diff --git a/apps/ha/custom.html b/apps/ha/custom.html
index 6c4bb9077..b0bb39242 100644
--- a/apps/ha/custom.html
+++ b/apps/ha/custom.html
@@ -22,21 +22,21 @@
- // When the 'upload' button is clicked...
- document.getElementById("upload").addEventListener("click", function() {
- // get the text to add
- var text = document.getElementById("triggers").value;
- console.log(text);
- // build the app's text using a templated String
- var app = text;
- // send finished app (in addition to contents of app.json)
- sendCustomizedApp({
- storage:[
- {name:"ha.trigger.json", url:"ha.trigger.json", content:app},
- ]
+ // When the 'upload' button is clicked...
+ document.getElementById("upload").addEventListener("click", function() {
+ // get the text to add
+ var text = document.getElementById("triggers").value;
+ console.log(text);
+ // build the app's text using a templated String
+ var app = text;
+ // send finished app (in addition to contents of app.json)
+ sendCustomizedApp({
+ storage:[
+ {name:"ha.trigger.json", url:"ha.trigger.json", content:app},
+ ]
+ });
+ console.log("Sent ha.trigger.json!");
- console.log("Sent ha.trigger.json!");
- });