function matrix.send_message(http_api, body, formatted_body, callback, txnId) if txnId == nil then txnId = os.time() end http_api.fetch({ url = ( config.url .. "/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/" .. config.room_id .. "/send/" .. txnId ), data = minetest.write_json({ msgtype = "m.text", body = body, format = "org.matrix.custom.html", formatted_body = formatted_body }), extra_headers = { "Authorization: Bearer " .. config.access_token }, method = "PUT" }, function(result) if result.code ~= 200 then minetest.debug("Failed to send message to Matrix homeserver with code " .. result.code) minetest.debug( else if callback ~= nil then callback(minetest.parse_json( end end end) end function matrix.send(http_api, strong_text, small_text, callback) small_text = small_text or "" strong_text = strong_text or "" return matrix.send_message( http_api, "**" .. strong_text .. "** " .. small_text, "" .. strong_text .. " " .. small_text, callback ) end function matrix.say(http_api) return function(name, message) return matrix.send(http_api, name .. ":", message) end end