local S = minetest.get_translator("mcl_flowers")

-- Minetest 0.4 mod: default
-- See README.txt for licensing and other information.
local init = os.clock()

-- Simple flower template
local smallflowerlongdesc = S("This is a small flower. Small flowers are mainly used for dye production and can also be potted.")
local plant_usage_help = S("It can only be placed on a block on which it would also survive.")

-- on_place function for flowers
local on_place_flower = mcl_util.generate_on_place_plant_function(function(pos, node, itemstack)
	local below = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z}
	local soil_node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(below)
	if not soil_node then return false end

	local has_palette = minetest.registered_nodes[itemstack:get_name()].palette ~= nil
	local colorize
	if has_palette then
		colorize = minetest.registered_nodes[soil_node.name]._mcl_grass_palette_index
	if not colorize then
		colorize = 0

--[[	Placement requirements:
	* Dirt or grass block
	* If not flower, also allowed on podzol and coarse dirt
	* Light level >= 8 at any time or exposed to sunlight at day
	local light_night = minetest.get_node_light(pos, 0.0)
	local light_day = minetest.get_node_light(pos, 0.5)
	local light_ok = false
	if (light_night and light_night >= 8) or (light_day and light_day >= minetest.LIGHT_MAX) then
		light_ok = true
	local is_flower = minetest.get_item_group(itemstack:get_name(), "flower") == 1
	local ok = (soil_node.name == "mcl_core:dirt" or minetest.get_item_group(soil_node.name, "grass_block") == 1 or (not is_flower and (soil_node.name == "mcl_core:coarse_dirt" or soil_node.name == "mcl_core:podzol" or soil_node.name == "mcl_core:podzol_snow"))) and light_ok
	return ok, colorize

local function add_simple_flower(name, desc, image, simple_selection_box)
	minetest.register_node("mcl_flowers:"..name, {
		description = desc,
		_doc_items_longdesc = smallflowerlongdesc,
		_doc_items_usagehelp = plant_usage_help,
		drawtype = "plantlike",
		waving = 1,
		tiles = { image..".png" },
		inventory_image = image..".png",
		wield_image = image..".png",
		sunlight_propagates = true,
		paramtype = "light",
		walkable = false,
		stack_max = 64,
		groups = {dig_immediate=3,flammable=2,plant=1,flower=1,place_flowerlike=1,non_mycelium_plant=1,attached_node=1,dig_by_water=1,destroy_by_lava_flow=1,dig_by_piston=1,enderman_takable=1,deco_block=1},
		sounds = mcl_sounds.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
		node_placement_prediction = "",
		on_place = on_place_flower,
		selection_box = {
			type = "fixed",
			fixed = simple_selection_box,

add_simple_flower("poppy", S("Poppy"), "mcl_flowers_poppy", { -5/16, -0.5, -5/16, 5/16, 5/16, 5/16 })
add_simple_flower("dandelion", S("Dandelion"), "flowers_dandelion_yellow", { -4/16, -0.5, -4/16, 4/16, 3/16, 4/16 })
add_simple_flower("oxeye_daisy", S("Oxeye Daisy"), "mcl_flowers_oxeye_daisy", { -4/16, -0.5, -4/16, 4/16, 4/16, 4/16 })
add_simple_flower("tulip_orange", S("Orange Tulip"), "flowers_tulip", { -3/16, -0.5, -3/16, 3/16, 5/16, 3/16 })
add_simple_flower("tulip_pink", S("Pink Tulip"), "mcl_flowers_tulip_pink", { -3/16, -0.5, -3/16, 3/16, 5/16, 3/16 })
add_simple_flower("tulip_red", S("Red Tulip"), "mcl_flowers_tulip_red", { -3/16, -0.5, -3/16, 3/16, 6/16, 3/16 })
add_simple_flower("tulip_white", S("White Tulip"), "mcl_flowers_tulip_white", { -3/16, -0.5, -3/16, 3/16, 4/16, 3/16 })
add_simple_flower("allium", S("Allium"), "mcl_flowers_allium", { -3/16, -0.5, -3/16, 3/16, 6/16, 3/16 })
add_simple_flower("azure_bluet", S("Azure Bluet"), "mcl_flowers_azure_bluet", { -5/16, -0.5, -5/16, 5/16, 3/16, 5/16 })
add_simple_flower("blue_orchid", S("Blue Orchid"), "mcl_flowers_blue_orchid", { -5/16, -0.5, -5/16, 5/16, 7/16, 5/16 })

local wheat_seed_drop = {
	max_items = 1,
	items = {
			items = {'mcl_farming:wheat_seeds'},
			rarity = 8,

-- CHECKME: How does tall grass behave when pushed by a piston?

--- Tall Grass ---
local def_tallgrass = {
	description = S("Tall Grass"),
	drawtype = "plantlike",
	_doc_items_longdesc = S("Tall grass is a small plant which often occurs on the surface of grasslands. It can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, tall grass can be turned into double tallgrass which is two blocks high."),
	_doc_items_usagehelp = plant_usage_help,
	_doc_items_hidden = false,
	waving = 1,
	tiles = {"mcl_flowers_tallgrass.png"},
	inventory_image = "mcl_flowers_tallgrass_inv.png",
	wield_image = "mcl_flowers_tallgrass_inv.png",
	selection_box = {
		type = "fixed",
		fixed = {{ -6/16, -8/16, -6/16, 6/16, 4/16, 6/16 }},
	paramtype = "light",
	paramtype2 = "color",
	palette = "mcl_core_palette_grass.png",
	sunlight_propagates = true,
	walkable = false,
	buildable_to = true,
	is_ground_content = true,
	groups = {handy=1,shearsy=1, flammable=3,attached_node=1,plant=1,place_flowerlike=2,non_mycelium_plant=1,dig_by_water=1,destroy_by_lava_flow=1,deco_block=1},
	sounds = mcl_sounds.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
	drop = wheat_seed_drop,
	_mcl_shears_drop = true,
	node_placement_prediction = "",
	on_place = on_place_flower,
	_mcl_blast_resistance = 0,
	_mcl_hardness = 0,
minetest.register_node("mcl_flowers:tallgrass", def_tallgrass)

--- Fern ---
-- The fern is very similar to tall grass, so we can copy a lot from it.
local def_fern = table.copy(def_tallgrass)
def_fern.description = S("Fern")
def_fern._doc_items_longdesc = S("Ferns are small plants which occur naturally in jungles and taigas. They can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, a fern can be turned into a large fern which is two blocks high.")
def_fern.tiles = { "mcl_flowers_fern.png" }
def_fern.inventory_image = "mcl_flowers_fern_inv.png"
def_fern.wield_image = "mcl_flowers_fern_inv.png"
def_fern.selection_box = {
	type = "fixed",
	fixed = { -6/16, -0.5, -6/16, 6/16, 5/16, 6/16 },

minetest.register_node("mcl_flowers:fern", def_fern)

local function add_large_plant(name, desc, longdesc, bottom_img, top_img, inv_img, selbox_radius, selbox_top_height, drop, shears_drop, is_flower, grass_color)
	if not inv_img then
		inv_img = top_img
	local usagehelp, noncreative, create_entry, paramtype2, palette
	if is_flower == nil then
		is_flower = true

	local bottom_groups = {flammable=2,non_mycelium_plant=1,attached_node=1, dig_by_water=1,destroy_by_lava_flow=1,dig_by_piston=1, plant=1,double_plant=1,deco_block=1,not_in_creative_inventory=noncreative}
	if is_flower then
		bottom_groups.flower = 1
		bottom_groups.place_flowerlike = 1
		bottom_groups.dig_immediate = 3
		bottom_groups.place_flowerlike = 2
		bottom_groups.handy = 1
		bottom_groups.shearsy = 1
	if grass_color then
		paramtype2 = "color"
		palette = "mcl_core_palette_grass.png"
	if longdesc == nil then
		noncreative = 1
		create_entry = false
	-- Drop itself by default
	local drop_bottom, drop_top
	if not drop then
		drop_top = "mcl_flowers:"..name
		drop_top = drop
		drop_bottom = drop
	minetest.register_node("mcl_flowers:"..name, {
		description = desc,
		_doc_items_create_entry = create_entry,
		_doc_items_longdesc = longdesc,
		_doc_items_usagehelp = plant_usage_help,
		drawtype = "plantlike",
		tiles = { bottom_img },
		inventory_image = inv_img,
		wield_image = inv_img,
		sunlight_propagates = true,
		paramtype = "light",
		paramtype2 = paramtype2,
		palette = palette,
		walkable = false,
		buildable_to = true,
		drop = drop_bottom,
		_mcl_shears_drop = shears_drop,
		node_placement_prediction = "",
		selection_box = {
			type = "fixed",
			fixed = { -selbox_radius, -0.5, -selbox_radius, selbox_radius, 0.5, selbox_radius },
		on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
			-- We can only place on nodes
			if pointed_thing.type ~= "node" then

			local itemstring = "mcl_flowers:"..name

			-- Call on_rightclick if the pointed node defines it
			local node = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under)
			if placer and not placer:get_player_control().sneak then
				if minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] and minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].on_rightclick then
					return minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].on_rightclick(pointed_thing.under, node, placer, itemstack) or itemstack

			-- Check for a floor and a space of 1×2×1
			local ptu_node = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under)
			local bottom
			if not minetest.registered_nodes[ptu_node.name] then
				return itemstack
			if minetest.registered_nodes[ptu_node.name].buildable_to then
				bottom = pointed_thing.under
				bottom = pointed_thing.above
			if not minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(bottom).name] then
				return itemstack
			local top = { x = bottom.x, y = bottom.y + 1, z = bottom.z }
			local bottom_buildable = minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(bottom).name].buildable_to
			local top_buildable = minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(top).name].buildable_to
			local floorname = minetest.get_node({x=bottom.x, y=bottom.y-1, z=bottom.z}).name
			if not minetest.registered_nodes[floorname] then
				return itemstack

			local light_night = minetest.get_node_light(bottom, 0.0)
			local light_day = minetest.get_node_light(bottom, 0.5)
			local light_ok = false
			if (light_night and light_night >= 8) or (light_day and light_day >= minetest.LIGHT_MAX) then
				light_ok = true

			-- Placement rules:
			-- * Allowed on dirt or grass block
			-- * If not a flower, also allowed on podzol and coarse dirt
			-- * Only with light level >= 8
			-- * Only if two enough space
			if (floorname == "mcl_core:dirt" or minetest.get_item_group(floorname, "grass_block") == 1 or (not is_flower and (floorname == "mcl_core:coarse_dirt" or floorname == "mcl_core:podzol" or floorname == "mcl_core:podzol_snow"))) and bottom_buildable and top_buildable and light_ok then
				local param2
				if grass_color then
					param2 = minetest.registered_nodes[floorname]._mcl_grass_palette_index
				-- Success! We can now place the flower
				minetest.sound_play(minetest.registered_nodes[itemstring].sounds.place, {pos = bottom, gain=1})
				minetest.set_node(bottom, {name=itemstring, param2=param2})
				minetest.set_node(top, {name=itemstring.."_top", param2=param2})
				if not minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode") then
			return itemstack
		after_destruct = function(pos, oldnode)
			-- Remove top half of flower (if it exists)
			local bottom = pos
			local top = { x = bottom.x, y = bottom.y + 1, z = bottom.z }
			if minetest.get_node(bottom).name ~= "mcl_flowers:"..name and minetest.get_node(top).name == "mcl_flowers:"..name.."_top" then
		groups = bottom_groups,
		sounds = mcl_sounds.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),

	local top_groups = table.copy(bottom_groups)

	-- Top
	minetest.register_node("mcl_flowers:"..name.."_top", {
		description = desc.." " .. S("(Top Part)"),
		_doc_items_create_entry = false,
		drawtype = "plantlike",
		tiles = { top_img },
		sunlight_propagates = true,
		paramtype = "light",
		paramtype2 = paramtype2,
		palette = palette,
		walkable = false,
		buildable_to = true,
		selection_box = {
			type = "fixed",
			fixed = { -selbox_radius, -0.5, -selbox_radius, selbox_radius, selbox_top_height, selbox_radius },
		drop = drop_top,
		_mcl_shears_drop = shears_drop,
		after_destruct = function(pos, oldnode)
			-- Remove bottom half of flower (if it exists)
			local top = pos
			local bottom = { x = top.x, y = top.y - 1, z = top.z }
			if minetest.get_node(top).name ~= "mcl_flowers:"..name.."_top" and minetest.get_node(bottom).name == "mcl_flowers:"..name then
		groups = top_groups,
		sounds = mcl_sounds.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),

	if minetest.get_modpath("doc") and longdesc then
		doc.add_entry_alias("nodes", "mcl_flowers:"..name, "nodes", "mcl_flowers:"..name.."_top")
		-- If no longdesc, help alias must be added manually


add_large_plant("peony", S("Peony"), S("A peony is a large plant which occupies two blocks. It is mainly used in dye protection."), "mcl_flowers_double_plant_paeonia_bottom.png", "mcl_flowers_double_plant_paeonia_top.png", nil, 5/16, 6/16)
add_large_plant("rose_bush", S("Rose Bush"), S("A rose bush is a large plant which occupies two blocks. It is safe to touch it. Rose bushes are mainly used in dye protection."), "mcl_flowers_double_plant_rose_bottom.png", "mcl_flowers_double_plant_rose_top.png", nil, 5/16, 1/16)
add_large_plant("lilac", S("Lilac"), S("A lilac is a large plant which occupies two blocks. It is mainly used in dye production."), "mcl_flowers_double_plant_syringa_bottom.png", "mcl_flowers_double_plant_syringa_top.png", nil, 5/16, 6/16)

-- TODO: Make the sunflower face East. Requires a mesh for the top node.
add_large_plant("sunflower", S("Sunflower"), S("A sunflower is a large plant which occupies two blocks. It is mainly used in dye production."), "mcl_flowers_double_plant_sunflower_bottom.png", "mcl_flowers_double_plant_sunflower_top.png^mcl_flowers_double_plant_sunflower_front.png", "mcl_flowers_double_plant_sunflower_front.png", 6/16, 6/16)

local longdesc_grass = S("Double tallgrass a variant of tall grass and occupies two blocks. It can be harvested for wheat seeds.")
local longdesc_fern = S("Large fern is a variant of fern and occupies two blocks. It can be harvested for wheat seeds.")

add_large_plant("double_grass", S("Double Tallgrass"), longdesc_grass, "mcl_flowers_double_plant_grass_bottom.png", "mcl_flowers_double_plant_grass_top.png", "mcl_flowers_double_plant_grass_inv.png", 6/16, 4/16, wheat_seed_drop, {"mcl_flowers:tallgrass 2"}, false, true)
add_large_plant("double_fern", S("Large Fern"), longdesc_fern, "mcl_flowers_double_plant_fern_bottom.png", "mcl_flowers_double_plant_fern_top.png", "mcl_flowers_double_plant_fern_inv.png", 5/16, 5/16, wheat_seed_drop, {"mcl_flowers:fern 2"}, false, true)

	label = "Pop out flowers",
	nodenames = {"group:flower"},
	interval = 12,
	chance = 2,
	action = function(pos, node)
		-- Ignore the upper part of double plants
		if minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "double_plant") == 2 then
		local below = minetest.get_node_or_nil({x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z})
		if not below then
		-- Pop out flower if not on dirt, grass block or too low brightness
		if (below.name ~= "mcl_core:dirt" and minetest.get_item_group(below.name, "grass_block") ~= 1) or (minetest.get_node_light(pos, 0.5) < 8) then

-- Lily Pad
minetest.register_node("mcl_flowers:waterlily", {
	description = S("Lily Pad"),
	_doc_items_longdesc = S("A lily pad is a flat plant block which can be walked on. They can be placed on water sources, ice and frosted ice."),
	drawtype = "nodebox",
	paramtype = "light",
	paramtype2 = "facedir",
	tiles = {"flowers_waterlily.png", "flowers_waterlily.png^[transformFY"},
	inventory_image = "flowers_waterlily.png",
	wield_image = "flowers_waterlily.png",
	liquids_pointable = true,
	walkable = true,
	sunlight_propagates = true,
	groups = {dig_immediate = 3, plant=1, dig_by_water = 1,destroy_by_lava_flow=1, dig_by_piston = 1, deco_block=1},
	sounds = mcl_sounds.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
	node_placement_prediction = "",
	node_box = {
		type = "fixed",
		fixed = {-0.5, -31/64, -0.5, 0.5, -15/32, 0.5}
	selection_box = {
		type = "fixed",
		fixed = {-7 / 16, -0.5, -7 / 16, 7 / 16, -15 / 32, 7 / 16}

	on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
		local pos = pointed_thing.above
		local node = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under)
		local nodename = node.name
		local def = minetest.registered_nodes[nodename]
		local node_above = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.above).name
		local def_above = minetest.registered_nodes[node_above]
		local player_name = placer:get_player_name()

		if def then
			-- Use pointed node's on_rightclick function first, if present
			if placer and not placer:get_player_control().sneak then
				if def and def.on_rightclick then
					return def.on_rightclick(pointed_thing.under, node, placer, itemstack) or itemstack

			if (pointed_thing.under.x == pointed_thing.above.x and pointed_thing.under.z == pointed_thing.above.z) and
					((def.liquidtype == "source" and minetest.get_item_group(nodename, "water") > 0) or
					(nodename == "mcl_core:ice") or
					(minetest.get_item_group(nodename, "frosted_ice") > 0)) and
					(def_above.buildable_to and minetest.get_item_group(node_above, "liquid") == 0) then
				if not minetest.is_protected(pos, player_name) then
					minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "mcl_flowers:waterlily", param2 = math.random(0, 3)})
					local idef = itemstack:get_definition()

					if idef.sounds and idef.sounds.place then
						minetest.sound_play(idef.sounds.place, {pos=pointed_thing.above, gain=1})

					if not minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode") then
					minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, player_name)

		return itemstack

-- Legacy support
minetest.register_alias("mcl_core:tallgrass", "mcl_flowers:tallgrass")

-- Show loading time
local time_to_load= os.clock() - init
print(string.format("[MOD] "..minetest.get_current_modname().." loaded in %.4f s", time_to_load))