module Matrix.RoomInvite exposing (..) {-| Sometimes, your user will be invited to a new room! This module offers you a few simple handles to deal with such invites - you can accept them, reject them or inspect them for further information. # Invitations @docs RoomInvite, accept, reject, acceptWithReason, rejectWithReason # Exploring invitations Sometimes, you may want to display information about the room. Be careful though, anyone can invite you to any room! This means that room invites may contain offensive, shocking or other unwanted content that the user may not want to see. -} import Internal.Api.VaultUpdate exposing (VaultUpdate) import Internal.Invite as Internal import Internal.Tools.Exceptions as X import Internal.Values.RoomInvite as IR import Json.Encode as E import Task exposing (Task) {-| The `RoomInvite` type serves as an invite to a given room. -} type alias RoomInvite = Internal.RoomInvite {-| If you would like to join a room, you can accept the offer. -} accept : RoomInvite -> Task X.Error VaultUpdate accept invite = Internal.accept { invite = invite, reason = Nothing } {-| If you don't want to join the room, you can reject the offer. -} reject : RoomInvite -> Task X.Error VaultUpdate reject invite = Internal.reject { invite = invite, reason = Nothing } {-| If the Matrix server supports it, you can add a reason for accepting an invite. -} acceptWithReason : String -> RoomInvite -> Task X.Error VaultUpdate acceptWithReason reason invite = Internal.accept { invite = invite, reason = Just reason } {-| If the Matrix server supports it, you can add a reason for rejecting an invite. -} rejectWithReason : String -> RoomInvite -> Task X.Error VaultUpdate rejectWithReason reason invite = Internal.reject { invite = invite, reason = Just reason } {-| Get the room id of the invited room. -} roomId : RoomInvite -> String roomId = Internal.getRoomId {-| The `RoomInviteEvent` type represents a stripped event that your user can see while they haven't joined the group yet. The invite includes a bunch of these events to tell you what the room looks like, who may be part of it, and other information that will give you a hint of what kind of room it is. -} type alias RoomInviteEvent = IR.RoomInviteEvent {-| Get the Matrix user that originally sent this event. -} sender : RoomInviteEvent -> String sender = IR.sender {-| Get the content of the event. -} content : RoomInviteEvent -> E.Value content = IR.content {-| Get the event's content type. -} contentType : RoomInviteEvent -> String contentType = IR.contentType {-| Get the event's state key. -} stateKey : RoomInviteEvent -> String stateKey = IR.stateKey {-| Get a specific event with a specific event content type and state key, if it exists. -} getEvent : { contentType : String, stateKey : String } -> RoomInvite -> Maybe RoomInviteEvent getEvent data invite = invite |> Internal.withoutCredentials |> IR.getEvent data {-| Instead of looking at just one event, get all events in a list. -} getAllEvents : RoomInvite -> List RoomInviteEvent getAllEvents = Internal.getAllEvents