# textdomain: mcl_mobs This allows you to place a single mob.= Just place it where you want the mob to appear. Animals will spawn tamed, unless you hold down the sneak key while placing. If you place this on a mob spawner, you change the mob it spawns.= You need the “maphack” privilege to change the mob spawner.= Only peaceful mobs allowed!= Agent= Bat= Blaze= Chicken= Cow= Mooshroom= Creeper= Ender Dragon= Enderman= Endermite= Ghast= Elder Guardian= Guardian= Horse= Skeleton Horse= Zombie Horse= Donkey= Mule= Iron Golem= Llama= Ocelot= Parrot= Pig= Polar Bear= Rabbit= Killer Bunny= The Killer Bunny= Sheep= Shulker= Silverfish= Skeleton= Stray= Wither Skeleton= Magma Cube= Slime= Snow Golem= Spider= Cave Spider= Squid= Vex= Evoker= Illusioner= Villager= Vindicator= Zombie Villager= Witch= Wither= Wolf= Husk= Zombie= Zombie Pigman= Farmer= Fisherman= Fletcher= Shepherd= Librarian= Cartographer= Armorer= Leatherworker= Butcher= Weapon Smith= Tool Smith= Cleric= Nitwit=