function mcl_mobs.mob:drop_loot(reason) if and self.def.type ~= "monster" then return end local enchantments = reason.source and mcl_enchanting.get_enchantments(mcl_util.get_wield_item(reason.source)) or {} local cooked = or enchantments.fire_aspect local looting = enchantments.looting or 0 mcl_experience.throw_experience(self.object:get_pos(), math.random(self.def.xp_min, self.def.xp_max)) local pos = self.object:get_pos() for _, dropdef in pairs(self:evaluate("drops")) do local chance = 1 / dropdef.chance local looting_type = dropdef.looting if looting > 0 then local chance_function = dropdef.looting_chance_function if chance_function then chance = chance_function(looting_level) elseif looting_type == "rare" then chance = chance + (dropdef.looting_factor or 0.01) * looting_level end end local count = 0 local do_common_looting = looting > 0 and looting_type == "common" if math.random() < chance then num = math.random(dropdef.min or 1, dropdef.max or 1) elseif not dropdef.looting_ignore_chance then do_common_looting = false end if do_common_looting then num = num + math.floor(math.random(0, looting_level) + 0.5) end if count > 0 then local item = if cooked and dropdef.cookable then local output = minetest.get_craft_result({method = "cooking", width = 1, items = {item}}) if output and output.item and not output.item:is_empty() then item = output.item:get_name() end end for x = 1, count do minetest.add_item(pos, ItemStack(item)):set_velocity({ x = math.random(-10, 10) / 9, y = 6, z = math.random(-10, 10) / 9, }) end end end end