14]), 32768 & n11[0] && (r11.validator = e21[15]), 65536 & n11[0] && (r11.validationParser = e21[16]), 8 & n11[0] && (r11.indentation = e21[3]), 262144 & n11[0] && (r11.onChange = e21[18]), 524288 & n11[0] && (r11.onChangeMode = e21[19]), 1048576 & n11[0] && (r11.onSelect = e21[20]), 2097152 & n11[0] && (r11.onRenderValue = e21[21]), 16777216 & n11[0] && (r11.onFocus = e21[24]), 33554432 & n11[0] && (r11.onBlur = e21[25]), 2 & n11[1] && (r11.onRenderMenu = e21[32]), 4 & n11[1] && (r11.onRenderContextMenu = e21[33]), 67108864 & n11[0] && (r11.onSortModal = e21[26]), 134217728 & n11[0] && (r11.onTransformModal = e21[27]), 268435456 & n11[0] && (r11.onJSONEditorModal = e21[28]), t10.$set(r11);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(n11) {
e20[48](null), Ra(t10, n11);
} };
function r8(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10 = { externalContent: e20[0], externalSelection: e20[1], readOnly: e20[2], indentation: e20[3], tabSize: e20[4], mainMenuBar: e20[6], statusBar: e20[8], askToFormat: e20[9], escapeUnicodeCharacters: e20[11], parser: e20[13], validator: e20[15], validationParser: e20[16], onChange: e20[18], onSelect: e20[20], onChangeMode: e20[19], onError: e20[23], onFocus: e20[24], onBlur: e20[25], onRenderMenu: e20[32], onSortModal: e20[26], onTransformModal: e20[27] };
return t10 = new B4({ props: r10 }), e20[47](t10), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
Ta(t10, e21, r11), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r11 = {};
1 & n11[0] && (r11.externalContent = e21[0]), 2 & n11[0] && (r11.externalSelection = e21[1]), 4 & n11[0] && (r11.readOnly = e21[2]), 8 & n11[0] && (r11.indentation = e21[3]), 16 & n11[0] && (r11.tabSize = e21[4]), 64 & n11[0] && (r11.mainMenuBar = e21[6]), 256 & n11[0] && (r11.statusBar = e21[8]), 512 & n11[0] && (r11.askToFormat = e21[9]), 2048 & n11[0] && (r11.escapeUnicodeCharacters = e21[11]), 8192 & n11[0] && (r11.parser = e21[13]), 32768 & n11[0] && (r11.validator = e21[15]), 65536 & n11[0] && (r11.validationParser = e21[16]), 262144 & n11[0] && (r11.onChange = e21[18]), 1048576 & n11[0] && (r11.onSelect = e21[20]), 524288 & n11[0] && (r11.onChangeMode = e21[19]), 8388608 & n11[0] && (r11.onError = e21[23]), 16777216 & n11[0] && (r11.onFocus = e21[24]), 33554432 & n11[0] && (r11.onBlur = e21[25]), 2 & n11[1] && (r11.onRenderMenu = e21[32]), 67108864 & n11[0] && (r11.onSortModal = e21[26]), 134217728 & n11[0] && (r11.onTransformModal = e21[27]), t10.$set(r11);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(n11) {
e20[47](null), Ra(t10, n11);
} };
function o8(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10 = [r8, n8, t8], s10 = [];
function c10(e21, n11) {
return 32 & n11[0] && (t10 = null), null == t10 && (t10 = !(e21[5] !== Qa.text && "code" !== String(e21[5]))), t10 ? 0 : e21[5] === Qa.table ? 1 : 2;
return n10 = c10(e20, [-1, -1]), r10 = s10[n10] = a10[n10](e20), { c: function() {
r10.c(), o10 = _i();
}, m: function(e21, t11) {
s10[n10].m(e21, t11), ki(e21, o10, t11), i10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var i11 = n10;
(n10 = c10(e21, t11)) === i11 ? s10[n10].p(e21, t11) : (ba(), xa(s10[i11], 1, 1, function() {
s10[i11] = null;
}), ka(), (r10 = s10[n10]) ? r10.p(e21, t11) : (r10 = s10[n10] = a10[n10](e21)).c(), wa(r10, 1), r10.m(o10.parentNode, o10));
}, i: function(e21) {
i10 || (wa(r10), i10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(r10), i10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(o10), s10[n10].d(e21);
} };
function i8(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10 = t10.content, u10 = t10.selection, f10 = t10.readOnly, d10 = t10.indentation, h10 = t10.tabSize, v10 = t10.mode, p10 = t10.mainMenuBar, m10 = t10.navigationBar, g10 = t10.statusBar, y10 = t10.askToFormat, b10 = t10.escapeControlCharacters, k10 = t10.escapeUnicodeCharacters, w10 = t10.flattenColumns, x10 = t10.parser, j10 = t10.parseMemoizeOne, S10 = t10.validator, C10 = t10.validationParser, $10 = t10.pathParser, _10 = t10.insideModal, O10 = t10.onChange, M10 = t10.onChangeMode, E10 = t10.onSelect, A10 = t10.onRenderValue, P10 = t10.onClassName, T8 = t10.onRenderMenu, R8 = t10.onRenderContextMenu, N8 = t10.onError, I10 = t10.onFocus, D10 = t10.onBlur, q10 = t10.onSortModal, z10 = t10.onTransformModal, B10 = t10.onJSONEditorModal, L10 = { type: "separator" };
function F10() {
return (F10 = xo(ko().mark(function e21() {
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
if (!i10) {
e23.next = 3;
return e23.next = 3, i10.refresh();
case 3:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"content" in e21 && n10(0, l10 = e21.content), "selection" in e21 && n10(1, u10 = e21.selection), "readOnly" in e21 && n10(2, f10 = e21.readOnly), "indentation" in e21 && n10(3, d10 = e21.indentation), "tabSize" in e21 && n10(4, h10 = e21.tabSize), "mode" in e21 && n10(5, v10 = e21.mode), "mainMenuBar" in e21 && n10(6, p10 = e21.mainMenuBar), "navigationBar" in e21 && n10(7, m10 = e21.navigationBar), "statusBar" in e21 && n10(8, g10 = e21.statusBar), "askToFormat" in e21 && n10(9, y10 = e21.askToFormat), "escapeControlCharacters" in e21 && n10(10, b10 = e21.escapeControlCharacters), "escapeUnicodeCharacters" in e21 && n10(11, k10 = e21.escapeUnicodeCharacters), "flattenColumns" in e21 && n10(12, w10 = e21.flattenColumns), "parser" in e21 && n10(13, x10 = e21.parser), "parseMemoizeOne" in e21 && n10(14, j10 = e21.parseMemoizeOne), "validator" in e21 && n10(15, S10 = e21.validator), "validationParser" in e21 && n10(16, C10 = e21.validationParser), "pathParser" in e21 && n10(17, $10 = e21.pathParser), "insideModal" in e21 && n10(34, _10 = e21.insideModal), "onChange" in e21 && n10(18, O10 = e21.onChange), "onChangeMode" in e21 && n10(19, M10 = e21.onChangeMode), "onSelect" in e21 && n10(20, E10 = e21.onSelect), "onRenderValue" in e21 && n10(21, A10 = e21.onRenderValue), "onClassName" in e21 && n10(22, P10 = e21.onClassName), "onRenderMenu" in e21 && n10(35, T8 = e21.onRenderMenu), "onRenderContextMenu" in e21 && n10(36, R8 = e21.onRenderContextMenu), "onError" in e21 && n10(23, N8 = e21.onError), "onFocus" in e21 && n10(24, I10 = e21.onFocus), "onBlur" in e21 && n10(25, D10 = e21.onBlur), "onSortModal" in e21 && n10(26, q10 = e21.onSortModal), "onTransformModal" in e21 && n10(27, z10 = e21.onTransformModal), "onJSONEditorModal" in e21 && n10(28, B10 = e21.onJSONEditorModal);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
524320 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(46, a10 = [{ type: "button", text: "text", title: "Switch to text mode (current mode: ".concat(v10, ")"), className: "jse-group-button jse-first" + (v10 === Qa.text || "code" === v10 ? " jse-selected" : ""), onClick: function() {
return M10(Qa.text);
} }, { type: "button", text: "tree", title: "Switch to tree mode (current mode: ".concat(v10, ")"), className: "jse-group-button " + (v10 === Qa.tree ? " jse-selected" : ""), onClick: function() {
return M10(Qa.tree);
} }, { type: "button", text: "table", title: "Switch to table mode (current mode: ".concat(v10, ")"), className: "jse-group-button jse-last" + (v10 === Qa.table ? " jse-selected" : ""), onClick: function() {
return M10(Qa.table);
} }]), 32 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 32792 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(32, s10 = function(e21) {
var t11 = rI(e21[0]) ? a10.concat(e21) : a10.concat(L10, e21);
return T8(t11, { mode: v10, modal: _10 }) || t11;
}), 34 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 40 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(33, c10 = function(e21) {
return R8(e21, { mode: v10, modal: _10, selection: u10 }) || e21;
}, [l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10, k10, w10, x10, j10, S10, C10, $10, O10, M10, E10, A10, P10, N8, I10, D10, q10, z10, B10, r10, o10, i10, s10, c10, _10, T8, R8, function(e21) {
if (r10)
return r10.patch(e21);
if (o10)
return o10.patch(e21);
if (i10)
return i10.patch(e21);
throw new Error('Method patch is not available in mode "'.concat(v10, '"'));
}, function(e21) {
if (r10)
return r10.expand(e21);
throw new Error('Method expand is not available in mode "'.concat(v10, '"'));
}, function(e21) {
if (i10)
else if (r10)
else {
if (!o10)
throw new Error('Method transform is not available in mode "'.concat(v10, '"'));
}, function() {
if (i10)
return i10.validate();
if (r10)
return r10.validate();
if (o10)
return o10.validate();
throw new Error('Method validate is not available in mode "'.concat(v10, '"'));
}, function() {
return r10 ? r10.acceptAutoRepair() : l10;
}, function(e21) {
if (r10)
return r10.scrollTo(e21);
if (o10)
return o10.scrollTo(e21);
throw new Error('Method scrollTo is not available in mode "'.concat(v10, '"'));
}, function(e21) {
if (r10)
return r10.findElement(e21);
if (o10)
return o10.findElement(e21);
throw new Error('Method findElement is not available in mode "'.concat(v10, '"'));
}, function() {
i10 ? i10.focus() : r10 ? r10.focus() : o10 && o10.focus();
}, function() {
return F10.apply(this, arguments);
}, a10, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(31, i10 = e21);
}, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(30, o10 = e21);
}, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(29, r10 = e21);
var a8 = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, i8, o8, Xo, { content: 0, selection: 1, readOnly: 2, indentation: 3, tabSize: 4, mode: 5, mainMenuBar: 6, navigationBar: 7, statusBar: 8, askToFormat: 9, escapeControlCharacters: 10, escapeUnicodeCharacters: 11, flattenColumns: 12, parser: 13, parseMemoizeOne: 14, validator: 15, validationParser: 16, pathParser: 17, insideModal: 34, onChange: 18, onChangeMode: 19, onSelect: 20, onRenderValue: 21, onClassName: 22, onRenderMenu: 35, onRenderContextMenu: 36, onError: 23, onFocus: 24, onBlur: 25, onSortModal: 26, onTransformModal: 27, onJSONEditorModal: 28, patch: 37, expand: 38, transform: 39, validate: 40, acceptAutoRepair: 41, scrollTo: 42, findElement: 43, focus: 44, refresh: 45 }, null, [-1, -1]), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10, [{ key: "patch", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[37];
} }, { key: "expand", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[38];
} }, { key: "transform", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[39];
} }, { key: "validate", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[40];
} }, { key: "acceptAutoRepair", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[41];
} }, { key: "scrollTo", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[42];
} }, { key: "findElement", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[43];
} }, { key: "focus", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[44];
} }, { key: "refresh", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[45];
} }]), t10;
function s8(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-1m3nfgb", '.jse-modal.svelte-1m3nfgb.svelte-1m3nfgb{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column;min-width:0;min-height:0;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);line-height:normal;background:var(--jse-modal-background, #f5f5f5);color:var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d)}.jse-modal.svelte-1m3nfgb .svelte-select{--border:var(--jse-svelte-select-border, 1px solid #d8dbdf);--item-is-active-bg:var(--jse-item-is-active-bg, #3883fa);--border-radius:var(--jse-svelte-select-border-radius, 3px);--background:var(--jse-svelte-select-background, #fff);--padding:var(--jse-svelte-select-padding, 0 10px);--multi-select-padding:var(--jse-svelte-select-multi-select-padding, 0 10px);--font-size:var(--jse-svelte-select-font-size, var(--jse-font-size, 16px));--height:36px;--multi-item-height:28px;--multi-item-margin:2px;--multi-item-padding:2px 8px;--multi-item-border-radius:6px;--indicator-top:8px}.jse-modal.svelte-1m3nfgb .jse-modal-contents.svelte-1m3nfgb{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column;padding:20px;overflow:auto;min-width:0;min-height:0}.jse-modal.svelte-1m3nfgb .jse-modal-contents .jse-actions.svelte-1m3nfgb{display:flex;flex-direction:row;justify-content:flex-end;padding-top:var(--jse-padding, 10px)}.jse-modal.svelte-1m3nfgb .jse-modal-contents .jse-actions button.jse-primary.svelte-1m3nfgb{border:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;cursor:pointer;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);padding:5px;margin:0;background:var(--jse-button-primary-background, var(--jse-theme-color, #3883fa));color:var(--jse-button-primary-color, #fff);padding:var(--jse-padding, 10px) calc(2 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));border-radius:3px}.jse-modal.svelte-1m3nfgb .jse-modal-contents .jse-actions button.jse-primary.svelte-1m3nfgb:hover{background:var(--jse-button-primary-background-highlight, var(--jse-theme-color-highlight, #5f9dff))}.jse-modal.svelte-1m3nfgb .jse-modal-contents .jse-actions button.jse-primary.svelte-1m3nfgb:disabled{background:var(--jse-button-primary-background-disabled, #9d9d9d)}.bg.jse-modal-bg{width:100%;height:100%;top:0;left:0;background:var(--jse-overlay-background, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3))}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-window-wrap{margin:0}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-window{max-width:90%;margin:4rem auto 2rem auto;border-radius:2px}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-window.jse-modal-window-sort{width:400px}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-window.jse-modal-window-transform{width:1200px;height:1200px;max-height:80%;display:flex}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-window.jse-modal-window-jsoneditor{width:800px;height:auto;min-height:500px;max-height:calc(100vh - 6rem);display:flex}.bg.jse-modal-bg .jse-modal-container{flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column;padding:0}.jse-modal.jse-jsoneditor-modal.svelte-1m3nfgb .jse-modal-contents.svelte-1m3nfgb{padding-top:0}.jse-modal.jse-jsoneditor-modal.svelte-1m3nfgb .jse-modal-contents .jse-label.svelte-1m3nfgb{font-weight:bold;display:block;box-sizing:border-box}.jse-modal.jse-jsoneditor-modal.svelte-1m3nfgb .jse-modal-contents .jse-label .jse-label-inner.svelte-1m3nfgb{margin-top:calc(2 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));margin-bottom:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));box-sizing:border-box}.jse-modal.jse-jsoneditor-modal.svelte-1m3nfgb .jse-modal-contents .jse-label .jse-label-inner button.svelte-1m3nfgb{border:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;cursor:pointer;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);padding:5px;margin:0;font-weight:bold;padding:0}.jse-modal.jse-jsoneditor-modal.svelte-1m3nfgb .jse-modal-contents .jse-modal-inline-editor.svelte-1m3nfgb{flex:1;min-height:150px;min-width:0;display:flex;--jse-theme-color:var(--jse-modal-editor-theme-color, var(--jse-modal-theme-color, #707070));--jse-theme-color-highlight:var(--jse-modal-editor-theme-color-highlight, var(--jse-modal-theme-color-highlight, #646464))}.jse-modal.jse-jsoneditor-modal.svelte-1m3nfgb .jse-actions.svelte-1m3nfgb{gap:var(--jse-padding, 10px);align-items:center}.jse-modal.jse-jsoneditor-modal.svelte-1m3nfgb .jse-actions .jse-error.svelte-1m3nfgb{flex:1;color:var(--jse-error-color, #ee5341)}.jse-modal.jse-jsoneditor-modal.svelte-1m3nfgb .jse-actions button.jse-secondary.svelte-1m3nfgb{border:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;cursor:pointer;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);padding:5px;margin:0;background:var(--jse-button-secondary-background, #d3d3d3);color:var(--jse-button-secondary-color, var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d));padding:var(--jse-padding, 10px) calc(2 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));border-radius:3px}.jse-modal.jse-jsoneditor-modal.svelte-1m3nfgb .jse-actions button.jse-secondary.svelte-1m3nfgb:hover{background:var(--jse-button-secondary-background-highlight, #e1e1e1)}.jse-modal.jse-jsoneditor-modal.svelte-1m3nfgb .jse-actions button.jse-secondary.svelte-1m3nfgb:disabled{background:var(--jse-button-secondary-background-disabled, #9d9d9d)}.jse-modal.jse-jsoneditor-modal.svelte-1m3nfgb input.svelte-1m3nfgb{border:var(--jse-input-border, 1px solid #d8dbdf);outline:none;box-sizing:border-box;padding:calc(0.5 * var(--jse-padding, 10px));font-family:var(--jse-font-family-mono, consolas, menlo, monaco, "Ubuntu Mono", "source-code-pro", monospace);font-size:var(--jse-font-size-mono, 14px);color:inherit;background:var(--jse-input-background, var(--jse-background-color, #fff))}.jse-modal.jse-jsoneditor-modal.svelte-1m3nfgb input.svelte-1m3nfgb:focus{border:var(--jse-input-border-focus, 1px solid var(--jse-input-border-focus, var(--jse-theme-color, #3883fa)))}.jse-modal.jse-jsoneditor-modal.svelte-1m3nfgb input.svelte-1m3nfgb:read-only{background:var(--jse-input-background-readonly, transparent)}');
function c8(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), n10 = Ci(e20[22]), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-error svelte-1m3nfgb");
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
ki(e21, t10, r10), pi(t10, n10);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
4194304 & t11[0] && Ni(n10, e21[22]);
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function l8(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10;
return n10 = new jM({ props: { data: nP } }), { c: function() {
t10 = ji("button"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), r10 = Ci(" Back"), Ai(t10, "type", "button"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-secondary svelte-1m3nfgb");
}, m: function(s10, c10) {
ki(s10, t10, c10), Ta(n10, t10, null), pi(t10, r10), o10 = true, i10 || (a10 = Oi(t10, "click", e20[27]), i10 = true);
}, p: Wo, i: function(e21) {
o10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), o10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), Ra(n10), i10 = false, a10();
} };
function u8(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
return { c: function() {
(t10 = ji("button")).textContent = "Close", Ai(t10, "type", "button"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-primary svelte-1m3nfgb");
}, m: function(o10, i10) {
ki(o10, t10, i10), n10 || (r10 = [Oi(t10, "click", e20[27]), ci(h8.call(null, t10))], n10 = true);
}, p: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), n10 = false, Qo(r10);
} };
function f8(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10;
return { c: function() {
(t10 = ji("button")).textContent = "Apply", Ai(t10, "type", "button"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-primary svelte-1m3nfgb");
}, m: function(o10, i10) {
ki(o10, t10, i10), n10 || (r10 = [Oi(t10, "click", e20[26]), ci(h8.call(null, t10))], n10 = true);
}, p: Wo, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10), n10 = false, Qo(r10);
} };
function d8(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10, u10, f10, d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10;
n10 = new XN({ props: { title: "Edit nested content " + (e20[20].length > 1 ? " (".concat(e20[20].length, ")") : ""), onClose: e20[27] } });
var k10 = { mode: e20[23].mode, content: e20[23].content, selection: e20[23].selection, readOnly: e20[0], indentation: e20[1], tabSize: e20[2], statusBar: e20[5], askToFormat: e20[6], mainMenuBar: e20[3], navigationBar: e20[4], escapeControlCharacters: e20[7], escapeUnicodeCharacters: e20[8], flattenColumns: e20[9], parser: e20[10], parseMemoizeOne: e20[24], validator: e20[11], validationParser: e20[12], pathParser: e20[13], insideModal: true, onError: e20[31], onChange: e20[28], onChangeMode: e20[30], onSelect: e20[29], onRenderValue: e20[14], onClassName: e20[15], onFocus: LL, onBlur: LL, onRenderMenu: e20[16], onRenderContextMenu: e20[17], onSortModal: e20[18], onTransformModal: e20[19], onJSONEditorModal: e20[32] };
d10 = new a8({ props: k10 }), e20[37](d10);
var w10 = e20[22] && c8(e20), x10 = e20[20].length > 1 && l8(e20);
function j10(e21, t11) {
return e21[0] ? u8 : f8;
var S10 = j10(e20), C10 = S10(e20);
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("div"), Pa(n10.$$.fragment), r10 = $i(), o10 = ji("div"), (i10 = ji("div")).innerHTML = 'Path
', a10 = $i(), s10 = ji("input"), c10 = $i(), (l10 = ji("div")).innerHTML = 'Contents
', u10 = $i(), f10 = ji("div"), Pa(d10.$$.fragment), h10 = $i(), v10 = ji("div"), w10 && w10.c(), p10 = $i(), x10 && x10.c(), m10 = $i(), C10.c(), Ai(i10, "class", "jse-label svelte-1m3nfgb"), Ai(s10, "class", "jse-path svelte-1m3nfgb"), Ai(s10, "type", "text"), s10.readOnly = true, Ai(s10, "title", "Selected path"), s10.value = e20[25], Ai(l10, "class", "jse-label svelte-1m3nfgb"), Ai(f10, "class", "jse-modal-inline-editor svelte-1m3nfgb"), Ai(v10, "class", "jse-actions svelte-1m3nfgb"), Ai(o10, "class", "jse-modal-contents svelte-1m3nfgb"), Ai(t10, "class", "jse-modal jse-jsoneditor-modal svelte-1m3nfgb");
}, m: function(k11, j11) {
ki(k11, t10, j11), Ta(n10, t10, null), pi(t10, r10), pi(t10, o10), pi(o10, i10), pi(o10, a10), pi(o10, s10), pi(o10, c10), pi(o10, l10), pi(o10, u10), pi(o10, f10), Ta(d10, f10, null), pi(o10, h10), pi(o10, v10), w10 && w10.m(v10, null), pi(v10, p10), x10 && x10.m(v10, null), pi(v10, m10), C10.m(v10, null), g10 = true, y10 || (b10 = ci(BI.call(null, t10, e20[27])), y10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var r11 = {};
1048576 & t11[0] && (r11.title = "Edit nested content " + (e21[20].length > 1 ? " (".concat(e21[20].length, ")") : "")), n10.$set(r11), (!g10 || 33554432 & t11[0] && s10.value !== e21[25]) && (s10.value = e21[25]);
var o11 = {};
8388608 & t11[0] && (o11.mode = e21[23].mode), 8388608 & t11[0] && (o11.content = e21[23].content), 8388608 & t11[0] && (o11.selection = e21[23].selection), 1 & t11[0] && (o11.readOnly = e21[0]), 2 & t11[0] && (o11.indentation = e21[1]), 4 & t11[0] && (o11.tabSize = e21[2]), 32 & t11[0] && (o11.statusBar = e21[5]), 64 & t11[0] && (o11.askToFormat = e21[6]), 8 & t11[0] && (o11.mainMenuBar = e21[3]), 16 & t11[0] && (o11.navigationBar = e21[4]), 128 & t11[0] && (o11.escapeControlCharacters = e21[7]), 256 & t11[0] && (o11.escapeUnicodeCharacters = e21[8]), 512 & t11[0] && (o11.flattenColumns = e21[9]), 1024 & t11[0] && (o11.parser = e21[10]), 16777216 & t11[0] && (o11.parseMemoizeOne = e21[24]), 2048 & t11[0] && (o11.validator = e21[11]), 4096 & t11[0] && (o11.validationParser = e21[12]), 8192 & t11[0] && (o11.pathParser = e21[13]), 16384 & t11[0] && (o11.onRenderValue = e21[14]), 32768 & t11[0] && (o11.onClassName = e21[15]), 65536 & t11[0] && (o11.onRenderMenu = e21[16]), 131072 & t11[0] && (o11.onRenderContextMenu = e21[17]), 262144 & t11[0] && (o11.onSortModal = e21[18]), 524288 & t11[0] && (o11.onTransformModal = e21[19]), d10.$set(o11), e21[22] ? w10 ? w10.p(e21, t11) : ((w10 = c8(e21)).c(), w10.m(v10, p10)) : w10 && (w10.d(1), w10 = null), e21[20].length > 1 ? x10 ? (x10.p(e21, t11), 1048576 & t11[0] && wa(x10, 1)) : ((x10 = l8(e21)).c(), wa(x10, 1), x10.m(v10, m10)) : x10 && (ba(), xa(x10, 1, 1, function() {
x10 = null;
}), ka()), S10 === (S10 = j10(e21)) && C10 ? C10.p(e21, t11) : (C10.d(1), (C10 = S10(e21)) && (C10.c(), C10.m(v10, null)));
}, i: function(e21) {
g10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), wa(d10.$$.fragment, e21), wa(x10), g10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), xa(d10.$$.fragment, e21), xa(x10), g10 = false;
}, d: function(r11) {
r11 && wi(t10), Ra(n10), e20[37](null), Ra(d10), w10 && w10.d(), x10 && x10.d(), C10.d(), y10 = false, b10();
} };
function h8(e20) {
function v8(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10 = Da("jsoneditor:JSONEditorModal"), l10 = t10.content, u10 = t10.path, f10 = t10.onPatch, d10 = t10.readOnly, h10 = t10.indentation, v10 = t10.tabSize, p10 = t10.mainMenuBar, m10 = t10.navigationBar, g10 = t10.statusBar, y10 = t10.askToFormat, b10 = t10.escapeControlCharacters, k10 = t10.escapeUnicodeCharacters, w10 = t10.flattenColumns, x10 = t10.parser, j10 = t10.validator, S10 = t10.validationParser, C10 = t10.pathParser, $10 = t10.onRenderValue, _10 = t10.onClassName, O10 = t10.onRenderMenu, M10 = t10.onRenderContextMenu, E10 = t10.onSortModal, A10 = t10.onTransformModal, P10 = Zi("simple-modal").close, T8 = { mode: I10(l10), content: l10, selection: null, relativePath: u10 }, R8 = [T8], N8 = void 0;
function I10(e21) {
return K_(e21) && Ts(e21.json) ? Qa.table : Qa.tree;
function D10() {
var e21, t11 = (null === (e21 = vb(R8)) || void 0 === e21 ? void 0 : e21.selection) || null;
yE(t11) && s10.scrollTo(JE(t11));
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"content" in e21 && n10(33, l10 = e21.content), "path" in e21 && n10(34, u10 = e21.path), "onPatch" in e21 && n10(35, f10 = e21.onPatch), "readOnly" in e21 && n10(0, d10 = e21.readOnly), "indentation" in e21 && n10(1, h10 = e21.indentation), "tabSize" in e21 && n10(2, v10 = e21.tabSize), "mainMenuBar" in e21 && n10(3, p10 = e21.mainMenuBar), "navigationBar" in e21 && n10(4, m10 = e21.navigationBar), "statusBar" in e21 && n10(5, g10 = e21.statusBar), "askToFormat" in e21 && n10(6, y10 = e21.askToFormat), "escapeControlCharacters" in e21 && n10(7, b10 = e21.escapeControlCharacters), "escapeUnicodeCharacters" in e21 && n10(8, k10 = e21.escapeUnicodeCharacters), "flattenColumns" in e21 && n10(9, w10 = e21.flattenColumns), "parser" in e21 && n10(10, x10 = e21.parser), "validator" in e21 && n10(11, j10 = e21.validator), "validationParser" in e21 && n10(12, S10 = e21.validationParser), "pathParser" in e21 && n10(13, C10 = e21.pathParser), "onRenderValue" in e21 && n10(14, $10 = e21.onRenderValue), "onClassName" in e21 && n10(15, _10 = e21.onClassName), "onRenderMenu" in e21 && n10(16, O10 = e21.onRenderMenu), "onRenderContextMenu" in e21 && n10(17, M10 = e21.onRenderContextMenu), "onSortModal" in e21 && n10(18, E10 = e21.onSortModal), "onTransformModal" in e21 && n10(19, A10 = e21.onTransformModal);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
1048576 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(23, r10 = vb(R8) || T8), 1048576 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(36, o10 = R8.flatMap(function(e21) {
return e21.relativePath;
})), 32 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && n10(25, i10 = _w(o10) ? "(document root)" : JO(o10)), 1024 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(24, a10 = CB(x10.parse));
}, [d10, h10, v10, p10, m10, g10, y10, b10, k10, w10, x10, j10, S10, C10, $10, _10, O10, M10, E10, A10, R8, s10, N8, r10, a10, i10, function() {
if (c10("handleApply"), !d10)
try {
n10(22, N8 = void 0);
var e21 = r10.relativePath, t11 = r10.content, o11 = [{ op: "replace", path: Zs(e21), value: Q_(t11, x10).json }];
if (R8.length > 1) {
var i11 = { json: rc(Q_(R8[R8.length - 2].content, x10).json, o11) }, a11 = Ro(Ro({}, R8[R8.length - 2] || T8), {}, { content: i11 });
n10(20, R8 = [].concat(Bo(R8.slice(0, R8.length - 2)), [a11])), ca().then(D10);
} else
f10(o11), P10();
} catch (e23) {
n10(22, N8 = String(e23));
}, function() {
c10("handleClose"), R8.length > 1 ? (n10(20, R8 = Qk(R8)), ca().then(D10), n10(22, N8 = void 0)) : P10();
}, function(e21) {
c10("handleChange", e21);
var t11 = Ro(Ro({}, r10), {}, { content: e21 });
n10(20, R8 = [].concat(Bo(Qk(R8)), [t11]));
}, function(e21) {
c10("handleChangeSelection", e21);
var t11 = Ro(Ro({}, r10), {}, { selection: e21 });
n10(20, R8 = [].concat(Bo(Qk(R8)), [t11]));
}, function(e21) {
c10("handleChangeMode", e21);
var t11 = Ro(Ro({}, r10), {}, { mode: e21 });
n10(20, R8 = [].concat(Bo(Qk(R8)), [t11]));
}, function(e21) {
n10(22, N8 = e21.toString()), console.error(e21);
}, function(e21) {
var t11 = e21.content, r11 = e21.path;
c10("handleJSONEditorModal", { content: t11, path: r11 });
var o11 = { mode: I10(t11), content: t11, selection: null, relativePath: r11 };
n10(20, R8 = [].concat(Bo(R8), [o11]));
}, l10, u10, f10, o10, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(21, s10 = e21);
var p8 = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, v8, d8, Zo, { content: 33, path: 34, onPatch: 35, readOnly: 0, indentation: 1, tabSize: 2, mainMenuBar: 3, navigationBar: 4, statusBar: 5, askToFormat: 6, escapeControlCharacters: 7, escapeUnicodeCharacters: 8, flattenColumns: 9, parser: 10, validator: 11, validationParser: 12, pathParser: 13, onRenderValue: 14, onClassName: 15, onRenderMenu: 16, onRenderContextMenu: 17, onSortModal: 18, onTransformModal: 19 }, s8, [-1, -1]), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
function m8(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = Zi("simple-modal");
return [r10.open, r10.close];
var g8 = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, m8, null, Zo, { open: 0, close: 1 }), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10, [{ key: "open", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[0];
} }, { key: "close", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[1];
} }]), t10;
function y8(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-ybuk0j", '.jse-main.svelte-ybuk0j{width:100%;height:100%;min-width:0;min-height:150px;font-family:var(--jse-font-family, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif);font-size:var(--jse-font-size, 16px);line-height:normal;position:relative;display:flex;flex-direction:row}');
function b8(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10 = { mode: e20[1], content: e20[0], selection: e20[2], readOnly: e20[3], indentation: e20[4], tabSize: e20[5], statusBar: e20[8], askToFormat: e20[9], mainMenuBar: e20[6], navigationBar: e20[7], escapeControlCharacters: e20[10], escapeUnicodeCharacters: e20[11], flattenColumns: e20[12], parser: e20[13], parseMemoizeOne: e20[27], validator: e20[14], validationParser: e20[15], pathParser: e20[16], insideModal: false, onError: e20[21], onChange: e20[28], onChangeMode: e20[32], onSelect: e20[29], onRenderValue: e20[17], onClassName: e20[18], onFocus: e20[30], onBlur: e20[31], onRenderMenu: e20[19], onRenderContextMenu: e20[20], onSortModal: e20[34], onTransformModal: e20[33], onJSONEditorModal: e20[35] };
return t10 = new a8({ props: r10 }), e20[62](t10), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
Ta(t10, e21, r11), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r11 = {};
2 & n11[0] && (r11.mode = e21[1]), 1 & n11[0] && (r11.content = e21[0]), 4 & n11[0] && (r11.selection = e21[2]), 8 & n11[0] && (r11.readOnly = e21[3]), 16 & n11[0] && (r11.indentation = e21[4]), 32 & n11[0] && (r11.tabSize = e21[5]), 256 & n11[0] && (r11.statusBar = e21[8]), 512 & n11[0] && (r11.askToFormat = e21[9]), 64 & n11[0] && (r11.mainMenuBar = e21[6]), 128 & n11[0] && (r11.navigationBar = e21[7]), 1024 & n11[0] && (r11.escapeControlCharacters = e21[10]), 2048 & n11[0] && (r11.escapeUnicodeCharacters = e21[11]), 4096 & n11[0] && (r11.flattenColumns = e21[12]), 8192 & n11[0] && (r11.parser = e21[13]), 134217728 & n11[0] && (r11.parseMemoizeOne = e21[27]), 16384 & n11[0] && (r11.validator = e21[14]), 32768 & n11[0] && (r11.validationParser = e21[15]), 65536 & n11[0] && (r11.pathParser = e21[16]), 2097152 & n11[0] && (r11.onError = e21[21]), 131072 & n11[0] && (r11.onRenderValue = e21[17]), 262144 & n11[0] && (r11.onClassName = e21[18]), 524288 & n11[0] && (r11.onRenderMenu = e21[19]), 1048576 & n11[0] && (r11.onRenderContextMenu = e21[20]), t10.$set(r11);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(n11) {
e20[62](null), Ra(t10, n11);
} };
function k8(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10 = e20[22];
function s10(t11) {
var c10 = {};
void 0 !== e20[25] && (c10.open = e20[25]), t10 = new g8({ props: c10 }), na.push(function() {
return Aa(t10, "open", s10);
var l10 = b8(e20);
return { c: function() {
Pa(t10.$$.fragment), r10 = $i(), o10 = ji("div"), l10.c(), Ai(o10, "class", "jse-main svelte-ybuk0j"), zi(o10, "jse-focus", e20[23]);
}, m: function(e21, n11) {
Ta(t10, e21, n11), ki(e21, r10, n11), ki(e21, o10, n11), l10.m(o10, null), i10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, r11) {
var s11 = {};
!n10 && 33554432 & r11[0] && (n10 = true, s11.open = e21[25], ua(function() {
return n10 = false;
})), t10.$set(s11), 4194304 & r11[0] && Zo(a10, a10 = e21[22]) ? (ba(), xa(l10, 1, 1, Wo), ka(), (l10 = b8(e21)).c(), wa(l10, 1), l10.m(o10, null)) : l10.p(e21, r11), (!i10 || 8388608 & r11[0]) && zi(o10, "jse-focus", e21[23]);
}, i: function(e21) {
i10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), wa(l10), i10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), xa(l10), i10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && (wi(r10), wi(o10)), Ra(t10, e21), l10.d(e21);
} };
function w8(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new rs({ props: { closeOnEsc: false, $$slots: { default: [k8] }, $$scope: { ctx: e20 } } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
201326591 & n11[0] | 8 & n11[2] && (r10.$$scope = { dirty: n11, ctx: e21 }), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function x8(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10, o10 = [{ show: null === (t10 = e20[26]) || void 0 === t10 ? void 0 : t10.component }, ks, { closeOnEsc: false }], i10 = { $$slots: { default: [w8] }, $$scope: { ctx: e20 } }, a10 = 0; a10 < o10.length; a10 += 1)
i10 = Jo(i10, o10[a10]);
return (n10 = new rs({ props: i10 })).$on("close", e20[36]), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, t11) {
Ta(n10, e21, t11), r10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, t11) {
var r11, i11 = 67108864 & t11[0] ? Ma(o10, [{ show: null === (r11 = e21[26]) || void 0 === r11 ? void 0 : r11.component }, o10[1], o10[2]]) : {};
201326591 & t11[0] | 8 & t11[2] && (i11.$$scope = { dirty: t11, ctx: e21 }), n10.$set(i11);
}, i: function(e21) {
r10 || (wa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(n10.$$.fragment, e21), r10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(n10, e21);
} };
function j8(e20) {
var t10, n10;
return t10 = new UO({ props: { $$slots: { default: [x8] }, $$scope: { ctx: e20 } } }), { c: function() {
}, m: function(e21, r10) {
Ta(t10, e21, r10), n10 = true;
}, p: function(e21, n11) {
var r10 = {};
268435455 & n11[0] | 8 & n11[2] && (r10.$$scope = { dirty: n11, ctx: e21 }), t10.$set(r10);
}, i: function(e21) {
n10 || (wa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = true);
}, o: function(e21) {
xa(t10.$$.fragment, e21), n10 = false;
}, d: function(e21) {
Ra(t10, e21);
} };
function S8(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10, i10, a10 = Da("jsoneditor:JSONEditor"), s10 = t10.content, c10 = void 0 === s10 ? { text: "" } : s10, l10 = t10.selection, u10 = void 0 === l10 ? null : l10, f10 = t10.readOnly, d10 = void 0 !== f10 && f10, h10 = t10.indentation, v10 = void 0 === h10 ? 2 : h10, p10 = t10.tabSize, m10 = void 0 === p10 ? 4 : p10, g10 = t10.mode, y10 = void 0 === g10 ? Qa.tree : g10, b10 = t10.mainMenuBar, k10 = void 0 === b10 || b10, w10 = t10.navigationBar, x10 = void 0 === w10 || w10, j10 = t10.statusBar, S10 = void 0 === j10 || j10, C10 = t10.askToFormat, $10 = void 0 === C10 || C10, _10 = t10.escapeControlCharacters, O10 = void 0 !== _10 && _10, M10 = t10.escapeUnicodeCharacters, E10 = void 0 !== M10 && M10, A10 = t10.flattenColumns, P10 = void 0 === A10 || A10, T8 = t10.parser, R8 = void 0 === T8 ? JSON : T8, N8 = t10.validator, I10 = void 0 === N8 ? null : N8, D10 = t10.validationParser, q10 = void 0 === D10 ? JSON : D10, z10 = t10.pathParser, B10 = void 0 === z10 ? { parse: KO, stringify: JO } : z10, L10 = t10.queryLanguages, F10 = void 0 === L10 ? [rM] : L10, V10 = t10.queryLanguageId, H10 = void 0 === V10 ? F10[0].id : V10, W10 = t10.onChangeQueryLanguage, U10 = void 0 === W10 ? LL : W10, J10 = t10.onChange, K10 = void 0 === J10 ? null : J10, G10 = t10.onSelect, Q10 = void 0 === G10 ? LL : G10, Y10 = t10.onRenderValue, X10 = void 0 === Y10 ? GA : Y10, Z10 = t10.onClassName, ee2 = void 0 === Z10 ? function() {
} : Z10, te2 = t10.onRenderMenu, ne2 = void 0 === te2 ? LL : te2, re2 = t10.onRenderContextMenu, oe2 = void 0 === re2 ? LL : re2, ie2 = t10.onChangeMode, ae2 = void 0 === ie2 ? LL : ie2, se2 = t10.onError, ce2 = void 0 === se2 ? function(e21) {
console.error(e21), alert(e21.toString());
} : se2, le2 = t10.onFocus, ue2 = void 0 === le2 ? LL : le2, fe2 = t10.onBlur, de2 = void 0 === fe2 ? LL : fe2, he2 = Ps(), ve2 = false, pe2 = null, me2 = R8;
function ge2() {
return (ge2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21(t11) {
var r11;
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
if (a10("set"), !(r11 = W_(t11))) {
e23.next = 4;
throw new Error(r11);
case 4:
return n10(22, he2 = Ps()), e23.next = 7, ca();
case 7:
n10(0, c10 = t11);
case 8:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function ye2() {
return (ye2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21(t11) {
var r11;
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
if (a10("update"), !(r11 = W_(t11))) {
e23.next = 4;
throw new Error(r11);
case 4:
return n10(0, c10 = t11), e23.next = 7, ca();
case 7:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function be2() {
return be2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21(t11) {
var r11;
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
if (!J_(c10)) {
e23.next = 8;
e23.prev = 1, n10(0, c10 = { json: R8.parse(c10.text), text: void 0 }), e23.next = 8;
case 5:
throw e23.prev = 5, e23.t0 = e23.catch(1), new Error("Cannot apply patch: current document contains invalid JSON");
case 8:
return r11 = o10.patch(t11), e23.next = 11, ca();
case 11:
return e23.abrupt("return", r11);
case 12:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21, null, [[1, 5]]);
})), be2.apply(this, arguments);
function ke2() {
return (ke2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21(t11) {
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return n10(2, u10 = t11), e23.next = 3, ca();
case 3:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function we2() {
return (we2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21(t11) {
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return o10.expand(t11), e23.next = 3, ca();
case 3:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function xe2() {
return xe2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21() {
var t11;
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return t11 = o10.acceptAutoRepair(), e23.next = 3, ca();
case 3:
return e23.abrupt("return", t11);
case 4:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
})), xe2.apply(this, arguments);
function je2() {
return (je2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21(t11) {
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return e23.next = 2, o10.scrollTo(t11);
case 2:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function Se2() {
return Ce2.apply(this, arguments);
function Ce2() {
return (Ce2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21() {
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return o10.focus(), e23.next = 3, ca();
case 3:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function $e2() {
return ($e2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21() {
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return e23.next = 2, o10.refresh();
case 2:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function _e2() {
return (_e2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21(t11) {
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return this.$set(t11), e23.next = 3, ca();
case 3:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21, this);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function Oe2() {
return (Oe2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21() {
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
return this.$destroy(), e23.next = 3, ca();
case 3:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21, this);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function Me2() {
return (Me2 = xo(ko().mark(function e21(t11) {
return ko().wrap(function(e23) {
for (; ; )
switch (e23.prev = e23.next) {
case 0:
if (y10 !== t11) {
e23.next = 2;
return e23.abrupt("return");
case 2:
return n10(1, y10 = t11), e23.next = 5, ca();
case 5:
return e23.next = 7, Se2();
case 7:
case 8:
case "end":
return e23.stop();
}, e21);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function Ee2(e21) {
a10("handleChangeQueryLanguage", e21), n10(37, H10 = e21), U10(e21);
function Ae2(e21) {
var t11 = e21.id, n11 = e21.json, o11 = e21.rootPath, a11 = e21.onTransform, s11 = e21.onClose;
d10 || i10(PL, { id: t11, json: n11, rootPath: o11, indentation: v10, escapeControlCharacters: O10, escapeUnicodeCharacters: E10, parser: R8, parseMemoizeOne: r10, validationParser: q10, pathParser: B10, queryLanguages: F10, queryLanguageId: H10, onChangeQueryLanguage: Ee2, onRenderValue: X10, onRenderMenu: ne2, onRenderContextMenu: oe2, onClassName: ee2, onTransform: a11 }, bs, { onClose: s11 });
function Pe2(e21) {
var t11 = e21.id, n11 = e21.json, r11 = e21.rootPath, o11 = e21.onSort, a11 = e21.onClose;
d10 || i10(BL, { id: t11, json: n11, rootPath: r11, onSort: o11 }, ys, { onClose: a11 });
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"content" in e21 && n10(0, c10 = e21.content), "selection" in e21 && n10(2, u10 = e21.selection), "readOnly" in e21 && n10(3, d10 = e21.readOnly), "indentation" in e21 && n10(4, v10 = e21.indentation), "tabSize" in e21 && n10(5, m10 = e21.tabSize), "mode" in e21 && n10(1, y10 = e21.mode), "mainMenuBar" in e21 && n10(6, k10 = e21.mainMenuBar), "navigationBar" in e21 && n10(7, x10 = e21.navigationBar), "statusBar" in e21 && n10(8, S10 = e21.statusBar), "askToFormat" in e21 && n10(9, $10 = e21.askToFormat), "escapeControlCharacters" in e21 && n10(10, O10 = e21.escapeControlCharacters), "escapeUnicodeCharacters" in e21 && n10(11, E10 = e21.escapeUnicodeCharacters), "flattenColumns" in e21 && n10(12, P10 = e21.flattenColumns), "parser" in e21 && n10(13, R8 = e21.parser), "validator" in e21 && n10(14, I10 = e21.validator), "validationParser" in e21 && n10(15, q10 = e21.validationParser), "pathParser" in e21 && n10(16, B10 = e21.pathParser), "queryLanguages" in e21 && n10(38, F10 = e21.queryLanguages), "queryLanguageId" in e21 && n10(37, H10 = e21.queryLanguageId), "onChangeQueryLanguage" in e21 && n10(39, U10 = e21.onChangeQueryLanguage), "onChange" in e21 && n10(40, K10 = e21.onChange), "onSelect" in e21 && n10(41, Q10 = e21.onSelect), "onRenderValue" in e21 && n10(17, X10 = e21.onRenderValue), "onClassName" in e21 && n10(18, ee2 = e21.onClassName), "onRenderMenu" in e21 && n10(19, ne2 = e21.onRenderMenu), "onRenderContextMenu" in e21 && n10(20, oe2 = e21.onRenderContextMenu), "onChangeMode" in e21 && n10(42, ae2 = e21.onChangeMode), "onError" in e21 && n10(21, ce2 = e21.onError), "onFocus" in e21 && n10(43, ue2 = e21.onFocus), "onBlur" in e21 && n10(44, de2 = e21.onBlur);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
if (8193 & e20.$$.dirty[0] | 536870912 & e20.$$.dirty[1] && !rO(R8, me2)) {
if (a10("parser changed, recreate editor"), K_(c10)) {
var t11 = me2.stringify(c10.json);
n10(0, c10 = { json: void 0 !== t11 ? R8.parse(t11) : void 0 });
n10(60, me2 = R8), n10(22, he2 = Ps());
if (1 & e20.$$.dirty[0]) {
var o11 = W_(c10);
o11 && console.error("Error: " + o11);
8192 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && n10(27, r10 = CB(R8.parse)), 2 & e20.$$.dirty[0] && (a10("mode changed to", y10), "code" === y10 && console.warn('Deprecation warning: "code" mode is renamed to "text". Please use mode="text" instead.'));
}, [c10, y10, u10, d10, v10, m10, k10, x10, S10, $10, O10, E10, P10, R8, I10, q10, B10, X10, ee2, ne2, oe2, ce2, he2, ve2, o10, i10, pe2, r10, function(e21, t11, r11) {
n10(0, c10 = e21), K10 && K10(e21, t11, r11);
}, function(e21) {
n10(2, u10 = e21), Q10(e21);
}, function() {
n10(23, ve2 = true), ue2 && ue2();
}, function() {
n10(23, ve2 = false), de2 && de2();
}, function(e21) {
return Me2.apply(this, arguments);
}, Ae2, Pe2, function(e21) {
var t11 = e21.content, r11 = e21.path, o11 = e21.onPatch, i11 = e21.onClose;
a10("onJSONEditorModal", { content: t11, path: r11 }), n10(26, pe2 = { component: Ka(p8, { content: t11, path: r11, onPatch: o11, readOnly: d10, indentation: v10, tabSize: m10, mainMenuBar: k10, navigationBar: x10, statusBar: S10, askToFormat: $10, escapeControlCharacters: O10, escapeUnicodeCharacters: E10, flattenColumns: P10, parser: R8, validator: void 0, validationParser: q10, pathParser: B10, onRenderValue: X10, onClassName: ee2, onRenderMenu: ne2, onRenderContextMenu: oe2, onSortModal: Pe2, onTransformModal: Ae2 }), callbacks: { onClose: i11 } });
}, function() {
var e21, t11;
null === (e21 = pe2) || void 0 === e21 || null === (e21 = e21.callbacks) || void 0 === e21 || null === (t11 = e21.onClose) || void 0 === t11 || t11.call(e21), n10(26, pe2 = null);
}, H10, F10, U10, K10, Q10, ae2, ue2, de2, function() {
return c10;
}, function(e21) {
return ge2.apply(this, arguments);
}, function(e21) {
return ye2.apply(this, arguments);
}, function(e21) {
return be2.apply(this, arguments);
}, function(e21) {
return ke2.apply(this, arguments);
}, function(e21) {
return we2.apply(this, arguments);
}, function(e21) {
}, function() {
return o10.validate();
}, function() {
return xe2.apply(this, arguments);
}, function(e21) {
return je2.apply(this, arguments);
}, function(e21) {
return o10.findElement(e21);
}, Se2, function() {
return $e2.apply(this, arguments);
}, function(e21) {
return _e2.apply(this, arguments);
}, function() {
return Oe2.apply(this, arguments);
}, me2, function(e21) {
n10(25, i10 = e21);
}, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(24, o10 = e21);
var C8 = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, S8, j8, Zo, { content: 0, selection: 2, readOnly: 3, indentation: 4, tabSize: 5, mode: 1, mainMenuBar: 6, navigationBar: 7, statusBar: 8, askToFormat: 9, escapeControlCharacters: 10, escapeUnicodeCharacters: 11, flattenColumns: 12, parser: 13, validator: 14, validationParser: 15, pathParser: 16, queryLanguages: 38, queryLanguageId: 37, onChangeQueryLanguage: 39, onChange: 40, onSelect: 41, onRenderValue: 17, onClassName: 18, onRenderMenu: 19, onRenderContextMenu: 20, onChangeMode: 42, onError: 21, onFocus: 43, onBlur: 44, get: 45, set: 46, update: 47, patch: 48, select: 49, expand: 50, transform: 51, validate: 52, acceptAutoRepair: 53, scrollTo: 54, findElement: 55, focus: 56, refresh: 57, updateProps: 58, destroy: 59 }, y8, [-1, -1, -1]), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10, [{ key: "get", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[45];
} }, { key: "set", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[46];
} }, { key: "update", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[47];
} }, { key: "patch", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[48];
} }, { key: "select", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[49];
} }, { key: "expand", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[50];
} }, { key: "transform", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[51];
} }, { key: "validate", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[52];
} }, { key: "acceptAutoRepair", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[53];
} }, { key: "scrollTo", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[54];
} }, { key: "findElement", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[55];
} }, { key: "focus", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[56];
} }, { key: "refresh", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[57];
} }, { key: "updateProps", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[58];
} }, { key: "destroy", get: function() {
return this.$$.ctx[59];
} }]), t10;
function $8(e20) {
mi(e20, "svelte-9wp3tj", ".jse-value.jse-string.svelte-9wp3tj{color:var(--jse-value-color-string, #008000)}.jse-value.jse-object.svelte-9wp3tj,.jse-value.jse-array.svelte-9wp3tj{min-width:16px;color:var(--jse-delimiter-color, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38))}.jse-value.jse-number.svelte-9wp3tj{color:var(--jse-value-color-number, #ee422e)}.jse-value.jse-boolean.svelte-9wp3tj{color:var(--jse-value-color-boolean, #ff8c00)}.jse-value.jse-null.svelte-9wp3tj{color:var(--jse-value-color-null, #004ed0)}.jse-value.jse-invalid.svelte-9wp3tj{color:var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d)}.jse-value.jse-url.svelte-9wp3tj{color:var(--jse-value-color-url, #008000);text-decoration:underline}.jse-enum-value.svelte-9wp3tj{background:var(--jse-hover-background-color, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06));border:none;padding:0;font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;cursor:pointer;outline:none}.jse-enum-value.jse-selected.svelte-9wp3tj{background:var(--jse-selection-background-color, #d3d3d3);color:inherit}.jse-enum-value.jse-value.svelte-9wp3tj:focus{color:var(--jse-text-color, #4d4d4d)}.jse-json-node.jse-selected .jse-enum-value.svelte-9wp3tj{background:transparent}");
function _8(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = e20.slice();
return r10[13] = t10[n10], r10;
function O8(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10 = e20[13].text + "";
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("option"), n10 = Ci(o10), t10.__value = r10 = e20[13].value, Ii(t10, t10.__value);
}, m: function(e21, r11) {
ki(e21, t10, r11), pi(t10, n10);
}, p: function(e21, i10) {
4 & i10 && o10 !== (o10 = e21[13].text + "") && Ni(n10, o10), 4 & i10 && r10 !== (r10 = e21[13].value) && (t10.__value = r10, Ii(t10, t10.__value));
}, d: function(e21) {
e21 && wi(t10);
} };
function M8(e20) {
for (var t10, n10, r10, o10, i10 = Ca(e20[2]), a10 = [], s10 = 0; s10 < i10.length; s10 += 1)
a10[s10] = O8(_8(e20, i10, s10));
return { c: function() {
t10 = ji("select");
for (var r11 = 0; r11 < a10.length; r11 += 1)
Ai(t10, "class", n10 = si("jse-enum-value ".concat(QE(e20[4], e20[0]))) + " svelte-9wp3tj"), void 0 === e20[4] && la(function() {
return e20[10].call(t10);
}), zi(t10, "jse-selected", pE(e20[1]));
}, m: function(n11, i11) {
ki(n11, t10, i11);
for (var s11 = 0; s11 < a10.length; s11 += 1)
a10[s11] && a10[s11].m(t10, null);
qi(t10, e20[4], true), e20[11](t10), r10 || (o10 = [Oi(t10, "change", e20[10]), Oi(t10, "change", e20[5]), Oi(t10, "mousedown", E8)], r10 = true);
}, p: function(e21, r11) {
var o11 = jo(r11, 1)[0];
if (4 & o11) {
var s11;
for (i10 = Ca(e21[2]), s11 = 0; s11 < i10.length; s11 += 1) {
var c10 = _8(e21, i10, s11);
a10[s11] ? a10[s11].p(c10, o11) : (a10[s11] = O8(c10), a10[s11].c(), a10[s11].m(t10, null));
for (; s11 < a10.length; s11 += 1)
a10.length = i10.length;
17 & o11 && n10 !== (n10 = si("jse-enum-value ".concat(QE(e21[4], e21[0]))) + " svelte-9wp3tj") && Ai(t10, "class", n10), 16 & o11 && qi(t10, e21[4]), 19 & o11 && zi(t10, "jse-selected", pE(e21[1]));
}, i: Wo, o: Wo, d: function(n11) {
n11 && wi(t10), xi(a10, n11), e20[11](null), r10 = false, Qo(o10);
} };
function E8(e20) {
function A8(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10, o10 = t10.path, i10 = t10.value, a10 = t10.parser, s10 = t10.readOnly, c10 = t10.selection, l10 = t10.onPatch, u10 = t10.options, f10 = i10;
return e20.$$set = function(e21) {
"path" in e21 && n10(6, o10 = e21.path), "value" in e21 && n10(7, i10 = e21.value), "parser" in e21 && n10(0, a10 = e21.parser), "readOnly" in e21 && n10(8, s10 = e21.readOnly), "selection" in e21 && n10(1, c10 = e21.selection), "onPatch" in e21 && n10(9, l10 = e21.onPatch), "options" in e21 && n10(2, u10 = e21.options);
}, e20.$$.update = function() {
128 & e20.$$.dirty && n10(4, f10 = i10), 2 & e20.$$.dirty && function(e21) {
e21 && r10 && r10.focus();
}, [a10, c10, u10, r10, f10, function(e21) {
e21.stopPropagation(), s10 || l10([{ op: "replace", path: Zs(o10), value: f10 }]);
}, o10, i10, s10, l10, function() {
var e21;
e21 = this.querySelector(":checked"), f10 = e21 && e21.__value, n10(4, f10), n10(7, i10);
}, function(e21) {
na[e21 ? "unshift" : "push"](function() {
n10(3, r10 = e21), n10(2, u10);
var P8 = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), Na(Eo(n10 = _o(this, t10)), e21, A8, M8, Zo, { path: 6, value: 7, parser: 0, readOnly: 8, selection: 1, onPatch: 9, options: 2 }, $8), n10;
return Ao(t10, Ia), Do(t10);
var I8;
var D8 = { exports: {} };
var q8 = {};
var z8 = {};
var B8 = {};
var L8 = {};
var F8 = {};
var V8 = {};
function H8() {
return I8 || (I8 = 1, function(n10) {
Object.defineProperty(n10, "__esModule", { value: true }), n10.regexpCode = n10.getEsmExportName = n10.getProperty = n10.safeStringify = n10.stringify = n10.strConcat = n10.addCodeArg = n10.str = n10._ = n10.nil = n10._Code = n10.Name = n10.IDENTIFIER = n10._CodeOrName = void 0;
var r10 = Do(function e20() {
No(this, e20);
n10._CodeOrName = r10, n10.IDENTIFIER = /^[a-z$_][a-z$_0-9]*$/i;
var o10 = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var r11;
if (No(this, t10), r11 = _o(this, t10), !n10.IDENTIFIER.test(e21))
throw new Error("CodeGen: name must be a valid identifier");
return r11.str = e21, r11;
return Ao(t10, e20), Do(t10, [{ key: "toString", value: function() {
return this.str;
} }, { key: "emptyStr", value: function() {
return false;
} }, { key: "names", get: function() {
return qo({}, this.str, 1);
} }]), t10;
n10.Name = o10;
var i10 = function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
var n11;
return No(this, t10), (n11 = _o(this, t10))._items = "string" == typeof e21 ? [e21] : e21, n11;
return Ao(t10, e20), Do(t10, [{ key: "toString", value: function() {
return this.str;
} }, { key: "emptyStr", value: function() {
if (this._items.length > 1)
return false;
var e21 = this._items[0];
return "" === e21 || '""' === e21;
} }, { key: "str", get: function() {
var e21;
return null !== (e21 = this._str) && void 0 !== e21 ? e21 : this._str = this._items.reduce(function(e23, t11) {
return "".concat(e23).concat(t11);
}, "");
} }, { key: "names", get: function() {
var e21;
return null !== (e21 = this._names) && void 0 !== e21 ? e21 : this._names = this._items.reduce(function(e23, t11) {
return t11 instanceof o10 && (e23[t11.str] = (e23[t11.str] || 0) + 1), e23;
}, {});
} }]), t10;
function a10(e20) {
for (var t10 = [e20[0]], n11 = 0, r11 = arguments.length, o11 = new Array(r11 > 1 ? r11 - 1 : 0), a11 = 1; a11 < r11; a11++)
o11[a11 - 1] = arguments[a11];
for (; n11 < o11.length; )
l10(t10, o11[n11]), t10.push(e20[++n11]);
return new i10(t10);
n10._Code = i10, n10.nil = new i10(""), n10._ = a10;
var s10 = new i10("+");
function c10(e20) {
for (var t10 = [f10(e20[0])], n11 = 0, r11 = arguments.length, o11 = new Array(r11 > 1 ? r11 - 1 : 0), a11 = 1; a11 < r11; a11++)
o11[a11 - 1] = arguments[a11];
for (; n11 < o11.length; )
t10.push(s10), l10(t10, o11[n11]), t10.push(s10, f10(e20[++n11]));
return function(e21) {
var t11 = 1;
for (; t11 < e21.length - 1; ) {
if (e21[t11] === s10) {
var n12 = u10(e21[t11 - 1], e21[t11 + 1]);
if (void 0 !== n12) {
e21.splice(t11 - 1, 3, n12);
e21[t11++] = "+";
}(t10), new i10(t10);
function l10(e20, t10) {
var n11;
t10 instanceof i10 ? e20.push.apply(e20, Bo(t10._items)) : t10 instanceof o10 ? e20.push(t10) : e20.push("number" == typeof (n11 = t10) || "boolean" == typeof n11 || null === n11 ? n11 : f10(Array.isArray(n11) ? n11.join(",") : n11));
function u10(e20, t10) {
if ('""' === t10)
return e20;
if ('""' === e20)
return t10;
if ("string" == typeof e20) {
if (t10 instanceof o10 || '"' !== e20[e20.length - 1])
return "string" != typeof t10 ? "".concat(e20.slice(0, -1)).concat(t10, '"') : '"' === t10[0] ? e20.slice(0, -1) + t10.slice(1) : void 0;
return "string" != typeof t10 || '"' !== t10[0] || e20 instanceof o10 ? void 0 : '"'.concat(e20).concat(t10.slice(1));
function f10(e20) {
return JSON.stringify(e20).replace(/\u2028/g, "\\u2028").replace(/\u2029/g, "\\u2029");
n10.str = c10, n10.addCodeArg = l10, n10.strConcat = function(t10, n11) {
return n11.emptyStr() ? t10 : t10.emptyStr() ? n11 : c10(e || (e = mo(["", "", ""])), t10, n11);
}, n10.stringify = function(e20) {
return new i10(f10(e20));
}, n10.safeStringify = f10, n10.getProperty = function(e20) {
return "string" == typeof e20 && n10.IDENTIFIER.test(e20) ? new i10(".".concat(e20)) : a10(t || (t = mo(["[", "]"])), e20);
}, n10.getEsmExportName = function(e20) {
if ("string" == typeof e20 && n10.IDENTIFIER.test(e20))
return new i10("".concat(e20));
throw new Error("CodeGen: invalid export name: ".concat(e20, ", use explicit $id name mapping"));
}, n10.regexpCode = function(e20) {
return new i10(e20.toString());
}(V8)), V8;
var W8;
var U8;
var J8 = {};
function K8() {
return W8 || (W8 = 1, function(e20) {
Object.defineProperty(e20, "__esModule", { value: true }), e20.ValueScope = e20.ValueScopeName = e20.Scope = e20.varKinds = e20.UsedValueState = void 0;
var t10, s10 = H8(), c10 = function(e21) {
function t11(e23) {
var n10;
return No(this, t11), (n10 = _o(this, t11, ['CodeGen: "code" for '.concat(e23, " not defined")])).value = e23.value, n10;
return Ao(t11, $o(Error)), Do(t11);
!function(e21) {
e21[e21.Started = 0] = "Started", e21[e21.Completed = 1] = "Completed";
}(t10 = e20.UsedValueState || (e20.UsedValueState = {})), e20.varKinds = { const: new s10.Name("const"), let: new s10.Name("let"), var: new s10.Name("var") };
var l10 = function() {
function e21() {
var t11 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, n10 = t11.prefixes, r10 = t11.parent;
No(this, e21), this._names = {}, this._prefixes = n10, this._parent = r10;
return Do(e21, [{ key: "toName", value: function(e23) {
return e23 instanceof s10.Name ? e23 : this.name(e23);
} }, { key: "name", value: function(e23) {
return new s10.Name(this._newName(e23));
} }, { key: "_newName", value: function(e23) {
var t11 = this._names[e23] || this._nameGroup(e23);
return "".concat(e23).concat(t11.index++);
} }, { key: "_nameGroup", value: function(e23) {
var t11, n10;
if ((null === (n10 = null === (t11 = this._parent) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11._prefixes) || void 0 === n10 ? void 0 : n10.has(e23)) || this._prefixes && !this._prefixes.has(e23))
throw new Error('CodeGen: prefix "'.concat(e23, '" is not allowed in this scope'));
return this._names[e23] = { prefix: e23, index: 0 };
} }]), e21;
e20.Scope = l10;
var u10 = function(e21) {
function t11(e23, n10) {
var r10;
return No(this, t11), (r10 = _o(this, t11, [n10])).prefix = e23, r10;
return Ao(t11, e21), Do(t11, [{ key: "setValue", value: function(e23, t12) {
var r10 = t12.property, o10 = t12.itemIndex;
this.value = e23, this.scopePath = (0, s10._)(n || (n = mo([".", "[", "]"])), new s10.Name(r10), o10);
} }]), t11;
e20.ValueScopeName = u10;
var f10 = (0, s10._)(r || (r = mo(["\n"], ["\\n"]))), d10 = function(n10) {
function r10(e21) {
var t11;
return No(this, r10), (t11 = _o(this, r10, [e21]))._values = {}, t11._scope = e21.scope, t11.opts = Ro(Ro({}, e21), {}, { _n: e21.lines ? f10 : s10.nil }), t11;
return Ao(r10, n10), Do(r10, [{ key: "get", value: function() {
return this._scope;
} }, { key: "name", value: function(e21) {
return new u10(e21, this._newName(e21));
} }, { key: "value", value: function(e21, t11) {
var n11;
if (void 0 === t11.ref)
throw new Error("CodeGen: ref must be passed in value");
var r11 = this.toName(e21), o10 = r11.prefix, i10 = null !== (n11 = t11.key) && void 0 !== n11 ? n11 : t11.ref, a10 = this._values[o10];
if (a10) {
var s11 = a10.get(i10);
if (s11)
return s11;
} else
a10 = this._values[o10] = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
a10.set(i10, r11);
var c11 = this._scope[o10] || (this._scope[o10] = []), l11 = c11.length;
return c11[l11] = t11.ref, r11.setValue(t11, { property: o10, itemIndex: l11 }), r11;
} }, { key: "getValue", value: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = this._values[e21];
if (n11)
return n11.get(t11);
} }, { key: "scopeRefs", value: function(e21) {
var t11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : this._values;
return this._reduceValues(t11, function(t12) {
if (void 0 === t12.scopePath)
throw new Error('CodeGen: name "'.concat(t12, '" has no value'));
return (0, s10._)(o || (o = mo(["", "", ""])), e21, t12.scopePath);
} }, { key: "scopeCode", value: function() {
var e21 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : this._values, t11 = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, n11 = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0;
return this._reduceValues(e21, function(e23) {
if (void 0 === e23.value)
throw new Error('CodeGen: name "'.concat(e23, '" has no value'));
return e23.value.code;
}, t11, n11);
} }, { key: "_reduceValues", value: function(n11, r11) {
var o10 = this, l11 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}, u11 = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0, f11 = s10.nil, d11 = function() {
var d12 = n11[h10];
if (!d12)
return 1;
var v10 = l11[h10] = l11[h10] || /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
d12.forEach(function(n12) {
if (!v10.has(n12)) {
v10.set(n12, t10.Started);
var l12 = r11(n12);
if (l12) {
var d13 = o10.opts.es5 ? e20.varKinds.var : e20.varKinds.const;
f11 = (0, s10._)(i || (i = mo(["", "", " ", " = ", ";", ""])), f11, d13, n12, l12, o10.opts._n);
} else {
if (!(l12 = null == u11 ? void 0 : u11(n12)))
throw new c10(n12);
f11 = (0, s10._)(a || (a = mo(["", "", "", ""])), f11, l12, o10.opts._n);
v10.set(n12, t10.Completed);
for (var h10 in n11)
return f11;
} }]), r10;
e20.ValueScope = d10;
}(J8)), J8;
function G8() {
return U8 || (U8 = 1, function(e20) {
Object.defineProperty(e20, "__esModule", { value: true }), e20.or = e20.and = e20.not = e20.CodeGen = e20.operators = e20.varKinds = e20.ValueScopeName = e20.ValueScope = e20.Scope = e20.Name = e20.regexpCode = e20.stringify = e20.getProperty = e20.nil = e20.strConcat = e20.str = e20._ = void 0;
var t10 = H8(), n10 = K8(), r10 = H8();
Object.defineProperty(e20, "_", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return r10._;
} }), Object.defineProperty(e20, "str", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return r10.str;
} }), Object.defineProperty(e20, "strConcat", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return r10.strConcat;
} }), Object.defineProperty(e20, "nil", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return r10.nil;
} }), Object.defineProperty(e20, "getProperty", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return r10.getProperty;
} }), Object.defineProperty(e20, "stringify", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return r10.stringify;
} }), Object.defineProperty(e20, "regexpCode", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return r10.regexpCode;
} }), Object.defineProperty(e20, "Name", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return r10.Name;
} });
var o10 = K8();
Object.defineProperty(e20, "Scope", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return o10.Scope;
} }), Object.defineProperty(e20, "ValueScope", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return o10.ValueScope;
} }), Object.defineProperty(e20, "ValueScopeName", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return o10.ValueScopeName;
} }), Object.defineProperty(e20, "varKinds", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return o10.varKinds;
} }), e20.operators = { GT: new t10._Code(">"), GTE: new t10._Code(">="), LT: new t10._Code("<"), LTE: new t10._Code("<="), EQ: new t10._Code("==="), NEQ: new t10._Code("!=="), NOT: new t10._Code("!"), OR: new t10._Code("||"), AND: new t10._Code("&&"), ADD: new t10._Code("+") };
var i10 = function() {
function e21() {
No(this, e21);
return Do(e21, [{ key: "optimizeNodes", value: function() {
return this;
} }, { key: "optimizeNames", value: function(e23, t11) {
return this;
} }]), e21;
}(), a10 = function(e21) {
function r11(e23, t11, n11) {
var o11;
return No(this, r11), (o11 = _o(this, r11)).varKind = e23, o11.name = t11, o11.rhs = n11, o11;
return Ao(r11, e21), Do(r11, [{ key: "render", value: function(e23) {
var t11 = e23.es5, r12 = e23._n, o11 = t11 ? n10.varKinds.var : this.varKind, i11 = void 0 === this.rhs ? "" : " = ".concat(this.rhs);
return "".concat(o11, " ").concat(this.name).concat(i11, ";") + r12;
} }, { key: "optimizeNames", value: function(e23, t11) {
if (e23[this.name.str])
return this.rhs && (this.rhs = I10(this.rhs, e23, t11)), this;
} }, { key: "names", get: function() {
return this.rhs instanceof t10._CodeOrName ? this.rhs.names : {};
} }]), r11;
}(i10), h10 = function(e21) {
function n11(e23, t11, r11) {
var o11;
return No(this, n11), (o11 = _o(this, n11)).lhs = e23, o11.rhs = t11, o11.sideEffects = r11, o11;
return Ao(n11, e21), Do(n11, [{ key: "render", value: function(e23) {
var t11 = e23._n;
return "".concat(this.lhs, " = ").concat(this.rhs, ";") + t11;
} }, { key: "optimizeNames", value: function(e23, n12) {
if (!(this.lhs instanceof t10.Name) || e23[this.lhs.str] || this.sideEffects)
return this.rhs = I10(this.rhs, e23, n12), this;
} }, { key: "names", get: function() {
return N8(this.lhs instanceof t10.Name ? {} : Ro({}, this.lhs.names), this.rhs);
} }]), n11;
}(i10), v10 = function(e21) {
function t11(e23, n11, r11, o11) {
var i11;
return No(this, t11), (i11 = _o(this, t11, [e23, r11, o11])).op = n11, i11;
return Ao(t11, e21), Do(t11, [{ key: "render", value: function(e23) {
var t12 = e23._n;
return "".concat(this.lhs, " ").concat(this.op, "= ").concat(this.rhs, ";") + t12;
} }]), t11;
}(h10), p10 = function(e21) {
function t11(e23) {
var n11;
return No(this, t11), (n11 = _o(this, t11)).label = e23, n11.names = {}, n11;
return Ao(t11, e21), Do(t11, [{ key: "render", value: function(e23) {
var t12 = e23._n;
return "".concat(this.label, ":") + t12;
} }]), t11;
}(i10), m10 = function(e21) {
function t11(e23) {
var n11;
return No(this, t11), (n11 = _o(this, t11)).label = e23, n11.names = {}, n11;
return Ao(t11, e21), Do(t11, [{ key: "render", value: function(e23) {
var t12 = e23._n, n11 = this.label ? " ".concat(this.label) : "";
return "break".concat(n11, ";") + t12;
} }]), t11;
}(i10), g10 = function(e21) {
function t11(e23) {
var n11;
return No(this, t11), (n11 = _o(this, t11)).error = e23, n11;
return Ao(t11, e21), Do(t11, [{ key: "render", value: function(e23) {
var t12 = e23._n;
return "throw ".concat(this.error, ";") + t12;
} }, { key: "names", get: function() {
return this.error.names;
} }]), t11;
}(i10), y10 = function(e21) {
function n11(e23) {
var t11;
return No(this, n11), (t11 = _o(this, n11)).code = e23, t11;
return Ao(n11, e21), Do(n11, [{ key: "render", value: function(e23) {
var t11 = e23._n;
return "".concat(this.code, ";") + t11;
} }, { key: "optimizeNodes", value: function() {
return "".concat(this.code) ? this : void 0;
} }, { key: "optimizeNames", value: function(e23, t11) {
return this.code = I10(this.code, e23, t11), this;
} }, { key: "names", get: function() {
return this.code instanceof t10._CodeOrName ? this.code.names : {};
} }]), n11;
}(i10), b10 = function(e21) {
function t11() {
var e23, n11 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : [];
return No(this, t11), (e23 = _o(this, t11)).nodes = n11, e23;
return Ao(t11, e21), Do(t11, [{ key: "render", value: function(e23) {
return this.nodes.reduce(function(t12, n11) {
return t12 + n11.render(e23);
}, "");
} }, { key: "optimizeNodes", value: function() {
for (var e23 = this.nodes, t12 = e23.length; t12--; ) {
var n11 = e23[t12].optimizeNodes();
Array.isArray(n11) ? e23.splice.apply(e23, [t12, 1].concat(Bo(n11))) : n11 ? e23[t12] = n11 : e23.splice(t12, 1);
return e23.length > 0 ? this : void 0;
} }, { key: "optimizeNames", value: function(e23, t12) {
for (var n11 = this.nodes, r11 = n11.length; r11--; ) {
var o11 = n11[r11];
o11.optimizeNames(e23, t12) || (D10(e23, o11.names), n11.splice(r11, 1));
return n11.length > 0 ? this : void 0;
} }, { key: "names", get: function() {
return this.nodes.reduce(function(e23, t12) {
return R8(e23, t12.names);
}, {});
} }]), t11;
}(i10), k10 = function(e21) {
function t11() {
return No(this, t11), _o(this, t11, arguments);
return Ao(t11, e21), Do(t11, [{ key: "render", value: function(e23) {
return "{" + e23._n + go(Mo(t11.prototype), "render", this).call(this, e23) + "}" + e23._n;
} }]), t11;
}(b10), w10 = function(e21) {
function t11() {
return No(this, t11), _o(this, t11, arguments);
return Ao(t11, e21), Do(t11);
}(b10), x10 = function(e21) {
function t11() {
return No(this, t11), _o(this, t11, arguments);
return Ao(t11, e21), Do(t11);
x10.kind = "else";
var j10 = function(e21) {
function t11(e23, n11) {
var r11;
return No(this, t11), (r11 = _o(this, t11, [n11])).condition = e23, r11;
return Ao(t11, e21), Do(t11, [{ key: "render", value: function(e23) {
var n11 = "if(".concat(this.condition, ")") + go(Mo(t11.prototype), "render", this).call(this, e23);
return this.else && (n11 += "else " + this.else.render(e23)), n11;
} }, { key: "optimizeNodes", value: function() {
go(Mo(t11.prototype), "optimizeNodes", this).call(this);
var e23 = this.condition;
if (true === e23)
return this.nodes;
var n11 = this.else;
if (n11) {
var r11 = n11.optimizeNodes();
n11 = this.else = Array.isArray(r11) ? new x10(r11) : r11;
return n11 ? false === e23 ? n11 instanceof t11 ? n11 : n11.nodes : this.nodes.length ? this : new t11(q10(e23), n11 instanceof t11 ? [n11] : n11.nodes) : false !== e23 && this.nodes.length ? this : void 0;
} }, { key: "optimizeNames", value: function(e23, n11) {
var r11;
if (this.else = null === (r11 = this.else) || void 0 === r11 ? void 0 : r11.optimizeNames(e23, n11), go(Mo(t11.prototype), "optimizeNames", this).call(this, e23, n11) || this.else)
return this.condition = I10(this.condition, e23, n11), this;
} }, { key: "names", get: function() {
var e23 = go(Mo(t11.prototype), "names", this);
return N8(e23, this.condition), this.else && R8(e23, this.else.names), e23;
} }]), t11;
j10.kind = "if";
var S10 = function(e21) {
function t11() {
return No(this, t11), _o(this, t11, arguments);
return Ao(t11, e21), Do(t11);
S10.kind = "for";
var C10 = function(e21) {
function t11(e23) {
var n11;
return No(this, t11), (n11 = _o(this, t11)).iteration = e23, n11;
return Ao(t11, e21), Do(t11, [{ key: "render", value: function(e23) {
return "for(".concat(this.iteration, ")") + go(Mo(t11.prototype), "render", this).call(this, e23);
} }, { key: "optimizeNames", value: function(e23, n11) {
if (go(Mo(t11.prototype), "optimizeNames", this).call(this, e23, n11))
return this.iteration = I10(this.iteration, e23, n11), this;
} }, { key: "names", get: function() {
return R8(go(Mo(t11.prototype), "names", this), this.iteration.names);
} }]), t11;
}(S10), $10 = function(e21) {
function t11(e23, n11, r11, o11) {
var i11;
return No(this, t11), (i11 = _o(this, t11)).varKind = e23, i11.name = n11, i11.from = r11, i11.to = o11, i11;
return Ao(t11, e21), Do(t11, [{ key: "render", value: function(e23) {
var r11 = e23.es5 ? n10.varKinds.var : this.varKind, o11 = this.name, i11 = this.from, a11 = this.to;
return "for(".concat(r11, " ").concat(o11, "=").concat(i11, "; ").concat(o11, "<").concat(a11, "; ").concat(o11, "++)") + go(Mo(t11.prototype), "render", this).call(this, e23);
} }, { key: "names", get: function() {
var e23 = N8(go(Mo(t11.prototype), "names", this), this.from);
return N8(e23, this.to);
} }]), t11;
}(S10), _10 = function(e21) {
function t11(e23, n11, r11, o11) {
var i11;
return No(this, t11), (i11 = _o(this, t11)).loop = e23, i11.varKind = n11, i11.name = r11, i11.iterable = o11, i11;
return Ao(t11, e21), Do(t11, [{ key: "render", value: function(e23) {
return "for(".concat(this.varKind, " ").concat(this.name, " ").concat(this.loop, " ").concat(this.iterable, ")") + go(Mo(t11.prototype), "render", this).call(this, e23);
} }, { key: "optimizeNames", value: function(e23, n11) {
if (go(Mo(t11.prototype), "optimizeNames", this).call(this, e23, n11))
return this.iterable = I10(this.iterable, e23, n11), this;
} }, { key: "names", get: function() {
return R8(go(Mo(t11.prototype), "names", this), this.iterable.names);
} }]), t11;
}(S10), O10 = function(e21) {
function t11(e23, n11, r11) {
var o11;
return No(this, t11), (o11 = _o(this, t11)).name = e23, o11.args = n11, o11.async = r11, o11;
return Ao(t11, e21), Do(t11, [{ key: "render", value: function(e23) {
var n11 = this.async ? "async " : "";
return "".concat(n11, "function ").concat(this.name, "(").concat(this.args, ")") + go(Mo(t11.prototype), "render", this).call(this, e23);
} }]), t11;
O10.kind = "func";
var M10 = function(e21) {
function t11() {
return No(this, t11), _o(this, t11, arguments);
return Ao(t11, e21), Do(t11, [{ key: "render", value: function(e23) {
return "return " + go(Mo(t11.prototype), "render", this).call(this, e23);
} }]), t11;
M10.kind = "return";
var E10 = function(e21) {
function t11() {
return No(this, t11), _o(this, t11, arguments);
return Ao(t11, e21), Do(t11, [{ key: "render", value: function(e23) {
var n11 = "try" + go(Mo(t11.prototype), "render", this).call(this, e23);
return this.catch && (n11 += this.catch.render(e23)), this.finally && (n11 += this.finally.render(e23)), n11;
} }, { key: "optimizeNodes", value: function() {
var e23, n11;
return go(Mo(t11.prototype), "optimizeNodes", this).call(this), null === (e23 = this.catch) || void 0 === e23 || e23.optimizeNodes(), null === (n11 = this.finally) || void 0 === n11 || n11.optimizeNodes(), this;
} }, { key: "optimizeNames", value: function(e23, n11) {
var r11, o11;
return go(Mo(t11.prototype), "optimizeNames", this).call(this, e23, n11), null === (r11 = this.catch) || void 0 === r11 || r11.optimizeNames(e23, n11), null === (o11 = this.finally) || void 0 === o11 || o11.optimizeNames(e23, n11), this;
} }, { key: "names", get: function() {
var e23 = go(Mo(t11.prototype), "names", this);
return this.catch && R8(e23, this.catch.names), this.finally && R8(e23, this.finally.names), e23;
} }]), t11;
}(k10), A10 = function(e21) {
function t11(e23) {
var n11;
return No(this, t11), (n11 = _o(this, t11)).error = e23, n11;
return Ao(t11, e21), Do(t11, [{ key: "render", value: function(e23) {
return "catch(".concat(this.error, ")") + go(Mo(t11.prototype), "render", this).call(this, e23);
} }]), t11;
A10.kind = "catch";
var P10 = function(e21) {
function t11() {
return No(this, t11), _o(this, t11, arguments);
return Ao(t11, e21), Do(t11, [{ key: "render", value: function(e23) {
return "finally" + go(Mo(t11.prototype), "render", this).call(this, e23);
} }]), t11;
P10.kind = "finally";
var T8 = function() {
function r11(e21) {
var t11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {};
No(this, r11), this._values = {}, this._blockStarts = [], this._constants = {}, this.opts = Ro(Ro({}, t11), {}, { _n: t11.lines ? "\n" : "" }), this._extScope = e21, this._scope = new n10.Scope({ parent: e21 }), this._nodes = [new w10()];
return Do(r11, [{ key: "toString", value: function() {
return this._root.render(this.opts);
} }, { key: "name", value: function(e21) {
return this._scope.name(e21);
} }, { key: "scopeName", value: function(e21) {
return this._extScope.name(e21);
} }, { key: "scopeValue", value: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = this._extScope.value(e21, t11);
return (this._values[n11.prefix] || (this._values[n11.prefix] = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set())).add(n11), n11;
} }, { key: "getScopeValue", value: function(e21, t11) {
return this._extScope.getValue(e21, t11);
} }, { key: "scopeRefs", value: function(e21) {
return this._extScope.scopeRefs(e21, this._values);
} }, { key: "scopeCode", value: function() {
return this._extScope.scopeCode(this._values);
} }, { key: "_def", value: function(e21, t11, n11, r12) {
var o11 = this._scope.toName(t11);
return void 0 !== n11 && r12 && (this._constants[o11.str] = n11), this._leafNode(new a10(e21, o11, n11)), o11;
} }, { key: "const", value: function(e21, t11, r12) {
return this._def(n10.varKinds.const, e21, t11, r12);
} }, { key: "let", value: function(e21, t11, r12) {
return this._def(n10.varKinds.let, e21, t11, r12);
} }, { key: "var", value: function(e21, t11, r12) {
return this._def(n10.varKinds.var, e21, t11, r12);
} }, { key: "assign", value: function(e21, t11, n11) {
return this._leafNode(new h10(e21, t11, n11));
} }, { key: "add", value: function(t11, n11) {
return this._leafNode(new v10(t11, e20.operators.ADD, n11));
} }, { key: "code", value: function(e21) {
return "function" == typeof e21 ? e21() : e21 !== t10.nil && this._leafNode(new y10(e21)), this;
} }, { key: "object", value: function() {
for (var e21 = ["{"], n11 = arguments.length, r12 = new Array(n11), o11 = 0; o11 < n11; o11++)
r12[o11] = arguments[o11];
for (var i11 = 0, a11 = r12; i11 < a11.length; i11++) {
var s10 = jo(a11[i11], 2), c10 = s10[0], l10 = s10[1];
e21.length > 1 && e21.push(","), e21.push(c10), (c10 !== l10 || this.opts.es5) && (e21.push(":"), (0, t10.addCodeArg)(e21, l10));
return e21.push("}"), new t10._Code(e21);
} }, { key: "if", value: function(e21, t11, n11) {
if (this._blockNode(new j10(e21)), t11 && n11)
else if (t11)
else if (n11)
throw new Error('CodeGen: "else" body without "then" body');
return this;
} }, { key: "elseIf", value: function(e21) {
return this._elseNode(new j10(e21));
} }, { key: "else", value: function() {
return this._elseNode(new x10());
} }, { key: "endIf", value: function() {
return this._endBlockNode(j10, x10);
} }, { key: "_for", value: function(e21, t11) {
return this._blockNode(e21), t11 && this.code(t11).endFor(), this;
} }, { key: "for", value: function(e21, t11) {
return this._for(new C10(e21), t11);
} }, { key: "forRange", value: function(e21, t11, r12, o11) {
var i11 = arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : this.opts.es5 ? n10.varKinds.var : n10.varKinds.let, a11 = this._scope.toName(e21);
return this._for(new $10(i11, a11, t11, r12), function() {
return o11(a11);
} }, { key: "forOf", value: function(e21, r12, o11) {
var i11 = this, a11 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : n10.varKinds.const, l10 = this._scope.toName(e21);
if (this.opts.es5) {
var u10 = r12 instanceof t10.Name ? r12 : this.var("_arr", r12);
return this.forRange("_i", 0, (0, t10._)(s || (s = mo(["", ".length"])), u10), function(e23) {
i11.var(l10, (0, t10._)(c || (c = mo(["", "[", "]"])), u10, e23)), o11(l10);
return this._for(new _10("of", a11, l10, r12), function() {
return o11(l10);
} }, { key: "forIn", value: function(e21, r12, o11) {
var i11 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : this.opts.es5 ? n10.varKinds.var : n10.varKinds.const;
if (this.opts.ownProperties)
return this.forOf(e21, (0, t10._)(l || (l = mo(["Object.keys(", ")"])), r12), o11);
var a11 = this._scope.toName(e21);
return this._for(new _10("in", i11, a11, r12), function() {
return o11(a11);
} }, { key: "endFor", value: function() {
return this._endBlockNode(S10);
} }, { key: "label", value: function(e21) {
return this._leafNode(new p10(e21));
} }, { key: "break", value: function(e21) {
return this._leafNode(new m10(e21));
} }, { key: "return", value: function(e21) {
var t11 = new M10();
if (this._blockNode(t11), this.code(e21), 1 !== t11.nodes.length)
throw new Error('CodeGen: "return" should have one node');
return this._endBlockNode(M10);
} }, { key: "try", value: function(e21, t11, n11) {
if (!t11 && !n11)
throw new Error('CodeGen: "try" without "catch" and "finally"');
var r12 = new E10();
if (this._blockNode(r12), this.code(e21), t11) {
var o11 = this.name("e");
this._currNode = r12.catch = new A10(o11), t11(o11);
return n11 && (this._currNode = r12.finally = new P10(), this.code(n11)), this._endBlockNode(A10, P10);
} }, { key: "throw", value: function(e21) {
return this._leafNode(new g10(e21));
} }, { key: "block", value: function(e21, t11) {
return this._blockStarts.push(this._nodes.length), e21 && this.code(e21).endBlock(t11), this;
} }, { key: "endBlock", value: function(e21) {
var t11 = this._blockStarts.pop();
if (void 0 === t11)
throw new Error("CodeGen: not in self-balancing block");
var n11 = this._nodes.length - t11;
if (n11 < 0 || void 0 !== e21 && n11 !== e21)
throw new Error("CodeGen: wrong number of nodes: ".concat(n11, " vs ").concat(e21, " expected"));
return this._nodes.length = t11, this;
} }, { key: "func", value: function(e21) {
var n11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : t10.nil, r12 = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0, o11 = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0;
return this._blockNode(new O10(e21, n11, r12)), o11 && this.code(o11).endFunc(), this;
} }, { key: "endFunc", value: function() {
return this._endBlockNode(O10);
} }, { key: "optimize", value: function() {
for (var e21 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 1; e21-- > 0; )
this._root.optimizeNodes(), this._root.optimizeNames(this._root.names, this._constants);
} }, { key: "_leafNode", value: function(e21) {
return this._currNode.nodes.push(e21), this;
} }, { key: "_blockNode", value: function(e21) {
this._currNode.nodes.push(e21), this._nodes.push(e21);
} }, { key: "_endBlockNode", value: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = this._currNode;
if (n11 instanceof e21 || t11 && n11 instanceof t11)
return this._nodes.pop(), this;
throw new Error('CodeGen: not in block "'.concat(t11 ? "".concat(e21.kind, "/").concat(t11.kind) : e21.kind, '"'));
} }, { key: "_elseNode", value: function(e21) {
var t11 = this._currNode;
if (!(t11 instanceof j10))
throw new Error('CodeGen: "else" without "if"');
return this._currNode = t11.else = e21, this;
} }, { key: "_root", get: function() {
return this._nodes[0];
} }, { key: "_currNode", get: function() {
var e21 = this._nodes;
return e21[e21.length - 1];
}, set: function(e21) {
var t11 = this._nodes;
t11[t11.length - 1] = e21;
} }]), r11;
function R8(e21, t11) {
for (var n11 in t11)
e21[n11] = (e21[n11] || 0) + (t11[n11] || 0);
return e21;
function N8(e21, n11) {
return n11 instanceof t10._CodeOrName ? R8(e21, n11.names) : e21;
function I10(e21, n11, r11) {
return e21 instanceof t10.Name ? i11(e21) : (o11 = e21) instanceof t10._Code && o11._items.some(function(e23) {
return e23 instanceof t10.Name && 1 === n11[e23.str] && void 0 !== r11[e23.str];
}) ? new t10._Code(e21._items.reduce(function(e23, n12) {
return n12 instanceof t10.Name && (n12 = i11(n12)), n12 instanceof t10._Code ? e23.push.apply(e23, Bo(n12._items)) : e23.push(n12), e23;
}, [])) : e21;
var o11;
function i11(e23) {
var t11 = r11[e23.str];
return void 0 === t11 || 1 !== n11[e23.str] ? e23 : (delete n11[e23.str], t11);
function D10(e21, t11) {
for (var n11 in t11)
e21[n11] = (e21[n11] || 0) - (t11[n11] || 0);
function q10(e21) {
return "boolean" == typeof e21 || "number" == typeof e21 || null === e21 ? !e21 : (0, t10._)(u || (u = mo(["!", ""])), F10(e21));
e20.CodeGen = T8, e20.not = q10;
var z10 = L10(e20.operators.AND);
e20.and = function() {
for (var e21 = arguments.length, t11 = new Array(e21), n11 = 0; n11 < e21; n11++)
t11[n11] = arguments[n11];
return t11.reduce(z10);
var B10 = L10(e20.operators.OR);
function L10(e21) {
return function(n11, r11) {
return n11 === t10.nil ? r11 : r11 === t10.nil ? n11 : (0, t10._)(f || (f = mo(["", " ", " ", ""])), F10(n11), e21, F10(r11));
function F10(e21) {
return e21 instanceof t10.Name ? e21 : (0, t10._)(d || (d = mo(["(", ")"])), e21);
e20.or = function() {
for (var e21 = arguments.length, t11 = new Array(e21), n11 = 0; n11 < e21; n11++)
t11[n11] = arguments[n11];
return t11.reduce(B10);
}(F8)), F8;
var Q8 = {};
!function(e20) {
Object.defineProperty(e20, "__esModule", { value: true }), e20.checkStrictMode = e20.getErrorPath = e20.Type = e20.useFunc = e20.setEvaluated = e20.evaluatedPropsToName = e20.mergeEvaluated = e20.eachItem = e20.unescapeJsonPointer = e20.escapeJsonPointer = e20.escapeFragment = e20.unescapeFragment = e20.schemaRefOrVal = e20.schemaHasRulesButRef = e20.schemaHasRules = e20.checkUnknownRules = e20.alwaysValidSchema = e20.toHash = void 0;
var t10 = G8(), n10 = H8();
function r10(e21) {
var t11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : e21.schema, n11 = e21.opts, r11 = e21.self;
if (n11.strictSchema && "boolean" != typeof t11) {
var o11 = r11.RULES.keywords;
for (var i11 in t11)
o11[i11] || d10(e21, 'unknown keyword: "'.concat(i11, '"'));
function o10(e21, t11) {
if ("boolean" == typeof e21)
return !e21;
for (var n11 in e21)
if (t11[n11])
return true;
return false;
function i10(e21) {
return "number" == typeof e21 ? "".concat(e21) : e21.replace(/~/g, "~0").replace(/\//g, "~1");
function a10(e21) {
return e21.replace(/~1/g, "/").replace(/~0/g, "~");
function s10(e21) {
var n11 = e21.mergeNames, r11 = e21.mergeToName, o11 = e21.mergeValues, i11 = e21.resultToName;
return function(e23, a11, s11, c11) {
var l11 = void 0 === s11 ? a11 : s11 instanceof t10.Name ? (a11 instanceof t10.Name ? n11(e23, a11, s11) : r11(e23, a11, s11), s11) : a11 instanceof t10.Name ? (r11(e23, s11, a11), a11) : o11(a11, s11);
return c11 !== t10.Name || l11 instanceof t10.Name ? l11 : i11(e23, l11);
function c10(e21, n11) {
if (true === n11)
return e21.var("props", true);
var r11 = e21.var("props", (0, t10._)(C || (C = mo(["{}"]))));
return void 0 !== n11 && l10(e21, r11, n11), r11;
function l10(e21, n11, r11) {
Object.keys(r11).forEach(function(r12) {
return e21.assign((0, t10._)($ || ($ = mo(["", "", ""])), n11, (0, t10.getProperty)(r12)), true);
e20.toHash = function(e21) {
var t11, n11 = {}, r11 = bo(e21);
try {
for (r11.s(); !(t11 = r11.n()).done; ) {
n11[t11.value] = true;
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return n11;
}, e20.alwaysValidSchema = function(e21, t11) {
return "boolean" == typeof t11 ? t11 : 0 === Object.keys(t11).length || (r10(e21, t11), !o10(t11, e21.self.RULES.all));
}, e20.checkUnknownRules = r10, e20.schemaHasRules = o10, e20.schemaHasRulesButRef = function(e21, t11) {
if ("boolean" == typeof e21)
return !e21;
for (var n11 in e21)
if ("$ref" !== n11 && t11.all[n11])
return true;
return false;
}, e20.schemaRefOrVal = function(e21, n11, r11, o11) {
var i11 = e21.topSchemaRef, a11 = e21.schemaPath;
if (!o11) {
if ("number" == typeof n11 || "boolean" == typeof n11)
return n11;
if ("string" == typeof n11)
return (0, t10._)(h || (h = mo(["", ""])), n11);
return (0, t10._)(v || (v = mo(["", "", "", ""])), i11, a11, (0, t10.getProperty)(r11));
}, e20.unescapeFragment = function(e21) {
return a10(decodeURIComponent(e21));
}, e20.escapeFragment = function(e21) {
return encodeURIComponent(i10(e21));
}, e20.escapeJsonPointer = i10, e20.unescapeJsonPointer = a10, e20.eachItem = function(e21, t11) {
if (Array.isArray(e21)) {
var n11, r11 = bo(e21);
try {
for (r11.s(); !(n11 = r11.n()).done; ) {
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
} else
}, e20.mergeEvaluated = { props: s10({ mergeNames: function(e21, n11, r11) {
return e21.if((0, t10._)(p || (p = mo(["", " !== true && ", " !== undefined"])), r11, n11), function() {
e21.if((0, t10._)(m || (m = mo(["", " === true"])), n11), function() {
return e21.assign(r11, true);
}, function() {
return e21.assign(r11, (0, t10._)(g || (g = mo(["", " || {}"])), r11)).code((0, t10._)(y || (y = mo(["Object.assign(", ", ", ")"])), r11, n11));
}, mergeToName: function(e21, n11, r11) {
return e21.if((0, t10._)(b || (b = mo(["", " !== true"])), r11), function() {
true === n11 ? e21.assign(r11, true) : (e21.assign(r11, (0, t10._)(k || (k = mo(["", " || {}"])), r11)), l10(e21, r11, n11));
}, mergeValues: function(e21, t11) {
return true === e21 || Ro(Ro({}, e21), t11);
}, resultToName: c10 }), items: s10({ mergeNames: function(e21, n11, r11) {
return e21.if((0, t10._)(w || (w = mo(["", " !== true && ", " !== undefined"])), r11, n11), function() {
return e21.assign(r11, (0, t10._)(x || (x = mo(["", " === true ? true : ", " > ", " ? ", " : ", ""])), n11, r11, n11, r11, n11));
}, mergeToName: function(e21, n11, r11) {
return e21.if((0, t10._)(j || (j = mo(["", " !== true"])), r11), function() {
return e21.assign(r11, true === n11 || (0, t10._)(S || (S = mo(["", " > ", " ? ", " : ", ""])), r11, n11, r11, n11));
}, mergeValues: function(e21, t11) {
return true === e21 || Math.max(e21, t11);
}, resultToName: function(e21, t11) {
return e21.var("items", t11);
} }) }, e20.evaluatedPropsToName = c10, e20.setEvaluated = l10;
var u10, f10 = {};
function d10(e21, t11) {
var n11 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : e21.opts.strictSchema;
if (n11) {
if (t11 = "strict mode: ".concat(t11), true === n11)
throw new Error(t11);
e20.useFunc = function(e21, t11) {
return e21.scopeValue("func", { ref: t11, code: f10[t11.code] || (f10[t11.code] = new n10._Code(t11.code)) });
}, function(e21) {
e21[e21.Num = 0] = "Num", e21[e21.Str = 1] = "Str";
}(u10 = e20.Type || (e20.Type = {})), e20.getErrorPath = function(e21, n11, r11) {
if (e21 instanceof t10.Name) {
var o11 = n11 === u10.Num;
return r11 ? o11 ? (0, t10._)(_ || (_ = mo(['"[" + ', ' + "]"'])), e21) : (0, t10._)(O || (O = mo([`"['" + `, ` + "']"`])), e21) : o11 ? (0, t10._)(M || (M = mo(['"/" + ', ""])), e21) : (0, t10._)(E || (E = mo(['"/" + ', '.replace(/~/g, "~0").replace(/\\//g, "~1")'], ['"/" + ', '.replace(/~/g, "~0").replace(/\\\\//g, "~1")'])), e21);
return r11 ? (0, t10.getProperty)(e21).toString() : "/" + i10(e21);
}, e20.checkStrictMode = d10;
var Y8;
var X8;
var Z8;
var e52 = {};
function t5() {
if (Y8)
return e52;
Y8 = 1, Object.defineProperty(e52, "__esModule", { value: true });
var e20 = G8(), t10 = { data: new e20.Name("data"), valCxt: new e20.Name("valCxt"), instancePath: new e20.Name("instancePath"), parentData: new e20.Name("parentData"), parentDataProperty: new e20.Name("parentDataProperty"), rootData: new e20.Name("rootData"), dynamicAnchors: new e20.Name("dynamicAnchors"), vErrors: new e20.Name("vErrors"), errors: new e20.Name("errors"), this: new e20.Name("this"), self: new e20.Name("self"), scope: new e20.Name("scope"), json: new e20.Name("json"), jsonPos: new e20.Name("jsonPos"), jsonLen: new e20.Name("jsonLen"), jsonPart: new e20.Name("jsonPart") };
return e52.default = t10, e52;
function n5() {
return X8 || (X8 = 1, function(e20) {
Object.defineProperty(e20, "__esModule", { value: true }), e20.extendErrors = e20.resetErrorsCount = e20.reportExtraError = e20.reportError = e20.keyword$DataError = e20.keywordError = void 0;
var t10 = G8(), n10 = Q8, r10 = t5();
function o10(e21, n11) {
var o11 = e21.const("err", n11);
e21.if((0, t10._)(H || (H = mo(["", " === null"])), r10.default.vErrors), function() {
return e21.assign(r10.default.vErrors, (0, t10._)(W || (W = mo(["[", "]"])), o11));
}, (0, t10._)(U || (U = mo(["", ".push(", ")"])), r10.default.vErrors, o11)), e21.code((0, t10._)(J || (J = mo(["", "++"])), r10.default.errors));
function i10(e21, n11) {
var r11 = e21.gen, o11 = e21.validateName;
e21.schemaEnv.$async ? r11.throw((0, t10._)(K || (K = mo(["new ", "(", ")"])), e21.ValidationError, n11)) : (r11.assign((0, t10._)(G || (G = mo(["", ".errors"])), o11), n11), r11.return(false));
e20.keywordError = { message: function(e21) {
var n11 = e21.keyword;
return (0, t10.str)(A || (A = mo(['must pass "', '" keyword validation'])), n11);
} }, e20.keyword$DataError = { message: function(e21) {
var n11 = e21.keyword, r11 = e21.schemaType;
return r11 ? (0, t10.str)(P || (P = mo(['"', '" keyword must be ', " ($data)"])), n11, r11) : (0, t10.str)(T || (T = mo(['"', '" keyword is invalid ($data)'])), n11);
} }, e20.reportError = function(n11) {
var r11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : e20.keywordError, a11 = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0, c11 = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0, l11 = n11.it, u10 = l11.gen, f10 = l11.compositeRule, d10 = l11.allErrors, h10 = s10(n11, r11, a11);
(null != c11 ? c11 : f10 || d10) ? o10(u10, h10) : i10(l11, (0, t10._)(R || (R = mo(["[", "]"])), h10));
}, e20.reportExtraError = function(t11) {
var n11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : e20.keywordError, a11 = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0, c11 = t11.it, l11 = c11.gen, u10 = c11.compositeRule, f10 = c11.allErrors;
o10(l11, s10(t11, n11, a11)), u10 || f10 || i10(c11, r10.default.vErrors);
}, e20.resetErrorsCount = function(e21, n11) {
e21.assign(r10.default.errors, n11), e21.if((0, t10._)(N || (N = mo(["", " !== null"])), r10.default.vErrors), function() {
return e21.if(n11, function() {
return e21.assign((0, t10._)(I || (I = mo(["", ".length"])), r10.default.vErrors), n11);
}, function() {
return e21.assign(r10.default.vErrors, null);
}, e20.extendErrors = function(e21) {
var n11 = e21.gen, o11 = e21.keyword, i11 = e21.schemaValue, a11 = e21.data, s11 = e21.errsCount, c11 = e21.it;
if (void 0 === s11)
throw new Error("ajv implementation error");
var l11 = n11.name("err");
n11.forRange("i", s11, r10.default.errors, function(e23) {
n11.const(l11, (0, t10._)(D || (D = mo(["", "[", "]"])), r10.default.vErrors, e23)), n11.if((0, t10._)(q || (q = mo(["", ".instancePath === undefined"])), l11), function() {
return n11.assign((0, t10._)(z || (z = mo(["", ".instancePath"])), l11), (0, t10.strConcat)(r10.default.instancePath, c11.errorPath));
}), n11.assign((0, t10._)(B || (B = mo(["", ".schemaPath"])), l11), (0, t10.str)(L || (L = mo(["", "/", ""])), c11.errSchemaPath, o11)), c11.opts.verbose && (n11.assign((0, t10._)(F || (F = mo(["", ".schema"])), l11), i11), n11.assign((0, t10._)(V || (V = mo(["", ".data"])), l11), a11));
var a10 = { keyword: new t10.Name("keyword"), schemaPath: new t10.Name("schemaPath"), params: new t10.Name("params"), propertyName: new t10.Name("propertyName"), message: new t10.Name("message"), schema: new t10.Name("schema"), parentSchema: new t10.Name("parentSchema") };
function s10(e21, n11, o11) {
return false === e21.it.createErrors ? (0, t10._)(Q || (Q = mo(["{}"]))) : function(e23, n12) {
var o12 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}, i11 = e23.gen, s11 = e23.it, u10 = [c10(s11, o12), l10(e23, o12)];
return function(e24, n13, o13) {
var i12 = n13.params, s12 = n13.message, c11 = e24.keyword, l11 = e24.data, u11 = e24.schemaValue, f10 = e24.it, d10 = f10.opts, h10 = f10.propertyName, v10 = f10.topSchemaRef, p10 = f10.schemaPath;
o13.push([a10.keyword, c11], [a10.params, "function" == typeof i12 ? i12(e24) : i12 || (0, t10._)(ee || (ee = mo(["{}"])))]), d10.messages && o13.push([a10.message, "function" == typeof s12 ? s12(e24) : s12]);
d10.verbose && o13.push([a10.schema, u11], [a10.parentSchema, (0, t10._)(te || (te = mo(["", "", ""])), v10, p10)], [r10.default.data, l11]);
h10 && o13.push([a10.propertyName, h10]);
}(e23, n12, u10), i11.object.apply(i11, u10);
}(e21, n11, o11);
function c10(e21, o11) {
var i11 = e21.errorPath, a11 = o11.instancePath, s11 = a11 ? (0, t10.str)(Y || (Y = mo(["", "", ""])), i11, (0, n10.getErrorPath)(a11, n10.Type.Str)) : i11;
return [r10.default.instancePath, (0, t10.strConcat)(r10.default.instancePath, s11)];
function l10(e21, r11) {
var o11 = e21.keyword, i11 = e21.it.errSchemaPath, s11 = r11.schemaPath, c11 = r11.parentSchema ? i11 : (0, t10.str)(X || (X = mo(["", "/", ""])), i11, o11);
return s11 && (c11 = (0, t10.str)(Z || (Z = mo(["", "", ""])), c11, (0, n10.getErrorPath)(s11, n10.Type.Str))), [a10.schemaPath, c11];
}(L8)), L8;
var r5 = {};
var o5 = {};
Object.defineProperty(o5, "__esModule", { value: true }), o5.getRules = o5.isJSONType = void 0;
var i5 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["string", "number", "integer", "boolean", "null", "object", "array"]);
o5.isJSONType = function(e20) {
return "string" == typeof e20 && i5.has(e20);
}, o5.getRules = function() {
var e20 = { number: { type: "number", rules: [] }, string: { type: "string", rules: [] }, array: { type: "array", rules: [] }, object: { type: "object", rules: [] } };
return { types: Ro(Ro({}, e20), {}, { integer: true, boolean: true, null: true }), rules: [{ rules: [] }, e20.number, e20.string, e20.array, e20.object], post: { rules: [] }, all: {}, keywords: {} };
var a5;
var s5 = {};
function c5() {
if (a5)
return s5;
function e20(e21, n10) {
return n10.rules.some(function(n11) {
return t10(e21, n11);
function t10(e21, t11) {
var n10;
return void 0 !== e21[t11.keyword] || (null === (n10 = t11.definition.implements) || void 0 === n10 ? void 0 : n10.some(function(t12) {
return void 0 !== e21[t12];
return a5 = 1, Object.defineProperty(s5, "__esModule", { value: true }), s5.shouldUseRule = s5.shouldUseGroup = s5.schemaHasRulesForType = void 0, s5.schemaHasRulesForType = function(t11, n10) {
var r10 = t11.schema, o10 = t11.self.RULES.types[n10];
return o10 && true !== o10 && e20(r10, o10);
}, s5.shouldUseGroup = e20, s5.shouldUseRule = t10, s5;
!function(e20) {
Object.defineProperty(e20, "__esModule", { value: true }), e20.reportTypeError = e20.checkDataTypes = e20.checkDataType = e20.coerceAndCheckDataType = e20.getJSONTypes = e20.getSchemaTypes = e20.DataType = void 0;
var t10, n10 = o5, r10 = c5(), o10 = n5(), i10 = G8(), a10 = Q8;
function s10(e21) {
var t11 = Array.isArray(e21) ? e21 : e21 ? [e21] : [];
if (t11.every(n10.isJSONType))
return t11;
throw new Error("type must be JSONType or JSONType[]: " + t11.join(","));
!function(e21) {
e21[e21.Correct = 0] = "Correct", e21[e21.Wrong = 1] = "Wrong";
}(t10 = e20.DataType || (e20.DataType = {})), e20.getSchemaTypes = function(e21) {
var t11 = s10(e21.type);
if (t11.includes("null")) {
if (false === e21.nullable)
throw new Error("type: null contradicts nullable: false");
} else {
if (!t11.length && void 0 !== e21.nullable)
throw new Error('"nullable" cannot be used without "type"');
true === e21.nullable && t11.push("null");
return t11;
}, e20.getJSONTypes = s10, e20.coerceAndCheckDataType = function(e21, n11) {
var o11 = e21.gen, a11 = e21.data, s11 = e21.opts, l11 = function(e23, t11) {
return t11 ? e23.filter(function(e24) {
return c10.has(e24) || "array" === t11 && "array" === e24;
}) : [];
}(n11, s11.coerceTypes), f11 = n11.length > 0 && !(0 === l11.length && 1 === n11.length && (0, r10.schemaHasRulesForType)(e21, n11[0]));
if (f11) {
var h10 = u10(n11, a11, s11.strictNumbers, t10.Wrong);
o11.if(h10, function() {
l11.length ? function(e23, t11, n12) {
var r11 = e23.gen, o12 = e23.data, a12 = e23.opts, s12 = r11.let("dataType", (0, i10._)(re || (re = mo(["typeof ", ""])), o12)), l12 = r11.let("coerced", (0, i10._)(oe || (oe = mo(["undefined"]))));
"array" === a12.coerceTypes && r11.if((0, i10._)(ie || (ie = mo(["", " == 'object' && Array.isArray(", ") && ", ".length == 1"])), s12, o12, o12), function() {
return r11.assign(o12, (0, i10._)(ae || (ae = mo(["", "[0]"])), o12)).assign(s12, (0, i10._)(se || (se = mo(["typeof ", ""])), o12)).if(u10(t11, o12, a12.strictNumbers), function() {
return r11.assign(l12, o12);
r11.if((0, i10._)(ce || (ce = mo(["", " !== undefined"])), l12));
var f12, h11 = bo(n12);
try {
for (h11.s(); !(f12 = h11.n()).done; ) {
var v10 = f12.value;
(c10.has(v10) || "array" === v10 && "array" === a12.coerceTypes) && p10(v10);
} catch (e24) {
} finally {
function p10(e24) {
switch (e24) {
case "string":
return void r11.elseIf((0, i10._)(ue || (ue = mo(["", ' == "number" || ', ' == "boolean"'])), s12, s12)).assign(l12, (0, i10._)(fe || (fe = mo(['"" + ', ""])), o12)).elseIf((0, i10._)(de || (de = mo(["", " === null"])), o12)).assign(l12, (0, i10._)(he || (he = mo(['""']))));
case "number":
return void r11.elseIf((0, i10._)(ve || (ve = mo(["", ' == "boolean" || ', " === null\n || (", ' == "string" && ', " && ", " == +", ")"])), s12, o12, s12, o12, o12, o12)).assign(l12, (0, i10._)(pe || (pe = mo(["+", ""])), o12));
case "integer":
return void r11.elseIf((0, i10._)(me || (me = mo(["", ' === "boolean" || ', " === null\n || (", ' === "string" && ', " && ", " == +", " && !(", " % 1))"])), s12, o12, s12, o12, o12, o12, o12)).assign(l12, (0, i10._)(ge || (ge = mo(["+", ""])), o12));
case "boolean":
return void r11.elseIf((0, i10._)(ye || (ye = mo(["", ' === "false" || ', " === 0 || ", " === null"])), o12, o12, o12)).assign(l12, false).elseIf((0, i10._)(be || (be = mo(["", ' === "true" || ', " === 1"])), o12, o12)).assign(l12, true);
case "null":
return r11.elseIf((0, i10._)(ke || (ke = mo(["", ' === "" || ', " === 0 || ", " === false"])), o12, o12, o12)), void r11.assign(l12, null);
case "array":
r11.elseIf((0, i10._)(we || (we = mo(["", ' === "string" || ', ' === "number"\n || ', ' === "boolean" || ', " === null"])), s12, s12, s12, o12)).assign(l12, (0, i10._)(xe || (xe = mo(["[", "]"])), o12));
r11.else(), d10(e23), r11.endIf(), r11.if((0, i10._)(le || (le = mo(["", " !== undefined"])), l12), function() {
r11.assign(o12, l12), function(e24, t12) {
var n13 = e24.gen, r12 = e24.parentData, o13 = e24.parentDataProperty;
n13.if((0, i10._)(je || (je = mo(["", " !== undefined"])), r12), function() {
return n13.assign((0, i10._)(Se || (Se = mo(["", "[", "]"])), r12, o13), t12);
}(e23, l12);
}(e21, n11, l11) : d10(e21);
return f11;
var c10 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["string", "number", "integer", "boolean", "null"]);
function l10(e21, n11, r11) {
var o11, a11 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : t10.Correct, s11 = a11 === t10.Correct ? i10.operators.EQ : i10.operators.NEQ;
switch (e21) {
case "null":
return (0, i10._)(Ce || (Ce = mo(["", " ", " null"])), n11, s11);
case "array":
o11 = (0, i10._)($e || ($e = mo(["Array.isArray(", ")"])), n11);
case "object":
o11 = (0, i10._)(_e || (_e = mo(["", " && typeof ", ' == "object" && !Array.isArray(', ")"])), n11, n11, n11);
case "integer":
o11 = c11((0, i10._)(Oe || (Oe = mo(["!(", " % 1) && !isNaN(", ")"])), n11, n11));
case "number":
o11 = c11();
return (0, i10._)(Me || (Me = mo(["typeof ", " ", " ", ""])), n11, s11, e21);
return a11 === t10.Correct ? o11 : (0, i10.not)(o11);
function c11() {
var e23 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : i10.nil;
return (0, i10.and)((0, i10._)(Ee || (Ee = mo(["typeof ", ' == "number"'])), n11), e23, r11 ? (0, i10._)(Ae || (Ae = mo(["isFinite(", ")"])), n11) : i10.nil);
function u10(e21, t11, n11, r11) {
if (1 === e21.length)
return l10(e21[0], t11, n11, r11);
var o11, s11 = (0, a10.toHash)(e21);
if (s11.array && s11.object) {
var c11 = (0, i10._)(Pe || (Pe = mo(["typeof ", ' != "object"'])), t11);
o11 = s11.null ? c11 : (0, i10._)(Te || (Te = mo(["!", " || ", ""])), t11, c11), delete s11.null, delete s11.array, delete s11.object;
} else
o11 = i10.nil;
for (var u11 in s11.number && delete s11.integer, s11)
o11 = (0, i10.and)(o11, l10(u11, t11, n11, r11));
return o11;
e20.checkDataType = l10, e20.checkDataTypes = u10;
var f10 = { message: function(e21) {
var t11 = e21.schema;
return "must be ".concat(t11);
}, params: function(e21) {
var t11 = e21.schema, n11 = e21.schemaValue;
return "string" == typeof t11 ? (0, i10._)(Re || (Re = mo(["{type: ", "}"])), t11) : (0, i10._)(Ne || (Ne = mo(["{type: ", "}"])), n11);
} };
function d10(e21) {
var t11 = function(e23) {
var t12 = e23.gen, n11 = e23.data, r11 = e23.schema, o11 = (0, a10.schemaRefOrVal)(e23, r11, "type");
return { gen: t12, keyword: "type", data: n11, schema: r11.type, schemaCode: o11, schemaValue: o11, parentSchema: r11, params: {}, it: e23 };
(0, o10.reportError)(t11, f10);
e20.reportTypeError = d10;
var l5;
var u5 = {};
var f5;
var d5;
var h5 = {};
var v5 = {};
function p5() {
if (f5)
return v5;
f5 = 1, Object.defineProperty(v5, "__esModule", { value: true }), v5.validateUnion = v5.validateArray = v5.usePattern = v5.callValidateCode = v5.schemaProperties = v5.allSchemaProperties = v5.noPropertyInData = v5.propertyInData = v5.isOwnProperty = v5.hasPropFunc = v5.reportMissingProp = v5.checkMissingProp = v5.checkReportMissingProp = void 0;
var e20 = G8(), t10 = Q8, n10 = t5(), r10 = Q8;
function o10(t11) {
return t11.scopeValue("func", { ref: Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, code: (0, e20._)(Fe || (Fe = mo(["Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty"]))) });
function i10(t11, n11, r11) {
return (0, e20._)(Ve || (Ve = mo(["", ".call(", ", ", ")"])), o10(t11), n11, r11);
function a10(t11, n11, r11, o11) {
var a11 = (0, e20._)(Ue || (Ue = mo(["", "", " === undefined"])), n11, (0, e20.getProperty)(r11));
return o11 ? (0, e20.or)(a11, (0, e20.not)(i10(t11, n11, r11))) : a11;
function s10(e21) {
return e21 ? Object.keys(e21).filter(function(e23) {
return "__proto__" !== e23;
}) : [];
v5.checkReportMissingProp = function(t11, n11) {
var r11 = t11.gen, o11 = t11.data, i11 = t11.it;
r11.if(a10(r11, o11, n11, i11.opts.ownProperties), function() {
t11.setParams({ missingProperty: (0, e20._)(Be || (Be = mo(["", ""])), n11) }, true), t11.error();
}, v5.checkMissingProp = function(t11, n11, r11) {
var o11 = t11.gen, i11 = t11.data, s11 = t11.it.opts;
return e20.or.apply(void 0, Bo(n11.map(function(t12) {
return (0, e20.and)(a10(o11, i11, t12, s11.ownProperties), (0, e20._)(Le || (Le = mo(["", " = ", ""])), r11, t12));
}, v5.reportMissingProp = function(e21, t11) {
e21.setParams({ missingProperty: t11 }, true), e21.error();
}, v5.hasPropFunc = o10, v5.isOwnProperty = i10, v5.propertyInData = function(t11, n11, r11, o11) {
var a11 = (0, e20._)(He || (He = mo(["", "", " !== undefined"])), n11, (0, e20.getProperty)(r11));
return o11 ? (0, e20._)(We || (We = mo(["", " && ", ""])), a11, i10(t11, n11, r11)) : a11;
}, v5.noPropertyInData = a10, v5.allSchemaProperties = s10, v5.schemaProperties = function(e21, n11) {
return s10(n11).filter(function(r11) {
return !(0, t10.alwaysValidSchema)(e21, n11[r11]);
}, v5.callValidateCode = function(t11, r11, o11, i11) {
var a11 = t11.schemaCode, s11 = t11.data, c11 = t11.it, l10 = c11.gen, u10 = c11.topSchemaRef, f10 = c11.schemaPath, d10 = c11.errorPath, h10 = t11.it, v10 = i11 ? (0, e20._)(Je || (Je = mo(["", ", ", ", ", "", ""])), a11, s11, u10, f10) : s11, p10 = [[n10.default.instancePath, (0, e20.strConcat)(n10.default.instancePath, d10)], [n10.default.parentData, h10.parentData], [n10.default.parentDataProperty, h10.parentDataProperty], [n10.default.rootData, n10.default.rootData]];
h10.opts.dynamicRef && p10.push([n10.default.dynamicAnchors, n10.default.dynamicAnchors]);
var m10 = (0, e20._)(Ke || (Ke = mo(["", ", ", ""])), v10, l10.object.apply(l10, p10));
return o11 !== e20.nil ? (0, e20._)(Ge || (Ge = mo(["", ".call(", ", ", ")"])), r11, o11, m10) : (0, e20._)(Qe || (Qe = mo(["", "(", ")"])), r11, m10);
var c10 = (0, e20._)(Ye || (Ye = mo(["new RegExp"])));
return v5.usePattern = function(t11, n11) {
var o11 = t11.gen, i11 = t11.it.opts, a11 = i11.unicodeRegExp ? "u" : "", s11 = i11.code.regExp, l10 = s11(n11, a11);
return o11.scopeValue("pattern", { key: l10.toString(), ref: l10, code: (0, e20._)(Xe || (Xe = mo(["", "(", ", ", ")"])), "new RegExp" === s11.code ? c10 : (0, r10.useFunc)(o11, s11), n11, a11) });
}, v5.validateArray = function(n11) {
var r11 = n11.gen, o11 = n11.data, i11 = n11.keyword, a11 = n11.it, s11 = r11.name("valid");
if (a11.allErrors) {
var c11 = r11.let("valid", true);
return l10(function() {
return r11.assign(c11, false);
}), c11;
return r11.var(s11, true), l10(function() {
return r11.break();
}), s11;
function l10(a12) {
var c12 = r11.const("len", (0, e20._)(Ze || (Ze = mo(["", ".length"])), o11));
r11.forRange("i", 0, c12, function(o12) {
n11.subschema({ keyword: i11, dataProp: o12, dataPropType: t10.Type.Num }, s11), r11.if((0, e20.not)(s11), a12);
}, v5.validateUnion = function(n11) {
var r11 = n11.gen, o11 = n11.schema, i11 = n11.keyword, a11 = n11.it;
if (!Array.isArray(o11))
throw new Error("ajv implementation error");
if (!o11.some(function(e21) {
return (0, t10.alwaysValidSchema)(a11, e21);
}) || a11.opts.unevaluated) {
var s11 = r11.let("valid", false), c11 = r11.name("_valid");
r11.block(function() {
return o11.forEach(function(t11, o12) {
var a12 = n11.subschema({ keyword: i11, schemaProp: o12, compositeRule: true }, c11);
r11.assign(s11, (0, e20._)(et || (et = mo(["", " || ", ""])), s11, c11)), n11.mergeValidEvaluated(a12, c11) || r11.if((0, e20.not)(s11));
}), n11.result(s11, function() {
return n11.reset();
}, function() {
return n11.error(true);
}, v5;
function m5() {
if (d5)
return h5;
d5 = 1, Object.defineProperty(h5, "__esModule", { value: true }), h5.validateKeywordUsage = h5.validSchemaType = h5.funcKeywordCode = h5.macroKeywordCode = void 0;
var e20 = G8(), t10 = t5(), n10 = p5(), r10 = n5();
function o10(t11) {
var n11 = t11.gen, r11 = t11.data, o11 = t11.it;
n11.if(o11.parentData, function() {
return n11.assign(r11, (0, e20._)(st || (st = mo(["", "[", "]"])), o11.parentData, o11.parentDataProperty));
function i10(t11, n11, r11) {
if (void 0 === r11)
throw new Error('keyword "'.concat(n11, '" failed to compile'));
return t11.scopeValue("keyword", "function" == typeof r11 ? { ref: r11 } : { ref: r11, code: (0, e20.stringify)(r11) });
return h5.macroKeywordCode = function(t11, n11) {
var r11 = t11.gen, o11 = t11.keyword, a10 = t11.schema, s10 = t11.parentSchema, c10 = t11.it, l10 = n11.macro.call(c10.self, a10, s10, c10), u10 = i10(r11, o11, l10);
false !== c10.opts.validateSchema && c10.self.validateSchema(l10, true);
var f10 = r11.name("valid");
t11.subschema({ schema: l10, schemaPath: e20.nil, errSchemaPath: "".concat(c10.errSchemaPath, "/").concat(o11), topSchemaRef: u10, compositeRule: true }, f10), t11.pass(f10, function() {
return t11.error(true);
}, h5.funcKeywordCode = function(a10, s10) {
var c10, l10 = a10.gen, u10 = a10.keyword, f10 = a10.schema, d10 = a10.parentSchema, h10 = a10.$data, v10 = a10.it;
!function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = e21.schemaEnv;
if (t11.async && !n11.$async)
throw new Error("async keyword in sync schema");
}(v10, s10);
var p10 = !h10 && s10.compile ? s10.compile.call(v10.self, f10, d10, v10) : s10.validate, m10 = i10(l10, u10, p10), g10 = l10.let("valid");
function y10() {
var r11 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : s10.async ? (0, e20._)(it || (it = mo(["await "]))) : e20.nil, o11 = v10.opts.passContext ? t10.default.this : t10.default.self, i11 = !("compile" in s10 && !h10 || false === s10.schema);
l10.assign(g10, (0, e20._)(at || (at = mo(["", "", ""])), r11, (0, n10.callValidateCode)(a10, m10, o11, i11)), s10.modifying);
function b10(t11) {
var n11;
l10.if((0, e20.not)(null !== (n11 = s10.valid) && void 0 !== n11 ? n11 : g10), t11);
a10.block$data(g10, function() {
if (false === s10.errors)
y10(), s10.modifying && o10(a10), b10(function() {
return a10.error();
else {
var n11 = s10.async ? function() {
var t11 = l10.let("ruleErrs", null);
return l10.try(function() {
return y10((0, e20._)(tt || (tt = mo(["await "]))));
}, function(n12) {
return l10.assign(g10, false).if((0, e20._)(nt || (nt = mo(["", " instanceof ", ""])), n12, v10.ValidationError), function() {
return l10.assign(t11, (0, e20._)(rt || (rt = mo(["", ".errors"])), n12));
}, function() {
return l10.throw(n12);
}), t11;
}() : (i11 = (0, e20._)(ot || (ot = mo(["", ".errors"])), m10), l10.assign(i11, null), y10(e20.nil), i11);
s10.modifying && o10(a10), b10(function() {
return function(n12, o11) {
var i12 = n12.gen;
i12.if((0, e20._)(ct || (ct = mo(["Array.isArray(", ")"])), o11), function() {
i12.assign(t10.default.vErrors, (0, e20._)(lt || (lt = mo(["", " === null ? ", " : ", ".concat(", ")"])), t10.default.vErrors, o11, t10.default.vErrors, o11)).assign(t10.default.errors, (0, e20._)(ut || (ut = mo(["", ".length"])), t10.default.vErrors)), (0, r10.extendErrors)(n12);
}, function() {
return n12.error();
}(a10, n11);
var i11;
}), a10.ok(null !== (c10 = s10.valid) && void 0 !== c10 ? c10 : g10);
}, h5.validSchemaType = function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2];
return !t11.length || t11.some(function(t12) {
return "array" === t12 ? Array.isArray(e21) : "object" === t12 ? e21 && "object" == Ho(e21) && !Array.isArray(e21) : Ho(e21) == t12 || n11 && void 0 === e21;
}, h5.validateKeywordUsage = function(e21, t11, n11) {
var r11 = e21.schema, o11 = e21.opts, i11 = e21.self, a10 = e21.errSchemaPath;
if (Array.isArray(t11.keyword) ? !t11.keyword.includes(n11) : t11.keyword !== n11)
throw new Error("ajv implementation error");
var s10 = t11.dependencies;
if (null == s10 ? void 0 : s10.some(function(e23) {
return !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r11, e23);
throw new Error("parent schema must have dependencies of ".concat(n11, ": ").concat(s10.join(",")));
if (t11.validateSchema && !t11.validateSchema(r11[n11])) {
var c10 = 'keyword "'.concat(n11, '" value is invalid at path "').concat(a10, '": ') + i11.errorsText(t11.validateSchema.errors);
if ("log" !== o11.validateSchema)
throw new Error(c10);
}, h5;
var g5;
var y5 = {};
var b5 = {};
var k5 = function e18(t10, n10) {
if (t10 === n10)
return true;
if (t10 && n10 && "object" == Ho(t10) && "object" == Ho(n10)) {
if (t10.constructor !== n10.constructor)
return false;
var r10, o10, i10;
if (Array.isArray(t10)) {
if ((r10 = t10.length) != n10.length)
return false;
for (o10 = r10; 0 != o10--; )
if (!e18(t10[o10], n10[o10]))
return false;
return true;
if (t10.constructor === RegExp)
return t10.source === n10.source && t10.flags === n10.flags;
if (t10.valueOf !== Object.prototype.valueOf)
return t10.valueOf() === n10.valueOf();
if (t10.toString !== Object.prototype.toString)
return t10.toString() === n10.toString();
if ((r10 = (i10 = Object.keys(t10)).length) !== Object.keys(n10).length)
return false;
for (o10 = r10; 0 != o10--; )
if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n10, i10[o10]))
return false;
for (o10 = r10; 0 != o10--; ) {
var a10 = i10[o10];
if (!e18(t10[a10], n10[a10]))
return false;
return true;
return t10 != t10 && n10 != n10;
var w5 = { exports: {} };
var x5 = w5.exports = function(e20, t10, n10) {
"function" == typeof t10 && (n10 = t10, t10 = {}), j5(t10, "function" == typeof (n10 = t10.cb || n10) ? n10 : n10.pre || function() {
}, n10.post || function() {
}, e20, "", e20);
function j5(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10) {
if (r10 && "object" == Ho(r10) && !Array.isArray(r10)) {
for (var u10 in t10(r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10), r10) {
var f10 = r10[u10];
if (Array.isArray(f10)) {
if (u10 in x5.arrayKeywords)
for (var d10 = 0; d10 < f10.length; d10++)
j5(e20, t10, n10, f10[d10], o10 + "/" + u10 + "/" + d10, i10, o10, u10, r10, d10);
} else if (u10 in x5.propsKeywords) {
if (f10 && "object" == Ho(f10))
for (var h10 in f10)
j5(e20, t10, n10, f10[h10], o10 + "/" + u10 + "/" + h10.replace(/~/g, "~0").replace(/\//g, "~1"), i10, o10, u10, r10, h10);
} else
(u10 in x5.keywords || e20.allKeys && !(u10 in x5.skipKeywords)) && j5(e20, t10, n10, f10, o10 + "/" + u10, i10, o10, u10, r10);
n10(r10, o10, i10, a10, s10, c10, l10);
x5.keywords = { additionalItems: true, items: true, contains: true, additionalProperties: true, propertyNames: true, not: true, if: true, then: true, else: true }, x5.arrayKeywords = { items: true, allOf: true, anyOf: true, oneOf: true }, x5.propsKeywords = { $defs: true, definitions: true, properties: true, patternProperties: true, dependencies: true }, x5.skipKeywords = { default: true, enum: true, const: true, required: true, maximum: true, minimum: true, exclusiveMaximum: true, exclusiveMinimum: true, multipleOf: true, maxLength: true, minLength: true, pattern: true, format: true, maxItems: true, minItems: true, uniqueItems: true, maxProperties: true, minProperties: true };
var S5 = w5.exports;
Object.defineProperty(b5, "__esModule", { value: true }), b5.getSchemaRefs = b5.resolveUrl = b5.normalizeId = b5._getFullPath = b5.getFullPath = b5.inlineRef = void 0;
var C5 = Q8;
var $5 = k5;
var _5 = S5;
var O5 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["type", "format", "pattern", "maxLength", "minLength", "maxProperties", "minProperties", "maxItems", "minItems", "maximum", "minimum", "uniqueItems", "multipleOf", "required", "enum", "const"]);
b5.inlineRef = function(e20) {
var t10 = !(arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1]) || arguments[1];
return "boolean" == typeof e20 || (true === t10 ? !E5(e20) : !!t10 && A5(e20) <= t10);
var M5 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["$ref", "$recursiveRef", "$recursiveAnchor", "$dynamicRef", "$dynamicAnchor"]);
function E5(e20) {
for (var t10 in e20) {
if (M5.has(t10))
return true;
var n10 = e20[t10];
if (Array.isArray(n10) && n10.some(E5))
return true;
if ("object" == Ho(n10) && E5(n10))
return true;
return false;
function A5(e20) {
var t10 = 0;
for (var n10 in e20) {
if ("$ref" === n10)
return 1 / 0;
if (t10++, !O5.has(n10) && ("object" == Ho(e20[n10]) && (0, C5.eachItem)(e20[n10], function(e21) {
return t10 += A5(e21);
}), t10 === 1 / 0))
return 1 / 0;
return t10;
function P5(e20) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "";
false !== (arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0) && (t10 = N5(t10));
var n10 = e20.parse(t10);
return T5(e20, n10);
function T5(e20, t10) {
return e20.serialize(t10).split("#")[0] + "#";
b5.getFullPath = P5, b5._getFullPath = T5;
var R5 = /#\/?$/;
function N5(e20) {
return e20 ? e20.replace(R5, "") : "";
b5.normalizeId = N5, b5.resolveUrl = function(e20, t10, n10) {
return n10 = N5(n10), e20.resolve(t10, n10);
var I5;
var D5 = /^[a-z_][-a-z0-9._]*$/i;
function q5() {
if (I5)
return z8;
I5 = 1, Object.defineProperty(z8, "__esModule", { value: true }), z8.getData = z8.KeywordCxt = z8.validateFunctionCode = void 0;
var e20 = function() {
if (Z8)
return B8;
Z8 = 1, Object.defineProperty(B8, "__esModule", { value: true }), B8.boolOrEmptySchema = B8.topBoolOrEmptySchema = void 0;
var e21 = n5(), t11 = G8(), n11 = t5(), r11 = { message: "boolean schema is false" };
function o11(t12, n12) {
var o12 = { gen: t12.gen, keyword: "false schema", data: t12.data, schema: false, schemaCode: false, schemaValue: false, params: {}, it: t12 };
(0, e21.reportError)(o12, r11, void 0, n12);
return B8.topBoolOrEmptySchema = function(e23) {
var r12 = e23.gen, i11 = e23.schema, a11 = e23.validateName;
false === i11 ? o11(e23, false) : "object" == Ho(i11) && true === i11.$async ? r12.return(n11.default.data) : (r12.assign((0, t11._)(ne || (ne = mo(["", ".errors"])), a11), null), r12.return(true));
}, B8.boolOrEmptySchema = function(e23, t12) {
var n12 = e23.gen;
false === e23.schema ? (n12.var(t12, false), o11(e23)) : n12.var(t12, true);
}, B8;
}(), t10 = r5, n10 = c5(), r10 = r5, o10 = function() {
if (l5)
return u5;
l5 = 1, Object.defineProperty(u5, "__esModule", { value: true }), u5.assignDefaults = void 0;
var e21 = G8(), t11 = Q8;
function n11(n12, r11, o11) {
var i11 = n12.gen, a11 = n12.compositeRule, s11 = n12.data, c11 = n12.opts;
if (void 0 !== o11) {
var l11 = (0, e21._)(Ie || (Ie = mo(["", "", ""])), s11, (0, e21.getProperty)(r11));
if (a11)
(0, t11.checkStrictMode)(n12, "default is ignored for: ".concat(l11));
else {
var u11 = (0, e21._)(De || (De = mo(["", " === undefined"])), l11);
"empty" === c11.useDefaults && (u11 = (0, e21._)(qe || (qe = mo(["", " || ", " === null || ", ' === ""'])), u11, l11, l11)), i11.if(u11, (0, e21._)(ze || (ze = mo(["", " = ", ""])), l11, (0, e21.stringify)(o11)));
return u5.assignDefaults = function(e23, t12) {
var r11 = e23.schema, o11 = r11.properties, i11 = r11.items;
if ("object" === t12 && o11)
for (var a11 in o11)
n11(e23, a11, o11[a11].default);
"array" === t12 && Array.isArray(i11) && i11.forEach(function(t13, r12) {
return n11(e23, r12, t13.default);
}, u5;
}(), i10 = m5(), a10 = function() {
if (g5)
return y5;
g5 = 1, Object.defineProperty(y5, "__esModule", { value: true }), y5.extendSubschemaMode = y5.extendSubschemaData = y5.getSubschema = void 0;
var e21 = G8(), t11 = Q8;
return y5.getSubschema = function(n11, r11) {
var o11 = r11.keyword, i11 = r11.schemaProp, a11 = r11.schema, s11 = r11.schemaPath, c11 = r11.errSchemaPath, l11 = r11.topSchemaRef;
if (void 0 !== o11 && void 0 !== a11)
throw new Error('both "keyword" and "schema" passed, only one allowed');
if (void 0 !== o11) {
var u11 = n11.schema[o11];
return void 0 === i11 ? { schema: u11, schemaPath: (0, e21._)(ft || (ft = mo(["", "", ""])), n11.schemaPath, (0, e21.getProperty)(o11)), errSchemaPath: "".concat(n11.errSchemaPath, "/").concat(o11) } : { schema: u11[i11], schemaPath: (0, e21._)(dt || (dt = mo(["", "", "", ""])), n11.schemaPath, (0, e21.getProperty)(o11), (0, e21.getProperty)(i11)), errSchemaPath: "".concat(n11.errSchemaPath, "/").concat(o11, "/").concat((0, t11.escapeFragment)(i11)) };
if (void 0 !== a11) {
if (void 0 === s11 || void 0 === c11 || void 0 === l11)
throw new Error('"schemaPath", "errSchemaPath" and "topSchemaRef" are required with "schema"');
return { schema: a11, schemaPath: s11, topSchemaRef: l11, errSchemaPath: c11 };
throw new Error('either "keyword" or "schema" must be passed');
}, y5.extendSubschemaData = function(n11, r11, o11) {
var i11 = o11.dataProp, a11 = o11.dataPropType, s11 = o11.data, c11 = o11.dataTypes, l11 = o11.propertyName;
if (void 0 !== s11 && void 0 !== i11)
throw new Error('both "data" and "dataProp" passed, only one allowed');
var u11 = r11.gen;
if (void 0 !== i11) {
var f11 = r11.errorPath, d11 = r11.dataPathArr, h11 = r11.opts;
v11(u11.let("data", (0, e21._)(ht || (ht = mo(["", "", ""])), r11.data, (0, e21.getProperty)(i11)), true)), n11.errorPath = (0, e21.str)(vt || (vt = mo(["", "", ""])), f11, (0, t11.getErrorPath)(i11, a11, h11.jsPropertySyntax)), n11.parentDataProperty = (0, e21._)(pt || (pt = mo(["", ""])), i11), n11.dataPathArr = [].concat(Bo(d11), [n11.parentDataProperty]);
function v11(e23) {
n11.data = e23, n11.dataLevel = r11.dataLevel + 1, n11.dataTypes = [], r11.definedProperties = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), n11.parentData = r11.data, n11.dataNames = [].concat(Bo(r11.dataNames), [e23]);
void 0 !== s11 && (v11(s11 instanceof e21.Name ? s11 : u11.let("data", s11, true)), void 0 !== l11 && (n11.propertyName = l11)), c11 && (n11.dataTypes = c11);
}, y5.extendSubschemaMode = function(e23, t12) {
var n11 = t12.jtdDiscriminator, r11 = t12.jtdMetadata, o11 = t12.compositeRule, i11 = t12.createErrors, a11 = t12.allErrors;
void 0 !== o11 && (e23.compositeRule = o11), void 0 !== i11 && (e23.createErrors = i11), void 0 !== a11 && (e23.allErrors = a11), e23.jtdDiscriminator = n11, e23.jtdMetadata = r11;
}, y5;
}(), s10 = G8(), c10 = t5(), l10 = b5, u10 = Q8, f10 = n5();
function d10(e21, t11) {
var n11 = e21.gen, r11 = e21.validateName, o11 = e21.schema, i11 = e21.schemaEnv, a11 = e21.opts;
a11.code.es5 ? n11.func(r11, (0, s10._)(mt || (mt = mo(["", ", ", ""])), c10.default.data, c10.default.valCxt), i11.$async, function() {
n11.code((0, s10._)(gt || (gt = mo(['"use strict"; ', ""])), h10(o11, a11))), function(e23, t12) {
e23.if(c10.default.valCxt, function() {
e23.var(c10.default.instancePath, (0, s10._)(wt || (wt = mo(["", ".", ""])), c10.default.valCxt, c10.default.instancePath)), e23.var(c10.default.parentData, (0, s10._)(xt || (xt = mo(["", ".", ""])), c10.default.valCxt, c10.default.parentData)), e23.var(c10.default.parentDataProperty, (0, s10._)(jt || (jt = mo(["", ".", ""])), c10.default.valCxt, c10.default.parentDataProperty)), e23.var(c10.default.rootData, (0, s10._)(St || (St = mo(["", ".", ""])), c10.default.valCxt, c10.default.rootData)), t12.dynamicRef && e23.var(c10.default.dynamicAnchors, (0, s10._)(Ct || (Ct = mo(["", ".", ""])), c10.default.valCxt, c10.default.dynamicAnchors));
}, function() {
e23.var(c10.default.instancePath, (0, s10._)($t || ($t = mo(['""'])))), e23.var(c10.default.parentData, (0, s10._)(_t || (_t = mo(["undefined"])))), e23.var(c10.default.parentDataProperty, (0, s10._)(Ot || (Ot = mo(["undefined"])))), e23.var(c10.default.rootData, c10.default.data), t12.dynamicRef && e23.var(c10.default.dynamicAnchors, (0, s10._)(Mt || (Mt = mo(["{}"]))));
}(n11, a11), n11.code(t11);
}) : n11.func(r11, (0, s10._)(yt || (yt = mo(["", ", ", ""])), c10.default.data, function(e23) {
return (0, s10._)(bt || (bt = mo(["{", '="", ', ", ", ", ", "=", "", "}={}"])), c10.default.instancePath, c10.default.parentData, c10.default.parentDataProperty, c10.default.rootData, c10.default.data, e23.dynamicRef ? (0, s10._)(kt || (kt = mo([", ", "={}"])), c10.default.dynamicAnchors) : s10.nil);
}(a11)), i11.$async, function() {
return n11.code(h10(o11, a11)).code(t11);
function h10(e21, t11) {
var n11 = "object" == Ho(e21) && e21[t11.schemaId];
return n11 && (t11.code.source || t11.code.process) ? (0, s10._)(Dt || (Dt = mo(["/*# sourceURL=", " */"])), n11) : s10.nil;
function v10(t11, n11) {
m10(t11) && (g10(t11), p10(t11)) ? function(e21, t12) {
var n12 = e21.schema, r11 = e21.gen, o11 = e21.opts;
o11.$comment && n12.$comment && b10(e21);
(function(e23) {
var t13 = e23.schema[e23.opts.schemaId];
t13 && (e23.baseId = (0, l10.resolveUrl)(e23.opts.uriResolver, e23.baseId, t13));
})(e21), function(e23) {
if (e23.schema.$async && !e23.schemaEnv.$async)
throw new Error("async schema in sync schema");
var i11 = r11.const("_errs", c10.default.errors);
y10(e21, i11), r11.var(t12, (0, s10._)(qt || (qt = mo(["", " === ", ""])), i11, c10.default.errors));
}(t11, n11) : (0, e20.boolOrEmptySchema)(t11, n11);
function p10(e21) {
var t11 = e21.schema, n11 = e21.self;
if ("boolean" == typeof t11)
return !t11;
for (var r11 in t11)
if (n11.RULES.all[r11])
return true;
return false;
function m10(e21) {
return "boolean" != typeof e21.schema;
function g10(e21) {
(0, u10.checkUnknownRules)(e21), function(e23) {
var t11 = e23.schema, n11 = e23.errSchemaPath, r11 = e23.opts, o11 = e23.self;
t11.$ref && r11.ignoreKeywordsWithRef && (0, u10.schemaHasRulesButRef)(t11, o11.RULES) && o11.logger.warn('$ref: keywords ignored in schema at path "'.concat(n11, '"'));
function y10(e21, n11) {
if (e21.opts.jtd)
return k10(e21, [], false, n11);
var r11 = (0, t10.getSchemaTypes)(e21.schema);
k10(e21, r11, !(0, t10.coerceAndCheckDataType)(e21, r11), n11);
function b10(e21) {
var t11 = e21.gen, n11 = e21.schemaEnv, r11 = e21.schema, o11 = e21.errSchemaPath, i11 = e21.opts, a11 = r11.$comment;
if (true === i11.$comment)
t11.code((0, s10._)(zt || (zt = mo(["", ".logger.log(", ")"])), c10.default.self, a11));
else if ("function" == typeof i11.$comment) {
var l11 = (0, s10.str)(Bt || (Bt = mo(["", "/$comment"])), o11), u11 = t11.scopeValue("root", { ref: n11.root });
t11.code((0, s10._)(Lt || (Lt = mo(["", ".opts.$comment(", ", ", ", ", ".schema)"])), c10.default.self, a11, l11, u11));
function k10(e21, t11, o11, i11) {
var a11 = e21.gen, l11 = e21.schema, f11 = e21.data, d11 = e21.allErrors, h11 = e21.opts, v11 = e21.self.RULES;
function p11(u11) {
(0, n10.shouldUseGroup)(l11, u11) && (u11.type ? (a11.if((0, r10.checkDataType)(u11.type, f11, h11.strictNumbers)), w10(e21, u11), 1 === t11.length && t11[0] === u11.type && o11 && (a11.else(), (0, r10.reportTypeError)(e21)), a11.endIf()) : w10(e21, u11), d11 || a11.if((0, s10._)(Kt || (Kt = mo(["", " === ", ""])), c10.default.errors, i11 || 0)));
!l11.$ref || !h11.ignoreKeywordsWithRef && (0, u10.schemaHasRulesButRef)(l11, v11) ? (h11.jtd || function(e23, t12) {
if (e23.schemaEnv.meta || !e23.opts.strictTypes)
(function(e24, t13) {
if (!t13.length)
if (!e24.dataTypes.length)
return void (e24.dataTypes = t13);
t13.forEach(function(t14) {
j10(e24.dataTypes, t14) || S10(e24, 'type "'.concat(t14, '" not allowed by context "').concat(e24.dataTypes.join(","), '"'));
}), function(e25, t14) {
var n11, r11 = [], o12 = bo(e25.dataTypes);
try {
for (o12.s(); !(n11 = o12.n()).done; ) {
var i12 = n11.value;
j10(t14, i12) ? r11.push(i12) : t14.includes("integer") && "number" === i12 && r11.push("integer");
} catch (e26) {
} finally {
e25.dataTypes = r11;
}(e24, t13);
})(e23, t12), e23.opts.allowUnionTypes || function(e24, t13) {
t13.length > 1 && (2 !== t13.length || !t13.includes("null")) && S10(e24, "use allowUnionTypes to allow union type keyword");
}(e23, t12);
!function(e24, t13) {
var r11 = e24.self.RULES.all;
for (var o12 in r11) {
var i12 = r11[o12];
if ("object" == Ho(i12) && (0, n10.shouldUseRule)(e24.schema, i12)) {
var a12 = i12.definition.type;
a12.length && !a12.some(function(e25) {
return x10(t13, e25);
}) && S10(e24, 'missing type "'.concat(a12.join(","), '" for keyword "').concat(o12, '"'));
}(e23, e23.dataTypes);
}(e21, t11), a11.block(function() {
var e23, t12 = bo(v11.rules);
try {
for (t12.s(); !(e23 = t12.n()).done; ) {
} catch (e24) {
} finally {
})) : a11.block(function() {
return $10(e21, "$ref", v11.all.$ref.definition);
function w10(e21, t11) {
var r11 = e21.gen, i11 = e21.schema;
e21.opts.useDefaults && (0, o10.assignDefaults)(e21, t11.type), r11.block(function() {
var r12, o11 = bo(t11.rules);
try {
for (o11.s(); !(r12 = o11.n()).done; ) {
var a11 = r12.value;
(0, n10.shouldUseRule)(i11, a11) && $10(e21, a11.keyword, a11.definition, t11.type);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
function x10(e21, t11) {
return e21.includes(t11) || "number" === t11 && e21.includes("integer");
function j10(e21, t11) {
return e21.includes(t11) || "integer" === t11 && e21.includes("number");
function S10(e21, t11) {
var n11 = e21.schemaEnv.baseId + e21.errSchemaPath;
t11 += ' at "'.concat(n11, '" (strictTypes)'), (0, u10.checkStrictMode)(e21, t11, e21.opts.strictTypes);
z8.validateFunctionCode = function(t11) {
m10(t11) && (g10(t11), p10(t11)) ? function(e21) {
var t12 = e21.schema, n11 = e21.opts, r11 = e21.gen;
d10(e21, function() {
n11.$comment && t12.$comment && b10(e21), function(e23) {
var t13 = e23.schema, n12 = e23.opts;
void 0 !== t13.default && n12.useDefaults && n12.strictSchema && (0, u10.checkStrictMode)(e23, "default is ignored in the schema root");
}(e21), r11.let(c10.default.vErrors, null), r11.let(c10.default.errors, 0), n11.unevaluated && function(e23) {
var t13 = e23.gen, n12 = e23.validateName;
e23.evaluated = t13.const("evaluated", (0, s10._)(Et || (Et = mo(["", ".evaluated"])), n12)), t13.if((0, s10._)(At || (At = mo(["", ".dynamicProps"])), e23.evaluated), function() {
return t13.assign((0, s10._)(Pt || (Pt = mo(["", ".props"])), e23.evaluated), (0, s10._)(Tt || (Tt = mo(["undefined"]))));
}), t13.if((0, s10._)(Rt || (Rt = mo(["", ".dynamicItems"])), e23.evaluated), function() {
return t13.assign((0, s10._)(Nt || (Nt = mo(["", ".items"])), e23.evaluated), (0, s10._)(It || (It = mo(["undefined"]))));
}(e21), y10(e21), function(e23) {
var t13 = e23.gen, n12 = e23.schemaEnv, r12 = e23.validateName, o11 = e23.ValidationError, i11 = e23.opts;
n12.$async ? t13.if((0, s10._)(Ft || (Ft = mo(["", " === 0"])), c10.default.errors), function() {
return t13.return(c10.default.data);
}, function() {
return t13.throw((0, s10._)(Vt || (Vt = mo(["new ", "(", ")"])), o11, c10.default.vErrors));
}) : (t13.assign((0, s10._)(Ht || (Ht = mo(["", ".errors"])), r12), c10.default.vErrors), i11.unevaluated && function(e24) {
var t14 = e24.gen, n13 = e24.evaluated, r13 = e24.props, o12 = e24.items;
r13 instanceof s10.Name && t14.assign((0, s10._)(Ut || (Ut = mo(["", ".props"])), n13), r13);
o12 instanceof s10.Name && t14.assign((0, s10._)(Jt || (Jt = mo(["", ".items"])), n13), o12);
}(e23), t13.return((0, s10._)(Wt || (Wt = mo(["", " === 0"])), c10.default.errors)));
}(t11) : d10(t11, function() {
return (0, e20.topBoolOrEmptySchema)(t11);
var C10 = function() {
function e21(t11, n11, r11) {
if (No(this, e21), (0, i10.validateKeywordUsage)(t11, n11, r11), this.gen = t11.gen, this.allErrors = t11.allErrors, this.keyword = r11, this.data = t11.data, this.schema = t11.schema[r11], this.$data = n11.$data && t11.opts.$data && this.schema && this.schema.$data, this.schemaValue = (0, u10.schemaRefOrVal)(t11, this.schema, r11, this.$data), this.schemaType = n11.schemaType, this.parentSchema = t11.schema, this.params = {}, this.it = t11, this.def = n11, this.$data)
this.schemaCode = t11.gen.const("vSchema", M10(this.$data, t11));
else if (this.schemaCode = this.schemaValue, !(0, i10.validSchemaType)(this.schema, n11.schemaType, n11.allowUndefined))
throw new Error("".concat(r11, " value must be ").concat(JSON.stringify(n11.schemaType)));
("code" in n11 ? n11.trackErrors : false !== n11.errors) && (this.errsCount = t11.gen.const("_errs", c10.default.errors));
return Do(e21, [{ key: "result", value: function(e23, t11, n11) {
this.failResult((0, s10.not)(e23), t11, n11);
} }, { key: "failResult", value: function(e23, t11, n11) {
this.gen.if(e23), n11 ? n11() : this.error(), t11 ? (this.gen.else(), t11(), this.allErrors && this.gen.endIf()) : this.allErrors ? this.gen.endIf() : this.gen.else();
} }, { key: "pass", value: function(e23, t11) {
this.failResult((0, s10.not)(e23), void 0, t11);
} }, { key: "fail", value: function(e23) {
if (void 0 === e23)
return this.error(), void (this.allErrors || this.gen.if(false));
this.gen.if(e23), this.error(), this.allErrors ? this.gen.endIf() : this.gen.else();
} }, { key: "fail$data", value: function(e23) {
if (!this.$data)
return this.fail(e23);
var t11 = this.schemaCode;
this.fail((0, s10._)(Gt || (Gt = mo(["", " !== undefined && (", ")"])), t11, (0, s10.or)(this.invalid$data(), e23)));
} }, { key: "error", value: function(e23, t11, n11) {
if (t11)
return this.setParams(t11), this._error(e23, n11), void this.setParams({});
this._error(e23, n11);
} }, { key: "_error", value: function(e23, t11) {
(e23 ? f10.reportExtraError : f10.reportError)(this, this.def.error, t11);
} }, { key: "$dataError", value: function() {
(0, f10.reportError)(this, this.def.$dataError || f10.keyword$DataError);
} }, { key: "reset", value: function() {
if (void 0 === this.errsCount)
throw new Error('add "trackErrors" to keyword definition');
(0, f10.resetErrorsCount)(this.gen, this.errsCount);
} }, { key: "ok", value: function(e23) {
this.allErrors || this.gen.if(e23);
} }, { key: "setParams", value: function(e23, t11) {
t11 ? Object.assign(this.params, e23) : this.params = e23;
} }, { key: "block$data", value: function(e23, t11) {
var n11 = this, r11 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : s10.nil;
this.gen.block(function() {
n11.check$data(e23, r11), t11();
} }, { key: "check$data", value: function() {
var e23 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : s10.nil, t11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : s10.nil;
if (this.$data) {
var n11 = this.gen, r11 = this.schemaCode, o11 = this.schemaType, i11 = this.def;
n11.if((0, s10.or)((0, s10._)(Qt || (Qt = mo(["", " === undefined"])), r11), t11)), e23 !== s10.nil && n11.assign(e23, true), (o11.length || i11.validateSchema) && (n11.elseIf(this.invalid$data()), this.$dataError(), e23 !== s10.nil && n11.assign(e23, false)), n11.else();
} }, { key: "invalid$data", value: function() {
var e23 = this.gen, t11 = this.schemaCode, n11 = this.schemaType, o11 = this.def, i11 = this.it;
return (0, s10.or)(function() {
if (n11.length) {
if (!(t11 instanceof s10.Name))
throw new Error("ajv implementation error");
var e24 = Array.isArray(n11) ? n11 : [n11];
return (0, s10._)(Yt || (Yt = mo(["", ""])), (0, r10.checkDataTypes)(e24, t11, i11.opts.strictNumbers, r10.DataType.Wrong));
return s10.nil;
}(), function() {
if (o11.validateSchema) {
var n12 = e23.scopeValue("validate$data", { ref: o11.validateSchema });
return (0, s10._)(Xt || (Xt = mo(["!", "(", ")"])), n12, t11);
return s10.nil;
} }, { key: "subschema", value: function(e23, t11) {
var n11 = (0, a10.getSubschema)(this.it, e23);
(0, a10.extendSubschemaData)(n11, this.it, e23), (0, a10.extendSubschemaMode)(n11, e23);
var r11 = Ro(Ro(Ro({}, this.it), n11), {}, { items: void 0, props: void 0 });
return v10(r11, t11), r11;
} }, { key: "mergeEvaluated", value: function(e23, t11) {
var n11 = this.it, r11 = this.gen;
n11.opts.unevaluated && (true !== n11.props && void 0 !== e23.props && (n11.props = u10.mergeEvaluated.props(r11, e23.props, n11.props, t11)), true !== n11.items && void 0 !== e23.items && (n11.items = u10.mergeEvaluated.items(r11, e23.items, n11.items, t11)));
} }, { key: "mergeValidEvaluated", value: function(e23, t11) {
var n11 = this, r11 = this.it, o11 = this.gen;
if (r11.opts.unevaluated && (true !== r11.props || true !== r11.items))
return o11.if(t11, function() {
return n11.mergeEvaluated(e23, s10.Name);
}), true;
} }]), e21;
function $10(e21, t11, n11, r11) {
var o11 = new C10(e21, n11, t11);
"code" in n11 ? n11.code(o11, r11) : o11.$data && n11.validate ? (0, i10.funcKeywordCode)(o11, n11) : "macro" in n11 ? (0, i10.macroKeywordCode)(o11, n11) : (n11.compile || n11.validate) && (0, i10.funcKeywordCode)(o11, n11);
z8.KeywordCxt = C10;
var _10 = /^\/(?:[^~]|~0|~1)*$/, O10 = /^([0-9]+)(#|\/(?:[^~]|~0|~1)*)?$/;
function M10(e21, t11) {
var n11, r11, o11 = t11.dataLevel, i11 = t11.dataNames, a11 = t11.dataPathArr;
if ("" === e21)
return c10.default.rootData;
if ("/" === e21[0]) {
if (!_10.test(e21))
throw new Error("Invalid JSON-pointer: ".concat(e21));
n11 = e21, r11 = c10.default.rootData;
} else {
var l11 = O10.exec(e21);
if (!l11)
throw new Error("Invalid JSON-pointer: ".concat(e21));
var f11 = +l11[1];
if ("#" === (n11 = l11[2])) {
if (f11 >= o11)
throw new Error(m11("property/index", f11));
return a11[o11 - f11];
if (f11 > o11)
throw new Error(m11("data", f11));
if (r11 = i11[o11 - f11], !n11)
return r11;
var d11, h11 = r11, v11 = bo(n11.split("/"));
try {
for (v11.s(); !(d11 = v11.n()).done; ) {
var p11 = d11.value;
p11 && (r11 = (0, s10._)(Zt || (Zt = mo(["", "", ""])), r11, (0, s10.getProperty)((0, u10.unescapeJsonPointer)(p11))), h11 = (0, s10._)(en || (en = mo(["", " && ", ""])), h11, r11));
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return h11;
function m11(e23, t12) {
return "Cannot access ".concat(e23, " ").concat(t12, " levels up, current level is ").concat(o11);
return z8.getData = M10, z8;
b5.getSchemaRefs = function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = this;
if ("boolean" == typeof e20)
return {};
var r10 = this.opts, o10 = r10.schemaId, i10 = r10.uriResolver, a10 = N5(e20[o10] || t10), s10 = { "": a10 }, c10 = P5(i10, a10, false), l10 = {}, u10 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
return _5(e20, { allKeys: true }, function(e21, t11, r11, i11) {
if (void 0 !== i11) {
var a11 = c10 + t11, h10 = s10[i11];
"string" == typeof e21[o10] && (h10 = v10.call(n10, e21[o10])), p10.call(n10, e21.$anchor), p10.call(n10, e21.$dynamicAnchor), s10[t11] = h10;
function v10(t12) {
var n11 = this.opts.uriResolver.resolve;
if (t12 = N5(h10 ? n11(h10, t12) : t12), u10.has(t12))
throw d10(t12);
var r12 = this.refs[t12];
return "string" == typeof r12 && (r12 = this.refs[r12]), "object" == Ho(r12) ? f10(e21, r12.schema, t12) : t12 !== N5(a11) && ("#" === t12[0] ? (f10(e21, l10[t12], t12), l10[t12] = e21) : this.refs[t12] = a11), t12;
function p10(e23) {
if ("string" == typeof e23) {
if (!D5.test(e23))
throw new Error('invalid anchor "'.concat(e23, '"'));
v10.call(this, "#".concat(e23));
}), l10;
function f10(e21, t11, n11) {
if (void 0 !== t11 && !$5(e21, t11))
throw d10(n11);
function d10(e21) {
return new Error('reference "'.concat(e21, '" resolves to more than one schema'));
var z5;
var B5 = {};
function L5() {
if (z5)
return B5;
z5 = 1, Object.defineProperty(B5, "__esModule", { value: true });
var e20 = function(e21) {
function t10(e23) {
var n10;
return No(this, t10), (n10 = _o(this, t10, ["validation failed"])).errors = e23, n10.ajv = n10.validation = true, n10;
return Ao(t10, $o(Error)), Do(t10);
return B5.default = e20, B5;
var F5;
var V5 = {};
function H5() {
if (F5)
return V5;
F5 = 1, Object.defineProperty(V5, "__esModule", { value: true });
var e20 = b5, t10 = function(t11) {
function n10(t12, r10, o10, i10) {
var a10;
return No(this, n10), (a10 = _o(this, n10, [i10 || "can't resolve reference ".concat(o10, " from id ").concat(r10)])).missingRef = (0, e20.resolveUrl)(t12, r10, o10), a10.missingSchema = (0, e20.normalizeId)((0, e20.getFullPath)(t12, a10.missingRef)), a10;
return Ao(n10, $o(Error)), Do(n10);
return V5.default = t10, V5;
var W5 = {};
Object.defineProperty(W5, "__esModule", { value: true }), W5.resolveSchema = W5.getCompilingSchema = W5.resolveRef = W5.compileSchema = W5.SchemaEnv = void 0;
var U5 = G8();
var J5 = L5();
var K5 = t5();
var G5 = b5;
var Q5 = Q8;
var Y5 = q5();
var X5 = Do(function e19(t10) {
var n10, r10;
No(this, e19), this.refs = {}, this.dynamicAnchors = {}, "object" == Ho(t10.schema) && (r10 = t10.schema), this.schema = t10.schema, this.schemaId = t10.schemaId, this.root = t10.root || this, this.baseId = null !== (n10 = t10.baseId) && void 0 !== n10 ? n10 : (0, G5.normalizeId)(null == r10 ? void 0 : r10[t10.schemaId || "$id"]), this.schemaPath = t10.schemaPath, this.localRefs = t10.localRefs, this.meta = t10.meta, this.$async = null == r10 ? void 0 : r10.$async, this.refs = {};
function Z5(e20) {
var t10 = t6.call(this, e20);
if (t10)
return t10;
var n10, r10 = (0, G5.getFullPath)(this.opts.uriResolver, e20.root.baseId), o10 = this.opts.code, i10 = o10.es5, a10 = o10.lines, s10 = this.opts.ownProperties, c10 = new U5.CodeGen(this.scope, { es5: i10, lines: a10, ownProperties: s10 });
e20.$async && (n10 = c10.scopeValue("Error", { ref: J5.default, code: (0, U5._)(tn || (tn = mo(['require("ajv/dist/runtime/validation_error").default']))) }));
var l10 = c10.scopeName("validate");
e20.validateName = l10;
var u10, f10 = { gen: c10, allErrors: this.opts.allErrors, data: K5.default.data, parentData: K5.default.parentData, parentDataProperty: K5.default.parentDataProperty, dataNames: [K5.default.data], dataPathArr: [U5.nil], dataLevel: 0, dataTypes: [], definedProperties: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), topSchemaRef: c10.scopeValue("schema", true === this.opts.code.source ? { ref: e20.schema, code: (0, U5.stringify)(e20.schema) } : { ref: e20.schema }), validateName: l10, ValidationError: n10, schema: e20.schema, schemaEnv: e20, rootId: r10, baseId: e20.baseId || r10, schemaPath: U5.nil, errSchemaPath: e20.schemaPath || (this.opts.jtd ? "" : "#"), errorPath: (0, U5._)(nn || (nn = mo(['""']))), opts: this.opts, self: this };
try {
this._compilations.add(e20), (0, Y5.validateFunctionCode)(f10), c10.optimize(this.opts.code.optimize);
var d10 = c10.toString();
u10 = "".concat(c10.scopeRefs(K5.default.scope), "return ").concat(d10), this.opts.code.process && (u10 = this.opts.code.process(u10, e20));
var h10 = new Function("".concat(K5.default.self), "".concat(K5.default.scope), u10)(this, this.scope.get());
if (this.scope.value(l10, { ref: h10 }), h10.errors = null, h10.schema = e20.schema, h10.schemaEnv = e20, e20.$async && (h10.$async = true), true === this.opts.code.source && (h10.source = { validateName: l10, validateCode: d10, scopeValues: c10._values }), this.opts.unevaluated) {
var v10 = f10.props, p10 = f10.items;
h10.evaluated = { props: v10 instanceof U5.Name ? void 0 : v10, items: p10 instanceof U5.Name ? void 0 : p10, dynamicProps: v10 instanceof U5.Name, dynamicItems: p10 instanceof U5.Name }, h10.source && (h10.source.evaluated = (0, U5.stringify)(h10.evaluated));
return e20.validate = h10, e20;
} catch (t11) {
throw delete e20.validate, delete e20.validateName, u10 && this.logger.error("Error compiling schema, function code:", u10), t11;
} finally {
function e62(e20) {
return (0, G5.inlineRef)(e20.schema, this.opts.inlineRefs) ? e20.schema : e20.validate ? e20 : Z5.call(this, e20);
function t6(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10, o10 = bo(this._compilations);
try {
for (o10.s(); !(t10 = o10.n()).done; ) {
var i10 = t10.value;
if (r10 = e20, (n10 = i10).schema === r10.schema && n10.root === r10.root && n10.baseId === r10.baseId)
return i10;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
function n6(e20, t10) {
for (var n10; "string" == typeof (n10 = this.refs[t10]); )
t10 = n10;
return n10 || this.schemas[t10] || r6.call(this, e20, t10);
function r6(e20, t10) {
var n10 = this.opts.uriResolver.parse(t10), r10 = (0, G5._getFullPath)(this.opts.uriResolver, n10), o10 = (0, G5.getFullPath)(this.opts.uriResolver, e20.baseId, void 0);
if (Object.keys(e20.schema).length > 0 && r10 === o10)
return i6.call(this, n10, e20);
var i10 = (0, G5.normalizeId)(r10), a10 = this.refs[i10] || this.schemas[i10];
if ("string" == typeof a10) {
var s10 = r6.call(this, e20, a10);
if ("object" !== Ho(null == s10 ? void 0 : s10.schema))
return i6.call(this, n10, s10);
if ("object" === Ho(null == a10 ? void 0 : a10.schema)) {
if (a10.validate || Z5.call(this, a10), i10 === (0, G5.normalizeId)(t10)) {
var c10 = a10.schema, l10 = this.opts.schemaId, u10 = c10[l10];
return u10 && (o10 = (0, G5.resolveUrl)(this.opts.uriResolver, o10, u10)), new X5({ schema: c10, schemaId: l10, root: e20, baseId: o10 });
return i6.call(this, n10, a10);
W5.SchemaEnv = X5, W5.compileSchema = Z5, W5.resolveRef = function(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10;
n10 = (0, G5.resolveUrl)(this.opts.uriResolver, t10, n10);
var o10 = e20.refs[n10];
if (o10)
return o10;
var i10 = n6.call(this, e20, n10);
if (void 0 === i10) {
var a10 = null === (r10 = e20.localRefs) || void 0 === r10 ? void 0 : r10[n10], s10 = this.opts.schemaId;
a10 && (i10 = new X5({ schema: a10, schemaId: s10, root: e20, baseId: t10 }));
return void 0 !== i10 ? e20.refs[n10] = e62.call(this, i10) : void 0;
}, W5.getCompilingSchema = t6, W5.resolveSchema = r6;
var o6 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["properties", "patternProperties", "enum", "dependencies", "definitions"]);
function i6(e20, t10) {
var n10, r10 = t10.baseId, o10 = t10.schema, i10 = t10.root;
if ("/" === (null === (n10 = e20.fragment) || void 0 === n10 ? void 0 : n10[0])) {
var a10, s10, c10 = bo(e20.fragment.slice(1).split("/"));
try {
for (c10.s(); !(a10 = c10.n()).done; ) {
var l10 = a10.value;
if ("boolean" == typeof o10)
var u10 = o10[(0, Q5.unescapeFragment)(l10)];
if (void 0 === u10)
var f10 = "object" === Ho(o10 = u10) && o10[this.opts.schemaId];
!o6.has(l10) && f10 && (r10 = (0, G5.resolveUrl)(this.opts.uriResolver, r10, f10));
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
if ("boolean" != typeof o10 && o10.$ref && !(0, Q5.schemaHasRulesButRef)(o10, this.RULES)) {
var d10 = (0, G5.resolveUrl)(this.opts.uriResolver, r10, o10.$ref);
s10 = r6.call(this, i10, d10);
var h10 = this.opts.schemaId;
return (s10 = s10 || new X5({ schema: o10, schemaId: h10, root: i10, baseId: r10 })).schema !== s10.root.schema ? s10 : void 0;
var a6 = { $id: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ajv-validator/ajv/master/lib/refs/data.json#", description: "Meta-schema for $data reference (JSON AnySchema extension proposal)", type: "object", required: ["$data"], properties: { $data: { type: "string", anyOf: [{ format: "relative-json-pointer" }, { format: "json-pointer" }] } }, additionalProperties: false };
var s6 = {};
var c6 = { exports: {} };
!function(e20) {
function t10() {
for (var e21 = arguments.length, t11 = Array(e21), n11 = 0; n11 < e21; n11++)
t11[n11] = arguments[n11];
if (t11.length > 1) {
t11[0] = t11[0].slice(0, -1);
for (var r11 = t11.length - 1, o11 = 1; o11 < r11; ++o11)
t11[o11] = t11[o11].slice(1, -1);
return t11[r11] = t11[r11].slice(1), t11.join("");
return t11[0];
function n10(e21) {
return "(?:" + e21 + ")";
function r10(e21) {
return void 0 === e21 ? "undefined" : null === e21 ? "null" : Object.prototype.toString.call(e21).split(" ").pop().split("]").shift().toLowerCase();
function o10(e21) {
return e21.toUpperCase();
function i10(e21) {
return null != e21 ? e21 instanceof Array ? e21 : "number" != typeof e21.length || e21.split || e21.setInterval || e21.call ? [e21] : Array.prototype.slice.call(e21) : [];
function a10(e21, t11) {
var n11 = e21;
if (t11)
for (var r11 in t11)
n11[r11] = t11[r11];
return n11;
function s10(e21) {
var r11 = "[A-Za-z]", o11 = "[0-9]", i11 = t10(o11, "[A-Fa-f]"), a11 = n10(n10("%[EFef]" + i11 + "%" + i11 + i11 + "%" + i11 + i11) + "|" + n10("%[89A-Fa-f]" + i11 + "%" + i11 + i11) + "|" + n10("%" + i11 + i11)), s11 = "[\\!\\$\\&\\'\\(\\)\\*\\+\\,\\;\\=]", c11 = t10("[\\:\\/\\?\\#\\[\\]\\@]", s11), l11 = e21 ? "[\\uE000-\\uF8FF]" : "[]", u11 = t10(r11, o11, "[\\-\\.\\_\\~]", e21 ? "[\\xA0-\\u200D\\u2010-\\u2029\\u202F-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF]" : "[]");
n10(r11 + t10(r11, o11, "[\\+\\-\\.]") + "*"), n10(n10(a11 + "|" + t10(u11, s11, "[\\:]")) + "*");
var f11 = n10(n10("25[0-5]") + "|" + n10("2[0-4]" + o11) + "|" + n10("1" + o11 + o11) + "|" + n10("0?[1-9]" + o11) + "|0?0?" + o11), d11 = n10(f11 + "\\." + f11 + "\\." + f11 + "\\." + f11), h11 = n10(i11 + "{1,4}"), v11 = n10(n10(h11 + "\\:" + h11) + "|" + d11), p11 = n10(n10(h11 + "\\:") + "{6}" + v11), m11 = n10("\\:\\:" + n10(h11 + "\\:") + "{5}" + v11), g11 = n10(n10(h11) + "?\\:\\:" + n10(h11 + "\\:") + "{4}" + v11), y11 = n10(n10(n10(h11 + "\\:") + "{0,1}" + h11) + "?\\:\\:" + n10(h11 + "\\:") + "{3}" + v11), b11 = n10(n10(n10(h11 + "\\:") + "{0,2}" + h11) + "?\\:\\:" + n10(h11 + "\\:") + "{2}" + v11), k11 = n10(n10(n10(h11 + "\\:") + "{0,3}" + h11) + "?\\:\\:" + h11 + "\\:" + v11), w11 = n10(n10(n10(h11 + "\\:") + "{0,4}" + h11) + "?\\:\\:" + v11), x11 = n10(n10(n10(h11 + "\\:") + "{0,5}" + h11) + "?\\:\\:" + h11), j11 = n10(n10(n10(h11 + "\\:") + "{0,6}" + h11) + "?\\:\\:"), S11 = n10([p11, m11, g11, y11, b11, k11, w11, x11, j11].join("|")), C11 = n10(n10(u11 + "|" + a11) + "+");
n10("[vV]" + i11 + "+\\." + t10(u11, s11, "[\\:]") + "+"), n10(n10(a11 + "|" + t10(u11, s11)) + "*");
var $11 = n10(a11 + "|" + t10(u11, s11, "[\\:\\@]"));
return n10(n10(a11 + "|" + t10(u11, s11, "[\\@]")) + "+"), n10(n10($11 + "|" + t10("[\\/\\?]", l11)) + "*"), { NOT_SCHEME: new RegExp(t10("[^]", r11, o11, "[\\+\\-\\.]"), "g"), NOT_USERINFO: new RegExp(t10("[^\\%\\:]", u11, s11), "g"), NOT_HOST: new RegExp(t10("[^\\%\\[\\]\\:]", u11, s11), "g"), NOT_PATH: new RegExp(t10("[^\\%\\/\\:\\@]", u11, s11), "g"), NOT_PATH_NOSCHEME: new RegExp(t10("[^\\%\\/\\@]", u11, s11), "g"), NOT_QUERY: new RegExp(t10("[^\\%]", u11, s11, "[\\:\\@\\/\\?]", l11), "g"), NOT_FRAGMENT: new RegExp(t10("[^\\%]", u11, s11, "[\\:\\@\\/\\?]"), "g"), ESCAPE: new RegExp(t10("[^]", u11, s11), "g"), UNRESERVED: new RegExp(u11, "g"), OTHER_CHARS: new RegExp(t10("[^\\%]", u11, c11), "g"), PCT_ENCODED: new RegExp(a11, "g"), IPV4ADDRESS: new RegExp("^(" + d11 + ")$"), IPV6ADDRESS: new RegExp("^\\[?(" + S11 + ")" + n10(n10("\\%25|\\%(?!" + i11 + "{2})") + "(" + C11 + ")") + "?\\]?$") };
var c10 = s10(false), l10 = s10(true), u10 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function e21(e23, t11) {
var n11 = [], r11 = true, o11 = false, i11 = void 0;
try {
for (var a11, s11 = e23[Symbol.iterator](); !(r11 = (a11 = s11.next()).done) && (n11.push(a11.value), !t11 || n11.length !== t11); r11 = true)
} catch (e24) {
o11 = true, i11 = e24;
} finally {
try {
!r11 && s11.return && s11.return();
} finally {
if (o11)
throw i11;
return n11;
return function(t11, n11) {
if (Array.isArray(t11))
return t11;
if (Symbol.iterator in Object(t11))
return e21(t11, n11);
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance");
}(), f10 = function(e21) {
if (Array.isArray(e21)) {
for (var t11 = 0, n11 = Array(e21.length); t11 < e21.length; t11++)
n11[t11] = e21[t11];
return n11;
return Array.from(e21);
}, d10 = 2147483647, h10 = 36, v10 = 1, p10 = 26, m10 = 38, g10 = 700, y10 = 72, b10 = 128, k10 = "-", w10 = /^xn--/, x10 = /[^\0-\x7E]/, j10 = /[\x2E\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61]/g, S10 = { overflow: "Overflow: input needs wider integers to process", "not-basic": "Illegal input >= 0x80 (not a basic code point)", "invalid-input": "Invalid input" }, C10 = h10 - v10, $10 = Math.floor, _10 = String.fromCharCode;
function O10(e21) {
throw new RangeError(S10[e21]);
function M10(e21, t11) {
for (var n11 = [], r11 = e21.length; r11--; )
n11[r11] = t11(e21[r11]);
return n11;
function E10(e21, t11) {
var n11 = e21.split("@"), r11 = "";
return n11.length > 1 && (r11 = n11[0] + "@", e21 = n11[1]), r11 + M10((e21 = e21.replace(j10, ".")).split("."), t11).join(".");
function A10(e21) {
for (var t11 = [], n11 = 0, r11 = e21.length; n11 < r11; ) {
var o11 = e21.charCodeAt(n11++);
if (o11 >= 55296 && o11 <= 56319 && n11 < r11) {
var i11 = e21.charCodeAt(n11++);
56320 == (64512 & i11) ? t11.push(((1023 & o11) << 10) + (1023 & i11) + 65536) : (t11.push(o11), n11--);
} else
return t11;
var P10 = function(e21) {
return String.fromCodePoint.apply(String, f10(e21));
}, T8 = function(e21) {
return e21 - 48 < 10 ? e21 - 22 : e21 - 65 < 26 ? e21 - 65 : e21 - 97 < 26 ? e21 - 97 : h10;
}, R8 = function(e21, t11) {
return e21 + 22 + 75 * (e21 < 26) - ((0 != t11) << 5);
}, N8 = function(e21, t11, n11) {
var r11 = 0;
for (e21 = n11 ? $10(e21 / g10) : e21 >> 1, e21 += $10(e21 / t11); e21 > C10 * p10 >> 1; r11 += h10)
e21 = $10(e21 / C10);
return $10(r11 + (C10 + 1) * e21 / (e21 + m10));
}, I10 = function(e21) {
var t11 = [], n11 = e21.length, r11 = 0, o11 = b10, i11 = y10, a11 = e21.lastIndexOf(k10);
a11 < 0 && (a11 = 0);
for (var s11 = 0; s11 < a11; ++s11)
e21.charCodeAt(s11) >= 128 && O10("not-basic"), t11.push(e21.charCodeAt(s11));
for (var c11 = a11 > 0 ? a11 + 1 : 0; c11 < n11; ) {
for (var l11 = r11, u11 = 1, f11 = h10; ; f11 += h10) {
c11 >= n11 && O10("invalid-input");
var m11 = T8(e21.charCodeAt(c11++));
(m11 >= h10 || m11 > $10((d10 - r11) / u11)) && O10("overflow"), r11 += m11 * u11;
var g11 = f11 <= i11 ? v10 : f11 >= i11 + p10 ? p10 : f11 - i11;
if (m11 < g11)
var w11 = h10 - g11;
u11 > $10(d10 / w11) && O10("overflow"), u11 *= w11;
var x11 = t11.length + 1;
i11 = N8(r11 - l11, x11, 0 == l11), $10(r11 / x11) > d10 - o11 && O10("overflow"), o11 += $10(r11 / x11), r11 %= x11, t11.splice(r11++, 0, o11);
return String.fromCodePoint.apply(String, t11);
}, D10 = function(e21) {
var t11 = [], n11 = (e21 = A10(e21)).length, r11 = b10, o11 = 0, i11 = y10, a11 = true, s11 = false, c11 = void 0;
try {
for (var l11, u11 = e21[Symbol.iterator](); !(a11 = (l11 = u11.next()).done); a11 = true) {
var f11 = l11.value;
f11 < 128 && t11.push(_10(f11));
} catch (e23) {
s11 = true, c11 = e23;
} finally {
try {
!a11 && u11.return && u11.return();
} finally {
if (s11)
throw c11;
var m11 = t11.length, g11 = m11;
for (m11 && t11.push(k10); g11 < n11; ) {
var w11 = d10, x11 = true, j11 = false, S11 = void 0;
try {
for (var C11, M11 = e21[Symbol.iterator](); !(x11 = (C11 = M11.next()).done); x11 = true) {
var E11 = C11.value;
E11 >= r11 && E11 < w11 && (w11 = E11);
} catch (e23) {
j11 = true, S11 = e23;
} finally {
try {
!x11 && M11.return && M11.return();
} finally {
if (j11)
throw S11;
var P11 = g11 + 1;
w11 - r11 > $10((d10 - o11) / P11) && O10("overflow"), o11 += (w11 - r11) * P11, r11 = w11;
var T10 = true, I11 = false, D11 = void 0;
try {
for (var q11, z11 = e21[Symbol.iterator](); !(T10 = (q11 = z11.next()).done); T10 = true) {
var B11 = q11.value;
if (B11 < r11 && ++o11 > d10 && O10("overflow"), B11 == r11) {
for (var L11 = o11, F11 = h10; ; F11 += h10) {
var V11 = F11 <= i11 ? v10 : F11 >= i11 + p10 ? p10 : F11 - i11;
if (L11 < V11)
var H11 = L11 - V11, W11 = h10 - V11;
t11.push(_10(R8(V11 + H11 % W11, 0))), L11 = $10(H11 / W11);
t11.push(_10(R8(L11, 0))), i11 = N8(o11, P11, g11 == m11), o11 = 0, ++g11;
} catch (e23) {
I11 = true, D11 = e23;
} finally {
try {
!T10 && z11.return && z11.return();
} finally {
if (I11)
throw D11;
++o11, ++r11;
return t11.join("");
}, q10 = function(e21) {
return E10(e21, function(e23) {
return w10.test(e23) ? I10(e23.slice(4).toLowerCase()) : e23;
}, z10 = function(e21) {
return E10(e21, function(e23) {
return x10.test(e23) ? "xn--" + D10(e23) : e23;
}, B10 = { version: "2.1.0", ucs2: { decode: A10, encode: P10 }, decode: I10, encode: D10, toASCII: z10, toUnicode: q10 }, L10 = {};
function F10(e21) {
var t11 = e21.charCodeAt(0);
return t11 < 16 ? "%0" + t11.toString(16).toUpperCase() : t11 < 128 ? "%" + t11.toString(16).toUpperCase() : t11 < 2048 ? "%" + (t11 >> 6 | 192).toString(16).toUpperCase() + "%" + (63 & t11 | 128).toString(16).toUpperCase() : "%" + (t11 >> 12 | 224).toString(16).toUpperCase() + "%" + (t11 >> 6 & 63 | 128).toString(16).toUpperCase() + "%" + (63 & t11 | 128).toString(16).toUpperCase();
function V10(e21) {
for (var t11 = "", n11 = 0, r11 = e21.length; n11 < r11; ) {
var o11 = parseInt(e21.substr(n11 + 1, 2), 16);
if (o11 < 128)
t11 += String.fromCharCode(o11), n11 += 3;
else if (o11 >= 194 && o11 < 224) {
if (r11 - n11 >= 6) {
var i11 = parseInt(e21.substr(n11 + 4, 2), 16);
t11 += String.fromCharCode((31 & o11) << 6 | 63 & i11);
} else
t11 += e21.substr(n11, 6);
n11 += 6;
} else if (o11 >= 224) {
if (r11 - n11 >= 9) {
var a11 = parseInt(e21.substr(n11 + 4, 2), 16), s11 = parseInt(e21.substr(n11 + 7, 2), 16);
t11 += String.fromCharCode((15 & o11) << 12 | (63 & a11) << 6 | 63 & s11);
} else
t11 += e21.substr(n11, 9);
n11 += 9;
} else
t11 += e21.substr(n11, 3), n11 += 3;
return t11;
function H10(e21, t11) {
function n11(e23) {
var n12 = V10(e23);
return n12.match(t11.UNRESERVED) ? n12 : e23;
return e21.scheme && (e21.scheme = String(e21.scheme).replace(t11.PCT_ENCODED, n11).toLowerCase().replace(t11.NOT_SCHEME, "")), void 0 !== e21.userinfo && (e21.userinfo = String(e21.userinfo).replace(t11.PCT_ENCODED, n11).replace(t11.NOT_USERINFO, F10).replace(t11.PCT_ENCODED, o10)), void 0 !== e21.host && (e21.host = String(e21.host).replace(t11.PCT_ENCODED, n11).toLowerCase().replace(t11.NOT_HOST, F10).replace(t11.PCT_ENCODED, o10)), void 0 !== e21.path && (e21.path = String(e21.path).replace(t11.PCT_ENCODED, n11).replace(e21.scheme ? t11.NOT_PATH : t11.NOT_PATH_NOSCHEME, F10).replace(t11.PCT_ENCODED, o10)), void 0 !== e21.query && (e21.query = String(e21.query).replace(t11.PCT_ENCODED, n11).replace(t11.NOT_QUERY, F10).replace(t11.PCT_ENCODED, o10)), void 0 !== e21.fragment && (e21.fragment = String(e21.fragment).replace(t11.PCT_ENCODED, n11).replace(t11.NOT_FRAGMENT, F10).replace(t11.PCT_ENCODED, o10)), e21;
function W10(e21) {
return e21.replace(/^0*(.*)/, "$1") || "0";
function U10(e21, t11) {
var n11 = e21.match(t11.IPV4ADDRESS) || [], r11 = u10(n11, 2)[1];
return r11 ? r11.split(".").map(W10).join(".") : e21;
function J10(e21, t11) {
var n11 = e21.match(t11.IPV6ADDRESS) || [], r11 = u10(n11, 3), o11 = r11[1], i11 = r11[2];
if (o11) {
for (var a11 = o11.toLowerCase().split("::").reverse(), s11 = u10(a11, 2), c11 = s11[0], l11 = s11[1], f11 = l11 ? l11.split(":").map(W10) : [], d11 = c11.split(":").map(W10), h11 = t11.IPV4ADDRESS.test(d11[d11.length - 1]), v11 = h11 ? 7 : 8, p11 = d11.length - v11, m11 = Array(v11), g11 = 0; g11 < v11; ++g11)
m11[g11] = f11[g11] || d11[p11 + g11] || "";
h11 && (m11[v11 - 1] = U10(m11[v11 - 1], t11));
var y11 = m11.reduce(function(e23, t12, n12) {
if (!t12 || "0" === t12) {
var r12 = e23[e23.length - 1];
r12 && r12.index + r12.length === n12 ? r12.length++ : e23.push({ index: n12, length: 1 });
return e23;
}, []).sort(function(e23, t12) {
return t12.length - e23.length;
})[0], b11 = void 0;
if (y11 && y11.length > 1) {
var k11 = m11.slice(0, y11.index), w11 = m11.slice(y11.index + y11.length);
b11 = k11.join(":") + "::" + w11.join(":");
} else
b11 = m11.join(":");
return i11 && (b11 += "%" + i11), b11;
return e21;
var K10 = /^(?:([^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/((?:([^\/?#@]*)@)?(\[[^\/?#\]]+\]|[^\/?#:]*)(?:\:(\d*))?))?([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#((?:.|\n|\r)*))?/i, G10 = void 0 === "".match(/(){0}/)[1];
function Q10(e21) {
var t11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, n11 = {}, r11 = false !== t11.iri ? l10 : c10;
"suffix" === t11.reference && (e21 = (t11.scheme ? t11.scheme + ":" : "") + "//" + e21);
var o11 = e21.match(K10);
if (o11) {
G10 ? (n11.scheme = o11[1], n11.userinfo = o11[3], n11.host = o11[4], n11.port = parseInt(o11[5], 10), n11.path = o11[6] || "", n11.query = o11[7], n11.fragment = o11[8], isNaN(n11.port) && (n11.port = o11[5])) : (n11.scheme = o11[1] || void 0, n11.userinfo = -1 !== e21.indexOf("@") ? o11[3] : void 0, n11.host = -1 !== e21.indexOf("//") ? o11[4] : void 0, n11.port = parseInt(o11[5], 10), n11.path = o11[6] || "", n11.query = -1 !== e21.indexOf("?") ? o11[7] : void 0, n11.fragment = -1 !== e21.indexOf("#") ? o11[8] : void 0, isNaN(n11.port) && (n11.port = e21.match(/\/\/(?:.|\n)*\:(?:\/|\?|\#|$)/) ? o11[4] : void 0)), n11.host && (n11.host = J10(U10(n11.host, r11), r11)), void 0 !== n11.scheme || void 0 !== n11.userinfo || void 0 !== n11.host || void 0 !== n11.port || n11.path || void 0 !== n11.query ? void 0 === n11.scheme ? n11.reference = "relative" : void 0 === n11.fragment ? n11.reference = "absolute" : n11.reference = "uri" : n11.reference = "same-document", t11.reference && "suffix" !== t11.reference && t11.reference !== n11.reference && (n11.error = n11.error || "URI is not a " + t11.reference + " reference.");
var i11 = L10[(t11.scheme || n11.scheme || "").toLowerCase()];
if (t11.unicodeSupport || i11 && i11.unicodeSupport)
H10(n11, r11);
else {
if (n11.host && (t11.domainHost || i11 && i11.domainHost))
try {
n11.host = B10.toASCII(n11.host.replace(r11.PCT_ENCODED, V10).toLowerCase());
} catch (e23) {
n11.error = n11.error || "Host's domain name can not be converted to ASCII via punycode: " + e23;
H10(n11, c10);
i11 && i11.parse && i11.parse(n11, t11);
} else
n11.error = n11.error || "URI can not be parsed.";
return n11;
function Y10(e21, t11) {
var n11 = false !== t11.iri ? l10 : c10, r11 = [];
return void 0 !== e21.userinfo && (r11.push(e21.userinfo), r11.push("@")), void 0 !== e21.host && r11.push(J10(U10(String(e21.host), n11), n11).replace(n11.IPV6ADDRESS, function(e23, t12, n12) {
return "[" + t12 + (n12 ? "%25" + n12 : "") + "]";
})), "number" != typeof e21.port && "string" != typeof e21.port || (r11.push(":"), r11.push(String(e21.port))), r11.length ? r11.join("") : void 0;
var X10 = /^\.\.?\//, Z10 = /^\/\.(\/|$)/, ee2 = /^\/\.\.(\/|$)/, te2 = /^\/?(?:.|\n)*?(?=\/|$)/;
function ne2(e21) {
for (var t11 = []; e21.length; )
if (e21.match(X10))
e21 = e21.replace(X10, "");
else if (e21.match(Z10))
e21 = e21.replace(Z10, "/");
else if (e21.match(ee2))
e21 = e21.replace(ee2, "/"), t11.pop();
else if ("." === e21 || ".." === e21)
e21 = "";
else {
var n11 = e21.match(te2);
if (!n11)
throw new Error("Unexpected dot segment condition");
var r11 = n11[0];
e21 = e21.slice(r11.length), t11.push(r11);
return t11.join("");
function re2(e21) {
var t11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, n11 = t11.iri ? l10 : c10, r11 = [], o11 = L10[(t11.scheme || e21.scheme || "").toLowerCase()];
if (o11 && o11.serialize && o11.serialize(e21, t11), e21.host) {
if (n11.IPV6ADDRESS.test(e21.host))
else if (t11.domainHost || o11 && o11.domainHost)
try {
e21.host = t11.iri ? B10.toUnicode(e21.host) : B10.toASCII(e21.host.replace(n11.PCT_ENCODED, V10).toLowerCase());
} catch (n12) {
e21.error = e21.error || "Host's domain name can not be converted to " + (t11.iri ? "Unicode" : "ASCII") + " via punycode: " + n12;
H10(e21, n11), "suffix" !== t11.reference && e21.scheme && (r11.push(e21.scheme), r11.push(":"));
var i11 = Y10(e21, t11);
if (void 0 !== i11 && ("suffix" !== t11.reference && r11.push("//"), r11.push(i11), e21.path && "/" !== e21.path.charAt(0) && r11.push("/")), void 0 !== e21.path) {
var a11 = e21.path;
t11.absolutePath || o11 && o11.absolutePath || (a11 = ne2(a11)), void 0 === i11 && (a11 = a11.replace(/^\/\//, "/%2F")), r11.push(a11);
return void 0 !== e21.query && (r11.push("?"), r11.push(e21.query)), void 0 !== e21.fragment && (r11.push("#"), r11.push(e21.fragment)), r11.join("");
function oe2(e21, t11) {
var n11 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}, r11 = {};
return arguments[3] || (e21 = Q10(re2(e21, n11), n11), t11 = Q10(re2(t11, n11), n11)), !(n11 = n11 || {}).tolerant && t11.scheme ? (r11.scheme = t11.scheme, r11.userinfo = t11.userinfo, r11.host = t11.host, r11.port = t11.port, r11.path = ne2(t11.path || ""), r11.query = t11.query) : (void 0 !== t11.userinfo || void 0 !== t11.host || void 0 !== t11.port ? (r11.userinfo = t11.userinfo, r11.host = t11.host, r11.port = t11.port, r11.path = ne2(t11.path || ""), r11.query = t11.query) : (t11.path ? ("/" === t11.path.charAt(0) ? r11.path = ne2(t11.path) : (void 0 === e21.userinfo && void 0 === e21.host && void 0 === e21.port || e21.path ? e21.path ? r11.path = e21.path.slice(0, e21.path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + t11.path : r11.path = t11.path : r11.path = "/" + t11.path, r11.path = ne2(r11.path)), r11.query = t11.query) : (r11.path = e21.path, void 0 !== t11.query ? r11.query = t11.query : r11.query = e21.query), r11.userinfo = e21.userinfo, r11.host = e21.host, r11.port = e21.port), r11.scheme = e21.scheme), r11.fragment = t11.fragment, r11;
function ie2(e21, t11, n11) {
var r11 = a10({ scheme: "null" }, n11);
return re2(oe2(Q10(e21, r11), Q10(t11, r11), r11, true), r11);
function ae2(e21, t11) {
return "string" == typeof e21 ? e21 = re2(Q10(e21, t11), t11) : "object" === r10(e21) && (e21 = Q10(re2(e21, t11), t11)), e21;
function se2(e21, t11, n11) {
return "string" == typeof e21 ? e21 = re2(Q10(e21, n11), n11) : "object" === r10(e21) && (e21 = re2(e21, n11)), "string" == typeof t11 ? t11 = re2(Q10(t11, n11), n11) : "object" === r10(t11) && (t11 = re2(t11, n11)), e21 === t11;
function ce2(e21, t11) {
return e21 && e21.toString().replace(t11 && t11.iri ? l10.ESCAPE : c10.ESCAPE, F10);
function le2(e21, t11) {
return e21 && e21.toString().replace(t11 && t11.iri ? l10.PCT_ENCODED : c10.PCT_ENCODED, V10);
var ue2 = { scheme: "http", domainHost: true, parse: function(e21, t11) {
return e21.host || (e21.error = e21.error || "HTTP URIs must have a host."), e21;
}, serialize: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = "https" === String(e21.scheme).toLowerCase();
return e21.port !== (n11 ? 443 : 80) && "" !== e21.port || (e21.port = void 0), e21.path || (e21.path = "/"), e21;
} }, fe2 = { scheme: "https", domainHost: ue2.domainHost, parse: ue2.parse, serialize: ue2.serialize };
function de2(e21) {
return "boolean" == typeof e21.secure ? e21.secure : "wss" === String(e21.scheme).toLowerCase();
var he2 = { scheme: "ws", domainHost: true, parse: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = e21;
return n11.secure = de2(n11), n11.resourceName = (n11.path || "/") + (n11.query ? "?" + n11.query : ""), n11.path = void 0, n11.query = void 0, n11;
}, serialize: function(e21, t11) {
if (e21.port !== (de2(e21) ? 443 : 80) && "" !== e21.port || (e21.port = void 0), "boolean" == typeof e21.secure && (e21.scheme = e21.secure ? "wss" : "ws", e21.secure = void 0), e21.resourceName) {
var n11 = e21.resourceName.split("?"), r11 = u10(n11, 2), o11 = r11[0], i11 = r11[1];
e21.path = o11 && "/" !== o11 ? o11 : void 0, e21.query = i11, e21.resourceName = void 0;
return e21.fragment = void 0, e21;
} }, ve2 = { scheme: "wss", domainHost: he2.domainHost, parse: he2.parse, serialize: he2.serialize }, pe2 = {}, me2 = "[A-Za-z0-9\\-\\.\\_\\~\\xA0-\\u200D\\u2010-\\u2029\\u202F-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF]", ge2 = "[0-9A-Fa-f]", ye2 = n10(n10("%[EFef]" + ge2 + "%" + ge2 + ge2 + "%" + ge2 + ge2) + "|" + n10("%[89A-Fa-f]" + ge2 + "%" + ge2 + ge2) + "|" + n10("%" + ge2 + ge2)), be2 = "[A-Za-z0-9\\!\\$\\%\\'\\*\\+\\-\\^\\_\\`\\{\\|\\}\\~]", ke2 = t10("[\\!\\$\\%\\'\\(\\)\\*\\+\\,\\-\\.0-9\\<\\>A-Z\\x5E-\\x7E]", '[\\"\\\\]'), we2 = "[\\!\\$\\'\\(\\)\\*\\+\\,\\;\\:\\@]", xe2 = new RegExp(me2, "g"), je2 = new RegExp(ye2, "g"), Se2 = new RegExp(t10("[^]", be2, "[\\.]", '[\\"]', ke2), "g"), Ce2 = new RegExp(t10("[^]", me2, we2), "g"), $e2 = Ce2;
function _e2(e21) {
var t11 = V10(e21);
return t11.match(xe2) ? t11 : e21;
var Oe2 = { scheme: "mailto", parse: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = e21, r11 = n11.to = n11.path ? n11.path.split(",") : [];
if (n11.path = void 0, n11.query) {
for (var o11 = false, i11 = {}, a11 = n11.query.split("&"), s11 = 0, c11 = a11.length; s11 < c11; ++s11) {
var l11 = a11[s11].split("=");
switch (l11[0]) {
case "to":
for (var u11 = l11[1].split(","), f11 = 0, d11 = u11.length; f11 < d11; ++f11)
case "subject":
n11.subject = le2(l11[1], t11);
case "body":
n11.body = le2(l11[1], t11);
o11 = true, i11[le2(l11[0], t11)] = le2(l11[1], t11);
o11 && (n11.headers = i11);
n11.query = void 0;
for (var h11 = 0, v11 = r11.length; h11 < v11; ++h11) {
var p11 = r11[h11].split("@");
if (p11[0] = le2(p11[0]), t11.unicodeSupport)
p11[1] = le2(p11[1], t11).toLowerCase();
try {
p11[1] = B10.toASCII(le2(p11[1], t11).toLowerCase());
} catch (e23) {
n11.error = n11.error || "Email address's domain name can not be converted to ASCII via punycode: " + e23;
r11[h11] = p11.join("@");
return n11;
}, serialize: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = e21, r11 = i10(e21.to);
if (r11) {
for (var a11 = 0, s11 = r11.length; a11 < s11; ++a11) {
var c11 = String(r11[a11]), l11 = c11.lastIndexOf("@"), u11 = c11.slice(0, l11).replace(je2, _e2).replace(je2, o10).replace(Se2, F10), f11 = c11.slice(l11 + 1);
try {
f11 = t11.iri ? B10.toUnicode(f11) : B10.toASCII(le2(f11, t11).toLowerCase());
} catch (e23) {
n11.error = n11.error || "Email address's domain name can not be converted to " + (t11.iri ? "Unicode" : "ASCII") + " via punycode: " + e23;
r11[a11] = u11 + "@" + f11;
n11.path = r11.join(",");
var d11 = e21.headers = e21.headers || {};
e21.subject && (d11.subject = e21.subject), e21.body && (d11.body = e21.body);
var h11 = [];
for (var v11 in d11)
d11[v11] !== pe2[v11] && h11.push(v11.replace(je2, _e2).replace(je2, o10).replace(Ce2, F10) + "=" + d11[v11].replace(je2, _e2).replace(je2, o10).replace($e2, F10));
return h11.length && (n11.query = h11.join("&")), n11;
} }, Me2 = /^([^\:]+)\:(.*)/, Ee2 = { scheme: "urn", parse: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = e21.path && e21.path.match(Me2), r11 = e21;
if (n11) {
var o11 = t11.scheme || r11.scheme || "urn", i11 = n11[1].toLowerCase(), a11 = n11[2], s11 = o11 + ":" + (t11.nid || i11), c11 = L10[s11];
r11.nid = i11, r11.nss = a11, r11.path = void 0, c11 && (r11 = c11.parse(r11, t11));
} else
r11.error = r11.error || "URN can not be parsed.";
return r11;
}, serialize: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = t11.scheme || e21.scheme || "urn", r11 = e21.nid, o11 = n11 + ":" + (t11.nid || r11), i11 = L10[o11];
i11 && (e21 = i11.serialize(e21, t11));
var a11 = e21, s11 = e21.nss;
return a11.path = (r11 || t11.nid) + ":" + s11, a11;
} }, Ae2 = /^[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}(?:\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}){3}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}$/, Pe2 = { scheme: "urn:uuid", parse: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = e21;
return n11.uuid = n11.nss, n11.nss = void 0, t11.tolerant || n11.uuid && n11.uuid.match(Ae2) || (n11.error = n11.error || "UUID is not valid."), n11;
}, serialize: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = e21;
return n11.nss = (e21.uuid || "").toLowerCase(), n11;
} };
L10[ue2.scheme] = ue2, L10[fe2.scheme] = fe2, L10[he2.scheme] = he2, L10[ve2.scheme] = ve2, L10[Oe2.scheme] = Oe2, L10[Ee2.scheme] = Ee2, L10[Pe2.scheme] = Pe2, e20.SCHEMES = L10, e20.pctEncChar = F10, e20.pctDecChars = V10, e20.parse = Q10, e20.removeDotSegments = ne2, e20.serialize = re2, e20.resolveComponents = oe2, e20.resolve = ie2, e20.normalize = ae2, e20.equal = se2, e20.escapeComponent = ce2, e20.unescapeComponent = le2, Object.defineProperty(e20, "__esModule", { value: true });
var l6 = c6.exports;
Object.defineProperty(s6, "__esModule", { value: true });
var u6 = l6;
u6.code = 'require("ajv/dist/runtime/uri").default', s6.default = u6, function(e20) {
Object.defineProperty(e20, "__esModule", { value: true }), e20.CodeGen = e20.Name = e20.nil = e20.stringify = e20.str = e20._ = e20.KeywordCxt = void 0;
var t10 = q5();
Object.defineProperty(e20, "KeywordCxt", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return t10.KeywordCxt;
} });
var n10 = G8();
Object.defineProperty(e20, "_", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return n10._;
} }), Object.defineProperty(e20, "str", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return n10.str;
} }), Object.defineProperty(e20, "stringify", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return n10.stringify;
} }), Object.defineProperty(e20, "nil", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return n10.nil;
} }), Object.defineProperty(e20, "Name", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return n10.Name;
} }), Object.defineProperty(e20, "CodeGen", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return n10.CodeGen;
} });
var r10 = L5(), o10 = H5(), i10 = o5, a10 = W5, s10 = G8(), c10 = b5, l10 = r5, u10 = Q8, f10 = a6, d10 = s6, h10 = function(e21, t11) {
return new RegExp(e21, t11);
h10.code = "new RegExp";
var v10 = ["removeAdditional", "useDefaults", "coerceTypes"], p10 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["validate", "serialize", "parse", "wrapper", "root", "schema", "keyword", "pattern", "formats", "validate$data", "func", "obj", "Error"]), m10 = { errorDataPath: "", format: "`validateFormats: false` can be used instead.", nullable: '"nullable" keyword is supported by default.', jsonPointers: "Deprecated jsPropertySyntax can be used instead.", extendRefs: "Deprecated ignoreKeywordsWithRef can be used instead.", missingRefs: "Pass empty schema with $id that should be ignored to ajv.addSchema.", processCode: "Use option `code: {process: (code, schemaEnv: object) => string}`", sourceCode: "Use option `code: {source: true}`", strictDefaults: "It is default now, see option `strict`.", strictKeywords: "It is default now, see option `strict`.", uniqueItems: '"uniqueItems" keyword is always validated.', unknownFormats: "Disable strict mode or pass `true` to `ajv.addFormat` (or `formats` option).", cache: "Map is used as cache, schema object as key.", serialize: "Map is used as cache, schema object as key.", ajvErrors: "It is default now." }, g10 = { ignoreKeywordsWithRef: "", jsPropertySyntax: "", unicode: '"minLength"/"maxLength" account for unicode characters by default.' };
var y10 = function() {
function e21() {
var t11 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
No(this, e21), this.schemas = {}, this.refs = {}, this.formats = {}, this._compilations = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), this._loading = {}, this._cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), t11 = this.opts = Ro(Ro({}, t11), function(e23) {
var t12, n12, r12, o12, i11, a12, s11, c11, l11, u11, f11, v11, p11, m11, g11, y11, b11, k11, w11, x11, j11, S11, C11, $11, _11, O11 = e23.strict, M11 = null === (t12 = e23.code) || void 0 === t12 ? void 0 : t12.optimize, E11 = true === M11 || void 0 === M11 ? 1 : M11 || 0, A11 = null !== (r12 = null === (n12 = e23.code) || void 0 === n12 ? void 0 : n12.regExp) && void 0 !== r12 ? r12 : h10, P11 = null !== (o12 = e23.uriResolver) && void 0 !== o12 ? o12 : d10.default;
return { strictSchema: null === (a12 = null !== (i11 = e23.strictSchema) && void 0 !== i11 ? i11 : O11) || void 0 === a12 || a12, strictNumbers: null === (c11 = null !== (s11 = e23.strictNumbers) && void 0 !== s11 ? s11 : O11) || void 0 === c11 || c11, strictTypes: null !== (u11 = null !== (l11 = e23.strictTypes) && void 0 !== l11 ? l11 : O11) && void 0 !== u11 ? u11 : "log", strictTuples: null !== (v11 = null !== (f11 = e23.strictTuples) && void 0 !== f11 ? f11 : O11) && void 0 !== v11 ? v11 : "log", strictRequired: null !== (m11 = null !== (p11 = e23.strictRequired) && void 0 !== p11 ? p11 : O11) && void 0 !== m11 && m11, code: e23.code ? Ro(Ro({}, e23.code), {}, { optimize: E11, regExp: A11 }) : { optimize: E11, regExp: A11 }, loopRequired: null !== (g11 = e23.loopRequired) && void 0 !== g11 ? g11 : 200, loopEnum: null !== (y11 = e23.loopEnum) && void 0 !== y11 ? y11 : 200, meta: null === (b11 = e23.meta) || void 0 === b11 || b11, messages: null === (k11 = e23.messages) || void 0 === k11 || k11, inlineRefs: null === (w11 = e23.inlineRefs) || void 0 === w11 || w11, schemaId: null !== (x11 = e23.schemaId) && void 0 !== x11 ? x11 : "$id", addUsedSchema: null === (j11 = e23.addUsedSchema) || void 0 === j11 || j11, validateSchema: null === (S11 = e23.validateSchema) || void 0 === S11 || S11, validateFormats: null === (C11 = e23.validateFormats) || void 0 === C11 || C11, unicodeRegExp: null === ($11 = e23.unicodeRegExp) || void 0 === $11 || $11, int32range: null === (_11 = e23.int32range) || void 0 === _11 || _11, uriResolver: P11 };
var n11 = this.opts.code, r11 = n11.es5, o11 = n11.lines;
this.scope = new s10.ValueScope({ scope: {}, prefixes: p10, es5: r11, lines: o11 }), this.logger = function(e23) {
if (false === e23)
return C10;
if (void 0 === e23)
return console;
if (e23.log && e23.warn && e23.error)
return e23;
throw new Error("logger must implement log, warn and error methods");
var a11 = t11.validateFormats;
t11.validateFormats = false, this.RULES = (0, i10.getRules)(), b10.call(this, m10, t11, "NOT SUPPORTED"), b10.call(this, g10, t11, "DEPRECATED", "warn"), this._metaOpts = S10.call(this), t11.formats && x10.call(this), this._addVocabularies(), this._addDefaultMetaSchema(), t11.keywords && j10.call(this, t11.keywords), "object" == Ho(t11.meta) && this.addMetaSchema(t11.meta), w10.call(this), t11.validateFormats = a11;
return Do(e21, [{ key: "_addVocabularies", value: function() {
} }, { key: "_addDefaultMetaSchema", value: function() {
var e23 = this.opts, t11 = e23.$data, n11 = e23.meta, r11 = e23.schemaId, o11 = f10;
"id" === r11 && ((o11 = Ro({}, f10)).id = o11.$id, delete o11.$id), n11 && t11 && this.addMetaSchema(o11, o11[r11], false);
} }, { key: "defaultMeta", value: function() {
var e23 = this.opts, t11 = e23.meta, n11 = e23.schemaId;
return this.opts.defaultMeta = "object" == Ho(t11) ? t11[n11] || t11 : void 0;
} }, { key: "validate", value: function(e23, t11) {
var n11;
if ("string" == typeof e23) {
if (!(n11 = this.getSchema(e23)))
throw new Error('no schema with key or ref "'.concat(e23, '"'));
} else
n11 = this.compile(e23);
var r11 = n11(t11);
return "$async" in n11 || (this.errors = n11.errors), r11;
} }, { key: "compile", value: function(e23, t11) {
var n11 = this._addSchema(e23, t11);
return n11.validate || this._compileSchemaEnv(n11);
} }, { key: "compileAsync", value: function(e23, t11) {
if ("function" != typeof this.opts.loadSchema)
throw new Error("options.loadSchema should be a function");
var n11 = this.opts.loadSchema;
return r11.call(this, e23, t11);
function r11(e24, t12) {
return i11.apply(this, arguments);
function i11() {
return (i11 = xo(ko().mark(function e24(t12, n12) {
var r12;
return ko().wrap(function(e25) {
for (; ; )
switch (e25.prev = e25.next) {
case 0:
return e25.next = 2, a11.call(this, t12.$schema);
case 2:
return r12 = this._addSchema(t12, n12), e25.abrupt("return", r12.validate || c11.call(this, r12));
case 4:
case "end":
return e25.stop();
}, e24, this);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function a11(e24) {
return s11.apply(this, arguments);
function s11() {
return (s11 = xo(ko().mark(function e24(t12) {
return ko().wrap(function(e25) {
for (; ; )
switch (e25.prev = e25.next) {
case 0:
if (!t12 || this.getSchema(t12)) {
e25.next = 3;
return e25.next = 3, r11.call(this, { $ref: t12 }, true);
case 3:
case "end":
return e25.stop();
}, e24, this);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function c11(e24) {
return l11.apply(this, arguments);
function l11() {
return (l11 = xo(ko().mark(function e24(t12) {
return ko().wrap(function(e25) {
for (; ; )
switch (e25.prev = e25.next) {
case 0:
return e25.prev = 0, e25.abrupt("return", this._compileSchemaEnv(t12));
case 4:
if (e25.prev = 4, e25.t0 = e25.catch(0), e25.t0 instanceof o10.default) {
e25.next = 8;
throw e25.t0;
case 8:
return u11.call(this, e25.t0), e25.next = 11, f11.call(this, e25.t0.missingSchema);
case 11:
return e25.abrupt("return", c11.call(this, t12));
case 12:
case "end":
return e25.stop();
}, e24, this, [[0, 4]]);
}))).apply(this, arguments);
function u11(e24) {
var t12 = e24.missingSchema, n12 = e24.missingRef;
if (this.refs[t12])
throw new Error("AnySchema ".concat(t12, " is loaded but ").concat(n12, " cannot be resolved"));
function f11(e24) {
return d11.apply(this, arguments);
function d11() {
return d11 = xo(ko().mark(function e24(n12) {
var r12;
return ko().wrap(function(e25) {
for (; ; )
switch (e25.prev = e25.next) {
case 0:
return e25.next = 2, h11.call(this, n12);
case 2:
if (r12 = e25.sent, this.refs[n12]) {
e25.next = 6;
return e25.next = 6, a11.call(this, r12.$schema);
case 6:
this.refs[n12] || this.addSchema(r12, n12, t11);
case 7:
case "end":
return e25.stop();
}, e24, this);
})), d11.apply(this, arguments);
function h11(e24) {
return v11.apply(this, arguments);
function v11() {
return v11 = xo(ko().mark(function e24(t12) {
var r12;
return ko().wrap(function(e25) {
for (; ; )
switch (e25.prev = e25.next) {
case 0:
if (!(r12 = this._loading[t12])) {
e25.next = 3;
return e25.abrupt("return", r12);
case 3:
return e25.prev = 3, e25.next = 6, this._loading[t12] = n11(t12);
case 6:
return e25.abrupt("return", e25.sent);
case 7:
return e25.prev = 7, delete this._loading[t12], e25.finish(7);
case 10:
case "end":
return e25.stop();
}, e24, this, [[3, , 7, 10]]);
})), v11.apply(this, arguments);
} }, { key: "addSchema", value: function(e23, t11, n11) {
var r11, o11 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : this.opts.validateSchema;
if (Array.isArray(e23)) {
var i11, a11 = bo(e23);
try {
for (a11.s(); !(i11 = a11.n()).done; ) {
var s11 = i11.value;
this.addSchema(s11, void 0, n11, o11);
} catch (e24) {
} finally {
return this;
if ("object" === Ho(e23)) {
var l11 = this.opts.schemaId;
if (void 0 !== (r11 = e23[l11]) && "string" != typeof r11)
throw new Error("schema ".concat(l11, " must be string"));
return t11 = (0, c10.normalizeId)(t11 || r11), this._checkUnique(t11), this.schemas[t11] = this._addSchema(e23, n11, t11, o11, true), this;
} }, { key: "addMetaSchema", value: function(e23, t11) {
var n11 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : this.opts.validateSchema;
return this.addSchema(e23, t11, true, n11), this;
} }, { key: "validateSchema", value: function(e23, t11) {
if ("boolean" == typeof e23)
return true;
var n11;
if (void 0 !== (n11 = e23.$schema) && "string" != typeof n11)
throw new Error("$schema must be a string");
if (!(n11 = n11 || this.opts.defaultMeta || this.defaultMeta()))
return this.logger.warn("meta-schema not available"), this.errors = null, true;
var r11 = this.validate(n11, e23);
if (!r11 && t11) {
var o11 = "schema is invalid: " + this.errorsText();
if ("log" !== this.opts.validateSchema)
throw new Error(o11);
return r11;
} }, { key: "getSchema", value: function(e23) {
for (var t11; "string" == typeof (t11 = k10.call(this, e23)); )
e23 = t11;
if (void 0 === t11) {
var n11 = this.opts.schemaId, r11 = new a10.SchemaEnv({ schema: {}, schemaId: n11 });
if (!(t11 = a10.resolveSchema.call(this, r11, e23)))
this.refs[e23] = t11;
return t11.validate || this._compileSchemaEnv(t11);
} }, { key: "removeSchema", value: function(e23) {
if (e23 instanceof RegExp)
return this._removeAllSchemas(this.schemas, e23), this._removeAllSchemas(this.refs, e23), this;
switch (Ho(e23)) {
case "undefined":
return this._removeAllSchemas(this.schemas), this._removeAllSchemas(this.refs), this._cache.clear(), this;
case "string":
var t11 = k10.call(this, e23);
return "object" == Ho(t11) && this._cache.delete(t11.schema), delete this.schemas[e23], delete this.refs[e23], this;
case "object":
var n11 = e23;
var r11 = e23[this.opts.schemaId];
return r11 && (r11 = (0, c10.normalizeId)(r11), delete this.schemas[r11], delete this.refs[r11]), this;
throw new Error("ajv.removeSchema: invalid parameter");
} }, { key: "addVocabulary", value: function(e23) {
var t11, n11 = bo(e23);
try {
for (n11.s(); !(t11 = n11.n()).done; ) {
var r11 = t11.value;
} catch (e24) {
} finally {
return this;
} }, { key: "addKeyword", value: function(e23, t11) {
var n11, r11 = this;
if ("string" == typeof e23)
n11 = e23, "object" == Ho(t11) && (this.logger.warn("these parameters are deprecated, see docs for addKeyword"), t11.keyword = n11);
else {
if ("object" != Ho(e23) || void 0 !== t11)
throw new Error("invalid addKeywords parameters");
if (n11 = (t11 = e23).keyword, Array.isArray(n11) && !n11.length)
throw new Error("addKeywords: keyword must be string or non-empty array");
if (_10.call(this, n11, t11), !t11)
return (0, u10.eachItem)(n11, function(e24) {
return O10.call(r11, e24);
}), this;
E10.call(this, t11);
var o11 = Ro(Ro({}, t11), {}, { type: (0, l10.getJSONTypes)(t11.type), schemaType: (0, l10.getJSONTypes)(t11.schemaType) });
return (0, u10.eachItem)(n11, 0 === o11.type.length ? function(e24) {
return O10.call(r11, e24, o11);
} : function(e24) {
return o11.type.forEach(function(t12) {
return O10.call(r11, e24, o11, t12);
}), this;
} }, { key: "getKeyword", value: function(e23) {
var t11 = this.RULES.all[e23];
return "object" == Ho(t11) ? t11.definition : !!t11;
} }, { key: "removeKeyword", value: function(e23) {
var t11 = this.RULES;
delete t11.keywords[e23], delete t11.all[e23];
var n11, r11 = bo(t11.rules);
try {
for (r11.s(); !(n11 = r11.n()).done; ) {
var o11 = n11.value, i11 = o11.rules.findIndex(function(t12) {
return t12.keyword === e23;
i11 >= 0 && o11.rules.splice(i11, 1);
} catch (e24) {
} finally {
return this;
} }, { key: "addFormat", value: function(e23, t11) {
return "string" == typeof t11 && (t11 = new RegExp(t11)), this.formats[e23] = t11, this;
} }, { key: "errorsText", value: function() {
var e23 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : this.errors, t11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, n11 = t11.separator, r11 = void 0 === n11 ? ", " : n11, o11 = t11.dataVar, i11 = void 0 === o11 ? "data" : o11;
return e23 && 0 !== e23.length ? e23.map(function(e24) {
return "".concat(i11).concat(e24.instancePath, " ").concat(e24.message);
}).reduce(function(e24, t12) {
return e24 + r11 + t12;
}) : "No errors";
} }, { key: "$dataMetaSchema", value: function(e23, t11) {
var n11 = this.RULES.all;
e23 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e23));
var r11, o11 = bo(t11);
try {
for (o11.s(); !(r11 = o11.n()).done; ) {
var i11, a11 = r11.value.split("/").slice(1), s11 = e23, c11 = bo(a11);
try {
for (c11.s(); !(i11 = c11.n()).done; ) {
s11 = s11[i11.value];
} catch (e24) {
} finally {
for (var l11 in n11) {
var u11 = n11[l11];
if ("object" == Ho(u11)) {
var f11 = u11.definition.$data, d11 = s11[l11];
f11 && d11 && (s11[l11] = P10(d11));
} catch (e24) {
} finally {
return e23;
} }, { key: "_removeAllSchemas", value: function(e23, t11) {
for (var n11 in e23) {
var r11 = e23[n11];
t11 && !t11.test(n11) || ("string" == typeof r11 ? delete e23[n11] : r11 && !r11.meta && (this._cache.delete(r11.schema), delete e23[n11]));
} }, { key: "_addSchema", value: function(e23, t11, n11) {
var r11, o11 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : this.opts.validateSchema, i11 = arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : this.opts.addUsedSchema, s11 = this.opts.schemaId;
if ("object" == Ho(e23))
r11 = e23[s11];
else {
if (this.opts.jtd)
throw new Error("schema must be object");
if ("boolean" != typeof e23)
throw new Error("schema must be object or boolean");
var l11 = this._cache.get(e23);
if (void 0 !== l11)
return l11;
n11 = (0, c10.normalizeId)(r11 || n11);
var u11 = c10.getSchemaRefs.call(this, e23, n11);
return l11 = new a10.SchemaEnv({ schema: e23, schemaId: s11, meta: t11, baseId: n11, localRefs: u11 }), this._cache.set(l11.schema, l11), i11 && !n11.startsWith("#") && (n11 && this._checkUnique(n11), this.refs[n11] = l11), o11 && this.validateSchema(e23, true), l11;
} }, { key: "_checkUnique", value: function(e23) {
if (this.schemas[e23] || this.refs[e23])
throw new Error('schema with key or id "'.concat(e23, '" already exists'));
} }, { key: "_compileSchemaEnv", value: function(e23) {
if (e23.meta ? this._compileMetaSchema(e23) : a10.compileSchema.call(this, e23), !e23.validate)
throw new Error("ajv implementation error");
return e23.validate;
} }, { key: "_compileMetaSchema", value: function(e23) {
var t11 = this.opts;
this.opts = this._metaOpts;
try {
a10.compileSchema.call(this, e23);
} finally {
this.opts = t11;
} }]), e21;
function b10(e21, t11, n11) {
var r11 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : "error";
for (var o11 in e21) {
var i11 = o11;
i11 in t11 && this.logger[r11]("".concat(n11, ": option ").concat(o11, ". ").concat(e21[i11]));
function k10(e21) {
return e21 = (0, c10.normalizeId)(e21), this.schemas[e21] || this.refs[e21];
function w10() {
var e21 = this.opts.schemas;
if (e21)
if (Array.isArray(e21))
for (var t11 in e21)
this.addSchema(e21[t11], t11);
function x10() {
for (var e21 in this.opts.formats) {
var t11 = this.opts.formats[e21];
t11 && this.addFormat(e21, t11);
function j10(e21) {
if (Array.isArray(e21))
for (var t11 in this.logger.warn("keywords option as map is deprecated, pass array"), e21) {
var n11 = e21[t11];
n11.keyword || (n11.keyword = t11), this.addKeyword(n11);
function S10() {
var e21, t11 = Ro({}, this.opts), n11 = bo(v10);
try {
for (n11.s(); !(e21 = n11.n()).done; ) {
delete t11[e21.value];
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
return t11;
e20.default = y10, y10.ValidationError = r10.default, y10.MissingRefError = o10.default;
var C10 = { log: function() {
}, warn: function() {
}, error: function() {
} };
var $10 = /^[a-z_$][a-z0-9_$:-]*$/i;
function _10(e21, t11) {
var n11 = this.RULES;
if ((0, u10.eachItem)(e21, function(e23) {
if (n11.keywords[e23])
throw new Error("Keyword ".concat(e23, " is already defined"));
if (!$10.test(e23))
throw new Error("Keyword ".concat(e23, " has invalid name"));
}), t11 && t11.$data && !("code" in t11) && !("validate" in t11))
throw new Error('$data keyword must have "code" or "validate" function');
function O10(e21, t11, n11) {
var r11, o11 = this, i11 = null == t11 ? void 0 : t11.post;
if (n11 && i11)
throw new Error('keyword with "post" flag cannot have "type"');
var a11 = this.RULES, s11 = i11 ? a11.post : a11.rules.find(function(e23) {
return e23.type === n11;
if (s11 || (s11 = { type: n11, rules: [] }, a11.rules.push(s11)), a11.keywords[e21] = true, t11) {
var c11 = { keyword: e21, definition: Ro(Ro({}, t11), {}, { type: (0, l10.getJSONTypes)(t11.type), schemaType: (0, l10.getJSONTypes)(t11.schemaType) }) };
t11.before ? M10.call(this, s11, c11, t11.before) : s11.rules.push(c11), a11.all[e21] = c11, null === (r11 = t11.implements) || void 0 === r11 || r11.forEach(function(e23) {
return o11.addKeyword(e23);
function M10(e21, t11, n11) {
var r11 = e21.rules.findIndex(function(e23) {
return e23.keyword === n11;
r11 >= 0 ? e21.rules.splice(r11, 0, t11) : (e21.rules.push(t11), this.logger.warn("rule ".concat(n11, " is not defined")));
function E10(e21) {
var t11 = e21.metaSchema;
void 0 !== t11 && (e21.$data && this.opts.$data && (t11 = P10(t11)), e21.validateSchema = this.compile(t11, true));
var A10 = { $ref: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ajv-validator/ajv/master/lib/refs/data.json#" };
function P10(e21) {
return { anyOf: [e21, A10] };
var f6 = {};
var d6 = {};
var h6 = {};
Object.defineProperty(h6, "__esModule", { value: true });
var v6 = { keyword: "id", code: function() {
throw new Error('NOT SUPPORTED: keyword "id", use "$id" for schema ID');
} };
h6.default = v6;
var p6 = {};
Object.defineProperty(p6, "__esModule", { value: true }), p6.callRef = p6.getValidate = void 0;
var m6 = H5();
var g6 = p5();
var y6 = G8();
var b6 = t5();
var k6 = W5;
var w6 = Q8;
var x6 = { keyword: "$ref", schemaType: "string", code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.gen, n10 = e20.schema, r10 = e20.it, o10 = r10.baseId, i10 = r10.schemaEnv, a10 = r10.validateName, s10 = r10.opts, c10 = r10.self, l10 = i10.root;
if (("#" === n10 || "#/" === n10) && o10 === l10.baseId)
return function() {
if (i10 === l10)
return S6(e20, a10, i10, i10.$async);
var n11 = t10.scopeValue("root", { ref: l10 });
return S6(e20, (0, y6._)(rn || (rn = mo(["", ".validate"])), n11), l10, l10.$async);
var u10, f10, d10 = k6.resolveRef.call(c10, l10, o10, n10);
if (void 0 === d10)
throw new m6.default(r10.opts.uriResolver, o10, n10);
return d10 instanceof k6.SchemaEnv ? (f10 = j6(e20, u10 = d10), void S6(e20, f10, u10, u10.$async)) : function(r11) {
var o11 = t10.scopeValue("schema", true === s10.code.source ? { ref: r11, code: (0, y6.stringify)(r11) } : { ref: r11 }), i11 = t10.name("valid"), a11 = e20.subschema({ schema: r11, dataTypes: [], schemaPath: y6.nil, topSchemaRef: o11, errSchemaPath: n10 }, i11);
e20.mergeEvaluated(a11), e20.ok(i11);
} };
function j6(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.gen;
return t10.validate ? n10.scopeValue("validate", { ref: t10.validate }) : (0, y6._)(on || (on = mo(["", ".validate"])), n10.scopeValue("wrapper", { ref: t10 }));
function S6(e20, t10, n10, r10) {
var o10 = e20.gen, i10 = e20.it, a10 = i10.allErrors, s10 = i10.schemaEnv, c10 = i10.opts.passContext ? b6.default.this : y6.nil;
function l10(e21) {
var t11 = (0, y6._)(cn || (cn = mo(["", ".errors"])), e21);
o10.assign(b6.default.vErrors, (0, y6._)(ln || (ln = mo(["", " === null ? ", " : ", ".concat(", ")"])), b6.default.vErrors, t11, b6.default.vErrors, t11)), o10.assign(b6.default.errors, (0, y6._)(un || (un = mo(["", ".length"])), b6.default.vErrors));
function u10(e21) {
var t11;
if (i10.opts.unevaluated) {
var r11 = null === (t11 = null == n10 ? void 0 : n10.validate) || void 0 === t11 ? void 0 : t11.evaluated;
if (true !== i10.props)
if (r11 && !r11.dynamicProps)
void 0 !== r11.props && (i10.props = w6.mergeEvaluated.props(o10, r11.props, i10.props));
else {
var a11 = o10.var("props", (0, y6._)(fn || (fn = mo(["", ".evaluated.props"])), e21));
i10.props = w6.mergeEvaluated.props(o10, a11, i10.props, y6.Name);
if (true !== i10.items)
if (r11 && !r11.dynamicItems)
void 0 !== r11.items && (i10.items = w6.mergeEvaluated.items(o10, r11.items, i10.items));
else {
var s11 = o10.var("items", (0, y6._)(dn || (dn = mo(["", ".evaluated.items"])), e21));
i10.items = w6.mergeEvaluated.items(o10, s11, i10.items, y6.Name);
r10 ? function() {
if (!s10.$async)
throw new Error("async schema referenced by sync schema");
var n11 = o10.let("valid");
o10.try(function() {
o10.code((0, y6._)(an || (an = mo(["await ", ""])), (0, g6.callValidateCode)(e20, t10, c10))), u10(t10), a10 || o10.assign(n11, true);
}, function(e21) {
o10.if((0, y6._)(sn || (sn = mo(["!(", " instanceof ", ")"])), e21, i10.ValidationError), function() {
return o10.throw(e21);
}), l10(e21), a10 || o10.assign(n11, false);
}), e20.ok(n11);
}() : e20.result((0, g6.callValidateCode)(e20, t10, c10), function() {
return u10(t10);
}, function() {
return l10(t10);
p6.getValidate = j6, p6.callRef = S6, p6.default = x6, Object.defineProperty(d6, "__esModule", { value: true });
var C6 = p6;
var $6 = ["$schema", "$id", "$defs", "$vocabulary", { keyword: "$comment" }, "definitions", h6.default, C6.default];
d6.default = $6;
var _6 = {};
var O6 = {};
Object.defineProperty(O6, "__esModule", { value: true });
var M6 = G8();
var E6 = M6.operators;
var A6 = { maximum: { okStr: "<=", ok: E6.LTE, fail: E6.GT }, minimum: { okStr: ">=", ok: E6.GTE, fail: E6.LT }, exclusiveMaximum: { okStr: "<", ok: E6.LT, fail: E6.GTE }, exclusiveMinimum: { okStr: ">", ok: E6.GT, fail: E6.LTE } };
var P6 = { message: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.keyword, n10 = e20.schemaCode;
return (0, M6.str)(hn || (hn = mo(["must be ", " ", ""])), A6[t10].okStr, n10);
}, params: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.keyword, n10 = e20.schemaCode;
return (0, M6._)(vn || (vn = mo(["{comparison: ", ", limit: ", "}"])), A6[t10].okStr, n10);
} };
var T6 = { keyword: Object.keys(A6), type: "number", schemaType: "number", $data: true, error: P6, code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.keyword, n10 = e20.data, r10 = e20.schemaCode;
e20.fail$data((0, M6._)(pn || (pn = mo(["", " ", " ", " || isNaN(", ")"])), n10, A6[t10].fail, r10, n10));
} };
O6.default = T6;
var R6 = {};
Object.defineProperty(R6, "__esModule", { value: true });
var N6 = G8();
var I6 = { keyword: "multipleOf", type: "number", schemaType: "number", $data: true, error: { message: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.schemaCode;
return (0, N6.str)(mn || (mn = mo(["must be multiple of ", ""])), t10);
}, params: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.schemaCode;
return (0, N6._)(gn || (gn = mo(["{multipleOf: ", "}"])), t10);
} }, code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.gen, n10 = e20.data, r10 = e20.schemaCode, o10 = e20.it.opts.multipleOfPrecision, i10 = t10.let("res"), a10 = o10 ? (0, N6._)(yn || (yn = mo(["Math.abs(Math.round(", ") - ", ") > 1e-", ""])), i10, i10, o10) : (0, N6._)(bn || (bn = mo(["", " !== parseInt(", ")"])), i10, i10);
e20.fail$data((0, N6._)(kn || (kn = mo(["(", " === 0 || (", " = ", "/", ", ", "))"])), r10, i10, n10, r10, a10));
} };
R6.default = I6;
var D6 = {};
var q6 = {};
function z6(e20) {
for (var t10, n10 = e20.length, r10 = 0, o10 = 0; o10 < n10; )
r10++, (t10 = e20.charCodeAt(o10++)) >= 55296 && t10 <= 56319 && o10 < n10 && 56320 == (64512 & (t10 = e20.charCodeAt(o10))) && o10++;
return r10;
Object.defineProperty(q6, "__esModule", { value: true }), q6.default = z6, z6.code = 'require("ajv/dist/runtime/ucs2length").default', Object.defineProperty(D6, "__esModule", { value: true });
var B6 = G8();
var L6 = Q8;
var F6 = q6;
var V6 = { message: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.keyword, n10 = e20.schemaCode, r10 = "maxLength" === t10 ? "more" : "fewer";
return (0, B6.str)(wn || (wn = mo(["must NOT have ", " than ", " characters"])), r10, n10);
}, params: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.schemaCode;
return (0, B6._)(xn || (xn = mo(["{limit: ", "}"])), t10);
} };
var H6 = { keyword: ["maxLength", "minLength"], type: "string", schemaType: "number", $data: true, error: V6, code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.keyword, n10 = e20.data, r10 = e20.schemaCode, o10 = e20.it, i10 = "maxLength" === t10 ? B6.operators.GT : B6.operators.LT, a10 = false === o10.opts.unicode ? (0, B6._)(jn || (jn = mo(["", ".length"])), n10) : (0, B6._)(Sn || (Sn = mo(["", "(", ")"])), (0, L6.useFunc)(e20.gen, F6.default), n10);
e20.fail$data((0, B6._)(Cn || (Cn = mo(["", " ", " ", ""])), a10, i10, r10));
} };
D6.default = H6;
var W6 = {};
Object.defineProperty(W6, "__esModule", { value: true });
var U6 = p5();
var J6 = G8();
var K6 = { keyword: "pattern", type: "string", schemaType: "string", $data: true, error: { message: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.schemaCode;
return (0, J6.str)($n || ($n = mo(['must match pattern "', '"'])), t10);
}, params: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.schemaCode;
return (0, J6._)(_n || (_n = mo(["{pattern: ", "}"])), t10);
} }, code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.data, n10 = e20.$data, r10 = e20.schema, o10 = e20.schemaCode, i10 = e20.it.opts.unicodeRegExp ? "u" : "", a10 = n10 ? (0, J6._)(On || (On = mo(["(new RegExp(", ", ", "))"])), o10, i10) : (0, U6.usePattern)(e20, r10);
e20.fail$data((0, J6._)(Mn || (Mn = mo(["!", ".test(", ")"])), a10, t10));
} };
W6.default = K6;
var G6 = {};
Object.defineProperty(G6, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Q6 = G8();
var Y6 = { message: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.keyword, n10 = e20.schemaCode, r10 = "maxProperties" === t10 ? "more" : "fewer";
return (0, Q6.str)(En || (En = mo(["must NOT have ", " than ", " properties"])), r10, n10);
}, params: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.schemaCode;
return (0, Q6._)(An || (An = mo(["{limit: ", "}"])), t10);
} };
var X6 = { keyword: ["maxProperties", "minProperties"], type: "object", schemaType: "number", $data: true, error: Y6, code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.keyword, n10 = e20.data, r10 = e20.schemaCode, o10 = "maxProperties" === t10 ? Q6.operators.GT : Q6.operators.LT;
e20.fail$data((0, Q6._)(Pn || (Pn = mo(["Object.keys(", ").length ", " ", ""])), n10, o10, r10));
} };
G6.default = X6;
var Z6 = {};
Object.defineProperty(Z6, "__esModule", { value: true });
var e72 = p5();
var t7 = G8();
var n7 = Q8;
var r7 = { keyword: "required", type: "object", schemaType: "array", $data: true, error: { message: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.params.missingProperty;
return (0, t7.str)(Tn || (Tn = mo(["must have required property '", "'"])), t10);
}, params: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.params.missingProperty;
return (0, t7._)(Rn || (Rn = mo(["{missingProperty: ", "}"])), t10);
} }, code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.gen, n10 = e20.schema, r10 = e20.schemaCode, o10 = e20.data, i10 = e20.$data, a10 = e20.it, s10 = a10.opts;
if (i10 || 0 !== n10.length) {
var c10 = n10.length >= s10.loopRequired;
if (a10.allErrors ? function() {
if (c10 || i10)
e20.block$data(t7.nil, m10);
else {
var t11, r11 = bo(n10);
try {
for (r11.s(); !(t11 = r11.n()).done; ) {
var o11 = t11.value;
(0, e72.checkReportMissingProp)(e20, o11);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
}() : function() {
var a11 = t10.let("missing");
if (c10 || i10) {
var l11 = t10.let("valid", true);
e20.block$data(l11, function() {
return function(n11, i11) {
e20.setParams({ missingProperty: n11 }), t10.forOf(n11, r10, function() {
t10.assign(i11, (0, e72.propertyInData)(t10, o10, n11, s10.ownProperties)), t10.if((0, t7.not)(i11), function() {
e20.error(), t10.break();
}, t7.nil);
}(a11, l11);
}), e20.ok(l11);
} else
t10.if((0, e72.checkMissingProp)(e20, n10, a11)), (0, e72.reportMissingProp)(e20, a11), t10.else();
}(), s10.strictRequired) {
var l10, u10 = e20.parentSchema.properties, f10 = e20.it.definedProperties, d10 = bo(n10);
try {
for (d10.s(); !(l10 = d10.n()).done; ) {
var h10 = l10.value;
if (void 0 === (null == u10 ? void 0 : u10[h10]) && !f10.has(h10)) {
var v10 = a10.schemaEnv.baseId + a10.errSchemaPath, p10 = 'required property "'.concat(h10, '" is not defined at "').concat(v10, '" (strictRequired)');
(0, n7.checkStrictMode)(a10, p10, a10.opts.strictRequired);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
function m10() {
t10.forOf("prop", r10, function(n11) {
e20.setParams({ missingProperty: n11 }), t10.if((0, e72.noPropertyInData)(t10, o10, n11, s10.ownProperties), function() {
return e20.error();
} };
Z6.default = r7;
var o7 = {};
Object.defineProperty(o7, "__esModule", { value: true });
var i7 = G8();
var a7 = { message: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.keyword, n10 = e20.schemaCode, r10 = "maxItems" === t10 ? "more" : "fewer";
return (0, i7.str)(Nn || (Nn = mo(["must NOT have ", " than ", " items"])), r10, n10);
}, params: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.schemaCode;
return (0, i7._)(In || (In = mo(["{limit: ", "}"])), t10);
} };
var s7 = { keyword: ["maxItems", "minItems"], type: "array", schemaType: "number", $data: true, error: a7, code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.keyword, n10 = e20.data, r10 = e20.schemaCode, o10 = "maxItems" === t10 ? i7.operators.GT : i7.operators.LT;
e20.fail$data((0, i7._)(Dn || (Dn = mo(["", ".length ", " ", ""])), n10, o10, r10));
} };
o7.default = s7;
var c7 = {};
var l7 = {};
Object.defineProperty(l7, "__esModule", { value: true });
var u7 = k5;
u7.code = 'require("ajv/dist/runtime/equal").default', l7.default = u7, Object.defineProperty(c7, "__esModule", { value: true });
var f7 = r5;
var d7 = G8();
var h7 = Q8;
var v7 = l7;
var p7 = { message: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.params, n10 = t10.i, r10 = t10.j;
return (0, d7.str)(qn || (qn = mo(["must NOT have duplicate items (items ## ", " and ", " are identical)"])), r10, n10);
}, params: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.params, n10 = t10.i, r10 = t10.j;
return (0, d7._)(zn || (zn = mo(["{i: ", ", j: ", "}"])), n10, r10);
} };
var m7 = { keyword: "uniqueItems", type: "array", schemaType: "boolean", $data: true, error: p7, code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.gen, n10 = e20.data, r10 = e20.$data, o10 = e20.schema, i10 = e20.parentSchema, a10 = e20.schemaCode, s10 = e20.it;
if (r10 || o10) {
var c10 = t10.let("valid"), l10 = i10.items ? (0, f7.getSchemaTypes)(i10.items) : [];
e20.block$data(c10, function() {
var r11 = t10.let("i", (0, d7._)(Ln || (Ln = mo(["", ".length"])), n10)), o11 = t10.let("j");
e20.setParams({ i: r11, j: o11 }), t10.assign(c10, true), t10.if((0, d7._)(Fn || (Fn = mo(["", " > 1"])), r11), function() {
return (l10.length > 0 && !l10.some(function(e21) {
return "object" === e21 || "array" === e21;
}) ? u10 : f10)(r11, o11);
}, (0, d7._)(Bn || (Bn = mo(["", " === false"])), a10)), e20.ok(c10);
function u10(r11, o11) {
var i11 = t10.name("item"), a11 = (0, f7.checkDataTypes)(l10, i11, s10.opts.strictNumbers, f7.DataType.Wrong), u11 = t10.const("indices", (0, d7._)(Vn || (Vn = mo(["{}"]))));
t10.for((0, d7._)(Hn || (Hn = mo([";", "--;"])), r11), function() {
t10.let(i11, (0, d7._)(Wn || (Wn = mo(["", "[", "]"])), n10, r11)), t10.if(a11, (0, d7._)(Un || (Un = mo(["continue"])))), l10.length > 1 && t10.if((0, d7._)(Jn || (Jn = mo(["typeof ", ' == "string"'])), i11), (0, d7._)(Kn || (Kn = mo(["", ' += "_"'])), i11)), t10.if((0, d7._)(Gn || (Gn = mo(["typeof ", "[", '] == "number"'])), u11, i11), function() {
t10.assign(o11, (0, d7._)(Qn || (Qn = mo(["", "[", "]"])), u11, i11)), e20.error(), t10.assign(c10, false).break();
}).code((0, d7._)(Yn || (Yn = mo(["", "[", "] = ", ""])), u11, i11, r11));
function f10(r11, o11) {
var i11 = (0, h7.useFunc)(t10, v7.default), a11 = t10.name("outer");
t10.label(a11).for((0, d7._)(Xn || (Xn = mo([";", "--;"])), r11), function() {
return t10.for((0, d7._)(Zn || (Zn = mo(["", " = ", "; ", "--;"])), o11, r11, o11), function() {
return t10.if((0, d7._)(er || (er = mo(["", "(", "[", "], ", "[", "])"])), i11, n10, r11, n10, o11), function() {
e20.error(), t10.assign(c10, false).break(a11);
} };
c7.default = m7;
var g7 = {};
Object.defineProperty(g7, "__esModule", { value: true });
var y7 = G8();
var b7 = Q8;
var k7 = l7;
var w7 = { keyword: "const", $data: true, error: { message: "must be equal to constant", params: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.schemaCode;
return (0, y7._)(tr || (tr = mo(["{allowedValue: ", "}"])), t10);
} }, code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.gen, n10 = e20.data, r10 = e20.$data, o10 = e20.schemaCode, i10 = e20.schema;
r10 || i10 && "object" == Ho(i10) ? e20.fail$data((0, y7._)(nr || (nr = mo(["!", "(", ", ", ")"])), (0, b7.useFunc)(t10, k7.default), n10, o10)) : e20.fail((0, y7._)(rr || (rr = mo(["", " !== ", ""])), i10, n10));
} };
g7.default = w7;
var x7 = {};
Object.defineProperty(x7, "__esModule", { value: true });
var j7 = G8();
var S7 = Q8;
var C7 = l7;
var $7 = { keyword: "enum", schemaType: "array", $data: true, error: { message: "must be equal to one of the allowed values", params: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.schemaCode;
return (0, j7._)(or || (or = mo(["{allowedValues: ", "}"])), t10);
} }, code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.gen, n10 = e20.data, r10 = e20.$data, o10 = e20.schema, i10 = e20.schemaCode, a10 = e20.it;
if (!r10 && 0 === o10.length)
throw new Error("enum must have non-empty array");
var s10, c10, l10 = o10.length >= a10.opts.loopEnum, u10 = function() {
return null != s10 ? s10 : s10 = (0, S7.useFunc)(t10, C7.default);
if (l10 || r10)
c10 = t10.let("valid"), e20.block$data(c10, function() {
t10.assign(c10, false), t10.forOf("v", i10, function(e21) {
return t10.if((0, j7._)(ir || (ir = mo(["", "(", ", ", ")"])), u10(), n10, e21), function() {
return t10.assign(c10, true).break();
else {
if (!Array.isArray(o10))
throw new Error("ajv implementation error");
var f10 = t10.const("vSchema", i10);
c10 = j7.or.apply(void 0, Bo(o10.map(function(e21, t11) {
return function(e23, t12) {
var r11 = o10[t12];
return "object" === Ho(r11) && null !== r11 ? (0, j7._)(ar || (ar = mo(["", "(", ", ", "[", "])"])), u10(), n10, e23, t12) : (0, j7._)(sr || (sr = mo(["", " === ", ""])), n10, r11);
}(f10, t11);
} };
x7.default = $7, Object.defineProperty(_6, "__esModule", { value: true });
var _7 = R6;
var O7 = D6;
var M7 = W6;
var E7 = G6;
var A7 = Z6;
var P7 = o7;
var T7 = c7;
var R7 = g7;
var N7 = x7;
var I7 = [O6.default, _7.default, O7.default, M7.default, E7.default, A7.default, P7.default, T7.default, { keyword: "type", schemaType: ["string", "array"] }, { keyword: "nullable", schemaType: "boolean" }, R7.default, N7.default];
_6.default = I7;
var D7 = {};
var q7 = {};
Object.defineProperty(q7, "__esModule", { value: true }), q7.validateAdditionalItems = void 0;
var z7 = G8();
var B7 = Q8;
var L7 = { keyword: "additionalItems", type: "array", schemaType: ["boolean", "object"], before: "uniqueItems", error: { message: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.params.len;
return (0, z7.str)(cr || (cr = mo(["must NOT have more than ", " items"])), t10);
}, params: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.params.len;
return (0, z7._)(lr || (lr = mo(["{limit: ", "}"])), t10);
} }, code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.parentSchema, n10 = e20.it, r10 = t10.items;
Array.isArray(r10) ? F7(e20, r10) : (0, B7.checkStrictMode)(n10, '"additionalItems" is ignored when "items" is not an array of schemas');
} };
function F7(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.gen, r10 = e20.schema, o10 = e20.data, i10 = e20.keyword, a10 = e20.it;
a10.items = true;
var s10 = n10.const("len", (0, z7._)(ur || (ur = mo(["", ".length"])), o10));
if (false === r10)
e20.setParams({ len: t10.length }), e20.pass((0, z7._)(fr || (fr = mo(["", " <= ", ""])), s10, t10.length));
else if ("object" == Ho(r10) && !(0, B7.alwaysValidSchema)(a10, r10)) {
var c10 = n10.var("valid", (0, z7._)(dr || (dr = mo(["", " <= ", ""])), s10, t10.length));
n10.if((0, z7.not)(c10), function() {
return function(r11) {
n10.forRange("i", t10.length, s10, function(t11) {
e20.subschema({ keyword: i10, dataProp: t11, dataPropType: B7.Type.Num }, r11), a10.allErrors || n10.if((0, z7.not)(r11), function() {
return n10.break();
}), e20.ok(c10);
q7.validateAdditionalItems = F7, q7.default = L7;
var V7 = {};
var H7 = {};
Object.defineProperty(H7, "__esModule", { value: true }), H7.validateTuple = void 0;
var W7 = G8();
var U7 = Q8;
var J7 = p5();
var K7 = { keyword: "items", type: "array", schemaType: ["object", "array", "boolean"], before: "uniqueItems", code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.schema, n10 = e20.it;
if (Array.isArray(t10))
return G7(e20, "additionalItems", t10);
n10.items = true, (0, U7.alwaysValidSchema)(n10, t10) || e20.ok((0, J7.validateArray)(e20));
} };
function G7(e20, t10) {
var n10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : e20.schema, r10 = e20.gen, o10 = e20.parentSchema, i10 = e20.data, a10 = e20.keyword, s10 = e20.it;
!function(e21) {
var r11 = s10.opts, o11 = s10.errSchemaPath, i11 = n10.length, c11 = i11 === e21.minItems && (i11 === e21.maxItems || false === e21[t10]);
if (r11.strictTuples && !c11) {
var l11 = '"'.concat(a10, '" is ').concat(i11, "-tuple, but minItems or maxItems/").concat(t10, ' are not specified or different at path "').concat(o11, '"');
(0, U7.checkStrictMode)(s10, l11, r11.strictTuples);
}(o10), s10.opts.unevaluated && n10.length && true !== s10.items && (s10.items = U7.mergeEvaluated.items(r10, n10.length, s10.items));
var c10 = r10.name("valid"), l10 = r10.const("len", (0, W7._)(hr || (hr = mo(["", ".length"])), i10));
n10.forEach(function(t11, n11) {
(0, U7.alwaysValidSchema)(s10, t11) || (r10.if((0, W7._)(vr || (vr = mo(["", " > ", ""])), l10, n11), function() {
return e20.subschema({ keyword: a10, schemaProp: n11, dataProp: n11 }, c10);
}), e20.ok(c10));
H7.validateTuple = G7, H7.default = K7, Object.defineProperty(V7, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Q7 = H7;
var Y7 = { keyword: "prefixItems", type: "array", schemaType: ["array"], before: "uniqueItems", code: function(e20) {
return (0, Q7.validateTuple)(e20, "items");
} };
V7.default = Y7;
var X7 = {};
Object.defineProperty(X7, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Z7 = G8();
var e92 = Q8;
var t9 = p5();
var n9 = q7;
var r9 = { keyword: "items", type: "array", schemaType: ["object", "boolean"], before: "uniqueItems", error: { message: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.params.len;
return (0, Z7.str)(pr || (pr = mo(["must NOT have more than ", " items"])), t10);
}, params: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.params.len;
return (0, Z7._)(mr || (mr = mo(["{limit: ", "}"])), t10);
} }, code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.schema, n10 = e20.parentSchema, r10 = e20.it, o10 = n10.prefixItems;
r10.items = true, (0, e92.alwaysValidSchema)(r10, t10) || (o10 ? (0, n9.validateAdditionalItems)(e20, o10) : e20.ok((0, t9.validateArray)(e20)));
} };
X7.default = r9;
var o9 = {};
Object.defineProperty(o9, "__esModule", { value: true });
var i9 = G8();
var a9 = Q8;
var s9 = { message: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.params, n10 = t10.min, r10 = t10.max;
return void 0 === r10 ? (0, i9.str)(gr || (gr = mo(["must contain at least ", " valid item(s)"])), n10) : (0, i9.str)(yr || (yr = mo(["must contain at least ", " and no more than ", " valid item(s)"])), n10, r10);
}, params: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.params, n10 = t10.min, r10 = t10.max;
return void 0 === r10 ? (0, i9._)(br || (br = mo(["{minContains: ", "}"])), n10) : (0, i9._)(kr || (kr = mo(["{minContains: ", ", maxContains: ", "}"])), n10, r10);
} };
var c9 = { keyword: "contains", type: "array", schemaType: ["object", "boolean"], before: "uniqueItems", trackErrors: true, error: s9, code: function(e20) {
var t10, n10, r10 = e20.gen, o10 = e20.schema, i10 = e20.parentSchema, a10 = e20.data, s10 = e20.it, c10 = i10.minContains, l10 = i10.maxContains;
s10.opts.next ? (t10 = void 0 === c10 ? 1 : c10, n10 = l10) : t10 = 1;
var u10 = r10.const("len", (0, i9._)(wr || (wr = mo(["", ".length"])), a10));
if (e20.setParams({ min: t10, max: n10 }), void 0 !== n10 || 0 !== t10) {
if (void 0 !== n10 && t10 > n10)
return (0, a9.checkStrictMode)(s10, '"minContains" > "maxContains" is always invalid'), void e20.fail();
if ((0, a9.alwaysValidSchema)(s10, o10)) {
var f10 = (0, i9._)(xr || (xr = mo(["", " >= ", ""])), u10, t10);
return void 0 !== n10 && (f10 = (0, i9._)(jr || (jr = mo(["", " && ", " <= ", ""])), f10, u10, n10)), void e20.pass(f10);
s10.items = true;
var d10 = r10.name("valid");
void 0 === n10 && 1 === t10 ? v10(d10, function() {
return r10.if(d10, function() {
return r10.break();
}) : 0 === t10 ? (r10.let(d10, true), void 0 !== n10 && r10.if((0, i9._)(Sr || (Sr = mo(["", ".length > 0"])), a10), h10)) : (r10.let(d10, false), h10()), e20.result(d10, function() {
return e20.reset();
} else
(0, a9.checkStrictMode)(s10, '"minContains" == 0 without "maxContains": "contains" keyword ignored');
function h10() {
var e21 = r10.name("_valid"), o11 = r10.let("count", 0);
v10(e21, function() {
return r10.if(e21, function() {
return function(e23) {
r10.code((0, i9._)(Cr || (Cr = mo(["", "++"])), e23)), void 0 === n10 ? r10.if((0, i9._)($r || ($r = mo(["", " >= ", ""])), e23, t10), function() {
return r10.assign(d10, true).break();
}) : (r10.if((0, i9._)(_r || (_r = mo(["", " > ", ""])), e23, n10), function() {
return r10.assign(d10, false).break();
}), 1 === t10 ? r10.assign(d10, true) : r10.if((0, i9._)(Or || (Or = mo(["", " >= ", ""])), e23, t10), function() {
return r10.assign(d10, true);
function v10(t11, n11) {
r10.forRange("i", 0, u10, function(r11) {
e20.subschema({ keyword: "contains", dataProp: r11, dataPropType: a9.Type.Num, compositeRule: true }, t11), n11();
} };
o9.default = c9;
var l9 = {};
!function(e20) {
Object.defineProperty(e20, "__esModule", { value: true }), e20.validateSchemaDeps = e20.validatePropertyDeps = e20.error = void 0;
var t10 = G8(), n10 = Q8, r10 = p5();
e20.error = { message: function(e21) {
var n11 = e21.params, r11 = n11.property, o11 = n11.depsCount, i11 = n11.deps, a11 = 1 === o11 ? "property" : "properties";
return (0, t10.str)(Mr || (Mr = mo(["must have ", " ", " when property ", " is present"])), a11, i11, r11);
}, params: function(e21) {
var n11 = e21.params, r11 = n11.property, o11 = n11.depsCount, i11 = n11.deps, a11 = n11.missingProperty;
return (0, t10._)(Er || (Er = mo(["{property: ", ",\n missingProperty: ", ",\n depsCount: ", ",\n deps: ", "}"])), r11, a11, o11, i11);
} };
var o10 = { keyword: "dependencies", type: "object", schemaType: "object", error: e20.error, code: function(e21) {
var t11 = jo(function(e23) {
var t12 = e23.schema, n12 = {}, r12 = {};
for (var o11 in t12) {
if ("__proto__" !== o11)
(Array.isArray(t12[o11]) ? n12 : r12)[o11] = t12[o11];
return [n12, r12];
}(e21), 2), n11 = t11[0], r11 = t11[1];
i10(e21, n11), a10(e21, r11);
} };
function i10(e21) {
var n11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : e21.schema, o11 = e21.gen, i11 = e21.data, a11 = e21.it;
if (0 !== Object.keys(n11).length) {
var s10 = o11.let("missing"), c10 = function() {
var c11 = n11[l10];
if (0 === c11.length)
return 1;
var u10 = (0, r10.propertyInData)(o11, i11, l10, a11.opts.ownProperties);
e21.setParams({ property: l10, depsCount: c11.length, deps: c11.join(", ") }), a11.allErrors ? o11.if(u10, function() {
var t11, n12 = bo(c11);
try {
for (n12.s(); !(t11 = n12.n()).done; ) {
var o12 = t11.value;
(0, r10.checkReportMissingProp)(e21, o12);
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
}) : (o11.if((0, t10._)(Ar || (Ar = mo(["", " && (", ")"])), u10, (0, r10.checkMissingProp)(e21, c11, s10))), (0, r10.reportMissingProp)(e21, s10), o11.else());
for (var l10 in n11)
function a10(e21) {
var t11 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : e21.schema, o11 = e21.gen, i11 = e21.data, a11 = e21.keyword, s10 = e21.it, c10 = o11.name("valid"), l10 = function(l11) {
if ((0, n10.alwaysValidSchema)(s10, t11[l11]))
return 1;
o11.if((0, r10.propertyInData)(o11, i11, l11, s10.opts.ownProperties), function() {
var t12 = e21.subschema({ keyword: a11, schemaProp: l11 }, c10);
e21.mergeValidEvaluated(t12, c10);
}, function() {
return o11.var(c10, true);
}), e21.ok(c10);
for (var u10 in t11)
e20.validatePropertyDeps = i10, e20.validateSchemaDeps = a10, e20.default = o10;
var u9 = {};
Object.defineProperty(u9, "__esModule", { value: true });
var f9 = G8();
var d9 = Q8;
var h9 = { keyword: "propertyNames", type: "object", schemaType: ["object", "boolean"], error: { message: "property name must be valid", params: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.params;
return (0, f9._)(Pr || (Pr = mo(["{propertyName: ", "}"])), t10.propertyName);
} }, code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.gen, n10 = e20.schema, r10 = e20.data, o10 = e20.it;
if (!(0, d9.alwaysValidSchema)(o10, n10)) {
var i10 = t10.name("valid");
t10.forIn("key", r10, function(n11) {
e20.setParams({ propertyName: n11 }), e20.subschema({ keyword: "propertyNames", data: n11, dataTypes: ["string"], propertyName: n11, compositeRule: true }, i10), t10.if((0, f9.not)(i10), function() {
e20.error(true), o10.allErrors || t10.break();
}), e20.ok(i10);
} };
u9.default = h9;
var v9 = {};
Object.defineProperty(v9, "__esModule", { value: true });
var p9 = p5();
var m9 = G8();
var g9 = t5();
var y9 = Q8;
var b9 = { keyword: "additionalProperties", type: ["object"], schemaType: ["boolean", "object"], allowUndefined: true, trackErrors: true, error: { message: "must NOT have additional properties", params: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.params;
return (0, m9._)(Tr || (Tr = mo(["{additionalProperty: ", "}"])), t10.additionalProperty);
} }, code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.gen, n10 = e20.schema, r10 = e20.parentSchema, o10 = e20.data, i10 = e20.errsCount, a10 = e20.it;
if (!i10)
throw new Error("ajv implementation error");
var s10 = a10.allErrors, c10 = a10.opts;
if (a10.props = true, "all" === c10.removeAdditional || !(0, y9.alwaysValidSchema)(a10, n10)) {
var l10 = (0, p9.allSchemaProperties)(r10.properties), u10 = (0, p9.allSchemaProperties)(r10.patternProperties);
t10.forIn("key", o10, function(n11) {
l10.length || u10.length ? t10.if(function(n12) {
var o11;
if (l10.length > 8) {
var i11 = (0, y9.schemaRefOrVal)(a10, r10.properties, "properties");
o11 = (0, p9.isOwnProperty)(t10, i11, n12);
} else
o11 = l10.length ? m9.or.apply(void 0, Bo(l10.map(function(e21) {
return (0, m9._)(Nr || (Nr = mo(["", " === ", ""])), n12, e21);
}))) : m9.nil;
return u10.length && (o11 = m9.or.apply(void 0, [o11].concat(Bo(u10.map(function(t11) {
return (0, m9._)(Ir || (Ir = mo(["", ".test(", ")"])), (0, p9.usePattern)(e20, t11), n12);
}))))), (0, m9.not)(o11);
}(n11), function() {
return d10(n11);
}) : d10(n11);
}), e20.ok((0, m9._)(Rr || (Rr = mo(["", " === ", ""])), i10, g9.default.errors));
function f10(e21) {
t10.code((0, m9._)(Dr || (Dr = mo(["delete ", "[", "]"])), o10, e21));
function d10(r11) {
if ("all" === c10.removeAdditional || c10.removeAdditional && false === n10)
else {
if (false === n10)
return e20.setParams({ additionalProperty: r11 }), e20.error(), void (s10 || t10.break());
if ("object" == Ho(n10) && !(0, y9.alwaysValidSchema)(a10, n10)) {
var o11 = t10.name("valid");
"failing" === c10.removeAdditional ? (h10(r11, o11, false), t10.if((0, m9.not)(o11), function() {
e20.reset(), f10(r11);
})) : (h10(r11, o11), s10 || t10.if((0, m9.not)(o11), function() {
return t10.break();
function h10(t11, n11, r11) {
var o11 = { keyword: "additionalProperties", dataProp: t11, dataPropType: y9.Type.Str };
false === r11 && Object.assign(o11, { compositeRule: true, createErrors: false, allErrors: false }), e20.subschema(o11, n11);
} };
v9.default = b9;
var k9 = {};
Object.defineProperty(k9, "__esModule", { value: true });
var w9 = q5();
var x9 = p5();
var j9 = Q8;
var S9 = v9;
var C9 = { keyword: "properties", type: "object", schemaType: "object", code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.gen, n10 = e20.schema, r10 = e20.parentSchema, o10 = e20.data, i10 = e20.it;
"all" === i10.opts.removeAdditional && void 0 === r10.additionalProperties && S9.default.code(new w9.KeywordCxt(i10, S9.default, "additionalProperties"));
var a10, s10 = (0, x9.allSchemaProperties)(n10), c10 = bo(s10);
try {
for (c10.s(); !(a10 = c10.n()).done; ) {
var l10 = a10.value;
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
i10.opts.unevaluated && s10.length && true !== i10.props && (i10.props = j9.mergeEvaluated.props(t10, (0, j9.toHash)(s10), i10.props));
var u10 = s10.filter(function(e21) {
return !(0, j9.alwaysValidSchema)(i10, n10[e21]);
if (0 !== u10.length) {
var f10, d10 = t10.name("valid"), h10 = bo(u10);
try {
for (h10.s(); !(f10 = h10.n()).done; ) {
var v10 = f10.value;
p10(v10) ? m10(v10) : (t10.if((0, x9.propertyInData)(t10, o10, v10, i10.opts.ownProperties)), m10(v10), i10.allErrors || t10.else().var(d10, true), t10.endIf()), e20.it.definedProperties.add(v10), e20.ok(d10);
} catch (e21) {
} finally {
function p10(e21) {
return i10.opts.useDefaults && !i10.compositeRule && void 0 !== n10[e21].default;
function m10(t11) {
e20.subschema({ keyword: "properties", schemaProp: t11, dataProp: t11 }, d10);
} };
k9.default = C9;
var $9 = {};
Object.defineProperty($9, "__esModule", { value: true });
var _9 = p5();
var O9 = G8();
var M9 = Q8;
var E9 = Q8;
var A9 = { keyword: "patternProperties", type: "object", schemaType: "object", code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.gen, n10 = e20.schema, r10 = e20.data, o10 = e20.parentSchema, i10 = e20.it, a10 = i10.opts, s10 = (0, _9.allSchemaProperties)(n10), c10 = s10.filter(function(e21) {
return (0, M9.alwaysValidSchema)(i10, n10[e21]);
if (0 !== s10.length && (c10.length !== s10.length || i10.opts.unevaluated && true !== i10.props)) {
var l10 = a10.strictSchema && !a10.allowMatchingProperties && o10.properties, u10 = t10.name("valid");
true === i10.props || i10.props instanceof O9.Name || (i10.props = (0, E9.evaluatedPropsToName)(t10, i10.props));
var f10 = i10.props;
!function() {
var e21, n11 = bo(s10);
try {
for (n11.s(); !(e21 = n11.n()).done; ) {
var r11 = e21.value;
l10 && d10(r11), i10.allErrors ? h10(r11) : (t10.var(u10, true), h10(r11), t10.if(u10));
} catch (e23) {
} finally {
function d10(e21) {
for (var t11 in l10)
new RegExp(e21).test(t11) && (0, M9.checkStrictMode)(i10, "property ".concat(t11, " matches pattern ").concat(e21, " (use allowMatchingProperties)"));
function h10(n11) {
t10.forIn("key", r10, function(r11) {
t10.if((0, O9._)(qr || (qr = mo(["", ".test(", ")"])), (0, _9.usePattern)(e20, n11), r11), function() {
var o11 = c10.includes(n11);
o11 || e20.subschema({ keyword: "patternProperties", schemaProp: n11, dataProp: r11, dataPropType: E9.Type.Str }, u10), i10.opts.unevaluated && true !== f10 ? t10.assign((0, O9._)(zr || (zr = mo(["", "[", "]"])), f10, r11), true) : o11 || i10.allErrors || t10.if((0, O9.not)(u10), function() {
return t10.break();
} };
$9.default = A9;
var P9 = {};
Object.defineProperty(P9, "__esModule", { value: true });
var T9 = Q8;
var R9 = { keyword: "not", schemaType: ["object", "boolean"], trackErrors: true, code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.gen, n10 = e20.schema, r10 = e20.it;
if ((0, T9.alwaysValidSchema)(r10, n10))
else {
var o10 = t10.name("valid");
e20.subschema({ keyword: "not", compositeRule: true, createErrors: false, allErrors: false }, o10), e20.failResult(o10, function() {
return e20.reset();
}, function() {
return e20.error();
}, error: { message: "must NOT be valid" } };
P9.default = R9;
var N9 = {};
Object.defineProperty(N9, "__esModule", { value: true });
var I9 = { keyword: "anyOf", schemaType: "array", trackErrors: true, code: p5().validateUnion, error: { message: "must match a schema in anyOf" } };
N9.default = I9;
var D9 = {};
Object.defineProperty(D9, "__esModule", { value: true });
var q9 = G8();
var z9 = Q8;
var B9 = { keyword: "oneOf", schemaType: "array", trackErrors: true, error: { message: "must match exactly one schema in oneOf", params: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.params;
return (0, q9._)(Br || (Br = mo(["{passingSchemas: ", "}"])), t10.passing);
} }, code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.gen, n10 = e20.schema, r10 = e20.parentSchema, o10 = e20.it;
if (!Array.isArray(n10))
throw new Error("ajv implementation error");
if (!o10.opts.discriminator || !r10.discriminator) {
var i10 = n10, a10 = t10.let("valid", false), s10 = t10.let("passing", null), c10 = t10.name("_valid");
e20.setParams({ passing: s10 }), t10.block(function() {
i10.forEach(function(n11, r11) {
var i11;
(0, z9.alwaysValidSchema)(o10, n11) ? t10.var(c10, true) : i11 = e20.subschema({ keyword: "oneOf", schemaProp: r11, compositeRule: true }, c10), r11 > 0 && t10.if((0, q9._)(Lr || (Lr = mo(["", " && ", ""])), c10, a10)).assign(a10, false).assign(s10, (0, q9._)(Fr || (Fr = mo(["[", ", ", "]"])), s10, r11)).else(), t10.if(c10, function() {
t10.assign(a10, true), t10.assign(s10, r11), i11 && e20.mergeEvaluated(i11, q9.Name);
}), e20.result(a10, function() {
return e20.reset();
}, function() {
return e20.error(true);
} };
D9.default = B9;
var L9 = {};
Object.defineProperty(L9, "__esModule", { value: true });
var F9 = Q8;
var V9 = { keyword: "allOf", schemaType: "array", code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.gen, n10 = e20.schema, r10 = e20.it;
if (!Array.isArray(n10))
throw new Error("ajv implementation error");
var o10 = t10.name("valid");
n10.forEach(function(t11, n11) {
if (!(0, F9.alwaysValidSchema)(r10, t11)) {
var i10 = e20.subschema({ keyword: "allOf", schemaProp: n11 }, o10);
e20.ok(o10), e20.mergeEvaluated(i10);
} };
L9.default = V9;
var H9 = {};
Object.defineProperty(H9, "__esModule", { value: true });
var W9 = G8();
var U9 = Q8;
var J9 = { keyword: "if", schemaType: ["object", "boolean"], trackErrors: true, error: { message: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.params;
return (0, W9.str)(Vr || (Vr = mo(['must match "', '" schema'])), t10.ifClause);
}, params: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.params;
return (0, W9._)(Hr || (Hr = mo(["{failingKeyword: ", "}"])), t10.ifClause);
} }, code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.gen, n10 = e20.parentSchema, r10 = e20.it;
void 0 === n10.then && void 0 === n10.else && (0, U9.checkStrictMode)(r10, '"if" without "then" and "else" is ignored');
var o10 = K9(r10, "then"), i10 = K9(r10, "else");
if (o10 || i10) {
var a10, s10 = t10.let("valid", true), c10 = t10.name("_valid");
if (a10 = e20.subschema({ keyword: "if", compositeRule: true, createErrors: false, allErrors: false }, c10), e20.mergeEvaluated(a10), e20.reset(), o10 && i10) {
var l10 = t10.let("ifClause");
e20.setParams({ ifClause: l10 }), t10.if(c10, u10("then", l10), u10("else", l10));
} else
o10 ? t10.if(c10, u10("then")) : t10.if((0, W9.not)(c10), u10("else"));
e20.pass(s10, function() {
return e20.error(true);
function u10(n11, r11) {
return function() {
var o11 = e20.subschema({ keyword: n11 }, c10);
t10.assign(s10, c10), e20.mergeValidEvaluated(o11, s10), r11 ? t10.assign(r11, (0, W9._)(Wr || (Wr = mo(["", ""])), n11)) : e20.setParams({ ifClause: n11 });
} };
function K9(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.schema[t10];
return void 0 !== n10 && !(0, U9.alwaysValidSchema)(e20, n10);
H9.default = J9;
var G9 = {};
Object.defineProperty(G9, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Q9 = Q8;
var Y9 = { keyword: ["then", "else"], schemaType: ["object", "boolean"], code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.keyword, n10 = e20.parentSchema, r10 = e20.it;
void 0 === n10.if && (0, Q9.checkStrictMode)(r10, '"'.concat(t10, '" without "if" is ignored'));
} };
G9.default = Y9, Object.defineProperty(D7, "__esModule", { value: true });
var X9 = q7;
var Z9 = V7;
var eee = H7;
var tee = X7;
var nee = o9;
var ree = l9;
var oee = u9;
var iee = v9;
var aee = k9;
var see = $9;
var cee = P9;
var lee = N9;
var uee = D9;
var fee = L9;
var dee = H9;
var hee = G9;
D7.default = function() {
var e20 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0], t10 = [cee.default, lee.default, uee.default, fee.default, dee.default, hee.default, oee.default, iee.default, ree.default, aee.default, see.default];
return e20 ? t10.push(Z9.default, tee.default) : t10.push(X9.default, eee.default), t10.push(nee.default), t10;
var vee = {};
var pee = {};
Object.defineProperty(pee, "__esModule", { value: true });
var mee = G8();
var gee = { keyword: "format", type: ["number", "string"], schemaType: "string", $data: true, error: { message: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.schemaCode;
return (0, mee.str)(Ur || (Ur = mo(['must match format "', '"'])), t10);
}, params: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.schemaCode;
return (0, mee._)(Jr || (Jr = mo(["{format: ", "}"])), t10);
} }, code: function(e20, t10) {
var n10 = e20.gen, r10 = e20.data, o10 = e20.$data, i10 = e20.schema, a10 = e20.schemaCode, s10 = e20.it, c10 = s10.opts, l10 = s10.errSchemaPath, u10 = s10.schemaEnv, f10 = s10.self;
c10.validateFormats && (o10 ? function() {
var o11 = n10.scopeValue("formats", { ref: f10.formats, code: c10.code.formats }), i11 = n10.const("fDef", (0, mee._)(Kr || (Kr = mo(["", "[", "]"])), o11, a10)), s11 = n10.let("fType"), l11 = n10.let("format");
n10.if((0, mee._)(Gr || (Gr = mo(["typeof ", ' == "object" && !(', " instanceof RegExp)"])), i11, i11), function() {
return n10.assign(s11, (0, mee._)(Qr || (Qr = mo(["", '.type || "string"'])), i11)).assign(l11, (0, mee._)(Yr || (Yr = mo(["", ".validate"])), i11));
}, function() {
return n10.assign(s11, (0, mee._)(Xr || (Xr = mo(['"string"'])))).assign(l11, i11);
}), e20.fail$data((0, mee.or)(false === c10.strictSchema ? mee.nil : (0, mee._)(Zr || (Zr = mo(["", " && !", ""])), a10, l11), (d10 = u10.$async ? (0, mee._)(eo || (eo = mo(["(", ".async ? await ", "(", ") : ", "(", "))"])), i11, l11, r10, l11, r10) : (0, mee._)(to || (to = mo(["", "(", ")"])), l11, r10), h10 = (0, mee._)(no || (no = mo(["(typeof ", ' == "function" ? ', " : ", ".test(", "))"])), l11, d10, l11, r10), (0, mee._)(ro || (ro = mo(["", " && ", " !== true && ", " === ", " && !", ""])), l11, l11, s11, t10, h10))));
var d10, h10;
}() : function() {
var o11 = f10.formats[i10];
if (!o11)
return void function() {
if (false === c10.strictSchema)
return void f10.logger.warn(e21());
throw new Error(e21());
function e21() {
return 'unknown format "'.concat(i10, '" ignored in schema at path "').concat(l10, '"');
if (true === o11)
var a11 = jo(function(e21) {
var t11 = e21 instanceof RegExp ? (0, mee.regexpCode)(e21) : c10.code.formats ? (0, mee._)(oo || (oo = mo(["", "", ""])), c10.code.formats, (0, mee.getProperty)(i10)) : void 0, r11 = n10.scopeValue("formats", { key: i10, ref: e21, code: t11 });
if ("object" == Ho(e21) && !(e21 instanceof RegExp))
return [e21.type || "string", e21.validate, (0, mee._)(io || (io = mo(["", ".validate"])), r11)];
return ["string", e21, r11];
}(o11), 3), s11 = a11[0], d10 = a11[1], h10 = a11[2];
s11 === t10 && e20.pass(function() {
if ("object" == Ho(o11) && !(o11 instanceof RegExp) && o11.async) {
if (!u10.$async)
throw new Error("async format in sync schema");
return (0, mee._)(ao || (ao = mo(["await ", "(", ")"])), h10, r10);
return "function" == typeof d10 ? (0, mee._)(so || (so = mo(["", "(", ")"])), h10, r10) : (0, mee._)(co || (co = mo(["", ".test(", ")"])), h10, r10);
} };
pee.default = gee, Object.defineProperty(vee, "__esModule", { value: true });
var yee = [pee.default];
vee.default = yee;
var bee = {};
Object.defineProperty(bee, "__esModule", { value: true }), bee.contentVocabulary = bee.metadataVocabulary = void 0, bee.metadataVocabulary = ["title", "description", "default", "deprecated", "readOnly", "writeOnly", "examples"], bee.contentVocabulary = ["contentMediaType", "contentEncoding", "contentSchema"], Object.defineProperty(f6, "__esModule", { value: true });
var kee = _6;
var wee = D7;
var xee = vee;
var jee = bee;
var See = [d6.default, kee.default, (0, wee.default)(), xee.default, jee.metadataVocabulary, jee.contentVocabulary];
f6.default = See;
var Cee = {};
var $ee = {};
!function(e20) {
var t10;
Object.defineProperty(e20, "__esModule", { value: true }), e20.DiscrError = void 0, (t10 = e20.DiscrError || (e20.DiscrError = {})).Tag = "tag", t10.Mapping = "mapping";
}($ee), Object.defineProperty(Cee, "__esModule", { value: true });
var _ee = G8();
var Oee = $ee;
var Mee = W5;
var Eee = Q8;
var Aee = { keyword: "discriminator", type: "object", schemaType: "object", error: { message: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.params, n10 = t10.discrError, r10 = t10.tagName;
return n10 === Oee.DiscrError.Tag ? 'tag "'.concat(r10, '" must be string') : 'value of tag "'.concat(r10, '" must be in oneOf');
}, params: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.params, n10 = t10.discrError, r10 = t10.tag, o10 = t10.tagName;
return (0, _ee._)(lo || (lo = mo(["{error: ", ", tag: ", ", tagValue: ", "}"])), n10, o10, r10);
} }, code: function(e20) {
var t10 = e20.gen, n10 = e20.data, r10 = e20.schema, o10 = e20.parentSchema, i10 = e20.it, a10 = o10.oneOf;
if (!i10.opts.discriminator)
throw new Error("discriminator: requires discriminator option");
var s10 = r10.propertyName;
if ("string" != typeof s10)
throw new Error("discriminator: requires propertyName");
if (r10.mapping)
throw new Error("discriminator: mapping is not supported");
if (!a10)
throw new Error("discriminator: requires oneOf keyword");
var c10 = t10.let("valid", false), l10 = t10.const("tag", (0, _ee._)(uo || (uo = mo(["", "", ""])), n10, (0, _ee.getProperty)(s10)));
function u10(n11) {
var r11 = t10.name("valid"), o11 = e20.subschema({ keyword: "oneOf", schemaProp: n11 }, r11);
return e20.mergeEvaluated(o11, _ee.Name), r11;
t10.if((0, _ee._)(fo || (fo = mo(["typeof ", ' == "string"'])), l10), function() {
return function() {
var n11 = function() {
for (var e21, t11 = {}, n12 = f10(o10), r12 = true, c11 = 0; c11 < a10.length; c11++) {
var l11 = a10[c11];
(null == l11 ? void 0 : l11.$ref) && !(0, Eee.schemaHasRulesButRef)(l11, i10.self.RULES) && (l11 = Mee.resolveRef.call(i10.self, i10.schemaEnv.root, i10.baseId, null == l11 ? void 0 : l11.$ref)) instanceof Mee.SchemaEnv && (l11 = l11.schema);
var u11 = null === (e21 = null == l11 ? void 0 : l11.properties) || void 0 === e21 ? void 0 : e21[s10];
if ("object" != Ho(u11))
throw new Error('discriminator: oneOf subschemas (or referenced schemas) must have "properties/'.concat(s10, '"'));
r12 = r12 && (n12 || f10(l11)), d10(u11, c11);
if (!r12)
throw new Error('discriminator: "'.concat(s10, '" must be required'));
return t11;
function f10(e23) {
var t12 = e23.required;
return Array.isArray(t12) && t12.includes(s10);
function d10(e23, t12) {
if (e23.const)
h10(e23.const, t12);
else {
if (!e23.enum)
throw new Error('discriminator: "properties/'.concat(s10, '" must have "const" or "enum"'));
var n13, r13 = bo(e23.enum);
try {
for (r13.s(); !(n13 = r13.n()).done; ) {
h10(n13.value, t12);
} catch (e24) {
} finally {
function h10(e23, n13) {
if ("string" != typeof e23 || e23 in t11)
throw new Error('discriminator: "'.concat(s10, '" values must be unique strings'));
t11[e23] = n13;
for (var r11 in t10.if(false), n11)
t10.elseIf((0, _ee._)(ho || (ho = mo(["", " === ", ""])), l10, r11)), t10.assign(c10, u10(n11[r11]));
t10.else(), e20.error(false, { discrError: Oee.DiscrError.Mapping, tag: l10, tagName: s10 }), t10.endIf();
}, function() {
return e20.error(false, { discrError: Oee.DiscrError.Tag, tag: l10, tagName: s10 });
}), e20.ok(c10);
} };
Cee.default = Aee;
var Pee = { $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", $id: "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", title: "Core schema meta-schema", definitions: { schemaArray: { type: "array", minItems: 1, items: { $ref: "#" } }, nonNegativeInteger: { type: "integer", minimum: 0 }, nonNegativeIntegerDefault0: { allOf: [{ $ref: "#/definitions/nonNegativeInteger" }, { default: 0 }] }, simpleTypes: { enum: ["array", "boolean", "integer", "null", "number", "object", "string"] }, stringArray: { type: "array", items: { type: "string" }, uniqueItems: true, default: [] } }, type: ["object", "boolean"], properties: { $id: { type: "string", format: "uri-reference" }, $schema: { type: "string", format: "uri" }, $ref: { type: "string", format: "uri-reference" }, $comment: { type: "string" }, title: { type: "string" }, description: { type: "string" }, default: true, readOnly: { type: "boolean", default: false }, examples: { type: "array", items: true }, multipleOf: { type: "number", exclusiveMinimum: 0 }, maximum: { type: "number" }, exclusiveMaximum: { type: "number" }, minimum: { type: "number" }, exclusiveMinimum: { type: "number" }, maxLength: { $ref: "#/definitions/nonNegativeInteger" }, minLength: { $ref: "#/definitions/nonNegativeIntegerDefault0" }, pattern: { type: "string", format: "regex" }, additionalItems: { $ref: "#" }, items: { anyOf: [{ $ref: "#" }, { $ref: "#/definitions/schemaArray" }], default: true }, maxItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/nonNegativeInteger" }, minItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/nonNegativeIntegerDefault0" }, uniqueItems: { type: "boolean", default: false }, contains: { $ref: "#" }, maxProperties: { $ref: "#/definitions/nonNegativeInteger" }, minProperties: { $ref: "#/definitions/nonNegativeIntegerDefault0" }, required: { $ref: "#/definitions/stringArray" }, additionalProperties: { $ref: "#" }, definitions: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { $ref: "#" }, default: {} }, properties: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { $ref: "#" }, default: {} }, patternProperties: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { $ref: "#" }, propertyNames: { format: "regex" }, default: {} }, dependencies: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { anyOf: [{ $ref: "#" }, { $ref: "#/definitions/stringArray" }] } }, propertyNames: { $ref: "#" }, const: true, enum: { type: "array", items: true, minItems: 1, uniqueItems: true }, type: { anyOf: [{ $ref: "#/definitions/simpleTypes" }, { type: "array", items: { $ref: "#/definitions/simpleTypes" }, minItems: 1, uniqueItems: true }] }, format: { type: "string" }, contentMediaType: { type: "string" }, contentEncoding: { type: "string" }, if: { $ref: "#" }, then: { $ref: "#" }, else: { $ref: "#" }, allOf: { $ref: "#/definitions/schemaArray" }, anyOf: { $ref: "#/definitions/schemaArray" }, oneOf: { $ref: "#/definitions/schemaArray" }, not: { $ref: "#" } }, default: true };
!function(e20, t10) {
Object.defineProperty(t10, "__esModule", { value: true }), t10.MissingRefError = t10.ValidationError = t10.CodeGen = t10.Name = t10.nil = t10.stringify = t10.str = t10._ = t10.KeywordCxt = void 0;
var n10 = f6, r10 = Cee, o10 = Pee, i10 = ["/properties"], a10 = "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema", s10 = function(e21) {
function t11() {
return No(this, t11), _o(this, t11, arguments);
return Ao(t11, e21), Do(t11, [{ key: "_addVocabularies", value: function() {
var e23 = this;
go(Mo(t11.prototype), "_addVocabularies", this).call(this), n10.default.forEach(function(t12) {
return e23.addVocabulary(t12);
}), this.opts.discriminator && this.addKeyword(r10.default);
} }, { key: "_addDefaultMetaSchema", value: function() {
if (go(Mo(t11.prototype), "_addDefaultMetaSchema", this).call(this), this.opts.meta) {
var e23 = this.opts.$data ? this.$dataMetaSchema(o10, i10) : o10;
this.addMetaSchema(e23, a10, false), this.refs["http://json-schema.org/schema"] = a10;
} }, { key: "defaultMeta", value: function() {
return this.opts.defaultMeta = go(Mo(t11.prototype), "defaultMeta", this).call(this) || (this.getSchema(a10) ? a10 : void 0);
} }]), t11;
e20.exports = t10 = s10, Object.defineProperty(t10, "__esModule", { value: true }), t10.default = s10;
var c10 = q5();
Object.defineProperty(t10, "KeywordCxt", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return c10.KeywordCxt;
} });
var l10 = G8();
Object.defineProperty(t10, "_", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return l10._;
} }), Object.defineProperty(t10, "str", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return l10.str;
} }), Object.defineProperty(t10, "stringify", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return l10.stringify;
} }), Object.defineProperty(t10, "nil", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return l10.nil;
} }), Object.defineProperty(t10, "Name", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return l10.Name;
} }), Object.defineProperty(t10, "CodeGen", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return l10.CodeGen;
} });
var u10 = L5();
Object.defineProperty(t10, "ValidationError", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return u10.default;
} });
var f10 = H5();
Object.defineProperty(t10, "MissingRefError", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
return f10.default;
} });
}(D8, D8.exports);
var Tee = yc(D8.exports);
var Dee = {};
!function(e20) {
function t10(e21) {
return null !== e21 && "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e21);
function n10(e21) {
return null !== e21 && "[object Object]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e21);
function r10(e21, o11) {
if (e21 === o11)
return true;
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(e21) !== Object.prototype.toString.call(o11))
return false;
if (true === t10(e21)) {
if (e21.length !== o11.length)
return false;
for (var i11 = 0; i11 < e21.length; i11++)
if (false === r10(e21[i11], o11[i11]))
return false;
return true;
if (true === n10(e21)) {
var a11 = {};
for (var s11 in e21)
if (hasOwnProperty.call(e21, s11)) {
if (false === r10(e21[s11], o11[s11]))
return false;
a11[s11] = true;
for (var c11 in o11)
if (hasOwnProperty.call(o11, c11) && true !== a11[c11])
return false;
return true;
return false;
function o10(e21) {
if ("" === e21 || false === e21 || null === e21)
return true;
if (t10(e21) && 0 === e21.length)
return true;
if (n10(e21)) {
for (var r11 in e21)
if (e21.hasOwnProperty(r11))
return false;
return true;
return false;
var i10;
i10 = "function" == typeof String.prototype.trimLeft ? function(e21) {
return e21.trimLeft();
} : function(e21) {
return e21.match(/^\s*(.*)/)[1];
var a10 = 0, s10 = 1, c10 = 2, l10 = 3, u10 = 4, f10 = 6, d10 = 8, h10 = 9, v10 = { 0: "number", 1: "any", 2: "string", 3: "array", 4: "object", 5: "boolean", 6: "expression", 7: "null", 8: "Array", 9: "Array" }, p10 = "EOF", m10 = "UnquotedIdentifier", g10 = "QuotedIdentifier", y10 = "Rbracket", b10 = "Rparen", k10 = "Comma", w10 = "Colon", x10 = "Rbrace", j10 = "Number", S10 = "Current", C10 = "Expref", $10 = "Pipe", _10 = "Or", O10 = "And", M10 = "EQ", E10 = "GT", A10 = "LT", P10 = "GTE", T8 = "LTE", R8 = "NE", N8 = "Flatten", I10 = "Star", D10 = "Filter", q10 = "Dot", z10 = "Not", B10 = "Lbrace", L10 = "Lbracket", F10 = "Lparen", V10 = "Literal", H10 = { ".": q10, "*": I10, ",": k10, ":": w10, "{": B10, "}": x10, "]": y10, "(": F10, ")": b10, "@": S10 }, W10 = { "<": true, ">": true, "=": true, "!": true }, U10 = { " ": true, " ": true, "\n": true };
function J10(e21) {
return e21 >= "0" && e21 <= "9" || "-" === e21;
function K10() {
K10.prototype = { tokenize: function(e21) {
var t11, n11, r11, o11, i11 = [];
for (this._current = 0; this._current < e21.length; )
if ((o11 = e21[this._current]) >= "a" && o11 <= "z" || o11 >= "A" && o11 <= "Z" || "_" === o11)
t11 = this._current, n11 = this._consumeUnquotedIdentifier(e21), i11.push({ type: m10, value: n11, start: t11 });
else if (void 0 !== H10[e21[this._current]])
i11.push({ type: H10[e21[this._current]], value: e21[this._current], start: this._current }), this._current++;
else if (J10(e21[this._current]))
r11 = this._consumeNumber(e21), i11.push(r11);
else if ("[" === e21[this._current])
r11 = this._consumeLBracket(e21), i11.push(r11);
else if ('"' === e21[this._current])
t11 = this._current, n11 = this._consumeQuotedIdentifier(e21), i11.push({ type: g10, value: n11, start: t11 });
else if ("'" === e21[this._current])
t11 = this._current, n11 = this._consumeRawStringLiteral(e21), i11.push({ type: V10, value: n11, start: t11 });
else if ("`" === e21[this._current]) {
t11 = this._current;
var a11 = this._consumeLiteral(e21);
i11.push({ type: V10, value: a11, start: t11 });
} else if (void 0 !== W10[e21[this._current]])
else if (void 0 !== U10[e21[this._current]])
else if ("&" === e21[this._current])
t11 = this._current, this._current++, "&" === e21[this._current] ? (this._current++, i11.push({ type: O10, value: "&&", start: t11 })) : i11.push({ type: C10, value: "&", start: t11 });
else {
if ("|" !== e21[this._current]) {
var s11 = new Error("Unknown character:" + e21[this._current]);
throw s11.name = "LexerError", s11;
t11 = this._current, this._current++, "|" === e21[this._current] ? (this._current++, i11.push({ type: _10, value: "||", start: t11 })) : i11.push({ type: $10, value: "|", start: t11 });
return i11;
}, _consumeUnquotedIdentifier: function(e21) {
var t11, n11 = this._current;
for (this._current++; this._current < e21.length && ((t11 = e21[this._current]) >= "a" && t11 <= "z" || t11 >= "A" && t11 <= "Z" || t11 >= "0" && t11 <= "9" || "_" === t11); )
return e21.slice(n11, this._current);
}, _consumeQuotedIdentifier: function(e21) {
var t11 = this._current;
for (var n11 = e21.length; '"' !== e21[this._current] && this._current < n11; ) {
var r11 = this._current;
"\\" !== e21[r11] || "\\" !== e21[r11 + 1] && '"' !== e21[r11 + 1] ? r11++ : r11 += 2, this._current = r11;
return this._current++, JSON.parse(e21.slice(t11, this._current));
}, _consumeRawStringLiteral: function(e21) {
var t11 = this._current;
for (var n11 = e21.length; "'" !== e21[this._current] && this._current < n11; ) {
var r11 = this._current;
"\\" !== e21[r11] || "\\" !== e21[r11 + 1] && "'" !== e21[r11 + 1] ? r11++ : r11 += 2, this._current = r11;
return this._current++, e21.slice(t11 + 1, this._current - 1).replace("\\'", "'");
}, _consumeNumber: function(e21) {
var t11 = this._current;
for (var n11 = e21.length; J10(e21[this._current]) && this._current < n11; )
var r11 = parseInt(e21.slice(t11, this._current));
return { type: j10, value: r11, start: t11 };
}, _consumeLBracket: function(e21) {
var t11 = this._current;
return this._current++, "?" === e21[this._current] ? (this._current++, { type: D10, value: "[?", start: t11 }) : "]" === e21[this._current] ? (this._current++, { type: N8, value: "[]", start: t11 }) : { type: L10, value: "[", start: t11 };
}, _consumeOperator: function(e21) {
var t11 = this._current, n11 = e21[t11];
return this._current++, "!" === n11 ? "=" === e21[this._current] ? (this._current++, { type: R8, value: "!=", start: t11 }) : { type: z10, value: "!", start: t11 } : "<" === n11 ? "=" === e21[this._current] ? (this._current++, { type: T8, value: "<=", start: t11 }) : { type: A10, value: "<", start: t11 } : ">" === n11 ? "=" === e21[this._current] ? (this._current++, { type: P10, value: ">=", start: t11 }) : { type: E10, value: ">", start: t11 } : "=" === n11 && "=" === e21[this._current] ? (this._current++, { type: M10, value: "==", start: t11 }) : void 0;
}, _consumeLiteral: function(e21) {
for (var t11, n11 = this._current, r11 = e21.length; "`" !== e21[this._current] && this._current < r11; ) {
var o11 = this._current;
"\\" !== e21[o11] || "\\" !== e21[o11 + 1] && "`" !== e21[o11 + 1] ? o11++ : o11 += 2, this._current = o11;
var a11 = i10(e21.slice(n11, this._current));
return a11 = a11.replace("\\`", "`"), t11 = this._looksLikeJSON(a11) ? JSON.parse(a11) : JSON.parse('"' + a11 + '"'), this._current++, t11;
}, _looksLikeJSON: function(e21) {
if ("" === e21)
return false;
if ('[{"'.indexOf(e21[0]) >= 0)
return true;
if (["true", "false", "null"].indexOf(e21) >= 0)
return true;
if (!("-0123456789".indexOf(e21[0]) >= 0))
return false;
try {
return JSON.parse(e21), true;
} catch (e23) {
return false;
} };
var G10 = {};
function Q10() {
function Y10(e21) {
this.runtime = e21;
function X10(e21) {
this._interpreter = e21, this.functionTable = { abs: { _func: this._functionAbs, _signature: [{ types: [a10] }] }, avg: { _func: this._functionAvg, _signature: [{ types: [d10] }] }, ceil: { _func: this._functionCeil, _signature: [{ types: [a10] }] }, contains: { _func: this._functionContains, _signature: [{ types: [c10, l10] }, { types: [s10] }] }, ends_with: { _func: this._functionEndsWith, _signature: [{ types: [c10] }, { types: [c10] }] }, floor: { _func: this._functionFloor, _signature: [{ types: [a10] }] }, length: { _func: this._functionLength, _signature: [{ types: [c10, l10, u10] }] }, map: { _func: this._functionMap, _signature: [{ types: [f10] }, { types: [l10] }] }, max: { _func: this._functionMax, _signature: [{ types: [d10, h10] }] }, merge: { _func: this._functionMerge, _signature: [{ types: [u10], variadic: true }] }, max_by: { _func: this._functionMaxBy, _signature: [{ types: [l10] }, { types: [f10] }] }, sum: { _func: this._functionSum, _signature: [{ types: [d10] }] }, starts_with: { _func: this._functionStartsWith, _signature: [{ types: [c10] }, { types: [c10] }] }, min: { _func: this._functionMin, _signature: [{ types: [d10, h10] }] }, min_by: { _func: this._functionMinBy, _signature: [{ types: [l10] }, { types: [f10] }] }, type: { _func: this._functionType, _signature: [{ types: [s10] }] }, keys: { _func: this._functionKeys, _signature: [{ types: [u10] }] }, values: { _func: this._functionValues, _signature: [{ types: [u10] }] }, sort: { _func: this._functionSort, _signature: [{ types: [h10, d10] }] }, sort_by: { _func: this._functionSortBy, _signature: [{ types: [l10] }, { types: [f10] }] }, join: { _func: this._functionJoin, _signature: [{ types: [c10] }, { types: [h10] }] }, reverse: { _func: this._functionReverse, _signature: [{ types: [c10, l10] }] }, to_array: { _func: this._functionToArray, _signature: [{ types: [s10] }] }, to_string: { _func: this._functionToString, _signature: [{ types: [s10] }] }, to_number: { _func: this._functionToNumber, _signature: [{ types: [s10] }] }, not_null: { _func: this._functionNotNull, _signature: [{ types: [s10], variadic: true }] } };
G10[p10] = 0, G10[m10] = 0, G10[g10] = 0, G10[y10] = 0, G10[b10] = 0, G10[k10] = 0, G10[x10] = 0, G10[j10] = 0, G10[S10] = 0, G10[C10] = 0, G10[$10] = 1, G10[_10] = 2, G10[O10] = 3, G10[M10] = 5, G10[E10] = 5, G10[A10] = 5, G10[P10] = 5, G10[T8] = 5, G10[R8] = 5, G10[N8] = 9, G10[I10] = 20, G10[D10] = 21, G10[q10] = 40, G10[z10] = 45, G10[B10] = 50, G10[L10] = 55, G10[F10] = 60, Q10.prototype = { parse: function(e21) {
this._loadTokens(e21), this.index = 0;
var t11 = this.expression(0);
if (this._lookahead(0) !== p10) {
var n11 = this._lookaheadToken(0), r11 = new Error("Unexpected token type: " + n11.type + ", value: " + n11.value);
throw r11.name = "ParserError", r11;
return t11;
}, _loadTokens: function(e21) {
var t11 = new K10().tokenize(e21);
t11.push({ type: p10, value: "", start: e21.length }), this.tokens = t11;
}, expression: function(e21) {
var t11 = this._lookaheadToken(0);
for (var n11 = this.nud(t11), r11 = this._lookahead(0); e21 < G10[r11]; )
this._advance(), n11 = this.led(r11, n11), r11 = this._lookahead(0);
return n11;
}, _lookahead: function(e21) {
return this.tokens[this.index + e21].type;
}, _lookaheadToken: function(e21) {
return this.tokens[this.index + e21];
}, _advance: function() {
}, nud: function(e21) {
var t11, n11;
switch (e21.type) {
case V10:
return { type: "Literal", value: e21.value };
case m10:
return { type: "Field", name: e21.value };
case g10:
var r11 = { type: "Field", name: e21.value };
if (this._lookahead(0) === F10)
throw new Error("Quoted identifier not allowed for function names.");
return r11;
case z10:
return { type: "NotExpression", children: [t11 = this.expression(G10.Not)] };
case I10:
return t11 = null, { type: "ValueProjection", children: [{ type: "Identity" }, t11 = this._lookahead(0) === y10 ? { type: "Identity" } : this._parseProjectionRHS(G10.Star)] };
case D10:
return this.led(e21.type, { type: "Identity" });
case B10:
return this._parseMultiselectHash();
case N8:
return { type: "Projection", children: [{ type: N8, children: [{ type: "Identity" }] }, t11 = this._parseProjectionRHS(G10.Flatten)] };
case L10:
return this._lookahead(0) === j10 || this._lookahead(0) === w10 ? (t11 = this._parseIndexExpression(), this._projectIfSlice({ type: "Identity" }, t11)) : this._lookahead(0) === I10 && this._lookahead(1) === y10 ? (this._advance(), this._advance(), { type: "Projection", children: [{ type: "Identity" }, t11 = this._parseProjectionRHS(G10.Star)] }) : this._parseMultiselectList();
case S10:
return { type: S10 };
case C10:
return { type: "ExpressionReference", children: [n11 = this.expression(G10.Expref)] };
case F10:
for (var o11 = []; this._lookahead(0) !== b10; )
this._lookahead(0) === S10 ? (n11 = { type: S10 }, this._advance()) : n11 = this.expression(0), o11.push(n11);
return this._match(b10), o11[0];
}, led: function(e21, t11) {
var n11;
switch (e21) {
case q10:
var r11 = G10.Dot;
return this._lookahead(0) !== I10 ? { type: "Subexpression", children: [t11, n11 = this._parseDotRHS(r11)] } : (this._advance(), { type: "ValueProjection", children: [t11, n11 = this._parseProjectionRHS(r11)] });
case $10:
return n11 = this.expression(G10.Pipe), { type: $10, children: [t11, n11] };
case _10:
return { type: "OrExpression", children: [t11, n11 = this.expression(G10.Or)] };
case O10:
return { type: "AndExpression", children: [t11, n11 = this.expression(G10.And)] };
case F10:
for (var o11, i11 = t11.name, a11 = []; this._lookahead(0) !== b10; )
this._lookahead(0) === S10 ? (o11 = { type: S10 }, this._advance()) : o11 = this.expression(0), this._lookahead(0) === k10 && this._match(k10), a11.push(o11);
return this._match(b10), { type: "Function", name: i11, children: a11 };
case D10:
var s11 = this.expression(0);
return this._match(y10), { type: "FilterProjection", children: [t11, n11 = this._lookahead(0) === N8 ? { type: "Identity" } : this._parseProjectionRHS(G10.Filter), s11] };
case N8:
return { type: "Projection", children: [{ type: N8, children: [t11] }, this._parseProjectionRHS(G10.Flatten)] };
case M10:
case R8:
case E10:
case P10:
case A10:
case T8:
return this._parseComparator(t11, e21);
case L10:
var c11 = this._lookaheadToken(0);
return c11.type === j10 || c11.type === w10 ? (n11 = this._parseIndexExpression(), this._projectIfSlice(t11, n11)) : (this._match(I10), this._match(y10), { type: "Projection", children: [t11, n11 = this._parseProjectionRHS(G10.Star)] });
}, _match: function(e21) {
if (this._lookahead(0) !== e21) {
var t11 = this._lookaheadToken(0), n11 = new Error("Expected " + e21 + ", got: " + t11.type);
throw n11.name = "ParserError", n11;
}, _errorToken: function(e21) {
var t11 = new Error("Invalid token (" + e21.type + '): "' + e21.value + '"');
throw t11.name = "ParserError", t11;
}, _parseIndexExpression: function() {
if (this._lookahead(0) === w10 || this._lookahead(1) === w10)
return this._parseSliceExpression();
var e21 = { type: "Index", value: this._lookaheadToken(0).value };
return this._advance(), this._match(y10), e21;
}, _projectIfSlice: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = { type: "IndexExpression", children: [e21, t11] };
return "Slice" === t11.type ? { type: "Projection", children: [n11, this._parseProjectionRHS(G10.Star)] } : n11;
}, _parseSliceExpression: function() {
for (var e21 = [null, null, null], t11 = 0, n11 = this._lookahead(0); n11 !== y10 && t11 < 3; ) {
if (n11 === w10)
t11++, this._advance();
else {
if (n11 !== j10) {
var r11 = this._lookahead(0), o11 = new Error("Syntax error, unexpected token: " + r11.value + "(" + r11.type + ")");
throw o11.name = "Parsererror", o11;
e21[t11] = this._lookaheadToken(0).value, this._advance();
n11 = this._lookahead(0);
return this._match(y10), { type: "Slice", children: e21 };
}, _parseComparator: function(e21, t11) {
return { type: "Comparator", name: t11, children: [e21, this.expression(G10[t11])] };
}, _parseDotRHS: function(e21) {
var t11 = this._lookahead(0);
return [m10, g10, I10].indexOf(t11) >= 0 ? this.expression(e21) : t11 === L10 ? (this._match(L10), this._parseMultiselectList()) : t11 === B10 ? (this._match(B10), this._parseMultiselectHash()) : void 0;
}, _parseProjectionRHS: function(e21) {
var t11;
if (G10[this._lookahead(0)] < 10)
t11 = { type: "Identity" };
else if (this._lookahead(0) === L10)
t11 = this.expression(e21);
else if (this._lookahead(0) === D10)
t11 = this.expression(e21);
else {
if (this._lookahead(0) !== q10) {
var n11 = this._lookaheadToken(0), r11 = new Error("Sytanx error, unexpected token: " + n11.value + "(" + n11.type + ")");
throw r11.name = "ParserError", r11;
this._match(q10), t11 = this._parseDotRHS(e21);
return t11;
}, _parseMultiselectList: function() {
for (var e21 = []; this._lookahead(0) !== y10; ) {
var t11 = this.expression(0);
if (e21.push(t11), this._lookahead(0) === k10 && (this._match(k10), this._lookahead(0) === y10))
throw new Error("Unexpected token Rbracket");
return this._match(y10), { type: "MultiSelectList", children: e21 };
}, _parseMultiselectHash: function() {
for (var e21, t11, n11, r11 = [], o11 = [m10, g10]; ; ) {
if (e21 = this._lookaheadToken(0), o11.indexOf(e21.type) < 0)
throw new Error("Expecting an identifier token, got: " + e21.type);
if (t11 = e21.value, this._advance(), this._match(w10), n11 = { type: "KeyValuePair", name: t11, value: this.expression(0) }, r11.push(n11), this._lookahead(0) === k10)
else if (this._lookahead(0) === x10) {
return { type: "MultiSelectHash", children: r11 };
} }, Y10.prototype = { search: function(e21, t11) {
return this.visit(e21, t11);
}, visit: function(e21, i11) {
var a11, s11, c11, l11, u11, f11, d11, h11, v11;
switch (e21.type) {
case "Field":
return null !== i11 && n10(i11) ? void 0 === (f11 = i11[e21.name]) ? null : f11 : null;
case "Subexpression":
for (c11 = this.visit(e21.children[0], i11), v11 = 1; v11 < e21.children.length; v11++)
if (null === (c11 = this.visit(e21.children[1], c11)))
return null;
return c11;
case "IndexExpression":
return d11 = this.visit(e21.children[0], i11), this.visit(e21.children[1], d11);
case "Index":
if (!t10(i11))
return null;
var p11 = e21.value;
return p11 < 0 && (p11 = i11.length + p11), void 0 === (c11 = i11[p11]) && (c11 = null), c11;
case "Slice":
if (!t10(i11))
return null;
var m11 = e21.children.slice(0), g11 = this.computeSliceParams(i11.length, m11), y11 = g11[0], b11 = g11[1], k11 = g11[2];
if (c11 = [], k11 > 0)
for (v11 = y11; v11 < b11; v11 += k11)
for (v11 = y11; v11 > b11; v11 += k11)
return c11;
case "Projection":
var w11 = this.visit(e21.children[0], i11);
if (!t10(w11))
return null;
for (h11 = [], v11 = 0; v11 < w11.length; v11++)
null !== (s11 = this.visit(e21.children[1], w11[v11])) && h11.push(s11);
return h11;
case "ValueProjection":
if (!n10(w11 = this.visit(e21.children[0], i11)))
return null;
h11 = [];
var x11 = function(e23) {
for (var t11 = Object.keys(e23), n11 = [], r11 = 0; r11 < t11.length; r11++)
return n11;
for (v11 = 0; v11 < x11.length; v11++)
null !== (s11 = this.visit(e21.children[1], x11[v11])) && h11.push(s11);
return h11;
case "FilterProjection":
if (!t10(w11 = this.visit(e21.children[0], i11)))
return null;
var j11 = [], _11 = [];
for (v11 = 0; v11 < w11.length; v11++)
o10(a11 = this.visit(e21.children[2], w11[v11])) || j11.push(w11[v11]);
for (var O11 = 0; O11 < j11.length; O11++)
null !== (s11 = this.visit(e21.children[1], j11[O11])) && _11.push(s11);
return _11;
case "Comparator":
switch (l11 = this.visit(e21.children[0], i11), u11 = this.visit(e21.children[1], i11), e21.name) {
case M10:
c11 = r10(l11, u11);
case R8:
c11 = !r10(l11, u11);
case E10:
c11 = l11 > u11;
case P10:
c11 = l11 >= u11;
case A10:
c11 = l11 < u11;
case T8:
c11 = l11 <= u11;
throw new Error("Unknown comparator: " + e21.name);
return c11;
case N8:
var I11 = this.visit(e21.children[0], i11);
if (!t10(I11))
return null;
var D11 = [];
for (v11 = 0; v11 < I11.length; v11++)
t10(s11 = I11[v11]) ? D11.push.apply(D11, s11) : D11.push(s11);
return D11;
case "Identity":
return i11;
case "MultiSelectList":
if (null === i11)
return null;
for (h11 = [], v11 = 0; v11 < e21.children.length; v11++)
h11.push(this.visit(e21.children[v11], i11));
return h11;
case "MultiSelectHash":
if (null === i11)
return null;
var q11;
for (h11 = {}, v11 = 0; v11 < e21.children.length; v11++)
h11[(q11 = e21.children[v11]).name] = this.visit(q11.value, i11);
return h11;
case "OrExpression":
return o10(a11 = this.visit(e21.children[0], i11)) && (a11 = this.visit(e21.children[1], i11)), a11;
case "AndExpression":
return true === o10(l11 = this.visit(e21.children[0], i11)) ? l11 : this.visit(e21.children[1], i11);
case "NotExpression":
return o10(l11 = this.visit(e21.children[0], i11));
case "Literal":
return e21.value;
case $10:
return d11 = this.visit(e21.children[0], i11), this.visit(e21.children[1], d11);
case S10:
return i11;
case "Function":
var z11 = [];
for (v11 = 0; v11 < e21.children.length; v11++)
z11.push(this.visit(e21.children[v11], i11));
return this.runtime.callFunction(e21.name, z11);
case "ExpressionReference":
var B11 = e21.children[0];
return B11.jmespathType = C10, B11;
throw new Error("Unknown node type: " + e21.type);
}, computeSliceParams: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = t11[0], r11 = t11[1], o11 = t11[2], i11 = [null, null, null];
if (null === o11)
o11 = 1;
else if (0 === o11) {
var a11 = new Error("Invalid slice, step cannot be 0");
throw a11.name = "RuntimeError", a11;
var s11 = o11 < 0;
return n11 = null === n11 ? s11 ? e21 - 1 : 0 : this.capSliceRange(e21, n11, o11), r11 = null === r11 ? s11 ? -1 : e21 : this.capSliceRange(e21, r11, o11), i11[0] = n11, i11[1] = r11, i11[2] = o11, i11;
}, capSliceRange: function(e21, t11, n11) {
return t11 < 0 ? (t11 += e21) < 0 && (t11 = n11 < 0 ? -1 : 0) : t11 >= e21 && (t11 = n11 < 0 ? e21 - 1 : e21), t11;
} }, X10.prototype = { callFunction: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = this.functionTable[e21];
if (void 0 === n11)
throw new Error("Unknown function: " + e21 + "()");
return this._validateArgs(e21, t11, n11._signature), n11._func.call(this, t11);
}, _validateArgs: function(e21, t11, n11) {
var r11, o11, i11, a11;
if (n11[n11.length - 1].variadic) {
if (t11.length < n11.length)
throw r11 = 1 === n11.length ? " argument" : " arguments", new Error("ArgumentError: " + e21 + "() takes at least" + n11.length + r11 + " but received " + t11.length);
} else if (t11.length !== n11.length)
throw r11 = 1 === n11.length ? " argument" : " arguments", new Error("ArgumentError: " + e21 + "() takes " + n11.length + r11 + " but received " + t11.length);
for (var s11 = 0; s11 < n11.length; s11++) {
a11 = false, o11 = n11[s11].types, i11 = this._getTypeName(t11[s11]);
for (var c11 = 0; c11 < o11.length; c11++)
if (this._typeMatches(i11, o11[c11], t11[s11])) {
a11 = true;
if (!a11) {
var l11 = o11.map(function(e23) {
return v10[e23];
throw new Error("TypeError: " + e21 + "() expected argument " + (s11 + 1) + " to be type " + l11 + " but received type " + v10[i11] + " instead.");
}, _typeMatches: function(e21, t11, n11) {
if (t11 === s10)
return true;
if (t11 !== h10 && t11 !== d10 && t11 !== l10)
return e21 === t11;
if (t11 === l10)
return e21 === l10;
if (e21 === l10) {
var r11;
t11 === d10 ? r11 = a10 : t11 === h10 && (r11 = c10);
for (var o11 = 0; o11 < n11.length; o11++)
if (!this._typeMatches(this._getTypeName(n11[o11]), r11, n11[o11]))
return false;
return true;
}, _getTypeName: function(e21) {
switch (Object.prototype.toString.call(e21)) {
case "[object String]":
return c10;
case "[object Number]":
return a10;
case "[object Array]":
return l10;
case "[object Boolean]":
return 5;
case "[object Null]":
return 7;
case "[object Object]":
return e21.jmespathType === C10 ? f10 : u10;
}, _functionStartsWith: function(e21) {
return 0 === e21[0].lastIndexOf(e21[1]);
}, _functionEndsWith: function(e21) {
var t11 = e21[0], n11 = e21[1];
return -1 !== t11.indexOf(n11, t11.length - n11.length);
}, _functionReverse: function(e21) {
if (this._getTypeName(e21[0]) === c10) {
for (var t11 = e21[0], n11 = "", r11 = t11.length - 1; r11 >= 0; r11--)
n11 += t11[r11];
return n11;
var o11 = e21[0].slice(0);
return o11.reverse(), o11;
}, _functionAbs: function(e21) {
return Math.abs(e21[0]);
}, _functionCeil: function(e21) {
return Math.ceil(e21[0]);
}, _functionAvg: function(e21) {
for (var t11 = 0, n11 = e21[0], r11 = 0; r11 < n11.length; r11++)
t11 += n11[r11];
return t11 / n11.length;
}, _functionContains: function(e21) {
return e21[0].indexOf(e21[1]) >= 0;
}, _functionFloor: function(e21) {
return Math.floor(e21[0]);
}, _functionLength: function(e21) {
return n10(e21[0]) ? Object.keys(e21[0]).length : e21[0].length;
}, _functionMap: function(e21) {
for (var t11 = [], n11 = this._interpreter, r11 = e21[0], o11 = e21[1], i11 = 0; i11 < o11.length; i11++)
t11.push(n11.visit(r11, o11[i11]));
return t11;
}, _functionMerge: function(e21) {
for (var t11 = {}, n11 = 0; n11 < e21.length; n11++) {
var r11 = e21[n11];
for (var o11 in r11)
t11[o11] = r11[o11];
return t11;
}, _functionMax: function(e21) {
if (e21[0].length > 0) {
if (this._getTypeName(e21[0][0]) === a10)
return Math.max.apply(Math, e21[0]);
for (var t11 = e21[0], n11 = t11[0], r11 = 1; r11 < t11.length; r11++)
n11.localeCompare(t11[r11]) < 0 && (n11 = t11[r11]);
return n11;
return null;
}, _functionMin: function(e21) {
if (e21[0].length > 0) {
if (this._getTypeName(e21[0][0]) === a10)
return Math.min.apply(Math, e21[0]);
for (var t11 = e21[0], n11 = t11[0], r11 = 1; r11 < t11.length; r11++)
t11[r11].localeCompare(n11) < 0 && (n11 = t11[r11]);
return n11;
return null;
}, _functionSum: function(e21) {
for (var t11 = 0, n11 = e21[0], r11 = 0; r11 < n11.length; r11++)
t11 += n11[r11];
return t11;
}, _functionType: function(e21) {
switch (this._getTypeName(e21[0])) {
case a10:
return "number";
case c10:
return "string";
case l10:
return "array";
case u10:
return "object";
case 5:
return "boolean";
case f10:
return "expref";
case 7:
return "null";
}, _functionKeys: function(e21) {
return Object.keys(e21[0]);
}, _functionValues: function(e21) {
for (var t11 = e21[0], n11 = Object.keys(t11), r11 = [], o11 = 0; o11 < n11.length; o11++)
return r11;
}, _functionJoin: function(e21) {
var t11 = e21[0];
return e21[1].join(t11);
}, _functionToArray: function(e21) {
return this._getTypeName(e21[0]) === l10 ? e21[0] : [e21[0]];
}, _functionToString: function(e21) {
return this._getTypeName(e21[0]) === c10 ? e21[0] : JSON.stringify(e21[0]);
}, _functionToNumber: function(e21) {
var t11, n11 = this._getTypeName(e21[0]);
return n11 === a10 ? e21[0] : n11 !== c10 || (t11 = +e21[0], isNaN(t11)) ? null : t11;
}, _functionNotNull: function(e21) {
for (var t11 = 0; t11 < e21.length; t11++)
if (7 !== this._getTypeName(e21[t11]))
return e21[t11];
return null;
}, _functionSort: function(e21) {
var t11 = e21[0].slice(0);
return t11.sort(), t11;
}, _functionSortBy: function(e21) {
var t11 = e21[0].slice(0);
if (0 === t11.length)
return t11;
var n11 = this._interpreter, r11 = e21[1], o11 = this._getTypeName(n11.visit(r11, t11[0]));
if ([a10, c10].indexOf(o11) < 0)
throw new Error("TypeError");
for (var i11 = this, s11 = [], l11 = 0; l11 < t11.length; l11++)
s11.push([l11, t11[l11]]);
s11.sort(function(e23, t12) {
var a11 = n11.visit(r11, e23[1]), s12 = n11.visit(r11, t12[1]);
if (i11._getTypeName(a11) !== o11)
throw new Error("TypeError: expected " + o11 + ", received " + i11._getTypeName(a11));
if (i11._getTypeName(s12) !== o11)
throw new Error("TypeError: expected " + o11 + ", received " + i11._getTypeName(s12));
return a11 > s12 ? 1 : a11 < s12 ? -1 : e23[0] - t12[0];
for (var u11 = 0; u11 < s11.length; u11++)
t11[u11] = s11[u11][1];
return t11;
}, _functionMaxBy: function(e21) {
for (var t11, n11, r11 = e21[1], o11 = e21[0], i11 = this.createKeyFunction(r11, [a10, c10]), s11 = -1 / 0, l11 = 0; l11 < o11.length; l11++)
(n11 = i11(o11[l11])) > s11 && (s11 = n11, t11 = o11[l11]);
return t11;
}, _functionMinBy: function(e21) {
for (var t11, n11, r11 = e21[1], o11 = e21[0], i11 = this.createKeyFunction(r11, [a10, c10]), s11 = 1 / 0, l11 = 0; l11 < o11.length; l11++)
(n11 = i11(o11[l11])) < s11 && (s11 = n11, t11 = o11[l11]);
return t11;
}, createKeyFunction: function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = this, r11 = this._interpreter;
return function(o11) {
var i11 = r11.visit(e21, o11);
if (t11.indexOf(n11._getTypeName(i11)) < 0) {
var a11 = "TypeError: expected one of " + t11 + ", received " + n11._getTypeName(i11);
throw new Error(a11);
return i11;
} }, e20.tokenize = function(e21) {
return new K10().tokenize(e21);
}, e20.compile = function(e21) {
return new Q10().parse(e21);
}, e20.search = function(e21, t11) {
var n11 = new Q10(), r11 = new X10(), o11 = new Y10(r11);
r11._interpreter = o11;
var i11 = n11.parse(t11);
return o11.search(i11, e21);
}, e20.strictDeepEqual = r10;
var qee = yc(Dee);
var Fee = function(e20, t10) {
if (!(e20 instanceof t10))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
var Vee = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function e20(e21, t10) {
for (var n10 = 0; n10 < t10.length; n10++) {
var r10 = t10[n10];
r10.enumerable = r10.enumerable || false, r10.configurable = true, "value" in r10 && (r10.writable = true), Object.defineProperty(e21, r10.key, r10);
return function(t10, n10, r10) {
return n10 && e20(t10.prototype, n10), r10 && e20(t10, r10), t10;
var Hee = function(e20, t10) {
if (Array.isArray(e20))
return e20;
if (Symbol.iterator in Object(e20))
return function(e21, t11) {
var n10 = [], r10 = true, o10 = false, i10 = void 0;
try {
for (var a10, s10 = e21[Symbol.iterator](); !(r10 = (a10 = s10.next()).done) && (n10.push(a10.value), !t11 || n10.length !== t11); r10 = true)
} catch (e23) {
o10 = true, i10 = e23;
} finally {
try {
!r10 && s10.return && s10.return();
} finally {
if (o10)
throw i10;
return n10;
}(e20, t10);
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance");
String.prototype.startsWith = String.prototype.startsWith || function(e20) {
return 0 === this.indexOf(e20);
}, String.prototype.padStart = String.prototype.padStart || function(e20, t10) {
for (var n10 = this; n10.length < e20; )
n10 = t10 + n10;
return n10;
var Wee = { cb: "0f8ff", tqw: "aebd7", q: "-ffff", qmrn: "7fffd4", zr: "0ffff", bg: "5f5dc", bsq: "e4c4", bck: "---", nch: "ebcd", b: "--ff", bvt: "8a2be2", brwn: "a52a2a", brw: "deb887", ctb: "5f9ea0", hrt: "7fff-", chcT: "d2691e", cr: "7f50", rnw: "6495ed", crns: "8dc", crms: "dc143c", cn: "-ffff", Db: "--8b", Dcn: "-8b8b", Dgnr: "b8860b", Dgr: "a9a9a9", Dgrn: "-64-", Dkhk: "bdb76b", Dmgn: "8b-8b", Dvgr: "556b2f", Drng: "8c-", Drch: "9932cc", Dr: "8b--", Dsmn: "e9967a", Dsgr: "8fbc8f", DsTb: "483d8b", DsTg: "2f4f4f", Dtrq: "-ced1", Dvt: "94-d3", ppnk: "1493", pskb: "-bfff", mgr: "696969", grb: "1e90ff", rbrc: "b22222", rwht: "af0", stg: "228b22", chs: "-ff", gnsb: "dcdcdc", st: "8f8ff", g: "d7-", gnr: "daa520", gr: "808080", grn: "-8-0", grnw: "adff2f", hnw: "0fff0", htpn: "69b4", nnr: "cd5c5c", ng: "4b-82", vr: "0", khk: "0e68c", vnr: "e6e6fa", nrb: "0f5", wngr: "7cfc-", mnch: "acd", Lb: "add8e6", Lcr: "08080", Lcn: "e0ffff", Lgnr: "afad2", Lgr: "d3d3d3", Lgrn: "90ee90", Lpnk: "b6c1", Lsmn: "a07a", Lsgr: "20b2aa", Lskb: "87cefa", LsTg: "778899", Lstb: "b0c4de", Lw: "e0", m: "-ff-", mgrn: "32cd32", nn: "af0e6", mgnt: "-ff", mrn: "8--0", mqm: "66cdaa", mmb: "--cd", mmrc: "ba55d3", mmpr: "9370db", msg: "3cb371", mmsT: "7b68ee", "": "-fa9a", mtr: "48d1cc", mmvt: "c71585", mnLb: "191970", ntc: "5fffa", mstr: "e4e1", mccs: "e4b5", vjw: "dead", nv: "--80", c: "df5e6", v: "808-0", vrb: "6b8e23", rng: "a5-", rngr: "45-", rch: "da70d6", pgnr: "eee8aa", pgrn: "98fb98", ptrq: "afeeee", pvtr: "db7093", ppwh: "efd5", pchp: "dab9", pr: "cd853f", pnk: "c0cb", pm: "dda0dd", pwrb: "b0e0e6", prp: "8-080", cc: "663399", r: "--", sbr: "bc8f8f", rb: "4169e1", sbrw: "8b4513", smn: "a8072", nbr: "4a460", sgrn: "2e8b57", ssh: "5ee", snn: "a0522d", svr: "c0c0c0", skb: "87ceeb", sTb: "6a5acd", sTgr: "708090", snw: "afa", n: "-ff7f", stb: "4682b4", tn: "d2b48c", t: "-8080", thst: "d8bfd8", tmT: "6347", trqs: "40e0d0", vt: "ee82ee", whT: "5deb3", wht: "", hts: "5f5f5", w: "-", wgrn: "9acd32" };
function Uee(e20) {
var t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 1;
return (t10 > 0 ? e20.toFixed(t10).replace(/0+$/, "").replace(/\.$/, "") : e20.toString()) || "0";
var Jee = function() {
function e20(t10, n10, r10, o10) {
Fee(this, e20);
var i10 = this;
if (void 0 === t10)
else if (Array.isArray(t10))
this.rgba = t10;
else if (void 0 === r10) {
var a10 = t10 && "" + t10;
a10 && function(t11) {
if (t11.startsWith("hsl")) {
var n11 = t11.match(/([\-\d\.e]+)/g).map(Number), r11 = Hee(n11, 4), o11 = r11[0], a11 = r11[1], s10 = r11[2], c10 = r11[3];
void 0 === c10 && (c10 = 1), o11 /= 360, a11 /= 100, s10 /= 100, i10.hsla = [o11, a11, s10, c10];
} else if (t11.startsWith("rgb")) {
var l10 = t11.match(/([\-\d\.e]+)/g).map(Number), u10 = Hee(l10, 4), f10 = u10[0], d10 = u10[1], h10 = u10[2], v10 = u10[3];
void 0 === v10 && (v10 = 1), i10.rgba = [f10, d10, h10, v10];
} else
t11.startsWith("#") ? i10.rgba = e20.hexToRgb(t11) : i10.rgba = e20.nameToRgb(t11) || e20.hexToRgb(t11);
} else
this.rgba = [t10, n10, r10, void 0 === o10 ? 1 : o10];
return Vee(e20, [{ key: "printRGB", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = (e21 ? this.rgba : this.rgba.slice(0, 3)).map(function(e23, t11) {
return Uee(e23, 3 === t11 ? 3 : 0);
return e21 ? "rgba(" + t10 + ")" : "rgb(" + t10 + ")";
} }, { key: "printHSL", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = [360, 100, 100, 1], n10 = ["", "%", "%", ""], r10 = (e21 ? this.hsla : this.hsla.slice(0, 3)).map(function(e23, r11) {
return Uee(e23 * t10[r11], 3 === r11 ? 3 : 1) + n10[r11];
return e21 ? "hsla(" + r10 + ")" : "hsl(" + r10 + ")";
} }, { key: "printHex", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this.hex;
return e21 ? t10 : t10.substring(0, 7);
} }, { key: "rgba", get: function() {
if (this._rgba)
return this._rgba;
if (!this._hsla)
throw new Error("No color is set");
return this._rgba = e20.hslToRgb(this._hsla);
}, set: function(e21) {
3 === e21.length && (e21[3] = 1), this._rgba = e21, this._hsla = null;
} }, { key: "rgbString", get: function() {
return this.printRGB();
} }, { key: "rgbaString", get: function() {
return this.printRGB(true);
} }, { key: "hsla", get: function() {
if (this._hsla)
return this._hsla;
if (!this._rgba)
throw new Error("No color is set");
return this._hsla = e20.rgbToHsl(this._rgba);
}, set: function(e21) {
3 === e21.length && (e21[3] = 1), this._hsla = e21, this._rgba = null;
} }, { key: "hslString", get: function() {
return this.printHSL();
} }, { key: "hslaString", get: function() {
return this.printHSL(true);
} }, { key: "hex", get: function() {
var e21 = this.rgba.map(function(e23, t10) {
return t10 < 3 ? e23.toString(16) : Math.round(255 * e23).toString(16);
return "#" + e21.map(function(e23) {
return e23.padStart(2, "0");
}, set: function(t10) {
this.rgba = e20.hexToRgb(t10);
} }], [{ key: "hexToRgb", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = (e21.startsWith("#") ? e21.slice(1) : e21).replace(/^(\w{3})$/, "$1F").replace(/^(\w)(\w)(\w)(\w)$/, "$1$1$2$2$3$3$4$4").replace(/^(\w{6})$/, "$1FF");
if (!t10.match(/^([0-9a-fA-F]{8})$/))
throw new Error("Unknown hex color; " + e21);
var n10 = t10.match(/^(\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)$/).slice(1).map(function(e23) {
return parseInt(e23, 16);
return n10[3] = n10[3] / 255, n10;
} }, { key: "nameToRgb", value: function(t10) {
var n10 = t10.toLowerCase().replace("at", "T").replace(/[aeiouyldf]/g, "").replace("ght", "L").replace("rk", "D").slice(-5, 4), r10 = Wee[n10];
return void 0 === r10 ? r10 : e20.hexToRgb(r10.replace(/\-/g, "00").padStart(6, "f"));
} }, { key: "rgbToHsl", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = Hee(e21, 4), n10 = t10[0], r10 = t10[1], o10 = t10[2], i10 = t10[3];
n10 /= 255, r10 /= 255, o10 /= 255;
var a10 = Math.max(n10, r10, o10), s10 = Math.min(n10, r10, o10), c10 = void 0, l10 = void 0, u10 = (a10 + s10) / 2;
if (a10 === s10)
c10 = l10 = 0;
else {
var f10 = a10 - s10;
switch (l10 = u10 > 0.5 ? f10 / (2 - a10 - s10) : f10 / (a10 + s10), a10) {
case n10:
c10 = (r10 - o10) / f10 + (r10 < o10 ? 6 : 0);
case r10:
c10 = (o10 - n10) / f10 + 2;
case o10:
c10 = (n10 - r10) / f10 + 4;
c10 /= 6;
return [c10, l10, u10, i10];
} }, { key: "hslToRgb", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = Hee(e21, 4), n10 = t10[0], r10 = t10[1], o10 = t10[2], i10 = t10[3], a10 = void 0, s10 = void 0, c10 = void 0;
if (0 === r10)
a10 = s10 = c10 = o10;
else {
var l10 = function(e23, t11, n11) {
return n11 < 0 && (n11 += 1), n11 > 1 && (n11 -= 1), n11 < 1 / 6 ? e23 + 6 * (t11 - e23) * n11 : n11 < 0.5 ? t11 : n11 < 2 / 3 ? e23 + (t11 - e23) * (2 / 3 - n11) * 6 : e23;
}, u10 = o10 < 0.5 ? o10 * (1 + r10) : o10 + r10 - o10 * r10, f10 = 2 * o10 - u10;
a10 = l10(f10, u10, n10 + 1 / 3), s10 = l10(f10, u10, n10), c10 = l10(f10, u10, n10 - 1 / 3);
var d10 = [255 * a10, 255 * s10, 255 * c10].map(Math.round);
return d10[3] = i10, d10;
} }]), e20;
var Kee = function() {
function e20() {
Fee(this, e20), this._events = [];
return Vee(e20, [{ key: "add", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
e21.addEventListener(t10, n10, false), this._events.push({ target: e21, type: t10, handler: n10 });
} }, { key: "remove", value: function(t10, n10, r10) {
this._events = this._events.filter(function(o10) {
var i10 = true;
return t10 && t10 !== o10.target && (i10 = false), n10 && n10 !== o10.type && (i10 = false), r10 && r10 !== o10.handler && (i10 = false), i10 && e20._doRemove(o10.target, o10.type, o10.handler), !i10;
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function() {
this._events.forEach(function(t10) {
return e20._doRemove(t10.target, t10.type, t10.handler);
}), this._events = [];
} }], [{ key: "_doRemove", value: function(e21, t10, n10) {
e21.removeEventListener(t10, n10, false);
} }]), e20;
function Gee(e20, t10, n10) {
var r10 = false;
function o10(e21, t11, n11) {
return Math.max(t11, Math.min(e21, n11));
function i10(e21, i11, a11) {
if (a11 && (r10 = true), r10) {
var s11 = t10.getBoundingClientRect(), c10 = s11.width, l10 = s11.height, u10 = i11.clientX, f10 = i11.clientY, d10 = o10(u10 - s11.left, 0, c10), h10 = o10(f10 - s11.top, 0, l10);
n10(d10 / c10, h10 / l10);
function a10(e21, t11) {
1 === (void 0 === e21.buttons ? e21.which : e21.buttons) ? i10(e21, e21, t11) : r10 = false;
function s10(e21, t11) {
1 === e21.touches.length ? i10(e21, e21.touches[0], t11) : r10 = false;
e20.add(t10, "mousedown", function(e21) {
a10(e21, true);
}), e20.add(t10, "touchstart", function(e21) {
s10(e21, true);
}), e20.add(window, "mousemove", a10), e20.add(t10, "touchmove", s10), e20.add(window, "mouseup", function(e21) {
r10 = false;
}), e20.add(t10, "touchend", function(e21) {
r10 = false;
}), e20.add(t10, "touchcancel", function(e21) {
r10 = false;
var Qee = "keydown";
var Yee = "mousedown";
var Xee = "focusin";
function Zee(e20, t10) {
return (t10 || document).querySelector(e20);
function ete(e20) {
e20.preventDefault(), e20.stopPropagation();
function tte(e20, t10, n10, r10, o10) {
e20.add(t10, Qee, function(e21) {
n10.indexOf(e21.key) >= 0 && (o10 && ete(e21), r10(e21));
var nte = function() {
function e20(t10) {
Fee(this, e20), this.settings = { popup: "right", layout: "default", alpha: true, editor: true, editorFormat: "hex", cancelButton: false, defaultColor: "#0cf" }, this._events = new Kee(), this.onChange = null, this.onDone = null, this.onOpen = null, this.onClose = null, this.setOptions(t10);
return Vee(e20, [{ key: "setOptions", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this;
if (e21) {
var n10 = this.settings;
if (e21 instanceof HTMLElement)
n10.parent = e21;
else {
n10.parent && e21.parent && n10.parent !== e21.parent && (this._events.remove(n10.parent), this._popupInited = false), function(e23, t11, n11) {
for (var r11 in e23)
n11 && n11.indexOf(r11) >= 0 || (t11[r11] = e23[r11]);
}(e21, n10), e21.onChange && (this.onChange = e21.onChange), e21.onDone && (this.onDone = e21.onDone), e21.onOpen && (this.onOpen = e21.onOpen), e21.onClose && (this.onClose = e21.onClose);
var r10 = e21.color || e21.colour;
r10 && this._setColor(r10);
var o10 = n10.parent;
if (o10 && n10.popup && !this._popupInited) {
var i10 = function(e23) {
return t10.openHandler(e23);
this._events.add(o10, "click", i10), tte(this._events, o10, [" ", "Spacebar", "Enter"], i10), this._popupInited = true;
} else
e21.parent && !n10.popup && this.show();
} }, { key: "openHandler", value: function(e21) {
if (this.show()) {
e21 && e21.preventDefault(), this.settings.parent.style.pointerEvents = "none";
var t10 = e21 && e21.type === Qee ? this._domEdit : this.domElement;
setTimeout(function() {
return t10.focus();
}, 100), this.onOpen && this.onOpen(this.colour);
} }, { key: "closeHandler", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = e21 && e21.type, n10 = false;
if (e21)
if (t10 === Yee || t10 === Xee) {
var r10 = (this.__containedEvent || 0) + 100;
e21.timeStamp > r10 && (n10 = true);
} else
ete(e21), n10 = true;
n10 = true;
n10 && this.hide() && (this.settings.parent.style.pointerEvents = "", t10 !== Yee && this.settings.parent.focus(), this.onClose && this.onClose(this.colour));
} }, { key: "movePopup", value: function(e21, t10) {
this.closeHandler(), this.setOptions(e21), t10 && this.openHandler();
} }, { key: "setColor", value: function(e21, t10) {
this._setColor(e21, { silent: t10 });
} }, { key: "_setColor", value: function(e21, t10) {
if ("string" == typeof e21 && (e21 = e21.trim()), e21) {
t10 = t10 || {};
var n10 = void 0;
try {
n10 = new Jee(e21);
} catch (e23) {
if (t10.failSilently)
throw e23;
if (!this.settings.alpha) {
var r10 = n10.hsla;
r10[3] = 1, n10.hsla = r10;
this.colour = this.color = n10, this._setHSLA(null, null, null, null, t10);
} }, { key: "setColour", value: function(e21, t10) {
this.setColor(e21, t10);
} }, { key: "show", value: function() {
if (!this.settings.parent)
return false;
if (this.domElement) {
var e21 = this._toggleDOM(true);
return this._setPosition(), e21;
var t10, n10, r10 = this.settings.template || '', o10 = (t10 = r10, (n10 = document.createElement("div")).innerHTML = t10, n10.firstElementChild);
return this.domElement = o10, this._domH = Zee(".picker_hue", o10), this._domSL = Zee(".picker_sl", o10), this._domA = Zee(".picker_alpha", o10), this._domEdit = Zee(".picker_editor input", o10), this._domSample = Zee(".picker_sample", o10), this._domOkay = Zee(".picker_done button", o10), this._domCancel = Zee(".picker_cancel button", o10), o10.classList.add("layout_" + this.settings.layout), this.settings.alpha || o10.classList.add("no_alpha"), this.settings.editor || o10.classList.add("no_editor"), this.settings.cancelButton || o10.classList.add("no_cancel"), this._ifPopup(function() {
return o10.classList.add("popup");
}), this._setPosition(), this.colour ? this._updateUI() : this._setColor(this.settings.defaultColor), this._bindEvents(), true;
} }, { key: "hide", value: function() {
return this._toggleDOM(false);
} }, { key: "destroy", value: function() {
this._events.destroy(), this.domElement && this.settings.parent.removeChild(this.domElement);
} }, { key: "_bindEvents", value: function() {
var e21 = this, t10 = this, n10 = this.domElement, r10 = this._events;
function o10(e23, t11, n11) {
r10.add(e23, t11, n11);
o10(n10, "click", function(e23) {
return e23.preventDefault();
}), Gee(r10, this._domH, function(e23, n11) {
return t10._setHSLA(e23);
}), Gee(r10, this._domSL, function(e23, n11) {
return t10._setHSLA(null, e23, 1 - n11);
}), this.settings.alpha && Gee(r10, this._domA, function(e23, n11) {
return t10._setHSLA(null, null, null, 1 - n11);
var i10 = this._domEdit;
o10(i10, "input", function(e23) {
t10._setColor(this.value, { fromEditor: true, failSilently: true });
}), o10(i10, "focus", function(e23) {
var t11 = this;
t11.selectionStart === t11.selectionEnd && t11.select();
}), this._ifPopup(function() {
var t11 = function(t12) {
return e21.closeHandler(t12);
o10(window, Yee, t11), o10(window, Xee, t11), tte(r10, n10, ["Esc", "Escape"], t11);
var i11 = function(t12) {
e21.__containedEvent = t12.timeStamp;
o10(n10, Yee, i11), o10(n10, Xee, i11), o10(e21._domCancel, "click", t11);
var a10 = function(t11) {
e21._ifPopup(function() {
return e21.closeHandler(t11);
}), e21.onDone && e21.onDone(e21.colour);
o10(this._domOkay, "click", a10), tte(r10, n10, ["Enter"], a10);
} }, { key: "_setPosition", value: function() {
var e21 = this.settings.parent, t10 = this.domElement;
e21 !== t10.parentNode && e21.appendChild(t10), this._ifPopup(function(n10) {
"static" === getComputedStyle(e21).position && (e21.style.position = "relative");
var r10 = true === n10 ? "popup_right" : "popup_" + n10;
["popup_top", "popup_bottom", "popup_left", "popup_right"].forEach(function(e23) {
e23 === r10 ? t10.classList.add(e23) : t10.classList.remove(e23);
}), t10.classList.add(r10);
} }, { key: "_setHSLA", value: function(e21, t10, n10, r10, o10) {
o10 = o10 || {};
var i10 = this.colour, a10 = i10.hsla;
[e21, t10, n10, r10].forEach(function(e23, t11) {
(e23 || 0 === e23) && (a10[t11] = e23);
}), i10.hsla = a10, this._updateUI(o10), this.onChange && !o10.silent && this.onChange(i10);
} }, { key: "_updateUI", value: function(e21) {
if (this.domElement) {
e21 = e21 || {};
var t10 = this.colour, n10 = t10.hsla, r10 = "hsl(" + 360 * n10[0] + ", 100%, 50%)", o10 = t10.hslString, i10 = t10.hslaString, a10 = this._domH, s10 = this._domSL, c10 = this._domA, l10 = Zee(".picker_selector", a10), u10 = Zee(".picker_selector", s10), f10 = Zee(".picker_selector", c10);
y10(0, l10, n10[0]), this._domSL.style.backgroundColor = this._domH.style.color = r10, y10(0, u10, n10[1]), b10(0, u10, 1 - n10[2]), s10.style.color = o10, b10(0, f10, 1 - n10[3]);
var d10 = o10, h10 = d10.replace("hsl", "hsla").replace(")", ", 0)"), v10 = "linear-gradient(" + [d10, h10] + ")";
if (this._domA.style.background = v10 + ", linear-gradient(45deg, lightgrey 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 75%, lightgrey 75%) 0 0 / 2em 2em,\n linear-gradient(45deg, lightgrey 25%, white 25%, white 75%, lightgrey 75%) 1em 1em / 2em 2em", !e21.fromEditor) {
var p10 = this.settings.editorFormat, m10 = this.settings.alpha, g10 = void 0;
switch (p10) {
case "rgb":
g10 = t10.printRGB(m10);
case "hsl":
g10 = t10.printHSL(m10);
g10 = t10.printHex(m10);
this._domEdit.value = g10;
this._domSample.style.color = i10;
function y10(e23, t11, n11) {
t11.style.left = 100 * n11 + "%";
function b10(e23, t11, n11) {
t11.style.top = 100 * n11 + "%";
} }, { key: "_ifPopup", value: function(e21, t10) {
this.settings.parent && this.settings.popup ? e21 && e21(this.settings.popup) : t10 && t10();
} }, { key: "_toggleDOM", value: function(e21) {
var t10 = this.domElement;
if (!t10)
return false;
var n10 = e21 ? "" : "none", r10 = t10.style.display !== n10;
return r10 && (t10.style.display = n10), r10;
} }]), e20;
var rte = document.createElement("style");
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/*! Bundled license information:
(*! regenerator-runtime -- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. -- license (MIT): https://github.com/facebook/regenerator/blob/main/LICENSE *)
* @license
* Lodash (Custom Build)
* Build: `lodash modularize exports="es" -o ./`
* Copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors
* Released under MIT license
* Based on Underscore.js 1.8.3
* Copyright Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
* vanilla-picker v2.12.2
* https://vanilla-picker.js.org
* Copyright 2017-2023 Andreas Borgen (https://github.com/Sphinxxxx), Adam Brooks (https://github.com/dissimulate)
* Released under the ISC license.