module Internal.Config.DefaultSettings exposing (..) {-| This module hosts default configurations. These configurations are intended to be version-specific and are free to be changed in later releases. Alternatively, one may change these values in a fork of the repository. -} {-| This Matrix SDK version -} currentVersion : String currentVersion = "0.0.0" {-| Matrix spec versions that this SDK supports, sorted in ascending order of preference. -} supportedVersions : List String supportedVersions = [ "v1.2" , "v1.3" , "v1.4" , "v1.5" ] {-| The default device name that this SDK will use when logging in. -} defaultDeviceName : String defaultDeviceName = "Elm Matrix SDK (v" ++ currentVersion ++ ")" {-| The amount of seconds that the Matrix Vault should wait for a response from the Matrix homeserver. -} syncTimeout : Int syncTimeout = 10