--- --- Generated by EmmyLua(https://github.com/EmmyLua) --- Created by michieal. --- DateTime: 12/29/22 12:34 PM -- Restructure Date --- Copyright (C) 2022 - 2023, Michieal. See License.txt local DEBUG = false local rand = math.random math.randomseed((os.time() + 31) * 31415) -- try to make a valid seed local BAMBOO_MAX_HEIGHT = 16 -- base height check. local BAMBOO_SOIL_DIST = BAMBOO_MAX_HEIGHT * -1 local BAM_MAX_HEIGHT_STPCHK = BAMBOO_MAX_HEIGHT - 5 local BAM_MAX_HEIGHT_TOP = BAMBOO_MAX_HEIGHT - 1 local GROW_DOUBLE_CHANCE = 32 --Bamboo can be planted on moss blocks, grass blocks, dirt, coarse dirt, rooted dirt, gravel, mycelium, podzol, sand, red sand, or mud mcl_bamboo.bamboo_dirt_nodes = { "mcl_core:redsand", "mcl_core:sand", "mcl_core:dirt", "mcl_core:coarse_dirt", "mcl_core:dirt_with_grass", "mcl_core:podzol", "mcl_core:mycelium", "mcl_lush_caves:rooted_dirt", "mcl_lush_caves:moss", "mcl_mud:mud", } function mcl_bamboo.is_dirt(node_name) local index = table.indexof(mcl_bamboo.bamboo_dirt_nodes, node_name) if index == -1 then return false else return true end end mcl_bamboo.bamboo_index = { "mcl_bamboo:bamboo", "mcl_bamboo:bamboo_1", "mcl_bamboo:bamboo_2", "mcl_bamboo:bamboo_3", } function mcl_bamboo.is_bamboo(node_name) local index = table.indexof(mcl_bamboo.bamboo_index, node_name) if index == -1 then return false else return index end end --- pos: node position; placer: ObjectRef that is placing the item --- returns: true if protected, otherwise false. function mcl_bamboo.is_protected(pos, placer) local name = placer:get_player_name() if minetest.is_protected(pos, name) then minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, name) return true end return false end local BAMBOO_ENDCAP_NAME = "mcl_bamboo:bamboo_endcap" -- For when I learn more about the pistons... function mcl_bamboo.break_orphaned(pos) local node_below = minetest.get_node(vector.offset(pos, 0, -1, 0)) local node_name = node_below.name -- short circuit checks. if mcl_bamboo.is_dirt(node_name) or mcl_bamboo.is_bamboo(node_name) or mcl_bamboo.is_bamboo(minetest.get_node(pos).name) == false then return end -- dig the node. minetest.remove_node(pos) -- if that fails, remove the node local istack = ItemStack("mcl_bamboo:bamboo") local sound_params = { pos = pos, gain = 1.0, -- default max_hear_distance = 10, -- default, uses a Euclidean metric } minetest.remove_node(pos) minetest.sound_play(mcl_sounds.node_sound_wood_defaults().dug, sound_params, true) minetest.add_item(pos, istack) end --]] function mcl_bamboo.grow_bamboo(pos, bonemeal_applied) local node_above = minetest.get_node(vector.offset(pos, 0, 1, 0)) mcl_bamboo.mcl_log("Grow bamboo called; bonemeal: " .. tostring(bonemeal_applied)) if not bonemeal_applied and mcl_bamboo.is_bamboo(node_above.name) ~= false then return false -- short circuit this function if we're trying to grow (std) the bamboo and it's not the top shoot. end if minetest.get_node_light(pos) < 8 then return false end -- variables used in more than one spot. local first_shoot local chk_pos local soil_pos local node_name = "" local dist = 0 local node_below -- ------------------- mcl_bamboo.mcl_log("Grow bamboo; checking for soil: ") -- the soil node below the bamboo. for py = -1, BAMBOO_SOIL_DIST, -1 do chk_pos = vector.offset(pos, 0, py, 0) node_name = minetest.get_node(chk_pos).name if mcl_bamboo.is_dirt(node_name) then soil_pos = chk_pos break end if mcl_bamboo.is_bamboo(node_name) == false then break end end -- requires knowing where the soil node is. if soil_pos == nil then return false -- returning false means don't use up the bonemeal. end mcl_bamboo.mcl_log("Grow bamboo; soil found. ") local grow_amount = rand(1, GROW_DOUBLE_CHANCE) grow_amount = rand(1, GROW_DOUBLE_CHANCE) grow_amount = rand(1, GROW_DOUBLE_CHANCE) -- because yeah, not truly random, or even a good prng. grow_amount = rand(1, GROW_DOUBLE_CHANCE) local init_height = rand(BAM_MAX_HEIGHT_STPCHK + 1, BAM_MAX_HEIGHT_TOP + 1) mcl_bamboo.mcl_log("Grow bamboo; random height: " .. init_height) node_name = "" -- update: add randomized max height to first node's meta data. first_shoot = vector.offset(soil_pos, 0, 1, 0) local meta = minetest.get_meta(first_shoot) node_below = minetest.get_node(first_shoot).name mcl_bamboo.mcl_log("Grow bamboo; checking height meta ") -- check the meta data for the first node, to see how high to make the stalk. if not meta then -- if no metadata, set the metadata!!! meta:set_int("height", init_height) end local height = meta:get_int("height", -1) mcl_bamboo.mcl_log("Grow bamboo; meta-height: " .. height) if height <= 10 then height = init_height meta:set_int("height", init_height) end mcl_bamboo.mcl_log("Grow bamboo; height: " .. height) -- Bonemeal: Grows the bamboo by 1-2 stems. (per the minecraft wiki.) if bonemeal_applied then -- handle applying bonemeal. for py = 1, BAM_MAX_HEIGHT_TOP do -- find the top node of bamboo. chk_pos = vector.offset(pos, 0, py, 0) node_name = minetest.get_node(chk_pos).name dist = vector.distance(soil_pos, chk_pos) if mcl_bamboo.is_bamboo(node_name) == false or node_name == BAMBOO_ENDCAP_NAME then break end end mcl_bamboo.mcl_log("Grow bamboo; dist: " .. dist) if node_name == BAMBOO_ENDCAP_NAME then -- prevent overgrowth return false end -- check to see if we have a full stalk of bamboo. if dist >= height - 1 then if dist == height - 1 then -- equals top of the stalk before the cap if node_name == "air" then mcl_bamboo.mcl_log("Grow bamboo; Placing endcap") minetest.set_node(vector.offset(chk_pos, 0, 1, 0), { name = BAMBOO_ENDCAP_NAME }) return true -- returning true means use up the bonemeal. else return false end else -- okay, we're higher than the end cap, fail out. return false -- returning false means don't use up the bonemeal. end end -- and now, the meat of the section... add bamboo to the stalk. -- at this point, we should be lower than the generated maximum height. ~ about height -2 or lower. if dist <= height - 2 then if node_name == "air" then -- here we can check to see if we can do up to 2 bamboo shoots onto the stalk mcl_bamboo.mcl_log("Grow bamboo; Placing bamboo.") minetest.set_node(chk_pos, { name = node_below }) -- handle growing a second node. if grow_amount == 2 then chk_pos = vector.offset(chk_pos, 0, 1, 0) if minetest.get_node(chk_pos).name == "air" then mcl_bamboo.mcl_log("Grow bamboo; OOOH! It's twofer day!") minetest.set_node(chk_pos, { name = node_below }) end end return true -- exit out with a success. We've added 1-2 nodes, per the wiki. end end end -- Non-Bonemeal growth. for py = 1, BAM_MAX_HEIGHT_TOP do -- Find the topmost node above the stalk, and check it for "air" chk_pos = vector.offset(pos, 0, py, 0) node_below = minetest.get_node(pos).name node_name = minetest.get_node(chk_pos).name dist = vector.distance(soil_pos, chk_pos) if node_name ~= "air" and mcl_bamboo.is_bamboo(node_name) == false then break end -- stop growing check. ie, handle endcap placement. if dist >= height - 1 then local above_node_name = minetest.get_node(vector.offset(chk_pos, 0, 1, 0)).name if node_name == "air" and above_node_name == "air" then if height - 1 == dist then mcl_bamboo.mcl_log("Grow bamboo; Placing endcap") minetest.set_node(chk_pos, { name = BAMBOO_ENDCAP_NAME }) end end break end -- handle regular node placement. -- find the air node above the top shoot. place a node. And then, if short enough, -- check for second node placement. if node_name == "air" then mcl_bamboo.mcl_log("Grow bamboo; dist: " .. dist) mcl_bamboo.mcl_log("Grow bamboo; Placing bamboo.") minetest.set_node(chk_pos, { name = node_below }) -- handle growing a second node. (1 in 32 chance.) if grow_amount == 2 and dist <= height - 2 then chk_pos = vector.offset(chk_pos, 0, 1, 0) if minetest.get_node(chk_pos).name == "air" then mcl_bamboo.mcl_log("Grow bamboo; OOOH! It's twofer day!") minetest.set_node(chk_pos, { name = node_below }) end end break end end end -- Add Groups function, courtesy of Warr1024. function mcl_bamboo.add_groups(name, ...) local def = minetest.registered_items[name] or error(name .. " not found") local groups = {} for k, v in pairs(def.groups) do groups[k] = v end local function add_all(x, ...) if not x then return end groups[x] = 1 return add_all(...) end addall(...) return minetest.override_item(name, { groups = groups }) end function mcl_bamboo.mcl_log(m, l) if not m then minetest.log("error", "expected string, received: " .. m) return end if DEBUG then if not l then minetest.log("[mcl_bamboo]: " .. m) else minetest.log(l, "[mcl_bamboo]: " .. m) end end end