function mcl_mobs.mob:deal_damage(damage, reason) if self.dead or then return 0 end if reason.flags.is_fire and self.def.fire_damage_resistant then return 0 end damage = mcl_damage.run_modifiers(self.object, damage, reason) if damage > 0 then mcl_damage.run_damage_callbacks(self.object, damage, reason) = - damage self.stun_timer = mcl_mobs.const.stun_timer self:update_movement() self.object:set_texture_mod("^[colorize:red:120") if < 0 then self:die(reason) else self:play_sound("damage") end end return damage end function mcl_mobs.mob:on_punch(puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, direction, damage) if damage < 0 then return end local reason = {} mcl_damage.from_punch(reason, puncher) mcl_damage.finish_reason(reason) if self.def.on_punch then local args = {puncher = puncher, time_from_last_punch = time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities = tool_capabilities, direction = direction} if self.def.on_punch(self, damage, reason, args) == false then return true end end self:get_angry(reason.source) -- PANIC AND RUN if self.def.skittish then self.state = "run" self.run_timer = mcl_mobs.const.run_timer local pos1 = self.object:get_pos() pos1.y = 0 local pos2 = reason.source:get_pos() pos2.y = 0 local dir = vector.direction(pos2, pos1) self.yaw = minetest.dir_to_yaw(direction) end if reason.type == "player" then mcl_hunger.exhaust(puncher:get_player_name(), mcl_hunger.EXHAUST_ATTACK) end damage = self:deal_damage(damage, reason) if damage > 0 then self:play_sound_specific("default_punch") self:knockback(reason.source) end return true end function mcl_mobs.mob:update_armor_groups() self.object:set_armor_groups(self.def.armor_groups) end