diff --git a/apps/sensortools/README.md b/apps/sensortools/README.md
index 8b89add7c..f44a89090 100644
--- a/apps/sensortools/README.md
+++ b/apps/sensortools/README.md
@@ -5,40 +5,56 @@ This allows to simulate sensor behaviour for development purposes
## Per Sensor settings:
- true or false
- emulate: Completely craft events for this sensor
- modify: Take existing events from real sensor and modify their data
- name of the emulation or modification mode
- emulate: Simulate Bangle._PWR changes, but do not call real power function
- nop: Do nothing, ignore all power calls for this sensor but return true
- passthrough: Just pass all power calls unmodified
- on: Do not allow switching the sensor off, all calls are switching the real sensor on
+* **true**
+* **false**
+* **emulate**: Completely craft events for this sensor
+* **modify**: Take existing events from real sensor and modify their data
+* name of the emulation or modification mode
+* **emulate**: Simulate Bangle._PWR changes, but do not call real power function
+* **nop**: Do nothing, ignore all power calls for this sensor but return true
+* **passthrough**: Just pass all power calls unmodified
+* **on**: Do not allow switching the sensor off, all calls are switching the real sensor on
### HRM
-Modes: modify, emulate
+* **modify**: Modify the original events from this sensor
+* **emulate**: Create events simulating sensor activity
- bpmtrippled: Multiply the bpm value of the original HRM values with 3
+* **bpmtrippled**: Multiply the bpm value of the original HRM values with 3
- sin: Calculate bpm changes by using sin
+* **sin**: Calculate bpm changes by using sin
### GPS
-Modes: emulate
+* **emulate**
- staticfix: static complete fix with all values
- route: A square route starting in the SW corner and moving SW->NW->NO->SW...
- routeFuzzy: Roughly the same square as route, but with 100m seqments with some variaton in course
- nofix: All values NaN but time,sattelites,fix and fix == 0
- changingfix: A fix with randomly changing values
+* **staticfix**: static complete fix with all values
+* **route**: A square route starting in the SW corner and moving SW->NW->NO->SW... [Download as gpx](square.gpx)
+* **routeFuzzy**: Roughly the same square as route, but with 100m seqments with some variaton in course [Download as gpx](squareFuzzy.gpx)
+* **nofix**: All values NaN but time,sattelites,fix and fix == 0
+* **changingfix**: A fix with randomly changing values
### Compass
-Modes: emulate
+* **emulate**
- static: All values but heading are 1, heading == 0
- rotate: All values but heading are 1, heading rotates 360°
+* **static**: All values but heading are 1, heading == 0
+* **rotate**: All values but heading are 1, heading rotates 360°
+# Creator
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sensortools/square.gpx b/apps/sensortools/square.gpx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0220b4261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/sensortools/square.gpx
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ 1kmsquare
+ Export from GpsPrune
+ 1kmsquare
+ 1
+ 2273
+ Lower left
+ 2166
+ Top left
+ 2245
+ Top right
+ 1994
+ Lower right
+ 2273
+ Destination
diff --git a/apps/sensortools/squareFuzzy.gpx b/apps/sensortools/squareFuzzy.gpx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f73cc72b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/sensortools/squareFuzzy.gpx
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+ 1kmsquare100
+ Export from GpsPrune
+ 1kmsquare100
+ 1
+ 2265
+ Lower left
+ 2256
+ 2230
+ 2219
+ 2199
+ 2182
+ 2189
+ 2180
+ 2191
+ 2185
+ 2186
+ 2166
+ Top left
+ 2171
+ 2194
+ 2207
+ 2212
+ 2262
+ 2278
+ 2297
+ 2303
+ 2251
+ 2245
+ Top right
+ 2195
+ 2163
+ 2131
+ 2095
+ 2066
+ 2037
+ 1993
+ 1967
+ 1949
+ 1972
+ 2011
+ Lower right
+ 2044
+ 2061
+ 2065
+ 2071
+ 2102
+ 2147
+ 2197
+ 2228
+ 2265
+ Destination