-- To make recipes that will work with any dye ever made by anybody, define -- them based on groups. -- You can select any group of groups, based on your need for amount of colors. -- basecolor: 9, excolor: 17, unicolor: 89 -- -- Example of one shapeless recipe using a color group: -- Note: As this uses basecolor_*, you'd need 9 of these. -- minetest.register_craft({ -- type = "shapeless", -- output = ":item_yellow", -- recipe = {":item_no_color", "group:basecolor_yellow"}, -- }) mcl_dye = {} local S = minetest.get_translator(minetest.get_current_modname()) local string = string -- Other mods can use these for looping through available colors mcl_dye.basecolors = {"white", "grey", "black", "red", "yellow", "green", "cyan", "blue", "magenta"} mcl_dye.excolors = {"white", "lightgrey", "grey", "darkgrey", "black", "red", "orange", "yellow", "lime", "green", "aqua", "cyan", "sky_blue", "blue", "violet", "magenta", "red_violet"} -- Base color groups: -- - basecolor_white -- - basecolor_grey -- - basecolor_black -- - basecolor_red -- - basecolor_yellow -- - basecolor_green -- - basecolor_cyan -- - basecolor_blue -- - basecolor_magenta -- Extended color groups (* = equal to a base color): -- * excolor_white -- - excolor_lightgrey -- * excolor_grey -- - excolor_darkgrey -- * excolor_black -- * excolor_red -- - excolor_orange -- * excolor_yellow -- - excolor_lime -- * excolor_green -- - excolor_aqua -- * excolor_cyan -- - excolor_sky_blue -- * excolor_blue -- - excolor_violet -- * excolor_magenta -- - excolor_red_violet -- The whole unifieddyes palette as groups: -- - unicolor_ -- For the following, no white/grey/black is allowed: -- - unicolor_medium_ -- - unicolor_dark_ -- - unicolor_light_ -- - unicolor__s50 -- - unicolor_medium__s50 -- - unicolor_dark__s50 -- Local stuff local dyelocal = {} -- This collection of colors is partly a historic thing, partly something else. dyelocal.dyes = { {"white", "mcl_dye_white", S("Bone Meal"), {dye=1, craftitem=1, basecolor_white=1, excolor_white=1, unicolor_white=1}}, {"grey", "dye_grey", S("Light Grey Dye"), {dye=1, craftitem=1, basecolor_grey=1, excolor_grey=1, unicolor_grey=1}}, {"dark_grey", "dye_dark_grey", S("Grey Dye"), {dye=1, craftitem=1, basecolor_grey=1, excolor_darkgrey=1, unicolor_darkgrey=1}}, {"black", "mcl_dye_black", S("Ink Sac"), {dye=1, craftitem=1, basecolor_black=1, excolor_black=1, unicolor_black=1}}, {"violet", "dye_violet", S("Purple Dye"), {dye=1, craftitem=1, basecolor_magenta=1, excolor_violet=1, unicolor_violet=1}}, {"blue", "mcl_dye_blue", S("Lapis Lazuli"), {dye=1, craftitem=1, basecolor_blue=1, excolor_blue=1, unicolor_blue=1}}, {"lightblue", "mcl_dye_light_blue", S("Light Blue Dye"), {dye=1, craftitem=1, basecolor_blue=1, excolor_blue=1, unicolor_light_blue=1}}, {"cyan", "dye_cyan", S("Cyan Dye"), {dye=1, craftitem=1, basecolor_cyan=1, excolor_cyan=1, unicolor_cyan=1}}, {"dark_green", "dye_dark_green", S("Cactus Green"),{dye=1, craftitem=1, basecolor_green=1, excolor_green=1, unicolor_dark_green=1}}, {"green", "mcl_dye_lime", S("Lime Dye"), {dye=1, craftitem=1, basecolor_green=1, excolor_green=1, unicolor_green=1}}, {"yellow", "dye_yellow", S("Dandelion Yellow"), {dye=1, craftitem=1, basecolor_yellow=1, excolor_yellow=1, unicolor_yellow=1}}, {"brown", "mcl_dye_brown", S("Cocoa Beans"), {dye=1, craftitem=1, basecolor_brown=1, excolor_orange=1, unicolor_dark_orange=1, compostability = 65}}, {"orange", "dye_orange", S("Orange Dye"), {dye=1, craftitem=1, basecolor_orange=1, excolor_orange=1, unicolor_orange=1}}, {"red", "dye_red", S("Rose Red"), {dye=1, craftitem=1, basecolor_red=1, excolor_red=1, unicolor_red=1}}, {"magenta", "dye_magenta", S("Magenta Dye"), {dye=1, craftitem=1, basecolor_magenta=1, excolor_red_violet=1,unicolor_red_violet=1}}, {"pink", "dye_pink", S("Pink Dye"), {dye=1, craftitem=1, basecolor_red=1, excolor_red=1, unicolor_light_red=1}}, } dyelocal.unicolor_to_dye_id = {} for d=1, #dyelocal.dyes do for k, _ in pairs(dyelocal.dyes[d][4]) do if string.sub(k, 1, 9) == "unicolor_" then dyelocal.unicolor_to_dye_id[k] = dyelocal.dyes[d][1] end end end -- Takes an unicolor group name (e.g. “unicolor_white”) and returns a corresponding dye name (if it exists), nil otherwise. function mcl_dye.unicolor_to_dye(unicolor_group) local color = dyelocal.unicolor_to_dye_id[unicolor_group] if color then return "mcl_dye:" .. color else return nil end end -- Define items for _, row in ipairs(dyelocal.dyes) do local name = row[1] -- White dye is an alias and brown dye is defined explicitly below if name ~= "white" and name ~= "brown" then local img = row[2] local description = row[3] local groups = row[4] local item_name = "mcl_dye:"..name local item_image = img..".png" minetest.register_craftitem(item_name, { inventory_image = item_image, description = description, _doc_items_longdesc = S("This item is a dye which is used for dyeing and crafting."), _doc_items_usagehelp = S("Rightclick on a sheep to dye its wool. Other things are dyed by crafting."), groups = groups, stack_max = 64, }) end end -- Legacy support for things now in mcl_bone_meal. -- These shims will at some time in the future be removed. -- function mcl_dye.add_bone_meal_particle(pos, def) minetest.log("warning", "mcl_dye.add_bone_meal_particles() is deprecated. Read mcl_bone_meal/API.md!") mcl_bone_meal.add_bone_meal_particle(pos, def) end function mcl_dye.register_on_bone_meal_apply(func) minetest.log("warning", "mcl_dye.register_on_bone_meal_apply() is deprecated. Read mcl_bone_meal/API.md!") mcl_bone_meal.register_on_bone_meal_apply(func) end -- End of legacy support -- aliases for items that are used as dyes. minetest.register_alias("mcl_dye:white", "mcl_bone_meal:bone_meal") minetest.register_alias("mcl_dye:brown", "mcl_cocoas:cocoa_beans") -- Dye mixing minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = "mcl_dye:dark_grey 2", recipe = {"mcl_dye:black", "mcl_dye:white"}, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = "mcl_dye:lightblue 2", recipe = {"mcl_dye:blue", "mcl_dye:white"}, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = "mcl_dye:grey 3", recipe = {"mcl_dye:black", "mcl_dye:white", "mcl_dye:white"}, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = "mcl_dye:grey 2", recipe = {"mcl_dye:dark_grey", "mcl_dye:white"}, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = "mcl_dye:green 2", recipe = {"mcl_dye:dark_green", "mcl_dye:white"}, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = "mcl_dye:magenta 4", recipe = {"mcl_dye:blue", "mcl_dye:white", "mcl_dye:red", "mcl_dye:red"}, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = "mcl_dye:magenta 3", recipe = {"mcl_dye:pink", "mcl_dye:red", "mcl_dye:blue"}, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = "mcl_dye:magenta 2", recipe = {"mcl_dye:violet", "mcl_dye:pink"}, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = "mcl_dye:pink 2", recipe = {"mcl_dye:red", "mcl_dye:white"}, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = "mcl_dye:cyan 2", recipe = {"mcl_dye:blue", "mcl_dye:dark_green"}, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = "mcl_dye:violet 2", recipe = {"mcl_dye:blue", "mcl_dye:red"}, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = "mcl_dye:orange 2", recipe = {"mcl_dye:yellow", "mcl_dye:red"}, }) -- Dye creation minetest.register_craft({ output = "mcl_dye:yellow", recipe = {{"mcl_flowers:dandelion"}}, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "mcl_dye:yellow 2", recipe = {{"mcl_flowers:sunflower"}}, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "mcl_dye:lightblue", recipe = {{"mcl_flowers:blue_orchid"}}, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "mcl_dye:grey", recipe = {{"mcl_flowers:azure_bluet"}}, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "mcl_dye:grey", recipe = {{"mcl_flowers:oxeye_daisy"}}, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "mcl_dye:grey", recipe = {{"mcl_flowers:tulip_white"}}, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "mcl_dye:magenta", recipe = {{"mcl_flowers:allium"}}, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "mcl_dye:magenta 2", recipe = {{"mcl_flowers:lilac"}}, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "mcl_dye:orange", recipe = {{"mcl_flowers:tulip_orange"}}, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "mcl_dye:pink", recipe = {{"mcl_flowers:tulip_pink"}}, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "mcl_dye:pink 2", recipe = {{"mcl_flowers:peony"}}, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "mcl_dye:red", recipe = {{"mcl_farming:beetroot_item"}}, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "mcl_dye:red", recipe = {{"mcl_flowers:poppy"}}, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "mcl_dye:red", recipe = {{"mcl_flowers:tulip_red"}}, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "mcl_dye:red 2", recipe = {{"mcl_flowers:rose_bush"}}, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "cooking", output = "mcl_dye:dark_green", recipe = "mcl_core:cactus", cooktime = 10, })