/* This rewrites boot0.js based on current settings. If settings changed then it recalculates, but this avoids us doing a whole bunch of reconfiguration most of the time. */ E.showMessage("Updating boot0..."); var s = require('Storage').readJSON('setting.json',1)||{}; var BANGLEJS2 = process.env.HWVERSION==2; // Is Bangle.js 2 var boot = ""; if (require('Storage').hash) { // new in 2v11 - helps ensure files haven't changed var CRC = E.CRC32(require('Storage').read('setting.json'))+require('Storage').hash(/\.boot\.js/); boot += `if (E.CRC32(require('Storage').read('setting.json'))+require('Storage').hash(/\\.boot\\.js/)!=${CRC})`; } else { var CRC = E.CRC32(require('Storage').read('setting.json'))+E.CRC32(require('Storage').list(/\.boot\.js/)); boot += `if (E.CRC32(require('Storage').read('setting.json'))+E.CRC32(require('Storage').list(/\\.boot\\.js/))!=${CRC})`; } boot += ` { eval(require('Storage').read('bootupdate.js')); throw "Storage Updated!"}\n`; boot += `E.setFlags({pretokenise:1});\n`; boot += `var bleServices = {}, bleServiceOptions = { uart : true};\n`; if (s.ble!==false) { if (s.HID) { // Human interface device if (s.HID=="joy") boot += `Bangle.HID = E.toUint8Array(atob("BQEJBKEBCQGhAAUJGQEpBRUAJQGVBXUBgQKVA3UBgQMFAQkwCTEVgSV/dQiVAoECwMA="));`; else if (s.HID=="kb") boot += `Bangle.HID = E.toUint8Array(atob("BQEJBqEBBQcZ4CnnFQAlAXUBlQiBApUBdQiBAZUFdQEFCBkBKQWRApUBdQORAZUGdQgVACVzBQcZAClzgQAJBRUAJv8AdQiVArECwA=="));` else /*kbmedia*/boot += `Bangle.HID = E.toUint8Array(atob("BQEJBqEBhQIFBxngKecVACUBdQGVCIEClQF1CIEBlQV1AQUIGQEpBZEClQF1A5EBlQZ1CBUAJXMFBxkAKXOBAAkFFQAm/wB1CJUCsQLABQwJAaEBhQEVACUBdQGVAQm1gQIJtoECCbeBAgm4gQIJzYECCeKBAgnpgQIJ6oECwA=="));`; boot += `bleServiceOptions.hid=Bangle.HID;\n`; } } if (s.log==2) { // logging to file boot += `_DBGLOG=require("Storage").open("log.txt","a"); `; } if (s.blerepl===false) { // If not programmable, force terminal off Bluetooth if (s.log==2) boot += `_DBGLOG=require("Storage").open("log.txt","a"); LoopbackB.on('data',function(d) {_DBGLOG.write(d);Terminal.write(d);}); LoopbackA.setConsole(true);\n`; else if (s.log) boot += `Terminal.setConsole(true);\n`; // if showing debug, force REPL onto terminal else boot += `E.setConsole(null,{force:true});\n`; // on new (2v05+) firmware we have E.setConsole which allows a 'null' console /* If not programmable add our own handler for Bluetooth data to allow Gadgetbridge commands to be received*/ boot += ` Bluetooth.line=""; Bluetooth.on('data',function(d) { var l = (Bluetooth.line + d).split("\n"); Bluetooth.line = l.pop(); l.forEach(n=>Bluetooth.emit("line",n)); }); Bluetooth.on('line',function(l) { if (l.startsWith('\x10')) l=l.slice(1); if (l.startsWith('GB({') && l.endsWith('})') && global.GB) try { global.GB(JSON.parse(l.slice(3,-1))); } catch(e) {} });\n`; } else { if (s.log==2) boot += `_DBGLOG=require("Storage").open("log.txt","a"); LoopbackB.on('data',function(d) {_DBGLOG.write(d);Terminal.write(d);}); if (!NRF.getSecurityStatus().connected) LoopbackA.setConsole();\n`; else if (s.log) boot += `if (!NRF.getSecurityStatus().connected) Terminal.setConsole();\n`; // if showing debug, put REPL on terminal (until connection) else boot += `Bluetooth.setConsole(true);\n`; // else if no debug, force REPL to Bluetooth } // we just reset, so BLE should be on. // Don't disconnect if something is already connected to us if (s.ble===false) boot += `if (!NRF.getSecurityStatus().connected) NRF.sleep();\n`; // Set time if (s.timeout!==undefined) boot += `Bangle.setLCDTimeout(${s.timeout});\n`; if (!s.timeout) boot += `Bangle.setLCDPower(1);\n`; boot += `E.setTimeZone(${s.timezone});`; // Set vibrate, beep, etc IF on older firmwares if (!Bangle.F_BEEPSET) { if (!s.vibrate) boot += `Bangle.buzz=Promise.resolve;\n` if (s.beep===false) boot += `Bangle.beep=Promise.resolve;\n` else if (s.beep=="vib" && !BANGLEJS2) boot += `Bangle.beep = function (time, freq) { return new Promise(function(resolve) { if ((0|freq)<=0) freq=4000; if ((0|time)<=0) time=200; if (time>5000) time=5000; analogWrite(D13,0.1,{freq:freq}); setTimeout(function() { digitalWrite(D13,0); resolve(); }, time); }); };\n`; } // Draw out of memory errors onto the screen boot += `E.on('errorFlag', function(errorFlags) { g.reset(1).setColor("#ff0000").setFont("6x8").setFontAlign(0,1).drawString(errorFlags,g.getWidth()/2,g.getHeight()-1).flip(); print("Interpreter error:", errorFlags); E.getErrorFlags(); // clear flags so we get called next time });\n`; // stop users doing bad things! if (global.save) boot += `global.save = function() { throw new Error("You can't use save() on Bangle.js without overwriting the bootloader!"); }\n`; // Apply any settings-specific stuff if (s.options) boot+=`Bangle.setOptions(${E.toJS(s.options)});\n`; if (s.brightness && s.brightness!=1) boot+=`Bangle.setLCDBrightness(${s.brightness});\n`; if (s.passkey!==undefined && s.passkey.length==6) boot+=`NRF.setSecurity({passkey:${s.passkey}, mitm:1, display:1});\n`; if (s.whitelist) boot+=`NRF.on('connect', function(addr) { if (!(require('Storage').readJSON('setting.json',1)||{}).whitelist.includes(addr)) NRF.disconnect(); });\n`; // Pre-2v10 firmwares without a theme/setUI delete g.theme; // deleting stops us getting confused by our own decl. builtins can't be deleted if (!g.theme) { boot += `g.theme={fg:-1,bg:0,fg2:-1,bg2:7,fgH:-1,bgH:0x02F7,dark:true};\n`; } delete Bangle.setUI; // deleting stops us getting confused by our own decl. builtins can't be deleted if (!Bangle.setUI) { // assume this is just for F18 - Q3 should already have it boot += `Bangle.setUI=function(mode, cb) { if (Bangle.btnWatches) { Bangle.btnWatches.forEach(clearWatch); delete Bangle.btnWatches; } if (Bangle.swipeHandler) { Bangle.removeListener("swipe", Bangle.swipeHandler); delete Bangle.swipeHandler; } if (Bangle.touchHandler) { Bangle.removeListener("touch", Bangle.touchHandler); delete Bangle.touchHandler; } if (!mode) return; else if (mode=="updown") { Bangle.btnWatches = [ setWatch(function() { cb(-1); }, BTN1, {repeat:1}), setWatch(function() { cb(1); }, BTN3, {repeat:1}), setWatch(function() { cb(); }, BTN2, {repeat:1}) ]; } else if (mode=="leftright") { Bangle.btnWatches = [ setWatch(function() { cb(-1); }, BTN1, {repeat:1}), setWatch(function() { cb(1); }, BTN3, {repeat:1}), setWatch(function() { cb(); }, BTN2, {repeat:1}) ]; Bangle.swipeHandler = d => {cb(d);}; Bangle.on("swipe", Bangle.swipeHandler); Bangle.touchHandler = d => {cb();}; Bangle.on("touch", Bangle.touchHandler); } else if (mode=="clock") { Bangle.CLOCK=1; Bangle.btnWatches = [ setWatch(Bangle.showLauncher, BTN2, {repeat:1,edge:"falling"}) ]; } else if (mode=="clockupdown") { Bangle.CLOCK=1; Bangle.btnWatches = [ setWatch(function() { cb(-1); }, BTN1, {repeat:1}), setWatch(function() { cb(1); }, BTN3, {repeat:1}), setWatch(Bangle.showLauncher, BTN2, {repeat:1,edge:"falling"}) ]; } else throw new Error("Unknown UI mode"); };\n`; } delete E.showScroller; // deleting stops us getting confused by our own decl. builtins can't be deleted if (!E.showScroller) { // added in 2v11 - this is a limited functionality polyfill boot += `E.showScroller = (function(a){function n(){g.reset();b>=l+c&&(c=1+b-l);bm||m>=a.c)break;var f=24+d*a.h;a.draw(m,{x:0,y:f,w:h,h:a.h});d+c==b&&g.setColor(g.theme.fg).drawRect(0,f,h-1,f+a.h-1).drawRect(1,f+1,h-2,f+a.h-2)}g.setColor(c?g.theme.fg:g.theme.bg);g.fillPoly([e,6,e-14,20,e+14,20]);g.setColor(a.c>l+c?g.theme.fg:g.theme.bg);g.fillPoly([e,k-7,e-14,k-21,e+14,k-21])}if(!a)return Bangle.setUI();var b=0,c=0,h=g.getWidth(), k=g.getHeight(),e=h/2,l=Math.floor((k-48)/a.h);g.reset().clearRect(0,24,h-1,k-1);n();Bangle.setUI("updown",d=>{d?(b+=d,0>b&&(b=a.c-1),b>=a.c&&(b=0),n()):a.select(b)})});\n`; } delete g.imageMetrics; // deleting stops us getting confused by our own decl. builtins can't be deleted if (!g.imageMetrics) { // added in 2v11 - this is a limited functionality polyfill boot += `Graphics.prototype.imageMetrics=function(src) { if (src[0]) return {width:src[0],height:src[1]}; else if ('object'==typeof src) return { width:("width" in src) ? src.width : src.getWidth(), height:("height" in src) ? src.height : src.getHeight()}; var im = E.toString(src); return {width:im.charCodeAt(0), height:im.charCodeAt(1)}; };\n`; } delete g.stringMetrics; // deleting stops us getting confused by our own decl. builtins can't be deleted if (!g.stringMetrics) { // added in 2v11 - this is a limited functionality polyfill boot += `Graphics.prototype.stringMetrics=function(txt) { txt = txt.toString().split("\\n"); return {width:Math.max.apply(null,txt.map(x=>g.stringWidth(x))), height:this.getFontHeight()*txt.length}; };\n`; } delete g.wrapString; // deleting stops us getting confused by our own decl. builtins can't be deleted if (!g.wrapString) { // added in 2v11 - this is a limited functionality polyfill boot += `Graphics.prototype.wrapString=function(str, maxWidth) { var lines = []; for (var unwrappedLine of str.split("\\n")) { var words = unwrappedLine.split(" "); var line = words.shift(); for (var word of words) { if (g.stringWidth(line + " " + word) > maxWidth) { lines.push(line); line = word; } else { line += " " + word; } } lines.push(line); } return lines; };\n`; } delete Bangle.appRect; // deleting stops us getting confused by our own decl. builtins can't be deleted if (!Bangle.appRect) { // added in 2v11 - polyfill for older firmwares boot += `Bangle.appRect = ((y,w,h)=>({x:0,y:0,w:w,h:h,x2:w-1,y2:h-1}))(g.getWidth(),g.getHeight()); (lw=>{ Bangle.loadWidgets = () => { lw(); Bangle.appRect = ((y,w,h)=>({x:0,y:y,w:w,h:h-y,x2:w-1,y2:h-(1+h)}))(global.WIDGETS?24:0,g.getWidth(),g.getHeight()); }; })(Bangle.loadWidgets);\n`; } // Append *.boot.js files // These could change bleServices/bleServiceOptions if needed require('Storage').list(/\.boot\.js/).forEach(bootFile=>{ // we add a semicolon so if the file is wrapped in (function(){ ... }() // with no semicolon we don't end up with (function(){ ... }()(function(){ ... }() // which would cause an error! boot += "//"+bootFile+"\n"+require('Storage').read(bootFile)+";\n"; }); // update ble boot += `NRF.setServices(bleServices, bleServiceOptions);delete bleServices,bleServiceOptions;\n`; // write file require('Storage').write('.boot0',boot); delete boot; E.showMessage("Reloading..."); eval(require('Storage').read('.boot0')); // .bootcde should be run automatically after if required, since // we normally get called automatically from '.boot0'