--MCmobs v0.4 --maikerumine --made for MC like Survival game --License for code WTFPL and otherwise stated in readmes local pi = math.pi local atann = math.atan local atan = function(x) if not x or x ~= x then return 0 else return atann(x) end end local S = minetest.get_translator("extra_mobs") --################### --################### fox --################### local followitem = "mcl_farming:sweet_berry" local fox = { type = "animal", passive = false, spawn_class = "hostile", skittish = true, runaway = true, hp_min = 10, hp_max = 10, xp_min = 1, xp_max = 2, armor = {fleshy = 90}, attack_type = "dogfight", damage = 2, reach = 1.5, jump = true, makes_footstep_sound = true, walk_velocity = 3, run_velocity = 6, follow_velocity = 2, follow = followitem, pathfinding = 1, fear_height = 4, view_range = 16, collisionbox = {-0.3, -0.01, -0.3, 0.3, 0.84, 0.3}, specific_attack = { "mobs_mc:chicken", "mobs_mc:cod", "mobs_mc:salmon" }, visual = "mesh", mesh = "extra_mobs_fox.b3d", textures = { { "extra_mobs_fox.png", "extra_mobs_trans.png", } }, visual_size = {x=3, y=3}, sounds = { }, drops = { }, animation = { stand_speed = 7, walk_speed = 7, run_speed = 15, stand_start = 11, stand_end = 11, walk_start = 0, walk_end = 10, run_start = 0, run_end = 10, pounce_start = 11, pounce_end = 31, lay_start = 34, lay_end = 34, }, on_spawn = function(self) if minetest.find_node_near(self.object:get_pos(), 4, "mcl_core:snow") ~= nil or minetest.find_node_near(self.object:get_pos(), 4, "mcl_core:dirt_with_grass_snow") ~= nil then self.object:set_properties({textures={"extra_mobs_artic_fox.png", "extra_mobs_trans.png"}}) end end, do_custom = function(self) if self.child == true then self.object:set_properties({textures={self.base_texture[1], self.base_texture[1]}}) end if self.state ~= "attack" and math.random(1, 5000) == 1 then self.state = "lay" self.object:set_animation({x= 12, y=16}) minetest.after(math.random(10, 500), function() if self.state == "lay" then self.state = "stand" end end) end for _,object in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(self.object:get_pos(), 8)) do if object and not object:is_player() and object:get_luaentity() and object:get_luaentity().name == "mobs_mc:fox" and self.state ~= "attack" and math.random(1, 500) == 1 then self.horny = true end local lp = object:get_pos() local s = self.object:get_pos() local vec = { x = lp.x - s.x, y = lp.y - s.y, z = lp.z - s.z } -- scare logic if (object and object:is_player() and not object:get_player_control().sneak) or (not object:is_player() and object:get_luaentity() and object:get_luaentity().name == "mobs_mc:wolf") then -- don't keep setting it once it's set if not self.state == "runaway" then self.state = "runaway" self.object:set_rotation({x=0,y=(atan(vec.z / vec.x) + 3 * pi / 2) - self.rotate,z=0}) end -- if it is within a distance of the player or wolf if 6 > vector.distance(self.object:get_pos(), object:get_pos()) then self.timer = self.timer + 1 -- have some time before getting scared if self.timer > 6 then self.timer = 0 -- punch the fox for the player, but don't do any damage self.object:punch(object, 0, { full_punch_interval = 0, damage_groups = {fleshy = 0} }, nil) end end end end end, do_punch = function(self) self.state = "runaway" end, } mcl_mobs:register_mob("mobs_mc:fox", fox) -- spawning mcl_mobs:spawn_setup({ name = "mobs_mc:fox", biomes = { "FlowerForest", "Swampland", "Taiga", "ExtremeHills", "BirchForest", "MegaSpruceTaiga", "MegaTaiga", "ExtremeHills+", "Forest", "Plains", "ColdTaiga", "SunflowerPlains", "RoofedForest", "MesaPlateauFM_grasstop", "ExtremeHillsM", "BirchForestM", }, interval = 30, chance = 6000, min_height = 1, }) -- spawn eggs mcl_mobs:register_egg("mobs_mc:fox", S("Fox"), "#FFDDCC", "#FFaa99", 0)