# GPS Touch - A touch controlled GPS watch for Bangle JS 2 - Key feature is the conversion of Lat/Lon into Ordinance Servey Grid Reference - Swipe left and right to change the display - Select GPS and switch the GPS On or Off by touching twice in the top half of the display - Select LOGGER and switch the GPS Recorder On or Off by touching twice in the top half of the display - Displays the GPS time in the bottom half of the screen when the GPS is powered on, otherwise 00:00:00 - Select display of Course, Speed, Altitude, Longitude, Latitude, Ordinance Servey Grid Reference ## Screenshots ![](screenshot1.png) ![](screenshot2.png) ![](screenshot3.png) ![](screenshot4.png) Written by: [Hugh Barney](https://github.com/hughbarney) For support and discussion please post in the [Bangle JS Forum](http://forum.espruino.com/microcosms/1424/)