local bench = {} local unpack = unpack or table.unpack local fmt = string.format function bench.run(name, count, func) -- Run bench local res = {} for i = 1, count do local start_time = os.clock() func() table.insert(res, (os.clock() - start_time)) end -- Calculate average local avg = 0 for i, v in ipairs(res) do avg = avg + v end avg = avg / #res -- Build and return result table return { name = name, avg = avg, min = math.min(unpack(res)), max = math.max(unpack(res)), all = res, } end function bench.get_cpu_name() local fp = io.open("/proc/cpuinfo", "rb") if not fp then return "unknown" end local text = fp:read("*a") return text:match("model name%s*:%s*(.-)\n") end function bench.print_system_info() print( fmt("Lua version : %s", jit and jit.version or _VERSION) ) print( fmt("CPU name : %s", bench.get_cpu_name()) ) end function bench.print_results(results) -- Find best average local best = math.huge for i, v in ipairs(results) do best = math.min(best, v.avg) end -- Print results for i, v in ipairs(results) do print( fmt("%-13s : %.03gs [x%1.3g] (min: %.03gs, max %.03gs)", v.name, v.avg, v.avg / best, v.min, v.max) ) end end return bench