-- Convert 3d relative coordinates to an index on a flat array local function from_3d_to_flat(dx, dy, dz, nx, ny) return (nx * ny * dz) + (nx * dy) + dx + 1 end -- Convert an index on a flat array to 3d relative coordinates local function from_flat_to_3d(i, nx, ny) return { dx = (i - 1) % nx, dy = math.floor((i - 1) / nx) % ny, dz = math.floor((i - 1) / (nx * ny)) } end -- Iterate over a 3d area, both indexing by the index and the ansolute position local function iter_3d_area(minp, maxp, callback) local nx = maxp.x - minp.x + 1 local ny = maxp.y - minp.y + 1 local nz = maxp.z - minp.z + 1 for i = 1, nx * ny * nz do local dpos = from_flat_to_3d(i, nx, ny) local pos = { x = minp.x + dpos.dx, y = minp.y + dpos.dy, z = minp.z + dpos.dz, } callback(i, pos) end end -- Get an enhanced function from the def function that warns us when the -- function does not behave properly local function enhanced_func(def) if type(def.name) ~= "string" then error("Invalid nameless shape definition") elseif type(def.func) ~= "function" then error( "Invalid shape definition misses an adjustment function" ) else return function(pos, n) local out = def.func(pos, n) if type(out) == "number" then return out elseif n == nil then error( "Shape " .. def.name .. " function must return a number. The input `n` was nil. Perhaps your `noise_params` field is invalid?" ) else error("Shape " .. def.name .. " function must return a number.") end end end end -- Get a flat array of cave shape noise values from a given cave shape def local function get_flat_from_shape_def(def, minp, maxp) local f = enhanced_func(def) local nx = maxp.x - minp.x + 1 local ny = maxp.y - minp.y + 1 local nz = maxp.z - minp.z + 1 local noise_flat_map = {} -- If noise parameters have been defined, fill the table with noise -- If not, all values remain nil if def.noise_params ~= nil then local p = PerlinNoiseMap(def.noise_params, { x = nx, y = ny, z = nz }) if nz == 1 then p:get_2d_map_flat(minp, noise_flat_map) else p:get_3d_map_flat(minp, noise_flat_map) end end iter_3d_area(minp, maxp, function(i, pos) noise_flat_map[i] = f(pos, noise_flat_map[i]) end) return noise_flat_map end local function get_flat_from_noise_params(minp, maxp, noise_params) local nx = maxp.x - minp.x + 1 local ny = maxp.y - minp.y + 1 local nz = maxp.z - minp.z + 1 local buffer = {} local p = PerlinNoiseMap(noise_params, { x = nx, y = ny, z = nz }) if nz == 1 then p:get_2d_map_flat(minp, buffer) else p:get_3d_map_flat(minp, buffer) end return buffer end -- Based on the number of cave shapes, calculate how quickly connectivity is -- meant to change local function get_connectivity_noise_params(shape_size) local factor = math.max(math.abs(shape_size) ^ 0.5, 1) return { offset = 50, scale = 50, spread = { x = factor * 250, y = factor * 100, z = factor * 250 }, seed = 297948, octaves = 2, persistence = 0.2, lacunarity = 2.0, flags = "eased" } end -- Based on the number of cave shapes, calculate how quickly verticality is -- meant to change local function get_verticality_noise_params(shape_size) local factor = math.max(math.abs(shape_size) ^ 0.5, 1) return { offset = 50, scale = 50, spread = { x = factor * 100, y = factor * 250, z = factor * 100 }, seed = 35644, octaves = 2, persistence = 0.2, lacunarity = 2.0, flags = "eased" } end -- Get the distance of each cave shape to calculate their weight. local function shape_distance_weight(shape_size, dx, dy) local factor = math.max(math.abs(shape_size) ^ 0.5, 1) local max_distance = 100 / factor if dx^2 + dy^2 > max_distance^2 then return 0 else return 1 / (dx^5 + dy^5) end end -- Get a flat map containing all flat threshold values local function get_threshold_flat(minp, maxp) local connectivity = get_flat_from_noise_params( minp, maxp, get_connectivity_noise_params(#noordstar_caves.registered_shapes) ) local verticality = get_flat_from_noise_params( minp, maxp, get_verticality_noise_params(#noordstar_caves.registered_shapes) ) local noise = {} -- Get noise for all cave shapes for key, def in pairs(noordstar_caves.registered_shapes) do noise[key] = { key = key, noise = get_flat_from_shape_def(def, minp, maxp), def = def } end local thresholds = {} -- Fill the table iter_3d_area(minp, maxp, function(i, pos) local total = 0 local count = 0 local x = connectivity[i] local y = verticality[i] for _, n in pairs(noise) do local v = n.noise[i] local dx = math.abs(x - n.def.connectivity_point) local dy = math.abs(y - n.def.verticality_point) local w = math.abs(shape_distance_weight( #noordstar_caves.registered_shapes, dx, dy )) total = total + v * w count = count + w end if count <= 0 then thresholds[i] = -1000 else thresholds[i] = total / count end end) return thresholds end -- Old minimum height for the overworld local old_overworld_min = mcl_vars.mg_overworld_min -- If another mod doesn't override the maximum world depth, we will assume that -- the world depth is the following value. local world_depth = -800 -- Otherwise, this variable can be changed using the following function, -- which will also update all the other necessary variables function noordstar_caves.set_world_depth(h) -- Set world depth variable world_depth = h end noordstar_caves.set_world_depth(world_depth) -- The `cave_vastness` is a variable that determines the size of caves. -- The function takes in an x, y and z variable, and returns a number between -- 0 and 1. -- Low numbers mean very rare and tiny caves, while high numbers mean massive -- caves, with massive open spaces. -- If you wish to overwrite this function, it is good to keep in mind to: -- - Make sure that the output changes VERY SLOWLY over time -- - This function will be run a LOT so it is very performance sensitive noordstar_caves.cave_vastness = function(pos) return pos.y / world_depth end -- Secretly, we're using an internal function that also adds a safe layer for -- when we're approaching bedrock levels local function cave_vastness(pos) if world_depth + 20 < pos.y then return noordstar_caves.cave_vastness(pos) elseif world_depth + 5 < pos.y then return noordstar_caves.cave_vastness(pos) * math.abs(pos.y - world_depth - 5) / 15 else return 0 end end local tpd_yet = false minetest.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp, blockseed) if maxp.y < world_depth then return end -- Get voxelmanip local vm = minetest.get_mapgen_object("voxelmanip") local data = vm:get_data() -- Get threshold values local thresholds = get_threshold_flat(minp, maxp) local air = minetest.get_content_id("mcl_core:glass") local count = 0 iter_3d_area(minp, maxp, function(i, pos) local nx = maxp.x - minp.x + 1 + 32 local ny = maxp.y - minp.y + 1 + 32 local dx = pos.x - minp.x local dy = pos.y - minp.y local dz = pos.z - minp.z local vi = from_3d_to_flat(dx + 16, dy + 16, dz + 16, nx, ny) if not data[vi] then error("Vi is not in data (len " .. #data .. "): " .. vi .. " for (dx, dy, dz) = (" .. dx .. ", " .. dy .. ", " .. dz .. ") with minp = (" .. minp.x .. ", " .. minp.y .. ", " .. minp.z .. ") and maxp = (" .. maxp.x .. ", " .. maxp.y .. ", " .. maxp.z .. ") and pos = (" .. pos.x .. ", " .. pos.y .. ", " .. pos.z .. ")") end if thresholds[i] >= (1 - cave_vastness(pos)) then data[vi] = air count = count + 1 end end) -- Write all changes to the Minetest world vm:set_data(data) vm:write_to_map() minetest.chat_send_all("Updated " .. count .. " squares") end)