# DSKY Clock This is a clockface inspired by the Apollo DSKY interface. ## Features - battery level indicator (PROG indicator) - month (VERB indicator) - date (NOUN indicator) - Current local time (DATA 1) - UTC time (DATA 2) - Step counter (DATA 3) Indicator lights are: - COMP ACTY (GPS/HRM active) - MSG (Messages waiting) - LOCK (Screen is locked) - BT (Bluetooth is disconnected) - BATT (Low battery or battery charging) - ALARM (Alarm is set) - STEP (Reached STEP goal)) ---- ## Alt Modes Swipe left/right to switch between different PROGRAM modes. - HRM (BPM/Confidence) - GPS (Latitude/Longitude/Speed) - Weather (Humidity/Rain/Temperature/Wind/Condition Code) - Accelerometer (X/Y/Z) - Compass (HEADING) In the interests of usability these change the "LIGHT" on the left side to show the current mode. ---- This is my first watch face, may add features and customization later. ## Creator Written by Carl Chan | [github](https://github.com/carlchan)