module Internal.Tools.SpecEnums exposing (..) import Json.Decode as D import Json.Encode as E {-| The kind of account - currently defined as regular users and guests. -} type AccountKind = Guest | User {-| Encode the AccountKindtype into a JSON Value -} encodeAccountKind : AccountKind -> E.Value encodeAccountKind = encodeEnum fromAccountKind {-| Convert the AccountKind type into a string. -} fromAccountKind : AccountKind -> String fromAccountKind enum = case enum of Guest -> "guest" User -> "user" {-| Decodes the AccountKind type from a JSON String -} accountKindDecoder : D.Decoder AccountKind accountKindDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "guest" -> D.succeed Guest "user" -> D.succeed User _ -> "Expected one of [guest, user]" ) {-| Algorithm used for storing backups. -} type BackupStorageAlgorithm = MegolmBackupV1Curve25519aesSHA2 {-| Encode the BackupStorageAlgorithmtype into a JSON Value -} encodeBackupStorageAlgorithm : BackupStorageAlgorithm -> E.Value encodeBackupStorageAlgorithm = encodeEnum fromBackupStorageAlgorithm {-| Convert the BackupStorageAlgorithm type into a string. -} fromBackupStorageAlgorithm : BackupStorageAlgorithm -> String fromBackupStorageAlgorithm enum = case enum of MegolmBackupV1Curve25519aesSHA2 -> "m.megolm_backup.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2" {-| Decodes the BackupStorageAlgorithm type from a JSON String -} backupStorageAlgorithmDecoder : D.Decoder BackupStorageAlgorithm backupStorageAlgorithmDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "m.megolm_backup.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2" -> D.succeed MegolmBackupV1Curve25519aesSHA2 _ -> "Expected one of [m.megolm_backup.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2]" ) {-| A type of condition that must be satisfied. -} type ConditionType = RoomMembershipCondition {-| Encode the ConditionTypetype into a JSON Value -} encodeConditionType : ConditionType -> E.Value encodeConditionType = encodeEnum fromConditionType {-| Convert the ConditionType type into a string. -} fromConditionType : ConditionType -> String fromConditionType enum = case enum of RoomMembershipCondition -> "" {-| Decodes the ConditionType type from a JSON String -} conditionTypeDecoder : D.Decoder ConditionType conditionTypeDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "" -> D.succeed RoomMembershipCondition _ -> "Expected one of []" ) {-| The encryption algorithm an event is encrypted with. -} type EncryptionAlgorithm = OlmV1Curve25519aesSHA2 | MegolmV1aesSHA2 {-| Encode the EncryptionAlgorithmtype into a JSON Value -} encodeEncryptionAlgorithm : EncryptionAlgorithm -> E.Value encodeEncryptionAlgorithm = encodeEnum fromEncryptionAlgorithm {-| Convert the EncryptionAlgorithm type into a string. -} fromEncryptionAlgorithm : EncryptionAlgorithm -> String fromEncryptionAlgorithm enum = case enum of OlmV1Curve25519aesSHA2 -> "m.olm.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2" MegolmV1aesSHA2 -> "m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2" {-| Decodes the EncryptionAlgorithm type from a JSON String -} encryptionAlgorithmDecoder : D.Decoder EncryptionAlgorithm encryptionAlgorithmDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "m.olm.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2" -> D.succeed OlmV1Curve25519aesSHA2 "m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2" -> D.succeed MegolmV1aesSHA2 _ -> "Expected one of [m.olm.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2, m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2]" ) {-| Whether an event should be formatted for a client or for federation purposes. -} type EventFormat = Client | Federation {-| Encode the EventFormattype into a JSON Value -} encodeEventFormat : EventFormat -> E.Value encodeEventFormat = encodeEnum fromEventFormat {-| Convert the EventFormat type into a string. -} fromEventFormat : EventFormat -> String fromEventFormat enum = case enum of Client -> "client" Federation -> "federation" {-| Decodes the EventFormat type from a JSON String -} eventFormatDecoder : D.Decoder EventFormat eventFormatDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "client" -> D.succeed Client "federation" -> D.succeed Federation _ -> "Expected one of [client, federation]" ) {-| How events are expected to be ordered. -} type EventOrder = Chronological | ReverseChronological {-| Encode the EventOrdertype into a JSON Value -} encodeEventOrder : EventOrder -> E.Value encodeEventOrder = encodeEnum fromEventOrder {-| Convert the EventOrder type into a string. -} fromEventOrder : EventOrder -> String fromEventOrder enum = case enum of Chronological -> "f" ReverseChronological -> "b" {-| Decodes the EventOrder type from a JSON String -} eventOrderDecoder : D.Decoder EventOrder eventOrderDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "f" -> D.succeed Chronological "b" -> D.succeed ReverseChronological _ -> "Expected one of [f, b]" ) {-| Key that defines a search request group. -} type GroupKey = RoomIDKey | SenderKey {-| Encode the GroupKeytype into a JSON Value -} encodeGroupKey : GroupKey -> E.Value encodeGroupKey = encodeEnum fromGroupKey {-| Convert the GroupKey type into a string. -} fromGroupKey : GroupKey -> String fromGroupKey enum = case enum of RoomIDKey -> "room_id" SenderKey -> "sender" {-| Decodes the GroupKey type from a JSON String -} groupKeyDecoder : D.Decoder GroupKey groupKeyDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "room_id" -> D.succeed RoomIDKey "sender" -> D.succeed SenderKey _ -> "Expected one of [room_id, sender]" ) {-| Whether guests are allowed to join. -} type GuestAccess = GuestsAreWelcome | GuestsAreForbidden {-| Encode the GuestAccesstype into a JSON Value -} encodeGuestAccess : GuestAccess -> E.Value encodeGuestAccess = encodeEnum fromGuestAccess {-| Convert the GuestAccess type into a string. -} fromGuestAccess : GuestAccess -> String fromGuestAccess enum = case enum of GuestsAreWelcome -> "can_join" GuestsAreForbidden -> "forbidden" {-| Decodes the GuestAccess type from a JSON String -} guestAccessDecoder : D.Decoder GuestAccess guestAccessDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "can_join" -> D.succeed GuestsAreWelcome "forbidden" -> D.succeed GuestsAreForbidden _ -> "Expected one of [can_join, forbidden]" ) {-| Error reason for a call hangup. -} type HangupReason = IceFailed | InviteTimeout {-| Encode the HangupReasontype into a JSON Value -} encodeHangupReason : HangupReason -> E.Value encodeHangupReason = encodeEnum fromHangupReason {-| Convert the HangupReason type into a string. -} fromHangupReason : HangupReason -> String fromHangupReason enum = case enum of IceFailed -> "ice_failed" InviteTimeout -> "invite_timeout" {-| Decodes the HangupReason type from a JSON String -} hangupReasonDecoder : D.Decoder HangupReason hangupReasonDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "ice_failed" -> D.succeed IceFailed "invite_timeout" -> D.succeed InviteTimeout _ -> "Expected one of [ice_failed, invite_timeout]" ) {-| The history visibility of a room. -} type HistoryVisibility = FromMomentOfInvite | FromMomentOfJoined | FullHistoryToMembers | FullHistoryToLiterallyEveryone {-| Encode the HistoryVisibilitytype into a JSON Value -} encodeHistoryVisibility : HistoryVisibility -> E.Value encodeHistoryVisibility = encodeEnum fromHistoryVisibility {-| Convert the HistoryVisibility type into a string. -} fromHistoryVisibility : HistoryVisibility -> String fromHistoryVisibility enum = case enum of FromMomentOfInvite -> "invited" FromMomentOfJoined -> "joined" FullHistoryToMembers -> "shared" FullHistoryToLiterallyEveryone -> "world_readable" {-| Decodes the HistoryVisibility type from a JSON String -} historyVisibilityDecoder : D.Decoder HistoryVisibility historyVisibilityDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "invited" -> D.succeed FromMomentOfInvite "joined" -> D.succeed FromMomentOfJoined "shared" -> D.succeed FullHistoryToMembers "world_readable" -> D.succeed FullHistoryToLiterallyEveryone _ -> "Expected one of [invited, joined, shared, world_readable]" ) {-| Flag to denote which thread roots are to be included. -} type IncludeThreads = IncludeAllThreads | IncludeParticipatedThreads {-| Encode the IncludeThreadstype into a JSON Value -} encodeIncludeThreads : IncludeThreads -> E.Value encodeIncludeThreads = encodeEnum fromIncludeThreads {-| Convert the IncludeThreads type into a string. -} fromIncludeThreads : IncludeThreads -> String fromIncludeThreads enum = case enum of IncludeAllThreads -> "all" IncludeParticipatedThreads -> "participated" {-| Decodes the IncludeThreads type from a JSON String -} includeThreadsDecoder : D.Decoder IncludeThreads includeThreadsDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "all" -> D.succeed IncludeAllThreads "participated" -> D.succeed IncludeParticipatedThreads _ -> "Expected one of [all, participated]" ) {-| The type of rules used for users wishing to join a room. -} type JoinRules = Public | Knock | Invite | Private | Restricted {-| Encode the JoinRulestype into a JSON Value -} encodeJoinRules : JoinRules -> E.Value encodeJoinRules = encodeEnum fromJoinRules {-| Convert the JoinRules type into a string. -} fromJoinRules : JoinRules -> String fromJoinRules enum = case enum of Public -> "public" Knock -> "knock" Invite -> "invite" Private -> "private" Restricted -> "restricted" {-| Decodes the JoinRules type from a JSON String -} joinRulesDecoder : D.Decoder JoinRules joinRulesDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "public" -> D.succeed Public "knock" -> D.succeed Knock "invite" -> D.succeed Invite "private" -> D.succeed Private "restricted" -> D.succeed Restricted _ -> "Expected one of [public, knock, invite, private, restricted]" ) {-| Given type that a user may log in with. -} type LoginType = Password | SSO | Token {-| Encode the LoginTypetype into a JSON Value -} encodeLoginType : LoginType -> E.Value encodeLoginType = encodeEnum fromLoginType {-| Convert the LoginType type into a string. -} fromLoginType : LoginType -> String fromLoginType enum = case enum of Password -> "m.login.password" SSO -> "m.login.sso" Token -> "m.login.token" {-| Decodes the LoginType type from a JSON String -} loginTypeDecoder : D.Decoder LoginType loginTypeDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "m.login.password" -> D.succeed Password "m.login.sso" -> D.succeed SSO "m.login.token" -> D.succeed Token _ -> "Expected one of [m.login.password, m.login.sso, m.login.token]" ) {-| The membership state of a user in a room. -} type MembershipState = Invited | Joined | Knocked | Left | Banned {-| Encode the MembershipStatetype into a JSON Value -} encodeMembershipState : MembershipState -> E.Value encodeMembershipState = encodeEnum fromMembershipState {-| Convert the MembershipState type into a string. -} fromMembershipState : MembershipState -> String fromMembershipState enum = case enum of Invited -> "invite" Joined -> "join" Knocked -> "knock" Left -> "leave" Banned -> "ban" {-| Decodes the MembershipState type from a JSON String -} membershipStateDecoder : D.Decoder MembershipState membershipStateDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "invite" -> D.succeed Invited "join" -> D.succeed Joined "knock" -> D.succeed Knocked "leave" -> D.succeed Left "ban" -> D.succeed Banned _ -> "Expected one of [invite, join, knock, leave, ban]" ) {-| The type of message sent in an `` event. -} type MessageType = Text | Emote | Notice | Image | File | Audio | Location | Video | VerificationRequest | ServerNotice {-| Encode the MessageTypetype into a JSON Value -} encodeMessageType : MessageType -> E.Value encodeMessageType = encodeEnum fromMessageType {-| Convert the MessageType type into a string. -} fromMessageType : MessageType -> String fromMessageType enum = case enum of Text -> "m.text" Emote -> "m.emote" Notice -> "m.notice" Image -> "m.image" File -> "m.file" Audio -> "" Location -> "m.location" Video -> "" VerificationRequest -> "m.key.verification.request" ServerNotice -> "m.server_notice" {-| Decodes the MessageType type from a JSON String -} messageTypeDecoder : D.Decoder MessageType messageTypeDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "m.text" -> D.succeed Text "m.emote" -> D.succeed Emote "m.notice" -> D.succeed Notice "m.image" -> D.succeed Image "m.file" -> D.succeed File "" -> D.succeed Audio "m.location" -> D.succeed Location "" -> D.succeed Video "m.key.verification.request" -> D.succeed VerificationRequest "m.server_notice" -> D.succeed ServerNotice _ -> "Expected one of [m.text, m.emote, m.notice, m.image, m.file,, m.location,, m.key.verification.request, m.server_notice]" ) {-| The kind of push rule. -} type PushRuleKind = Override | Underride | Sender | Room | Content {-| Encode the PushRuleKindtype into a JSON Value -} encodePushRuleKind : PushRuleKind -> E.Value encodePushRuleKind = encodeEnum fromPushRuleKind {-| Convert the PushRuleKind type into a string. -} fromPushRuleKind : PushRuleKind -> String fromPushRuleKind enum = case enum of Override -> "override" Underride -> "underride" Sender -> "sender" Room -> "room" Content -> "content" {-| Decodes the PushRuleKind type from a JSON String -} pushRuleKindDecoder : D.Decoder PushRuleKind pushRuleKindDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "override" -> D.succeed Override "underride" -> D.succeed Underride "sender" -> D.succeed Sender "room" -> D.succeed Room "content" -> D.succeed Content _ -> "Expected one of [override, underride, sender, room, content]" ) {-| The type of receipt indicating that a user has read one or more events in a room. -} type ReceiptType = Read | ReadPrivate | FullyRead {-| Encode the ReceiptTypetype into a JSON Value -} encodeReceiptType : ReceiptType -> E.Value encodeReceiptType = encodeEnum fromReceiptType {-| Convert the ReceiptType type into a string. -} fromReceiptType : ReceiptType -> String fromReceiptType enum = case enum of Read -> "" ReadPrivate -> "" FullyRead -> "m.fully_read" {-| Decodes the ReceiptType type from a JSON String -} receiptTypeDecoder : D.Decoder ReceiptType receiptTypeDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "" -> D.succeed Read "" -> D.succeed ReadPrivate "m.fully_read" -> D.succeed FullyRead _ -> "Expected one of [,, m.fully_read]" ) {-| Specified action whenever a key or a secret is requested. -} type RequestAction = Request | RequestCancellation {-| Encode the RequestActiontype into a JSON Value -} encodeRequestAction : RequestAction -> E.Value encodeRequestAction = encodeEnum fromRequestAction {-| Convert the RequestAction type into a string. -} fromRequestAction : RequestAction -> String fromRequestAction enum = case enum of Request -> "request" RequestCancellation -> "request_cancellation" {-| Decodes the RequestAction type from a JSON String -} requestActionDecoder : D.Decoder RequestAction requestActionDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "request" -> D.succeed Request "request_cancellation" -> D.succeed RequestCancellation _ -> "Expected one of [request, request_cancellation]" ) {-| Desired resizing method for images that do not fit. -} type ResizingMethod = Crop | Scale {-| Encode the ResizingMethodtype into a JSON Value -} encodeResizingMethod : ResizingMethod -> E.Value encodeResizingMethod = encodeEnum fromResizingMethod {-| Convert the ResizingMethod type into a string. -} fromResizingMethod : ResizingMethod -> String fromResizingMethod enum = case enum of Crop -> "crop" Scale -> "scale" {-| Decodes the ResizingMethod type from a JSON String -} resizingMethodDecoder : D.Decoder ResizingMethod resizingMethodDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "crop" -> D.succeed Crop "scale" -> D.succeed Scale _ -> "Expected one of [crop, scale]" ) {-| The type of condition that applies to a restricted room. -} type RestrictedCondition = ConditionRoomMembership {-| Encode the RestrictedConditiontype into a JSON Value -} encodeRestrictedCondition : RestrictedCondition -> E.Value encodeRestrictedCondition = encodeEnum fromRestrictedCondition {-| Convert the RestrictedCondition type into a string. -} fromRestrictedCondition : RestrictedCondition -> String fromRestrictedCondition enum = case enum of ConditionRoomMembership -> "m.room_membership" {-| Decodes the RestrictedCondition type from a JSON String -} restrictedConditionDecoder : D.Decoder RestrictedCondition restrictedConditionDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "m.room_membership" -> D.succeed ConditionRoomMembership _ -> "Expected one of [m.room_membership]" ) {-| Room presets that can be called upon room creation. -} type RoomPreset = PrivateChat | PublicChat | TrustedPrivateChat {-| Encode the RoomPresettype into a JSON Value -} encodeRoomPreset : RoomPreset -> E.Value encodeRoomPreset = encodeEnum fromRoomPreset {-| Convert the RoomPreset type into a string. -} fromRoomPreset : RoomPreset -> String fromRoomPreset enum = case enum of PrivateChat -> "private_chat" PublicChat -> "public_chat" TrustedPrivateChat -> "trusted_private_chat" {-| Decodes the RoomPreset type from a JSON String -} roomPresetDecoder : D.Decoder RoomPreset roomPresetDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "private_chat" -> D.succeed PrivateChat "public_chat" -> D.succeed PublicChat "trusted_private_chat" -> D.succeed TrustedPrivateChat _ -> "Expected one of [private_chat, public_chat, trusted_private_chat]" ) {-| The stability of a given room version. -} type RoomVersionStability = Stable | Unstable {-| Encode the RoomVersionStabilitytype into a JSON Value -} encodeRoomVersionStability : RoomVersionStability -> E.Value encodeRoomVersionStability = encodeEnum fromRoomVersionStability {-| Convert the RoomVersionStability type into a string. -} fromRoomVersionStability : RoomVersionStability -> String fromRoomVersionStability enum = case enum of Stable -> "stable" Unstable -> "unstable" {-| Decodes the RoomVersionStability type from a JSON String -} roomVersionStabilityDecoder : D.Decoder RoomVersionStability roomVersionStabilityDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "stable" -> D.succeed Stable "unstable" -> D.succeed Unstable _ -> "Expected one of [stable, unstable]" ) {-| The visibility of a room to users who are not a member of the room. -} type RoomVisibility = RoomPrivate | RoomPublic {-| Encode the RoomVisibilitytype into a JSON Value -} encodeRoomVisibility : RoomVisibility -> E.Value encodeRoomVisibility = encodeEnum fromRoomVisibility {-| Convert the RoomVisibility type into a string. -} fromRoomVisibility : RoomVisibility -> String fromRoomVisibility enum = case enum of RoomPrivate -> "private" RoomPublic -> "public" {-| Decodes the RoomVisibility type from a JSON String -} roomVisibilityDecoder : D.Decoder RoomVisibility roomVisibilityDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "private" -> D.succeed RoomPrivate "public" -> D.succeed RoomPublic _ -> "Expected one of [private, public]" ) {-| The order in which to search for results. -} type SearchOrdering = Recent | Rank {-| Encode the SearchOrderingtype into a JSON Value -} encodeSearchOrdering : SearchOrdering -> E.Value encodeSearchOrdering = encodeEnum fromSearchOrdering {-| Convert the SearchOrdering type into a string. -} fromSearchOrdering : SearchOrdering -> String fromSearchOrdering enum = case enum of Recent -> "recent" Rank -> "rank" {-| Decodes the SearchOrdering type from a JSON String -} searchOrderingDecoder : D.Decoder SearchOrdering searchOrderingDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "recent" -> D.succeed Recent "rank" -> D.succeed Rank _ -> "Expected one of [recent, rank]" ) {-| A session description type. -} type SessionDescriptionType = Answer | Offer {-| Encode the SessionDescriptionTypetype into a JSON Value -} encodeSessionDescriptionType : SessionDescriptionType -> E.Value encodeSessionDescriptionType = encodeEnum fromSessionDescriptionType {-| Convert the SessionDescriptionType type into a string. -} fromSessionDescriptionType : SessionDescriptionType -> String fromSessionDescriptionType enum = case enum of Answer -> "answer" Offer -> "offer" {-| Decodes the SessionDescriptionType type from a JSON String -} sessionDescriptionTypeDecoder : D.Decoder SessionDescriptionType sessionDescriptionTypeDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "answer" -> D.succeed Answer "offer" -> D.succeed Offer _ -> "Expected one of [answer, offer]" ) {-| A 3rd party medium that a user could use for authentication. -} type ThirdPartyMedium = Email | Msisdn {-| Encode the ThirdPartyMediumtype into a JSON Value -} encodeThirdPartyMedium : ThirdPartyMedium -> E.Value encodeThirdPartyMedium = encodeEnum fromThirdPartyMedium {-| Convert the ThirdPartyMedium type into a string. -} fromThirdPartyMedium : ThirdPartyMedium -> String fromThirdPartyMedium enum = case enum of Email -> "email" Msisdn -> "msisdn" {-| Decodes the ThirdPartyMedium type from a JSON String -} thirdPartyMediumDecoder : D.Decoder ThirdPartyMedium thirdPartyMediumDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "email" -> D.succeed Email "msisdn" -> D.succeed Msisdn _ -> "Expected one of [email, msisdn]" ) {-| Reason why a key was not sent. -} type UnavailableKey = BlacklistedKey | UnverifiedKey | UnauthorisedKey | UnavailableKey | NoOlm {-| Encode the UnavailableKeytype into a JSON Value -} encodeUnavailableKey : UnavailableKey -> E.Value encodeUnavailableKey = encodeEnum fromUnavailableKey {-| Convert the UnavailableKey type into a string. -} fromUnavailableKey : UnavailableKey -> String fromUnavailableKey enum = case enum of BlacklistedKey -> "m.blacklisted" UnverifiedKey -> "m.unverified" UnauthorisedKey -> "m.unauthorised" UnavailableKey -> "m.unavailable" NoOlm -> "m.no_olm" {-| Decodes the UnavailableKey type from a JSON String -} unavailableKeyDecoder : D.Decoder UnavailableKey unavailableKeyDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "m.blacklisted" -> D.succeed BlacklistedKey "m.unverified" -> D.succeed UnverifiedKey "m.unauthorised" -> D.succeed UnauthorisedKey "m.unavailable" -> D.succeed UnavailableKey "m.no_olm" -> D.succeed NoOlm _ -> "Expected one of [m.blacklisted, m.unverified, m.unauthorised, m.unavailable, m.no_olm]" ) {-| The type of user presence. -} type UserPresence = Offline | Online | UserUnavailable {-| Encode the UserPresencetype into a JSON Value -} encodeUserPresence : UserPresence -> E.Value encodeUserPresence = encodeEnum fromUserPresence {-| Convert the UserPresence type into a string. -} fromUserPresence : UserPresence -> String fromUserPresence enum = case enum of Offline -> "offline" Online -> "online" UserUnavailable -> "unavailable" {-| Decodes the UserPresence type from a JSON String -} userPresenceDecoder : D.Decoder UserPresence userPresenceDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "offline" -> D.succeed Offline "online" -> D.succeed Online "unavailable" -> D.succeed UserUnavailable _ -> "Expected one of [offline, online, unavailable]" ) {-| Verification method to use. -} type VerificationMethod = SASv1 | ReciprocateV1 {-| Encode the VerificationMethodtype into a JSON Value -} encodeVerificationMethod : VerificationMethod -> E.Value encodeVerificationMethod = encodeEnum fromVerificationMethod {-| Convert the VerificationMethod type into a string. -} fromVerificationMethod : VerificationMethod -> String fromVerificationMethod enum = case enum of SASv1 -> "" ReciprocateV1 -> "m.reciprocate.v1" {-| Decodes the VerificationMethod type from a JSON String -} verificationMethodDecoder : D.Decoder VerificationMethod verificationMethodDecoder = decodeEnum (\s -> case s of "" -> D.succeed SASv1 "m.reciprocate.v1" -> D.succeed ReciprocateV1 _ -> "Expected one of [, m.reciprocate.v1]" ) {-| Decode a JSON string and interpret it as an enum -} decodeEnum : (String -> D.Decoder a) -> D.Decoder a decodeEnum f = D.andThen f D.string {-| Encode an enum into a JSON value -} encodeEnum : (a -> String) -> a -> E.Value encodeEnum toString = toString >> E.string