forked from FOSS/BangleApps
307 lines
12 KiB
307 lines
12 KiB
Golf-GPS app v0.01
written by JeonLab (
var currentHole = 1,
totalShots = 0,
courseName = "",
W = g.getWidth(),
H = g.getHeight(),
lat = Array(19).fill(0),
lon = Array(19).fill(0),
par = Array(19).fill(0),
score = Array(19).fill(0),
playON = false;
Graphics.prototype.setFontDroidSansMono52 = function() {
// Actual height 52 (53 - 2)
// 1 BPP
return this.setFontCustom(
70 | 65536
Graphics.prototype.setFontDroidSansMono35 = function() {
// Actual height 35 (37 - 3)
// 1 BPP
return this.setFontCustom(
48 | 65536
var courseData = require("Storage").open("course-data", "r");
var lastFix = {
lat: 0,
lon: 0,
alt: 0, // altitude in m
speed: 0, // km/h
course: 0, // heading in degrees
time: 0,
satellites: 0,
fix: 0,
hdop: 0, // x5 ~ meter accuracy
const zeroPad = (num, places) => String(num).padStart(places, '0');
function onGPS(fix) {
Object.assign(lastFix, fix);
if (lastFix.fix && playON) showPlayData();
function radians(degrees) {
return degrees * Math.PI / 180;
function readOneCourseData() {
// Clear previous data
lat = [];
lon = [];
par = [];
let l = courseData.readLine();
courseName = l;
// Read one course data & initialize score
for (let i = 1; i < 19; i++) {
l = courseData.readLine();
if (l !== undefined) {
const parts = l.split(',');
lat[i] = parseFloat(parts[0]);
lon[i] = parseFloat(parts[1]);
par[i] = parseInt(parts[2]);
score[i] = 0;
function distanceCalc(lat1, long1, lat2, long2) {
let delLat = Math.abs(lat1 - lat2) * 111194.9; // 111194.9 = (2*6371000*pi)/360, 6371000 ~ Earth's average radius
let delLong = Math.abs(long1 - long2) * 111194.9 * Math.cos(radians((lat1+lat2)/2));
return Math.sqrt(delLat * delLat + delLong * delLong)/0.9144; // in yards
function mainMenu() {
E.showPrompt("Play now or\n\nView scores?", {
title: "Golf GPS",
buttons: {
"PLAY": 1,
"VIEW": 2
}).then(choice => {
if (choice === 1) fixGPS();
else browseScore();
function browseScore() {
const scoreFiles = require("Storage").list(/^Scorecard-/);
if (scoreFiles.length === 0) {
E.showPrompt("No score file found.\n\nYou need to play at least a game.", {
title: `Error`,
buttons: {
"END": 1
}).then(choice => {
if (choice === 1) load();
let fileIndx = scoreFiles.length - 1;
function browseFiles() {
const browsefile = require("Storage").open(scoreFiles[fileIndx].substring(0, 18), "r");
const l =;
E.showPrompt(l, {
buttons: {
"<<": 1,
">>": 2,
"End": 3
}).then(choice => {
if (choice === 1) fileIndx = (fileIndx - 1 + scoreFiles.length) % scoreFiles.length;
else if (choice === 2) fileIndx = (fileIndx + 1) % scoreFiles.length;
else if (choice === 3) load();
function fixGPS() {
Bangle.on('GPS', onGPS);
Bangle.setGPSPower(1, "golf-gps");
E.showMessage("Golf GPS v0.1\n\nWaiting for GPS fix...\n\nwritten by\nJinseok Jeon\n\n ");
let fixInterval = setInterval(() => {
let date = new Date();
g.clearRect(0, 150, W, H);
g.setFontAlign(1, 1).setFont('6x8:3').drawString(lastFix.hdop, W, H);
g.setFontAlign(-1, 1).setFont('6x8:3').drawString((date.getHours() > 12 ? date.getHours() % 12 : date.getHours()) + ':' + zeroPad(date.getMinutes(), 2), 2, H);
if (lastFix.fix && lastFix.hdop <= 5) {
}, 1000); // Check every second
function searchCourse() {
if (!courseName) {
courseData = require("Storage").open("course-data", "r");
E.showPrompt("Scan again\nor quit?", {
title: "No course found",
buttons: {
"SCAN": 1,
"QUIT": 2
}).then(choice => {
if (choice === 1) searchCourse();
else load();
} else if (distanceCalc(, lastFix.lon, lat[1], lon[1]) < 1000) {
E.showPrompt(courseName + "\nIs this correct?", {
buttons: {
" YES ": 1,
" NO ": 2
}).then(choice => {
if (choice == 1) {
E.showPrompt("Front or Back", {
title: courseName,
buttons: {
"FRONT": 1,
"BACK": 2
}).then(choice => {
currentHole = (choice === 1) ? 1 : 10;
playON = true;
} else searchCourse();
} else searchCourse();
function showPlayData() {
let date = new Date();
let distanceToHole = distanceCalc(, lastFix.lon, lat[currentHole], lon[currentHole]);
let distanceFromLast = distanceCalc(, lastFix.lon, latLast, lonLast) || 0;
// distance to hole in yards
g.setColor(g.theme.fg).setFontAlign(1, -1).setFontDroidSansMono52();
g.drawString(distanceToHole > 1000 ? "000" : distanceToHole.toFixed(0), W - 2, 1);
// distance from last shot in yards
g.setFontDroidSansMono35().setColor('#00f').drawString(distanceFromLast.toFixed(0), W - 2, 70);
// hole number and par color(red:3, green:4, blue:5)
g.setColor(par[currentHole] == 3 ? '#f00' : (par[currentHole] == 4 ? '#0f0' : '#00f'));
g.fillRect(3, 3, 47, 47);
g.setColor(par[currentHole] == 4 ? '#000' : '#fff').setFontAlign(0, -1).drawString(currentHole, 24, 5);
// total shots and current shots
g.setColor(g.theme.fg).setFontAlign(-1, -1);
g.drawString(totalShots, 3, 70); // total shots
g.drawString(score[currentHole], 3, 128); // current shots
g.setFont("6x8:2").drawString('TOTAL', 3, 54);
g.drawString('THIS', 3, 112);
// clock
g.setFontAlign(1, 1).setFont("7x11Numeric7Seg:4").drawString((date.getHours() > 12 ? date.getHours() % 12 : date.getHours()) + ':' + zeroPad(date.getMinutes(), 2), W - 2, H - 4);
g.drawString((date.getHours() > 12 ? date.getHours() % 12 : date.getHours()) + ':' + zeroPad(date.getMinutes(), 2), W - 1, H - 3);
// battery level bar
g.setColor('#000').drawRect(59, H * 2 / 3 - 2, W - 5, H * 2 / 3 + 4);
g.drawRect(58, H * 2 / 3 - 1, W - 4, H * 2 / 3 + 5);
g.setColor(E.getBattery() > 30 ? '#03f' : 'f00').fillRect(60, H * 2 / 3, 60 + E.getBattery() / 100 * (W - 60), H * 2 / 3 + 3);
// hdop level indicator
if (lastFix.hdop < 5) g.setColor('#0f0').fillRect(60, H / 3, 96, H / 3 + 5);
if (lastFix.hdop < 2) g.fillRect(100, H / 3, 136, H / 3 + 5);
if (lastFix.hdop < 1) g.fillRect(140, H / 3, W, H / 3 + 5);
function finishGame() {
let date = new Date();
let saveFileContents = ' '; // ALT 255
let parTotal = 0;
const saveFilename = `Scorecard-${date.getFullYear()}${zeroPad(date.getMonth() + 1, 2)}${zeroPad(date.getDate(), 2)}`;
const saveFile = require("Storage").open(saveFilename, "w");
for (let i = 1; i < 19; i++) {
saveFileContents += String(score[i] - par[i]).padStart(2, ' ');
saveFileContents += (i == 18 ? ' ' : (i % 6 == 0 ? ' \n ' : ''));
parTotal += par[i];
saveFile.write(`${date.getFullYear()}_${zeroPad(date.getMonth() + 1, 2)}_${zeroPad(date.getDate(), 2)}\n${courseName}${totalShots}/${parTotal}\n${saveFileContents}`);
E.showPrompt(saveFileContents, {
title: `${totalShots}/${parTotal}`,
buttons: {
"END": 1
}).then(choice => {
if (choice === 1) load();
setWatch(() => {
playON = false;
E.showPrompt("Finish game?", {
title: courseName,
buttons: {
" YES ": 1,
" NO ": 2
}).then(choice => {
if (choice === 1) {
} else {
playON = true;
}, (process.env.HWVERSION === 2) ? BTN1 : BTN2, {
repeat: true,
edge: "falling"
Bangle.on('swipe', function(directionLR, directionUD) {
if (playON) {
currentHole = (currentHole - directionLR) % 18 || 18;
score[currentHole] = Math.max(0, score[currentHole] - directionUD);
totalShots = Math.max(0, totalShots - directionUD);
if (directionUD === -1) {
latLast =;
lonLast = lastFix.lon;
// keep unlocked
// keep backlight off