let Layout = require('Layout'); let Caret = require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("hEUgMAsFgmEwjEYhkMg0GAYIHBBYIPBgAA==")); let ScreenWidth = g.getWidth(), CenterX; let ScreenHeight = g.getHeight(), CenterY, outerRadius; Bangle.setUI('clock'); Bangle.loadWidgets(); /**** updateClockFaceSize ****/ function updateClockFaceSize () { CenterX = ScreenWidth/2; CenterY = ScreenHeight/2; outerRadius = Math.min(CenterX,CenterY); if (global.WIDGETS == null) { return; } let WidgetLayouts = { tl:{ x:0, y:0, Direction:0 }, tr:{ x:ScreenWidth-1, y:0, Direction:1 }, bl:{ x:0, y:ScreenHeight-24, Direction:0 }, br:{ x:ScreenWidth-1, y:ScreenHeight-24, Direction:1 } }; for (let Widget of WIDGETS) { let WidgetLayout = WidgetLayouts[Widget.area]; // reference, not copy! if (WidgetLayout == null) { continue; } Widget.x = WidgetLayout.x - WidgetLayout.Direction * Widget.width; Widget.y = WidgetLayout.y; WidgetLayout.x += Widget.width * (1-2*WidgetLayout.Direction); } let x,y, dx,dy; let cx = CenterX, cy = CenterY, r = outerRadius, r2 = r*r; x = WidgetLayouts.tl.x; y = WidgetLayouts.tl.y+24; dx = x - cx; dy = y - cy; if (dx*dx + dy*dy < r2) { cy = CenterY + 12; dy = y - cy; r2 = dx*dx + dy*dy; r = Math.min(Math.sqrt(r2),cy-24); } x = WidgetLayouts.tr.x; y = WidgetLayouts.tr.y+24; dx = x - cx; dy = y - cy; if (dx*dx + dy*dy < r2) { cy = CenterY + 12; dy = y - cy; r2 = dx*dx + dy*dy; r = Math.min(Math.sqrt(r2),cy-24); } x = WidgetLayouts.bl.x; y = WidgetLayouts.bl.y; dx = x - cx; dy = y - cy; if (dx*dx + dy*dy < r2) { cy = CenterY - 12; dy = y - cy; r2 = dx*dx + dy*dy; r = Math.min(Math.sqrt(r2),cy); } x = WidgetLayouts.br.x; y = WidgetLayouts.br.y; dx = x - cx; dy = y - cy; if (dx*dx + dy*dy < r2) { cy = CenterY - 12; dy = y - cy; r2 = dx*dx + dy*dy; r = Math.min(Math.sqrt(r2),cy); } CenterX = cx; CenterY = cy; outerRadius = r - 4; } updateClockFaceSize(); /**** custom version of Bangle.drawWidgets (does not clear the widget areas) ****/ Bangle.drawWidgets = function () { var w = g.getWidth(), h = g.getHeight(); var pos = { tl:{x:0, y:0, r:0, c:0}, // if r==1, we're right->left tr:{x:w-1, y:0, r:1, c:0}, bl:{x:0, y:h-24, r:0, c:0}, br:{x:w-1, y:h-24, r:1, c:0} }; if (global.WIDGETS) { for (var wd of WIDGETS) { var p = pos[wd.area]; if (!p) continue; wd.x = p.x - p.r*wd.width; wd.y = p.y; p.x += wd.width*(1-2*p.r); p.c++; } g.reset(); // also loads the current theme if (pos.tl.c || pos.tr.c) { g.setClipRect(0,h-24,w-1,h-1); g.reset(); // also (re)loads the current theme } if (pos.bl.c || pos.br.c) { g.setClipRect(0,h-24,w-1,h-1); g.reset(); // also (re)loads the current theme } try { for (wd of WIDGETS) { g.clearRect(wd.x,wd.y, wd.x+wd.width-1,23); wd.draw(wd); } } catch (e) { print(e); } } }; /**** EventConsumerAtPoint ****/ let activeLayout; function EventConsumerAtPoint (HandlerName, x,y) { let Layout = (activeLayout || {}).l; if (Layout == null) { return; } function ConsumerIn (Control) { if ( (x < Control.x) || (x >= Control.x + Control.w) || (y < Control.y) || (y >= Control.y + Control.h) ) { return undefined; } if (typeof Control[HandlerName] === 'function') { return Control; } if (Control.c != null) { let ControlList = Control.c; for (let i = 0, l = ControlList.length; i < l; i++) { let Consumer = ConsumerIn(ControlList[i]); if (Consumer != null) { return Consumer; } } } return undefined; } return ConsumerIn(Layout); } /**** dispatchTouchEvent ****/ function dispatchTouchEvent (DefaultHandler) { function handleTouchEvent (Button, xy) { if (activeLayout == null) { if (typeof DefaultHandler === 'function') { DefaultHandler(); } } else { let Control = EventConsumerAtPoint('onTouch', xy.x,xy.y); if (Control != null) { Control.onTouch(Control, Button, xy); } } } Bangle.on('touch',handleTouchEvent); } dispatchTouchEvent(); /**** dispatchStrokeEvent ****/ function dispatchStrokeEvent (DefaultHandler) { function handleStrokeEvent (Coordinates) { if (activeLayout == null) { if (typeof DefaultHandler === 'function') { DefaultHandler(); } } else { let Control = EventConsumerAtPoint('onStroke', Coordinates.xy[0],Coordinates.xy[1]); if (Control != null) { Control.onStroke(Control, Coordinates); } } } Bangle.on('stroke',handleStrokeEvent); } dispatchStrokeEvent(); /**** Label ****/ function Label (Text, Options) { function renderLabel (Details) { let x = Details.x, xAlignment = Details.halign || 0; let y = Details.y, yAlignment = Details.valign || 0; let Width = Details.w, halfWidth = Width/2; let Height = Details.h, halfHeight = Height/2; let Border = Details.border || 0, BorderColor = Details.BorderColor; let Padding = Details.pad || 0; let Hilite = Details.hilite || false; let bold = Details.bold ? 1 : 0; if (Hilite || (Details.bgCol != null)) { g.setBgColor(Hilite ? g.theme.bgH : Details.bgCol); g.clearRect(x,y, x + Width-1,y + Height-1); } if ((Border > 0) && (BorderColor !== null)) {// draw border of layout cell g.setColor(BorderColor || Details.col || g.theme.fg); switch (Border) { case 1: g.drawRect(x,y, x+Width-1,y+Height-1); break; case 2: g.drawRect(x,y, x+Width-1,y+Height-1); g.drawRect(x+1,y+1, x+Width-2,y+Height-2); break; default: g.fillPoly([ x,y, x+Width,y, x+Width,y+Height, x,y+Height, x,y, x+Border,y+Border, x+Border,y+Height-Border, x+Width-Border,y+Height-Border, x+Width-Border,y+Border, x+Border,y+Border ]); } } g.setClipRect( x+Border+Padding,y+Border+Padding, x + Width-Border-Padding-1,y + Height-Border-Padding-1 ); x += halfWidth + xAlignment*(halfWidth - Border - Padding); y += halfHeight + yAlignment*(halfHeight - Border - Padding); g.setColor (Hilite ? g.theme.fgH : Details.col || g.theme.fg); g.setBgColor(Hilite ? g.theme.bgH : Details.bgCol || g.theme.bg); if (Details.font != null) { g.setFont(Details.font); } g.setFontAlign(xAlignment,yAlignment); g.drawString(Details.label, x,y); if (bold !== 0) { g.drawString(Details.label, x+1,y); g.drawString(Details.label, x,y+1); g.drawString(Details.label, x+1,y+1); } } let Result = Object.assign(( Options == null ? {} : Object.assign({}, Options.common || {}, Options) ), { type:'custom', render:renderLabel, label:Text || '' }); let Border = Result.border || 0; let Padding = Result.pad || 0; let TextMetrics; if (! Result.width || ! Result.height) { if (Result.font == null) { Result.font = g.getFont(); } else { g.setFont(Result.font); } TextMetrics = g.stringMetrics(Result.label); } if (Result.col == null) { Result.col = g.getColor(); } if (Result.bgCol == null) { Result.bgCol = g.getBgColor(); } Result.width = Result.width || TextMetrics.width + 2*Border + 2*Padding; Result.height = Result.height || TextMetrics.height + 2*Border + 2*Padding; return Result; } /**** Image ****/ function Image (Image, Options) { function renderImage (Details) { let x = Details.x, xAlignment = Details.halign || 0; let y = Details.y, yAlignment = Details.valign || 0; let Width = Details.w, halfWidth = Width/2 - Details.ImageWidth/2; let Height = Details.h, halfHeight = Height/2 - Details.ImageHeight/2; let Border = Details.border || 0, BorderColor = Details.BorderColor; let Padding = Details.pad || 0; let Hilite = Details.hilite || false; if (Hilite || (Details.bgCol != null)) { g.setBgColor(Hilite ? g.theme.bgH : Details.bgCol); g.clearRect(x,y, x + Width-1,y + Height-1); } if ((Border > 0) && (BorderColor !== null)) {// draw border of layout cell g.setColor(BorderColor || Details.col || g.theme.fg); switch (Border) { case 1: g.drawRect(x,y, x+Width-1,y+Height-1); break; case 2: g.drawRect(x,y, x+Width-1,y+Height-1); g.drawRect(x+1,y+1, x+Width-2,y+Height-2); break; default: g.fillPoly([ x,y, x+Width,y, x+Width,y+Height, x,y+Height, x,y, x+Border,y+Border, x+Border,y+Height-Border, x+Width-Border,y+Height-Border, x+Width-Border,y+Border, x+Border,y+Border ]); } } g.setClipRect( x+Border+Padding,y+Border+Padding, x + Width-Border-Padding-1,y + Height-Border-Padding-1 ); x += halfWidth + xAlignment*(halfWidth - Border - Padding); y += halfHeight + yAlignment*(halfHeight - Border - Padding); if ('rotate' in Details) { // "rotate" centers image at x,y! x += Details.ImageWidth/2; y += Details.ImageHeight/2; } g.setColor (Hilite ? g.theme.fgH : Details.col || g.theme.fg); g.setBgColor(Hilite ? g.theme.bgH : Details.bgCol || g.theme.bg); g.drawImage(Image, x,y, Details.ImageOptions); } let Result = Object.assign(( Options == null ? {} : Object.assign({}, Options.common || {}, Options) ), { type:'custom', render:renderImage, Image:Image }); let ImageMetrics = g.imageMetrics(Image); let Scale = Result.scale || 1; let Border = Result.border || 0; let Padding = Result.pad || 0; Result.ImageWidth = Scale * ImageMetrics.width; Result.ImageHeight = Scale * ImageMetrics.height; if (('rotate' in Result) || ('scale' in Result) || ('frame' in Result)) { Result.ImageOptions = {}; if ('rotate' in Result) { Result.ImageOptions.rotate = Result.rotate; } if ('scale' in Result) { Result.ImageOptions.scale = Result.scale; } if ('frame' in Result) { Result.ImageOptions.frame = Result.frame; } } Result.width = Result.width || Result.ImageWidth + 2*Border + 2*Padding; Result.height = Result.height || Result.ImageHeight + 2*Border + 2*Padding; return Result; } /**** Drawable ****/ function Drawable (Callback, Options) { function renderDrawable (Details) { let x = Details.x, xAlignment = Details.halign || 0; let y = Details.y, yAlignment = Details.valign || 0; let Width = Details.w, DrawableWidth = Details.DrawableWidth || Width; let Height = Details.h, DrawableHeight = Details.DrawableHeight || Height; let halfWidth = Width/2 - DrawableWidth/2; let halfHeight = Height/2 - DrawableHeight/2; let Border = Details.border || 0, BorderColor = Details.BorderColor; let Padding = Details.pad || 0; let Hilite = Details.hilite || false; if (Hilite || (Details.bgCol != null)) { g.setBgColor(Hilite ? g.theme.bgH : Details.bgCol); g.clearRect(x,y, x + Width-1,y + Height-1); } if ((Border > 0) && (BorderColor !== null)) {// draw border of layout cell g.setColor(BorderColor || Details.col || g.theme.fg); switch (Border) { case 1: g.drawRect(x,y, x+Width-1,y+Height-1); break; case 2: g.drawRect(x,y, x+Width-1,y+Height-1); g.drawRect(x+1,y+1, x+Width-2,y+Height-2); break; default: g.fillPoly([ x,y, x+Width,y, x+Width,y+Height, x,y+Height, x,y, x+Border,y+Border, x+Border,y+Height-Border, x+Width-Border,y+Height-Border, x+Width-Border,y+Border, x+Border,y+Border ]); } } let DrawableX = x + halfWidth + xAlignment*(halfWidth - Border - Padding); let DrawableY = y + halfHeight + yAlignment*(halfHeight - Border - Padding); g.setClipRect( Math.max(x+Border+Padding,DrawableX), Math.max(y+Border+Padding,DrawableY), Math.min(x+Width -Border-Padding,DrawableX+DrawableWidth)-1, Math.min(y+Height-Border-Padding,DrawableY+DrawableHeight)-1 ); g.setColor (Hilite ? g.theme.fgH : Details.col || g.theme.fg); g.setBgColor(Hilite ? g.theme.bgH : Details.bgCol || g.theme.bg); Callback(DrawableX,DrawableY, DrawableWidth,DrawableHeight, Details); } let Result = Object.assign(( Options == null ? {} : Object.assign({}, Options.common || {}, Options) ), { type:'custom', render:renderDrawable, cb:Callback }); let DrawableWidth = Result.DrawableWidth || 10; let DrawableHeight = Result.DrawableHeight || 10; let Border = Result.border || 0; let Padding = Result.pad || 0; Result.width = Result.width || DrawableWidth + 2*Border + 2*Padding; Result.height = Result.height || DrawableHeight + 2*Border + 2*Padding; return Result; } if (g.drawRoundedRect == null) { g.drawRoundedRect = function drawRoundedRect (x1,y1, x2,y2, r) { let x,y; if (x1 > x2) { x = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = x; } if (y1 > y2) { y = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = y; } r = Math.min(r || 0, (x2-x1)/2, (y2-y1)/2); let cx1 = x1+r, cx2 = x2-r; let cy1 = y1+r, cy2 = y2-r; this.drawLine(cx1,y1, cx2,y1); this.drawLine(cx1,y2, cx2,y2); this.drawLine(x1,cy1, x1,cy2); this.drawLine(x2,cy1, x2,cy2); x = r; y = 0; let dx,dy, Error = 0; while (y <= x) { dy = 1 + 2*y; y++; Error -= dy; if (Error < 0) { dx = 1 - 2*x; x--; Error -= dx; } this.setPixel(cx1 - x, cy1 - y); this.setPixel(cx1 - y, cy1 - x); this.setPixel(cx2 + x, cy1 - y); this.setPixel(cx2 + y, cy1 - x); this.setPixel(cx2 + x, cy2 + y); this.setPixel(cx2 + y, cy2 + x); this.setPixel(cx1 - x, cy2 + y); this.setPixel(cx1 - y, cy2 + x); } }; } if (g.fillRoundedRect == null) { g.fillRoundedRect = function fillRoundedRect (x1,y1, x2,y2, r) { let x,y; if (x1 > x2) { x = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = x; } if (y1 > y2) { y = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = y; } r = Math.min(r || 0, (x2-x1)/2, (y2-y1)/2); let cx1 = x1+r, cx2 = x2-r; let cy1 = y1+r, cy2 = y2-r; this.fillRect(x1,cy1, x2,cy2); x = r; y = 0; let dx,dy, Error = 0; while (y <= x) { dy = 1 + 2*y; y++; Error -= dy; if (Error < 0) { dx = 1 - 2*x; x--; Error -= dx; } this.drawLine(cx1 - x, cy1 - y, cx2 + x, cy1 - y); this.drawLine(cx1 - y, cy1 - x, cx2 + y, cy1 - x); this.drawLine(cx1 - x, cy2 + y, cx2 + x, cy2 + y); this.drawLine(cx1 - y, cy2 + x, cx2 + y, cy2 + x); } }; } /**** Button ****/ function Button (Text, Options) { function renderButton (Details) { let x = Details.x, Width = Details.w, halfWidth = Width/2; let y = Details.y, Height = Details.h, halfHeight = Height/2; let Padding = Details.pad || 0; let Hilite = Details.hilite || false; if (Details.bgCol != null) { g.setBgColor(Details.bgCol); g.clearRect(x,y, x + Width-1,y + Height-1); } if (Hilite) { g.setColor(g.theme.bgH); // no typo! g.fillRoundedRect(x+Padding,y+Padding, x+Width-Padding-1,y+Height-Padding-1,8); } g.setColor (Hilite ? g.theme.fgH : Details.col || g.theme.fg); g.setBgColor(Hilite ? g.theme.bgH : Details.bgCol || g.theme.bg); if (Details.font != null) { g.setFont(Details.font); } g.setFontAlign(0,0); g.drawRoundedRect(x+Padding,y+Padding, x+Width-Padding-1,y+Height-Padding-1,8); g.setClipRect(x+Padding,y+Padding, x+Width-Padding-1,y+Height-Padding-1); g.drawString(Details.label, x+halfWidth,y+halfHeight); g.drawString(Details.label, x+halfWidth+1,y+halfHeight); g.drawString(Details.label, x+halfWidth,y+halfHeight+1); g.drawString(Details.label, x+halfWidth+1,y+halfHeight+1); } let Result = Object.assign(( Options == null ? {} : Object.assign({}, Options.common || {}, Options) ), { type:'custom', render:renderButton, label:Text || 'Tap' }); let Padding = Result.pad || 0; let TextMetrics; if (! Result.width || ! Result.height) { if (Result.font == null) { Result.font = g.getFont(); } else { g.setFont(Result.font); } TextMetrics = g.stringMetrics(Result.label); } Result.width = Result.width || TextMetrics.width + 2*10 + 2*Padding; Result.height = Result.height || TextMetrics.height + 2*5 + 2*Padding; return Result; } const Checkbox_checked = require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("ikUgMf/+GgEGoEAlEAgOAgEYsFhw8OjE54OB/EYh4OB+EYj+BwecjFw8OGg0YDocUgECsEAsP//A")); const Checkbox_unchecked = require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("ikUgMf/+GgEGoEAlEAgOAgEYAjkUgECsEAsP//A=")); /**** Checkbox ****/ function Checkbox (Options) { function renderCheckbox (Details) { let x = Details.x, xAlignment = Details.halign || 0; let y = Details.y, yAlignment = Details.valign || 0; let Width = Details.w, halfWidth = Width/2 - 10; let Height = Details.h, halfHeight = Height/2 - 10; let Padding = Details.pad || 0; if (Details.bgCol != null) { g.setBgColor(Details.bgCol); g.clearRect(x,y, x + Width-1,y + Height-1); } x += halfWidth + xAlignment*(halfWidth - Padding); y += halfHeight + yAlignment*(halfHeight - Padding); g.setColor (Details.col || g.theme.fg); g.setBgColor(Details.bgCol || g.theme.bg); g.drawImage( Details.checked ? Checkbox_checked : Checkbox_unchecked, x,y ); } let Result = Object.assign(( Options == null ? {} : Object.assign({}, Options.common || {}, Options) ), { type:'custom', render:renderCheckbox, onTouch:toggleCheckbox }); let Padding = Result.pad || 0; Result.width = Result.width || 20 + 2*Padding; Result.height = Result.height || 20 + 2*Padding; if (Result.checked == null) { Result.checked = false; } return Result; } /* private */ function toggleCheckbox (Control) { g.reset(); Control.checked = ! Control.checked; Control.render(Control); if (typeof Control.onChange === 'function') { Control.onChange(Control); } } /**** toggleInnerCheckbox ****/ /* export */ function toggleInnerCheckbox (Control) { if (Control.c == null) { if (('checked' in Control) && ! ('GroupName' in Control)) { toggleCheckbox(Control); return true; } } else { let ControlList = Control.c; for (let i = 0, l = ControlList.length; i < l; i++) { let done = toggleInnerCheckbox(ControlList[i]); if (done) { return true; } } } } const Radiobutton_checked = require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("ikUgMB/EAsFgjEBwUAgkggFEgECoEAlEPgOB/EYj+BAgmA+EUCYciDodBwEYg0GgEfwA")); const Radiobutton_unchecked = require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("ikUgMB/EAsFgjEBwUAgkggFEgECoEAlEAgOAgEYAhEUCYciDodBwEYg0GgEfwAA=")); /**** Radiobutton ****/ function Radiobutton (Options) { function renderRadiobutton (Details) { let x = Details.x, xAlignment = Details.halign || 0; let y = Details.y, yAlignment = Details.valign || 0; let Width = Details.w, halfWidth = Width/2 - 10; let Height = Details.h, halfHeight = Height/2 - 10; let Padding = Details.pad || 0; if (Details.bgCol != null) { g.setBgColor(Details.bgCol); g.clearRect(x,y, x + Width-1,y + Height-1); } x += halfWidth + xAlignment*(halfWidth - Padding); y += halfHeight + yAlignment*(halfHeight - Padding); g.setColor (Details.col || g.theme.fg); g.setBgColor(Details.bgCol || g.theme.bg); g.drawImage( Details.checked ? Radiobutton_checked : Radiobutton_unchecked, x,y ); } let Result = Object.assign(( Options == null ? {} : Object.assign({}, Options.common || {}, Options) ), { type:'custom', render:renderRadiobutton, onTouch:checkRadiobutton }); let Padding = Result.pad || 0; Result.width = Result.width || 20 + 2*Padding; Result.height = Result.height || 20 + 2*Padding; if (Result.checked == null) { Result.checked = false; } return Result; } /* private */ function checkRadiobutton (Control) { if (! Control.checked) { uncheckRadiobuttonsIn((activeLayout || {}).l,Control.GroupName); toggleRadiobutton(Control); if (typeof Control.onChange === 'function') { Control.onChange(Control); } } } /* private */ function toggleRadiobutton (Control) { g.reset(); Control.checked = ! Control.checked; Control.render(Control); } /* private */ function uncheckRadiobuttonsIn (Control,GroupName) { if ((Control == null) || (GroupName == null)) { return; } if (Control.c == null) { if (('checked' in Control) && (Control.GroupName === GroupName)) { if (Control.checked) { toggleRadiobutton(Control); } } } else { let ControlList = Control.c; for (let i = 0, l = ControlList.length; i < l; i++) { uncheckRadiobuttonsIn(ControlList[i],GroupName); } } } /**** checkInnerRadiobutton ****/ /* export */ function checkInnerRadiobutton (Control) { if (Control.c == null) { if (('checked' in Control) && ('GroupName' in Control)) { checkRadiobutton(Control); return true; } } else { let ControlList = Control.c; for (let i = 0, l = ControlList.length; i < l; i++) { let done = checkInnerRadiobutton(ControlList[i]); if (done) { return true; } } } } let Theme = g.theme; g.clear(true); /**** Settings ****/ let Settings; function readSettings () { Settings = Object.assign({}, { Face:'1-12', colored:true, Hands:'rounded', withSeconds:true, Foreground:'Theme', Background:'Theme', Seconds:'#FF0000' }, require('Storage').readJSON('configurable_clock.json', true) || {} ); prepareTransformedPolygon(); } function saveSettings () { require('Storage').writeJSON('configurable_clock.json', Settings); prepareTransformedPolygon(); } function prepareTransformedPolygon () { switch (Settings.Hands) { case 'simple': transformedPolygon = new Array(simpleHourHandPolygon.length); break; case 'rounded': transformedPolygon = new Array(roundedHandPolygon.length); break; case 'hollow': transformedPolygon = new Array(hollowHandPolygon.length); } } //readSettings(); // not yet /**** Hands ****/ let HourHandLength = outerRadius * 0.5; let HourHandWidth = 2*3, halfHourHandWidth = HourHandWidth/2; let MinuteHandLength = outerRadius * 0.8; let MinuteHandWidth = 2*2, halfMinuteHandWidth = MinuteHandWidth/2; let SecondHandLength = outerRadius * 0.9; let SecondHandOffset = 10; let twoPi = 2*Math.PI, deg2rad = Math.PI/180; let Pi = Math.PI; let sin = Math.sin, cos = Math.cos; /**** simple Hands ****/ let simpleHourHandPolygon = [ -halfHourHandWidth,halfHourHandWidth, -halfHourHandWidth,halfHourHandWidth-HourHandLength, halfHourHandWidth,halfHourHandWidth-HourHandLength, halfHourHandWidth,halfHourHandWidth, ]; let simpleMinuteHandPolygon = [ -halfMinuteHandWidth,halfMinuteHandWidth, -halfMinuteHandWidth,halfMinuteHandWidth-MinuteHandLength, halfMinuteHandWidth,halfMinuteHandWidth-MinuteHandLength, halfMinuteHandWidth,halfMinuteHandWidth, ]; /**** rounded Hands ****/ let outerBoltRadius = halfHourHandWidth + 2; let innerBoltRadius = outerBoltRadius - 4; let roundedHandOffset = outerBoltRadius + 4; let sine = [0, sin(30*deg2rad), sin(60*deg2rad), 1]; let roundedHandPolygon = [ -sine[3],-sine[0], -sine[2],-sine[1], -sine[1],-sine[2], -sine[0],-sine[3], sine[0],-sine[3], sine[1],-sine[2], sine[2],-sine[1], sine[3],-sine[0], sine[3], sine[0], sine[2], sine[1], sine[1], sine[2], sine[0], sine[3], -sine[0], sine[3], -sine[1], sine[2], -sine[2], sine[1], -sine[3], sine[0], ]; let roundedHourHandPolygon = new Array(roundedHandPolygon.length); for (let i = 0, l = roundedHandPolygon.length; i < l; i+=2) { roundedHourHandPolygon[i] = halfHourHandWidth*roundedHandPolygon[i]; roundedHourHandPolygon[i+1] = halfHourHandWidth*roundedHandPolygon[i+1]; if (i < l/2) { roundedHourHandPolygon[i+1] -= HourHandLength; } if (i > l/2) { roundedHourHandPolygon[i+1] += roundedHandOffset; } } let roundedMinuteHandPolygon = new Array(roundedHandPolygon.length); for (let i = 0, l = roundedHandPolygon.length; i < l; i+=2) { roundedMinuteHandPolygon[i] = halfMinuteHandWidth*roundedHandPolygon[i]; roundedMinuteHandPolygon[i+1] = halfMinuteHandWidth*roundedHandPolygon[i+1]; if (i < l/2) { roundedMinuteHandPolygon[i+1] -= MinuteHandLength; } if (i > l/2) { roundedMinuteHandPolygon[i+1] += roundedHandOffset; } } /**** hollow Hands ****/ let BoltRadius = 3; let hollowHandOffset = BoltRadius + 15; let hollowHandPolygon = [ -sine[3],-sine[0], -sine[2],-sine[1], -sine[1],-sine[2], -sine[0],-sine[3], sine[0],-sine[3], sine[1],-sine[2], sine[2],-sine[1], sine[3],-sine[0], sine[3], sine[0], sine[2], sine[1], sine[1], sine[2], sine[0], sine[3], 0,0, -sine[0], sine[3], -sine[1], sine[2], -sine[2], sine[1], -sine[3], sine[0] ]; let hollowHourHandPolygon = new Array(hollowHandPolygon.length); for (let i = 0, l = hollowHandPolygon.length; i < l; i+=2) { hollowHourHandPolygon[i] = halfHourHandWidth*hollowHandPolygon[i]; hollowHourHandPolygon[i+1] = halfHourHandWidth*hollowHandPolygon[i+1]; if (i < l/2) { hollowHourHandPolygon[i+1] -= HourHandLength; } if (i > l/2) { hollowHourHandPolygon[i+1] -= hollowHandOffset; } } hollowHourHandPolygon[25] = -BoltRadius; let hollowMinuteHandPolygon = new Array(hollowHandPolygon.length); for (let i = 0, l = hollowHandPolygon.length; i < l; i+=2) { hollowMinuteHandPolygon[i] = halfMinuteHandWidth*hollowHandPolygon[i]; hollowMinuteHandPolygon[i+1] = halfMinuteHandWidth*hollowHandPolygon[i+1]; if (i < l/2) { hollowMinuteHandPolygon[i+1] -= MinuteHandLength; } if (i > l/2) { hollowMinuteHandPolygon[i+1] -= hollowHandOffset; } } hollowMinuteHandPolygon[25] = -BoltRadius; /**** transform polygon ****/ let transformedPolygon; function transformPolygon (originalPolygon, OriginX,OriginY, Phi) { let sPhi = sin(Phi), cPhi = cos(Phi), x,y; for (let i = 0, l = originalPolygon.length; i < l; i+=2) { x = originalPolygon[i]; y = originalPolygon[i+1]; transformedPolygon[i] = OriginX + x*cPhi + y*sPhi; transformedPolygon[i+1] = OriginY + x*sPhi - y*cPhi; } } /**** refreshClock ****/ let Timer; function refreshClock () { activeLayout = null; g.setTheme({ fg:(Settings.Foreground === 'Theme' ? Theme.fg : Settings.Foreground || '#000000'), bg:(Settings.Background === 'Theme' ? Theme.bg : Settings.Background || '#FFFFFF') }); g.clear(true); // also installs the current theme Bangle.drawWidgets(); renderClock(); let Period = (Settings.withSeconds ? 1000 : 60000); let Pause = Period - (Date.now() % Period); Timer = setTimeout(refreshClock,Pause); } /**** renderClock ****/ function renderClock () { g.setColor (Settings.Foreground === 'Theme' ? Theme.fg : Settings.Foreground || '#000000'); g.setBgColor(Settings.Background === 'Theme' ? Theme.bg : Settings.Background || '#FFFFFF'); switch (Settings.Face) { case 'none': break; case '3,6,9,12': g.setFont('Vector', 22); g.setFontAlign(0,-1); g.drawString('12', CenterX,CenterY-outerRadius); g.setFontAlign(1,0); g.drawString('3', CenterX+outerRadius,CenterY); g.setFontAlign(0,1); g.drawString('6', CenterX,CenterY+outerRadius); g.setFontAlign(-1,0); g.drawString('9', CenterX-outerRadius,CenterY); break; case '1-12': { let innerRadius = outerRadius * 0.9 - 10; let dark = g.theme.dark; let Saturations = [0.8,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,0.9,0.7,0.7,0.9,0.9]; let Brightnesses = [1.0,0.9,0.6,0.6,0.8,0.8,0.7,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,]; for (let i = 0; i < 60; i++) { let Phi = i * twoPi/60; let x = CenterX + outerRadius * sin(Phi); let y = CenterY - outerRadius * cos(Phi); if (Settings.colored) { let j = Math.floor(i / 5); let Saturation = (dark ? Saturations[j] : 1.0); let Brightness = (dark ? 1.0 : Brightnesses[j]); let Color = E.HSBtoRGB(i/60,Saturation,Brightness, true); g.setColor(Color[0]/255,Color[1]/255,Color[2]/255); } g.fillCircle(x,y, 1); } g.setFont('Vector', 20); g.setFontAlign(0,0); for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) { let Phi = i * twoPi/12; let Radius = innerRadius; if (i >= 10) { Radius -= 4; } let x = CenterX + Radius * sin(Phi); let y = CenterY - Radius * cos(Phi); if (Settings.colored) { let Saturation = (dark ? Saturations[i] : 1.0); let Brightness = (dark ? 1.0 : Brightnesses[i]); let Color = E.HSBtoRGB(i/12,Saturation,Brightness, true); g.setColor(Color[0]/255,Color[1]/255,Color[2]/255); } g.drawString(i == 0 ? '12' : '' + i, x,y); } } } let now = new Date(); let Hours = now.getHours() % 12; let Minutes = now.getMinutes(); let HoursAngle = (Hours+(Minutes/60))/12 * twoPi - Pi; let MinutesAngle = (Minutes/60) * twoPi - Pi; g.setColor(Settings.Foreground === 'Theme' ? Theme.fg : Settings.Foreground || '#000000'); switch (Settings.Hands) { case 'simple': transformPolygon(simpleHourHandPolygon, CenterX,CenterY, HoursAngle); g.fillPoly(transformedPolygon); transformPolygon(simpleMinuteHandPolygon, CenterX,CenterY, MinutesAngle); g.fillPoly(transformedPolygon); break; case 'rounded': transformPolygon(roundedHourHandPolygon, CenterX,CenterY, HoursAngle); g.fillPoly(transformedPolygon); transformPolygon(roundedMinuteHandPolygon, CenterX,CenterY, MinutesAngle); g.fillPoly(transformedPolygon); // g.setColor(Settings.Foreground === 'Theme' ? Theme.fg || '#000000'); g.fillCircle(CenterX,CenterY, outerBoltRadius); g.setColor(Settings.Background === 'Theme' ? Theme.bg : Settings.Background || '#FFFFFF'); g.drawCircle(CenterX,CenterY, outerBoltRadius); g.fillCircle(CenterX,CenterY, innerBoltRadius); break; case 'hollow': transformPolygon(hollowHourHandPolygon, CenterX,CenterY, HoursAngle); g.drawPoly(transformedPolygon,true); transformPolygon(hollowMinuteHandPolygon, CenterX,CenterY, MinutesAngle); g.drawPoly(transformedPolygon,true); g.drawCircle(CenterX,CenterY, BoltRadius); } if (Settings.withSeconds) { g.setColor(Settings.Seconds === 'Theme' ? Theme.fgH : Settings.Seconds || '#FF0000'); let Seconds = now.getSeconds(); let SecondsAngle = (Seconds/60) * twoPi - Pi; let sPhi = Math.sin(SecondsAngle), cPhi = Math.cos(SecondsAngle); g.drawLine( CenterX + SecondHandOffset*sPhi, CenterY - SecondHandOffset*cPhi, CenterX - SecondHandLength*sPhi, CenterY + SecondHandLength*cPhi ); } } /**** MainScreen Logic ****/ let Changes = {}, KeysToChange; let fullScreen = { x:0,y:0, w:ScreenWidth,h:ScreenHeight, x2:ScreenWidth-1,y2:ScreenHeight-1 }; let AppRect; function openMainScreen () { if (Timer != null) { clearTimeout(Timer); Timer = undefined; } if (AppRect == null) { AppRect = Bangle.appRect; Bangle.appRect = fullScreen; } Bangle.buzz(); KeysToChange = 'Face colored Hands withSeconds Foreground Background Seconds'; g.setTheme({ fg:'#000000', bg:'#FFFFFF' }); g.clear(true); // also installs the current theme (activeLayout = MainScreen).render(); } function applySettings () { Bangle.buzz(); saveSettings(); Bangle.appRect = AppRect; refreshClock(); } function withdrawSettings () { Bangle.buzz(); readSettings(); Bangle.appRect = AppRect; refreshClock(); } /**** FacesScreen Logic ****/ function openFacesScreen () { Bangle.buzz(); KeysToChange = 'Face colored'; Bangle.appRect = fullScreen; refreshFacesScreen(); } function refreshFacesScreen () { activeLayout = FacesScreen; activeLayout['none'].checked = ((Changes.Face || Settings.Face) === 'none'); activeLayout['3,6,9,12'].checked = ((Changes.Face || Settings.Face) === '3,6,9,12'); activeLayout['1-12'].checked = ((Changes.Face || Settings.Face) === '1-12'); activeLayout['colored'].checked = (Changes.colored == null ? Settings.colored : Changes.colored); activeLayout.render(); } function chooseFace (Control) { Bangle.buzz(); Changes.Face = Control.id; refreshFacesScreen(); } function toggleColored () { Bangle.buzz(); Changes.colored = ! Changes.colored; refreshFacesScreen(); } /**** HandsScreen Logic ****/ function openHandsScreen () { Bangle.buzz(); KeysToChange = 'Hands withSeconds'; Bangle.appRect = fullScreen; refreshHandsScreen(); } function refreshHandsScreen () { activeLayout = HandsScreen; activeLayout['simple'].checked = ((Changes.Hands || Settings.Hands) === 'simple'); activeLayout['rounded'].checked = ((Changes.Hands || Settings.Hands) === 'rounded'); activeLayout['hollow'].checked = ((Changes.Hands || Settings.Hands) === 'hollow'); activeLayout['withSeconds'].checked = (Changes.withSeconds == null ? Settings.withSeconds : Changes.withSeconds); activeLayout.render(); } function chooseHand (Control) { Bangle.buzz(); Changes.Hands = Control.id; refreshHandsScreen(); } function toggleSeconds () { Bangle.buzz(); Changes.withSeconds = ! Changes.withSeconds; refreshHandsScreen(); } /**** ColorsScreen Logic ****/ function openColorsScreen () { Bangle.buzz(); KeysToChange = 'Foreground Background Seconds'; Bangle.appRect = fullScreen; refreshColorsScreen(); } function refreshColorsScreen () { let Foreground = (Changes.Foreground == null ? Settings.Foreground : Changes.Foreground); let Background = (Changes.Background == null ? Settings.Background : Changes.Background); let Seconds = (Changes.Seconds == null ? Settings.Seconds : Changes.Seconds); activeLayout = ColorsScreen; activeLayout['Foreground'].bgCol = (Foreground === 'Theme' ? Theme.fg : Foreground); activeLayout['Background'].bgCol = (Background === 'Theme' ? Theme.bg : Background); activeLayout['Seconds'].bgCol = (Seconds === 'Theme' ? Theme.fgH : Seconds); activeLayout.render(); } function selectForegroundColor () { ColorToChange = 'Foreground'; openColorChoiceScreen(); } function selectBackgroundColor () { ColorToChange = 'Background'; openColorChoiceScreen(); } function selectSecondsColor () { ColorToChange = 'Seconds'; openColorChoiceScreen(); } /**** ColorChoiceScreen Logic ****/ let ColorToChange, chosenColor; function openColorChoiceScreen () { Bangle.buzz(); chosenColor = ( Changes[ColorToChange] == null ? Settings[ColorToChange] : Changes[ColorToChange] ); Bangle.appRect = fullScreen; refreshColorChoiceScreen(); } function refreshColorChoiceScreen () { activeLayout = ColorChoiceScreen; activeLayout['#000000'].selected = (chosenColor === '#000000'); activeLayout['#FF0000'].selected = (chosenColor === '#FF0000'); activeLayout['#00FF00'].selected = (chosenColor === '#00FF00'); activeLayout['#0000FF'].selected = (chosenColor === '#0000FF'); activeLayout['#FFFF00'].selected = (chosenColor === '#FFFF00'); activeLayout['#FF00FF'].selected = (chosenColor === '#FF00FF'); activeLayout['#00FFFF'].selected = (chosenColor === '#00FFFF'); activeLayout['#FFFFFF'].selected = (chosenColor === '#FFFFFF'); activeLayout['Theme'].selected = (chosenColor === 'Theme'); activeLayout.render(); } function chooseColor (Control) { Bangle.buzz(); chosenColor = Control.id; refreshColorChoiceScreen(); } function chooseThemeColor () { Bangle.buzz(); chosenColor = 'Theme'; refreshColorChoiceScreen(); } function applyColor () { Changes[ColorToChange] = chosenColor; openColorsScreen(); } function withdrawColor () { openColorsScreen(); } /**** common logic for multiple screens ****/ function applyChanges () { Settings = Object.assign(Settings,Changes); Changes = {}; openMainScreen(); } function withdrawChanges () { Changes = {}; openMainScreen(); } g.setFont12x20(); // does not seem to be respected in layout! let OkCancelWidth = Math.max( g.stringWidth('Ok'), g.stringWidth('Cancel') ) + 2*10; let StdFont = { font:'12x20' }; let legible = Object.assign({ col:'#000000', bgCol:'#FFFFFF' }, StdFont); let leftAligned = Object.assign({ halign:-1, valign:0 }, legible); let ColorView = Object.assign({ width:30, border:1, BorderColor:'#000000' }, StdFont); let ColorChoice = Object.assign({ DrawableWidth:30, DrawableHeight:30, onTouch:chooseColor }, StdFont); /**** MainScreen ****/ let MainScreen = new Layout({ type:'v', c:[ Label('Settings', { common:legible, bold:true, filly:1 }), { height:4 }, { type:'h', c:[ { width:4 }, Label('Faces', { common:leftAligned, fillx:1 }), Image(Caret, { common:leftAligned }), { width:4 }, ], filly:1, onTouch:openFacesScreen }, { type:'h', c:[ { width:4 }, Label('Hands', { common:leftAligned, fillx:1 }), Image(Caret, { common:leftAligned }), { width:4 }, ], filly:1, onTouch:openHandsScreen }, { type:'h', c:[ { width:4 }, Label('Colors', { common:leftAligned, fillx:1 }), Image(Caret, { common:leftAligned }), { width:4 }, ], filly:1, onTouch:openColorsScreen }, { height:4 }, { type:'h', c:[ Button('Ok', { common:legible, width:OkCancelWidth, onTouch:applySettings }), { width:4 }, Button('Cancel', { common:legible, width:OkCancelWidth, onTouch:withdrawSettings }), ], filly:1 }, ], bgCol:'#FFFFFF' }); /**** FacesScreen ****/ let FacesScreen = new Layout({ type:'v', c:[ Label('Clock Faces', { common:legible, bold:true, filly:1 }), { height:4 }, { type:'h', c:[ { width:4 }, Radiobutton({ id:'none', GroupName:'Faces', common:legible, onChange:chooseFace }), Label(' no Face', { common:leftAligned, pad:4, fillx:1 }), ], filly:1, onTouch:checkInnerRadiobutton }, { type:'h', c:[ { width:4 }, Radiobutton({ id:'3,6,9,12', GroupName:'Faces', common:legible, onChange:chooseFace }), Label(' 3, 6, 9 and 12', { common:leftAligned, pad:4, fillx:1 }), ], filly:1, onTouch:checkInnerRadiobutton }, { type:'h', c:[ { width:4 }, Radiobutton({ id:'1-12', GroupName:'Faces', common:legible, onChange:chooseFace }), Label(' numbers 1...12', { common:leftAligned, pad:4, fillx:1 }), ], filly:1, onTouch:checkInnerRadiobutton }, { type:'h', c:[ { width:30 }, Checkbox({ id:'colored', common:legible, onChange:toggleColored }), Label(' colorful', { common:leftAligned, pad:4, fillx:1 }), ], filly:1, onTouch:toggleInnerCheckbox }, { height:4 }, { type:'h', c:[ Button('Ok', { common:legible, width:OkCancelWidth, onTouch:applyChanges }), { width:4 }, Button('Cancel', { common:legible, width:OkCancelWidth, onTouch:withdrawChanges }), ], filly:1 }, ], bgCol:'#FFFFFF' }); /**** HandsScreen ****/ let HandsScreen = new Layout({ type:'v', c:[ Label('Clock Hands', { common:legible, bold:true, filly:1 }), { height:4 }, { type:'h', c:[ { width:4 }, Radiobutton({ id:'simple', GroupName:'Faces', common:legible, onChange:chooseHand }), Label(' simple', { common:leftAligned, pad:4, fillx:1 }), ], filly:1, onTouch:checkInnerRadiobutton }, { type:'h', c:[ { width:4 }, Radiobutton({ id:'rounded', GroupName:'Faces', common:legible, onChange:chooseHand }), Label(' rounded + Bolt', { common:leftAligned, pad:4, fillx:1 }), ], filly:1, onTouch:checkInnerRadiobutton }, { type:'h', c:[ { width:4 }, Radiobutton({ id:'hollow', GroupName:'Faces', common:legible, onChange:chooseHand }), Label(' hollow + Bolt', { common:leftAligned, pad:4, fillx:1 }), ], filly:1, onTouch:checkInnerRadiobutton }, { type:'h', c:[ { width:4 }, Checkbox({ id:'withSeconds', common:legible, onChange:toggleSeconds }), Label(' show Seconds', { common:leftAligned, pad:4, fillx:1 }), ], filly:1, onTouch:toggleInnerCheckbox }, { height:4 }, { type:'h', c:[ Button('Ok', { common:legible, width:OkCancelWidth, onTouch:applyChanges }), { width:4 }, Button('Cancel', { common:legible, width:OkCancelWidth, onTouch:withdrawChanges }), ], filly:1 }, ], bgCol:'#FFFFFF' }); /**** ColorsScreen ****/ let ColorsScreen = new Layout({ type:'v', c:[ Label('Clock Colors', { common:legible, bold:true, filly:1 }), { height:4 }, { type:'h', c:[ { width:4 }, Label('Foreground', { common:leftAligned, pad:4, fillx:1 }), Label('', { id:'Foreground', common:ColorView, bgCol:Theme.fg }), { width:4 }, ], filly:1, onTouch:selectForegroundColor }, { type:'h', c:[ { width:4 }, Label('Background', { common:leftAligned, pad:4, fillx:1 }), Label('', { id:'Background', common:ColorView, bgCol:Theme.bg }), { width:4 }, ], filly:1, onTouch:selectBackgroundColor }, { type:'h', c:[ { width:4 }, Label('Seconds', { common:leftAligned, pad:4, fillx:1 }), Label('', { id:'Seconds', common:ColorView, bgCol:Theme.fgH }), { width:4 }, ], filly:1, onTouch:selectSecondsColor }, { height:4 }, { type:'h', c:[ Button('Ok', { common:legible, width:OkCancelWidth, onTouch:applyChanges }), { width:4 }, Button('Cancel', { common:legible, width:OkCancelWidth, onTouch:withdrawChanges }), ], filly:1 }, ], bgCol:'#FFFFFF' }); /**** ColorChoiceScreen ****/ function drawColorChoice (x,y, Width,Height, Details) { let selected = Details.selected; if (selected) { g.setColor('#FF0000'); g.fillPoly([ x,y, x+Width-1,y, x+Width-1,y+Height-1, x,y+Height-1, x,y, x+3,y+3, x+3,y+Height-4, x+Width-4,y+Height-4, x+Width-4,y+3, x+3,y+3 ]); } else { g.setColor('#000000'); g.drawRect(x+3,y+3, x+Width-4,y+Height-4); } g.setColor(Details.col); g.fillRect(x+4,y+4, x+Width-5,y+Height-5); } let ColorChoiceScreen = new Layout({ type:'v', c:[ Label('Choose Color', { common:legible, bold:true, filly:1 }), { height:4 }, { type:'h', c:[ Drawable(drawColorChoice, { id:'#000000', common:ColorChoice, col:'#000000' }), { width:8 }, Drawable(drawColorChoice, { id:'#FF0000', common:ColorChoice, col:'#FF0000' }), { width:8 }, Drawable(drawColorChoice, { id:'#00FF00', common:ColorChoice, col:'#00FF00' }), { width:8 }, Drawable(drawColorChoice, { id:'#0000FF', common:ColorChoice, col:'#0000FF' }), ], filly:1 }, { type:'h', c:[ Drawable(drawColorChoice, { id:'#FFFFFF', common:ColorChoice, col:'#FFFFFF' }), { width:8 }, Drawable(drawColorChoice, { id:'#FFFF00', common:ColorChoice, col:'#FFFF00' }), { width:8 }, Drawable(drawColorChoice, { id:'#FF00FF', common:ColorChoice, col:'#FF00FF' }), { width:8 }, Drawable(drawColorChoice, { id:'#00FFFF', common:ColorChoice, col:'#00FFFF' }), ], filly:1 }, { type:'h', c:[ Label('use Theme:', { id:'Theme', common:leftAligned, pad:4 }), { width:10 }, Drawable(drawColorChoice, { id:'Theme', common:ColorChoice, col:Theme.fg }), ], filly:1, onTouch:chooseThemeColor }, { height:4 }, { type:'h', c:[ Button('Ok', { common:legible, width:OkCancelWidth, onTouch:applyColor }), { width:4 }, Button('Cancel', { common:legible, width:OkCancelWidth, onTouch:withdrawColor }), ], filly:1 }, ], bgCol:'#FFFFFF' }); readSettings(); Bangle.on('swipe', (Direction) => { if (Direction === 0) { openMainScreen(); } }); setTimeout(refreshClock, 500); // enqueue first draw request Bangle.on('lcdPower', (on) => { if (on) { if (Timer != null) { clearTimeout(Timer); Timer = undefined; } refreshClock(); } });