local disable_physics = function(object, luaentity, ignore_check, reset_movement) if luaentity.physical_state == true or ignore_check == true then luaentity.physical_state = false object:set_properties({ physical = false }) if reset_movement ~= false then object:set_velocity({x=0,y=0,z=0}) object:set_acceleration({x=0,y=0,z=0}) end end end ----For Water Flowing: local enable_physics = function(object, luaentity, ignore_check) if luaentity.physical_state == false or ignore_check == true then luaentity.physical_state = true object:set_properties({ physical = true }) object:set_velocity({x=0,y=0,z=0}) object:set_acceleration({x=0,y=-9.81,z=0}) end end --[[ local timer = 0 minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) timer = timer + dtime if timer < 1 then return end for _, player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local pos = player:get_pos() for _, obj in pairs(minetest_get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 47)) do local lua = obj:get_luaentity() if lua and lua._cmi_is_mob then lua.lifetimer = math.max(20, lua.lifetimer) lua.despawn_immediately = false end end end timer = 0 end) ]]-- -- compatibility function for old entities to new modpack entities function mobs:alias_mob(old_name, new_name) -- spawn egg minetest.register_alias(old_name, new_name) -- entity minetest.register_entity(":" .. old_name, { physical = false, on_step = function(self) if minetest_registered_entities[new_name] then minetest_add_entity(self.object:get_pos(), new_name) end self.object:remove() end }) end -- Spawn a child function mobs:spawn_child(pos, mob_type) local child = minetest_add_entity(pos, mob_type) if not child then return end local ent = child:get_luaentity() effect(pos, 15, "mcl_particles_smoke.png", 1, 2, 2, 15, 5) ent.child = true local textures -- using specific child texture (if found) if ent.child_texture then textures = ent.child_texture[1] end -- and resize to half height child:set_properties({ textures = textures, visual_size = { x = ent.base_size.x * .5, y = ent.base_size.y * .5, }, collisionbox = { ent.base_colbox[1] * .5, ent.base_colbox[2] * .5, ent.base_colbox[3] * .5, ent.base_colbox[4] * .5, ent.base_colbox[5] * .5, ent.base_colbox[6] * .5, }, selectionbox = { ent.base_selbox[1] * .5, ent.base_selbox[2] * .5, ent.base_selbox[3] * .5, ent.base_selbox[4] * .5, ent.base_selbox[5] * .5, ent.base_selbox[6] * .5, }, }) return child end -- No-op in MCL2 (capturing mobs is not possible). -- Provided for compability with Mobs Redo function mobs:capture_mob(self, clicker, chance_hand, chance_net, chance_lasso, force_take, replacewith) return false end -- No-op in MCL2 (protecting mobs is not possible). function mobs:protect(self, clicker) return false end -- feeding, taming and breeding (thanks blert2112) function mobs:feed_tame(self, clicker, feed_count, breed, tame) if not self.follow then return false end -- can eat/tame with item in hand if follow_holding(self, clicker) then -- if not in creative then take item if not mobs.is_creative(clicker:get_player_name()) then local item = clicker:get_wielded_item() item:take_item() clicker:set_wielded_item(item) end mob_sound(self, "eat", nil, true) -- increase health self.health = self.health + 4 if self.health >= self.hp_max then self.health = self.hp_max if self.htimer < 1 then self.htimer = 5 end end self.object:set_hp(self.health) update_tag(self) -- make children grow quicker if self.child == true then -- deduct 10% of the time to adulthood self.hornytimer = self.hornytimer + ((CHILD_GROW_TIME - self.hornytimer) * 0.1) return true end -- feed and tame self.food = (self.food or 0) + 1 if self.food >= feed_count then self.food = 0 if breed and self.hornytimer == 0 then self.horny = true end if tame then self.tamed = true if not self.owner or self.owner == "" then self.owner = clicker:get_player_name() end end -- make sound when fed so many times mob_sound(self, "random", true) end return true end return false end -- no damage to nodes explosion function mobs:safe_boom(self, pos, strength) minetest_sound_play(self.sounds and self.sounds.explode or "tnt_explode", { pos = pos, gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance = self.sounds and self.sounds.distance or 32 }, true) local radius = strength entity_physics(pos, radius) effect(pos, 32, "mcl_particles_smoke.png", radius * 3, radius * 5, radius, 1, 0) end -- make explosion with protection and tnt mod check function mobs:boom(self, pos, strength, fire) self.object:remove() if mod_explosions then if mobs_griefing and not minetest_is_protected(pos, "") then mcl_explosions.explode(pos, strength, { drop_chance = 1.0, fire = fire }, self.object) else mobs:safe_boom(self, pos, strength) end else mobs:safe_boom(self, pos, strength) end end -- falling and fall damage -- returns true if mob died local falling = function(self, pos) if self.fly and self.state ~= "die" then return end if mcl_portals ~= nil then if mcl_portals.nether_portal_cooloff(self.object) then return false -- mob has teleported through Nether portal - it's 99% not falling end end -- floating in water (or falling) local v = self.object:get_velocity() if v.y > 0 then -- apply gravity when moving up self.object:set_acceleration({ x = 0, y = -10, z = 0 }) elseif v.y <= 0 and v.y > self.fall_speed then -- fall downwards at set speed self.object:set_acceleration({ x = 0, y = self.fall_speed, z = 0 }) else -- stop accelerating once max fall speed hit self.object:set_acceleration({x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}) end if minetest_registered_nodes[node_ok(pos).name].groups.lava then if self.floats_on_lava == 1 then self.object:set_acceleration({ x = 0, y = -self.fall_speed / (max(1, v.y) ^ 2), z = 0 }) end end -- in water then float up if minetest_registered_nodes[node_ok(pos).name].groups.water then if self.floats == 1 then self.object:set_acceleration({ x = 0, y = -self.fall_speed / (math_max(1, v.y) ^ 2), z = 0 }) end else -- fall damage onto solid ground if self.fall_damage == 1 and self.object:get_velocity().y == 0 then local d = (self.old_y or 0) - self.object:get_pos().y if d > 5 then local add = minetest_get_item_group(self.standing_on, "fall_damage_add_percent") local damage = d - 5 if add ~= 0 then damage = damage + damage * (add/100) end damage = math_floor(damage) if damage > 0 then self.health = self.health - damage effect(pos, 5, "mcl_particles_smoke.png", 1, 2, 2, nil) if check_for_death(self, "fall", {type = "fall"}) then return true end end end self.old_y = self.object:get_pos().y end end end local teleport = function(self, target) if self.do_teleport then if self.do_teleport(self, target) == false then return end end end -- find someone to runaway from local runaway_from = function(self) if not self.runaway_from and self.state ~= "flop" then return end local s = self.object:get_pos() local p, sp, dist local player, obj, min_player local type, name = "", "" local min_dist = self.view_range + 1 local objs = minetest_get_objects_inside_radius(s, self.view_range) for n = 1, #objs do if objs[n]:is_player() then if mobs.invis[ objs[n]:get_player_name() ] or self.owner == objs[n]:get_player_name() or (not object_in_range(self, objs[n])) then type = "" else player = objs[n] type = "player" name = "player" end else obj = objs[n]:get_luaentity() if obj then player = obj.object type = obj.type name = obj.name or "" end end -- find specific mob to runaway from if name ~= "" and name ~= self.name and specific_runaway(self.runaway_from, name) then p = player:get_pos() sp = s -- aim higher to make looking up hills more realistic p.y = p.y + 1 sp.y = sp.y + 1 dist = vector.distance(p, s) -- choose closest player/mpb to runaway from if dist < min_dist and line_of_sight(self, sp, p, 2) == true then min_dist = dist min_player = player end end end if min_player then local lp = player:get_pos() local vec = { x = lp.x - s.x, y = lp.y - s.y, z = lp.z - s.z } local yaw = (atan(vec.z / vec.x) + 3 * math_pi / 2) - self.rotate if lp.x > s.x then yaw = yaw + math_pi end yaw = set_yaw(self, yaw, 4) self.state = "runaway" self.runaway_timer = 3 self.following = nil end end -- specific runaway local specific_runaway = function(list, what) -- no list so do not run if list == nil then return false end -- found entity on list to attack? for no = 1, #list do if list[no] == what then return true end end return false end -- follow player if owner or holding item, if fish outta water then flop local follow_flop = function(self) -- find player to follow if (self.follow ~= "" or self.order == "follow") and not self.following and self.state ~= "attack" and self.order ~= "sit" and self.state ~= "runaway" then local s = self.object:get_pos() local players = minetest.get_connected_players() for n = 1, #players do if (object_in_range(self, players[n])) and not mobs.invis[ players[n]:get_player_name() ] then self.following = players[n] break end end end if self.type == "npc" and self.order == "follow" and self.state ~= "attack" and self.order ~= "sit" and self.owner ~= "" then -- npc stop following player if not owner if self.following and self.owner and self.owner ~= self.following:get_player_name() then self.following = nil end else -- stop following player if not holding specific item, -- mob is horny, fleeing or attacking if self.following and self.following:is_player() and (follow_holding(self, self.following) == false or self.horny or self.state == "runaway") then self.following = nil end end -- follow that thing if self.following then local s = self.object:get_pos() local p if self.following:is_player() then p = self.following:get_pos() elseif self.following.object then p = self.following.object:get_pos() end if p then local dist = vector.distance(p, s) -- dont follow if out of range if (not object_in_range(self, self.following)) then self.following = nil else local vec = { x = p.x - s.x, z = p.z - s.z } local yaw = (atan(vec.z / vec.x) + math_pi / 2) - self.rotate if p.x > s.x then yaw = yaw + math_pi end set_yaw(self, yaw, 2.35) -- anyone but standing npc's can move along if dist > 3 and self.order ~= "stand" then set_velocity(self, self.follow_velocity) if self.walk_chance ~= 0 then set_animation(self, "run") end else set_velocity(self, 0) set_animation(self, "stand") end return end end end -- swimmers flop when out of their element, and swim again when back in if self.fly then local s = self.object:get_pos() if not flight_check(self, s) then self.state = "flop" self.object:set_acceleration({x = 0, y = DEFAULT_FALL_SPEED, z = 0}) local sdef = minetest_registered_nodes[self.standing_on] -- Flop on ground if sdef and sdef.walkable then mob_sound(self, "flop") self.object:set_velocity({ x = math_random(-FLOP_HOR_SPEED, FLOP_HOR_SPEED), y = FLOP_HEIGHT, z = math_random(-FLOP_HOR_SPEED, FLOP_HOR_SPEED), }) end set_animation(self, "stand", true) return elseif self.state == "flop" then self.state = "stand" self.object:set_acceleration({x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}) set_velocity(self, 0) end end end -- npc, find closest monster to attack local npc_attack = function(self) if self.type ~= "npc" or not self.attacks_monsters or self.state == "attack" then return end local p, sp, obj, min_player local s = self.object:get_pos() local min_dist = self.view_range + 1 local objs = minetest_get_objects_inside_radius(s, self.view_range) for n = 1, #objs do obj = objs[n]:get_luaentity() if obj and obj.type == "monster" then p = obj.object:get_pos() sp = s local dist = vector.distance(p, s) -- aim higher to make looking up hills more realistic p.y = p.y + 1 sp.y = sp.y + 1 if dist < min_dist and line_of_sight(self, sp, p, 2) == true then min_dist = dist min_player = obj.object end end end if min_player then do_attack(self, min_player) end end -- monster find someone to attack local monster_attack = function(self) if self.type ~= "monster" or not damage_enabled or minetest_is_creative_enabled("") or self.passive or self.state == "attack" or day_docile(self) then return end local s = self.object:get_pos() local p, sp, dist local player, obj, min_player local type, name = "", "" local min_dist = self.view_range + 1 local objs = minetest_get_objects_inside_radius(s, self.view_range) for n = 1, #objs do if objs[n]:is_player() then if mobs.invis[ objs[n]:get_player_name() ] or (not object_in_range(self, objs[n])) then type = "" else player = objs[n] type = "player" name = "player" end else obj = objs[n]:get_luaentity() if obj then player = obj.object type = obj.type name = obj.name or "" end end -- find specific mob to attack, failing that attack player/npc/animal if specific_attack(self.specific_attack, name) and (type == "player" or type == "npc" or (type == "animal" and self.attack_animals == true)) then p = player:get_pos() sp = s dist = vector.distance(p, s) -- aim higher to make looking up hills more realistic p.y = p.y + 1 sp.y = sp.y + 1 -- choose closest player to attack if dist < min_dist and line_of_sight(self, sp, p, 2) == true then min_dist = dist min_player = player end end end -- attack player if min_player then do_attack(self, min_player) end end -- specific attacks local specific_attack = function(list, what) -- no list so attack default (player, animals etc.) if list == nil then return true end -- found entity on list to attack? for no = 1, #list do if list[no] == what then return true end end return false end -- dogfight attack switch and counter function local dogswitch = function(self, dtime) -- switch mode not activated if not self.dogshoot_switch or not dtime then return 0 end self.dogshoot_count = self.dogshoot_count + dtime if (self.dogshoot_switch == 1 and self.dogshoot_count > self.dogshoot_count_max) or (self.dogshoot_switch == 2 and self.dogshoot_count > self.dogshoot_count2_max) then self.dogshoot_count = 0 if self.dogshoot_switch == 1 then self.dogshoot_switch = 2 else self.dogshoot_switch = 1 end end return self.dogshoot_switch end -- path finding and smart mob routine by rnd, line_of_sight and other edits by Elkien3 local smart_mobs = function(self, s, p, dist, dtime) local s1 = self.path.lastpos local target_pos = self.attack:get_pos() -- is it becoming stuck? if math_abs(s1.x - s.x) + math_abs(s1.z - s.z) < .5 then self.path.stuck_timer = self.path.stuck_timer + dtime else self.path.stuck_timer = 0 end self.path.lastpos = {x = s.x, y = s.y, z = s.z} local use_pathfind = false local has_lineofsight = minetest_line_of_sight( {x = s.x, y = (s.y) + .5, z = s.z}, {x = target_pos.x, y = (target_pos.y) + 1.5, z = target_pos.z}, .2) -- im stuck, search for path if not has_lineofsight then if los_switcher == true then use_pathfind = true los_switcher = false end -- cannot see target! else if los_switcher == false then los_switcher = true use_pathfind = false minetest_after(1, function(self) if not self.object:get_luaentity() then return end if has_lineofsight then self.path.following = false end end, self) end -- can see target! end if (self.path.stuck_timer > stuck_timeout and not self.path.following) then use_pathfind = true self.path.stuck_timer = 0 minetest_after(1, function(self) if not self.object:get_luaentity() then return end if has_lineofsight then self.path.following = false end end, self) end if (self.path.stuck_timer > stuck_path_timeout and self.path.following) then use_pathfind = true self.path.stuck_timer = 0 minetest_after(1, function(self) if not self.object:get_luaentity() then return end if has_lineofsight then self.path.following = false end end, self) end if math_abs(vector.subtract(s,target_pos).y) > self.stepheight then if height_switcher then use_pathfind = true height_switcher = false end else if not height_switcher then use_pathfind = false height_switcher = true end end if use_pathfind then -- lets try find a path, first take care of positions -- since pathfinder is very sensitive local sheight = self.collisionbox[5] - self.collisionbox[2] -- round position to center of node to avoid stuck in walls -- also adjust height for player models! s.x = math_floor(s.x + 0.5) s.z = math_floor(s.z + 0.5) local ssight, sground = minetest_line_of_sight(s, { x = s.x, y = s.y - 4, z = s.z}, 1) -- determine node above ground if not ssight then s.y = sground.y + 1 end local p1 = self.attack:get_pos() p1.x = math_floor(p1.x + 0.5) p1.y = math_floor(p1.y + 0.5) p1.z = math_floor(p1.z + 0.5) local dropheight = 12 if self.fear_height ~= 0 then dropheight = self.fear_height end local jumpheight = 0 if self.jump and self.jump_height >= 4 then jumpheight = math.min(math.ceil(self.jump_height / 4), 4) elseif self.stepheight > 0.5 then jumpheight = 1 end self.path.way = minetest_find_path(s, p1, 16, jumpheight, dropheight, "A*_noprefetch") self.state = "" do_attack(self, self.attack) -- no path found, try something else if not self.path.way then self.path.following = false -- lets make way by digging/building if not accessible if self.pathfinding == 2 and mobs_griefing then -- is player higher than mob? if s.y < p1.y then -- build upwards if not minetest_is_protected(s, "") then local ndef1 = minetest_registered_nodes[self.standing_in] if ndef1 and (ndef1.buildable_to or ndef1.groups.liquid) then minetest_set_node(s, {name = mobs.fallback_node}) end end local sheight = math.ceil(self.collisionbox[5]) + 1 -- assume mob is 2 blocks high so it digs above its head s.y = s.y + sheight -- remove one block above to make room to jump if not minetest_is_protected(s, "") then local node1 = node_ok(s, "air").name local ndef1 = minetest_registered_nodes[node1] if node1 ~= "air" and node1 ~= "ignore" and ndef1 and not ndef1.groups.level and not ndef1.groups.unbreakable and not ndef1.groups.liquid then minetest_set_node(s, {name = "air"}) minetest_add_item(s, ItemStack(node1)) end end s.y = s.y - sheight self.object:set_pos({x = s.x, y = s.y + 2, z = s.z}) else -- dig 2 blocks to make door toward player direction local yaw1 = self.object:get_yaw() + math_pi / 2 local p1 = { x = s.x + math_cos(yaw1), y = s.y, z = s.z + math_sin(yaw1) } if not minetest_is_protected(p1, "") then local node1 = node_ok(p1, "air").name local ndef1 = minetest_registered_nodes[node1] if node1 ~= "air" and node1 ~= "ignore" and ndef1 and not ndef1.groups.level and not ndef1.groups.unbreakable and not ndef1.groups.liquid then minetest_add_item(p1, ItemStack(node1)) minetest_set_node(p1, {name = "air"}) end p1.y = p1.y + 1 node1 = node_ok(p1, "air").name ndef1 = minetest_registered_nodes[node1] if node1 ~= "air" and node1 ~= "ignore" and ndef1 and not ndef1.groups.level and not ndef1.groups.unbreakable and not ndef1.groups.liquid then minetest_add_item(p1, ItemStack(node1)) minetest_set_node(p1, {name = "air"}) end end end end -- will try again in 2 seconds self.path.stuck_timer = stuck_timeout - 2 elseif s.y < p1.y and (not self.fly) then do_jump(self) --add jump to pathfinding self.path.following = true -- Yay, I found path! -- TODO: Implement war_cry sound without being annoying --mob_sound(self, "war_cry", true) else set_velocity(self, self.walk_velocity) -- follow path now that it has it self.path.following = true end end end local update_tag = function(self) local tag if mobs_debug then tag = "nametag = '"..tostring(self.nametag).."'\n".. "state = '"..tostring(self.state).."'\n".. "order = '"..tostring(self.order).."'\n".. "attack = "..tostring(self.attack).."\n".. "health = "..tostring(self.health).."\n".. "breath = "..tostring(self.breath).."\n".. "gotten = "..tostring(self.gotten).."\n".. "tamed = "..tostring(self.tamed).."\n".. "horny = "..tostring(self.horny).."\n".. "hornytimer = "..tostring(self.hornytimer).."\n".. "runaway_timer = "..tostring(self.runaway_timer).."\n".. "following = "..tostring(self.following) else tag = self.nametag end self.object:set_properties({ nametag = tag, }) update_roll(self) end -- drop items local item_drop = function(self, cooked, looting_level) -- no drops if disabled by setting if not mobs_drop_items then return end looting_level = looting_level or 0 -- no drops for child mobs (except monster) if (self.child and self.type ~= "monster") then return end local obj, item, num local pos = self.object:get_pos() self.drops = self.drops or {} -- nil check for n = 1, #self.drops do local dropdef = self.drops[n] local chance = 1 / dropdef.chance local looting_type = dropdef.looting if looting_level > 0 then local chance_function = dropdef.looting_chance_function if chance_function then chance = chance_function(looting_level) elseif looting_type == "rare" then chance = chance + (dropdef.looting_factor or 0.01) * looting_level end end local num = 0 local do_common_looting = (looting_level > 0 and looting_type == "common") if math_random() < chance then num = math_random(dropdef.min or 1, dropdef.max or 1) elseif not dropdef.looting_ignore_chance then do_common_looting = false end if do_common_looting then num = num + math_floor(math_random(0, looting_level) + 0.5) end if num > 0 then item = dropdef.name -- cook items when true if cooked then local output = minetest_get_craft_result({ method = "cooking", width = 1, items = {item}}) if output and output.item and not output.item:is_empty() then item = output.item:get_name() end end -- add item if it exists for x = 1, num do obj = minetest_add_item(pos, ItemStack(item .. " " .. 1)) end if obj and obj:get_luaentity() then obj:set_velocity({ x = math_random(-10, 10) / 9, y = 6, z = math_random(-10, 10) / 9, }) elseif obj then obj:remove() -- item does not exist end end end self.drops = {} end -- check if mob is dead or only hurt local check_for_death = function(self, cause, cmi_cause) if self.state == "die" then return true end -- has health actually changed? if self.health == self.old_health and self.health > 0 then return false end local damaged = self.health < self.old_health self.old_health = self.health -- still got some health? if self.health > 0 then -- make sure health isn't higher than max if self.health > self.hp_max then self.health = self.hp_max end -- play damage sound if health was reduced and make mob flash red. if damaged then add_texture_mod(self, "^[colorize:red:130") minetest_after(.2, function(self) if self and self.object then remove_texture_mod(self, "^[colorize:red:130") end end, self) mob_sound(self, "damage") end -- backup nametag so we can show health stats if not self.nametag2 then self.nametag2 = self.nametag or "" end if show_health and (cmi_cause and cmi_cause.type == "punch") then self.htimer = 2 self.nametag = "♥ " .. self.health .. " / " .. self.hp_max update_tag(self) end return false end mob_sound(self, "death") local function death_handle(self) -- dropped cooked item if mob died in fire or lava if cause == "lava" or cause == "fire" then item_drop(self, true, 0) else local wielditem = ItemStack() if cause == "hit" then local puncher = cmi_cause.puncher if puncher then wielditem = puncher:get_wielded_item() end end local cooked = mcl_burning.is_burning(self.object) or mcl_enchanting.has_enchantment(wielditem, "fire_aspect") local looting = mcl_enchanting.get_enchantment(wielditem, "looting") item_drop(self, cooked, looting) if mod_experience and ((not self.child) or self.type ~= "animal") and (minetest_get_us_time() - self.xp_timestamp <= 5000000) then mcl_experience.throw_experience(self.object:get_pos(), math_random(self.xp_min, self.xp_max)) end end end -- execute custom death function if self.on_die then local pos = self.object:get_pos() local on_die_exit = self.on_die(self, pos, cmi_cause) if on_die_exit ~= true then death_handle(self) end if use_cmi then cmi.notify_die(self.object, cmi_cause) end if on_die_exit == true then self.state = "die" mcl_burning.extinguish(self.object) self.object:remove() return true end end local collisionbox if self.collisionbox then collisionbox = table.copy(self.collisionbox) end self.state = "die" self.attack = nil self.v_start = false self.fall_speed = DEFAULT_FALL_SPEED self.timer = 0 self.blinktimer = 0 remove_texture_mod(self, "^[colorize:#FF000040") remove_texture_mod(self, "^[brighten") self.passive = true self.object:set_properties({ pointable = false, collide_with_objects = false, }) set_velocity(self, 0) local acc = self.object:get_acceleration() acc.x, acc.y, acc.z = 0, DEFAULT_FALL_SPEED, 0 self.object:set_acceleration(acc) local length -- default death function and die animation (if defined) if self.instant_death then length = 0 elseif self.animation and self.animation.die_start and self.animation.die_end then local frames = self.animation.die_end - self.animation.die_start local speed = self.animation.die_speed or 15 length = max(frames / speed, 0) + DEATH_DELAY set_animation(self, "die") else local rot = self.object:get_rotation() rot.z = math_pi/2 self.object:set_rotation(rot) length = 1 + DEATH_DELAY set_animation(self, "stand", true) end -- Remove body after a few seconds and drop stuff local kill = function(self) if not self.object:get_luaentity() then return end if use_cmi then cmi.notify_die(self.object, cmi_cause) end death_handle(self) local dpos = self.object:get_pos() local cbox = self.collisionbox local yaw = self.object:get_rotation().y mcl_burning.extinguish(self.object) self.object:remove() mobs.death_effect(dpos, yaw, cbox, not self.instant_death) end if length <= 0 then kill(self) else minetest_after(length, kill, self) end return true end local damage_effect = function(self, damage) -- damage particles if (not disable_blood) and damage > 0 then local amount_large = math_floor(damage / 2) local amount_small = damage % 2 local pos = self.object:get_pos() pos.y = pos.y + (self.collisionbox[5] - self.collisionbox[2]) * .5 local texture = "mobs_blood.png" -- full heart damage (one particle for each 2 HP damage) if amount_large > 0 then effect(pos, amount_large, texture, 2, 2, 1.75, 0, nil, true) end -- half heart damage (one additional particle if damage is an odd number) if amount_small > 0 then -- TODO: Use "half heart" effect(pos, amount_small, texture, 1, 1, 1.75, 0, nil, true) end end end -- custom particle effects local effect = function(pos, amount, texture, min_size, max_size, radius, gravity, glow, go_down) radius = radius or 2 min_size = min_size or 0.5 max_size = max_size or 1 gravity = gravity or -10 glow = glow or 0 go_down = go_down or false local ym if go_down then ym = 0 else ym = -radius end minetest_add_particlespawner({ amount = amount, time = 0.25, minpos = pos, maxpos = pos, minvel = {x = -radius, y = ym, z = -radius}, maxvel = {x = radius, y = radius, z = radius}, minacc = {x = 0, y = gravity, z = 0}, maxacc = {x = 0, y = gravity, z = 0}, minexptime = 0.1, maxexptime = 1, minsize = min_size, maxsize = max_size, texture = texture, glow = glow, }) end -- are we flying in what we are suppose to? (taikedz) local flight_check = function(self) local nod = self.standing_in local def = minetest_registered_nodes[nod] if not def then return false end -- nil check local fly_in if type(self.fly_in) == "string" then fly_in = { self.fly_in } elseif type(self.fly_in) == "table" then fly_in = self.fly_in else return false end for _,checknode in pairs(fly_in) do if nod == checknode then return true elseif checknode == "__airlike" and def.walkable == false and (def.liquidtype == "none" or minetest_get_item_group(nod, "fake_liquid") == 1) then return true end end return false end -- check line of sight (BrunoMine) local line_of_sight = function(self, pos1, pos2, stepsize) stepsize = stepsize or 1 local s, pos = minetest_line_of_sight(pos1, pos2, stepsize) -- normal walking and flying mobs can see you through air if s == true then return true end -- New pos1 to be analyzed local npos1 = {x = pos1.x, y = pos1.y, z = pos1.z} local r, pos = minetest_line_of_sight(npos1, pos2, stepsize) -- Checks the return if r == true then return true end -- Nodename found local nn = minetest_get_node(pos).name -- Target Distance (td) to travel local td = vector.distance(pos1, pos2) -- Actual Distance (ad) traveled local ad = 0 -- It continues to advance in the line of sight in search of a real -- obstruction which counts as 'normal' nodebox. while minetest_registered_nodes[nn] and minetest_registered_nodes[nn].walkable == false do -- Check if you can still move forward if td < ad + stepsize then return true -- Reached the target end -- Moves the analyzed pos local d = vector.distance(pos1, pos2) npos1.x = ((pos2.x - pos1.x) / d * stepsize) + pos1.x npos1.y = ((pos2.y - pos1.y) / d * stepsize) + pos1.y npos1.z = ((pos2.z - pos1.z) / d * stepsize) + pos1.z -- NaN checks if d == 0 or npos1.x ~= npos1.x or npos1.y ~= npos1.y or npos1.z ~= npos1.z then return false end ad = ad + stepsize -- scan again r, pos = minetest_line_of_sight(npos1, pos2, stepsize) if r == true then return true end -- New Nodename found nn = minetest_get_node(pos).name end return false end -- Returns true if node is a water hazard local is_node_waterhazard = function(self, nodename) local nn = nodename if self.water_damage > 0 then if minetest_get_item_group(nn, "water") ~= 0 then return true end end if minetest_registered_nodes[nn] and minetest_registered_nodes[nn].drowning and minetest_registered_nodes[nn].drowning > 0 then if self.breath_max ~= -1 then -- check if the mob is water-breathing _and_ the block is water; only return true if neither is the case -- this will prevent water-breathing mobs to classify water or e.g. sand below them as dangerous if not self.breathes_in_water and minetest_get_item_group(nn, "water") ~= 0 then return true end end end return false end -- Returns true is node can deal damage to self local is_node_dangerous = function(self, nodename) local nn = nodename if self.lava_damage > 0 then if minetest_get_item_group(nn, "lava") ~= 0 then return true end end if self.fire_damage > 0 then if minetest_get_item_group(nn, "fire") ~= 0 then return true end end if minetest_registered_nodes[nn] and minetest_registered_nodes[nn].damage_per_second and minetest_registered_nodes[nn].damage_per_second > 0 then return true end return false end local add_texture_mod = function(self, mod) local full_mod = "" local already_added = false for i=1, #self.texture_mods do if mod == self.texture_mods[i] then already_added = true end full_mod = full_mod .. self.texture_mods[i] end if not already_added then full_mod = full_mod .. mod table.insert(self.texture_mods, mod) end self.object:set_texture_mod(full_mod) end local remove_texture_mod = function(self, mod) local full_mod = "" local remove = {} for i=1, #self.texture_mods do if self.texture_mods[i] ~= mod then full_mod = full_mod .. self.texture_mods[i] else table.insert(remove, i) end end for i=#remove, 1 do table.remove(self.texture_mods, remove[i]) end self.object:set_texture_mod(full_mod) end -- Return true if object is in view_range local function object_in_range(self, object) if not object then return false end local factor -- Apply view range reduction for special player armor if object:is_player() and mod_armor then factor = armor:get_mob_view_range_factor(object, self.name) end -- Distance check local dist if factor and factor == 0 then return false elseif factor then dist = self.view_range * factor else dist = self.view_range end local p1, p2 = self.object:get_pos(), object:get_pos() return p1 and p2 and (vector.distance(p1, p2) <= dist) end -- attack player/mob local do_attack = function(self, player) if self.state == "attack" or self.state == "die" then return end self.attack = player self.state = "attack" -- TODO: Implement war_cry sound without being annoying --if math_random(0, 100) < 90 then --mob_sound(self, "war_cry", true) --end end -- play sound local mob_sound = function(self, soundname, is_opinion, fixed_pitch) local soundinfo if self.sounds_child and self.child then soundinfo = self.sounds_child elseif self.sounds then soundinfo = self.sounds end if not soundinfo then return end local sound = soundinfo[soundname] if sound then if is_opinion and self.opinion_sound_cooloff > 0 then return end local pitch if not fixed_pitch then local base_pitch = soundinfo.base_pitch if not base_pitch then base_pitch = 1 end if self.child and (not self.sounds_child) then -- Children have higher pitch pitch = base_pitch * 1.5 else pitch = base_pitch end -- randomize the pitch a bit pitch = pitch + math_random(-10, 10) * 0.005 end minetest_sound_play(sound, { object = self.object, gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance = self.sounds.distance, pitch = pitch, }, true) self.opinion_sound_cooloff = 1 end end local function update_roll(self) local is_Fleckenstein = self.nametag == "Fleckenstein" local was_Fleckenstein = false local rot = self.object:get_rotation() rot.z = is_Fleckenstein and math_pi or 0 self.object:set_rotation(rot) local cbox = table.copy(self.collisionbox) local acbox = self.object:get_properties().collisionbox if math_abs(cbox[2] - acbox[2]) > 0.1 then was_Fleckenstein = true end if is_Fleckenstein ~= was_Fleckenstein then local pos = self.object:get_pos() pos.y = pos.y + (acbox[2] + acbox[5]) self.object:set_pos(pos) end if is_Fleckenstein then cbox[2], cbox[5] = -cbox[5], -cbox[2] end self.object:set_properties({collisionbox = cbox}) end -- check if within physical map limits (-30911 to 30927) local within_limits, wmin, wmax = nil, -30913, 30928 within_limits = function(pos, radius) if mcl_vars then if mcl_vars.mapgen_edge_min and mcl_vars.mapgen_edge_max then wmin, wmax = mcl_vars.mapgen_edge_min, mcl_vars.mapgen_edge_max within_limits = function(pos, radius) return pos and (pos.x - radius) > wmin and (pos.x + radius) < wmax and (pos.y - radius) > wmin and (pos.y + radius) < wmax and (pos.z - radius) > wmin and (pos.z + radius) < wmax end end end return pos and (pos.x - radius) > wmin and (pos.x + radius) < wmax and (pos.y - radius) > wmin and (pos.y + radius) < wmax and (pos.z - radius) > wmin and (pos.z + radius) < wmax end -- is mob facing a cliff or danger local is_at_cliff_or_danger = function(self) if self.fear_height == 0 then -- 0 for no falling protection! return false end if not self.object:get_luaentity() then return false end local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() local dir_x = -math_sin(yaw) * (self.collisionbox[4] + 0.5) local dir_z = math_cos(yaw) * (self.collisionbox[4] + 0.5) local pos = self.object:get_pos() local ypos = pos.y + self.collisionbox[2] -- just above floor local free_fall, blocker = minetest_line_of_sight( {x = pos.x + dir_x, y = ypos, z = pos.z + dir_z}, {x = pos.x + dir_x, y = ypos - self.fear_height, z = pos.z + dir_z}) if free_fall then return true else local bnode = minetest_get_node(blocker) local danger = is_node_dangerous(self, bnode.name) if danger then return true else local def = minetest_registered_nodes[bnode.name] if def and def.walkable then return false end end end return false end -- copy the 'mob facing cliff_or_danger check' from above, and rework to avoid water local is_at_water_danger = function(self) if not self.object:get_luaentity() then return false end local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() local dir_x = -math_sin(yaw) * (self.collisionbox[4] + 0.5) local dir_z = math_cos(yaw) * (self.collisionbox[4] + 0.5) local pos = self.object:get_pos() local ypos = pos.y + self.collisionbox[2] -- just above floor local free_fall, blocker = minetest_line_of_sight( {x = pos.x + dir_x, y = ypos, z = pos.z + dir_z}, {x = pos.x + dir_x, y = ypos - 3, z = pos.z + dir_z}) if free_fall then return true else local bnode = minetest_get_node(blocker) local waterdanger = is_node_waterhazard(self, bnode.name) if waterdanger and (is_node_waterhazard(self, self.standing_in) or is_node_waterhazard(self, self.standing_on)) then return false elseif waterdanger and (is_node_waterhazard(self, self.standing_in) or is_node_waterhazard(self, self.standing_on)) == false then return true else local def = minetest_registered_nodes[bnode.name] if def and def.walkable then return false end end end return false end -- get node but use fallback for nil or unknown local node_ok = function(pos, fallback) fallback = fallback or mobs.fallback_node local node = minetest_get_node_or_nil(pos) if node and minetest_registered_nodes[node.name] then return node end return minetest_registered_nodes[fallback] end -- environmental damage (water, lava, fire, light etc.) local do_env_damage = function(self) -- feed/tame text timer (so mob 'full' messages dont spam chat) if self.htimer > 0 then self.htimer = self.htimer - 1 end -- reset nametag after showing health stats if self.htimer < 1 and self.nametag2 then self.nametag = self.nametag2 self.nametag2 = nil update_tag(self) end local pos = self.object:get_pos() self.time_of_day = minetest.get_timeofday() -- remove mob if beyond map limits if not within_limits(pos, 0) then mcl_burning.extinguish(self.object) self.object:remove() return true end -- Deal light damage to mob, returns true if mob died local deal_light_damage = function(self, pos, damage) if not (mod_weather and (mcl_weather.rain.raining or mcl_weather.state == "snow") and mcl_weather.is_outdoor(pos)) then self.health = self.health - damage effect(pos, 5, "mcl_particles_smoke.png") if check_for_death(self, "light", {type = "light"}) then return true end end end -- Use get_node_light for Minetest version 5.3 where get_natural_light -- does not exist yet. local get_light = minetest_get_natural_light or minetest_get_node_light local sunlight = get_light(pos, self.time_of_day) -- bright light harms mob if self.light_damage ~= 0 and (sunlight or 0) > 12 then if deal_light_damage(self, pos, self.light_damage) then return true end end local _, dim = nil, "overworld" if mod_worlds then _, dim = mcl_worlds.y_to_layer(pos.y) end if (self.sunlight_damage ~= 0 or self.ignited_by_sunlight) and (sunlight or 0) >= minetest.LIGHT_MAX and dim == "overworld" then if self.ignited_by_sunlight then mcl_burning.set_on_fire(self.object, 10) else deal_light_damage(self, pos, self.sunlight_damage) return true end end local y_level = self.collisionbox[2] if self.child then y_level = self.collisionbox[2] * 0.5 end -- what is mob standing in? pos.y = pos.y + y_level + 0.25 -- foot level local pos2 = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z} self.standing_in = node_ok(pos, "air").name self.standing_on = node_ok(pos2, "air").name -- don't fall when on ignore, just stand still if self.standing_in == "ignore" then self.object:set_velocity({x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}) end local nodef = minetest_registered_nodes[self.standing_in] -- rain if self.rain_damage > 0 and mod_weather then if mcl_weather.rain.raining and mcl_weather.is_outdoor(pos) then self.health = self.health - self.rain_damage if check_for_death(self, "rain", {type = "environment", pos = pos, node = self.standing_in}) then return true end end end pos.y = pos.y + 1 -- for particle effect position -- water damage if self.water_damage > 0 and nodef.groups.water then if self.water_damage ~= 0 then self.health = self.health - self.water_damage effect(pos, 5, "mcl_particles_smoke.png", nil, nil, 1, nil) if check_for_death(self, "water", {type = "environment", pos = pos, node = self.standing_in}) then return true end end -- lava damage elseif self.lava_damage > 0 and (nodef.groups.lava) then if self.lava_damage ~= 0 then self.health = self.health - self.lava_damage effect(pos, 5, "fire_basic_flame.png", nil, nil, 1, nil) if check_for_death(self, "lava", {type = "environment", pos = pos, node = self.standing_in}) then return true end end -- fire damage elseif self.fire_damage > 0 and (nodef.groups.fire) then if self.fire_damage ~= 0 then self.health = self.health - self.fire_damage effect(pos, 5, "fire_basic_flame.png", nil, nil, 1, nil) if check_for_death(self, "fire", {type = "environment", pos = pos, node = self.standing_in}) then return true end end -- damage_per_second node check elseif nodef.damage_per_second ~= 0 and not nodef.groups.lava and not nodef.groups.fire then self.health = self.health - nodef.damage_per_second effect(pos, 5, "mcl_particles_smoke.png") if check_for_death(self, "dps", {type = "environment", pos = pos, node = self.standing_in}) then return true end end -- Drowning damage if self.breath_max ~= -1 then local drowning = false if self.breathes_in_water then if minetest_get_item_group(self.standing_in, "water") == 0 then drowning = true end elseif nodef.drowning > 0 then drowning = true end if drowning then self.breath = math_max(0, self.breath - 1) effect(pos, 2, "bubble.png", nil, nil, 1, nil) if self.breath <= 0 then local dmg if nodef.drowning > 0 then dmg = nodef.drowning else dmg = 4 end damage_effect(self, dmg) self.health = self.health - dmg end if check_for_death(self, "drowning", {type = "environment", pos = pos, node = self.standing_in}) then return true end else self.breath = math_min(self.breath_max, self.breath + 1) end end --- suffocation inside solid node -- FIXME: Redundant with mcl_playerplus if (self.suffocation == true) and (nodef.walkable == nil or nodef.walkable == true) and (nodef.collision_box == nil or nodef.collision_box.type == "regular") and (nodef.node_box == nil or nodef.node_box.type == "regular") and (nodef.groups.disable_suffocation ~= 1) and (nodef.groups.opaque == 1) then -- Short grace period before starting to take suffocation damage. -- This is different from players, who take damage instantly. -- This has been done because mobs might briefly be inside solid nodes -- when e.g. climbing up stairs. -- This is a bit hacky because it assumes that do_env_damage -- is called roughly every second only. self.suffocation_timer = self.suffocation_timer + 1 if self.suffocation_timer >= 3 then -- 2 damage per second -- TODO: Deal this damage once every 1/2 second self.health = self.health - 2 if check_for_death(self, "suffocation", {type = "environment", pos = pos, node = self.standing_in}) then return true end end else self.suffocation_timer = 0 end return check_for_death(self, "", {type = "unknown"}) end -- jump if facing a solid node (not fences or gates) local do_jump = function(self) if not self.jump or self.jump_height == 0 or self.fly or (self.child and self.type ~= "monster") or self.order == "stand" then return false end self.facing_fence = false -- something stopping us while moving? if self.state ~= "stand" and get_velocity(self) > 0.5 and self.object:get_velocity().y ~= 0 then return false end local pos = self.object:get_pos() local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() -- what is mob standing on? pos.y = pos.y + self.collisionbox[2] - 0.2 local nod = node_ok(pos) if minetest_registered_nodes[nod.name].walkable == false then return false end -- where is front local dir_x = -math_sin(yaw) * (self.collisionbox[4] + 0.5) local dir_z = math_cos(yaw) * (self.collisionbox[4] + 0.5) -- what is in front of mob? nod = node_ok({ x = pos.x + dir_x, y = pos.y + 0.5, z = pos.z + dir_z }) -- this is used to detect if there's a block on top of the block in front of the mob. -- If there is, there is no point in jumping as we won't manage. local nodTop = node_ok({ x = pos.x + dir_x, y = pos.y + 1.5, z = pos.z + dir_z }, "air") -- we don't attempt to jump if there's a stack of blocks blocking if minetest_registered_nodes[nodTop.name].walkable == true then return false end -- thin blocks that do not need to be jumped if nod.name == node_snow then return false end if self.walk_chance == 0 or minetest_registered_items[nod.name].walkable then if minetest_get_item_group(nod.name, "fence") == 0 and minetest_get_item_group(nod.name, "fence_gate") == 0 and minetest_get_item_group(nod.name, "wall") == 0 then local v = self.object:get_velocity() v.y = self.jump_height set_animation(self, "jump") -- only when defined self.object:set_velocity(v) -- when in air move forward minetest_after(0.3, function(self, v) if (not self.object) or (not self.object:get_luaentity()) or (self.state == "die") then return end self.object:set_acceleration({ x = v.x * 2, y = -10, z = v.z * 2, }) end, self, v) if self.jump_sound_cooloff <= 0 then mob_sound(self, "jump") self.jump_sound_cooloff = 0.5 end else self.facing_fence = true end -- if we jumped against a block/wall 4 times then turn if self.object:get_velocity().x ~= 0 and self.object:get_velocity().z ~= 0 then self.jump_count = (self.jump_count or 0) + 1 if self.jump_count == 4 then local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() or 0 yaw = set_yaw(self, yaw + 1.35, 8) self.jump_count = 0 end end return true end return false end -- blast damage to entities nearby local entity_physics = function(pos, radius) radius = radius * 2 local objs = minetest_get_objects_inside_radius(pos, radius) local obj_pos, dist for n = 1, #objs do obj_pos = objs[n]:get_pos() dist = vector.distance(pos, obj_pos) if dist < 1 then dist = 1 end local damage = math_floor((4 / dist) * radius) local ent = objs[n]:get_luaentity() -- punches work on entities AND players objs[n]:punch(objs[n], 1.0, { full_punch_interval = 1.0, damage_groups = {fleshy = damage}, }, pos) end end -- should mob follow what I'm holding ? local follow_holding = function(self, clicker) if mobs.invis[clicker:get_player_name()] then return false end local item = clicker:get_wielded_item() local t = type(self.follow) -- single item if t == "string" and item:get_name() == self.follow then return true -- multiple items elseif t == "table" then for no = 1, #self.follow do if self.follow[no] == item:get_name() then return true end end end return false end -- find two animals of same type and breed if nearby and horny local breed = function(self) -- child takes a long time before growing into adult if self.child == true then -- When a child, hornytimer is used to count age until adulthood self.hornytimer = self.hornytimer + 1 if self.hornytimer >= CHILD_GROW_TIME then self.child = false self.hornytimer = 0 self.object:set_properties({ textures = self.base_texture, mesh = self.base_mesh, visual_size = self.base_size, collisionbox = self.base_colbox, selectionbox = self.base_selbox, }) -- custom function when child grows up if self.on_grown then self.on_grown(self) else -- jump when fully grown so as not to fall into ground self.object:set_velocity({ x = 0, y = self.jump_height, z = 0 }) end end return end -- horny animal can mate for BREED_TIME seconds, -- afterwards horny animal cannot mate again for BREED_TIME_AGAIN seconds if self.horny == true and self.hornytimer < BREED_TIME + BREED_TIME_AGAIN then self.hornytimer = self.hornytimer + 1 if self.hornytimer >= BREED_TIME + BREED_TIME_AGAIN then self.hornytimer = 0 self.horny = false end end -- find another same animal who is also horny and mate if nearby if self.horny == true and self.hornytimer <= BREED_TIME then local pos = self.object:get_pos() effect({x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z}, 8, "heart.png", 3, 4, 1, 0.1) local objs = minetest_get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 3) local num = 0 local ent = nil for n = 1, #objs do ent = objs[n]:get_luaentity() -- check for same animal with different colour local canmate = false if ent then if ent.name == self.name then canmate = true else local entname = string.split(ent.name,":") local selfname = string.split(self.name,":") if entname[1] == selfname[1] then entname = string.split(entname[2],"_") selfname = string.split(selfname[2],"_") if entname[1] == selfname[1] then canmate = true end end end end if ent and canmate == true and ent.horny == true and ent.hornytimer <= BREED_TIME then num = num + 1 end -- found your mate? then have a baby if num > 1 then self.hornytimer = BREED_TIME + 1 ent.hornytimer = BREED_TIME + 1 -- spawn baby minetest_after(5, function(parent1, parent2, pos) if not parent1.object:get_luaentity() then return end if not parent2.object:get_luaentity() then return end -- Give XP if mod_experience then mcl_experience.throw_experience(pos, math_random(1, 7)) end -- custom breed function if parent1.on_breed then -- when false, skip going any further if parent1.on_breed(parent1, parent2) == false then return end end local child = mobs:spawn_child(pos, parent1.name) local ent_c = child:get_luaentity() -- Use texture of one of the parents local p = math_random(1, 2) if p == 1 then ent_c.base_texture = parent1.base_texture else ent_c.base_texture = parent2.base_texture end child:set_properties({ textures = ent_c.base_texture }) -- tamed and owned by parents' owner ent_c.tamed = true ent_c.owner = parent1.owner end, self, ent, pos) num = 0 break end end end end -- find and replace what mob is looking for (grass, wheat etc.) local replace = function(self, pos) if not self.replace_rate or not self.replace_what or self.child == true or self.object:get_velocity().y ~= 0 or math_random(1, self.replace_rate) > 1 then return end local what, with, y_offset if type(self.replace_what[1]) == "table" then local num = math_random(#self.replace_what) what = self.replace_what[num][1] or "" with = self.replace_what[num][2] or "" y_offset = self.replace_what[num][3] or 0 else what = self.replace_what with = self.replace_with or "" y_offset = self.replace_offset or 0 end pos.y = pos.y + y_offset local node = minetest_get_node(pos) if node.name == what then local oldnode = {name = what, param2 = node.param2} local newnode = {name = with, param2 = node.param2} local on_replace_return if self.on_replace then on_replace_return = self.on_replace(self, pos, oldnode, newnode) end if on_replace_return ~= false then if mobs_griefing then minetest_set_node(pos, newnode) end end end end -- check if daytime and also if mob is docile during daylight hours local day_docile = function(self) if self.docile_by_day == false then return false elseif self.docile_by_day == true and self.time_of_day > 0.2 and self.time_of_day < 0.8 then return true end end -- deal damage and effects when mob punched local mob_punch = function(self, hitter, tflp, tool_capabilities, dir) -- custom punch function if self.do_punch then -- when false skip going any further if self.do_punch(self, hitter, tflp, tool_capabilities, dir) == false then return end end -- error checking when mod profiling is enabled if not tool_capabilities then minetest.log("warning", "[mobs] Mod profiling enabled, damage not enabled") return end local is_player = hitter:is_player() if is_player then -- is mob protected? if self.protected and minetest_is_protected(self.object:get_pos(), hitter:get_player_name()) then return end -- set/update 'drop xp' timestamp if hitted by player self.xp_timestamp = minetest_get_us_time() end -- punch interval local weapon = hitter:get_wielded_item() local punch_interval = 1.4 -- exhaust attacker if mod_hunger and is_player then mcl_hunger.exhaust(hitter:get_player_name(), mcl_hunger.EXHAUST_ATTACK) end -- calculate mob damage local damage = 0 local armor = self.object:get_armor_groups() or {} local tmp -- quick error check incase it ends up 0 (serialize.h check test) if tflp == 0 then tflp = 0.2 end if use_cmi then damage = cmi.calculate_damage(self.object, hitter, tflp, tool_capabilities, dir) else for group,_ in pairs( (tool_capabilities.damage_groups or {}) ) do tmp = tflp / (tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval or 1.4) if tmp < 0 then tmp = 0.0 elseif tmp > 1 then tmp = 1.0 end damage = damage + (tool_capabilities.damage_groups[group] or 0) * tmp * ((armor[group] or 0) / 100.0) end end if weapon then local fire_aspect_level = mcl_enchanting.get_enchantment(weapon, "fire_aspect") if fire_aspect_level > 0 then mcl_burning.set_on_fire(self.object, fire_aspect_level * 4) end end -- check for tool immunity or special damage for n = 1, #self.immune_to do if self.immune_to[n][1] == weapon:get_name() then damage = self.immune_to[n][2] or 0 break end end -- healing if damage <= -1 then self.health = self.health - math_floor(damage) return end if use_cmi then local cancel = cmi.notify_punch(self.object, hitter, tflp, tool_capabilities, dir, damage) if cancel then return end end if tool_capabilities then punch_interval = tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval or 1.4 end -- add weapon wear manually -- Required because we have custom health handling ("health" property) if minetest_is_creative_enabled("") ~= true and tool_capabilities then if tool_capabilities.punch_attack_uses then -- Without this delay, the wear does not work. Quite hacky ... minetest_after(0, function(name) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if not player then return end local weapon = hitter:get_wielded_item(player) local def = weapon:get_definition() if def.tool_capabilities and def.tool_capabilities.punch_attack_uses then local wear = math_floor(65535/tool_capabilities.punch_attack_uses) weapon:add_wear(wear) hitter:set_wielded_item(weapon) end end, hitter:get_player_name()) end end local die = false -- only play hit sound and show blood effects if damage is 1 or over; lower to 0.1 to ensure armor works appropriately. if damage >= 0.1 then -- weapon sounds if weapon:get_definition().sounds ~= nil then local s = math_random(0, #weapon:get_definition().sounds) minetest_sound_play(weapon:get_definition().sounds[s], { object = self.object, --hitter, max_hear_distance = 8 }, true) else minetest_sound_play("default_punch", { object = self.object, max_hear_distance = 5 }, true) end damage_effect(self, damage) -- do damage self.health = self.health - damage -- skip future functions if dead, except alerting others if check_for_death(self, "hit", {type = "punch", puncher = hitter}) then die = true end -- knock back effect (only on full punch) if not die and self.knock_back and tflp >= punch_interval then local v = self.object:get_velocity() local r = 1.4 - math_min(punch_interval, 1.4) local kb = r * 2.0 local up = 2 -- if already in air then dont go up anymore when hit if v.y ~= 0 or self.fly then up = 0 end -- direction error check dir = dir or {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0} -- check if tool already has specific knockback value if tool_capabilities.damage_groups["knockback"] then kb = tool_capabilities.damage_groups["knockback"] else kb = kb * 1.5 end local luaentity if hitter then luaentity = hitter:get_luaentity() end if hitter and is_player then local wielditem = hitter:get_wielded_item() kb = kb + 3 * mcl_enchanting.get_enchantment(wielditem, "knockback") elseif luaentity and luaentity._knockback then kb = kb + luaentity._knockback end self.object:set_velocity({ x = dir.x * kb, y = dir.y * kb + up * 2, z = dir.z * kb }) self.pause_timer = 0.25 end end -- END if damage -- if skittish then run away if not die and self.runaway == true and self.state ~= "flop" then local lp = hitter:get_pos() local s = self.object:get_pos() local vec = { x = lp.x - s.x, y = lp.y - s.y, z = lp.z - s.z } local yaw = (atan(vec.z / vec.x) + 3 * math_pi / 2) - self.rotate if lp.x > s.x then yaw = yaw + math_pi end yaw = set_yaw(self, yaw, 6) self.state = "runaway" self.runaway_timer = 0 self.following = nil end local name = hitter:get_player_name() or "" -- attack puncher and call other mobs for help if self.passive == false and self.state ~= "flop" and (self.child == false or self.type == "monster") and hitter:get_player_name() ~= self.owner and not mobs.invis[ name ] then if not die then -- attack whoever punched mob self.state = "" do_attack(self, hitter) end -- alert others to the attack local objs = minetest_get_objects_inside_radius(hitter:get_pos(), self.view_range) local obj = nil for n = 1, #objs do obj = objs[n]:get_luaentity() if obj then -- only alert members of same mob or friends if obj.group_attack and obj.state ~= "attack" and obj.owner ~= name then if obj.name == self.name then do_attack(obj, hitter) elseif type(obj.group_attack) == "table" then for i=1, #obj.group_attack do if obj.name == obj.group_attack[i] then do_attack(obj, hitter) break end end end end -- have owned mobs attack player threat if obj.owner == name and obj.owner_loyal then do_attack(obj, self.object) end end end end end local mob_detach_child = function(self, child) if self.driver == child then self.driver = nil end end