function mcl_mobs.mob:on_step(dtime, moveresult) self.dtime = dtime self:reload_properties() local stunned = self.stun_timer and self:do_timer("stun") -- can be true (currently stunned), nil (not stunned) or false (stopped being stunned in this tick, which is what we want to check for here) if stunned == false then self.object:set_texture_mod("") end self:update_node_type() self:movement_step() if self.dead then self:death_step() return end if self.def.hostile and not minetest.settings:get_bool("mclPeacefulMode") then self:debug("peaceful mode active, removing") self:deal_damage(, {type = "out_of_world"}) end if then if not self:despawn_step() then return end end if self.def.on_step then if self.def.on_step(self, dtime, moveresult) == false then return end end if not then self:sound_step() end self:easteregg_step() if not self:env_step() then return end if then self:baby_step() end if and not self:do_timer("gotten", true) then = nil end if not and not stunned then self:ai_step() end self:backup_movement() end