exports.input = function(options) { options = options || {}; let text = options.text; if ("string"!= typeof text) text = ""; let code = "", cur = text.length, // cursor position uc = !text.length, // uppercase spc = 0; // consecutive spaces entered const codes = { // letters "a": ".-", "b": "-...", "c": "-.-.", "d": "-..", "e": ".", // no é "f": "..-.", "g": "--.", "h": "....", "i": "..", "j": ".---", "k": "-.-", "l": ".-..", "m": "--", "n": "-.", "o": "---", "p": ".--.", "q": "--.-", "r": ".-.", "s": "...", "t": "-", "u": "..-", "v": "...-", "w": ".--", "x": "-..-", "y": "-.--", "z": "--..", //digits "1": ".----", "2": "..---", "3": "...--", "4": "....-", "5": ".....", "6": "-....", "7": "--...", "8": "---..", "9": "----.", "0": "-----", // punctuation ".": ".-.-.-", ",": "--..--", ":": "---...", "?": "..--..", "!": "-.-.--", "'": ".----.", "-": "-....-", "_": "..--.-", "/": "-..-.", "(": "-.--.", ")": "-.--.-", "\"": ".-..-.", "=": "-...-", "+": ".-.-.", "*": "-..-", "@": ".--.-.", "$": "...-..-", "&": ".-...", }, chars = Object.keys(codes); function choices(start) { return chars.filter(char => codes[char].startsWith(start)); } function char(code) { if (code==="") return " "; for(const char in codes) { if (codes[char]===code) return char; } const c = choices(code); if (c.length===1) return c[0]; // "-.-.-" is nothing, and only "-.-.--"(!) starts with it return null; } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { function update() { let dots = [], dashes = []; layout.pick.label = (code==="" ? " " : ""); choices(code).forEach(char => { const c = codes[char]; if (c===code) { layout.pick.label = char; } const next = c.substring(code.length, code.length+1); if (next===".") dots.push(char); else if (next==="-") dashes.push(char); }); if (!code && spc>1) layout.pick.label = atob("ABIYAQAAAAAAAAAABwABwABwABwABwABwOBwOBwOBxwBxwBxwB/////////xwABwABwAAOAAOAAOAA=="); g.setFont("6x8:2"); const wrap = t => g.wrapString(t, Bangle.appRect.w-60).join("\n"); layout.del.label = cur ? atob("AAwIAQ/hAiKkEiKhAg/gAA==") : " "; layout.code.label = code; layout.dots.label = wrap(dots.join(" ")); layout.dashes.label = wrap(dashes.join(" ")); if (uc) { layout.pick.label = layout.pick.label.toUpperCase(); layout.dots.label = layout.dots.label.toUpperCase(); layout.dashes.label = layout.dashes.label.toUpperCase(); } let label = text.slice(0, cur)+"|"+text.slice(cur); layout.text.label = g.wrapString(label, Bangle.appRect.w-80).join("\n") .replace("|", atob("AAwQAfPPPAwAwAwAwAwAwAwAwAwAwAwAwPPPPA==")); layout.update(); layout.render(); } function add(d) { code += d; const l = choices(code).length; if (l===1) done(); else if (l<1) { Bangle.buzz(20); code = code.slice(0, -1); } else update(); } function del() { if (code.length) code = code.slice(0, -1); // delete last dot/dash else if (cur) { // delete char at cursor text = text.slice(0, cur-1)+text.slice(cur); cur--; } else Bangle.buzz(20); // (already) at start of text spc = 0; uc = false; update(); } function done() { let c = char(code); if (c!==null) { if (uc) c = c.toUpperCase(); uc = false; text = text.slice(0, cur)+c+text.slice(cur); cur++; code = ""; if (c===" ") spc++; else spc = 0; if (spc>=3) { text = text.slice(0, cur-3)+"\n"+text.slice(cur); cur -= 2; uc = true; spc = 0; } update(); } else { console.log(`No char for ${code}!`); Bangle.buzz(20); } } const Layout = require("Layout"); let layout = new Layout({ type: "h", c: [ { type: "v", width: Bangle.appRect.w-8, bgCol: g.theme.bg, c: [ {id: "dots", type: "txt", font: "6x8:2", label: "", fillx: 1, bgCol: g.theme.bg}, {filly: 1, bgCol: g.theme.bg}, { type: "h", fillx: 1, c: [ {id: "del", type: "txt", font: "6x8", label: " ({type: "txt", font: "6x8", height: Math.floor(Bangle.appRect.h/3), r: 1, label: l}) ) } ] }); g.reset().clear(); update(); if (Bangle.btnWatches) Bangle.btnWatches.forEach(clearWatch); Bangle.btnWatches = []; // BTN1: press for dot, long-press to toggle uppercase let ucTimeout; const UC_TIME = 500; Bangle.btnWatches.push(setWatch(e => { if (ucTimeout) clearTimeout(ucTimeout); ucTimeout = null; if (e.state) { // pressed: start UpperCase toggle timer ucTimeout = setTimeout(() => { ucTimeout = null; uc = !uc; update(); }, UC_TIME); } else if (e.time-e.lastTime { if (enterTimeout) clearTimeout(enterTimeout); enterTimeout = null; if (e.state) { // pressed: start UpperCase toggle timer enterTimeout = setTimeout(() => { enterTimeout = null; resolve(text); }, ENTER_TIME); } else if (e.time-e.lastTime { add("-"); }, BTN3, {repeat: true, edge: "falling"})); // Left-hand side: backspace if (Bangle.touchHandler) Bangle.removeListener("touch", Bangle.touchHandler); Bangle.touchHandler = side => { if (side===1) del(); }; Bangle.on("touch", Bangle.touchHandler); // swipe: move cursor if (Bangle.swipeHandler) Bangle.removeListener("swipe", Bangle.swipeHandler); Bangle.swipeHandler = dir => { cur = Math.max(0, Math.min(text.length, cur+dir)); update(); }; Bangle.on("swipe", Bangle.swipeHandler); }); };